#or hog deer if your free
johaerys-writes · 3 months
Hello! How does a WIP Wednesday sound? Thank you always and I wish you a happy day😆
Hello!! I didn't have time to answer this yesterday, so I'm answering today :) This is from the next chapter of As Fate Would Have It which is almost done and should be up soon!!
Patroclus on his third trip from their cart, and sweating buckets in the warm spring afternoon under the mountain of pelts he's carrying, when he notices a customer that has drifted close to their stall and is speaking with Achilles. The man is not very tall, but he's broad at the shoulders and looks quite strong. He has an oily beard which he strokes every so often with fingers covered in golden rings and gemstones, and his beady eyes twinkle with delight as he regards Achilles. By the look—and smell— of him, he must be a sailor of some sort, out in the town on errands. 
"It's my first time here," Patroclus hears Achilles saying as he draws near. "I've never been to Iolcos before."
"I would remember a face like yours," the man says, the words accompanied by a nauseating leer. "Tell me, sweetheart, did you fall from Olympus? Because you look divine to me."
Achilles' brow furrows in confusion. "My mother is a goddess," he replies earnestly. "But she's not from Olympus."
"You're a clever one, eh? Not just a pretty face." The man chuckles indulgently, leaning ever closer to Achilles over the stall between them. "Listen, I have a boat nearby; I could take you for a ride if you—"
"You need something?" Patroclus asks gruffly, depositing the pelts unceremoniously on the stall. 
The man blinks at him in surprise, as if he just materialised out of thin air. "Oh, I was just talking with your, um, associate? I have an interesting proposition for—"
"Either buy something or get lost," Patroclus cuts him off. "We're trying to sell and you're hogging all the space."
"Well, if you say so," the man replies sourly. He clears his throat and peruses the pelts without much interest; it is clear that it was not their wares that drew him there. It isn’t very long before he sets his beady eyes on Achilles once again, and his lips curl in that oily smile. "That is very lovely," he says, picking up a pelt at random. "Is it a fox, or a lynx, perhaps?"
"It’s… a deer," Achilles answers, rather perplexed, for the pelt couldn’t have been more obviously that of a deer’s. “We don’t hunt foxes. Or lynxes, for that matter. Our teacher has shown us way to keep them at bay without—”
"You hunted these yourself? My, so many talents! A man after my own heart," he chuckles, completely ignoring what Achilles was saying, which somehow makes Patroclus’ temper flare even more. The man spreads his disgusting fingers over the pelt as he says, "Doesn't Artemis get mad that you're hunting in those woods, rivalling her in beauty? I should like to see you in action, in fact; I bet you're a sight to behold—" 
"Are you done?" Patroclus snaps, incapable of keeping his anger in check any longer. He snatches the pelt out of his oily hands and gives it a quick rub down before throwing it back in the pile.
"Hey! I was going to buy that!" 
"It's not for sale."
"I said: it's not for sale." Patroclus crosses his arms before his chest and glowers at him. "Now, beat it." 
The man lets out an angry huff. "You don't get to talk to me like that. I'm a paying customer and it's a free country. I can stand wherever I want."
"Don’t care where you stand as long as it's not in front of my stall." He straightens to his full height and squares his shoulders, stepping protectively before Achilles when the man's eyes slide to him. A low growl vibrates in his throat before he can stop it. “Do I need to make myself clearer?”
The man swallows thickly and takes a step back. "This isn’t over," he mutters sulkily before he walks away.
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bonefall · 1 year
Clanmew Expansion Pack: Deer & Co
A guide both to the Clan Culture concept of "deer" as a classification, how several species are perceived by Clan cats, as well as a glossary of Clanmew terms for their behavior.
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[ID: A red deer stag stands proud next to the word, "KLEKA." Squirrelflight stands next to it, thinking the phrase, "sskif peeg-en-aayoo nomn." Roughly, "I want to eat that butt," directly, "Want: beacon-of-red stag I-will-eat"]
There are six species of "deer" (Kleka) that Clan cats see on a regular basis, five of them titanic giants that are too large to hunt as adults, and one of them just small enough to be targeted. A kleka is defined as, "a fast herbivore with long legs, ending in hard hooves."
All types of deer are big animals, with even the smallest being larger than a cat. They're most often seen in forest or open meadows, so because of this, they're typically associated with ThunderClan and WindClan.
The six species that Clan cats consider a "deer," listed with their human terms and Clanmew translation;
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) = Aug (default) & Aayoo (stags during rut in late summer to early winter)
Fallow Deer (Dama dama) = Niaa (default) & Gruag (stags with full antlers)
Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) = Aeur
Muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) = Maa'ar
Horse (Equus ferus caballus) = Ee'ee
Sheep (Ovis aries) = Baa (default) & Bing (bell wether)
"Hey hold on a minute!" You cry, "Those last two aren't deer!"
Go ahead! Try explaining that to a cat who doesn't even know what cladistics are! It eats plants, it has swiveling ears, it has long legs and hooves, and it runs fast. What else could such a creature be? KLEKA IS KLEKA.
(Note: The Chinese Water Deer and Sika Deer are also seen in England; however, not as far north as BB's modeled regions, ergo they are not represented by Base Clanmew.)
But for the sake of organization, this guide will only cover the 'true deer,' reds, fallows, roes, and muntjacs.
Before getting into specific detail about each species, first, here's a couple more general terms for various parts of these animals.
Antler = Grek Branched, pronged horns that grow on male deer, bursting from bloody velvet. Muntjacs don't grow new antlers, but they never lose their 'velvet' either. Shed ones are valued for construction projects. A doe is an antlerless (grekwaro) deer; a buck is an antlerful (grekwang) deer.
Velvet = Gawrek (Meat + Antler) The meat that sheds off a fresh antler. Has been brought to my attention that this is full of estradiol, so, this is a very useful herb for Clan cats to use for feminine hormone treatment! For the velvet texture, "qefyyn", see here.
Horn = Greksh (Antler + Shell) Seen exclusively in sheep, named for the snail shell-like shape and fact that, after death, the horns are hollow. A cow also has greksh, but this currently goes undiscovered. NOTE: A generic horn, like the spines on a hedgehog or spikes on some insects, are called "kik"
Hoof = Kopka The hard stone-claws on the end of a Klek's leg; also seen on two other special non-klek animals; hogs and cows.
Beacon = Peeg When social deer are alarmed and running away, they follow the white flashes of each other's butts. Rabbits also have a beacon in their puffy tails! Clan cats assume that a horse's strange, hairy tail is just some sort of special beacon. It can also mean "rump," as in "rump roast."
Fawn = Myaa A baby deer that hides in grass, and does not run when approached.
Yearling = Mween A baby deer that follows its mother's side, and is now able to run if chased. The offspring of sheep and horses are already Mween just few minutes after their birth, though Clan cats don't encounter them on a frequent enough basis to have unique words for them. If used in a name, feel free to translate as 'foal' or 'lamb' at your discretion.
Herd = Klokok A large group of deer, usually only seen during rut, or in the case of horses, behind fences. Mostly used in the presence of an aggressive stag of some sort who will attack a Clan cat who bothers his does.
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[ID: A red deer stag and a red deer hind, with a field behind them]
We start off with the largest wild animal on this list, and the biggest creature that Clan cats see on a regular basis; the Red Deer.
The rut season is from late summer to early winter, and is the only time in the year that stags have 'antlers' which they use to fight other males for control of a herd. This is reflected in Clanmew; most of the year, all red deer are Aug, the sound of the 'bark' they use to communicate with each other.
ONLY when antlers start coming in do the stags become identified by the other term; Aayoo. Aayoo fill the forest with loud bellowing and clashing as they face off, with some Clan cats even taking the opportunity to watch these titans brawl just for entertainment.
Some Aayoo even have a distinct "Raofa" (lion mane) or "Gaofa" (cravat, tiger mane), which associates them with the legends of the Great Clans. But, eventually, the Aayoo sheds its weapons, and returns to being an Aug before the frost sets in.
They are far too large to be hunted, and most Clan cats would find it dishonorable to take their fawns if they are found hidden. They are a breathtaking and honored animal... though they do look delicious, if you ask Squirrelflight.
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[ID: A fallow stag shows off in front of three does, who hold up signs with various ratings. Nightstar watches on, unimpressed.]
Up next is the deer considered the most beautiful by Clan cat standards; the Fallow Deer.
Just like reds, fallows have a "default" word for those that aren't sporting any antlers; "Niaa." The call of a fallow buck is best described in English as a 'belch,' in Clanmew, they call it "Gruag."
Their behavior is quite different from red deer; instead of one male who fights off any challengers for control of a harem, they have what we call a "lek" system. Gruag will gather in one part of the territory to fight and show off against many rivals, and the Niaa come to this place to watch and pick who they like best.
side note: this is a really rare system to see in mammals and fallow deer have been studied for how unique this behavior is
They come in lots of different colors, from white, to tawny, sometimes even being such a dark brown that they appear black. These colors are beloved, noted as if StarClan themselves like to practice painting on their coats. On top of this, they're the most numerous species of deer to see.
