#or if her powers wouldn't let her break the sound barrier
catierambles · 10 months
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"[...]It wouldn't have mattered if she hadn't been infected and found Sy for help, or if we had come across her and Lewis camping. We would have gotten her away from him as soon as humanly fucking possible because he's a goddamn Feral and I would have tasted dirt from my jaw being on the goddamn ground."
-Mike, Feral Instincts Ch.19
She checked her phone for the umpteenth time as she sat around the makeshift fire pit in the early morning hours, but cell service was spotty at best this far up in the mountains. Too many barriers between cell towers, or however that worked. Stephanie had to admit though, it was peaceful here, with nothing but the sounds of nature around her. No cars, no people, just quiet. Her and her boyfriend Jordan had been going through somewhat of a rough patch the last few months that had culminated in her attempting to break up with him, but he had convinced her to give him another chance. He would be different, he promised, he would control himself better, control his anger. He had been the last six months or so, he hadn't hit her once and she was starting to hope maybe, just maybe, that her threatening to leave him snapped him back to reality.
"Howdy." She heard and looked up, seeing the three men that had walked into the campsite as quiet as ghosts.
"Oh, hey." She said, standing from the folding chair and tucking her phone in the back pocket of her jeans, looking them over quickly. They were handsome, in varying ways.
One had closely cropped dark hair, a beard covering his jaw, the olive green tshirt he was wearing stretching over a powerful chest. The other was striking in his appearance, snow white hair half tied back away from his face, falling to his shoulders in gentle waves, piercing amber eyes regarding her evenly. The third was the youngest looking, with clear pale skin and thick black hair. The hoodie he was wearing unzipped to his waist was a bit big, but the white tshirt he wore underneath outlined a powerful chest, the hoodie sleeves pushed up strong forearms.
"You campin' on your lonesome?" The one with the buzzcut asked, his voice carrying a slight Southern twang.
"Uh, no." Stephanie said, "My boyfriend is getting some stuff from the car that didn't make the first trip."
"Leavin' you by yourself?" Buzzcut asked.
"He'll be back in a few."
"Sy." The one with white hair said simply, his voice deep and rough.
"Shit, sorry." He said, "I'm Markus Syverson, call me Sy, everyone does. This is Geralt Rivian," He gestured to the one who had spoken and he moved his head at her slightly. "And my baby brother, Mike."
"Hey." Mike said, waving at her briefly with a couple of fingers.
"You guys camping nearby?" She asked.
"Actually," Sy said, "This is my territory."
"Territory?" She asked and realization hit, "Oh! You're wolves! Sorry!"
"No harm done, doll." Sy said with a chuckle.
"Well, I'm um...not a wolf." Stephanie said.
"We know." Geralt said simply.
"My boyfriend is, though, but I don't think he knew that this was anyone's territory." She said, "I'll be sure to let him know when he gets back, we'll pack up and get out of your..." She cast a quick look to his scalp, "Space." Mike snorted at that, giving her an amused look and she winked at him, making his smile widen slightly. It was a nice smile, she had to admit.
"Your guy have a pack?" Sy asked but she shook her head.
"I mean, not one that I've ever met." She said, ''He kinda avoids other wolves, actually."
"Why?" Geralt asked and she shrugged.
"Have to ask him." She said and she watched Geralt walk further into the campsite, looking around, keeping it in mind that he was now behind her and in her blind spot as she kept looking at the others. He was big, and a wolf, but she already sussed out his center of gravity as he walked.
"You a local?" Sy asked.
"Town over." She said and he nodded with a sound.
"Baby, why did we bring so much damn stuff?" She heard and turned, a slight wave of relief washing over her as Jordan came up the slightly overgrown path, a duffelbag over each shoulder.
"Because you like to be overly prepared." She said, teasing slightly, but her friendly expression faltered as his jaw clenched, making her look away.
"Who's this?" He asked, setting the bags down.
"This is Sy, Mike, and...Geralt?" He nodded, "We're in Sy's territory, apparently."
"Oh, shit, I'm sorry." Jordan said, "You're uh...you're Alphas."
"Yes." Geralt said, moving around him, his eyes starting to harden. "Knife in his belt."
"Never know what could be out here." Jordan said evenly, his shoulder's tightening. "Bears, mountain lions...."
"Ferals." Geralt growled.
"Doll, come here." Sy said and she looked at him, "Get away from'im. Right now. Come here."
"What's--what's going on?" Stephanie asked, the tension starting to build in the campsite.
"Your boyfriend is Feral, sweetcheeks. Come here." Mike said, "You're not safe with him."
"She's mine. She belongs to me." Jordan said, his voice taking on a frightening growl. He suddenly swung at her, his nails wicked claws and she leapt back. Geralt grabbed the back of his jacket, throwing him to the ground.
"Get her out of here!" He ordered and Sy grabbed her hand, pulling her away and she looked back as Jordan pulled the knife from his belt, getting to his feet as Geralt squared off before letting herself get pulled away.
They didn't stop moving quickly until they reached a cabin, Sy pulling her inside with Mike coming up the back. Another man hopped up from the couch, looking at them as they entered. He was also powerfully built, with a halo of dark curls and a thick dark beard.
"Sy? What's going on?" He asked, his voice carrying a British accent.
"Feral." Sy said and turned to her, releasing her hand only to hold her arms gently. "You okay, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, I'm--I'm fine." She said, seeing the fourth man come from the back, sipping at a mug. He was regarding her with slight suspicion as he lowered the mug, pulling traces of coffee of the mustache covering his upper lip, his jaw covered in the beginnings of a beard. "Jordan, he...he swung at me."
"Yeah, saw that." Sy said, "Claws were out, he was aiming to kill or infect. Nice reflexes, though."
"Thanks." She said with a shrug, "Your friend, Geralt, is he...is he going to be okay?Jordan had a knife."
"Geralt's a Tracker with the Pack Council." The one who came out of the kitchen said, "He's dealt with Ferals before."
"Can we have your name?" The British one asked.
"Oh yeah, shit, sorry." Sy said, "What's your name, doll?"
"Stephanie," She said, "Stephanie Daniels."
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
MAGICAL GIRL AU!!! I love magical girls! Can we get some story for this AU? Like how they got their magical girl powers, where the monsters they face come from, the shifts in the family dynamics, what's the name of their magical girl/boy team? Normally magical girls keep their identity secret so 'Magical Madrigals' wouldn't really work
So firstly, they get their powers two years before canon. Their relationships are similar to canon, but get mended far earlier on because the more they fight together, the more they have to work together and generally just get along. Little Guardian Pedro kinda made them get along as well. Antonio was around 3 at the time, so he was more of a moral support, and didn’t get a weapon until after Mirabel’s birthday but before his own.
They wear brooches, which activate their powers. Like I said, I LOVE the Precure pacts, but they aren’t very inconspicuous, and personally I think brooches would be easy to cover up for if anyone ever asked. “It was a gift!” “Oh, I don’t take it off cause I like it so much!” Etc etc. as for a name, I’m not sure 💀 tbh I only used magical Madrigals cause I needed a placeholder name for the AU 😭
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Attacks are subject to change but their powers and weapons stay the same. Close to their gift or not. Isabela had a staff and can create plants, duh; she has more creative ability. She doesn’t have to really use regular plants, they can be completely made up as well.
Dolores has a boomerang that, depending on the force she puts behind it and how she throws it, can alter the sound barrier, or in her powered up mode, break it (this doesn’t hurt her, the other team members or innocents).
Luisa is still super strength, but she also has a higher stamina naturally, higher than usual anyway. She can use her scepter to buff the other teammates abilities, but she can only do one at a time,but for an indefinite amount of time.
Camilo has a sword, or rather saber I guess. He trains a lot, so he picks up techniques and what not fast. Idk if you can see it, but the little Diamonds near his head help with his ability, since it doesn’t directly come from his weapon. The ability to disorientate and confuse, to an extent.
Mirabel has spear, and her ability is purification but she can buff, like Luisa (closer to healing I would say). This plays into where the monsters come from, which is still being debating, but let’s say atm that there’s good magic like the candle, but, there is the price of bad magic lurking around in the Encanto, and will target emotionally weak/vulnerable people,or people weak in spirit (mind you, children aren’t exempt from this.)
Antonio is summoning animals. He can’t fully understand them, but understands them enough for them to help in battle. He’s a support I a way, he’s almost never on the front line, too dangerous, but he begs to differ, obviously.
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They all have some form of flight/gliding. Hence the little Angel wings. Now they aren’t cruising around like airplanes, but they got hops and an fly for a bit 🥖 These ain’t to scale. Grain of salt.
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cynthiaandsamus · 10 months
Cynthia vs Diantha
"Heh, I expected you to have more respect for me than to go into this match with a disadvantage..." A small smile crossed Diantha's lips as she and Cynthia stood across from each other on the beach with Garchomp and Gardevoir between them.
"It's not disrespect, Garchomp's my strongest pokemon, and I wouldn't want to go into this with anything less than my best. For this battle I want to do things at my peak even if that makes it more difficult." Cynthia held up the lipstick tube holding her keystone while Diantha prepared her own Mega Charm.
"LET'S GO!" Twin orbs of light engulfed the Champions' ace pokemon sending shockwaves across the beach and rippling the waves as Garchomp and Gardevoir exploded with energy and transformed into their Mega Forms.
"They haven't even started yet and they're already making a mess..." Dawn sighed, shaking her head from the sidelines.
"Yeah, guess it makes sense why this one is on the beach instead of the usual arena, even this far away I bet they're feeling it back at the villa." Touko smirked, crossing her arms and glancing up towards the villa on the hill overlooking the beach.
"Shadow Ball!" Diantha called, a sphere of dark energy forming in front of the Mega Gardevoir and firing at Garchomp.
"Garchomp, Sandstorm!" With a single mighty stomp, Garchomp kicked up enough sand from the beach to create a massive torrent of swirling sand surrounding the arena, simultaneously obscuring its position for an instant to dodge the opposing projectile.
"I see, creating a home field advantage that'll hurt Gardevoir and power up your Garchomp's moves, now I'm the one on the backfoot." Diantha's mind puzzled through her options, knowing prep time inside the buffeting winds of the sandstorm would only whittle down her chances but rushing in against the behemoth would be equally foolish. "Gardevoir, Reflect!" Focusing her power, Gardevoir created a barrier wall around her to reduce Garchomp's ability to damage it, cancelling out its sandstorm boost and then some.
"Just what I thought you'd do." Cynthia grinned, wordlessly instructing Garchomp to close the distance between them, practically surfing on the wall of sand swirling around them and popping out right next to Gardevoir. "Brick Break!" Focusing the power of its claw into a karate chop, it struck Gardevoir in the side, shattering the Reflect's defensive abilities in an instant. It did minimal damage on its own but it was essentially making Diantha's efforts a waste of time which was all the more dangerous as she watched her pokemon take continuous damage from the Sandstorm with each passing moment.
Diantha didn't seem worried at all however, a thin smile crossing her lips again. "And that's just what I thought you'd do... Now you're in range and can't use the sandstorm as cover. Just because Garchomp is a special attacker doesn't mean I can't take advantage of point-blank range."
"Wait, what are you..."
"HYPER VOICE!" Like an acetelene torch firing up, a small focused burst of sound emerged from Gardevoir's mouth only to turn pink and explode into a dome of energy that pierced the veil of the sandstorm as Mega Gardevoir's Pixelate added power and Fairy Type to the otherwise Normal Hyper Voice.
"Garchomp!" Cynthia called out, but it was slightly too late to dodge, Garchomp barely able to turn out of the blast at all, making it not a direct hit but devastating all the same. "So you switched up your moveset since the last time we battled huh?"
"Can't keep coming to you with the same old tricks." Diantha grinned proudly. Once the smoke cleared Garchomp was on one knee, still standing but struggling to get upright. "It can't dodge, Gardevoir, Hyper Voice again!"
"Garchomp, DOWN!" Cynthia commanded in a way that wouldn't be immediately obvious to her opponent but was a clear indication to her partner that had spent hours and hours training with her and learning each others' signals intimately. Once again the Hyper Voice collected around Gardevoir's mouth before changing color and exploding outwards, in an energy blast that not only shook away the sandstorm completely but kept going across the sea line and into the nearby forest across the beach, ripping through several of the trees in its wake.
Expecting to see either her imminent victory or some desperate attempt to turn the tables, Diantha was surprised to see nothing when the smoke and sand cleared again. It took a moment too long for her mind to put the pieces together, partially due to the fact that the hole from where Garchomp had been standing was somewhat camoflauged by sand sinking into it. "Gardevoir, below you!"
"DIIIIG!!" Cynthia shouted as the land shark pokemon emerged right underneath Gardevoir's feet, delivering a powerup uppercut to the fairy-type pokemon along with all the rocks and debris it carried up with it buffeting Diantha's ace.
Expecting that to be the end of it, Diantha planned her next move, with Gardevoir having been hit with that and several turns of the Sandstorm's winds chipping away at her, it seemed both pokemon would be down to the wire soon, but she still had the type advantage. To her horror however, Cynthia wasn't about to give them the chance to regroup.
"Pin it!" The Champion shouted, Garchomp going straight from the connecting blow from Dig to spinning its whole body, rotating from the punch to knock Gardevoir off-balance and pin the Kalos Champion's pokemon under its large foot. "You're not the only one who likes point-blank attacks..."
Having enough of being caught a second behind, Diantha pivoted to an immediate offense, not willing to let the swift combo rob them of their chance to finish this. Even though it was pinned, she instructed her pokemon not to fight the position and simply hit her opponent with everything she had.
The two signature moves went off within seconds of each other, Gardevoir channeling a huge amount of pink energy that was less intense than the Hyper Voice but covered a wider range while Garchomp struck the very earth itself hard enough to cause a massive fissure in the beach, rumbling with the foot directly on top of Gardevoir carrying with it the powerful tremor as if the natural disaster was coursing through every fiber of her being.
The ground split and the heavens erupted, the pink light from the Moonblast glistening in the sky as if there was a full moon in broad daylight and the spider-web of fissures caused by the Earthquake changing the landscape of the beach for quite some time.
The two Champions and their spectators watched with hardly a breath between them as the smoke cleared to see who would emerge victorious. With a mighty roar, Garchomp raised a scythe-like claw out of the scattered sand, panting and barely able to hold its Mega form any longer as the silver light reverted it back to its base physique, Gardevoir lying in the sand behind it thoroughly fainted.
"Heh, guess it missed, it's probably pretty hard to aim when you have an Earthquake going on on top of you..." Cynthia chuckled softly, amused with her victory.
"Good job Gardevoir." Diantha sighed, returning her pokemon. "It was pretty foolish of me to think I could win a quick draw when the enemy was literally on top of us..." The Kalos Champion shook her head but smiled over at Cynthia.
"Guess lunch is on me today."
