#or air high five cuz when his gloves are off
mistylakeee · 2 years
Kaz and Inej high-fiving is something so personal to me that I just made up
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discojupiters · 3 years
Another Lonely Night in New York
Casually uploading Bee Gees fanfic as if I haven't had this account for almost five years and I'm just now using it to post stuff because I am upset at the lack of Bee Gees fanfic that exists and I need to change that also cuz I haven't posted on any form of social media in literal ages and I just really want an excuse to post classic rock shitposts and whatnot. :D
Ao3 link to the fanfic if you'd prefer to read it there
Another Lonely Night in New York
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The rain had been predominantly worse at night than it had been in the morning. Dense raindrops splattered onto Robin's hotel room window as he sat near the window, flinching every now and then at the speed at which the pellets of rain struck the window. The weather had been like this for almost the entirety of Robin's stay in Manhattan, which made it difficult for him to see many of sights that he originally intended to see. He stayed for nearly 4 days straight cooped up in his hotel room and if he forced himself to stay in there a minute longer, he was about to go mentally insane; he had to get out and go outside for a stroll. Despite the brutal showers and the absence of an umbrella, he put on his coat and made his way down to the lobby and out the door. He knew not where his first stop would be nor how long he'd be out, all he knew was that he needed fresh air, whether the air was battling fierce weather or not. Robin trekked out east in hopes to find something worthy of his time.
Robin had originally desired to head to New York in order to find inspiration for new music for his solo album that he was working on. After the Bee Gees decided to take a break for a bit following the release of Living Eyes, Robin found himself in a great opportunity to release more solo albums and expand his talent as a songwriter. His intentions were unfortunately tampered with as the climate in New York at this time was not the best. Little to no inspiration had crossed through his mind for the entirety of his trip and he only had one more day before he needed to be back in London to begin recording sessions.
Robin's mind was as blank as a fresh piece of paper as he strolled through the streets of midtown Manhattan. Bright and colorful lights guided him to Times Square in what felt like no time. Robin had only prayed that something in those lively, radiant billboards and lights would make a light bulb go off in his head and give him enough material to write a perfect song.
The rain showed no signs of stopping any time soon, and it wasn't until now that Robin realized how foolish he looked sopping wet with his hair sticking to his face and neck while everyone else were as dry as bones under their umbrellas. Robin reached for the hood of his coat to hide his drenched hair only to notice he brought the coat without a hood instead of the other one he had in his room that did have a hood. He thought for a moment about heading back to the hotel to spare the rest of his embarrassment but he kept walking, tenacious to find even the smallest bit of inspiration for a new song.
The stop at a crosswalk was the first break Robin had given his legs in God knows how long the amount of time he had been walking for. They ached almost enough for Robin's knees to buckle and give out on him. He could feel people staring at him, businessmen coming home late from their office jobs, young fools in love heading to various restaurants and clubs downtown, rebellious teens on their way to their secret hideouts. All these people nice and dry under their umbrellas while they stared at the lonely freak in New York who couldn't have even bothered to bring the correct coat in order to save his head from the rainfall.
'Another lonely night in New York'
Eagerly waiting for the crosswalk light to flash white, at this point he couldn't wait until it was time to go back home to London. This trip had been nothing but disappointing to him. No benefits to his song writing or even his own well being what so ever. The only thing he'd catch from this trip now would be a cold from the rainwater coating his entire body, making his pants stick to his legs, seeping into his sneakers and making his socks damp, that he'd have to deal with once he got back home. On the bright side if he did catch a cold then he would be able to delay the recording sessions until his voice got better which would give him more time to write some more material for the album.
'The city of dreams just keeps on getting me down'
In the midst of all the dismay washing over him, he almost didn't notice that the rain had suddenly begun to repel him. He could still see the rain in front of him, yet none of it was touching him anymore. Puzzled, he looked above his head to see what had happened, but all he spotted was a black, dome shaped piece of nylon; the canopy of an umbrella above his head. The misty scent of perfume filled his nostrils. He glanced over to the right of him to find a woman holding the umbrella over his head for him. Her resting face was nonchalant as she peered across the street, also waiting for the crosswalk light to turn white, but she gave a coy smile to Robin when she noticed him staring at her.
Robin wanted to speak up, wanted to thank the winsome young lady for sharing her umbrella with him, but the words wouldn't come to him. As the crosswalk light finally changed, everyone made their way across the street. New Yorkers were fast walkers, it was strenuous to keep up with the woman. Her strut was self-assured, even in the six inch stilettos that she wore; it was like she injected confidence into her veins every morning. Robin was mesmerized by her. He was still thinking about the smile she gave him when they were on the other side of the crosswalk, trying his best to hide a cheeky, daydreaming smile.
As the walk with the woman continued, Robin couldn't help but wonder: Was he going to be following this woman around until she reached her destination? Did they both have the same destination? Robin didn't even know where he would end up, he wracked his brain wondering if this woman was gonna lead him somewhere or if she was just doing a quick favor and wanted him to leave now. The woman hadn't spoke the whole time. Her nonchalant expression turned into a gentle smile yet she refused to look at Robin anymore than that one glance she shot at him when he noticed her.
Robin and the woman were now exiting Times Square, the high-spirited lights merely staining the background now as the woman continued to head for the subway. Robin knew right then and there that it was time for him to head back, as much as he adored this woman, he couldn't take a chance. He didn't know her and God forbid he let himself get killed tonight all because he had love fogging up his brain just for a woman who did a single kind deed for him. Again, Robin's mouth couldn't open to say a goodbye. It was like his throat was frozen every time he was near this woman. After an extensive fight to make the words come out, he gave up and instead stayed put in his spot on the sidewalk, waiting for the woman to notice and hopefully say goodbye first. After the woman reached a few paces noticing Robin had left her side, she worriedly glanced around, holding onto her hair to make sure the rain didn't touch it. She glimpsed behind her to find Robin slowly sauntering backwards in order to give her the indication that he was leaving. She relaxed her arms as her gloved hands waved goodbye to Robin, granting him the same kittenish smile she had given him earlier that night. Robin waved back and finally turned around to make his way back to the hotel.
Robin tried hard not to glance back every few seconds to get one last look at the woman, but failed miserably; he couldn't help it. After fully losing sight of the woman, he ran back to his hotel. He was grateful that she helped him, yet suddenly glum now that he was aware that he may never see that woman again. He didn't know anything about her, not her name, not her voice, not her story, but that didn't stop him from falling head over heels for her. He knew that feeling wouldn't last long, it would probably be gone by the time he'd step foot on the plane back to London, but it was a nice thought to occupy his mind with for the time being. It fascinated him at times that he could be so in love with a woman that he knew absolutely nothing about all because she noticed him and did something good for him.
'Cause my baby's no longer around and my feelings can never be found'
Robin made it back to the hotel, tracking puddles of the water all the way up to his room. The first thing he did upon entering his room was remove all of his drenched clothes and head for the shower. Once he dried himself off, he frantically searched the room for a pencil and paper, heading to his window when he finally had one. Before he could even write down a single lyric, he found her. The woman who had helped him. She was making her way down the street of the hotel as if she had been walking in circles this entire time. Was she actually trying to reach a certain destination? Or was she just out and about looking for men to swoon over her through her acts of kindness? It didn't matter to Robin, because at least he got to take one last look at her that night. That was all he needed for inspiration. If that woman was enough to give a songwriter with writer's block inspiration for a new song, than in Robin's book that woman was enough to make the world go 'round. Robin wrote down lyrics as swiftly as they came to him.
'Another lonely night in New York, and my sorry eyes are looking out on the world'
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vanchlo · 4 years
Magic Moment
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Hello! I could NOT resist writing another blurb about boyfriend!harry for my lovely friend, @bfharry‘s BOYFRIENDATHON after I got this idea! I’ve always loved baseball myself and playing lots of catch at work recently inspired this, as well as falling in love with Queen ;) Enjoy  some fluff about playing catch with boyfriend!harry at your childhood home c:
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.4k words
Pairing: Harry x Reader
Music Inspo: This Magic Moment by Ben E. King and The Drifters (click to listen and yes Sandlot *wink*) 
“Follow your heart, kid, and you can never go wrong.”
- The Sandlot
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad,” you jest, giggling nervously. The screen door closes with a loud whap! behind the both of you.
“Ya, maybe it wasn’t fer you,” he sighs in a whisper, stuffing his hands into his pockets. His high-top white converses slap! down the wooden stairs quickly. “I think I need anotha beer afta that.”
“Follow me.”
A humid heat hits you in the face when you open the scarlet-colored door to the garage. The familiar smell welcomes you, and so do the sights of your father’s tools hanging up on the walls. The lawn mower still sits in the same spot, his pair of old glasses remain perched on the windowsill, and the tiny mini fridge in the corner awaits your call.
“Thanks,” he mumbles after taking a long pull from the refreshing beer. You opt for a Whiskey-Coke, instead, the carbonation sending shooting stars across your tongue. You watch him wipe away the bead of sweat running down his forehead, and then the subsequent smile that drills the dimples into his cheeks. “Bloody hell, if that isn’t tha cutest thing ‘ve eva seen.”
A questioning ‘what’ barely passes your lips once you spot the miniature lilac colored baseball glove on a shelf. Next, a laugh falls from your lips and he echoes it with his own adorable concoction. 
“Hard t’ believe yer hand was eva that tiny, love.”
“I know, it’s funny that my dad kept it around.”
“I would if I were him, ‘s bloody adorable,” he notes, picking up the battered leather mitt with a content smile. “Ah, lookie here. Up fer a game o’ catch, love? Bet I could whoop yer ass.”
“Harry, you can’t beat somebody in catch!” you protest, the cool liquid gracing your lips, providing you a few seconds of relief from the summer heat. 
“We’ll just see ‘bout that, now won’t we?” he teases with a wiggle of his eyebrows. A tan, leather baseball glove hits you square in the chest, landing in your arms while he slips on a darker twin of it. “C’mon, I wanna see how girly of a throw ya got.”
“Oh, shut up. You have no idea what’s coming for you. You’re dating a former softball player here.”
“Am I now? Ya don’t seem that intimidatin’ t’ me, miss,” Harry laughs softly, the billowy cotton of his red Hawaiian themed shirt catching the wind once your feet find the grass. “Dunno how anythin’ can be intimidatin’ afta meetin’ yer bleedin’ father, tho’. Bloody hell,” he remarks, shaking his head. 
“It really wasn’t that bad, Harry,” you correct him, placing your tall can beside his dark glass bottle. 
“It was. Didn’t know he’d be so fookin’ hard on me, askin’ all o’ those questions. He never even smiled at me once, babe,” he scoffs, sliding the glove onto his large hand and messing around with it until it’s comfortable enough. 
“Yes, he did.”
“No, he didn’t. Or I didn’t see it. Dunno why he was so cold t’ me. Ya’ve always had such good things t’ say ‘bout growin’ up with him . . ,” he exhales, tossing the ancient brown and red baseball into the mitt. His short curls dance around atop his head as he crosses the large backyard, the very same one you played kickball in, where you hit home run balls into the woods, set cartwheel records in, and still have the pieces of wood set into the ground marking the bases. 
“He’s quiet, Harry, that’s all. You just have to find something in common with him, and then you’ll hit it off. I promise you, he liked you.”
“Don’t believe ya there, he was givin' me tha evil eye tha whole time durin’ dinna, even tho’ I was fakin’ likin’ his burgers. They were dry as hell,” he grumbles, soon coming to a stop a good way across the grassy area. Messing with his light-washed denim shorts, he checks his phone before letting it fall back into one of its pockets. “Reckon ‘s cuz yer his li’l girl, loads mo’ protective o’ you cuzz’a that.” 
“Keep going, I’m not a sissy.”
“Oh, so I should go long, ‘s that right? Dunno if ya can make it t’ me if I go back any farther,” he winks, the dimples set into his cheeks all the way from here, you notice.
“Would you hush? I pitched all throughout high school, I can make your hand hurt from catching it, if you keep running your mouth,” you argue. 
“Oooooo, she’s gettin’ feisty now,” he chuckles, raising his voice to carry across the clipped green grass, tall trees framing the yard. He pats his taut fist into the palm of the glove, the baseball snug in his large hand. Why, of course it is, Mr. Huge Hands.
Seconds later, the ball soars through the air and banks to the left, but with a jump, you catch it just in time. 
“What the hell was that?” you laugh, holding up your hands. 
“Erm, ‘m warmin’ up? Y’know, gotta get the old righty back in ‘s place,” he insists, stretching his dominant arm this way and that, ever so dramatically. 
“Whatever. You’re full of shit, Harry,” you call back, adding extra volume to your voice. His bottom lip escapes to between his teeth while his head goes from side to side. You surprise him with your throw and he misses it, pulling a loud laugh from your lips. “Not so confident, are we now?”
“Shuddup! Ya were a bloody softball player, ya got advantage ova me, ‘s not fair.”
“Don’t you start whining now! You’re the one who wanted to play catch with a five time-.”
“Ya ya, we get tha point, babe. Yer a bloody star when it comes t’ softball. I know, I know. Wish I coulda seen ya play, woulda been fun. Ya should join a summer league, they sound like a hoot,” he comments, locating the ball at last back in the woods and landing it in your glove. 
“And I played with my brother all of the time, and he was M.V.P two years in a row on his high school baseball team.”
“Good fer him, maybe he should be out here playin’ with you, instead,” Harry says when your throw to him sails over his head. “God, can ya control that arm o’ yers fer once?”
“Sorry!” you laugh, knowing that he doesn’t believe it for a second. 
“Sure ya are.” 
The ball arrives in your mitt with a pleasing whap! and your hand settles over it. Brushing your fingers along the coarse stitches, the shocks of green grass stains on the leather welcome you back to your childhood, tossing around this very same ball with your older brother and father. The nostalgia brings your hand to your pocket, and your fingers soon tap the screen of your phone. 
“C’mon, slow poke! What’re ya waitin’ fer? ‘Fraid ‘ll beat ya afta all?” Harry quips from across the yard, nearing you to retrieve his beer that he sips from. With a pleased ‘ahhhh,’ he sets it down on the gray cinder blocks of the nearby fire pit after walking back, placing enough space between him and it so he doesn’t run into it. 
Sliding your phone back into your pocket, music soon pours from the large bluetooth speaker in between you against the garage. 
“‘s this just fantasy? Caught inn’a landslide, no escape from realityyyyyy. Open yer eyes, look up t’ tha skies, and seeeeee,” Harry sings loudly, pumping his arms down at his sides and closing his eyes adamantly. “‘m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy. Because ‘m easy come, easy go, li’l high, li’l low.” 
“Any way the wind blows, doesn’t really matter to meeeeee,” you sing back, savoring the large smile painting his face as he catches your throw with ease. 
“Toooo meeee,” he sings back. “Mamaaaaaa just killed a man, put a gun against his head. Pulled my trigger, now’s he dead. Mamaaaaa, life had just begunnnn. But now ‘ve gone and thrown it all awayyyyy,” he sings to the baby blue skies dotted with clouds, adamantly strumming an invisible guitar. He echoes your laugh that flies between the two of you, joining the robins and starlings flitting between the trees. “Knew I picked a good one, she’s got a good arm and a bloody good taste in music. Ya betta play Take On Me next, or all bets are off.”
“Oh, you know that I will. It feels like an eighties night, playing catch in the backyard during the summer. It’s just like when I was little,” you note aloud, jogging to the right to catch his next throw until it falls into your glove. 
“‘Bout tha same fer me, just with footy, think this ‘s how ‘d like t’ spend my summers still . . I loved it so much, playin’ in tha backyard listenin’ t’ tha radio, and think my kids would too,” he says casually, sparking a blush in your cheeks at the mention of him as a father. Oh, what you would do to be able to see him playing catch with a little dark-haired boy or girl who calls him ‘Daddy.’ 
Fuck me, you think hastily. 
Quickly, your shared favorite part of the song comes and he imitates the guitar shredding while you repeatedly toss the ball into your mitt, watching him. 
“But eva since I watched Wayne’s World as a kid, I can’t avoid bangin’ my head when it gets t’ this part,” Harry chuckles, tossing a pop fly towards the overhang of tree branches. “I love tha trees here, ya know, ‘ve neva seen so many.” 
“Me too, I love that part in the movie, and I love them too. It’s crazy to think how long they’ve been around to get this big. Some of them were as tall as I am now when I was little.”
“Huh,” he hums curiously, shooting into the air to grab a high one you tried to trick him with. Your eyes can’t help but wander to his dark fern tattoos that peek out when his shirt rises. “Ya think I should keep it still, or get rid o’ it?” Harry poses to you, puckering his lips at you with a mischievous grin. 
“You almost remind me of Freddie Mercury with that ‘stache,” you say, the laugh growing from somewhere deep inside of you. He shrugs his shoulders and tosses a fast one back to you, hitting your glove square in the center with a heavy slap! 
“Dunno why ya think that’s such a good joke, ‘s a damn compliment, if ya ask me.” 
“Uh oh, are we getting a big head over there because you’ve caught my last three throws?” you joke, watching the ball soar high into the air amongst the green covering of the trees. 
“Hey, be easy on me,” he pouts, his words disagreeing with his actions that send a hot fastball into your palm. 
“Why? You’re never easy on me when we play Mario Kart or Cribbage.” 
“Hey! You don’t have a bleedin’ nearly professional career in any o’ those!” he protests and then curses when your curveball nicks the tip of his glove. 
“So, and neither do you, and you’re still aggressive as fuck when we play them! Huh, what’s your excuse, Harry?” 
“Galileo!” he calls out. 
“Galileo!” you echo, and the rest follow suit between the two of you as the song plays. 
“‘m just a poor boyyyyy, nobody loves me,” he sings loudly, causing you to cough on your drink that you take a swig from. 
“Keep telling yourself that,” you shoot back, setting down the wet can as he approaches you. 
“But I am,” he whines, pushing out his bottom lip that you flick with your finger. 
“Watch it!” 
“Or what?” you counter, savoring the annoyed expression that soon fills his features. There’s just something about pushing his buttons that gets you going, even though you know that you shouldn’t do it. 
“Or else I won’t bloody learn tha rest o’ Blackbird on guitar fer you,” he retorts playfully, taking a long pull from his bottle. 
Now, it’s your turn to shout ‘hey!’ until he scoops you into his arms, your surprised shriek piercing the sky. 
“You better finish learning it! But, I think that I like Freddie better.”
“How? Paul ‘s far betta. ‘ll always love Queen, and The Beatles don’t have anythin’ on Bohemian Rhapsody, but Paul ‘s tha betta musician. Trust me, I should know,” he disagrees, pecking your temple before pulling away and tossing the ball into your waiting glove. 
“But, Freddie had a four octave range.”
“And? So does Paul,” Harry shrugs, raising his left arm in the air to snag your fastpitch that he almost loses. “Paul McCartney ‘s tha superior musician, just trust me on this.” 
“Paul McCartney has nothing on Freddie Mercury,” a voice pipes up, turning the both of your heads to the right where you find your dad stepping out of the garage with a weathered black baseball glove snug upon his right hand. 
You swear that you could hear Harry’s apprehensive gulp from all of the way over here, and when you look, you find his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. 
“But Paul was betta on guitar, bass, and drums,” Harry argues, nervously tossing the ball into his glove repeatedly. 
Your dad closes the door behind him softly, and steps out on the grass, adjusting his glasses. Surprise is absent from your range of emotions when your dad shrugs his shoulders, but you’re sure that it coats Harry’s insides in the next few moments. 
