#or 2: A doesn't let them touch and gets to hide it a little longer
plasmodiumpyrexia · 1 year
A short thing inspired by @warmblanketwhump‘s post about fever chills that's been in my drafts for way too long 😅
The conversation had become a distant blur of sounds A no longer had the energy to follow; they ceased the polite nods and “mhm”s miles ago, opting instead to sit quietly, gazing out the window at passing scenery with half-lidded eyes while the others chatted around them.
"...'bout you A?" Who? "Think they fell asleep" C gently nudged A's arm and repeated B's question "We're stopping soon, do you want anything?" "No..." They shivered. "...could you turn down the AC?" B's brow furrowed in concern from behind the wheel. "A, the AC is off. You ok?" Now that they though about it, A had been unusually quiet. "Mhm" A mumbled. They were still half-asleep, still exhausted and aching and freezing... but they didn't to ruin the trip. A straightened up in the seat and did their best to keep the next shiver at bay. "Yeah, I'm fine."
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lovemomhatepolice · 2 months
rafe cameron nswf alphabet (part 2) (minors DNI!)
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N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Rafe would never agree to group sex in his life. Maybe it would have crossed his mind even earlier when he wasn't in a relationship with you and just had a single life, but now there's no way he would agree to it. Even more so for sex with another man, oh no. He wouldn't tolerate the sight of you and someone else giving you pleasure
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Well, let's not kid ourselves, Rafe definitely prefers to receive something than to give. Although let's not hide it, this is slowly changing, and thanks to you! (And for you) Previously, he was only focused on his own pleasure, and now he wants to give it to you as well, because after all, you are his only princess, whom he has to take care of and make sure she is quite satisfied But yes, he's pretty darn talented
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Here, too, I don't think there is too much to say. It really depends on your mood, because Rafe can also be slow and tender, but very often your sex is just rough. Not that you don't like it, on the contrary. Ever since you started having sex with Rafe, you immediately liked it, and what's to say, the boy definitely knows what he's doing And just so you know! Even though he's harsh, that doesn't mean he's hurting you
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) Ay, this man is definitely a fan of fast rounds. I think he very often feels the need to just take you to any toilet and just fuck you. That's right, that's why quickies are paradise for him. Wherever you are, you are always in the mood for them How often? Often. But not as often as your evening long games
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) The risk is as much as you allow. Rafe doesn't seem to me to be the type who insisted very much. After all, he is the son of one of the most influential men on the island, after all, he can't disgrace the name. As much as he would love to show everyone that you are his and only his, there are limits he won't cross himself, much less without your loud approval. He's more of a risk taker when it comes to getting you pregnant…
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) He can score many rounds, really, is how much he has in him…. oh jesus Do you want one round? Alright, there will be one. You want five? There will be five. As much as you are able to endure, so long will Rafe be able to endure as well. Sometimes a little shorter, he'll satisfy you with his hand or mouth, and sometimes longer than you do, so he'd probably expect the same from you
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) He doesn't have and has never had toys intended for himself. Nor has he ever been a big fan of them, because he thought he could do everything himself much better than some plastic. However, once he saw you satisfying yourself with a vibrator while he was home, I swear, Rafe went crazy Now he occasionally pulls it out of your drawer when you fuck and it assists your orgasm, and sometimes he just wants you to show him how you satisfy yourself
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) The man is a bloody teaser. He can touch you somewhere all day, send you all sorts of bawdy messages and behave in the worst way he can, only to pretend later in the evening that none of this happened and leave you alone craving remarks. The same during intercourse, when you are already geared up to take him in…. Ah, Rafe
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) Rafe is not a fan of being loud. Of course, you may hear loud sighs or gasps of air coming from his mouth. Often moans as well, but in his case it is quite muffled. He much prefers to listen to your loud voice, which shudders from the satisfaction it gives your body
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) In the past, he often had sex under the influence of drugs, so long as he didn't really feel anything but them and the created satisfaction. It wasn't until he met you and put them aside that he saw what real intimacy was and that he didn't need powders and pills at all to be satisfied
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) He is big, really, after all. It will come as no surprise to anyone when I write this very thing. Rafe is big and there is no fooling himself. And at the same time he's damn experienced, which is why he knows how to fit in perfectly in you
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) Rafe could fuck all day. I swear, you and him are like fucking rabbits. But what a surprise, Rafe Cameron is irresistible and he thinks the same about you. As soon as he sees you, he immediately wants to have you as close as he can. And of course it shows - I'll say it again, Rafe Cameron is a clingy guy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) He doesn't fall asleep very quickly, I assume he has sleep problems caused by various traumatic events. When you are next to him, of course, he falls asleep much easier, however, he continues to have problems with them. He likes to lie down and touch your bare hands or hair to calm down a bit and fall asleep faster, but this doesn't always work out, so you stay with him longer and wait until he falls asleep so you can fall asleep easily yourself, without worrying that your boyfriend won't get a wink of sleep all night
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A/N: first part! i will be very pleased if you leave something behind - orders are open!
please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
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ashen-char · 1 month
dating river hcs (pt 2!)
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ship: river (all souls) x gender neutral reader
warnings: bit of swearin
notes: since the last one was so focused on river as a mom and how you slot into her little family, enjoy some more general hcs about your relationship. requested here
✦ river hates grand gestures. she just doesn't know how to deal with them, she's not really a romantic
✧ the tiny things you do always surprise and elate her though
✧ a simple handwritten note, a surprise cup of coffee, buying snacks or Monster for her without being asked
✧ she likes that you think of her when you're out, though she does tease you for being so fucking cheesy
✦ if you asked, river would say she loves your sense of humour
✧ the fact that you can make her smile on the toughest days is why she just couldn't help falling for you
✦ protective
✧ if anyone messes with you, they'd better watch out because river would deck a motherfucker for ya
✦ river initiates physical affection surprisingly often
✧ despite her tough, 'i don't need anyone' exterior, river craves physical closeness and intimacy with you
✧ she likes to use touch as a way to express her care in a tangible way
✧ sometimes she just needs a hug to recharge after a bad day
✧ you can feel river smiling into your kiss. she thinks you can't hear it but you always catch a little "god i love you"
✦ river always sings. you wonder if she notices she does it so often
✧ usually it's a lullaby, but occasionally you'll catch river vibing to some top 40 even though she swears she doesn't listen to it
✦ with her never being in a proper relationship, she always prefaces whatever she does for you with a "ok so i didn't know what to do but"
✧ and yet everything she's attempted has been the best ever!
✦ river doesn't do a lot for herself! anything extra in her paycheck (i.e. whatever didn't need to be put towards bills or the week's groceries) she used to buy toys and clothes for her daughter
✧ so you were surprised when river took some of her hard-earned cash to give you gifts too
✧ river struggles to accept thanks for 'em, even when they're so sweet and thoughtful and river clearly put a lot of effort into getting things she knew you needed or would love
✧ river hides her smile and stuffs her hands into her hoodie, shrugging. "yeah whatever, don't say i never do anything for ya"
✧ and she is AWFUL at accepting compliments
✧ whatever she doesn't bat away with "you're just saying that", she'd go completely still and blush hard. she tends to brush them off or respond with a joke
✧ hates being called cute. don't try it.
✦ she lets you steal her hoodies
✧ when she noticed how much you love 'em, river even bought some just for you and pretended she was going to keep them
✧ she sprayed these with extra perfume so you can keep that river scent a little longer
✦ when she's out, she likes to take random pictures of things that remind her of you and you've never felt so seen
✦ with her busy schedule, river sets aside dedicated time to spend with you, free from distractions and interruptions, notifications from cops be damned
✦ river plans awesome dates. they're the perfect blend of fun and being able to talk and be together
✧ she shows you how to tag, showing you hidden spots where you can make beautiful art together
✧ she takes you to the tattoo parlour and lets you choose her next one. river swears she's tough but it hurts less when she's holding your hand, ok?
✧ she'll cook you home cooked meals. she asks you questions about what you loved to eat growing up, surprising you by already knowing how to cook it the next time you come over because she stayed up researching it
✧ she knows the best spots in the city and loves showing them to you. she knows the city like it's the back of her hand
✧ like making notes on her phone of what you'd enjoy, writing all her ideas about where to go next
✦ she was surprised when you slowed the relationship down and told her that you'd be ok with not sleeping together so soon
✧ river had this long lasting thought that people only liked her if she did stuff for them - be that favours for friends or spreading her legs
✧ so she couldn't understand how you claimed to like her without her 'doing anything' for you
✧ you had to very explicitly explain that her being around made you happy and that there was nothing else to it. she only understood when you asked her why she likes you, and river realised that there was no real reason either
✧ like, of course you two appreciate when you do things for each other. but those things should be done because you want to. because you care about each other. it's not the reverse - that people only care because they got something
✧ so you two waited before you got intimate. and every day that went by without affection having to escalate, river's trust that you wouldn't leave her built
✧ she doesn't completely get what you like about her. but river realises that she doesn't have to
✧ you like her, and she likes you, and that's all both of you need
✦ the fact that she has someone to depend on now means the world to her, and you know river would never take you for granted
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silviakundera · 17 days
The Double ep 15-16 reaction
I'm glad they added another flashback of her brother and included his escort friend from the novel. Minor character and a small tragedy but it humanizes him for me. He was just a sincerely nice guy who wasn't kind to her as an aim to possess her, but because he was a good person. And so she never forgot him. She thinks he forgot her - only to learn he never cut ties with her; he was killed. Little tragedies, small people that royalty step on like ants.
To me it feels important that as much as the drama gives her husband depth and makes us sympathize with his situation, it shouldn't allow us to forget that her family was destroyed. We didn't see it happen, like the shovel to her head, but her father was his teacher. Xue Zhao was his brother in law. Their names may no longer matter to anyone else, but our protagonist will not allow them to go unavenged. [lil note from the novel I liked - novel!Duke Su being perplexed and unable to figure out how FL is getting this successful escort to assist her, when even he seems to respect how impossible it is to get a handle on the woman - because she has a secure position as a popular escort & enough money & is satisfied being exactly where she is (doesn't want to fight for favor as someone's treasured concubine), independant and unable to be threatened or bribed. so what could possibly move her?]