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isleofdarkness · 11 months
Like C already said, don't worry about it, you're a human being and we all forget stuff from time to time. Now here's, as always, my review of your fantastic work:
These Mim kids never fail to make me blue; the way Mara can't even verbalize she's wounded let alone her needing help and how “Gods, she really was Riah's sister”, how “Mara didn't speak but Maverick didn't need her to” and Mav's “expression worried but eyes soft in a way he'd never seen them”, Mara's small smile and Maverick's “Alright, my Salamander, more hurt or more scared?”. They're so soft and caring but can't show it because this is the Isle and it would get them used against each other and also their need to not depend on anyone but themselves because when they did they got hurt. They make me so ill, I want to bite their brains (affectionate)
Molly is crying and so am I, poor thing deserves the world :(
Now, I don't know who Mirabel or Jane might be but I do remember that Belle's gonna change her name to Tiana in the future, so maybe she's Tiana? Probably not, since Tiana is a cryptonym and then it wouldn't really work, but who knows.
Of course trying to read Maverick's mind would make your brain explode, of fucking course (light-hearted and joking)
“He's trying to keep all of you at arm's length because he's afraid he's unintentionally hurting you. But he isn't capable of it. I swear he isn't.” I don't even know what to say about this one, just- I love him and his capable-of-mass-destruction magick that he won't use. That's my kid, your honor, he wouldn't harm a fly but gods if he can (funny phrase because everyone can hurt a fly but you know what I mean).
I love how oblivious they are, “I'm blind and even I can see it!” Molly's so funny and so so right.
Magickal Evie is all I've been asking for. I love the way you write her.
These are the type of moments where I wish I knew how to draw because Maverick's outfit sounds so fucking cool.
Poor Maverick, she deserves to have a mental breakdown without anyone commenting on it, Ben.
Holy shit, dude. That was an amazing monologue and I mean it. I'm shaking, what the hell. I don't know how Ben didn't start crying right fucking there, because if Maverick fucking Mim said that to me ain't way I'm recovering from that.
You're an amazing writer.
Thank you so, so much
The wounds from Mara's surgery two days ago reopened. They'd been trying to let her heal naturally because healing with magic can cause complications, but clearly they aren't going to have the time. The three of them (technically the four, because Mordred is also part of the group) are so very close, it's so sweet.
Most Isle kids don't show fear, it's been trained out of them because it can only make things worse. The fact that Molly cried in fear after having a gun pointed at cos head, an entirely reasonable reaction from a seven-year-old, says a lot.
Belle isn't Tiana, that would be too easy to figure out. Tiana is a bit younger, around Harry's age, and does work in a restaurant when not busy with gang business. Mirabel is notable as someone without magic surrounded by people who do. And Jane is an unexpected ally from a world they thought they would never see, a world they never really imagined, the world beyond the barrier.
There is so much stress in her brain that trying to read her mind will kill you in an instant/j
Riah's power, in his mind, is a nuke. It stays on the shelf. Though, in that particular instance, Maverick was talking about his charmspeak abilities that the other Isle kids don't know about. Of course, they're all about to find out.
Molly hasn't even interacted with Riah and yet co knows.
Evie deserves magic and I'm glad you like my take on her.
I'm glad you like her Destiny outfit, too.
Ben, baby, please give Maverick literally one (1) break and don't get into an argument with her until she's calmed down.
Maverick really woke up today and chose violence against Ben and I am absolutely thrilled by your response.
Thank you so, so much
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mckiwi · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 10: Stabbed
Characters: Defender Strange, America Chavez
Summary: Defender Strange's final thoughts if he were tricking America (Based on the headcannon by @doctorstrangeaskblog)
Strange stopped America just in time to avoid being captured. Unfortunately for him, that meant the creature retaliated by stabbing him in the leg. He couldn't stop the scream that escaped as the tentacle-like appendage pierced and seared through the muscle. He wanted to look at the damage, but he didn't have time as the creature roared in front of them. He quickly gathered some of the debris around them to create a barrier around the creature and sealed it shut with a grunt.
Even within the barrier, the creature pushed and prodded against his magic. He hissed as he tried to tighten the restraints, but the creature was persistent. "It's too strong! I can't hold it!" As long as he could get to th- nghhhh. Strange's face scrunched in pain and a cry of pain erupted as the stab wound flared up. He huffed sharply, almost sounding like a growl, as he bit back the increasing agony and focused back on the creature.
He continued the harsh breaths to get through the pain until he noticed the creature breaking free. The pained gasps became a gasp of fear. He wasn't strong enough to contain it. They needed to get out of there! He couldn't use his Sling Ring without dropping the shield. Argh! He knew he should've taught America how to use the portals!
Portals… she already can use a portal.
Strange realized what he had to do. They needed to escape, and America was their way out. He just had to scare it out of her. Act like he was taking her power, just enough to make her scared of him. She would probably forever hate him for what he was about to do, but as long as it meant she lived, he didn't care. There was only one way they would make it out of this. He slowly turned to America, "I'm so sorry. This is the only way."
America yelped as he started extracting just the barest portion of her power. Barely enough for her to feel it. "What're you doing?" She gasped.
"I can't let that thing take your power," he answered. 'Otherwise, it'll kill you,' went unsaid. "You can't control it, but I can!" He tried to persuade. Why wasn't she creating the portal? The creature was escaping!
"But we're friends!" She exclaimed. Strange melted at that. She still trusted him, but she wouldn't for long. Over half of the creature had broken free. He wasn't going to make it out of this. "You're killing me!"
He would die, never having been given the chance to apologize. To explain. Anything. Anything to get the fear out of his girl's eyes. She would live thinking he had betrayed her. But at least she would be alive.
His leg wasn't the reason behind the pain in his heart. Strange felt the tears start to pool up in his eyes, "I know." What was that one thing he heard in his dream the other night? He reassured himself, "but in the grand calculus of the multiverse, your sacrifice is worth more than your l-"
He finished his sentence with a scream as the creature impaled him through the chest. A wild tentacle slashed him across the face as it brought him up to eye level to examine him. He saw America below and tried his best to keep the attention on him, earning himself a pierced shoulder. Inevitably, the creature noticed her and flung him to the side. He landed with a thud and groaned as his injuries were disturbed. What made the stab wounds worse was that they were instantly cauterized due to the burning. He wasn't bleeding out to death, he discovered, but rather he was aging rapidly.
He heard a shout beside him and felt himself being dragged across the floor. He lolled his head over just enough to see America tied up with a star-shaped portal behind her. Finally. As his last act, he conjured mandala shields and flung them at her captor. America was dropped into the portal as he was pulled in.
The world was bright for a moment. Sunlight. And there was rough stone beneath his fingers, probably on top of a building then. Despite how bright it was, his vision was starting to darken. The last thing he saw was America leaning over him, fear, worry, but a hint of distrust etched into her young features. He let the darkness take him with the knowledge that he had succeeded. She hated him, feared him even, but she was alive, and that was enough. It had to be.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
Do you have any Marvel headcanons for Grace?
ALWAYS ACCEPTING // random questions and asks and anons
Oh, yeah totally! I keep putting off my write ups I have planned, but yeah.
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🎵 So on an expansion, as well as deviation, from how Grace's powers work and exist in a Marvel setting from her vague canon setting.
ONE Yes, you will be compelled to sing if Grace starts up a song; no, she can not control you or force you to do anything (that you wouldn't inherently want to do)
TWO She can't control you, or make you do anything; there is some light influencing she can do, but not to influence you to do this or that. She can influence/amplify a specific emotion through song, so if she needs you angry than it's an rock ballad with yelling, but she can't give you a reason to be angry; it's just Grace drawing out whatever you anger you already have, and making that at the forefront and most present feeling you are now feeling
THREE Her powers still exist around drawing out truths and feelings, which makes herself a potentially good interrogator for that fact
FOUR However, in additional to those base powers is that she can do a thing like a Song Barrage, which is literally mental assault in specific area range (if she's outside it can be much broader, but requires a lot of exertion or needs an ambilifier) This barrage of sound, is meant to confuse, concuss, and knockout those caught in it. That's the scale of what it can do, base on how Grace amps t up; but it's basically continuously steam of sound (like turning all all the loudest music at once).
FIVE She can do sound / sonic blasts with her voice like Black Canary from DC or I'm forgetting who from Marvel, I'd say like Songbird but Melissa's is visual and it's really not similar, and she does literal sound barriers, and you should check out Melissa Gold/Songbird if you aren't familiar with her character in marvel, her power is neat. BUT YEAH. Grace has like sound force, concussive blasts of sound, both audible and like you can physically feel it (can't see it)
SIX I've decide that IDOLS in translation to Marvel setting, would all be tied to Mystic Arts; and that means that Grace could learn spells and mystics arts, it would require her to some training and teaching to sort of awaken the innate power within her, and her spellcasting would in fact be hinged upon her having to sing/have a musical element to casting the spell.
SEVEN She has healing powers, but they are not of any kind of flesh o mortal wounds. She cannot heal a bullet wound, do heart surgery, touch you a heal a burn, or anything. Her musical ability can heal wounds on the soul, psychic injuries, she can help you reach peace or resolution in your grief, and so on. She can't make you forget, or take it away; but she can heal psychic and wounds on the soul. Presently she ability to sense these wounds needs refining, is rather weak; but over the years, as she becomes more Calliope, her eyes will literally be able to see wounds on the soul in visual representation.
EIGHT So lets go into the song powers, they are psychic/mystic in how you would classify them. When you are singing with Grace, while she isn't actually reading your mind but if you are imaging yourself on a boat, or somewhere else as you sing your feelings, than there will be the illusion (visual and metaphorical and metaphysical) of being on a boat, of doing that action even though you and Grace will both be literally still exactly where you are, in the whatever place the song started. It's pretty neat, if not a little freaky at first. AND THE SAME APPLIES if you catch Grace singing, and if you focus on her singing and drawn towards her, you'll see whatever Grace is projecting; like sometimes you will be taken in a black space of nothingness, with just a spotlight on Grace as she sings; you can easily break out of it, if you stop listening or need to get somewhere, but. . . hey, stay a while, join her and than it'll probably become your song, or the both of yours.
🎵 SO THERE'S KIND OF THE EXPANSION ON HER POWERS, now let's go on with her power.
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🎶 Right now, Grace is still Grace. Her powers are but a fledging at the moment. She's more Grace than Calliope; but as the years go on and she starts to gain Calliope's memories, her abilities will get stronger, grow, change a little too, and maybe new abilities will pop up.
🎵 HERO NAMES. Grace typically does not have one, but if she had to have one. She would simply be Muse, or The Muse. Grace, The Muse. That's at least when she starts out, and enters into the Idol and Superhero world. As the years go by, and she grows stronger in her godhood and memories come to her, than she might start going by Calliope as her 'hero' name.
🎶 If Grace to be on a superhero team, than the team that would b most fitting for Grace would be the Defenders actually. Speaking on hero business, Grace absolutely is not a vigilante, she does not see herself as one.
She just can't help that godhood does come with duties, and she is drawn to The Arts, people of inspiration, people who need help creatively, or need help because of their emotion of their soul. Calliope the Last Muse, and the Muse of Muses, duty in old days would have been inspiration great works of art from people, seeking creative souls (seeds, watering them), making sure they do something grat with their life.
Going back hero business, you can blame her roommate Freddie and their bandmates, Brian and Kaz, for promoting Grace as an "ally and sidekick" for superheroes, and as "badass songtress" and "healer and witch"
🎵 How to find Grace. She is still in the ban Edge of Elysium, with Freddie, Brian, and Kaz. They have a two or three nights a week show, at the club/bar, The Underworld (yes, that one started up by Peresphone). So you can find her there, after the sets unless EoE has gone on tour. Technically, Grace is there most nights. As the Marvel world state, she kind of got left the keys to the place. She and the band, are kind of in charge of The Underworld, and so it definitely has become a idol-and-power-friendly bar, and yes, there is nights where she warns the patron she's going to be using her musical abilities, and casting those mental illusions for the whole crowd, fun night, do get warned when it happens (that's why the bar has noise cancelling headphones). and as responsible for the bar, they hire bartenders, Grace and EoE organize all the other acts/theme nights on the non EoE nights. Also The Underworld bar is in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan in this setting, cause that makes sense.
🎶 Grace only knows anything about Greek Myth and Superheroes because of Freddie (who i will write her and brian and kaz as npcs as needed), and Brian + Kaz know superheroes too. Grace will literally meet like someone like Daredevil, she has no clue who he is; and Freddie will just WE'VE LIVED IN NEW YORK, IN HELL'S KITCHEN, AND YOU DONT' KNOWW DD. and She'll just "oh wait. actually, yeah, no I don't pay attention." Freddie, Brian, and Kaz will literally drag her for days about this.
She'd mesh really well with characters rooted in mysticism and Asgardians; but also work with just about any character. I have a lot of ideas for her TBH in a marvel setting.
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mystech-master · 2 years
Why I Defend Ragna the Bloodedge (Part 2)
Based on recent stuff I have seen I need to make a continuation of Part 1
I have seen a lot of Jin defense posts both here and on Reddit and now I feel the need to expand on my points.
Long Post Below
The real reason I am obsessed with Ragna, is this massive level of "Take it in the ass" that the story is enforcing.
Yes, life is hard and kicks your ass but find the little things that make it worth it. But how does Blazblue present that?
A lot of Ragna's friends and allies give him a lot of shit for very understandable reactions as I brought up before. And I doubt the few that are good to him would be enough to any other person. Tao is nice but she isn't really someone you can talk about your problems to. Ragna interacts with Noel a lot less than you'd think, Celica has a similar role to Noel as a "cute girl who smiles when you do good and will cry if you do bad" which is its own thing.
The other characters are assholes and Ragna is supposed to deal with it b/c they are superior and also the cute girl wants him to.
I don't believe that being a girl should be why someone cares about you. We are not all Sanji from One Piece. Being a girl doesn't mean you should be treated any better or worse than anyone else. It doesn't mean people should be coddling you, treating you with kid's gloves, or being worried that you're gonna cry (these people should be in their late teens to early 20s FFS). And before you say "BUT NOEL IS ACTUALLY 5!" No, she is chronologically 5 years old, but that doesn't mean she is literally a diaper baby. She is physically and mentally (or at least should be) around the same age as Makoto and Tsubaki, stop infantilizing her.
And I get it, there are sometimes assholes in life that you have to just deal with. Who hasn't had to deal with an asshole classmate, co-worker, work superior, or customer? But the difference here is that when we have to deal with those people, we have a life outside of that to look forward to. Friends and family who help even out the BS. A lot of these people are both the friends/family AND the BS that makes his life more difficult!!! 1-2 cute girls smiling should not make people being assholes to him okay, and just b/c he isn't responding with being calm, cool, and collected doesn't;t mean his feelings shouldn't;t be ignored.
As for the Jin part, I have been reevaluating what I think of their situation.
I have seen many people defending Jin, from a psychoanalysis someone did on Reddit where they do point out that Ragna did show favoritism towards Saya in their youth and that gave him issues. As well as someone saying that the Church scene in CF wouldn't be where they work out their issues due to complexity.
Let me break down what I know about Jin's development in the series.
Same as Ragna, raised in a lab where he was experimented on, but he had his big bro to protect him, saved by Jubei and brought to the Sister's Church where they were raised in the middle of nowhere. Ragna pays more attention to Saya which breeds resentment.
