#or i stay put and focus on working and saving as much as possible for a bit
gromky · 3 months
strongly considering signing up for the study abroad program at school even though i can’t afford it rn, i feel like i could probably have the money together by the payment deadline but hhhhhhh
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raeathnos · 1 year
#the good news is I finished paying off my student loans back in 2020#the bad news is my husband still has $16k in them#we’re pushing buying a house/moving to another state again#which sucks#but I’m also tired of the way I’ve been treated at work for fucking years now#and we’ve already had to push buying a house and moving back several times#I was mostly staying cause I’ve been there so damn long and that looks good to a mortgage company#but enough is enough#I don’t get paid enough for what I put up with so after my surgery in a few months I’m job hunting#nervous about it but I am in a leadership position and that always looks good on a resume#realistically if I can find something that lays a few more dollars per hour it would be good#I think I figured that as long as that happens then I can be the sole one saving and my husband can focus on laying down his student loans#and also he can save for a new car cause we only have one right now#I figure in two years he should have laid off the loan + gotten a car and then he can go back to helping to save#we’re not that far off from having enough now for the down payment but like things would be tight after buying with his loans and the car#two more years with my parents sucks but it is nice that they’re not charging us rent#so we’ve been shoving as much of our paychecks as possible into savings#we got pushed out of the area we were hoping to go look in when inflation skyrocketed#we were figuring we’d probably end up like 45 mins to an hour away#but if we save for two more years we’d wind up back in our target area and we’d have more of a cushion#or we could pick like a closer area like 15-ish mins away and have even more of a cushion#eh#it kinda sucks but I feel like it’ll all work out in the end#my life for so long has felt like it’s been hurry up and wait#what’s two more years at this point if after that things are way better?
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waldau · 2 months
I cant insert a photo here on your ask but it goes something like
"Do whatever you want!!!" X said out of anger then character Y kissed him gently. "You said do whatever i want, right?"
whatever — choi seungcheol | 1,821 words | hurt/comfort, fluff
this prompt was really cute!!!
gender neutral reader. warnings: reader is stressed out? and in need of a hug?
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you love the sounds that make the house you share with seungcheol your home.
you love hearing the door creak when you open it at that specific angle. you love the sound of the clock ticking in the living room that seungcheol himself picked out. you love the sound of him walking on the wooden floor of your house, the sound of his glass when it clinks against the marble of the kitchen island, the birds chirping in the evening when you take out time to just relax against him and watch the sun set, and the sound of his quiet snores when he insists he wants to watch you watch your favourite shows, only to end up falling asleep.
there’s none of that here, in this moment.
you take off your shoes and kick them to the side, not bothering to open the cabinet to put them inside because the doors make a particularly loud sound when they snap shut, and you don’t want to risk waking seungcheol up again.
it’s been an odd couple of weeks, with you staying out late because of more work and seungcheol staying in because his workload has been relatively less for the beginning of the new year. him being at home would’ve made you happy if you didn’t have to apologize for cancelling and rescheduling dates, or for being left with energy enough only for a bath and a quick dinner, movie plus cuddling sessions replaced by cuddling in your sleep. if you were lucky to get back home in time, that is.
you stop and listen for a few moments. there’s no sound to be heard. the door to your bedroom is shut, which means that seungcheol must have already gone to sleep.
a little pang of hurt stabs your heart. it’s not like you want him to keep late hours for you, but you’re not exactly doing well in these trying times, and you’d really love to have his voice wash out your worries.
a resounding bang from the kitchen startles you. before you can even think of the worst possible scenario that could’ve just transpired, seungcheol walks out of the kitchen, a rolling pin in one hand and some flour on his hair and his rolled up sleeves. the literal definition of a hot mess.
“hey, baby,” he says, eyes widening when he sees you. “i was expecting you to be back in an hour or two.”
so it’s that bad, huh? it’s become normal for him to expect you to come back even later? you focus on the stains on his clothes instead, and the rolling pin that seems so out of place in his hand. “what exactly are you doing?”
“nothing! well, nothing much. yet. maybe you should stay out of here for a while.”
one thing about seungcheol is that he never keeps secrets. he can’t tell you a white lie to save his life, much less a black lie. “cheol,” you say, frowning, “both of us know you don’t even cook. are you baking? and why’s there flour in your hair?”
“sieving accident,” he mumbles, so quiet that you almost don’t catch it.
“should i be afraid?” you ask, pinching the bridge of your nose. you feel like your tears are a short distance away, and you really, really hope he’s done nothing more. something tells you that isn’t it, however.
“not really!” says seungcheol, but you can read him like glass at this point. the little nervous laugh and the way his nose twitches when he tries spinning facts makes you dread what you’re going to find inside. “maybe you should have a nice bath before you sleep? did you have dinner yet?”
you try to move past him into the kitchen but he blocks the entrance with his broad frame. the one time this isn’t sexy.
“cheol, let me in.”
“not until you tell me the password.”
“there’s a password now? what, something like choi seungcheol is the best?”
he giggles. “close.”
you sigh. “cheol, i’m really not in the mood to play games right now. please tell me what’s going on in there?”
he tries pulling that face, the one with the puppy eyes, where he looks at you so pleadingly that you’re generally ready to fold and do whatever he asks of you, but right now it just doesn’t work on you. the more evasive he is, the more worried you get. before he can react, you duck under his outstretched arms and into the kitchen.
rather, into the mess he’s made of the kitchen.
you’ve heard stories about junhui trying to bake. they sounded absolutely hilarious, and you’ve always wondered how he could mess up so bad that he managed to land waffle batter on the ceiling. especially when he didn’t even own a ladder to try and clean it.
it’s not funny when it’s your house that has some batter on the walls. at least it’s not the ceiling, you think, a bit hysterical, until you see flour on the…everywhere. it’s just everywhere. the counter, near the sink, in front of the oven like it’s a modern day trail of breadcrumbs that hansel and gretel would’ve followed. there’s also baking supplies scattered all over, an extremely huge sheet of baking paper lining a tray that’s sitting next to a bunch of bowls.
it’s a mess, to say the least.
“i’m sorry,” seungcheol says, gently turning you away from the sight of it. he winces when he sees your face. you don’t even know what your face looks like. all you know is that you’re tired, that you need a break, and that the last thing you would have liked to see today was your boyfriend’s face while he was peacefully asleep, and not…this.
you shake your head but no words come out.
“i’m sorry,” seungcheol repeats, setting the rolling pin down on the counter. a comical little cloud of flour rises and settles. what kind of accident even was that? “i was just…trying to bake.”
“cheol, you didn’t even know why we use baking soda till last week!”
“hey!” he says, defensive. “i asked you so i could learn. and i know this isn’t great, but—” his words dry up when he notices where your gaze lies — on the batch of cookies that are burned beyond belief.
you can’t believe your eyes, either. you’re not the biggest baker in the world, but you’ve never burned anything you’ve baked. especially not in your first attempt. maybe you’d have given up the courage to bake again if that had happened, but seungcheol clearly isn’t that bothered by it.
you don’t know if it’s because of how pitiful they look, or how long your day has been, but you feel a lump rise in your throat.
“you never even do this,” you whisper, only focusing on his face and not the mess around you. “why did you think you had to do this today?”
“am i not allowed to try things if i want to?” he asks, crossing his arms.
“it’s not that, cheol,” you say, trying to be as reasonable as possible. “i’d ask you for some help before trying something i’ve never done before. you never, ever do this. only when i ask you to help me. why today?”
“because i wanted to,” he says, almost flippant. “i’ll clean it up before you know it.”
but it’s not about the mess. it’s not about the burnt cookies. it’s not about the way he tried to block you from seeing the state of the kitchen. it’s the finality in his tone. it’s the fact that it’s not a big deal to him because he hasn’t had the day you’ve had.
seungcheol’s eyes widen when he sees your lips tremble. “are you seriously mad at me? for baking?”
“do whatever you want,” you hiss, tired and angry, feeling a single tear slide down your cheek. “i shouldn’t have looked inside.” you turn to walk away before it becomes a full fledged cascade of tears, but you don’t go far because of the hand holding on to your wrist.
“stop,” he says, holding you strong enough that it becomes futile to try and escape.
“let me go, seungcheol,” you say, avoiding his face.
“oh, no,” he breathes out, and the next thing you know is that your face is cradled in his hands and there’s a warm kiss pressed to your forehead. and your nose. and your lips. and it keeps repeating till you push him away, your face in his hands. you can feel the ugly emotions inside you ebbing away slowly, reducing to small embers that prickle the slightest bit.
“what are you doing?” you ask weakly.
“you said do whatever i want, right?” he asks, a smile on his face.
that gets you to break, for some reason. you would’ve forgiven him even if he’d gotten batter on the ceiling, because this — the sight of seungcheol with flour in his otherwise perfect hair, wearing an old shirt and beaming at you even though you’ve snapped at him — kills even those small embers.
you press your face to his chest and let the tears out silently.
seungcheol rubs your back. “hey,” he says softly. “let it out, okay? and i’m sorry about the mess. i meant it when i said i’ll clean—”
“it’s not that,” you whisper. “just…hold me?”
seungcheol complies, and you find yourself swaying in his hold in the silence of your house.
“want to talk to me about it?” he offers when you pull away, feeling slightly better. “i’m—”
“stop apologizing to me, cheol,” you say, laughing a little wetly. “it’s not the kitchen. i’ve just…i’ve been missing you like crazy and i miss just being with you without doing anything. i hate coming home late and seeing you asleep by yourself in our bed. i want…i want things to go back to the way they were.”
“so, a bad week?”
“more than one.”
“but you have me here at the end of every single day, right?” seungcheol says, pushing up the corners of your lips to make you smile. you do smile, but it’s because of the cute grin he has on his face. “we’ll get through it before you know it.”
you sigh. “it sounds good when you say it like that.”
“because i mean it. also, one more thing.”
“please don’t ever call me by my whole name again.”
“only if you mess up the kitchen that bad again.”
“also, why were you baking in the first place?”
“because i wanted to cheer you up,” he says, sheepish, and you want to do nothing more than hold his face and kiss him silly.
