#or is it because I am actively asking on the post and poll?
sunmontuewrites · 7 months
Man my brain works in very weird ways... getting a comment like "please write more" make me immediately want to do the complete opposite (like dig in my heels and cross my arms type reaction).
Yet in a post on a side blog I ask people to tell me which fics they want me to bang out >250 words on... (And I also run a poll on which WIP I should focus on next) and I am managing days of 3-5k words EASY...
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miodiodavinci · 8 months
collapses to the ground like a deflated balloon
#my god#stage one is finally complete . . . . . . . .#if you can recall that poll i reblogged about passing out#that important contact i received was mr. seto of the vocaloid team#who messaged me asking about a collaboration and quite literally nearly caused me to pass out#i read the message preview on my phone#stood up#saw stars#and collapsed onto my bed and had to lay down for like. 10 minutes before my body would stop feeling distant and weak w#i similarly felt ready to pass out today when i sent a message to ask when the announcement tweet would be#and they tweeted it. immediately after w#no joke rice and i were scrambling behind the scenes to get our act together and figure out what we wanted to say KHGJGSJKFHGKJ#all the while screaming because yamaha said they'd be posting it on valentine's day and we thought they meant our timezone w#because the whole point of this collab was to get the zolas more well known in the english-speaking sphere w#EITHER WAY#i am. so so tired and now i need to pass out so i can get enough sleep before more internship tomorrow w#which is heating up because my seminar professor wants a detailed plan of my final project goals This Friday#but my mentor won't know anything about where to fit that in until Thursday at the earliest#and my supervisor just hounded me over email to coordinate with the two other people at my station and choose an activity to lead#but that requires. planning. that our mentors won't have until thursday........#perishing . . . . . .
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finally settling once and for all... with the evidence laid out plainly.. which of these brother boys is more stinkys ,,,
#also please for the love of gourd do not take this seriously i am joking I do not hold any of these behaviors against my cats I know that#all cats are a little stinky and weird I have had cats all of my life I am not genuinely condemning my cats i am being silly please lol#(some of my goofy cat posts in the past will always get like.. one or two people taking an issue with something incredibly#mundane. like me saying a cat is being rude or somehting and someone being like 'um actually cats cant process the concept of#rudeness. he has no idea he did anything wrong!' ........ yes...... i am aware.. that my cat has the brain of a cat lol#ANYWAY.... polls!!! so excited to have polls.. I will try not to be annoyig but I just love asking random things to the general#public. in friend groups I am always the one asking people to taking surveys. quizzes. making surveys and handing them out. etc.#the rare times I can partially overcome my social anhedonia/inability to socially function properly/etc. is when I'm interviewing people or#socializing specifically in the context of like Information Gathering lol#I love running questionairres and stuff . even about the most mundane pointless topics. there's just soemthing really interesting#about like....... being able to ask people stuff and then look at and analyze the results.#Even though that's an incredibly simple average thing. idk.. my brain loves information even if it's pointless silly information.#I Just Think It's Neat. I have so so sos os oso many ideas but I wanted to make the first poll about my cats#of course because I'm also obsessed with them lol. I was thinking of taking some of the pictures of them in front of a blank#canvas and doing a poll of 'what are they painting?' or 'what should they paint?' but I decided to go with babey crimes#for now. inspired by various baby crimes committed just this morning. Fresh on my mind..#I wish they had a middle option though between '1 day' and '1 week'. I think a week is too long for a poll like this but also#one day is not long enough because I dont really have THAT many active followers. if it was just a day it would probably reach like 5 poepl#people. I want to at least be able to reblog it a few times maybe. lol#I think 3-4 days would be ideal. Its a new feature though. I'm sure they'll modify things as time goes on.#Still feeling sick and bad and weird and not being that productive at all generally but... I have just enough energy stores..#using up every ounce of my power to make a goofy poll... a worthy sacrifice....
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incognitopolls · 10 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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markscherz · 3 months
Can I ask how you feel about your Tumblr fame?
I get the impression you just made this account for normal casual funsies reasons, but it kinda blew up by happenstance. If that's right, I'm curious if now you feel like it's kind of a more serious thing, where you have an opportunity to sorta act as a science communicator with a reach you otherwise might not?
Or maybe something else? You gonna see if you can somehow leverage your Tumblr fame to get research funding? Deputize us to harass polluters and developers destroying habitats? Crowdsource name ideas for new species?
It's a bit bizarre, in that it has very little real-world-ness to it. I showed my mother the ongoing tumblr celebrity poll, and she was like 'how many people could possibly be interested in frogs?', to which I replied 'well as of today about 46,000 and counting'.