All of these things together gives fallow deer a reputation for being "dramatic" and "fancy" by Clan culture standards, less honorable than the powerful red deer but just as noble. However, this means that their fawns are not treated with the same careful reverence as those of reds, and snatched whenever they're found hiding.
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[ID: A roe deer stands alone, menacingly, with a row of telephone poles behind it]
Roe deer act VERY differently from their larger cousins. A mostly solitary animal with only the presence of antlers and a smaller beacon marking a buck from a doe, Clanmew has only a single word for them; "Aeur." The sound of their very offputting 'alarm bark'.
Opportunists, roe deer will live just about anywhere they can find a small amount of forested cover, meaning they'll happily find room in just about any territory except WindClan's. In the Lake Territory, they're particularly fond of the places where fallows and reds don't have enough space, such as the SkyClan conifer patch.
Clan cats find them deeply unsettling. Though smaller than reds and fallows, a roe deer is still as large as three warriors stacked on top of each other. Males immediately re-grow their dagger-like horns as soon as the old ones fall out, never fully returning to the 'default' form. And, worst of all...
They have the same crepuscular behavior as cats do, active at dawn and dusk. Females typically raise two fawns and manage their own territories, much like a rogue. They even create simple nests which they sleep in every night.
The Clans try to keep away from them, unless they're truly starving. There are tales that those who don't believe in StarClan are doomed to exist as roe deer in their afterlives.
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[ID: A warrior is unsettled by a barking roe deer. It says, "ssoen his ssarababa," roughly, "holy shit," directly, "stars, shit they-say"]
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[ID: A muntjac walking through marshland, being stalked by Stumptail]
Probably not an animal you were expecting to see in England, huh? The Reeves' Muntjac has been an invasive problem since the 20th century, rapidly spreading across the island. Like roe deer, males have antlers while females do not, but there aren't enough differences in behavior for Clan cats to have a dedicated word for the two forms.
So, a muntjac is simply known as a "Maa'ar."
These little buggers will eat just about any plant matter, which can make them quite destructive. Bark, grass, fruits, leaves, anything. Slightly larger than a fox, their only predator is Clan cats, who consider them to be a prized quarry. Their skin creates some of the highest quality leather in all the territories, and their horns and 'tusks' are valued for decorations.
Though solitary, they can still put up a fight. Those fangs and horns aren't just for show; they can gore and kill an unwise hunter, and if that fails, they're much faster than their cutesy little loaf-shape suggests.
They're unique for many reasons, but especially in that they like wet areas. So, unlike the other types of deer, the muntjac is most often seen by ShadowClan and RiverClan. Since RiverClan doesn't have the same taste for mammalian meat that ShadowClan does, in the Lake territory, sometimes muntjac hunting rights cause conflict between the two neighbors.
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lady06reaper · 6 months
More requests (me have lots of ideas but zero writing skills-)
South Park meeting reader who is like hella countrysided. Like hunting, fishing, accent, even has a few horses and a farm she goes to occasionally.
Or how they would react to being kicked off a horse lmao. - Marshmellow
MARSHMELLOW YOU SPOIL ME! 5 REQUESTS BACK TO BACK!? ofc I'm doing the south park ones first bc I need to think on the vikings ones, and also I'm more familiar with country stuff
we'll do the main four x country!reader platonically
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On the first day of school you show up in dusty steel toe boots, Wrangler jeans, and a beat up hoodie
of course you stood out, and of course Mr. Garrison told the main four to show you around (and be your friend)
"So uh, where are you from?"
"Texas, much colder 'ere than there but atleast it ain't wind cold!"
the boys looked so confused when your accent busted out
like huh? what did you just say?
"Texas? so yer a hick? do you fuck your cousins?"
you were taken aback by Eric and Kyle's outbursts
but being from Texas meant you had a mouth of your own
"Now listen 'ere tubby tubby, I ain't no damn hick, yer thinking of more east than Texas. and fer fucking my cousins that's some Alabama shit that I don't partake in. You insult my culture one more damn time and I'll hog tie you up in a tree fer the wild kitties to play with. We got an understandin'?"
that shut him up right quick
after that you invite the boys over to your ranch where horses and cattle roam free
Kenny loved all the taxidermied animals that were hung on the wall, all shot and killed by you and your dad
the others... not so much, it mostly creeped them out that you have a wild boar hanging on the wall, stuffed or not
you ever seen that video where the guy in the bathroom is touching a taxidermied deers balls and gets caught?
yea that's Eric in your bathroom when he sees a bucks ass sitting above your toilet on the wall
"You boys wanna do some real cowboying? we got a young bronco that needs broken in and you fellas are gonna help"
when they got out to the ring and saw the young bronco they all thought oh this won't be so bad
until they saw you get bucked off of it
eyes wide jaws dropped
CARTMAN: he didn't even last as long as you did on the little guy
STAN: he was freaked out but kept a level head, he lasted for a decent time but still got bucked off
"How the hell do you do this? My whole body is screaming!"
KYLE: he was like Stan, except he vocally expressed his fear by screaming the entire time
KENNY: for shits and giggles Kenny once rode a mechanical bull so this wasn't different... except it was a live young bronco who was much meaner
"oh my God! the horse killed kenny!"
"you bastard!"
you as a being was a total culture shock to them, but all in all yall remain good friends, and somehow you keep Eric in place with the hog tie threat every time
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andyxd151 · 2 months
Fun facts about my YV OC’s
Dante is the oldest (not confirming their ages though)
Marina’s nickname is Rina
Oliver can dislocate his rists at will and it freaks everyone out every single time he does that
Ryu has a sunflower tattoo on their back bc of their petname
Amari is ambidextrous
Kaliska’s name means ‘coyote chasing deer’
Cyrus actually hates meatloaf, but their aunt gave it to to them to have something to eat and they were to nice to say no, so that’s why it was just sitting there when Lucien came in
Amari’s dad and Rina’s and Oliver’s moms are siblings making these three cousins
The day she gave Charlie the mixtape, Amari was sent home early so she wouldn’t have to find out Charlie’s answer to the note he (never) got with the tape because she was almost certain that she’d be rejected
Ryu practiced the whole scene where they confessed to Finn with the tickets all night the night before in front of the mirror because she was sweating and shaking at the thought of it
Rina likes to crochet in her free time
Cyrus was a theatre kid in both middle school and high school
Kaliska has a pet hog nose snake named Pringle
Dante had a weird anime kid phase in the 5th grade, he cringes every time he remembers it
Dante actually met Ryu in college and even dated for a bit
The three cousins lived in their own apartment that the three of them rented thanks to the help of Amari’s connections during college
Oliver chose to move out straight after college in order to open up his small bakery
As soon as she moved out, Rina wanted to move back in saying she felt to lonely
Amari was the last one to leave the apartment
Amari is the oldest, Rina is the middle, and Oliver is the youngest but they were all born in the same year
Dante was born and raised in Japan by his mom and her family, he moved to the US for college
Amari and Ryu were fun buddies that also didn’t get along for a bit but now kinda get along and bond over the fact that they both like oblivious blondes with freckles
Amari has a pool in her backyard and Charlie has yet to look back there, she doesn’t mention it because they want to see how surprised and bewildered he’ll be when they get to tell him how it’s been there the whole time and the only reason he never know was because he never asked
Cyrus has a pet European rat named Remy (I snuck in my baby)
Marina has a succubus womb tattoo
Amari’s skateboard nickname for Charlie is “Ollie” like the backward Ollie
Oliver has a fear of the dark and even has a night light for the nights Al doesn’t sleep over
Cyrus hates being too hot or too cold but loves the heat from their living space heater
Ryu works as a tattoo artist in shop just down the street from Finn’s flower shop
Kaliska is the best at playing rock paper scissors
Rina sometimes needs to FORCE the food down Auron’s throat not because he doesn’t like the food, but because he claims to be to busy to eat, and by force I mean having this man in some sort of a head lock while trying to get the fork in his mouth, the whole experience is like trying to give your pet their pills
Dante HATES apricots he likes peaches and every other variation of peaches EXCEPT APRICOTS, he’s not allergic he just has a really weird hatred for specificity apricots
Before meeting Faust, Dante would go to Comicon and Anime Expo with Cyrus every year, now he goes with them both
Cyrus likes to watch the Hangover movies when they’re stressed
Before they met Finn, Ryu was actually kind of a grumpy person, but now they have their sunshine:)
Oliver was a tube baby and a C section baby, he sometimes questions if he’s even really human
Rina was allergic to cats when she was little
Cyrus is double jointed in their thumbs and can dislocate them at will, it weirds the hell out of Lucien every single time
Dante has a scar on his back from being whacked with a branch by another student from when he was a kid
Ryu actually loves animals
Cyrus can’t cook for shit but can make a MEAN cherry pie
Kaliska and Jack have matching bracelets
Finn always packs Ryu lunch
Same goes for Lucien and Cyrus
Kaliska is lactose intolerant but continues to eat anything and everything with dairy whenever she gets the chance
Dante is an Xbox guy
Cyrus likes to watch Lucien sleep in order to make themself sleepy
Ryu has a snaggle tooth
That’s all for now! I have more but I don’t want to put too much in one post :)
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nochearecipebook · 8 months
Cuban Style Bone-In Pork Chops
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Pork chops are probably one of the best tasting cuts from the pig weather they are bone-in, boneless, or from domesticated as well as wild hogs.  I prefer bone-in chops.  In the property where I hunt deer every season located in southern Alabama, wild pigs roam free throughout the year while eating acorns, corn and everything else that nature has to offer, making their meat plentiful and good tasting.  The secret to this recipe is that the chops cook slowly in their own juices and spices inside a covered pot.
