#or at least the first time sebastian has witnessed it?
hjea · 2 years
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1899 - The Key
“Tut mir leid, Captain.”
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hemmingsleclerc · 9 months
Welcome Back ┃Sebastian Vettel
Pairing: sebastianvettel x wife!
summary: sebastian and his wife give a surprise visit to the drivers
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The sun was setting over the prestigious circuit, casting a warm golden glow over the bustling F1 paddock. The air was filled with the heady aroma of fuel and excitement, as fans and teams prepared for the next race. Unbeknownst to the drivers, a surprise awaited them in the form of a familiar face.
Sebastian Vettel, four-time Formula 1 world champion, was near the paddock entrance with his wife Y/N. After a brief hiatus, they returned to the racing world, not as competitors, but as spectators and supporters. As they walked through the meadow, whispers of excitement and surprise followed them.
Sebastian and Y/N decided to visit the drivers, many of whom had considered Vettel as a role model and mentor throughout their careers, and Y/N as a second mother, having always been there for them since their beginnings. Their first stop was the Scuderia Ferrari garage, where Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz were engrossed in pre-race conversations with their engineers.
The moment they entered, the atmosphere changed. Leclerc and Sainz turned to see the iconic duo standing there with warm smiles. The garage buzzed with excitement as the younger drivers embraced Sebastian like a long-lost friend and Y/N, with her gentle lover, radiated warmth, making the meadow feel like a homecoming.
"It's amazing to have you both here," Charles exclaimed, his eyes shining with admiration. "We've missed having both around!"
Carlos nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it's like having our racing parents back. How's life outside the cockpit treating you?"
Sebastian chuckled, "It's different, but we're enjoying the change. And we couldn't resist coming back to witness the thrill of F1 and catch up with all of you."
The surprise visit continued as the couple toured the paddock. Each meeting was marked by genuine enthusiasm and candid conversations. Max Verstappen, who upon seeing them from afar, ran towards them and hugged them tightly, excited to tell them all of his achievements that he had managed to achieve thanks to their help and support. Lando Norris, who almost fainted from excitement when he saw them in front of him, grabbed them both by the arms and took them to the McLaren garage, eager to introduce them to his new partner, Oscar, and the other drivers enthusiastically shared stories of their trips in the mountains. races and asked the experienced couple for advice.
As Sebastian and Y/N approached Lewis Hamilton's Mercedes garage, the air was filled with anticipation. Hamilton, Y/N's old friend, rival and former teammate, greeted them both with a warm hug along with a big smile on his face.
"Seb, Y/N, it's been too long!" Hamilton exclaimed. "This paddock hasn't been the same without you. We need your wisdom and humor back in the game."
Sebastian grinned, "Well, we're here to bring some of that back, at least for today. But remember, you're doing just fine without us. Keep pushing, and the wins will come."
''It's good to see that I left the Mercedes seat in good hands, George has been fantastic in this new season!'' Y/N exclaimed with a touch of emotion and nostalgia when remembering the boy's first season.
The surprise visit of the Vettel's became the highlight of the racing weekend. The drivers, in the midst of their high-risk world, appreciated the moments with them and the peace of mind of knowing that even if they were no longer there every race weekend, they would always be with them. As the day of the race went on, the echoes of their visit persisted, inspiring the drivers to try harder, not only for victory, but also to make their grid parents proud, who watched them grow up, gave them advices, helped them get up when people started to turn their backs on them, who told them to never give up their dream, and who had given them a new meaning of ''family''.
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raenegade-accio · 3 months
Beware the following mindless deranged rambling that randomly hit me at 3am, but I can't be the only one who felt this way when playing for the first time...
Not having Officer Singer conspiring with Rookwood was a big fat missed opportunity
And whether it was intentional or not, it was all perfectly laid out for a plot like this since the start!
From her first theatrically heroic appearance in Hogsmeade:
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As a Magical Law Enforcement Officer, I assume Singer is equipped with the basic knowledge of evacuation procedures e.g. steeling all persons away from the ongoing threat and ensuring they exit the area safely.
But what did she do instead?
Luring the massive troll into rampaging further into Hogsmeade, leaving a pair of 15-year-olds completely out in the open, vulnerable to new imminent dangers. And sure enough, as soon as MC and Natty/Sebastian were alone, another troll bursted in, mere seconds after Singer left the scene.
What's not to say she was only there to clear of any potential civilian witnesses, using the first troll to scare them away under the guise of doing her job, while the second troll quickly comes crashing in, with MC being served up in a silver platter.
Later we saw Singer comes running back and is understandably surprised to see MC unscathed. We get this strange piece of dialogue:
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She didn't bother assessing, or at least securing the crime scene when it's literally the first step to ensure an initial investigation can later be conducted properly. Instead she does the complete opposite by having someone else to practically wipe it clean of anything worth further investigating; there definitely would’ve been debris or bits of damaged armour with lingering traces of dark magic, now all gone. Then she just vanished, leaving a couple of teenagers alone in an deserted area, again.
Later we meet Rookwood for the first time.
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From here we learned that Rookwood watched the whole incident unfold, implying he planned to abduct MC at the first chance he got, one which Officer Singer very conveniently provided. The only thing stopping him was seeing the new kid had absolutely Thanos-ed a troll using an unfamiliar form of magic.
And he wasn't exactly discreet either. Rookwood, an infamous criminal gang leaders was allowed to so nonchalantly wander around Hogsmeade in the broad daylight and it was clear he could to barge into public establishments whenever he wanted while openly threatening a pair of minors. A Dark Wizard who was now actively stalking a literal child got to walk away scot-free. Pretty lenient...
At this point it wouldn't be too outrageous to say Singer is systematically participating in organised wizarding crime. Here's an interesting piece of dialogue from Rookwood:
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"Favours." now we have proof that Rookwood somewhat has a little power in the Ministry. There could've been a transactional relationship between Rookwood and Singer too.
British policing wasn't exactly well liked; venal and corrupt as it was, elite officers colluding with criminals weren't new.
Assuming it applied to the Wizarding World too.
At the era HL takes place (the 1800s), bribery and cover-ups were daily occurrences, which could garner favours that often came from the very criminals from whom corrupt officers have collected in exchange for "turning a blind eye".
This one's a bit of a stretch to be honest, but it may have explained how Rookwood evidently was able to be as active as he was for "months." And it certainly would make more sense in how Singer maintained keep her position a lawwoman that's reputable and admired by the locals as long as she did despite her blatant inactions, considering the possibilities he helped pulled some strings.
It'd be too easy to claim Officer Singer was never fired simply by theorising the Department of Magical Law Enforcement were as unfit, unintelligent and incapable as the forces from the Victorian Metropolitan Police.
But it's later found out the locals felt very differently:
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People trusted her, relied on her. They felt safe whenever she's near and all have nothing but praises for her.
Imagine the potential - the level of public outrage and betrayal - among the common folk, that the person who was supposed to defend them has been aiding the Ashwinders extorting, threatening and bullying them this whole time, possibly allowing said group access to all the needed private information to terrorise them even further (e.g. their names, private residences, workplaces and occupations, and all that of their loved ones, too)
This can easily be backed up by Natty’s questline: A Basis for Blackmail
We meet a few of the victims - targeted by Theophilus Harlow, another notorious Ashwinder leader and Rookwood’s right hand man - most notably Mr Isko Rabe and his wife.
Harlow knew their names, where Mrs Rabe worked (Gringotts), what she and her husband do for a living (bank security and curse breaker) and where they lived (to plant the threatening note and destroy their garden). Both careers are as high profile as they are dangerous, so it’s not surprising Mrs Rabe was approached about extorting the bank itself. What is disquieting was that their private homes were infiltrated a little too easily, especially concerning her husband is a talented curse-breaker.
Interestingly, Mrs Rabe and officer Singer were likely colleagues (as per the cutscene of the first Hogsmeade troll attack, you can see Mrs Rabe following closely behind Singer). Someone with Singer’s position would have all the necessary connections and know-how to learn all she needs to someone of lower rank, especially when divulging them to a powerful gang leader she may had been conspiring with…
I got so excited because I was convinced there would be a twist of some sort, where we may get to pull a Houdini or a Scooby-Doo then unmask Singer as another sleazy dark witch that's been undercover and lying to the locals for years, secretly exploiting with Rookwood and manipulating the same people she's meant to protect.
I was so mentally prepared for the scandal, already so gleefully imagining the reactions of the villagers, the teachers or students from the sheer betrayal after speaking so highly of her and putting so much trust in that woman.
Imagine my disappointment when I find that she really was just hilariously incompetent 😂
Shit, even MC themselves pointed this out ( after local businesses were being extorted and a student was just kidnapped by a group of adults:
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I can always incorporate this post in the fic, that'd be fun.
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foliosriot · 1 year
Love’s The Death Of Peace Of Mind — Pt. 1
pairing: noah sebastian x reader
summary: you and your best friend, noah, messed around a few times. then bad omens releases their third album, and certain songs and lyrics hit a little too close to home.
warnings: none.
masterlist. tdopom masterlist.
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You’d slept longer than you would have liked. Waking up at 11:30AM was completely unexpected, but you could care less, especially since you don’t have work today.
With a full-body stretch and dramatic yawn, you slide off your bed. You wobble on your feet for a moment, then find your balance to walk into the bathroom.
What the mirror shows you is awful: dark bags under your eyes, tangled hair, creases along your cheek from where you had been positioned against your pillows. Your reflection makes you cringe. But you don’t do anything to remedy your appearance as you do your business. (You do, at least, rake your fingers through your hair in an attempt at taming it.)
When you’re finished, you shamble back into your room and promptly flop down onto your bed. You’ve been working like crazy recently, so the exhaustion that has tightly gripped you is warranted. But you are not enjoying it, even if you’re the one that has been picking up extra shifts. This one is on you, not the universe.
You groan inwardly as you push yourself upward. You reach for your phone that’s plugged in on your nightstand, then shift into a sitting position against your headboard as you begin your morning social media routine.
Your Instagram is flooded with posts upon posts about Bad Omens’ new album. You immediately curse yourself for forgetting the album’s release date had been much sooner than you’d initially expected.
As you continue scrolling through your feed and swiping through stories, you keep seeing the same image. It was a woman, completely nude, hunched over on a bench of sorts. The red scenery was almost too much, but you couldn’t stop yourself from loving the album art choice. It was simple yet beautiful but eye-catching, and it stood out in a way you knew only Noah would have seen.
Oh god.
Noah, your best friend, worked so fucking hard on this third LP. He is too much of a perfectionist to not get every little detail just right. You witnessed him do vocal takes over and over countless times. You saw him scrap samples that you had personally loved. The pride he’s feeling at the media’s response must be overwhelming for him, but in the best way possible. He deserves the recognition.
However, you know that the lead up to the release date had been memorable for both of you. Just not in the way of songwriting or mixing tracks.
It had started roughly a month after your ex broke up with you, about a year and a half ago. You were hanging out with Noah at your apartment, music playing from your speaker as you were drawing on your iPad and Noah was, undoubtedly, writing lyrics for a song he was working on.
He had been singing along to the song was that had been playing, his voice distracting you from whatever you had been doing. If you remember correctly, it was Science & Faith by The Script, a song you love dearly. And the way he had sang along — at first soft and quiet, almost absentmindedly, then using his entire chest like a live performance — captured your attention completely.
You’d watched him until the song ended, his gaze never leaving his journal. Then he was reaching out for his mug of tea and he caught your eye.
“What?” he’d asked.
A small smile. “Nothing,” you told him. “Just really love your voice.”
Noah had continued singing along to the songs that came on, and you just kept watching. The air became charged and vibrated with a tension you had never felt around Noah. But then that tension had snapped when your eyes had met, Give by Sleep Token wrapping around you both.
Suddenly your lips were on each other and previous tasks were forgotten. You had gladly let Noah have his way with you.
Afterwards, you agreed that such an intimate experience wouldn’t tarnish your friendship. And it didn’t! But then it happened again. And again. And again.
The last time you two had messed around was six months ago. Your constant texting and phone calls dwindled over those months, and you couldn’t bring yourself to do anything about it. And apparently, neither could Noah.
Something in your friendship had changed, but neither one of you had wanted to acknowledge it. You had simply decided that putting distance between each other would fix whatever happened. But it didn’t fix anything; it just made you miss and crave him more as the days went by.
You have wanted Noah more than anything for years. You had thought there was something between you, but had been ultimately proven wrong.
Shrugging off the memories, you close out of Instagram to open up Spotify, and you are immediately met with THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND. You nibble on your bottom lip for just a moment before you’re tapping play, keeping shuffle off.
As you listen to the album you remain sitting in bed. You can feel the energy and excitement that overtakes you as you’re enjoying CONCRETE JUNGLE, then going slack jawed by the sheer talent present in Nowhere To Go. The sudden melancholy and regret that you’re met with from Take Me First takes you by surprise, but you’re loving the lyrics too much to dwell on those feelings.
The fourth track is the album’s namesake: THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND. The instrumental intro is awfully beautiful, and you’re nearly taken aback when the first verse begins.
Noah’s voice is gorgeous. It is so soothing and comforting, and then you’re closing your eyes to take it all in. For a moment, you think you’re somewhere else.
Different bed sheets beneath you. Heat radiates from every pore of your body. The curtains are drawn together and the only lights are the strips of LED you’ve always found a bit tacky. There are familiar hands grasping at your thighs and hips, hot breath against your skin. Lips on your neck and teeth biting—
You’re in the walls that I made, with crosses and frames
Hanging upside down
For granted, in vain, I took everything
I ever cared about
I miss the way you say my name
The way you bend, the way you break
Your makeup running down your face
The way you fuck, the way you taste
Your eyes fling open. You had been taken back to a memory, one you fear may never leave your mind. The pre-chorus has your heart racing uncontrollably, and you’re frozen in place as you continue listening. You have no words. There’s a sliver of you that knows Noah wrote that about you. But you aren’t completely certain when the next song starts.
The way What It Cost bleeds into Like A Villain shakes you out of your frozen stupor. The transition is beautiful and you find yourself falling for the lyrics.
Then bad decisions catches you off guard. It’s mellow compared to the front of the album, and even the entirety of Bad Omens’ discography. Still undeniably beautiful, you think.
Just Pretend has you reeling. You knew Noah had written it a few years before but did not expect him to actually use it for any upcoming records. There are a few lines you remember him telling you about from way back when, and you smile small at their presence in the song.
The back of the album is just as perfect. You find yourself resisting the urge to jump along to the addictive nature of What do you want from me? and the sucker punch that is ARTIFICIAL SUICIDE. And then Miracle, the closing track, is simply perfect in every way possible.
When the music stops, you suddenly feel all weird on the inside. There’s an overhanging sense of emptiness, but the weirdness coiling into a knot in the pits of your stomach prevents that void from sinking in fully.
THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND is a phenomenal record, front to back. It is beautifully produced, the instrumentals and lyricism working together in a way you’ve never heard before. You have no qualms about making it your album of the year (at least until Motionless In White’s new record in a couple months, that is).
But the beauty of the songs and lyrics does nothing to calm your nerves. The boys had been working hard on every single detail when you and Noah had messed around that handful of times. There was no denying the obvious inspiration Noah had derived from you.
You sit in silence for several minutes, debating on what to do. You know you need to text your friends and tell them how proud of them you are. It takes a bit to finally scrounge up that courage, then you’re finally closing Spotify and going in to your messages to text Noah first. But your thumb is hovering above his contact, almost as if you can’t find it in yourself to simply congratulate your best friend on such a huge success.
It’s embarrassing, really. You can’t ignore your own selfish feelings to just admit you’re fucking proud of him? Because you should be proud of your best friend.
So instead of messaging Noah, you search for the rest of the bands’ contacts. Maybe, this way, you can actually convince yourself to eventually applaud him if you do the same to his fellow band members, your mutual friends, first.
You: CONGRATS ON THE NEW ALBUM!! It is so beautiful and I’m so fucking proud of you! Your drumming is insane and I can’t wait to hear you fuck it up live 🖤🤯 I LOVE YOU!!!!!
Fisherman Folio🎣🥁: THANK YOU! Your support over the years means everything to us, and I can’t believe you’ve been here since the beginning. I love you too!!
You: CONGRATS ON THE NEW ALBUM!! I’m so fucking proud of you guys and it is soooo beautiful! The bass lines are incredible 🖤🖤 I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
Nicholas🐱🩶: Thank you so much!! I’m so happy with how it came out and I’m happy you like it! Your support means everything. Love you <3
You: CONGRATS ON THE NEW ALBUM!! You went all out on the production and I could not be prouder of this beautiful record! The guitars are amazing (especially in artificial suicide like wtf?????) 🖤🖤 I LOVE YOU!!!!!