I have always had an unhealthy relationship with fame. I spent most of my teen and young adult life fawning after it, as is I suppose very often the case.
More after the cut…
I always really wanted to be famous, but I was never really interested in changing who I was or what I represented in that pursuit. That is to say, I wanted to be known for what I was already doing, or for things that were already interesting for me, rather than things that might have much higher chances of success but require more effort or be less in line with the things that I am interested in.
I had my first brush with virality in 2012, when a poem I wrote went a little viral (largely thanks to StumbleUpon). I remember the rush of seeing how much attention it was getting, and staying up late to keep refreshing the page as the visitor numbers went up and up and up.
But not long after that, I had some closer encounters with fame and people becoming famous. That was extremely eye-opening. I witnessed first hand how strongly that can affect someone's life, for good and for bad. That experience also made me realise, quite jarringly, that famous people are still just people; that celebrity is something extrinsic to them; that they also wipe their own butts (if they are able); and that in many cases, it is a substantial inconvenience if not downright pain in the ass for them. I think this is why we see so many of the big celebrities having mental health crises or trying to live as much of their lives out of the public eye as possible.
That experience pretty much stifled my desire to achieve fame, and really changed my relationship with it. I should add that I could say much more on this topic, but nothing so coherent or insightful as John and Hank Green, who have given me so much clarity on this topic over the years through their thoughtful commentary on youtube and their podcasts.
Anyway, in spite of the fact that fame itself doesn't really appeal to me anymore, I do still have a problem wherein I quickly became addicted to the microdosing of euphoria associated with every reblog and like and follow. So I put huge efforts into social media in order to try to gain traction in the space that I felt I could really compete in—Very Niche SciComm™—and build up a following.
Tumblr was the first platform where I felt that really succeed; I managed to fight my way to a few thousand followers with a thick queue of regular posts about herpetology and other science. At that time, there was a great community building up in the rudimentary private messaging system—I am still friends with several other tumblr bloggers from that era (none of whom I have ever met in person). From that early time (2013), I think my most successful post was probably this one about germination of 32,000 year old seeds—a post that, as of today, has 836 notes, but at the time felt huge and exhilarating.
As I went through gradschool, I got more and more active on twitter, and less and less active on tumblr (by the time I wound down, I had about 8,000 followers on tumblr). This was partly because of the pornbot takeover on tumblr, which meant I basically could not go on the platform in public or at work, but also because the audience and interactions are just fundamentally different. Twitter had a different kind of vibe and energy than tumblr, and there were real SciComm experts there, who were doing it just completely differently. More importantly, I became more focussed on doing outreach aimed at colleagues, rather than non-experts.
Then, in 2017, I hit headlines for the first time. The description of Geckolepis megalepis made it big on social and traditional media, and I had my first experience with real media attention. I had a flurry of late-night phone-calls with journalists in the US. This was a different animal altogether than the few viral posts I had had until that point. It was extremely stressful, but exhilarating. Then in 2018, our chameleon fluorescence story made similar headlines, and in 2019 the Mini frogs, and in 2021 with gecko fluorescence and the smallest chameleon.
Seeing my name on the BBC News website and in the New York Times and National Geographic—those things have been the most surreal moments of near-fame I have experienced so far. The number of followers on social media is quite difficult to conceptualise, but seeing your own name in a media outlet that you consume regularly, or have grown up with, is more palpable.
In any case, I continued to run with twitter as my main platform for years, because I found the interaction with colleagues and other academics highly stimulating. In 2021, I even posted a twitter thread about a different species of frog from Madagascar every day for the full year. All this work was ultimately greeted with mediocre success; I just crested over 10,000 followers a few months before the Musth takeover. But then the platform became basically unusable. And in the fallout, I came back to tumblr, where, just by chance, I happened to find a post about the Mini frogs and reply to it and it went properly viral and now here we are. In the space of a year, I went from having 8000 followers to having >46,000.
How do I feel about that? It's bonkers. I think it is great that so many people are interested in hearing the Good News about frogs and other creatures. But I also feel like I am not really on the same playing field as most of the others in that poll mentioned above, in that I do not have any of the celebrity that several others have. And I know for a fact that there are fanblogs with far, far larger followings than I have. But perhaps that is the great thing about tumblr; that the playing field is somehow levelled…
What's the point of this ramble? Well, first I guess it is to outline that I have given fame a lot of thought over the years, and I have a long-standing and complicated relationship with it, and take it quite seriously. Second, to illustrate that I have been working on as a science communicator or person in outreach for many years—it has kind of been my social media brand since I started gradschool in 2013. And third, to kind of outline how we got here, because I often feel like you have to know where an arrow has come from in order to figure out which direction it will continue to fly.
