#or at least postpone if until i've finished writing
stabbynunchuckss · 1 year
Day 18 of the wheel of whump
Today's prompt is:
Soft weighted blanket
The woman's sofa was unnaturally soft compared to what Cooper had become used to over the past months, and he relished in the unfamiliar comfort, despite the cold that the nights often brought.
Until one night, as autumn was beginning to truly set in. Cooper had awoken on the floor, the thin blanket barely enough to keep him from shivering.
Abbie was standing in the doorway to the room, holding a lantern. "Power's gone," she sighed, glancing down at where Cooper was lying. "Oh- You must be freezing, honey. Let me see if I have some blankets anywhere, alright?"
Cooper nodded, sitting up against the sofa and tucking his knees into his chest. "Okay," he mumbled in response. "Thanks."
It was a few minutes before Abbie returned from where she'd disappeared to - most likely the attic - but when she did, she was carrying a blanket with her. Cooper smiled, slightly.
"I'm sorry I couldn't find any more, but you can take this one. It's weighted, so I'll understand if you don't like it, but... It's probably better than nothing."
"Thank you, A- Abbie." The name still felt strange as he said it, but he'd get used to it eventually.
Abbie smiled at him, before taking the lantern and heading back upstairs, to her bedroom. "Just shout if you need anything," she said as she left. "Hope you sleep okay."
Cooper took the blanket in his hands. It was a pale pink colour, soft and warm against his cold arms, and he pulled it tightly around himself, relaxing back onto the sofa.
The effect was immediate. It was as if someone had pressed a gentle weight against his chest, an almost reassuring thing. Cooper's eyes fell closed, and he pulled the blanket tighter - he'd stopped shivering, now, and was instead wrapped in this weighted blanket.
It wasn't human touch, by any stretch, but this was the closest that Cooper would get to any form of comforting physical contact. So he let the blanket drape over his shoulders, falling into an almost peaceful sleep.
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
Two WIP WEDNESDAY sneak peaks for the price of one
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Originally I was going to only do a Coda for 4 x 18, but I woke up with an itch in my brain and thoughts that would not stop. So here I am, writing two more coda's to finish out the season. I've put them under the cut as to not spoil anyone.
I've also not tagged anyone because I don't want anyone to get spoiled or upset.
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT.‼️‼️‼️‼️
4 x 17 Coda:
Carlos stares ahead at the wall, not seeing anything in front of him. He’s been sitting there for hours since they came home from the funeral. He doesn’t have the strength to do anything else. He barely notices TK sit beside him and take his hand firmly in his, squeezing it to provide comfort.
His father is dead. There is no comfort to be found.
There are still so many words left unsaid, things that Carlos knows he needs to say and now it’s too late. Issues that needed to be resolved, feelings that needed to be hashed out, and trauma that needed to be talked about. They were all words that always got stuck in his throat, and couldn’t get past the years of expectations of being a proper man and not coming off as “too soft”. Words that he’s never going to be able to tell his father now. The good and the bad, are still locked up inside of Carlos. He’s not sure if they’ll ever find their way out.
For so long, Carlos has tried to be someone that his father could be proud of and it wasn’t until recent years when TK came into his life that he was able to find out just how proud of him his father was. It wasn’t until after TK, that he heard his father tell him that he was proud of him. Those words Carlos cherished, had sought after them his entire life and now he wonders if he ever deserved to hear them. With the chasm of emotions and feelings that’s opened up inside of him, he doubts that his father should have been proud of him. There was just too much left unsaid that Carlos should have said, that he thought he would have more time to say which makes him doubt that his father would have continued to be proud of him.
He feels a tear roll down his cheek but doesn’t make a move to wipe it away. It’s not the first one he’s shed today and he knows it won’t be the last. He hasn’t been able to put a cap on his emotions the entire day. He’s been unsteady and shaky, each worried glance and look of pity that was tossed his way clawing at his heart until it was left feeling raw and open made sure of that. Even TK’s gentle touches and soft words felt to be too much, but he let TK try to comfort him for both their sakes. He couldn’t shut TK out, or at least he was trying not to. TK didn’t deserve to be shut out and pushed aside into the cold and left to watch Carlos fall apart --
“Talk to me,” TK says softly, pleading voice cutting through the thoughts that were clouding Carlos’ mind. Carlos turns his head and looks at the man he loves. The soft, wonderful man who had taken time off work - or was forced by Tommy he’s not sure which one it was, he’s sure TK told him but Carlos hadn’t heard him - to be by his side when he needed him the most. TK, who deserves so much that Carlos doesn’t feel like he can give him right now.
“We need to postpone the wedding,” Carlos says, surprising himself with the words as much as he surprises TK. The thought had been itching at the back of his mind but he hadn’t made plans to say it out loud. He hadn’t made plans to watch TK’s heart break in front of him and be covered up with a look of understanding.
