#or even in ways that the system encourages
the-offside-rule · 15 hours
The Leclerc Sister Headcanons
Idk I'm just bored and wanna do some headcanons but if you wanna ask for more headcanons for drivers just lmk
(GIF IS NOT MINE: @brasiliangp
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Role of each brother
♡ Lorenzo: Being the eldest, Lorenzo would be the responsible and wise older brother, offering guidance and a calm presence. Lorenzo, being the eldest, would naturally assume a guiding role. He'd often help you with important life decisions and be someone you can always turn to for serious advice. He would emphasize the importance of education and career planning. He’d help you with homework, discuss future plans, and encourage you to pursue your goals with diligence. While he might not be as overtly protective as Charles or Arthur, Lorenzo’s calm and steady presence would make you feel safe and secure. He'd quietly ensure everything in your life is running smoothly.
♡ You'd likely share some intellectual hobbies with Lorenzo, such as reading, discussing current events, or exploring cultural activities like museum visits or music concerts. Not to mention that whenever there’s a disagreement between siblings, Lorenzo would step in as the mediator, helping to resolve conflicts with a balanced and fair approach.
♡ Charles: Charles would be your confidant and biggest supporter, always making time for you despite his busy schedule. Charles’s dedication to his racing career would be a source of inspiration for you. He’d teach you the importance of following your passions with commitment and hard work. Despite his busy schedule, Charles would make time for adventurous outings with you, like spontaneous road trips, go-karting sessions, or even just exploring new hobbies together. If you have any interest in motorsports, Charles would be thrilled to share his knowledge and experience, perhaps even mentoring you if you decide to try racing yourself.
♡ He would be there for you during tough times, offering emotional support and a listening ear. His experiences in a high-pressure environment would provide valuable perspectives. Being Charles’s sister would bring some media attention. He’d help you navigate this with grace, teaching you how to handle public scrutiny and maintain your privacy.
♡ Arthur: Arthur, closer to your age, would be your partner in crime, sharing secrets, jokes, and adventures. However, there are often times that the two of you would bicker, leading to the pair of you to try outdo eachother on pranks as a form of Revenge. Arthur’s youthful energy and playful nature would make him a fun and lively sibling. He’d always have new activities or games to share, keeping life exciting. With Arthur, there’d be a sense of friendly rivalry. Whether it’s sports, video games, or academic achievements, he’d push you to be your best, always in a supportive way.
♡ Arthur would introduce you to his wide circle of friends, helping you expand your social network and feel included in various social activities. Arthur would encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things, helping you build confidence in your abilities and interests. If you have any creative interests, like music, art, or writing, Arthur would be eager to collaborate and share ideas, fostering a creative partnership between you two.
♡ You'd have a close relationship with Pascale, your mother, who would be a strong support system and a source of wisdom and comfort. She would help you navigate the complexities of life in the spotlight, as well as a fair bit of telling off when needed. She's had three boys before you and knows how to handle bad moods and outbursts. She tries her best to keep you out of the spotlight and away from trouble, but Lorenzo often reminds her it's only a matter of time before people begin to try and look into her.
♡ Family dinners would be lively events, filled with laughter, storytelling, and delicious food. Each brother would bring their own stories and experiences, making these moments cherished and memorable.
♡ The dynamic between Lorenzo, Charles, and Arthur would create a balanced household. Lorenzo's maturity, Charles’s passion, and Arthur’s energy would provide a well-rounded environment for you.
♡ Growing up with each of them would expose you to a variety of interests and activities, from intellectual pursuits with Lorenzo, motorsport adventures with Charles, to fun and creative endeavors with Arthur.
♡ Despite their different personalities and approaches, all three brothers would be united in their love and support for you, creating a strong family bond that you can always rely on.
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 day
I spoke with Colin Ross again.
The original post, for those who missed it.
This is going to be really disjointed and rough. I've been put in a really weird position and I want to just... talk about it. This is okay to reblog, I'm sure there's pro/endos that have been waiting for this. Unfortunately, it's going to be attached to a vent.
Sadly, talking to him brought up a lot of bad feelings. I'm still so sad to see so many people turn on me. I'm disappointed that there was so much pushback. I'm disgusted by people's hypocrisy.
People wanted to know why I wasn't posting my side of the emails to Colin Ross, they tried to say he didn't believe those things anymore.
So I emailed him again, recapping our previous conversations, and asking him if he still believed in non traumagenic plurality.
And he responded that he does.
I thought I could post it, and that would be the end of it. Proving we had spoken before, confirming the topics discussed. But in my email to him, I shared what I've been doing since I last spoke with him, what prompted me to reach out to him again. The same thing that stopped me from posting my side of the emails originally. I wasn't entirely honest with him, either. I don't think I would have gotten a response if I had talked about tumblr.