You asked if I would somehow try to leverage my tumblr fame to get research funding—I already do that. In fact, my social media activity had a signfiicant role in landing me my current job, and will continue to help me achieve tenure. Outreach is an important part of my job, and funders like it too.
I would love to have the community-building power and tenacity of the brothers Green; Nerdfighteria has achieved some incredible things over the years, and the power of that community is now being seen at an unprecedented scale in their battle for equitable access for tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment. But I do not have that in me; this platform is the wrong one for community activation, and my community is still too small for that. Moreover, it is not organised or structured, in the way that I think effective deputisation would require.
As for the crowdsourcing of name ideas, that is currently off the table. I like to try to name things on my own or with my colleauges; it is a very good part of the process. And I have yet to hear a suggestion for a Mini species epithet that I had not already come up with myself, so I am not convinced that this would really augment the experience.
So for now, I hope that the main way I use the platform, and the power that comes with a few thousand followers, will be to spread the Good News about frogs and other wonderful animals, and the other kinds of science happening around us (and occasional other off-topic content). I hope that you are encouraged to explore the world around you, and to do your own reading to find out more about the subjects that interest you. And also I will continue to try to make meme-worthy content, because it does nice, if addictive, things in my brain when I get the clicks.
Thanks for asking, anon, and sorry for the Wall of Text.
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candieduranium · 4 months
my intro post
i guess it’s about time i made one of these
(why does this have so many notes???😭/genuine)
long ass intro oml
last updated september 23, 2024 (mild update)
•my name is micah but i also respond to furcata and rover
•i use any pronouns except it/its. other than those, i genuinely do not care what you use for me
•im a minor
•i am a christian. i do not force it onto other people. please respect my religion.
•i make mistakes on my blog (accidentally deleting things, unbalanced polls, etc.) from time to time so please excuse if i make some errors. trying my best.
•my tag for my original posts and reblogs that add to is “micah’s owlposting” even for stuff that isn’t owlkin-related. i have to retroactively tag my old posts with this tag so keep in mind that not all of them are tagged! i will update this post when i finish tagging.
•i am an american barn owl therian, vernid othermidst, machinehearted, and pigeonhearted.
• i am a quadrobist. i started in april of 2024.
•usually the things i post are about my alterhumanity but i also post golden texts my friends and i send each other along with some other stuff. sometimes in my posts there are mentions of sex and (mild?) sexual themes
•im also a furry. furry ≠ zoophile
•my favorite music is by greta van fleet and umbrabyte. i also just enjoy vocaloid in general, too. in fact, the original purpose i had for my blog was just to keep up with umbrabyte and her content better. here’s umbrabyte’s spotify:
•my favorite aesthetics are cybercore, mizuiro/ tenshi kaiwai, vaporwave, and rococo
•my only definite dni is if your blog is focused on nsfw, has sexually explicit images, or unsafe for minors in general. we can interact if you are in a basic dni (zoophile, radqueers, etc) but i probably won’t interact with you as much as those who arent in the dni.
•haters will be blocked unless i find them especially funny.
•im up for chatting about whatever whenever so just shoot me a dm if you feel like it (sfw, obviously)
•my hobbies and special interests are drums, classical latin, fursuit making, cosplay, and illustrating
•i’m very interested in learning how to make vtuber models and customizing ball-jointed dolls
•my main fandoms are umbrabyte, tloz, pjsk, and tadc (i know some these fandoms are known for having CRAZY and problematic fans. im not one of them)
•i have a 4 year old black cat named dumpling (i post pics of him sometimes) and a 16 year old dog named stella. i hope to get a couple of oranda goldfish someday
•i dont have a set posting schedule. i post when i post. but i generally like to stay pretty active and try to post at least once per day.