“I know,” TK says softly and Carlos wishes he wouldn’t. He selfishly wishes TK would get mad and demand that they still put it on so that he could feel something other than the mind-numbing pain that’s consumed him.
4 x 18 Coda:
When TK wakes up, it’s to the sound of soft waves rolling in the distance a beautiful melody of them crashing up against the shore as a gentle breeze carries in the smell of the salty ocean. TK smiles, nuzzling his face against his pillow as he stretches out his body, legs lengthening and a satisfied sigh falling from his lips as he feels the soreness of the night before in his bones. He thinks about the memory, him and Carlos coming in late and throwing their luggage somewhere in the front room as they found their way to each other, hands finding hips and lips catching each other in a passionate kiss they had been holding back since they boarded the plane. They had stumbled into the bedroom, Carlos had flung open the door leading to the balcony - “We’re on our honeymoon, let’s sleep with it open so we can see the scenery” - and then tumbling into bed. Their first time making love as husbands was something else entirely - TK can’t describe how it felt.
The sunlight streaming through the half-haphazardly closed curtain feels nice and warm on his skin and brings his smile to a full force. Beside him, Carlos is sleeping sounding and TK couldn’t ask for a better morning. They’d had so many mornings where they had woken up separately or never went to bed to wake up together because of everything that’s been going on. They’d had such a rough and rocky road to the wedding - a road that TK wasn’t even sure would lead to this moment but now that they’re here he couldn’t be more grateful. He’s married to Carlos and Carlos is married to him, they can face all of the hurt and pain together as a unit. It’s what they do best - taking care of each other.
TK opens his eyes and rolls over, looking at Carlos’ sleeping form. His face is turned towards his, brow finally smoothed out and lips open slightly. TK chuckles softly, he looks so peaceful in his sleep. It’s a peace that Carlos hasn’t known in a few weeks and TK wishes that he could bottle it all up and give it to Carlos when he needs it. His husband carries the weight of the world on his shoulders sometimes. He reaches over and pushes the blanket down and dances his fingers over Carlos’ strong shoulders. TK scoots closer, pushing the blanket down further, and presses soft, ghost-like kisses over Carlos’ golden skin which seems to be even more brilliant and glowing in the morning light.
“Good morning,” Carlos says softly a few minutes later. His voice is rough with sleep - and probably a little rough because of how loud TK made him scream last night, the thought makes TK chuckle.
“Good morning Mr. Reyes-Strand, how are we this morning?” TK asks, nipping at Carlos’ shoulder before pressing another soft kiss over the spot. Carlos rolls under him, shifting their bodies until TK is laying on top of him. TK smiles down at his husband, waiting for his answer patiently.
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vixstarria · 7 months
Write your Tav (other characters' POV edition)
So I was going to do something similar to this write your Tav headcanon post by @spacebarbarianweird (hello!), but decided to postpone it until after I've actually finished the game. (Guilty of still being on Act 2 here, although much has been spoiled)
Still, I wanted to do something to flesh her out a bit, and ended up doing something entirely different, being short blurbs from the other characters' perspectives, to varying degrees of insight and self-interest, as though given sometime before the end of the game.
If anyone else wants to do this - I'd love to read it. My stuff under the cut.
Our good luck charm. I could never tell how old she is. Not just because she’s a half-elf – oftentimes she would act like an adolescent with a devil-may-care attitude, but then you would sense a profound world-weariness from her, that made you question the span and depth of her experiences... She’s gotten us out of the most perilous situations just by knowing which buttons to push, no matter whether with humans, goblins or any other assortment of abominations. Could it be just intuition? I’ve overheard her discussing books with Gale and Astarion that she had no business even knowing about. One thing is for certain: she’s no pampered court bard. I get the sense she’s been running from something. I wonder what. 
She is the rainbow at the end of a bout of rain. A renewal of hope. Vibrant. Comforting. Refreshing. Delightful. ...Unreachable. Maybe if not for that blasted vampire... Although she’s certainly not the sort of woman I’ve ever envisaged my life with. Nor the type I would like to bring to meet my mother. Nor would she fare well within the collegiate circle. ...Come to think of it, she probably would not want the kind of life I could offer her, either. And yet being near her makes my heart sing... 
Weak. But courageous. Whelps like her do survive through sheer determination sometimes. She is lucky that Astarion took it upon himself to watch her back from day one. We all are. She is an inspirational leader. She has taught me that there are more ways out than ‘through’. To ‘think outside the box’, as the istik say. She has, truth be told, shown me the box, and rubbed my face in the fact I was in it. I am grateful and honoured to have met her.  
Oh she’s a good egg. Shame she never sang for us in camp. Too intimate, she said. What’s that all about? I suppose some things are more easily done before strangers... At least she played. I do hope we’ll write the story of our adventures together one day. Ballads, books... It all deserves a place in recorded history, written by her, with my assistance of course. Someone has to make sure the account is accurate. Wouldn’t want her to diminish or overinflate anyone’s role.  