“you’re an idiot, baby,” you say, cradling his face in your hands. “but you’re my idiot. and i love you.”
seungcheol’s blushing face is quite possibly enough to get you through tomorrow.
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched @minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu
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soapsbaby · 1 year
Bunch of Deviants II
Summary: Second part of me assigning a k!nk to each of the 141 + Alejandro, Rudy, Graves, König and Valeria that I could imagine them having. You can find part one here. Enjoy!
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, König, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Phillip Graves, Alejandro Vargas, Rudy Parras, Valeria Garza, all x reader
Rating: NSFW (minors DNI)
Warnings: Choking, Primal Kink, Free Use, Degradation
Word Count: 1.3k-ish
Ghost - Primal
He loves the thrill of hunting you down. Even though you of course know that it's just him, the panic you feel when he catches you is genuine. The way he towers over you, eyes cold except for the sense of victory in them that he caught you and that you are now his to deal with whatever he wants to.
Usually he just takes you right where he catches you, ripping your clothes from your body and fucking you, pinning you down and just holding you in whichever position he needs you in.
He will be so humiliating and degrading, oh, you should run faster next time, are you actually enjoying this? you really are a needy little slut.
After he has come and you are all fucked out he will hold you, just pressing you to his chest until your heartbeat returns to a normal pace.
Soap - Receiving Nudes at Work
He loves when you rile him up through the entire day, sending him pictures, videos or voice messages, telling him how badly you want him, how you need him, how you've been touching yourself all day but it just doesn't compare to when he does it.
He won't be able to think straight until he's finally back home with you and gets to actually fuck you, working off the frustration you put him through.
Usually he just has to get himself off as quickly as possible, fucking you desperately, but he isn't done just because he came. Usually he'll take his time afterwards to eat you out for as long as you can take.
He also makes sure to save all of the messages so he can go through them later, especially on long missions with bad internet reception where it is all he can use to get himself off.
Price - Watching you Touch yourself
He loves watching you touch yourself for him. It started once when he walked in on you and instead of joining in, he just sat down on the foot of the bed, telling you to keep going even though your first reaction was to cover yourself with your blanket.
He loves the way he can read your body, can tell when you are getting closer, those little whines when you push yourself right up to the edge. He knows you too well.
He loves watching you come for him while he strokes himself. You look so beautiful when you do and he takes in every aspect of you, the way your eyelids flutter shut, your legs shaking and your mouth falling open, his name spilling over your lips.
His favorite part is when he finally gets to fuck you for round two, you are so wet after you've come once already and you are so whiny and sensitive.
Gaz - Free Use
Free use goes both ways for you. Especially if you have longer periods of vacation times where you can stay home you will fuck wherever and whenever. Whether it is you walking in while he plays video games and sucking him off while he tries to not let the people on voice chat know or him pushing up your dress while you are working in the kitchen to fuck you from behind, you love being available for each other.
For convenience you both usually don't wear much clothes at home anyways and you also sleep naked.
Of course you both know that you can deny favors to one another if you are not feeling up to it, but neither of you really ever do. Each other's pleasure is enough motivation.
König - Thigh Riding
Having you ride his thigh is one of his favorite things, he loves the way it gives him close to no physical stimulation so he can focus completely on you without any distractions.
He loves the desperation in your eyes when you drag yourself across him, grinding your hips against his leg because it's the only thing he'll let you have if he's feeling strict.
Sometimes, when you are already overstimulated he will grab you by the hips and make you grind down even harder and faster, feasting on your whimpers.
It's one of his favorite ways to make you come, the way your movements stutter and he has to grab you to hold you upright, whispering sweet praise into your ears.
Graves - Pegging
It took him so, so long to admit to you that he wanted you to peg him. He was terrified that you would reject him or even be weirded out by his request. He didn't want to make you feel any different about him.
Of course you didn't, and you both loved it from the first time you tried it out. Everything about his reaction to being fucked refuses to leave your mind, the way his body just seemed to melt into the sheets, legs refusing to support him, hands tangled in the sheets for some form of support.
You have never heard him moan the way he does every time you peg him, his mind just immediately turns into putty and all of his dirty thoughts just spill out, begging for you to go harder.
Will usually be able to come hands free if you take your time with him.
Alejandro - Degradation
He loves you more than anything in the world and he respects and adores you, but there is just something about treating you like a dirty whore that gets him going like nothing else.
He loves making you give him sloppy blowjobs and making you drool all over him, he loves bending you over whichever surface is closest to you and just taking you then and there.
He loves treating you like you are property, like you're a toy he gets to use to get himself off, pushing you into whichever position he wants you in.
He doesn't let go until you have come at least a few times, his favorite is when you come around his cock, the way you clench around him and that sweet, overwhelmed look in your eyes drives him insane.
He will always make sure afterwards that you are okay and that you know that none of the ways he treated you reflect how he actually feels about you and that you know how much he loves and appreciates you.
Rudy - Choking
The majority of the time there is no clear dom-sub relationship between the two of you, however, he adores you choking him.
His favorite position is when you are riding him and then wrap your hands around his throat, just tight enough to make him a little dizzy.
He'll beg for you to kiss him, take away even more of his ability to breathe.
He comes so hard being choked, almost passing out and whimpering for you to go harder on him.
Valeria - Strap-Ons
It doesn't matter what your gender is, if you let her, she'll use her strap on you.
She almost sees it as an extension of herself, she adores seeing you on your knees and making you suck the strap, praising and degrading you at the same time as she fucks your throat as deeply as you can take it, "such a pretty slut, so needy for my cock, aren't you?"
She fucks you like she wants you to never be able to walk again, rough and deep, long deep strokes. If the position allows it she'll also use her hands on you, circling your most sensitive spots with her thumb and taking pleasure in your desperate, whiny moans.
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golden-afternoon · 3 months
Yeah I was working on another actual fic but uhhh the 'Nari brainrot took over so uhhh here take me going insane over him and rambling about what comes to my mind. Kay? Kay.
Warnings - nsfw, mating cycle talk from a person who only has google by her side, absolutely not proofread having gone straight from brain to paper, and just know there is a solid chance I'll have more to say about this in the future.
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Tighnari, by his very nature, is a very compartmentalized person. His own problems stay within himself to be dealt with later when he is done and everyone else's needs are already attended to. Always concerned with helping others and keeping things in order, even to the point of staying up into the early hours of the morning, less concerned with himself than those around him. If he’s ever struggling with anything at all, he will do absolutely everything in his power to keep anyone from knowing about it, much less something as personal as this.
In the early months of the year, especially as Lantern Rite nears, Tighnari becomes withdrawn. Quieter, more distant. The Forest Watchers have been talking for forever back and forth swapping theories and rumors in not so hushed tones.
“I heard Master Tighnari lost a family member around this time of year.”
“Really? I heard he just reeeeally hates any kind of festivities especially Lantern Rite because it's so noisy, even when not in Liyue.”
“I dunno, maybe he's just sensitive to the cold?”
Unlike the usual case where he was quick to nip such chatter in the bud and tell off the Rangers for gossiping, he remains entirely silent on the issue, otherwise carrying on as usual. Setting up excursions, documenting his findings, helping and guiding wherever he was needed…
Until he just can't stand it anymore. With hardly a word, save perhaps to Collei to ask her to care for things in his absence, he retreats, hiding himself away in his hut, barricading himself in completely so no nosy Rangers have any reason to loiter around.
He hates it.
He understands it's natural and it's going to happen and blah blah blah, but it was such a nuisance to his life he would give anything to not have to put up with it. The worst of it usually lasts a week or two before he can at least carry some semblance of normalcy and feel willing and able to return to work, but while he's in it, it drives him insane.
Some years it's so bad that he can't even focus on anything other than the absolutely filthy thoughts that plague his mind, his hands shaking so hard he can't even hold a pen long enough to attempt any sort of work. Even like this he just doesn't feel right not being productive especially when he's always running around here and there the rest of the year, why should this be any different?
Head slamming into his desk with a groan, a flush curling up his cheeks and neck. Eventually he has to crack, begrudgingly caring for the needs that grow and grow and grow and become nigh insatiable during his rut.
It starts out almost clinical, looking to just take care of a symptom of an illness almost. Face flushed, lips curled into a deep frown, he sits at his desk, fisting his cock with precision, hoping to get it over with as fast as possible by hitting everything just right.
But no. After dealing with this for years you think he would have known by now that just once isn't enough, yet he still hopes year after year. It only gets worse. Over and over and over again until he's just sore and it hurts. Until he can't keep jerking it lest he make his own skin turn raw. By this point he usually finds himself in his bed, ears flat and face buried into some blankets to muffle the pathetic whimpers that left his lips as he kept grinding his hips into the pillows over and over and over and over, chasing even the slightest modicum of relief.
And most of the time, as annoying as it is, it was completely fine for him to just be stuck imagining some faceless, nameless mate beneath him as he struggled to sate these urges. However, if Tighnari has a bit of a crush… Well, he'd be in for a rude awakening if he hadn't already acknowledged his feelings for you.
I could see poor Tighnari getting almost ill as he realized the cute moans he was imagining sounded a little too much like your voice. Everything freezes for a moment, his stomach lurching both from the realization and the sudden loss of friction when he faltered. He tries so hard to brush it aside, chastising himself for pulling you into his filthy mind right then. But it doesn't stop. Your face, your voice, your skin. Everything. Everything stays in his mind and he cannot stop it. He feels such overwhelming shame about it, but… he does eventually give in and just let whatever fantasies take root, especially since it seems to ease the feelings when he does.
But when he sees you after the worst of it is over and he leaves his hut, guilt grips around his heart and memories of those fantasies rush into his head, leaving him turning on his heel to avoid you at all costs, honestly risking you thinking he hates you with how intensely he's ignoring you.
It's even worse because Tighnari considers hiding in his hut again for even longer as usually he was fine when the worst of it passed, he could resume his duties, but with you around, he could feel his hands shaking, the intense urge to find you wherever you were and pin you down immediately was so strong it scared him a little. Sometimes it caught him off guard too, like he would catch your scent on the breeze and while in his rut, he would genuinely get so horny so fast he's gotten lightheaded, having to catch himself on whatever was nearby so he didn't go crashing down.