Jolly🎸☀️: Thank you! We worked super hard on it and the feedback has been so positive. Thank you for being here from day one. If it weren’t for you and Vincent we would not be where we are. Love you!!
The guys’ messages all bring tears to your eyes, but Jolly’s is the one that has the dam breaking. You smile at your phone as tears streak down your cheeks. Your heart is aching with the urge to hug them all.
A couple minutes later, when the tears have subsided and you’re wiping away the last few stragglers, your phone buzzes. From where it’s laying face up beside you on your bed you can see that it’s another text from Jolly. Your eyebrows pinch slightly in confusion as you pick up your phone.
Jolly🎸☀️: You haven’t said anything to Noah yet, have you?
The singular sentence has you swearing softly then biting your tongue. Jolly is basically your big brother, and he didn’t have to say anything before you were telling him everything about what had happened between you and Noah. He cares about both you and Noah too much to see anything come between you two. Especially considering Noah has been your best friend since he met Nicholas, and thus met you.
But the text bubble seems to be glaring up at you as you stare down at it. It’s not quite a secret that you and Noah haven’t talked in a while, so it’s almost as if Jolly’s text is mocking you. You hardly even react when you see those three little dots pop up and bob as Jolly types.
You sigh through your teeth. You hesitantly begin typing out a response, watching the dots pause and disappear.
You: No not yet
Jolly🎸☀️: Why?
You: Idk, doesn’t feel like my place ig
Jolly🎸☀️: You’re kidding right? Noah has been asking me if I’ve heard from you, if you’ve even listened to the album. He wants your feedback and attention and it’s getting really fucking annoying hearing him be mopey. He wants to hear from you ok? So for my sanity I say you at least text him a quick congrats, maybe your favorite song while you’re at it…
You: Fine, now fuck off and enjoy your huge accomplishment
Jolly doesn’t reply; all he does is like your response in acknowledgement. Which leaves you anxious as you hold your phone limply in your hands.
You breathe deeply. The phone in your hands is practically screaming at you to talk to Noah, to just let him know you listened. And you’re not sure what finally gets you to swipe away from your conversation with Jolly and opening yours with Noah. But you’re already typing and hitting send before you can take it back.
You: Congrats on the album! You’re insanely talented and you should be so proud of yourself! I’m torn between TDOPOM and Miracle as my favorite song :)
You toss your phone to the side, like it’s a bomb that is about to detonate. Having it in your grasp felt too dangerous. Letting it sit a couple feet away from you made you feel a bit better, you suppose.
The phone is silent for awhile. You remain sitting in the spot on your bed, terror bubbling in your chest as you wait for a notification of any kind. But the screen remains dark, and you keep chewing anxiously on your lip and tongue.
Maybe fifteen minutes later, you’re about to give up on waiting for a reply. Noah’s phone is probably blowing up from people congratulating him and the band, so it doesn’t seem worth idling by.
Then your phone vibrates. The screen switches on, and your screensaver is lighting up the singular notification present.
You already know who it’s from.
With shaking fingers, you unlock your phone and open up your messages. There’s one new text. Then another comes in when you press the contact.
Noah: Your love and support means the fucking world. I’m glad you were able to find some favorites lol
Noah: Ok look, I’m sorry if this is crossing a line or whatever but I just wanted you to know that there are a few songs and lyrics about you, if you didn’t catch onto that already. I miss you x
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thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed! likes and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
a/n: let me know if you want a pt 2!!
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ahlyasimps · 2 years
Sweet Lies and Caring Eyes [O.G.]
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x GN Reader
Summary: Refusing to pine after Ominis any longer, you date Garreth Weasley only for it to go horribly wrong.
A/N: Requested by Anon! Went a little ham writing this, whoopsie. Request was for Ominis X Reader where they both pine after each other but reader dates Garreth thinking Ominis has no feelings for them. Garreth turns out to be a cheater and Ominis confesses to reader in the wake of the breakup.
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You and Ominis Gaunt had been friends since your first year at Hogwarts. You had always been close, spending countless hours talking about your interests and dreams. But as time went on, you began to develop feelings for Ominis. But you didn't want to risk your friendship by confessing your feelings, so you kept them to yourself.
And that's where Garreth Weasley came in. Charming and sunny, the complete opposite of Ominis though you thought he was charming in his own way. After helping Garreth nab a potions ingredient from Professor Sharp the two of you had become close. He started taking to calling you his little tester. In reference to all the times you've helped him grab ingredients for this legendary drink he insisted he was going to brew and promised you'd be the first to try. He kept messing it up though but it was an amusing way to pass the time.
"Gah, it'll work next time! I swear. Maybe I need to try stirring it more." Garreth would always say, sighing after yet another cauldron explodes in his face.
"You always say that, I'm starting to think stirring isn't the problem and you're just an idiot." You'd reply laughing. It always ended the same way but the routine was pleasant. Helped to distract you from your too strong feelings for a certain pale eyed Slytherin who is far too sarcastic for his own good.
There were rumours going around Hogwarts about the nature of your relationship with Garreth of course. Truly, if these people devoted half as much time to their upcoming O.W.L. examinations as they did to gossiping, the next generation of witches and wizards would be some of the brightest yet. On some level though you hoped that these rumours bothered Ominis, if only a little. It would at least mean he felt something for you other than friendship. And you could work with something. You'll be meeting him in the Undercroft (blessedly Sebastian was off doing who knows what so you'd at least have privacy) after potions class anyways, perhaps you can ask him his opinion then.
As you made your way to the Undercroft, your mind was racing with thoughts of Ominis. What if he didn't feel the same way? What if he truly didn't care about the rumours between you and Garreth?
But as soon as you saw Ominis waiting for you, all your worries vanished. His pale eyes lit up when his wand pick up on your presence, and he greeted you with his usual dry wit.
"Ah, (Y/N), my dear friend. I see you've survived another potions class. I can only assume your poor potions partner did all the work then."
You laughed at his comment and feigned offence, feeling the familiar comfort of your friendship with him.
"I'll have you know I was working with Garreth today, so I just stayed far away from the cauldron" you said, unable to resist bringing up his name.
Ominis raised an eyebrow in response. "I see. And I can only assume he messed it up then?"
"You bet, our cauldron released fireworks that narrowly missed Sharp's face." You replied, laughing at memory.
Ominis chuckled at that but he seemed more tense than ususal.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you should bring up the rumours. But before you could say anything, Ominis beat you to it. "The two of you are the talk of the school," he says with an even voice "I'm hurt you didn't inform me of you... courtship." He stepped in your direction and raised his eyebrow.
"Oh, woe is me. One of my dearest friends no longer feels the need to share pertinent information about their life. The betrayal stings." He says mocking hurt.
That was all you needed to know. He truly didn't seem to mind your new relationship status (however false it may be). You felt your heart break at the thought at turned away from him with unshed tears in your eyes. "Haha, very funny Ominis. We aren't actually dating though." You reply back, barely keeping your voice from cracking. "But I've got to go now, Professor Garlick needed my help feeding her Chinese Chomping Cabbages."
"Ah, have fun then. Hope you don't lose your hand." He replies jokingly as you leave the room.
What you didn't realize however, was how nervous Ominis was while teasing you about Garreth. His fists were clenched around his wand and his smile was taut. And if you hadn't turned around when you did, you'd see him visibly relax at the news you weren't dating the Weasley.
Racing out of the Undercroft you decide to head outside for some fresh air. Hopefully it would cool your mind and you can begin the process of trying to get over your longtime love.
"[Y/N]!" You suddenly heard a cheery voice behind you.
"Oh, hello Garreth." You greeted the taller male with a wobbly smile. "Did you need something?" 
"Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend. On a date I mean. I truly do like you" He said bashfully.
Maybe this was it, your opportunity to get over Ominis. Garreth was a sweet boy and you truly did enjoy his company.
"I'd be delighted!" 
And so the weekend came and went and you and Garreth made your relationship official. Your friends were happy for you, glad you were able to get over your unrequited love. They didn't know that while you like Garreth, and quite a bit, you still had affection for the only tolerable living Gaunt member.
But you were happy, and after telling Ominis the news he wished you well. He seemed rather down though but when you pressed the issue, he refused to give you an actual answer. You've also been seeing him less and less. He seemed to be hanging out with Sebastian more and in your effort to get over him, you've sought him out less.
Garreth was a kind and caring boyfriend, he even carried chocolate frogs on him knowing you liked them but you couldn't shake the feeling that you were settling for him. You knew it wasn't fair to him, and you tried your best to push those feelings aside and focus on your relationship with him.
Everything took a turn 2 weeks into your new relationship with the ginger boy though. He suddenly started acting more cold to you. Kept blowing you off when you wanted to hang out and he'd make all sorts of snide comments. He made you feel terrible and it didn't help that whenever he decided to abandon you, he was always with other girls.
"[Y/N]!" Samantha grabbed your arm as you passed her in the hall. "You need to come with me." She dragged you over to a relatively empty hallway and hugged you. "I'm sorry," she said "he's such a bastard." and when she pointed to one of the empty classrooms in the hall, you saw your boyfriend making out with a Hufflepuff girl on the desks. 
Your heart sank as you watched the scene unfold before you. You felt a mix of anger, hurt, and betrayal all at once. Samantha hugged you tightly as tears started streaming down your face.
After a moment, you pulled away from her and marched towards Garreth and the Hufflepuff girl. You could feel your anger boiling inside you, and you didn't care who saw it. "What the hell is going on here?!" You yelled at them.
Garreth looked up, his face turning pale as he saw you standing there. "Y/N, it's not what it looks like," he stammered.
"Not what it looks like? You're making out with another girl in an empty classroom, and it's not what it looks like?!" You shot back, your voice trembling with rage.
The Hufflepuff girl looked ashamed and quickly left the room, leaving you and Garreth alone. "I'm sorry, Y/N," Garreth said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I can't even look at you right now," you said, turning on your heel and storming out of the room. You didn't want to hear his excuses or apologies. You just wanted to get away from him and the pain he had caused you.
As you walked away, Samantha caught up to you. "Come on, let's get you to your dorm," she said, putting her arm around you. "You don't need him. You deserve so much better."
"Thank you Samantha, truly." You said to her shakily. 
"Of course, he's a no good scumbag and the minute I saw this I had to find you." She rubbed your back soothingly.
"Instead of the dorm, I think I'll go somewhere else to get some privacy. I'll see you at dinner." Your voice cracked as you spoke.
"Alright, I'm here if you need me though." She gave you one last hug and went ahead. There was only one place you truly felt like you could be vulnerable in, the Undercroft.
Racing to the DADA classroom, you ran down the stairs to the familiar cabinet the hides your safe place. After going inside you sunk agains the wall and let everything out. Sure, you didn't like him as much as Ominis but you truly grew to care for Garreth and enjoyed being with him.
"[Y/N]?" The sudden voice surprised you as you whipped around to find Ominis at the entrance to the undercroft.
"Sebastian said he saw you running through the halls, it was unlike you so I asked him where you went" he replied sheepishly. You couldn't help it and sniffled. 
"Wait. Are you crying?!" Ominis asks worried, using his wand he went over to you and held your hands. "What happened?" 
"Garreth.... he cheated on me." You said through sobs
"I'm so sorry, [Y/N]," Ominis said, pulling you into a comforting hug. "You deserve so much better than someone who would treat you like that."
You could tell he was angry but he held it off in favour of comforting you which you appreciated greatly.
You leaned into his embrace, feeling grateful for his presence. "Thank you, Ominis. I don't know what I would do without you."
"You don't have to thank me," he said, pulling away slightly to look at you. "I'm always here for you. You're my... friend, and I care about you."
His words warmed your heart, and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of your repressed romantic affection for Ominis resurface. He was always someone whose presence you felt comforted in. 
"I appreciate that," you said, smiling up at him. "You're a good friend."
Ominis returned your smile, and for a moment, the two of you just stood there, lost in thought. It was a comforting silence, and you couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, things would be okay.
"To be honest, I think I'm more hurt by the betrayal of trust." You said hesitatingly. "I liked Garreth yes, but I wasn't in love with him. I think I liked the idea of being liked by someone." 
Ominis looked shocked. 
"I liked someone else more I guess, so my heart feels...protected in a way." You knew once you started you wouldn't be able to take anything back. You didn't want to get into a relationship just yet but you wanted your feelings known.
"You truly believe no one likes you?!" he questioned. But before he could continue you kept speaking.
"I like you Ominis. More than Garreth. I have for years. I guess I've been using Garreth as a way to get over you. I suppose the fact that's he's trash does make me feel less guilty about it. Feels like a weight has lifted off my shoulders with him gone.” you spoke looking down at your hands still held in Ominis' colder ones.
"Salazar, this is terrible timing for a confession." Ominis stopped before continuing "but I like you too, it broke me to see you with Gareth. Never liked the way he acted but I always assumed it was just jealousy clouding my judgement." “I can’t believe you only dated him to feel liked, I’ve been in love with you for years you fool.” Ominis sighs before giving you a bone crushing hug. 
"It's a relief to know we feel the same way" he says resting his forehead on yours. 
You laughed "Rowena, we're a bunch of idiots, aren't we." 
Nestled in his cold embrace, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. It was a feeling you had never experienced with Garreth, and it made you realize just how much you had been missing.
You maneuvered yourself to snuggle closer to Ominis, feeling his steady heartbeat against your cheek. 
"Thank you for being here for me," you said, looking up at him. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'll never have to find out," Ominis said, hands moving to cup your cheeks. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
And with those words, you knew that you had found something special. Something that would endure through the ups and downs of life, and make every moment worth living.
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black-butler-meta · 5 months
Why Ciel Being a Minor is Crucial
Something that constantly catches my attention as I read Black Butler is the emphasis on Ciel being a child. It’s brought up constantly in how other characters perceive him, and it also presents itself at times within his behaviors, particularly during traumatic events. It’s intentional and vital to the story and the themes and messages within it would not be the same if Ciel were an adult.
Ciel’s childlike nature and presentation is an integral part of the overall story and his development as a character. It serves three purposes:
It symbolizes that he is not yet past the trauma he endured when he was younger.
It serves to contrast against his more mature qualities and how others underestimate him because of it.
The presence of both mature and immature qualities provide symbolism for the transient stage of adolescence and how adults respond to it.
For the first point, Ciel’s persisting youth serves as a symbol of being stuck in one’s past trauma. He is thirteen years old, and yet he looks younger, likely due to his time in captivity where malnutrition was one of the many cruelties he endured. Additionally, he maintains some child-like characteristics within his personality and actions, such as being carried often by Sebastian, having Sebastian watch over him as he falls asleep, and an avoidance/ignorance around sex/sexuality. His childlike behavior is heightened during traumatic events, such as witnessing the slaughter of children within a replicated space of where his trauma occurred (Book of Circus arc), his near-death experience with Sebastian where he had to be forcibly restrained to receive treatment (Green Witch arc), as well as when he has PTSD nightmares. He comes across as very sheltered and avoidant of topics around sex, which at least partially correlates to his cultural upbringing within Victorian era England; however, his blatant lack of awareness of sexual topics/concerns pushes even beyond his cultural restrictions into the atypical (this will be expanded upon in a separate post).
Most, if not all, of these moments show a behavioral age regression in response to trauma. He may be 13 in the present, but the scared 10 year old still lives within him.
Age regression is typically divided into two types: voluntary and involuntary.
Ciel demonstrates both of these. He demonstrates voluntary age regression by allowing Sebastian to carry him around, as well as explicitly ordering him to watch over him while he sleeps. Although I’m not entirely sure on what are considered typical butler duties, one might even see the act of dressing and washing as babying, although this also seems an appropriate duty since I’m sure Ciel never had to dress himself as a young child. Still, none of us can deny that the act of dressing and washing are an intimate and personal form of care between Ciel and Sebastian, regardless of what side of the ship/no-ship fence you’re on. The number of frames/scenes of Ciel being dressed/undressed are evidence enough that these moments hold weight for both characters. Within all of these situations, Ciel is in control; he decides how he wants to be treated, and anyone who oversteps that boundary is met with hostility (e.g., Sebastian attempting to spoon feed him). By contrast, the involuntary age regression occurs during moments of trauma, which was already described above.
Either way, the childishness of Ciel communicates the message that while trauma may happen in a specific place and time, the impact of it is lifelong and takes years to overcome.