My sister! I love her! I’m sorry I got us banned from that tavern, but I’m not one to walk away from a challenge, and ale had to be chugged, and tables had to be flipped. But she’s my best bud for all things debauchery. Skinny boy fangs, too. Him and his wine. Wait, was that wine in his goblet? Can vampires even drink wine? ...What the fuck was in the goblet and where did it come from?! I remember he was drunk... Actually, no, that was another time. SHE was drunk, and then he had her blood, yes. And then I eventually had to throw them both over my shoulders and haul them out of the tavern, because they had the bright idea to start a pickpocketing competition. And I say if you’re going to steal – steal responsibly, NOT while you’re hammered. Gods I’ll miss them both.  
My little dove. When I asked you why you let me bite you that night – you're not that naive and trusting after all – you said: “I had nothing to lose by agreeing to feed the strange sexy vampire – I couldn’t care less whether I lived or died anyway”. The joke fell flat. I asked whether you still felt that way. About life and death. “Not anymore,” you said, and took my hand.  
You are, perhaps, the only person worse than me at expressing their real feelings. Or at admitting them to your own self. It’s deplorable for a bard, darling. Even Lae’zel can get straight to the point, when she must. But I see you through the masks you wear. Just as you see me.  
None of these fuckers know I’m the real princess of House Nightstar, married to a tarrasque named Johnathan.  
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angelanimedesaray · 1 month
Okay, New Posting Plan!!!
I discovered the other day it's been 2 months since I started writing and I only have two chapters completely done for one story and another chapter with sporadic writing of different scenes and another that was almost finished I've been postponing cause there were heavy emotions I wanted to take some time before having to tackle.
In my defense, one of those 2 chapters had, like, 5 rewrites lol.
Given that at this pace it'll be over a year or two before I ever post anything with what my original plan was, and I realized there was no way I was going to be able to keep up with 3 updates a week, IM CHANGING MY UPDATE PLANS lol
At least for the first one. After that it'll be touch and go, we'll see where things land.
But for the first update, I'm either gonna finish my current WITD sprint, and schedule regular WITD updates while I work on ADP and TTLG and post those sporadically around the WITD scheduled updates and we'll see what kind of rhythm I find in the chaos, haha.
OR I continue to torment you all with suspense and wait till I finish my current writing sprint, write at least two chapters of the other two or more if I hit another writing sprint stride, post the next chapters for all three simultaneously for the first post and figure out a schedule for the other chapters I have saved up based on how long it took me to write a couple chapters each (I promise WITD will not be on a monthly rotation it'll be sooner than that, like I said I got hung up on rewrites 5 times as I got back in the swing of writing characters).
Either way you'll get it sooner than if I was stubborn and tried to stick with my original plan, we'll just see where this WITD sprint takes me and how long it's been when i finish it and it'll probably go one of those two ways. 🤷‍♀️
I'll probably do the, post finished WITD chapters from the sprint while I write and post ADP and TTLG as i finish them inbetween the WITD posts until I run out of WITD saved up chapters and we'll see how my writing pace is for all three and figure out something of a schedule from there 🙃👍
That's enough thinking for today, my brain hurts, I'm getting a pizza 🥴😮‍💨
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aloneinentropy · 10 months
Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2
I'm participating in the Brackeys Game Jam this year. To be honest, I completely forgot about it until i checked my email this morning for fun (:D) and saw that the time had already begun (D:).
The theme this year is
Diving Deeper
I decided to do a murder mystery. I'm writing the lore behind it (it is extremely silly :3) and it's so odd. I've never written any sort of mystery before so this is definitely a first.
What isn't a first is my entering a game jam. Even though I still don't have much experience with game development, I definitely have enough to spend a week developing something for fun. Murder mysteries are heavily dependant on dialogue, and guess what I just spend a week and a half working on ;)
At least this time, I have assets I can use and reuse. DIalogue systems and audio systems. I have actual clear ideas for what I want to do. This time around, the hardest part will be art decoration and room traversal.
I'll talk more about the mystery and how it fits the theme when I finish writing it, which I can definitely get done today, but I also want to say that I'll postpone work on the RPG i was working on before.
Good luck to anyone else working on the game jam :3
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little-peril-stories · 6 months
It's the time of year where many of us think about the future and what's to come. I don't really do New Year's resolutions, and I've never done a real list of goals before. But as I'm thinking about what 2024 will bring, I'm feeling for the first time the desire to lay out my goals - or, at the very least, create a to-do list.
It might be interesting to see how much I overestimated my ability to get stuff done next year. 😅
No pressure to read this, it's largely for myself!
The Queen of Lies
Continue posting semi-regularly. Given the way the first half of the school year has gone, I figure that's probably the best I can do.
Rewrite Act 3. I'm actually so excited for this, and it's all planned out! But it's still not written, even if a lot of the juicy dialogue is sandwiched between bullet points of what happens.