•i follow anyone who interacts with my posts positively when im not in their dni and theyre not in mine and their blog isn’t completely default/blank this is now false. i have just learned that the maximum follow count is 5k and i am already above 4k. there are too many of you for me to follow you all😭
•some random and useless stuff about me: i have mild-moderate trypophobia and a deviated septum, i’m 5’7”, my favorite color is orange, i LOVE creme brulee, and my mbti is antp-t (a for ambivert)
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mild eyestrain warning ⚠️
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how the fuck does this have so many notes??😭
vent-ish/vent-adjacent warning ⚠️
here’s a copypaste from another of my posts regarding my posting schedule and status:
hey folks, i may not be posting as much going forward because my father put my email on a lifelock account, which means that he may be alerted each time i log into my tumblr account. i use tumblr on the website on safari and i frequently log in and out because im anxious that my parents will check my search history, but they very rarely ever do. im testing if they get alerted right now by logging in to ao3 and c.ai, two websites that my parents likely wont be opposed to but would tell me and ask me about it if i got an alert. deleting my account is a last resort, but it is still on the table. this change is indefinite. i have backup plans in case my parents do get alerts from lifelock, but nothing is definite. i may continue on just fine, i might not. just giving y’all a heads up in case something does happen.
tl;dr my account may be discovered by my parents and i may be punished, maybe it wont. we’ll see
and does anyone know for sure if lifelock does send alerts about logging in tumblr accounts? please dont lie to me.
my mental health is hinging largely on my tumblr account and im praying sososo hard that i wont lose all of you wonderful, amazing people. this goes for the folks i have dmed and the ones i havent. but anyway. i love you all. thank you for the time youve given me, even if it wont be for much longer.
and heres another post copypaste:
hey folks i dont know if im gonna be posting for a hot minute because im at band practice rn but im gonna have the biggest fucking argument with my mom when i get home😍 i might get my phone taken away
so basically what happened is i told her im depressed and she blew me off and didnt believe me. she also did some other stuff. i may go into greater detail at a later date.
im sorry if this discomforts or tr_gg_rs anyone but i wanted to give an explanation and warning just in case i stop posting and interacting on tumblr
thank you all for being so wonderful, truly. i hope i can get my situation sorted out quickly and remain active.
i’ll probably update this post later on since im sure there’s something i forgot. check back with me every once in a while and i might have some new content on this post
thanks for reading 👍👍
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unforth · 11 months
I had a day off yesterday.
And I can already practically hear the assumptions that such a statement is prompting the reader to make. Those assumptions are wrong. I don't mean I didn't work. I did, for about 8 hours. That's not at all what I mean.
I mean my wife took the kids out at 9:30, spent the night with her mom, isn't back yet the next morning.
There are things I NEED people on this website to understand about parenting. And I've talked about it before, and I'll talk about it again, because honestly the way that Tumblr as a cohort talks about parents makes me sick. Multiple polls have shown that only about 2% of people on here are parents. We're a huge minority, and we're constantly talked over, ignored, or accused of being bad parents (like, personally, I have had people reply to my comments or come on to my posts and tell me I shouldn't have my kids). In my case, being a parent means I'm almost 41, I'm married to @ramblingandpie, and our children are inching up on being 8 and 6 years old.
My entire day, and therefore my entire life, revolves around them. I'm up most mornings at 5 AM, because that's the earliest they're "allowed" to wake up, and so my brain just defaults to being awake around then - better to wake up before them, at least then I get a few minutes in the morning. Between 5 and 7, I sit with them, do my social media, work on side blogs, study Chinese. Then it's helping them get ready for school, then my wife or I or both get them on the bus, and then I work until the last possible minute, which is either when I need to go pick them up for an after school activity or when I need to go down and meet them off the bus. My afternoons are after school activities, chores such as washing the dishes and cleaning up toys, talking with them, working with them, playing with them. Their bedtime starts at 7:40, and my son gets scared if I leave before he falls asleep so I sit with him until about 8:15. As soon as he's asleep, I go fall on my face, sleep as best I can, then wake up and do it again. Overnight, it's hard to sleep deeply, because about once a week someone will wake up in the middle of the night and need help. That could be as minimal as a hug or as complex as having to completely change the bedding on a bunk bed at 2 AM while also comforting a child who is afraid they'll be in trouble, or afraid they're sick, or afraid of their nightmare, or, or, or. Further, if a child is awake, there is always noise. I usually study Chinese with two or more competing sources of noise. I read the same way. My life is loud, and active, and consists of constant interruptions.
I adore my family, and I love my children, but this is terrible for me.
I do all of this as an neurodivergent introvert. My clinical depression is at least medicated, mostly because post-partum depression after I gave birth the first time nearly drove me to suicidal in under a week (we were expecting this and were prepared, fortunately, getting help was as simple as a phone call). The constant noise and interruptions and forced socialibility are about the worst combination of home-life I could be subjected to. I spend far too many early mornings just breathing deeply and gearing myself up to be subjected to the wall of Loud, Boisterous, Needing-My-Attention that is every minute when anyone else in the house is awake.