If he hated his rut before, the shame of all this made him absolutely loathe it.
Maybe one day you can find a way to make it a liiiiittle more bearable for him ♡
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leebrontide · 1 year
Best Practices for Communicating about the Climate Crisis
Communication Tips 
Keep it local. Focusing on bringing local solutions. You can lean into community pride to help motivate community action. And while climate change may have global impacts, emphasizing local climate impacts and benefits of local policies will resonate with more people, and feel more approachable/doable.
Stay focused on solutions. While the consequences of climate change are dire, focusing too much on how bad things could get tends to make people feel overwhelmed, hopeless and cynical – which doesn’t help them get or stay involved. Try not to give more than 1 or 2 examples of local consequences of environmental issues, then dive into how this work provides solutions.
Include your audience. Instead of using “I” or “you”, talk about what “we” need to do to turn things around. This includes using “we” when you’re talking about the government, when appropriate - after all, the government is meant to be for and of our communities.
Lean into moral values. Most people agree that we have a moral responsibility to protect our environment’s health, stability and safety for future generations, so don’t be afraid to talk about that or other values that resonate with you about this work.
Focus on tangible gains. Things like “the economy” are important, but they don’t feel as immediate as combating rising costs, protecting their and their neighbors' health, and saving money. Paint them a picture of the prosperous, stable, livable city we can create.
Project a can-do attitude. A lot of people are feeling let down by leadership at all levels, and feeling hopeless and helpless about making change. So, it’s important that you show that you and others are out here willing to really do the work - and there’s room for them to join in. Also, be sure to talk about successes.
Don’t waste time on opponents. We can't get everybody on our side. However, there are enough people that are excited about the prospect of living in a safe, sustainable community, where everyone has clean air to breathe/water to drink and a family-sustaining job that we don't need to convert opponents.
Encourage investment. Rather than framing the changes we want in terms of the drudgery of having to adapt to a bad situation, try to build excitement in the possibilities we can invest in - together. Everyone likes to feel they’re getting in on an exciting, cutting edge investment. Relatedly, be wary of statements that make people feel like they’re going to lose, rather than gain, options. Remind people that our current systems are not only unhealthy, dirty, and dangerous - they’re also ineffective.
Create immediate avenues for action. Once you’ve built up some excitement about what we can do, give people an immediate step they can take to help. Give that positive energy somewhere to go and show them how good it can feel to get involved.
Focus on what you want people to do, not what you want them to stop doing. This helps people envision change, and makes them less nervous.
Communicate respect. Keep away from stereotypes and harmful words. And when you talk about other people, be careful not to put words in their mouths.
Remember, you're not just combating ignorance, you're combating hopelessness, helplessness, and burnout!
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digitaldiarystuff · 4 months
Need You
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omg this was heartbreaking and cute to write at the same time, thank you so much for the request!! you can keep them coming and i can try my best 💕
also, slowly becoming a fermin fan acc but no complaining tho lol
pairing: Fermin Lopez x Y/N
summary: Fermin let the fame get to his head and wanted a break, that was 2 months ago. One night he’s pulled out of sleep by a phone call from a hospital saying you’ve been in an accident
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: mentions of car accident, bruises and sprained ankle but nothing too graphic
Fermin woke up to his phone buzzing constantly. The first time he tried to ignore it and not let it get to him but it started ringing again soon. He huffed with annoyance and reached for his bedside table. The number looked ordinary, he didn’t have it saved and he wasn’t planning on answering a crazy fan’s call at 2 in the morning. He let the buzzing stop and left the phone back trying to go back to sleep but something in him worried, with a loud sigh he reached over again typing the number on his search engine finding it belonged to a local hospital in Barcelona. His heart started racing, his initial thought was Pablo but he was okay at the match today so why was a hospital calling him at this hour?
He tried calling the number back but it went straight to a prerecorded message, Fermin was stressed until the phone connected to the reception.
“Hello, this is Alana from Hospital Clinic. How can I help you?” she asked
“Hey, um, I was just called from this number twice. Can I know the reason?” he said fidgeting with his hand trying to understand if it was just a misunderstanding.
“Can I have your name?”
“Fermin Lopez.” Fermin hesitatingly said, he was recently getting recognition from football fans and was also kind of overwhelmed with it.
“Oh yes, I found it Mr Lopez. It looks like your girlfriend Ms Y/N was in an accident, we tried reaching her family members first, they said they’d come as soon as possible but since they’re out of Barcelona it could take a while and you’re just below them on the emergency call list.”
Fermin listened but after he heard about you in an accident he lost focus, everything the woman said going unnoticed by him. If he thought about it, you weren’t his girlfriend anymore, he said he needed a break but hadn’t tried to reach you ever again. It’s been 2 months with no contact other than the night you called him drunk and cursed him for how easy he let you go and he took your scolding, he knew he deserved it and he also wanted you to be safe so he stayed on the phone with you until you went inside your apartment saying he’d call you to have a proper conversation. He didn’t.
He chickened out, he knew you were head over heels for him, that you’d do anything for him but he was just debuting in first team and his career just took off and everyone kept reminding him that he’s too young for this. He should just focus on his football and girls shouldn’t be a priority. He couldn’t do anything he wanted if he’s tied down at 21 and he let those intrusive thoughts get in his head and became irritated with your presence in his life.
He hated himself for it but couldn’t help himself and picked fights constantly tiring both of you. He’d became cold and distant, forgetting important dates and choosing to go out. Even then you tried to keep the relationship going but everyone has their limits and he crossed yours when he forgot your presentation for your finals. It was the most important thing in your whole academic life and he promised to be there but forgot, prompting your biggest fight ever. That’s when he proposed taking a break until he figured himself out, as he hated the state he put your relationship through. You didn’t even fight him on it, just accepted and went upstairs to gather your belongings. He stood still on his place on the sofa not trusting his legs to work if he’d stand up. You came out the room soon and said goodbye to him, kissing his lips one last time and left your keys on the dresser shutting the door behind you. Fermin still remembered that feeling he felt once he realized you really left, he thought it’d be relief as this is what he wanted all along but it wasn’t. It was pure pain.
“Mr Lopez?” the woman at the end of the line repeated as Fermin was too lost to speak.
“Is she okay?” he asked with a trembling voice. He couldn’t believe something this bad can happen to an angel like you.
“Unfortunately I can’t discuss her state on the phone but she’ll be okay, our best doctors are taking care of her.”
Fermin was already up trying to find any pieces of clothing to throw on as he was just in his boxers. He checked the location on his phone and thanked the receptionist quickly ending the call. He didn’t even realize how much he was shaking until he sat behind the wheel. He had tears on his face and in his eyes occasionally blurring his vision for a second until he finally made it to the hospital. He was shocked that he could drive without getting in an accident himself. He couldn’t lose her, there was no way he could lose her. Even though he knew he didn’t deserve you in the slightest, he loved you with his whole heart. You were his first real girlfriend, his first love, even after all the stupid things he did to push you away he knew you’re his person and he’d do anything for you.
He quickly ran to the reception who asked him for ID and sent him to your floor.
“Room 203” he whispered to himself as the elevator doors opened and he rushed over. A nurse was just coming out of your room with charts in her hand and he stopped her frantically.
“Is she okay? Is Y/N okay?”
The nurse was startled but she was used to seeing people going crazy for their loved ones.
“Yes, don’t worry she just has some minor bruises on her face and body and a sprained ankle. She’ll be here tonight but tomorrow after the doctor clears her she’ll be good to go.” the nurse smiled but Fermin couldn’t bring himself to return the kindness. All he could do was feel relieved, she was okay.
“Can I go in?” he asked
“Um, she should really get some rest. It’s been traumatizing for her.”
“Look I need to see her, I need to make sure she’s okay.” he pleaded and the nurse finally gave in opening the door to let Fermin in.
“Fine but not for too long, she needs some sleep.”
Fermin nodded and took a deep breath, it just dawned on him that this was the first time he’d be seeing you in two months and he was so distraught to even think if she’d want him there or not. Maybe she hated him.
Fermin even thought about turning back and just waiting in the hall but he really needed to see with his own eyes that you were good so he pushed the door further, wishing he had peonies to bring you. They were always your favorite.
“Fermin?” you asked clearly shocked seeing him walk in. Your face had some red and purple marks and your foot was in a big black boot elevated. You looked so beaten and tired but Fermin could swear you’ve never looked so good. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, even when you were apart he tried not looking you up. He didn’t want to go down that rabbit hole and he knew if he started he couldn’t stop until he was begging on his knees at your doorstep.
“Mi vida.” he hesitantly said as he stood by the door afraid to come closer even though everything in him wanted to hug you and kiss you.
“What are you doing here?” you asked. If this was under any other circumstances you’d be pissed at him but you were feeling so ran down that you were just relieved to see him. You were in Barcelona for uni and your parents were back in Sevilla, you only had friends here. Well, and Fermin but not anymore.
“The hospital called.” he said and as scared as he was, he walked over to your bed and sat down on the chair next to it. You could see him lift his hand and then retract it until he just went for it and held your free hand. The other one had a tube in it.
As soon as your hands touched you felt your eyes tearing, you were too weak to hold them in.
“No no no please don’t cry. You’re okay, I’m here please don’t cry cariño.” he tried reassuring you.
“I hate you.” you murmured but leaned in his touch, it was like your mind and body were fighting each other but no matter how angry you were at him you were happy to see him.
You knew he loved you and that’s the reason your break was so painful, you knew this was just a phase but he wouldn’t let you help. He just pushed and pushed you until you were out of his life.
“I know. I know and I’m so sorry but I’m here now and I’m never leaving again. Y/N I know I can never undo what I did but I’m willing to try everything. I can give you as much space and time as you need, I just want to be with you and I can’t stand being far anymore. I’ll take care of you and I’ll do anything for you.” he ranted with tears in his eyes and kissed every single one of your knuckles.