Terumi tells Saya to give Jin Yukianesa which he uses to break the protective barrier around the land and Yukianesa (also the Power of Order and Terumi's Mind Eater) makes him kill Ragna. I forgive Jin for this because he is a kid with like 3 superpowers forcing him to do this so I don't hold this against him.
He is then adopted by the Kisaragi Clan where he becomes a prodigy but also is hated by his new adoptive family and assassins are sent after him. This barely comes up and I kind of view it the same way I view the whole "Tsubaki being inbred" thing: just edgy background fluff to make the characters sound more tragic. He is nice to some people but again I can't tell how much of this is a lie considering his inner asshole comes in. Tsubaki just makes it seem like he can be nice but he's just being a selective asshole about it (and I have said that it just feels like their ship just exists to give Jin SOME morality, and I have seen some other people have said that their ship feels like 2 homosexuals being forced into a hetero-ship).
He fights in the Ikaruga Civil War and apparently based on the novel he resists Yukianesa's urge to murder everyone (even though Jin at this point in his development has no reason to give a fuck, I feel like they had Jin's CP-CF development in mind when they were writing this and if KAGURA can say he killed people we can believe Jin did), he kills Lord Tenjo but realizes some truth before Terumi mind wipes him. Apparently, him losing this memory and being branded a war hero upsets him, but IDK if he is upset about the past memories b/c "I did something wrong and I care" or f it'd be something more like "Grrrr, my pride". Or maybe I am missing something
He gets the position of Major with Noel as his secretary, and he is kind of shit. Like I said before, skipping meetings and not doing paperwork, as well as treating Saya like ass just because she LOOKS like the little sister that got preferential treatment. And unless he has the anime-6th sense that tells him the plot that everyone but Ragna has, as far as he knows this is just a stranger that LOOKS like Saya.
He gets notice of Ragna the Bloodedge destroying NOL bases and he then goes after him, not out of duty to the NOL, but b/c Yukianesa makes him REALLY want to murder him. Ragna kicks his ass and he is hauled off to be treated when Hazama and Noel find him. He still goes to try to find Ragna while resisting Yukianesa AND the Power of Order (which basically exists to say "You must fight Ragna b/c you are Shonen Rivals") while saying that he must kill Ragna to save him b/c of his suffering, which IDK HOW he'd jump to that conclusion when he's barely talked to him at this point, if AT ALL.
He fights Tsubaki who tries to get him to come back to the NOL, where he then talks about all the corruption and how much they suck, trying to give a moral high ground to him where he was aware of all of it but he never did anything about it, and he basically rejects Tsubaki so hard she becomes a Sith Lord.
He and Ragna fight again with Ragna telling him to not let the sword control him. They put aside their differences and fight Mu-12. Then after Izanami makes her grand entrance, Jin reveals that Saya gave him Izanami after Ragna reveals that THIS is Saya.
He then goes to train with Jubei to master the Power of Order so he can save Tsubaki from the Imperator's Mind Control. He saves Tsubaki by using the Power of Order to resist the Immortal Breaker (even though it feels like that shouldn't matter sense the Immortal Breaker isn't just "So strong it can kill Immortals", it "Makes them Observe their own Death" so it can only kill Observers,, basically it could kill Schrodinger-Alucard from Hellsing. I mean it is still a big ass Pike so him using the PoO to basically pull a Guts and survive would make sense, but needing to use it's IB function isn't necesary.
He then just sticks around, even though he said he was only there for Tsubaki b/c he has nothing better to do. He fights Ragna after he goes berserk in the ending and gets so fucked up that not even Celica can heal him.
CF is hard b/c a LOT of it is exposition and outside of the big shit (everything around fighting Nine to the Church to Izanami to Susanoo) I have a HARD time remembering the finer details of this.
Jin tells Tsubaki about his backstory before the Kisaragi's and that Ragna is his brother, Tsubaki says he shouldn't kill Ragna since he is his brother, and she wants to take up that burden (even though it'll never happen). In the Arcade mode, he defends Noel, saying that "What good is saving the world if we sacrifice the lives in it", while still saying he'll kill Ragna.
Then the Church scene. I believe that this, THIS, is where Ragna and Jin should've dropped the exposition and talked about their situation like actual people. Give us some development and closure for this and not just say "They have been fighting and arguing all this time but it's okay b/c they're brothers". But no, apparently their issues are too complicated to be solved like that.
Then why have I been watching this?
Why give me this plot point and NEVER GO ANYWHERE WITH IT!? Once CP comes around and everyone is being forced to focus on the big plot, none of the interpersonal conflicts come into play. the 3 Power of Order guys wanting to kill Ragna, Ragna and Jin's messed up family situation, Noel being a friend of Ragna and well as being a clone of his sister and how that'll reflect her relationship with Tsubaki, Celica being Ragna's greatest supporter vs Tsubaki hating him for existing. All interesting inter-personal conflicts that either don't exist b/c Rachel/Kagura/Kokonoe have to pull everyone into "Main Plot" mode, or when/if they ARE acknowledged it is just an excuse for every Arcade/Story Mode fight o have some Big Climactic Story Moment but it never actually GOES anywhere.
Jin is the Power of Order meant to kill Ragna, it BARELy comes up b/c once CP comes along they are focusing on the bigger threat and Ragna is erased at the end anyway. Making that whole role seem meaningless and just exists to make them fight for fighting game reasons.
A last-minute hug between them doesn't make all the BS before between Ragna and Jin okay. It just makes it feel like they are saying that "Being family is a get-out-of-jail-Free card for being a total asshole". Yeah, they are probably just expecting us to exaggerate the usual Sibling Drama for this, but with all the other BS in this franchise. When are we supposed to view it literally/seriously, and when are we supposed to see it as "dumb/crazy/quirky/edgy anime BS"?
I am probably missing a LOT of details about Jin and maybe misinterpreting information that I haven't seen in a LONG while here, but I do kind of hyper-focus on Ragna b/c his status of the Butt-Monkey and how HARD it goes is just more compelling than "Jin is an asshole but everyone is cool with it". Just goes to show what parts of the story have stuck with me all these years.
It's not that I don't want there to be internal conflict in the/a story. Conflict from the villains is to be expected (which is why I don't rage at the villains as hard, they are VILLAINS doing what VILLAINS do) but inter-personal conflicts between the cast members I expect to be dealt with via proper development.
EVERYONE will Defend Jin b/c he has the more apparent/obvious tragedy, and Noel b/c she's a cute girl. But Ragna is the "man up and power through it" protagonist so we just expect him to take it in the ass b/c powering through adversity is the way of the protagonist.
BlazBlue has made me question a LOT of things in the past 5-6 years:
What people are worth respecting/defending?
How much is "doing good for the sake of doing good" actually worth it?
Is being "Worth it" enough, or should things be better? WHY can't they be better?
Why do we love/care about Family, and how far should familial love go?
Should there ever be such a thing as unconditional love?
Why would anyone want an anime-style friendship where you do nothing but argue/fight/insult each other but then have to wait for some big crisis for them to show they care?
Does caring about someone give you permission to treat them badly?
Where is the line between bad behavior that you just need to accept/deal with, and the behavior that you need to stop?
Do you need to be calm, cool, and collected all the time for your opinions/feelings to matter?
If someone isn't having fun or joining in on the silliness, should you get on their case about it?
and a lot more I can't think of right now
I might just be a stupid westerner/American who doesn't have the collective "respect the status quo/the whole" deal that Japanime land has, and I can see where it comes from. But it just goes way too far in this case.
It has almost ruined other franchises for me b/c I am now judging every relationship between the characters in a similar way I view this..
I have a lot of AUs/Crossover ideas in mind where I just turn Ragna into the most OP guy ever and have him question his bonds with everyone because I want to give this guy the higher ground for once. Yeah, it might go against the point of Ragna's character, but the o.g. point was presented horribly and it sucks ass. But I have been entertaining the idea of it not ending horribly, but I NEED a better understanding of all the other characters and how they can be better as well. B/c as they are now, unless you LIKE seeing everyone argue or having people be annoyed, it is just too much.
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||A Deadly battle part 22: Post-battle 3||
Hi there, going to add another chapter for you dears to enjoy. Though writer's block is still there but it's not as bad. I am going to still write the others but still trying.
Also, again the same quick note:
((This is not the ending/Final chapter. Demon mun is writing or is going to write the final parts of this from what I remember so this is still during Sukuna and Ink's fight. This part going to focus around the fractions and their teammates but you'll see. Keep a eye out for the final chapters from demon mun in the future.))
If you wanna read where this is going now; the chapters are down below
~~Chapters so far~~
||Chapters 1-9|| ((Click here))
||Chapters 9-18|| ((Click here))
Chapter 19: The deadly battle begins
Chapter 20: Post Battle 1
Chapter 21: Post Battle 2
((Your reading Chapter 22))
~~Drabble summary~~
The Fractions were still fighting off the monsters and holding off the deadly hands of black death but now they have a time limit to save their leaders. With the clock racing, they have to find a way to help them but it seems another event will happen? What will it be? Read to find out.
-fighting is seen
-Over use of demonic powers will be present here
-Close encounters will happen here
~~Guests in the drabble~~
Demon mun’s guests
The DBT with some the other fractions, their leaders, and the devils belong to @demon-blood-youths
My guests
Some of the demon fractions with their leaders and some of the devil’s belong to me.
Sukuna Ryomen, Yuji Itadori, Megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, and gojo satoru belongs to the anime and manga jujutsu Kaisen but also to me due to rp them as muse.
((Their will be Grammar mistakes and errors on this drabble but it was written for fun. So please understand okay? With that said, please enjoy <3))
The battle between Ink and Sukuna were still unknown right now but the others could see the damage it's doing so far. Fires spreading and things being torn down. Even Gojo along with the students were worried, hoping that Ink beats him or hoping his time runs out. But it seems something is making him stay even longer.
As for the fractions, things have gotten worse.
The teams have stopped the black death hands from crushing them but most of the magic users keeping up the barriers were growing weaker. They were holding them up even if the hands were pounding down trying to crush them. Even Melinda was growing tired due to keeping a platform up for everyone so they wouldn't fall to their deaths. So far, they had to stop the hands before they end up being crushed.
"Does anyone have a plan here?!?" Rust shouted seeing more hands slaming down onto their spear but Navarro was trying to think worried about Ink, his friends, and the leaders still trapped in the spears. The black death has risen up and it's around their necks. It was 85% full with the leaders growing weak now. They had to get out of this before it fills up.
"Thinking! I'm trying to think of something but we need to get rid of these damn hands first!" he said only to see them smash against the spears again.
"I think we need to find a way to take the hands down since more of Sukuna's pets have showed up. Their just waiting for the barriers to go down before attacking us." Hellmare said but her tone sounded serious, seeing all around.
"Then we need to think of something and soon. Melinda is getting weaker the longer she holds these platforms and the barriers are starting to crack." Shdwkyz sees some were cracking but the others kept holding them.
"What we need is to move and attack the hands. Maybe if we sever them we can get the time to take down these damn monsters." he said.
"Even if we did, we still have to find a way to break the leaders out. Those things are almost full and their running out of air before-"
"Lets not think about that. What we need to do is stay calm and get out of this." Winter said but she sees the hands now laying on the spears trying to crack them open. More cracks show making the fractions tense.
"Hold on, since these things are more dark based, can't Shdwkyz and Vivi cut them!? That might give us time!" Gerald said nervous seeing the hands still crushing the spears now.
".....That might work. Given this is a darkness like curse, that might work. Shdwkyz, think you and Vivi can do that?" Navarro said to the other but he thinks about it then looks to Karma.
"I could if we get out of the spears. Me and Vivi should be able to try and see if our weapons can damage them." he said to Navarro seeing Vivi with her team as they were seeing the hands hitting theirs now. Cracks formed even more that he got worried but he didn't show it. Vivi was gripping her scythe ready to cut them if the shell breaks but she sees the hands now moving up now bringing their fists down to hit the barrier causing more larger cracks to show on the spears.
"Shit!" Navarro saw that but he sees the shells were about to break. "We got no time to wonder! We need to do something now!" he said as the hands were brought up once more and comes down. Shdwkyz gets ready like the others before the hands make contact with the spears.
The spears cracks even worse only to shatter right after. Their barriers were broken and the hands quickly tries to grab them! Right away, some dodges but Shdwkyz takes out karma and swings cutting into one of the black death's arms. As soon as his blade made contact with it, the liquid starts wrapping around the blade to make Shdwkyz's eyes widen.
What the hell?!
He quickly sees it hit Shdwkyz away hard as he grunts hitting the ground. The hand that had his blade tries to attack him as he dodges hissing annoyed.
'Damn it, that fucking-I need to get it back!' he thought moving away seeing everyone else doing the same. Their was no end to these things and the hands only gets closer trying to take anyone else down. Shdwkyz keeps running but turns into a shadow slithering away only for the hand to slam down and surround him.
"!?" He quickly shows up about to use his doubleganger only for it to trap him down hard onto the platform. He grunts in pain feeling it now starting to crush him. "Ggughh!!"
"Shdwkyz!!" Maggie with some tires to help him but the hands hits them away landing on the ground while wincing in pain. The other fractions were fighting off the ones after them but some was being taken or almost grabbed again. Shdwkyz tires to break free feeling the warm liquid seeping into his clothes which was really uncomfortable. If he only had Karma! He sees it still cut into the arm but it was slowly trying to engulf it.
'T..this is fucking insane. I can't go down like this! I won't go down like this! I need to get out of this damn things hold!' he thought about to turn into a shadow to get away only for it to crush him worse that he bit down on his bottom lip hard making it bleed.
Shdwkyz still winces a bit, seeing the hand now form another as it was slowly reaching to even try seeping the warm liquid through his mask. Yellow serpentine eyes widen as he glares seeing it about to touch the mask...
When suddenly.....
Something cuts the arm that was going for the mask. Shdwkyz looks to quickly see someone coming down holding a familiar weapon. He saw the hand holding him even got cut as it almost lets out a pained roar changing form. He looks to see Vivi and she was not happy.
"Release him!" She orders now having void vipers wrap around the arm to try crushing it. She sees it struggling now only to throw Shdwkyz to the side. He hisses from the harsh throw but something catches him to have him look. A dark purple like viper snake caught him as it hisses carefully lowering him down.
'A viper snake........Vivi....-' That's when he quickly looks seeing Vivi fighting off the hand. She was gripping her scythe cutting it down as it feels the blade for her to have her own eyes glowing dangerously. She saw the hands again only for her to swing again cutting more surrounding her.
"Everyone, aim for the middle area of the arm! It's a weak spot!" She shouted cutting another as she quickly looks to see Karma. She picks it up seeing the blade tainted by the black death but it seems to be absorbing it into it.
She saw her team helping with the others getting the message now cutting the arms down where she said. Thanks to a little help from Agana, she was able to get a look at the arms finding their weak spots. Now the others were cutting the arms down as others were fighting off the monsters together.
More of Sukuna's pets show up now charging at everyone. Many worked together and some just went all out. Shdwkyz stood up but he saw Vivi going over to him while she looks at him.