In a large bowl, season the chops with the juice of sour oranges or lemon and half cup of red wine vinegar.  Sprinkle some kosher salt, ground black pepper, garlic powder, leaf oregano, and ground paprika. Using your hands, rub all ingredients well all over the chops, cover and refrigerate for at least two hours.
In a steel pot, sauté to brown the chops on each side for a few minutes in plenty of olive oil at medium-high heat.  At this time lower heat, add some water to the oil, spread a sliced white onion and some fresh crushed garlic cloves over the chops, cover the pot and simmer for 45 minutes.  If needed, you may add a little bit more water during the cooking process to prevent the juices from reducing too much.
This dish goes well with a Cuban tamal and either white rice or moro rice, and don’t forget to pour some of the oil from the pot on top of the rice, enjoy!
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naturecoaster · 8 months
Homosassa Inshore Fishing Report with Captain Toney: Fishing or Hunting?
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As we move one month closer to spring, the inshore fishing remains mostly unchanged. The rivers are still holding sheepshead, black drum, small mangrove snapper, and the occasional keeper trout and redfish. The best bait is live shrimp fished on the bottom. On the warmer days or the warmest part of the day, the outside edge on the hard flats around the keys is where nice trout are being caught on jerk baits with a nose-hooked rig. The long cast is the way to find the trout and most of the time if you have a hookup, stop the vessel and fan cast the area because the fish are tight together or schooled up. The nearshore rocks are still producing some sheepshead and white grunts. Although I have to say I've had better luck with sheepshead that are bigger in the rivers. Some of the nearshore rocks will surprise you with keeper trout that are working their way inshore with the changing conditions, so be prepared on your day fishing to make the run if nothing is happening inshore. This is the time of year that when I have days off I like to play in the woods. Some Wildlife Management Areas have a small game season that allows for squirrel and wild hogs to be harvested. It's a fine time for a nice walk through the Big Bend hammocks and woods, plus the opportunity to bag some game. Generally, the woods are quiet with the lack of hunters so getting out and enjoying the cool weather is good for your soul. If you would still like to pursue a buck deer, with a 3-hour ride north of us, the Apalachicola National Forest is still open for deer hunting almost till the end of February. This national forest has free primitive camping or you can drag your camper trailer to one of the many camping areas. For the best info to put you on track for some hunting fun always go to www.myfwc.com. High incoming tide this weekend will be in the early morning. Homosassa Inshore Fishing Report from Captain William Toney To schedule a fishing charter or shore lunch excursion with Captain Toney, visit his website. A third-generation fishing guide in the Homosassa area, a member of the Homosassa Guides Association, and author of the Homosassa Inshore Fishing Report each week in NatureCoaster.com. To read about our Shore Lunch excursion with Captain Toney, click here. If you want to learn more about how to catch Nature Coast fish from Captain Toney, subscribe to his videos at https://inthespread.com Captain William Toney is a fourth-generation Homosassa fishing guide. He provides our weekly Homosassa Inshore Fishing Report. If you enjoy Captain Toney's weekly Homosassa Inshore Fishing Report, please be sure to tell your friends! Read the full article
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baylz · 8 months
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IN WHICH: Saiki meets a girl who will do anything for free coffee.
barista!saiki x reader
word count: 752
song to play: coffee by beabadoobee
warnings: fem!reader, swearing, she/her pronouns, crack?
a/n: saiki's thoughts are in pink!!! (future me popping in this was one of my first fics so this is very much corny so sorry in advance)
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Kusuo had taken a job at Café Mami because he was saving up for a new game that was coming out. There were many perks to this new job. First, he got a discount off of the coffee jelly he buys. Second, money.
But there were also downsides to this job. Firstly, it was in a popular location so he saw more people his age than adults such as couples, kids from school, and the notorious duo...
"Hey Kusuo!" Nendo beamed. "Hey Saiki!", Kaido said from right behind him.
Riki and Shun...
"How've you been buddy?"
"Please, just order and leave."
"Well that's no way to treat a loyal customer..." Shun pouted and he wanted nothing more than to kick them out.
Saiki sighed, wanting to keep his job, he handed them a menu, "Take this. I'll be over at your table in a few minutes to get your order."
"Aw, look at Saiki caring for his friends." Nendo swooned, the pink haired boy grimanced. "No, you're just hogging up the line."
The two had eventually left to find a table and Saiki was met with the next customer in line. It was Y/n L/n, another classmate of his. He had seen her a time or two conversing with dumb and dumber or Aiura Mikoto. She was also a regular here.
"Hey Ku! Can I get the usual?" He was typing her order, not even bothering to look at the girl infront of him. "Tapioca Soy Latte?" She hummed as confirmation.
"It'll be delivered to your table in just a few minutes."
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Kusuo had gotten a few more orders in before another employee took over the cash register, letting him to the rounds and delivering the orders to the tables. Nendo and Kaido were arguing over what to order so he didn't even bother stopping at their table.
The table next to theirs was Y/n's. He took the drink off the tray and placed it in front of her. "That'll be 370 yen." She nodded, rummaging through her purse.
A puzzled expression formed on her face as she continued to look through her belongings. "Fuck, where is that damn thing?" She silently cursed to herself, not finding any money.
Shit, not again. She face palmed and looked back up at him with a defeated expression "So...I maybe a bit short so...will washing dishes get me a discount?"
"How short?" He furrowed his brows, skeptical.
"370 yen short..." She cringed.
This is the second downside to the job Saiki had to deal with: customers who forget to bring money. And in Y/n's case, it was constant. Done with her shit, he took the drink off the table in a flash, "That's unfortunate."
Fuck, plan B! Y/n sprung into action, getting up and taking hold of his wrist before he could walk away.
Time froze for a moment.
Oh...well...this is new
Kusuo was absolutely bewildered by the sudden contact. Like a deer caught in headlights. "How..." She started, hands slowly interlacing with his which caused the table next to theirs to erupt in howls and whistles like fucking animals.
Fucking idiots. Kusuo was calling them everything under the sun in his mind. Even though he was throwing a scowl at the girl violating his personal space, the blood rushing to face was sending an entirely different message!
Cute. She thought, grinning to herself.
What the fuck is happening right now?
She continued, "How about a kiss, hm? What will that get me?" She slightly tilted her head, her voice sweet, and eyes looking up at him innocently. A dangerous combo.
"A restraining order."
She giggled. "That's no fun."
Kusuo wasn't sure if he should respect the dedication or be scared. The correct word would be surprised. More at himself because he wasn't stopping her.
Part of Y/n was secretly enjoying this. Sure, free coffee was great but breaking through his rough exterior was even better. So, she decided to have her fun.
She made use of her other hand, lightly brushing his pink hair behind his ear, "So, how 'bout it, Ku?" their faces inches apart now.
He knew he should step back, unlace their hands, and put distance between them but he was too distracted by how good she smelled, how pretty she actually was, and the warmth of her hands against his. It was...nice.
He would never admit it to her face, of course.
He relented. "I'll give it to you free of charge if this ends right now." What? His pride was at stake here.
"Deal!" She squealed. Index finger and thumb placed under his chin now, she turned his face to the side, planting a kiss on his cheek as thanks. Whether Saiki's heart skipped a beat or not is none of your business. It did
She gingerly steals her drink back off the tray and goes back to her table. Her smile was bright. She chirply sipped her tapioca soy latte, "I'll leave you a good tip!"
Like hell you will.
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texashuntranch · 1 year
Maximizing Your Success On An Affordable Texas Deer Hunt
Deer hunting in Texas is a favorite pastime for many avid hunters. Texas is known for its vast lands, and a variety of game, and it is home to more than 4 million white-tailed deer. However, planning a successful deer hunt can be expensive, especially if you don't have the budget for a guided hunt or expensive gear. But don't worry; with proper planning and some helpful tips, you can maximize your success on an affordable Texas deer hunt.