For the second point, it’s also important to recognize that while Ciel is childish in many ways, this youthfulness of him is always put in contrast to other aspects of him that are very mature. He’s an earl and has the responsibilities of an adult, the heaviest of which is to fulfill the Queen’s orders as her watchdog. Additionally, his intelligence and wry humor are very mature for his age, partially thanks to Sebastian’s influence and education - we saw on the flashbacks how little he knew at first and how much Sebastian had to teach him. If it weren’t for the childlike aspects present (physical smallness included), he could easily pass as an adult character.
The fact that he is technically a teenager and not a preadolescent is an important one. He knew early on that he would be perceived as a younger than he was due to his small stature. In order to carry out his vengeance, Ciel knew he had to integrate adult society. He had to work particularly hard to grow up as quickly as possible, which was why he allowed Sebastian to educate him so strictly. It worked; the queen recognized his position and maturity and allowed him to take his place as her watchdog, granting him the ability to pick up his father’s mantel and become part of the dark, seedy (and very adult) underworld.
However, it goes without saying that his youth is never forgotten amongst the adults that surround him. He is constantly looked at/treated as a child by others, including his enemies, and as such, they think they can either manipulate him or don’t see him as a threat. Ciel uses this to his advantage to best his enemies with his superior intelligence and Sebastian’s supernatural skills. He’s throwing their assumptions of him back into their faces. He isn’t a child; not anymore, and especially not after what he went through. Within the world of Black Butler, children are often treated as less than human, not worthy of respect or autonomy. They’re often compared to tools, dolls, or animals. Children are ‘things,’ created by adults and for adults. It’s a beautiful irony that it’s the cruelty of adults that has transformed Ciel into the very thing that’s going to destroy them (i.e., the adults responsible). Their hubris and the fact that they underestimate him due to his youth will be their downfall.
Of course, the conversation of whether Ciel is a child or adult is, in a way, a false dichotomy. The reality is that he exists somewhere in the middle; Ciel is neither fully a child nor fully an adult, and it’s this power struggle between his trauma and the world he lives in that provides symbolism for what it means to be an adolescent. Adolescence is a transitory period that is often overlooked or de-emphasized, particularly in western culture. Adolescence is often lumped in under the category of “child” with emphasis on the younger years of childhood, especially when it comes to topics of sex/sexuality (again, this will be discussed in a separate post). As such, there’s an invisible divide that exists in western culture between being a “child” and being an “adult.” This, of course, does adolescents a disservice, as adolescents are also going through major physiology changes, as well as dealing with a change in expectations from those around them. It’s a combination of adults restricting personal autonomy and self-identity for the adolescent paired with the pressure/expectation of the adolescent to behave as an adult and provide adult-level results.
This is what makes Ciel and Sebastian’s relationship so interesting. Due to the nature of the contract, Ciel is the one in control, rather than Sebastian. It’s a strangely balanced relationship between them, where Ciel is the master and Sebastian is the servant; and yet, at the same time, Sebastian is the mentor/guardian and Ciel is the mentee/apprentice. Sebastian is able to teach and establish rules that follow his role as his butler and play along with the game of upholding Victorian values (mostly), but in the end, Ciel is the one who has the final say on what happens. In this sense, their dynamic grants Ciel the autonomy and control that he craves, while also providing him with the support that he continues to need. In this way, Ciel is able to exist in both spaces at once: being a child in some ways, and being an adult in others. Both are central to who he is, and both are important.
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gilded-garnet · 1 year
Beastly Behaviour
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC
WC: ~1.5K / Themes: (Fluff 💚 Light Violence 👊)
Summary: If there's one thing MC can't stand, it's a bully. During a Beasts Class, she takes defending Sebastian's honour into her own hands - literally.
(Yep, someone is getting punched and Sebastian is smitten.)
"Why did you decide to take Beasts Class again? I never got the sense you were that interested," MC asked on the way to their first class of the year.
Sebastian shrugged non-committally. "I got a good enough grade and I'm keeping my options open.  The extra studying's not an issue."
"Riiiight. And it wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that I happen to be taking it, would it?" She asked, shooting him a sly smirk.
She expected him to deny it; she was only teasing, after all, but he returned her gaze seriously, wearing a fond expression.
"It may have had a small influence on my decision," he admitted, and she scoffed to hide her blush.
They arrived at the class and MC gave Poppy a quick hug in greeting before Professor Howin rounded them up.
"Everyone, follow me! I have a special lesson planned to welcome you all back." She led the trail of students out beyond the paddocks and through the tree line of the forest, finally coming to a stop at a grassy clearing. MC smiled when she saw what awaited them there.
"Here we are!" Their professor declared, holding her arms out in rather dramatic fashion.
There was a heavy pause before someone spoke. It was that haughty Slytherin boy who had harassed that Kneazle and Poppy back in fifth year. MC had never bothered to learn his name. "Um, professor, not to be rude, but there doesn't actually appear to be anything here," he sneered, and a Ravenclaw girl by his side snickered loudly. What in Merlin's name were those two doing in this class, anyway? Seeking to torture harmless creatures for sport, no doubt.
"Perhaps not to you, Mr. Parkinson, but I'll wager there's at least one person here who can identify the magnificent creatures before us," Professor Howin replied, looking at the rest of the class expectantly.
"Thestrals," MC answered, instantly.
Professor Howin smiled at her, nodding her approval, though there was was a tinge of sympathy in her eyes to accompany it.
"Indeed! As many of you will be aware, Thestrals can only be seen by those who have witnessed death. Of course, that has earnt them a rather negative reputation..." Professor Howin went on to speak of how Thestrals had unfairly cemented their place in wizard folklore as harbringers of misfortune. Sebastian listened with his arms folded, a small frown on his face.
"You really don't like Thestrals, do you?" MC stated more than asked, leaning her head towards his ear.
"I don't dislike them. They just...remind me of what I've lost, that's all. The very concept of them is macabre," he replied.
"But they're such gentle creatures," she insisted, though she soon realised that her timing was rather questionable when Professor Howin began tossing raw steaks into the clearing. The Thestrals descended upon them with gusto, and the 'unsighted' in their class let out gasps of fear and amazement as the the meat seemingly began to levitate and then vanish before their eyes.
Sebastian's lip twitched, and he looked at her with dry amusement. "Ah, yes. Look at them ever so gently ripping apart those steaks."
She rolled her eyes and swatted him on the shoulder, causing him to chuckle.
"What is even the point of this? Most of us can't even see the damn things anyway," Parkinson muttered irritably under his breath. He looked around the clearing before his eyes alighted on another, much more visible form of entertainment.
He sauntered over to MC and Sebastian, a gleam in his eyes that she very much did not like the look of.
"Sallow, you can see them, right?" Parkinson asked in an exagerated whisper, practically pushing her aside in the process.
Sebastian frowned. He had no patience for his housemate at the best of times. "Just what exactly are you getting at, Parksinson?"
"Is it true that your parents got themselves killed playing around with a muggle contraption?" Parkinson probed, lowering his voice even further. She saw Sebastian tense and felt a wave of apprehension overcome her.
"Did your uncle go in an equally tragic way? Perhaps he tripped and fell on his garden shears outside that quaint cottage of yours?" Parkinson continued with a cruel smile, his words sickly. MC was equal parts shocked and outraged by his brazenness.
Sebastian hadn't reacted yet, but she could sense the warning signs: the darkening in his expression and the twitch of his fingers towards his wand. She, however, acted first. Without a word, she marched over to Parkinson, wand forgotten, and punched him square in the face.
She heard (and felt) a rather satisfying crack before he stumbled backwards onto the floor, clutching his nose. The Thestrals bellowed, spooked, and fled from the clearing in a rush of hoofbeats and leathery wings.
"Wh - what the hell?!" He spluttered with outrage, but the heat of his accusation was largely undone by his nasally voice, now thick with blood.
"Muggle enough for you?" She spat, glaring down at him. She was acutely aware of Sebastian's eyes on her back and looked over her shoulder to see him staring at her with eyes wide and mouth agape.
Professor Howin pushed her way through the circle of students that had formed around them. "And what, exactly, is going on here?" She demanded, glaring daggers at them both.
Parkinson jabbed an accusatory finger up at MC, his other hand still clutching his streaming nose. "This lunatic attacked me!"
"Only because he was saying some truly vile things," she retorted, her temper rising again. She obviously hadnt hit him hard enough.
"Enough!" Professor Howin shouted, her voice firm. "Both of you will serve detention with me for a week. I will not tolerate such beastly behaviour in my class."
"What? Why me?!" Parkinson spluttered.
Professor Howin looked down at him with a withering look. "Because I have no doubt, Mr Parkinson, that you did in fact say some rather vile things to earn that broken nose."
Sebastian snorted with laughter, and a few other students couldn't stifle their giggles. Behind his hand, Parksinson's face turned even redder. The Ravenclaw girl dutifuly arrived at his side, attempting to hook her hand under his elbow, but he shook her off impatiently. He staggered to his feet and glared at MC and Sebastian before he marched away, muttering a stream of curses.
With the subject of their lesson now notably absent, Professor Howin promptly called an end to the class and they began to trapse back to the castle. Sebastian and MC walked together, shoulders brushing.
"It was very good of you to defend my honour like that," Sebastian remarked. "That punch was much better than anything I could have come up with."
"Yes, well, I've never been able to stand that prat. Been itching to do that since last year," she replied, flexing her now aching hand. She'd apparently managed to injure herself in the process.
She sucked in a surprised breath when Sebastian gently cradled her injured hand in his own, running his thumb soothingly over her stinging knuckles. She looked up, her eyes meeting his.
"I'll be sure to find a way to express my gratitude,"  he commented, eyes twinkling with mischief in a way that made her heart flip. An abundance of scenarios came immediately to mind as to just how he could thank her, but she buried those thoughts deep.
"You really are amazing, you know that?" He continued, looking at her with such sincerity that her mind struggled to form words. He was so close, and his lips looked incredibly soft.
But then Sebastian's eyes became unfocussed as he clocked something over her shoulder and he smirked, releasing her hand and taking a step back.  "Watch out, I think your number one fan is on their way."
"Wha - ?" She didn't get to finish before something small and solid collided full speed with her waist, forcing the air from her lungs.
"Oh, MC, that was simply marvelous! I wish I had your courage; I would have done that a thousand times over by now," Poppy enthused, hugging her tightly.
"It was my pleasure, Poppy," MC replied, still catching her breath, for more reasons than one.
Sebastian wasted no time filling his best friend in on the day's events whilst in their dorm room.
"...and then, Ominis, she punched him, square in the face!" Sebastian enthused, unable to contain his euphoria.
"She what?!" Ominis spluttered, pausing as he rummaged through his bag.
"I know!" Sebastian answered, laughing. He threw himself back onto his bed with a blissful sigh. "Honestly, I couldn't believe it, but I think it might just be the best thing I have ever seen. She's incredible."
Ominis scoffed, but smiled all the same. "You're both utterly mad. You deserve each other, honestly."
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cranetreegang · 1 year
Save Her - Ominis x FemReader
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Alright my fellow Ominis Simps. Here is the angst chapter (a lil late i know my b i was watching a rocket launch). If I don't make at least one of you cry, i will shut down my account and never write again. on god. no cap.
im just kidding ;) i ain't leaving suckas! hahahah you're stuck with me >:)
But low key, i do need someone to tell me to stop. i think im getting too crazy with some of these ideas.
Read Part 1 Here
🎶 Music to enjoy/feel to -> I'm Sending You Away and Never Goodbye and The Departure 🎶
Summary: Ominis and the Fifth Year are no longer speaking to one another. A rift Sebastian takes note of, and tries to bridge for them. Things take a turn, and she may be lost to them... forever
Word Count: ~7,400 words
Warnings: ANGST, Fighting, slight cursing, mentions of death, near death
Read my other Ominis Fics Here
Sebastian knows something is wrong. 
Over the past few days, Ominis has been far more curt than normal - not even bothering to exchange pleasantries half the time and he rarely ever smiles unless it’s a sneering smirk after a scathing remark. His patience is all but gone as well. His short temper extends not just to Sebastian though. A Second Year, who made the unfortunate mistake of bumping into Ominis one morning, received a tongue-lashing so intense, it would have made Professor Sharp blush. And now, almost everyone gives Ominis a wide berth so as to not face his wrath. 
Sebastian hasn’t witnessed Ominis this cold and cruel since their First Year, but even then he was still civil if not a bit aloof. He’s tried to speak to Ominis about his recent behavior, but Ominis is quick to dismiss him. Even going so far as to state it’s none of Sebastian’s concern and to stop ‘meddling with affairs he has no business being in’. Sebastian would be lying if Ominis’ words hadn’t stung him. 
Sebastian also took note in the lacking presence of their mutual friend. She was a common sight in the Undercroft or hanging off Ominis’ arm, but she’s been notably absent. When Sebastian brought up asking her to come study with them, Ominis gave him such a scathing glare, Sebastian had flinched away to avoid any hexes he might send his way. But, beneath the menacing stare, was an undeniable pain at the mention of her. And Sebastian almost couldn’t believe it. He stormed all over the castle to confront her for hurting Ominis. But then he found her.
She was leaning against a window overlooking the courtyard - her gaze far away. She looked abysmal and her features were contorted into an equally pained expression as Ominis. After he saw her, he started to really take notice of the state she’s been in. 
She's all but withdrawn. At dinner, she picks around her food while she glances towards Ominis - barely replying to anything Sebastian is trying to tell her. He’s caught Natty and Poppy both trying to help with her unkempt hair - brushing out the tangles in between classes while she stares blankly ahead. The dark circles under her eyes shows she doesn’t sleep much, if at all. When others speak to her, she rarely acknowledges, or she speaks so softly she might as well not have said anything at all. And everytime she tries to approach Ominis, Sebastian swears Ominis turns his back to her and goes the other way. It’s her longing gaze which eats at Sebastian the most. He’s never seen her this pathetic and beaten before.
Sebastian sighs as he thinks about his two friends. This cannot continue, he decides. And since they’ve yet to mend whatever is wrong between them on their own, he knows he has to step in and figure out what’s going on. If not for their sake, at least for his own.
He first approaches her after potions. Having just witnessed Ominis storming out without so much as acknowledging Sebastian as he passed, he figures he would have far more luck with her than Ominis at the moment.
“Hey.” Sebastian greets her with a tentative smile while he helps her pack her things.
She gives him a smile back, but it doesn’t even come close to reaching her glassy eyes. 
“Alright. What’s going on between you two?” Sebastian questions her as they walk out of the classroom. “And don’t say it’s ‘nothing’ as it most certainly is not. Tell me what’s gotten into the two of you.”
She looks at him as if she had been stricken. Her eyes trail over to where Ominis stomped away moments ago.
“It’s my fault… I messed it all up, Sebastian.” She whispers, her lip quivering.
He doesn’t waste time and he takes her to the more secluded section of the castle - since the Undercroft is absolutely out of the question. They take their place next to one another overlooking the Black Lake - where the wind carries its damp smell all the way here, on the rickety, old long bridge outside the Clocktower Courtyard. The looming gray clouds bring about an oncoming winter storm and it makes the wind bite their cheeks. She grips onto the wooden post with a somber expression and her eyes are glazed over. 
“Tell me what’s going on. Maybe I can help. I mean, I can’t fathom how you could actually mess something up with Ominis beyond repair. He adores you.” Sebastian says with a grin.
She gives him a wry smile, “I doubt he adores me anymore.” She closes her eyes with a deep sigh then asks in a whisper, “Have you ever made a mistake that you wish with every fiber of your being you could take back?”
Sebastian nods with a solemn expression, “Of course. I think we all have, at some point.”
It takes her several breaths before she continues.
“I’m sure you’re aware that Ominis comes from a long line of Legilimens.” 
He nods, “I know Salazar was one. Can’t say I’m surprised the talent stayed in the bloodline.”
“Well, I was hoping I could help him master his Legilimency. So he would be able to… feel me whenever he wished. It was supposed to help quell his worries when I’m not at the castle. So he knows I’m alright.” 
He waits for her to continue while her fingers pick at the weathered wood and a grimace consumes her features.
“After a particularly intense session, he now believes that I want to-, that I-I want to fix him. Wh-Which isn’t true. He’s not broken. He doesn’t need mending. I know this.” 
Sebastian lowers his gaze to the chasm below with a quiet inhale. He knows Ominis to be sensitive on the subject. Ominis’ mother in particular has been keen on him being ‘cured’ - going so far as to procure him magical eyes to be inserted at the removal of his current eyes. 