You wanted to act tough, you wanted to make him pay for not giving you enough attention, making you feel insignificant but in this state there wasn’t much you could do other than relying on his words. You never wanted to be apart anyway and he said he was willing to do the work this time so you believed him. Maybe it was naive of you to do, but you did. You loved him.
That night Fermin never left your side, he held your hand until you fell asleep and when you woke up he was still there watching you with dried tears on his face. His hair disheveled, eyes bloodshot and bags under them but he never looked more handsome to you.
“You need to sleep, don’t you have practice in the morning?” you asked as you slowly came to your senses.
“No, what I need is for you to be okay. Everything else can wait.” he said while placing a kiss on your temple and you smiled at him, it had been a long time since you felt that at peace and it was ironic as you were at a hospital bed.
“I also talked to your sister, they’re going to be here today. It’s the earliest flight they could find.”
You smiled up at him, you were feeling a lot better with little pain left and couldn’t wait to be out of this room.
“Did the doctor say when can I go home?” you asked excited to see your family again.
“Yes, he was in here earlier and said as soon as you woke up he’d come and check. Then we’re free to go.”
Just as he finished talking the doctor walked in and asked you some questions about your injuries and looked at his charts.
“Well, I think you’re ready to be discharged Y/N” he smiled and Fermin helped you get up. You still had to use crutches for a while but other than that you were feeling fine.
Even though you tried to argue, Fermin found a wheelchair and brought it to you just for you to get out of the hospital. He was being over affectionate and helpful and you couldn’t help but feel blessed. You knew you had to have a long talk about what happened but right now you were happy to have him back.
“Wait, don’t you dare get up!” he said as you reached his car. You were about to ask him what until you felt his hands under your knees and on your back carrying you bridal style to his car. You missed him lifting you like a feather, you felt so good when he flexed his muscles like that.
You blushed a little when he placed you down and reached for your seatbelt even though you were perfectly capable of doing it yourself, as he buckled you in you couldn’t fight the urge to lean in and kiss him. He was shocked for a second and you thought maybe you misread the situation but soon his hands found your cheeks delicately holding you while deepening the kiss. You knew this was a hospital and you needed to be respectful but his lips on yours made your world stop, it was just you two. He backed off with a smile on his lips. You pouted a little but that changed when he pressed kisses all around your face and your new bruises. You felt safe and sound.
“Where are you going?” you asked when he started the car. “You don’t even know where I live.”
He turned to you looking a little unsure about what he was about to say.
“I was hoping I could bring you home. Like, our home.”
You thought about it for a second.
“I know I said I’d respect your boundaries and wait and I will I promise but I can’t let you be out of my sight ever again Y/N and I’ll do anything to make you feel at ease, I can sleep in the guest room as long as you want me to. Also, your parents have already been there. That’s our home and I’d do anything to prove it.”
You weighed your options, you could go to your 1 bed hundred year old apartment and be miserable with your parents and sister coming in and be far away from Fermin or you could do what your heart wants to and accept his offer and go back to the only place you’d consider home. With him.
“Vale, take me home Fermin.” you smiled and he smiled even more holding your hand and pulling it over to him kissing every bit of it.
“Thank you, thank you for not giving up on me.” he said.
“Thank you for being there for me when I needed you.”
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 2 months
Spring Date HCS (Kaeya, Diluc, Albedo)
I always love it when spring finally comes around. Even though the grass where I live is almost perpetually green (like wtf??!! How can it be freaking Christmas and some of the grass is green?!!!), I love seeing the trees start to bud out. And the sun. Having the sun out more is nice too
Under the cuts, spring dates with Kaeya, Diluc,  and Albedo
GN reader
cw: slight mention of after hours fun. Not much because that’s a different set off head canons entirely, but it’s there
His first suggestion was to go drinking
Of course the answer was no, not happening
So instead you’re walking around on the Mondstadt version of a mall date
Kaeya seems like he’s the type who looooves PDA, so he’s always holding your hand
Or maybe you’re holding his hand because he’s definitely the type to tease you with little touches that are designed to turn the date very R18 by the end of the day
To be fair, he really doesn’t have to try that hard
He’s hot and charming and he uses it to full effect
In the evening you two climb up venti’s statue (Kaeya is a charmer and will happily go the extra mile. Probably made you a pretty staircase else style to get up there too hehe)
You sit and he pulls you closer so that your head rests against his chest
And the two of you want the sunset from the best seats in city
Have you seen this man’s voice lines?
The guy is sweet as hell (10/10 would date)
He picked you up, right on time and had roses waiting. Really nice ones because he can definitely afford them
Instead of staying in the city, you two went out on horse back
Brought a picnic lunch
But most of the time is spent riding and talking. Or riding and not talking. 
The both of you are just happy to have a day off with no real itinerary
Just let the wind lead
So around lunch time you guys find a nice spot-- preferably slime free, but Diluc doesn’t have any problems clearing a spot for you if the spot is nice enough’
You eat lunch and continue just handing out
Really date day is the day that both of you can just be you
You watch the sunset while you’re out
And when you get back into the city he walks you to your door, gives you a goodbye kiss that might turn into more but shhh
Last but not least
Our favorite Mondstadt nerd
It’s not on Dragonspine
You put your foot down on that one. No freezing on a spring date
You also handed off Klee to Kaeya archons save us all so the two of you have time alone
I’d say it’s a work date, because his work is basically being as curious as possible, but really, his focus is on you
He can’t stop being curious
But he’ll spend the entire time studying you, figuring out what makes you laugh and smile and then work on doing those things
He seems like the kind who remembers all of the small stuff
If you told him your favorite flower, that’s what he brings you when he picks you up or greets you at the foot of Dragonspine
After that you go exploring
Not unlike with Diluc, but with Albedo your wandering has a distinct purpose
For some reason the desire to know is just there when you’re around Albedo
Not that you’ll complain, not when his attention is on you
If your hair is in your face, he’ll tuck it behind your ear, letting his fingers linger on the edge, feeling the skin only he gets to feel and feeling a certain amount of satisfaction that your his
Even if he doesn’t talk much, he listens. He’ll respond when need be, but he really does love to listen
While you’re out, you eat a picnic lunch he packed and then continue walking around
Instead of taking you home that night, he brings you up to his cave in Dragonspine
It wouldn’t be the first night you’ve spent there and it beats the noise of Mondstadt city in the spring
And there’s no one to hear if you decide the two of you want to do some more intimate experimentation
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weecherylita · 1 year
I wrote a version of this as a message to Neil Gaiman on New Year's Eve, but (unsurprisingly) it appears to have gotten lost in his ask box. But given that this message is not just meant for Neil Gaiman, but also to the Good Omens fandom at large, I have decided to recreate it here:
Dear Mr Gaiman (& Good Omens fandom people)
On New Year's Eve 2021 I started watching Good Omens for the first time. Now one year (and a bit) later, it feels very appropriate to me to write a message of thanks, because Good Omens became a constant source of joy and mental refuge throughout what turned out to be an incredibly difficult year.
Not exactly difficult in a bad way, as some very good things happened. I gave birth to my second child*, and we moved house. But owing to work, pregnancy issues, several childhood illnesses (including 2 hospital stays) and said house requiring a truly overwhelming amount of time to make it fit for human habitation, everything has been a bit frantic and strained. Our focus has very much been on trying to make the transition as smooth as possible for our daughter (now 4), and adult relationships have been pretty badly neglected as a result. I feel like we forgot how to be together, as a family unit and as partners. Looking back, I think that's what actually hit me the hardest; that absence of family communion and emotional support
But then there's been Good Omens, this wonderful story with this wonderful fandom and this wondrous, ineffable relationship between the central characters. These characters who are able to build that sense of communion over the course of millennia, and express their love in such a variety of ways and in such difficult circumstances (no wonder I'm a bit in love with them).
So, thank you for the love and care you put into adapting Good Omens. Thank you also for your continued engagement with fans keen for more details about the story (the thing about Aziraphale saving the movie theatre from destruction because he remembered Crowley saying he liked it once melted my heart in the nicest possible way)**.
Thank you also to the Good Omens fandom for embracing this story with so much joyful enthusiasm, and keeping that love alive in so many ways - the fanart, the meta analysis, random headcanons, humorous shitposts, fanfiction great and small. It has meant a lot to me to be able to shelter under the heartwarming little canopy of creativity and joy when things have gotten difficult and I've been in desperate need of stress relief.
I am glad to say that in the New Year my partners and I are starting to put more time and effort into repairing our relationships - and one of the ways we are doing that is by watching Good Omens together.
So... Happy New Year (belated)
* It is testament to how much Good Omens has permeated my brain that even whilst giving birth, in between screaming at my husband "WHY DOES IT HAVE TO HURT SO MUCH!!!" there was actually a small voice in the back of my head saying that in a roundabout way it was Crowley's fault (though I imagine he might dispute that? Or possibly debate the point in private while readily taking credit for it in memos to hell).
** I am now super paranoid that I hallucinated reading that, but perhaps that is just my anxiety talking.
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taurusreads · 1 year
what do you need to know right now? 🤎
masterlist || paid services || ko-fi
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what does spirit want to tell you?
