#or give it a day and start tomorrow
good morning!! <3
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obsob · 1 year
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here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud!!
✷(print shop)✷
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Redraw of my first post on this blog. Oh how far we've come B'*)
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tei-to-tei · 7 months
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December 3 - Morning Cartoons
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fisheito · 2 months
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Well THat doesn't seem right....
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mattodore · 1 year
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happy pride to bi people everywhere but especially to theo 🌾
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nientedal · 7 months
Usually I just save stuff like this to my drafts until I calm down but you know what, fuck it, I'm done.
Any so-called leftist who refuses to recognize that our options right now are "genocide abroad, progress at home" and "genocide abroad AND genocide at home" and that there is a significant difference between those two options is cordially invited to eat shit and die. We do not have time to entertain your anti-voting hopeless nonsense. A future in which we are able to move towards less death will always be preferable to the one in which we can't, and if you smug, sneering little clowns sacrifice that future on the altar of your own self-righteousness because you're too high on your own farts to realize how far up your own ass you are, I genuinely hope you fucking drown. Specifically, I hope you drown in the blood of the people who will die all over the world as a result of your bizarre refusal to work towards a future that doesn't include ethnic cleansing.
This is the United States. We sell war, here. I don't know how so many of you are only just now figuring that out, but you better get over your shock like yesterday because we are out of fucking time. We ran out of time when Reagan took office if not long before. You think not voting will improve any of this?
Keep calling, keep writing, keep screaming. Governments everywhere are (slowly) beginning to listen. Democrats are (slowly) beginning to listen. But Republicans never will, and if they seize power again next year (which they will absolutely do their damned to attempt), everything will be so, so much worse for everyone, everywhere. The work is slow and painful and imperfect but it will only get done if we show up and do the work, so keep calling, keep writing, keep screaming-- and when the time comes, you show up and vote for the future that lets us build a better tomorrow instead of just choking to death in the steaming shitpile of today.
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blueper-saiyan · 3 months
I’m overanalyzing something that’s canonically not meant to be thought about, for fun, so here’s a speculative Saiyan biology question: how often do they actually need to eat? I’ve sort of joked about the possibility that it’s like large predators irl where they gorge themselves occasionally and then wait until the next big kill. This would balance out the amount they’re eating to closer to a normal human, just a surprising amount in one sitting, and dodge the thing I’m about to go off the deep end about. But I think they’re probably supposed to need that amount frequently? Which is like, rodent levels of frequency and portions, but unlike a small mammal, a huge amount of actual food consumed. It’s fine if there’s only a handful of Saiyans on a whole planet but how did that work when there was a lot of them? That’s a massive amount of food, where is it coming from? Are they mostly feeding their army by taking food from conquered planets? They’d still need to be producing enough for their homeworld. Is it being farmed automatically and that’s how they can have the majority of their whole species be soldiers? But like, Gine has a job processing meat, so it’s clearly not entirely automated. Stuck thinking about Saiyan agricultural production and supply logistics help.
Unfortunately, I can also say that almost immediately after finding out the amount that Saiyans eat, the back of my mind did jump to “how fast do they starve?” Like, is that a much bigger threat for them than a human or do they have about the same amount of reserves, even if they’re eating more? If it is way faster, how does that affect how they view food/hunger? As a fun irl example, hummingbirds have such an insane metabolism that they would potentially starve to death if they slept at night. So they don’t sleep like normal, they enter a state that’s more like hibernation to slow their metabolism down enough to survive. Many hummingbird species are fiercely territorial because they need access to their food source or they starve. I imagine a theoretical hummingbird society would be thinking about food differently. And because this is my indulgent post where I get to talk about animals, I’m also going to bring up vampire bats, which could also potentially starve if they can’t feed within two days or so (I did not go deep into scientific literature to find original numbers and sources for this estimate I’m sorry true bat fans. Actually same goes for the hummingbird estimate but I know more about birds.). Unlike the more territorial hummingbirds though, vampire bats roost together during the day in colonies, with the same other bats repeatedly. And their food source can’t be guarded like a flower patch can, so there’s less purpose to territoriality. So they can form long term friendships with each other by interacting in ways like grooming each other. Within these friendships, when one bat gets a meal during their few-hour-a-night feeding window, but the other one doesn’t, the one who got enough food will often share with their friend to keep them from going hungry. Then their friend returns the favor when their roles are reversed, keeping them both alive, along with the rest of their friend network.
