#or if she will just be back with even stronger walls in place and a joke ready to diminish her trauma
yanderenightmare · 6 days
TW: yandere, noncon/dubcon, angst, unwanted pregnancy, blackmail, ish-baby trapping
part one
fem reader
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You went cold and forgot how to breathe.
When you got to the kindergarten, they told you his father had already come and collected him early. All looking at you as though you were crazy, assaulting the daycare workers with your hands in a bruising grip, shaking her by her shoulders—demanding she tell you where he took him. 
She spilled the name of some family restaurant down the road and said he’d wanted you to join them there. The poor thing was on the verge of tears when you let go.
Rushing out, you all but ran down the streets before pushing yourself through the doors—cold-sweating and swivel-eyed—in a panic, scanning faces with his name coming out weak under your breath. 
With your vision spinning, you felt faint before you heard it.
“Mommy! Mommy! You’re here! Look! I’m King of the castle!” he shouted, and your peeled eyes snapped to see him up high in a bright red plastic tower.
But before your shoes could hit the soft foam of the playground, you were intercepted by something larger.
“He’s fine,” he said under his breath, catching and stopping you in your beeline, holding you by the waist. “I need to talk to you.”
Something old and instinctive didn’t bother paying him heed—as if forgetting how to speak, you just ignored him in favor of pushing past him, eyes glued to the sight of your son blissfully unaware, playing with other kids with an oblivious smile on his face. But his grip was stronger than your instincts, firm enough to keep you still but not enough to hurt you, even when you tried twisting yourself free.
“Come on,” he urged.
You were about to sneer something, finally looking at his face—that face you hated—but the bark of curse words got held back.
“Look around you. Let’s not cause a scene.” The wild animal within went silent while your eyes flickered around at the surrounding picnic tables where families were having their dinner. “We can talk outside. My assistant will look after him.”
You didn’t feel much inclined to listen, but still, even though it made you hate to fold on his behest—reluctantly, you accepted the sense of what he was saying. Looking back at your son still laughing up in his tower with cinched brows. You didn’t want to scare him when he didn’t know what was going on, even though you felt the need to scream at the very top of your lungs.
You allowed him to lead you outside, but as soon as the fresh air welcomed your rigid state, you were at once whipping around and pushing him away. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” snarling at him. “How fucking dare you?!”
“Calm down. He might still see us,” he hushed, hands raised in halfhearted surrender, casting a nod to the glass walls separating you from the frivolity inside. “Let’s just talk rationally.”
“Rationally?!” you scoffed in a shout, eyes still manic. “You fucking kidnapped my son, you psycho-”
“You wouldn’t answer my texts or calls,” he snubbed. “He’s my son too-”
“Fuck you,” you interrupted to return the favor. “If you fuck with me on this, I swear I’ll ruin you.” You had a finger raised at him, breathing furiously—looking down-right mad—sweaty and disheveled from your run with your face twisted with such a state of frenzy. “I’ll tell everyone how I got him in the first place!”
Despite the threat, he didn’t seem all that fazed. 
“Think about it…” he said calmly, much in contrast to you. “Who do you think people will believe? A teenage mom abusing her son for a paycheck or his estranged father wanting to provide for him?”
You blanched, and before anything else made it out—whether it be more rage or something else, he was already further silencing you.
“Not to mention… the trial would be gruesome, and Junior would have to grow up with it always hanging over his head—is that really what you want?”
You look at him, and you still can't believe it. How could it have turned out like this? You’d been perfect only a month ago before he’d shown up at your apartment.
You thought you’d sent him on his way for good that day, but only now did you realize he had no plans to leave you alone.
“Come, let’s talk in the car. It’s cold, and you’re not dressed,” he ushered, taking your arm again where you stood, stunned and still, trying to wrap your head around his threats. Letting yourself be led into the black vehicle standing perfectly parked in its neat white rectangle.
You both got in the back with enough room to battle your homey sofa nook at home.
“I don’t want this to get ugly,” he started anew—his voice still so irritatingly calm, unfairly so. “I just want to see my son-”
“He’s not yours,” you croaked, feeling the situation slip from your fingers—battling a drumming heart, shifty breaths, and the mean sting of tears welling up in your eyes.
“If you try and keep him from me, I’ll sue for full custody. And given I’m the only one out of us who isn’t a pro-bono case and the only one with any future that isn’t managing a register, I’d say I have a pretty fair shot at winning.”
You can’t keep from bursting out crying then, overwhelmed by the fear of losing the only thing that mattered and the pure disgust of the man who’d given it to you. It felt like everything was tearing—your whole life—crumbling before your eyes.
“Don’t cry,” he soothed, his hand coming to drape your hunched shoulders where you held your tears. “I don’t want to take him away from you…” His attempt did little to comfort you, but the next words had your heart grasping for what little hope they offered. “And I’m not going to either.”
You looked at him through the hurt of swollen eyes, tears still falling while he wiped them away with the course pad of his thumb—rubbing your cheek affectionately. In any other circumstance, you’d surely slap him, but right now, all you could do was listen.
“I’m buying a house,” he revealed, still holding your cheek and gaze. “Fit for a family. Safe neighborhood, good school district, giant backyard.” The list went over your head—it was all too surreal to register. You couldn’t even fathom what he was getting at until, “I want the two of you to come live there with me.”
Stunned, you remained completely silent until the tears dried, and he let go of your face. 
“You don’t have to say anything right now.” He reaches across you and fetches the seatbelt before coming back over you to click it in place. “I’ll go get Junior and drive you home. Just stay here.”
You do as suggested and stay seated as he pops his door open and leaves—feeling all but cemented in place as your thoughts go tumbling around and around as if caught in a rip curl. When Junior jumps in beside you, a farfetched smile is all you can offer. Thankfully, he’s so enamored by a toy he’d gotten to notice much of your state.
When your door opens again, you’re led out and onto your neighborhood street. The fresh air does little to clear your mind. Feeling all but feverish as you hold Junior's small hand in yours while the man of your nightmares smiles all too fondly at the two of you.
“I’ll come pick you up after your shift on Monday.,” he says decidedly—cheerfully as he ruffles Junior’s hair enough to make him giggle. “Bring the rascal with you, and he can pick his room first.”
You weren’t planning on staying. You were never planning on staying—certain you would leave the second the opportunity to skip town arose—you just need to scramble the money together first. 
But the house was huge… nothing you could ever dream of, and while it made you desperate with grief, you couldn’t deny it either… Junior really loved having a dad.
It nearly brought sick to your throat to call him that. It was a shot through the heart every time you heard Junior’s boyish call, squealing with giggles, saying “Daddy, daddy, daddy-”
None of it seemed right to you. Seeing his bright smile, now at the age where a new tooth fell out every other week—looking so goofy as he proudly shows the two of you the new one he’d just knocked out playing soccer at school. “Mommy, Daddy, look!”
What’s worse is that you can't even deny how good the man you hate is at it all—spoiling him with gifts and making him laugh—giving piggyback ride after air-plane flight after tickle-fight and a game of tag and hide’n’seek. 
And it’s not just the easy stuff. He’s good at the shit that used to make you go crazy—putting him to bed, getting him dressed, making him eat the right stuff, and not just scuffle down candy. It’s as if the two of them have developed a secret language you’re not a part of. If Junior weren’t a toddler, you’d even suspect he’d been bribed and told to do his best to make you lose your mind. But no, it’s just reality.
The man you live with drives and picks your son up from school as if he’d done it since he was born, goes with you to meet the teacher if and when he gets into trouble and helps the two of you pick out the right shoes—shoes that you can now afford, thanks to him.
“I thought I might sleep in the master bedroom tonight.” He says, leaning against the frame in the doorway.
You’d been living there a month now. He’d been generous enough to sleep in the guest room up until now.
You don’t know how to deny him. It feels as if anything you might say would just be ignored or threatened until you eventually took it back. You didn’t want him in your bed—you didn’t want him in the same house—in fact, preferably, you’d want him to be six feet deep in the dirt.
You end up not answering. But he’s used to that by now. 
“I get it…” he says, taking steps into the room you’d wrongfully thought was your safe space. “You don’t trust me.” He sits down at the edge of the bed and reaches out across the sheets. You’re too late to pull your feet to yourself before he has one in his hand. He doesn’t do much but stroke it. “But you can.”
The sincerity in his eyes makes you want to gouge them out. It’s all been some cruel joke ever since you moved in—all the pleasantries and presents, as if trying to distract you from the past. Your wardrobe is chockfull of it, and so is Junior’s room—filled to the brim with lies.
“I’m never gon’ hurt you.” Another lie. “I did you wrong once, and I’ll spend the rest of my life makin’ up for it.” 
You want to shake your head, laugh in his face—anything to reject it. But you’re terrified of what he might do if you didn’t play along. The threat of losing Junior is enough to make you cooperative.
“I know I’ve not been fair—pushin’ you into all of this so fast.” He gets down on his knees on the floor as if praying, right down beside you. “I took advantage of a vulnerable situation ‘cause I’m an impatient asshole—but I promise you—” He takes your hand in both of his. “If you give me the chance, I’m gon’ make our lives together like somethin’ outa’ a fuckin’ fairytale—all that happily ever after shit and more, just like you always wanted.”
The kiss he presses upon your knuckles beckons goosebumps to rise all across you. All his words feel like a bad script read by an even worse actor—in fact, this whole thing feels like a prank. And still, it doesn’t surprise you—he’s been laughing at you ever since you were children.
And now, laughing still, only with a fucking ringbox in his hand.
“I want Junior to see us as a united front. I don’t want him askin’ question why we ain’t sleepin’ in the same bed, why we fight behind locked doors, why you cry in the bathroom.” 
He pops the black velvet lid and reveals something so outrages it almost looks tacky lying there in a plush bed of red silk.
“I want us to be happy.” He picks the little thing out and holds it up between his thumb and index, still holding your hand in the other. “I want us to be real.” You can almost see your life flash before your eyes as it threatens your ring finger. “Let’s make us real.”
You don’t say anything as he eases the tiny hoop on, sliding it all the way back until it sits snugly right at your knuckle—dazzling in the dark. A tiny tear slips down your cheek—equally dazzling.
He played some with the digit—a smile on his face. 
“Looks good on you, Mrs.” As he calls you by his last name you almost shake the ring off as if it burned to wear, but it all gets lost when he rushes forward and locks his lips with yours.
You yelp against his mouth, kept from turning away by the large hand holding your jaw, threatening to seize your throat and squeeze. You remember how it had felt. You don’t want more of a reminder, so you intercept his tongue with yours before he forced it down your throat.
He groans at the warm welcome, and your entire body shudders in memory.
You hadn’t let anyone touch you since that time five years ago. It had left a poor taste in your mouth, and the hunger for it had never come back.
You choke it down now as he climbs on top. 
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BNHA – Bakugou, Dabi, Hawks
JJK – Sukuna, Geto, Gojo, Naoya, Toji
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vanteguccir · 5 months
Sleeping inside her | Matt Sturniolo pt. 2
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Matt wakes up the next morning and just wants to fuck Y/N.
Warning: Smut (mdni), somnophilia (consented!), p in v, fem masturbation.
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
Part 1
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Matt felt his senses slowly return the next morning. The sun that came through the cracks in the blinds kept the room warm and welcoming, warming the blanket that covered his body. The sounds of birds outside and Y/N's light breathing filling the space.
The boy tried to move, holding his breath for a moment as he felt his cock being pressed by his girlfriend's walls, keeping him warm and hard, then remembering how they went to sleep the night before.
His blue eyes closed as Matt tried to focus on anything but his completely naked girlfriend next to him as his cock was buried inside her, the scent of her skin keeping him high. But all his self control was lost when his girl's hot, sticky walls squeezed him tightly while she was still asleep, seeming to want to expel him out or bring him in more, Matt wasn't sure.
The boy wrapped his left arm around Y/N's waist again, careful not to wake her, before lifting his own left leg and placing his foot on the bed, so that he could guide his movements more easily.
Matt pushed his hips back until only his head was inside, before slowly inserting his length again, letting out a breathy sigh at the delicious sensation, thanking Y/N for using lube the night before, which along with her wetness made the contact easier and more pleasant.
Matt rested his forehead on Y/N's shoulder, closing his eyes and focusing on the sensation, his hand going to one of the girl's tit on instinct, massaging the area carefully.
His hips seemed to take on a rhythm that he was already very well accustomed to and would never tire of doing, a calm and slow one, specific to moments when he wanted to love his girl and feel every little part of her perfect body.
His back flexed with his movements, sweat starting to accumulate on the back of his neck and biceps as low pants fell from his lips.
The wet sound that Y/N's pussy made with each thrust was the only thing that filled the room, increasing Matt's arousal.
It didn't take long for the girl to wake up, a moan escaping her lips before her eyes even opened.
"Matt- Fuck." Y/N moaned slowly, pushing her hips back against the brunette's pelvis, eliciting a low moan from him.
"Morning baby." Matt said in a low voice, the fingers of his left hand now able to pinch his girl's hard nipples, pulling them, making Y/N arch her back so that her ass was completely pert and her chest was fully forward.
Matt's right arm, which had previously served as a pillow for his girlfriend, was now around her neck, forcing her head back so that he could see her expression over her shoulder. Y/N's right hand quickly snaked its way until it stopped on Matt's arm, which served as her special necklace at that moment, squeezing the spot tightly as she licked her lips, wetting them.
One of the greatest pleasures for the boy was watching his girlfriend's pleasured features as they fucked or made love, the way her eyes rolled back and her eyelashes fluttered, the way her mouth opened in a perfect circle as her tongue lolled out or arched inside her mouth at the sensation, sometimes her full lips being bitten hard by her teeth in an attempt to silence her loud moans.
Matt was able to adjust his feet so that his thrusts were deeper and stronger, but keeping them slow, not wanting to break the spell of the moment. His cock moving in and out of Y/N at a single pace, taking out almost everything and then thrusting his entire length until his red head hit the spongy spot that made his girl see stars.
"Does it feel good, baby? Does it feel good to feel my cock moving in and out of you so easily? 'Was made for me, hm?" Matt whispered against Y/N's ear, hearing her gasp and moan in response.
The girl took her left hand to Matt's back, grabbing his ass and forcing him to go deeper, rolling against his hip and Matt followed her movements, Y/N's eyes rolling as she felt his dick hit points inside her that she didn't think was possible
Sex, fuck or love was always like this with Matt, no matter how many times the two got intimate, the boy always managed to surprise her.
Matt moaned hoarsely when Y/N made a specific movement that made his dick twitch, feeling suffocated by her moist walls. He lifted his left hand, which was previously on her tits, and brought it to her bare shoulder, removing the strands of hair stuck there by sweat, planting kisses on the area, his blue eyes opening and closing constantly, feeling like he could drown in the intense pleasure.
That same hand snaked down his girlfriend's body, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind, stopping at her hip momentarily, where he squeezed tightly, smiling at the idea of ​​being able to look at the area later and see the imprint of his fingers adorning her skin in a perfect way, almost like an art.
Y/N felt unable to form coherent words, moans, and murmurs escaping her lips along with gasps and sighs, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration and pleasure, wanting to stay there forever.
Y/N's body twitched on its own as Matt moved his fingers nimbly across her clit suddenly, his hand going from her hip to her pleasure point in seconds, moving his index and middle fingers in circles and then up and down at its own pace, his hand acting automatically as if that action was already engraved in his memory.
"Fuck, look at you, I could watch you like this all day." Matt murmured, his blue eyes fixed on Y/N's face.
His hand acted quickly to lift his girlfriend's left leg into the air, his fingers pressing the inside of her knee, starting firm and faster thrusts, looking for his own orgasm, wanting to reach it with his girl. Matt took his cock out only halfway and came back in with force, making Y/N feel each of his veins massage her walls and his head press against her magic spot. Her hip movements became more frantic and uneven as her head fell further back, slamming the back of it against Matt's shoulder, telling him that she was close to her orgasm.
"Please Matt, I need- Please..." Y/N begged, unable to form a complete sentence, only able to think about reaching her peak.
"Do you want to cum, babe? Are you going to give me one, hm?" Matt asked against the top of her head, closing his eyes as he felt his own orgasm begin to rise.
"Please. Please, Matt, please." Was all Y/N could say, her hands clenching into fists in their respective places, marking her boyfriend's skin and crumpling the sheets.
"Cum for me, love." Matt whispered and his approval was what made Y/N collapse, her legs shook incessantly as her stomach contracted, the fingers of her hand taking on a white color with the strength the girl used in her grip, her head pushing firmly against Matt's shoulder as her eyes rolled back tightly, her mouth open in a perfect O as loud moans escaped her rosy lips.
The image along with the way Y/N's pussy squeezed Matt's dick tighter than before brought him to his own orgasm, strong and hot jets reaching the depths of his girlfriend's pussy. His left hand went down from the girl's knee to her thigh, squeezing the area tightly, while his right hand, still around her neck, clenched into a fist in pleasure. His own thighs shook from the intense orgasm as his mouth opened and gasps and sighs came from his lips, along with some moans and calls of his girlfriend's name.
A few seconds passed and the two felt the waves of pleasure gradually diminish, their minds becoming active again as panting echoed through the walls of their shared room.
Y/N opened her eyes slowly, her vision adjusting to the brightness of the room that was almost imperceptible before, lowering her leg that was still in the air.
Matt took his length out of his girlfriend slowly, afraid of hurting her, knowing how sensitive she would be, his left hand going to her stomach and caressing the area affectionately, kissing her shoulder repeatedly.
The girl lightly squeezed Matt's arm one last time, before taking her hand away, turning on her boyfriend's bicep so that she was now facing him. Matt's right hand quickly found comfort in Y/N's hair, caressing it.
"Hi." She smiled big, her eyes shining with love.
"Hi." He responded, laughing lowly as he brought his face closer to hers, his lips finally finding the ones he loved so much, his tongue passing through Y/N's closed lips, wetting them and asking for passage, which was granted.
A slow kiss began, the kind that makes you want to stay there forever, the kind that allows you to breathe through your nose calmly, lengthening the time of the gesture.
Y/N broke the kiss, placing her forehead against Matt's and closing her eyes, breathing in, absorbing the natural scent of the brunette's skin and the lavender of the blanket.
"I love you." Matt whispered, his left hand making a calm and affectionate path from her thigh to her waist, touching his nose to hers in an eskimo kiss.
"I love you more." She responded, letting out a low laugh at the gesture and moving closer, pressing their bodies together, her face settling against Matt's chest so that the top of her head was under his chin, her right arm wrapping around his waist. A sigh of relief and comfort escaped her lips, her mind convincing her to enter a state of sleep again.
"Sleep, baby. Today, we have the day to ourselves." The brunette muttered, knowing it was Saturday, so she had no work, and he had no videos to record. His lips found the top of her head, kissing the area for long seconds while he inhaled through his nose, instantly relaxing, being able to enter the world of dreams again.
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gangplanksorenji · 5 months
Kinknuary Day 13: Uniform Kink
Pairing: NewJeans Hanni x Male Reader
Word Count: 5,562
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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It’s just another goddamn stressful day that you’ll be tackling and you just can’t wait for it to end. Even teaching a class full of boisterous students sends you into a hellhole of utter stress and dismissing them is such a sigh of relief—you still show empathy and enthusiasm to teach and make them learn new things but there are just times where it’s really unbearable but you fight through it, following your moral code of conduct.
Yet one student stood out from the rest, not really because of her academic performance (in which she is already doing decently great) but, in the way she dressed that literally doesn’t follow the campus’ dress code.
As she’s about to leave and get her bangs packed and ready, you suddenly called out her name in a formal manner as you caught her attention off-guard. Of course, she rolls her eyes in subtle annoyance as her friends opted to just wait for her onto the campus’ canteen and Hanni agrees on that and averted her attention towards you.
“What is it, professor?” Hanni asks you with little-to-no-interest as wants this to end as quickly as possible as she has more endeavors to be in with.
“Ms. Pham, I would like to talk about something that I’m pretty sure you’re aware of.” Your stern demeanor intimidates Hanni as the presence of gravitas within you makes her feel a hint of nervousness, unsure on what you may talk about.
“I don’t seem to know what you’re talking about, professor?” She seems to not be cognizant about what you’re talking about as there’s multiple reasons on why you may call her out. It may seem sincere but she may act oblivious just to trick you but you could never be so sure, so you enlightened her with a fact. “Don’t you see what you’re wearing, Ms. Pham? Don’t you see that it definitely doesn’t follow the dress code of the school’s regulations.”
“Oh, I guess I’m sorry, professor. I don’t know anything about this regulation-thingy and what are you going to do about this, hm, strip it out of me, professor?”
God, this girl—Pham Hanni, yes, this girl is not the girl you don’t want to deal with. Everybody knows how bratty and stubborn she can get whenever she’s being disciplined and snapped back to her place, despite her bubbly and friendly attitude. With that iron wall that’s strong within her, you want to teach her a lesson and break it despite the possible risks and you might need to even take it a step further than the most primitive ways of disciplining students.
You let out a deep sight as silence ensues and then, you slammed hard on the desk and gave her a cold, stern gaze that startled and scared Hanni. “Don’t you dare talk to your professor this way, Ms. Pham Hanni—and I know you’re not this oblivious to not know about the school’s rules and regulations, don’t you?”
And as much as you’re having the higher authority right now, Hanni herself didn’t back down without a fight and rather provoked your inner fire that you didn’t absolutely like but your patience is staying stronger than steel, fighting through her stubborn behavior. It became continuous that the both of you are starting to argue like little kids but you still maintain your composition yet Hanni’s erupting like a volcano gone rogue right now and there’s one thing to deal with this, moreso, privately.
“Then why does it matter so much for you, professor? Just say the words and I—”
“Go to my office now, Pham Hanni.” You interrupted her with a single sentence as her heart dropped massively as fear now emanated on her eyes, as she never saw you this serious before. As much as she wants to complain or retaliate, she doesn’t want to get in any trouble or escalate this situation further so, without any choice, she packed her things and went to your office with you, of course—you need to guard her since she might immediately escape and catch you off-guard, unprepared and you don’t want that to happen.
Once you’ve reached your office, you offer her a seat as you turn on the lights and sit on your chair, ready to further talk about her annoying and frustrating behavior.
“Professor, if it’s just another dumb talk about my bitchy behav—”
“Can you just stay quiet, please?” You retort in response with her talkative antics that made you boil in anger and immediately, Hanni shuts her mouth silent and gulps nervously. “You are being a nuisance to a lot—let me repeat it again for you, a lot of professors, whether it’s your stubbornness or you just being incapable of following such simple instructions and being selfish, it’s getting out of hand.” You blow a deep breath as you’re about to tame a beast like Hanni as you’re preparing for another pointless hindrance that further makes everything go down into flames. 
You’re just as puzzled as most of the people that knew her and you hate that one thing that really shows how much the professors despise her—her bratty attitude that will never fade as the boys around her fall in love with that and it’s just something wrong. As much as you don’t like her not following the dress code the school has implemented, you can’t lie and dive into your hypocrisy with the beauty that lies within her because of her aesthetically hot school uniform outfit. Of course, you won’t let your intrusive thoughts win and remain composed throughout the time being of disciplining her and making her snap back to her roots.
Yet you have a single trick up your sleeve whenever this gets out of hand, and you’re just holding onto this for a while, testing your patience.