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pile one
overall energy: ten of pentacles
for some of you i see that you may be struggling with your own thoughts a bit. the cards were being very sporadic and many of them were flying out at the same time. i think some of you might have a tendency to shut down when there’s a lot going on, like your beak. just kind of shuts off and it feels like a “no thoughts head empty” kind of vibe. spirit wants you to know that it’s perfectly fine for you to take time for yourself. focus on your mental health, and do what needs to be done for yourself before going to help someone else. you can never be the shoulder to someone until you can take care of your own well-being.
i also think that some of you have projects going on regarding your career. be very selective with who you give information to, as not everyone is your friend. sometimes it’s better to keep the information you have to yourself rather than telling others about it, because some people may not always have your best interest at heart. i see that this is something important to a lot of you, something that you’ve been manifesting for a long time. im hearing “dream come true”. these things were brought to you by the universe because you asked for it, waited patiently, and put in the effort to receive it, don’t let someone pretending to be your friend interfere with that.
on the same note of your work/career life, try not to overwork yourself! it’s great to love what you do, and it’s amazing to want to do it all the time, but make sure that you’re not pushing yourself past your limits. everyone has a breaking point, a moment in time where everything becomes too much and it takes a toll on you mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. take time out of every day to check on your own health, and give yourself the love that you deserve!
channeled messages: headache, work, fashion, warm weather, yellow, 555, celebration, milestones, manifestations, something about being in the dark, secrets, self care, bubble baths!
pile two
overall energy: the star
there’s a lot of things that this pile wants to do, but you feel like there’s not enough time to get it all done. spirit wants you to remember that life is a marathon, not a sprint. you have ample time to do the things that you want in life, so don’t beat yourself up too much! there’s also a message of balancing out your work and home life. it’s okay to want to prioritize things, but make sure you have room in your life for the rest of it too! there’s plenty of time to figure out your career/life plans, so make sure that you give yourself time to have fun also! go bowling, see a movie, or just stay inside and stare at the tv. whatever makes you feel good should also be on your list of priorities.
i also see that for some of you, you’ve been wanting to get into a relationship. spirit is saying that healthy relationships stem from people who are emotionally and mentally ready, and sometimes it’s okay to admit that you’re not ready. being able to understand when you’re ready for a relationship and when you should just focus on yourself is an amazing strength to have, and it can save you from a lot of unfortunate situations in the future. spirit wants to make sure that you can discern when you are and are not ready for love, so you can focus on the things that are really important to you.
i think now would be an important time to focus on your work. focus on establishing yourself in the career you’re currently in, and completely immerse yourself in doing what you love. im also getting the message that some of you might possibly have a particular interest with someone that you work with. look within yourself to truly know whether you are ready for any sort of relationship, or if you should just focus on your own well-being. and be honest with yourself! no growth happens by ignoring the truth.
channeled messages: retail, D.D.D - the boyz, kpop, literal dancing, heartbreak, partnership, music, connection, dreams, soulmate, patience
pile three
overall energy: knight of wands rx
let out your inner child! some of you have been wanting to do something new for a while now, and spirit says go for it! if there was anything that you’d been wanting to try, some place that you’d been wanting to go, take a leap of faith and try it out! it’s never too late to do something new, life is all about making new memories and experiencing new things. i feel like some of you haven’t had the time to do things that you’ve wanted to, any i think now is the time to make room for it!
if some of you are in school, use your free time very wisely. you get a couple months out of school, so take the free time to experience all the things you didn’t have time to before. for anyone who is working, if you’ve been considering taking time off, do it if you can! spirit wants you to start trusting your instincts more. we all have intuition, some peoples are just stronger because they use trust in it and use it more often! trust in your own intuition and follow what your gut is telling you to do! you’re not missing out if you take the time to do what you want, nor are you lazy or a fraud. you deserve to take time to yourself, just like everyone else does.
if you’ve been cooped up in the house for a while, spirit always says to go outside for a little bit! i think interacting with nature can be very healing for some of you. take a walk, go for a run, or just enjoy the scene of nature! im seeing a lot of green, a lot of trees and grass, as well as a park/playground. maybe some of you have kids, or this is something that you like to do! go outside and do the things you used to do as a kid, and reignite that spark within you!
channeled messages: games, sun, playground, recreational parks, soccer, running, exercise, listening to music while walking, tanning, vacation, happiness, relaxation, 333, laughing, joy
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strawhatkia · 10 months
sundress season.
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INCLUDES ! 1610!miles and hobie brown x black!fem!reader
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! they see you in a sundress for the first time
WARNINGS ! character and reader are not together...yet!,
A/N ! the way this was suppose to be the whole spider crew plus miguel and i got tired not even half way through....this just gon be a lil tester but this is getting deleted and revamped later !
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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— ☾⋆⁺₊🌻🖌✧ SPIDER-MILES !
i cannot fathom to you how flustered this boy gets on a regular day when y'all really not doing anything. the boy already really likes how you look in your regular uniform or just casual street clothes so when rio and jeff invite you over for the carne asada/cookout and you popped in a sundress of all things, he kinda doesn't know how to act.
oh, and his parents find it absolutely hilarious. this is really the time where him being jeff's son and aaron's nephew really shines through. he's awkward about it and can't seem to get through any of his sentences.
he really likes the way it fits you and the color compliments you well but he has such a hard time for like a good 30 minutes. eventually, aaron comes to save him and gives him a tip of going to get some drinks for the both of you and take you somewhere private to talk.
not to mention, his whole family thinks you two are too cute for words and takes every chance to mention how much of a good couple you two make. once you come back over to get something to eat, you are bombarded by multiple family members. miles is definitely nervously laughing to get through the embarrassment of all them making the most outlandish comments and gave up after the 4th tia said how lucky he is to have you.
— ☾⋆⁺₊🎸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 ✧ HOBIE BROWN !
this is literally the world's boldest man ever, he truly don't give a fuck whose watching. you were actually in the middle of a block party when you were called to debrief about a mission. not to be bothered to put on your suit (especially since peter b. walks around in a pink robe of all things), you step through the portal in your sundress and sandals.
certainly not the first time hq has seen you out of uniform but the sundress has you grabbing compliments left and right from all the spider people present (even miguel, which was surprising). it would be hobie to see you last though. he was originally talking to pav who was rambling on about his recent date with gayatri again when he catches a glimpse of you pass by to go into the meeting room with miguel and jessica.
now in my eyes, hobie immediately tunes out of pav's conversation at once to focus all of his attention on you and makes the split decision to follow you in there. it's not like jessica will care enough to kick him out and he does not care what miguel has to say. quite frankly, the man only sees you at the moment and that doesn't even catch up to him until he's right in front of you.
then in the thickest accent possible, he flirts endlessly throughout the entire meeting. the man has no sense of personal space around his friends and it's only ten times worse with you. hanging off your shoulders, wrapping his long arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder while hugging from behind. you do your best to acknowledge, because ignoring him will not work and only make it worse, but to also get through the meeting.
it's easy to chalk it up as hobie being a physical person but there's only so much to explain the way he feels up on the material of the dress, making comments that make you feel like you're blushing and distract from whatever miguel was saying before he gave up and just told you to come in later. without hobie.
leaving the meeting was easier than staying in it but now you gotta deal with a very cocky spiderman that is doing his absolute best to talk you into coming back to his dimension. (pav is watching from a distance with a bag of popcorn, squealing over how many of his friends are having romance novel moments)
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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check back later !
taglist: @mypimpademia @cosmiles @megurulvr @dreampurpledreams
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threwedaway · 5 months
Someone said some victim blamer shit in my reblogs and that's an automatic no, but I needed to share... Because what the hell, man?
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I got this reblog and I'm trying to keep my composure. This is probably going to be a rambling mess. I was just trying to make a fun little post about HuskerDust, but here we go!
I crossed out the name, because I don't know how old this person is and I don't know what their experiences are.
This will kind of go back and forth between Angel's situation and general information/experience. I think from what I've seen it won't resonate with everyone, but it is definitely within the realm of possibility and makes sense given his circumstances.
I also use the terms victim and survivor interchangeably as a fair warning.
I know there's been a lot of talk around victim blaming and this is blatant.
I'm aware this is a fictional character. I have, however, worked at multiple non-profits that focus on helping survivors of abuse and SA as well as being a victim myself. So, I am pissed beyond belief.
No one lets themselves be abused. Even in situations where someone resigns themselves to abuse, it is for their survival and safety. It is under duress and it is not someone letting themselves be abused. This person says Angel is doing an awful job saving himself, but in all reality he is attempting to keep himself as safe as he can in the environment he's in.
Husk isn't doing everything right and a relationship with the foundation of it being we both suck and we're both stuck in shitty situations isn't going to be stable, but as I said in my original post, he's telling Angel he's not alone. He's not doing that perfectly, but he's saying even if we can't fix everything I'll be here. He says we're in this together, respects that Angel doesn't want to be saved, and he takes the pressure off. He makes himself a safe place for Angel to vent and makes it clear that he enjoys being around him no matter what.
Trying to force someone can push them towards their abuser and isolate them further or put you and the victim in a lot of danger if you're untrained. Which is what happens in the episode when Charlie comes to the studio. Someone tried to help when he didn't ask for it and it ended badly, which just reaffirms that he cannot accept or ask for help without repercussion.
If you have someone close to you who is in an abusive situation and they don't want to leave for whatever reason, applying too much pressure can be counterproductive. If it is safe to do so (mentally and physically), be there for them. Try and keep the line of communication open so they have a life line if or when they're ready.
Angel is under contract, there has been a pattern of abuse for at least a decade, his self worth is extremely low, there are threats of violence against him and people he cares about and Valentino seemingly provided everything before Charlie and is still providing for his drug habits. That's not even getting into the intricacies of the fact he was trafficked, which makes things more complicated.
Aside from the magic piece of paper, these are real reasons people stay in abusive relationships.
My point is, this is uninformed and victim blaming. The amount of times I've heard from survivors all the reasons they didn't ask for help even though it was awful is too many to count. So many people come out of these situations after years and years and blame themselves for not getting help. It is never the fault of the person being hurt, it is always the fault of the person hurting them.
Angel is trying to save himself and is making steps forward. He's going to the hotel, distancing himself from Valentino and he's also trying to 'break himself' or make himself less appealing to his abuser. While that last one isn't good, he's not doing nothing. He is trying to use the resources he knows to stop the abuse.
Autonomy is very important in situations like this. Of course someone in this situation should ask for help, but if someone isn't ready it's not our place to decide that for them.
This struck a nerve obviously!
No one is a bad victim. We do not judge victims choices to ask for help or not ask for help. We do not imply any survivor of abuse lets it happen somehow.
Keep anything close to victim blaming off my blog. All and all, don't put these words in that order! Ever!