So those are some very different responses to needing food nearly constantly. If I were deeper in ecology mode I could probably try and come up with explanations based on the types of food source and territory and other factors for why, but I’m here to apply this to Saiyans lol. Honestly, a cooperative strategy would make more sense given that they’re pretty human-like, but that’s certainly not the sense we get given of their society. Were they always super individualistic or is that a recent development? Are they even actually individualistic or is that fully a societal role thing (elites are different from lower class warriors)? Or is the idea that they don’t cooperate partly a lie made up after their deaths anyway? Speculative biology for intelligent species get the extra layer of culture just to make things more messy and fun. We also know pretty much nothing about their original home planet and the actual context that shaped them, so I don’t get to apply other factors, like how easy it is to defend food sources or how important it is to stick together. We probably won’t ever get to know anything more about their original homeworld/Sadala, which is disappointing given that we got hints about it, but it does leave more room for speculation.
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In my COHF Alec era 🤪🤪🤪🤪
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kitorin · 2 months
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stuckinapril · 5 months
Today was an off day for me but it’s fine bc tomorrow I’ll be back to waking up at the crack of dawn & having at least 4 hours of study time out of the way by 10 am & popping into my orgo lab for a couple hours & hitting the gym after & studying some more until I have 8 hours of studying down & being off my phone & taking chilly walks at sundown w my headphones in & squeezing 10 minutes in to memorize my poem for the month & also fitting in half an hour to do some light recreational reading. Today I think I’ll just be kind to myself. I’m just going to review a couple chapters, do some Anki cards, and prolly get my training for my neuro clinic internship done. Then I’ll have my relaxing pm shower & tuck into bed w a comfort movie. I just want to chill tn for the first time in such a long time
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underrated dynamic i think is peter and dave’s implied rivalry. like they have History
i like to think that since peter was so strangely good at his job the company wasn’t eager to lose him and kept reusing him for many different locations even if multiple closed down. and those locations ended up with dave at them a LOT. we know that dave filled One of them with hot cheese. and peter is at least aware of dave’s crucifixion. and dave knows him well enough by the time he’s building the fazbunker that he knows about his fear of clowns and red-haired girls (dee……). dave hated Him in particular
i think not enough is done with this it could be Such a fun dynamic they HATE each other. Worsties you could say. opposites subtract
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enluv · 10 months
enluv announcement!
— please read as this is an important message for my moots & readers <3 (posted: august 24th, 2023)
As many of you know I am a college student, and currently I am still on summer break, however I do have to return back to school as the academic year is starting for me in about four days. I leave back to school in about two, and if you didn’t know, I go to school out of the state I live in! Meaning I only have the next two days to spend with my family/friends before I leave, that being said I am here to tell you all that I will be going on a hiatus, it won’t be a traditional hiatus where I stop posting all together but for the time being I will cease posts/updates for fics until I am situated enough at school to come back and post! At school I am part of a lot of groups/research/etc. and those will be my top priority. I will try to figure out a time to write and be here as best as I can but also, I can’t promise anything. I will however still be logged into this account and my side @/haisuken, so if you see me posting that’s why and thus what I mean by not traditional hiatus! For my moots, my replies may get shorter and I may take longer to reply, this isn’t because I am ignoring you, simply because I am busy with school! I thank you for your understanding and I’ll see you all again <3
— tagging some moots! - @bobariki @blue-jisungs @csmicvrse @hoonvrs @invuwrld @malarign @nhularin @ningtual @odxrilove @stealanity @yerimse @boydepartment @i-luvsang (if I didn’t tag you pls don’t be alarmed, this is mainly for moots I interact with on discord/messages!)
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arkashas · 3 months
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musubiki · 4 months
i think it would be very funny if lime kept stealing all of mochis side quests because he thinks theyre fun even though he doesnt need any of the rewards and everyone is pissed because they could actually use the things she gives in exchange but lime keeps fucking taking all the side quest resources before anyone has a chance to report back
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beeholyshit · 5 months
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I never properly said how they met so...
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