Edit it...eventually. Perhaps in the latter half of the year. Or perhaps that's a 2025 job. Who knows?
angsty heist wip
Reveal the title. Coming sooner than you think.
Post the WIP intro early. TPOT's came when it was about half posted, and TQOL's came only a day before Chapter 1. I think I'll mix it up for angsty heist wip. Nobody peek on my drafts and see how long the wip intro has been chilling there. 😅
FINISH WRITING THIS DAMN BOOK. It's just got to happen. I've hit 2/4 POV character's midpoints, and the delicious confrontation/finale still needs to be written. It's all the good stuff!
Figure out posting plans. It's not coming until TQOL is done, so this is a very vague and fluid goal.
Book 1
Review beta feedback thoroughly.
Make a concrete plan for what I actually want to change and what I don't.
Apply feedback.
Reread and edit for typos/little things.
Do a second beta round.
Start preparing query materials in earnest.
Book 2
lol. start it again? postpone to 2025? who knows. low priority.
The Prince of Thieves -- the journey to self-publishing
Okay, real talk: the list below is long. I've never done any of this before, so I have NO clue of what's realistic and what's not. Is all of this possible in the year 2024? Maybe not. Is that okay? It's gonna have to be! The point of it isn't to marry myself to this list or else I've FAILED, but to have a clear idea of what commonly needs to be done in order to self-publish a novel. If some of the stuff doesn't happen, well, so be it! I’m also quite aware that the list below is not exhaustive. There are probably a million things I haven’t thought of!!
DONE - ISBN account made and approved
DONE - decide on pen name. Finally!
Beta stuff! Send it off, wait for feedback, review feedback, and then apply it. I'm almost there.
Attempt cover design. I am 73% confident in my ability to do it well. With an artist AND a graphic designer/marketer in my family, I think I've got a team who can help me with the technical/Photoshop stuff.
Hire cover designer if failure. (Definitely a possibility.)
Decide on book format/interior design elements. Pretty confident I can do this myself. 96% sure.
Make an author website. For realsies. (aaahhhhhhhhh)
Increase social media presence. Try not to cry about the existence of TikTok. Try not to get in my own head about this. The truth is the thought kind of makes my skin crawl but I also understand how it is is pretty much a necessity.
Learn marketing and create a marketing plan. I got this. probably. maybe. ennnhhhh.
Consider character/scene art commissions. I am uncertain about this one. Finances will determine whether this happens or not.
Cry a lot and be okay with that. I think I'm going to struggle a lot with this whole process. And you know what? That's all right. I will learn a lot. And even if it's scary...well, that will make it all the more rewarding in the end. 💕
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umilily · 1 year
I saw your himeru nui!! Darling little thing...i also saw your big merch bundle!! I ordered a big bundle of merch a few weeks ago and it should be here by September! Mostly due to me having to buy from a overseas seller bc I got CN merch and all but I'm very excited nevertheless!
Anywhooo how are you? How are things lately? And do you have any writing ideas and prompts as of lately? I've been thinking about getting back into writing since I'm free now hehe
- shoe
Hey shoe :)
Congrats on being done! So was this your last year/semester in general or are you on holiday now?
Ah, yesss… he’s finally home <3 i was honestly surprised that the shipping worked so flawlessly. Usually my mail gets trapped in customs for at least a week, but i guess the people at the office were extra motivated and checked everything in just a day. What merch did you get? I never ordered anything from CN, but i can imagine the process must be complicated. I hope September and your package arrives quickly :) imo, waiting for mail is always both the most exciting and excruciating thing lmao
I am currently fighting with my dorm management to get the wifi fixed before the weekend. It’s a struggle. I got a bunch of lab reports to write until the end of next week and really need to get some work done over the weekend, so i hope they’ll take care of the issue today. Some more exams… the usual pretty much… counting down the days to my last exam and thus freedom…
As for writing, i have more than enough WIPs (what else is new), but mainly I am currently working on the next fic for the butler AU. Actually I have been doing so on and off since February, but I either had too much work or writers block, so it took ages. I’d say I’m about 75% there and I’ll be so glad once I’m done with this. I don’t even know anymore whether i like the fic or not, but I’ve put way too much work into it not to finish it, so I’m powering through. Other than that, i do want to write something for Kaname’s/oremeru‘s birthday. The fic was originally meant to be for tojou week back in may, but i was so busy during that time that i decided to just postpone it. Hopefully I’ll manage to finish it until the 7th. If not… oh well…
If you do get back into writing and feel comfortable to share, I’d love to read it! I could really use reading something other than scientific papers for a change lol
Anyways, hope you’re doing well, shoe, and enjoy your time off! It wasps nice to hear from you, take care! <3
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
I've been thinking about gender swap au for all Bridgertons and their parents and honestly in Kanthony story absolutely nothing will changed because those two idiots are perfectly mirroring each other in almost every aspect of life.
I wouldn't be so sure. But then again you don't have to take my word for it I've been having writer's block since forever. And part of the reason I have writer's block is because I nit pick the little details a little bit too much.