“You’re right there, I like somebody who can stand up for their argument,” he comments, nodding a head towards Harry who out of the corner of your eye is smiling, just the slightest. “I think I might like this one,” he says to you, holding out his glove towards Harry, with his lips curling into his cheeks. 
The smile on your boyfriend’s face almost matches that of your father’s, but he’s got nothing on the grin plastered across Harry’s face because of your next words. 
“I think I do, too, Dad.”
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beardyallen · 6 years
8 Crazy Nights (Part 1) - Captain Marvel, Work, and Food
Not sure if you all saw, but I tried to write this on Saturday...It did not go well. And now it's two days later, more stuff has happened, and documenting everything seems just a million times more daunting.
Nevertheless, he persisted.
However, I'm learning from my past mistakes and posting this in several pieces. Hopefully this isn't being read out of order.
If memory serves, and my memory is sufficiently muddled after the celebrating yesterday, I left off on Thursday, March 7th. The next day, I spent a goodly portion of my day in my office, cracking away at my random pedigree generator algorithm. Super (duper) exciting stuff, I know.
But R showed up that night to go see Captain Marvel at the nearby mall! And, as is apparently tradition when you visit someone's apartment, she brought me a gift. And what sort of gift do you bring a guy like me, you ask? Authentic German beer, obviously! Oh, and mangos, as I had divulged that I've only ever had dried mangos and mango-flavored things. Sadly, the mangos are still sitting in my fridge because I'm not entirely sure how one is supposed to eat them. *shrug*
The mall itself is quite strange (from my limited perspective), and I don't think I've described it yet. In a standard American mall, the jewelry shops are always on corners; here, the jewelry shop (as well as several other shops) are posted up with no walls in the middle of an open space. And approximately 25% of the shops are bakeries or coffee shops. This place really knows how to entice your sweet tooth! R picked up some mini cheesecakes for the trip the next day!! Super (duper) yummy!!
One of the other interesting aspects of the first floor is the manner in which one would buy shoes (there are like...10 "shops" that sell shoes). Once again, the shops have no walls, so you just kind of wander over to a display, the attendants hover around you to see if they can help (presumably?), and after you've picked your shoe, they give you carbon paper with an order, you walk to a desk 5 shops over to pay, then carry the receipt back and attendant who was helping you wipes off the shoes again and exchanges them for the receipt. I suppose it keeps clutter down and eases the shopping experience if you're trying on shoes from different displays? When I bought shoes a few weeks ago, it was quite an ordeal given that I had no idea what the expectations were and we couldn't really communicate with anything other than hand signals, nods, and shrugs.
The second (of five) floors has the supermarket and a plethora of men's clothing shops, half of which are athletic-themed shops like New Balance, Adidas, or knock-off-Air-Jordan, and the other half are more "high-end" clothing shops. Nothing in between. Oh! And more than 80% of the models in the pictures and spreads on the walls are white. Not sure how effective that is when 95% of your clientele doesn't look like that. *shrug* There _does_ seem to be a strong desire here to appear Western, but still...
The third floor is mostly women's clothing, and the fourth floor is partially empty. But the fifth floor has the cinema and food court. One comment about the phrase "Chinese food"...It's immensely inadequate. I don't know how many different cultural regions there are in China, but there's for sure at least 6 unique cuisines, all tied to a particular region. And when I say 6 _unique_ cuisines, even my uneducated, narrow American perspective (and palette) can distinguish between them. That, to me, is probably the biggest problem with describing a restaurant in the States as serving "Chinese food." But hey, I'm just an ill-informed American, so my opinion probably doesn't carry much weight.
The cinema itself was quite impressive as well. You know how when you walk into a cinema in the States, and you get hit with that theater-popcorn smell? It's buttery and savory and only sometimes kind of stale? Well, that didn't happen here. And not because they don't have popcorn, or that they don't serve as much popcorn...I think it's mostly because, as seems to be the case with everything here, the popcorn isn't of the buttery, salty variety. No, this popcorn is green or pink or caramel covered. Drizzled with chocolate syrup or some other sort of confectionary (is confectionary a real word?).
Oh, and it's not just the popcorn that got a make-over. The nachos here are...borderline unrecognizable. And that's not the say that you wouldn't recognize what was placed in front of you, because I think you would, but you just wouldn't recognize it as "nachos." Instead of warm tortilla chips with a cup of hot, sometimes-mildly-spicy cheese sauce and jalapenos and other nacho toppings, here you get a bowl of...warmed up Doritos. That's it. Just Doritos. That have been sitting under a heat lamp. R ordered them and offered me some. I said thanks-but-no-thanks. It was a strange experience, watching someone happily munch on heated up Doritos.
Captain Marvel was exceptional, though! The classic Marvel opening was modified a bit for this film, and if you've seen the movie, you know what I mean. For sure shed some positive number of happy-sad tears. The actors were all exceptional, and I was thoroughly impressed to see how seamlessly the special effects made it look like Samuel L. Jackson was 25 years younger and had both eyes! Crazy!!! Also seeing Phil Coulson return to the big screen was dope, and I loved the post-credit scenes! The music was perfect, too! I just wish the theater had the volume high enough to trigger the strong emotional reactions I'm used to feeling in Marvel movies.
After the movie, I stopped by the beer shop across the street where I met The One to buy a couple bottles of Founders beer. I swear, I had ever intent of enjoying them on St. Patrick's Day...but one of the two was consumed a couple days later, and the other wasn't opened until I got back from the celebration yesterday...and I don't think I would have really been able to appreciate the KBS in that particular state. So I have that to look forward to when I finish teaching tonight!
The next day was spent traveling with my coworkers to the Great Wall, and this seems like a decent place to pause the narrative.
Actually, we'll skip the Great Wall for a minute, and I'll describe the past week. It wasn't terribly eventful, but there are a few mildly-interesting pics. My work week consisted mostly of prepping my students' first exam, along with a practice exam (which I don't like doing, especially at this level). In fact, on Friday, after I finished writing and testing my random pedigree generator, I spent a good portion of time trying to get the numbers of a particular probability problem to work out.
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I totally don't look like a crazy math fanatic at all..
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When I wasn't working, I spent much of my time reading or playing video games. There's a Communications grad student here who also plays Super Smash Bros. We intend to maintain the friendship State-side as he has a few gamer friends in Denver who play SSB as well. And who have guessed that Petey Piranha would actually be an entertaining fighter?! Like..he's a glorified potted plant, but his attacks are interesting, effective, and rather distinct (see: he's a potted plant). *shrug*
Several of those nights involved take-out from KFC...which just released a new item. Or at least new to me. You'll note some orange fibrous material on the top, some sort of white cream in the middle, and the base is a waffle. Cuz nothing says "Kentucky Fried" quite like whatever the hell that is...(Not that KFC can even call themselves Kentucky Fried, nor is their chicken even real chicken! Sorry guys, someone's gotta say it!! lol)
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The waffle itself is quite sweet, as is the white cream. Not sure the intended flavor of the cream, but my best comparison is the sugary drizzle stuff you put on toaster streudels. Struedels? Strueueudels? Not sure how to spell that, and Googling it would require a smoothly operating VPN which I just don't have the patience to deal with right now. And the orange stuff on top? It's dried crab. Which I knew in advance as I'd had it on the hike to the underground river and caves. All-in-all, it surpassed my expectations, but I don't think I'll get it again...
Oh, and dinner on Friday night consisted of lamb spine. Yup. The spine. Of a lamb. Technically, it was lamb spine hot pot, but let's be real: the stand-out contributor isn't the heat or the pot or the brine. It's the spine.
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You can see a bunch of vertebrae just boiling away in there. You still use chopsticks, but one of your hands has a plastic glove. Oh! And you can push your chopstick through the hollow center of the vertebra to get at some of the marrow and what we could only assume was part of the spinal cord. I ate mine, but the only other person who was lucky(?) enough to find one didn't partake.
Other than some rather standard beer, CB ordered us a bottle (half a fifth) of some sort of herbal liquor. E, another instructor, mentioned a commercial for the product which seemed to suggest that this was the perfect gift from a marrying-age girl's new fiance to her father upon their first meeting. "Made for the man!" It was somewhere between a whiskey and an amaretto, but the sweet taste was distinctly floral or herbal or something. It was pretty good! Definitely something you sip to enjoy.
I have one more food experience to share, but it fits better in a different part of the story, so I'll stop here and pick up with The Great Wall in my next post.
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thefinalcinderella · 6 years
Tsurune Book 1 Chapter 1-Yata no Mori (Part 2)
Not going to lie but this chapter nearly drove me crazy with the kyudo terminology. Luckily, there’s a lot of information in English about kyudo online (and surprisingly a lot in French as well) so I just want to give a huge hand to the people who share their kyudo knowledge online in easy to understand ways, you’re the real MVP.
I highly recommend opening the chapter in two tabs and scroll down to the translation notes at the bottom if you can since a lot of words won’t make sense if you don’t know what they mean. I’m still searching for a convenient, non-intrusive way to write the notes so if anyone has any ideas,  let me know.
Also I think I’m going to go on a break after this (yeah even though I promised to post this a lot sooner) cuz I’m still a little burned out from DIVE!!. I just hope the anime doesn’t air before I actually finish this book lol
Translation Notes
1. The Raiki Shagi and Shahoukun are two important ancient texts in modern kyudo. They are written in the front of the Kyudo Kyohon and provide a lot of the philosophy behind Kyudo.
2. Yoshimi Junsei is a famous archer of the Tokugawa Period (1603-1868) who wrote the Shahoukun.
3. Yazuka measurement (not to be confused with yakuza) is the distance from the center of the body to the tip of the middle finger of the left hand when standing upright. This measurement is used to determine proper bow size.
4. Kataboushi yugake is a type of archery glove that has a hard thumb cap (I think???) There are three-fingered, four-fingered and five-fingered types.
5. Kake gae no nai ( 掛け替えのない) is a Japanese saying that means “irreplaceable”.
6. “Makuuchi” is a term for shooting an arrow into the curtain.
7. Gyousha is the movements comprising the act of aiming the bow and shooting the arrow.
8. Oyaki is Japanese stuffed dumplings.
9. Yips is a disease that causes the loss of fine motor skills in athletes. It manifests as twitches and jitters and occurs a lot in sports like golf and darts.
Full list of translations here
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What was that?
Who was that?
He thought back to that breathtakingly beautiful shooting, and Fuu’s deep black eyes.
He tried searching online, but couldn’t find any search terms to enter. The kyudojo of Yata no Mori didn’t have a website, only having its name entered in a list of all the kyudojo in the prefecture. And because of the Personal Information Protection Act, the identity of the person who owned it could not be disclosed either. In that case, he should have asked the man for his name. But, what would he do if he did asked for it?
Minato was heading for the school’s entrance to go home after school. It was bright outside the open windows, and he could hear the sounds of people going to club activities. When he narrowed his gaze on the still distant sunset, the wind died down.
Then, his shoulder was grabbed from behind again. I guess I don’t need to check to see who it is anymore.
“ ‘Sup Minato. What are you so dopey about?”
“Do you know how big you’ve gotten? You’re heavy.”
“Sorry, it’s just a habit.”
While apologizing, his hand remained on his shoulder. The other hand was waving at the people passing by.
Since elementary school, Ryouhei liked to join shoulders with other people. Minato disliked being clingy with people, but when he saw Ryouhei’s smile, he couldn’t turn him down, so he left it as it was. Even during the several times when Minato and Seiya fought, Ryouhei would squeeze between them and join shoulders, saying with teary eyes, “I get sad when you guys fight,” and then it became impossible to get angry. Minato had a bad feeling as he felt the similar emotions from those times.
“Isn’t it too early to go home? Let’s go to the kyudo club’s information session together.” Ryouhei said.
Minato replied without a moment’s delay, “No. I’m not going.”
“Alright, then at least listen to some of the information. Tomi-sensei has back pain so he can’t do the practical skills, so it looks like Seiya will be demonstrating them.”
“Ryouhei, did Seiya bribe you to do this?”
“It’s not like that. But, he told me to tell you this: ‘If you don’t come today, then I’ll never let you see Bear again.’ Did they finally start to keep a bear over there? Sweet.”
No, that’s really not something to be impressed about, Minato quipped in his mind.
“For me, Seiya’s the sage, and you’re the hero. You have a heroic saga too, don’t you? Hey, do you remember what happened on our kindergarten trip?”
“Trip? Oh, the one where the hornet landed on my arm, and I kept walking without shaking it off? But, that’s not a big deal. Even though the hornet kept approaching me, the teacher warned me repeatedly not to kill it with my hands.”
“That’s not it! It’s the one where you barehandedly caught the crayfish that I couldn’t touch. When I saw that, I was like, ‘This guy is cool!’”
Minato was completely drained, and placed his hand on his knee.
“Ryouhei, we aren’t in kindergarten or elementary school anymore.”
“How’s that different from being in high school?”
Ryouhei’s innocent gaze pierced Minato.
Minato was an only child, but he was got the illusion that the naughty younger brother, who had always followed behind him, had suddenly matured.
“Actually, when I was in the second-year of middle school, I accidentally saw you drawing your bow. When I saw that arrow firmly hitting the target, I was so excited. I thought that I want to draw like that too. I want to do kyudo together with you and the others—. You said that you were busy with chores at home, so I gave up the other day, but I guess if Seiya and I cooperate we’ll manage somehow? It took a lot of trouble to meet you like this. Just try to listen to the information first. And then can you make your conclusion?”
“Ryouhei, I’m…”
“I want to do kyudo with you…is that no good?”
Ryouhei’s ears seemed like they were drooping down dejectedly. Minato was never good at handling his juniors.
“…All right. But I’m only listening.”
Ryouhei’s face lit up. He couldn’t understand why Seiya involved him into this, but he couldn’t refuse that face. Minato hung his head in shame at his weak-minded self.
At that time, Seiya headed to the kyudojo with Tomi-sensei before everyone else.
Kazemai High School’s kyudojo was located inconspicuously in a corner of the schoolyard. For kinteki (close-range) tournaments, the range was twenty-eight meters, with room for six people to draw at the same time. Though it wasn’t being used, it was well maintained, thanks to Tomi-sensei’s hard efforts bringing in senior citizen personnel during spring break. Seiya only resumed breathing when his hand traced the nameplate that read “Kazemai High School Kyudo Club.”
They bowed once as they entered the kyudojo, and then went ahead and bowed twice in front of the kamiza. Being barefoot is strictly forbidden in the kyudojo, for the same reason entering someone else’s house barefoot is impolite.
To prepare the kyudojo, first apply water to the azuchi (target bank), and then place the targets with their centers twenty-seven centimeters above the azuchi. The targets used were kasumi-mato (mist targets), which were targets with a diameter of thirty-six centimeters where black concentric circles were drawn.
Next was preparing the kyudo equipment. The arrows were placed in the yatate-bako (arrow stand), and the bowstrings were stringed onto the bows. The height of the ha—the distance between the bow’s grip and the stringーwas about fifteen centimeters. There were dedicated tools for measuring that height, but Seiya measured it using his right thumb and said, “This is fine.” Then he went on to rub “ma-gusune” on the string. He did this by applying kusune, which was a boiled mixture of pine resin and oil, onto a small waraji woven from hemp strings, and then using it to neaten the loosened string by fusing it with friction. The saying “to be ready and waiting for (te-gusune o hiku, 手ぐすね引く)” definitely came from kyudo, but the use of kusune was different.
After he got that far, he changed clothes. Shooting a bow right after stringing it was a cause of bow damage, so it was necessary to make it adapt ahead of time.
Seeing Seiya turning towards the makiwara (straw practice targets), Tomi-sensei spoke.
“Oh, Takehaya-kun, where are your glasses?”
“I use glasses because I have dry eye, but I only use contacts when I’m drawing a bow. Before, the bowstring would get caught on my glasses and send them flying.”
“The lenses cracking would be pretty shocking. But, when people who normally wear glasses take them off, do you think it’s okay to be so defenseless?”
“I am seeing perfectly now. I am completely prepared for the attack, far from being defenseless.”
“I say, that’s frightening.”
“Tomi-sensei, thank you for inviting me to the kyudo club. I’ll definitely make your mission a success..”
“I’m counting on you. Fu-ho-ho!” Tomi-sensei laughed.
To Seiya, Tomi-sensei was a happy miscalculation. Before the entrance exams, he had already investigated that the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club was on the verge of disbandment. Minato probably knew that as well. So, he planned to revive the kyudo club with his own hands.
A favourable wind was blowing.
In order to stand at that place once more—.
Seiya encouraged himself, as an unseen power pressed against his back.
On this day, an information session titled “Introduction to Kyudo” was scheduled, and people began to trickle in. Probably twenty or thirty people of mixed genders. For the boys, their goals weren’t just being introduced to club activities.
“Don’t you think kyudo girls are hot?”
However, with the entrance of one attention-attracting boy, the boys’ ambitions were abruptly destroyed.
“Sorry I’m late. Thank you for preparing everything.”
When greeted with cries of “Nanao-kuuun!” from the girls, he made peace signs with his hands and waved at them. They then exchanged incomprehensible greetings of “Merha~” “Merha~.”
It was a boy with bright, somewhat unruly hair, and who seemed like his whole body was shining beams of light. He was swinging a quiver in his hand, which was more a “pearls before frogs” accessory than “pearls before swine.”
Seiya set his bow down, and waved Nanao over.
“You’re Kisaragi Nanao-kun, right? My name’s Takehaya Seiya, and I’ll be with you today, nice to meet you. The frog on that quiver is pretty funny.”
“Oh, this is nice, right? Right now my room’s full of frogs. Oh, you can just call me Nanao.”
“All right, please call me Seiya as well. By the way, what was that ‘Merha’ you said just a while ago?”
“It’s short for ‘Merhaba.’ It’s Turkish for hi.”
While wondering why Turkish, Seiya let it pass. This was probably the reason why he was popular with girls. It wasn’t a type you saw much among boys who did kyudo.
When he picked up his bow and quiver, another person who didn’t seem to belong in a kyudojo appeared.
It was a boy with healthy, suntanned skin. Because of his sharp eyes, he was more a wild person rather than a refreshing sports boy, and a somewhat hard-to-approach aura floated around him. Even the girls who surrounded Nanao quickly backed away to surround him from a distance.
“Nanao, don’t block the entrance. Let me in right now.”
“Ehh, Kacchan, you’re so impatient~”
“Stop calling me Kacchan.”
“But aren’t you Kacchan, Kacchan? I can’t call you anything else at this point.”
“This sucks, having to be in the same high school as you, and then in the same club.”
“Aren’t you joining the soccer club? Didn't the guys in the soccer club ask you ‘What position did you play in middle school?’ on the first day?”
“I’m not joining the soccer club, I’m set on the bow. I’m different from the guys who started kyudo just to wear a hakama, like you.”
“I look pretty cool in a hakama. Of course, it’s not for show. Today, I have to show the girls my charming figure. That’s why, Kacchan, you should work hard too.”
“The only one I don’t want to be told that by is you.”
Noticing Seiya being taken aback, Nanao formally introduced him.
“This here’s Onogi Kaito. My cousin.”
“Onogi-kun, I’m Takehaya. Nice to meet you.”
“…I’ve seen you at a match before. What’s your middle school?”
“Really? It’s a private school, so it’s not around here, and I don’t think you’d recognize the name even if I told you. But putting that aside, I want to start soon, so the two of you should go change your clothes first. I’ll keep your bow strung.”
Kaito looked like he wanted to say something, but he entrusted his equipment to Seiya and headed for the waiting room (hikae shitsu).
The first round of Introduction to Kyudo has begun.