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Hello it's last anon thank you for letting me give a prompt
So I really liked your pairing of LQR/WRH/Lao Nie and after seeing wwx's parents in the last episode of the donghua it got me thinking, How about WRH/WCZ/CSSR? WRH maybe saves them in yiling and they end up hitting it off (WRH might do it in the beginning just spite jfm by stealing his former best friend and crush) and the Wei family settles in nightless city, wwx grows up with the Wen heirs and wen Qing and wen Ning and that affects the events of Canon
(I wouldn't mind smut tbh if you want to include it, they're all hotties lol)
Thank you so much for letting me send a prompt 🙏😭❤️
“I don’t suppose you can help with this,” Wen Ruohan said to Lan Qiren, who had the unmitigated gall to look amused at him, as if he’d brought this disaster down on his own head or something like that. “Aren’t you supposed to be friends with that awful -”
“Cangse Sanren and I are indeed good friends,” Lan Qiren said peaceably and tonelessly, possibly just because he was trying to annoy Wen Ruohan to death. “I am therefore very familiar with the fact that there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop her from proceeding precisely as she wishes.”
That was not what Wen Ruohan wanted to hear.
“You’re her friend,” he said, deciding to focus on the important part. “Take her away.”
“You’re the sect leader of the Nightless City,” Lan Qiren rebutted. “Order her to leave.”
Wen Ruohan couldn’t do that.
Well, he could. By all rights, he ought to have done it a month ago, when Cangse Sanren had first marched into the Fire Palace and said, “Oh, this will work perfectly! I love it, you’re so thoughtful!” and started rearranging the entire place into some sort of workshop for herself, possibly involving grain storage. He’d meant to, but he’d been a bit distracted at the time – Wei Changze had wanted to know what all the machines did, and he’d had an endless number of clever ideas on how some of them could be repurposed for things other than torture, some of which had been really very intriguing.
Anyway, it wasn’t as if Wen Ruohan had time to attend torture sessions any more, not with three loudly yelling children running around all the time. Wei Wuxian might be the youngest of the lot, with both Wen Xu and Wen Chao as his elders, but he’d managed in a very short amount of time to make himself the undoubted leader of the pack and spoiled beloved youngest all at the same time. There had even been avid discussions about how they would need to bring other children over to visit in order to better socialize the children. He’d already summoned some cousins over, Wen Qing and Wen Ning, which meant that soon there would be even more children…
It was a headache, really.
Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren were driving him up the wall.
They were also regular visitors in his bed, something that would very likely rapidly stop being the case if he actually kicked them out of the Nightless City.
“This one’s on you, Hanhan,” Lao Nie put in, grinning wildly at him. Now there was one that was completely unmoved by the news of Wen Ruohan’s new relationship – everyone else had reacted, whether by Jiang Fengmian’s profound embarrassment, raging jealousy, and quiet fury, Jin Guangshan very obviously trying to calculate some way of using this to his advantage, and Lan Qiren immediately going over to question his friends’ sanity – and that was pretty annoying in its own way. After all, Wen Ruohan had really only invited the two rogue cultivators into his bed in the first place as a matter of spite, a way of excising his rage when he’d heard the rumors about Lao Nie potentially taking on a third wife.
He hadn’t expected them to stay.
He hadn’t expected to want them to stay.
Which he didn’t! They were a mess, each one worse than the next – Cangse Sanren was barely human most days, like some sort of feral demonic beast that had accidentally achieved human form and continuously forgot (thanks to her prodigiously bad memory) that she was supposed to be pretending to be normal, and Wei Changze was remarkably similar to Lao Nie in the sense that he’d never taken anything seriously in his life, except for the fact that his humor was lighthearted and unleavened by the hints of trauma and tragedy that lurked behind Lao Nie’s unbridled hedonism. There wasn’t anything that he wouldn’t let slide off his shoulders, forgetting a beating as soon as it was over…Wei Changze might be a lot less vicious than Lao Nie was, but he was reckless to the extreme, in a way that made absolutely no sense. Wasn’t he supposed to be a servant? What was he doing rushing out into the field with a sword and smile and absolutely no advance planning whatsoever? Even Lao Nie wouldn’t do that!
Anyway, they were a handful.
They were maddening.
They were the most interesting thing that had happened to Wen Ruohan in years.
“Your input is not required,” Wen Ruohan informed Lao Nie, who shrugged expansively. “Unless you have something constructive to add.”
“No, no, nothing constructive, you know me, I’m not built for that…but I’m glad that you’re happy.”
Wen Ruohan stopped where he was.
“I’m not right for you,” Lao Nie said, and even though he was still smiling, same as always, there was something sharp in his eyes – the same sharpness that had caught Wen Ruohan’s interest in the first place, like a beautiful dagger that you longed to touch even though you knew its biting edge might cut. “You know, I know, even Qiren knows it…you’re happy now, and that’s good. That’s all I wanted to say.”
Wen Ruohan wanted to say something.
Preferably something cutting, something about how it was too late for Lao Nie to regret – except he didn’t think Lao Nie did regret, because Lao Nie did not live a life of regret. Lao Nie had enjoyed their time together, had been as sincere and true as he was made to be and no further. But, and maybe it was because he’d never expected to keep Wen Ruohan for very long in the first place, he’d felt little sorrow at it ending, instead feeling nothing but joy on Wen Ruohan’s behalf at seeing him happy, even if it was with another.
Wen Ruohan didn’t understand that. He’d always loved too fiercely, too well; he’d always yearned to keep that which he cared for close to him, nearby, somewhere he could protect them and keep them.
Even Lao Nie…Wen Ruohan had been enticed by Lao Nie’s ruthlessness, his bloodthirstiness, his Nie sect temper tempered with a nasty sort of cunning that had made him remarkably successful at expanding his sect’s reach in the north, and he’d been flattered at how persistent the other man was in pursuing him. It was only later, when he’d gotten used to having him around, that he had started to feel jealous…
“They’ll be good for you,” Lao Nie said. His eye twinkled. “You could use a bit of chaos in your life.”
Wen Ruohan shook his head. “I’m trying to get rid of them,” he protested, but even he didn’t believe what he was saying. “They’re a menace. Especially Cangse Sanren – do you know that she’s literally doomed? I swear, I spend all my trying keeping her from getting herself killed…”
“Don’t you enjoy defying the heavens?” Lan Qiren asked, rolling his eyes as if Wen Ruohan were missing something obvious. “I would have thought that someone carting around a heaven-sent calamity would be a perk for someone like you.”
…it rather was, wasn’t it?
“Whatever. Fine. Leave it, I’ll figure it out myself,” Wen Ruohan grumbled, then turned his narrowed eyes on the two of them. “Now for something you can help with: My children need more socialization or else they’ll genuinely think Wei Wuxian is a good example of other children. Sect Leader Lan – you’re a teacher, aren’t you…?”
“Well, yes. But –”
“What a wonderful idea!” Lao Nie clapped his hands together. “I can send my two boys to Qiren to teach, too! And we can definitely bully Fengmian and Guangshan into sending theirs. It’ll be…oh, I don’t know. A regular summer excursion!”
“In my sect?” Lan Qiren asked, arching his eyebrows. “Why me?”
“Because you’re a teacher, of course. Anyway, are you saying you don’t want Cangse Sanren to crash at your place for a few months..?”
“She’s not going anywhere,” Wen Ruohan said at once. When both of them smirked at him, he scowled. “Even if I wanted her too, she’s not. It was a statement of fact, nothing more.”
“Then perhaps we should all come visit the Nightless City instead,” Lao Nie said. “It could be like a miniature discussion conference, except limited to the Great Sects – we could go night-hunting and such while Qiren teaches the children.”
Was Lao Nie proposing an orgy? He’d better not be proposing an orgy, not if he genuinely intended to invite Jiang Fengmian and his wife or Jin Guangshan and his to attend…
“Of course, if it’s focused on the children, maybe the adults aren’t entirely necessary to invite – well, except for you, as the host, Qiren as the teacher, and me as the person who came up with the idea…”
Lao Nie was definitely proposing an orgy.
“…I’ll see what Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze have to say about it,” Wen Ruohan allowed. But only because he thought that it was something they would very much like, and he’d been completely out of ideas on what he could get a couple as notoriously disinterested in material goods as a courting gift – he hated not being capable, that’s all it was. There was no other reason than that! “We’ll see.”
“Did I agree to this?” Lan Qiren asked, frowning. “When did I agree to this –”
“You can’t say no,” Wen Ruohan said. “I’ll set Cangse Sanren on you if you do.”
“…I see that I’ve agreed to this.”
Lao Nie laughed, Lan Qiren sighed, and Wen Ruohan…
Wen Ruohan resigned himself to keeping Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze around a little longer.
Just a little.
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eezeybreezy · 6 months
The Favor
Word Count: 2.4k
Rating: Mature
Content: Blood, cursing, I can't think of anything else
Jason Todd didn't normally need help, and he certainly didn't want any, but he no way was he making it to the batcave without passing out. The closest safe house was miles away, leaving the closest place being a surprising friend he’d made after resurrection. He dragged himself onto the ledge of the window and knocked three times, alerting you it was him.
"Answer the damn.." He mumbled, knowing you'd be up even if it was 3am on a Wednesday… hopefully.
She was in the kitchen making tea when he arrived, coming back to her bedroom just in time to see the vigilante knocking on the window. She wasn’t mad or worried, he was the Red Hood after all, he could handle himself.
It wasn’t until he flinched stepping inside and clutching his side that a sense of urgency finally reached her, “Fuck Jay, what happened?”
He gave a sarcastic reply, although it was only obvious if you knew his tone and expression. "Nothing much, just a scratch." It was clearly more than nothing. The gash was small but deep, and he winced every time he shifted his body even slightly.. "Just fix me up so I can go find the bastard who did me in, will ya?"
The hand on his side is crimson, blood dripping onto the hardwood floor as he began to pale, he was slurring ever so slightly. “Jesus Todd, can you get to the bathroom while I get the kit?” She asks, already stepping out to grab supplies from the hall closet.
He stumbled and swayed a bit before leaning on the wall, leaving a smear of blood on it. "Yeah.. sorry.." He groaned, letting his body crumble down until he was sitting on her bathroom tile. "Hurry up, it hurts like a bastard." He hissed through his gritted teeth.