“We don’t know what to do anymore with you so a little cooperation will be appreciated if you will just—”
“But here’s the thing, professor—” Hanni pushes the chair a little back, before standing and giving you a subtle smirk in aims to lower down your guard. “—at the end of the day, it’s not going to harm anyone and you can’t do anything with it, hah.”
“Hanni, it’s not just that—it’s all about the discipline and the control of your—”
“Oh, stop it, professor—” Hanni walks towards you as your senses heightened, absolutely flummoxed with her eager movements towards you as she’s obviously seducing you into making you fall down her spell. “—don’t tell me you don’t like how pretty I look in this outfit.”
In all means, she’s goddamn right and there’s no way on earth you would say a no but of course, you’re fighting the urge of your primal desires as you brush her approaching advancements to lure you in, retaliating and further wanting Hanni to back down even though you know that she’ll just advance without anyone to stop her.
“Stop this madness, Pham Hanni—you’re not going to—”
“I’m absolutely in this, professor—stop being a hypocrite and tell me how pretty I look with this uniform.”
It’s her accent and her saccharine voice that further doesn’t help with your defensive state against her unstoppable will. You can’t lie how perfectly beautiful she looks in this possibly-cursed uniform as every inch ultimately highlights her slender waist, her beautiful thighs and her perky mounds and you hate it. Maybe, she dressed like this for a purpose but you’re not so sure and you’re running out of time before you unshackle everything that has been caged for so long.
Knowing that hypocrisy is such utter bullshit, you finally give in a little as you start to stutter and mutter such complimentary words that Hanni catches her ears on it.
“You l-look good in this outfit, Hanni—not going to lie with you. Your curves, your thighs, it’s just perfect for you.”
Hanni finally smiles widely with her eyes drawing such crescent moons, emanating her cuteness towards you. She’s delighted to hear your sincere takes on her outfit and decided to take it a step further than ever before. Hanni then closes towards you as her hands palmed your chest, the warmth of it making you overwhelmed and excited as your heart races its beat like it’s catching something.
“I guess you want something to deal with this, right, professor? And don’t you dare say no because—” Hanni looks at your eyes endearingly with aims to further lure you onto her spell as her thick Australian accent followed by her sweet voice seduces you further, “—I can see in your eyes, professor—your pretty, black eyes says it all…” She further puts gasoline on the flames as she caresses her hands slowly on your chest, making you feel the affection and sincerity of Hanni’s eyes and because of your clever mind, you knew exactly where this is going as you fully gave in to your animalistic urges and broke apart your stern, teacher-like persona.
“I do want you, Hanni. I can’t believe I’m saying this but you’re so goddamn pretty and hot.” You took some quick peeks on her impeccable features as she saw this, smiling at the fact that you’re admiring her scrumptious body and her pretty face.
“I know professor—you’re hot and pretty handsome too. You don’t know this but—” Hanni tiptoes as you slightly slouch in order for her to be in level with you as she whispers in your ear, “—I had a crush on you for a long time now, professor.”
This may sound unorthodox for you but you feel your heart beating triple its normal rate, finding Hanni’s advances wholesome and flustering. It may sound wrong as you want to unhear what Hanni just said but you can’t help yourself with your own desires and even wanting more. Knowing that Hanni’s touches are getting bolder enough for you to act up, you gently push her hands off on your chest as she pouts cutely, dejected with your retaliating advances yet she doesn’t give up, at her watch.
“Hanni—we can’t be doing this. This is just wrong, I’m sorry—”
“But professor—” Hanni lays down onto the couch as she displays herself in front of you and all you can see is an angel getting ready to be sullied. “—don’t you wanna think of something else? Like, kissing me, making me rile up or just ruining me with this goddamn uniform? Come on professor, make a girl worth her while…”
With your own desires taking over you, you can’t be bothered to really make yours unattended as her primal calls make up for your time as you were lured by her own devilish remarks. You pin her down at the couch as she yelped in response, feeling a little shocked with your aggressive actions but she never wanted you to break the heated atmosphere that has been building up as she grabbed your collar and kissed you intimately.
This is totally wrong—you said to yourself but you didn’t care anymore, not when Hanni’s plump, luscious lips are in contact with yours, sharing such an intimate kiss as the both of you find yourselves even indulging deeper and not wanting to end this so soon but speak of the devil, Hanni pulls out of the latch of your lips as she looks at you with need in her eyes. Can’t seem to really contain yourself anymore because of such a hot scene, you thought of something that will change the course of this session and will start things off incredibly well.
“Get on your knees, Hanni. I’ll probably assume you know where this will go, right?”
Getting up on the couch, Hanni eagerly obliged to your request as she knelt down in front of you with her eyebrows furrowed, a little nervous about what you may have in store. Hanni knows what you’re coming up with but she just wants everything to be confirmed by you so she didn’t hesitate to ask you about it. “Are you s-sure about this, professor?”
“Yes, Hanni—I am more than sure. Besides, no one will know any of this and have no secret cameras installed here anyways. Now, do your thing and impress me.”
Your tone makes her heart drop as the heat makes everything intense as your stern face intimidates her but it didn’t bother her to start her own service. Her hands trembled a bit but she didn’t care as she continued unbuckling your belt and then unbuttoning your pants as you mildly groan due to her hurried actions as her touch feels enchanting, the hotness rivaling the cold air that had permeated around the room. Even with the possible uneasiness laced in every move she does when she’s stripping you, you can’t help but be in awe of how she’s genuinely interested in what she’s doing as the lust and anticipation glistens on her dark orbs.
“Have you done this before, Hanni?”
Hanni, still busy with her current activity, takes a second before she could respond as she looks at your eyes endearingly and mutters, “Not really, professor—just on my toys though, so I had some little practice at my end.”
You scoff as you were shocked by Hanni’s dirty, little secret but you didn’t take it as a joke or way too seriously—it’s just great that she had experienced it with even a silicon toy but now, she’ll be trying the real thing and it’s just going to be better than this. Now, with your last defense left before her grand treasure, Hanni didn’t waste any time and let the feral beast inside you be unshackled from its frustrating restraints and god, Hanni’s eyes lit in awe and amazement as she gets her first treatment and a sight of such a beautiful, perfect cock.
“Professor—it looks good and thick. It feels so warm and nice on my hand too—woahh...”You can see how adventurous and how new Hanni is in these kinds of things as she’s just in full-admiration of your entire length now all for her to taste and use. You want to show some mercy with Hanni, even with her bitchy attitude that makes you want to teach her lesson, you’d still keep the feral beast inside you for now as you don’t want yourself to grow impatient, reminding Hanni on what to really do.
“Show me what those plump lips can do, Hanni—show me what they’re really made of.”
“Yes, professor…” With no time to waste, her soft flesh meets your engorged tip as she sends multiple pecks onto it, from your tip down to the base her actions immediately send waves of pleasure and it's a pandemonium of delight. Sudden surge of pleasure does course down your veins and you can’t help but let out moans that screams volumes of peak delight and gratification with the incredible work of Hanni’s lips marking every inch of your shaft with her touch and she’s barely even doing anything on your cock yet. 
Well, you didn’t need to imagine anymore nor Hanni as she envelops her soft lips all over your tip, just pushing it almost the frenulum as she eagerly bobs her head and sucked onto your length like it’s favorite popsicle. With you sitting onto the couch, you may think that Hanni’s struggling a little due to the position but she shows no signs of it as she continues her masterclass of an incredible display of her talented mouth doing wonder all over your length. She definitely knows how to suck a damn cock like yours, even if she said she hasn't had a real one and just done it with her toys makes you think if she’s lying on her teeth but you didn’t mind it as you let do an incredible job between your legs. Inevitably, saliva seeps out at the side of her mouth and onto her chin due to her furious bobbing as it stains the couch and makes it a little wet—adds to the element of a messy, sloppy, and most of all, a great blowjob session.
With now taking more than half of your length everytime she thrusts her mouth on your cock, a gag can be heard resonating around the room as it’s bound to make your arousal soar higher than the heavens, and it absolutely did. She didn’t stop sucking you, moreso, even pull out quickly enough to catch her breath as she gives you the best she could deliver as she’s totally serving the dish hotter than what you expected, all of the elements coming all together in aims to reach a single goal: to make you stimulated enough to blow a healthy, thick load. With her furious bobbing onto your constantly throbbing penis, you grabbed her blonde-highlighted dark streaks as an outlet to fight the constant pleasure you’re experiencing and wanting yourself to give her a treat, you caught her off-guard by simple forcing your entire length down her throat as it hits the back of it, activating her gag reflex and immediately, she forced out of your saliva-sheathed member as she catches her breath in response.
“Wha—What w-was that professor?”
“I just wanted to feel your entire throat and if you can take it whole, Hanni—go on and continue…”
Hanni throwed a slight glare because of your sudden harsh actions towards her but she brushed it off immediately and got back onto sucking your raging length again. This time, it was better considering how she locks eye contact with you periodically, more often that earlier and with a new and a better addition, Hanni’s dainty fingers finding its way to fondle your balls for further stimulation as it became so frequent that you increase the quality and also the volume of your moans and that alone sends Hanni onto a better task at making your brain go haywire.
There’s is no absolute way that this can get any better—Hanni bobbing her up and down furiously as she gags every time she does it, saliva seeping out her mouth and staining the vicinity around her lips, her tears and makeup getting ruined because of her own harsh doings against your length, and the peak of the iceberg is herself in her uniforms which turns you on so fucking much—and there’s nothing you can ask for at this moment. Her pace is just getting ridiculous at this point that it’s all going to get out of hand soon because you’re feeling the familiar sensation growing up in your loins as you have  more plans ahead for this girl as the both of you are just starting.
Well, you never knew that a girl in her uniform would make such a blowjob session thrice as hot as you’ve ever thought about and maybe, you just found yourself a new fetish.
“S-Stop, Hanni…” Your pleas fall deaf onto her ears as the sounds of her constant slurping and her sheer focus on sucking you off makes off a wall to refrain herself from any distraction. Gathering up more strength, you raise your voice in hope for her to hear you as you can feel yourself going near that high you’ve been waiting for but you don’t want it deep down her throat.
“I said stop, Pham Hanni!”
Fear took over her as she’s startled and afraid with your tone, immediately stopping and pulling out of your drool-lathered, throbbing length as connections of saliva were evident.
“Did I d-do something wrong, p-professor?” You could feel the fright laced between her words as felt bad and guilty with it, so you reassured her in the nicest way possible as you don’t want this to end so quickly and anti-climactic.
“No—I want my load to be deep in your pussy because girls like you don’t deserve a load deep down their slutty throats…”
“B-But I deserved it!”
“I won’t repeat myself, Hanni.”
You’re not wrong, by any means. If she misbehaved so badly and acted like an unbearable brat earlier, then it’s just fair making her be deprived of your seed. You commanded her to stand up as she did so, and you helped her with that and not so long after, you ordered her again to bend herself over, her hands palmed all over the wall as she gave out an excited look, Hanni anticipating what you may still have in store up your sleeve.
“Do you w-want me to strip off m-my clothing?” Like your growing fetish onto hot and petite girls in uniforms, you can’t be bothered to see her naked as two brilliant things are the reasons: one, she’s still within the school’s premises as you don’t want her to be utterly ruined and naked when the both of you are done and two, you really want to sully her with her uniforms on as it’s such an arousing sight to see her curvature and her impeccable features being complimented by her uniform. With this conclusion, you came up with a single reasoning and replied to her—
“No, I want your uniform stayed on—you’ll look better ruined with those on and look too great on that.”
Hearing this, Hanni’s lips curled up a smirk as she knew how to really turn you on right from the start. She knows her captivating and alluring aura will send down your defenses and will break your stern persona as a professor and given the fact that her in a uniform turns you on even more than what she expected, makes everything better and more arousing. Now, with her unparalleled pleas of needs towards you, you can’t help but feel yourself inching closer towards a heavenly route towards your own sin—and you’re about to take such a bold risk that will define your limits and Hanni’s and it’s all about to break down. With her petite and slender figure bent over and ready for taking, you take a moment to admire her plump cheeks and her beautifully sculpted thighs that it’s in the right amount of thickness. You caress your palm over it as your fingers slowly run over the hem of her white-laced panties, stretching it out a little in order to tease her and not for long, your deftly swiped it down to her ankles as you were met with her glistening, needy cunt that’s already dripping and you don’t know when it started.
With that desired treasure within your reach, you’re in no state to not dive into it yet your conscience fights with you but you manage to calm it down as you fully indulge on your own needs and immediately, you plunge your length in her with a harsh grip on her thighs as a leverage and god, her moans are basically the purest and the most erotic sound you’ve ever heard in your entire life—such sultriness and sweetness behind her lustful needs makes it such a great symphony to listen as rhapsodies of her delighted feelings escapes her mouth, further muttering such lovely moans that greatly fueled your lust over her.
You know this is wrong—so besmirching yet you’re at the point of no-return and just finding yourself being lured deeply into the abyss of your primal desires.
“God—p-professor—your cock—oh, it’s so big and n-nice up my tight, l-little cunt!”
“You’re t-tight as fuck too, Hanni—let me guess though—” You then inch closer towards her ear and fixed her hair as some of it falls back onto the other side as you muttered, “—you’ve tried shoving up your toys in this tight pussy, isn’t it?”
Hanni’s already at her vulnerable point as she can’t think of any articulate response rather than moaning in need yet she manages to fight through it, uttering a reply before she can let out her lustful profanities again. “Y-Yes—yes, professor! I l-love playing w-with my toys that’s why—fuck, so good!”
As you ensue such powerful yet slow thrusts, Hanni can’t help but voice out her satisfaction each time you do it as her thighs jiggling in response to your harsh movements is bringing you into a hypnotic trance. With her delectable buttcheeks being a victim of such vibrations due to your constant ramming of her cunt and with that such, you gave her a single spank that reverberated around the room and Hanni herself cried in intense pleasure because of it. With such an incredibly hot sight of Hanni in her uniform, getting railed from behind, you can’t help but make yourself unable to maintain the pace even if you wanted it slow with Hanni and you didn’t last long and gave in to your primal instincts and let your hips do the work.
Your new profound pace makes Hanni writhe as her fist forms tight curls from the constant course of pleasure running down her veins, making her stimulated enough to drip around your ravaging member and onto the floor, staining it with her own succulent juices. Your hands now averted its attention towards her shoulders and then her perky mounds in which you slowly groped, and fondled them carefully while still maintaining a breakneck pace that’s been forming such heavenly clouds of gratification that makes the best for both worlds. She lets out a series of satisfied moans, but this time, it’s more sultry and more of a whimper in your words as your intimate actions brings her closer onto her own promised land.
“Oh fuck—professor! P-Please k-keep doing—fuck, ahh—that!!”
It was the same words uttered earlier and until now, and you’ll never get tired of it and will even make her a ruined mess that can only moan such lifeless syllables full of lust. With your relentless pace and such stimulating actions onto her small mounds, you further make it worth her while as you kiss her nape and suckled onto the porcelain skin, making her feel cherished and treasured as it’s all just becoming too much for Hanni that she’s unable to control herself, vulnerable on writhing unstoppably as the quivering of thighs would be a reasonable evidence to start with.
If this is what Hanni wanted at the very start, then she’ll get what she wanted—not because she solely deserved this, yet.
“Is this what you wanted, hm, Hanni? You really decided to dress like this to lure me in—well, you fucking got it because—” You keep fucking her steady as she cries from the stimulating actions your hips has been oscillating as her tumultuous mouth letting out the most lustful profanities are coming into a halt. “—I’ll destroy this pussy and fill you up like a good fucking girl and to teach you a fucking lesson!”
With the venom laced being thrown at her, unlocking the pure devilish deeds in you and putting your merciful façade onto its unfortunate demise, you let yourself be unshackled from the restraints you’ve been cursing yourself onto and rammed her tight, wet cunt like there’s no tomorrow. You gave her nothing but a lightning pace as each thrust aims to break her in half, teaching her a lesson and as the cherry on top, to fuck that living bratty and bitchy attitude out of her. Now grabbing the tie that has been an absolute iconic element of her outfit, you used it as a collar for a leverage to further fuck her into oblivion and with this pace, it isn’t going to be long before Hanni meets the end of the line, setting herself up to the top step of absolute lust and peak quality of pleasure—the long-awaited orgasmic trance of Hanni.
You know how close she is with the constant pulsations of her pussy around your ravaging length as you muster up the fastest pace your hips can do just to chase her orgasm further and with an ear-screeching scream of ecstasy, she announces her anticipated high.
“Oh god—I’m g-gonna—fuck—gonna cum on y-your cock, professor! Holy sh—shit!”
“Do it, Pham Hanni—cum on my cock like a good, pretty girl.”
With the last string of her defense now cut down, streams and streams of her nectar flow around your cock as she catches her breath everytime she lets out rounds of such an intense orgasmic high. You didn’t stop your thrusts though, yet you slow down to give her a breather but she looks back at you, wanting you to fully ravage her tight cunt even with her current state. Marking that as a green, you further resume your frantic pace as the wet squelching of her pussy and the constant clashing of both your drenched bodies became an arousing sound to hear as it draws you further to your own peak, inching it closer yet you fight it in order to savor the tight feeling and an ecstatic clenching of her velvety walls around your throbbing shaft. You support Hanni with your muscular arms as you can see how her orgasm depleted a chunk of her energy as her hands became weak, unable to full grip onto the walls as she just became a lifeless form capable of just uttering the most erotic syllables known to man and god, it’s even drawing you closer to the edge as it stimulates you into oblivion, and can’t draw back.
Chasing your own high as you want it as soon as possible, you use her body like you have something to prove to her as you train her with the aims to derive the best pleasure out of it and Hanni’s, too. Even with the orgasm-drunken state of Hanni, she’s able to encourage you to further release in her as she wiggles her bubble butt leisurely, wanting to get off yourself too as her voice captivates you and lures you deep on your darkest, lustful desires.
“Come o-on, professor—use m-my cunt and cum i-in me—please, I w-want it! I’m s-safe so you don’t need t-to worry—ahh—a-about me!”
Your eyebrows furrowed, reluctant with that approach that you may do the unthinkable but yet find yourself thrusting harder and faster, “Are y-you sure, Hanni?”
“Yes! Yes, p-professor—so please, I w-want your load d-deep inside me…”
With Hanni’s reassurance and her further encouragement for your long-awaited release, you trust her as you give her wet, tight walls the final thrusts it deserves as she constantly clenches with your pace, unable to control herself from it as you gave in.
“God—I’m gonna cum so hard in you, Pham Hanni!”
And then, your final blow decimates the last standing defense within you as your euphorically groaned and shoot spurts and spurts  of your treasured load deep inside her cunt as you bury your whole length in her, in aims to fill her up to the womb as she lets out such ecstatic moans with the warmth inside her painting every inch of her walls white with your seed. Your initial response after a mind-bending orgasm that lasted for like fifteen seconds is to pull out slowly and admire the creamy mess you made inside her emanating heat, as the both of you let out such exasperated breaths after a steamy session that no one can possibly top off. Hanni becomes weak as her legs got a little wobbly from your aggressive actions, sitting down slowly at the floor and recovering herself from the earlier euphoric trance and so did you, letting your cock soften as it twitches in need but you didn’t mind anything and take some time to recover.
“Oh my—you came so much in me, professor…” Hanni lightly laughs as it’s contagious, laughing with her and smiling right after, knowing how satisfied she is as much as you did.
“You too—I could literally feel a faucet leaking out of me when you came.” Hanni blushes from your reply as her hands come down to the hem of her panties, pulling it up as some of your semen leaked out and stained her thighs.
Awkward silence ensues right after as both parties slowly descend into recovery, catching breaths and reminiscing—maybe comprehending too—such remarkable moments throughout the intense session of such intimate sex. 
“Oh gosh—well, y-you proved your point already, professor.” Your face paints a confused one as you vaguely remember what she could be talking about.
“Of what, Hanni.”
“Of teaching me a lesson, professor. Would definitely follow your orders from now on.”
You faintly smile from her possibly sarcastic ways of a response of your “discipline” but you can sense the sincerity deep within her despite her unfathomable attitude.
“You know, we should clean up and fix ourselves, Hanni.” 
The both of you then hurriedly got up as you helped Hanni since her legs are weaker right now (but it’s in a state where she can still walk) thanks to your constant ramming at her cunt for like umpteenth times. The both of you fix yourselves and become more presentable and as she’s about to leave, you chat with her for a short while and then waved goodbye at each other but now, both of your faces emanate delight and comfort.
As Hanni is walking her way down towards her friends who've been waiting for forever, probably in the school’s canteen, she notices a small note stitched onto her backpack that says, “Thanks for that, Hanni. I’ll be calling you later for something… :)”
Knowing that it’s from you, she can’t help but smile as it went all troublesome but in the end, it all fell down onto curiosity and possibly, a stronger connection.
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planetaryupscaled · 1 month
Male Reader x Park Sooyoung (Joy)
Tags: 12k, age-gap, cheat, creampie, cuckold, oral
The story is not ours; we simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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Sooyoung had just writing her personal report for the day while sitting in an empty classroom. It was convenient way for her to track the progress of the various classes throughout the week.
She was almost done, just finishing with some constructive remarks about some of the lower-performing students. She glanced outside the classroom window as she placed the tip of her pen in her mouth to think of something to add. She noticed a young man in an oversized hoodie walking towards the school building, constantly looking down at his phone. It was Minho. What was he doing here after school ended?
Sooyoung finished her report, closed her notebook, and placed it in her bag. She walked out and noticed me standing in the hallway, just outside the school office door. I leaned against the wall as I put my phone back in my pocket.
“What are you doing here?” Sooyoung asked as she approached me.
She wore matching black yoga pants and a sport bra, her voluptuous figure provided plenty to look at. We were the only two people in this hallway, The bell had just rung earlier, and the rest of the staff had left for the day.
“What does it look like? I need tutoring,” I said, my smile betrayed my true intentions.
Sooyoung couldn’t help but flustered. She was always a confident woman, but my brazenness was something she didn’t know how to handle... especially after taking my load on her face and seeing each other’s private areas. But the deal was a deal. She’d jerk me off today, and it’d be a week before the next time.
“We can’t do anything here,” Sooyoung whispered, even though no one was around. “I know we made a deal, but we can’t do that here! I could get suspended!”
“So do I, relax I’ve only got twenty minutes until football practice. How about we sneak to this empty classroom and knock it out real quick? You’re tutoring me, so it’s not suspicious that we’re in a classroom,” I suggested, eager to get started.
Sooyoung shifted her feet, unsure. It’s true that nobody would have expected anything funny, but we’re still at school... And anyone can walk in at any time! No, it’s not going to happen. She’d let her emotions and libido get the best of her last time, she needed to be stronger now. And it was not worth jeopardizing the job she’d worked so hard for. Sooyoung swallowed dryly.
“I’m sorry, Minho,” she sighed, frowned regretfully.
“Well... okay, I guess we can take care of it in your car instead. A deal is a deal, and time is ticking. “I’ve been thinking about it all day,” I explained.
“Can’t it wait?!” she asked.
“No, I will not go to football practice like this.” I answered matter of factly.
“Minho, I don’t want to do it at all,”
“Should’ve said that to your husband. Come on. We made a deal, and I’m not taking no for an answer”
She turned away, feeling cornered.