Seeing Minato and Ryouhei among the gathered people, Seiya murmured, “Ryouhei, good job.” under his breath.
Tomi-sensei cleared his throat.
“Everyone, relax your feet. This is a good gathering. It seems that I’m popular. I’m blushing.”
A laughter that said “That corny introduction is enough, so please quickly get on with it” rang out.
“Well then, first, some requests. Kyudo is a martial art. You need to respond with spirit. And then, this is essential, but if you nock an arrow to the bow, you absolutely cannot point it at other people, even as a joke. Even if you did not intend to release it, it can lead to a serious accident. Also, absolutely do not take the arrow off the bow to 'dry fire' it, as there’s the danger of snapping the bowstring. You must always obey these rules.”
And then, they chanted in unison the “Raiki Shagi” and the “Shahoukun” (1) that were printed on the right hand side of the kyudojo (TN: this is called wakishoumen or position where one is facing the kamiza and the targets are to the left). The former began with “The shooting, with the round of moving forward or backward can never be without courtesy and propriety. After having acquired the right inner intention and correctness in the outward appearance, the bow and arrow can be handled resolutely,” an inscription mainly preaching the ideals of kyudo. The latter began with “The way is not with the bow, but with the bone, which is of the greatest importance in shooting,” written by Yoshimi Junsei (2), and was mainly the dying instructions of his technique.
Tomi-sensei asked one of the students in the front row, “Do you understand the meaning?”
“No, not at all.”
“I was also completely clueless about what was written in the beginning. But as I kept practicing, I thought that 'Oh, this is what that was talking about.' You can look forward to that as well.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And, this is also a breath control technique. As reading out loud is a way to continuously exhale, this action will enhance your parasympathetic nerves and relieve tension. A good presence of mind is essential for drawing a bow. Isn’t it hitting two birds with one stone to learn the essence of kyudo and do breath control?”
“I seeee.”
The voices were overlapping each other.
It was Ryouhei’s and Nanao’s. Nanao had at some point sat down next to Ryouhei, and they were giggling as they looked at each other. Minato and Kaito, who were on both sides of the two, had sour looks on their faces.
Tomi-sensei held up the kyudo equipment.
“There are three main equipment necessary for kyudo. The bow and arrow, and the ‘yugake’ (archer’s glove). It is a glove made of deer skin used for protecting the hands. Most students use the three-fingered yugake. Now, let’s see the actual shooting technique. Tournaments are done with three or five people. Today we’ll have three people.”
Seiya, Kaito and Nanao got up. At that moment, a visitor came and informed them that sorry for the interruption, but Nanao was being summoned over the school PA system.
“Really? Did I do something? Sorry, Tomi-sensei, but I have to leave for a while. If you like, please replace me with someone else.”
Tomi-sensei looked around when the girls said things like, “Eh—, if Nanao-kun isn’t going to draw a bow then should we just go home?”
“Well, there was another person with experience here. What’s more, he’s a good-looking guy. Narumiya-kun, you can choose to change into a hakama or not, just try drawing the bow for a little bit.”
After a pause, Minato exclaimed, “What!?”
“I can’t. I haven’t held a bow for more than half a year already.”
“I just want you to show everyone how it’s done. The equipment is borrowed, so everyone naturally understands that you won’t be able to strike well. Everyone wants to see him shoot, right?”
Because they all applauded at once, Minato was cornered into a hard-to-refuse situation.
While waiting for Minato to get ready, the others were touching the kyudo equipment. Tomi-sensei and the others moved to the wall.
Kaito took an arrow and approached Minato.
“Since it’s troublesome to have the bowstring caught on your buttons, change into a gym uniform and put on a chest protector (muneate). What was the draw strength of the bow you used? Hold out your left arm so I can do the yazuka measurement.” (3)
“Hey, hey wait a minute. I never said that I was going to draw it. Right, I heard that Ryouhei also drew a bow in class when he was in middle school.”
“Even if he did it in class, it was still dangerous. Plus, Tomi-sensei said that it’s natural that you won’t be able to hit anything, and nobody cares about your skill.”
“It’s not that, it’s not that at all…”
“This is getting annoying. Just do the one or two things you’re asked to do. Aren’t you ashamed to be not much of an archer?”
Minato became speechless at the word “archer.”
Kaito took that as acknowledgement, and used Minato’s throat as a starting point to verify the length of the arrow. If it was too short, there was the danger of accidental discharge when the arrow was pulled towards the inside part of the bow.
Seiya stood next to Minato.
“Let’s trying shooting at the makiwara first. If that seems impossible, you can decline. Though the club has some as equipment, what will you do for the yugake?”
“…I’m fine.”
“All right. It’s a waste of time to go back to the classroom to get your gym clothes, so I will lend mine to you.”
Minato changed into the t-shirt and jersey, and took out the dragonfly-patterned pouch from his bag. Inside was a well-used yugake. The other day, when Seiya had said that he was carrying around a treasure, he was referring to this.
There are people who think that when shooting a bow, the end of the arrow was pinched and pulled back, but in fact, the thumb was used to hook the bowstring and pull it. Minato used a three-fingered kataboushi yugake (4), and the groove at the base of the thumb where the bowstring is hung from was called the tsurumakura. Since the position and form differed slightly depending on the yugake, it was difficult to use something unfamiliar. “Kake gae no nai” (5) was an expression that came from kyudo, with the “kake” meaning yugake.
Minato put on his shitagake (under glove) and yugake, applied giriko (glove powder) to his middle finger to prevent slipping, making a squeaking sound.
As he stood in front of the makiwara, his heart was striking the alarm bells. Although he never failed to do muscle training and rubber bow practice, this was actually the first time in a while that he had held a bow.  The anxiety of not knowing whether his movements were correct or not grew stronger. However, his body moved by itself, and before he knew it he had already nocked his arrow.
He performed gyousha (7). He carefully drew the bow back to its limit. When he drew the bow back to its fullest position, “kai,” Minato counted.
One, two, three, four, five—.
The arrow left Minato’s hand, and hit the center of the makiwara.
When he set down his bow, Tomi-sensei called out to Minato.
“Ooh, you have a beautiful form. If that’s the case then you’re fine.”
Minato tightly pressed his lips together, and took out the arrow embedded into the makiwara. When he exhaled on his shoulder, Seiya, who was watching attentively from a little distance away, also sighed heavily in the same way.
Once they finished preparations, Seiya, Minato, and Kaito lined up at the entrance in that order. It was the beginning of nyuujou (entering the dojo).
They bowed, then moved forward with their feet scraping the floor. They turned towards their respective targets, and then briefly sat down and gave a shallow bow. Their lined-up position at this moment was called honza. When they stood up, they got into the position for shooting and then sat down again. This position was referred to as shai, the position where one shot from their sitting position was called “zasha,” and the position where one was always standing was called “rissha.”
As the three of them nocked their arrows together, Tomi-sensei began to explain.
“As you can see, aren’t they nocking two arrows? Those two arrows are called ‘hitote,’ shot in the order of haya (first arrow), and then otoya (second arrow). First up is Takehaya-kun. The first person to shoot is called the ‘oomae.’”
When he was called, Seiya stood up with his nocked bow. He spread his feet, set the bow on his left knee, and removed his right hand from around his waist. With that as his cue, Minato, who was second, also stood up, and followed Seiya’s movements.
Seiya took the bowstring with his right hand, gripped the bow with his left, and faced the target again. He raised both arms in front of his body, slowly bringing the arrowhead to the center of the target. The exact moment when the bow was taut was the highlight of kyudo. The cross shape formed by the person and the bow conferred a pleasant tension to the viewer, and of course the person themselves.
One, two, three, four, five—.
It hit the center. An ooh sound went up.
With Seiya’s tsurune as a signal, Minato got his bow into the uchiokoshi position. Everyone thought that Minato’s arrowhead would slowly approach the center of the target as well.
However, the arrow left Minato’s hands early, not aimed at the center of the target at all, and it landed a great distance before the target. “Before the target” meant the right-hand side, and “behind” it meant the left. Since the arrow was released at a speed as though he was startled out of his wits, the kyudojo became noisy in an instant. Some people were looking at each other with expressions that said, “What was that?”
Tomi-sensei spoke playfully, “Were you nervous so many beautiful ladies here? Whether you hit or miss, having a poker face is one of the basics. It is courtesy with regards to others to not show emotions. Unlike archery, you can gain a point just by hitting the target anywhere. You only either hit or miss. Well then, the person who goes last is called the ‘ochi.’”
Kaito should have used Minato’s tsurune as a cue to get his bow into the uchiokoshi position, but he had to be told to do it. He drew the bow to its limit, and waited for the moment of hanare, but the arrow missed the target.
In the second round, the arrow that Seiya released went behind the target. Having finished shooting the arrows he had in his hand, he began the process of taijo (exiting the dojo), but Minato didn’t move. The raging palpitations of his heart, and pulsations at the back of his neck were deafening. He cautiously got his bow into uchikoshi, and seemed to be drawing it close to the target on the lawn, but he couldn’t breathe.
I can’t let go, I absolutely cannot let go—.
Minato repeated that many times in his heart. He pulled the arrow to half of its length, and then tried to draw it even wider from there, but the arrow flew out again while he was doing that, and it went high above the target, hitting the curtain that was covering the azuchi.
In the end, Kaito managed to hit the target, and it ended with a total of six shots, with two targets of 1:0:1.        
“It’s more difficult than it looks to hit the target in kyudo. That’s why, it is such a pleasure when you do hit it. As I’m thinking of everyone learning together, people who are interested are sure to gather here tomorrow as well.”
After they were dismissed by Tomi-sensei’s words, Kaito waited for Minato to finish changing clothes before approaching him.
“Oi, Narumiya. What was with those earlier shots… Even though the ‘makuuchi’ (6) can’t be helped, why did you do it so early? Since you shot it so early, I couldn’t even get into yugamae in time.”
“Hey, didn’t I say that I couldn’t do it from the beginning? I didn’t mean to release it so soon.”
“Hah? What a lame excuse. You shot normally at the makiwara. But as soon as you stood in front of the target, you did those messy shots. Aren’t you ashamed as an archer?”
“…Oh, I am. I’m already not an archer anymore… Move, I’m going home now.”
Minato shook off Kaito, and walked quickly towards the exit.
“Minato, are you coming tomorrow? …Since I’ll be waiting for you.”
“You don’t have to, since I already stopped doing kyudo!”
Standing next to Seiya as they watched Minato run off, Tomi-sensei whispered to him.
“Takehaya-kun, is it possible that…”
“…He has hayake.”
Minato mounted his bike and sped off without looking anywhere but ahead.
It began to rain. Gripping the wet, slippery handlebars tightly, he pushed his bike on and ascended the steep hill road. His tail lamp left a trail of red afterimages on the gleaming asphalt, and the sound of car tires repelling the water overtook it. When he saw the torii, he stopped his bike and entered Yata no Mori.
At the Yata no Mori Kyudojo, the man was standing on the other side of the bamboo fence of the outdoor stands. As if so that the man would not find him, he crouched down on the spot to watch him. Maybe because of the humidity being high due to the rain, the clear tsurune from before couldn’t be heard, but the shots he sent out from his relaxed limbs were still beautiful. Deviation-free movements that were somewhat liberated. And yet, there was also a somewhat solemn feeling.
It was as though he was performing a prayer.
What would I wish for on a night where the moon and stars couldn’t be seen?
Suddenly, he met eyes with the man. Was it natural to spot him because the other side was on a higher ground?
The man made a scissors gesture with his yugake-covered right hand, and casually beckoned him over. Minato didn’t refuse him, simply staring vacantly at that gesture without using his brain. Then, the man placed his bow at his feet, and then went to the edge of the shajo and crouched down. “Come, boy,” he beckoned him with both hands.
It’s like he’s—.
“I am not a dog or a cat.”
“Well then, come here quickly. A soaking wet boy in the dark looks like a ghost from here, so it’s really scary.”
“I don’t want to make the shajo dirty.”
“It’s fine, it can just be mopped up later. You’re going to mop it up, right?”
He laughed, just like that night. Minato went up to the shajo, still dripping wet. The man picked up his bow lying on the ground and left that spot, then returned with a wrapped packet in his hand.
“Take off your clothes and dry them out, since I’m lending you this beginners’ training uniform. The men’s changing room is right in front of the reception desk. Also, you don’t need to be so formal with me.”
After he changed his clothes and returned, the man was sitting in a corner of the shajo. The spots where Minato dripped on were also completely wiped clean. “There you are,” he said, handing him a can of coffee that had a flame design on it this time.
Minato cupped the can with both hands.
“…It’s hot.”
“It gets cold at night. Oh, I have something good. Do you want to eat it too?”
When he wondered what was going to appear, it turned out to be oyaki (8). With red bean paste. Minato tossed the sweet oyaki into his mouth, downing it with the canned coffee.
After finishing his drink, the man began to adjust his bowstring’s nakajikake (nocking area). The groove of the arrow’s nock was slightly bigger than the bowstring’s thickness. In order to make it easier to nock the arrow, glue was applied to the bowstring and then it was wrapped in hemp, before it was adjusted to a reasonable thickness.
Minato looked up at the night sky and muttered, “Is it impossible for Fuu to come since it’s raining today?”
“Yeah, I’m going to call him on the next sunny day. Your shoulder is the perfect perch for him after all.”
“I’m not an ornament. By the way, how long do you do this for?”
“It was supposed to be until around nine P.M., but I only seem to be using it in the daytime recently. When I use it, I take the key out of the mailbox, then place the fee on the reception desk. 50 yen for an hour. Apparently couples sneak in here at night, since there’s no one here.”
“And this is supposed to be a sacred dojo…”
“You don’t seem to have much experience in that area. Shall I teach you the basics?”
“You perverted old man.”
The man grinned, as he used two small wooden block-like objects, called douhou, to tighten the nakajikake firmly. Thinking that he was restarting his practice, he instead said something unexpected.
“I get the feeling that you’re experienced with kyudo. Do you wanna try shooting a bow for a bit?”
“Um, no thanks.”
“Don’t be shy. Didn’t you come here because you want to shoot a bow?”
“I said, no thanks!”
Minato came to his senses at his own raised voice.
“…Sorry, I’m going home now.”
“Before you go, it’s okay for you to let out whatever you want here. Telephone lines don’t even pass through this kyudojo, so it’s a place isolated from the modern world in a sense. I’m someone who doesn’t exist in your reality. What you say now will never be told to anyone other than me.”
The man waited for Minato’s reply.
A long time passed, and Minato squeezed out the words, as if he was gasping them out.
“How are you able to do such beautiful shots? …I got ‘hayake’ in my last middle school tournament, and after that…I’ve gotten scared of shooting a bow.”
Hayake was a condition where one shoots an arrow even though one hasn’t decided on it. Without arriving at kai, the arrow was shot in the midst at drawing the bow apart. It was said to be a serious affliction in kyudo, much like the yips disease in golf. (9)
“After I lost in the tournament, I resumed practicing. Even though I could endure standing in front of the makiwara, I couldn’t last even one second in front of the targets. My own body wasn’t listening to what I was telling it at all. The more I think that I must not shoot it, the more the arrow slips from my hands. Before long, even drawing the bow became scary. Staying like that, I caused trouble for everyone.”
When he first joined the club, he had a senpai who could hit very well. Someone who could have served as the team captain. However, when that person got hayake, the club had dropped out right before the prefectural tournament. It was a mystery at the time. Why did he let go so quickly? What made him let go even though he didn’t want it to? He must be a weak-spirited person.
Now that he himself was in that position, he finally understood. Even though he was scolded by his sensei with “Why are you releasing it?” even though he was criticized by his teammates with “You’re shooting it too early,” he couldn’t do anything on his own. It was exactly like a disease. Before he knew it, nobody said anything. He knew that they had given up on him.
“And so, I quit just like that. Today, I held a bow for the first time in half a year. I was hoping that it might have been healed, but I was still no good… This is so uncool, right? This is what a talentless hack is like.”
“I see, that must have been so painful for you.”
Minato raised his head in surprise.
What did he say just now?
Painful? Was I in pain?
He reflexively guarded his eyes. It was the best he could do to withstand the things that were welling up.
The fear from the appearance of the hayake was similar to drowning in a muddy stream, but not everyone could sympathize with it.
“…Could I ask for your name? I’m Minato, Narumiya Minato.”
“Takigawa Masaki. Since I’m mostly called ‘Masa-san’, I’ll call you Minato as well.”
“Masa-san, I don’t know what to do… I don’t want to do kyudo anymore. I don’t want to reconfirm my unsightly self. So when my dad told me to take the entrance exams for a public high school because our finances were tough, I thought I was saved. With that, I didn’t have to continue on with the private school I was attending, so that was a justification for quitting kyudo. But even so, I couldn’t stop running and doing muscle training. It feels like the bow is trying to call me back…”
—The tsurune is calling me.
The number of promises that he had failed to fulfill had become his fetters. Will you abandon everything and run away? The heroics of Minato that Ryouhei talked about were in the past, and nowadays he was the same as a warrior scurrying back home after losing a battle.
“But you still want to draw a bow. Am I right?”
“…Yeah. But how can I recover from hayake…?”
“You’re looking at someone who overcame hayake right now.”
Masa-san grinned.
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Bucky Barnes goes back in time to save Tony Stark from himself, in whatever for that might take... could be established relationship, could be a Civil War fix it, time loop.... Tony sending Bucky back in time thinking Bucky would choose Steve, anything you like... just Bucky doing everything in his power to make Tony safe and happy (with him)! Please and thank you.
Combined with:
Bucky from the future travels back in time to protect pre-im Tony.
The Things We Relive: Part 1
Sometimes what Tony really needs protection from is himself.
As the room resolved around him with a dizzying blur, Bucky looked down at the baby cooing in the crib, arms and legs waving as he watched the mobile over the crib rotating slowly, little planes and rockets bobbing gently in the breeze left by Bucky’s sudden appearance.
“Shit. Too far.” He held up his walkie talkie and squeezed the button, hoping that it would work like they all guessed it would. “Guys, you sent me too far.  He’s just a baby.”  He reached into the crib with his metal hand, letting little Tony grab his finger.  “Hey, cutie,” he murmured. “How ya doing?  Trying to save the world yet? No, cuz you can’t even talk. Look at you, little Iron Baby.”  Tony was gumming Bucky’s finger when he realized that his mike was still active.  He let go of the button and felt his face get hot during the long silence that followed.
“Roger that, James,” Natasha said, laughter still in her voice.  At least it was a break from the tension of the past few days as they tried to figure out how to work Tony’s time machine.  “Come on back and we’ll reset the settings and try again.”
“10-4.” This time Bucky remembered to let go of the button before he leaned over the crib. He set the walkie talkie down and ran his flesh hand over the downy hair on Tony’s scalp, tracing a finger down his soft cheek.  Tony turned his head towards the sensation and waved his chubby arms and legs until he managed to turn over onto his stomach, looking surprised.  Bucky smiled gently as Tony’s big head bobbled as he tried to look up at Bucky and felt his chest get tight.  “I miss you, Tony.  We’re going to fix this, ok?  It’s going to be alright.”
“Who the hell are you?” A woman demanded shrilly from the door. “Get away from my baby!”
Bucky had just enough time to grab the walkie and hit the getaway button before Maria Stark descended on him like a Valkyrie.
(Watch out for the break!)
“Did anyone see you?” Natasha asked when he reappeared in Tony’s lab.
“Tony’s mom, but she wouldn’t recognize me.”
Natasha raised her eyebrow and said dryly, “But I imagine than seeing someone disappear into thin air might cause some comment.”