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Tips For Making A Succseful Yet Affordable Texas Deer Hunt
Hunting is a great adventure that one can do to refresh their mind and body. They can spend time with their family members, or reconnect with old friends and spend some really good quality time. Read the blog to know how to make it a succcesfu hunting trip.
1. Choose Your Hunting Area Wisely
Texas is vast, and the wild hog hunting in Texas opportunities vary greatly depending on the region. Consider factors like population density, terrain, weather, and accessibility when selecting your hunting area. You can find hunting areas in public lands or through private landowners who offer hunting leases. Do your research and be sure to check with local authorities to determine the hunting laws and regulations in your area of interest.
2. Use the Right Gear
Having the right gear can make all the difference in a successful deer hunt. At a minimum, you'll need appropriate hunting clothes, boots, and a weapon. Hunting clothes should be comfortable, durable, and camouflaged to help you blend in with your surroundings. Make sure you also invest in a good pair of boots, as you may be walking long distances in different types of terrain. Finally, choose a weapon that you are comfortable with, whether it is a rifle, bow, or crossbow.
3. Practice Your Hunting Skills
To maximize your success on an affordable Texas deer hunt, you'll need to hone your hunting skills. Practice shooting your weapon at a shooting range or in a controlled environment to ensure you are accurate and comfortable using it. Additionally, learn how to track deer, identify different types of deer, and spot their signs in the wild.
4. Hunt During The Right Time Of Day
Deer are most active during dawn and dusk, so it's best to hunt during these times of day. This is especially true during the rutting season, which typically occurs in late fall, when deer are more active during the day. Make sure you plan your hunting schedule around these times to increase your chances of success.
5. Stay Patient And Alert
Wild pig hunting in Texas requires patience and alertness. You may need to sit in one spot for extended periods of time, waiting for the perfect shot. Be sure to remain alert and aware of your surroundings, as deer can appear suddenly. Don't give up easily; remember that a successful deer hunt requires persistence and determination.
6. Scout Your Hunting Area
Scouting your hunting area before the hunting season can give you an advantage over other hunters. Look for signs of deer, such as tracks, droppings, and rubs, and identify potential feeding and bedding areas. This information can help you plan your hunting strategy and increase your chances of a successful hunt.
7. Use Scent Control Techniques
Deer have an incredible sense of smell, and they can detect even the slightest human scent. To avoid alerting deer to your presence, use scent control techniques such as washing your hunting clothes in scent-free detergent, using scent-free soap, and using scent eliminators.
8. Use Attractants and Decoys
Using attractants and decoys can increase your chances of luring a deer into your hunting area. You can use scents such as urine or food attractants to attract deer, and decoys to mimic the movement of a deer to draw them in closer.
9. Follow Safety Rules
Hunting can be dangerous, so it's essential to follow safety rules. Always wear appropriate hunting gear, including blaze orange clothing during firearm season, and make sure you know your target and what is beyond it. Additionally, never hunt alone, and let someone know your hunting plans and when you plan to return.
Go On A Trip Today!
In conclusion, an affordable Texas deer hunt can be a successful and enjoyable experience with proper planning and preparation. Choose your hunting area wisely, invest in the right gear, practice your hunting skills, hunt during the right time of day, and stay patient and alert. These tips will help you maximize your success and increase your chances of bringing home a prized trophy. Good luck, and happy hunting!
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hokolite · 2 years
7 Key Reasons Why You Should be Using a Flashlight for Night-Time Hunting
Do you think hunting is for daytime? No, in fact it is equally popular a night-time activity in present times. There are many who want to track and hunt down nocturnal animals such as feral hogs, coyotes, deer and as such.
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While your passion and commitment is important for hunting activity, you need to equip yourself with the best and right hunting gear or equipment specific to your hunting process and situational needs. One of that is defining and deciding how you are going to solve the lighting issue? What specific equipment are you going to use?
If I ask you to use a flashlight, you might think that it could be a bit tedious to carry the flashlight and that it can be a hindrance to your hunting practice. However, it isn’t when you are carrying and using the specifically made and the best hunting flashlight. Yes, a hunting flashlight that is operated in a hands-free mode. Whether you are a newbie in the hunting game, or are an experienced hunter, hunting flashlight provides you with effective safety and survival support while also enhancing your hunting target access. for more information www.hokolite.com
Why a Hunting Flashpoint Becomes Essentially Important for Your Practice?
Search for Animal Paths
The age-old yet the most effective technique to find the whereabouts of animals is to check for their paths. Having a flashlight helps you address this issue and it helps follow the animal paths discreetly.
Trace Hunting Posts
You need to know that locating your hunting post has to be done quietly and in a way that it doesn’t startle your target. This can be done easily with a hunting flashlight.
Read Maps During Dark
You would carry hunting maps, but in dark you cannot read that or access it to navigate the area when you are without your hunting flashlight.
To Use & Handle Your Weapons Safely
Handling and using a loaded weapon in the dark needs to be done with full care and consideration. With a flashlight support you are able to use, operate and carry your weapons, reducing the risk for any mishap and damage.
To Send Out Signal About Your Presence
It can be that you aren’t the only hunter in that area at that time. During the night time it becomes all the more important that they know about you and you know about them, for enhanced safety and security. Having a flashlight helps you to make them aware about your presence there.
For Field Dressing the Hunted Animal After the Kill
When you have become successful in your hunting game, and have your kill right in front of you the next step is to take it with you. However, your purpose with the hunted animal defines what needs to be done immediately after the kill. If you are looking to use that animal for meat and food purpose, then you need to field dress that so that it prevents the growth of bacteria. This process, in the dark, can be effectively carried out with the help of your flashlight.
Navigating the Woods With the Animal
Finding your way through the woods is a tough task, and imagine navigating your way through having the killed animal with you. You don’t want to cause any additional damage to the animal, and therefore using the flashlight can help you to find your path and follow that.
Your hunting flashlight is one of the best tools and your friend through the entire hunting time. These are available in varieties and types, including hands-free. Check the features and specifics of the model thoroughly to determine you are buying the best and most suitable hunting flashlight to fit your needs.
A flashlight isn’t the only option when it comes to hunting. You can also look for the best headlamp for hunting that is equally effective like a flashlight. Both of these tools have their own features and advantages, and it is up to you to decide which one fits your need the better.
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nslomo · 2 years
Bulk 9mm brass
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Known for being relatively flat shooting, having great accuracy potential, and for moderate recoil, the 6.5 Creedmoor is an outstanding hunting cartridge that’s especially well suited for hunting deer sized game at short, medium, and even long range. However, not all 6.5 Creedmoor rifles are created equal and different situations require different characteristics in a creedmoor 6.5 rifle. Youll see the value in our low 9mm Bulk Ammo costs and exceptional proposals from top brands that you trust on 9mm Bullets. The sweet shooting and mild recoiling 6.5 Creedmoor was an almost instant hit among hunters and shooters in North America. Not surprisingly, many companies like Browning, Remington, Ruger, and Winchester produce a wide range of 6.5 Creedmoor rifles for hunting deer, feral hogs, pronghorn, black bear, elk, and other big game animals. In fact, 6.5 Creedmoor is now one of the most popular centerfire rifle cartridges in use today. Since 6.5 creedmoor Released in the 2007 for the precision shooting community, the 6.5 Creedmoor has also taken the hunting world by storm in recent years. Bulk 9mm Ammo - 1000 Rounds of Bulk 115 Grain FMJ Ammunition from Blazer Brass.
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pigeonflavouredcake · 3 years
I'm an adult now take my advice
(or don't i'm not your dad)
Idk how old my followers are overall but i want to make this post in case any of you are actually teens... I am Officially 20 now. I am no longer a teenager so here are some things I learned as a poor teenager that helped me as a poor adult. Some are witchy, some are just about life, most are food related. Buckle up this will get pretty long.
Write as much down as you can bc puberty can really fuck with your memory.
Staying up late because you simply can't sleep is not something to be worried about unless you want to change that. It's pretty much all your natural body clock.
Get a big folder. Like a massive accordion folder and put all your personal documents in, birth/adoption certificates, bank statements, prescription receipts, diplomas, etc. So if you're ever in a dangerous situation at home you can make your escape a lot easier.
Now is a good time to learn new things that aren't school related. Practice cooking your favourite meals, learn how to properly clean a bathroom, if cleaning is overwhelming there are methods online that can help with that. Like playing a spot the difference game.
NO, tarot is not a closed practice, tarot is a tool for everyone and NO, tarot decks do not have to be gifted to you, you can buy one for yourself. I don't even know where that came from but it's complete bs.
Save the little gift baggies you get when you buy jewellery and use them as spell bags.
Stay away from any woman who calls her vag a yoni. it's weird.