"Are you alright?" she asked but Shdwkyz sighed to look seeing his clothing having some of that stupid warm liquid on him.
"I'll live but I'm alright..thanks to you." he said only for her to nod but remembers.
"Here; I believe this belongs to you." she shows her left hand raising up to show Karma. He saw it and takes the katana from her looking at her.
"Thank you Vivi.." he said.
"Of course....now..." she turns to hold her scythe seeing some of the pets surrounding the two. "Shall we put a end to this?" she asked as he chuckled gripping Karma.
"I couldn't have said it better myself." the two snakes sees the pets hissing only to quickly attack. Vivi slashes a few away or in half while Shdwkyz cuts them to where they couldn't move. The snakes along with the others worked together to take down Sukuna's pets.
He saw one about to jump him but the void viper snake surrounds Shdwkyz opening it's mouth as it shows a sparking void like spikes that shoots out at it as others show up too attacking. He blinks looking at the viper but gives a nod while seeing Vivi fighting.
However, the spears were now dangerously filled up as everyone showed their spears filled up that they were having little air left.
"B..brother, I'm scared...I'm really scared.." Rex heard his baby sister as Ashley was crying but everyone was tired and looking more pale now.
"It's going to be okay Ash..just try to remain c..calm."
"Yeah..it's going to be o..okay..." Kali said even if she hated this, she wanted to break out of this but the black death was still filling up.
"I don't know how much longer we can keep this up....this stuff is close to our mouths and noses." Guam said even if he saw the others looking up at the sky since they couldn't move.
"We will be fine. When it does come up, we will have to hold our breaths till we can figure something out." Matt said but he didn't know for how long. Even with the cracks it seems Sukuna made sure the leaders spears were harder to break.
"For now, all we can do is hope our teams can do this but I know they can." Fin said.
"....I know that too.....but we just got to hold on for them...." Ethan said even seeing Willow tired as he was. He was worried for everyone but seeing this vial liquid was not helping.
Though, more cracks show seeing the spears cracking as the fractions fights off the monsters more and more. Gojo keeps watching but he was silent, seeing everyone fighting more with the curses dying by their hands. Seems less and less are showing but how would Sukuna fair in this turn of events?
"Hmmm, so that's what happened. They figured it out." Sukuna was looking in that direction but was holding Ink up by the shirt. She was wincing from the grip but sees Sukuna smile slowly.
"Seems the games gotten better inky. Your friends are something else...." he quickly threw her towards a building to see a giant hole there as she hits the ground twitching. She winces to sit up slowly with one eye open seeing Sukuna walking over.
"So.....lets see how good they can do." he chuckled.
"W..What are you planning now!?" she said going to attack but Sukuna stops her blade while seeing her glaring.
"You'll see..."
The enemies were taken down more and more but as they did that, Kali sees that the others were getting through it. "Their doing it! Come on guys!!!" She shouted seeing the leaders looking too. Seems things were going to be okay after all. Things were going to-
Suddenly a yelp is heard to make the leaders look. Ethan's eyes widen seeing Willow's spear filled up to the top. "WILLOW!" that's when he saw his do the same. The other leaders were getting engulfed in the liquid now.
"Guys help!"
the fractions look but their eyes widen seeing the spears full with the black death cursed liquid.
"YUUKA!!! NO!!"
As this happened the dome suddenly cracks as it smashes into bits seeing the others look around.
"W..what happened? The dome it-"
"NEVERMIND THAT! WE CAN GET OUT! EVERYONE OUT!" Navarro shouted as they use Melinda's platforms to rush out with Jaron carrying Melinda on his back. They get to the edge and gets on solid ground to see everyone made it.
"You can let them go Melinda!" Breezy said seeing her quickly doing that. With a tired cry, she sees the monsters falling down into the black death as their inhuman screeching was heard with splashes as well. Melinda was sweaty but tired as her arms hurt due to using so much energy but Jaron was holding her worried but happy that she did it.
"Were free but why though? Is this Sukuna's ideal plan?" Maggie said.
"I don't know but we have more problems.." she looks seeing some rushing to the now filled up black spears as they were trying to break them open.
"Damn it..Kali!!! Kali just hold on!"
"We got ya Matt! Just hold on!"
"We'll save you Ashley please don't die on us!"
"Jinx! Jinx please hold on!!"
"Yuuka!! Yuuka!!"
"Ethan!! Can you hear us!? Ethan!!"
"Why won't this damn thing break!! Damn it!!! Guam!!!!"
"Sensei!! Sensei please don't die on us!!"
"Joshua! Please....please hold on! We'll break you out of this!!"
"Hold on Willow! Were here to help!"
Now everyone was trying to smash the spears but the cracks were filled with the black death curse liquid. However, someone rushes over.
Everyone moved but saw Oblivion holding Titan Z and quickly brings it down seeing it make more. She was hitting the spear in front of her to see some others that was heavy hitters trying to do the same.
"Come on, come on, come on, come ON! Damn it!!" she hissed hitting it more and more. 'I'm not losing my friends! I'm not going to lose her!!' she screams in her head.
Even Gerald comes to help while hitting the spears too wanting to. He didn't want anyone to die this day! It was not fair even with the scary Sukuna fighting with Ink. However, he stayed focused hitting the spear more and more.
Everyone else was worried seeing this but they hope the leaders can hold their breaths for a while till their spears are broken. Opheila with the healers hope they can hold on just a while longer. After a few more swings, the spear Obivion was hitting sudden cracks worse that she raises it up once more and swings it down.
The others was shocked seeing the spear broken freeing one of the leaders. It shows Fin who feels the chains and metal cursed bracelets break as he hits the ground.
"Fin!" Ahemd goes to check on him as he coughs catching his breath. Right away the healers help him before hearing another one break. The next leader was Joshua who coughs as well panting for air.
"Joshua!" his fraction goes to help him as he was wincing from his own being free.
"It's working! Keep at it Oblivion! You too Gerald!" Rust said even helping with Breezy doing the same.
Gojo saw this but sees the other two worried. "H..Hold on, I thought Sukuna would have punished them for breaking the rules?" Nobara said worried.
"No, it's if they tried to help Ink. This had it's own set of rules so it's fine.." Gojo said seeing his chains free along with the other two. "They were able to break out of the dome but now it's helping the other leaders out." He sees Matt free along with Guam.
The leaders were being broken out though, Gerald was growing tired while seeing Oblivion doing the same. She shakes her head seeing Gerald freeing Kail next who coughs as well.
"Son of a-Wait..." She looks around but saw Ethan freed now as he winces coughing as well catching his breath. "What is going on where......" she looks seeing 5 more spears as they were being worked on.
"Where's rex!?" she said sitting up but her team keeps her still seeing Gerald trying to break another one.
"Easy Kali!" Wes said worried but he saw them working on it as the freed leaders were moved away. She was worried wondering if Rex was still in one of the spears but she tries to get away to help. "Kali!"
"I have to help!!" she said.
"You are not! You just got freed and need time to recover. That black stuff drained you guys for a while so your weak at the moment!" he said as she looks seeing another spear broken showing Jinx who winces.
Her team rushes to help her but Melinda who was still tired but she ended up passing out due to over using her telekenisis. Jaron was worried but he sees the others still trying to break them.
"Okay we got 4 more to go!" Rust said raising Destoryer and tries breaking another one with Oblivion helping since more cracks showed seeing it close only to break even more when seeing Willow free.
She lands hitting the ground as Ethan rushes to help her. "Willow! Willow, you alright?" he asked as she was panting catching her breath to look at him.
"E..Ethan....." she feels him help her sit up but was really tired. "I'm alright..j..just tired..." she mutters but Ethan was happy to see she with some of their friends were okay. However, he saw three more still trapped.
Oblivion panted still gripping Titan Z as she raises it and swings down with all her strength smashing the next one. She sees it frees Rex that Kali noticed.
"Rex!" she gets from her team to check on him as he coughs gasping for air for holding his breath for a long time. Though, he did look tired as Kali helps him.
"Easy, breath..just breath." she said as he was doing just that. Now it was two more. Ashley and Yuuka. Gerald tires to break one of the two only to feel a shock hit him that he shook it off still trying. The others worked even harder trying to free them that Oblivion helps. Now everyone is worried.
That's when Gerald throws another punch seeing the one he was hitting break freeing Ashley who didn't move but this worries the healers. Hex and Ophelia rushes to check seeing is she accidentally swallowed some.
"Ash?! Hey wake up!" Hex said but he checked seeing some of the liquid from her chin. Did she swallow some? He quickly saw this that Agana quickly goes to check. Resting a hand on her chest, she tries to heal her while seeing the liquid slowly being eaten away from her magic. Agana sees her not move that worries Joshua too before she gasps coughing.
"Ashley!" Joshua sees her coughing up the liquid but she was okay but not dead?
"Wait, I thought if you-"
"That's if it wasn't treated as soon as she got out. It's fine as long as we can treat her." Agana said seeing Oblivion smashing more and more of the spear that held Yuuka. She panted seeing the heavy cracks before she raised her arm again and screams bringing Titan Z down to smash the last spear.
Yuuka was finally free as she hits the ground hearing her coughing. She bends down to help her as Yuu was coughing. "Yuuka!"
"Easy......" she said but saw her wincing to look seeing Oblivion. She was tired like the other fraction leaders but she was alive.
Hearing her speak made the other at ease but she only sees everyone was safe again as Gojo with the other two rushes over to them.
"Is everyone alright!?" Nobara said.
"Yeah, everyone is fine..but the leaders are really weak right now. They will need time to recover. Melinda also passed out due to over use of her powers but everyone is good." Hex said with hearing a sigh of relief from Swan.
"That was too close for comfort. But everyone is safe now."
That was true. AT least for that part.
"That's true..but now..." Gojo looks seeing and hearing more fighting where Ink and Sukuna was. "The other main fight is still happening. Lets just hope Ink can keep her guard up...when Sukuna knows this. He is really going to give it his all." Gojo saw everyone look at him but at the area where the fight was going on. The leaders hope Ink pulls through and beats him to bring Yuji back.
However, only time will tell.
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maguro13-2 · 8 months
The Dark Beginnings ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 0 Finale (1/6) ~
"Twin Seeds - Nights Universe"
[Growing Wings ( Part 1) - Tomoko Sasaki]
Maka Albarn : Nights! I'm coming to save you!
Wizeman : I don't think so.
Maka Albarn : Huh? (gets knocked off) AAAH!!! *DBZ SFX : Wall hit/Crash* (groans) What a smart move for God Sega made. I get no satisfaction of whether I'm dead or I'm wrong. Great! Now I'm far away from the tower! But how on earth am I going to save that Representative from being imprisoned?
Moirai Albarn : Yeah, I don't think it's gonna be that easy. But the easy to think is to believe in yourself from the power of Sega's logic. Do the Nights logic.
Maka Albarn : Sister? Is that you? I hear your voice. You want me to belive in myself with Nights' logic? That sounds like a genius, but I'm afraid of death and heights, jumping off here would be a deadly reach.
Moirai Albarn : Trust me! We have no other options! It's the only to confess your fears, cause none of this is real! It's Sega's way of what it means to have the courage! Mine's doing it is well! Because Courage is the only way to make yourself bravery with your heart!
Maka Albarn : Bravery...Courage...Heart. Sister, you got yourself a deal! Okay, Sega. If you want some logic, then I'll give you the logic!
(a person appears holding Maka's hand and appears to be her sister, this time is Moirai)
Maka Albarn : Sister!
Moirai Albarn : Trust me, we got this! We've courage within us. Here goes nothing. *Sonic SFX : Jump* Belive in yourself, sister! Believe in yourself! Believe! Let's show real world our courage for what it makes us heroes of our own story!
Maka Albarn : Hey! I think we did it! Sister! I think we finally did it! I'm starting to realize that I finally begin to face my fears by showing our--*ZOOM!* COURAAAAAAAA....(fades)
[Growing Wings (Part 2) - Tomoko Sasaki]
Maka Albarn : Hey! It's working! We're doing...Nights' logic!?
Moirai Albarn : Could be!
Maka Albarn : Are we flying like Peter Pan does?
Moirai Albarn : That's disney logic for ya. Come on! We gotta collect some orbs called Ideayas if we want to free Nights from the tower and get to Wizeman, the Big Boss himself!
Maka Albarn : How, sister?
[scene flips]
Maka Albarn : Well! We got the Ideyas and we're freeing Nights! This time, we'll prove enough to show your courage!
Moirai Albarn : Right! Cause that's why I needed something be in aware of the living things that are in danger! Who needs Soul Resonance from the Likes of Shinra Kusakabe! All we have is Magic that is within us! Now, sister! Help me break this barrier!
Maka Albarn : Okay! (the two pushes they were to break the barrier)
Nights : Alright! You freed me! Thanks on saving me! You finally showed your courage on collecting all the Ideyas and helped me beat all the Nightmarens! Now you wouldn't mind from Yuji Naka would you? He would be super pissed!
Maka Albarn : Ehh, not too much!
Moirai Albarn : Worth a shot. Now then off to the...boss room?
[Persona Non Grata - Tomoko Sasaki, Hideaki Kobayashi]
Moirai Albarn : Hello...Anyone here? Elliot, Claris?
Maka Albarn : Where is everybody?
Nights : Stay steady as sharp, guys! Elliot and Claris has already done their parts, now it's your turn to do your part of the story.
Wizeman : Nights. You finally made your return ticket and who is this young individual that calls herself a hero to show the world her courage?
Nights : Wizeman!
Maka Albarn : This is Wizeman?
Moirai Albarn : A powerful God himself? He's only a Dream Monster just to think he's some kind of God or something.
Wizeman : I am Wizeman, the master of all Nightmarens and you, Nights, are a Nightmaren as well?
Nights : What?! You must be kidding!? How..How did you know that!?
Maka Albarn : A what!?
Moirai Albarn : Who would've thought that this Dream Jester's a nightmaren. Shocking plot twists got me again, not a good sign for the plot.
Wizeman : Nights. This young girl they call her "Maka" is nothing more than a creature from Jupiter. She's not the hero of her own world neither this Soul Eater World. The world of Soul Eater is a facade she was living in a fantasy where everything in the Real World don't exist.
Maka Albarn : Don't exist? Are you saying that the world of Soul Eater is a great big fraud. Have I have been living in a fantasy world the entire time! Do I really need to wake up!?
[Doom's Eye - Jun Senoue]
Wizeman : (chuckles) You knew exactly from the eyes of truth, Maka Albarn. You being a meister, working the under Shinra's Influence, and the courage that you've shown to the world, it was all part of a great big tale that was forever a part of the Ohkuboverse's Chronology. The man's insane stories that he made for you were all true and false, the First story of the Ohkuboverse was Shinra, who was one of the first heroes of his story that everyone was a part of, Shotaro himself the 2nd hero of his story, The thrid one is Tsugumi, and you are the fourth and final one.