“Oh, yeah. Whoops.”  Bucky chewed on his lip for a moment and then had to shrug. “Can’t do anything about it now.  We don’t have time to go back and fix it, right? I’ll do better next time.  Maybe she’ll just think she hallucinated or something.”  He hesitated. “How’s Steve?”
“Still in the hospital, but the doctors say he’s healing well.  Sam’s with him now.”
“Does he know?”
“No.” She shook her head, her red hair swinging gently. She tucked some of it behind her ear and pretended like she was studying the control panel. “Right now it’s just us, but I feel like it’s only a matter of time before Dr. Strange comes around wondering why Tony wanted to study his necklace.”
“Yeah.” Bucky frowned at the Eye of Agamemnon, which was staring out of Tony’s machine impassively, shining green and looking vaguely sinister amidst the shiny steel and glass device Tony built to harness its power. “Alright, let’s go again.”
Natasha looked at Tony’s scrawled notes, somehow managing to read his handwriting, and did something to the control panel. “Ready?”
Bucky tugged his sleeve and his glove to make sure his arm was covered, and smoothed down his hair under his hat.  He took a deep breath and said, “Ok, go.”
This time Bucky flickered into existence in a shady park, near an elaborate playground that only had a couple of kids on it.  Bucky’s brow creased as he swiftly examined his surroundings, trying to find Tony.  There was one woman sitting on a bench with a baby carrier at her feet, trying to divide her attention between the baby and a blonde hair girl throwing sand in the sandbox.  On the far side of the playground a man had a briefcase opened next to him and was deeply absorbed in a file of papers while on the playground the only other kid was a dark-haired boy climbing all the way to the top of the structure, which was at least twenty feet off the ground.
“Dad! Look at me, Dad!” The boy called out as he balanced precariously on the highest railing, one hand holding on while the other waved at the oblivious businessman.
“Goddammit, Howard,” Bucky growled. “Tony, stop!” he shouted as loud as he dared. “Get down!” he went around to the other side of the structure so that Howard wouldn’t see him and gestured for Tony to come down.  Tony glanced at him curiously, clearly wondering why this strange man knew his name, but then he turned back to his father.
Bucky started to climb the structure to get him when Tony lost his balance with a sharp cry of surprise.  He caught himself for a minute with one hand, but it quickly slipped off.  Bucky managed to catch him as he fell, reaching out through the bars to grab a wrist before Tony could hit the ground. “Come on, grab on,” he urged, and Tony, wide-eyed and breathing shakily from adrenaline, finally grabbed the bars and let Bucky help him climb over until he was standing on one of the playground’s metal walkways.  “You ok?”
Tony nodded, still looking like he wanted to cry but holding it in with a tight jaw and damp eyes. Bucky watched him and got a lump in his throat; Tony was already starting to swallow his pain and he was what, six?  Bucky knelt down so he was eye to eye with Tony. “Hey, it’s ok.  It’s ok to be scared or sad or upset, you know? You don’t have to keep it in all the time. It’s not good for you, like trying to hold in a sneeze.”  Bucky mimed holding a sneeze and then having something explode out his ears, and grinned when Tony giggled.  “The more you hold in those feelings the worse it gets when they finally come out.  Even if you have to go somewhere to be by yourself, cry if you need to, ok?  I know what your dad probably says,” Bucky glanced at where Howard had yet to look up from whatever he was writing, “but it doesn’t actually make you less of a man to cry.” Tony looked dubious but he eventually nodded.  “I’ve gotta go now, but I want to show you something cool.”  When Tony’s eyes lit up, Bucky pulled his glove off and waved his metal fingers at Tony.
“Holy shit!” Tony said and Bucky shushed him with a laugh.  “Are you a robot?”
“A little bit. I came from the future to save your life.  Be a little more careful so I don’t have so much work to do, ok?” Bucky winked and gave Tony a high five with the metal hand.
He jumped down off the structure and clicked the button on his walkie as soon as he was out of sight of the playground and he was sure no one was around. “Tasha, he’s six.  Still too soon, I'm coming back.”
“Bleh,” Bucky said when he appeared back in Tony’s lab, feeling a bit queasy.  He waved off Natasha’s curious look and smothered a burp.  “Whatever changes you made last time, you gotta do them a bit more this time.”
“Ok. Did anyone see you?”
“Nope,” Bucky lied. “He was on a playground with Howard.”  He chugged a bottle of water while Natasha fiddled again with the control panel.  He eyed the clock on the wall; even though he had spent maybe ten minutes on the playground, a couple of hours had passed here. Thinking about how long Tony had been gone before they realized what he’d done made Bucky’s stomach roil again, so he pushed the thought away.
“I’m being cautious because I don’t want to go too far,” she explained as Bucky got ready to go back again.  “You’ll probably be too soon again, but at least I’ll know what kind of increments this thing is calibrated to.”
Bucky nodded, and then there was a brain hurting blackness and then Bucky was standing in the middle of what looked like a college campus.  Someone on a skateboard ran into him and fell down to the pavement when Bucky didn’t give at all.  “Watch it, man,” the kid scowled and grabbed his skateboard while Bucky just stared.  Bucky knew that he was still too early, because this was probably while Tony was in college, but the prospect of seeing a teenage Tony was too good to pass up. With a guilty mental apology to Natasha, Bucky tried to look less like a shifty hobo while he looked around.  
It turned out to be pretty easy to find him, despite the fact that MIT was a pretty large campus.  Bucky recognized DUM-E in the middle of one of the brick courtyards, picking up and sorting items out of the pile in front of it.  Tony was watching proudly while people were chattering excitedly and adding to the pile for DUM-E to sort.  Beside him, Bucky recognized a young Rhodey, elbowing him and making some joke that had Tony laughing.
Bucky let himself watch Tony be happy for a while.  The shadows that would haunt Tony’s eyes later were barely present now, the weight of the world only lightly tugging at his shoulders.  He rubbed a hand over his sternum, swallowing thickly at the sudden ache in his chest.  “Still too soon,” he finally said into his walkie talkie. “I think he’s seventeen.”
“Closer, then.  Ok.”
When he was back in Tony’s lab he smothered the urge to punch Tony’s stupid time machine. The queasy feeling was back, and stronger now. “Why doesn’t this goddamned Eye of Amaretto-“
“Whatever come with some instructions?  This is so aggravating.”  Outside it had grown dark, and Natasha was starting to look tired.  Hopefully this would be the last trip.
“We don’t need instructions for the artifact, we need them for the machine, and unfortunately they mostly exist in Tony’s head right now.  I think we’re doing ok, honestly.  I already have the next jump prepared, are you ready?”  
“Yeah.”  Natasha gazed at him searchingly; this trip was going to be the hard one, hard for Bucky specifically, but he refused to let her take his place.  Not the least because there was no way Bucky would be able to figure out the controls for the machine as fast as Natasha did.
This time Buckly closed his eyes, knowing before he opened them that Natasha had gotten it right this time.  The chill in the air, the sound of wind through evergreen trees, the gravel he could feel under his boots.  Bucky opened his eyes and saw a dirt road stretch before him, empty and quiet.  He took a few shaky breaths and positioned himself by the side of the road to wait.
It took an hour for the sound of a car to reach his ears.  Bucky felt his entire body tense and he kept an eye out for the distinctive light of an Iron Man suit. Too soon, Bucky also heard the growl of a motorcycle and he had to breath shallowly or he thought he was going to throw up. When the sound of a blown tire and the screech of brakes came, he forced himself to get closer to the road so that he would see Tony before anyone else did.
But Tony never came.  Bucky forced himself to stay for “Sergeant Barnes?” and the sickening crunch of a metal fist hitting Howard’s face, for “Howard? Howard!” and the barely audible sounds of someone being strangled.  Even though he knew it was coming the sound of the gunshot made him jump, then came the closing of the trunk and the roar of the motorcycle as the Winter Soldier left.
He wasn’t sure how long he stood there, listening to the tick and hiss of the damaged motor, before he brought the walkie talkie up to his face, realizing only at that moment that his cheeks were wet.  “We were wrong, Natasha. He didn’t come here.”
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Request: Long distance relationship with Wonwoo Requested by: @j-wonwootrash Word count: 4,791 Genre: FLUFFFFF Warnings: Wayyyyy tooo much fluff abort mission 
A/N: I am sorry this is so late! I really wanted to post this on my boy’s birthday! And also, I will be starting my first year of university next month, so this drabble means a lot to me :) Hope you guys like it, and all the best for the next half of the year!
(And I apologize for the random cameos they’ve written themselves in cuz they pushy af >//
Here are the songs we used in this drabble!
| Hey There Delilah | Jet Lag | I’m Dying to Miss You | Best Luck |
- wooed
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Your eyes crack open at the sound of your alarm that had rudely interrupted your pleasant night’s rest. Your hand feebly reaches out from under the quilt covers, blindly slapping the nightstand until you are able to grasp the mobile device to silence it. The clock flashes at maximum brightness at you, making you wince.
Your sleep-dust-filled eyes narrow at the almost mockingly overenthusiastic message you’ve written for yourself just the night before. What were you thinking, waking up at such an ungodly hour?
Right, first day of university.
Even the voice in your head lets out a sigh at the prospect. Not that you aren’t excited or anything: life in Columbia University has been something you’ve been looking forward to since you were a freshman in high school, and you had been off-the-charts ecstatic when you managed to clinch a full scholarship to study abroad; an opportunity as rare as gold.
But it also meant leaving your hometown in cozy Changwon, and leaving to a whole different continent. For the past week and the following three years to come, you are separated from your beloved family and cherished friends and fending for yourself in a foreign land.
Even though orientation had been chock-full of excitement and energy, and you’ve made a handful of companions that are just as eccentric and warm as your friends back home, it just doesn’t feel the same. The food here is as tantalizing and fragrant as you can ever hope for, but you can’t help but long for the spicy tang of your mother’s stews.
And as eye-catching and appealing as the boys here may be, they’re just not him.
But nonetheless you steel yourself for the day ahead, giving yourself a reassuring tap on your thigh as you get out of your bed –  a habit you’ve picked up over time. No time to be mopey, there are things to look forward to yet. After all, this is going to be your life at least until winter vacation rolls around.
So you head to the bathroom for a quick douse under the barely warm water to freshen yourself before going about the usual prettifying process of applying concealer, some eyeliner and a dash of your favourite lipgloss.
You chuckle to yourself as you dab away the glistening smudge at the corner of your lip. You can already picture the pout on his face and hear his whine clearly in your mind’s eye.
“Don’t go out looking so sexy like that all the time, or guys are going to stare at you, and I won’t be there to warn them to keep their eyes to themselves.”
“They can stare all they want,” had been your sassy reply, “If any one of them are bold enough to make a move, I’ll take great pleasure in breaking the news that I’m taken.”
You pull on your cream-coloured knitted sweater, the long sleeves drooping down to your knuckles. It’s too big for you, your mother would usually chide, it’ll be getting into everywhere. But you hardly cared, enjoying the way the fabric is snugly wrapped around your hand like a glove.
Come to think of it, you and him have a similar taste in oversized sweaters and too-long sleeves.
Done, you step into the kitchen to prepare yourself a cup of your favourite Thai milk tea. While waiting for the water in the kettle to boil, you feel a slight buzz in your back pocket.
You fish your phone out, already expecting a message notification to greet you. Of course, he’s never late.
[07:45AM] In fifteen minutes, don’t forget
The corner of your lips tug upwards upon reading the simple five words. Leaning back against the kitchen island, you type out a reply:
[07:45AM] You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
The electric kettle beeps and switches off, leaving the sounds of the whistling steam filling the air.
[07:46AM] I know, you won’t. I’ll be waiting for you
Nothing else. No mushy name-calling, no heart shapes or emoticons, just simply words that still effectively convey your feelings to each other. That’s the charm of your relationship.
Quickly, you settle down at the dining table with a cup of warm tea, idly stirring the sweet mixture as you fiddle with your earpieces with your free hand. When you manage to free your earbuds out of their tangled confinements, you quickly switch on the radio application.
It takes a few tweaks and fiddling, but eventually the mellifluous symphony of piano and viola becomes audible over the white noise. Oh, how typical of him with the classical music, you grin behind the sleeves of your sweater.
After several minutes of drinking in the relaxing atmosphere, the notes gradually diminuendos into silence. Then, an all-too-familiar husky voice rings through your earphones, the high bass quality of the device accentuating his beautiful baritone in such a way that you feel yourself melting in your seat.
“Good evening.” It just takes two simple words, and you’re already embarrassed by the sheer magnitude of your smile. “You’re now listening to Wonderland FM. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. My name is…”
“Jeon Wonwoo,” you whisper in time with his introduction. To anyone, you’d probably just look like a lovestruck fool, yet you can’t help yourself. How long has it been since you’ve heard his voice this clandesantly?
You’ve met Wonwoo in your first year in high school. The two of you were conveniently assigned successive roster numbers, which also meant you had been deskmates for pretty much the three whole years of schooling. Fortunately, that extended period of close contact helped developed affectionate feelings for each other, and you happily sealed your relationship at the end of finals with a movie date.
The upbuilding of your relationship was slow but progressive nonetheless, which was nice given his shyer, introverted demeanour. It was you who had coaxed him out of his shell and encouraged him to pursue his secret passion for rap-making and radio DJ-ing. When he had finally managed to clinch an hour’s worth of airtime on your neighbourhood radio station last year, you celebrated his success with a jovial leap into his arms and locking your lips in your first, sudden but pleasant kiss.
A whole year later, he’s become an articulate, seasoned DJ of Wonderland FM, a fortnightly lifestyle radio show that is thankfully well-received by ten-thousands of listeners across the country. Without fail, you would wait for him outside of the radio station, a cup of warm honey-lemon in hand to help soothe his raspy throat. You would then walk home together, your held hands snugly tucked in the pocket of his jacket, your blissful laughter as you discussed his earlier radio show carried through the night breeze.
Today will mark his first radio show without you, for alas, you are stuck in a different continent with an atrocious thirteen-hour time difference. But there’s no way in hell you’re going to miss this live broadcast out.
“We are now approaching the end of summer, as unfortunate as it may sound,” Wonwoo sighs with a tinge of sadness over the radio. “That means that for most of us, break time is almost over, and we’ll have to leave our wonderlands and return to our mundane routines of work or school. Tragic, isn’t it?”
Tell me about it, you agree, melting down onto the tabletop with a pout, your tea forgotten.
“Even though I would like to start the show on a lighter note,” he confesses sheepishly, “You guys know that I’m a sucker for melancholy.” A pause, and you smirk at his words.
“Aren’t you always,” you chuckle with a shake of your head.
“I will be dedicating today’s show to those that are far apart from their loved ones.” Your breath hitches at his words, your heartbeat momentarily stopping as you are caught completely off-guard by today’s topic. From what he had told you in your last phone call a few days back, you are expecting an in-depth analysis about the latest book he’s read, but it sounds like there is a change in plans for him.
“Whether you’re in another state, or another country, or simply have no means of meeting them face to face, I know it can get really tiring and lonely.”
You feel your heart warm but prickle at the same extent. How you wish that you can be there with him right now. You want to tell him that you miss him. You want to hold him so badly.
“All I want to say is that though it may be hard for you now, don’t worry, this will only be a passing pain. Just remember that there are people out there who love you and miss you as much as you are missing them. Here at Wonderland, we would like to listen out to all of your stories. If you’re missing someone right now, or if you’re in need of a listening ear, we will be here for you. Feel free to send in your stories to our online homepage.”
Ah, the homepage, you blink as you recall their station’s website. One highlight of Wonwoo’s radio show is that listeners are able to send in their personal anecdotes, sharing their stories and experiences to the world.
“For now, I will be playing the first song for tonight, dedicated to a certain someone, someone I hold dear to my heart, and that someone is someone I’m missing very, very much right now. The lyrics, even though in another language, hits really close to home for the both of us, and I really recommend you guys to search it up in your spare time.”
A familiar tune starts playing softly in the background, a song Wonwoo often played for you to hear before you left for America. If you had trouble with breathing before, you certainly aren’t breathing now.
“For that special someone, ‘Hey There Delilah’ by the Plain White Tees, please enjoy.”
His voice fades to silence to allow the soft guitar instrumentals of the song to take over.
Hey there Delilah, what’s it like in New York City? I’m a thousand miles away but girl, tonight you look so pretty. Yes, you do.
Times Square can’t shine as bright as you, I swear it’s true.
You can only sit there, reeling in from the surprise at what you just heard. In the twelve months that he’s been a radio DJ, Wonwoo has never mentioned you on air or implied that he was attached. Not that you minded, really. You honestly prefer your quiet, intimate moments alone together, rather than openly displaying your love in public.
Hey there Delilah, don’t you worry about the distance. I’m right here if you get lonely. Give this song another listen, close your eyes. Listen to my voice, it’s my disguise. I’m by your side.
Even though DJing did help Wonwoo tremendously as a person, he still isn’t the most expressive. The words ‘I love you’ are hard to pass his lips, and ‘I miss you’s still sound a tad clumsy on his tongue. Still, you’ve learnt to interpret and derive his affection from the little things he does.
With every song he lets you listen through his favourite pair of headphones is a message he’s longing to tell you. A gentle hand over your chilly knuckles during winter is a way of showing how much he cares, and an occasional light brush of your lips never fails to leave you both breathless and craving for more.
Now that Wonwoo’s done this for you, you know you can’t just sit here any longer. Shooting out of your seat at the table you make a mad sprint back to your bedroom and snatched your tablet charging by the nightstand before returning to the kitchen.
With the song still playing through your earphones, you swiftly typed in a paragraph and uploaded it on their radio homepage, barely suppressing the giggles when a message popped up saying that it is successfully received.
Oh, it’s what you do to me…
You finish up the last of your tea when the song comes to an end, and you’re already walking out of the door, backpack in hand by the time your boyfriend’s voice reverberates through your ears once more.
“I hope you enjoyed that song. Once again, that was ‘Hey There Delilah’ by the Plain White Tees, on Wonderland FM.”
After a series of advertisements, it is now time for the listeners’ anecdotes, you realise when you sit at the bus stop tingling with excitement.
“Now it’s time to share some of your stories to the world. Oh, there are a lot of them today,” he observes, and you picture him scrolling through his homepage with his signature twinkling eye-smiles.
“Our first story for tonight is from the user BusanBoy, who says that he’s far away from his hometown because he’s been transferred to Seoul to work recently. He says that he misses his family terribly, and wants to see his daughter again. To his precious five-year-old girl, he dedicates the song ‘Somewhere Out There’ from her favourite animated movie: An American Tail, in the hopes that she sleeps well tonight knowing that her father is always thinking of her even if they are physically apart.
Well, thank you for your story, BusanBoy. I’m sure your daughter is feeling incredibly blessed to have a capable and loving father. We will broadcast your song dedication shortly after.”
Your bus skids to a halt in front of you, and you gratefully clamber on and sink yourself into an air-conditioned seat. With your eyes cast out of the window aimlessly, you focus your attention on Wonwoo’s voice again. He tells you stories of a mother worrying for her son who’s serving his time in the army, a young girl longing to reunite with her lost dog, a student wishing to see his old classmates again after his transfer to another school…
It is therapeutic, really, listening to Wonwoo’s radio show. So many people with colourful stories, from all walks of life, yet you’re able to effortlessly empathise with what they are going through.
“And now, our last story for today: Good evening, or should I say it’s good morning where I am right now. I’m a university student currently studying at Columbia University, New York. The person I am missing the most right now is my precious boyfriend.”