She silently cursed her husband and his stupid fantasy and replied, “Okay, fine. But please. Twenty minutes, nothing more. And I’m even doing it in the car. No silly shenanigans. And remember no intercourse. Got it?”
“Yeah, of course. Lead the way, ma’am.” I replied, smiling.
Sooyoung couldn’t believe what she was doing. Leading her student to her car so she could give him a handjob. Fortunately, she had parked quite discreetly behind the corner. Anyone leaving the school would not notice them. But what if people found out what they were doing here? That would be disastrous.
Sooyoung told me to get in the car. I did so. She didn’t bother jumping in; instead, she stood in the doorway. Nobody would see us, and if they did, it would be from the opposite side of the car.
“Now lay back and relax,” she said with a smile.
I qucikly took off my gym shorts and underwear, Sooyoung grabbed my cock and began to stroke it, focusing on the head and my balls. She started with quick, easy jerks and gradually slowed down to a smooth, sensual movement. I groaned with delight as her silky married hands touched my throbbing member.
“Twenty minutes,” she reminded herself.
She glanced over at me who looked relaxed as my hips raised up and down against her hand. Sooyoung worked so smoothly, running her fingers along the tip and length of my cock. She couldn’t get over how big I was. When she imagined taking something so big into her body, she felt a hot shiver of nervous excitement run through her body. Knowing she’d chosen such a brazen boy to be intimate with, gave her goosebumps all over. But the rules were there for a reason. This allowed her to protect her morals and principles while also exploring them.
“Spit on it,” I muttered.
“Sorry, no,” she responded almost immediately.
“I said, spit on it, or at least kiss it or something. You’re chafing me,” I commanded. Sooyoung gulped, unused to being bossed around.
“It’s filthy,” Sooyoung said in a low voice, continuing the steady pumping. She was enjoying my cock in her hand, its size and mass. But to kiss it? That’s a no no.
“And me giving you head in your bedroom was clean? If you don’t...” I warned.
“Fine. I won’t kiss it but I guess I can... give some spit...” she sighed and stopped for a moment, then bent down over my cock.
She leaned in and let out a small dribble onto my throbbing member. The precum mixed with her saliva caused my cock to glisten and drip all over, with slicker sounds filling the small space between us. Sooyoung's rhythm became faster.
“I love your little hand. Mmmh... fuck that is nice..." I hissed through clenched teeth.
“Hahh,” Sooyoung snickered, staring down at my cock, admiring it. “So, is this better than any girl your age?”
"Much better… I would deepthroat you right now, if you like, You have the perfect face to fuck," I moaned desperately.
"Oh god, no, no mouthfucking," Sooyoung groaned somewhat annoying.
I smirked and began to whisper in a leering tone, staring at her while she focused on jerking me “Your body is nice, you know? I like those jeans you wore before; they make your butt stand out. A nice, curvy fat ass. You definitely have that.”
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Sooyoung felt a hand firmly grab one of her ass cheeks. She nearly stumbled and leaned in, giving me enough leverage to grab it. Sooyoung swatted my hand away while continuing to stroking my cock. I laughed but moved my hand back to her firm ass.
“You jerk,” Sooyoung scoffed.
“Say you want my cock, slut” I groan and slap her ass.
“Minho, stop! Hand to yourself.” She said as tried to stop me playing with her fat ass.
She resumed her pumping on my cock as my hand returned to her ass cheeks once more, now she just shaking her head, rolling her eyes.
“You’re such a naughty teacher, look at you, jerking me off in your car.” I said.
Sooyoung gave me an angry look but yet she continued to pump my cock faster and harder. She knows she shouldn't have let me touch her body, but with her husband fantasy in her head, Sooyoung surrendered control to her subconscious.
I squeezed and spanked both her cheeks harder this time as if proving my point that she couldn’t, or shouldn’t resist my... helping hand.
“Guys at school wouldn’t never believe a teacher like you can be this... fucking… slutty. You just can't stop thinking about my cock, can you?” I taunted.
Sooyoung scoffed. “As if I hardly notice that thing,” she replied.
She leaned in as she continued the strokes and let another dribble land on it, she added a little twist and grind at my cock head. She pumped and pumped, while my hands never left her butt, I groped and squeezed it even harder, my fingers sinking into her round fat ass.
“Oh yeah, Sooyoung, just like that,” I said, almost whispering.
“Shush,” Sooyoung reprimanded me on instinct, hearing me mention her name made her feel even worse. She felt as if we were becoming intimate.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna-”
Sooyoung increased her speed, stroking harder, leaning closer for leverage. I looked down at her, my chest rising and falling with my quick breaths. My fingers caressed her ample globes, while my other and started rubbing at her covered cleavage. Sooyoung was completely captured by the pleasure she was giving me, unable to wrench herself away.
And then I finally blew, shooting giant ropes high up, some splashing against her clothed chest. My hand groping her ass, pushing her forward even further, making the stinky mess even more inescapable.
“Oh fuck Minho, come on! My clothes!” Sooyoung said, rolling her eyes with a defeated sigh, though never stopping her strokes.
I was panting and grunting as I unloaded my seed. The last few spurts leaked out and trickled down along her hand. A couple of drops hit her sleeve too. “That’s so much,” Sooyoung groaned annoyedly, looking at her now completely stained hands. Even her wedding ring glittered underneath the thick coating.
“Shouldn’t have worn something so... easy to stain. That’s on you,” I laughed. “Can’t dress like that with me around.”
“Yeah, whatever. You got what you came for. Now please leave,” Sooyoung said.
I chuckled but left her car without complaint. I sauntered back towards the school for my football practice.
Sooyoung let the week crawl by without any more thought of our illicit encounters. With all that went on in the classroom, the parents’ evening, and her after-school yoga and Pilates club, running with her favorite student and neighbor, Sooyoung found the time passed swiftly by. Before she knew it, the next week was near. We hadn’t really talked about when the next encounter would be.
I didn’t even contact her until Tuesday. I wrote ‘‘Are you home?’
When Sooyoung looked at her husband, he only smiled and nodded. It was enough permission. ‘‘Yes, come over.’
And just like that, I came strolling inside their house once more.
“Hi ma’am,” I greeted her, entering the kitchen.
Sooyoung leaned back against the table, smiling politely at me. She was wearing a white, fitted shirt and navy trousers, accentuating her gorgeous physique. The loose waves of her dark hair were draped casually over her shoulders, as a thin coat of lip gloss coated her lips.
“What’s up?” Sooyoung asked, trying to keep her composure, her smile on, and not to let me dominate her thoughts like last time. “So, you’ve come here for another tutoring session?” Sooyoung asked, playing coy.
I approached her at the dinner table, a bulge protruding from my shorts, totally ignoring Hyoseob who stood a bit further away in the open kitchen, just watching. Sooyoung shifted her glance at him, sending her husband a coy smile before focusing her attention back on me, whose hands were suddenly all over her butt again. Sooyoung giggled nervously as I grabbed a firm handful and groped her shamelessly. It was so different with Hyoseob right there. It was an assurance that me groping her was perfectly fine, and she had to admit she was glad it was.
“Wh--What are you doing!” Sooyoung asked, keeping her cool, acting outraged as my cock pressed against her thigh through my shorts.
“I didn’t get you off last time,” I said.
Sooyoung puckered her lips playfully, continuing to shake her head, making herself chuckle. But I am was done messing around and her playful manner only spurred me on.
I picked her up like she weighed nothing and placed her back on the dinner table. She was giggling wildly, allowing me to tug her pants and panties down her shapely, toned legs. I then spread her legs, wasting no time, I started eating her out... She yelped. It was wrong, filthy.
“ohh, so good…” she moaned.
Sooyoung groaned loudly, throwing her head back as my tongue deep into her warmth, nibbling at her clit before driving back up into her gushing pussy. She immediately felt the fiery sensations begin to ignite and grow. I held her by the hips, thrusting my face and tongue into her. Her chest heaved and bucked, a high-pitched gasp escaping her. Her shirt rode up from the friction.
The wickedness of what she was letting happen consumed her. My skill brought her to orgasm quickly. My fingers were splayed over her butt cheeks, nails digging into the skin. One hand squeezed each plump buttock and parted them wide to expose the tender flesh. With a savage growl, I tongued her open pussy, and dug deep, my teeth scratching the edges as I gnawed and ate her. Sooyoung yelped, moaned, and whined at the most horrible thing ever, a dirty secret of what should’ve been an affair and a taboo infraction of her marriage’s holy sanctity. The utter thrill of what she was letting go down, not for the first time, would normally have appalled her, but succumbing to Hyoseob’s powerful, yet wicked desires drove her to enjoy every second of it.
But now, with the pleasure mounting and spreading its tentacles, her mind had to focus on one thing: more. She grabbed the edge of the table, gripping it so hard that her knuckles turned white. The squishing and licking was the most awful sound to the ears. Her leg bounced, her heel beating hard against my back. Sooyoung’s mind was blank, only thinking of that voracious mouth feasting on her.
I licked slowly and wetly, tongue darting in and out of her opening, covering her in saliva, lathering her folds with my spit. At every withdrawal, Sooyoung’s hips rose off the table to meet me, wanting the pleasure only I could deliver.
The pleasure overcame her. She whimpered and then fell silent as a tidal wave of orgasms burst. Sooyoung gushed, trembling as wave upon wave washed over her, My mouth still hungrily at work. Finally, Sooyoung just fell quiet, moaning slightly and breathing raggedly, her pussy finally satiated and soaked. I looked up, staring directly at her.
“Feel better ma’am?” I grinned wolfishly. Sooyoung blinked. She could only mumble incomprehensibly in reply. She felt limp, helpless.
And yet she felt this strange emptiness. A need inside her to be filled and satisfied in a whole new way. The kind only a thick man, the biggest she had seen, could satisfy. It was weird being watched by her husband too. In a strange way, she was more concerned that Hyoseob saw her behave so crudely and obscenely. And in a different, yet much more tangible way, Hyoseob was seeing this horrendous, loathsome act and doing nothing. Maybe Hyoseob could see she was enjoying it so much that he’d let this wicked transgression slip without a hitch.
“Here, let me set up the camera,” Sooyoung said, still slightly out of breath. She was determined to finish me off so she could have Hyoseob rail her like the good husband he was. For once she wanted Hyoseob to take her rough, and remind her who she belonged to.
Glancing over at Hyoseob, who stood with his eyes and crotch bulging. he seemed to be more than ready for the same prospect. It was obvious he enjoyed watching his own wife cum on the behest of another man, even if it was due to a shithead like me. In fact, his proper wife becoming a sexual object, made it so much more incredible and surreal.
Sooyoung took her phone and propped it up on the dinner table and activated it to record. As she turned, she saw me had thrown my shorts aside, my erection standing proud. Sooyoung gave a sidelong glance at Hyoseob, who stood there transfixed and just watching the sin unfold. She felt guilty for making him endure such a situation; however, this was his own doing. It was his fantasy, and she’d be a good wife and indulge him. She loved him too much to deny him one of his darkest fetishes.
Sooyoung licked her hand, placing it around my stiff, rigid cock and started stroking slowly. I felt huge in her palm. She massaged and fondled it as best she could, her small fingers trying to encompass me completely, but she was still inexperienced, unused to handling an immense slab of cock like mine. She was almost in disbelief as it continued to pulsate and grow. Her delicate hands did their best to massage and soothe my throbbing cock.
“Get those tits out,” I demanded.
“Huh?” Sooyoung shook her head, refocusing from the massive slab of meat in her hands. She was mesmerized.
“Take it off, I said,” I reiterated. “I wanna see your tits.”
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Sooyoung slowly nodded, biting her lower lip with a sly smirk. I hadn’t seen her naked breasts yet, but had seen plenty of her pussy... so really, it probably didn’t matter. Besides, Hyoseob’s gasp told her that her husband wanted it as well.
She pulled at the buttons at the front of her shirt, and took it off. Next, she slid down her black laced bra straps, pushing it down so her bare boobs were on display, right in front of my face, with her husband watching, recording and knowing it was all for him. Sooyoung pushed out her chest and stood proud in my face, saying, “You’re not getting your hands on these, they’re all Hyoseob’s.”
Taking a seat so I could be at eye level with her breasts. “But you can admire them as much as you want,” Sooyoung assured, standing topless before me.
She finally could display some of that confident pridefulness that lingered within her. She got down on her knees on the floor and resumed pumping my shaft again, her fist sliding along its full, imposing length, staring intently at my stiff cock. She could sense that I wanted to grope her breasts, but for now, I was a good boy. Maybe her breasts jiggling with each stroke made for a good enough sight.
Sooyoung kept working me, stroking me at a much slower tempo than I clearly desired. I wanted her to increase her pace, but she wouldn’t give me the satisfaction. With her spare hand, she started fondling my balls. I could handle a bit of squirming for sure.
“These are some big balls. Gonna shoot a big load for me? Wanna show me how much you can cum for your teacher?” Sooyoung said, even though she wasn’t really my teacher, but you say what you gotta say.
“Wanna take a closer look?” I said. eyeing Sooyoung’s gorgeous features with the most lustful gaze. She giggled, suspecting what I wanted. She wouldn’t do it, but why not indulge just a little bit? And so, she slowly bent forward with my cock slowly coming closer to her face.
Sooyoung peered over and caught sight of Hyoseob. I was aroused, staring at her with anticipation and eagerness. My erection, confined in my pants, was very obvious. She loved watching him get hotter. In that instant, Sooyoung felt the fantasy growing on her. She had been reluctant before, and perhaps she would be later again, but for now, her primal urge for satisfaction took over, and the delicious rush of taboo sensation pushed away her reserve. Her husband’s affirmation was all she needed to let go.
“You like that my cock in your face?” I asked, as I swiped her hair over her shoulders.
Her attention snapped back to me. “Sure, it’s the biggest one I’ve ever been this close to,” she admitted and giggled mischievously, knowing it would torture her dear husband.
“How about you give it a taste?” I suggested. She stroked it casually with one hand and leered, cupping my balls again with the other. It was right there, inches from her mouth. The temptation to do something so wicked, something so far from anything she’d sink herself to do, was unreal. How far would this go if she didn’t stop it?
I grabbed her jaw with one hand, pressing my fingers into her cheek so that her lips popped into a little pucker. “Take it,” I said.
Sooyoung pursed her lips again and obediently kissed my tip. Just a simple peck of a kiss, like with a friend.
“Alright,” she admitted, nodding, “That felt nice,” then leaned down and kissed it again.
She stuck out her tongue, swirling it around, and licked my swollen cocck. I groaned, closing my eyes as my breathing grew deeper. “Mmmmh, yummy,” she teased, staring straight into the camera, then turning to her husband winking at him, “He really does taste rather good.”
That was far from the case. It tasted vile, but she knew Hyoseob would love if she teased me.
Hyoseob, in return, shuddered in place, heart pounding, his cock swelling at the thought of seeing her act like such a slut. But for the wrong guy, a young stud taking her instead...
I looked down, Sooyoung looking right up at me as I pushed a thumb into her mouth. “Open,” I ordered, pushed her jaw open. I used a finger, pushing her tongue.
“How’s it feel?” Hyoseob asked, entranced. Sooyoung’s mind was racing. Licking my cock was disgusting, yet so wicked.
“I don’t know,” she moaned, her eyes filled with heat, her body burning. “Spongy.” She had never given a blowjob before, and though the idea seemed utterly unappetizing, the hunger within her to see my cum burst into her mouth drove her into an excitement. It was nasty, something she never wanted to do, but still the depravity of it turned her on. “Open wider,” I commanded as I poked my thumb in the side of her mouth, opening it widely so I could see down her throat.
“Owwwhhh, Can’t wait to feel my cock bump up down there.”
It wasn’t entirely unpleasant; Sooyoung was having difficulty remembering what she disliked about having a large object stuffed in her mouth.
“Play with my balls,” I commanded. “Stroke that cock.”
Sooyoung did as I said, having let go of my cock while I had toyed with her mouth. In the process, she was regaining some composure.
No way she’d let that filthy thing into her mouth! She couldn’t believe she had even let it so close, and kissed the nasty thing even! Yet, when my thick cock hit her palm and she wrapped her hand around the big meat, stroking me firmly, and heard my moan, and then felt the hot pulse of the blood against her flesh...
Sooyoung stroked me, watching my cock flex and grow in her hands. Her other hand gripped the base of my shaft while she gently tugged at my balls. The incredible size and pulsing intensity of my cock filled her entire world. She became hungry for my release, eager for me to be shooting all that cream. But to meet me halfway, not wanting to give me her mouth, she came to a compromise she knew would make both I and Hyoseob blow our minds... and loads.
She would let me cover her big tits with my cums. Sooyoung looked down, cock throbbing and veined in her grip, staring at my massive crown, watching me shift, my hips pumping in pleasure. “God, the things I’m letting you do to me...” Sooyoung muttered with her best scowl, yet the playful wink and her low chuckling said she was enjoying it more than her words indicated. She pressed the head of my cock between her ample bosoms and pressed them together with a devilish leer.
“Uughh, yeeaah,” I hissed.
Sooyoung continued to jerk me off with her squeezing tits. She increased the pace, shoving my bulbous, throbbing head repeatedly in her cleavage. Sooyoung stroked until the first splash of hot, gooey cum exploded into her neck, chin, and breasts. It felt strangely gratifying. Sooyoung let go of my sack and worked both her hands over my cock in rhythm with the spurts, milking more and more of my cum to gush down her neck and onto her tits. I finished, and her tits glistened, coated in cum. Sooyoung sat back, giving her audience a magnificent view of her sitting topless, completely covered in white goo from navel to chin. Sooyoung smiled at her dirty accomplishment, admiring the big cock she held in her hand, as the hot cum ran over her hand.
“Fuck, that was incredible, you’ve got an incredible pair,” I said.
She lowered her eyes to my half-mast organ, studying it with the fascination one had for something seen only once, not fully comprehending what she has seen, only recognizing the wonder of it. The foreskin covered the bulb, which seemed bigger in its protective covering, creating a feeling of mystery and anticipation, causing Sooyoung’s breath to quicken. She couldn’t tell where the feeling was going, but she needed her husband as soon as possible.
Sooyoung turned to Hyoseob. “Bedroom, now.” She turned to me, giving him an appreciative smile. “Thanks for the loads... now get the fuck out.”
I laughed and quickly put my clothes on, leaving the house with a cheeky two-finger salute, heading back to school or football practice or some shit.
Finally left alone with Hyoseob, Sooyoung wasted no time. She tackled her husband on the bed and attacked him with her hands and mouth. As Hyoseob enjoyed the pleasurable attack by his loving wife, his thoughts were focused solely on the desire to be inside her. he finally removed her bottoms and flipped her on her back, her dirtied-up tits strutting up towards him.
Barely saying anything except for “You are amazing”, He lined his member up to her now-ready hole, pushed it deep, and rammed away at her with long, forceful strokes. With each pump from her husband, droplets of my cum flew and dripped off Sooyoung’s body, drenching their sheets.
It took quite a few thrusts until Hyoseob ejaculated, but once he was done, Sooyoung let go of him, her whole body shaking and whispered: “God that felt amazing. You can do that more often, just... please don’t make me fuck any other guy,” she said and grabbed Hyoseob’s shirt collar, kissing her dear husband.
A month passed by without any incidents. Once a week, I came over just to eat her out, who in return let me fuck her tits, or she would jerk me off. She even let me fondle her breasts when I fucked her tits. I was still trying to prod her to take me in her mouth. She never relented, though came as close as one could get. She did sometimes kiss the tip a bit, which I appreciated. I’d reward her by creampying her cleavage or coating her face in warm goo. It always disgusted her, yet she relished me giving her facial after facial. She’d look at Hyoseob in the act, trying to keep that annoyed, unhappy facial expression as ropes of sperm shot her face as if to reassure him that she didn’t enjoy the disgusting act. But Hyoseob couldn’t help but notice how wet her pussy got from my facial, and how vigorously they’d make love after I left.
To make our tutoring more ‘‘tutor-like’, the three of us agreed that the following month we’d do some actual tutoring at the school. Either running track, Sooyoung helping with weight training, swimming, or whatever. Of course, if anything happened, we then knew to record it. Weirdly enough, I was happy to play along. Or maybe not that weird, considering the woman in question.
New month, new week. Sooyoung hadn’t seen me since Monday last week and we hadn’t scheduled anything until Friday, as the school pool wasn’t available until then. We also agreed to the ‘other business’ in the car after our lesson, like the first time.
However, mid-week, I texted her.
Sooyoung was just done putting running cones back into the equipment shed. Her heart beating quickly and her hands shaky, she looked at the message, which read: ‘‘I won’t wait for friday’.
“Oh god,” she murmured, thinking I was asking her to hook up right then and there at the school. Before Sooyoung could respond with anything, I sent another message: ‘‘send pics, please?’.
A sight of relief from her as she texted back ‘‘ok’ with an embarrassed smirk on her face. She already wore skin-tight clothing; this was no problem. I would love an eyeful of her black yoga pants stretched across her shapely ass, not to mention her small crop top emphasizing her curves, making sure her toned tummy was visible. She dropped a photo of her ass. She captioned: ‘‘Can’t wait until Friday. Gonna catch some swimmers 🍆💦.” She knew her emoji game was on point now.
Feeling extra daring, Sooyoung shot another picture of her ample cleavage, pressing her arms together to emphasize it. She felt so devious sending me these lewd pictures. Gezz! She hadn’t even asked Hyoseob if that was okay! She immediately felt bad so she sent both pictures, with captions to Hyoseob.
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‘‘Just sent these to you-know-who’ she wrote. She knew she would be forgiven.
‘‘Voldemort?’ her husband replied.
‘‘Jerk’ she replied. Hyoseob joking around was a clear sign it was okay. ‘‘Did you like it though?
‘‘Hell yeah,’ Hyoseob replied. ‘‘Maybe have the camera ready at all times on Friday,’ he added.
A grin formed on Sooyoung’s face. ‘‘Sure thing, babe,’ she wrote back.
The bell rang, and it was time for her next class. Before heading inside, she texted me: ‘‘Hope you enjoy them.’
‘‘I’ll enjoy more when I see you naked. Friday right?’ I texted back.
‘‘On the conditions we agreed upon...’ Sooyoung wrote.
‘‘Of course, I’m not breaking any rules...’ I wrote, reassuring her, before adding, ‘‘unless you want me too’.
A third message came just after, ‘‘Just joking around’.
Sooyoung didn’t have time to dwell on it, but my words made her uneasy. She had to be extra careful on Friday.
‘‘Lol. Fridays fine,’ she quickly typed and walked to class.
The last thing she wanted was to encourage me to do something she’d would later regret. Especially because I knew a lot about the fantasy they were working with, and probably what buttons to press if presented.
With Friday not being far off, the day came fast and Sooyoung found herself swimming laps in her swimsuit as she waited for me to join her. We had the entire pool for ourselves as everyone had headed home for the weekend. She used a larger pool, creating no reason for us to get closer than necessary.
Sooyoung eventually stopped. I had finally come out of the locker room. She couldn’t help but stare as I paraded down the length of the pool towards her. Her eyes darted to my crotch, expecting a bulge. I wasn’t not been shy with my size, and she imagined now was no different. Sooyoung swam to the edge and hoisted herself out of the water.