So I'm going to walk you a little bit through my thinking process. Since half of the time I met her sleep deprived or have a writers block or opinionated enough to go on a long winded rent.
So here it is welcome to add brain genderbent Kanthony edition
And why do I say that a genderbent Kanthony wouldn't work that well? Because first of all Keith Sharma would be considered an eligible bachelor and they would be no reason for all the attention to be put on his younger brother who would be by Society standards the lesser prize.
But okay let's just say that Keith Sharma made Edwin Sharma his successor because for some reason Keith doesn't want to marry it could happen. There's no good way to translate Anthony's rake ways into a female because if female Anthony had flirted with as many men as male Anthony was known for flirting with women including the whole mistress thing. Antoinette Bridgerton would not have been considered a diamond or a good prospect for a gentleman like Edwin Sharma to marry.
But okay let's say that's the attractive of this story Keith Sharma doesn't want this well known flirt who is the daughter of a Viscount to get anywhere near his brother because Keith Sharma knows that Antoinette is just after Edwin for what exactly? To save her reputation Maybe? Because her Brother Dante gave her an ultimatum that she needs to marry or suffered the fate of a spinster? But why would Edwin be attracted to her? Is it the dowry thing?
Let's just say that Antoinette has a sizeable dowry and is looking to seduce Edwin Sharma into marriage because at least Edwin is kind and gullible and will allow her to keep with her affairs outside of marriage. That doesn't make sense to me either.... Let's try another venue
You know what dear followers I evidently don't have the creativity enough to follow trough with this line of thinking as you can see.
But I'm glad that there are people who do and I applaud them for it I'm more of the type of person that writes snippets more than full stories mostly because I have a Tendency to ride myself into a corner. And if it requires a lot of thinking I usually postpone it until another day because my sleep deprived mind only allows for so much of my headspace to be occupied by deep thought when it comes to writing
I think this ask is one of those that I postpone a lot because I didn't know how to answer it appropriately and I decided to just be honest and go with the truth which is what I'm going to do today with the rest of the asks in my inbox because I really want to open up my inbox again and I said that I would do it when I finished all the backlog of answers that I owe you
And that's the tea
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deliverydefresas · 3 years
moving step by step (together)
second and last thing i posted on wp that i haven't posted here ((i think)) feel free to ignore if you've read this on wattpad already, as i'm just posting it in case i need to refer to it later.
(not proofread. it never is)
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prompt(?): domestic!simbar deciding to move in together (toanothercountry)
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When her day began, she didn't imagine it'd end up the way it did. In fact, to Ámbar the day felt like an endless nightmare.
Between her washing machine breaking, one of her kitchen cloths accidentally catching on fire when she was making her breakfast, her car not starting and thus being late to her first class, forgetting an important paper at home and losing 1/5 of her grade for one of the toughest classes in her semester; Ámbar just wanted to call it a day and forget she even had to endure it.
"The professor told me he'd let me turn it the paper, as long as I added 10,000 words more; and hear this: he won't give me the 20% of the grade, but a 15%, tops." She still needed to get her laundry done, so she'd opted to come by Simón's loft (and Nico and Pedro's too) when her classes had ended. While she waited for it to be done, she'd grabbed a glass of wine while venting her boyfriend's ears off. "So now I need to find something to write about that's worth 1000 words of coherency, otherwise I'll be lucky to even have a 10%. And God knows I need it."
Simón kissed her head sympathetically, adjusting her head - previously leaning on his shoulder- a little bit closer to his neck. "You will, little gem. You're the smartest one in your class, I'm sure you'll find something and, it's penultimate semester, you can do it."
She groaned, "I wish it were as easy as that." He kissed her cheek this time, and she snuggled into him a bit more, needing his support to make her feel less stressed. "Enough of me, how was your day?"
He chuckled, "not as interesting as yours, I'm afraid. Did a little songwriting, had a video-call with a magazine, changed my sheets..." he winked at her, making her laugh.
"Aw, do you want me to give you a gold start? Maybe I should call your mom, tell her her little boy is a nice young man who makes his own bed." Simón leaned in to bite her cheek, causing her to and almost spill her wine all over the couch, and to prevent this, the red liquid ended up on her shirt. Technically, it was one of his, since today's clothes had been thrown in the washer with the rest of the laundry, but still, spilling wine on her clothes wasn't nice. "Simón!" she scoffed him, which only made him laugh at her. He told her to grab another of his old shirts, while he refilled her glass.
She stood up then, cursing him all the way to his room to grab one of the 'pajama' shirts he kept in his top drawer. Ámbar heard him call to her once she had put it on; "hey, is tacos okay with you for dinner? Or do you want me to order you something else?"
"What are the guys having?" she questioned, to prepare herself in case the others ordered less than what their stomachs wanted to eat, and later lead them to steal her food.