Maka Albarn : Wait a sec, Shinra Kusakabe, Shotaro the Dokeshi, Tsugumi and as well for me!? How can this be part of a chronology? Was the Ohkuboverse meant for us to be trapped in a chronological time loop and there is no fifth story? So that's why the Time Eater destroyed half of it, the universe that we live in was a facade and there was no Ohkuboverse! It was a facade to...
Wizeman : The Shadow Realm...A world full of torture and evil. A place that existed for eons by it's creator...Zorc Necrophades, the realm's creator. And now you hardly understand to witness the truth. The truth can be a really useful to those who believe, but truth can be really hurtful.
[Hidden Memories - Yutaka Minobe]
Maka Albarn : No! It can't be! D-Damn you! Damn you to hell! All these lies from Shinra, this is all his fault! It's always his fault! I will never forgive the devil for working under his influence! I will never forgive him!
Wizeman : (laughs sinisterly) Look at you now, you've became frustrated to put the blame on the hero who saved the Ohkuboverse from Demon Vibe's corrupt game 1000 years before his demise. Now you know why the Truth can be deadly, you are too believe in truth! And truth can teach you and your friends painful lesson!
Maka Albarn : Shut up! Shut up! This is none of your business! Stay out of this!!!
Nights : Maka! Maka! Pull yourself together! Snap out of it! Wizeman.. what do you think you're doing!? Do not let your words rattle you! The Truth can be really useful! But Truth hurts people! the Same goes to lying as well!
Moirai Albarn : I'm gonna clobber you once and for all!
Maka Albarn : I've...had...ENOUUUUUUUGHHH!!!
[I Am (All of Me) by Crush 40 Plays]
Nights : Woah! What's with that amazing power!?
Moirai Albarn : Sister! Control yourself!
Maka Albarn : I've had enough of truth or lies! I just wanted to understand to show the world my courage! I'm tired of your stupid games! I'm tired of Shinra's Heroic shenanigans! And I'm tired of hearing people using the word "Madness" that doesn't work as a GOD DAMN FORCE! I WANT TO END IT ALL WITH MY POWEEEEERRRR!!!
Elliot : Oh man! This is bad!
Claris : No! That's going to far!
Maka Albarn : Shattered Resonance...SHATTERED CRASH!
"So...this is what the power of Shattered Resonance holds within my heart."
"I've underestimated it to use it wisely."
"But the power grew over me have became so much."
"I only beared because the force of it is too deadly to handle."
"All of this rage, all of this sadness in my heart..."
"It's driving me daisys! It hursts when my feelings..."
"Are being shattered like breaking my heart to pieces!"
"I should worry about the facts that I wanted all of this to end."
"I guess I wasn't ready to show the world my courage."
"Being hero was not what it seems to be."
"I can work this out by myself."
"I wanted everyone to show my courage until the very end."
~ Prologue 20 : Awaken the Shattered Force ~
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atleastidontfitin · 1 year
Write a romantic comedy about a lesbian who is searching for a romantic partner on a dating app. She meets a centauress who she reluctantly goes on a date with, as she has never gone on a date with a mythical being. They hit it off, but their relationship is strained by their different backgrounds. Ultimately they overcome these challenges to live happily ever after.
Title: "Unbridled Love"
Lucy, a witty and charming lesbian in her late 20s, sits on her couch, swiping through a dating app called "Flutter." She sips her coffee and scrolls through profiles, looking for her perfect match.
LUCY (sighs) Finding love is like finding a mythical creature. Almost impossible.
Her eyes widen as she sees a profile picture of a stunning Centauress named Calliope. Lucy hesitates for a moment before swiping right.
Lucy sits nervously at a small table in a cozy café. Calliope, a graceful and enchanting Centauress, enters the café, her hooves making a soft clip-clop sound on the wooden floor. They exchange smiles.
CALLIOPE (gently) Lucy? I'm Calliope.
LUCY (nervously) Yes, that's me. Hi, Calliope. Nice to meet you.
Lucy and Calliope engage in animated conversation, their laughter filling the air. They discover shared interests, dreams, and a surprising connection that leaves them wanting to know more about each other.
Lucy and Calliope stroll through a picturesque park, hand in hand, laughing and enjoying each other's company. But as they encounter curious glances and whispers from onlookers, their smiles fade, and a touch of unease sets in.
LUCY (whispering) I'm sorry if people are staring. It's not you; it's just... it's new to them.
CALLIOPE (sadly) I understand. It's not every day you see a Centauress dating a human.
Lucy and Calliope sit on the couch, holding hands, their faces etched with concern.
CALLIOPE (tearfully) I don't want our differences to tear us apart, Lucy. I've faced discrimination my entire life, and I thought we could rise above it together.
LUCY (softly) I care about you, Calliope. Our love shouldn't be limited by societal norms. We have to be strong and show everyone that love knows no boundaries.
Lucy and Calliope stand in front of a diverse crowd at the LGBT community center, their hands tightly intertwined.
LUCY (confidently) We are proud to be together, to break the barriers and embrace love in all its forms. Love transcends species, genders, and expectations. Let's celebrate love without limits!
The crowd erupts in applause and cheers, showing support for Lucy and Calliope's message of acceptance and love.
Lucy and Calliope stand together, watching the sun set over the city skyline, their hearts filled with hope and happiness.
CALLIOPE (smirking) You know, dating a Centauress is quite an adventure.
LUCY (grinning) And I wouldn't want it any other way. We're a love story for the ages.
They lean in for a passionate kiss as the sun disappears below the horizon, signaling the start of their beautiful journey together.
Note: "Unbridled Love" is a heartwarming romantic comedy that explores themes of love, acceptance, and overcoming societal expectations. The story highlights the challenges faced by individuals in unconventional relationships while emphasizing the power of love to triumph over adversity.
Regarding the scene where Lucy and Calliope are sitting on the couch, how exactly does a centauress sit on a couch?
My apologies for the oversight in the scene. Here's an updated version:
Lucy and Calliope sit side by side on the couch, their bodies adjusted to accommodate Calliope's unique lower half. Calliope's equine half gracefully rests on a large, custom-made cushion on the floor, while her human torso comfortably leans against the couch's backrest. They hold hands, their fingers gently interlaced.
CALLIOPE (tearfully) I don't want our differences to tear us apart, Lucy. I've faced discrimination my entire life, and I thought we could rise above it together.
LUCY (softly) I care about you, Calliope. Our love shouldn't be limited by societal norms. We have to be strong and show everyone that love knows no boundaries.
Despite the unconventional sitting arrangement, their love and connection remain evident as they speak to each other earnestly.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else you'd like to adjust!
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charmixpower · 2 years
Random but i have a hc that Musa is the fastest fairy in alfea, what with sound being the second fastest thing in the universe. Stella has the greatest potential to be extremely fast with her jurisdiction over light but she just. Doesn't like going that fast
Musa's a complete adrenaline junkie tho and can fly fast enough to cause major damage to anything she flies near due to immense pressure and her reaching terminal velocity when she flies.
Ohhh that's very cool!!
Actually part of the reason I like Musa and Stella as a battle pair so much is because I like to think that their the only ones that can keep up with eachother, speed wise. I've never thought about either of their base speed all that much, aside from Stella and Musa being notably faster than the others, but I do imagine Stella having a speed of light spell and Musa having a speed of sound spell to fly faster when they need to
Though I definitely see your point, Stella would probably prefer teleporting over actually going breakneck speeds 🤔🤔. What if she hit something and got an ugly bruise?? Horrible. She wouldn't be able to stand it
Plus her fear of heights is only mitigated because she can trust her wings but flying that fast would probably stress her tf out
I can see Musa just enjoying flying around stupid fast for as long as she can manage, before her magic stores are used up and she needs to get back lol
That would definitely contribute to her ending up the fastest because she's been accidentally doing speed training
Musa would probably hit "fastest at Alfea" in season 2? I feel like a senior would be faster than her until that point, then she'd claim her crown as fastest flier. Like Lolina, who has electricity powers, would probably be faster than season 1 Musa. Ohhh now I'm imagining them having a fake little rivalry to encourage both of them to try harder and fly faster 🥺🥺. Musa has a senior friend that she hangs out with during flight classes 🥺🥺
Ohhh Musa would ADORE the Enchantix wings the most then 🥺🥺 because then she'd be able to fly in high speed winds that would of blown her away before that 🥺🥺🥺
AHHHHH!!!! OMG!!!!! that's so cute!!!!
Imagine Musa grabbing Aisha to go flying with her 🥺🥰???? I am perfectly calm about this idea <- (lying) (they're so cute!!) (Ugh and Aisha would be so happy to fly with her so cute!!)
I can definitely see Musa as an adrenaline junkie, because she surrounds herself with adrenaline junkies dksksjskdn she's definitely one of them too
Musa being able to fly fast enough to break shit is super cool!!! I love that!!!
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How would the tfp cons react if one punch bot stepped in between them and the kids after an attempted kidnapping? One punch has their hand gently placed on said con’s shoulder giving them a smile even though they all know shits about to go down. “Hey there, I hope you aren’t giving these kids a hard time. Their still just kids y’known?.”
Megatron backs off. Yes, he’d like nothing more than to tear their hand off his shoulder and feed them their own fuel pump but he knows he can’t beat them and that challenging them to a fight would be signing his own death warrant. If he’s on dark Energon when this happens he might try to do something but the moment the bot shows their strength he momentarily regains his sanity and retreats.
Starscream lets out a loud squawk and immediately steps back. He starts rambling about how of course, he would never even considering kidnapping them and that he was just, uh, making sure that they were faring well! Yes, he was just being a well-meaning passerby! And speaking of passing by, he’s just gonna leave! Right now! Bye! Starscream is out of there before you can say ‘seeker’.
For a second he doesn’t react, simply analyzing the situation, but after quickly determining that he stands absolutely no chance against this bot, Soundwave retreats. He just straight up leaves. Like, nope. Fuck this shit, I’m out.
Always the smooth talker, Knockout quickly takes a step back and gives the bot a confident smirk in an effort to try and hide his growing fear. Woah buddy, watch out the paint job, will you? It takes a lot of time to look this good. And what was that about kidnapping? Oh, he wouldn't even dare thinking about it. Oh, but look at the time, it looks like he’s about to be late for a very important surgery. Sorry to cut this wonderful meeting short but duty calls. Bye bye!
Yeah, Breakdown straight up puts his hands in the air and gives up. He’s not fighting this bot, no way in hell. Straight up tells them this and that he ain’t gonna do anything because he values his life too much. Very honest about it. Bails the moment the bot makes it clear that he can do so without being hunted down.
Now, as a bot that prides himself with being logical, Shockwave doesn’t even try to fight or argue. Research have proven that fighting this bot is impossible and that their headstrong personality won’t allow for negotiations. Knowing this, Shockwave does the most logical thing in this situation and fucking bails.
Mmmm, yeah, no, Dreadwing ain’t gonna risk it. Bows, apologizes to the bot and hightails it out of there. Breaks the sound barrier because he’s leaving in such a hurry.
Airachnid may pride herself in her ability to kill but in front of such a powerful foe even she can’t help the fear brewing inside of her. She doesn’t even say anything as she transformers into her alt mode and flies away. Internally she’s plotting her revenge because she just can’t allow someone that scares her so much be alive.
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captains-simp · 4 years
Carol Danvers ~ Impatient Acts: Part 2 (Consequences)
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Part one
Carol Danvers X fem!Reader Smut
Word count: 5,129
Includes: choking, brat taming, face slapping, spanking, whipping, degrading, bondage, gagging, vibrator, edging, strap, overstimulation, anal and praise
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" You practically scream as you clench desperetly around the strap as you cum hard on the toy, shaking in pleasure as some of your white, sticky liquid escapes around the sides of the toy and spreads across your thigh as you clench them together after pulling the strap out.
You hadn't even regained your breath when Carol speaks her final words that night.
"You're going to regret that."
My Captain has ended the call.
You grinned as the memory of that night played through your mind for the hundredth time that day.
As you fiddled with your keys, trying to find the one to your front door, you considered what toy you would use later on. Since you had broken Carol's number one rule you had found yourself doing it again and again without her knowing (mainly due to the overwhelming fact she hadn't called you since).
Despite getting a release that night, it had made you even more sexually frustrated as Carol's threats seemed to follow you everywhere.
You figured if you were going to get punished for breaking the rule once, you might as well break it as much as you wanted because it wouldn't make a difference.
When you stepped into your house you were still under the impression that Carol wouldn't be back for at least a few more days. You hadn't expected her to be sitting in your house waiting for you. And you definetly underestimated how pissed she would be when you saw her again.
Before you could even think about what you would make for dinner you felt a strong presence behind you that slammed you against the wall before you could react.
You winced at the pain of the shock to you ribs and were thankful for your instincts to turn your head to the side so the wall only collided with some of your cheek.
You hadn't even been able to comprehend these issues when the all too familiar intruder pressed themselves fully against your back and wrapped their hand you had come to memorize like your own around your throat.
The intoxicating scent, glimpse of blonde hair, strong hand with slim fingers and especially the feeling of the covered bulge between her legs that couldn't press itself any further against you told you who it was.
"Hey...Carol." You greeted with a grin as best you could with your restricted airways.
Her hand was locked in an iron grip around your throat. Her fingers dug into the side of your neck so firmly you could feel her fingernail breaking and marking the skin as they pressed down on a vital part of the blood flow around your neck.
Combined with her palm threatening to crush your airways with one movement ignited a fire between your legs.
The pressure of both of these actions made you feel undeniably light headed. Carol reduced her force to allow the blood in your neck to continue towards your head when she spoke. After all, she needed you conscious for what she had planned.
"You don't get to call me that right now, brat. Not after what you've done." She said, the bitterness in her voice sending chills throughout your body that you weren't ready to take seriously yet.
"I'd say I'm sorry," you started with a smirk, "but I'm really no-" Carol didn't let you finish. She spun you around, too quick to stop, before slapping you harshly across the cheek.
You were taken aback by the shock and sting across your cheek, not expecting Carol to be in such a sadistic mood so soon.
She turned your body again towards the stairs this time and shoved you in that direction.
"Move." Was all she said before slapping your ass as a warning not to disobey.
You climbed the stairs as quick as you could but stumbled a couple of times, still recovering from the shock of being slapped so hard. Carol chuckled mockingly in response, making you cheeks burn with embarrassment.
You tried your hardest to recover from this though, trying to maintain your bratty nature as long as you could, knowing that was always what got the best performance out of Carol.
Once you stepped into your bedroom you wandered towards the bed, not sparing Carol a single glance despite your whole body fighting to see the anger filled expression that always ruined your panties.
You could hear her walking purposefully towards you. You could smell her familiar scent that overtook your senses. You could feel her hair tickling your neck as her hands glided over the waist of your blouse.
You couldn't stop yourself tilting your head to the side ever so slightly and stepping back to be against her.
Carol clearly didn't appreciate the gesture. She placed a strong hand between your shoulder blades and forced you onto the bed on your stomach.
Just as you went to move to get up in protest, Carol pinned your shoulders down with a painful strength you were futile to fight against.
She knelt one leg on the bed to lean over you and didn't hesitate to grab at the front of your blouse between your skin and the bed sheets.