“God, that suit looks too good on you,” I declared, my eyes practically bulging out of my head, completely captivated by Sooyoung's gorgeous body.
“So glad you noticed,” Sooyoung replied, shooting a little smile. “But today it’s all business. Pleasure can be found after class,” she smirked.
We started the lesson. And Sooyoung kept her promise to focus on learning. So what if I kept throwing a compliment here, a touch on her ass, or a rub on her shoulder? I heeded her instructions well enough to not go further than the border of inappropriate. Plus, I did my workout with clear conviction and it was impressive.
Sooyoung was impressed that I took any of her lessons at all, as I wasn’t exactly sluggish, if anyone asked, most would tell they preferred me as a fullback to their school team as I was a giant, and surprisingly nimble, blocking tackle, if the opposing team was unfortunate enough to have to carry the ball past me. But I struggled mostly to stay dedicated, which had led me to season after season on the bench. This was not a problem today.
“Looking at your tits certainly keeps me motivated,” I joked as Sooyoung complimented me on our way to the locker rooms.
“Flattery won’t get you in my pants,” she returned. She had thought nothing of my usual banter. We stood by the exit, apparently chatting a bit before going to our respective showers.
“Do you mind...”
“I mean, can I touch your tits for a bit?” I asked.
“What? You’ve touched them a lot, and will probably do it a lot more in the car. What’s up right now?” Sooyoung quizzed.
“I just wanna feel the swimsuit fabric... on those big tits,” I said, my gaze fixed on her chest. She sighed, trying to hide a blush.
“That’s still an invasion of personal space,” she replied. But the truth was she was extremely flattered. Now that she had got to know me a bit more, she knew when I was sincere. Even more now that she noticed my bulge.
“And perhaps because we’re here,” I continued “Public kinda. Or maybe it’s a student-teacher thing.”
Sooyoung looked at me, contemplating for a moment.
“Sure, why not. It’s Friday anyway,” she said, putting her hands on her waist, pushing her tits forward for me.
I eagerly seized the opportunity, and with a quick glance to either side of the room, I moved both my paws to each of her breasts. Sooyoung looked down at my hands squeezing her breasts and she felt something primal flare in her stomach as I massaged her in front of a glass wall leading towards what was usually a very public area. The way I gleefully fondled them felt too naughty, and she couldn't deny that it felt good how I knead her tits so vigorously.
“Come on, Minho, you’ve touched my breasts way more intimately before,” she chuckled, biting her lip and looking around the pool area, even as she knew we were completely alone. The lewdness of our actions triggered feelings she didn't recognize, prompting her to take the initiative.
I took this as a hint for me to move her straps aside. It was happening before she realized it, and soon her breasts were exposed to the big empty hall, her nipples erect from both my fondling and the thick air emanating from the warm pool itself. She hissed.
I'd seen and groped her tits countless times before, and now she was standing at the school pool entrance, allowing me to pull and play with her nipples. A place she worked; a place she’d get fired from if anyone ever learned what we’re doing.
“Stop. That’s enough,” Sooyoung murmured, trying to not raise her voice so as not to draw any attention, even as we were alone. I pulled the straps of her suit but then I stopped and walked toward the men's changing room, smiling at her. Sooyoung eyed my butt the whole way, making sure I took the correct turn.
Her mind buzzed and her body throbbed from the little tease she had delivered. Not much could make her turn a cheek, especially from a horny adolescent like myself, but being topless on the threshold of her workplace took a toll, even if she was the only person there.
Sooyoung quickly rushed inside the women’s changing room, ready to turn a shower on and rinse her shame off. However, she was feeling less and less ashamed the more she was with me. I was kind of a dick, but I had become a sort of friend who helped them live out a vile and potentially dangerous fantasy.
Sooyoung leaned against the tiled shower wall. There were six showers, three on each wall. She had wanted her own private shower, as showering with her students felt inappropriate, but now she was alone. Just as well, she found her mind swimming in lust and not paying attention to washing the soap away as her thoughts drifted to images of her lying on her back as I forced my cock into her body.
As much as she didn’t want to cheat on Hyoseob, it would feel so good to finally take such a big cock inside of her... She shoved those thoughts aside. Rules were there to make sure nothing like that happened. Sex was something she loved to experience with her most precious partner, Hyoseob. No way would she compromise something so special, so sacred, just for the sake of satisfaction, or pleasure.
“Eh, the men’s showers are fucked...” A voice said from the door.
Sooyoung snapped her head over her shoulder seeing me standing there awkwardly rubbing my neck, still in my swimming trunks and with a towel in my hands. She turned her head towards me, raising an eyebrow as I stood in silence.
“I think it’s that new plumber, whatever his name is,” I continued.
“So, uhm, can I, join you? I’d shower at home, but-”
My eyes trailed her body. “I thought why not join my hot teacher in here?”
“Sure thing,” she nodded. We had already seen most of each other before... though perhaps not all in one go, and certainly not glistening in warm water.
I took the spot beside her and set the temperature of the water, making it a little more steamy and warmer, though Sooyoung would probably prefer ice cold right then. I’d seen her in various states of nakedness a couple of times by now. It’s not like having me under the same showering spot, still clad in swim trunks, would really bother her all that much. Still, she remained with her back towards me. It created some distance, kind of, even if I got an eyeful of her firm ass cheeks.
“So, what did you think of today? Did you like the lessons?” Sooyoung asked, wanting to fill the silence with at least something else than her labored breath, as well as curious for an honest answer for her as my tutor.
I took a while to respond, taking all the time to let my eyes roam her well-shaped butt. Sooyoung felt that intense gaze piercing right through her and giving her a shiver she could not conceal. She peeked over her shoulder and saw that I had discarded my swimming trunks and was in the process of soaping my chest.
“Mmm, your ass is gorgeous,” I remarked as I rubbed my chest, “this was the first class I’d paid attention to since sophomore year...”
I stared openly at her as she smiled weakly.
“So, the lesson was a success?” Sooyoung said, turning ahead to ignore my lustful comments.
“Very,” I said.
She grabbed some soap and started to lather up her breasts. Sooyoung pressed her arms to the sides of her bosom.. She was already done soaping and all that, but she needed an excuse to linger. She had to pass me to get out of here, and she didn’t want to entice me further. We could do our business in the car after anyway.
“You stay over there, mister,” Sooyoung teased, shooting another glance over her shoulder, her eyes immediately locking to my semi-hard cock.
She turned her face away again, taking a deep breath where she stood. She cursed herself for giving in to my charms and allowing me to break through her mental fortitude, clouding her thoughts with lascivious thoughts about the forbidden. She shouldn’t enjoy such terrible desires. She had felt numerous times what I could do to her, my magical hands teasing her and making her beg. “No, no begging,” she thought, no matter how badly she wanted to. It would all become real if she did.
Our illicit activities out in the hall, me groping her breasts out in the open like that while showing my earnest opinion on her body, didn’t help her predicament of having me shower a mere five feet away from her. Having my hands on her back there, nearly pushing the boundaries of the rules made her uneasy. Sooyoung stepped back, backing straight into the middle of the shower.
A pained groan came out of her, as my palm landed square on her behind, cupping her big left ass cheek and holding her tight, not letting her move from the spot.
“Minho!” she shrieked.
She turned to face me, both my hands were on her soapy waist, not giving her enough room to wriggle. It was impossible to mistake the growing intensity of my eyes. Being slightly taller than her, my monstrous cock was now bumping right against her outer thigh.
“Um, Minho, wha- what’s-?” she stammered, feeling the immense hardness smack against the side of her hip.
I quickly grabbed her hand, forcing her to grab a hold of my cock. I grunted, my body trembling from pleasure. Her fingers clamped tight around it almost automatically, stroking me up and down. My erection was unlike any other she had known. It was far thicker and longer than what Hyoseob possessed.
“I was thinking we could do it in here,” I said.
“My phone-” Sooyoung started, but I shush her.
“I have once a month unrecorded,” I reminded her. They were the rules that were in place when she first agreed to do all this me.
I turned slightly aside so I could move my right hand fully onto her naked ass, my left onto her breasts, causing her to gasp jaggedly. She was so sensitive in her breasts, which I had come to learn. And now she was fully naked in front of me for the first time, my hands on her fully naked body for the first time too.
“Sooyoung?” I breathed her name, making her shiver.
She slowly nodded. No words, but permission to continue.
Sooyoung gasped as she enjoy my groped on her ass and breasts, her most vulnerable part on display and being violated. She wasn’t resisting either. A soft groan slipped through her lips as I started applying delicate pressure against her soft features. Her mind was still holding her back, as my hands roamed over her slippery, soapy-covered ass cheeks. It felt great, she was surprised to admit; not just the obvious physical sensation, but also the freedom and sheer shamelessness in knowing she had my full focus, completely uninterested in the video-recording aspect of this, just wanting to have a more casual session. Sooyoung relished how dirty she was being right here at work, where her phone should have been recording, but wasn’t.
It was strange how a few quick, strong of rubs into her fleshy posterior caused an instant reaction in her mind. I skillfully continued to caress and apply pressure to her curvy body. When I decided I was done kneading and molding the supple flesh beneath my palms, my hands crawled and glided toward her waist. I briefly groped at the jut of her hips before, slowly, my fingers moved to her lower back. At first, Sooyoung thought I’d grope and slap her rear, as many a horny teen would have done but instead, I pushed her to turn around.
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“We can’t,” Sooyoung said, suspicious of my intentions, despite the rules.
“I’m just gonna eat you out,” I replied, pressing a little harder.
Sooyoung smiled and allowed herself to be spun around and bent towards the shower wall. Her ample behind stuck out towards me, on display for my eyes, and my touch. Sooyoung braced her hands on the tile wall, opening her legs for me, and pushed her ass out, hoping I would taste her soon, hoping I would not keep her waiting any further.
I did not immediately descend. Instead, my hands wrapped around her chest, stroking at her sides before cupping both her tits, squeezing and kneading her voluminous chest. I am quick learner, my movements dexterous and adaptive to what she enjoyed.
Sooyoung felt my big firm cock lodge against the outside of her butt cheek, pulsing and throbbing in anticipation. She wanted me to get down there as soon as possible so she could get some release. She felt as if she was losing control soon if she didn’t. But my hands on her body, kneading and demanding her skin to yield to my fingers, felt so good too. Finally, she could feel me release my grip and start to descend behind her.
Sooyoung groaned as my hot breath glided past the arch of her ass, gasping with anticipation. My lips glided past her cheeks, sliding through to her netherlips. She leaned forward and widened her legs even further, giving me all the space I could want, all the access I could desire. My tongue was at home, licking the outer of her pussy lips and sometimes dipping in between, testing the entrance, poking at her wet folds.
Sooyoung realized I was growing bolder as my lips slowly climbed the distance to the crack of her ass. With my nose bumping along, I rubbed the top of her mound, just below her cute little butt hole. My hands moved downward from her busty torso to her thick thighs and squeezed them tightly. I began eating her sweet wetness even more zealously than I had been before and Sooyoung soon felt a tingle start to grow in her tummy and travel outward. The sensation started to swell and was on the brink of erupting all through her, with the lewdness of it all, the forbidden nature of it all adding to the tension inside.
I moaned against her pussy lips. It must feel so incredibly wrong being intimate with a teen, being a teacher to have something like that happen with a student, her being married and still having some punk lavish her folds. Her ass cheeks quivered as my tongue found a way inside her dripping pussy.
She was pushing back on my face, trying to get my tongue in deeper, feeling herself about to explode. Sooyoung began bucking her hips against my tongue as the familiar coiling built up in her pussy, signaling that her release was not far away. She pushed her head back and wailed in ecstasy, grinding and humping wildly, forgetting about where we are. Our moans were muffled by the steamy showers, yet our echoed against the walls of the otherwise silent hall. She was sure if anyone did return to the school, they would hear what we were doing.
Her chest was heaving, the wet lapping sounds between her legs almost drowning out any inhibition, as my tongue wormed its way inside.
“Minho…” Sooyoung grunted between strokes, “I need... oh fuck, I need it.”
“Need what?” I paused.
She could imagine a cheeky grin on my face. Sooyoung shook her head as best as she could and groaned. “God... please.”
“I’ll continue if you tell me. What do you need?”
Sooyoung’s senses were overflowing. My tongue lolling across her sensitive cunt felt absolutely amazing, and I had a habit of bringing her to the edge, only to slow down, pause, and force her to beg, which always ended with her exploding harder than anything she could remember before.
“Tell me, Sooyoung,” I commanded.
“Uhhgh, fuck. Keep going,” Sooyoung mumbled, groaning. “Please let me cum, I need it!” she begged.
And with those words, I dug back into her, this time, the force of my tongue driving in more aggressively, my entire mouth locked over her pussy and my hands digging into her big cheeks. Her body instantly tensed. Her orgasm was building until the very moment she could not contain it. Sooyoung felt my tongue batter away at the folds of her wet center, and soon it was over for her, I had her fully submitting, having all the control over her as she succumbed to the overwhelming urge for sexual satisfaction.
“Oh Godd!”
Her mouth dropped open. She sucked in air and froze as the explosive feelings rushed through her. Every nerve ending ignited, and her pussy trembled. It exploded into convulsing tremors.
“Cumming! Oh, I, I’m- Fuck, yes, make me cum!” she yielded.
She growled, clenching and shaking through her climax as I lapped hungrily and feverishly, feasting on her squirting honey pot. Her vision went white. She continued riding me, groaning my name repeatedly, until she felt her head begin to spin from hyperventilation. It was a wonderful sensation as I kept attacking her hole throughout the final aftershocks, slowing down my assault but making sure I tasted her, slowly massaging her softening wet cunt as I continued to make out with it. Sooyoung never really got used to the feel of my tongue rolling, the tip touching her sensitive parts, but it was over too fast.
Her knees became weak and she wanted to fall to the shower ground, yet I held her in position, not done with her yet. Before her pussy was able to recover, Sooyoung gasped when I slid my tongue to her ass. She groaned, twisting her ass-cheeks to one side, trying to get away.
“Please, not that, it’s so filthy,” she groaned, as I press my tongue against her puckered hole, only teasing the orifice for a second. “Fuck,” she hissed, my tongue felt so weird against her asshole... weird in good way. It was repulsive, yet something she found herself to strangely enjoy.
“Nnh... Ah,” she groaned and allowed herself to experience this new form of intimacy. For someone so crude and ill-behaved, I was certainly gentle in my approach as my hands supported her and guided her body to give me access to all her sweet spots. I slowly shifted and held her against the wet wall. “Minho!” she exclaimed and breathed deeply before pushing out my name in a heated whisper.
I gave her clit a long teasing stroke with my thumb, making her shiver and gasp before I once again buried my face in her crotch. She pressed herself hard against the wall, arched her back as she tried to somehow make the sensations more intense. My thumb never left her clit, massaging the small spot ever so slightly, and my tongue worked ever so gently inside her, alternating her ass and her sweet labia, savoring the sweet nectar of my hot teacher’s pussy. I was slow at first but soon I began moving my tongue faster, finding myself lost in the excitement of being so intimate with her. My hands gripped her, pulled and fondled. I was groping her all over with wild abandon, as the steam fogged the walls. Sooyoung kept thrusting against my tongue as my thick organ roamed around her puffy lips.
I stood behind her and pressed my cock between the cleft of her ass-cheeks.
“My turn,” I muttered.
My voice was desperate and full of longing as I started to voraciously thrust my cock between her ass. My hand clenched around Sooyoung’s waist. With the water and soap, her ass became perfectly smooth, just right to drive my raging cock into her. Sooyoung could feel my big balls as I smack against her mound, my large size is an indication of what would soon follow.
“Unhh... Fuck!” She panted and I growled in delight, clearly excited about finally having my teacher ass wrapped around my cock.
“The rules,” she muttered, as her whole body jolted while I fucked her buns, “the ah- rules. Stop. Please. I-”
“It’s... okay,” I groaned. “It’s just like with your tits,” I breathed.
Sooyoung closed her eyes, breathing through her mouth, as I worked faster and harder. In her clouded brain, it sort of made sense.
I just having a titty fuck. But with her ass cheeks.
“Ohh, his feels fucking amazing,” I grunted.
“So good…” Sooyoung murmured softly, enjoying the feeling of my cock between her ass cheeks.
It was so dirty, yet well within our rules. She was jerking me off, just with her ass cheeks instead of her hands or breasts. And from behind, no less, a position she’d never subject herself to with Hyoseob. A forbidden aspect. And feeling the contours and details of my cock rub along her felt agonizingly good too. Like having something she desired just outside of reach, but getting a taste.
“Arch your back, tilt your ass up,” I demanded.
She did without question. The angle was immediately better, as she heard my grunts grow louder and deeper. Sooyoung could not help her own moans escaping through her lips as her tits were pushed against the wet tile wall, completely at the mercy. She could hear my powerful breaths against her ear as I ravaged her big breasts with my hands and her firm buttocks with my cock. Her breath was shallow and her heartbeat was erratic as her mind reeled and raced.
I was pounding her ass at an awkward angle, and suddenly on a long outstroke, my cock disappeared down between her thighs instead of between her cheeks. My cock slid across her wet opening and out under her.
“Arghh” I groaned, but instead of pulling back, I essentially started slowly fucking her thighs instead, my cock-head ramming across Sooyoung’s wet pussy lips before jutting out in front with every thrust.
“No, that’s-!” she yelped. “That’s too close,” she protested, but she couldn’t deny she got more out of it this way. My cock felt too unreal against her wetness. Instead of uttering further protest, Sooyoung lowered her head and closed her eyes, feeling my cock glide across her sensitive parts. As long as I didn’t break any rules, this couldn’t be so bad, could it? Just me jacking off between her thighs.
“Fuck,” I muttered, pounding Sooyoung’s thighs as she let me use her big tits with my hands as I slowly pushed back and forth across her slit. “This view is amazing,” I admired, staring down where my cock disappeared below her, seeing her ass ripple with each thrust.
“I- you gotta be careful, baby,” Sooyoung breathed, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the pressure I put on her front entrance, brushing her pussy lips with every thrust. “Too close, baby, watch- oh my goodness, you’re big,” she warned.
Her hips were shaking violently with need as I continued humping between her thick thighs and squeezing her hefty chest. She felt my length hit her lower lips again and shuddered with pleasure.
“Your- cock feels- too good,” she whimpered as I thrusted back and forth. Would she be able to have an orgasm like this? She shivered with anticipation.
It was not long before I reached over with my left hand to support myself on the wall, while my right hand moved down below to guide my cock on her opening. At the touch of my swollen head directly between her pussy lips, Sooyoung gasped.
“Minho,” she pleaded.
However, calling my name wouldn’t stop me. Not that she truly wanted to. Perhaps her hesitation was genuine and she did not want me to stop. I pushed upwards as the head of my cock sank inside her. She wanted to cry out and plead, ask me to pull out, not wanting to break her marriage vows, yet the feeling was simply too amazing. Instead of words of protest, she groaned in agony, as the rest of my dick eased further into her tight entrance, my cock splitting her wet swollen pussy lips apart. Sooyoung shook her head violently, my throbbing length almost becoming all-consuming.
“Minho, please,” she whispered.
Sooyoung wasn’t sure what she pleaded for. She kept saying my name, pleading and moaning as I continued sliding my cock inside her, burrowing further with each thrust. Her soft folds were splitting in half from the sheer girth, her hole being forced to take my dick in. It was more intense than she had ever been with Hyoseob, and I was just a bit over halfway in.
Her fingers tightened on the wall and a lustful gasp escaped her parted lips.
“Careful... you’re so big,” Sooyoung said, sealing her fate.
“I’ll treat you right, make you feel good. No one has to know.” I moaned in her ear.
I started pumping harder, my member moving with purpose, plowing past more and more my length between her lips.
“That’s- so fucking big, Minho,” Sooyoung moaned, getting lost in the passion, slowly pushing her hips against my cock, my thick head burrowing into her soft canal. “Ffffuuck, fuck me. Fuck meee.”
“Shh, it’s alright,” I whispered reassuringly as I slammed my meat home, eventually fully buried myself into my sexy, busty teacher. Her moist tunnel opened up, inviting me deeper into her. I groaned, loving how her warmth spread against my length and encircled my hard, throbbing cock.
Sooyoung screamed from pure bliss as her first orgasm ripped through her, her cries bouncing against the shower wall. Her breath escaped in sharp little gasps, and her stomach convulsed each time her entire frame jolted from my thrusts.
“Yes! Yes! Fucking... Ma-make me cum!” she cried out, clawing at the slick tiled wall as I took advantage and quickly established a rapid, pulsating rhythm. My grunts and pants were filled with need, desperation for relief.
“Yes, that’s- ah... that’s the spot... that’s it,” Sooyoung panted, bracing herself against the wall, my pace now picking up with ease as her wet walls lubricated the large intruder. She leaned against the tile with her head bent and her hands on the wall, gasping as she accepted all of me with every pump, hitting all her right spots.
“Come on, you fucking slut,” I groaned, my hands holding her waist as I was dominating Sooyoung’s insides with my cock. I fucked her relentlessly.
The noise of flesh hitting together was unbearable, the echo of Sooyoung’s big, firm, juicy ass taking my powerful poundings. I pummeled her for minutes, not stopping, nor I slower, and all of my grunting, panting, and hissing were accompanied by wet, sloppy sounds from between her legs.
Sooyoung was dizzy with bliss, barely standing, her head spinning from the intensity of it all. The way I expertly manipulated my erection inside her was criminal, but right then she didn’t care, she was only focused on my veiny member pistoning her soft cunt, making her quiver.
“You love my cock in your tight, dripping, little married pussy, don’t you, slut?” I grunted in her ear.
“Fuckk, that’s- soo good, ungghh my god, you’re so big…” Sooyoung groaned, shuddering in absolute satisfaction. She reached back with a free hand to my rear. Her nails dug into my ass-cheeks as I did not cease hammering her from behind, grunting my agreement to her words.
I pulled out of her, leaving an empty feeling within her. Luckily it was short-lived as I spun her around, then without much fanfare I pushed her against the shower wall, hiked her legs around my waist, and lined up my cock head against her soaking hole once more.
She hissed as I pressed my meat against her, the mushroom head slowly pushing at the entrance of her cunt. Sooyoung squinted her eyes closed and clamped her teeth hard into her lips as I parted her delicate pussy lips with my cock.
I kept a slow and torturous pace as I finally made it inside her. Her beautiful, slutty mouth opened but nothing came out of her lips but soft, choppy breaths as my cock speared deep, the big mushroom head finally battering her womb. I felt extra big in this position, as she was folded between the wall and me with nowhere to go but deep, deeper. She cried out as a small orgasm rippled through her, shaking and arching her spine.
“You love it deep like this, don’t you? Huh, slut? You love my cock stretching you,” I growled in her ear.
“Ohh god- Yes!” Sooyoung answered in a loud whisper. “It feels sooo good.”
I pounded her mercilessly, my cock sawing her in half, her tits pressing firmly against my chest.
“Fuckk… you’re so huge- Minho,” Sooyoung gasped. Her legs wrapped tighter around my waist, squeezing against my waist. “How can you be- this big? this- nghh- fuck!”
“Bigger than- ah- your husband?” I asked.
I thrusts harder and faster, feeling a desperate need to release.