Your heart stops when you hear your own words being narrated back to you by Wonwoo, and you can’t help but let out a giggle in the vehicle. And the DJ himself is no better; you swear you can hear him choking back the surprise in his voice.
“Even though we’ve been together for about three years, this is the first time I’ve been away from him for so long. And truth to be told, I’m missing him a lot and I hope that he’s listening to this broadcast, because there are many things I want to tell him. I want to tell him that I’m keeping my word and taking care of myself.”
His voice trails off and actually cracks, and so does your heart. You clench your fingers into a fist, and without you knowing, your eyes grow moist and your lips begin to tremble. You thought that you can send over your support for him by dropping this message, but instead it puts your emotions through the wringer. Why did you do this to yourself and him again?
A pause, then a soft sniffle echoing from his end of the line.
“Most of all, I want nothing more than my boyfriend to live his life happily and healthily, because I promise I’ll do the same. The song I wish to dedicate to him is also an English song called Jet Lag by Simple Plan. It’s special because it, along with Hey There Delilah, is a song we’ve listened to a lot before I left for America. I believe that the song would effectively convey all the messages I want to tell him. To my boyfriend: I love you so much, and I’ll see you again on Christmas.”
“And that story is given to us by the user BagOfLuck.”
This time, Wonwoo can’t hold back his amusement, and lets out a huff of laughter, and you find yourself chortling, your hand reaching out to wipe the tears that had dribbled off your face. Of course, you had to sign off with the nickname Wonwoo had given you, the term of endearment coming about from a pun he’s made when your family had abalone.
He lets out a chaste clear of his throat. “Thank you for your story, Miss BagOfLuck. Whoever your boyfriend is, he sure is a lucky man indeed to have you.” Another small cough lets you know how flustered he is from that comment.
You picture him running his hand up and down his nape, his fingers brushing through his short, coarse hair and occasionally bumping against the rim of his favourite pastel blue snapback. His lips will be upturned in a sheepish but pleasant grin, you are able to picture extremely clearly, and you already feel yourself blushing.
“We’ll broadcast your dedications now, please don’t change the station.”
And the music starts again, leaving you alone with your feelings once more. Though you’ve listened to Jet Lag almost a hundred times now, though this is broadcasted to over millions of people in the country, this experience feels all the more personal and emotional for you.
Your vision starts to blur again, but you try to distract yourself with the passing scenery, swallowing back your tears. In your dazed mood, you barely register the seat next to you sinking.
“Hey… Hey! Earth to Baby! Red sun!”
You jump in your seat and throw off your earphones when a fist invades your line of sight, fingers snapping sharply to snatch your attention away.
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“Ah, back to Earth now, are we?” the newcomer grins at you, his eyes twinkling through the round frame of his glasses.
The sudden use of English after an hour or so of Korean throws you off slightly. You manage a stunned blink before half-heartedly dipping your head towards him. “Hello, Jae-sunbaenim.”
Jae, or Park Jaehyung, is a sassy final-year student in your course that took you under his wing immediately when he found out that you’re from his home country. Together with him, you hang around with a group of several other students from Asia, mainly Korea. His nickname for you, Baby, he had bestowed upon you as you’re the only freshman, and by extension, the youngest in your group.
The blonde male tips his head at you, his eyebrows crinkling. “Sunbaenim?” he repeats the honour title with an air of incredulity. “Girl, we’re in America now. I’ve been getting you to drop the honorifics since day one of orientation and you still haven’t budged? Come on, what gives?”
You wince slightly, shifting your eyes to the rip of your jeans. “Right… Sorry, Jae.”
He seems to notice the heaviness in your voice. Normally, you’d be retorting with your own snarky remark, so your silent compliance unsettles him. “Hey, are you okay?” he asks with a soft nudge on your arm.
“Huh, oh. Yeah, I’m f-fine,” you stammer a little, your hands hurriedly rubbing any evidence of your emotional episode off your face before clumsily bundling the wires of your earphones into a ball. “Just a little… distracted this morning.”
Jae frowns and scratches his head in confusion. “But it’s too early for you to be this distracted by my good looks…” he mumbles half-to-himself, but softens upon seeing you snort in exasperation at his narcissistic joke. And the both of you ride in comfortable silence, the only sounds being rumbling from the old diesel engine of the bus.
Your phone vibrates yet again, and you revere when you see that it is a text from Wonwoo. You suppress the excited tingles on your fingertips as you punch in your password.
[8:53AM] I miss you too. See you in December
Oh, Wonwoo… You take in a breath of pure happiness, lifting your hand up to your lips to contain your laugh. All negative emotions dissipate, and you’re left with a sense of anticipation for what the future would bring.
Jae notes that you’re lightening up, and nudges you again. “So, ready for your first official day of university?”
A sigh and a serene smile graces your face.
“I am now.”
“What do you mean you can’t help me set up?”
You grimace and hold your phone a whole foot away from you at Jae’s ear-piercing whine. “It’s seven-thirty in the morning, Your party is almost twelve whole hours later. What kind of party needs this much preparation?”
“Only the biggest Christmas party on the entire campus? Everyone’s going to be there: Amber, Wendy, heck, even freaking Krystal! My entire social life is on the line here, Baby!”
Still tucked in your sheets, you roll your eyes. “What do you mean social life? All you do is stay at home and watch The Office all day.”
“DWIGHT SCHRUTE IS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL, DAMN IT!” he cries, obviously offended.
You let out an annoyed groan with half a mind to just throw your phone to the other end of the room, but Wonderland FM will be starting in 30 minutes and you can’t risk any damage to your precious device. Instead, you slap it on the mattress a good metre away from you.
There are sounds of scuffling from Jae’s end of the line, but you can’t care less to look. You just want to end this call as soon as possible so that you can start tuning into Wonwoo’s radio station. You’ve promised Wonwoo during your phone call last week that you’d listen to his broadcast for sure. Lying in your bed with your eyes closed, you can make out mutterings of “She’s not talking to me!” and “I’ll take it from here.”
“Hey, Baby.”
“Matthew oppa!” At the sound of the newcomer’s voice, you eagerly jump out of your covers and practically dive to make a grab for your phone. You’re greeted with the sharp, taut jawline of Matthew, a close senior of yours and Jae’s roommate.
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“So he’s Matthew oppa and I’m Go-Away-Park-Jaehyung,” comes Jae’s disgruntled grumbles offscreen. “Fan-freaking-tastic.”
Matthew spares his roommate a look with narrowed eyes before turning back to you. “Don’t mind him, he got off the wrong side of the bed this morning.” “I did not!”
“Anyway, you do you, girl. Enjoy your radio show and I’ll take care of everything. We’ll see you at eight at our place, alright?”
“Thanks, Matt, you’re the best.”
“Oh right, and…” You ponder about the sudden playful smirk that Matthew puts on. “Remember that the invitation comes with a plus one. Feel free to bring a date.”
You raise your eyebrows, wondering if you’ve heard the male correctly. “You… do know I have a boyfriend in Korea, right?”
He shrugs, the roguish grin not slipping. “You know, just a suggestion.”
“O…kay?” you drawl out, thoroughly fuddled. “I’ll see you there.”
“Dude, I thought I told you to convince her to come over! Dude! Matthew! KIM WOOJIN!”
The video call cuts off abruptly after Jae’s outcry, leaving you to stare blankly at your reflection on the screen fathoming Matthew’s odd words. He clearly knows about Wonwoo and his biweekly radio show; lord knows how many times you’ve squealed over a particular episode to him over lunch.
Over the past four months, you’ve earnestly tuned in to your boyfriend’s show and participated by leaving messages under the name BagOfLuck. It has been a unique, yet refreshing way to communicate with him, you admit, but it is undeniable that it has brought the two of you even closer.
Shrugging Matthew’s strange behaviour off as the lingering aftereffects of the alcohol the boys had a generous partaking of last night, you turn on the radio application on your phone. Once again, you indulge in Wonwoo’s music pick for the week: a delightful medley of Christmas carols this time. From your cozy spot within your quilt covers, you glance outside your window. White icy particles flutter down from the sky, gracing your small town with their presence.
You wonder if it’s a White Christmas for him too.
“The following broadcast you are about to listen to is pre-recorded.” Your eyes widen at the default female announcement that came after Wonderland FM’s opening jingle. It’s strange that Wonwoo insisted you listen to his pre-recorded broadcasts, and those don’t happen often either unless he gets too overwhelmed with his schedules.
But the you realise again that it is night in Korea. Your boyfriend is probably hanging out with his circle of twelve close friends. And that’s great; you would want Wonwoo to spend the festive season with his friends and family rather than being holed up in a recording studio, and you’re glad that he’s taken some time off.
“Good evening, you’re now listening to Wonderland FM. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. My name is Jeon Wonwoo.”
“It is the night of 25th December, that means that the long-anticipated Christmas is finally here. I hope you’re all at home spending time with your families. As for me, I’ve pre-recorded today’s broadcast so that I can have some free time to enjoy the holiday. By the time you’re listening to this, I’ll probably be together with my loved ones as well.
Well, realistically speaking, if you are out there enjoying the night with your friends and family, you wouldn’t be listening to this broadcast now, would you? And to those who are spending Christmas alone or away, it’s okay, because my voice will still be here to keep you company for the night.
The weather is cold and will only get colder in the coming weeks, so please dress warmly and keep yourself healthy. As winter deepens, you must remember that your health and safety is of utmost importance.”
The broadcast goes on, and you listen to him as he talks about his song recommendations for the month; Lim Changjung’s I’m Dying to Miss You is your personal favourite, and how he’s planning to start hitting the gym next spring. You doubt it’ll happen; his new year’s resolutions never lasted beyond their first week.
“Oh, and I’ll also be taking some time off to travel. Somewhere like New York would be nice? I heard that there is pretty good pizza, and I really want to meet Lady Liberty.”
You and Wonwoo have actually made plans to bring him to America for a visit over the new year, your itinerary already planned out to the tee, so you find yourself chuckling at his implication. As he draws his show to a conclusion, his final song begins to play. It takes only the first note for goosebumps to erupt all over your skin.
Best Luck! You put the name to the melody playing in your earphones. Your favourite soundtrack from your favourite drama of all time, and Wonwoo knows it too, having spent many nights curled up with you on the couch while watching the reruns. You’ve often drawn similarities between your boyfriend and the male lead, who’s coincidentally also a radio DJ and an eloquent, articulate author.
“And up next, a song that accentuates the importance of seizing the best moments to show your love for ones you hold dear to your heart, reminds us that no matter where we are, there is always someone out there who loves us for who we are. So always remain positive, you never know when something good will come knocking on your door.”
Knock knock!
You practically leap out of your skin when you heard the sound of knuckles rapping against your wooden door.
God, who could be here at such an early hour? Is Jae really this insistent that you’d come over that he has taken the luxury to storm into your personal space?
I swear to god if he’s standing outside that door, I would take great pleasure in hurling his precious guitar off the school building.
You reluctantly shifted out of your comfortable position from your bed and dragged your feet towards the door.
“Jae, I dare you to take one more step-” You throw open the door.
“Hey, babe.”
“Jeon Wonwoo?!”
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181 notes · View notes
lxiewrites · 7 years
Meister of One
Soul Eater AU @ciuucalata
The woman scrambled to her feet, shoes skidding on asphalt and water. The dirty street water soaks into her good jeans, rubbing uncomfortably as she ran down the alleyway to the open street illuminated by one lonely streetlight. The light flickered and she prayed that it would stay alight. Some childish part of her believing that whatever is chasing her wouldn’t dare get her in the light.
Her breath was heaving in her chest, a stitch in her side, and the drinks she consumed before were going to come back up and over the new shoes that were a week's pay. Said shoes were clicking in clearly noticeable hollow smacks, if her screaming didn’t give away her position those shoes would.
She knew she shouldn’t have come out tonight! She knew it she knew it she knew it! All she did was go out the back door for some air from the guy who wouldn’t give her any space and she gets locked out! Then there’s some creepy shadow-like creature with glowing eyes on the far side of the alley, which, if they were human, would not glow!
She audibly panted as she burst out into the open, daring a look behind her. No monster. She breathed a gusty sigh of relief. Ha! Haha! Her and her imagination! Her grandmother told her it would get her in trouble one day.
She screeched.
Hands to her heart she whirled around to see a ginger cat running after a shorthaired.
She laughed weakly. Then she laughed harder. A deep belly rolling laugh that would guarantee sore sides the next day, the ones that left you out of breath, tears in your eyes, and a red face, because she’s sure if she didn’t laugh right in that very minute she would start heaving out sobs instead.
Didn’t help.
Those laughs slowly started to hiccup, the tiny tears turned into small streams, lips started wobbling, and drool collected but she swallowed because no matter what that’s just disgusting.
Bile threatened to make an appearance. She covered her mouth with her hand, stifling the heavy sobs laced with acid that dropped out of her throat like bombs, leaving it sore and raw. It was loud and noticeable and—
Gave away her location again.
After she felt suitable drained. Tears dry, eyes gritty, cries sucked into her lungs where they belong, she collected herself. Inhaling more air than needed she stretched her back, hands high over her head, then twisted at the waste. Okay! Nothing to worry about! Just her overly bloated imagination. She’s good, she’s all good.
Slow breaths now.
In for five. Out for seven. In for five. Out for seven. Slow and even. Slowing heart rate. One last chuckle, she scrubbed her face, stiff from the dried saltwater, with her sleeve. She turned to go to find her friends; they were probably worried wher—
A bolt of blue light pierced the shoulder of the shadow creature behind her.
It growled and narrowed its glowing yellow eyes at the source, too long arms brought up to attack. Another blue bullet appeared and shot it in the stomach.
Looking at where the shooting is coming from she saw two boys. Both looked entirely normal. The ever-so-slightly shorter one had black hair that nearly reached his shoulders, an open black leather jacket showed off a dark red V-neck tucked into black skinny jeans, with a barely noticeable upturn to his lips. The taller one with the army green jacket and Cheshire cat grin seemed far more noticeable though. Not only did that smile help illuminate the dark area around them but his hand was the freaking barrel of a gun!
His hand morphs back to human and he sighs, hands placed in the pockets of his cotton jacket. “Dude, when a lady says no it means no. And miss?” He looked over at her, his facial features too indistinguishable in the shadows. She made a small squeaky sound in the back of her throat. “I suggest running? Things might get messy.”
She doesn’t hesitate as she runs away calling for help.
The shadow attempts to make chase but was interrupted by a session of bullets in his path. Its eyes narrow in anger, a high-pitched shriek from gods-know-where—‘cuz that thing ain’t got a mouth—was their only warning before it leapt at them. They both sidestepped easily, one on each side. The second boy sighs, his head arching to the side and body relaxed despite the demonic creature attacking them. He simply makes another leap away.
“Why do they always scream, Lance? It only gives away their position.” Who knew if he was talking about the girl or the shadow-thing.
Lance chuckles. “Hey now, Keith, screaming has some side benefits.” He wiggled his eyebrows in as suggestive manner, which was met with a playful scowl. Lance shrugged his broad shoulders hidden under his jacket. “At least the girl helped us find this guy with her screaming. That’s one.” The shadow-thing shrieked again. “Mmmnn…not sure what good that one does though.”
The dark haired boy’s eyes dart to the side, meeting the amused ones of his partner. He smirked. “Then let’s make this guy scream for mercy. Ready for another soul?”
Another devilish grin. “Always, partner.” With that, he flared blue and a rifle appeared in Keith’s hands. He aimed and blue light ignited the night.
”Hee hee heeee,”
The rifle flew out of his hands as he slammed against a bleacher. The weapon at his side glowed blue before morphing into a boy his age. “What the fuck, Keith?!”
Keith groaned and slapped a hand over his eyes. Not this argument again. He rolled out of the way and up the steps as some creepy demented jester laughed manically as his lycra costume spewed acid in their direction. “Now’s not the time, Lance!”
“Hell yeah it’s the time if you keep using me as a fucking sword! Again.”
”Hee hee heeee,” the jester laughed. Its bloated arms swept towards them.
Keith could feel his frustration mounting. This was supposed to be at least a semi easy job to do for Lord Death. Just enough to strengthen his bond with his Weapon but all they’ve done is screw up since they’ve entered this crazy circus.
His Weapon and him got along okay enough, he’s always sure to give each other ample space outside of training but right now they were fucking. Up.
The jester was huge, like an inflatable balloon, and acted like one too. It floated a few feet from the ground and its hits were suffocating but non-deadly. What he did was melt the victims with the acid that spewed out of his frilly cuffs or other tricks that came out of that jingly hat. He slipped the hidden dagger he always has on him into his hand and darted under the large rubber-like arm decorated with colorful polka dots to stab the jester in the side. He leapt down four seats as Lance shot the jester to distract it from deflating on him. “You have a knife?! Oh! Is a Gun Weapon not good enough for you Mr. Samurai!?”
“It’s not my fault I work better with swords, Lance!”
The jester quickly re-inflated, the knife wound like it wasn’t even there. ”Hee hee hee,”A giant, white glove ready to squish him hovered until another round of bullets pierced the glove.
He ran over to where Lance was dodging giant mismatched green and purple shoes and acid splashes. Lance glared at him but reached his hand out, the barrel turning into fingers in the sleeve of his overly large jacket. They were barely able to Resonate as he turned into a rifle in his arms. Lances blue eyes glared at him the reflection of the body of the gun. “It is your fault that you won’t work with me! We need each other to take these things down, you can’t go all lone wolf on me!”
”Hee hee heeeeee,”
The giant smiling face of the jester lowered, smile growing larger as the sharp teeth parted, prepared to take a bite. Green acid dripping down from its teeth and hissing as it hit the grass. He aimed Lance into the mouth of every child’s nightmare. “Maybe we’d work better together if you don’t take everything so personally, Lance.”
The jester's balloon head grew larger making the bloodshot eyes bug out of its head. The soft wheezing of a dying squeaky toy blew his hair back, ”Hee,” Puff. “Hee,” Puff. “Heeee,” Puff.
He aimed Lance right down its gullet despite his cries of “Ew! That’s disgusting!” and fired.
Keith fired round after blue round as the shadow creature tried to escape. He flew over the tops of buildings as the used-to-be human tried to hide using its element. He clutched Lance in his grip as the Afreet disappeared again. He wasn’t sure if it tried to escape or was trying to creep up on him.
”Keith,” he looked down at his Weapon his voice light but his eyes serious. ”Why don’t you use your Soul Perception?”
Keith nodded. “Good idea, Lance.” His ability wasn’t the strongest but he should be able to sense where the shadow is if it’s near or ready to attack. He closed his eyes and in his mind’s eye saw a red soul not that too far off, running away.
He opened his eyes and took off in that direction.
Keith raced after Lance, the stubborn Weapon ignoring his demands to just slow down and talk to him. “Lance!” He sped up and grabbed for his ever-present jacket, barely snagging the fabric at his elbow. “Lance. We were in the middle of a discussion. You can’t just walk away when I’m talking to you!”
Lance whirled on him, mouth pursed in a tight line and blue eyes cold and piercing. “I can do whatever the hell I want.” He jerked his jacket out of Keith’s grasp and got in his face. Keith didn’t budge. “You pulling out that fucking dagger it’s…it’s… insulting! You’re basically saying, as my Meister, you don’t think that I can protect you! It’s my job to protect you, but since you obviously don’t think I can, go get another Weapon!”
Keith pushed right up into those blue eyes, foreheads pressed against each other. “You’re my Weapon! You can’t just quit!”