(Now this is sorta thematically tying in with the backstory drama created for ML with this bandit. ML's general dad was a good person and so he wasn't forgotten by this person whose life he touched, so presumably he'll do ML a favor. FL and ML have turned into schemers and are willing to get their hands dirty; but are aided in their quest by the fact that their dead family had a positive impact on some people who still remember it?? Be interesting to see if this does become a minor theme 🤔)
ANYWAY let's get to the good stuff: Last episode ML started realizing he's catching feelings. This episode FL feels jealousy and isn't shy about it ('can't I?'). We're making real shippy progress here!
He very much still enjoys watching her strut and perform. But the distance between them is slowly closing. That whole drinking game scene was pure gold.
"Are you not upset now? "Huh?" THE LOOKS THEY EXCHANGE AT THIS.
He's entered the play, joining her on stage instead of coldly manipulating from a high vantage point. Her walls are down for a moment and he's not even hiding his bias. Blatant flirting and she has him smiling. Yes, he has 2 agendas here but unlike the last failed 'date' they were playing together, not her in the role of pawn. I love a smart ML. Boy is not gonna fumble this chance to have his schemes AND a woman who's perfect for him.
I found this subplot of FL foiling the Li clan's plans for Ye clan her most clever manuveuring in the translated novel (up to ch 113). Though it's being compressed for time & tweaked, still satisfying to see her outflank the corrupt local government. As well, very glad to see the ML point out that she has a double-motive... to intentionally make the Jiang and Li irreconcilable. (They're not her real family, they're her enemies!) Nooooooo don't have multiple layers to your plans, it's too sexyyyyyy
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ja3hwa · 1 year
𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 : 𝐏𝐭.𝟐
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Last Updated : 15th June 2024 | Fic Count : 84
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Three Is Better | YunGi Poly Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Mingi and Yunho were the talk of the school, the boys that were untouchable. But who would have known they were yours to touch.
In The Night | SeongJoong Vampire Au [M/G/A/S]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Hongjoong was your protector. The king of the land, but even the king has his dark side, and now Sir Knight Seonghwa must help you love him.
Morning | SeongSan Poly Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : While your other lovers are out. You are left with a cuddly Seonghwa and a horny San. What could go wrong? Oh, did I mention they are both very high.
Just Sleep, Just Rest | Reaction Au [M/F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Requester asks, "How would the boys react to the reader having no energy to get out of bed"
Fucked Up | WooJoong Rockstar Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Hongjoong notices you couldn't stop staring at Wooyoung during practice. So Hongjoong did what any amazing boyfriend would do. Let you fuck his friend.
Hybrid!Ateez wants a family | Reaction [M/F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis 】 : Hybrid!Ateez wants to breed their mate in order to start a family.
Look What We Have Here | SeongJoong Poly Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your two roommates love to make it hard for you to find a partner... but what happens when they stop you at the door of your apartment and "convince" you that you deserve better.
Why So Tense | Yungi College Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your two professors want nothing more than to help you with your studies. Personally gifting you some private lessons...
Prove It | College Poly Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Late night conversations aren't supposed to end in sex... right?
New Member | 2ho Rockstar Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You're the newest member to join one of the most famous rock bands. And luckily for you they are all hot...and fuckable.
Black Card | Matz Mafia Au [M/R]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were hiding a big secret from your two loving boyfriends. What happens when they finally find out?
Eternally Yours | Vampire Au [M/S/A/F/G/R]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : The dead of night, creatures hide. In the light of a fire, those same creatures can become more.
Lesson One Be A Good Girl | Yungi College Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your professors just want to help you learn and gain knowledge. Your first lesson happened to be very educational...
Sharing Is Caring | SeongSanJoong Idol Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your boyfriend just wanted to give you an early Christmas present.
Hurts Like Hell | Ot8 Mob Boss Au [A/F/G]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : It's been so long since you've seen your boys. And when the youngest comes knocking on your door, the new life you had only just managed to build comes crashing down.
Cute But Deadly | Mafia x Hybrid Au [M/F/G]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : What if a Mob Boss decides to adopt/date a hybrid?
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Made For Me | Boyfriend Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Hongjoong wants to train you to fit all of him down your pretty little throat.
Eyes On Me | Biker Gang Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Biker Gang Leader doesn't like sharing unless it's to do with his best friend.
God Isn't Here | Toxic Family Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Bad Boy Hongjoong wanted to change for you. Be the better man you deserved, but what if you ended up changing more than him?
The Perfect Gift | Idol Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Hongjoong couldn't decide what gift to buy you while he was travelling. So he bought them all and now wants you to try them out. Every. Single. One.
Not Just A Dream Pt.1 | Dilf!Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : He couldn't help but think such filth when you were innocently fast asleep only merely a couple of feet away from him.
Definitely Not A Dream Pt.2 | Dilf!Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : The more he tasted you. The more he was becoming obsessed. And he was treading in dangerous waters, no longer caring about the consequences.
Don't Drive And Day Dream Pt. 3 | Dilf!Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Hongjoong offers to drive you home, not realising it was a one was ticket to having his way with you.
Late Night Dreams Pt.4 | Dilf!Au [R/F/S]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Hongjoong needed to show you how much he liked you. But he couldn't help but wonder how long he could dance around the fact you were his best friend's sweet, innocent daughter.
Was It All Just A Dream? Pt.5 | Dilf Au [M/A/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Fear was clouding both you and Hongjoong's judgement, leading you to question whether Hongjoong actually likes you the way you do him or not. Would a confession fix everything? Or would it cause a rift between the two of you?
Love Me Like Your Favourite Dream Pt.6 | Dilf Au [M/R/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Hongjoong wanted your first time to be special and romantic. Soft.....this is not what he had in mind. Whoops.
A Cup of Morning Dreams Pt.7 | Dilf au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Waking up to a soft bed, a sweet aroma, and your love cooking with only an apron on. What more could you ask for?
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Just The Way You Are | Body Positive Au [F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Seonghwa comes home to the love of his life and wants to do nothing else but love her. But how come she keeps pushing him away?
Pretty Pirate | Pirate Au [A/F/M/S]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Pretty Pirate goes messing with things she shouldn't.
Capable Of Anything | Mafia Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : What was one way to prove to your father you weren't a little innocent girl anymore? Sleep with the enemy...
A Beautiful Creature | Fantasy Au [M/F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : War is the only thing filling your world. And yet, with such darkness, grows a light.
The Sweetness of You | BF Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : It all started with a simple dinner and a movie. But when Seonghwa asked if you wanted dessert, you knew your sugar was about to spike from more than just the sweetness of the fruits and chocolate.
Love, Lust Has No Bounds | Pirate Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were in love with the enemy, and oh, how it was it exciting.
Move | Boyfriend Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You needed him, any part of him. But Seonghwa wanted to see you squirm. To see you cry and beg for him to satisfy you.
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Figure You Out | Mafia Au [A/F/M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : After the night at the gala. You can't help but wonder what Yunho's true intentions are with you. But your worry soon turns to pleasure as he is more than welcome to erase as negative thoughts from your mind.
Pull The Trigger | Mafia Au [A/G/M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : After the gala incident, you finally speak with your father face to face. But little did you know your life was about to change entirely that night.
Gloomy Days | Slice Of Life [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : A trip turned sour due to a storm. But luckily, Yunho knows just the thing in turning this gloomy day into a more steamy one.
Planet 3564AB | Alien Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were a mercenary, searching for your next job in the galaxy. Little did you know, being stuck on a wateland planet was about to gift you more than just galactic credits.
Let Me Help | Wolf Au [M/S/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You didn't know what it meant to be on heat, let alone know you could have one since you weren't a wolf... but here you were, and Yunho was going to help you through it.
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My Heart Is With The Sea | Pirate/Hybrid Au [M/A/C/F/S]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Yeosang gifts you with the best parting gift before he takes a voyage on a new adventure.
Play Fair | Bestfriend Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were best friends. You loved one another so much to the point that you hated each other. Well, at least video games and help you let off steam... among other things.
He Has Control | Boyfriend Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were his work of art, and he loved to watch you squirm under him.
Pretty Boy | BF Au [M/R/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : It's Yeosangs turn to know what it feels like to have rope pull and tug on his beautiful skin, and he can't help my whimper at the sheer idea of it.
Cold To The Touch | Vampire Au [M/F/S]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your undead lover had finally come back from a late night hunt, finding you shivering from the winter weather. But do not fret, as he was...skilled in keeping others warm-ish.
A Ride To Last A Lifetime | Biker Au [M/F]
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↳ 【Synopsis】 : Yeosang had begged for weeks for you to go for a ride with him... Cavinging in, you finally realize how pleasurable it is to ride his bike.
Ghostly Interest | Spirit Au [S/G/T]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You make a friend... A very... Spiritual one.
Not So Harmless | Wolf Au [A/F/M/S]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : The plant that has spat out a sex toxin takes a toll on your well being. Great thing San is around yo help you out.
Hot, Red And Wet | Bf Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : San can't get over how soft and plump your tits are. He craves them like air, and he'll do anything to have them in his grasp. Even beg.
Perfect | Bf Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : After the couple of nights teasing and testing the waters. San finally makes a plan to corrupt your sweet mind once and for all.
Make Me Yours | College Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis 】 : Mr Choi wants to speak to you about your grades and how you have been sich a good girl for him.
Can't Get Enough | Anniversary Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : After your little picnic date, San can't seem to keep his hands off you. And he is going to do everything in his power to touch every part of you until you're screaming.
What Happens In Fight Club | Boxer Au [M/C/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Longing stares and teasing words make a lustful mix when brought into the boxing ring.
Whoops | Mafia Au [M/G/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You wanted to show your hot-headed lover that you could protect yourself. And what better way than to go looking for his number on rival....
Make You Mine | CEO Au [M/R]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : San can't help but send death glares to any man who tried to have your attention for too long. Too bad you dont belong to him... yet.