You may want to be seen as smart and mature because it's better than being treated like a kid but you are still a kid. Your safety matters more than how mature and responsible you are. An older person should NOT be talking to you in a romantic/flirtatious setting and if they say it's because you're mature for your age or they can't wait until you're legal fucking bully the living shit out of them then block them and warn your friends. that attitude is creepy as hell bc they want someone they have power over. Same with any friends that brag about their partner being 15/16/17 when they're 18. BULLY THEM THEY'RE GROSS AND THEY DESERVE IT.
If you're in a country with the NHS USE IT NOW WHILE IT'S FREE. The first 6-8 weeks of therapy is free from the NHS. Eye tests and dentist check ups and medication are free untill you're 19 GET THEM NOW.
You can make your own oat milk by blending up oats and water. You don't need to cook with oil, there's enough of it in processed food and fresh veg have enough water in them to cook straight in a pan. You don't need the seasoning packet in ramen you can make your own. Tamari sauce has less sodium than soy sauce. Food always tastes better when it's in season. Try to find space for two food wastes, one for processed/cooked food one for raw. The raw food can be composted and given back to the earth
Best healthiest dinner option I can think of is steamed veggies. Here's my recipe: Heat up a pan on high, pour a bit of water in and then your veggies, stir frequently until all the water is gone. Turn heat down to low. Coat with something like balsamic vinegar and add any seasoning you like. Cover and steam for 10 minutes ish and you're good. You can serve that with a grain or some noodles.
Locally sourced meat and fish is WAY better for the environment than supermarket because there's less preservatives and they're more resourceful with their products.
A standard pie dough is one of the easiest things you can make and the trick is in the amount. Half the flour equals the fat, half the fat equals the sugar. so if you have 200g of flour you need 100g of fat and 50g of sugar. Just throw them in a bowl and mix together and add some cold water to bind together into a dough. It should be solid and little sticky, if it's crumbling add more water, if it's not holding it's shape add more flour. then just fridge it for a few hours to set and you're good.
You made your own soup/stew/pot thingy and you got left overs for the next day? Put it back on the cooker and bring to the boil on high, once it's bubbling take the heat down to low and simmer for 10 minutes (keep stirring if it keeps bubbling). This will help kill any bacteria that developed overnight that might make you sick.
Foraging is good but wear gloves, don't take all from one place and don't eat anything you pick until it's been thoroughly washed. Don't be afraid to go hog wild on things like blackberries, dandelions, or nettles. those things are an invasive species.
Deer are bigger than you think they are.
Air drying takes longer but it will help your clothes last. You can also hand wash with a bowl of hot water and about a teaspoon of washing up powder. Air drying also goes for your hair too.
Stock up on your favourite scented candles any size is ok and use them for spells and rituals.
You got a ghost in your house? Leave them be they're usually just passing through.
If you can't focus on work without music but it needs to be specifically wordless and needs to be easy to fill your brain so you don't focus on every noise other people make listen to animal crossing music that shit got me through two years worth of academic reading.
Bus is late or can't find your keys? Stop looking and start complaining. They'll turn up as soon as you give up.
Piercings are a medical procedure and are safer when they're done with a needle because they're hollow, so they're carving out the skin and cartilage instead of just pushing jewellery through like a gun does. Go to a tattoo parlour that also does piercings bc they're likely to be a lot stricter with rules and customer care.
Life is gonna kick us all in the but so we gotta be there to help eachother out however we can. It definitely feels like it's everyone for themselves but it doesn't have to be.
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thenixkat · 3 years
The werewolf is of course...
- That one well off neighbor who’s always got food when none else does and never shares, not for free anyway. Who’s own farm and workers never seem to be bothered by the local wolves ravaging everyone else’s land and devouring the shepardesses out with the flocks or the maids coming home from work.
- That noble who’s always out hunting on the land they claimed as their own who never lets the huntsmen or beaters or gamewaders who work for them to take home anything bigger than a rabbit all the while boasting about the boar and deer they take down near daily. The same noble who takes poaching to such offense (and refuses to let such things as starving families needing more on the table change their mind) to imprison those who dare steal from their woods for life. (Everyone who works for the noble knows that no one stays in the dungeons for that long but they know better than to talk about the prisoners being let loose into the woods with a promise of earning their freedom on full moon nights when the noble prefers to hunt solo with only the hunting hounds for company)
- The knight that leads the invading army that slaughters and pillages its way into the people’s homeland. Who’s men know what he is and commit great and terrible works of savagery and bloodshed to earn his favor so that he might choose to share his gifts with them. The same knight who turns prisoners into dinner so no one can afford to be captured.
- The king who goes through concubines like water. Always the prettiest and plumpest of the peasant girls since after his eighth wife the surrounding nations simply refused to keep supplying him princesses. Of course he is a ‘good’ king by his own reckoning, there’s never been a single famine in his tenure and every single one of his citizens is as well cared for as a prize hog going to the fair so all of this rebellion and skittishness is nonsense.
- The CEOs of all the major companies. The ones that love to play pretend friend and always know if you’re telling the truth. The ones that strangely sometimes invite folks you were for sure going to be fired for their performance to all sorts of wilderness trips as a ‘second chance’. But you never see your coworkers who take the bosses up on those second chance trips again afterwards, do you?
- The fashion designer who wants you to be the model for her new line of fantastically soft leather clothing. She eyes you like a piece of meat and talks about how you’ll have to make a permanent change to be able to keep the job. Unless you wanna go back to being a waitress who can’t afford rent and groceries. The other models already made the change and just look how perfect they are! Never a wrinkle in sight or a pound out of place and well the predatory aspect just heightens their sex appeal doesn’t it? Fame, beauty, and oodles of cash for just a once a month workout! Have to be a fool not to take that deal! 
- The bored billionaire who half turns unpaid interns and throws them into wereling pit fights to the death for the entertainment of him and his friends. And even if one or two manage to escape, said billionaire has more than enough funds to stop any kind of investigations while hunting down the escaped plaything. 
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siriuslyshewrote · 4 years
Feel free to request these prompts for Harry Potter or Peaky Blinders characters!
a lot of these prompts i found scrolling through tumblr/ pinterest!
This is who I write for
“How much did you drink?”
“You owe me a kiss.”
“Is that my jumper?”
“I’d do anything for you.”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“Did you know that you talk in your sleep?”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“I lov-“ “No, please ... Don’t say that! You love her/him not me.”
“I can’t do anything right.”
“I love you! Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”
“I’m leaving.”
“I didn’t know where else to go.”
“You just threw years of friendship out of the window.”
“Is that blood?”
“Why is there a deer in the room?”
“You deserve better.”
“They don’t need to know.”
“You’ve always felt like home.”
“Do you even know what subtle means.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you.”
“I guess this is goodbye.”
“I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge.”
“I’m dying. There’s nothing you can do about it.”
“You’re the only one I want to be with tonight.”
“Why didn’t you come? I needed you there.”
“I’m far too sober for this.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“I always sleep best when you’re next to me.”
“Have you seen the rest of your family?”
“I know your reputation all too well.”
“Is it greedy of me to say I never want you to leave my arms?”
“What’s the password? No, wrong one.”
“You lied! You lied again and I fell for it!”
“How do you think this will all end?”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Good luck!”
“You’re a horrible liar.”
“I just want you and our baby to be safe.”
“I don’t. I don’t think I ever did.”
“I wish I was enough for you.”
“Where’s [name]?”
“Let’s go for an adventure.”
“You are so beautiful.”
“You may now kiss the bride.”
“Rough day?”
“Come in.”
“For fucks sake, guys! We are not dating!”
“Pregnancy tests don’t lie.”
“You knew how important this was for me!”
“Are we just friends?”
“We’re already like an old married couple. What harm could it be to try it out for real?”
“You and I together ... would that be weird?”
“Nobody is to blame for this.”
“Stop hogging the blanket!”
“You are not a bad person!”
“Is that a dog?”
“Never let me go.”
“Just breathe.”
“My heart tells me to kiss you, my head tells me to walk away.”
“Why am I always the one carrying you?”
“I fucked up.”
“Stop fussing, I’m just braiding your hair.”
“Star gazing was a good idea.”
“Your bed head is really cute.”
“Are you going to leave me?”
“I don’t want to be dramatic-” “I can tell you right now that you are physically incapable of not being dramatic, so continue.”
“Please shut up.”
“Is now a good time to tell you I’m afraid of heights?”
“We are good people and we’ve suffered enough.”
“I love you! No time to explain – gotta go.”
“Well, that’s not a very nice way of putting it. But yes, I suppose you’re right.”
“I’m just tired of this. I’m tired of it all.”
“I don’t think I can forgive you.”
“I’ve never seen that side of you.”
“I haven’t stopped crying since Thursday. It’s pathetic.”
“Why didn’t you reply to any of my letters?”
“You’ve got thirty seconds to explain to me what you’re doing here.”
“I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.”
“Where are your clothes?”
“I thought you had him!”
“Well, that could’ve gone better.”
“Are you warm enough?”
- “I’m not scared of thunder, that’s silly-“
- “I can’t sleep. Will you sing to me?”