So what did my day off look like?
I helped get the kids ready to go and did some morning chores. I'd been up at 4:30 AM so I also had already social media'd and studied. Then, while my wife finished the preparations, I started work, and I worked from about 8 am to about 4 pm, straight. I didn't get hungry so didn't bother stopping for lunch. No one interrupted me, no one asked me to look at anything they'd built, no one broke my concentration, no sounds could be heard except those I'd chosen myself.
I'd been out the day before at a local shopping street and listened closely to the things the kids said they wanted, so at 4 I grabbed a couple orders I needed to ship for work and drove to our local downtown, dropped the orders in a post box, then went back to the shops and did some Christmas shopping in the 45 minutes or so before everything closed. I think I'm basically done with what we'll get them - other bigger things will be left to grand parents - so that's a load off, I literally had a stress dream earlier this week about it being 12/24 and having forgotten to do the shopping and having to go to (oh horrors) the mall on the day before Christmas. (Reminder: I'm a Jewish atheist. It's just virtually impossible not to Holiday in the Culturally Christian Hellscape that is the US. Also, my wife is Christian. So.) Found something cute for my wife, too, even tho I already know the main thing I'm getting her. Then, I realized - one of my favorite restaurants is on that block. So. I went there. I sat by myself at a table, only the indistinct restaurant hubbub around me. I read four or five chapters of my book, and ate a savory crepe, and drank lovely fruit tea, and got a scone to-go that I'll eat for lunch today. It was more than I probably should have spent on myself - about $25, including tip - but fuck it. I only get maybe a handful of days off all year, and I'm allowed to indulge a little.
Then I came home. There were no lights on. There was no noise. I had considered doing some more merch work while watching TV on the actual television (my kids are too young for subtitled shows, so usually if I want to watch My Shows I either have to do it on my computer when they're not around, or put them on and read all the subtitles aloud while trying to keep up and process the actual meaning of what I'm reading). But when I got back, the quiet and dark was so goddamn NICE that instead I curled up on the couch and read more of my book. I did that until bedtime - still about 8:15, because I'm exhausted. Then...I went to bed. And I slept long and deep, knowing that there was no chance I'd be interrupted and woken up, I didn't have to be, even in sleep, alert to every noise and possibility that I'd be needed.
I'm still exhausted and burned out, but even one night to myself felt really, really nice.
Saying "Tumblr does X" as a universal statement is doomed to failure, but generally speaking, the parenting posts I see on Tumblr, the ones with tens or hundreds of thousands of notes, speak what's apparently widely seen as a truism on here: that unless someone wants to spend 24/7 with their kids, to be 100% emotionally available at all times, is always kind and patient and perfect, they are a bad parent, maybe even abusive. I remember when covid started, there were multiple posts actively mocking the "oh god, my kids are now home all the time, how am I supposed to do this?" attitude that a lot of parents posted in despair. WhY dId YoU hAvE kIdS iF yOu DoN't WaNt To SpEnD tImE wItH tHeM?
Look at what my usual day looks like.
Look at what my day off looked like.
Do you really think I don't want to spend time with my kids? Do you really think I don't love my kids?
But I'm not a fucking MACHINE. I'm a PERSON. That's what people on Tumblr seem to forget. PARENTS ARE PEOPLE. The same tumblrinas who post ~uwu be kind to yourself rest if you need to, you should forgive yourself for that mistake you made~ will turn around, with zero sense of irony, and post "you're a bad parent if you ever raise your voice around a child."
Expecting parents to be perfect means expecting parents to be inhuman. It also means that a parent can't be poor (can't spend all your time being the perfect parent if you have to work multiple jobs or weird hours!), can't be introverted (can't be a perfect parent if you're not completely emotional available, god forbid socializing is exhausting for you), can't be on the ADHD or autism spectrum (what do you mean you forgot to get your kid to a doctor's appointment once? what do you mean over-stimulation can make you angry? how dare you get angry at a kid!), can't be depressed (gotta get out of bed every single day, gotta always be upbeat, patient, happy, or else that's Evil), can't be (like my wife) physically disabled (what do you mean your hands hurt too much to hold a child's hand? are you denying them touch?? CRUEL). And when the only answer you can offer to that is, "if you can't be that perfect you shouldn't be a parent," then you're saying people who aren't middle class to wealthy, people who aren't neurotypical, people who aren't physically able, shouldn't have children.
And honestly...what the fuck is your problem?