You Make Me, Make Sense | Demon Au [R/F/S/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Halloween is filled with spooky ghost stories and haunted places. But what if you end up walking right into a nightmare that was hiding a dream?
My Everything | Demon Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Rain was pouring, and your heart was aching. You didn't care what the villagers nor that priest thought about him. You loved him, and you were going to prove it.
Shut Up and Drive | Mob Boss Au [F/G/M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You had one job and three rules. And you broke every single one.
Filthy Mouth, Loving Touch | Chubby Girl Au [M/F/R]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You finally gain the courage to tell your sweet boyfriend you're a virgin... Now, all you gotta worry about is how he'll react.
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Role's Reversed | Sub Boyfriend Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : The idea of being pegged had always crossed over Mingi's mind, and when you actually agreed to do it kinda made him fearful. Curiosity killed the cat, right?
Pretty Boy | Sub Mob Boss Au [M/F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : The ruthless mob boss and King of the city. A man that is feared by all. But when your fingers graze over his rough, scared skin, he is nothing more than your whimpering little toy.
Mission Accomplished | Dystopian Au [M/F/G]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Mission after mission Mingi grows impatient with your teasing and tonight he wanted nothing more than you see you fucked out and begging for him in the bar you just fought in.
Mark Me As Yours | Vampire Au [M/F/A/S]
↳ 【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : You forgot to tell your vampire lover your heat started. Now, he gets to experience that you taste like in the midst of it.
Dedicated To You | Producer Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your sweet producer boyfriend wanted to share something with you. But your neediness had other plans.
Intoxicated | Wolf Au [M/S]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your friend needed your help with trying out one of her experiments and let's just say Mingi was about to never let you leave the bedroom ever again because of it.
Join Or Leave | Idol Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You wanted to help your boyfriend relax. It just so happened that some poor soul decided to interrupt.
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Desperate | Frat Boy Au [F/C/M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : When weed is taken at 3am. Anything goes. Even masterbation on the shower floor.
Shhh | College Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Wooyoung was desperate and needed you badly. So that's how you ended up in a small, locked bathroom with his hands around your throat.
Company | DBF Au [A/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Your father being injured has sent you into spiralling sadness. You couldn't think... So why are you begging your fathers best friend for comfort?
Dimly Lit Bathroom | Idol Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Wooyoung couldn't keep his hands off you on a regular basis. But when he sees you in such a sexy outfit, he has no choice but to drag you to the nearest bathroom.
What Happened To Slow Down? | Bf Au [F/M/C]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Coming back from a house party, you and Woo couldn't seem to keep your hands off one another. Everything was happening so fast. You two didn't even make it to the bedroom.
Pantie Theif | Roommate Au [M/F/C]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You started to think you were losing your mind. Where on earth is your underwear disappearing to? Your roommate wouldn't happen to know, right?
Perfection | Stalker Au [C/T/A/M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : The thought of Wooyoung being a photographer at your college campus, but he is completely obsessed with you to the point he starts stalking you...
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Maybe | Dilf Boyfriend Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : A camping trip with your brother and his friends was supposed to be calm and relaxed. Too bad a very hot, dad bodied male can't seem to keep his hand to himself.
Blue Lagoon | Pirate Au [A/F/M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You head out to sea in hopes the storm hadn't hurt your lovers. But what you are met with was more than expected.
I'm sorry | Bf Au [M/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Can Jongho find a way to make it up to you? Or will you end up not forgiving him?
Familiar Stranger | Criminal Au [M/F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Running for most of the night you seek save haven from a sweet stranger. The only thing is, he wasn't such a stranger by the end of the night.
Cum, Sweat and Tears | Intoxicated Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Getting intoxicated with your very dominant boyfriend is proven to be a blessing in disguise.
Just One Moment | Idol Au [M/F]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : When Jongho comes from a long and stressful day, he only wants one thing. You bent over
Pure Relaxation | Gamer Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Jongho kept losing over and over again. Becoming increasingly more frustrated as time passes, it's a good thing you are here to help him cool off.
Out Of This World | Alien Au [M/F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : You were gifted an alien plant from one of your friends that lived off the planet since you loved greenery. Little did anyone know the pollen had some weird side effects when inhaled.
Godess Amongst Commoners | Mafia Au [M/F/A]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Overhearing for so-called friends make fun of your "failures" in life made your loving mobboss boyfriend very unhappy. No one makes his Honey cry.
1:34am | Bf Au [M]
↳ 【Synopsis】 : Don't piss off your jealous boyfriend.
[If any links do not work. Please let me know]
© Ja3hwa. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape, or form.
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tielmamon · 10 months
They stiffle another set of giggles as Jaskier and Ciri hide behind a few trees, spying on Geralt and Yen as they navigate their complicated little partnership once again. The young warrior bites her tongue, beaming at how Jaskier pitches his voice a few octaves higher, trying and failing to mimic Yen. In her opinion, she's say he sounds more like he's been kicked in the balls than anything else.
"You're unbelivable!" He shakes his head dramatically.
"You're delusional!" She almost coughs at the gruffness of her own voice.
They smile and for once in a long, long time Ciri feels...light. She feels like she's actually 15 and not the continent's number one target or the actual harbinger of the apocalypse. She sees Jaskier smile as bright as sunshine, in Geralt's words though she might just secure her death if she ever told anyone that. Not for the first time, she feels an immese wave of gratitute towards him. This silly man who always tries, no matter how grim and depressing everything gets, to make her smile. To reassure her, to talk to her as simply her- not a witcher in training, not a novice mage, not a future queen-to-be.
Once upon a time, she might have hated him for speaking to her like this, like she was a child. Now? She finds herself deeply comforted by that, by him and his words.
She suspects Geralt felt a similar sentiment when he and Jaskier travelled together.
In the distance, they see Yen reach to cradle Geralt's cheek, the other leaning into her touch. Such a horridly cheesy scene to witness, Ciri thinks with a hint of fondness and alot of disgust for her parents-of-suprise. Another quip forms on her tongue but just as it escapes, she turns to her companion and-
His face falls, demeanor more serious and...sad. Ciri, with creeping concern realizes that his eyes turn glassy. Jaskier's eyes stay glued on the pair, in a way that is tired. Like he's seen this moment a thousand times before.
"I forgive you...for your various foolish words and deeds. For your lack of faith and hope. For your obstinancy. Doggedness..." This time, Jaskier says these words in his own voice, slightly shakey and whispered. At this point, Ciri is no longer looking at the pair infront of them. She's seen the same forlorn look on both of her parent's faces before, when they were hopping between homes. Everytime Yen looks at Geralt when he doesn't let her in the house. Everytime Geralt reads another letter tacked on the door smelling of lilac and gooseberries.
Everytime she asks Geralt why he stopped travelling with his bard after decades of companionship.
Heartbreak. That's what Jaskier looks like, Ciri realizes. Suddenly, she's overcome with the urge to hug the man beside her, comfort him like how he has to her. The two kiss and she doesn't dare look at Jaskier when they do.
"Jaskier?" She notes the heavy pause before he eventually answers.
"Yes, dear?" He's smiling again, she can hear. How real it is, she can't say. Reaching for his arm, she squeezes.
"Let's go. I'm bored." She hears a chuckle before she feels him get up. They both can't help but glance back at the couple once more, now in an intimate embrace. Ciri pushes the bard towards their cottage, ignoring the sniffle she hears or the quick wipe of hid cheek disgused as a scratch.
"Come on, you deviant." They walk back to the cottage in silence.
Part 2 (x)
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didishawn · 1 year
The kylian fic is too good I want a part 2 with smut when she arrives in Paris pleasehdhdkdbsk thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Trouble in Paris (Kylian Mbappe x Reader) smut
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Warnings: smut, Jude being dramatic
Pt 1 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5
The shower is going off on the background as you lay comfortable on the big ass bed that your self-proclaimed boyfriend feels the need to have.
Your clothes have long since been on the floor, and after such activities and having shaky legs, you can only just lay as you scroll Tiktok, your tummy full of butterflies as you think of what will go down once he gets out from the shower.
Your phone rings, and you roll your eyes when you see the name on your screen, letting out a long sigh as you pick up.
"Where are you?" is the first think Jude asks, no greetings no nothing.
"What do you mean where I am?"
The water stops.
"I mean where you are? You haven't been around for days, your little brothers miss you, you know?"
"Well, I will make sure to pass by soon"
"Whatever you mean by soon? Come over now, we can watch a film or something"
"I can't"
"Why not?"
"I am not home"
"And where are you?"
"... Eating croissants?"
".... You can't be serious"
The door to the bathroom opens, the boy, the man, Kylian Mbappe coming out of it, his waist decorated with a towel only and chest wet with drops that make you want to lick them off him, he gives you a questioning look, raised eyebrow, you shrug your shoulders and he instantly knows it's your drama queen brother on the phone.
"You are in Paris?!"
"Yeah, well, I received a pretty good invitation, you know?"
"Is he there with you?"
"Right in front of me"
"Put me on speaker so that little French man can listen to what I have to say"
"Believe me, there is nothing little about him"
"First of all, ew. Second, I am so telling mum you told me obscene things, now put me on speaker" you comply "Hi, Kylian!"
"Hey, Jude, how you doing man?"
"Good until I learned you took my sister away to Paris"
"I told you I would be bringing her here"
"I just didn't think it would actually happen, you know? Supposed you would realise how annoying she actually is before she had the opportunity to go there"
"I still can hear you, you bastard"
"Another thing I will be telling mum you told me"
"Anything else, Jude" you ask, glaring at Kylian as he snickers at the sibling banter.
"Not really, just don't make me become an uncle just yet, Kyky"
"I gotta go now, have to search for something else to do as my sister decided to abandone me for some French man"
The call is over, and it's just you and Kyky alone once more,
You glance at him with wide eyes, looking him up and down, hands inching to unwrap the towel that hides him from you. He must be a mind reader, as he lets the the piece of cloth drop to the ground, leaving him uncovered, all his glory for you to see, bouncing, thick cock standing high and tall, hard again pre cum coming out from his tip, basically calling for you to lick it off.
You are on your knees, mouth getting closer to him when his hand stops you, burying into your hair he gives you a cheeky look.