He’d propped himself on the bathtub by the time she came back,”Are you ok with me going ahead?” She asks quickly, pulling the edge of his shirt up to check the damage, “We need to take your jacket off, I can cut the shirt if you’d like to leave the helmet on, otherwise that has to go too.”
"Do what you have to, just help me-'' He hissed, gritting his teeth and shutting his eyes. She could tell, despite his demeanor, there was an ungodly amount of pain under the surface.
He was bleeding pretty profusely, a lot more than when he had come before to get himself patched up. This was.. not good.
“Fuck Jason..” she whispers, scared for him and of him at the same time. This was simply another Tuesday in his world. She settled upon one of the many towels she brought in, and applied heavy pressure to the wound, despite his writhing and hiss of pain. He moves to take the helmet off, needing as much air as possible when he rips it off. The blood on his helmet was normal, but his own blood is not a sight either of them want to see again.
As she presses down, he winces in pain but forces himself to stay still, as much as it might be killing him. He had learned to grit his teeth through this kind of pain over the years..
He took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, but it wasn't working. After a few harsh breaths, the color began to run out of his cheeks.
"Please. Hurry." He said through his teeth. As she presses the gauze against Jason’s side, his wince echoed in the cramped room. "Hold on, Jay. Just a bit more pressure," she urged, her voice steady despite the worry etched on her face.
The room was dimly lit, casting elongated shadows across the makeshift clinic they had fashioned. She worked methodically, trying to stem the crimson flow while stealing quick glances at her friend's pale face. "I'm sorry," he gritted through clenched teeth, beads of sweat gathering on his forehead. "I shouldn't have put this on you."
The woman shook her head, her focus unwavering. "Shh, save your energy," she replied, her tone gentle yet firm. "We'll talk about that later. Right now, I need you to breathe with me, okay?"
Their breaths synchronized in the small space, the rhythm calming the tension that hung thick in the air. With precise movements, she cleaned the wound, her hands swift and practiced. She reaches for the medical supplies, her movements deliberate as she begins stitching the torn flesh together.
Jason winced again, a stifled groan escaping his lips, and she pauses, her eyes meeting his. "Hang in there. Almost done," she reassured him, her voice laced with determination.
Minutes felt like an eternity as she meticulously closed the wound, her brow furrowed in concentration. The bleeding finally slowed to a trickle. She wrapped a bandage snugly around his torso, securing the stitches in place. Exhaling a sigh of relief, she leaned back, her hands stained with Jason’s blood. "There," she said, a hint of exhaustion in her voice. "You're patched up, but you need to rest."
He didn't have the energy to speak, so he stayed silent, his breathing labored and shaky. He watched her movements closely, her calm demeanor and soft hands putting him somewhat at ease.
When she finished up he took a minute to breathe, his body trembling and his vision swimming. Her hands were stained with his blood, and he couldn't help but feel a slight tinge of guilt.
"Sorry for.." He said as he trailed off, his voice wavering. He didn't want to be a burden to her. She quickly got up to scrub the blood from her hands, not realizing she began to cry in the process, tears mixing with the red water as it spiraled down the drain. Jason was so focused on breathing after his wound was treated, that he didn't realize she had started crying. His eyes wandered over to the faucet, where he saw the blood tinted water.
He finally looked up and noticed her reddened eyes and wet cheeks. His tone was softer than normal when he spoke. "Hey.. are.. are you alright?"
The woman sniffles as she wipes her tears, picking up another towel and wetting it in the sink. She avoids eye contact as she sinks back down to him, wiping the blood first from his neck and sides, then his hands. She tosses the soaked fabrics in the tub and moves to help Jason,” We’re going to get you up, but slowly, I don’t want to redo those stitches..”
Jason looked away when his face was wiped by her hands, not wanting to meet her eyes as she cleaned the blood off of him. He was so used to being bloody and injured, that he didn't know how to feel when anyone else cleaned him up. Especially without some sarcastic comment.
When he was cleaned enough to be picked up, he nodded in agreement. "Alright.. but slowly is right.. I feel like I'm about to pass out.."
“Exactly, and I can’t lift your big ass if you’re dead weight on my floor now can I?” She says with a hint of teasing,” You can lean on me or the wall.”
He chuckled softly, giving a small smile before slowly standing back up, leaning on her so he wouldn't be an obstacle. He took a few breaths as she helped him, still a little shaky on his feet. She was smaller than he was but surprisingly strong, and she had her arm around his waist for support. "Thanks again for all that, I.. shouldn't have crashed here again.."
“Oh hush, it’s better than you bleeding out on the streets.” She rebuttals. He scoffs and grunts slightly, looking away and shaking his head. "It's… Embarrassing. You see me at my lowest and weakest, while I have to put on this big tough guy act for Gotham."
They’d finally reached the couch, so she gently helps him down as another beat of silence passes between the two,”I mean, I still think you’re a tough guy,” she looks up at him with a gaze that made his heart skip a beat, “But you’re human Jay, don’t be embarrassed, especially not in front of me”
He smiled at her words like a fool, and he couldn't help it. They helped him more than she knew. He was used to being the one who patched people like her up, not the other way around.
"Hey, don't.. tell anyone I said that, okay? I don't want my reputation as the tough guy of Gotham questioned." He laughed, and it seemed genuine. "I mean, I still need to keep my mystique. Can't have Gotham's criminals knowing I'm a softy."
"Yeah.." she trails off as a soft black curl falls onto his forehead, and she can’t help but brush it from his face, absentmindedly observing his face, gods he was handsome she thought to herself. She caught herself staring however, and quickly snapped her hand back.
Jason caught the gesture, her hand slipping past his skin and into his hair. He wasn't sure as to what to make of it. Part of him thought she was just being a caring friend, but the other part of him wanted to believe there was more behind her actions. She had gone out of her way for him after all, she was so kind and compassionate. He looked down at his lap, letting out a sigh as his shoulders slumped. "I'm just glad you got me in here in time to fix me up."
“Of course Red,” she said earnestly, but wanted to say more. Instead, a sad sigh left her looking down, but she wears a sad smile as she looks back up at him, “That’s what friends are for.”
Her words made him feel uneasy, his ears pricked at the sound of his nickname and the fact they were still on the topic of friends. When she looked back up with a soft smile, the awkwardness only increased.
"Right.. right…" he mumbled and took a deep breath. "I should get going. Let you get some sleep. It's late.."
“She stands quickly, blocking his path, “No no no, you’re staying here until you’ve stabilized. You could hardly walk, please don’t fight me on this.” She says with a scowl, knowing how stubborn the man was.
He stayed still when she stepped in front of him, his expression souring slightly at her scowl. Though she wasn't wrong, he was still a bit shaky on his feet, and the wound was still quite painful. The adrenaline from the incident may have worn off, he was starting to feel the effects of the injury.
"Fine, but I'm sleeping on the couch or something. I don't want to get blood on your bed."
“Because blood on my couch is so much better,” she says rolling her eyes, “That’s fine, would you like any painkillers? When was the last time you ate?” She says, looking at the microwave clock, 4:37 am.
Jason had considered asking for a painkiller before she even made the offer. He just nodded his head softly and smiled.
"Yes please. And I ate breakfast around.. like. Noon." He was starting to feel the exhaustion that came with injuries like these. His eyes were starting to feel heavy.
“That’s too long, do all you vigilantes take shit care of yourselves? I’ll make you some eggs, easy to keep down while you take something.” She moves to the kitchen quickly frying some eggs before searching for something suitable in her medicine cabinet. "Yes, yes.. we all have poor dietary habits and bad sleep schedules. We all wear dark colors, wear masks to hide our identity and brood all the time." He continued to list her prior complaints with a hint of sarcasm. The joke was a bit ironic considering he was sitting here, injured, hungry, and tired. He smiled when she mentioned the food. "Eggs sound nice, thanks."
He closed his eyes for the time being, opening them once she set down a plate with some painkillers and a glass of water, “I’m going to go freshen up, I hadn’t started when you stopped by.”
Jason chuckled and nodded his head, looking up at the medicine and the food before swallowing the painkillers. The wound was still throbbing and hurting but it felt better, more just like a dull ache. "Alright." He replied, nodding in approval. "Take your time."
“You can rest Jay, here,” she lifts up one of the cushions to reveal a trove of blankets and pillows, she pulls a couple of each out and sets up a station for him, “I won’t be too long, but don’t wait up on me, I need you to rest.”
Jason's eyes widened when he saw the mound of pillows she made him.
"Wow, I should start getting injured more often." He joked with a laugh. "Thanks again, I appreciate all you've done tonight. Hopefully next time my injuries aren't so bad and I can patch myself up." He added as he got himself comfortable.
“Well then we couldn’t hang out now could we?” She says with a smile before disappearing back into her bathroom.
He chuckled at what she'd said, the idea of having a more pleasant time the next time he's wounded was a funny one. Jason closed his eyes once more, letting out a sigh as he felt his body beginning to relax and loosen. The painkillers she gave him were starting to take effect.
She knew him well. She could probably tell what he needed better than he could. She wasn't exactly wrong though. He hadn't talked to her this much in a long time, and he didn't realize how much he missed this.
The sound of the shower became white noise to Jason as he’s lulled to sleep not long after. The woman takes a scolding shower, scrubbing the blood of her crush, the man she’s been pining for the last 2 years, off her. The bloods been long gone, but she can’t unsee the red, unfeel her terror at losing the person sleeping soundly on her couch. After a while she exits, seeing Jason’s sleeping form on the couch as he snorted softly.
His breathing was slow and steady, his muscles relaxed, and the only sound that broke the silence was Jason's snoring. It was a peaceful sight, one that she hadn't seen in a very long time. She paused once more by his side, looking down at his closed eyes, his eyelashes making a shadow over his eyes. The peaceful scene made her heart skip a beat, and she was almost tempted to lay down next to him and sleep as well. Instead, she picks up the dishes on the table before heading to bed, knowing that by the morning, the Red Hood would be gone.