And I'm simultaneously so excited and so scared.
This is a man that, in a very vague sense, formed a mentor/professional relationship with me. Our interaction overall was brief, but it was exciting to discuss his work with him, ask him questions that had been bothering me-- I told him about myself, my educational and work background. I used my real email and name. My real school. He's Canadian, we talked about it. I shared real details of my life, and while it wasn't necessarily in confidence, I don't think he would appreciate knowing that I've shared his personal thoughts and emails on tumblr, of all places. I'm not lying or hiding anything in my side of the conversation.
I'm scared.
I'm terrified to post anything that could be linked to me. Even posting this, I'm like, "can people like... reverse edit my picture and get my email?" I genuinely don't know.
I worry about posting the full screenshots with his email, knowing people won't believe me if I don't, but not wanting to have these ridiculously immature people in his inbox. I have encouraged people since day one to find his email themselves and reach out. I figure that the only people who would put in that work are the people who genuinely want to learn.
But then I realized that there are people that could ruin the relationship I made with him.
People that could make it so that I can never contact him in this way again.
People could use this to find me, if they get Colin Ross talking. (The rational part of my brain says he's smart enough not to give someone else my name, but goddamn, some of you people are actually dangerous)
There are people that want to do that to me. People that hate that I even brought a professional into this conversation. And I get it. I sat on the original conversation for almost three years, remember?
It's really scary to admit you're wrong, that you've been close-minded and hardheaded. It's scary to confront your bias and actions.
But having him respond to me... I feel so lucky? Not that Colin Ross is a saint, but how often do you get to meet someone like him? How often do you have a chance to take advantage of a professional contact that seems willing and happy to have these kinds of conversations with you? Three years later and he remembered me. He took the time to answer me, again.
I don't want to fuck that up.
So I thought about reaching out to certain people, showing them the entire set of emails without any blockout and having them vouch for the authenticity.
Then I realized that I wouldn't trust any of you anti endogenic systems with any of my information after how you've all behaved.
And I realized that none of you are going to change your minds, no matter what I show you, and I'd rather to maintain my professional relationships than put any more effort into any of you.
And I know if I wait too long to post this, people will call it fake, so I either need to go ahead and make this post or just kind of let it disappear into obscurity.
It's so important, though.
Isn't it?
I can't tell anymore.
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This is a really short AITA but: AITA for encouraging my sister to relocate?
(I have received permission to send this AITA. This has been co-read and approved by my sister)
I live in country A, my sister lives in country B— she moved there about seven years ago. My sister has always struggled with mental health, as have I. Her 20s were the worst: locking herself in her house, cutting off all her friends, verbally attacking anyone who would try and help, and even impulsively boarding trains/buses and disappearing for a week or two if anyone pushed too hard or tried to arrange something like an intervention, along with other more self-destructive tendencies (let me be clear: i have never approved of interventions, I think they’re disgusting, ableist, and only do worse for the people involved).
After moving to country B, she met a guy and had kids. They waited a bit before having them because she wasn’t sure if she would be capable of raising kids, but the guy encouraged her to go to therapy and find ways to cope. After about four years, she was doing MUCH better and had found a good system of coping mechanisms.
She started relapsing (is that the right word?) about a year ago. She says it’s getting worse, and she says she no longer knows if she can act as a parent to her two kids (ages 13 and 9).
Her proposed solution to this is to move the family back to country A, where the rest of her family would be able to pitch in. (Her husbands family is unavailable for raising, she’s never met them. Apparently they suck). Her husband and kids are against the idea, especially the kids, who have friends in B and do not know A’s language very well.
My sister says that if they stay in B, they will only have one parent (her husband, who works a lot more than she does and is therefore less present at home) that’s able to be present in their lives, while in A they will have an entire family structure of uncles, aunts, grandparents, and family friends to pitch in when she isn’t mentally capable of caring for the kids.
Another complication: our parents are a little judgemental. They’ve never had a bad word to say about any of the little ones in the family (they spoil all their grandkids and grandnephews rotten, both the young and the adults), but are not above nagging their own kids or badmouthing their partners. And they do not like my sister’s husband. At all. (I don’t either)
She asked me for advice, and I encouraged her to go through with the moving-to-A plan because I genuinely think it’ll be better for the kids in the long run. After months of begging, her husband has agreed to move back. Everyone in A is elated, my sister is relieved, her husband is irritated, and her kids are furious. She usually calls me for mental health related issues since we’ve had similar experiences, but I have no partner or kids of my own (and intend to remain that way), so maybe I wasn’t the right person to give advice in this situation. The kids are young and will learn the language quick, and won’t risk neglect. However, moving from one town to another is scary enough, so I understand why her kids are upset about having to move to a country that speaks a different language. In addition, her husband will be in a family unit where most people are cautious at best and actively dislike him at worst
(Disclaimer: my sister is not handing the responsibility of raising her kids to the rest of the family. She will still be trying to raise them, but there is only so much she can do when her health/life is at risk)
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girls--complex · 2 days
Do you have any advice on how someone should pray, individually or otherwise? I’ve been to Quaker meetings in the past but they make me so anxious for one reason or another. Should I just suck it up and keep trying?