"I think all that happened earlier was already enough foreplay, sweetheart, I just need to fuck you now"
"Got clean just to get dirty again, you know?"
"Let's shower together next time"
He pushes you into the bed, your back comfortable on the soft mattress, legs wide open, he doesn't even have to touch you to realise how wet you are.
He crawls on top of you, cock pocking at your tummy, you head reaches down, thumb swipping over the tip, then licking the cum off it, he groans, lining up with your entrance, he doesn't take a moment to thrust into you.
His hips are fast against your from the go, hard, pounding, moving you with his strength up and down, the bed creaking as he lifts one of your legs up into his shoulder, he wants you wider, one hand going down to play with your clit.
This is no longer love making as before, this is pure and raw fucking, you both seeking out you releases and nothing more, wanting to blow off the sexual tension.
There are the sounds of skin slapping against each other, your moans, his guttural groans, you feel him fill you up perfectly, as if his cock was designed to pleasure you.
He leans down, lips meeting yours as you both are way too close to the edge, letting out your pleasure screams into his mouth.
His hips falter, you feel him throbing inside you, your nails digging into his back push him over the edge as he cums deep inside you, filling you up to the brim, this also making you reach your high as you let out a long moan.
Both of you are panting side by side, completely exhausted, tired, yet you both know the night is still far from over.
Minutes pass, and he turns to you with that cheeky smile of his, a special glint in his eye.
"Join me in the shower this time"
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hey did anyone ask for a heavily biased list of s3 worldbuilding headcannons and how i think some of the lifesteal guys interact with each other? no? too bad i was force fed half of this by my brain while trying to go to sleep
cut for length bc it's long sorry not sorry
of course i have to start with clown he is like a bug to me and i'm putting him under a microscope
he is a BEAST. a CREATURE even.
aka he's from the void but no one except ash knows that
the deranged discord thoughts at 2 am said clown is from the void bc everywhere he goes he brings death. he kills. it’s what he does. he kills and he’s fuckin great at it. do you hear me. do you understand.
covered from head to toe in clothing to hide the fact he's from the void. there's a constant slight chill that surrounds him and it's only really noticeable when someone's almost touching him
he never lets anyone get that close anyway besides the occasional handshake or smth bc yeah anyone would be uncomfortable if someone was standing inches away from you. he plays off the cold hands with a poor blood circulation excuse if anyone asks
if he did show skin, his silhouette would be like a black hole where it's completely pitch black, and depending on the angle, he either appears 2d or 3d (very disorienting and unnerving)
this guy does not have a single stable relationship to fall back on. he allies with people for power and not for comradery, and it is So Hard for him to tear down the dozens of walls he keeps up around him because he often finds that when he does, he gets betrayed and left in the dust (mob anon from lifesteal headcannons i am thinking so hard about your submission)
plus it's hard for him to know whether or not this person is allying with him because he's The Deadliest Assassin Blah Blah Blah and they want that safety net/protection or if they genuinely want to ally with him
it takes him a long time to fully trust branzy, and even then he doesn't open up to him about his personal stuff
the mask stays On. Constantly. doesn't matter how much he trusts someone he will never willingly show his face
he and red have a friendly rivalry with the heart economy side of lifesteal, they're both competing for the title of strongest/holder of most hearts or smth like that
dude used to be a normal guy way way way way before lifesteal events n stuff but then he fell into the void and came back Wrong
basically instead of dying instantly, he survived for a little bit longer than usual, broke through reality, and saw that everything is just a simulation and everyone is just code, including himself
that fucked him up bad physically and mentally, and his left side is all glitched and void-like now (chronic pain coded)
dude is technically immortal but he never really tested losing all of his hearts yet
he knows that clown is from the void because he knows what the void feels like and is hypertuned to it, and to him, clown RADIATES it like a space heater. he can't stand too close to him and has to have at least one person's width between them. he hasn't confronted clown about it though because he knows when to keep his mouth shut
being close to the void for him hurts in an ocular migraine type way, but he typically pushes through it when he's down at bedrock level or in the end
he doesn't make stable relationships with people because he doesn't really see the point in them
nihilism 100
whatever side he aligns with is usually the one causing the most chaos
evil little meow meow
let him be angry. let him have rage.
he is Just Some Guy (aka normal ass human) but he is so smart
not a fighter but he is a builder and a damn good one at that
need a trap that is sure to kill? branzy
very good at getting the fuck out of situations that would've killed him if he didn't immediately dip when he did
based on vibes alone, early s3 branzy would so be friends with subz and vitalasy (which i think actually happens so i win)
i need branzy to be envious of clown's fighting skill and heart count before he starts warming up to him. please where is the slow burn.
falls out with subz and vitalasy when he starts allying with clown and co, and especially when he tricks vitalasy into the funhouse
during the cleansing when the dirties and team chaos are relatively working together, vitalasy tries to reconcile and pull branzy away from team chaos, but branzy's lost in the power sauce
he and rek are Just Some Guy buddies who exchange near-death experience stories (i need more branzy and rek friendship please please please please please p)
i am ace beaming your clownzy mwahahaha
strap in boys because have you considered the tension between clown and leo after mob falls (once again mob anon from lifesteal headcannons i am thinking so hard about your submission)
they were tight. they were bros. they were homies. leo was the only person clown felt like he could confide in during mob. and then leo turned coats. i'm SO NORMAL.
clown has NOT forgiven him
super duper a cyborg. he's a tnt minecart pvper he had to have blown off his limbs at some point /silly
but yeah his limbs are mechanical, along with one of his eyes. can't really see it though bc he constantly wears a mask, long sleeves, pants, and gloves. i'll probably default to his left eye if i ever draw leowook face
he and red feel like they would be friends based on vibes
still works/allies with zam after mob in an attempt to go back to what he lost
slaps roof of leowook this bad boy can fit so much mob angst inside of it
certified Thing. don't know what, he just is
has loony toons vibes. to me.
so annoyingly positive in the eyes of the others, they all want to punch him at least once
hero complex 100
dude just manages to rizz his way into teams
zam is smart. he knows what he's doing.
ok actual serious hcs bro has the most worldbuilding in his explanation tbh
in my head, lifesteal is this independent port city-state that was originally run by everyone and acted as a free, international trade center. zam is the crown prince of the neighboring territory surrounding the city, and when mob started gaining serious power, he charmed his way into working with them.
the deal he struck with mob is that if he wanted to join, lifesteal wouldn't be a part of zam's kingdom and all of his actions in mob were separate from his actions as the prince. it worked out relatively well for both of them: mob got a powerful ally with good political/funding power, and zam got to play hero and get involved with lifesteal politics
when mob fell, he initially respected their previous agreement where he wouldn't play prince in lifesteal, but when heart economics grew too unbalanced in his eyes, he decided to annex the city and then start the cleansing
nobody enjoyed zam annexing the territory, and especially not when his first order of business was to have everyone over ten hearts withdraw and bank them to evenly distribute to people with less than ten hearts
gonna pause here for now bc i feel like if i tried listing another character, it wouldn't have the same heart behind it as these guys do. if anyone does wanna see another silly that i didn't get to here, feel free to shoot me an ask or smth idm :]
fuck cringe i am having a blast i love worldbuilding
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chao-thicc-hcs · 1 year
Hi there I really love your work and I was wondering if you could make a head cannon with hanma, manjiro/mikey and sanzu about "if their little sister was sexually harassed or touched inappropriately", not for any weird reasons I just really want comfort✌️😎 ( this is like my first time requesting anything so if it doesn't immediately notify when you respond could you maybe tag me? )
thank you!
a/n: my love goes out to everyone who's experienced such horrible things, including you, anon. ♡ i hope you're all feeling better and i am incredibly sorry, you never deserve it, nobody does.♡ love you all.♡
also, for further notice, i cannot tag you if you're anonymous, because i don't know your username. but your request was sent, thank you for the kind words!
featuring: bonten!sanzu, mikey; toman!sanzu, mikey; hanma shuji
warning(s): mentions of se!ual assault, death, bl00d, bone breaking, drug usage, weapons in general, torture
If their little sister got harassed
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The fucker that did this to her has signed a death contract
You know that shit is gonna go bad when he loses his grin
Will ask her to give him all possible details of the fucker, where she saw him, when it happened, how they looked
He's going to be with her the whole entire time, accompany her everywhere she goes, glaring at anyone who keeps their gaze on her for longer than 2 seconds
If she doesn't feel well, he will understand that, and won't force her to go outside if she refuses to. But he will always be in the same room as her, comforting her with pats and snacks
He's not good with words at all, and will comfort her by watching shows, playing games, or just buying her food
If she has the power to go out, Hanma will spoil her with gifts
Takes her to her favorite bakery and eats sweets with her, trying to make her forget about the encounter
Gives piggy back rides, deffo
For shits and giggles, he will tease her about their childhood memories and probably will chase her around a field, or play hide and seek with her
Always makes sure to check up on her, though, and walks with her to and after school
Definitely gets Kisaki involved and both devise a plan to hunt the bastard down and kill them
Spoiler - it's successful.
Hanma makes sure their death is slow and painful, torturing them first
Kisaki is filming everything
They touched you? Both their arms are now broken
They did something more? Their genitals are cut
If she has a strong stomach, Hanma won't hesitate to show her the video
Even after months and years, he will still interrogate every single new friend his sister makes, especially if it's a guy
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He will cry
No, really, he deffo will cry with her
Buys tons of dorayaki and taiyaki to eat with her and bawl their eyes out together
Has a big blanket wrapped around them and asks Emma to make them lots of ramen to eat together
He will bring her with him at all times, and even when he cannot be around, he will tell either Draken or Takemichi to look after her
Follows you like a dog, he's way too afraid to let you out alone anymore
Emma will also comfort you with him, taking you shopping, making you cook with her and etc.