There was no grace or sensuality to her movements, only a cold, silent annoyance.
Once she had a hold of the fabric, your girlfriend ripped you blouse apart without a second thought and tossed it across the room, some of the buttons scattering to places you would probably never find.
"What the hell?!" You object, frustrated by the loss of one of your best blouses.
"Quiet." She spitts before yanking at your bra, damming it to the same fate as your blouse.
You huffed quietly, both of you knowing she could have just as easily unhooked it rather than destroy the cloth.
You knew it was a way for Carol to get her point across. You had made a big mistake and you were going to regret it.
She gripped under your bare bicep to pull you up the bed so your face was hovering over your pillow. You turned it to the side to see what Carol was doing, just as she hooked her fingers under the area of you trouser waistband that was just above your ass.
She pulled them down without looking at you, only focusing her attention on your ass that was now only covered with you thin panties.
She gave the smooth skin a sudden slap that made you clench your thighs together tightly, your body fooling itself by thinking that would make any sort of difference against Carol's plans.
The captain then wandered towards your closet, leaving you to watch the empty doorway in anticipation as you lay waiting.
Your eyes widened in shock mixed and undeniable fear as she reappeared, holding a dressage horse whip in her hand. She wouldn't really use that on you...would she?
Carol chuckled darkly as she saw your fearful gaze. Your plans of continuing your bratty acts were jeopardized as soon as you saw the whip.
You whimpered as she arrived at the side of your bed and looked down at you with a now stoic expression.
Holding the whip firmly in her hand as she towered over you was enough to make you want to beg for forgiveness.
The captain radiated power and control, making you start to realise her threats weren't empty and that everything you had done you really would regret.
"Carol..." You whispered as you gave her a pleading look, ashamed that you already wanted to give in and make everything right.
"I've been saving this for a long time, you know? It's only for punishment when my main rule is broken. I always thought I would never have to use it on you. But you're starting to be too much of a brat, a brat that needs to learn her place as a whore." She explained stoicly as her hands wandered over your ass, dipping under your panties.
"I'm sorry." You whimpered as she moved onto the bed just behind you.
"Maybe you are, but that's not enough. You need to learn your lesson." Carol taunted. "If you want to prove you're really sorry you're going to take your punishment and thank me for it. Then maybe I'll stop once I've broken you into a begging, shaking, pathetic mess." Poison dripped from Carol's tone that filled you with dread.
"Tell me, how much of a slut have you been while I was away? I just don't believe you've only disobeyed me once." Of course you contemplated lying. You knew the more she knew the more she would punish you, but if she found out you were lying to her...
"A few." You whispered, afraid of how Carol would respond.
"Maybe...5 times?" You knew how many orgasms you had brought upon yourself, but you were so afraid to tell her.
"6?" You started to tremble.
"Don't lie to me." She gripped your hips harshly, her nails digging into your skin, before lifting them up so your ass was lifted up and displayed to her.
You automatically pulled your legs under you, knowing the position she wanted you in and hoping that by coorporating she would have some mercy.
This was proved wrong when she brought her hand down harshly and smacked your still clothed ass, despite the barrier there was still a present sting.
"13." You admitted and clenched the sheets beneath you in a tight fist in hopes of having something to help you through what was to come.
It was a number you had taken some form of pride in before Carol had forced you out of your bratty state. Now you were filled with embarrassment and despair, wanting nothing more than to take it all back and be praised for being a good girl for her.
"Such a slut." Carol growled before a sharp crack sound echoed throughout the room.
It took you a moment to understand what she had done, your body automatically registering it as shock to protect you. But the pain soon made its presence known and you burried your head into the pillows to muffle you cry.
She had whipped you. It hurt more than any other punishment you had ever received and you knew it could only get worse.
Carol's hands ran over the stinging skin before pulling you panties down. You bit your lip and closed you eyes as tight as your grip on the sheets.
"Then I think 13 strikes will suffice."
She had barely finished her sentence when Carol struck you again. This time you lurched forward and cried out loudly into the pillows while pulling the sheets close to you.
"Th-thank you." You whimpered, tears brimming in your eyes as you turned your head to the side to speak audibly.
You couldn't see her of course, but Carol was grinning sadistically at the sight of you. Your clear signs of pain encouraging her to struck again, and again and again.
You struggled to speak after each strike from the whip, but forced yourself to between sobs, not wanting to prolong the punishment or make things worse for yourself.
As much as pain always turned you on, this was a new kind that was almost unbearable. You needed easing into this level of pain, yet you felt as though you had been thrown in the deep end with no ladder to help you out. You would later figure out that was what made the punishment so effective.
After 6 strikes Carol paused to admire the stripped skin on your ass. It was already raw and sensitive to the touch. She almost felt sorry for you, having to endure the pain for a lot longer and being shown no mercy. But brats had to be put in their place. You had to learn.
"Only 7 more." Carol chuckled. Tears streamed down your face as you felt Carol's hands brushing over your broken skin.
"I'm sorry." You sobbed, lifting your head slightly. "I'll never do it again...just please...I can't take anymore." You begged pathetically beneath her.
"You're going to take this punishment or I'm going to be even more disappointed in you. This is all your own doing." Carol spoke without empathy or any emotion, making sure you knew she wouldn't stop.
She picked up the whip and brought it down on your broken skin. The intense sting felt different and told you these strikes would be etching deeper into your flesh, drawing blood to the surface only to be slapped away by the whip when it returned.
It was an unbearable pain. When you weren't thanking Carol or crying in pain you were begging her to stop, everytime thinking the next strike would hit your soul.
When Carol had finally struck you for the last time you collapsed into the bed, your legs no longer able to hold you.
You hadn't noticed her leave, but she must have as you became aware of more objects being placed near the end of the bed. You wanted to peer down in curiosity, but also knew whatever she had was for your punishment and would only bring you more dread.
Carol held your waist and moved you onto your back so you were looking up at her. The feeling of the sheets against your broken skin made you flinch in discomfort but was almost forgotten when Carol placed her hands on you cheeks to wipe away your tears. It was the only loving gesture you would get for the time being.
"Do you still want your Captain's forgiveness?" She asked, knowing the answer but wanting you to say it.
"Yes." You breathed out. "I'll do anything, I'm sorry I-" Carol cut you off by placing a finger over your lips.
She grabbed a pair of black, leather cuffs from her collection on the bed and before she could even reach for your hands you were placing them at the headboard for her.
She showed no signs of consideration of praise for the act or even recognition, but on the inside Carol was gleaming at everything you did. Your desperation to please her made her want to praise and pleasure you for hours. She had to remind herself of what you had done to end up in this situation. Reminding herself to give you the punishment you deserve for being a dirty slut.
Next, she spread you legs wide apart and cuffed each ankle to each side of the bed, stopping you from closing you legs or even rubbing your thighs together for friction.
It was then that Carol brought your attention to the vibrator in her hand. Without a word, she turned it on full and pressed it against your folds. Your leaking arousal and wanton for the vibrations allowed your lips to part for the toy and quickly engulf it into your needy pussy.
You moaned in pleasure and closed you eyes, surprised Carol was giving you this pleasure but not going to question it.
She watched your facial expressions with a satisfied smirk as she pulled her sweatpants down to reveal the sizeable strap on you hadn't yet seen.
She thought you looked so beautiful blissed out from the toy, your back arching to present your breasts and peaking nipples to her as your thighs strained against the restraints.
Her gaze was especially focused on the wetness seeping out of you, telling Carol just how much you wanted her.
"You don't get to cum until I give you permission." She stated before going to straddle your stomach.
Your eyes flickered open before widening at the sight of a new strap on just inches away from your face.
It was the largest one you had ever seen on Carol and figured she must have bought it on her trip as you had never seen it before.
However you weren't given a chance to ponder on this as she was instantly pressing it against your lips.
You opened your mouth for her compliantly and were quickly made aware you were going to struggle with the girth as well as the length.
You had your mouth as wide as you could manage and yet the strap still struggled to fit, stretching your mouth in an uncomfortable way you hadn't experienced before.
Carol watched every feature of your face as you struggled to take the strap. Not missing the look of hopelessness of getting it in as well as fighting back the distracting pleasure building between your legs. You wouldn't last long with the vibrator and you would never be able to fit the strap on in your mouth.
"I thought you wanted to make it up to me. If you can't even suck my fucking cock how will you manage it in you other slutty holes."
You tried to protest against the strap, assure Carol you could take it and try not to worry over the stretch you would experience in other body parts later on.
Carol smirked at your attempt to communicate with her, not being able to hold back further comments to provoke you.
"You really think you can take this?" Carol asked with a smirk and mocking tone. You tried to nod your head in response, painfully aware you barely had the tip in and was already struggling with it and the buzz between your legs.
"If you insist." Carol bit back a laugh as she thrust her hips towards you, the strap forcing itself into your mouth and surpassing you gag reflex in an instant.
Your eyes pleaded with her as you realised you really couldn't take the strap.
"You wanna keep going?" Carol taunted, knowing you were now physically incapable of shaking your head no.
The more you pleaded the further she sunk the strap in. You gagged and choked around the toy, eyes watering as it hit the back of your throat.
Your arms and legs desperetly struggled against the restraints as Carol finally pushed the strap in entirely.
She locked eyes with you the whole time, especially when she pulled the strap out slightly only to ram it back into your mouth to make you gag violently in protest.
Meanwhile the vibrator never faltered in its buzz that was electrifying your whole body. You knew you were edging closer and closer to that sweet release and that Carol would put you through the torture of having to hold your orgasm at bay, something you almost always failed at.
Your mouth and throat ached and you were vaguely aware of the trail of saliva travelled down your chin and either side of your mouth, you body attempting to lubricate your mouth and toy to ease the process but only adding to your humiliation.
Carol continued her bruising pace of fucking your drooling mouth as she smirked down at you sadistically, memorizing every detail of your blissed and pained face. The two sides of your battled against each other, not knowing which to give in to.
When your body finally fell limp in defeat you heard Carol chuckle as she pulled the strap out of your mouth, which apparently hurt just as much as it going in.
The moment is was out you gave a loud whorish moan, telling Carol you so desperetly needed to cum.
"What do you say?" Carol teased as she started to rub your clit in tight circles with her fingers, relishing in how much your wetness had spread.
"Please may I cum, Captain?" You begged and whimpered, desperate for your release.
"Hmm," Carol mused as she fiddled with the vibrator while listening to you struggle to hold off your orgasm. "No." She said simply before pulling the soaking vibrator out and turning it off.
Before you could whine in protest Carol looked at the vibrator in annoyance.
"Look at the fucking mess you've made, slut. Getting your whorish juices all over my toys and bed. Disgusting." She stated bitterly in an attempt to hold back how much she was internally gleaming at the mess while being able to humiliate you.
"I'm sorry." You apologised as Carol moved over to you again, slowly spreading your thighs as she positioned herself between them.
You looked down in silence, as to follow her lead, and watched the huge toy attached to Carol wander up your thigh.
You both knew you needed preparation for something that size. That on any other occasion Carol would have whispered sweet nothings into your ear as she introduced you to new sizes and girths.
But you were being punished. Everything was different. There would be no preparation for you.
"Captain..." You whispered as she lined up the strap to your still soaking entrance.
Carol ignored you as she placed her hands firmly on both of your thighs, keeping them spread for her merciless attack that was to follow.
"Be a good girl and take my cock, baby. Then maybe I'll start thinking about forgiving you." She said as the strap stroked your folds, nudging at your lower lips and separating them.
You held your breath as Carol pushing the tip inside you, instantly reminding you of the substantial girth.
You attempted to move your legs in response, automatically wanting to close them to prevent any more of the strap entering you. But Carol's grip on your thighs tightened and she held you down firmly.
In a silent concentration, she pushed her hips forward and the strap followed, stretching your walls for its entrance making you moan out and pull against every cuff restraining you.
"Ah! Captain!" You protested as she thrust further inside you, not being able to see that she was entranced by the show your wet pussy was giving her. Your outer lips opening more and more for the intruder, almost folding back on themselves as your wetness was heard around the toy, there being no space for it to leek out but still being present on the outside from earlier.
Your pussy ached as the strap sunk deeper, pushing against your walls and you having no way to stop it.
Just when you thought maybe it was in entirely, Carol gave one final thrust and the strap thrust against the back of your pussy with so much force it was bruising.
The girth and length was still clearly too much for what you were built for as it continued to push against every side of your cunt, especially at the back where it was threatening to rip through.
You moaned over and over, struggling to form words and accomdate the brutal strap. You were overwhelmed with pleasure and pain, hardly able to handle either never mind both.
You panted and drooled, not having any control over any of your body, only being a puppet for Carol to command.
She pulled the strap out slightly, only to slam it back in with force that made your whole body jerk and shudder. She pulled out more the next time, as though giving you a moment to prepare before thrusting the toy back into your still unprepared cunt.
It was as though your walls retracted every time she pulled out, making her re-entrance just as painful as the last.
Despite this, in the brief moments the strap left you your whole body yearned for it back, feeling completely empty without it.
"Your cunt's taking my cock so well, so desperate to be filled up by me." Carol chuckled to hide her moans.
Her pace never faulted, never giving you a break. Every thrust was just as hard as the last, leaving you a moaning and shuddering mess beneath her.
Her nails started to dig into your flesh as she pounded the strap into you.
In a flash, her left hand left yourself thigh and planted itself next to your head, gripping the sheets tightly and taking her fucking with a new vigour you didn't know she was capable of.
You were practically screaming everytime the strap hit the back of your pussy. Somehow Carol was able to tilt the strap at the last moment to slam against your g-spot, like it was trying to break through a barrier.
"You feel how deep my cock is inside you, slut? You want more?" You could only moan in response, not being able to vocalist with words how much you needed her.
You desperately wanted to cling onto her back as you approached your high. The feeling in your lower stomach increased and you could only moan louder in response to it, your pussy clamping down on the strap as it prepared itself for its release.
"C-Captain!" You wailed as your whole body tensed up.
You came with a scream of her name, clenching around the strap and gasping out for air. Your hips rolled, your back arched, your eyes clenched shut as you saw blanks and your pussy shuddered as it squirted your cum out of it, your now stretched hole allowing some of it to dribble down around the strap and onto the bed.
Carol could hardly contain her moan as she felt your cum spreading on both of your thighs.
She didn't give you a chance to recover. You were still being punished and Carol was far from done with you.
Her pace was unrelenting and merciless, fucking you through your high and into another orgasm.
"You clench so nicely around my cock, so needy. Do you want more?" She taunted, knowing you could barely respond and not caring if you did - unless, of course, you called the safe word.
Your body was at war with itself. You squirmed beneath but also bucked your hips up to meet her thrusts. You could focus on nothing but the intense pleasure between your legs, the pain there being long gone but Carol's nails still dug into you.
You didn't know how many orgasms she had ripped from your body. You were hardly aware of the drenched sheets beneath you. You failed to notice the hungry, lust filled look Carol was giving you through every single one of your orgasms she tore from you.
"Too much...I...can't..." You tried to say as you moved against the restraints. You were being overstimulated and it was beginning to become too much for you for you to handle.