Hai Anon, held U in the light today
Recurring anxiety during Contemplation is a pretty common experience furst of all, so ur not alone...
I would encourage you to find some spiritual guidance IRL. Either an actual meditation teacher or clergy or something or just a kindly elder to confide in. It's good to have a longitudinal conversation about this because different things will likely come up and different pointsin the journey. If you are very inhibited your nervous system needs social permission to access new consciousness. It's also good if they can get a multi sensory read on you. It's even better if they can consciously respond to your embodiment because fear lives in the body. Actually Buddhists tend to be really good at that if you're comfortable going there.
Compassionate and accessible resources can be found via the Center for Action and Contemplation (ecumenical, Franciscan theology) as well as Buddhist meditation teacher Pema Chodron ("getting unstuck")
My prayer life = clinging to remote fellowship with God constantly against being dragged into lifeless caenality. Remembrance of God's bottomless delight in creation. Openness 2 the channel... openness 2 myself in the world.. the defenseleness of incarnation. Youre always permeated or penetrated or saturated in this way. Discomfort doesn't always mean something is wrong. It *can* mean that something is wrong or it can mean that something is very right.
"Sucking it up," because there is a grit to holding, for instance and especially fear and not engaging in the usual shutdown or mythologies (fear is also very strongly impressed in my body), but more actually yielding, bending in the wind, untangling knots of resistance (impiety), letting the energy move thru U and pass. It is like passing a bladder stone or something. Actually it's crucifixion lol... c v c x v .... receptive and yielding grit, the toughness, actually the almightiness of divine Vulnerability
We have an animal instinct for how to allow physical pain through the body, by pacing, breath, shaking off, whatever, emotional pain functions similarly (arguably a class of physical pain). You may need help with this embodiment in some way? Even though a contemplative may sit still there is usually an intentional and structured embodied technique... as in zazen, they breathe and sit with intention at every step. But there is also pacing, dancing,intoning, quaking 🫨 tantra... and you can find a teacher in these things or discover them yourself. There's advantages and disadvantages to self direction.
Guidance to what to look for maybe or maybe not because I have so little information from you and so little of my own experience..........
best of luck friend
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ethereal-cleanse · 2 days
Gemini Season Pick-A-Card Spread
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As May comes to an end, we have finally reached Gemini season. Being ruled by Mercury, Gemini encourages both spoken and internal truths as well as using our voices for our community. This pick-a-card spread is about what truths you are called to speak during this time and what this season will open for you! Thank you guys for all the love from my first one, and your encouragement means everything.
(Answers are below choices)
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Pile 1: [Text Transcript]
Cards: 8 of Swords, Queen of Cups, 4 of swords (+ 4 of wands), Queen of Swords (+9 of Swords), The Sun
In this group, Gemini season is here to teach you that you are not stuck or trapped despite what your mind might try to convince you. You can free yourself from whatever is holding you back, even if that is yourself.
A truth you can speak this season is admitting how you truly feel in a calm, steady manner, and you can call on the energy of introspection (getting to the core of your feelings) and understanding yourself more through talking it out with others. This honesty will help with your anxiety, deepen your connection with yourself, and bring you closer to those around you! If you heed this, Gemini season will grant you optimism, peace of mind, and joy.
Manifestation oracle card(s): Practice Gratitude
(Nature) Spirit Guide: Charity “Time out. Take nothing personally. Patience and compassion are needed all around at this time.”
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PIle 2:
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Cards: 7 of cups (+ 4 of wands), 8 of pentacles (+ nine of wands), The Hermit, Page of cups (+10 of pentacles), 10 of cups
If you were drawn to pile 2, Gemini season will teach you to discern and take care with your decisions. Many options are or will be presented to you soon, and while it’s exciting, we must remember that all that glitters isn’t gold.
If you’ve been putting in continuous effort on something, a truth you should speak is admitting if you’re feeling fatigued and overwhelmed or asking for assistance, and an energy you should call on is giving yourself alone time and finding ways to decompress. You can connect with yourself through creative endeavors that may lead you to prosperity and spread a sense of contentment, abundance, and connection in your family life or relationships. Gemini season could open up a time of fulfillment, blessings, and your happily-ever-after. Manifestation oracle card(s): Know you are loved (Higher Self) Spirit Guide: Change “Stay calm. Adapt. Accept change. Things will work out in surprisingly beautiful ways.”