Mikey will be goofier so he makes you laugh, or he will do stupid shit that will make your life flash before your eyes, just so you forget about all that for a while
Always tries to talk to her and develop very deep topics (without any sexual ones) so she can relax around him and talk in peace
Asks for in depth narration of how her day went, listens to all the new gossip from school or just in general
Goes to the arcade with her. A huge try-hard that wins all the games and gets her plushies, competes with her on who will eat more taiyaki (he always wins but lets her win instead)
However, deep inside, under all this happiness, Mikey will be boiling with rage and is desperately trying to find the person who did this to her
He wants to deal with them alone, and he does so
Manages to get some information from her beforehand, and he makes sure the bastard never touches another human being again
Mikey ambushes him, and beats him to a pulp, carrying the blood of the assaulter with pride
Oh lord
He will be furious, and it will be prominent even under his blank expression.
Goes insane, trashing and walking around the entire building like a maniac searching for their stash (after she's left, he doesn't want her to see him like this)
Asks her to tell him everything, absolutely
Immediately orders Kokonoi to take her out shopping, buy her all the shit she lays her eyes upon, and lets her order everyone around for the time being
If not, he doesn't leave the room without her, always supervises her and stays near her
Not good with words , but somehow tries making his presence more.. comforting around her
Doesn't act too harshly in front of her, so to not scare her
Pats her head and tells her "It's not your fault" "I'll make sure this never happens to you again."
Teaches her self defense, and buys her all sorts of pepper sprays, knives (he'd never let her use a gun or katana in her life) and etc.
Still asks his subordinates to keep an eye out on her when she has to go out (he cannot go out for obvious reasons)
Doesn't sleep until he finds who did this to her
Makes sure their death is gruesome and slow, and uses all torture methods bonten has to offer
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Doesn't say anything, nor has a hasty reaction
Would take her to a bakery, order cheesecake and listen to her vent about it
Listens attentively, and doesn't dare to interrupt
Abides by her wishes the entire day, buys her food, carries her on his back, does everything she asks him to
Another one who isn't good with words. But his love languge will be cleaning her room and taking over her chores, placing a packet of snacks on her desk, every time
Tells her teachers not to bother her too much until she's feeling better
Hugs her, but for no longer than 5 seconds
For the sake of her wellbeing, Sanzu lets her do his hair, his skin care, pluck his eyebrows, and even try on new make up
Watches her from the shadows, all the time. She doesn't notice him at all, but he's there, ready to act when needed
If she manages to give him information on how the person looked, Sanzu will hunt them down with Muto
Muto will beat them to a pulp, and Sanzu will cut off their fingers one by one
Man's furious
Doesn't even fucking wait, demands to find the fucker right now on the spot
He cannot sit straight knowing that the person hasn't been dealt with
Makes her choose how the bastard is dealt with. She wants him to get killed? Good. Drugged to death? Done. Tortured to the point of complete insanity and desperation? Hell yeah.
If she doesn't want to watch nor stay around, Sanzu will keep the bastard in a basement, torturing them every day.
As for comfort, he's not much different from his younger self.
Will probably ask her to do drugs with him but Ran and Rindou will punch him
Brings her random stray animals for her to pet and play with
Long, long night walks around the city, talking about random shit that makes her forget about everything
Lets her style his hair, again
Books trips to whenever, asking Koko to help with the money, of course. Most of the time it is outside Japan
Makes sure the memories are unforgettable (most of the time it's him doing crazy shit like starting random fights, tripping over, doing hand stands on children's playgrounds)
Enjoys playing their favorite music and dance with her
Gives her in depth lessons of how to use weapons, and would even lend her his katana (but will always supervise her)
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©chao-thicc-hcs; reblogs are deeply appreciated, i always read your tags
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mirroredmemoriez · 7 months
Amanda Young style and fem whatnot thoughts
Once again here to speak my thoughts that nobody asked for because I love documenting my brain which I have to boot up like a chainsaw. I've spoken about Amanda's appearance before! Going over her outfits throughout the franchise and such and how I believe it kinda symbolises the stages she's at- I am in the firm belief her cutting her hair was almost like a rebirth for example.
However, right now I'm looking at the ''gender representation'' and stylisation side I guess? Which, I want to state- These are my opinions and thoughts and are by no way to say I'm like the only CORRECT view and anyone else's interpretation of Amanda that's different to mine is wrong, because I like seeing everyone's various takes on her character. With that said! I see Amanda as somebody who tries to be feminine, but can't express it truly how she wants? Down to factors such as she can't afford certain things like makeup accessories, and that she needs to have more of a practical wardrobe whilst being an apprentice. Oh! Also having to hide her identity at times. (I also want to slide in the fact that I don't think she's hyper feminine or masculine, honestly? She's just Amanda really, I wouldn't personally put a label on it when it comes to that.)
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The first look we get of Amanda, she's in a way more revealing outfit than her future ones whilst working under John. This could just be her style, which to a certain degree I agree on... However there also could be an aspect of performative femininity, seeing as she's not ''reformed'' at this point and it's suggested in the Saw wiki that she has prostituted herself to be able to fund her drug addiction before. Basically, catering to the male gaze to get what she wants. She's wearing a cut off shirt which exposes her shoulders and collar area a lot, something we don't see again until Saw 3- And even then it's still not as cut off as the purple one. Amanda also has fishnets, a skirt and boots on. If I had to say how I view Amanda' style myself, I'd go with Hot Topic thief and or something alternative like ''grungy.'' We've also got the fact she has black nail polish on, eyeliner and more curled out hair- Even when she grows it back, it's not as wavy as it's seen here, so it's possible she's either just heavily dishevelled or she purposely has maybe curled it out a little. Once again, this could possibly be her trying to look more appealing to others by ''grooming'' herself better. However, I also think she wants to just for herself really.
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Now, we've got her Saw X look, which to me is the most heavily influenced by John. Amanda has cut off her hair to I guess kinda a pixie-bob cut? A big leap from her previous haircut which had it falling at least over her shoulders if not longer. She's also very bare faced, with no heavily noticeable touches of makeup anywhere to be seen. Her clothes are drastically more practical than her previous outfit. A form fitting shirt, cargo pants and combat boots. The only influence I feel she has on this outfit is the choker and little earring. You can't really blame her for the change though- Amanda just wouldn't be putting time into something like beauty cosmetics or making any fashion statement when she's got shit to do... Y'know like make death traps and kidnap people, activities where the way you look doesn't matter and you wouldn't want your clothes to get caught on something especially.
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Before I fully move on to her Saw 2 look, two honourable mentions! These both showcase the fact that nowadays, when Amanda is out and about, she's trying to hide her identity. She can't really draw any attention to herself and that is reflected in what she wears. The Scott Tibbs Documentary look has to be one of my favourites, I love the skull trousers so much and they are definitely something she wears because she likes the LOOK, not just because of ''simplicity.''
(Amanda has them on again in the deleted nightmare scene as well, so it's a recurring piece of her wardrobe.)
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(I also think this is her dressing for herself- Compared to her outfits when it comes to the games and abductions)
The pig outfit, though I believe can be slightly stupid at times, due to the fact that it's probably less convenient than whipping on something like a balaclava with a hoodie and a bit more out there visually too- It still does it's main intended job, which is to conceal the identity of the Jigsaw apprentices. With the one I've selected above, this is when Amanda is going to abduct Adam, so obviously this is still pretty early in the timeline? We can see a re-appearance of smudged eye makeup like in her introduction.
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TRYING TO GET BACK ON TRACK! Here we have her ''blue'' outfits as I dub them. I'm aware there is a time jump between them, however generally what I have to say for them is the exact same? We can see that Amanda is growing her hair out more and I would say these are very relaxed fits. Saw 2 Amanda has to be one of her most basic outfits I'd say, a plain blue shirt and blue sweatpants to go along with it.... The wiki feet people are going insane too.
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WOOOOO! ON TO ANOTHER OF MY FAVOURITE OUTFITS. YOU JUST KNOW SHE STOLE THAT BELT FROM HOT TOPIC I AM SO SORRY! Saw 3 Amanda to me is a mix between something like her look in Saw X and then her look in Saw (2004)- I also love the contrast between it and the Saw 2 look, a blue vs red type feel almost? You're definitely more inclined to see Amanda as intimidating here than in blue. Comparisons aside, let's look at the actual fit this woman has on! Once again, she sports cargo pants with a belt to accompany and combat boots too. The shirt isn't as cut off as the purple one as I stated before, but it leaves a lot of her collar and back area exposed. It's her influence alongside John's- And her almost I wouldn't say rebelling? But defining herself outside of him. If I once again want to go full English teacher analysis... We could make the reach and say that her physically exposing herself is paired with how she emotionally is exposed as well. Her lowest points if you will. BUT! We'll move on from that so I can ramble about some other accessories. Amanda is wearing a gold ring and a watch, nothing too out there but I wanted to point them out seeing as I am covering the WHOLE outfit. Her hair is now at it's original length, once again reinforcing the fact she is almost reverting back to her old style but at the same time redefining it? Hair growth to show personal growth. (Some more honourable mentions.)
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Here we have her dress, leather jacket and DBD concept art! First we'll look at the dress. It's honestly really cute to me- The ribbon around her neck just really makes it AMANDA, otherwise there isn't too much to say on the design outside of that and it's colour. Then moving on to the leather jacket, it's something I can definitely see her wearing a lot on top of her other outfits. OK! This is getting super fucking long now, I'll try and finish off soon- I have to say I love the DBD concept art and the in game designs too, I can 100% see where they've taken inspiration from with the outfits. I'm in firm belief Amanda deserves to have her arm sleeves so where they've combined that and the Saw 3 look is URHG YES. I also enjoy their take on her leather look, fleshed out the design more in my opinion. Anyway... If you've somehow gotten all the way down here? Jesus Christ, thanks I guess? I am someone who loves over analysing things and discussing characters/movies like this, so I just couldn't help myself anymore. Oh, and feel free to add on to any of this, whether you agree or disagree! MAL OUT
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otomefiend · 10 months
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Alfons Sylvatica & Elbert Greetia
Story Event: Villains want to bother little 'Robin'
Chapter 3 Premium
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Proceeding with the chillax mission. Moar tidbits on the boys' relationship, which are always fun. Both of them are such softies. I love how Elbert gets Kate into trouble since she doesn't expect it, and Alfons jumps on those opportunities.