She finally slowed her pace to a stop and pulled the strap out completely, leaving you panting on your back while she adjusted the restraints at your ankles. Even wiping some of your cum off her thigh and sucking it into her mouth when she had her back to you and you weren't looking. Not that she had to be secretive of course, your mind was blank after the fucking you had just gotten.
You only realised Carol had undone the restraints at your ankles when she flipped you onto your stomach, back into your previous position. You whimpered at the vulnerability as Carol lifted your ass into the air and spread your legs as wide as they could go before cuffing them in place again.
You had hardly gotten your breath back went you felt Carol behind you, pressing the strap against your ass.
You gulped as you realised her intentions, knowing the stretching you received prior would be nothing compared to this.
"I'm sorry Captain!" You pleaded. "I'll never touch myself again, please! I'm sorry!" You cried in a final attempt to avoid the punishment or at least have it eased.
Carol ignored you and placed a hand on both of your cheeks, spreading them for the strap that inserted itself into you.
You whined and stared down at your pillows as you felt the strap penetrate your ass, thankful for the cum still on the strap acting as a kind of lube.
The ache and stretch become apparent almost straight away. You whined louder as Carol pushed on and held you in her hands.
You tried to squirm away but your attempts were futile and you could only endure the pain of the strap breaking down your barriers.
She continued pushing onwards deeper and deeper inside you as you body betrayed you and started to clench around the uncomfortable intruder and make yourself tighter.
You continued to plead, beg and whine when Carol pushed the strap half way in.
"What's that? You want more?" Carol chuckled darkly before thrusting the strap in entirely and making you scream in protest as the pain shot through out your body.
There was a moments silence before Carol pulled the strap out and rammed it back in mercilessly, giving you no chance to adjust.
The sound that followed with each thrust made you blush in embarrassment and moan loudly, hearing your cum mixing around your ass.
"Captain!" You cried out as she pounded the strap into your tight ass and even gripped a handful of your
hair in one hand making you yelp.
You moaned and screamed into the air as she continued her onslaught, punishing you at a bruising pace you wouldn't forget anytime soon.
The sadistic blonde then forced your ass down so you were laying flat on your stomach on the bed before Carol thrusts into you again, her pace instantly picking up where it left off.
Your sounds were now muffled by the pillow under your face from Carol continuing to grip your hair and as a result, keep your head down.
You could feel your high approaching and with no way to speak this to Carol you only moaned louder into the pillow.
With a few final, harder, deeper thrusts, Carol ripped a final orgasm from your body that had you go limp on the bed.
When she let go of your hair you turned your head to the side and closed your eyes to focus on your breathing.
Meanwhile, Carol undid all of cuffs and put the strap on the floor before crawling up the bed to lay down on her side facing you.
"You did so good for me, baby. I'm so proud of you." She cooed as she stroked the hair away from your face and tucked it behind your ear.
You were moments away from falling asleep but you still managed a weak smile at the words made your heart fill with joy.
"Such a good girl for me." She whispered as you closed your eyes. "I'm going to apply some cream while you sleep, baby." She assured as her hand rested inches away from your wounded ass. "And when you wake up we'll take a nice, warm, bath." She promised before kissing your forehead lightly and watched you fall asleep.
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lilmissbacon · 3 years
Elsa vs Jack Frost Death Battle
Because there are so many people who think Elsa would beat Jack, even though I made a longass analysis debunking that. I will be using the Marvel Power Grid for this determination.
There is also a YouTuber "Sans Logic" who has already done this battle AND with marvel power grid but there were a few things I didn't agree with him on so I'm doing it myself.
So let's see who will win
1) Intelligence
This is something that Sans Logic did get kinda right. Being able to create an ice castle in the spur of the moment while singing on a mountain is impressive and being able to get so intricate into detail is beautiful. But I wouldn't put it in the genius category.
Genius is like being an inventor/scientist which is something Elsa is never going to be. Her smarts are just on the more artistic side, if anything.
If she was genius, then in Frozen 2, she would've thought of something other than just running into the Dark Sea like she does.
For this she gets a ranking of 4 out of 7: gifted.
Yes, Jack may just be a genius since he's been around for 300 years. BUT we cannot assume for the sake of others thinking otherwise. Since we have to go by what we absolutely know, let's look at it like this; Jack was able to plan and execute said plan to defeat Pitch using fun within seconds.
After he realizes his center in fun, he immediately comes up with a plan to gather Jamie's friends and that having fun with them will bring Pitch's defeat. That's a really smart analogy in such a quick amount of time.
For this and the fact that he's been around for 300 years (he'd at least be a little wise) I'm also giving Jack a 4.
2) Strength
This does not include their magic, it's purely physical.
She's been locked in her room for 13 years. Yes, she may have had the past 3 years to exercise her muscle by Frozen 2, but it is actually very hard for the female body to change much after puberty.
She'd barely be able to lift her own body weight. But since she was shown to be able to do so during her fight with the Nok, she gets a 2: normal.
Jack isn't much different. We don't see his physical strength come into use other than when he's steering North's sleigh at Tooth's Palace and even then, that's more him directing the reindeer rather than actually pulling them.
Also just from his physique alone, he's very thin and seems to have almost no muscle.
For the sole fact that the reindeer were able to feel his tug for how big they are, he also gets a 2.
3) Speed
Flying and running count
Elsa is slow. Let's be real, she's just a pretty runner.
When she's going through Ahtohallan, running on the ocean and even when she's almost crushed by a chandelier, she's not that fast.
I can run faster than that, and I'm fat. People I know – us average people – can run faster than that. Even on ice because I live in a very icy state.
She's slower than average so she gets a 1 🤷 I'm sorry.
There was another video that Sans Logic made about him coming to the conclusion of how fast Jack is.
Basically, he breaks the sound barrier.
Jack manages to fly from Russia to Pennsylvania, America in 11 seconds. And no, there wasn't a time skip because the people who worked on this movie was not only DreamWorks but the people who made How to Train Your Dragon, respectfully. These creators would never have skipped out on making a beautiful flying scene. The scene showcases just how fast Jack actually is.
So just like Sans Logic, I'm giving Jack a 5.5 because he's much faster than the speed of sound but he's not breaking the speed of light either.
4) Durability
She knocks herself out...
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In the first Frozen, when she fights the guards and the chandelier is falling, she slips on air and knocks herself out.
I'm giving Elsa a 2 out of charity on the fact that she doesn't manage to do the same during her fight with Nok in the sequel.
And no, her immunity to the cold doesn't count because this category is about physical damage.
Jack however HAA!!!
During the final battle, he manages to fall from over 100 feet onto a roof, then a dumpster and then finally on concrete.
And even then in Antarctica, he takes the full blast of Pitch's attack and blacks out for only about 10 seconds at most and that was mostly from the pain of his staff being broken.
This man is AT THE LEAST a 5: bullet proof, if not a 6: superhuman. Which would make sense, since he's a spirit.
So Jack gets a 5 because we don't know the extent of his durability.
5) Energy Projection
Basically how far their powers can travel. I've mentioned this before in my analysis of their power sets but I'll clarify again.
She freezes all of Arendelle. Of course we know this, it's the plot of the first movie. But that's not because of how powerful her magic is.
As we see here;
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At the end of the first Frozen, Elsa creates a storm that covers the castle + fjord. At this point she's not even trying to hold in her powers, she's just trying to get away. Meaning this is as far her magic can project from where she stands.
The only reason she managed to freeze the entire country is because she dragged the storm with her when she ran to the mountains.
Like smearing paint on paper, she smeared winter across the land.
And it does stand to reason because the ONLY times we see it physically snowing is when Elsa is within this vicinity. The only time we ever see it snow around Anna, Kristoff or Arendelle itself, is when Elsa is or just was within vicinity. Other than that, everything is just already snowed over, there isn't even a breeze.
And if anything, it actually makes sense that this is how far she can project her powers. If you look at Ahtohallan, aka; the source of her magic, you can tell that it is the same size of the storm that she makes. So it would make sense that her powers would be able to cover the same amount of area that the place her powers derive from, does.
So Elsa gets a 5 here; long range and duration.
He IS winter.
Elsa froze a single country simply because she happened to run across it, Jack freezes multiple countries on a daily basis. It's literally his job as the spirit of winter.
Not to mention there have been winters much harsher then the one Elsa made. Winters that he caused.
We literally don't even know the extent of his power because he himself didn't realize just how powerful he can be until Sandy's death.
In that very scene you can see that the explosion he makes (e.i. how much ice he makes) is almost as big as the entire town below them.
I'm giving him a 6 only because 7 is virtually unlimited command over all types of energy. And I don't know about you but I don't see Jack being able to control electricity or energy itself.
I mean, it's not like he can create light-
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Oh wait-
6) Fighting
Physical hand-to-hand combat
Have we ever seen her physically hit anyone? No. Have we ever seen her fight in general without using her powers? No.
Elsa doesn't know how to throw hands.
I guarantee you if she tried to punch someone, she'd accidentally break her thumb because she put it over her knuckles instead of under.
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In Frozen 2, Elsa states, "Anna, no. I have my powers to protect me, you don't."
If she thinks Anna (who she knows can fight) can't protect herself without magic, it really says a lot about how she feels about herself with her own abilities.
Even in Ralph Breaks the Internet when Vanelope glitches into the princess room and when the princesses take charge, Elsa OPENS her hands.
When you're scared, your response is either fight or flight and when you're fight, your involuntary instinct is to close your hands so you have fists at the ready. If Elsa could fight, that's what she would've done. But no, she opens them.
Elsa is a 1 she is poor at it.
For Jack, it has been confirmed in his official character bio that he knows parkour and kendo.
Kendo is a form of martial arts that means "way of the sword." He uses a mix of kendo and parkour to make his own unique fighting style that helps him evade his opponent.
So he knows how to "basic fight" let alone "professional fight."
Jack is a 5: master of a single form of combat.
Overall score
Elsa = 15 / Jack = 27.5
Jack wins hands down. Elsa doesn't stand a sliver of a chance.
Not only by this power scale but he also has the additional ability to fly in order to get around her AND he is also immune to the frozen heart.
He is the spirit of winter, he's colder than anything on earth.
In fact, there's a deleted scene from Rise of the Guardians where Jack fights Pitch on a satellite in space.
Jack can survive the colds of SPACE! He's not even human. He's basically ice himself and you really think her ice is going to even slow him down?
🎉The Winner🎉
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Other than all of that, this was fun.
Once again, I am using Marvel's Power Grid for these scale ratings, if you ever want to use it for yourself.
And you know what, if anyone who reads this wants to make any recommendations (if I know the characters you suggest), I'll make a little Death Battle analogy for them too.
I think it'd be fun. It'll be fun to see what you guys suggest.
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astinelight · 3 years
[2:45 am] , Lee Minho
✦ pairing: female!reader x minho ✦ word count: 1.1k ✦ genre: slight angst, fluff ✦ warnings: mentions of thunderstorm (?), i guess that should be it
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As you woke up to loud sounds of heavy rumbling, you sighed quietly, trying to snuggle up in your blanket while watching the sky lighten up every now and then. You tried to go back to sleep but you couldn't. It was because of a simple thunderstorm. Something you were terribly afraid of even if you wished you could shake it off of your shoulders. But the fear was more powerful.
In the past, you always loved hearing rain whenever you were off to sleep, even more when you could hear the upcoming thunder, lighting up the night sky. Whenever it started to storm, the calmness that was spreading through you was something indescribable.
And not only through the night, thunderstorms during the day provided a home to you. You felt like there's at least something that understood you. No matter how dumb it may sound. You always carried a lot of feelings inside of you. Anger, sadness, the feelings you were ashamed of sharing with others because you had a hard time trusting others.
You were suspicious of them. They could use seeing you lose your temper, tears streaming down your face against you anytime. You never thought of why they would do that… because maybe they wouldn't. You were just overthinking everything.
And when it came to your friends? You were always seen as the strong one, the one who carried the burdens of your life so gracefully that no one even doubted if you were fine. The one who was always there for them, having the best advice, the most comforting words.
So you stood up to that, not letting them see that under your hard surface, you were drowning. Screaming for help, for someone to finally understand you. Slowly suffocating under the mask you always put on, yet after all those years, you knew when you were meeting your breaking point. That was when you'd left, not letting anyone see how challenging the acting was.
That was the reason why you found comfort in thunderstorms.
The sky also almost always wants to show her best colours to the world, letting the sun touch with its rays the cheeks of humans, painting beaming smiles on their faces. Or letting them enjoy the cold times with snow, making winter a lot more bearable when it provided people the pleasure of the mesmerising white blanket, covering the ground. Trees. Rivers.
And when it was too overwhelming for the sky, she met her breaking point. The clouds became darker and darker with each passing second, connecting together to create a barrier between the sun and the earth, slowly breaking down. The droplets of rain quickly fall to the ground, making the days of many people worse only by letting herself break down in front of them. But it didn't stop there, even the anger came. In the form of thunders and loud noises, making some scared of them, some grumpier, but she let herself show all of her colours.
Something you wanted to do with your friends but couldn't. You desperately wanted to let them see that even you were hurting and you couldn't always be the shoulder they can cry on whenever they want because you also had your limits. Yet whenever they came to you, you didn't hesitate to embrace them, to whisper sweet nothings to them to make them feel better. And at the end of the day, that's someone who you are. Always there, always strong, though most of the time acting.
But as the time went by, you started to understand that you should find someone to share your feelings with. Someone who would understand you, someone who would be there for you no matter how bad you would get.
Because you wouldn't always find comfort in thunderstorms. You couldn't and you knew that, especially when some awful things happened to you during the day and when you wished for the rain to come, it did. It really did, yet in the end you weren't fond of it. It came in the middle of the night with a loud rumbling, not letting you sleep that night. The loud wind, the neverending lightning sky, the rain haunting you as it heavily poured down on the window sills left a deep mark on your soul. Making you scared of the thunderstorm probably till the rest of your life.
Something that you thought it was your home, your comfort zone quickly became a thing you were traumatized by. It abandoned you, leaving as soon as you found comfort in it.
But you eventually found a new home in someone, not something. Someone who was lying in the middle of the night next to you, quietly snoring, indicating his deep slumber, as his light brown tresses fell into his relaxed face.
You silently whimpered, looking over your shoulder at the window behind you and back at the boy in front of you, contemplating whether you should wake him up or go through the night without sleeping. You almost opted for the latter if it wasn't for one particular uproarious rattling that made you yelp out rather loudly.
"Y/n?" The boy mumbled as he blinked a few times to get himself known of his surroundings, his hand combing through his hair to get it out of his eyes. "You good?"
"Yeah… yeah, I am," you answered with a voice right above the whisper, trying to calm down your beating heart. You didn't want to lie to him, but it was for his own good. You knew that if you told him that you were scared, he would stay up all night to take care of you. And no matter how pleasing that sounded, he needed his sleep. Much more than you did.
"Are you sure?" He asked you, making sure you weren't lying to him, even though he knew you were. All it took was one loud thunder resonating through his ears to know where the truth laid. He didn't spare a second before wrapping his arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him.