She lets out a shaky breath as her head falls, “B-But, maybe my motives were never in good nature. Despite my intentions, perhaps on some level, I did want to… fix him. And this was always selfish in nature.”
She sighs, “I won’t deny the allure of him able to see - even if it’s just through memories. It’s exciting. A gift.” She pauses and Sebastian can see her body trembling. “A gift, he never asked for, but I assumed he wanted.” 
Her hands cover her face, “Oh, Sebastian - I didn’t realize how carelessly I approached all of this until it was too late. And now, he won’t even speak to me.” 
Her last sentence comes out as a near whisper and she ducks away from him to hide her crying. Sebastian grabs her, turning her back to him, then he pulls her into a tight hug. She holds onto him as her head presses into his chest.
“Hey. Don’t cry. Don’t cry now.” He hushes. “It’s okay. It’ll all be okay.”
“No. No it won’t. You didn’t see the way he looked at me, Sebastian. I’ve never seen him so cold. He hates me. I fear this can’t be mended in any way. I-I’m sure he believes I’m no better than his wretched family.”
Sebastian pulls her away with a frown and furrowed brows, “You are nothing like that. Don’t even compare yourself to them. Do you hear me?!” 
She lowers her gaze from his and his fingers jerk her chin back up to him.
“Look at me.” He demands in a stern tone. “You need to stop wallowing in self-pity this instant. And we need to come up with a way to sit Ominis down to work this whole thing out. You both are being absolutely ridiculous. Him even more so. He’s being a right bloody arse, and you’re the only one who can sort him out.” 
“But, he doesn’t want to hear what I have to say. Anytime I try to go to him, he just ignores me, or walks away.” She grimaces - biting her lip to keep another wave of sobs from spilling out.
Sebastian smirks, “It’s a good thing I have my own way with him. I think I may have an idea.”
Sebastian will be the first to admit his surprise at Ominis’ acceptance to go to Hogsmeade, but he’s not about to complain. 
The journey there is all but silent. The storm of yesterday is upon them and leaves the sky in a dark gloom. Chilling winds cut through the wall of trees - kicking up the snow along the banks - and Sebastian wraps his arms around his chest to keep some of his warmth. He spares glances at his friend, noting how his brows are pinched together and his lips are pressed into a tight frown - seemingly unaffected by the frigid gales. He sees the dark circles under Ominis’ eyes as well and he finds some hope, that underneath all his bitter anger, Ominis still cares for her. And he’s just as upset by all this as she is. 
It’s once they’re at Honeydukes, does Sebastian finally find his chance to broach the subject. He catches Ominis lingering on a shelf of candies. Her favorite. His fingers glide over the boxes and he has a somber smile as he does. 
“You should get her something.” Sebastian says as he stands near Ominis. 
He retracts his hand, as if burned, and he sneers, “Why on earth would I do that?” 
“Oh, I don’t know,” Sebastian drawls out while Ominis turns towards the door - the bell ringing as they both leave the warm shop and head into the bitter cold, “to cheer her up. She’s been quite down lately. Like someone killed her beloved pet right in front of her. Not even Poppy can cheer her up - and she’s been throwing Puffskeins at her all week.” 
Ominis frowns at this, hurrying his stride - but Sebastian is hot on his heels.
“Is that what this venture is about? Did she put you up to this?” Ominis spits. 
“Far from it. She barely speaks any more - did you know that? I couldn’t talk to her if I tried.” 
Sebastian catches the wince rippling across Ominis’ features before he resumes his stoic indifference. 
“Well, perhaps that’s for the best.” 
Sebastian’s eyes widen, “You don’t mean that, Ominis.” 
“What if I did?” He retorts with an edge in his voice - any others would have backed down, but Sebastian has never been one to take heed of such things.
“Because if you did, you’d be as cruel as that brother of yours. And you and I both know, that’s not true.” Sebastian states. “Tell me. What’s wrong? What happened between you two? I thought you adored each other. And now, you practically hate her guts. Has she done something truly that unforgivable?” 
“I don’t hate her.” Ominis snaps then he grimaces with a slight shake of his head, “I thought she was different. But, she’s just like all the others. I should’ve known better than to expect anything else.” 
“What does that even mean, Ominis?” 
Ominis scoffs, “It means exactly that. If you want to know more - go interrogate her instead. I’m sure she’s dying to tell you all about it. Since she’s so apt on fixing everyone’s problems, it’ll be good for her to worry about herself for a change.”
Sebastian winces at his harsh tone while doubts of him being able to help start to bubble up. He sucks in a sharp breath, clenching his fists in determination.
“You know,” Sebastian says while they wind their way on the path back to Hogwarts, “is there any way you two could talk this out? Perhaps this is all one big misunderstanding!” 
Sebastian curses to himself at Ominis’ stubbornness. He hates when Ominis gets like this - and there’s only ever been one person who’s able to get him to come around to reason. And Ominis is refusing to ever speak to her again.
“Can’t you at least give her a chance to apologize? Bury the hatchet, and whatnot?” Sebastian practically pleads. “You do care for her. I know you do, Ominis. Despite all this guise of pretending you don’t. And guess what - she still cares about you. So, what’s stopping you? Your pride? I sincerely hope not. Because you, of all people, should know better.”
Ominis’ brows pinch together and his eyes soften. Ominis won’t deny, it’s been extremely difficult to keep up his ‘indifference’ towards her. He longs for her. But, he doesn’t know how to face her. 
“I-,” Ominis stops, his wand pointing to something ahead on the path. Sebastian follows his wand until he sees what’s got Ominis’ attention. 
She’s walking up to them - her hands are wringing together and her eyes are glued to Ominis. Sebastian curses to himself again.
Ominis turns to Sebastian with a scowl, “You lied. You did speak to her. To what? Ambush me?!” 
“I told you to wait in the Undercroft.” Sebastian hisses at her. 
“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t wait any longer.” She speaks up. “I just want to talk to you, Ominis. Please.” 
Sebastian can see the hurt within Ominis, despite his best attempts to keep it all at bay. 
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Ominis stomps past her. 
“Wait, please!” She catches up to him, tugging on his sleeve to get him to stop. 
“Get your hand off of me!” He whips around with a snarl, “Are you dense? Surely you must realize that I want nothing to do with you!” 
Sebastian stands next to her with his mouth agape, “Ominis.” 
Ominis bites his tongue hard enough to flood his mouth with a hot copper taste. He’s ready to yank his arm from her loose grasp and run away from the both of them when the noise of twigs breaking gets all of their attention. 
“You!” A masked man shouts as he emerges from the treeline - his wand pointing towards her and Ominis. “There you are! You lil’ meddling brat.”
Without pause, Ominis hears a spell being cast. He doesn’t have time to react before she steps in front of him. He hears her gasp and her body crumples to the ground with an audible thud. Sebastian is firing back at their assailants and spells whiz past Ominis’ head - just barely missing him. Ominis gathers his wits enough to help Sebastian. His casting is frantic and phrenetic. He hates the satisfaction he has in hearing the Ashwinders cries of pain when he and Sebastian land their heated spells, but he doesn’t restrain himself. 
It doesn’t take much to drive the dark wizards back, and they soon retreat into the forest from whence they came. A chilling stillness settles in the air with not a bird’s song nor insect’s chitter to break it - only the howling wind and Ominis’ and Sebastian’s heavy breaths. 
Ominis turns to check on her, when his foot hits something. He falls to the ground and he nearly recoils at touching her leg. He says her name over and over again as his hands move up her body to her face. He searches her face for any sort of movement, but she’s still. His heart seizes once he gets to her eyes. They’re wide open. Frozen in a lifeless expression. Sebastian stares at the scene with his mouth agape and his heart twisting.
“Sebastian? Is she alright? What’s wrong with her?” Ominis whimpers. He shouldn’t be this numb, nor feel that his world is disintegrating around him. But he does. And he doesn’t know how to make it stop. 
Sebastian is somewhat thankful Ominis cannot see her as he’s sure Ominis would shatter at the sight. Her eyes are wide, swallowed in an eerie teal mist, and staring blankly ahead. If it weren’t for the slight movements of her chest - he would believe her dead. Ominis drags her into his arms as he feels over her face in horror.
“Answer me!” Ominis demands, his haunting gray eyes a full on tempest as he searches in vain for Sebastian.
“She’s alive.” He states in a stern tone and Ominis lets out an audible sigh. “But, something’s wrong. I-I think they cursed her.” Sebastian can taste the bile in his mouth at the thought. “We need to get her to Hogwarts. Now.”
Ominis shuts his eyes then nods. 
Sebastian casts a Hover Charm on her - making her float lifelessly in the air. Ominis holds her close to him and they carry her back to the castle. They sprint into the Hospital Wing and start to babble like madmen once they arrive. The Nurse helps set their unconscious friend on a bed then pushes them back with a flick of her wand and she’s quick to work without a single word.
Ominis and Sebastian stand in silence. Sebastian glances over to his eerily still best friend and he places his hand on Ominis’ shoulder. 
“She’ll be okay.” He whispers. “She’s a lot tougher than she looks.” 
Ominis trembles under Sebastian’s touch, so he brings Ominis under his arm into a strong side hug. Sebastian hates this. He hates waiting for an answer. He hates seeing his friend - hurt and unmoving. And he hates the wretched expression upon Ominis. It sends Sebastian into a spiral of helplessness. He holds Ominis tighter - it’s the least he can do… the only thing he can do.
“I told her I wanted nothing to do with her.” He closes his eyes with a shaky breath. “Why did I say such a vicious thing to her?” 
Sebastian opens his mouth to speak, but Madame Blainey approaches them with a grim expression.
“Her body is unharmed. But, she’s suffering from a botched Memory Charm.” Madame Blainey states.
“What does that mean? Will she be alright then? That means you can fix it, right?” Sebastian questions. 
Madame Blainey sighs, her eyes downcast, “The state she’s currently in is not optimistic. She will have to be transferred to St. Mungos for further treatment. And…,” 
“And what?” Ominis’ voice is cold and devoid of any emotion. 
“St. Mungos will keep her comfortable.” Blainey spares them a sad, pitying smile between the two boys. “You may need to prepare yourselves for the possibility of her not waking from this.” 
Ominis’ shoulders sag and Sebastian scowls - taking a step towards the Matron with clenched fists. 
“That can’t be. You said it was a shoddy charm. So, why can’t it be remedied? Why can’t you heal her?!” Sebastian demands, his voice rising with every question. 
The Nurse raises both of her hands to ease Sebastian, but it does little to quell the indignation dancing in his dark eyes.
“The Charm may not have worked as intended. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t affect her.” Madame Blainey turns towards the occupied bed - where she lays, unmoving upon the pristine white sheets. 
 “She’s currently lost in her own mind. Unless she’s able to find her way back, I’m afraid she will remain lost to us.” 
Madame Blainey turns back to the two boys, “I am truly so sorry. I wish I had better news. I’ll leave you two alone with her.” 
Madame Blainey bows her head before she goes into her office - shutting her door with a click. 
Sebastian glares at the shut door while Ominis takes shaky steps forward until he reaches the foot of her bed. His fingers trace up her leg until they reach her hand. His hand wraps around hers and he lets out a gasp.
“She’s so cold.” He whispers. 
Ominis collapses to his knees with a silent sob, “This is all my fault.” 
Sebastian goes to his side, wrapping an arm around his heaving shoulders. Sebastian bites his lip to keep his own tears at bay. 
“This is not your fault, Ominis.” He squeezes Ominis’ shoulder while his other hand rubs up and down Ominis’ arm.
“It is. It is.” Ominis cries. “She wouldn’t be like this if I hadn’t been so cruel to her. I-If I would’ve given her the chance to speak. Instead, I-I just ignored her. I knew she was hurting, Sebastian. I knew I was hurting her. But, I chose to ignore it. All because I assumed the worst in her. And now, the last thing I said to her was that I didn’t want her.”
Ominis lets out a heavy breath, “Yet, she still chose to protect me. Even then she still… cared.” 
Ominis manages to get back to his unstable legs long enough to stumble towards the head of the bed. He feels over her face, brushing aside her hair as he does so. He buries himself into the crook of her neck and Sebastian can only place a reassuring hand upon Ominis’ back - and watch. 
“Please. Please. Wake up. Wake up and tell me what a fool I am. And how foolish I’ve been. Please, just wake up.” Ominis begs.
Sebastian can’t stand how hurt Ominis is, nor can he stand the blank expression upon her face staring at him. So, he leaves without a word. His destination - plainly written in his mind. 
Ominis can barely hear the breaths leaving her. He has to strain his ears to catch the hint of an exhale escaping her. He places his hand over her heart. There’s a slight rise and fall, and a faint strumming of a near nonexistent heartbeat against his palm. 
“If this is your way of getting back at me for how-,” his throat cinches and he has to suck in a sharp breath, “For how I’ve been. I’d say you’ve made your point. You can stop. You can wake up now.” 
He sounds pathetic and desperate, even to his own ears, but he doesn’t care. He’ll gladly grovel at her feet, weep for forgiveness, anything. Anything. He'd give, he’d do, he’d say anything, just to hear her curse his name - to direct all the malicious things he’s said to her unto him. At least then, she’d be… 
He shakes his head at the grim thought. She’s not dead. She’s simply lost, as the Matron put it. 
“Lost in thought.” He murmurs. “I hope they’re pleasant thoughts. An old adventure perhaps? The ones you like to tell me about - even though they worry me to know you were in such a perilous situation.” He laughs, bitterly and near sobbing. 
“I hope it’s the one you and I were on together. I enjoyed it. Although, you did nearly get us killed.” He smiles to himself.
He feels over the top of her far too cold hand and he slips off his school robe. He drapes it across her while he focuses on the rise and fall of her chest - satisfied she is indeed still breathing. 
“Or maybe it’s best to not think of me at all. I wouldn’t blame you.” He murmurs as he grabs her hand once more. 
“I don’t know why I didn’t come to you. I wanted to. So badly. So very, very badly. It’s been driving me mad. Not being able to talk to you. There’s so much I want to tell you.”
But now, those words may forever remain unspoken. He shudders at the thought. 
“It’s not to say I wasn’t upset with you.” He confesses. “I was. Even now, I’m angry at you for throwing yourself into harm’s way - yet again. You’re so incredibly, unbelievably careless. And look at where it’s gotten you!” 
He lets out a sharp breath, ripping his hands away while he falls back into his chair. 
“You must be laughing right now at how-,” he gasps, “At how much pain I’m in. I’m in absolute agony right now, and you don’t even realize. Because you care about everyone so much - but never yourself! Why is that? Why don’t you love yourself to the same degree that everyone else loves you? Like I love you.” 
He falls into his hands and his fingers dig into his hair, practically ripping it from his scalp. 
“I love you so much. It pains me. I thought this was supposed to be a sweet, wonderful thing - yet here I am. In misery.” 
He strains his ears again, and he catches a slight exhale. 
“Say something, will you? Anything. Please. Just say something. End my torment.” He whimpers. 
Another near silent breath is his only response. 
He sits back up and slowly, carefully, reaches out for her. He tangles his fingers in her hair - far more gently than he had for himself - and he has her hand in a vice-like grip. He strokes her scalp while he listens for any slight changes in her breathing. But, it’s steady. Like she’s in a deep sleep and he’s merely trying to disturb her rest. 
“I know. I know.” He sighs. 
“I know you don’t like it when I’m upset. Especially over your… adventures. I just wish it was someone else in your place. Selfish, I know. But I never claimed I wasn’t. I wish you weren’t the way you are. So wanting to do good and to help those that have no merit for it.” 
He smiles softly, “But, that’s also why I love you so fiercely - that bleeding, kind heart of yours. Which, so foolishly, believes me worthy. Worthy enough to protect me. To care and love me.” 
He shakes his head to dispel the tears threatening to fall, “You are such a fool.” 
He squeezes her hand, his heart twisting when he doesn’t feel her squeeze right back, then he shifts to be closer to her. He presses a kiss on her forehead then rests his head against her temple. His nose brushes against her cheek and he sighs, taking in her sweet, calming scent. 
“It’s alright. For I’m a fool, too. We can be fools together. You and I.” He laughs, “It sounds wonderful, actually. We can live a foolish life. Doing foolish things. And, it’d be perfect. Because, you’d be there with me. And I, with you.” 
He closes his eyes, breathing deeply through his nose and letting it pass through his lips in a near whine. 
“I hope that’s what you’re lost in right now. Us. Doing foolish things. Together. You and I.” 
He whispers with a tear trailing down his cheek, “You and I.”