~~Part 1~~
Elbert: "... This room."
Alfons: "Shall we look at the face of the traitor who is after the Queen?"
Kate: "Don't I have to dress as Her Majesty?"
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Elbert: "The double act was just to lure the assassin out."
Elbert: "Now that the culprit has already infiltrated the place under the assumption that Her Majesty is present here... it's no longer necessary."
Kate: "Then, since my duties as Her Majesty's representative are over, your reward is ..."
Alfons: "No, no, those two are entirely different matters."
Elbert: "... stay behind."
Alfons: "Now, let's get rid of the bad guy, then talk about the reward."
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Alfons: "Excuse us."
???: "Eek"
As Alfons pushed the door open, a scream echoed inside.
(That man is the assassin...)
I braced myself certain I would encounter someone highly trained and full of murderous intent, however --
Man with a moustache: "Whoa... You're the ones who escorted Her Majesty....!"
Inside was a stout man with a moustache, his body trembling.
(Huh... that's definitely not what I expected...)
The man held his sketchbook, easel, and a rope-like object firmly in his arms.
Elbert: "Are you a... painter?"
~~Part 2~~
Alfons: "Ah! I remember that face."
Alfons: "Aren't you that court painter who pestered Her Majesty to have her portrait done,"
Alfons: "Who in the end got banished from the Palace for trying to sneak into her bedroom?"
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Alfons: "Your name was... well, it doesn't really matter, does it."
Court painter: "I don't care either! Where did Her Majesty go...!?"
Court painter: "Today is the day... today is the day I'm going to see her face, even if I have to tie her up first...!"
Court painter: "It's my mission to preserve her image for future generations...!"
Court painter: "Once she shows her face, I can create the masterpiece of the century...! !"
Elbert: "... So, in the end, the aim was not to assassinate but to paint a portrait?"
(He literally meant to "see the head"...)
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Alfons: "Yeah, it's madness. Just like El's collecting habits."
Court painter: "-- huh?"
Court painter: "That woman, with her blonde hair tucked behind her... somehow resembles Her Majesty I got a glimpse of today."
Court painter: "I see, you were hiding Her Majesty in disguise...!!"
The man pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at Lord Elbert.
Court painter: "Out of the way! Let me see Her Majesty's face!"
Alfons: "Please decide whether you're trying to be disrespectful or courteous."
Elbert: "...If you fire a bullet at this distance, it will hit her."
Elbert: "Put the gun down, please."
Court painter: "Shut up! Do not interfere with my destiny!"
Elbert: "Well... it can't be helped then."
~~Part 3~~
Elbert: "Put the gun down, please."
Court painter: "Shut up! Do not interfere with my destiny!"
Elbert: "Well... it can't be helped then."
Elbert: "Al, protect her."
Alfons: "Heh... you're going to do it then?"
Lord Elbert slowly approached the painter and stepped on his shadow.
Court painter: "Huh!? W-what...? My head... gahh."
Court painter: "No, stop.... I don't want to be banished, I... aargh."
The gun fell from the painter's hand to the floor with a thud.
(It's Lord Elbert's ability to revive the saddest memories)
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Elbert: "...I wish you would let it go from the start."
Lord Elbert, who had completely deprived the painter of the will to fight, muttered sadly to himself.
Alfons: "Oh, you poor thing."
Court painter: "Huh....!?"
Alfons kicked the gun away, then walked up to the painter and gently touched the nape of his neck.
Alfons: "Her Majesty is sitting in that chair. See? Over there."
Court painter: "Eh.....?"
The man's eyes wandered around the space, but as soon as they reached the empty chair, they filled with joy.
Court painter: "Ah, oh, ohhh! At last! Finally!!!"
The artist set up his easel, took out the charcoal, and began furiously sketching.
(With the help of Alfons' ability, he sees Her Majesty...)
He didn't seem to care about us anymore.
Elbert: ".........What can he see in his illusion if he's never seen the real queen?"
Alfons: "I wonder. Maybe he's seeing the ideal Majesty he's dreamt of so many times."
Alfons: "I've never seen Her Majesty's face either, so..."
~~Part 4~~
Elbert: "Will his fantasies be preserved for posterity as a portrait of Her Majesty the Queen...?"
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Alfons: "Wouldn't it be splendid? It's hilarious to think that a false image could overshadow reality."
(...... just like that, it was all over)
I was amazed by the brilliant efficiency and skill of those two.
Elbert: "... are you okay, Kate?"
Kate: "! Yes, thank you for looking after me."
Alfons: "Feels like a farce, doesn't it? He seems happy and doesn't need to be imprisoned."
Kate: "...It might sound odd, but"
Kate: "I'm a little relieved that no one ended up feeling hurt."
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Alfons • Elbert: "........."
Elbert: "... I'm glad you don't feel sad yourself."
Alfons: "You really are a softy."
Alfons: "All right... if all is said and done, then"
Alfons: "Shall we go back to the party?"
After sending the artist away, satisfied with the portrait,
and informing the organisers that Her Majesty was unwell and took her leave, the mission was complete.
We returned to the hall at the suggestion of the other two to enjoy the party for the remainder of the evening.
Alfons: "Oh... The compote that El shoved into your mouth earlier is still there, isn't it?"
Alfons: "How about a second helping? May I offer to stuff it in your mouth this time?"
Elbert: "...I'd be happy to do it for you again."
~~Part 5~~
Kate: "It... it was delicious, but I'm fine!"
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Elbert: "Hmm... if it's delicious, then I'll try it too."
Lord Elbert took a portion of compote and brought it to his mouth.
Lady with feathers: "Lord Elbert is dining with us...!"
Lady with a diamond necklace: "How unusual... I should have been prepared and invited a painter...!"
Kate: "I'm hearing some great news it seems..."
Alfons: "Lord El has always been a very light eater."
Alfons: "He particularly disliked milk and often got teary-eyed when the butler or maids told him to drink it."
Elbert: "It was... painful..."
Elbert: "I was surprised when Al whispered in my ear..."
Elbert: "`Let the cat or some other creature drink it, or just secretely get rid of it`."
Alfons: "You were so hopelessly foolish back then, you couldn't even think of that."
Alfons: "He answered me in his overly serious tone, `I can't bear to throw it away, and I don't have a cat`."
Alfons: "From then on, everything El left behind ended up in my stomach."
Elbert: "Which is bottomless..."
Kate: "You've lived together since you were little."
Alfons: "Yes, I stayed at the Greetia's residence."
Elbert: "I suggested it to Al. ...to stay at my place."
Kate: "Why are you still together?"
Alfons • Elbert: "........."
Elbert: "...I'll be in trouble without Al...?"
Alfons: "I can't bear to abandon him, so I have no choice."
It seemed like an odd relationship.
They had no common goals, nor tastes or preferences.
It didn't seem like they were bound by a master-servant relationship, nor did they sign a contract.
(However, Lord Elbert needs Alfons...)
(And it seems that Alfons needs Lord Elbert as well)
Two inseparable individuals who influenced each other -- I couldn't help but feel a little envious of them.
Alfons: "I guess... we could just quietly go home."
Alfons: "But I haven't received my promised reward yet, have I now?"
Kate: "Ah!"
(And here I was, feeling relieved, thinking that maybe he had forgotten about it...)
Elbert: "…… That's right. I'd like... a reward from you."
Kate: "Wait a moment...!"
Kate: "I don't think it's fair to reward just the two of you since I've worked hard on the mission as well!"
Alfons: "And what do you suggest?"
Kate: "I also want a reward...!"
Elbert: "... that's fine. Then what would you like?"
Kate: "How about we go straight back home and rest...?"
Alfons: "Aha! Most certainly not."
Elbert: "Or... we could go straight back and get a reward in your room?"
Kate: "Eh...!?"
Alfons: "Oh, I see. You come up with some pretty brilliant ideas, El."
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Alfons: "In this case, shall we hurry ♡ to ♡ your ♡ room?"
(-- perhaps I)
(Maybe I am protected by two outrageous men......)
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@jegulus-microfic, June 21st - Fool, G, Word Count - 1057
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Third and Final Part to Devour (pt.2), Welcome (pt.1)
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For the month that Regulus had been living at the Potter's, he and James have been... well, Regulus doesn't exactly know what's been going on.
All he knows is that he's constantly looking at the other boy, only to find him already looking back. He's never laughed harder in his life than when he was around James and that their touches last a little longer than they should.
That was all perfectly normal though. James was probably just making sure that Regulus was safe, or he was still getting used to the new addition in his house. That’s why he was always looking. It was just the change of scenery that was making him laugh. The touch thing... um, well, maybe James was more of a hugger than Regulus thought.
One thing was for sure though. James has made Regulus feel like a fool. He made him feel like he was seeing things that weren't really there.
Well, Sirius hasn't said anything about the two of them and Regulus knows he would be disgusted if there was something going on between his two "brothers". So that means he's making things up. Right?
He made his way downstairs and sat at the dining room table. The seat that Sirius led him to the first day, the one across from James. Turns out him and Effie have pretty similar sleep schedules. Which is to say, terrible insomnia. The first night was just the first of many nights that Regulus would find himself at the dining table with his new guardian.
"You should tell him you know," she mentions, taking another sip of her hibiscus tea. Regulus noticed that she always has a different drink with her.
"Excuse me?" Regulus asks, looking at her over his mug of earl gray.
"James. You should tell him you like him."
Regulus nearly spits out his drink, but swallows before that can happen. "Excuse me?"
"I'm not daft Regulus, I've seen how you two look at each other," She explains, placing her purple mug down in front of her.
“At each other? You think he likes me?" Regulus asks, sounding a little more vulnerable than he would like to.
Effie laughs. "Of course dear. And if I know my James, he’s just waiting for you to say something.”
Regulus continues drinking his tea. “You're certain?" She nods. "Alright."
That’s what led Regulus to the second floor, standing outside James’ door at 7:30am.