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beautyyandthebeatt · 9 months
omg i really love your works!!! can u write smth about maybbee stepsis haseul whos just figuring out shes into girls and u help her out 🤔🤔🤔🤔 need her so bad….
also non g!p if possible :ppp take ur time^_^
so so sorry this took so long! I've been very busy
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!!: Stepcest, scissoring, masturbation, maybe dom!reader ?
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It had been a few months since you had met Haseul, both of your parents introducing you two at your mother’s home. She stood by her fathers side, slight and lovely, a wonderfully pleasant smile adorning her face when greeting you and welcoming you into her family. You liked her, very much, as did she. Though, perhaps she may have liked you a bit too much.
She often found herself admiring you. Her eyes dancing along your pretty facial features, down your nape to your body, tracing along the dips and curves of your frame. She never took issue with it, of course, she’s just admiring her gorgeous step sister, how could she not ? There’s nothing strange about that, it’s not as if she likes you. It’s not as if she likes women… right ? oh.
Oftentimes, late at night when she was certain that everyone had retired to bed she would touch herself to the stills of the mental images she had saved from her moments of admiring you. Covering her mouth to suppress her soft moans, her poor mind wracked with guilt and arousal. She made an attempt to stop, at least that’s what she tells herself, but her visions of you would always win her over, her hand dipping between her thighs once again. Her fingers desperately circling over her clit, slick coating her middle and ring fingers as she chases and inevitably loses her orgasm. it had been like this since she had started, the rise and lack of fall, she knew that only you could finally give her what she so desperately wants.
One night you decide to stay up later than usual to finish an extra chapter of the book you had been reading. Settling into your bed, room silent, dimly lit by a lone lamp you pick up where you left off before being startled out of your focus by a noise coming from your step sister’s room. A whine echoes into the hallway and seeps into your quiet room, a pang of worry flashes across your mind. Was she hurt ? What happened to her ? 
Without hesitation you abandon your room and beeline straight to her door, entering without warning. And there she was, your dear step sister, laying there face down on her bed, fingers deep in her wet cunt. Her eyes snap open and she scrambles to compose herself. You can't tear your eyes away from her despite knowing that you should, she was too beautiful. The way her usually impeccably styled hair had become loose and messy, spilled beautifully across her sheets. The way her skin glistened with a thin coat of sweat. Oh, and how perfect she looked coming undone, a rose flush glowing across her cheeks, eyelids heavy and fingers buried within herself.
You return to reality “I’m- I’m sorry… I should’ve knocked” is all you can think of to say, hastily turning to leave “wait… y/n, please, don’t go.” she whines, poor girl was in such a haze she couldn’t stop herself from trying to get what she had been aching for. “Haseul..” “I feel so strange, I- I can’t stop thinking about…girls” she pauses “I can’t stop thinking about you.” And that’s all that it took for you to crash your lips against hers, so fervourish, you felt like collapsing into her. The hand that had once been between her thighs pulls you in by the waist as close as she can hold you, the other wrapped around your upper back, embracing you as if you were about to slip through her fingers. Parting your lips from hers you pepper kisses along her neck “Oh, you poor thing. You need my help, don’t you ?” you look up from her neck to meet her gaze, she nods weakly, her eyes heavy and her face flushed. 
With the confirmation you slide your panties down, putting them aside then trailing your hands down her thighs, they shake slightly as you do. Once your hands meet her inner thighs you part them, revealing her glistening cunt to you “So pretty, Seulie.” you’re met with a whine in response. Settling between her legs you press a soft kiss on the side of her face before hiking one of her legs over yours, slotting the both of you together. You moan, soft and airy, at the sudden contact, feeling her wetness coat your already dampening core as you press against her harder. You hear a broken whine escape her lips as you drag your now soaked cunt against hers, her clit catching perfectly against your own. “y/n..” she says, drearily your gaze meets hers, she leans over and catches your wrist, taking it up to her plush lips and sliding one of your fingers into her mouth, moaning around it. She looks so pretty like that, you think, falling apart for you.
The way that your step sister’s cunt rocked against yours was heavenly, her hips stutter often from the new sensation, making her bump against your clit deliciously. You moan, loud, it’s music to her ears, to think that she's making you feel this way, it makes her grind against you quicker, so in love with the knowledge that she’ll finally be able to achieve the orgasm she had been chasing for so long with her step sister. You feel your release creeping up on you, that telltale knot forming in your core, the feeling of Haseul’s quickening thrusts becoming more and more overwhelming. It made you match her pace, hips hungrily bucking into her soaked core, both of your slick coating eachother’s thighs and threatening to paint her cotton bedsheets. “Please, so close-” she attempts to say instead tumbling into a whiney moan and gripping at your back, drawing hot red lines down it. Then you felt it, your orgasm bursting from your core and fluttering across your body, like a warm glow. You knew that she had came too from how her still bucking hips fucked both of your cum across eachother lower halfs.With trembling thighs still tangled together you pull her into an embrace.
You had not thought that this is how your night was to end, wrapped up in your step sister’s arms in her (very used) bed, though, you didn't mind, not at all. “I love you” she says “I love you too.”
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
Can I request number 6 with Azul ashengrotto? :3
Hi!!! I meant to post this earlier but my summer class started and I've been busy 😭. Fun fact: past fics with "I Won't Say I'm in Love" had people telling the TWST boy or Yuu that they are in love. Who did I use for Azul? It would have been the Tweels but it is actually Azul himself! 😂 I hope that you enjoy, anon!
Notes: Yuu is bold, mentions events in Book 3, 4, and 6, and Azul having an internal crisis
Word Count: 1011
Warnings: possible ooc characters (I feel like Azul is) and not beta read.
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Azul did not like the Ramshackle Prefect. Not in a romantic sense. Why would he? It's not like she stayed in his head rent-free for the past few days. No, he was thinking about how to get her to work for him for free.  
He was not jealous that, according to ADeuce, the Prefect was spending time with Prince Rielle from RSA. How did they meet? Azul will never know, but one thing has been bothering him. SHE decided to have their date in town rather than in his perfectly established restaurant that was only a short walk away!
Azul set his pen down after signing the last contract of the day and stared at the ceiling. He recalled the first time he saw the Prefect during the entrance ceremony and how her cat monster set the room on fire. He did not care much about her then since his focus was on this year's profits. 
His indifference changed when he wanted her dorm as a branch of his restaurant. Did he leave her homeless? Yes, but within good reason. He no longer wanted that embarrassing photo of himself hanging around the Atlantica Memorial Museum. How did she get so popular to get close to Leona, of all people? If only she and her band of Savanaclaw members did not get in his way. Azul's hand clenched into a fist at the thought of the pesky lion disintegrating his hard work. This was the only time he truly disliked the Prefect.
Of course, that backfired back on her when she got trapped in Scarabia by Jamil. Azul could not hide his smug look when she pleaded with him for help. He, being benevolent, acted like her knight in shining armor to save her (read: it was Jade and Floyd that did all the work) as the damsel in distress. 
Azul hummed in thought when he realized something. The Prefect was less of a damsel and more like a knight after she broke into the Isle of Woe to save him and the rest of the overblot guys. 
It was only after the whole fiasco that Azul slightly liked the Prefect.
Did he get any romantic feelings during the process? No, he did not.
Why should he, anyway?
She was nothing more than a magicless human. A reckless one, in fact. 
If anything, she should be the one to develop feelings for him. 
Azul knew multiple ways to charm the girl. He would start by treating her to deals in Mostro Lounge. Then, he would do different favors for her, like give her a study guide or serenade her with his lovely voice. Finally, he would be the one to save her from different incidents (orchestrated by the Leech twins); she would fall in his arms and for his charms. 
She would fall for him so much that she would be at his door on her knees, begging to be his girlfriend. And Azul, being oh so benevolent, will agree.
Azul smirked. There was no way she could not resist him. 
"You're amazing as it is, even without stealing anyone else's powers," Yuu's voice called out in Azul's mind. 
Ba dump
"What the?" Azul clenched his chest. He could feel his heartbeat increase under his fingers. Why were the Prefect's words coming back to him?
"Your incredible diligence is so rare, it left the headmage at a loss," her voice continued to sing to him.
Ba dump
It has been months since their interaction at the museum, where Yuu had uttered those words to him, leaving him at a loss. Azul was touched by them, but he had put it back in his mind after the trip. Now they suddenly emerge and haunt him while he thinks about the Prefect.
The Prefect. 
Azul suddenly sat up and ran his hands through his wavy hair. Why did he care about the Prefect being on a date? Why was he setting up a scheme to have her begging to be with him? Why are her words echoing in his mind like a mermaid's song?
Azul's eyes widen in realization. A long time ago, when he was still a crybaby octopus, his mom told him a story about how a mermaid princess sang to a prince after she saved him. The princess had to leave before the prince gained consciousness, and he made it his mission to find her. The princess's voice was so beautiful that the prince would play his flute at night using the same tune in hopes of finding her because he loved her. 
He was like the prince in the story. 
He loved Yuu. 
Azul took deep breaths to calm his wild heartbeat and wiped his sweaty palm on a handkerchief. He might have realized it now, but he won't say it out loud. No, he would continue his plan once Yuu returned from her date. The male leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh. He had to remain with his suave nature around her. 
The room was quiet as Azul was deep in his thoughts.
Azul immediately stood up, "What the?" his eyes landed on the door wide open. Yuu stood in the doorway with the Leech twins smirking evilly from behind. Only a few seconds passed, and Yuu was now standing before Azul. She grabbed his hand and proceeded to drag him out of his office-
Wait a minute.
"What are you doing?" Azul sputtered out, his face now red.
"We are going on a date! You and me."
"But I thought you were supposed to be with Rielle?"
Yuu shook her head, "He was just showing me around, and we're only friends. Besides, I'm only interested in octopi anyway."
Azul's mouth opened in shock, "How did you? When did you?"
"The twins told me. Now hurry up before the shops in town close!" She dragged the poor housewarden through the doors and out of Mostro Lounge. 
Meanwhile, the Leech twins could not hide their laughter. 
"Have fun, you two."
"Don't hurt Shrimpy now!"
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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