By the time Sebastian returns, it’s the early hours of the morning. He goes towards the candle light emitting from her bedside. It’s not nearly enough to keep the shadows at bay and the dark silhouettes of his two friends sends a chill down his spine. Ominis is in a chair holding her hand and stroking her hair. He’s never seen Ominis so disheveled. His hair is pulled out of his neat, slicked-back style and his starched clothes are rumpled and wrinkled - his school robe lays over her as a poor excuse of a blanket. 
Sebastian doubts he fairs much better - feeling the sting in his eyes from straining them and refusing to let the exhaustion manifest to slow him down. Sebastian can hear the soft whispers Ominis speaks to her the closer he gets, but he can’t make out what’s being said. Sebastian hovers by the foot of her bed, unable to break Ominis from his hushed pleadings. He’s like a stranger intruding on something intimate - something not meant for him to hear.
“She’ll be transferred to St. Mungos at first light.” Ominis states, his head not even turning towards Sebastian. Sebastian closes his eyes with a deep breath - his throat impossibly constricted. 
He moves towards Ominis to rest a hand on his shoulder.
“We can save her.” He says with not an ounce of wavering in his voice.
Ominis whips his head towards him with wide, glassy eyes, “How?” 
“We can’t do it here. We need to take her to the Undercroft.” 
Ominis nods, “Very well. How do you suggest we sneak her out?” 
Sebastian is grateful Ominis isn’t fighting him on this - and he’s quick to cast the Hover Charm on her once again. 
“Quickly. Before anyone sees.” Sebastian takes the lead, with Ominis trailing behind. 
They arrive at the Undercroft and place her down in the middle of the circle Sebastian has prepared. Ominis smells the distinct stench of incense in the air and he frowns.
“What is it we’re going to do?” 
Sebastian guides Ominis to kneel right by her head.
“It’s you. It has to be you, Ominis. You’re the only one who can save her.” Sebastian states. 
“Me? H-How?” Ominis reaches out in front of him until his fingers nestle in her hair. 
Sebastian takes his place next to Ominis, “You have to reach into her mind, find where she is, and then guide her out of the charm.”
Ominis shakes his head, “No. No, I can’t.”
“You’re the only one who can.”
Ominis wants to object, but Sebastian places a strong hand on his shoulder.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way, Ominis.” Sebastian says. “You can do this. I know you can. She does too.” 
Ominis lets out a sharp exhale and he moves her head to rest on his thighs. He traces along her cheeks and jawline before he gives a short nod.
“I’ll try.” He whispers. 
Sebastian grins for a moment, “I’ve drawn a grounding circle around us to protect you from getting lost in there as well.”
“A grounding circle?” Ominis grimaces. “Sebastian, this doesn’t sound-,”
“Yes! Alright, yes.” Sebastian snaps. “This is experimental magic we’re doing - and it might not even work - but it’s all we got.” 
Ominis takes a deep breath as he closes his eyes, “Is there anything else I need to do?” 
“Just find her.” 
Ominis swallows down the apprehension, the fear, and the doubts. She needs him. And he won’t abandon her now. He takes another deep breath then searches for her eyes until he feels something tugging on him. 
He’s not greeted with the normal familiarity of her emotions. Instead, it’s an empty, stillness. It would be enough to send him reeling away, but he refuses to leave. Not without her. The more he feels around in the empty confines, he begins to notice there’s slight tears within this place. He reaches out and rips the veil apart. 
A slew of memories rush over him. He’s tossed around from one to the next and just when he’s beginning to understand what he’s seeing, he’s jerked to the next one - all fresh memories from the past few days. He has to watch as she tries to go to him, only for him to turn away from her - again and again and again. Each one hurts more and more, but he refuses to pull away. 
He keeps going even though his head feels like it’s being split into tiny pieces. 
He catches voices - Sebastian and her speaking. Then the voices of the men who attacked them. She didn’t even hesitate to move in front of him - all to protect him. How she still loves him, even though he said such horrible things to her not but mere moments ago is not something he quite understands. How could she be so…
It speaks to him and the torrent he’s in slowly dies down as he focuses hard on the warm feeling. More images shift past him until finally it stays on just one, singular memory. 
The sun peers through the autumn leaves. Golds, reds, oranges, and browns are all in front of him. He blinks several times, nearly retreating from the overwhelming sight. It’s almost too much. All these colors swirl around him and it takes his breath away. He reaches out to grab the leaves as they flutter past, but they pass right through him as if he were no more than an apparition. He’s lost in absorbing the sights around him - walking along a stone path as he takes it all in. The chilled air and distant bird song brings him solace and the memory wraps around him like a warm blanket on a cold, winter’s night. Whatever this memory is, it’s important and it's like he’s been here numerous times before with how at home he feels.
He hears her soft laughter and he’s harshly reminded as to why he’s here. He sprints right towards it - going around bends and following the path until he finds two people walking next to each other. 
A boy with slicked-backed brownish-blonde hair wearing a black and emerald school robe and a girl in a similar black robe as the boy. The boy’s sightless gaze is in front of him - his head craned towards the girl next to him- and his wand emits a pulsing red glow. Ominis can’t believe he sees himself. More importantly, he can’t believe he sees her.
The sun casts a soft glow upon her smiling face and her shining hair. She keeps looking over at the boy - over at him - and every time, a warm smile tugs on her lips. He’s amazed at being able to see this smile reach all the way to her eyes - making them sparkle and shimmer. It’s enough to send his heart hammering in his chest as he watches them. He finds himself enamored with every little detail about her. Even the way she walks and moves her hands as she talks is captivating.  
He knows this day. 
They’re walking back from Hogsmeade. Long before they ever admitted to one another their feelings. Although he knew she looked at him often, he never imagined it was with such adoration. And the way her smile entangles in every word, it’s a wonder he didn’t piece it together sooner. He’s like a bystander as he watches them - they’re moving, yet they’re going nowhere and if he doesn’t keep his concentration on where he is, he finds himself looking through her eyes instead. A very disorienting sensation. 
He sees himself talking, but the words are distorted and cut in and out. He notices the woods around them are starting to get blurry and it’s all beginning to fade away. 
He concentrates until the memory comes back into focus with sharper clarity. They continue walking down the path and he goes to follow. He calls out her name, but nothing comes out of his mouth. He tries once more, yet again, nothing - not even a whisper. They’re walking away from him now and he’s running in place.
‘No. Come back! Don’t leave!’ He screams, but no sound comes out. He’s slipping and losing his grasp of this memory.
He won’t let her go. He digs within himself to compel the words to be uttered with every ounce of strength he has. 
Her name reverberates in a great shout and she stops walking. She turns to face him, the real him, and her eyes widen.
“Ominis?” She whispers. 
He laughs in both relief and disbelief. He runs towards her - his hand outstretched, “Yes. Please. Don’t go. Come with me.” 
She cranes her head and takes a step towards him with a slight smile until a voice cuts through:
“I want nothing to do with you!”
“Leave me alone!” 
“Get your hand off of me!” 
The memory begins to distort as she grimaces - backing away from him. The words keep repeating in a horrible mantra. It’s deafening and it makes him sick to hear his own vile words again and again.
“You’re not real.” She says, blinking back tears. “None of this is real.”
“Wait!” Ominis calls to her, but she’s already running away. 
No, no, no, she’s slipping from his grasp - then she may very well be forever lost. Something ignites within him - a sudden surge of control and power unlike anything he’s felt before and - with great effort - he forces everything to cease. The echoes of his words silence and the world around them fades until it’s just them in a dark, empty space. She turns towards him while he all but rushes to her. 
“Don’t go.” He cries. “Please. Come back.” 
She shakes her head while she steps away from him, “No. No, I don’t want to go back.”
“No, wait! Don’t leave me. I-I need you.” He pleads. 
He wants to go to her, but his feet refuse to lift. Some force is keeping him at bay. 
“I hurt you, Ominis. I didn’t mean to, but I did. I ruined everything.” She cries. “At least here, I can pretend. I can go back to how it was.” Her lip quivers and it breaks his heart to see her so upset. 
“You haven’t ruined anything, my love.” He whispers with a pleading expression. “It’s I who’s done that. I never should’ve pushed you away.”
He lowers his head, “I’ve been acting like that scared little boy that Marvolo would take toys from. The one Father would torment by ripping apart my mind. The son, a mother, so desperately wants to fix.”
He lets out a shuddering breath as he whispers, “It was easier to accept that you had ill-intent towards me than the truth.” 
She shakes her head, “The truth?”
He finds it impossible to look at her awaiting face, but he does. He knows he has to.
“It frightened me to see into your mind. Because, I wanted more. I wanted to see more. I wanted to be just like Father, and tear into your memories to make them all mine.”
He gasps at the truth leaving his lips. He stares at her as she stares back at him. He wishes he could understand the expression written upon her face. But, he doesn’t. All he can do is wait for her to speak.
She steps closer to him, “You are not your father, Ominis. And I’m so deeply sorry I put you in a position which made you feel even remotely like that. I never should have pushed you into doing what I believed you should want.”
He shakes his head with a bitter laugh, “If you hadn’t been so adamant on me learning how to do this, I wouldn’t be here right now. And you would be lost to me. And,” he looks at her with a wide smile, “I wouldn’t be able to see you now. Nor that beautiful memory.”
She lets out a near cry and her sweet smile brings him unfathomable joy. 
He steps towards her, “I’m not my father - I don’t have to use this ability the same way he does. I understand that now. This is, indeed, a gift. And I’m so sorry it took me so long to realize that.”
Her features morph into an earnest, pleading expression.
“This was never a means to fix you, Ominis. I don’t want to fix you.” She whispers. ��I love who you are. And I’m so sorry if I made it seem otherwise.”
He smiles as he nods emphatically, “I know. And I was such a fool to believe otherwise. You didn’t deserve that.”
She beams with a slight laugh, “We’ve both been fools, haven’t we?” 
“I’m afraid we have.” He laughs. “So, please,” he holds out his hand towards her, “come back with me, love. Come back.”
She glances between his outstretched hand and him. A warm smile comes over her.
She closes the space between them and embraces him. He lets out a gasp at how close he feels to her - far closer than he has before - as he embraces her just as fiercely back. He senses something tethering to him. It’s trying to bond with him. It’s a magic he’s never experienced before, but he knows it’s stemming from her. He lets it tangle around him and the dark place they’re in begins to shatter.
Ominis gasps, reeling from the experience, and he has to gather himself. He blinks several times, a frown forming at his sight being normal once more.
“Ominis! Are you alright? Did it work?” Sebastian grips Ominis’ arm while Sebastian’s gaze is firmly locked on her. Ominis’ hands feel over her unmoving face and his frown deepens. 
“I-I don’t know.”
She jolts up with an audible breath before she falls back into his lap. Sebastian laughs, shaking Ominis as she blinks up at both of them in confusion. 
“O-Ominis?” She mumbles and her brows pinch together. “Oh, Ominis. You look like you’ve been romped by a herd of Puffskeins.” 
Ominis chuckles, his relief palpable, “That would’ve been far more preferable. Oh, it’s so good to hear your voice.”
She stares at Ominis with wide eyes. 
“So that was real.” She whispers with a wide smile as Ominis nods. He strokes her cheeks and she holds onto one of his wrists to ensure he stays right there.
 She turns her head towards Sebastian, “If this was your grand idea to get us back together,” she laughs, “well, I suppose it could’ve been worse.” 
Her eyes flutter shut with a groan,  “Although, my head is certainly killing me.”
Sebastian - unable to retort with a witty response - holds her free hand with a chuckle. Ominis leans his head against Sebastian’s shoulder, in both relief and exhaustion, while she glances between the two tear-stricken, grinning boys with a grin. 
“It’s so good to see you awake.” Sebastian smiles. “We were worried one of us was gonna have to slap you until you finally came to your senses.” 
She giggles, “Thank goodness it was unnecessary.” 
Ominis lets out a sharp laugh, “All thanks to you, Sebastian. None of this would’ve worked without you. Thank you.” 
“Anytime.” Sebastian grins at both of his friends, alive and well, with unmasked relief. Ominis plays with her hair with a warm smile while she looks up at Ominis with such adoration, it’s enough to churn Sebastian’s stomach from their sweetness. 
“So, let’s discuss my reward. I take many forms of gratitude.” Sebastian smirks. “Butterbeers. Doing my homework. Answers to next week’s test. I’m open to most ideas.” 
Ominis chuckles, “I’ll get you a whole keg of Butterbeer for what you’ve done.” 
“I’ll hold you to that.” Sebastian says. 
Ominis leans his head onto hers as they slowly stroll along the rickety, old, long bridge by the Clocktower Courtyard. She plays with his hand - intertwining their fingers together then releasing them to hold his hand, only to tangle them once again. 
“When do you expect to return?” He wonders.
“By this evening. I’ll try not to take too long.” She squeezes his hand. 
He hums, “I’ll be waiting for you.”
She smiles as they reach the end of the bridge and she turns to face him, “And I’ll be looking forward to seeing you.” 
He’s still captivated by the sight of what his wand paints of her. Like waves crashing to shore or a crackling inferno, magic rolls over her body in a steady hum. It’s electric and fiery - unbridled energy which sparks and ignites across her. He wonders if the pulsing is in time with her heartbeats as it thrums to a gentle beat. It’s breathtaking and he’s the only one who can see her like this - and he’s forever grateful his wand has adjusted to this new connection between them.
He cups her cheek with a soft smile, “I hope you don’t run into too much trouble, love. I do rather like you unharmed, and intact.”
She laughs, “Don’t fret. I promise to return just as I left.” 
He leans down and places a heated kiss on her awaiting lips, one which takes her breath away and leaves her wanting for more. It’s a brilliant supernova in her mind as he intertwines himself with her. She feels his lips on hers, but also her lips on his. For a brief moment, they are one. The sensation dies down as he parts, but his presence doesn’t fully leave her. She sees the strands of Ancient Magic tangled around him - glowing in a vibrant radiance as it stretches all the way to her. She wonders if he regrets it. This bond he’s been forced to share with her. He silences the thought before it can fully form with another deep kiss. 
“Do be careful.” He whispers against her lips with a sweet smile.
“I will.” She steps away from him before he can lure her back into his embrace. She summons her broom - sparing him one final, loving glance - then she takes off. 
He sucks in a sharp breath at her departure. If he concentrates, he can feel the wind in her hair and against her face. Whatever bond they had created in the confines of her mind, has not dimmed, but flourished. And as she flies further from him, he can find her like his guiding star. And he smiles - turning back to the castle to await her return.
AN: i like the idea of Ominis' mom being far different from his father and brother. Meaning, I want his mom to be a type of devouring mother where she manipulates you into believing she's only doing what's 'best' for you. idk, i can just see her being very sweet and doting in a twisted kind of way. like ripping out her son's eyeballs to 'help' him.
also, hope the magic bond and legilimency mind shit wasn't TOO weird. idk, i like the idea of magic bonds and Ominis' wand being able to detect her in his own special way. and ancient magic seems like a pure form of magic for this to be viable.
ALSO ALSO, is it Ominis' or Ominis's???? i might blow up my computer and then my local walmart on minecraft if it's the latter. I was told if a word ends in an s, then you don't add the 's. idk im not an english expert. im a dumb idiot writing mediocre fanfiction.
Any feedback is appreciated and wanted! I love hearing from y'all and thanks for reading <3
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Wedding of HRH Prince Oliver, Duke of Rothsey & HIH Madame Hortense of Francesim Part 1
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Travis: Welcome Everyone to a sunny and joyous Edinburgh for dare I say, the wedding of the year! Today, the world has flocked north to witness HRH Prince Oliver of the Scots, Duke of Rothsey finally get his girl and marry the amazing and angelic HIH Madame Hortense of Francesim. I’m Travis Middelton of the Scottish Broadcasting Corporation and I am joined by the one and only Stéphane Bernard of Francesim 2. Sir, it is an honor to present alongside such a legend. Stéphane: Thank you Travis. It is great to be presenting alongside my fellow colleagues at the SBC. Your warm hospitality, and the hospitality of the kingdom have been on show for the past 2 weeks between the charity gala and engagements conducted with both families.
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Stéphane: I, myself feel a bit emotional today as the French have been waiting for this moment since Madame Hortense has been born. The first wedding of a French Princess for the first time in over 200 years! Travis: A historic moment indeed! Stéphane and I will be here for every moment of the day, giving context and insights on both Scottish and French elements that will influence these proceedings from our perch here near St. Andrew’s Cathedral.