He learned that James woke up at 7 and Sirius woke up at 8, meaning Regulus should have plenty of time to say what he needs to then leave, and hopefully not have to hide in his room all day.
Regulus knocks on the door. Five knocks exactly. He doesn't have to wait long before James answers. "Come in!"
Regulus hesitates. He never hesitates. He feels so nervous, like he can't walk into the room. He's looked the Dark Lord in the eyes before why was this so hard?
He reaches forward and slowly twists the doorknob. The door creaks when he opens it.
“James, can I speak with you?” He asks with a soft voice, walking further into James’ room. He shuts the door behind him.
James is sitting on his bed, a book open in front of him. He looks up to Regulus and immediately notices something’s up. He shuts the book and moves closer to the edge of his bed. “Yeah what’s up?”
Regulus doesn't know what to say or how to start it off. So he starts with what he does know, whatever comes to his mind first, in an attempt to be honest. "I'm not usually nervous."
“I know,” James responds, catching onto how uncomfortable Regulus is.
“So this is hard,” he continues.
James nods. “I can see that.”
"James," Regulus starts, taking a deep breath. "What is this?"
The older boy lets out a nervous smile. "What is what—"
"You know what." Regulus has more power in his tone than when he first entered the room. Tired with the two of them tiptoeing around each other.
James is speechless. Caught in between telling the truth or keeping things the exact same.
Seeing his reaction, Regulus continues. "At least give me something. Whether it's a yes or a no, I just... I can't continue like this."
"Reg... I-" James clears his throat, clearly unsettled by Regulus' outburst. "I'm sorry."
"About which part?" Regulus snaps.
He gets up off his bed and slowly starts making his way over to where Regulus was standing. "The whole situation mainly, I mean, your brother is my best friend and y'know, you just got here. I didn't want to push either of you away. It was selfish, but..." James trails off.
"I know," the youngest Black whispers.
They both look at each other. They're standing less than 3 feet apart and Regulus can feel his throat dry up. This time though, he doesn't blame it on nerves, he doesn't blame it on embarrassment or unfamiliarity. He blames it on James.
James and his stupid shirtless sleeping habits. James and how every touch seems to set Regulus on fire. James and how his words send shivers down Regulus' spine. James and how much Regulus just wants to kiss him.
Regulus voices that last part, what he knows, keeping his voice soft as if admitting a fault. "I want to kiss you."
James smiles softly and leans down towards the other boy, placing his hands around Regulus' waist as if asking him for permission.
Regulus takes a step closer and stares up to James before tilting his head so that their lips brush. That little touch, however, seemed to ignite a flame in the both of them that had James pulling Regulus in for a deeper kiss. Something to break the tension between the two of them over the past month.
Regulus could die happy right now. He wasn't even aware how much he needed the other boy until this exact moment. Feeling their lips on each other's, breathing into each other's mouths and feeling James' grasp on his waist.
When the two of them break apart some time later, Regulus looks up towards James and finds the older boy with a massive grin on his face.
Regulus can't help but smile back. He's okay with being a fool, if only for James.
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afyrian · 3 months
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ch. 1 - july 2 masterlist
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    "the video's doing well, my dear," you peek into rintarō's room, raising your eyebrows at the rear end of your sentence.
  he looks up from his computer, pulling his headphones off of his ears. his hair is flattened down slightly by the headband and the time spent with them on. rin's eyes are wide as he sits forward in his chair. sometimes he can become so consumed by his editing and live streaming that things happening around him can get out of focus, "yes?"
  "the video is like... really popular. like more views than anything i've ever made. i mean, it's insane," you lean against the doorframe, head resting against the wood.
  a smile smile forms on his face, overtaking the smile that you try to hide by biting your lip. unlike his personality in his years of high school and volleyball, he’s become more open. the way he engages in conversation and smiles more. you can’t help but hope that you were the cause of that (or possibly the twin’s years of wearing him down).
  "so, i was thinking we could celebrate with a little something in the kitchen, honey," you reach a hand out, walking over to where his desk is. 
  rintarō narrows his eyes, taking in a deep breath, "well, how can i deny my darling wife?"
  for a split second, when you hear him call you darling and his 'wife', it almost sounds genuine. the way his tone doesn't care the same as your sarcastic one. however, you ignore it as you focus on the surprise you've planned. he holds out a hand and grabs ahold of yours, letting you pull him out of the room and to the kitchen.
  the hallway is decorated with a few balloons and sets of streamers. rin looks around and wonders if maybe he should turn down the volume of his headphones. someone could rob the rest of the house and he probably wouldn't be able to tell. but this surprise is a much better one. especially when he notices the poorly crafted cake on the countertop.
  it's got the stature and potential for an amazing cake. however, the icing is poorly spread about and the piping could use a little work. little swirls covers the sides of them and in cursive writing it says 'sorry we're married' with hearts all over. it was the only way you could think of to say sorry again. you lean against the counter, letting go of rintarō's hand and slide it towards him.
  "you know i'm okay with it, right?" he turns to look at you, hand raising so it's just barely touching your elbow.
  your shoulders drop and you let out a sigh. the problem is that he's always okay with the things you do, and then you can't tell when he really isn't okay. especially the stoic appearance masking his typical emotions. "i just- i want you to find love just like anyone else. and this next year, that'll be a little awkward," you purse your lips, leaning into his touch slightly. 
  "thank you, but you don't need to worry. we're what? twenty two? trust me, i'll have the love of my life eventually, whether i've known her for years or just met her," he shrugs his shoulders, hair returning back to its normal appearance, "but, i will still absolutely eat this apology cake."
  "well considering it's your favorite, i would hope so..."
  "now i definitely have to eat it, sugar," the playful tone finally returns to his voice and you can take a breath out knowing that he's okay, his hand even raises and rests on your far shoulder. 
  it definitely feels odd knowing you have a legal partner, real or not. you're bound to some contract that doesn't feel real and feels real all the same. however, as you stare at rintarō hovering over the cake with a knife in hand, eyes flickering between you and the cake, it's easy to see this being easy. maybe not for everyone, but being married to rintarō so far is pretty easy.
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a/n: the next ones should be longer
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levwrites · 10 months
Deadly Haven (part 4)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
An injured, hunted hero hides in his former lover's safehouse to catch a breath. Unfortunately, his presence is soon noticed by said ex-lover.
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"What are you doing?" A quiet question, helpless.
Hero shouldn't show vulnerability, he knows. But he needs Villain to get to the torture. He can't take much more of this.
Instead, Villain just keeps caressing him. "Give it a few days, and the world will stop looking for you," they say instead of answering properly. "I'll make sure they'll think you dead."
"But I won't be." A tense statement. Not a question. A few days is nothing. He's seen Villain torture people for months.
No longer than that. They always break.
Another gentle caress. "Of course not."
"Of course not." Hero echoes them, voice almost empty of feeling. The gentle caresses make everything taste bitter, hit harder. Now he understands. Villain truly is an artist.
Villain smiles, satisfied. "You've run away from me for long enough. You were good, I couldn't find you anywhere no matter how hard I looked."
Hero smiles, a faint little thing. Just the shadow of the smiles Villain must remember. "It's not the first time I've done something like this." Been a spy. Betrayed people. Had to run.
"You managed to escape me." Villain sounds... almost proud. "That's a first." They have always loved a good hunt, after all. "But eventually, you came to me." A smile. Hero has missed that smile so much.
He sighs, bone-tired. "I had nowhere else to go." Echoing words he's said to them before.
And we've come full circle. Bitterly amused.
Villain seems to echo his thoughts. "You've come to me once before." He cups Hero's cheek. "Said those exact words."
"The situation was different." Hero's jaw clenches. He's not going to lean into the touch. He is not.
"Do you even remember it? You were almost delirious when I found you."
"I remember enough." The touch, he remembers that. He won't ever forget it.
"Good. Then you know." Their thumb moves across Hero's cheekbone, just below his eye. It doesn't press down, doesn't try to scratch. For now, Villain seems satisfied with the caresses.
Hero's face softens slightly for a moment before going back to neutrality. Gentle touches are hard to resist. He hasn't felt them in so long. Was always awed that Villain of all people would gift them to him.
"Know what?" Careful, cautious.
"That you're mine."
"I wanted to live. Both times." Hero's lips twist. "My mistake." He should have read the situation better. Shouldn't have tried to convince himself of something that wasn't real.
And now he gets to live, alright.
Villain frowns at him. "I'm not going to kill you, Hero."
"I know." By now Hero's teeth almost bared in frustration, but there's nothing he can do. He's restrained, and still on Villain's lap.
And now there's a hint of frustration in Villain's eyes, too. "Why do you keep running?" they ask, a cold bite around the words. "Isn't it enough? Years. Aren't you tired of running from me?"
"Of course I am!" Hero clenches his teeth. "But I won't let you keep me. I refuse." Seething. Final.
Villain keeps talking like being tortured by him will bring him some great relief. Have they gone insane? Do they think love has made Hero insane?
"You refuse?"
Hero tenses slightly at the anger in their voice.
"You refuse, Hero?" Villain asks again, as if they cannot wrap their head around that. "You are mine."
He narrows his eyes at them. "You can't expect me to be happy about this." His voice is tight with anger and pain, but he cannot look away from their eyes. "Just accept what's to come."
Villain's beloved eyes narrow. "If you could, you would run again. No hesitation." It's not a question.
"I don't understand what you want from me!" The frustration finally explodes in Hero's voice, even as his eyes remain almost pleading. "Why are you angry of all things? What, am I not reacting the way you thought I would?" He shakes his head, forceful. "I gave you something that was not mine to give." A flicker of regret taints his words. "I was loyal to someone else. And so I had to betray you, in the end. I brought this on myself, I know."
By the end of it, he feels an eerie calm descend on his mind. "You have every right to seek your revenge," he murmurs, knowing he deserves it. That has never stopped him from running away from it. "But you can't expect me to just face it head-on."
He hesitates, biting his lip.
"I did love you." Soft. Pained. "I'm sorry I deceived you."
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streaminn · 1 year
Song 2: Alright by Keshi
Forever Is a big word, Enid knew that.