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Pile 3:
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Cards: Ace of Cups (+ Queen of Pentacles), Ace of Pentacles (+ five of Pentacles), 3 of Wands (+ 7 of Pentacles), 3 of Pentacles (+ The Fool), Kings of Swords (+ Temperance)
For our third group, Gemini season is here on two sides: A) a new emotional/romantic beginning that will be stable and grounded, or B) a time of emotional healing and financial stability.
A truth you are being called to express is being open about needing help, whether that’s seeking emotional or financial support from your support system or seeking help from external resources in times of need, and you can draw energy by having patience with yourself and stepping back to see just how far you’ve come even if there’s still work to do. To deepen your connection with yourself and others, you are encouraged to step out of your comfort zone, interact/collaborate with others, and embrace the unknown! If done so, Gemini season can grant you a balance between your mind and heart and a quiet confidence you didn’t know you had in you. Manifestation oracle card(s): Detoxify
(Nature) Spirit Guide: Forgiveness “Live, love, and learn.”
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PIle 4:
[Text Transcript]
Cards: 4 of pentacles (+ 5 of pentacles), The Moon, 3 of swords (+ Strength), 2 of pentacles (+ 6 of pentacles), The Lovers (+ 4 of swords)
For our final group, Gemini season is here to teach you to not hold on to things so tightly, be that people, our past issues, and especially money out of fear, as it may prevent you from experiencing new opportunities. A truth you are being called to speak is respecting your inner wisdom, intuition, and emotional intelligence. You may be getting messages, dreams, or hunches you’re dismissing, but they’re trying to guide you, and you can call on the energy of your inner strength despite the loss you may experience by releasing control. To deepen your connection to yourself and others, you must find. balance of protecting your heart and trusting others, especially through sharing your “abundance”, be that money, kindness, gratitude, or support. By doing so, your love of self or any new relationship will quell your fear of closeness.
Manifestation oracle card(s): Attend to The Details (Nature) Spirit Guide: Deprivation “Tap into the abundance of the Universe by sharing your heart.”
And that's the end of our readings! I hope at least one of these messages resonates and can help you transverse this season more easily! Until next time, meet yourself with love and grace.
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astroamorsworld · 7 hours
What does this Jupiter in Gemini transit mean for your rising sign?
If you guys would like to show your support, you can buy me a coffee here :)
I'm starting to compile a list of reviews for readings on my masterlist so check it out if you'd like 😊
If you guys would like a reading, fill out this google form and if you have any questions then feel free to DM me :)
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Aries Rising: Jupiter's shift into Gemini brings positive energy to your communication zone (3rd house). This is your chance to broaden your horizons through learning, conversations, and short trips. You might take a class, learn a new language, or travel somewhere that ignites your curiosity. This transit can also enhance your relationships with siblings, neighbors, and classmates. You'll find it easier to connect with others and express yourself clearly. Be mindful of a tendency to overthink or gossip, but overall, this is a time to expand your network and explore new ideas with an optimistic outlook.
Taurus Rising: This transit activates your second house of income and possessions. You might find new ways to make money, perhaps through a side hustle that taps into your talents. Embrace your natural Venusian charm and explore opportunities that combine your love of beauty and practicality. It's also a time to reassess your spending habits and cultivate a more abundant mindset. Remember, feeling secure financially allows you to relax and enjoy the finer things in life.
Gemini Rising: The planet of luck and expansion, has moved into your first house of self. This is basically your personal New Year! This transit brings a surge of optimism, confidence, and a thirst for knowledge. You'll find yourself naturally drawn to new experiences and people that broaden your horizons. Embrace your inherent curiosity and explore anything that sparks your interest. This is a powerful time to step into your most authentic self and share your unique voice with the world.
Cancer Rising: Jupiter is activating your 12th house of subconscious, dreams, and hidden desires. This can feel introspective and even a little mysterious. Embrace this inward journey – it's an opportunity to heal past hurts, release limiting beliefs, and connect with your intuition. Practices like meditation, journaling, or therapy can be helpful in navigating this introspective phase. While social interaction might take a backseat, this time spent within fosters personal growth and paves the way for future abundance.
Leo Rising: Jupiter's transit through Gemini activates your 11th house of friendships, groups, and long-term goals. This is a fantastic time to expand your social circle and connect with like-minded individuals who inspire and support you. You might find yourself drawn to collaborative projects or causes you're passionate about. This transit is all about building a strong support system that fuels your ambitions. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and network! Your natural charisma and leadership qualities will be magnetic, attracting people who share your vision. This is a powerful time to plant seeds for the future, surrounded by those who believe in you and your dreams.