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Stéphane: And I see that Prime Minister Amara Ahmad and her husband are arriving as one of the first political guests of the day. Will we see an abundance of kilts today? Travis: Potentially! Guests who are not in the military are encouraged to wear it and I do know that the groom has at least 3 cousins who are too young for military service so we should be seeing some kilt action. Stéphane: And the groom? We’ve received word that he has an honorary appointment as Colonel of the King’s Highlanders. Travis: We will see him in a kilt! It is the first time in a very long time since a royal groom was seen in a kilt, so this will be a treat.
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Stéphane: Well I think some colleagues in Paris are buying lunch on my return as the young people of the office did bet on the Duke wearing a kilt today! We now are seeing Queen Diana of Simdonia and her devoted husband Prince Gerhard entering the cathedral, looking very striking in red, which is a color for both The Kingdom of Scots and Simdonia. Travis: Queen Diana always stuns in her fashion and Prince Gerhard has redefined the word dapper. The bride and groom were present at Prince Gerhard’s Victory Games earlier this year in their first engagement of as fiancés. Stéphane: Yes they were! Prince Oliver won 1st I believe on behalf of the Wounded Warrior Foundation with the support of Madame Hortense. I do believe I have seen many servicemen entering the cathedral. An honor for them, to witness this moment at the invitation of their future king.
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Travis: It was quite a touching but not surprising gesture from Prince Oliver as wounded servicemen hold a special place in his heart. Back to the royal arrivals, HM Queen Anastasia of Carrington and her husband HRH the Duke of Clois have arrived looking stunning in light blue. Stéphane: Which has been a color Madame Hortense has been seen in many times. It was the official colour worn by the women of the French imperial family abroad. The Queen and Duke from Carrington seemed to make fast friends with the bride and groom based off stills from the gala.
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Stéphane: And one of the first members of the couple’s extended family have arrived. The Grand Duke & Duchess of Bordeaux who are also known as the Duchess and Earl Consort of Carlisle are here with the Grand Duke wearing his Imperial Air Force uniform while the Grand Duchess stuns in a subded dark green Travis: Next to them is the Grand Duke’s twin, Mrs Isabella Villa and her husband Mr. Sebastian Villa. The Bordeaux siblings are cousins to Prince Oliver and the Grand Duke has been seen with Prince Oliver here in Scots as children. Very interesting that we see nothing from Mr. Felipe Valois who has closer ties to the couple since he served aboard a naval submarine with Emperor Napoleon V.
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Stéphane: Turning to guests taking their seats inside, King Arnaut and Queen Lorraine of Uspana are looking regal and cheerful today. I do love the homage to Uspanan culture from the King. King Alexander is encouraging national dress today? Travis: Absolutely! If we were to wear kilts but deny other’s their cultural emblems, we’d be a little silly no? I do love the yellow accents on Queen Lorraine, a sunny pop of color inside this very grey cathedral. We have also just received word that Prince Oliver and his best man, Lord Callen MacDonald have left Highland House, where Prince Oliver spent some time with his close friends including several of his cousins.
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Stéphane: We’ll be keeping tabs on the groom’s arrival as we look again outside and see that another set of newlyweds have arrived, Queen Viviana II & King Phillippe of the Ionian Union! Philippe is Madame Hortense's first cousin, and second in line to the imperial throne of Francesim. Travis: Wedded bliss looks wonderful on them and I like the feather motif with the pair. And more countries should use purple as a uniform colour.
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Stéphane: A regal color for sure. King Harrison of Brighton is being led to his seat. Dare I say, a bold fashion choice to opt for a patterned waistcoat! He was seen conversing with HIM Madame Mère last night, the two sharing the loss of spouses.
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Travis: Just now arriving is the ever youthful Queen Elizabeth of Trenton and HRH the Duke of Glassworth. What is in the trentonian water and how can I get it? If I get to age as gracefully as Her Majesty and His Royal Highness, I would consider myself extra blessed.
@bridgeportbritt @royalhouseofcarrington @nexility-sims @funkyllama @empiredesimparte @covingtons @trentonsimblr
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blue--ingenue · 1 year
soft!sebastian headcannons - part 6
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Author's Note: the summer semester just ended, but fall semester starts in a week so 🫠 i'm hoping to get a lot of writing done over the next few days in-between packing and prepping for classes. as always, i am so grateful for the wonderful feedback and support from all of you, readers. ya'll have my heart 💖 im also now realizing this might be more angsty than i intended. oops
when he was little he was terrified of the dark. he used to sneak into his mother’s study to read her books on dark creatures (his love of seeking forbidden books started early). the dementors scared him the most. when his parents realized the reason for his nightmares they taught him the patronus charm. although he didn’t yet have a wand of his own, his father cast the spell and explained how it would protect him when he was older. little seb was enchanted by the glorious glowing chestnut mare that pranced about his bedroom
he continued to sneak into his mother’s study and truly believed he did so undetected. in reality, his parents knew exactly what he was doing. they locked away the books on forbidden and terrifying magic and replaced them with anything that might feed his curiosity. not long after they discovered that he was a voracious reader. despite insisting they read him several bedtime stories, he was up and padding down the hall to spirit away their books as soon as he thought they were asleep
boy is incredibly touch-starved. when he was little he would simply climb into his parents’ laps or tug on the bottom of their robes whenever he wanted to be picked up. obvi when he and Anne began living with Solomon that wasn’t an option. so throughout the day he’ll just make contact with you in any way you can. brushing against your hand while you walk to class, resting his arm next to yours during lectures, brushing nonexistent dust off the shoulders of your robes throughout the day
you start dating, and at first he’s worried about being too clingy. but once you assure him that you love cuddling, it’s like the floodgates have been opened. he’s constantly touching you in wholesome ways (anything less than wholesome and he’s asking for your consent and double-checking you’re okay with it at least 50 times). he’ll cuddle you in the grass while you’re trying to study in the gardens, he’ll wrap his arms around you and blanket you with his robe if you tell him you’re cold
he has awful nightmares. from helplessly witnessing his parents’ deaths, watching Anne nearly wither to nothing from her curse, and nearly losing you to Ranrok, Sebastian has no shortage of material to claw at him in dreams. one night you both stay up studying in the room of requirement and he falls asleep on the couch next to you. at first his night terrors start small, the occasionally jerk of a knee, a slight frown furrowing his brows. but gradually the signs get more distressing. he’s whimpering, whispering ‘no’ and ‘please’ between sobs, and trembling as he curls into himself. you wake him and he latches onto you, eyes wide and chest heaving. you don’t force him to talk about it, but you listen to the little he bears to recall and rub soothing circles into his back. he eventually falls asleep to your hands running through his curls. this happens a few more times to the point where you’re able to free him from his nightmares merely by holding his sleeping form. your heart lightens when, one night, you realize that the dark circles beneath his eyes have been missing for quite some time
Taglist:@mlktea13, @mrsbrookesallow, @ithinkweallsing, @snickette, @crispywiz
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darksigns-exe · 9 months
The Sound Of The Waves Collide - Nick x Noah
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Paring: Noah Sebastian x Nicholas Ruffilo
Warnings: Non-penetrative intercourse, swearing, technically unprotected sex
Word Count: 4k
Set after Remember Where We Started Out
His thumb draws soothing circles across the back of Noah’s. He feels his eyes fall shut at the feeling. Nick’s been so patient with him, and Noah’s more than grateful for it. 
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He can’t stop thinking about it. Before them – before he got involved with Nick and his girlfriend – this was never something that had even crossed his mind. There have been a lot of firsts, new experiences since then.
The first hurdle had been to accept that he was interested in another man – one that he has been friends with for what feels like aeons at that. It’s taken him quite a bit of time to admit that he feels that way, especially considering that Nick has been with the same girl for almost as long as he’s known him. But they’ve both been so patient with him. 
He’d let Nick touch him a few times already, but it’s never gone further than handjobs while they’d all been pressed up against each other. Noah’s never been alone with Nick like he has with her. Not that he doesn’t want to, his mind swims with need every time he thinks about it. But before he gets to act on it, his mind snaps shut, and really he wouldn’t blame Nick if he’s starting to doubt this whole thing. 
He shivers when a hand draws across the back of his neck. He doesn’t have to turn around to know that it’s Nick. 
“What’s on your mind, pretty boy?” 
The pet name still sends his mind reeling, even when they both use it so frequently. It had been a joke at some point, and he doesn’t know when they’ve started to use it in earnest. 
“You’re quiet, even for your standards.” His fingers twirl a stray piece of hair around them, “Talk to me.”
Noah thinks for a moment. He needs to talk to them, and especially to Nick, at some point. 
“Sit with me?” 
The other slides onto the sofa next to him, “Go on.”
He’s never been particularly good with this stuff, and it feels even worse now. 
Nick's body is turned entirely towards him, and his entire attention is on Noah in that oddly comforting way. It would unnerve him with other people when Nick is this focused on him, it makes him feel at ease. 
“I’m all ears.”
He draws in a breath, but it does little to calm his mind. Noah knows that no matter what he’ll say, Nick will understand, he always does. 
“I was thinking about how much you do for me and how I never – you know…” he hopes that the thinly veiled allusion will suffice. 
It won’t, Nick has been trying to get him to actually ask for the things he wants instead of hoping that they will just be able to read his mind. 
Nick doesn’t say anything and instead just gives him a pointed look. 
“Saturday? When you…when you got me off?” he chokes the words out, “I want to repay the favour. I just don’t know what I’m doing.” 
Noah feels the other's eyes burning into him, “First of all I need you to stop thinking of it as repaying a favour. You’re not doing me a favour – at least I hope that’s not how you think about it.” Noah is quick to shake his head, “Good. I know for sure that you have at least some idea of what you could do.”
His hands wring together, trying to combat the anxiety firing through his brain. Noah tries to keep himself focused on how good Nick made him feel and how badly he wanted and still wants to see that same expression on him. 
Nick wordlessly reaches across to take Noah's hands into his, “You know that you don’t have to be nervous, right? This isn't so different from what you do with her. And you should know well enough by now that if you ever need to stop, all you have to do is say so.”
His thumb draws soothing circles across the back of Noah’s. He feels his eyes fall shut at the feeling. Nick’s been so patient with him, and Noah’s more than grateful for it. 
And so he gathers his wits. 
“Can you walk me through it?”
“What part of it, you’ll have to be a bit more precise.” 
Damn Nick and his insistence on communicating.
He doesn’t know why this is what he is craving. He’s watched her go down on Nick a good few times now, always with his hands somewhere on their bodies. And maybe he thought about it just as many times. 
Nick gives his hands another squeeze in silent reassurance, but words just won’t come. He can practically feel himself seizing up again. But Nick doesn’t detach himself, like he previously had — he doesn’t give him space this time. Instead, he feels a warm hand against the side of his face, finger burrowing into his hair as he’s gently steered to face the other man. 
The expression on Nick's face dances somewhere between worried and something softer. 
“You know me, Noah. I’m not some guy from a bar.” 
Maybe that’s exactly the reason, Noah thinks then. He knows Nick, and he cares enough for him to worry that he won’t like what Noah has to offer. 
He blinks up at Nick. 
This they’ve done. Always in the middle of it, when his mind was occupied with the hands that seemed to explore every inch of his body, but never like this. This time, it doesn’t stop Noah from surging forward to press his lips against Nicks. The other hesitates for a moment, stalls, before he returns the kiss. They move at a snail's pace. Lips moving languidly against each other. Noah dares to tear one of his hands away from Nick and places it where he would against her body. 
He knows how to make her head swim when they make out, this can’t be too different. Nick lets him set the pace, waits until Noah pulls him in even deeper before he parts his lips. He knows what to expect here, the slow draw of tongue against his lower lip asking for entry and the weight in his chest that always follows. 
Nick's free hand feels heavy against his thigh. Its weight is comforting, and Noah lets himself sink into the touch. 
He leans backwards, pulling Nick with him. The hand that had been heavy against his thigh comes to prop Nick's body up. He dips back down to kiss Noah again, just a quick peck before his lips find his neck. The feeling of Nicks teeth grazing against his neck fills his head with cotton. And when he soothes the gentle sting with a brush of his tongue, Noah lets his eyes fall shut. 
“You’re doing so good.” Nick speaks against his neck, before he kisses the heated skin again. 
The praise sinks into him and settles in his belly with a warmth he hasn’t felt before. But it feels good. It feels good in the same way their hands feel good when they trace all over him. 
Nicks hands slithers under his shirt. His fingers are soft against his skin. They’re both so gentle with him. Most of his previous encounters have been rushed, and usually he’s been the one administering pleasure. Being in this position is just as new to him as most experiences of the recent months. Maybe he likes this a little more than he’d previously thought. 
“Hey.” Nick pinches his side just enough to draw him out of his thoughts again, “Everything good?”
Noah nods, fully knowing that Nick will want him to speak. 
“Yes.” He corrects himself, “Just—what you said…”
Nick surveys him for a moment. The look weighs heavily on him. Nick doesn’t say anything, but something tells him that this particular bit of information is stored somewhere in Nick’s brain for an opportune moment down the line. The hand that is still resting against his side pushes further upwards. He feels caught in the headlights as Nick is still entirely focused on him. He’s subjected partners to his kind of attention before. To be at the receiving end of it is more intense than he had anticipated. 
“Take this off?” Nick asks softly as he moves the fabric up even farther. 
He sits up a little, allowing Nick to remove the offending garment. While he’s at it, Nick removes his own shirt, tossing both of them towards the armchair behind Noah's head. Nick is back on him in an instant. It’s a little dizzying, and he feels himself gasp when Nick kisses at the joint of his neck and shoulder. He basks in the attention, in the way Nick’s fingers dance across his bare skin. There’ll be plenty of marks littering his skin, even with the ink that covers it. The only other person that will see them will be the opposite of offended, he’s sure of that. 
“Look at you, being so good for me. Think you can do something for me?”
Noah finds himself nodding, despite the bubbling nerves in his chest. He thinks, that they’re the good kind, though. Anticipation – the kind that will make the pay-off so much better. 
“Think you can trust me for a bit? You can always tap out, but I think you want me to take the lead, is that right?” 
“Please.” Noah has never known himself to sound so desperate, but it snakes through him at that moment, winds itself around his spine, “Nick.”
There’s a little quirk in the other's brow before he breaks into a smile, “That’s what I thought. Do you want to stay here or do you want to go upstairs?”
Noah contemplates for second. The sanctity of the bedroom would offer them more privacy compared to the living room, but if they move now, the bubble could pop and he might lose his bravery. 
“Can we stay here?” 
Nick’s face softens, “Of course. It’s all your choice.” 
He nods, “I want to stay here.” 
He seems to be satisfied with that “Good.” he pauses for a moment, still regarding him intently, “Good to go on?” 
Nick leans down to kiss him again, gently this time. It’s slow at first, but before he knows it, Nick's tongue is in his mouth. Noah lets his mind draw blank, allows himself to sink into the feeling. His hand finds the back of Nick's neck. He has to keep him close, keep him attached like this. He feels it then, Nick's thigh between his, pressing upwards until – he gasps into the other's mouth. Noah doesn’t know how he hasn’t been aware of just how hard he’s been this entire time. It’s almost painful now that he’s paying attention to it. Nick shifts his attention back to his neck, this time littering the opposite side with the same depth of bruises. 
He tries to keep track of where he is moving, but his head is too full already. Lips seal around a nipple, before tongue then teeth graze across it. His mind feels as if it’s been set on fire. He’s hyper aware of every movement Nick makes, but at the same time his brain struggles to keep up with the sensations. Fingers skate across his abdomen, much like they had done the weekend prior. He knows where they’re headed, it still catches him off guard when he feels Nicks hand dip into the waistband of his sweats. 
He’s so intensely aware of the difference in their touch. They’re both gentle when they touch him, but he’d come to find that he enjoys the roughness that comes with Nicks hands just as much as he likes the scrape of her nails. 
Noah forces his eyes open. He has to see him, has to see how Nick continues to descend down his torso to kiss at the skin of his stomach. Nick looks up at him just then and it shakes him to the core. The emotion on the other's face is clear. The warmth – the love is unmistakable. And the feeling chokes up in his throat for a moment, before something settles in him. Maybe he’s known it for a while. But then again, he’s never been that good at admitting his feelings – even to himself. 
“How are you feeling?” Nick asks quietly, barely lifting himself up. 
“Still good to go on?”
He nods and for once Nick lets it slip. 
He presses a kiss to Noah’s waist, right about the line of his sweatpants, “Can I take these off too?”