Lance pulled back suddenly. Keith stumbled with the abrupt loss of an immovable force. His Weapon’s voice was low when he hissed, “Just go find another Weapon, there’s a line from here to Japan to Resonate with the great Keith Kogane!” His arms flew outward as if displaying the mockery of his real enthusiasm. “The most talented Meister of the last two generations!” He cupped his hands around his mouth, drawing the attention of the other students in the hallway. “Hey! Everyone! Keith Kogane is in need of a new Weapon! Step up and maybe you’ll be graced by—“
Keith was suddenly aware of the crowd they drew while having their spat. Face burning, dropping his head so his bangs could shield his eyes, he grabbed Lance by the collar and dragged them to the nearest empty room. After the first two interrupted classes he threw him into the empty nurse’s room.
He glared at the sulking Weapon in front of him; his head was down and away from him. Keith closed his eyes and swallowed but the lump didn’t go down. He took a breath to steady his voice.
“I can protect you.”
Keith’s eyes popped open when Lance spoke. His head was held a little farther up and his eyes weren’t squeezed shut anymore. The tears that wouldn’t fall somehow made his blue eyes a bright sapphire. “I can. I—I swear. It—it’s just before, my fa—family I couldn’t. But now I can.”
“I can’t Resonate with anyone.”
Lance was staring at him with wide eyes; his pupils were large with only a rim of dark blue. “What?” he croaked.
“I can’t. I—I don’t know why, maybe it’s my Soul but I never Resonated with anyone before I met you.”
“I don’t…so are you only…am I your last resort?”
“No!” His hands flew up in objection. “You’re not my last resort! Well… kinda? I guess…technically?”
Lance looked at him with less hurt and more confusion. Better, but he’s not explaining things correctly. He has to do this right. “It’s not that you’re my last resort, even if you are—wait! Wait! That’s not what I meant! I didn’t mean it that way, I mean that technically you are unless I can find someone to Resonate with.” Fuckfuckfuck, he was losing his Weapon. Fix this, Kogane. Fix this. He walked up and grabbed his crossed arms, shaking them loose. “I mean, even if I could find someone else I wouldn’t. You’re my Weapon and I’m your Meister, we’re partners, okay?” He found that he was awkwardly staring into his Weapons eyes, the blue a little too intense so he blinked and focused his attention at the freckle just below his right eye. He dropped his hands. “I’m sorry. I know I’ve been being a shit Meister; I can’t even wield you correctly. But please, I—I need to be a Meister. I have to.”
A beat. Maybe two.
“I’m sorry too.” Keith’s gaze darted up to see that Lance’s were averted also, his hand moved behind his neck. “I haven’t been the easiest Weapon to work with. Instead of just ragging on you or whining I could’ve just worked with you.” He heaved a sigh and looked at him. “I kept blaming you, I’m sorry.”
Keith…really didn’t know what to say. So he just nodded. He stepped back to give them space. Each boy found something of interest in the nurse’s office. Wow, someone really made that bed like a soldier. A quarter could bounce off of it. Mmhm.
Keith dared a look at Lance again, who seemed genuinely entranced by the floating eyeballs floating in a green fluid. He tapped the glass and their eyes shifted to him. His Weapon snatched his hand back with a squeak. Keith bit his lip before it could move into a smile. At this stage Lance might think he was laughing at him.
He looked again, the bad fluorescent lighting highlighting his aquiline nose and sharp jaw. His light-brown hair feathered softly over his blue eyes that happened to be looking at him. He tried to look like he was looking over at the eye jar. “That’s kinda weird that they’re still looking.”
“Yeah,” Lance mumbled. He cleared his throat. “If you want we can work on shooting. I used to switch off with my siblings. Most of us were Guns.”
Don’t ask. It’s too soon. A little voice in his head told him. “Yeah, that’ll be great.”
“If he comes out at any time now that’ll be great.” Lance drawled, still in his Weapon form.
Keith rolled his eyes. “Patience yields focus, Lance.”
“Patience yields focus, Lance,” the Weapon mocked, too high to match Keith’s natural baritone. ”I swear ever since we found Shiro you’ve been speaking more like him.”
The Meister could feel his lips quirk into a smirk. “Sounds like you’re jealous.”
”Jealous?! Me? Ha! As if I could be jealous. I have a very stable relationship with my Meister, thank you.”
The Smile™ threatened. “You do, do you?”
“Uh, yeah, yeah I do.” His smirk, when it would have ticked him off before only made Keith smile.  ”You see, we’re really tight. Like extra super tight. Gay tight. We’re gay. With each other. We’re that tight.”
Keith smothered his laugh. “Death, Lance, you’re ridiculous.”
”Ridiculously gay for you,” he said with a grin.
And there was The Smile™ as Lance called it. “Shut up. We have to find this thing.”
They lurk forward even more, keeping to the lightest parts of the streets. It wasn’t until they spotted another person, seemingly male, stroll down the sidewalk with a strange amorphous lump following him.
Keith raced over, Lance in his hands. “Hey! Move!”
The guy stopped dead in his tracks and held up his arms in the universal sign of “don’t shoot” and his face the very picture of “shit, don’t shoot.” He paled dramatically and shouted, “I don’t have any money, I swear!”
Keith barreled past him. “Get out of here!”
The lump of black shadows solidified into a rounded being, no discernable head, just torso with extra long arms that dragged on the ground. The round, blood red eyes stared hard at them. It shrieked and lunged forward.
Keith braced himself for a tackle and shot a series of bullets, but it leapt over him. He kept firing in an arc before turning around to face off but the shadow wasn’t facing him. It stood behind the petrified man. The eyes were directed downwards, completely unconcerned about the Weapon that was aimed at him. It wrapped its arms around the man who grew paler by the minute; the arms shifted and became more defined in shape as the shadowy darkness seeped into the victim, turning him translucent enough that his soul peered through his skin.
“Lance, I’m gonna need your help.” He lifted Lance to dead center between the creature's eyes, he could feel his soul buzz with his Weapon as he trusted Lance with the rest.
He could feel Lance in his Soul, in time with it, beating steadily. He could feel the pulses with every heartbeat.
Ready, Lance?
Keith glared at his Weapon as Lance wiped at his shirt. “Lance! Be quiet!”
Lance gave him a droll look, flapping his T-shirt away from his body. “Keith. We’re on a college campus; it would be weird if we didn’t make some noise. And I just spilled my coffee all over my new shirt!”
He glared even harder. “We still need to be discreet. Do you think that our target is just going to come up to us and say ‘hi’?”
Lance shrugged. “It could happen.”
“Can’t you take this seriously?”
“Can’t you relax? I knew how be discreet, right now I’m the more discreet one here! Stop looking at everyone like you’re going to kill them, they’re our information, and do you think they’re going to talk to some emo kid that looks like he’s going to snap them in half?” Lance was really close, head bowed and voice hushed to make it a private conversation. He swallowed and looked around at noticed that, yes, the other students gave the pair a wide berth.
He crossed his arms and no matter what Lance said he didn’t pout. “I can snap them in half.”
At first Lance didn’t say anything, just made a tiny step back. “Did—did you just make a joke?” Keith looked up at him, head cocked, and shrugged. At that Lance let out a loud, annoying, contagious laugh. So contagious that the other students smiled at the two when Keith joined in on the laughter. He didn’t know why he was laughing or Lance for that matter, it wasn’t even a good joke but somehow the fact that Keith, one of the most serious and stoic people Lance knew, made a joke.
Lance quieted to a few giggles, hand flat against his chest, breathed out, “Whooo, okay. At least now you don’t look too scary. We might get a couple of cute girls to actually talk to us.”
Keith’s laughter dried up in his throat and he coughed. “Yeah, sure.”
“I haven’t heard much, sorry.”
“I think three girls are missing.”
“I think it’s just a coincidence, people drop out all the time.”
“I heard it’s this one jock.”
“There wasn’t even a fight, it’s gotta be something else.”
“I heard it was this championship chess player.”
“It was…”
“I heard…”
“I think…”
Lance collapsed on the bus bench, the day gone to dusk, the sky a pretty purple-pink. Keith lounged next to him; head tilted and arms splayed over the back. “Well…” Lance sighed. “We know it’s some sort of male jock and or champion chess player.”
“I could’ve guessed that without talking to all those people, Lance. Maybe except the chess player though.”
Lance held up a finger. “One. The targets are young college-aged girls. Two. Most likely male. Three. Hot—“
“Wait. Waitwaitwait. What? Hot?”
His Weapon shrugged, hands up flat, elbows bent. “If he’s a jock he’s highly likely hot, that’s just the natural order of things. And if no one knows and it seems like the girls missing left wherever willingly without a struggle. The dude’s hot.”
For whatever reason Keith’s face felt hot. “Bu—That doesn’t mean he’s hot! The girls might just not thought of him as a threat, what if it’s the chess player?”
He held his hands up in a lazy defensive gesture. “Hey, man, don’t judge, smart guys are hot.”
His Weapon raised an eyebrow at him. “Got an issue with that?”
“No, no! No, no issue here. I mean wh—why would I. I wouldn’t. I’m gay so yeah. No problem.”
There was a slight flush against Lance’s dark brown skin. “Oh, cool, I’m just gettin’ bi. Hehe.” He shot him a pair of fingerguns with a cheesy smile.
“Pfftt, nice.” His face felt hot but his hands were extremely clammy, whatever he ate before was messing with his stomach too.. ”I’m just—uh—going to the bathroom.”
He abandoned Lance on the bench as he fled inside the nearest building to the nearest restroom. He ran the water as cold as he could get at and splashed water on his face; he wiped the excess on his neck, the coolness relieving him.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” he sternly told his reflection. He glared into his irises. “Don’t be dumb.”
A toilet flushed and a heavyset guy came out, hair pulled back with a headband. He gave him a thumbs up. “Whatever you’re doing dude, I hope it works out.” He washed his hands, Keith still frozen to the spot, and instead of using the paper towels bypassed them for the hand drier. Keith waited awkwardly next to the running sink waiting for this well-meaning college kid to finally exit the bathroom. Keith’s face was an entirely new shade of red when the other guy finally dubbed his hands dry enough. With one last thumbs up the guy dubbed his hands dry enough. With one last thumbs up the guy finally left.
He dropped his head into his hands, groaning. He turned towards the sink and splashed more water on himself and dried his face with a scratchy paper towel.
Walking back out to where he left Lance, the sky now night, some of the brighter stars peeking out through the light pollution, he noticed that his Weapon wasn’t at the bench.
A little farther down the street, a little nook between buildings that no one notices, were two figures. One resting his side on the wall and the other slightly slouched with his hands in his pockets.
An uneasy feeling in his gut Keith stepped his way over, footsteps gentle on the crunchy leaves. He didn’t try to hide his presence; if something went down he wants the guy to know that there’s someone watching.
When he’s closer he could hear what the guy leaning on the wall was saying. “…sure? We can get out of here pretty quickly. A good burger joint is not that far.”
“Nah,” Lance said. “I’m good, bro. I’m waiting for my…partner.”
“Oh, partner, huh? Don’t sound too sure of that.” The light was too dim to get a good look at the guy from the distance he was at but he could see that he was getting closer to Lance. “A guy like you? Funny, smart, and handsome? Deserves someone who’ll be good to you, who’ll take care of you. Let me be that guy. Just a date, a coffee date, even.”
“Listen,” Lance was stepping back now, into better lighting. The guy followed, the flickering lamplight illuminating his blond hair and bright green eyes, charming smile in place. “You’re nice and all but I’m waiting for someone. If you want we can wait until he gets back and we can all go.”
Keith could see those grass green eyes turn acid. “I’m not nice!” His teeth grew sharper and where he bit into his lip bled. His hands also grew longer and needle-like. He reeled back his hand and it flew forward in a blur. Lance moved just in time for it to miss his chest but it caught his shoulder, ripping fabric and puncturing skin. He cried out.
“You’d rather wait for a fucking asshole! Fine! Just you’ll wait! I’ll steal your heart before he comes!”
His hand reeled Lance in by the shoulder but before the other could get close Lance partially transformed and shot him. Close ranged but it wasn’t powerful enough without Keith.
The Meister dashed forward, intent in every step. “Lance!”
Said boy whipped his head back, “Keith!”
Taking advantage of his distraction the Afreet brought his hand up again and lunged for Lance’s heart.
“NO!” Keith leapt forward and grabbed his Weapon, instantly their souls Resonated and Lance turned into his other form. Keith directed the muzzle to the guy but he either didn’t notice or care. Pointed teeth in a deadly smile. He got in two shots, both in this side before Lance was knocked out of his grasp with the pointed fingers. Fire flared up his arms, the fingers leaving ragged edges torn into the skin.
The Evil Human loomed over him, hands at the ready when a rock hit him in the head. He growled and turned to see Lance out of Weapon form, standing offensively, hands fisted, feet braced. “Hey! Asshole, isn’t it my heart you want? Stay away from my Meister.”
The pointy smile grew. “I do want your heart, Lance. Are you willing to give it?” He stepped back and advanced on Keith’s Weapon.
Oh, hell no.
“Lance!” Ignoring the pain flaring up his arms he tackled the dumbass to take on him and his Weapon. A searing pain ripped into his back, spreading to his side. A loud nails-on-a-chalkboard screech echoed in the night. Looking down he could see pale fingers buried into his side red with his blood. The cold night air only seeming to make his wounds flare hotter, deeper, into his bones.
“Lance!” His Weapon’s name ripped out of his flaring lungs. Everything was cold. Everything but his lungs and the gashes torn into his side. A warm hand met his and his soul lit up.
Rifle in hand he shot the bastard under him with bullets until it was nothing but a floating red soul.
The weight in his hands left and he slumped forward. The cement under his cheek was cool and comforting. Shouting an annoying white noise in his ears.
“—eith! –eith! –o! –an’t do thi--!” A hand touched his shoulder and he screamed, hoarse and raw. Instantly the hand left but two cupped his face, bringing it up to see a familiar one. “What did you do! You’re the Meister! It’s my job to protect you! It’s my job to protect you!”
Lance’s aim was true. Paired with the matched wavelength of his Meister the single blue bullet drilled right through the black skull of the Evil Human. Falling backward, body lighting with a blue glow before the shadows of the body were chased away from the light. It didn’t even hit the ground.
The pure human was released and his soul disappeared back into his body where it belonged.
Shell-shocked the man fell to his knees; his pants soaking with the leftover rainwater, throat working in a way that made Keith think it’d be wise to keep out of projectile vomit range. He stayed behind as his Weapon strode forward, kneeling next to Mr. Vomit-in-Progress. A few hushed words a nod or two and the man was walking home.
Lance raised his eyebrows at him as he came back. “We really need to work on your people skills.”
He smiled at his partner. “Why work on them when I have you?”
The Gun Weapon threw his hands up in exasperation. “I’m just enabling you!”
Keith walked forward and took his boyfriend’s hand, threading their fingers together. “Yeah, but you enjoy it.”
Lance picked up the Afreet Egg and gulped it down. Walking hand in hand to where Keith parked the motorcycle. “I enjoy you.”
Keith squeezed the hand in his. “I enjoy you too.”
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phenyxsnest · 8 years
Robbie the Reluctant Role Model
Based on a request for Robbie/twin interactions with Robbie as the world’s most reluctant role model.
On AO3 // On FF.net
Robbie Valentino and the Pines family had a somewhat complicated relationship.
They could stand each other, which was an improvement, but there was baggage on both sides.
So in general, they avoided each other. Or at least, Robbie avoided the sister, since the brother wasn't exactly...around all the time. He'd never admit it, but a lot of that was guilt, for how he and Dipper had felt about each other while Dipper had been...had been human.
Until Wendy read him the riot act.
That wouldn't have been enough except, well, Wendy was right, and he was treating the currently sixteen year old Mabel a lot like the people back in Piedmont had, and it took about five seconds of watching her after Wendy had yanked his head back out of his ass to realize it hurt the kid.
And maybe Robbie felt just a little bit guilty. Fine, the kids had been, well, kids when all the personal biz went down, and he was being silly for holding a grudge. Mabel had always been kind of okay, if a bit too loud and rainbow for him. And she'd really gone out of her way to set him up with Tambry...
Ugh. Growing up was the worst. He had to, like, care about other people's feelings now. Or at least he had to or be the asshole, and be self aware enough now to realize he was being one.
Wendy was picking the twins up from school – or to be more precise, she was picking Mabel up, and apparently Dipper was joining Mabel outside the gates to ride back with her.
And for some reason, she was dragging Robbie along. Something about “You can't keep avoiding them, man. You're either there for them, and one of us, or you're not, but you can't keep wavering on it like this.”
Robbie sure hoped the others, Nate and Lee and Tambry and Thompson, had gotten the lecture too, or he was...well, he'd probably sulk a bit at least. They weren't exactly being Wendy levels of friendly either, since they were pretty uncomfortable about how to handle Dipper's new status.
Getting better, he guessed, but not really comfortable yet. Mostly because it was so dang hard to talk to the kid now and everything had to go through Mabel, but things were still kind of awkward. Better than the kids had been dealing with back in Piedmont though. At least here, the discomfort was because they couldn't tell where Dipper was or talk to him, not because of what he was now.
Okay, there was a little discomfort over that, but damned if they were going to let the kids see that.
“Ah, man, really?” Wendy said as they pulled up to the school.
Robbie looked over and saw Brad and Carl Corbett, kids he recognized because their older brother had tried to cause trouble for him and Wendy when they were back in school, give Mabel a shove from behind.
Her books fell, and though she was immediately in fighting stance, ready to go, Robbie could see the face she made when the books fell, that on the edge of tears look he'd seen a time or two when they'd all thought her brother was gone but she'd been trying to be strong. That look of someone who's dealt with too much already, and couldn't take much more before she shattered.
Robbie was out of the truck before he realized what he was doing, grabbing the kid who'd shoved Mabel by the back of his shirt.
“Hey, what'ddya think you're doing!” he yelled. The kid kicked out and struggled free, his brother already running for the hills. “Little brats!” Robbie yelled after them, shaking his fist.
“I could've handled them,” Mabel said, a little sullenly, and Robbie shrugged, sticking his hands in his hoodie's pocket.
“Yeah, whatever,” he muttered, embarrassed at his reaction. Why did he do that?
“Thanks, though,” Mabel said as she gathered up her things. Her head tilted, eyes going faraway in the expression even Robbie had learned meant that she was listening to Dipper. “Stop it, Dipper, I could've taken them.” Another pause, and “I do not take on too much, and you're one to talk anyway, Dippy-cat!”
“Dude, why you calling your bother a cat again?” Wendy asked, walking up to the two humans and invisible demon. “They totally got away, by the way. Sorry. Robbie scared 'em good.”
“Oh, Dippin' Dots is getting all mad 'cuz he doesn't think I could totally have handled them myself, but thanks for doing it Robbie, and Dip's acting like he doesn't hide when he's upset or hurt like a kitty does but he's accusing me of doing it.”
It took effort for Robbie not to smirk, but dammit he was trying to be nice, and Mabel had always been nice to him, even when he was aggravating her brother.
Things being as they were, the friends weren't able to be together as often as they used to – most of them were either off at college or getting ready to go off to college – but they were still making the effort.
Part of it was because they had always been friends, but two large factors remained that kept them in touch where other high school friendships had fallen apart...and theirs might have too without those two things.
The big one being that they'd been there, at Weirdmaggedon, the Transcendence, and if you hadn't been there it was hard to explain what had happened that day, the days leading up to it. Sometimes you just really needed to be with someone who got it, who'd lived through the epicenter of it all.
The other was Mabel and Dipper.
Because those two had given everything to save the world, and well, Wendy had put out the call – the kids needed them. Even with all the problems they'd had with each other, even Robbie had trouble saying no to that.
So they came home on weekends, as often as they could.