Virgo Rising: Your focus shifts towards career and public image (10th house). This transit brings a lucky boost to your professional life! You might find exciting new opportunities arise, or receive recognition for your hard work and expertise. Embrace your natural Virgo-like diligence and strive for excellence – your efforts are likely to be rewarded. This is also a good time to expand your professional network and connect with mentors or influencers in your field. Jupiter's optimistic energy can fuel your ambition and help you achieve your goals. Remember, Virgos, don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and take on new challenges. This transit encourages growth and advancement, so shine your light and let your talents be seen!
Libra Rising: Jupiter in Gemini activates your 9th house of travel, philosophy, and higher learning. This transit ignites your curiosity and desire to broaden your horizons. You might embark on a long-awaited trip, delve into a new culture, or pursue higher education. Embrace your natural Libra charm and openness to different perspectives. This is a powerful time for personal growth through exploration and learning. Jupiter's optimistic energy encourages you to seek out knowledge and experiences that challenge your beliefs and expand your worldview. So, embrace the journey, Libra risings, and get ready to discover a whole new side of yourself!
Scorpio Rising: Prepare for a transformative journey in your realm of intimacy and shared resources (8th house). This transit can bring a deeper understanding of your closest bonds, both financially and emotionally. Jupiter's expansive energy encourages open communication and vulnerability within partnerships. It's a good time to explore taboos or hidden aspects of your relationships, leading to a more profound connection. You might also find opportunities to manage finances jointly or explore investments with a trusted partner. Remember, Scorpio risings, true intimacy thrives on trust and open communication. Embrace this transit to strengthen your bonds and unlock hidden potential within your closest connections.
Sagittarius Rising: With Jupiter, your ruling planet, moving into Gemini, it activates your 7th house of partnerships and commitments. This transit is all about expanding and enriching your connections with others. On a personal level, you might find yourself drawn to new partnerships, both romantic and platonic. Jupiter's optimistic energy fosters a spirit of cooperation and compromise, making it easier to find common ground with others. Existing relationships can also deepen and strengthen during this transit. This is a fantastic time to explore collaborations, negotiations, and strengthen your bonds with significant others. Remember, Sagittarius rising, your inherent optimism and openness are magnetic. Embrace this transit to connect with like-minded individuals who challenge and inspire you. This is a powerful time to build strong, supportive relationships that enrich your life on all levels.
Capricorn Rising: This transit brings a lucky boost to your health, habits, and work environment. Jupiter's expansive energy encourages you to find ways to make your daily routines more efficient and enjoyable. You might discover new healthy habits or explore alternative wellness practices that improve your physical and mental well-being. This is also a fantastic time to learn new skills or refine existing ones, boosting your productivity and satisfaction at work. Remember, Capricorn rising, taking care of yourself is the foundation for success in all areas of life. Embrace this transit to optimise your routines and create a work-life balance that fosters both achievement and enjoyment.
Aquarius Rising: With Jupiter gracing your 5th house of joy, romance, and self-expression, prepare for a playful and pleasure-filled year. This transit is all about embracing your authentic self and exploring activities that bring you genuine happiness. Whether it's reigniting old hobbies, pursuing artistic endeavors, or simply having more fun, Jupiter encourages you to express yourself freely. Romantically, you might attract new love interests or deepen existing connections through shared enjoyment and lightheartedness. Remember, Aquarius risings, life shouldn't be all work and no play. Embrace this transit to tap into your creativity, reconnect with your inner child, and experience life with a joyful spirit.
Pisces Rising: With Jupiter lighting up your 4th house of domesticity, family, and emotional foundations, this transit brings a wave of optimism and expansion to your personal life. This is a fantastic time to focus on creating a warm and inviting home environment. You might redecorate, make renovations, or simply spend more quality time with loved ones. Jupiter's expansive energy encourages strengthening family bonds and deepening connections with those who provide you with a sense of security. It's also a good time to explore your ancestry or reconnect with past family traditions. Remember, Pisces rising, a strong foundation at home fosters a sense of peace and well-being in all areas of life. Embrace this transit to nurture your inner sanctuary and cultivate a loving and supportive home environment.