Noah lifts his hips automatically. The response seems to be good enough for Nick, as he slowly tugs both his sweats and his underwear downwards. They’ve been naked in front of each other often enough, and really Nick has seen him in much more vulnerable positions before. Noah lets out a gasp when the head of his cock slaps against his belly. He watches as Nick carefully places the garments on the other end of the sofa, before he strips down to his own underwear. There’s a very obvious bulge in the fabric, and Noah tries for a very brief moment to stop himself from reaching out. The little restraint he has snaps quickly, though, and he finds himself reaching for the others' waist. He lingers there for a moment, feels the warm skin beneath his fingers. He can feel the heavy weight of Nick's eyes on him as his hand slowly drifts across his stomach and then lower – lower. 
Nick draws in a sharp breath when he makes contact. It’s familiar enough, Noah thinks. He lets the backs of his fingers graze across the taut fabric. His curiosity gets the better of him and palms across Nicks cock. He’s seen him bare before, but he’s never had the guts to actually touch him. He feels large beneath his hand. Noah doesn’t know why he’s surprised, he watched Nick fuck her often enough, he’s seen how pretty she stretches around him, heard how sweetly she moans for him. It shouldn’t surprise him. 
“You can take it out.” Nick encourages. 
The choice of words makes him shiver a little. He doesn’t understand how Nick remains so calm when he feels as if his entire body is heating up to impossible temperatures. 
Nick takes the choice from him and maybe Noah is a little thankful for that.
He tugs the boxers from his lean hips. The shift is slow enough so that it doesn’t jostle Noah too much. He’s transfixed, eyes glued to the sight in front of him. Nick comes back to kneel on the sofa in front of him. He shifts for a moment, and then he reaches for Noah's hand. Nick presses a brief kiss to his palm before he guides him down to his cock. He wraps their joined hands around himself, Noah’s palm directly touching him. He lets them rest for a second. 
It’s odd. The soft skin feels familiar enough, but touching someone else like this is new. Noah tries to move his hand and Nick lets him. He keeps his hand around him for a couple of strokes. 
“Get your palm wet for me.” Nick speaks coarsely. 
This he knows. 
Noah pulls his hand away from Nick just long enough for him to spit into his palm. He keeps his strokes slow, trying to savour the moment as best as he can. He knows that the slow movements are so far from enough. Nick had him in a similar position just a few days back. This is different, though. It’s less teasing and more exploratory as he lets himself get used to this. He chances a look up at Nick’s face. His lower lip is pulled between his teeth as he watches Noah’s every move. 
“Is it good?” Noah asks quietly, not really trusting his voice. 
Nick finds his face, his eyes low and darkened. The look pierces through him, makes him shiver with anticipation. 
“You’re doing so good, baby. So very good.” he sounds so breathless already. 
Noah tries to memorise the way he looks at that moment. The glazed over look, the hitched breathing. This is his doing. Noah is making him feel this good. He’s leaking profusely, not that Noah is any better off himself. The slick of his precum eases the slide of Noah's hand along his shaft. His hips stutter forwards, meeting Noah’s still slow strokes. 
Nick lets him work for a few more minutes, before he grasps Noah’s wrist. With a gentle push, he has Noah back against the cushions. 
“Do you think you’re feeling up for it today?” he asks, brows furrowing as if he’s trying to read Noah’s mind. 
He truly doesn’t know if he is up for that. The act itself is already somewhat intimidating, and the size of Nick’s cock doesn’t exactly help. Seeing it up close like this at least explains the sounds she makes when Nick fucks her. 
“We don’t have to. I want you to enjoy it. If you’re all tense, it won’t be good.” His hand comes to rest against Noah’s waist, his thumb gently worrying against the tattooed skin, “And you’ve already been so good for me. Think you’re due for a treat.” 
Noah gets the feeling that this is far from the first time that Nick has done this. He seems a little too calm, too practiced to sell this as a new thing for him. In a way, he is glad that he has Nick to lean on for this, but a small voice in the back of his head wants to curse everyone that came before him. 
The brush of Nick’s thigh against his draws him back to the present. Noah feels Nick shift so that he’s resting half-way above him, one thigh firmly between his. With the way Nick is positioned above him Noah feels small, but not in the way he’s felt small before. It’s safe, comfortable. He’s safe. 
He doesn’t know what comes next until he feels Nick’s hand wrapping around his own shaft. He gives a few too dry strokes before — Noah has to look down to where they’re meeting to fully understand what’s happening. Nick is holding both of them in one hand. It’s a stretch, but his hand just curls around them. Nick holds them like this for a moment, before he gives a first gentle thrust. Noah digs his fingers into the velvet cushion of the sofa. The tight clutch of Nick’s hand around them, the brush of his cock against Noah's. 
It’s almost too much right from the start. 
He can’t stop his hips from bucking up against Nicks. His head tips back against the armrest. If he keeps looking at Nick or where he’s holding them together, he’ll lose it sooner than he wants to. Nick leans down to kiss him again. Instead of the previous slow kisses, it’s rushed this time. All desperate teeth and tongue. Noah tries to keep him close, buries his hand in the hair at the back of his head. 
Nick gasps against his lips. 
His kiss migrates back to his neck. Noah can feel every puff of air against his heated skin. He wants to hide in the crook of his neck, hide himself from the world as Nick keeps working them. It builds up slowly at first. A crawl that draws up the length of his spine. And when it reaches the back of his neck, it sends his head down a delirious spiral. 
The slide of his hand along their cocks is slicked with both of them. The sound of it reaches his ears even through the static buzzing throughout his mind. He doesn’t know where one of them ends and the other begins. All he can do now is grip onto Nick’s shoulder as best as he can, while the constant rise of pleasure in his belly threatens to overwhelm him. He feels dizzy. The room around him feels washed out. The only thing that will come into focus is the edge of Nick’s shoulder right in front of him. 
Noah can faintly feel Nick moving against him, but it all feels so hazy. Every touch feels fuzzy and out of focus, but at the same time he’s never been more aware of every sensation that courses through him. The hand that’s been holding them together, comes to rest against the side of his face. Nick pulls him towards his lips. There’s a smear of something against his cheek, but before he can put too much thought into it, Nick is kissing him again. 
Nick’s rhythm grows more and more unsteady with every miniscule movement. And only when he strains his mind, does Noah realise that the other is fully resting against him now. The slow, desperate grind of his hips makes him think that Nick is getting closer to his end. Noah feels his fingers dig into Nick’s shoulder. His own end is approaching rapidly now. 
And when Nick pulls away from his lips only to fix him with that heated look, the knot feels so much tighter suddenly. 
“You’re right there, aren’t you?” the words come out more like a moan, and it makes Noah buck up against him. The hand on his face returns down below again. It’s unsteady and quick, rushing to get him over the edge. He’s teetering right there on the edge, one step away from falling into that abyss. 
“Come on, be good for me. Just like that.” his words stoke the flames even further, “Oh f-fuck–” the words tear off into a breathless gasp. 
His vision whites out for a moment. 
Every muscle in his body tenses up, pulling him taught as a string as his pleasure unravels. And it won’t stop. The waves keep crashing over him, pulling him under and pushing him back up to the surface. Nick works him through it, keeps him at that overwhelming level of pleasure until it does become too much. He pushes at Nick’s hand. 
He pulls away, but remains leaning over him for a moment longer. Noah feels his chest heave against his own. The heavy, heaving breaths he draws in fan out against the skin of his shoulder. 
The moment until Nick sits up feels endless and not long enough at the same time. He wants him this close all the time, as selfish as that feels. 
“How are you feeling?” his hands come to rest against the sides of his chest again. 
He can’t stop the little laugh that breaks from him then. Now that it’s done, he doesn’t know why he’s been so hesitant. 
“Good. It was good.” 
“Just good?” 
Everything still feels a little fuzzy, as if he still isn’t entirely back in his own mind. He feels as if he’s floating several inches above himself, watching as Nick licks up the little bit of their release that stains the side of his hand. 
“It’s a lot. I know.” Nick soothes, “Take your time.” 
Noah barely registers how he reaches for the tissue box on the little end table or how Nick cleans the residue from his skin. By the time he’s back from the kitchen with a bottle of water, he feels a little more settled in himself again. 
“It was more than good.” he says, sounding a little weaker than he had hoped. 
“I know. You didn’t see how blissed out you looked when you came.” he breaks into a smile that fills Noah with a fondness that he doesn’t know from himself, “Do you want to go get a shower? We should get cleaned up before she gets home.”
He finally finds the words when they’re drying off again. It’s not an I love you, but it’s close enough. And the genuine warmth that Nick radiates back at him tells him that he understands what he’s trying to say with his fumbled admission. They’ve known each other long enough. And as much as he liked being Nick’s friend, knowing that these two people care so much for him that they’re willing to change the rules of their own relationship makes his heart swell a little more than he’s willing to admit right now. But there’s always time for that. 
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embrosegraves · 2 months
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𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒶𝓎
Mind Reader!Sebastian Vettel x Male!Reader Reader is a daydreamer, who loves to dream about their future. Sebastian is a mind reader...and also Reader's boyfriend.
1k Read-a-thon (!!!!) || (main) || (sebastian)
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Everyone has dreamt of their future at least once in their life. Whether or not someone can admit to it is a different thing entirely. Some people love dreaming of the future, some people hate it. Some people like the idea of dreaming about it, but think it’s better to focus on the present. Y/n was someone who loved dreaming. He would spend hours and hours just imagining what his future would look like. His dreams of the future were always changing. When he was little, Y/n would imagine that he was going to live in a floating castle in the clouds with all his stuffed animals for company. When he was in primary school, he’d imagine that he’d live in a big treehouse with all his friends. At the beginning of high school, he imagined that he’d live in a cute suburban house with a nice girl, and they’d have a dog and maybe a cat. 
It wasn’t until Y/n was in university for a degree in environmental engineering, that he experienced something that would change his life forever. 
His first gay thought. 
Y/n had assumed, since his dream of living with a nice girl was incredibly short lived, that he was asexual. Or more accurately, aromantic. 
He was, evidently, wrong. 
He had gone on a class trip to watch a Formula One race in 2014. Why was the class trip to an event that was not environmentally friendly? Y/n didn’t know, he was just happy to be included. Though no amount of happiness could disguise his disdain for how bad the fuel consumption was for the planet. 
Since the class was full of adults, they were all allowed to do as they’d pleased. They only had to make sure that they met at the hotel lobby every morning and every evening. So Y/n had gone to explore the paddock (somehow his lecturer had gotten the school to pay for three day paddock passes and Y/n was not about to complain). It was during his paddock exploration that Y/n had bumped into who he thought was the most cocky– and attractive– man in the world. 
Sebastian fucking Vettel. 
Had Y/n known previously about Sebastian’s abilities, he would’ve made sure not to think so explicitly. 
But Y/n didn’t know. And so who could blame him for thinking about Sebastian and what Y/n could only assume was nothing less than the physique of a Greek God with a tastefully enticing sleeper build. 
Sebastian certainly didn’t, that’s for sure. 
In fact, if someone were to ask Sebastian now how he’d felt after accidentally reading Y/n thoughts that day, he’d probably be a little bashful and maybe even a little modest. If you’d asked Sebastian the same question back then? The bastard would probably smirk and say something along the lines of how he always knew he could pull men and women. 
Sebastian had had the time of his life, going out of his way to talk with and read the unfiltered, borderline raunchy, thoughts of the man who ‘smiled and blushed so prettily’. 
The rest was history. Sebastian had managed to exchange phone numbers with Y/n, who over the years had managed to instil in Sebastian the importance of environmental sustainability. Sebastian had been very blunt about his attraction to Y/n, and in turn Y/n had been a blushing, flustered mess as he confessed to his own attraction to the German. 
They’d started dating and they were happy, incredibly content with each other. Y/n witnessed as Sebastian mellowed a little when in public, slowly starting to no longer live up to his ‘Menace of Red Bull’ persona. Of course, as they both grew older, Sebastian had slowed down in terms of being a pest to the other drivers, however that had not meant that he completely mellowed out in private. 
He would occasionally do something that reassured Y/n that Sebastian was still the cocky, smug bastard that he was when they’d met. 
As they spent more and more years together, it was evident that they were not the only thing to change. The world around them was changing and soon same-sex couples were given the right to marry. Marrying Sebastian was something that Y/n had often dreamed about. The scenario had always played out differently but the overall message and desire remained the same. 
Y/n was more than ready to spend the rest of his life with Sebastian. 
It was because of your recurring thoughts of marriage that Sebastian had decided that he needed to have what could potentially be the most important conversation ever with Y/n. He was going to tell his boyfriend the truth about how Sebastian had always managed to know exactly what Y/n wanted for his birthdays, or how he’d always been able to know what Y/n needed before Y/n even had time to realise himself. 
It was a shock to Y/n’s system when Sebastian had told him about being able to read his mind. So much so that the very first words Y/n managed to say to him were, “So it’s like Edward from Twilight?”
Sebastian had laughed loudly, before explaining that it was more like Queenie from Fantastic Beasts. “Oh…” Y/n had said, “So when we first met–?” Sebastian smirked. “Oh yeah, I saw all of those vivid thoughts in your pretty head..” “A-all of it…?” Y/n asked, eyes wide at the realisation that his first thoughts of Sebastian were in fact, not as private as he’d originally assumed. 
“All of it.” 
Y/n was silent for a moment before–
“Don’t be smug, you rat bastard. I could’ve been thinking of someone else.” 
“No, I seem to remember a very detailed image of my body–”
“Ahlalalala, I can’t hear you, lalalalalala…”
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I honestly don't even know what to say. I'm simultaneously upset at having to redo this whole fic but also I feel glad that I'm at least happy with what I managed to rewrite.
The original version was probably not as humorous, but I felt that given the situation, I needed at least some crack fic element to this.
(I also made some friend rice to make myself feel better after writing this, and boy oh boy did that work) ((Thank you for reading <3 I love you so much <33))
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eyewol · 3 months
Mari's relationship with the Ivory household
I planned for it be generalized as a whole, but I feel like it'd be more fun if I gave them separate perspectives of one another. The post is long... again; I get a bit passionate with writing sometimes. Do enjoy reading though.
➷ Mari and Randal ♛ | 3% and 73%
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➷ Mari hates Randal. She despises him. That 3% is just generosity speaking. (Imagine escaping to be free, only to be trapped in someone's house and becoming their pet)
➷ She'd rather be far away from him. Being around non-humans scares her, fearing that she'd be cannibalized one day.
➷ Whenever he's around, she goes into this little act and pretends to be chill with it but when it gets tiring, she'd wander off or hide into a small space where she could fit and get out without problem.
♛ He knows she hates him. How could he not when people at his school does too, and I believe that—back then—there was at least a few good souls that tried to give him a chance but ended up all the same. He recognizes that act anywhere.
♛ He sees it as some sort of game, to see how far until she breaks or explodes out of anger. It's fun for him to see her hold back. Humans are interesting, aren't they?
➷ Mari and Sebastian ☆ | 54% and 55%
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➷ Sebastian is alright in her books, though  she'd sometimes question if he really is human after finding out that he's been there for months before she arrived.
➷ She commends him for being able to eat most of the questionable stuff that Randal gives them, claiming it to be "food" (She would rather eat paper than that disgusting abomination. Even the slop from the slaughterhouse would've been more appetizing)
☆ He's relieved that there's another human in the house, but not so close with her. Kinda wished that they were but she's always distant.
☆ Kinda creeped out when he found her staring at the wall for who knows how long, or that time when he witnessed her being able to tell whose footsteps belong to who.
➷ Mari and Luther ♚ | 23% and 64%
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➷ Out of all of the members she hates, Luther is highest on the somewhat tolerable list. Her only problem with him is that he's unpredictable and unreadable.
➷ His uncanny appearance really bothers her but so far, he has not done anything too bad to make her really hate him.
➷ He reminds her of one of the employees in the slaughterhouse that she used to be in, which subconsciously made her behave more out of habit.
♚ Quite a lovely pet, don't you think? A stray from the outside, brought in by his brother. How nice! She doesn't seem to be troublesome, unlike someone (Sebastian).
♚ She does seem to hide and wander a lot, he would have to assign one of his catmen to keep an eye on her in case she gets lost or get trapped somewhere around the house.
♚ A welcomed addition to the family since she knows how to clean things up without the need to be told; he notices that she's not a fan of spills.
➷ Mari and Nyen ♠︎ | 10% and 16%
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➷ The feeling is mutual; doesn't really like him all that much.
➷ Really hates his crude behavior, especially when he gave her that whole hierarchy spiel, just like when Sebastian first arrived in the house.
➷ She could feel his stare, his footsteps are near. It irritates her that he's keeping an eye on her. She feels like he knows what she's up to.