“Ungh! Fuck, yes! Yes!” She admitted.
“Reaching deeper than you’re used to?!”
“Fuck- yes! ahh” Sooyoung squealed.
“Beg for it, slut.” I breathed huskily as I wrapped my arms around her back and pressed her body even closer, pushing myself balls deep.
“F-fuck me, Minho! Ruin me. Make me- cum,” she begged, clutching my back as she clung for dear life.
Just as the word escaped her lips, my lips were on hers. Sooyoung’s mind froze in a confused whirl. Her eyes went wide, yet she found herself kissing me back. Her nails dug into my back, dragging across, and I flinched at the sensation, but my lips did not part from hers.
I groaned as I pumped her harder, my hands tightly squeezing at her supple ass.
“So good- you’re so good at this. Oh god, I’ve never done it like this...” she kept rambling with her soft voice, panting, but still seemingly holding out, her tight walls compressing around my thick, cock. She looked so adorable, trying so hard. I wanted nothing more than to see her resolve break and have her surrender completely.
“Any regrets?” I taunted.
“Nnhgh,” she grunted, “no, baby. You feel so f-fucking gooo-hd-d-ah, Minho.”
“You gonna let me fuck you again after today?” I asked.
“Why do- nghh- why do you talk so dirty to me, Minho? Why?”
“Your husband hasn’t fucked you like this, has he?” I teased.
“Fuck. No. Not like- mnghh,” Sooyoung cried.
“Because he’s not enough to keep this needy pussy satisfied?”
“Just- fuck- just make- anhh- make me cum, baby,” Sooyoung whimpered.
 “You fucking hot little slut, take it. You’re a dirty, cheating whore, aren’t you? Your pussy has been craving my cock since day one hah"
I let her down, spinning her towards the wall again. I needed to cum, but couldn’t hold her up anymore. She willingly pressed her tits and face into the wall and arched her back as she offered herself once more.
Sooyoung lifted a leg, opening herself for me as my hands came back to her ass, gripping at her waist, digging my fingers into her flesh. A second later, my cock head was knocking at her soft, velvet chamber again.
“Baby- baby… oh god,” she was whimpering as her pussy dripped wetness, my hands playing with her big fat ass, fondling and kneading it. The sweet music of her lust echoed through the hall, her hands scraping on the wall, my breath ragged and strained as I slammed myself into her.
“Say it!” I demanded. “You’ll let me fuck you again after today!?”
I was on the verge myself, slamming her hard, my cock spearing her well-fucked pussy mercilessly. Her whimpers had turned into pitiful wails of sexual depravity, unable to form words in her mouth.
“Baby… honey,” she whispered with a wince of painful bliss, “God- I’m gonna- Ahh, oh my- please-”
“Fuckkk, cum on my cock.” I growl.
My relentless thrusts hammered her sensitive canal. I plunged deeper as she leaned against the wall, thrusting back at me. I groaned, feeling my own orgasm roar to the forefront, preparing itself. I gave her one last thrust.
Sooyoung suddenly went silent, I felt my cock swell inside her before my tip detonated, unleashing a torrent of sperm directly into her pussy. It was a monstrous eruption, spraying deep, hard jets of thick, milky, white cum, filling up Sooyoung, bathing her insides.
She went limp, yet the intense and abrupt waves of pleasure overwhelmed her, making her clench hard around my girth, milking me and contracting as she came right along with me in vigorous passion.
I kept myself deep inside her, depositing more and more cum inside her womb. I clutched her breasts for leverage and groaned as the last parts of my cum spilled into her married pussy. I took deep breaths as my load began to leak past her stretched and plugged entrance.
“Fuu- uck,” she exclaimed as a spurt of cum streamed out from her.
Her body shook against mine and she lifted her leg, groaning, feeling herself full of cum. I slowly began to pull my dick out, until it finally exited her well fucked pussy with a soft ‘‘poppp’.
More seed streamed out, my sperm pouring down her legs, white fluids gathering below her on the tiled ground. She fell to her knees, spent, not able to remain standing any longer, having her legs give way.
“I can’t- believe we just did that,” Sooyoung said in despair.
She swore she wouldn’t, yet, she succumbed to her dark desires. She had broken the most important rule, and happily so... but now it didn’t feel happy at all. And she had let me have her in such a slutty way too, having let go of the intimacy of sex for the sake of my cock filling her up. It was shameless, animalistic- and utterly mind-blowing. Sooyoung had not even felt such mind-numbing, toe-curling pleasure like that before, ever. And with me not having recorded this time... she knew it was just for her. Sooyoung shuddered as my cum dribbled down her shaking legs.
I helped her off the floor. The hot spray washed over her head, slicking her hair. Her thighs and buttocks were stained with my semen, making her flinch and curse my name.
“Why’d you break the rules?” she said in a shaky voice. I held my hands up defensively.
“Hey, you wanted it just as much as I do” I retorted.
To Sooyoung’s horror, she knew I was right. “But it doesn’t change the fact that you... that we...”
“Should do it again,” I concluded. Sooyoung’s eyes flashed up to meet mine. “Hey, listen. I’m pretty sure Hyoseob wouldn’t mind.”
“But I mind!” Sooyoung replied, somewhat angrily. “It doesn’t matter whether he’d approve or not, I’m a married woman, and proudly so. You shouldn’t have gotten inside me.”
“Okay, okay,” I relented.
“Sex is supposed to be special and... intimate, not just some- fuck,” she went on. “I hate that you could make me throw all that away. Damn you, Minho!”
“Come on, Sooyoung,” I responded. “You’re talking about making love. All we did was have some fun. Two consenting adults having their carnal needs satisfied.”
“You say it as if it were so easy,” she spat.
“It is easy,” I said. “C’mon, you love Hyoseob, but you can’t deny you enjoyed getting fucked like that. Nothing’s wrong with enjoying yourself a bit. Hyoseob will go nuts once you tell him about this!”
“Tell him? I can’t possibly tell him about this!” Sooyoung argued.
“Of course you can,” I said. I just wanted it to continue, and for that to happen, it was in my best interest to help get Sooyoung over her reservations. “You have to. Just tell him how horny you were, that I caught you masturbating in the shower... and that it was too good to resist.”
“I... I guess you’re right,” Sooyoung sighed. It made sense. The rules were there to keep them honest, so honesty was the only course of action.
“No problem,” I said reassuringly. “Need any help cleaning off na’am? I think you need it,” I teased.
“God, why do you keep doing that?” Sooyoung scolded, giving my chest a playful slap.
But she did have to admit she felt better after our little talk. Who knew I would be a consoling type?
“Would you want me to help?” I asked. “…or is that against the rules?”
I ended up eating her out once more before we finished the shower, and soon we found ourselves in her car.
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“How you feeling?” I asked earnestly.
“I’m better now,” Sooyoung replied, about to turn the engine on.
“Glad I could help, If you’re ever in the mood again. you know where to find me.” I said.
Sooyoung nodded. She was slightly nervous that if she had my company more, her resolve would crack and break again. She just couldn’t imagine sleeping with a guy like me again, her student. It was a mistake... yet she was still hesitating to start the engine. And I noticed.
“Unless you want it right now?” I suggested, leaning close. I was good, so good, it made her tingle everywhere.
“Minho, not here. Please,” Sooyoung plead.
I pulled up my hand towards her thighs, caressing it. “Lean your seat back, I’ll take care of you.”
Her resolve crumbled, once again, as she quietly allowed me to rub her thighs, my hand soon reaching under the hem. Soon enough I had my fingers inside her, pumping her loose with my finger. Sooyoung’s legs quivered, the nervous excitement building inside her. We could be caught at any moment, but it was impossible to resist. my practiced touches. Especially now that she knew how good it could be. Sooyoung even lifted her ass up to let me slide her tight yoga pants down and off her legs.
Soon she heard the familiar rustle of a zipper, followed by a noticeable change in pressure in the confined space. My hardening member popped free from its tight prison. I was hard, She reached down and pulled a lever allowing her to push her seat and arch the back down, giving me space enough to climb on top of her and line her pussy up with my swollen head. She spread her legs invitingly, I pushed inside, kissing her mouth to muffle the noise.
“No one will know,” I reassured her as my length eased further and further in. She trembled in delight when the entirety was within. She loved every inch of it, as my cock caressed her cervix with each slow thrust. “Fuck- Sooyoung,” I muttered.
She laid back against the cool leather as I thrust with such vigor. Sooyoung hated her body betraying her. She couldn’t think straight when my dick was filling her, hitting all of her spots. She could feel the pressure build rapidly inside her as I grunted and leaned forward, panting. My breath brushed her face as she gripped my rear in desperation and urged me as to fucking her harder, to satisfy her need.
We were right in the school’s parking lot, Sooyoung spreading and wrapping her legs, letting me defile her marriage pussy yet again... and she was so close to climax already.
“God- I really hope Hyoseob is okay with this,” Sooyoung whimpered. “Cause I’m dying for more of this.”
“Trust me,” I panted, “I- Oh, fuck- He’ll be fine. He’s probably at home, touching himself, thinking about this.”
‘‘That shouldn’t be making me so damn wet,’ Sooyoung thought to herself, yet the image of Hyoseob jacking off over what had happened with me, of him agreeing that his wife student’s should defile and breed his beautiful wife, only pushed her closer and closer to her climax.
“Oh god,” Sooyoung moaned.
“And if he isn’t okay with this, are you gonna let me fuck you again?” I asked.
“Unghh,” she growled, nodding.
“Say it,” I taunted, as my cock plowed her cunt deeper.
“Mnghh,” Sooyoung let out in reply, not even trying to stifle her lustful moans anymore. “Yes- god, yess. Fuck me whenever you want! Just keep- Fuckk!”
Her hands are buried in my hair, pulling me closer as her moans were getting louder. Her orgasm that had been brewing exploded, rushing through her. Sooyoung bit her lip, trying to contain herself as I picked up my pace, trying to catch my own release. My thrusting and pounding didn’t stop, however, my cock was beginning to throb, and her pussy walls quivered.
“Cum- inside me,” she pleaded, “I need it. Please-”
She tried to press her hips harder against me, feeling my length expanding, thickening, pulsing wildly within her as my thrusting became almost desperate.
“Please- Minho, inside. I want you to- knock me up” Sooyoung pleaded.
She felt a hot gush inside her, the warmth spreading around her pussy. Sooyoung shuddered with anticipation. I had pumped another massive load deep within her, my length completely hilting, delivering the ropes deep inside. The pleasure rippled across her body, her womb quivering around my large appendage.
When everything is done.
“Knock you up?” I asked.
“Just dirty talk... I’m on the pill, but it’s something Hyoseob likes me saying,” Sooyoung said, surrendering yet another aspect. “Just like when- you ask me to continue even if Hyoseob says no. Heat of the moment.” She added.
Sooyoung said that, though deep in her heart she wondered how much of the latter was true. Was it just a talk? Would she be able to resist Minho if Hyoseob said no? Sooyoung was not sure she wanted to find out. She’d had the best sex of her life with Minho and she knew she would have been crushed if Hyoseob said no to sharing her.
It was wrong, but she knew she wanted more. She just hoped she’d be strong enough if Hyoseob decided to pull the plug. She had a week to find out before seeing Minho again.
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
More on the poor girl who’s 141’s chewtoy?
She has the worst fate!! Being a pet wife/incubator for one monster is bad enough, but it can be manageable if your new owner isn't an asshole and doesn't treat you like a lifeless object. It's a rare case, sure, but even Konig is somewhat softer after you get his eggs, the mating instincts in monsters are all kicking in. The 141 however...I love to see them as a pack of different breed shifters, maybe were-creatures like bears, wolves, and various birds...they all have this semi-animalistic mentality, they formed a pack bond that is stronger than any blood relations. They are more than family and it's only natural that they share the same darling, yes? Unfortunately for you, it is only natural for them, and you're soon getting dragged from the human pet shop by an excited overgrown werewolf with a dumb mohawk that chirps about getting such a pretty girl for his team!! You are never alone - every time other team members are on a mission, the other ones take care of you, always keeping watch over your silly escape attempts like humans have any future in the monster world now( Gaz is usually the one who is softer with you, his nature as a werebird is making him somewhat more caring, he will drag you a lot of shiny gifts and flashy clothes because he is pretty and he wants his girl to be pretty! Soap is usually the one to always fuck you, unfortunately. Being a classic werewolf, he is too fucking horny for his own good, always stuck in a knot with you, always mating and hoping that you will give birth to healthy pups, even though he is somewhat sad they are mostly taken away for the training needs( his pack mentality is strong, so if you really really really want at least some of your children to stay with you, you should beg Soap to allow you to see them occasionally - he would gladly steal the pups back to base, but it would mean you won't give him as much attention(
@ceilidho mostly inspired me for this, but werebear!Price is literally perfect and I won't stand for otherwise. He is big, burly, with a soft tummy and warm hands that would easily push you down, ass up in the air because you were a naughty little incubator and whined too much about Soap and Gaz being too rough( he knows your limits, and also knows that they are spoiling you too much! You need some discipline and your bear captain is gladly providing you with spanks that make your ass raw, with his teeth and a dick that takes away your ability to walk at least for a few days( he is older than every other member of the pack, and he won't really bother you too much with sex - he knows you're tired, especially if you're pregnant, and he enjoys slow cockwarming sessions and just laying in the nest with you, false hybernating on your swollen, milk-filled breasts.
Ghost is...complicated. You don't even know what type of shifter he is at first, he is too fucking secretive to even talk about it. Only after a few involuntary breakdowns, could you catch a glimpse of his shadowy form - whatever animal-type monster he was, staid in the past. He is all shadows now, dark and glossy with smoke tendrils that help him handle you in place every time you become too squirmy. You were so convinced Simon hated you at first, just a dumb human who disrupts the balance of their pack, but your fears were proven wrong once you were pressed against a wall, thick dark tendrils squeezing in and out of your pussy. Ghost is the only one who can't breed you, and it only makes him more protective whenever you're pregnant.
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queenimmadolla · 7 months
𝐍𝐨 𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐬
Summary: Eddie being sleep deprived because his three month-old baby won't go down for a nap.
A quick little blurb that's been bothering me since last night so I just had to jot it down. More of Eddie and Penny here.
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“C’mon, sweet pea. You’re killin me.”
  Eddie sighed, placing his three month-old on her back, alongside him on the bed. 
  Just as she had the last seven times he’d tried to lay her down, his baby began grunting, straining herself as she attempted to sit up on her own, neck muscles working overtime. She wouldn’t be able to sit up, of course. Still smaller than his forearm, Penny was much too little, nor did she have that kind of control over her body, but still she tried, wrinkly fingers curling into fists, face darkening as she trembled and her upper half tensed.
  She could hurt herself, though. So once more, Eddie sighed, carefully lifting her up and settling her on his upper torso, her little head bobbing clumsily in the crook of his neck as she continued to grunt and squeak.
  Penny wasn’t supposed to be awake, she was fighting sleep and doing so fiercely. Twenty-seven minutes past her nap time and she was trying to stare at the world around her in wonder rather than rest as she should so she wouldn’t be up through the night and keeping the two of you up. But this was now Penny’s world. And they were just living in it and caring for her, completely at her mercy.
  He’d set the sleepmosphere; turned off the lights, closed his blinds, and was playing a lullaby that came from the giant baby monitor that stayed above her crib. Plus, his little baby had a plump tummy full of breastmilk and no gas to upset her. Eddie had rocked her until she got quiet, but everytime he so much as peaked around to see if her big brown eyes were open, they were. Wide open and flickering to everything in the room, little mouth parted in awe. She even had the audacity to struggle against his hand, cradling the back of her soft and dainty head.
  Penny was getting stronger and stronger every day.
  “Okay, why don’t we make a deal? You go to sleep right now, and I’ll convince your mom to up the ounces of your bottles and distract her with conversation when she’s breastfeeding you. Look at that, you’d get more food and more rest. It’s a win-win because then you wouldn’t be screeching at daddy in the middle of the night while he’s sleep deprived and warming up a bottle for you.”
  And when he felt his baby’s bobble head whack into the side of his neck, “That’s unnecessary. I made you a fair offer with no cons on your part—violence is not the answer.”
  He waited a beat, eyes staring at the wall as he became overly aware of the bags under his eyes, the exhaustion that had settled over him that he’d since learned to run on. Eddie had reached the manic state already, now it was just acceptance.
  Penny let out a particularly protesting squeak, loud and demanding as she seemed to finally run out of strength, face rubbing into his collar bone until she could replenish it and lift her head again.
  “Fine. You win. Just know, when I’m old and senile and you’ll have to change my diapers, I will be returning the favor.”
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clonneclub · 2 years
The more I think about Laudna the more my heart breaks.
Laudna who died confused, whose last words she heard were "is she your favorite?" directed to Imogen, once again a casualty. Laudna, who in death wasn't surrounded by those she love, but by the embrace of her murderer.
Laudna, who might be resurrected, and if so will be standing on the same land she was killed and brought back alive before. Seeing the same tree she was once hung from. A town which she hasn't come back to in 30 years. A town which prospered in these years in the absence of the Briarwoods, while Delilah Briarwood lived rent free in her mind.
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andshesaidwhat · 13 days
Steamy - Sam Monroe Smut
Summary: Sam has been your best friend since you were kids. When he starts avoiding you and acting strange, you decide to take matters into your own hands and things get steamy…
Warnings: afab!reader, she/her pronouns, penetrative sex, shower sex, unprotected sex, oral sex (Sam receiving), handjob (Sam receiving), teasing, voyeurism, masturbation (Sam receiving), inexperienced!Sam, Sam finishes too fast, multiple orgasms (Sam receiving), thigh-fucking, nipple play?, slight dacryphilia, subby!Sam, edging, Sam whimpers a lot, maybe a smidge of degradation, Sam is down-horrendous.
A/N: This is ridiculously long, I got carried away.
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Sam rested his forehead against the cool tile of the shower wall as he relentlessly fucked his fist. His eyes were squeezed shut, trying to block out the guilt as his mind raced with perverted thoughts.
It wasn’t his fault, really. He hadn’t intended on showering in your bathroom as an excuse to touch himself. You had just decided to wear one of his old t-shirts today and that…that had sent him over the edge.
Sam had been fighting off these feelings for a long time. If he was honest with himself, they’d always been there. When you were kids, it was easier. He didn’t understand the mechanics of all of it. He just knew he liked being around you more than anyone else, so he spent all the time he could with you. You were best friends, after all. That was normal.
Then, puberty happened. You developed tits and he developed an innate need to see them, touch them, taste them, anything.
It was harder now. You were both in college and still spending all of your time with each other. Every waking moment of Sam’s was spent thinking of you, watching you, imagining all of the ways he wanted to be with you.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be your friend — he loved being your friend. You were the only person in the world that ever actually saw him for who he was. It was just that he couldn’t escape these desires that grew stronger and stronger every time you smiled at him or batted your lashes or laughed or…
Yeah, he was fucked.
He knew that he needed to get his feelings for you in check. His biggest fear was doing some dumb shit to lose you. That’s why he’d been trying to create just a little distance lately. He only resorted to that when he felt like he wouldn’t be able to control himself around you. It just so happened that, lately, that was almost all of the time.
When he’d gotten to your place today, he had told himself that he wouldn’t let his attraction get the better of him — that he’d be normal — but, the minute he saw you in his shirt he felt like he could’ve melted into the earth. It was so cute, hugging your frame perfectly and just barely covering those tight ass shorts you had on underneath.
He’d tried to contain himself, he really had. He tried looking anywhere else but at you, tried thinking of every unsexy thing his mind could possibly dream up, but his efforts were all in vain. No matter what he did, his gaze would eventually wander back over to you. His mind would run wild with different scenarios. You in his shirt with nothing underneath. Him bending you over, lifting the material up just enough to take you from behind. Giving you more of his clothes to wear so that everyone knew you were his.
He hadn’t even realized how painfully hard he had gotten or how labored his breathing had become until you asked, “Are you alright, Sammy?”
Fuck, he almost came in his pants from the sweet sound of your voice as you said his nickname that he only allowed you to call him.
He felt his face flame as his eyes widened and he pulled the covers from your bed further over himself to make sure his erection was hidden.
“Y-yeah, fine,” he sputtered, trying to will himself to get a fucking grip.
“Are you sure?” You asked, reaching your hand out to touch his forehead. “You look flushed.”
He had to fight not to moan as your skin came in contact with his, so soft and tender. Your eyebrows were scrunched up in that adorable way they did whenever you were worried about him.
He wanted to see them scrunched up for other reasons, for all the pleasure he knew he could give you if you let him try. He wanted to hear you say his name like a plea of desperation, begging him for more, more, more.
“I think I just need to take a shower,” he muttered, quickly getting up and rushing to the bathroom before you could see any evidence of his arousal.
He paced in the bathroom, fisting at his hair as he tried to calm down. This was getting a bit pathetic. He couldn’t even be in the same fucking room as you without being embarrassingly close to coming untouched.
He stripped down, tossing his clothes to the floor as he stepped into the shower and shut the glass door behind him. He turned the water on to the coldest setting, cringing as he stood beneath it.
C’mon, this needs to work, he thought to himself as he shook from the cold. The icy water caused goosebumps to erupt on his skin, but did nothing to calm the raging hard-on that was still standing proud and aching. He groaned in frustration, hitting his head against the wall as he tried his best to fight off his arousal.
Finally, he gave in and wrapped his fist around his cock. He gave himself a few slow, guilt-ridden strokes as he squeezed his eyes shut. He hissed at the feeling, relief slowly flooding through his abdomen.
He knew that he shouldn’t be doing this. Touching himself to the thought of you was already bad enough, but touching himself to the thought of you while you were in the next room? If only you knew how fucked up he truly was. You’d never look at him again…
He fought the urge to moan at the thought of your hand replacing his, or better yet — your mouth.
“Fuck,” he whispered, biting his bottom lip as he thrusted into his hand.
He needed to get this over with. He needed to handle his problem and get back out there before you started to suspect that something was wrong.
He was desperately chasing his release but, despite how badly he wanted it, his own touch wasn’t getting him there this time.
He needed more.
You had worn his shirt on purpose.
You were tired of him avoiding the situation — avoiding you.
It hadn’t taken you long to figure out why he’d been acting so strange lately. You’d noticed the way his eyes would linger on your form, the way his face would flush when you called his name, the way he’d try to discretely adjust himself in his pants when you’d get too close to him.
You’d always wondered why he’d never had a girlfriend. It wasn’t that girls didn’t desire him. He had just always been oblivious to their advances.
In actuality, you’d realized, he was just too focused on you.
You’d always harbored feelings for Sam. Ever since you were kids. He was your first childhood crush. You’d never told him, though, too scared that he’d tease you relentlessly for it. It wasn’t until lately that you realized those feelings had been reciprocated. 
Once you’d made the realization, you’d started trying to push him further and further. You’d hoped that he would snap, finally admitting to you what he’d been feeling.
He never did, though. In fact, he did the opposite. He kept avoiding you, frustrating you to no end.
You huffed out a sigh, looking over at the clock on your bedside table. He’d been in the shower for almost twenty minutes. You gnawed on your lip, contemplating your next move.
Finally, with a newfound determination, you got up from your bed and walked toward your bathroom. You were tired of waiting for him to get the hint. He’d left you no choice. You needed to take matters into your own hands.