"Pedro's staying at Delfi's and Nico is out with his fling, so nothing." Simón answered her, entering his room with his cellphone at hand.
"Then the usual." She told him simply, her boyfriend nodded. "Hey, can I use your laptop to check my e-mail? My phone died."
Simón nodded again. "Sure. Hello? I would like to order two pastor gringas..." he left the room again, not before pointing at his desk, where his laptop was sitting on. She quickly turned it on, taking it to the living room to wait for Simón to finish the call.
Her boyfriend was one of those people who didn't put a password on the device itself, but on the archives in it (which were mostly lyrics, tracks, and unreleased songs), so it didn't take long until she had the browser opened.
Ámbar tried to ignore whatever Simón had open in his last tab, but the images displayed caught her attention.
No, it wasn't porn, nor was it anything compromising. At least not in that way.
Her boyfriend had a Real Estate website open, showing apartments in sale. However, that wasn't what surprised her – he'd talked about finding his own place before-, but that all the options listed Mexico City as their location.
He'd never mentioned moving back to Mexico. They'd planned vacations to his hometown Cancún, sure, but somehow in all their talks about the future she'd had assumed their plans took place in Buenos Aires, close to her family instead of his. She could deal with him going on tour for weeks – she didn't bear months as well as she did weeks, and for this he always flew her in- but to live in two different countries? How was their relationship supposed to work in that scenario? Would it even work out? Sure, she was almost over with her degree, but-
"Little gem," her eyes snapped from the screen to where Simón was standing, by the kitchen's door, "I ordered you an almond horchata, is that okay?" she kept staring at him. "What? Is my laptop giving you problems? Your mail?"
She sighed. "No, I actually haven't opened my mail yet." He gave her a confused look.
"Then what's it? You've been staring at the screen for at least two minutes."
"When were you planning on telling me you're moving to Mexico?"
His mouth shut, his eyes showed surprise and an underlying regret. "Uh... soon?"
"So it's true, then? You're moving there?" Ámbar didn't want her voice to sound as hurt as it did, but she couldn't conceal it, either. After all, this was her boyfriend, the guy she was in love with, and who she'd loved for years now... to imagine him living so far away from her, it hurt her deeply.
To find out like this, instead of from his own mouth, was like salt to the wound. Her already shitty day was turning for the worse.
Simón sighed, his demeanor showing he was ashamed of it. "It's an option." He pursed his lips slightly, walking over to the couch, taking the device off her lap to turn her body towards him. "I was planning on talking to you about this sooner than later, I promise."
"When? When you had already bought it? Or when I had to say goodbye at the airport?" she couldn't help but dab at him, her temper was talking for her right then, "and what do you mean with 'it's an option'? You're looking for a place already, surely it's more than simple 'option'."
Simón let out a sigh, a sign he wasn't sure how to explain it to her, "I- have you noticed how most of our label meetings have been taking place in México?" She nodded, it was hard not to. The boys and him didn't really leave the city unless they absolutely had to, which could be summed up in three reasons: touring, vacations, and meetings. She'd always frown a little when those meetings took place, because she couldn't really understand why they had to leave when their label had offices in BsAs, but never really dared to ask Simón, afraid she'd come out as clingy for not wanting him to leave her for a couple days.
"I just assumed all the 'important' people chose to meet there instead of flying down here."
He scratched his nape. "It's a little bigger than that. Their HQ has always been up there, and their offices here have worked on a smaller scale for years; however, they've wanted all their more... 'recognizable' artists to be closer for a while now."
"So, they're making you move there?"
"Yes and no. They've been nagging us since the beginning to move to Mexico City, but it's only now we've – well, I've- considered it as an option."
"Why? Don't Pedro and Nico want, too?"
Simón grimaced. "They've already been considering it for a couple of years." Oh. Now that she thought about it, Delfina had hinted multiple times over the months 'the possibility' of working in another country. She'd always assumed she meant taking international jobs for a short period while Pedro was out on tour too, but now she guessed she'd meant for her to imagine that possibility, too.
It seemed like she'd assumed lots of things, and it stung to know she'd been in the dark far longer than everyone else. Even Delfi – who'd been dating Pedro a considerably less time than she'd been with Simón- knew of this before her.
Which made her ask him once again. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because you're still in uni, little gem, and I didn't want to move somewhere else while you were here; I still don't. I had a plan, honestly; I was going to wait until you neared graduation to slowly get you used to the idea, and, well, I also wanted to wait in case we didn't work out." She pursed her lips as she was still mad, but knew he had a point. He always did.
"You could've talked to me sooner, though. We could've planned this way sooner, make it easier for both." Ámbar sighed out, trying to get her anger out with it.
"I know, I get it now, and I'm very sorry." He apologized sincerely, grabbing one of her hands to kiss it. "This in no way is me telling you I'm moving tomorrow and leaving you here, little gem, I'd never do that. Hell, I don't even think I could. It's just..."