♠︎ Nyen is suspicious of Mari. A quiet human who wanders off to who knows where, and the fact that his master told him to keep an eye on her is telling him something.
♠︎ Tolerates her enough but could care less, similar to how he tolerates Nyon.
♠︎ She doesn't bother him, nor does he bother her as well. They'd talk sometimes but only if it's necessary; very short conversations.
➷ Mari and Nyon ◆ | 40% and 45%
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➷ She sometimes forgets that he exists. He's so quiet, but that's a good thing for her.
➷ Mari doesn't see him much as a threat, but if he does, the hammer hidden inside one of her costume's leg would do the trick.
➷ Doesn't like the smell of weed on him tho, reminds her so much of the stuff that they'd give to the other humans in the slaughterhouse before they are dragged and never to return again.
◆ He doesn't have a lot of opinions on her other than that she likes to roam around and would catch her staring into space.
◆ They'd sometimes just sit in silence together and watch whatever is being played on the tv. 
◆ His master told him to keep an eye on her when he can: stop her from eating paper, wandering off to dangerous sections of the house, to hiding in such cramped spaces. He's kind of worried.
➷ Mari and Nana 𓆗 | 1% and 2%
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➷ She hates that snake to her core, she almost lost her life to that woman while trying to be familiar with the layout of the house.
➷ She had never felt so much dread and fear in her life. Adrenaline rushed to her head because the next thing she knew, she's still alive but bruised, hammer in her hand and running until her legs burn.
𓆗 She ruined her beautiful face! How dare that clown ruin her perfect complexion!
𓆗 Nana couldn't believe that human had the gall and audacity to aim at her face and bruise it. When she gets her, she won't let anyone stop her from eating that clown.
➷ Mari and Kitty Carpet 𓃠 | 86% and 52%
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➷ Why does she have her face? How is she here? Wasn't she supposed to be dead?
➷ Upon first sight, Mari was in great denial before she eventually came around and got attached without even knowing it despite her efforts not to.
➷ During her walks around the house, she'd always keep an out for a certain orange cat and find comfort from her.
𓃠 Doesn't really know who she is or why she visits her a lot, but the company is welcomed nonetheless.
𓃠 Kitty likes their interactions, would come over to her whenever she recognizes that white and grey black-spotted outfit anywhere.
𓃠 She doesn't mind getting pampered, it's nice to be petted.
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kaydens-agere · 10 months
💻Chase Davenport Agere Moodboard and Headcanons Pt. 1!🧪
Headcanons are under the cut :) I might make more of these headcanons cuz RAH I LOVE CHASE SM SDJFKLSDF Also this post is so long im so sorry for yapping so much 💀
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🪐GENERAL INFO 💻-Chase's little age is 2-8, though it can be a little older or a little younger depending on the circumstances. 🧪-He couldn't pinpoint a time where it began, but it became more prominent in his life after he got let out of the basement, and continued to become a bigger part of his life with each traumatic event (Betrayals, Near Death Experiences, etc)
💻-When it first begun, he immediately begun doing research and it concerned him at first, however, he managed to gain control and kinda suppressed it for a while, but with each every little thing that happened, he'd lose his grasp on that initial control. It scared him a lot, since he didn't want this side of him to be known to anyone. [more on this in the family section]
🧪-He can still use his bionics while he's small, but he has a harder time controlling them and they glitch more often (just like when he was actually a kid). Whenever he goes to put something in his mouth or chew it, he'll scan it first to make sure it's safe, sometimes he cares, other times he just puts it in his mouth anyway. If Chase stims using his arms, sometimes his molecular kinesis will glitch and knock things over or send them flying across the room, he's had to have someone disable it a few times.
💻-Chase stims a lot more often when he's small, he mostly just flaps his hands, he loves to pull his hoodie sleeves over his hands while he does it. He also does a lot of vocal stims, whether it's nonsense babbling or tongue clicking noises. He also loves to chew, he has a chewelry necklace that's pretty much attached to him while he's little, no one lets him take it off out of fear that he'll bite on something else that he shouldn't.
🧪-He loves to play with those kids science kits. He still retains most of his super intelligence so they're not as much of a challenge, but he likes the simplicity of them (this one was inspired by @paper--moons agere headcanons abt Peter Parker :))
🪐FAMILY 💻-His regression mannerisms became more apparent to other people after Sebastian. He swore to himself that he'd never tell a soul, but his family eventually did find out, whether he told them or if they figured it out themselves.
🧪-Adam and Bree knew about Chase regressing but they didn't have a name for it, all they knew is that he acted childish at times, especially after a stressful mission. They've become very receptive of each other, considering the fact that they lived in a basement together all their lives. Adam likes to give him piggy back rides and Bree plays tag with him (and even though she has super speed, she usually lets him win)
💻-Leo already knew what regression was, he's been around tumblr enough to get a good understanding (me fr) and has some friends that do it. He'd witnessed Chase's regression a few times before eventually asking about it, in which Chase told him. Leo is very supportive of Chase and lets him play with his action figures with him.
🧪-Telling Donald was... complicated. Donald noticed Chase's childish tendencies and always told him to knock it off. Chase did eventually explain it to him, and although he didn't quite understand it (and sort of didn't want to at the time), he eventually came around. He can still be a bit harsh towards Chase if he's regressed while he's meant to be working, but he's trying his best.
💻-Unlike Donald, Douglas was extremely chill about it. He had a feeling about it after reconciling with his family, and Chase telling him confirmed his suspisions. It pretty much went like this: Chase: So um... I'm an age regressor. It basically means- Douglas: I know. Chase: ... You do? Douglas: Uh, yeah. I could already tell, kid. It's pretty damn obvious, at least to me, anyway. Chase: Oh, alright. Um... any questions about it? Douglas: Nope. He didn't want to pry Chase with questions about it, but trusts him to come to him whenever he needs to, which has happened a few times. After Douglas moved into the penthouse in Centium City, Chase went to him more than a few times after having nightmares, or if he was simply missing his siblings or life in Mission Creek. They've shared a few nice moments on the terrace.
🧪-Tasha knows a lot more than she lets on. She let Chase explain it to her, but in reality, she knows a lot about it. She actually cares for a little herself, but has never told anyone about it [feel free to leave ur guesses as to who it could be :) /nf] She's kinda like one of Chase's babysitters if his main caregiver isn't available (Who will be revealed in the next part). She's very nurturing and makes it easy for Chase to let his guard down. [Not including Marcus or Daniel because Marcus wouldn't have had time to find out, and Daniel hadn't been in the picture for very long, so Chase wanted to hold off for a while]
okayy thats about all i can think of rn, ill probably do a part 2 cuz i have so many agere headcanons about this man, feel free to give me requests for hcs about different characters if you wanna :) ALSO to the person that sent me a request, dont worry im still working on it :)l
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louisbutalsolestat · 3 months
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Okay first Jacob Anderson with my favorite parts of the whole season and episode. JAM said episode 5/8 are there favorite and late episode 6. But I agree 100% about episode 5 and 8 being my favorites.
My sister said she wanted the theater coven being burnt down and all Louis rage. All that should have been longer at least 30 minutes. And that wasn't enough. I agree that was great but it felt very rushed. 
So we're going to go by I guess least favorite characters from the book series. In their part in this episode.
Sam i'm glad that they added in the scene that everybody has been talking about where he is into places at once. Meaning that is a memory that Armand added into Louis subconscious later.
He's a member of the Talamasca 
I feel like I was so close when I said that he could be the new David. He was a former member of the Talamasca. Does that mean that he's going to be a part of the new series? Louis also mentioned that he owns a bar. Sebastian Melmoth was the name mentioned in one of the last scenes of the episode. The guy giving the tour mentioned this guy being in the place of Lestat. 
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But is this guy really Sam the vampire?
He's only my least favorite because he doesn't exist in the books. Really
Therefore, I don't know anything about him.
Daniel Malloy
In the books, he's not one of my favorite characters because ... just because I don't know anything about him. Or care to know 😿 but Eric has changed that for me. I love his sarcasm and wit. He really has brought a new life to this character who in the beginning was only known as the boy. That's right for the first book. He doesn't even have a name.
Daniel Malloy is my second favorite part of the episode Eric's long awaited chance to become a vampire has finally been achieved. And with great accolades, we should award him. Great performance he really deserves this. This whole season deserves an award season of its own. I am looking forward to seeing how Daniel and Louis friendship grows. He really is the second coming of Paul. As in at the dinner table, he sits on a pulpit that nobody acknowledges.
Assad Zaman, before he dawned our screens with his amazing performance. This last two seasons, I hated this character. While the character is in large parts, the same as he is in the books it is a joy to see him acted out on screen. and I thoroughly enjoyed Armand getting the dinner that he deserved in his just desserts. I don't care how much you love somebody. You don't torture them for days and then erase their memories. kill their family members and keep them away from love ones.
I cannot wait for the "vampire Armand season" it actually is one of my favorite books out of the series. And I hope that Assad is still here and playing the part when that time comes. That's if they don't cancel us first. Lol
RJ man, he types slow. We'll see what happens with this character
Real Rashid is he a vampire? Member of the Talamasca? Does he still work for Louis? Or Armand? I really like this character so I hope we get to see more.
Lestat My friend out for the first time. We finally get a good glimpse at what Sam plans to do with this character. And how he's going to betray the character. 
Lestat is the Bella Swan of this series. Truth is by the ninth book of having him as the lead, I have grown very tired of this character. Mostly because I am not as outgoing, have lack of common sense, ready to jump off a cliff as he is. He is going to take us through some very interesting and exciting adventures that we do not wish to go on. but he's going to do it anyway because he's Lestat de Lioncourt and addition to that the production and writers want more of Louis so that he can join in on all the fun. Or at least do all the yelling at him that I wanted to do while reading the books. Because let's be honest, you read the books and you wanted to yell at him. Louis is that wife that gets left at home in the books. But they have changed this character to being the husband/wife truly needs to keep him in check. With the powers to do it to boot
Louis de Pionte du Lac well he is my favorite character in both the series and in the books. There is nothing you can say or do that will change my mind. He is a perfect angel, perfectly insane, perfectly imperfect. And I love him just that way. There is nothing I want to be changed about this character. I just want to see more insanity, more craziness, Jacob please keep playing the role that you were born to do.
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robbierants · 4 months
Kuroshituji Trauma Represation In Ciel
Ever since the 6th grade, when my best friend introduced me to Attack On Titan, I have been a huge fan of anime. I delved into the stories, became attached to the characters, and invested a lot of my free time watching anime. Now, I have developed a different sort of appreciation for it.
Usually, anime are rich stories with well-developed characters who have many layers, and experience a number of issues that may seem difficult if not impossible to overcome. The stories are usually well thought out and meaningful, and many times they are stories that viewers can identify with. Anime is not just "cartoons," it's a form of art.
Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji), an anime based on Yana Toboso's manga of the same name, has all of these elements. Boasting at 3 seasons, 34 manga volumes (ATM) two additional short series, several Original Video Animations, and a huge amount of devoted fans, Black Butler is definitely a favorite. It was also the first anime from which I decided to plan cosplays for (I cosplay Danganronpa charcthers ATM)
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The story takes place in Victorian England and centers around a thirteen year old boy, Ciel Phantomhive, and his butler, Sebastian Michaelis. Ciel Phantomhive is an English nobleman and sole survivor of the Phantomhive family. Upon his parents' deaths, he became the person in charge of managing the family company, as well as taking on the obligations that come with being the only survivor of a powerful noble family and having to uphold the family name. But the Phantomhives didn't become powerful by simply owning a successful company. For generations, they have been the "Queen's Watch Dogs," the keepers of the royal family's secrets. They exist in the underground world, as a phantom, handling situations that the royal family wants handled.
This includes containing and monitoring criminal organizations, and sometimes putting a stop to them when they get out of hand.
The young Ciel Phantomhive's butler, Sebastian Michaelis, is not just a good butler. He is literally a demon from hell.
How does this boy go about "hiring" a demon, and why am I ranting about this?
At the age of 10, Ciel Phantomhive witnessed his parents' assassination in their own home. He was captured and sold to a group of individuals who kept him a prisoner. It's inferred that he was physically, and possibly sexually, assaulted. When the moment arrived that his captors decided to sacrifice him as part of what seemed like a satanic ritual, a demon was summoned as part of the ritual. Rather than respond to the plea from its summoners, the demon heard the plea from the boy. The plea was to free him, and to help him avenge himself.
The demon's terms were that in exchange for helping Ciel avenge himself, the demon would eat Ciel's soul. Until the day would come that Ciel could achieve his goal of avenging himself, the demon would protect him and follow any order he might give. Ciel agreed and formed a contract with the demon, naming him Sebastian after a dog Ciel used to have. He then returns to his home and the extended family that he still has, but nothing is ever the same for him.
Through the trauma of losing his family and his childhood in such a terrible way, Ciel Phantomhive was stripped of the person that he was. Not only did he lose his parents, but he no longer had the opportunity to grow into whatever person he was supposed to become.
Physically, his development was stunted. It seems that he stopped growing, or at the very least he was growing at an extremely slow rate (short boi)
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He showed multiple signs of posttraumatic stress. He was unable to sleep alone in his room, he experienced nightmares and woke up screaming, and he experienced flashbacks of his parents' deaths. Even as three years pass (where the story begins), Ciel is unable to trust anybody. He does not have friends, but business associates. He has obtained new "servants" who in actuality make up his own "private army." Even after three years, if a situation is bad enough he can be triggered into having flashbacks, which make him physically sick. His only childhood friend comments that he has not smiled since the day he returned.
The significance of the demon butler Sebastian is a crucial aspect of the story. Sebastian carries out his butler responsibilities to perfection. He follows Ciel's orders to the letter. He accompanies Ciel wherever he goes as a protector. Many fans have pointed out that physically, Sebastian sort of resembles Ciel's deceased father.
Why is Sebastian such an important character, and what does it say about trauma?
Like many children who experience severe trauma, Ciel carries a demon with him everywhere he goes. The demon is both a reminder of the pain he suffered, and a symbol of renewed strength and posttraumatic growth. The idea of posttraumatic growth is that after experiencing a trauma, a person can experience growth in one or more areas of life.
According to the Posttraumatic Growth Research Group at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, growth can occur in five areas: a sense of new opportunities, closer relationships with others or a heightened sense of connection with others who suffer, increased personal strength, a greater appreciation for life, and an increase/change in one's spirituality. Ciel seems to have achieved posttraumatic growth in at least two areas.
First, he has developed a sense of increased personal strength. He is able to carry on with his responsibilities as the sole remaining Phantomhive because of the strength and protection that Sebastian provides, but he doesn't depend on Sebastian for everything. Ciel is the one who makes all the decisions and gives the orders. When he is triggered to have a flashback of his time spent as a prisoner, and is experiencing an anxiety attack, it is his demon who helps ground him by reminding him that he is no longer in the cage.
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Second, despite having difficulty trusting others, he develops a connection with his servants, each of whom has their own personal struggle that he/she has faced, each has his/her own trauma.
In one chapter, for example, the chef Bardroy recalls how different life was for them before working for Ciel, stating, "Back then, we couldn't do anything but kill." The servants also recall how they had "no home, no friends, no freedom," before working for Ciel. His servants develop an undying loyalty toward Ciel, and in a way they come to see him as representing hope, home, family, and perhaps redemption from their past. It is interesting that it would take someone with such a traumatic past as Ciel to offer this sense of belonging to a group of individuals with their own complicated pasts. In addition to his servants, Ciel seems to have a keen awareness of the gifts of others. Whether this is an innate trait or something he developed as a result of his trauma, he is better able to read people and assess them quite accurately.
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To say that Ciel copes well with his trauma is not a good assessment of his mental health. He does not wish to overcome his trauma by experiencing the feelings it brings up in him, but by embracing the tragedy of it and allowing it to swallow him whole, as will literally happen eventually. He lives his life as though he were a much older person. Like many who suffer traumas, Ciel was forced to grow up too soon, to reach a level of maturity and understanding of the world and society that is incongruent with his chronological age.
He learned that the world is not a safe place, and that people are not dependable. He has learned that he must act only for himself, and to take advantage or be taken advantage of.
Despite counting on his demon to keep him safe (perhaps symbolic of how trauma can keep a person from being open to new experiences), he does not trust him.
To conclude, Ciel's story has many real life elements of what it is like to live with trauma, expressed through symbolic representation. Ciel has people who care about him, but he cannot ever truly trust anyone again. He has resigned himself to be defined by his tragedy. Though his way of coping may not be healthy, it teaches us about what it is like to carry the demons of our past wherever we go.
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