- “You’re the one who said to be quiet, and you’re not being quiet.”
- “This looks ... appetising?”
- “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
- “I can’t stay away from you.”
- “Can I kiss you?”
- “I care about you!”
- “It’s always been you, okay?”
- “Will you brush my hair?”
- “I don’t deserve you.”
- “Can you please come and get me?”
- “Did you think I forgot?”
- “You’re not alone.”
- “Your family called. They’d like their idiot back, you’d better go.”
- “You have something in your hair ... um- do you want me to get it out?”
- “Let’s just stay in bed.”
- “I have a right to be angry!”
- “You need to eat something.”
- “Shooting star. Make a wish.”
- “I want to marry you.”
- “Want to get some food?”
- “I’m a better person when I’m with you.”
- “It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
- “Shh.. It was just a bad dream, okay? Just a dream. I’m here, I’m here.”
- “Take my jacket. It’s cold outside.”
- “I saved a piece for you.”
- “You know, it’s okay to cry.”
- “I thought I could trust you.”
- “Can I have this dance?”
- “Talk to me about it?”
- “Are you ... trying to flirt with me?”
- “Look at us - we’re practically a couple already.”
- “How can you not make toast?”
- “You look really cute in that jumper.”
- “If you were a horse, they’d put you down with all those broken bones.”
- “You need to rest.”
- “Get up. Get up... God, please.”
- “I honestly can’t remember half the things we talked about. But it was nice. It was really nice.”
- “Leave. Leave right now.”
- “Can’t we just get married and be done with it?”
- “Please just hold me.”
- “Hear me out-“
- “Give me one single fucking reason why I shouldn’t walk out that door right now.”
- “[Name] This is serious!”
- “I don’t have the energy to argue with you.”
- “Look, I’m not the brightest tool in the ... toolbox.”
- “You smell really nice.”
- “Your bed head is really cute.”
- “I love your hugs.”
- “You came back.” “I promised, didn’t I?”
- “I can’t love you.”
- “Stop coming back.”
- “My head really hurts.”
- “We used to be friends. What changed?”
- “I’m so in love with you.”
- “I really wanted this to work out.”
- “I can’t do anything right.”
- “How many more people have to die, huh?”
- “Just get home as soon as possible, okay?”
- “The diamond in your engagement ring is fake.”
- “They’re not your kids, back the fuck off.”
- “I can’t stop smiling!”
- “How do you think this ends?”
- “Do you know what a gunshot wound feels like?”
- “Are you okay with having blood on your hands?”
- “I wish you could see yourself when you sleep. You’re so much softer.”
- “I was so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
- “I made you some cocoa.”
- “Don’t call me, I don’t want any contact with you.”
- “Please give me a hug. It’s been a day.”
- “I didn’t get soaked wet through walking to your house for you to say no to [favourite food]. I have beer too. I know you’re sad, so let me in.”
- “Got your back.”
- “You can stay here tonight.”
- “Choose me.”
- “Is that my shirt?”
- “I don’t know how to exist in a world without you.”
- “I never imagined myself in a wedding dress.”
- “Let’s get wasted and then go piss on his grave.”
- “I deserve to rot.”
- “Never stop smiling.”
- “How strangely nonchalant for someone who almost just died a minute ago.”
- “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
- “Did you enjoy it? Making a fool out of me?”
- “What we have. It has to be enough.”
- “I’m ready to try again, if you are.”
- “You’re bleeding all over my furniture.”
- “Are the nightmares bad again?”
- “The war will end someday. I wonder if there will be anything left when it does.”
- “I’ll never leave again.”
- “I don’t want to die.”
- “Come back to me?”
- “I’ve ruined everything.”
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thelibranarchives · 4 years
For @giucorreias Flufftober 2020 Day 2 prompt- Ink.
Draco's eighth year seemed to have a strange routine attached to it. His mornings began with Finnigan banging on his door and yelling, 'Wakey, wakey, ice prince,' which served its purpose mainly because it was infuriating. Weasley would be walking to the showers by the time he got out, towel around his neck. Dean Thomas then threatened to scrub the boys' backs if they "hogged the stalls." Longbottom and Blaise met them at the entrance to the common room where the girls also waited impatiently.
After breakfast the mob exited the great hall together but broke off into pairs or trios. Weasley and Finnigan, Blaise, Thomas and Longbottom, Pansy, Ginevra and Millie, Daphne and Lovegood, Granger, him and Potter. The afternoon groups were different depending on the classes they had but Potter was always with him.
Evenings in the common room included homework interspersed with quidditch discussions, exploding snaps or occasionally, hair styling competitions between Millie and Lovegood. Drunk nights saw Pansy forcing a game of Truth and Dare on them all and everyone falling asleep in front of the fire. If sometimes his head fell on Potter's shoulder, who always sat next to him, or on his lap, Draco pretended to be ignorant of it.
He therefore had little to no time to think about the skull on his arm. During the three instances that Draco did, Potter caught his hand and stopped him from scratching it raw. 'Your marks don't define you, Draco,' he had whispered, eyes serious and worried. Draco was reminded of those words each time he had looked at his mark from then on.
It was a quiet evening some ten days before Halloween. Most of the eighth years had gone to the Black Lake or Hogsmeade or were just wandering the castle, taking the evening off to themselves.
'Thomas?' Draco called, unable to sit still any longer. He had been observing that mark on Thomas' right arm for about a week now and he had to find out about it.
'Yes, Draco?' Thomas asked from where he was reading something over Finnigan's shoulder.
'What's that on your arm?'
Thomas froze like he had been Petrified, one hand slapping over his mark.
Finnigan looked at his friend, raising an eyebrow. 'Are you hiding something from me?'
'What? No, no. I-' Thomas stuttered.
Finnigan turned fully in his seat, eyes narrowing at Thomas' hand before quietly wrenching his fingers away one by one.
Draco craned his neck too, excited and eager. It was a simple tattoo of a fox sleeping curled up, it's tail tucked in with its hind legs. Decorating its head, almost as if it was a crown, was a small flame.
Finnigan stared at it for quite a long time before scrambling into Thomas' lap and pulling him in for a hug. 'Dean,' he choked out.
Thomas awkwardly rubbed the back of his head and Draco looked away from the intimate moment. straight into the green eyes of Harry Potter, who had apparently sneaked up to sit behind him on the couch and watched the whole scene.
'Finally, huh?' he laughed, prompting Thomas to blush and burrow his head into Finnigan's shoulder.
He wrapped a hand around Draco's neck and pulled him back, resting his chin on Draco's shoulder and exhaling loudly, 'Ah, young love!'
Draco wriggled free and slanted his eyes at him. 'You are not old, Potter.'
Potter winked at him, and then his expression became somber. 'You know, Halloween's coming up.'
'Yes?' Draco said hesitantly.
'I have permission to go to Godric's Hollow that night,' Potter continued, looking at him meaningfully.
Draco got it after a moment. 'You want me to come with you?'
'If you don't have plans,' Potter mumbled, glancing down at his hands.
That was how Draco found himself walking down the path to the castle gates with Potter, ten days later, just as Hogwarts got ready for the evening feast.
Godric's Hollow was abounding with activity when they arrived, both of them stumbling and nauseous from their apparition. Potter led them to the statue of his smiling parents first. His expression softened and he lifted a hand to their faces before dropping it to his side as if it was dead weight.
Draco hesitated before slowly taking Potter's hand in his and squeezing it. Potter immediately laced their fingers together and wiped away the tears with his other hand. Draco pulled him forwards and they walked towards the cemetery, passing the Potter's home towards which Potter had looked at with such yearning that Draco wanted to wrap him up in his arms until the grief disappeared from his shoulders.
They spent nearly forty minutes in silence beside the graves of James and Lily Potter. Their hands were still entwined even as Potter cast an Orchideous, placing the bouquet on the tombstone. Draco didn't notice when the tears had started to fall but once he heard the sniffle, he stopped resisting. Potter buried his face in Draco's neck as they embraced and wept like a child as Draco rested his chin on top of his head.
'Last year, I was too numb to feel anything,' he said, voice garbled. 'Ron had gone off, Hermione was angry and I-' his voice cracked, 'I was so lost. I couldn't ask either of them to relive those moments again. I couldn't come alone either. I'm sorry.'
Draco knew he was supposed to say something consoling but the nagging feeling that they would be insufficient kept any words from coming out. He found Potter absently thumbing the scar on his hand. He stared at it once, twice and decided.
'Potter,' he said, pulling away and standing up. 'You know muggle London, don't you?'
Potter stood, dusting his trousers, a question in his eyes. 'Yes.'
'Can you take me to a tattoo parlour, then?'
Draco didn't reply. He silently held out his hand and wriggled his fingers when Potter didn't take it. He rolled his eyes at last.
'To raid it. Why would anyone go to a tattoo place, Potter?'