Forever was what Enid promised to Wednesday that night as the fire burned all around them. Time and her presence was all Enid can give, it's all she had.
Surely Wednesday can understand if she kept a little bit of time between them right? Just a smidge, enough for them to be better for themselves before they be better together.
But Enid can never have anything for herself so forever will be the time her heart will bleed in the cavity she calls chest. She watches with bated breath as Wednesday says those two words with such blissful ignorance to what it did to the werewolf standing just a few steps away.
"I do," Wednesday whispers and Enid makes sure to look away soon after.
Sometimes Enid wonders when she started getting so good at hiding what she truly felt.
Was it when she tried to be strong? To showcase that she couldn't be bent? that someone like her wasn't affected by things like fighting to the death, captured by a stalker or getting tossed out like yesterday's trash-
Out of topic.
Maybe, just maybe Enid is still a little salty about what happened two years ago.
But today isn't about her because today is Wednesday's wedding! A wedding that Enid wonders if she could just ditch.
Its the after party now, one that is nestled deep in the Addams manor's numerous ballrooms. You'd think being in a room with so many people could curb the aching outsider feeling in Enid's chest but nope!
Even when surrounded by friends and extended family, she has never wanted to dissappear from the world so much until now.
It doesn't help that her head is so noisy today- whispering and latching onto emotions that she can't control. Her status may be envied but let's see how envious they'll be once they realized how their own thoughts never seem to shut up. Even glancing over the people in the room, hoping that they'd latch onto some random simpleton and leave her alone didn't work.
Nothing works now, not since Wednesday left her.
Even glancing at the bride wasn't enough, they she wanted more. They seek her touch, her presence, her all- to see her standing next to someone that isn't her makes them claw and scream.
Enid is tempted to follow them.
"Excuse me, miss?"
Enid shifts, her eyes meeting a lady with curled black hair. She has a smile on her face, her cheeks dusted a light pink. With a tip of her head, she gives a curtsy like she was walking up to royalty and not a frazzled werewolf.
Unworthy, her mind hisses. Enid ignores them.
"May I have this dance?"
She's pretty, Enid notes.
A nice smile, a cute dimple.
She's not Wednesday.
Enid glances back towards the bride and she blinks because Wednesday is looking right back at her. Her gaze is hard to read and it itches the longer they stare.
Theres a thrum of excitement in her blood and her heart rate spikes at the realization.
She's taking the vows back! Some thinks.
She knows what we feel, others sulk. She hates us.
Come back, it begs.
For the first time, Enid couldn't understand what Wednesday was thinking. Was she angry? Jealous?
Its scary, how glad Enid couldn't know for sure. Any answer would break her after all.
And then, Wednesday offers her a smile. It pathetic, how such a simple thing immedietely warms Enid's heart. She must be doing this in purpose but no, Wednesday is just there, smiling to her.
There is no teeth. It is but a simple tilt of her head with eyes so unbearably soft. There's a slight dip in her cheek, a dimple. It's a rare smile, one she has seen once before.
This must be what Aphrodite looks like, Enid reveres.
But then, her mind starts thinking.
Why? Why is Wednesday smiling at her? Is this support? Did she think she should take the dance?
She doesn't know how I feel.
An almost hysterical laugh bubbles out of Enid's throat.
How painful.
To encourage her to be with someone else when her heart is clearly with Wednesday alone.
Or, maybe it wasn't any of that at all.
Maybe it's just a gesture of kindness, of joy and appreciation. There is no underneath, nothing hidden, a simple 'I'm glad you're here.'
The thought hurts and if Enid could bowel over and simply cry in this room, she would.
But she's better than that.
Enid is twenty, she is far from the shaky emotional teenager of eighteen. So she takes a breath, ignores the cries and tears in her mind and gathers her composure.
Her smile doesn't reach her eyes and yet, Enid smiles back because as much as she hates Wednesday, she loves her so much more.
Theres a ring in her phone, it's loud and unbearable but even then- Enid picks it up.
She doesn't need to look at the number to know. There's only one person with a personal ringtone after all.
Its late at night and she really shouldn't be doing this but it's not her fault that sleep is harder to catch with everyday that passes.
It must be another fight, her brain thinks and Enid squeezes her eyes shut because fuck that shouldn't be what she should be thinking.
The rustling of wind on the other end proves her mind right. Wednesday never stays in her house when an argument happens.
Too encompassing, she had described once. The air helps me think.
Enid is glad, that she couldn't see what such arguments does to Wednesday. She wouldn't be surprised if she wakes up doing something she wouldn't would regret.
"Hello Enid," Wednesday starts and her voice is dry. It would've cracked if the woman didn't have such impeccable voice control. "i knew you would be awake at this time."
The lie is bitter on Enid's tongue and she laughs. Wednesday knows that she goes to bed early but the Raven also knows that she would always be there to answer her call.
You're so cruel, she wants to snap but Enid is twenty one and she's tired.
"saw it in a vision?" Enid teases and she leans on her headboard, her eyes closing and she simply dreams that they're talking face to face. She dreams and thinks that Wednesday isn't hours away. "I'm flattered that I'm still in your head despite all these years."
Wednesday's nexts words are careful. She never comes for consolation, only familiarity. That is all Enid is, an unchanging rock. Stable.
If only she knew.
Something shifts in Enid's head and she doesn't need to look out to see the full moon at its peak.
Wonderful timing, seems like she just found the reason for the argument.
"I meant it when you're indelible, Enid." those words would have lit a fire in the werewolf of three years ago, but all Enid of the present could do is force out a laugh.
And so that was how her night went. She sat in the dark of her room, listening and talking to the love of her life. Spent a full moon watching what could've been hers fall back in love with the one who had hurt her.
Another moon of sleeping on call, knowing she would wake up with a bedside forever empty and the sign of an ended call on her burning phone.
"I'm sorry, Enid."
A sharp pain stung into her head as Enid bit back a reply.
What are you sorry abo-
This was just the full moon talking, she consoles herself. Think this carefully.
What was she even sorry for? For keeping a phone that Enid knows only holds her number? For only calling for situations like these and nothing more? Sorry for coming to her because everything Wednesday does is calculated and Enid knows - Gods does she know that Wednesday knows that the werewolf could never turn her away.
The smile in her face is bittersweet and the temptation to crush the phone grows.
Its no wonder she thinks that way, after all when Enid said forever that night long ago, Wednesday knew it had not been a lie.
Or I'm too lazy to draw so have this Lil one shot. It can be a standalone but it's based on a spin off to my streamer Enid au where Enid has a twin and Wednesday marries them!
Also omy, is Enid hearing voices? Ayuppp, being a grimwolf isn't all fun and games yallll
Hope you liked it and tell me your thoughts :D
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littlestsnicket · 2 months
I thought his S2 hair was his real hair, too, for some reason.
Actually, no, that's not quite accurate.
I initially thought BOTH his S2 and S3 hair were wigs, because that's what everyone kept saying.
And so, the moment Joey corrected, in a S3 interview, that his long hair was his real hair, I automatically assumed that meant that his S2 hair was his real hair, too (if people had been wrong about it having been a wig in S3, why not S2?).
Because his hair in S2 interviews appears to be just a bit longer than it is in S2 (not quite S3 long, but getting there...).
So, I'd assumed he'd let his hair grow out between S1 and S3; and he'd cut it after they'd finished filming "Blood Origin" (so thankfully, that wouldn't have been because of the negative feedback he'd received about his hair in S3, since it was back to being short during "Blood Origin" interviews. I think he'd said something about it just being really hot and essentially bothering him).
Did Joey ever confirm his S2 hair was a wig? Or that's just what people have all been assuming?
And OMFG! YES!!! That jacket is so freaking iconic! It's gotta stay!
By now, it's like the character's uniform, or his unique signature look or something!
Mind you, I'm not opposed to the idea of Jaskier having another secondary outfit he alternates with in S4 and S5, and/or wearing something a bit different under his jacket (S2 and S3 had different shirts and vests, but kept the same style).
Plus, he could find himself wearing something completely different at some point, if the goal is for him to attempt to avoid being too easily recognized / spotted (the jacket makes it really easy for him to be identified) for a little while.
But that jacket needs to remain Jaskier's go to, default look, because it's that awesome!
joey has definitely talked about wearing a wig for season 2, growing his hair out for season 3 because he hated wearing a wig, and cutting his hair off immediately after they finished filming season 3 because having hair that is touching your neck but not long enough to put up is gross when it's really hot out (and yeah, i relate, there are numerous reasons why i am happiest with a pixie cut or past shoulder length hair). (and joey's bit of blood origin was filmed during season 3.)
i think it gets a bit confusing because lots of people don't realize how long post production takes, and therefore how long the gap between filming and the press interviews are. for the season 2 press tour, joey would have been well into growing his hair out for season 3 already. and you can see he had short hair in all of the behind the scenes stuff they filmed during season 2. (there's also a moment in the behind the scenes stuff for season 3, where there's a bunch of shots of joey recording songs and he's wearing the same sweater in all of them but in half of them he's already cut his hair... that may make me sound insane that i noticed this but oh well.)
i'm not really sure why people were saying joey was wearing a wig in season 3... it got passed around so much before the show came out that i assumed that for a bit as well, but i honestly think it's just trendy to hate on wigs right now, and most people have no idea what they are talking about. but also, joey's hair looks nearly as dark as anya's in the season 2 press tour, so it looks like it's the wrong color, but i should not have been fooled by that since my own hair ranges from quite dark brown to nearly blond depending on lighting, sun exposure, and how clean it is :)
and yes! the jacket! it is so iconic!
i, personally, love when characters have uniforms. not necessarily the same exact clothes all the time, but iconic items or a color scheme they stick to... i am here for it. i think for his character, it doesn't make a lot of sense for jaskier to be carting around an extra jacket, or many clothes. he would definitely buy or steal a new one for a special occasion of if he needed to hide his identity, but our bard is itinerant and travels light especially when he doesn't have geralt to carry things (or maybe more importantly keep track of the things, but that it leaning a lot more into headcanon now) for him.
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