"An option." She finished for him, sighing again. "I guess I- I don't know, maybe I could start looking at internships in CDMX? When- when would this take place anyway? And I have to talk to my mo-" her eyes widened, "God, my mom! What do I tell her if we go? She'll be all alone here!" Her voice sounded panicky even to her.
"Hey, it's okay, there's no hurry. We've already postponed this for years with the boys, another year or so won't change anything, in fact, we'll need all we can get to get papers and stuff in check. And your mom can always come with us if you're worried about her, no biggie." He told her, as if the three of them moving countries wasn't a big deal, or, y'know, extremely expensive.
"Do you seriously want my mom living with us, Simón?" she snapped at him, and immediately felt bad to do so. He was just trying to help her and then here she was, bitching on his offers. "Sorry, sorry. I'm just... overwhelmed, sorry." He shrugged it off.
"I was actually thinking of you two getting your own apartment but since you're oh so kindly offering to live together..." Her eyes widened once more, shocked. She hadn't realized she'd implied that. "... I guess we can either buy or rent one for ourselves and rent another for your mom."
"That's not what- I mean it's not necessary. An apartment for my mom and I would be okay if she even agrees to move."
Her boyfriend started pouting. "Are you saying you don't want to move in with me?"
"No, no, that's not what I mean-" she stopped talking once she saw a teasing grin on his face. "You're messing with me."
He shook his head, silently laughing as he reached out to sit her on his lap, hugging her waist tightly. "I'm not. I'm actually happy you asked me to move with you, so I don't have to when the time comes."
"I didn't ask you." She felt the need to point it out. "You just assumed I did."
"Because you assumed we'd live together. It's okay; if it were up to me I'd be living with you in a heartbeat, I've thought about it for a while."
She gulped. "You have?"
"Yeah, but since I'm living with two dudes and you're living with your mom... it just isn't viable." That got her thinking.
"Why haven't you gotten your own apartment yet? Any of you?"
Simón shrugged, leaning into their coffee table to grab their glasses. "Rent is cheaper when you divide into three, and all of us have been saving up to get our own pads for when we moved to CDMX."
"It was never a matter of 'if', was it? It was always a 'when' you moved." She already knew the answer, of course, so she didn't wait for him to answer. "What took you so long to do so? I'm sure you could've done so years ago, and now you're waiting for Delfi and I, I guess, but before? What held you back?"
He pondered it for a minute, didn't speak immediately. "Something always came up. At first, we didn't have enough money saved, then Nico's mom had an accident, Pedro wanting to stay until his little sister finished high school... then you. My guess is the universe was waiting for us to meet to let me leave the city." She couldn't help but laugh at this.
"You're such a corny guy."
"Only for you, little gem, only for you." Ámbar took a sip of her wine before snuggling closer to his chest, earning her a kiss on her hair. "So, are we doing this?"
She pushed the anxiety of the unknown to the back of her mind, she knew that if she overthought about it she'd find reasons not to. Instead, she took a deep breath, intoxicating herself with the smell of soap and lotion that lingered on her boyfriend all the time.
"Yeah," she sighed, "but we're doing this together."
"Together," he repeated, giving her hand another kiss. "I like the sound of that."
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lucy-ashton · 2 years
So… The months have swept by at a speed, and the least I can say is that I have been through 180-degree changes during each of them. Because I wanted to focus on the hiatus of my novels, I fell behind on my fanfictions. And when I wanted to go back to my fanfics, I realised that I was running out of material, inspiration and that I literally couldn't write in the passion of the moment anymore. I now require a background, a lore built from A to Z that prevents me from committing plot holes and other usual errors. As a result, my fanfictions also ended up on hiatus. I'm not exactly in great physical shape right now too, which really doesn't help, and my job is taking up the rest of my precious free time
Anyway, all that to say I've wisely decided to wait until the broadcast of season 3 of Touken Ranbu Hanamaru to get down to writing the last fanfic of my series The Story of the Saniwa. I know that the latter was already expected last summer, but that it was postponed due to the publication of my other series: Golden Chains & Crown of Sand (Part 2). I also know how highly anticipated this fifth and final part is, but hopefully Hanamaru season 3 shouldn't be too far away now. After the broadcast, I will have all the inspiration to finish this The Story of the Saniwa series, which quickly will be followed by the last part of Golden Chains & Crown of Sand.
Thank you all for your patience, it will be duly rewarded with some awesome Behind The Scenes secrets posted here right after the fic will be posted!
I can't wait, I miss writing a lot. See you guys soon <3
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barcaavengers · 4 years
So I've seen a couple of people doing a list of what they have been doing these quarantine times, so thought to do some of my own as well. Mostly because while I'm holding off just fine, most of my friends are going crazy and running out of things to do. I was normal until last week I got Lay Off at work and now I have extra time for everything. So here are a couple of my own suggestions and how I'm holding up.