You opened the bathroom door, shutting it behind you as you called out, “What’s taking you so long in here, Sammy? I have to shower, too, ya know?”
Sam yelped, startled at your entry. You could only barely make out his figure behind the frosted glass, but it made your heart race nonetheless.
“J-Jesus, don’t you knock?” Sam sputtered, his voice laced with nervous energy.
“It’s my house,” you retorted, crossing your arms as you leaned against the sink.
You heard Sam sigh before he said, “I’ll be out in a minute just…give me a second.”
You began undressing before you could talk yourself out of it. This was a bold move, even for you, but you knew that Sam needed something to be shoved in his face for him to realize what was right in front of him.
“You’ve already been in here for twenty minutes and I have things to do later,” you grumbled, pretending to be inconvenienced. “I’m just coming in.”
“W-what?!” Sam stuttered, his voice nearly jumping up an octave.
You opened the glass door, stepping into the shower as you tried to appear nonchalant. Sam quickly covered himself with his hands, his entire body flushing red as he looked up at the ceiling to avoid looking at your naked frame.
You took this time to unabashedly look him over. His cupped hands only left little to the imagination. You bit your bottom lip, drinking in the sight of him. Arousal immediately began pooling between your thighs as you stepped underneath the water.
You yelped at the temperature, jumping back and adjusting the valve.
“Christ, Sammy, why the hell is it so cold in here?” you asked, despite knowing exactly why he’d been taking a cold shower.
“I-I just like it cold, okay?” Sam retorted, attitude biting with his words.
You turned the knob until the water ran hot, letting the steam fill the confines of the shower. You sighed, contentedly, stepping back under the water.
“Much better,” you breathed, practically moaning as the warm water washed away the tension in your muscles.
As the steam filled the air, Sam’s head was spinning. It was suffocating. He was surrounded by your scent. It took everything in him to keep his eyes glued to the ceiling. Even the glimpses he caught of your body from the corner of his eye were nearly enough to make him fall to his knees.
He had a difficult enough time keeping it together around you when you were fully clothed, how could he be expected to keep his composure when you were naked and wet a foot away from him?
He could feel his still-hard cock pulsing beneath his hands as he tried his best to cover himself. He felt like he’d somehow entered one of his wet dreams. Confusion and arousal fogged his mind as he tried to make sense of what was happening. The two of you had never even seen each other naked, much less showered together.
He refused to let himself believe that this could mean that you wanted him the same way he wanted you. He wouldn’t give himself that kind of false hope. He could only pray that he’d be able to get through this without making a complete fool out of himself.
You reached for the shampoo, lathering it into your hair. You smirked when you heard Sam breathe in a little too deeply. Glancing back at him, he still had his head facing toward the ceiling.
“You don’t have to break your neck trying not to look at me,” you laughed, rinsing the shampoo from your hair. “It’s not like you’ve never seen tits before.”
“I’ve never seen yours…” Sam mumbled, quietly, a new blush rising to his cheeks.
“Mine are just like any others,” you shrugged, brushing your conditioner through your hair with your fingers.
Sam had to bite his tongue to keep from responding that nobody could be like you. He was fighting so hard to keep his gaze averted but now you were practically inviting him to look at you. Even on his strongest day, there was no chance he could pass up the opportunity. He’d just look once, he told himself. Just enough of a glance to embed the image into his brain for when he jacked himself off to the thought of you.
He took a deep breath before stealing a quick look over at you. He involuntarily squeezed his dick, trying not to come on the spot. None of his fantasies could’ve prepared him for the way you’d look standing naked in front of him, water dripping from your body.
He forced himself to look up at your face instead of your tits — your goddamned perfect tits — but that didn’t help his situation in the slightest. Not when you were smirking at him like you were privy to some secret that he was not. Or when you were batting your lashes, sending water drops down your cheeks. Then you bit your lip and Jesus fucking Christ he felt every cell in his body burn at the sight.
You couldn’t help but giggle at the way his eyes fought between looking at your face and looking at your chest. You could sense the stress he was putting himself through, and almost felt bad for what you were doing. You weren’t going to stop, though. Not when you finally had him right where you wanted him.
You moved to grab the bottle of soap, intentionally letting it fall from your grasp. Out of instinct, Sam reached out to catch it. You gasped quietly at the sight of his erection springing forward into view.
He was big. Bigger than you’d expected. He was hard and leaking, his tip red and aching. He followed your gaze down, his eyes widening as he realized what you were looking at. He quickly handed you the bottle of soap back, moving to cover himself again.
“You know,” you started, smirking as you poured the soap into your hand, “if you need to take care of that, you can. I don’t mind.”
“W-what?” Sam coughed, his face a deep shade of red. “No! No way.”
“It’s natural, Sammy,” you shrugged. “I do it all the time. Besides, it looks real painful. I won’t watch if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Sam wanted the earth to swallow him whole in that moment. He didn’t think his skin could burn any hotter than it was right then. You were teasing him, torturing him.
He didn’t know which part was worse — the way you said his name, the mental image of you touching yourself, or the attention you had paid to his predicament. His body felt like it was going to erupt into flames at any given moment.
You had to know. You had to. There was no way that all of this was just some random coincidence. The two of you had never breached that line of friendship and now, here you were, telling him to touch himself in front of you.
He couldn’t do that. There would be no coming back from that. There would be no way that he could recover. He’d come the minute he touched his dick if your eyes were on him, and how would he explain that?
However, you had said you wouldn’t watch…and he did really really need the relief…
Sam bit his bottom lip, breathing heavily as he contemplated his options. He knew that he shouldn’t, but the offer was so tempting…
“You promise you won’t watch?”
Your smirk grew as Sam gave in to his desires, just like you knew he would. You crossed your heart with your finger and Sam squeezed his eyes shut as his gaze was unintentionally brought back down to your chest.
Giggling, you turned back around to face the other side of the shower. You didn’t miss the way Sam’s eyes travelled down to your ass as you did. You began lathering the soap into your skin as you heard the wet sounds of his fist stroking his dick over the hum of the shower.
You bit your lip, focusing on the way he let little breaths escape him. You could imagine how hard he was trying to refrain from making any other noises. You wanted to hear him, wanted to know exactly how he was feeling.
Curiosity and the need to push him further getting the better of you, you asked, “Are you always this quiet when you jack off?”
He sucked in a breath and sputtered, “Jesus, fuck, you…you can’t talk to me right now.”
You stifled a giggle, feigning innocence as you said, “Why not, Sammy?”
“Don’t say my name,” he practically pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I thought it would help,” you laughed, done beating around the bush. “Don’t you usually imagine me saying your name when you do this?”
You turned back around to face him, cocking your head to the side. His eyes widened and his hand stopped moving as his mouth opened and closed repeatedly.
Your mouth practically watered at the sight of him, chest flushed and heaving, his fist squeezed tightly around his erection.
“W-what…I don’t…I haven’t…” Sam stuttered, trying to come up with some kind of denial to your statement.
“Oh, come on,” you huffed, rolling your eyes playfully. “I’m not oblivious and you aren’t exactly subtle.”
Sam’s face turned an even deeper shade of red as he squeezed his eyes shut.
“Relax, Sammy, it’s okay,” you said, beginning to slowly lather the soap into your skin. “Keep going.”
“What?” He gulped, eyes shooting open as they focused on the way your hands moved across your body in an agonizingly tempting motion.
“Keep going, Sammy,” you repeated, not taking your eyes off of him.
He released a shuddered breath, licking his lips as his eyes locked back on yours. Slowly, he began to move his fist again.
His jaw fell slack as his gaze followed the motion of your hands, teasing him as you trailed suds across your chest. His hand moved faster, his eyelids fluttering as a strained noise sounded from his throat.
“Is this what you think about, Sammy?” You taunted, moving your hands lower down your stomach.
Sam gasped, nodding his head as he muttered, “uh-huh.”
His chest heaved with heavy breaths, his hips thrusting into his fist. His hooded eyes were dark with desire as they traveled over your body. His movements became sloppy, his brows knitting together.
You could tell he was close, soft sounds involuntarily escaping his lips. His muscles were visibly tensing as his breaths started to come out in short spurts.
You’d had enough of being a bystander. Every nerve in your body was alight with desire and you wanted to close the distance between you two. You were done playing this game. If he was going to come, you wanted it to be by your hands.
Sam let out an involuntary whine of protest as you grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away from himself. His eyes widened as you moved him until his back was pressed against the cold shower wall.
“W-what are you…what’s happening…oh, fuck.”
Sam’s questions were silenced the minute you pressed yourself against him. He gasped, clenching his fists by his side, seemingly using all of his restraint to keep from touching you.
He looked down at you, his gaze pleading and questioning as he asked, “What is this?”
“I was tired of waiting for you to make the first move,” you shrugged, grabbing his face.
His brows furrowed, confusion etched into his features. His mouth opened and closed, as if trying to form the words he wanted to say.
“Waiting for…what do you mean?”
“God, you’re so oblivious,” you mumbled, pulling his face down to yours and pressing your lips against his.
He immediately buckled, leaning into the kiss. He couldn’t help but groan into your mouth, a sound that betrayed the intensity of his arousal. The pressure building in his groin grew, his need growing at an unbearable pace. He arched his hips forward, desperate for contact. You pulled back, biting your lip as you peered up at him.
Sam held his breath, the moment teetering on the edge of ecstasy. His heart hammered so loud that it threatened to drown out the sound of the shower. His eyes were dizzy and unfocused as he looked down at you. This was both the most exhilarating and most terrifying moment of his life. The anticipation was agonizing, maddening.
You glanced down at his pouted lips, as if daring him to make a move. His tongue darted out, flicking across them as his gaze moved between your eyes and your mouth.
Finally, after working up the courage, he leaned forward. You grinned as you tilted your head back, keeping your lips just out of reach. He furrowed his eyebrows, releasing a shaky breath before trying again. You let his lips barely brush against yours before you dodged him again, smirking at the teasing game you were playing with him.
He looked at you with pleading eyes, desperation etched into his features, as a needy whine sounded in his throat. He whispered your name, fists tightening as every muscle in his body tensed with longing.
“Please,” he whispered, his jaw clenching with the effort to keep his composure.
With that one word, he completely crumbled your resolve. His eyes were dark and glassy with desire and unshed tears and you were prepared to give him anything he asked for.
You tangled your fingers in his wet hair, pulling him into a heated kiss. His lips immediately parted, devouring your own. He kissed you like he was starved, like you were his only source of oxygen after he’d been suffocating with need.
There was still a hesitancy in his actions, a part of him that was restraining himself. Whether it was out of fear or lack of knowledge, you didn’t hesitate to guide him.
Your fingertips trailed down his arms, causing him to shiver. You grabbed his hands and placed them on your hips. He moaned into your mouth, his touch instantly beginning to wander.
The urgency in his kiss increased, his hands roaming your back, your sides, your legs. Years of built up tension came bubbling to the surface as you both began to drown in each other.
Sam’s voice was low and husky, barely coherent against your lips as he whispered, “Don’t stop.”
The pressure between his legs was a stinging reminder of his desperation. The need within him was leaking with each touch, each kiss. He reveled in the control you wielded over him. Sam’s mind was lost in a sea of lust. This was a moment he’d dreamed about for years. The thought of it was almost too much, the entire situation overwhelming.
You guided his hands up to your chest and Sam wasted no time in palming your tits. He squeezed gently, kissing you with blazing fervor. When his thumbs experimentally swiped across your nipples, you let out a sigh of pleasure against his lips.
Sam’s brain short-circuited the minute he heard your reaction. His hips surged forward, pushing his aching erection between your clenched thighs. He had been so worked up and the pressure provided just the right amount of friction. He gasped, letting out a strangled moan as he clutched onto you. His eyes rolled back as an orgasm ripped through him, instinctively continuing to thrust between the plush skin of your thighs.
Sam panted, slowly opening his eyes again as he came down from the high. His entire body flushed at the revelation of what had just occurred. He took in your amused expression, groaning in embarrassment as he buried his face into your neck.
You stifled a giggle, gently rubbing his back as you whispered, “It’s okay, Sammy. It happens.”
He whimpered against your skin, wrapping his arms around you. He was torn between wishing he could disappear, never having to face you again, and wanting to stay in this moment forever.
“Besides,” you smirked, leaning down to pepper gentle kisses across his shoulder, “I’m not finished with you yet.”
Sam inhaled, sharply, his breath hot against your neck. His body instantly responded, his arousal already stirring again at the prospect alone.
You grabbed his face, lifting his head back up to meet his gaze. His cheeks were still tinged pink, bringing out the bright blue of his dilated eyes.
You traced his swollen lips with your thumb and asked, “Do you think you can do it again for me?”
“Mhm,” he responded, nodding eagerly. “I’ll do anything for you.”
You grinned, your lips brushing against his as you whispered, “Promise?”
He pulled you into him, closing the gap between you so that you couldn’t pull away again. He kissed you passionately, groaning as you bit down on his bottom lip.
“Promise,” he mumbled into the kiss, “anything you want.”
You reached up to grab his chin, tilting it to the side as you slowly kissed down his neck. His eyes fluttered shut, his body quivering at the tender attention. He cradled your head with a trembling hand, urging you on as your lips made their way across his skin.
Sam whimpered when you nipped at his pulse point, the hand in your hair tightening as you gently sucked a dark mark into the pale skin. You kissed across his chest, letting your hands run down his sides. He gasped as your teeth grazed over one of his nipples.
Your lips continued their descent down his body as you slowly sank to your knees in front of him. Sam let out a shaky breath, whispering your name as his legs nearly gave out.
You blinked up at him, water drops coating your lashes, as you rubbed your hands up and down his thighs.
“You’ll do anything I want?” You asked, kissing across his hips.
“Uh-huh,” he rasped, licking his lips as he nodded his head. “Anything you want. I swear it.”
Your mouth watered as you sat eye-level with his dick that was steadily twitching back to life. He gasped as you took him into your hand, his fists clenching tightly by his sides. You slowly began to stroke him, watching as he bit his lip to try and hold back the sounds threatening to spill from his lips.
“Then I want to hear how good it feels, Sammy,” you told him, pressing a teasing kiss to the tip.
“Shit,” he cursed, hardening again in your grip.
Your tongue traced a line up his shaft, slowly circling it around the head of his dick before taking him entirely into your mouth.
“Oh, fuck,” he moaned, panting as he gripped the shower wall for support. “That’s…a-ah…that’s really good.”
The sight of you was overwhelming. He had only ever pictured you this way in his dirtiest dreams. You, on your knees with your lips wrapped around his cock, gazing up at him like the prettiest thing he’d ever seen.
“Fuck, you’re perfect,” he breathed, peering down at you through hooded lids. “Your mouth feels so fucking good.”
You watched his chest heave as you worked him, using your hand to cover what your mouth couldn’t fit. His fist was still tangled in your hair, but he didn’t dare attempt to control your movements.
Sam’s eyes rolled back as he felt himself hit the back of your throat, the sensation causing his hips to stutter. You swallowed around him and his entire body threatened to crumble. Strings of lewd moans and whimpers escaped his lips as his back arched off of the wall.
“Oh, god,” he panted, throwing his head back against the shower wall, “I’m…fuck…I’m gonna…”
You pulled off of him and he let out a whine, thrusting to desperately chase your lips. You grabbed his hips, holding them still as you rose back up to your feet.
“Why’d you stop?” Sam pouted, scrunching his eyebrows together in desperation. “I was so close.”
Your hands roamed his chest, feeling the pounding of his heart beneath it, as you looked up at him with a teasing glint in your eyes.
“I didn’t think you’d want to stop before getting to be inside of me, but if you’d rather settle for my hands then I can keep going,” you taunted, cocking your head to the side.
“No,” he croaked out, his voice breaking off into a desperate moan at the mere thought of that privilege. “I wanna be inside you. Please, let me be inside of you.”
He clutched at you, pulling you into him as he crashed his mouth against yours. You immediately responded to the kiss, parting your lips and tasting his tongue with your own.
Without breaking the kiss, you pulled him forward and switched your positions so that your back was now pressed against the shower wall.
You reached down, grabbing his dick and stroking it as you lined it up with your entrance. He gasped, breaking apart to rest his forehead against yours. He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth as he looked down between your bodies, watching you tease them finally joining together.
“Please, don’t keep teasing me,” he begged, his voice hoarse with need. “I can’t take it.”
You wrapped a leg around his waist and Sam held his breath, his mouth falling open as you guided his hips to slowly sheath into you. As his length filled you, stretching you out with a delicious burn, you couldn’t help but let out a breathy moan.
Once he was buried to the hilt, his hips flesh against your own, he finally released his breath in a strangled whimper.
“You’re so tight, fuck,” he breathed, unable to take his eyes away from the sight of you wrapped around him.
“Fuck me, Sammy,” you whispered, watching as his gaze snapped up to meet yours.
His breath hitched as he nodded, his body trembling with nervous anticipation. He pulled back, almost completely out of you, before pushing back in with a slow, experimental thrust.
You both gasped at the feeling, moaning into the shared air between your mouths. He repeated the motion again, familiarizing himself with the way your body practically pulled him in.
His thrusts got faster as his lips found yours again in a heated kiss. You clutched onto his shoulders for support, feeling every nerve in your body ignite in flames of pleasure.
“You feel so good,” you mumbled, arching into him. “Such a perfect fit.”
Sam groaned against your lips, his hips picking up the pace. He pulled back to look at you, his eyes dark with desire.
“I’ve wanted this for so long,” he confessed, the dam of his emotions suddenly breaking as he fucked into you. “I-I dreamed about you, every day. You were all…ah…I ever wanted.”
“I know, Sammy, I know,” you panted, reaching up to kiss him again. “I’ve always felt the same way, you were just too blind to notice.”
He whimpered at the revelation, his thrusts becoming more urgent. He grabbed your waist, using it as leverage as his hips snapped up into yours.
“Fuck,” he whined, breathing out your name. “I-I’m getting close. I’m not gonna be able to last.”
“I need you to hold on just a little longer, Sammy,” you told him, earning a desperate whimper as his eyes grew glassy again.
You grabbed one of his hands, guiding his thumb to your clit. You moved it in slow circles, showing him how to touch you. He picked up the action quickly, moving his fingers on their own accord.
You moaned at the added stimulation, feeling Sam’s hips stutter as you squeezed around him. Ragged breaths wracked through him as he tried desperately to hold on for you.
“Wanna hear you, Sammy,” you prompted.
A single tear drop fell down his cheek from the sheer effort of keeping his climax at bay as he began to mindlessly ramble.
“You feel so good. Squeezin’ around me all tight and warm. Could just stay buried in you forever. Never wanna stop. I’ll do anything to satisfy you. Anything you want. I’ll get on my hands and knees if you ask me to. Just wanna make you happy. Just wanna keep feelin’ you like this.”
He kissed down your neck, needing to occupy his mouth. He buried his face against your chest, gasping and whimpering as his movements chased the high he desperately craved.
“No one else gets to have me like this,” you promised, feeling that familiar knot of pleasure tightening in the pit of your stomach. Each stroke of his thumb against your clit, paired with the tip of his dick repeatedly brushing that spot inside of you, pushed you closer and closer to the edge. “You’re the only one I want, Sammy. The only one who can make me feel this way.”
He let out a strained cry against your skin, his fingers gripping the plush skin of your waist tighter.
“Please, I need to come,” he begged, the desperation making his voice raw. “I need it, baby, please.”
The sweet sounds of his pleading was the final thread that unraveled the knot.
“Come for me, Sammy,” you breathed.
You felt the white hot pleasure course through your veins as you tightened around him, feeling your climax wash over you in a tidal wave.
He came with a cry of your name, clutching onto you as he continued to thrust into you. His vision seemed to black out as he finally let go, giving you everything.
The world around you seemed to fade as you both came down from the mutual high. Sam’s body relaxed into yours, his hands still trembling as you both tried to catch your breath. You settled into a blissful haze, engulfed by the warmth of the shower.
You held him close to you, running your fingers soothingly through his hair as you smiled lazily, “You done avoiding me now?”
“Yeah,” he whispered, grinning sheepishly. He nuzzled into your neck, wrapping his arms tighter around you. “Never gonna avoid you again.”
“Good,” you responded, “it would be a dick move to avoid your girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” Sam asked, his head snapping up as he looked at you with wide, hopeful eyes.
“Well, yeah,” you grinned, biting your lip. “Unless you’d rather this just be a one time thing.”
“No!” Sam interjected, quickly, shaking his head. “I want this to be an all the time thing. Every day. Multiple times a day, if possible.”
You rolled your eyes, giggling as you playfully shoved him. He laughed, his entire face lighting up with joy and relief as he hugged you to him.
“You know, it was kind of a creeper move to barge in on me in the shower,” he joked, looking down at you with an amused glint in his eyes.
“Hey, you were the one jacking off to me in my own house!” You argued, laughing as you poked his chest.
He grabbed your hand, bringing it up to his lips to kiss your knuckles before grabbing your face and sweetly kissing your lips.
He hummed softly and whispered, “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that.”
You beamed up at him, feeling your heart flutter in his embrace. You used up the remaining hot water to actually shower off, tending to each other as you did. You couldn’t shake the feeling that this was how it was always meant to be.
Maybe it’s true what they say. Everything happens for a reason.
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enwoso · 26 days
CRUSHED! — alessia russo
bit of a longer one for you all<3 this will probably turn into a mini series (about 3-4 parts)
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manchester united women v arsenal women.
an important fixture for you and the rest of the manchester united squad as this would ensure the teams lead in the table, in the race for champions league football next season. something you and the rest of the girls longed to play especially having just missed out by a margin the season before.
you were determined to ensure that you and the team got into europe — having dreamt of playing the high level of football since you were little.
something even more exciting for you is that you were in, incredible form at the moment scoring goals left right and centre or as some of the news reporters would phrase it as saying you couldn't stop scoring!
confidence was flowing through every inch of your body and rightly so, you had six goals in the last four games one of them goals even helping man united progress further into the fa cup.
everything was going to way you wanted, you were playing excellent football at the moment who can was hopefully going to secure your place in the england team for the upcoming world cup in the summer. your relationship with alessia was only growing stronger as you were about to hit your two year anniversary.
you could happily say that you were in a good place, quite literally physically but also mentally.
"how long do we have till kick off?" you asked turning to your girlfriend who was finishing re-lacing her bright orange boots. "um about 15 minutes why?" less said looking up to the walling seeing the clock was about to reach the hour 7.
"just wondering" you shrugged, loosening yourself up and scooting closer to the blonde leaning your head on her shoulder. as she sat back up her arm stretching togo across your shoulder as the familiar smell of vanilla taking over your senses.
the two of you sat in each others company, not talking just watching as the rest of the team talked among themselves. just as marching came in to give his usual team talk and to help lift any spirits even more before it was time to walk out.
"-just go out and bring home them 3 points!" marc finished as the changing room filled with a cheer as everyone took off their warmup jumpers as it was time to walk.
"i love you" you smiled pecking alessia on the lips, a tradition they did before every match, "i love you too" alessia responded as the two of you did your little hand shake you'd both came up with one night while being in a hotel room before the blonde pulled you for one last quick but tight hug.
alessia wondered off up towards the front of the line taking her place in between millie and nikita as you strayed towards the back. taking your place as always just behind tooney.