Check my pinned post for more!💖
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karmaphone · 1 year
why is it so hard for ableists to accept that there is no support network for those that are not well liked, that resources are withheld or deemed nonexistent if they are considered unpleasant or rude or just unlikeable, and that fact legitimately results in peoples deaths
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johannestevans · 6 months
went on a lunch date recently where the guy like. didn't mention what job he did on grindr, just that he'd been working late etc, and then when i got there and mentioned it i asked what he did, and he was like "oh well i work for the police" and i was. immediately shut down, understandably
and later on i asked his opinions abt police brutality, police abuse rates, if he thinks the police should be abolished etc, and later was like, yeah, ethically this is a bad match
but idk like. when ppl tell me they're a cop or a gard (or in the military) on grindr i just block them from the off, bc it's like, well, you're cool w brutality, rape, and abuse, there's no reason you could or should be trusted with an intimate partner. and this guy had mentioned he followed me on twitter and didn't at all seem surprised by my open disgust for his profession, and idk if that was why he didn't mention it up front and thought i wouldn't make a big deal about it (as if) or if he just doesn't mention it to anybody
but i'm still so like ??
like my house has a very explicit no cops policy. if sb else brought their partner or brother or whatever to dinner and they were a cop, they would be told to fucking leave. as if i'm gonna fuck one myself
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Like honestly I think that people are genuinely unaware of how MCYT and the internet as a whole used to be because like… the space is improving. Things coming to light when they happen and not years later is a good thing. Not only is it impossible to have a space with no bad people ever, any space that appears as such is actively dangerous and suppressing the victims within the community as a way to stay “pure.” I really worry about people leaving for those sorts of spaces because in my experience they’re far more rotten than MCYT could ever be, because victims are shamed into silence and treated like dirt to keep that spotless reputation. It’s a show of purity, not any support for victims, because Victims Coming Out Is A Good Thing. It means they feel safe in the space to do that. Places that seem safer because they don’t have all that are just ones that silence any victim far worse.
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soldier-poet-king · 2 months
Will my suffering never cease
- went to good Friday evening service even tho it's not a day of obligation, didn't go yesterday evening to Maundy Thursday for a variety of reasons
- priest manages to fit homophobia and transphobia into his sermon. Not even gay marriage. Just unions, that let ppl share taxes and have hospital visiting rights. And big bad scary surgery. Like. Completely unrelated to the matter at hand. Says SO LITTLE abt the Passion, managed to talk for 10 minutes without really saying ANYTHING. Takes Pilate's 'what is truth' and instead of engaging in the long philosophical and theological discussion around that question, decides to use it as a rallying cry against wokeism and a godless progressive society.
- my two ex best friends were there. Ran into them. + One's husband, who I introduced her to a decade ago. Like I'm mostly over that, no longer shitty and resentful, fully know that it was partially my fault and born from my own terribleness at 19 and undiagnosed untreated mental illness. Still uhhh hurts tho??? As a reminder?
- music bad. Ok I'm petty. I'll give the trads (1) point. I don't like guitar mass. I will NOT agree with the trads in assigning moral weight to my aesthetic preference. It's simply a preference, which does not make any musical form inherently superior to the others. But the triduum really lends itself to Latin hymns and chants, in my heart. My other fave church music is traditional Black spirituals. I would greatly prefer either. But just. If it sounds like an acoustic version of a pop love song. I just. I can't. I KNOW I'm the weird about Jesus romantically girlie. But I am not vibin with this folks
Literally would have simply Walked Out. Hit da bricks during the homily. But was with my family so 1) cannot out myself 2) did not have house keys on me, so I was suck regardless
Anyway I said I wasn't going to do fun things today but I'm so upset and cranky and I did chores all day, I am going to catch up on dungeon meshi. Marcille is my best favourite cringefail girl I'm obsessed with her and surely the wlw neurotic fussy mage who loves her friends will not betray me like this
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
My Art Masterpost
Boy King AU
Original Seb Sketch(9/1/23)
Unfinished Vettonso Sketch Portrait(9/6/23)
Chibi Seb(9/8/23)
Chibi Fernando(9/10/23)
Chibi Vettonso(9/10/23)
Misc Sketches(+ Jense & Mark)(9/12/23)
Casual Seb(9/14/23)
Seb Lamb Ask Comic(9/14/23)
Casual Fernando(9/15/23)
Casual Vettonso(^ )(9/15/23)
Fullbody Seb Portrait(9/19/23)
Fernando Portrait Painting(10/31/23)
Seb Wig Comic(11/2/23)
Seb Portrait Painting(11/21/23)
Joint Vettonso Paintings(^)(11/21/23)
Seb Painting w/ Relics(1/30/24)
Mark Portrait(2/27/24)
Young Fernando Sketches(3/5/24)
Jenson Portrait(3/12/24)
Young Fernando Portrait(4/13/24)
Matador AU