They were hanging out now, in the garage where they'd always hung out, when Mabel came in, as perky as usual, stopping all conversation.
Because Mabel wasn't in her usual sweater.
Well, technically she was in a sweater, since it looked like she'd hand knitted her top, but...no one had ever seen Mabel in black before, save that one day when they'd had to have a funeral for Dipper, to lie to the world that he was dead.
Fishnets and layers, thick boots and tights, gloves and blacks and purples and greys, thick makeup covering her face, Mabel looked like an entire Edgy On Purpose store had chewed her up and spit her out.
Mabel posed and did a little spin when she noticed everyone's eyes were on her.
“Mabel. What,” Wendy said flatly.
“I've gone Goth!” Mabel announced proudly.
“Yeah, I can see that,” Wendy said, “But why?”
“Come on, Wendy, I've got a demon brother! I bust cults! What's more Goth than that? Plus, this jewelry is awesome!”
Robbie, who had been sitting and watching silently and with mounting tension, threw up his hands with a cry of frustration. “I can't take it anymore!” he snapped. He marched over to Mabel and grabbed her shoulders, shoving her towards the bathroom.
The air around them turned oppressive, a sign Dipper was upset with Robbie's treatment of his sister, but it was just one more thing, unnoticed as the others tried to stop Robbie before he did something they all regretted.
“Look, kid, it's one thing to be Goth, but you gotta learn how to do the eyeliner right, okay?” Robbie said, shoving Mabel – though pretty gently – in front of the mirror. “Now get that makeup off and let me show you how. You can't just do the whole eye or you'll look like you got in a fight. Tambry, get those videos up, okay? The crazy eye makeup ones, with all the swirls and junk. That's more Mabel's style than plain lining.”
The air lightened considerably as Robbie began lecturing Mabel on makeup and how to apply it properly – along with instructions, like to make sure you got it all off before going to bed or it was just going to make the acne worse, do you wanna ruin your skin? Don't do like I did, come on – and showing her the videos Tambry brought up of fancy makeup tutorials.
From then on, it became almost normal to see Robbie fixing Mabel's makeup, even after she became proficient at it. Fussing with jewelry, working on dyeing hair, or making some kind of accessory.
That, or discussing the new jewelry and accessories on sale at Edgy on Purpose.
They were all pretty sure that the Goth thing wouldn't last – Mabel loved bright colors too much to restrict herself to blacks and purples for long – but for now, well, she and Robbie were both having fun.
Mabel was a full on teenager. They all knew it. And she and Dipper had been tracking down cults for a couple of years now.
Didn't mean those in the know didn't worry about them when they went out.
Possession was hard on Mabel, and it was hard on Dipper, to know what he put his sister through during the possessions.
They were still so young, for all they thought of themselves as being all grown up.
If there was anything both Wendy and Robbie could understand, it was thinking you were an adult while still being a child.
Of course, that didn't mean the Pines twins were happy about it – Mabel in particular had never really wanted to grow up.
Stan taught Mabel to fight, but Wendy and Robbie were the ones to refine it, to teach her how to take advantage of her weight and size.
It helped when Mabel got into fights at school, though those were rarer now that she was in Gravity Falls High, where people were much more used to the supernatural, and most had been there for the Transcendence and, if they hadn't directly been involved, had heard just what Mabel and her brother had done to save their town and the world from parents or older siblings who had been there.
There were just a few utter jerks who still bothered people despite everything else, though they soon quit after Robbie had a little talk with some of them and gave Mabel a few hints at how to deal with the rest and her natural Pines streak took care of what he didn't help with.
Robbie may have grown up, but he was still sarcastic and stubborn, Goth and moody.
In short, he was nobody's role model or big brother figure. Ever. Get away.
But then there was Mabel Pines.
Save her once from some bullies, give her a few tips on makeup, hang out a bit, and suddenly she's all looking up to you and making you feel like you have to live up to some standard she has of you in her head, like you're actually a good person or something.
It was exhausting, and more than once Robbie wanted to tell her to shove off.
But he couldn't seem to do it, and it wasn't because he was scared of her brother. No, really, he wasn't, 'cuz he knew Wendy would stop the kid from retaliating, and so would Mabel.
But...he just couldn't look into those eyes and tell Mabel to get lost.
And more than once, when he was sitting at the Shack, he caught that Great-Uncle of Mabel's watching him, and was just self aware enough to understand when Mr. Pines sent him that understanding glance, like he got the whole thing, that weird need to live up to what they thought of you and being unable to look them in the eye and tell them you were a terrible person.
Though the old man still laughed at him as Mabel dragged him along into some crazy scheme. Stupid old geezer.
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demialwrites · 8 years
So Very Wrong
Link to AO3 Page
You're a recent recruit to Overwatch. You completed the training with little difficulty, and you're now on your first mission. It's a test. You go with a more experienced agent, and they keep an eye on your performance and back you up. They're there to help complete the mission, and also to make sure you come back alive. In case something goes wrong.
You're paired up with Jesse McCree, resident cowboy. Already briefed on the mission details, you meet him at the dropship hangar. He doesn't bother to hide that his eyes are wandering your form. You're sure he's sizing you up as a fellow agent, but you blush anyway. He follows you onto the dropship. You're sitting across from McCree as the ship lifts off and takes you both to your destination. He pulls his hat down over his eyes, maybe to catch a little shuteye. You take advantage of this to study the shape of his body. His somewhat ridiculous cowboy getup covers almost every inch. Nevertheless, his frame conveys a kind of sturdiness. The kind of sturdiness built perfectly for you bouncing on his lap, both of you moaning loudly, as you ride his cock...Wait. The mission. You managed keep those thoughts down for the rest of the mission.
You and McCree ended up working well together. He covered you from the shadows while you went to work, completing the main object of the mission. Being that you were new to Overwatch, Winston was taking advantage of your new face to throw off the enemy targets. McCree was too famous at this point in time. The strategy seemed to be working. You were able to surprise your targets easily. A few stragglers got away, but McCree kept you safe. It was impressive how he always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. All the time. You only noticed someone had tried to flank you when you heard McCree's Peacekeeper had already made quick work of them.
Before you know it, the mission's completed. Neither of you are injured, the sun is still high in the sky, and you're feeling pretty good about your performance.
"Good work, lil' girlie," He says, grinning. You scoff. Little?
"We finished quickly enough that I think you're deservin' of a reward." You give him a confused look. His grin widens, and he winks. Oh.
"I know these guys. I know we have two hours, or a little less, until reinforcements arrive." He spits his cigar onto the ground and stamps it out. He doesn't light another one, as if he knows he won't need it for a while. You raise an eyebrow at his cockiness.
"Bet ya I could make ya finish twice at least, without breakin' a sweat," He boasts, one finger hooked into his ridiculous belt. You raise the other eyebrow, but you're intrigued. You feel the beginnings of arousal between your legs. You're sure you're already getting wet.
"Don't think I didn't notice you checkin' me out on the Orca earlier," He drawls confindently. Caught! You immediately cover your eyes with your hand and look at the ground, trying to hide the embarrassment of knowing how true his words were. How did he see with his hat in the way?
You hear clinking of his spurs when you don't look up. He must be waiting for a response.
"I-I suppose you're right," You stammer out, finally forcing yourself to look up and into his eyes. Your face is still red from a mixture of embarrassment from being caught and also realizing that you're actually accepting his offer.
"I'll take good care of ya," He musters up the sweetest smile he can and winks again.
McCree wastes no time getting started, pushing forward with his whole body. He presses his mouth to yours, his tongue immediately demands entrance to your mouth. His hands are busy running themselves up and down your body roughly, stopping to squeeze your breasts and press a teasing finger against your clothed sex. All the stimulation causes you to to gasp into his mouth. This lets him deepen the kiss. A small moan escapes your throat, and you're a little confused when he stops all his attention.
You're a little less confused, but not much, when he starts to gently push you backwards. His hands on your shoulders, possibly to make sure you don't fall if you trip. After four or five steps, the back of your legs hits something hollow-sounding. You turn around quickly, and you see one of those nondescript tan barrels that you often see in video games. The kind that you can't help destroying every time you see them, to check for loot.
Your face flushes with heat with you realise. He's going to fuck you over a barrel?
"Good girl. Right here," His voice dips low as he guides your body, turning you around and gently pressing your upper back forward with his human hand. It seems sturdy enough, despite it being a fake. He pushes your back as low as it'll go without hurting you, so that your butt is sticking up in the air. McCree then grinds the hardening bulge in his pants up against your backside, stimulating your slit. You feel the increase in heat and wetness there, breathing heavier.
He wastes no time running his hands around to the front of your stomach, undoing your pants and pulling them down, with your underwear, just far enough. His hands disappear, and you hear him fiddling with his pants and belt. He does the same, pushes them down his thighs just enough to pull out his large, raging erection.
"You sure ya want to do this? We can stop right now, if ya wan'." You can hear it in his voice that he wouldn't push you farther if you spoke up.
You almost did. The dynamic of your relationship was all wrong for this. He was more experienced, and he was passing this experience on to you. He was practically your teacher right now. You were doing your best to learn from all the experienced members of Overwatch. What good student fucks their teacher? You did, apparently. You moaned low and deep in your throat at that realization. And you loved the idea. This is so wrong. This is so wrong. This is so wrong. Your brain got stuck on that thought. It repeated over and over in your head, winding you up, until you couldn't help but arch back into McCree, hoping to get closer to his erection. You spread your legs a little farther apart. You wanted it now.
"I thought you'd say no ta me, cuz I'm yer superior," McCree said, voice low. "I'm real happy ya didn't." He ran his fingertips up and down against your clothed thighs. You moaned quietly again.
You almost stopped him when you felt the head of his cock tease your waiting entrance. He was right. You were a recruit, and he was practically a veteran. But you got this far, why not keep going? You knew that was just your aroused animal brain talking, but you were so high off the excitement of being in this situation that you listened. You released a heavy sigh, body tensed and ready to take whatever McCree did to you. And surely, McCree wouldn't tell anyone? He got you into this filthy situation, sure, but he also seemed to have his own sense of honour.
Instead of forcing his large cock into you, you hear the glove from his human hand hit the ground. He pushes a finger into your wet cunt, palm down, and he starts to gently pet the sensitive spot inside. You lean all of the weight of your upper body onto the barrel, worried that your legs will give out in a few minutes. He waits a little and inserts a second finger, then a third, all while gently stroking. You appreciate the way he is preparing you now, because you're hoping he'll pound you good after. He must have decided you're ready, because his fingers withdraw.
"You've been so patient," He purrs behind you. "Prepare yourself, honey. I got somethin' nice for you." He places his hands on your hips and slowly pushes his cock in. You grip the barrel tightly in anticipation. The hands on your hips tighten.
McCree's pace alternates between punishingly fast, and slow and rough. He pounds you rapidfire into the barrel, and then changes speed. He pulls back, waits a excruciatingly long moment, and slams back in. You can't help yourself; you whine for every thrust. It's exactly what you needed, and somehow he seemed to know.
You cum for the first time with a loud YES. He slows down to a gentle pace but doesn't stop.
Despite achieving release, you're still riding high off of how you shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be letting McCree fondle you, you shouldn't be bent over this barrel, and you shouldn't be out in the open. If someone walked up to you right now and whispered in your ear that Jesse McCree was your long lost cousin, you'd have thanked them and sent them on your way. It would have made this even more wrong and even more arousing. You listened for footsteps indicating someone nearby again. This time you half-hoped someone walked around the corner and saw you two. Thankfully, for your stupid, desire-drunk-self, no one came.
Despite your need for filthy, smutty sex, McCree is gentle for the second round. He keeps his gentle pace. Now that He doesn't have to hold your hips in place, his hands start to wander the back side of your form. His fingers slide up and down the back of your thighs. He gently palms and squeezes your asscheeks in appreciation. His fingers move to grip higher on your hips, thumbs rubbing circles into your lower back.
You start to think that the change in strategy on his part is ruining the mood you had going, but you feel yourself heading steadily towards a second climax anyway. Knowing this, you relax and enjoy yourself. You noticed a sleepiness creeping up on you. You let your head fall forward to rest your cheek on the barrel, quiet moans escaping your lips.
McCree speeds up his thrusts but not to the point of being rough. You find your moans steadily inscreasing in volume. Your climax hits, back arching and hands gripping the barrel tighter for support. McCree increases his pace a little more, continuing to finally chase his own end.
"Fuck," Is what you hear loudly from behind you. He's stilled his motions, and you feel his cum warm your insides. You feel him shifting his weight behind you as he comes down from his high. He caresses the top of your bare ass as he slowly slides out. The movement makes a hilarious wet sound. You hear clothing rustle and a belt clink behind you as he puts himself away and redoes his pants. More rustling, and you feel him gently wipe away any cum that had been dripping out. Do people normally carry small cloths in their packets when on these missions? He's pulling your panties and pants back up, when the realization hits you.
Did he plan this?! You didn't have time to ask as he quickly scooped you up in his arms. Your sleepiness presses harder on you, and you feel your body almost start to melt into his chest. Your head rests drops down to rest on the serape, using it as a makeshift pillow. You expect him to start bragging, but he didn't. You let yourself drift off to sleep as he carried you back to the dropship.
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Im 19 and i have got my test in october, my driving instructor has moved away and so i thought I will get a car, and i had recently bought one it is a renault clio grande 1149cc, im looking for a good insurance quote and an insurance quote that will drop in price when i pass my test because many insurance company's rise in price after the test""
Why do I have to pay to insure other people's children?
I have little compassion for those that say they cannot afford to insure their children. #1 - don't have children if you can't afford them; then don't expect me to pay for the ones you can't afford. #2 - it doesn't cost that much to insure a child; part of a parents responsibility is to sacrafice for the sake of their children. Case in point - I have an acquaintance whose parents both worked and they made just above the cut-off for getting government help for insurance. What did they do? They went out and bought 2 brand new motorcycles, helmets, chaps, gloves and boots, so they could take their little darling on wonderful family outings. That money would have went a long way to insuring them, huh? Am I unreasonable?""
What is the comparison between permanant life insurance and Roth IRA?
Advantages if any Disadvantages if any
What health insurance plan should I buy?
Hi I'm currently looking for a health insurance. I live in southern California. I'm a 27 year old female, 30 lbs overweight, no known medical condition, looking for something to cover mainly major or serious medical problems. Dont know whats better Kaiser Permanente or Blue Shield Blue Cross? Should I look for a high deductible plan or a copayment plan, PPO or HMO? Really confused!!!!!!""
I already have car insurance and I am getting a new car...?
I already have car insurance which I paid in full in December 2012 which cost me 2500, I have got a new car and they said I owe them 550 for the remaining months, could I pay this monthly or does it have to be in full?""
Question about Auto insurance?
I got mylicence recently but got no insurance. Can I drive someone else's car if I do not live with them, nd they have it insured, and their insurance will cover a wreck if I have one?""
Im 16 and trying to get my license but my parents won't let me because of insurance costs
anyone have any ideas?? btw im not allowed to work
Is Aetna Health Insurance any good?
I am healthy, but if something happens I want to be sure I am covered. Have you had any good or bad experience with this company. I currently have Humana, and they don't want to pay for a minor office visit, so I am changing. Anything you could offer would be great. Thanks.""
Who are good for cheap insurance without any no claims?
previous vehicle was mobility and insurance was not in my name so I have no no claims
How much does motorcycle insurance in Texas cost?
I'm 16 and plan on buying a motorcycle and getting my license soon, how much would I pay a month/year?""
Question on using to insurance to pay for something?
if i went to the doctors and used insurance to pay for it would my parents get a statement that says i used it and what it was for ?
Can my fiance add me to his insurance plan?
and is it more convenient than individual? (insurance through his work)
Mercury insurance teen driver rates?
hi i am 16 and i just got my permit. i was wondering, do u need insurence when driving with a permit? also how much are mercury insurance teen driver rates (estimate $$) because thts what my mom has as insurace. please if anybody has any idea what the rates are or if there are specials for teenagers? thank you :] sarah""
Peoria Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61652
Peoria Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61652
What is the average cost of Health Insurance adult woman who is a Registered Nurse per month?
Health Insurance for a healthy, non-smoker, fit woman???????""
How much Car insurance cost?
How much Car insurance cost?
Who is responsible for insurance on car.... the owner or driver?
I'm going thru a divorce and my husband has been paying the insurance on our 3 vehicles. However, I believe the policy has not been paid and due to lapse the first of July. I'm getting insurance on the car I'm driving, but my husband alternates driving between the other car and truck. The truck is titled in his name, but the other car is in mine. I can't afford insurance on two cars. If he drives it, and he's stopped, who is responsible for the insurance?""
How can I get low cost medical insurance?
Hello, I am a single adult with no children, unfortunately I am still not able to afford health insurance, I have heard of medicaid or medicare, but I don't know how to apply for it. I need mental help, I suffer I believe from depression, but am not a doctor so I could be wrong, but still I need help. I am only 25 yrs. old, so if anyone has a suggestion or knows what I should do please let me know. If I have left out important details, email me and ask what you might need to know to hopefully be able to answer. I am very serious and do not need non serious answers, however I thank all of you who have helped in the past and continue to do so.""
How much car insurance does a 18years old guy has to pay per month in UK??
I am 18years old i wanna buy a car..lets suppose if i buy a cars that worths about 5000pound how much insurance will i have to pay per month?
Does Gap insurance transfer if I refinance?
Gap insurance was included in my originol car loan-the same company refinanced me for a lower interest rate-will my gap insurance still be intact???
How much does it cost to buy and insure a car (17 year old)?
Just passed my test, looking for a car to use Which is the best car to insure and run, and what is the best insurance quote I live in a bad post code area which is one if the highest rates and i dont want a black box and i need to do alot of driving after 11 o clock""
What is the Average Insurance cost on a Snowmobile?
I was going to buy a 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, And i'm 14 and inexperienced on them.. How much do you Figure the Insurance would cost? (I'm not going to call, you don't need to know why.) And i'm in southern Canada.""
Had a accident no insurance Also no my car?
Ok well as my question states. I was in a car accident and i have no way to pay for insurance. the other driver is fine we are just waiting for the report. The police did not ask me anything about my insurance. The other part of this is that this car s my ex car he was letting me use. So im wondering is he going to get in to trouble and what am i looking at? Hopefully someone expirenced can help thanks.
How can i claim for a new alternator under insurance- it cost me 400?
I am selling my car, and I would like to get some cash from my insurance policy. I just had a new alternator fitted 2 weeks ago- any ideas??""
What company offers a good affordable rate for car insurance in the state of Maryland?
I'm just moving out of Virginia into Maryland and I am very overwhelmed by the high premiums that I will have to pay oppose to the lower premiums that I was paying for 2 cars in Virginia. Does anyone know a good cheap car insurance company? Thanks!
Insurance on 2002 subaru wrx?
Hello, I am 16 and am looking into getting a 2002 wrx. My dad only wants plpd on it. I would just like to get an estimate of insurance rate. I live in michigan btw.""
How much would it cost to insure a 1995-2000 Ford Mustang?
Something with around 80k-100k miles. Everything stock no mods or tuning. Not convertible. Im 18 so i know itll be a decent amount. Im going to have my dad co sign on the car to help lower the insurance. Itll be used for maybe 3 times a week and ill put maybe 5k a year on it. Im on gieco currently and they wont give me an accurate qoute and i know you wont really be able to but if you give me the same number itll be the set amount ill asume. Thanks
How much would Insurance be for a Porsche 924 in Britain?