"you ready baller?" ella smiled turning around to your direction, you rolling your eyes playfully at the new nickname ella had began to call you over the past few weeks.
"always." you whispered, patting ella on the back to signal to her to begin moving in order to keep up with the rest of the team who were now walking through the tunnel and out onto the pitch.
the teams walked out, hand in hand with the mascots as the teams lined up, arsenal on the right and man united on the left. once all the photos were done, shaking hands with the arsenal players before going off into the half that they would be starting.
"let's play our best girls!" katie said as you all done the usually team huddle, putting your hands in the middle and cheering before everyone went to their starting positions.
you were thankfully playing your usual and much preferred position of the left wing, with alessia in the middle leading the line and parris on the right wing.
the referee blowing the whistle and the game was under way.
3' BLOCK! chances at both ends for both teams. walti lets fly from a distance but zelem put in a strong block. at the other end, y/n is nearly played through by parris but zinsberger rushes off her line to clear into touch.
6' WIDE! russo with her first shot of the game! y/n scampers down the wing and while walti dispossesses the cutback to zelem, the loose ball is able to fall to the lionesses striker. russo let's fly first but it's wayward — she had more time to shoot then she thought.
the game so far is going the way you wanted it too, manchester united in the opening minutes were playing better, were playing better football. you'd even had a few chances to get to the box unfortunately non of them able to get the shot in due to arsenals tight defence playing their part.
manchester united back on the attack again, the ball building from the back passed to zelem from blundell, arsenals midfield covering zelem as she sells you a short pass up to the wing.
loosing the ball momentarily to maanum as you overstretch a move you must have done a million times before in hopes of getting the ball across to alessia as she was in a big space with nobody covering her and had the opportunity to open the score line.
however the overstretch left you feeling a pop, following a sharp pain in your knee. the ball had already been hit forwards, not seeing if it reached your girlfriend you fell to the ground knee in clutch.
face planting into the grass as you waved your hand in the air, tears bubbling in your eyes at the sudden pain you were feeling. .
"y/n!" you hear ella as she comes rushing over, the midfielder being more worried for her teammate then whatever was happening higher up the pitch. the manchurian ushering the medics on the sidelines to come on and help you — the game however was still in play. "are you okay?"
12' problems for manchester united, y/n is down and looks to be in real pain. the red devils can't afford for their star girl to be injured at the moment. the lioness looks close to tears — this could be a serious problem ahead of the world cup.
the whistle finally blown as the referee stops the game waving over for the medics to come over, alessia is quick to rush over. panic setting in for the blonde seeing her girl down for so long without moving comfortably.
"what happened love?" alessia asked quickly as the medics began to assess you over trying to find the extent of the injury.
you shrugged, "dunno but it's my knee" dragging your hands over your face fighting back the tears which were bubbling in your eyes out of shear pain but also annoyance that either way it was an injury and that meant a setback.
"can i continue?" you asked knowing exactly what the answer was going to be, but their could have been a small chance you could have however with the pain you were in it was definitely not a good idea for you to even if she was allowed.
"i think it's gonna be best for you to be subbed and then the medical team can properly check you out" one of the medics told you as you nodded slowly, the feeling of a hand moving your loose hairs out of your face, turning to see who it was only to be met with a sad smile from your girlfriend.
"it's okay, your gonna be fine" alessia whispers as she took a place next to you holding your hand to try and comfort you and try and help take some of the pain away.
14' the stretcher is out, it's not looking good for the forward. this could be serious. the replay shows there is no contact to y/n on the right knee but she did go down holding it.
"no! no, i'll walk off!" you protested at the sight of the bright orange stretcher being brought towards you, alessia giving you a stern look as if to say 'do what the medics are telling you'
but both of you knowing that they would only ever have the players best interest at heart but alessia also knew you like the back of hand and how stubborn you were and to know if you say you are doing something then that's would be exactly what was happening.
"are you sure your able to?" the medic asked, you nodding as the team along with alessia all helped to get you to your feet.
alessia's arms wrapped around the small of your back as you clung onto the side of the blonde limping off the pitch, a medic at your other side as the stadium erupted into cheer and applause for you.
you were handed over to another member of the medical team, leaving the blonde's arms but as you began to slowly move towards the tunnel you notice your girlfriend beginning to follow you. "less, what are you doing? you need to carry on playing!" you choked out.
"that can wait.." the blonde whispered grabbing your hand in hers.
"no? you need to play less!" you let go of alessia's hand placing your hand on her cheek pulling her closer and pecking her lips quickly, "now go and score for me, my love!" you whispered as your lips lingered near the blondes, a small smile appearing on her face, alessia nodded and with a little bit of hesitation headed back out towards the pitch.
the medic team taking you slowly deeper into the stadium, as you limped towards the medical room. you finding yourself lying on the bed as they began their assessment to determine the extent of your injury.
25 minutes felt like hours to you as you watched the senior medic write down on a clip board as they compared the injured knee to your normal knee. the injured knee a lot more swelled and puffy than your normal knee.
the soft sound of the crowd above you was able to be heard as they cheered and chanted for the teams playing. wishing you were up there instead of lying hopelessly on a bed.
the only helpful thing you could do was answer the medics questions like "on a scale of one to ten, one being the worst, what is the pain right now?"
"okay, so i've ran all the assessments i'm able to do here with the equipment i have and i'm sorry to tell you but you have indeed ruptured your anterior cruciate ligament or as you may know it as your ACL" the medic told you
your chest suddenly felt heavy as you let out a breathe that you didn't even know that you were holding in. your eyes closing trying not to let the tears fall as your head hit the back of the bed you were currently lying on.
taking another deep breathe as the news settled, your mind racing that this isn't the minor injury she initially expected it to be.
"how- how long am i out for then?" you asked, those seven words not being used frequently in your footballing career.
the longest you had ever been out from football was two weeks for a concussion after going to header the ball into the back of the net but while doing so also crashing into another player at the same time and that was when you were 16.
"um your probably looking at 9-12 months, i'm afraid" the medic placed the clipboard down as you nodded slowly — this was going to be the most challenging thing you ever going to face.
"oh" was the only words you were able to find.
"as for right now the only thing i can do is bandage it just to keep the knee straight and i would also suggest that you don't put any unnecessary pressure on it, ice it to help with swelling and then when your able to see a doctor tomorrow they'll go through the next stages with you" they explained as you whispered a small 'okay'
the realisation of the injury was really beginning to set in as you watched the medic bandage the knee. your dreams of being at a world cup were slowly slipping away with each wrap of the bandage.
the medic began to run through your notes and everything they had looked at but if you were being honest it all just went in one ear and out the other.
the medic gave you some crutches, encouraging you to use them to avoid putting any weight on it before helping you to your feet and up back towards the field to enjoy the match — well what was left of it on the sidelines.
as the medic helped you back towards the pitch you found it was full time, stopping just outside the man united changing room, the team all being on their way back to the locker room to get showered.
you were met with lots of sorry looks and sympathy from both the man united girls but also the arsenal girls, lots of them being your teammates at england, as you stood back pressed to wall letting them all go past considering they were all going to be a lot faster than you were.
seeing afar alessia rushing, her eyes set on what was in front of her as she walked beside ella as she chatted the blondes ear off. the blonde about to walk straight past you as you grabbed the side of her shirt pulling alessia to the side as best as she could without loosing her balance.
"wh- oh! hi love, how bad?" alessia asked her facial features softened at the sight of her girlfriend, a guess to the answer of her question as she stared down at the crutches that were currently holding you up.
the strikers face formed a pout as she pulled you in for a side hug, a few sniffles beginning to come from you. alessia hushing you softly, as she brushed your hair back out of your face.
"shh, it's going to be okay baby" alessia cooed as she placed gentle kisses onto your forehead. "we'll get through this together, okay" alessia pulled you closer to her rubbing her arm up and down your back.
"what was the score?" you asked as you lifted your head to rest on the blondes chest, chocking back on the tears which were flowing down your flushed cheeks.
a small smile appearing on alessia's face as she shook her head in disbelief that you'd gone off injured and what you were most worried about was what the full time score was?
"it's 2 - 0 to us" alessia whispered as a big sigh came from you as you nodded for the blonde to carry on wanting to know who had scored, "oh um keets and me scored"
"that's my girl!" you mumbled placing a small kiss to her cheek before letting go of the blonde as you steadied yourself.
“you coming?” alessia asked as she pointed towards the changing room, you have a small smile as you began to turn on the crutches, a little wobbly as you were still getting used to hoping on one leg.
"love, i'll get on my back and i’ll give you a piggy back" alessia began as she was back right by your side, you stopping dead still looking towards the blonde.
“baby, i love and appreciate you but you have two left feet i really don’t fancy having a broken arm!” you laughed a little the blonde gasping a little at your bluntness but never the less taking one of your crutches in your hand.
“i won’t drop you, i promise!” she pleaded, as you gave into her, the blonde giving you a piggy back into the changing room. as you praying to the lord above that she wouldn’t drop you.
getting into the changing room most girls were buzzing off the win, some were in the showers and others were just looking forward to go to sleep. alessia sitting you down on the bench next to both yours and her little cubby, pecking you on the lips as she hurried to get into the showers not wanting to keep you waiting for ages.
you watched on as people walked past you as you sat feeling pretty much helpless. watching on with envy as everyone else moved around the room freely while you couldn’t even move from the bench properly without being in a large amount of pain.
you couldn’t get up and join in with the silly antics of ella and mary as they danced around the room just like every win the team had, you couldn’t tie your shoe laces which had come undone and you couldn’t even bend down to pick up your bag from under the bench.
you felt useless.
“love? tesoro?” alessia said softly but there was no reply from you as you stared off into the distance, tears building up in your eyes for not the first time today.
“gorgeous? are you okay?” alessia repeated herself this time waving a hand across your face, finally getting your attention as you blinked head shaking to pull you out of your trance.
you noticed that the changing room was empty now, it was just you and less left. you looked to your girlfriend humming, you had no idea what she had said.
“are you okay?” she asked once again as you hummed nodding your head, a clear indication to the blonde that you were far from. alessia sighed moving your crutches which were slumped next to you onto the floor.
“what’s bothering that pretty mind of yours” she asked as you slumped your head against her, your cheeks feeling wet as the tears fell.
“just watchin’ everyone. i feel so useless. i can’t even pick my bag up for fuck sake!” you choked out in a whisper, maybe this was the anger that you had kept in the past hour. the reality of your injury really hitting you.
“oh baby” alessia whispered moving your face to face hers as she cupped your face, wiping your tears away with her thumb. “your the strongest person i know, you’ll get through this and you’ll come back from it better than ever” alessia reassured you, wiping another tear that rolled down your cheek before it hit your chin.
“what if i can’t?” you whispered your bottom lip wobbling. you were scared for the next few months, how different it was going to be.
“you will! and i’ll be here for you every step of the way, okay?” alessia gave you a small smile as you nodded a little.
“i love you”
“i love you too” she kissed your forehead as you rested your head on her chest listening to her heartbeat.
it was going to be a long nine months.
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liked by alessiarusso and 942,135 others
manutdwomen we can now confirm that y/n l/n has suffered a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament against arsenal on wednesday night.
y/n was substituted in the first half of the game at leigh sports village and underwent further assessment on thursday to determine the extent of the injury.
y/n will now begin a period of rehabilitation and is set for an extended spell on the sidelines. she will undergo surgery in due course. everyone at manchester united will be supporting y/n closely throughout the long journey ahead and we would ask that her privacy is respected at this time.
comments —
arsenalwfc we are gutted for you y/n — wishing you all the best with your recovery❤️
3h        210 likes     reply
ellatoone the baller will be back before we know it!
2h        245 likes     reply
lionesses we are with you, y/n! ❤️❤️
2h        136 likes     reply
alessiarusso she’ll be back stronger ❤️
1h        195 likes     reply
leahwilliamson wishing all the best with her recovery❤️
1h       174 likes     reply
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lure-of-writing · 1 month
Little Sister: Are you going to tell her or should I?
Summary: Morrigan forces Azriel to make a choice. Either she is going to tell you or he is
Word count: 2.7k
part one, part two, part three, part four , part five
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The rumbling ground beneath his feet was one indicator of what was about to come. The other indicator was the shaking paintings that were hung on the wall. Rhys may be the most powerful high lord to ever exist but your power easily rivaled his own. In anticipation of your arrival the quill pen that had just been in use was placed gently on the desk right next to the piece of paper it was just being used on. The force of the heavy wood doors being blown open almost sends the paper flying into his face, if not for his hand placed on top of it. “It’s always such a-” the words pleasure to see you died in his throat as you cut him off. “Ok what is the deal?” one of his perfectly groomed eyebrows raised slightly in questioning at your tired tone of voice. “Oh please let's not act like you don’t know what I am talking about.” the eyebrow didn’t lower even a centimeter. Marching over to the inviting seat in front of his desk you ungracefully plop yourself into the waiting chair. “Remember when Cassian accidentally knocked me out?” you watch as your brother wordlessly nodding in confusion. “Good.” you huff out letting the room fill with silence leaving your brother in a stronger state of confusion then before you started talking. At least before you came into his office Rhysand could have guessed about a thousand reasons as to what has you so upset but now he genuinely does not know where you are going with any of this. “ Go back like a week or two in time after me and Az returned from the summer court and both you and him were avoiding me. Why?” 
Rhysand knew why he was avoiding you but as for Azriel he's not too sure. Obviously he could take a very educated guess but that was about all he could do without asking. “I was busy.” Now the high lord watched as his little sister copied his earlier action of raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow in questioning. “Busy doing what exactly.” Silence once again engulfed the room as Rhysand weighed the pros and cons of telling you his reasoning for avoiding his own sister. A heavy sigh left his lips as he decided to tell you the nicer reason for his absence in your life. “When I walked in your room and saw Az helping you get dressed, that was obviously not something that I, as your older brother, wanted to see.” the continue on motion of your hand forced him to continue. “And as your older brother I obviously never want you to get hurt. In any version of the word. But as your brother I also realize, very reluctantly, at that might I add, that you deserve to live your own life. That means including having a romantic partner. So I was attempting to convince myself that if you pursued a relationship with Azriel that I would be ok.” 
A pregnant pause fell upon the room before you spoke up “That is why you’ve been avoiding me? Seriously?” The warm tone of your laughter brought a warm sensation  dancing up Rhysands neck and cheeks. Nobody else had the ability to embarrass him like his little sister does. “Rhys you know Azriel one hundred percent does not see me like that right? I mean yeah I like to use him to irritate you but he only does that because I asked him to.” your shoulders moved up and down in a shrugging motion. “While you may think that is true you have to remember for all of your life I have banned both you and those to pea brains of trying anything with each other so I needed some time to process even the mere thought of that happening.” you watched from across the desk as your brother pretended to gag. “I guess I no longer have to worry about Cass now that he has Nesta.” he added as an afterthought more to himself than to you.  “That explains why you have been avoiding me, even if it was because you were having a meltdown over nothing but what about Azriel? Why has he been avoiding me.?”  Moments of Rhysands conversation with Azriel played out in his mind. “I can only guess it's because after you paraded around summer” the sound of you scoffing interrupted his story. “Are you done being offended or can I continue.” Rhys watched as you rolled your eyes, taking that as his sign to continue on. “As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. After you returned I talked to Az about the different times I have caught the two of you in interesting situations, to say the least, and asked him about your relationship with each other. And since I have always made it clear he was never to see you in any way other than platonically I would assume he took that as a sign to step back from being around you.” 
The quill pen you summoned was quickly thrown across the desk at your brother “You big overprotective bat! How many times do I need to tell you that Azriel does not see me like that.” Rhys easily caught the pen giving a not so hidden sly smile at your turn to be embarrassed. “No wonder why he's avoiding me. You made it awkward. I’m just his friend's little sister and nothing more. Now I’m sure you’ve given him the wrong idea of me.” A big belly laugh erupted from within Rhysand quickly filling in the room. “After almost five hundred years  I think it’s a little late for Az to just now get the wrong idea of you.” the words barely escaped in between the laughter “You are a menace!” Rhys just continued to laugh as you marched your way back out of his office “I love you too!” The echo of his shout follows you down the corridor as you make your way out of his house. 
The very next morning you made your way to the top of the house ready to start training. “Ah ah ah.” Cassian's voice tuts from across the open roof top. Your eyes scan the room until they land on the wiggling finger that matched the owners equally as wiggly head. “You are not to be training until Madja says you can.” scrunching your face you look at Nesta before making eye contact with the general again “And who are you? My mother?” A bellowing laughter swallows up the words that just slipped past your lips. “When it comes to training I sure am.” his larger than most bicep wraps around your shoulders tucking your body into his. Leading you to the entrance that leads back to the lower level of the house. Cassian had almost gotten you to the threshold of the door when you spotted Azriel from the corner of your eye. Quickly you twirl out of your training mothers warmth and strut over to the one and only shadowsinger. “You’ve been avoiding me. Why?” the fact you had to tilt your head slightly upwards had never irritated you like it did in that moment. You watched as his hazel eyes shuffled across the room taking note of every person who showed up to training this morning. “I haven’t been avoiding you.” you could tell he was being extra quiet on purpose “Oh really is that why Rhys told me-” the words died in your throat as strong hands wrapped around your torso and lifted you from the ground. “Now young one I don’t think interrogating someone is something Madja said you were ok to do yet. Plus training starts in two minutes so you can do your questioning at a later time.” Gently Cassian once more places you on the outside of the training area. Glowering you said nothing as Cassian chuckled at your lack of response before making his way back to the center of the area. 
You watched as Azriel gave Cassian an appreciative nod and Cassian just patted him on the back before starting training. Something was definitely going on, you just didn’t know what. For now at least. 
If there was one thing that living this long has given you it was an endless supply of patience. So for almost three hours you stood leaning against the wall watching both warriors show off different techniques following up with critiquing each other's quote unquote weak spots for techniques. Finally after everything was said and done did Cassian allow you to step foot in the official training area. Azriel was stood by himself drinking water when you appeared in front of him. “Why have you been avoiding me?” you could hear how hurt you sounded to your own ears and tried to not wince at the sound of the pathetic tone you displayed. You watched as the male's face fell before you. “I didn’t mean for you to feel like I was avoiding you. It’s just-” you observed as it appeared Azriel was having an internal debate with himself before sighing a reluctant sigh “ you know how Rhys gets when it comes to you. After we got back he asked if anything was going on between the two of us and I said no. I respect both you and Rhys. I never want to betray Rhysands trust so I haven’t been avoiding you per say but you know.” he ended with a hefty shoulder shrug. 
“So what I’m hearing is that you don’t hate me?” the facade of the shadowsinger broke in front of you to reveal a gentle, kind hearted male who would do anything for his family. The chuckle that fell from his lips brought a giggle to your own. “No, I don't hate you. I don't even think that's possible.” Azriel opens his arms as an invite to share a hug. Even though he was covered in sweat from head to toe you wrapped your arms around his torso pressing your cheek against his chest where his heart was beating. “Well that's good to know because I was starting to get concerned.”  Another chuckle made its way out of his throat and the vibrations of his laughter once again caused your own laughter. “So” you drag out the last vowel “Does that mean you will go shopping with me tomorrow?” you propped your chin against his chest and looked up at your closest friend. “If I must.”  His gentle teasing was met with an equally if not gentler kiss on the hairline of your forehead. 
Ever since your confrontation with Azriel things seemed to go back to normal but not completely back to normal. Something was off that you couldn’t put your finger on but it was without a doubt better than it used to be. The flow of the inner circle had almost returned back to completely normal. That would be until a few weeks later when at family dinner everything would change. 
It was very well known that dinners amongst the inner circle were tradition but it was lesser known that having a dinner where each personal either cooked or brought something to contribute to the dinner was also a tradition. 
This time around it was Feyre, Mor, Elain and yourself in the kitchen. Collectively as a good the three of you were trying your best not to destroy the High ladys kitchen. Elain had no such problems as she was often found making the best treats for the family on a daily basis. The oldest and youngest sister along with yourself had managed to make an edible dinner item, even though it was more challenging than the three of you would like to admit. While cooking was a neutral territory for yourself in terms of skills, it was cooking for three grown Illyrian bats and their accompanying companion along with the rest of the family that stretched your cooking abilities thin. It was a miracle the food was even edible on a good day. Let alone a day with nine hungry fae waiting to be fed. 
  After much work in the kitchen everyone had finally settled down around the table, only after much wrangling on both Feyres and yours behalf. Rhys was at the head of the table with your sister-in-law while you were seated in between Morrgian and Elain. Across from you was Amren, Azriel, Cassian and Nesta sitting in that order. 
Dinner was going as well as it normally did. Cass was making stupid jokes poking at Amren. Feyre was playing mediator, just in case they decided they wanted to destroy each other. And in turn destroy her house. Your brother was assisting Feyre in keeping the family under control and also dotting on her the whole time. Nesta and you were talking about books and Mor along with Elain were discussing different clothing options. 
The smell in the room was subtle at first but quickly you realized the brownies you had put in the oven prior to everyone sitting down were finally done. You just hopped they were burnt. With an abrupt “Oh! Crap!” you sent your chair sliding backwards and hurried off towards the hopefully unharmed cooked batter. After a few minutes of cutting and neatly placing the brownies on a platter you re-entered the dining room that was just as chaotic as when you had left. Cooking you may not be the best at but you were a pretty great baker. The Random desserts you make were always a hit amongst your family and you were sure these would be no different. 
“Anyone want a brownie? Of course Cass was the first to raise his hand and thus started your journey around the table handing out freshly baked goods. You had just rounded the corner of the table when you noticed that one person didn’t take a treat. Azriel. “Az? You don’t want a brownie?” you scrunched your brows together as you gently raise the platter you were holding as in an invitation. “No I’m ok” without realizing your face fell. “But you always eat anything I bake. You always say that I make the best desserts and you’ve never turned them down.” Azriel didn’t take his eyes off of you, instead they shifted between the platter of food back to your eyes before they repeated the process a few more times. “It’s-” his stutter catches you off guard causing you to raise an eyebrow in both confusion and questioning. 
“It’s just that I’m full right now and I-” once again you made a confused look and glanced down to his plate “That's only your second plate of food usually you eat three or four so I know you're not full. Why don’t you want one? Do you not like my baking?”  Once again you found yourself feeling extra hurt about a choice Azriel had made. Usually you were never this emotional but lately you couldn’t help it. Maybe it was the hit to the head that was causing you to be so emotional. As it wasn’t fully healed yet. The male was certainly free to do what he wants but this was new and confusing. “Oh help the brother and the mother.” you looked down to Morr where she had propped her elbows on the table and rested her head upon her hands. “What?”  Your confused tone causes a giggle to escape. “Do you really not understand why he won't eat the damn brownie?” Just as your cousin was about to explain, Azriel cut her off. “Morrigan don’t. It’s not your place to tell her.” 
Now this had your attention. What exactly was there to tell? And Why was Azriel being so secretive about it? After what felt like forever of the two of them going back and forth with each other you intervened. “Will somebody please tell me what is going on?” you didn’t shout but your question definitely wasn’t quiet either. You just needed to get their attention and it worked. “Are you going to tell her or should I?” Silence engulfed the room but Morrigan didn’t let it last too long. “The reason he won't accept your food is because you're his mate.” and in that moment everything stopped.