Five minutes later, Draco felt accomplished at having shoven Potter into the chair and threatened him with a body bind if he moved.
'What of your father do you cherish the most, Potter, other than the mop on your head?' He asked.
Potter stared at him. Draco leaned forward and traced Potter's scar with his forefinger. 'You can have good marks on yourself too, you know,' he said.
Potter stared at him some more before smiling tiredly. 'Get out, Draco.'
'Where have you been?' Weasley demanded as soon as they entered the common room.
Potter looked up and only then seemed to realise how much time had gone by. 'Sorry,' he said, rubbing his neck, looking sheepish.
'Potter's tattooed now,' Draco revealed, responding to Potter's glare with a smirk. 
'Don't tell the others,' Potter had asked.
As if.
Honestly, Draco didn't intend to. But then Potter refused to show him and he had to play dirty of course.
Potter didn't stand a chance against the grabby hands of his friends. When his shirt was unbuttoned and his still red chest and shoulders exposed, Draco could only stare. His gaze was held by the mark over his heart.
'Harry!' Granger exclaimed, awed and momentarily speechless. She traced the otter on his left shoulder even as Weasley hugged him, kissing his forehead, eyes teary at the sight of the terrier on Potter's right shoulder.
'Are they Sirius and Prof. Lupin, Harry?' Lovegood asked, pointing at the dog and wolf on either side of his waist.
Ginevra gaped in awe at the picture on his heart. 'It's beautiful, Harry,' she said.
'A stag and a baby deer, how cute.' Pansy's voice didn't have the usual steel.
'Surrounded by a wreath of lilies,' Millie added.
'And not just any lilies,' Longbottom explained. 'They are dragon lilies, often mistaken for the garden variety for how similar they are. They also..'
Longbottom went on but Draco didn't hear it. He recognised those flowers. His mother loved to garden after all. Hearing it confirmed from their resident Herbologist made him snap his eyes to Potter's wonderfully blushing face.
When Draco couldn't sleep that night, he took out some parchment and dipped his quill in the ink. Potter was sleeping peacefully when he left the note on the table next to his bed. Draco couldn't help but smooth Potter's hair and graze his knuckles on his cheek. He returned to his room feeling inexplicably light and elated. His sleep was uninterrupted.
I'm sorry. For everything.
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
I Could Get Behind That: Saeko Tanaka x Fem Reader
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Soulmate Au
: In a world where the name of your worst Enemy and Romantic soulmates appear on your wrist. You can't tell which is which for sure until all people cross paths. Then you can touch the soul mark on who you think is your romantic partner, and it will change to initials. 
Summary: (Y/n) has been hiding a secret from her best friend and childhood enemy, Sakeo Tanaka. While thinking about the past, she gathers up the courage to tell her the truth.
Author's Note: I will be starting some Haikyuu Oneshots and working on how I want to write each character. I will be posting My Hero stuff as well. I am just almost done with Bright as a Diamond and want to get my next series going. Thanks for reading!
Warnings: Thunderstorms, keepings a secret, Enemies to Friends to Lovers.
I Could Get Behind That
        "It's about to thunderstorm." I tapped the passenger side window chewing on my bottom lip. Saeko was buckling in, and fixing her gear before pulling onto the road.
"Huh, it's just a little rain, no need to worry. Besides, the reports said yesterday was the worst of it." Saeko shook my shoulder to loosen my body up.
   "You're not the one afraid of storms, Saeko." A smile tugged my lips up. There was more on my mind than the impending rain. This moment wasn't the right time to discuss it, though.
   "Well you don't have to worry when I'm around, I'll always protect you. In less, you still think I'm your mortal enemy." She feigned a serious tone, holding up her soul mark.  My name was scrolled in my handwriting, the bare spot on her other hand showed she had yet to meet her other' soulmate.'
   When we first met as kids, both of us were at each other's throats. We'd fight over who got to play with the blocks, who got better grades, and who got to sit on the outside seat of the bus on field trips. Everyone said we were enemies, and that it was better to meet them as a kid because if childish betrayals were the worst thing to happen, the rest of your life would be cake.
   Like so many child enemies, we grew close. We started to argue over who would walk the other home, who'd host the sleepover, who'd get to pay for snacks. Now that we were adults, it was easier to communicate our needs and divide up our favorite tasks. Saeko always picked me up from work, we'd go to her Taiko group then she'd drive me home. In hindsight, it seems I just gave in and let Saeko treat me most of the time…  
   While having her drive me around wasn't great for my life expectancy, she did make sure to at least try following the traffic rules when I was in the car. The first time she almost veered off the side of the road, I wouldn't get in a car with her behind the wheel for two months.  
        "Break check." Saeko shoved her hand out, stopping me from bouncing forward. The car slid to a halt. Gripping the handlebar and Saeko's thigh for deer life, we stopped short of the mass in the road.
   "Oh, it's a little duck." I swallowed my anger and let it fade into relief, seeing why she had to stop so fast. "Aww, it's little waddle is the cutest. Why'd you yell brake check?"
   "Aww, the duck is cute. But you're the cutest." Saeko nudged my shoulder, slowly driving by the duck so I could look a little longer. Of course, she was avoiding my question. Part of me knew it was a reflex for when she drove alone and would test the skills of driver's riding her ass.
   "No, you." I shot back, forgetting about the pit in my stomach. "I say she was just heading towards the trees to shelter for the storm."
        "Animals are smart like that." Saeko fiddled with the radio, not taking her eyes off the radio.
        "Too bad she didn't have a friend to shelter with." A pang of guilt washed over me, the weight of the bracelet on my hand heavier.  
   "Hey, your house is just ahead. Tell me if I'm wrong, but you want me to come in for a few drinks and a thunderstorm sleepover." Pulling into my driveway, I grabbed my purse nodding at her. "Come on and say it."
   "Don't make me beg, Saeko", I warned her, but I still hoovered with the door open so she couldn't drive off. The past two days she's stayed over due to the weather. And each time, I avoided telling her the truth, despite my promising myself I would.
   "I'll do it regardless, you just look so adorable when you beg. I could never leave my little duckling all on her own." The engine shut off, and she jumped out, tossing her coat into the back seat. "Since when have I left you in your time of need?" She slung her arm around my shoulders.
   "How about when I ripped my pants at the bar on main, so you went to get me a new pair, but you forgot which bar I was at." Entering my rental home, we kicked off our shoes and went straight to the bedroom. We'd formed a routine for nights like these.      
   "How many times can I apologies for that. You were the one that wouldn't stop taking shots." Saeko changed into a tank top and some cotton shorts. I pulled on my pajamas and started to work on fixing my hair. Dancing around each other, we gathered our things and tag-teamed with gathering the laundry.  
   "You were the one that challenged me to a competition. Which I only lost because your brother kept making those silly faces." It was nearly dark outside, her club meeting lasted longer today than normal, as they had a festival coming up soon. We wouldn't have long before it was time for bed.
   "So, being a lightweight had nothing to do with it?" Saeko tapped my forehead before pushing the tag of my shirt back inside my collar. "Hm," she grabbed my wrist, going to move the bangle over my soul mark. "Since when did you start covering your mark?"
   "Stop changing the subject, you know I would have won." I got back on topic, breaking free from her hold. The warmth of her hands still lingering. "Let's just make some dinner, and get ready for bed before the storm starts."
   The pit had returned to my tummy after dinner was over. We both showered and were sitting on my bed, watching a show about building motorcycles. It wasn't my favorite kind of program, but we had spent the night before watching anime, so I could be more flexible today. Besides, listening to her complain about the mechanic's technique was so cute. Her being this close was something I wanted more of in my life.
        We had retreated to the bedroom when the show was over. We brushed our teeth and got a glass of water for the night. Saeko had the extra step of showering before bed. She always worked up a sweat at her meetings.
        Waiting in bed for her to be done, I stretched out on top of the sheets, knowing if I got in a position to sleep, I'd pass out and hog the entire bed. Plus, it was more comfortable to sleep when she was beside me. Saeko wasn't particularly tall or strong from her appearance, but she packed a punch. When we were in high school, she made sure no one got away with so much as looking at me cross.  She was my rock.
   There was a crack in the sky. My heart jumping to my throat, I sat up looking towards the bathroom door.   Saeko skidded out of the bathroom than grabbed the duvet from the foot of the bed.  Wrapping it around herself, then jumping beside me. Cuddling up, she cocooned us in the blanket, tucking it under my back. "There we go, it's okay." She promised me, smushing my face into her chest. The hot air under the cover was more suffocating that my heavenly position. She was always so soft...
   "Thanks." I trembled against her coming to my sense; the shivers were slowly easing up. When the next round of thunder came, I was already in my safe spot and didn't have a heart attack.
   "Anything for you." She hummed, tracing shapes on my back. Her breath was lingering on my neck. "Let's think about other things, okay? This storm is supposed to pass by super fast."
   "Sounds good to me." I nodded, closing my eyes.