Hey guys, I am going to be turning 21 this August and hope to pick up a porsche 924 up. Do you know roughly how much this would cost me in terms of insurance costs? Thanks in advance! -R""
Where can I get cheap health insurance in NYC as an individual with a relatively low deductible & low premium?
Is that even possible? My reasoning is this: I am 26 and I am self-employed. I am basically just looking for a bare bones plan that will have the lowest premium possible and I actually care more about emergency care than doctors visits. You see, I don't get sick often and don't plan to go to the doctor a whole lot...I just want something in case of an accident and the whole low premium w/ high deductibles thing won't help me...I'll be stuck with a sky high bill to pay off if I stay in the hospital. I'd rather have emergency coverage and simply pay out of pocket for a doctor if I have to. Is there a plan out there in NY that fits this? Anyone know? HELP! I make too much money to qualify for Healthy NY or another low income program..but not enough to reasonably afford a normal healthcare plan when factoring in rent and student loans. (If this isn't a reason for universal healthcare in the US, I don't know what is)""
Price of insurance for a 2002 Porsche Boxster?
My uncle's selling me his 2.7l 2002 Porsche Boxster. I'm a 16 year old boy and this will be my first car. What do you think the monthly price of insurance on it would be? I know that I should ask an insurance agent, but I just want to know what I should expect it to be around. Thanks:)""
What the best insurance company for me?
so I'm 19 and havn't have my licence very long and I drive a race car... but I want good cheap insurance like allstate or statefarm I'm looking for good coustomer service that makes me feel safe... so whats the word... any coustomer service stories?
I got a ticket and need to know what my insurance will cost?
I got a reckless driving ticket I'm 16 no other tickets or wreck I have Erie insurance What will my insurance cost bcus my mom canceled it and I have to pay it now
Car insurance for 5 weeks - where from at a good price?
I know Google will happily direct me to tons of crappy comparison sites, but I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions for a cheap car insurance in the UK for around 5 weeks. 28 days offered by many temp companies is slightly too short and probably too expensive, as is a year policy!""
Whats the best insurance for a college student?
Whats the best insurance for a college student?
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
How much will my car insurance go up?
I accidently hit a parked car. No damage to my car. Damages to the other car add up to about $900. I have liability insurance with USAA and wont be paying a deductible. My driving record has been clean for 12 years. Should I just pay out of pocket or file the claim with insurance?? The person who owned the damaged car is a neighbor and said they won't file a claim if I pay them directly. I'm concerned.... if my insurance premiums go up 40% over 5 years then I'd just pay myself. I don't know.. I really can't decide.
Car insurance for a month?
Is there anyway of getting a car insurance for just a month cause I'm selling my car in the next month so don't want to take out a years insurance for it? Thanks
Best and cheapest car insurance in australia?
Can anyone tell me the cheapest and best most reliable comprehensive car insurance in australia i need to insure my car asap im thinking westpac or aiime
""Car insurance like for like, just like other insurances?""
My cheapish car was written off after someone bashed into the back of it. I am brokeish and need a car to get to work. The car cost 400 and the insurance company might give me 200 if I am lucky. Surely the Insurance company should just replace the car with the same or similar model, so I am back to where I was before the lorry crashed into the back of my car. because now I have to find money I do not have just to get to work! There is something wrong here somewhere as it is costing me and I have not actually done anything except be the victim here. Is like for like possible with car insurance?""
Peoria Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61652
Peoria Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61652
Insurance nightmare help?
tommorow im leaving for florida in my grandmothers car. i just discovered the car hasnt had a proof of insurance for over a year. if i cannot find a proof of insurance i cannot begin my 1300 mile trip to florida. does anyone have any ideas on some way we can get a proof of insurance between now and tomorow at 9 am?
How much would my insurance be is I have 4 points against my license?
I gotten 2 speeding tickets within 6 months (4 points in south carolina...I have a good reason to be speeding!)...I am currently uninsured but my vehicle (2000 Honda CR-V) is insured under my mom's insurance with Geico... I'm 19 years old and soon I will have to register my own vehicle and get insured...my mom doesn't know that I have tickets. I go to college and I'm a pretty good student (4.0) would I get a discount with that? Also, what is the cheapest insurance? Thanks!""
How on earth is car insurance cheaper for woman when more than 65% of crashes is by woman?
How on earth is car insurance cheaper for woman when more than 65% of crashes is by woman?
Cheap car insurance..?
I need to know a cheap place around here that is under $80 for three people. I tried looking it up, but where I am staying at right now the Internet sucks on my phone. I'm 20, my parents are over 50. And we live in Cleveland, Tx So, I guess what I'm asking is if someone can look up a cheap place for me.""
To get maturnity insurance or not?
I am currently 29 years old and just recently married. I have come to a decision I have to make on my health insurance. I am not planning on getting pregnant for at least the next 2 years. So do I or do I not take the maturnity insurance. It would be a differance of 140.00 a month! Crazy since I am on the pill trying not to get pregnant. But it is still possible to get pregnant on the pill, but highly unlikely. So my question is do I take it to be on the safe side or waive it until it gets closer to that time. Money is tight and I hate to sink money into something I will hopefully not need. Any views on the situation would be much appreciated. Thnx.""
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Car insurance without a driving license?
I know there are insurance companies in california that sell car insurances without requiring a driving license. does anybody know some of these companies and what is the average price of this kind of insurances? thanks
How much money does car insurance go up per year after an accident that is your own fault?
My wife and I just had an accident in a parking lot in which we backed into another car that had almost completely backed out already. No one was hurt, but the damage caused by our car is between $1,000 and $1,500. We will not have the damage to our car repaired. This accident is our fault; however, both of us have had a completely perfect driving record up until now. We just want to know how much this accident is going to make our insurance go up.""
Primerica Term Life insurance - Is it any good?
I have been hearing mostly bad things about Primerca as a company as a whole and only a few good things but mostly bad. However i am more interested in their Term life insurance policies. Is anybody farmiliar whit it that can offer me some guidance.
Is insurance expensive for a 17 year old Riding a 125 ped?
i live in bromley south east london/ kent i have recently bought a Gilera Runner VXR 180 Reg as 125, im using it for college and seeing family, i have completed my C.B.T Bike is road ready MOT&Tax could anyone give me a guestimate on how much it would be on your previous experience and any good companies that insure young drivers ? thanks alot (P.S if you would like too right a smart ar*e comment please dont do it on my post, im asking for advice not a lecture)""
What is the cheapest and best health insurance out there for a single fella?
What is the company's name and what would I have to pay on a monthly basis? Thank you and good day!
Is a 93' mustang hatchback cheap on insurance cause its a hatchback?
hello I'm 17 and i'm looking to get a car. I have always loved the 93 mustang.Its my favorite car ever.It is a hatchback so would that make it cheaper on insurance?? my parents always helped my brothers by putting there name on the tittle along with my brothers.I'm pretty sure it made it cheaper.There are only 2 cars that i really want either the mustang or a older honda civic hatchback.i like the way both the cars look.please help. leave you comments/opinions Thanks!
Car insurance for a financed Audi A4?
What is the least expensive car insurance agency?
If you have full coverage Insurance and your car is stolen?
What happens? My mom had a 2000 Lincoln Navigator. It is completley paid off and she went out of town yesterday and her car was stolen from a motel parking lot. If the car is never found, how much does the insurance pay and how long does it usually take?""
What kind of car insurance do I need?
All I want is liability, but what does the state of California require as their bare minimum? Do I need uninsured motorist bodily injury limits and property damage limit? I drive a 1993 Jeep Cherokee.""
Should I take a term insurance rather than home mortgage insurance?
Normally many banks want the home loan borrowers to take mortgage insurance. Here there are controversies since many suggest borrowers should take term insurance instead. But do term insurances always give better protection than term insurance? How does a mortgage insurance compare with term insurance in terms of premium amount, premium payment period, risk cover of death, disability, chronic disease, surrender value, survival benefits etc? Apparently the term insurances are cheaper but have to be paid for a much longer period than mortgage insurance (generally paid for about 1/3rd of loan period.) So which options is better? I would specifically like to know about such products available in India. Thanks.""
Where do I but non car owner insurance?
I need to get my licence and here in NC they require you to have insurance to get your licence wher do I go to buy non car owners insurance at the best price?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
i need cheaper car insurance because most quotes are coming out at like 4 grand and i dont have that kind of money. the car is a 1.2 55 reg corsa, does any one know a cheap insurance company? cheers""
Car Insurance Question?
I live in Los Angeles and I am leaving the country for 6 month. Can I stop insurance of my car as no one will drive it? In case of theft how can I get it covered? Would the house insurance work in that case?
Responsible Insurance company won't pay up.?
Long story short. Not my fault. The guy backed into my car. It was parked to sell it. So no insurance policy on it. My BF and I were sitting in the car out of the rain writting out a new for sale sign. The car vibrated like crazy when we drove it to move it back to my place. The guys insurance company didn't even check the alignment or add it to the estimate. The other estimates don't even include the alignment. There could be more damage. I decided to get cash to another car. I have not signed anything yet or recived the check. My car is worth about 2K. It wouldn't be worth it to fix it. Insurance Company $1013.76 Auto Body Shop $1162.00 Ford Dealership $1284.90 Les Schwab Alignment $90.00 361.14 difference. I asked to raise their quote. The Insurance company said no. If I had go to an auto body repair shop of my choice with 1013.76 they would call and ask for them to kick down more money. I am going to notify the insurance company that in writting that I am taking them to small claims court. Any ideas on the letter that I submitt? My BF and I were injured. The medical people are refusing to bill the insurance company responsible. They wanted me to pay up front and get rembursed later or have some other insurance cover it. I didn't want to wait. I used my work health insurance. So they are getting the bill. Any way I can get the Car insurance company billed?
How does car insurance work?
Okay, I'm 17 and I'm getting my first car this summer, maybe June. Thing is, I am only going to have my car from this June until March or April of 2009. The reason for that is that I'm moving to Mexico on one of those months. I would actually have liked not to buy my car now but I'm going to have to because where I live, there's absolutely no public transportation. (I live in the northern part of Texas.) I graduate high school in a couple of weeks and need to get to and from work. Up to now I had been working but work was pretty close and my aunt (which I live with) gave me rides. She's getting a job now too so I can't really be dependant on any one and I don't want to at all either. My big question here is... when I get my car, does car insurance come with a contract or something? I won't be here for a year so if it does, what's the minimum plan available? I will also be with my aunt's insurance so I will be included in their plan or however that works..""
Will Infiniti G35 coupe be a lot more expensive on insurance?
I have a 1997 Jeep Wrangler Sport with a 3 inch body lift and 33 mud tires. I'm selling it today and getting an 05 Infiniti G35 coupe. I'm 17, so my insurance right now is 200.00. I will be 18 in October. Do you think the Infiniti will raise it A LOT? A little doesn't really matter, but how much more would it raise it? I've never had a ticket or anything like that. My insurance is 200.00 because I have full coverage at a young age.""
Can I Buy A Motorcycle And Insure It With A Motorcycle Permit In California?
Can I? I'm 17 Years Old with a California motorcycle permit. Can I buy a motorcycle on my own and get insurance on it?
""Chrysler 300c, tax and insurance?
how much would it cost to insure and tax the 300c for a year and do they drink on petrol cheers
Best Insurance policy for children?
Pls help me in selecting the best insurance policy for children. Should I go with LIC or private insurances like HDFC Life, Aviva, Max Newyork ?? Is unit linked policy reliable ?""
Peoria Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61652
Peoria Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61652
""Does my auto insurance cover anyone driving, if they have no insurance themselves? thanks?""
Does my auto insurance cover anyone driving, if they have no insurance themselves? thanks?""
Does anyone know if State Auto Insurance Agency is a good insurance?
I am looking for auto/home owners insurance was quoted a great premium with State Auto, but wasn't sure how good of insurance they are.""
Cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
im 20..i own a car. no tickets and no accidents i have had my license for a yr and half where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
""Can I add my wife's car to my insurance, rather then renew her own policy?""
My wife and I recently married, and it's time for her to renew her insurance. Her driving record isn't great, so her rates have been quite high. Being that we're married, can I just add her vehicle to my own policy to save money, or will she need to have the insurance in her own name??""
My Allstate insurance agent wants me to change from Allstate to Allstate Fire and Casualty. Should I? ?
I would be saving money, but I am wondering if there is a catch to this. Anyone else do this? It is my auto insurance, and I'd save money to switch (about $500 every six months. He tells us rates are lower because my credit is good. True?""
Insurance notification?
if you go to the doctor with insurance and pay the co-pay there, will the people paying for the insurance still be notified. I need to go the doctor to get birth control, which i can legally get without my parents {I'm 15}. I was wondering if I use my insurance card that's linked to my parents insurance, will they still find out that I went if I pay for the $10 co-pay? I have a boyfriend for about a year but we aren't having sex. I want it to clear my acne and to have lighter periods, although if I ask my parents they will think that we are having sex.""
Where can I find the best family health insurance coverage for the right price?
I am working for a small landscaping company that does not offer insurance. I am married with two kids, both under 2 yrs of age, and my wife has a pre-existing condition of asthma. Can someone help me find a good insurance coverage for a reasonable price and also accepts pre-existing conditions? Any idea on an average cost?""
Did I get a cheap Auto Insurance?
Not sure if I got a good deal from Geico. I insured my new 2008 Mazda and and old Honda Civic. I live in SoCal. Liability Coverages for both: Bodily Injury = $500,000/$750,000. Property Damage = $50,000. Medical Payments = $25,000. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury = $500,000/$500,000. Plus Collision and Comprehensive Coverage for the new car. Total Premium = $528.70 (6 months coverage) Is this expensive? Did I choose the right amount for the coverage?""
My friend has no car insurance..?
He was driving and its raining outside so the street is slippery. He braked and avoid hitting anyone but it didn't help. He has no car insurance and just hit a car right now. What happens when you have no car insurance and you hit someone's car? I don't think the person will sue, but will my friend have to pay damages and a ticket? Any jail time or suspended license? Anyone experienced that? I know its illegal to be driving without insurance. This is in Florida. Help me out with some good advice or suggestions. Thanks.""
""What would be the best Ford for me, insurance wise?""
I have been contacting different insurance agencies for quotes and was quoted at 300 for a honda civic give or take some, but the lady told me I am much better off getting a Ford as I would be able to get a way better deal on them as they are easier to insure for people my age (20,m). Which Ford cars are good for this? I know the mustang is outta the question since its a sports car, but I was thinking of a truck or the small ranger truck.""
Car insurance under my parents name w/o parents being present?
Hi, i live in Miami and my parents are currently out of state. I just bought a car and i need insurance in order to get the title. I was wondering if i can go under my parents insurance without them being present or if i can do it over the phone? also the car is a honda civic ex 99 and i am 19 years old. Its my first car and i have good credit, i am a university student with very good grades, and have not had any tickets or gotten into any car accidents. About how much will my insurance be? and would it be cheaper to be under my parents name, which i might add has been in a lot of car crashes, had a lot of tickets, bad credit, and jus has bad history, or would it be cheaper to just get it on my own??? thank you!!!!!""
How can forcing people to have car insurance compare to forcing health insurance?
Actually this equates to Slavery by the government??? You do not have to buy car insurance if you do not own a car. Secondly, if your car is paid for then you only have to have liability insurance to protect others not for the repairs of your own car. Yet, forcing everyone to have health insurance would fall on every individual regardless of age, sex, race, income, ect. If you do not have enough after paying your monthly bills you will be fined and even serve prison time with a $25,000 fee. This essentially goes against Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness isn't it? Liberals want to say everyone should have, and the government should provide? Yet, this is not government providing it is government enslaving you to have?? Slippery slope they are weaving and the benefits will be far less than we have today with the government oppression on each individual.""
If you switch from one auto insurance company to another does it look bad?
I never had insurance before and am getting insurance from one company for a month and then switching. Does that look bad on some kind of record (meaning it will affect my rates in the future?)?
How do I get medical insurance?
I am 20 years old and I need medical and dental insurance. I have tried medicade but I am to old and I don't have children. please help!!
Where can I get a very good insurance quote?
I'm looking for full insurance coverage on a Toyota Camry LE. 2005. In Ca
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
Has anyone thought with the price of gas and insurance and maintenance and payments that it might?
be better to just sell your car and take transit. I take the bus to work and it is one bus and it is great I don't stress about driving and a bus pass is so much cheaper than maintaining a car. I know the bus is less convenient but I am an able bodied person and thinking more and more about how I feel like I am working to support my car and maybe it is time to simplify Thoughts and experiences with this lifestyle???
Cheapest insurance in nj?
Just got a brand new Evo x gsr and they want me to pay 279 a month. That's way to much for me and I use progressive. What other car insurance is really cheap. Please help!!!
Help! Car insurance suspension and keep no claims!?
Hey, need some urgent advise please! I'm intending on selling my car and am currently 6 months into my car insurance - the menace in this is I intend to purchase another car though my insurance aren't able to insure it though others are! Is there any possible way I can maintain my current insurance to btain the NCB and just become insured by a alternate insurer for my new purchased car? My method was suspending my current insurance and then cancelling at renewal (therefor obtaining no claims?) Need a real helping hand please!""
""Was in a fender bender, not my fault but I have no auto insurance...advice?""
I live in LA, California. I was hit at a gas station -- a car backed into my front left door... My car was the only one with noticeable damage. However, I have no auto insurance. I also don't have a lot of money to get either cars fixed. I don't really care to get my car fixed since it's a 92 nissan stanza about to die out on me. I just don't want to get in trouble for not having insurance...Their auto insurance has already called and sent a letter to have my insurance rep contact them to work out a deal to fix my car. They are already claiming it to be their fault.... Should I call their insurance rep and let them know that I do not want to put down a claim? Or call the guy who hit me personally and let him know I don't want to put down a claim? Could they find out that I have no insurance and figure out a way to get me in trouble? I only gave them my name, address, phone number and driver's licence number. Side note: The car is registered under my sister. Her registration and license have been suspended due to a DUI. Will they find out about this and find a way to get me/us in trouble?""
Does having a 2 door civic make my insurance go up vs 4 door?
im 16 buying a civic. i like the 2 door civic coupes. if i buy a 2 door civic, will the insurance be higher than if i buy a 4 door civic?""
How do I get insurance without having a car?
I got a DUI a few years ago and have never needed to get my license back.now I'm about to have my first child and really need to get it back if I need to drive somewhere but I do not have a car. But I need insurance to get it back. Any help will be great. Thank you.
How much is a 17 year old liability insurance for a camry 4 door in los angeles?
i need to know howmuch is basic liability for a 17 year old with a camry 4door in los angeles california.. any recomendations and i dont really feel like searching up quotes so any past experience is prefered.
Will the insurance company declare my car totaled ?
Well, someone hit my car yesterday early in my parking lot, (((seems to be a DUI, not sure!))), the police came and fill the report... now we sent the car to the body shop and they said that the repairs will cost around $ 12.000 maybe more.... Now, the car price was $ 25.000, we bought it 2 years ago and we checked in the blue book the actual cost and it is around $16.000... my question is, do you think the insurance company will declare my car totaled ??? The body shop guy told us that the car will lose 70% of his price because of the accident even if it is repaired... If the car will lose 70% of his value if it is repaired, and the insurance company decide anyways to fix it, what we can do ??? Pd. The hit wasn't our fault at all, it was in our parking lot and this crazy drunk driver just run over it :(...""
What is the difference between term life insurance and cash value life insurance.?
which one is better if you are starting your own business. also how much time you need to have to cash it out all the money from the term life insurance. Moreover, what are the advantages and disadvantages of both of these options?""
Peoria Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61652
Peoria Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61652
0 notes