@kemillyfreitas @lana08 @willowpains @username199945 @tothestarsandwhateverend
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@amysangel @mp-littlebit @mybestfriendmademe
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marvelobsessed134 · 8 months
Watching you
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A/n: kinda wanna make a part two of this let me know if you want one.
Pairings: Stalker Fan!Natasha x Popstar!reader
Warnings: dub con, Nat has a dick, dark!nat, obsessive!nat, stalking, rough smut, some degradation (mainly the use of the term slut), mentions of violence, mentions of pregnancy, breeding kink, Nat is literally a mastermind in this lol.
Summary: Natasha is your biggest fan. Your only number one fan. Or so she thinks. What happens when she finally makes her way backstage?
You belong with Natasha.
How could you not see it? How could you ignore all the love letters she’s sent you. The flowers?
The redhead went to another one of your concerts, this time in Miami.
You’ve ignored her letters and gifts. So now she has to get to you personally. Luckily, she is a trained assassin. So she has the needed skills to get backstage.
After she enjoyed the way you sung and danced to your songs and thanked everyone for coming and wished them Goodnight and a safe drive home, her plan got put into action.
She was able to steal a map of the place, which included where your dressing room was located. Bingo.
Natasha walked up to a lone security guard that was standing in the darkness. She snuck up behind him and knocked him unconscious before taking his clothes.
She went behind a curtain and quickly changed into the security uniform. Throwing on the baseball cap, she was able to get backstage.
Roadies, other guards, assistants, venue staff all paid her no mind as she made her way to your dressing room. She smirked, it was all so easy. If she had done this already, she would’ve been living in your Malibu beach mansion with you knocked up with her children. Oh how she wanted to get you pregnant so bad. To see your body swelled up.
The assassin felt herself get hard under her cargo pants, and she bit her lip. Finally, she made it to your dressing room. Knocking on the door she heard your soft voice call “come in”
Natasha walked in and quickly locked the door. You looked to her in confusion. “What’s going on?” You asked.
She took her cap off to reveal her beautiful red bob.
Your eyes widened. Natasha Romanoff was in your dressing room? Why? Doesn’t she have a world to save.
“N-Natasha Romanoff? What are you doing here? You’re an avenger!” You couldn’t help but fangirl a little bit since hello, an avenger is in your presence!
The redhead slowly walked towards you till you were backed against the wall. You gulped nervously. “I wanted- no. Needed to see you.”
“Because, I’ve fallen for you Y/n L/n.”
“F-fallen for me? But we’ve never even met before?”
“That is true but I believe that you are my soulmate. And I want to get your pregnant with my children.” Her words alarmed you and before you knew it her lips were on yours. You tried to push her back but she was way stronger than you. And, the kiss felt good. You’ve haven’t been kissed in awhile ever since your boyfriend broke up with you.
You felt her grinding her bulge against your front. You gasped softly, feeling it through the thin material of your blue sequin dress.
Natasha began to kiss your neck and you moaned softly, letting her do whatever she wanted to you.
She pulled at your dress and slid down. Revealing you wore no bra.
“Dirty girl. No bra on stage? So these titties can just pop right out.” The assassin kissed down your neck and collar bone, before taking a nipple into her mouth.
You arched towards her, closing your eyes as you felt her suck and bite on the sensitive flesh. She switched the other one and gave it the same treatment as her hand creeped down inside your wet panties.
“Mmm, so wet for me.” She groaned, pulling them down swiftly with one hand before entering two fingers inside you.
“Oh!” You moaned as she entered them and started pumping in and out, going faster by the second. Her thumb rubbed your clit in circles and you kept moaning and crying out. “Shh, don’t want anyone to come looking for you and see you being fucked like a slut now do you?”
You shook your head with wide, teary eyes and she placed another passionate kiss on your lips as she fingered you.
You felt yourself getting closer to the edge before you clenched around her and let go, your orgasm washing over you.
“Fuck, that’s a good slut.” She pulled her fingers out and sucked them clean, moaning at the taste.
Before you knew it your chest was flat against the wall and you heard her roughly pull her pants and boxers off. It was a well known fact that Natasha Romanoff was packing. And well, you’re more than happy to experience it.
Her tip already leaking with precum, she teasingly slid it up and down your drenched folds.
“I can’t wait to get you pregnant, all filled up with my cum.” She moaned before slowly entering you.
“Fuck you’re tight. Oh my god baby.” Natasha started thrusting into you, and you tried your best to keep quiet. But it got harder and harder as she started thrusting faster and faster.
“Mmm…” your moans were muffled by her covering your mouth. She spoke dirty words in your ear.
“Look at you, taking my dick like a good slut. Bet you’re gonna be a good mommy too. Im gonna get you round and full of my baby. Then while you’re pregnant I’m gonna fuck you more and drink that sweet milk from your tits.” Your eyes widened, fuck, you’ve never wanted anything more in your life!
“Do you want that, babygirl?”
“Y-yes!” You moaned.
“How much do you want it?”
“M-more than a Grammy!” You couldn’t help yourself and she smirked at your answer. “That’s my girl.” The assassin started fucking into you harder and harder before spilling her hot, white load inside of your womb.
“Oh!” You sighed.
With her cock still in you, she turned your head and gave you a kiss on the cheek. “You have no idea how much I love you.”
And while you couldn’t really say the same thing back, you didn’t mind the circumstances.
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title: you’re not you when you’re hungry
author: sciencebecameouraddiction
fandom: hazbin hotel
rating: G
genre: Fluff, could be read as romantic or platonic
pairing: Alastor x Reader
summary: Alastor looks about ready to end Vaggie, and you piece together it’s because he hasn’t eaten. So, you make him some food!
You watched closely as Alastor’s eye twitched while Vaggie went through her list of to-do’s. You knew that angels didn’t have to eat, which made so much more sense after finding out that Vaggie was an angel. That was the difference for demons though. Demons, sinners, and any hell born had to eat.
You briefly wondered if Alastor had eaten today. You’d never say anything but you saw he forgot to eat as often as you did. It could have been something else than forgetting, but you chalked it up to forgetting.
‘That would be why he was cranky,’ you mused to yourself. You hopped off your stool and made your way to the kitchen. Quickly you pulled together your own famous Spiced Alfredo and used some of the venison you knew Alastor kept in the refrigerator. He was always stocked up… even though he constantly forgot to eat, which was humorous. You finished off the sauce and pasta, hearing loud yelling and the static that accompanied an upset Alastor.
You quickly finished the plate, placed it at the bar on the island in the kitchen and dashed out, the dashing helping your cause as you looked so disheveled as you just about crashed into the lobby. You panted and leaned against your arm, anchoring it on the wall.
“Al-Alastor.” You called, still out of breath. Whatever Alastor was about to respond to Vaggie, who looked enraged, was stopped as he turned to you. He glared at you, his eyes narrowing.
“What is it?” His voice tight with annoyance.
“I need your help. Seriously. I think only you can fix this.” He sighs, his teeth grinding in his smile.
“We’ll finish this when I come back.” He remarked to Vaggie and she glared at him as he left the lobby. You stood staring at him when he stood in front of you. His head tilted.
“Where to?” He asked, gesturing to the hall behind you.
“Oh! Yes!” You walked to the kitchen and heard a stomach growl as you got closer and the scent of the pasta got stronger. You hid your smile as you turned the corner and pointed to the seat. “Sit.” Alastor looked at you and did so.
“I’m not sure how this is helping anything-“ He cut off his sentence as you placed the large plate of food in front of him.
“Eat. You’re not you when you’re hungry.” You chuckle at the joke Alastor would not get, as you turn and toast some bread, finishing up the meal you were making. You heard him set his staff down and the clink of him picking up his fork. You look behind and see him moving the pasta around and sniffing the food suspiciously. “I didn’t poison it.” You say in disgust, rolling your eyes as you walk toward him spreading butter on the toast and placing three slices on his plate.
“Can’t ever be too sure.” He deadpans. “Is this?” He trails off looking at you.
“Venison, yes.” You say chuckling as you finish up a cup of coffee as well. “My famous Spiced Alfredo? Also, yes.” You set the coffee down in front of him, black, but brewed with a bit of salt to take out the bitterness. “Black coffee? Of course it is. You only drink coffee.” You roll your eyes and take off your apron, seeing Alastor take his first bite, his eyes widening. You turn to him and raise your eye brows, sipping your own coffee, but with sugar and cream.
“You like it?” You ask as Alastor takes another bite, just nodding. “Good. Eat and then you can do whatever you were doing. Otherwise you were going to kill someone because you were hangry.” You laugh and go to leave, to give Alastor some peace, when his hand lands on your arm, stopping you so gently. You look at him questioningly, and then he pulls out the seat next to you, a wordless invitation. “I’m not eating anything though.” You warn.
“That’s fine.” He says, taking another bite. “Where did you learn to cook like this?”
“Well, in my time, we had TV and there was a channel called Food Network. All these great chefs would have different TV shows and you could learn how to cook. I never had formal training but I learned how to cook by watching them.” You laugh.
“Fascinating. Tell me more.” Alastor prompted as he continued to eat, listening to you talk about your favorite show and even some of the gossip that was supposedly fact. Alastor never expected kindness like this and the last time someone did something like this for him, his mother was still alive. He was going to cherish this as long as he could.
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illyrianbitch · 28 days
can I request a cassian drabble where he cuddles with her when she has a migraine 🥺 asking for a friend of course 🥴
Pairing: Cassian x Reader
Word count: 683
Warnings: None <3
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
Cassian wore a large grin on his face as he ran into your room, the door hitting the wall behind him with a loud, heavy thud. 
“Sweetheart! You won’t believe what happened—” 
You grimaced at the noise, at how loud and full of energy his voice is. Normally, the sound would bring a flutter to your heart, make your stomach flip. But now, with the pounding in your head and the throbbing echoes behind your eyes, it sent a spike of agony through your head. 
You groaned softly, raising a hand to your temple as you pushed your head further into the pillow. “Cass, please,” you murmured, “Quiet.”
Cassian stilled, the low tone of your voice sending a wave of worry through his body. He frowned in concern as he took you in, your still form in bed, the curtains of your shared room drawn to block out the light. Another wave of worry ran through him, much stronger than the first.
“What’s wrong?” 
His voice had dropped to a softer tone. 
“Migraine,” you managed to breathe out, squeezing your eyes tightly.
Cassian’s face softened.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he said quietly, his voice now falling to a gentle whisper. 
With surprising quietness for someone of his size, he crossed the room in a few long strides, carefully sitting at the edge of the bed. He brushed a few strands of hair away from your face. 
“What can I do?”
You shrugged slightly, face contorted into a painful frown. “Fix it.” 
The crease between his brows deepened. He gave no verbal response, but you felt the bed lift as he stood up, his footsteps quieting as he walked into the bathroom. Faintly, through your painful haze, you could hear the rustling of fabric and running water, and then he was back at your side, the bed dipping as he pressed a cool cloth to your forehead. You let out a sound of relief at the sensation. 
“Here,” he said softly, scooting closer to you as he helped you sit up slightly. He offered you a small glass of water. “Drink.”
You frowned, the pounding in your head worsening at the tension created between your brows. You blinked hard. 
He gave you a face.
“Sweetheart,” he said, “I already know you haven’t had enough water today. Please.”
You let out a sigh. 
“Okay,” you whispered, carefully leaning forward to take a few sips.
Cassian helped you with the cup, taking it gingerly in his hands to place on the side table as you laid back down. 
He settled beside you, careful not to jostle you as he pulled you into his arms, cradling you against his chest. His heartbeat was a steady rhythm under your ear as you leaned further into his touch. 
“This okay?” he asked, breath warm against your hair.
You nodded slightly, nuzzling even closer to him. The warmth of his body spread throughout your skin.  “Perfect.”
Cassian’s hand stroked your back in slow, calming circles, fingers tracing soothing patterns through the delicate fabric of your shirt.
“Good, sweetheart,” he whispered, “Just rest. I’ve got you.”
You let out a small sigh, the tension in your body slowly easing with every brush of his fingers.
“Cass,” you murmured into his chest, “Could you rub my head?”
“Of course,” he replied, almost instantly. He shifted slightly, hand moving to your head as his fingers began to gently massage your temples. You let out a deep, relieved breath.
“Is this helping?” 
“Yes,” you breathed, closing your eyes. “Thank you.”
Cassian continued to rub your head, his touch tender and careful. He hummed softly, a lullaby-like tune that vibrated through his body. The sound was gentle, almost like a purr, as it lured you to sleep.
From deep within your chest, you could feel Cassian’s worry— could feel his need to make things better for you. Now, in the blissful silence, your heart fluttered with a familiar warmth. 
As you drifted towards sleep, you heard him faintly whisper, “I’ll stay right here. As long as you need.”
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
permanent tag list 🫶🏻: @rhysandorian @itsswritten @milswrites @lilah-asteria @georgiadixon
@glam-targaryen @cheneyq @darkbloodsly @pit-and-the-pen
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chrisevansonly · 5 months
Daddy Daughter Time (Lando & Poppy Universe)
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ʚ lando norris x female reader
ʚ when the sun sets and you’re settled in bed with your favourite cup of tea and tv show, lando has what he likes to call ‘daddy-daughter time’
ʚ very fluffy sweet dad to be lando, lando being sassy as usual
ʚ i lied here’s a little pre poppy blurb for you guys, i wanted to get something out since you’re all so sweet to me and this idea has been stuck in my head
Your favourite show of the moment right now Suits, played softly through the speakers and surround sound system from the TV that rested on the wall in front of your bed. A post shower routine of getting comfy, rubbing the sweet peach scented body oil on your belly as your little girl kicked and moved about.
At almost 7 months pregnant, Lando was obsessed with you, and that belly, ever since it popped all those months ago, he was so irrevocably in love with you, and his little girl.
“Guess what time it is!!” Came his voice from the hallway, causing you to bite back a smile
“Snack time?”
“Ha ha no.”
“I’m sorry what was that Norris?”
Lando then poked his head through the door, if there was one thing he learned it was never ever mess with a pregnant woman; especially if that pregnant woman was his wife.
“Just kidding, I have all sorts of snacks for you my love!”
“That’s what I thought”
You watched as he entered the room with a tray of snacks, wide variety of your cravings and some for him to have while you watched your show together.
“It’s daddy daughter time baby, cmon how could you forget”
“Oh right mhm where my husband shushes me while he and my daughter plot against me”
A scoff left his lips as he placed the tray on the bedside table, for now, before settling on the bed and resting his head right above your bump. A happy sigh leaving his lips as your hand moved to card through his curls gently.
“We don’t plot against you….we just converse about you darling..big difference”
Reaching over you popped a few skittles into your mouth with your free hand, your focus going back onto the tv as you felt Lando’s hand lay flat under your belly button, his fingers tapping lightly to see if the baby would move.
“Petal you’re not sleeping on daddy are you? We have to have our nightly talk…”
Snorting out a laugh he turned to glare at you, no actual annoyance behind it at all
“Sorry sorry!”
Shaking his head he tapped around your belly a few more times before she kicked right where his hand was.
“Hi little flower…are you being good to mummy today? Not kicking her too hard?”
As if on command she delivered a stronger kick to your rib cage, a swear escaping your lips
“Little devil she is”
“OH no no that’s not nice, mummy called you a little devil baby, you’re not a devil are you”
Smacking his head gently Lando laughed raising his hand in surrender
“Watch it Norris.”
“Yes ma’am!”
You shook your head continuing to snack as Lando leaned up a bit to place a few kisses to the taught skin.
“Mummy is gonna get daddy if i don’t behave, I have to go love on her now, i love you so much petal, same time tomorrow night?”
A pregnant pause fell over the room until he felt a soft kick on his hand
“Okay, same time tomorrow”
It really was sweet hearing Lando talk to the baby every night even if he was quite cheeky about it.
“Are you done giving the little one attention? Cause i’d love some now…”
“Alright alright girls there’s enough of me to go around!”
Rolling your eyes at your husband was a common occurrence these days, but he was quick to move, coming up to press a kiss to your lips, a soft smile on his face.
“You’ve got all my attention darling”
“Good, I was wondering when you two were going to break up your little huddle down there”
Moving the snacks and placing them in between you both, Lando let you get comfy as your head rested on his chest, now it was his turn to dote on you, a hand moving to rub your back gently.
“I love you, even when you’re being cheeky and turning our daughter against me”
“I love you too darling…and I am not turning her against you…”
“I’ve got my hands full with you, I don’t need two diva’s in this house”
At the sound of this Lando bursted out laughing, he couldn’t hold it back at your statement. He knew you weren’t wrong there at all, but that’s what you loved about him.
And you both knew if your daughter was anything like her father, there’d be a lot of sass filling your home very soon.
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kingkaizen · 7 days
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∘ a/n: let's pretend that i didn't take a month to fulfill this request, sorry nonnie <3
∘ ft: gojo & geto
∘ includes: cunnilingus, face fucking, riding, gojo & geto being idiots
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“Can you both shut up and eat me out already?”
The situation that you’re currently finding yourself in is not an easy one to explain. Just only 24 hours ago, you were still in a committed, yet toxic relationship. You have been with your ex for about two years before you caught him cheating and ended it all in an instant. Your best friends, Gojo and Geto immediately came to your aid, as they always do. You’ve been friends since your school days and your bond with the duo has only grown stronger as the years went by. They always resented your ex, how he treated you and how he made you feel.
Now it’s their turn to make you feel just as you deserve.
“Sorry, (y/n), Gojo is just a fucking idiot who doesn’t know how to share.” Geto rolled his eyes at Gojo as they were both resting between your open legs. At this point, you were completely naked in front of them, warm cunt aching in need as they took forever to get to the point. One thing about them, they will never stop arguing. Before Gojo could reply, Geto dives straight in, licking up your slit as your juices coat his tongue. You threw your head back in bliss as you felt him circle around your clit, a gasp leaving your lips as Gojo slipped two fingers inside.
“Look at how easily you take them.” Gojo groans, fascinated at the sight in front of him. Geto’s eyes bore into your skin as he gazed at your body. 
“Keep your eyes on us, love.” Geto cooed, removing his lips from yours, waiting for you to obey. Your head came back up slowly, looking down at the sight beneath you. Geto’s face was soaked in your juices just as much as Gojo’s fingers were. Just before you could whine from the loss of contact, Gojo places his hand at the back of Geto’s head, pulling him in for a kiss. You couldn’t help but feel turned on, watching the two men share a taste of you. 
“You’re taste so fucking good.” Gojo says as he pulls away, standing up to hover over you. “We should fill her up, just the way she likes.” Geto follows, flipping you over so that you’re on top of him as his head faces the bottom end of the bed. 
“Go ahead and take what you want.”
You don’t need to be told twice, reaching down to guide his tip into your entrance. You gasp as he enters you slowly, stretching you out. You can feel him gripping your hips, trying his best not to lose it as your walls clench around him. “Fuckkkk” Geto groans as you begin to move your hips back and forth. 
“Don’t forget about me, sweet girl.” Gojo stands facing you, leaking tip begging to be touched. Guiding your head towards his cock, you wrap your lips around him, swirling your tongue around his length. You could feel him pulse inside of your mouth in pleasure, large hand resting at the back of your head to take him in deeper. It’s not long before he begins to lose himself, slowly thrusting in and out of your warm mouth as your lips stay tightly around him.
“I hope you’re not about to cum already, Gojo. You didn’t even get to feel how tight she is yet.” Geto slapped your ass, making you moan around Gojo’s cock. His eyes tighten up at the vibrations, thrusts becoming more erratic by the second. You could feel yourself beginning to lose it, Geto controlling the movement of your hips as he reaches deep inside of you. 
“Go ahead and cum sweetheart, cum for me and me only.” Geto’s possessive words send you over the edge, your body shaking above him as your eyes roll to the back of your head. Gojo’s not far behind, pulling out before shooting his cum all over your chest. Geto chuckled underneath you, pulling himself out to lay you down gently next to him. “I knew you would be quick, you seem like the type.”
“Shut the fuck up.” 
“Let’s switch and you can have a taste of my sloppy seconds.”
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© kingkaizen | do not copy, steal, or duplicate!
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periwinkla · 25 days
Maya Fey's character is written in such a charmingly, heart wrenchingly subtle way. She has to face all manners of tragedy, but she always has that smile on her face and presses on, feigning happiness and lightheartedness. It's honestly somewhat disturbing. How can someone smile so seemingly easily after such tragedy? Can you imagine going to your sister’s workplace, expecting to spend a quiet evening together, and instead... you see a slumped silhouette against the wall of the window? She spawns the most crazy things out of her mouth just to fill the silence sometimes. Why? Sure, it may be for the game's comic relief… but sometimes it appears a tad forced? Like it’s because she wants to build a relationship with Phoenix - like her sister asked her - and doesn't quite know how to. He’s the only person that can understand what she’s going through. She’s suffering. He’s suffering. So she needs to fill the silence somehow. And she drags him along most times, she is the one that decides they should take Power’s case, after all. After Edgeworth's trial she feels useless (even though she clearly was the reason Phoenix could save him... can you believe she just charged in against Von Karma? that's insane) and goes back home to resume her training so she can help Phoenix again. After Edgeworth's ‘death’, Phoenix didn't keep in touch. Although she didn’t know about Edgeworth, she knew that the whole year had been hard on them both in the first place... so she grew worried, and basically bargained with her client to go and get him and drag him to Kurain. Phoenix can get back into taking cases just because she's there to cheer him up. So she needs to be strong! Even though she's suffering tremendously as well. Mia isn't there anymore and now she also needs to take care of her cousin because apparently she can’t even have her aunt to rely on, because for some reason the universe decided to give her the most complicated family drama imaginable. When they face Franziska? She's awfully perceptive. She's only 18, and instead of being angry at Franziska's behavior, she wonders how she can be so strong? And she seems to admire her? Would a 18 year old accused of murder think that of the accuser? That's frankly baffling. It shows maturity far beyond her age, to think of the true feelings behind people’s behavior despite what it means for her situation. And then she gets kidnapped. And still, she feigns being fine… Then then Hazakura happens. All that and she's still thinking about other people! She tries to protect Godot, even though it's a moot point. She tries to be strong for Pearl - as Edgeworth points out - and she tries so hard to not make everything affect her. She takes everything in stride but also suppresses her feelings. And she's very very good at it, even. She seems fine. Franziska is baffled at her nonchalance, and somehow Edgeworth is the one who needs to explain it, perhaps because they had similar experiences and their tragedy is linked to the same root. Edgeworth tried to repress his feelings as well (although he is, by contrast, very very bad at hiding them) so he knows what he's talking about. I quite like that scene at the end of AA3 because that makes it deliberate on Takumi’'s part that he wanted to write her that way from the start. (it also adds to the development of 3 characters at once: Maya, Miles and Franziska) Her misfortunes don’t end here, either. SOJ happens. Kidnapped again, accused of murder again. People she trusted betray her and she finds it in her heart to forgive them? And now she also has a ton of responsibilities. And she needs to appear even stronger now in front of other people, because they depend on her. She’s still cheerful though. Because she needs to be. She first needs to be strong for Phoenix, then Pearl, then for the whole village of Kurain. And she manages to be, somehow. I love when characters are written this way. Once you have all the pieces together, if you go back and analyze their behavior, it makes the experience so much richer and so much more meaningful.
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