   "Do you remember the first time we did this?" Saeko rocked us gently, back and forth. The creek of the bedsprings overtaking the distant thunder.
   "It was on our school trip to Tokyo. We were still at the arguing stage, and we got so caught up in our fight over who could sprit the longest." A water droplet from her hair plopped onto my face.
   "Than the skies opened, and I looked behind me to see you were on the ground. I'd never seen you look so venerable." Her hand clenched my shoulder, kissing my shoulder.
   "I never thought I'd see the day, but you took me in your arms and got us under the trees for coverage. I thought for sure you'd carry me like a sack of potatoes, but you were strong even back that." I hummed, remembering how I felt. "I was so mad at myself for being in that position to start with. But I think that's the first time I saw you as more than my fated enemy."
   "Can I be honest?" Saeko scooted back to better see my face.
   "Always." I swallowed the lump in my throat.
   "I liked you the moment we meet. Of course, I've always been a little rebellious and headstrong, but I never really thought about you like that. Like an enemy." The rain and thunder stopped. "Being aggressive was just how I showed my love towards Ryu, so I just thought that' how it was supposed to be. When I saw you break down, that was when I realized I had been approaching you the wrong way."
   "That didn't change our arguments", I noted, scooting closer to her. "But you added in more soft moments, like this."
   "(Y/N)?" Saeko swallowed hard. "What happened at work Thursday, and why are you still shaking. The storms over baby doll."
   Blood running cold, I chewed on my bottom lip. "Please, don't be mad at me." Tears sprung from my eyes, I clenched fists full of her shirt.
   "Never." She kissed my forehead.
   "Remember the new boy I told you about the one that I trained last summer?" I asked, spitting up broken words. It was embarrassing, the whole situation was a slap in the face.
   "I'll take care of him, just tell me what happened." She rubbed my back, trying to soothe me.
   "He threw me under the bus, I was let go." Chewing my bottom lip, I squeezed my eyes tight.  
   "That bastard! I can't believe this, after all the work you did to teach him from the ground up. He doesn't even have a degree." I could hear her heart rate quickening, her holding me to her chest again.
   "While you dropped me off at the office this week, I've been job hunting across town."  pushing away again, I wiped my eyes.
   "I could have helped you looked. The shop's been busy, but I still have time for you." She pushed off the cocoon of a blanket and sat up. "I'm so sorry, why couldn't you tell me sooner? Why have you been so secretive? I've been waiting for you to tell me, but (Y/N), Im worried."
   "Remember when you said that you and I were romantic soulmates in high school? And I denied it because same-sex partners are so rare." I looked at my fingernails, trying to say it the right way.  
   "I remember." She swallowed, scooting back. Pushing aside the blanket, I took both of her hands in mine.
   "Saeko, his name appeared on my wrist", I whispered, paling. "You were right. I'm sorry for wasting so much time. The more I've thought about it, the more I realized…how, much I love you. How you were my romantic partner the entire time." I hung my head low, looking at the floor.
   "I have a confession too." She licked the tip of her thumb, rubbing the spot beside my name on her wrist. Holding her hand in the light, showing me her soul mark, I could see a boy's name.
   "That's the boy who-" My mouth fell open.
   "got you/me expelled in high school." We said together.
   "You've known since then?" I tried to wrap my head around it.
   "I didn't want to force you into picking me. After you brought up the same-sex thing, I was afraid that you were right. But now that you know who yours is, let's do it. We can know for sure.." Saeko tugged me forward, holding out her wrist. "This is also why I waited."
   "I love you so much." I kissed her palm, knowing everything would be okay. We touched our marks together, matching our breaths. I could feel the slight twinge as the symbols shifted around. Feeling brave, I leaned forward and was eagerly met with her lips.
   "I love you more." Saeko pulled our hands apart. "My last name it is." She smirked, seeing that my wrist had changed to her initials and her mine—both of our initials ending with 'T' now.
   "I can get behind being a Tanaka." I nodded, realizing that I had been given the gift of growing up alongside my soulmate. "I'm so lucky."
   "How about you try getting underneath a Tanaka first? I'll show you how lucky you are." She laughed, peppering my neck with kisses.
   "Don't be a perv." I pawed at her arms, the storm long gone from my mind.
   "Okay, okay, but just for tonight. I've been waiting for a million years. And I'd wait for a million more to see you smile like this." She tapped her finger against my nose and turned out the light. "Alright, let's get some rest. Tomorrow we can talk about possibly moving and finding you a job. Once you have steady work, I'll take a day off and make sure your soul enemy is taught a lesson."    
   "Saeko", I warned her, leaning on my elbows before she tugged me down to be the little spoon.
   "Fine, but I want to at least screw with his car when no ones watching." She sulked, rolling my hair around her fingers.
   "That's a decent compromise. Now let's get some sleep." I pushed myself deep into her hold and closed my eyes. The weight of my secret was gone, and now I was able to reap the rewards of my friendship turned into love.
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screensirenfic · 4 years
Menthol Cigarettes - Chapter 41 Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
“Billy; I’m not sure I wanna do this-“
“Shhhh.” He hushed, reaching back up to press a cold finger to my lips, as his hands tightened around my wrists; a warning he wasn’t going to let go
“It’ll be alright. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
Despite my instincts near screaming that that was a lie, I held myself together and sucked it up, letting him move his hand back to his belt.
He pulled it clear in one clean pull, bringing it up to my restrained wrists to tie it around them whilst I worked on steadying my breathing; telling myself that it was okay, we’d done this before.
The leather felt uncomfortable against my skin, but not as uncomfortable as his skin had; the edges biting sharply into my wrists as he pulled it tighter and tighter still, before securing it firmly to the headboard.
I pulled against it experimentally; hoping that he might’ve left some give like he usually did, but found the knots near unmovable.
Billy clearly had no plans on me getting away from him this time.
I pulled again, hoping that I might be able to loosen the loops just enough that I’d have an out if I needed it, but Billy grabbed hold of them once more, stopping me from moving.
“Relax; relax….” He coed; a soft smile on his face that would’ve usually put my mind at ease, except his eyes weren’t right; too dark and cold.
“It’ll be easier if you don’t struggle.”
His choice of words sent alarm bells ringing; my heart thumping wildly in my chest as I began to contemplate that maybe there was something a lot worse wrong with Billy than I first thought.
“Billy; stop! I don’t wanna do this anymore-“
“Shhhh” He hushed me again; pressing a hand firmly across my mouth, barely leaving my nose uncovered so I could breathe.
“You don’t want the girls to hear you; do you?” He asked; and the thought of them walking in on me like this made my stomach drop.
I swallowed down a mouthful of spit, resisting the urge to freak out completely and start struggling again, before shaking my head; the sting of tears biting at the corners of my eyes.
Billy smiled at my obedience; a cold, toothy thing that made me think of monsters in the deep, before gently releasing the pressure on my mouth, allowing me to take a breath.
I gasped, sucking in lungfuls of sweet oxygen as I held back that undying urge to scream bloody murder; the threatening presence of Billy’s looming hand ready to suffocate me again a good enough motivator to refrain from doing so.
“Billy; I really don’t want-“
“Ah; what did I say about talking?” He warned, that hand clamping back on my mouth again, pressing so hard that it was hard to breath between the gaps in his fingers.
His eyes had a coldness that cut through all their light as he stared down at me; face near impassive now beneath his smile.
I could feel my heart in my chest, hammering relentlessly against my rib cage as I tried to calm my breathing; less I start hyperventilating.
“Now; we’re gonna have to do something about that mouth of yours...”
He released my mouth, reaching up to my hair to pull my silk bandana free.
“Please; Billy. Please don’t do this...” I begged; tears brimming in my eyes, though I’m not quite sure why, only that I was terrified of my boyfriend right now.
I couldn’t escape; not with the combination of the restraints and his weight holding me down. All I could do was beg.
“Please; Billy-“
I didn’t get to finish my plea; him using both hands to press the bandana down hard on my mouth, forcing it between my clenched teeth so he could tie it there.
Then he leaned in close, planting another long lingering kiss on my lips that left me feeling sick to my stomach.
“Beautiful” He muttered, though I felt far from it; shaking and sobbing beneath him as he tied me up like a wild hog.
I felt like I’d never been more afraid in my life; not with the demogorgon moments away from ripping into my guts, neither with half a dozen demodogs cornering me in the dark, snapping for my blood.
Right here, right now; Billy was the most terrifying thing I’d ever seen.
Still, I tried not to show it; like a deer beneath a grizzly, I played dead hoping that he might lose interest and pass me by.
But Billy wasn’t a grizzly, and I made a much more appealing appetiser than any doe as he reached across to his nightstand, opening his draw and rifling around in it.
For a moment; I had the vain, sick hope that he was looking for his camera, searching for something he could use to take a keepsake of my moment of terror.
Instead, what he pulled out made my heart stop in my chest.
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