Renault Fernando(12/14/23)
Ferrari Fernando(12/17/23)
RBR Seb(1/3/24)
Vettonso Chibis(1/9/24)
Aston Fernando(3/2/24)
Matador Pose Practice(3/16/24)
Bloody Ferrari Fernando(3/19/24)
Vettonso Stabbing(4/9/24)
Hussar AU
Hussar Seb + Martian(+ lore)(7/10/23)
Hussar Fernando(7/18/23)
Chibi Seb(9/8/23)
Chibi Fernando(9/10/23)
Chibi Martian(9/28/23)
Renaissance AU
Original Seb Drawings + Martian(4/13/23)
Chibi Seb(9/8/23)
Seb as Antinous(10/19/23)
Saint Sebastian(4/27/24)
Nandopoleon Alonsoparte
Chibi Fernando(9/10/23)
Young Nandopoleon(2/5/24)
Roleswap Chibis(4/29/24)
007 AU
Skyfall Scene Redraw as Vettonso(12/29/23)
NAYQ Fanart(Martian)(4/15/23)
Vettonso Japan 2023 Chibis(9/21/23)
Vettonso Post Japan 2023 Chibi Shitpost(9/24/23)
Vettonso Timeswap AU Chibis(9/30/23)
Gunslinger Fernando Chibi(10/7/23)
Oscarmark Qatar 2023(10/9/23)
Leyendecker Fernando(12/3/23)
Magician Fernando Chibi WIPs(12/10/23)
Fernando Tiktok Chibis(1/19/24)
Vettonso Chibi Picrew(2/12/24)
Fernando Teddy Bear Vettonso Comic(4/8/24)
Fernando Miami 2024 + Chibis(5/5/24)
Happy Vettonso Day!!(5/14/24)
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aeide-thea · 7 months
still thinking abt the tumblrinx i encountered a while back whose pinned post said they were transmasc… and also demanded that men dni
like—i’m not confused by the convoluted not-like-the-other-boys doublethink that gets you there, i can follow the chain of illogic just fine, but i sure am deeply wearily depressed by it!
#i know plenty of good men—good cis men even! gasp!#and i just think like. if we can’t move away from‚ like‚ cold gender war how the fuck do we move forward#fundamentally like. 100% block people who have behaved towards you in ways you didn't like.#but like. this whole thing where ~afabs~ preemptively self-victimize by conjuring up the creepiest cishet man they can imagine#and self-harm by worrying abt that imaginary guy jacking off to them#is just like. i understand how it happens but it’s like. you’re actively doing negative visualization#and‚ like‚ preemptively self-victimizing#ime it feels a lot better to move through the world unworried‚ in the knowledge that if someone says sth gross to you: you can block them!#anyway ultimately i’m pretty clearly making this post bc i'm overdue to unfollow the tirfiest blogger i’m currently following#like. yeah loads of cishet men are shitheads but ~misandry~ is so last decade#and frankly i don’t have a lot more time for the cishet women who have bought into the same system—like i have some sympathy but.#these people all get warped by the system into complementary fucked-up cogs whose teeth bite into one another#and i’m just not interested in biting back—i want to leave all the biting behind in the dust of the junkyard that birthed it#and like. i don’t want to dismiss the oppression that births this sort of rhetoric. it's super real and it's toxic and it fucks people up.#but it’s like. when people have bad dads and then are like Dads R Always Bad!!!#and i’m just over here like. i don’t know how to say this without sounding like i’m invalidating you but my dad was a fucking saint tbh#not perfect dgmw but like. a sweet gentle encouraging man who got ground down by my mother’s toxic heel along with the rest of us#so like. actually not only are you closing yr eyes to a better future‚ yr closing yr eyes to other ppl’s lived realities#like i personally managed to have a totally life-ruining mother without deciding Mothers Are Ontologically Evil Actually!#idk. obviously women remain *enormously* systemically oppressed! but surely we can acknowledge and decry that without#implicitly rhetorically closing off any possibility of a gentler queerer gender dynamic?#anyway none of this is revolutionary i’m just like. i KNOW the fascists want to cut off my toes and force me into the glass slipper#of viciously constrained femininity#that in turn makes itself feel better by sneering at men‚ critiquing other women who Do It Wrong‚ and exerting control over children#so i have strong personal cause to care about misogyny even if i didn’t care about it in the abstract#but i just think like. acting like traditional gender roles and dynamics are a fixed truth we can only bruise ourselves on#instead of a human construction that we can undermine and work to topple#is not actually the path to a healed world in the long run!#anyway. beta edition post (thumbtyped & not reread): may contain bugs.
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awkward-teabag · 1 month
Can't even mention that a store near me is clearly using abusing the TFW program because they refuse to pay little more than minimum wage in a high cost of living area (also you won't get benefits and you'll only be part-time) because the fascists and right-wingers will jump in to say it's about immigration and white replacement.
No, it's because rich white people want to hoard even more money and found an intentional loophole to both make more money (via paying employees less) and also have more power over employees, employees who may or may not know Canadian employment laws (or safety laws) and even if they do, don't have the ability or support to try to hold the company accountable.
You can absolutely criticize the federal government for keeping the loophole open but it predates Trudeau by decades and it was Harper who both expanded the program and added a way for companies to fast-track TFWs. It was also under Harper that companies started firing Canadians (or not hiring them) and then requesting permission to mass-hire TFWs instead.