1. Read Books. Even those you have already read, go back to it. Read that book you have been postponing.
2. Movies Marathon. Watch all those sagas, watch them in order now that there is a pause in movies. If they have series, add them too. You got suggestions? Add them below! Some ideas:
Star Wars
Harry Potter
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jurassic Park
Bad Boys
Toy Story
Star Trek
Lion King
Disney Movies
Indiana Jones
3. Clean your room. Throw away/Donate those things you don't need or use anymore. Check all those clothe if they still fit. Organize and redecorate. Change the layout. Organize drawers. If you haven't done it in a while, find out how you'd like to paint your room. Go a little bit more and go for your house.
3. Don't stop in your room, go to the kitchen, laundry room, etc.
4. Learn drawing, do some sketches, practice!
5. Watch Series. All those series in your Netflix List? Take some time to watch them. Got suggestions? Add them below!
6. Write a fanfic. Best way to spend time because your mind will keep giving you scenarios at some point.
7. Board games! Cards! Try doing a card house. Play with your family.
8. Play games online. Download apps. There is a bunch of games to play and one can test your typing skills and race against others. https://play.typeracer.com/
9. Spa Day! Treat yourself! Feel good! My resource has been Pinterest. And good thing is that you start looking for something and find somethinf else that calls your attention and its like "Oh I should check that later".
10. Play Stop with your friends either if its conference or video call. I did it through video call and it was a blast. For those of you who don't know Stop, it a game in which you do a table of several columns with the titles od Name, Last Name, thing, animal, place (country or city wise), food or fruit, color, and you may keep adding on. Do it your own! After the table, someone says "A" outloud and continues the rest of the alphabet in their mind. Someone else says stop and they have to say in which letter they were stopped at and said letter will be the one to use to fill the table.
11. Nails! I am a person that loves to try new designs and things with nails. Mix colors, find idea, try doing a theme based nail art on your favorite movie or series. If you like it? Upload it to give ideas to others! My current one is something easy for Pirates of the Caribbean. I watched the movies the other way and still got two left to get ideas. You don't need a whole nail kit. I started with toothpicks and broken pens.
12. Talk with friends. Just a quick passing by to see how they are doing.
13. GAMES! If you have a console, go ahead and play. Have fun. Meet people. Finish those levels. Start a new one. Start a new game. Do it!
14. Look for crafting ideas. You can do things with newspaper. Just with things that you have home. Youtube can help with this and just Google in general.
15. Find fun ways to do your hair! I am one that my hair is what they call "dead". If I curl it 20min after I got nothing. Find different hair styles to rock for when this is over!
16. Cook! I don't cook at all, mom either (at least not in a daily basis, more like 2 week basis), so I don't think a good outcome would work. But try it!
17. Play. With. Your. Pets! Give them love! Shower them. Train them. JUST LOVE THEM!
18. Learn a new language! I have Duolingo and it has been quite productive. I do it in a different way though. You have an unused notebook? Take it and put it to use. You know how Duolingo divides what you learn? Ex. Pronouns, past, present, basic, etc.? Divide your notebook like that. Write the word, write the translation in your language (or another language if you want to spice things up), and write how you hear it/would pronounce it. Go up the highest level in each or try to do them in the same level a.k.a. Pronouns level 3, Nouns level 3, etc.
19. Learn something new! So the University of Harvard has a page where they have small courses of different topics. Best of all? IT IS FREE! Take one and learn! I'm currently doing one of the Pyramids of Giza! Super interesting! Page to view them: https://online-learning.harvard.edu/catalog/FREE?page=4
20. Plan your next or first trip! I have one planned for London, Paris, Spain for November this year. I still have my hopes up cause I have planned this so well. I don't want to give it up, I'm in denial. So what I do is check the places to go. It doesn't have to be for this year, but plan it out! Check places to visit and plan your budget! I might open a blog for trips (honestly a little bit of everything) so I'll keep you updated but if you have any questions on planning, hit me up! I do it in a way that even mom's friends trust me to plan everything for them.
21. Call your relatives! At least those you get along with. Make sure they are alright. Even if you haven't called them in a while I'm sure they will love to hear you are doing okay!
22. From the newspapers take out the Sudokus, Crosswords, Word Finders, have fun!
23. Write your future goals! Reflect on them!
24. Exercise! But do it in a fun way! Walk the dog. Go to Youtube and check those Dance Central, Just Dance exercise routines with your favorite songs!
25. Plan your next plans! What upcoming events you want to go to when this is over? Write them in the calendar and check information and follow up!
26. Read Comics online! There a few sites that have them free, the old ones and some of the new. Look them up!
27. Learn new games!
28. Sleep!
29. You miss sports? Rewatch your favorite matches.
30. Funny videos on Youtube! I found with my manager Shark Puppet and we couldn't stop laughing so find funny videos to watch by yourself or with friends, family and coworkers!
If anyone wanta to add ideas or suggestions or comments do so! If I find more I'll add them as reblogs. ❤
Stay safe everyone! Stay Home! Have Fun! ❤
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