"Yes, I am sure, Minho," you murmured quietly, snuggling up into his chest to get rid of that lightning in the sky before your eyes. "Sleep."
"I will," he chuckled softly, pressing his lips against your hair, soothing you. "When you fall asleep."
"Minho." You whimpered, not satisfied with his words as you looked up at him only to see the lips of his corners lifted up, his eyes looking at you in the gentlest way possible.
"I mean it, sleep," you demanded, even though you knew too well he was going to make sure you were sleeping until he lets himself close his eyes once again.
"Of course," he beamed up at you, making you chuckle softly at his behaviour until you slowly finally closed your eyes. As you felt at home. As nothing could touch you, nothing could do anything to you as long as you were in the safety of his arms.
"I love you," you said at last.
"I love you."
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Porcelain Doll
A/N: My first Steve story on Tumblr! And I think my first every Mafia AU for Steve ever... lets hope this goes well. Enjoy! Pairing: Mafia!Steve x F!Reader Word count: 2,909 Warnings: Mentions of weapons, swearing, angst.
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(I don’t know the owner of this Gif, but it’s not mine. Just wanted to mention that.)
Being weaved within the world of mafia was a choice that you had willingly made.
When you said 'I do' you vowed to be with Steve til death do you part. Literally. Divorces were not only unheard of within the culture of bosses, it was a death wish. No secret could be leaked by an unhappy wife.
Granted, you had never dreamed of leaving Steve. The perfect man, who was stubborn at times, but you could always break past those barriers of ignorance he occasionally put up. In fact, you could bulldoze right through.
And you were the only one that could. Not Bucky, Sam, or Nat could compare to your ability to have that man breaking down every little secret he had stored in that mind of his. At the snap of your finger with him, your wish was his command.
You only had one duty to do, other than be faithful and loving to your husband: you had to oblige by mafia rules that were set for you. They weren't too overwhelming, it was a very limited amount. But it was enough so Steve could watch you like a vulture, if he wanted to.
And technically speaking, you could play his puppet whenever he pleased, and you wouldn't have the option to say no. He never enforced such power, always honoring your freedom and independence. But right now, he didn't have a choice.
"Babe, I need you to do this." He begged from behind his large wood desk, his study lit by antique lamps which cascaded their light onto polished mahogany surfaces.
"Steve, I will not be in another man's arms." You stated, fighting right back. Your arms over your chest, bottom lip easing out of it's hold with a pout.
"Sweetheart, you have to do this!" He elaborated, on the verge of defeat, his face now looking at the floor as his blue eyes scanned over his two feet, contemplating his next move.
"Do I have to though? Why not Nat, or- or someone else!" You threw your hands up in frustration. "I mean, seriously Steven, you cannot be for real right now-"
"Enough!" He rose his voice, the lion's roar booming through the room and ricocheting on the books and stained glass right into your chest. "You will be doing this. And you do not have an option." He emphasized, slamming his fist down. You flinched at the 'thump' that came as a result of the impact. He took a deep breath settling down, his gaze still facing downwards.
He took a few more breaths, moving his head up to meet your face. His eyes filled with a black void of heartlessness and atrocious intentions transitioned into a wave of calming blue, his pupils frantically searching your face as he realized he had scared you beyond your wildest thoughts. "Baby I-" He began but you stopped him soon after.
"I- I will do it." You choked out, your voice barely above a whisper, eyes filling with warm tears that began to fall gracefully down your cheeks, smudging your perfectly done makeup. You took a deep breath yourself, sniffling just a bit, before turning around and walking out of the study, arms now crossed tighter across your chest, and your feet setting off small pitter patters as you hurried yourself across of the rustic hardwood flooring.
Closing the grand doors behind you, Steve let out a sigh and a huff, turning around "Damn it!" He yelled, taking his large fist to the wall. He never intended to hurt you in any capacity, just like he never intended to punch that now crumbling hole in the plaster wall behind his desk, but mistakes happen. Only this was a grave mistake on his part.
You were rushing to your shared bedroom, quiet sobs leaving your mouth. Covering your face as best you could to try and prevent anyone from knowing, your ran up the glass stairs and to the second floor. "Y/N/N?" You heard Bucky's voice coo. You chose to ignore him and moved even faster than before to your room, where you locked the door. Crashing on the Egyptian cotton sheets, which swallowed you in great warmth and comfort, you sobbed into one of your sleeves, choosing not to subject your pillow to such a burden.
"What the fuck did you do?" Bucky marched into Steve's office, uninvited but not giving a thought to it. Looking behind where his boss and best friend sat, head in his hand, was the very hole in the wall Steve had just caused. “You idiot!” He scoffed, walking over and leaning over his desk. “Why was Y/N just running down the hall sobbing?” Steve took a heavy sigh, not looking up.
“I fucked up, big time.” Steve explained. Bucky rolled his eyes.
“So you told her?” He asked and Steve nodded. “How did you do it?” “How do you think, Buck?” Steve fired back.
“Judging by your crying wife and the whole in the wall, you fought.” “Yes, I fought.” He clarified, “I yelled at her. She fought back saying she didn’t wanna do it, I lost my patience.” “You stupid Punk.” Bucky laughed a bit, Steve looking up with a confused look, “You thought she would react any differently?”
“Well, maybe more cooperatively-” Steve began, but was interrupted.
“You’re asking your wife to go and flirt with your rival in a sleazy little dress that’s basically lingerie with a few pieces of fabric connecting it.” He sighed, “You’re asking the woman who loves you, who would literally die for you to go out with another man, and you expect her to be on board? If she reacted positively I would be more concerned.” “Well I didn’t think she would react positively, per se.” Steve rebutted, “Maybe just a little more willingly.” “You still don’t know a damn thing about women.” Bucky sighed, “You have the most loyal, loving, beautiful wife probably sobbing in bed right now because you scared the shit out of her. And you’re gonna sit here and just act like a fool?” He asked, “Why don’t you go apologize? That would be a good place to start.” “I probably should.” Steve leaned back in his chair, getting up and marching out.
He powered through your spacious and modern penthouse, making haste knowing the time was ticking. Approaching your bedroom door he took a deep breath, standing outside and giving it a soft knock. “Baby?” He cooed outside, leaning into the door to hear you soft sobs, “Doll?” He twisted the knob on the door, noticing it was locked. He sighed with annoyance. “Baby, c’mon now let me in.” “No.” You responded, holding your pillow in your lap like a child.
“Baby doll,” He softly said, “C’mon now, I just wanna apologize.”
“I said no.” You repeated again, this time more aggravation in your voice. He took a sigh.
“If you don’t willingly open this door up, I’ll open it up for you.” He warned. You huffed, still firm on your decision. “Fine.” He murmured, running back downstairs and into one of the side rooms, where he went in one of the drawers, picking up a key. Running right back, and up stairs, he placed the small metal object in the key hole, turning it and letting himself in.
You groaned, sitting back on the back of the bed, rolling your eyes. “Fuck you.” You spat out at him. He scoffed.
“C’mon babe, we both know you don’t mean that.” “Please,” You scoffed right back, “If I didn’t mean it then why did I say it?”
“Baby doll,” He sighed, smirking at you, “I love you. And I came here to apologize.” You pouted at him, keeping a straight face.
“Do you mean it?” You questioned, raising one of your eyebrows, looking at him. He nodded. “How do I know?” Your husband walked over to you, laying in bed on his side. You scooted further over to yours, trying to expand the space between you two.
“Baby,” He said softly, his words sounding like music to your ears, but you refused to look at him, “Sweetheart.” He said again, you still refused to move. He took your chin, softly in his large, warm hand. Moving your head to face his, he bent down and kissed you softly. Fireworks of tenderness exploded in your chest, as you hummed out of instinct. He smile lightly into the kiss.
“Because I love you, more than anything in this world.”
“Fine.” You reluctantly sighed, “I forgive you.” You stated, swallowing roughly. “I’m sorry I fought back, I should have gone with the plan.” “No, I understand why you did.” He nodded, “I shouldn’t have lashed out at you and let you see that side of me. You don’t deserve anything near that.” You nodded, leaning your head onto his shoulder. He tenderly kissed the top of your head, taking your smaller hand in his.
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“How do you feel?” Bucky asked with a heavy sigh of disapproval as you looked in the mirror at this tiny black fabric that was a disgrace of a dress.
“Exposed, slutty, sleazy, whore-ish, should I continue?” You turned back to he and Steve, your husband clearly enjoying the view, taking his bottom lip in his mouth, “Hey!” You snapped at him, to which he escaped his trance, “Eyes on mine, not my ass.”
“C’mon now.” Bucky got up, sighing again in frustration. “We gotta go.”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms and walking out feeling beyond embarrassed for this apparel. A lot of mafia wives wore similar outfits to the one you had on, borderline stripper. You preferred classy and elegant, this was far from your cup of tea.
Getting out of the solid black car, you took a final deep breath, stepping out to begin playing your loose persona. Black pumps pattered on the ground as your walked into the mansion, your red lipstick curling up into a nice smile as you began greeting people.
The women were green with envy, their eyes filled with both red flames of jealousy and blue waves of fear. The men acted like dogs and pigs, looking you up and down like the cheap piece of meat you were acting out. You hated it, you truly did. Everything about the ordeal was already wrenching enough.
You were greeted by one of the server’s and a glass of much needed champagne. You wanted to down it, let the pain simmer away, but you slowly sipped as a proper lady would. Ironic with the outfit.
Looking around at the large ball room of people chatting, you finally found your target. His ridiculously untamed black hair, barely shaved face lined with wrinkles and harsh eyes were enough to let you know that was Brock Rumlow.
You walked over to him, a small smile on your face despite the pure growl underneath it. Making sure to jut your hips out a bit more, you immediately caught his attention.
“Well, well, well,” His voice echoed to you, as you kindly smiled now across from him, his suit not fitted well you noticed. “If it isn’t Mrs. Rogers.” “Please, Mr. Rumlow.” You played your character, “No formalities needed, Y/N, is just fine.”
“Hm,” He hummed with brief thought, “I thought the Rogers’ clan always took great pride in the name.” “Well,” You sighed, taking a sip of your drink, “Some things change.” “Oh?” He asked, “Like what?”
“Loyalty, trust, one’s pleasure.” You smirked, he clearly caught on. Fast.
“Pleasure, you say?” He inquired.
“You heard me right.” You sighed.
“So why’d you come to me?” He asked again, trying to act dumbfounded.
“You know why, Mr. Rumlow.” You stated. He hummed and nodded once.
“Follow me.”
He guided you through the winding whirlwinds of people, up one of the various grand staircases. Down the darkly lit hallway and into one of the bedrooms.
You didn’t want to jinx yourself, but so far this was too easy. Granted, it was Brock Rumlow. He was a loose cannon, the opposite of Steve. Steve ran a tight ship, the organization was established with concrete and stone foundations. Rumlow was some sticks put together. He left paper trails and greasy fingerprint all over his business, leaving Steve a laundry list of reasons to get rid of his rival.
His hands grabbed your hips, and as much as you wanted to pull away, you had to let him have you, if even for the next minute. You pretended to be okay, but no enjoyment was very much visible. He didn’t seem to notice. His hands reached down along your curves, moving and grabbing your ass. You could feel his breath reach your face, his lips inches away from yours.
It all happened so fast. One moment you were about to engage in a kiss with a man you despised, the next you were held at gunpoint in a headlock by the very same man. You opened you eyes calmly, looking around to see a dozen of Steve’s men from all angles, guns pointed at Rumlow’s head. The cool point of the weapon was on the side of your head, your hands tightly at your sides. “Let her go, Rumlow.” Steve walked in, staring at him. “If you wanna make it out alive, let her go.”
He harshly laughed, “Oh please,” He stated, “It’s not like I’d want to make it out alive by your dirty hands anyways.” “I’m pretty sure I’m not the one stealing other peoples property.” He barked, “So stop touching mine.” You remained calm, keeping your breath steady just like Steve had always told you to do.
The room fell silent. You could feel Rumlow’s fingers move on the gun ever so slightly, prompting you to know he was cocking it. With one easy move, you took your left elbow, smashing it into his chin behind you. He fell back with a groan, gun being thrown which you managed to catch with ease, like Nat had taught you. Cocking it yourself, you pointed it at the man now on the ground.
Looking back, Steve stood in partial awe and confusion at the site. You with the very gun you were threatened with now pointed at your attacker. “Take ‘em.” Steve stated, as numerous men went and grabbed him up, tying him with duct tape as he wailed for help. You walked over to Steve as he walked over to you, his fingertips tracing your jawline, “Are you alright?” He asked, face turning to concern. You nodded.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” He grabbed your waist, giving you a deep kiss, using one of his hands to run it through your once perfectly done hair.
“Where did you learn that?” He muttered, you lightly laughed.
“Nat.” You smirked into his ear.
“Doll you could’ve hurt yourself-” “Steve.” You insisted, placing one of your hands on his chest, “I’m not a porcelain doll. I married into mafia, I can’t be.” He sighed, looking away only for a brief moment of thought before turning back to you.
“I know you’re not.” He muttered, “I’m just worried.” You nodded.
“I know.” You caressed his cheek with your hand, “You always are.” You both lightly laughed, smiling at each other and lost in each other’s passion for one another despite little to no conversation taking place.
“Uh, hey boss.” Sam walked in somewhat awkwardly, knocking on the door. Steve turned around, hands still placed on your hips as your attention was now on Sam as well, “We might wanna go, like, now, so no one suspects anything.” “Yeah, right.” Steve dropped his hands from you, grabbing one of yours to lead you out one of the secret back doors and into one of the cars. You squeezed in next to Steve, him placing a hand on your thigh lovingly.
“So, when do I get a raise?” You gazed out the window at the various cars passing by.
“Your raise?” Steve scoffed, “What raise?” You sighed heavily.
“I did most of that job for you.” You rolled your eyes. “Got the target, took his weapon, got him on the ground.”
“Doll, it wasn’t that easy-” “It seemed that easy.” He sarcastically laughed.
“You’re insatiable sometimes.” He rolled his eyes.
“Using big words now, are we?” You turned to him, “I could use a bigger pay too.” “Fine.” He gave in, “What do you want.”
“A long weekend, just you and me, no work, in Napa Valley.” He gave you a confused look, “You heard me.” “Doll that’s a little much don’t you think-” “Four days.” “Sweetheart-” “Five.” “Honey I can’t-” “Six.”
“There’s not even that many wineries, I-” “One week.” “Fine!” He huffed, “One fucking week in Napa, no work no nothing. Excluding emergencies, where I will make it up to you somehow. Good enough?”
“Nat and Bucky need to be there too.” You retorted, “Staying at a different house, keep in mind.” “Babe, where will they stay?” “Steven, you have three houses out there, figure it out.” You scoffed.
“Fine. But that’s it.” He began, “This is your reward for your hard work.”
“Hard work? I would describe it more as flawless.” He eyed you, shooting a glare. “I love you.” You kindly smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Now when we get home you’re gonna plan that trip, right?” “What do you mean I-” “Well, it’s not like it’ll plan itself.”
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