But the way the right wing talks, you would think Trudeau started this whole thing and the poor multi-million and multi-billion dollar companies are being taken advantage of. Also that housing prices, lack of new developments, and zoning issues started with Trudeau and are the fault of mass-immigration he has a boner for instead of being an issue for decades and experts warning this would happen if governments didn't act ASAP.
Instead the neolibs and cons kept cutting back and kicking that can down the road, a can that started being kicked by Mulroney and the Conservative Party.
#as a 90s kid i grew up with warnings about healthcare and housing and how we needed mass immigration or a massive baby boom#because of the utter lack of federal support and an aging workforce#the systems were already being strained to their limits and there literally weren't enough millennials to replace retiring workers#*or* bring in enough taxes to fund said systems when the system needed it the most#not even increase funding just keeping the same funding that was already not enough#also the right conveniently ignores (or doesn't know about) the extremely predatory recruitment industry#that targets people overseas while lying and charging large amounts of money to bring tfws to canada#you could even blame chretien for expanding it to include 'low-skilled' workers which is what companies are abusing it for#hell even trudeau sr for creating it in the first place even though it was originally made for high-skilled or niche jobs#but no the blame is always trudeau jr with a ton of racism and brownnosing capitalists#because all these problems sprang up suddenly under him#and in no way did harper start/expand/not end/be complicit in any of this /s#though i guess for some of the fascists it seems that way 'cause they weren't personally affected by it until now#and companies have stopped trying to pretend they aren't grabbing as much money as possible because fuck anyone else#even though it's been like that for decades and capitalism itself encourages companies to skim money off the top#while not having the checks and balances to limit just how much#for that you need governments to regulate things and that doesn't work when you have leaders who are anti-regulation#and who believe in trickle down economics#just... the whole thing is not happening in a bubble and involves multiple people and both the neolibs and cons#because it's been building for decades#but you can't bloody say that because the moment you mention housing/jobs/healthcare and/or tfws#you get inundated by fascists who think you're one of them and hit you with some of the most unhinged shit#or who don't even care about you and just want someone to rant at about how it's the evil left's fault for everything#hell you can't even say you don't like trudeau because same thing: fascists think you're one of them or someone to bring into the cult
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cuntstable · 1 year
thought about cuno and cunoesse im so fucking sad. im so sad. im so sad over horrible 12 year olds who call you the f slur
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oatbugs · 1 year
the way my heart sank . lol
#tried to get on a call to study w my gf bc weve both been avoiding stuff we Have to do and its been making us anxious#but esp her bc shes been in this cycle for a while and shes struggling w it a lot . and i love her and i want the best for her#and all my friends r like u should push each other to do better even if its uncomfortable somewhat and i agree#so we were like. yh lets do stuff / get on our work tmrw even tho its anxiety-inducing etc...and then we got on a call#and this is the most like. bored/displeased ive ever heard her sound like she seemed extremely disinterested and even mildly irritated#and it honestly shocked me ??? so i ended the call bc i need to do work and it was making me sad#and im trying to listen to words more than tone but it was so extreme and such a sudden change that it literally wasnt good for me . im so#confused rn . like ik facing tasks youve been avoiding for months causes anxiety ik theres like a mental block around it that makes u not#want to deal w it or become irritated at ppl who suggest that you should#but omg?? it was so weird and like. when i said she was making me sad so i wanted to end the call she was like. ok 😐#which is a fair response ig but shes never responded to me that way b4...like what is this what is happening...#i want smn who encourages me to move forward and who appreciated that i want them to do the same#instead of staying stagnant and anxious for months. i talked abt this before on here and everyone collectively was like Be More Patient and#work through it w her etc etc (my friends said the exact opposite tho) and i have been Trying To but its making me feel actively . bad.#like. im Afraid.#to bring it up . and then when i finally did say yh lets do smth lets get thru this tgth she just shut down on me somehow#idk what else i can do#i will talk to her abt it later i just need to work rn. i had to get this out of my system first.#shes so sweet and wonderful and supportive usually. but when it comes to thsi topic. im rly shocked idk#i knew she felt bad abt it but i thought she agreed to move through it w me and i didnt expect her to direct it at me#like whatever i said shed give me the coldest ok 😐. like. again nothing inherently wrong w that but when contrasted w#the way she talks to me usually there IS smth wrong it . its jarring and uncomfortable and made me rly upset bc it felt like she was mad at#me for trying to help . idk#UGH whatever ill talk 2 her later i have to do this lecture itll help distract me
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porto-rosso · 5 months
if i see another person who’s never read into first past the post voting or the american electoral system in their life rhapsodize about how voting democratic is the single most evil thing you can do rn im going to lose my mind
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