I'm not perfect. I tell my kids to just leave me alone sometimes. I raise my voice, especially when one of my kids starts punching the other, but also sometimes just cause I'm exhausted and Can't Anymore. I've forgotten an appointment by accident and felt like a total fucking idiot, and I've skipped an after school activity because I just wasn't up for taking them. I've served them more unbalanced, unhealthy meals than I can count. I've made many, many mistakes, but I've also done my best, and I love my kids, and I hope that when they grow up, they'll still love me even as they recognize that I wasn't perfect, just as I've come to accept my own parents' short-comings while still loving them very much. They're people, too, and the older I get, the more I understand where they were coming from.
When I fuck up, I apologize.
When they tell me they're unhappy with something I've done, I apologize, and I try to do better. Sometimes I even succeed.
This shit is hard, yo. And it's getting harder every year.
I'm BEGGING Tumblr: you need to start seeing parents as people. The way y'all talk about parenting on here is toxic, and genuinely harmful, and frankly exhausting. You have no idea what the reality of raising kids is like, and you need to shut the entire fuck up.
I had a day off yesterday.
I might get one more before the end of 2023.
I already can't wait. I am so, so, so tired. sigh
(if you actually read this whole rant and even a single word of it resonated for you, please reblog it. I'm tired of never seeing positive posts about parenting while I see negative ones with a bajillion notes.)
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There are many web hosting companies to choose from if you're taking the plunge into making your own website with a comic content management system (CMS) like ComicControl or Grawlix, a Wordpress comic theme like Toocheke or ComicPress, or a HTML template to cut/paste code like Rarebit. While these solutions are generally free, finding a home for them is... generally not. It can be hard to choose what's best for your webcomic AND your budget!
We took a look at a few of the top hosting services used by webcomics creators using webcomic CMSes, and we put out a poll to ask your feedback about your hosts!
This post may be updated as time goes on as new services enter the hosting arena, or other important updates come to light.
💻 I can get a free account with Wix/Squarespace/Carrd, could I just use those for my comic? - Web hosts like this may have gallery functions that could be adapted to display a series of pages, but they are very basic and not intended for webcomics.
📚 Wait, I host on Webtoon, Tapas, Comic Fury, or some other comic website, why are they not here? - Those are comic platforms! We'll get into those in a future post!
🕵️‍♀️Why does it say "shared hosting"? Who am I sharing with? - "Shared hosting" refers to sharing the server space with other customers. They will not have access to your files or anything, so it is perfectly fine to use for most comic CMSes. You may experience slowing if there is too much activity on a server, so if you're planning to host large files or more than 10 comics, you may want to upgrade to a more robust plan in the future.
Web Host List
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Basic plan pricing: Free or $5/month. Free plan has more restrictions (1 GB space, no custom domain, and slower bandwidth, among other things)
Notes: Neocities does not have database support for paid or free accounts, and most comic CMS solutions require this (ComicCtrl, Grawlix, Wordpress). You will need to work with HTML/CSS files directly to make a website and post each page.
Tumblr media
Basic plan pricing: $11.99/month or $7.99/month with four year commitment (monthly, 1, 2, and 4 year plans available).
Notes: Free domain for the 1st year. Free SSL Certifications. Weekly backups.
Tumblr media
Basic plan pricing: $8.95/month or $7.99/month with four year commitment (monthly, 1, 2, and 4 year plans available).
Notes: Free DDOS protection. Free SSL Certifications.
InMotion Hosting
Tumblr media
Basic plan pricing: $12.99/month or $9.99/month with three year commitment (monthly, 1, and 3 year plans available).
Notes:  Free SSL Certifications, free domain names for 1 and 3 year plans. 24/7 live customer service and 90-day money-back guarantee. Inmotion also advertises eco-friendly policies: We are the first-ever Green Data Center in Los Angeles. We cut cooling costs by nearly 70 percent and reduce our carbon output by more than 2,000 tons per year.
👍“I can't remember it ever going down.”
👍“InMotion has a pretty extensive library full of various guides on setting up and managing websites, servers, domains, etc. Customer service is also fairly quick on responding to inquiries.” 👎“I wish it was a bit faster with loading pages.”
Ionos Hosting
Tumblr media
Basic plan pricing: $8/month or $6/month with three year commitment (monthly, 1, 2 and 3 year plans available).
Notes: Free domain for the first year, free SSL Certification, Daily backup and recovery is included. Site Scan and Repair is free for the first 30 days and then is $6/month.
👍“Very fast and simple” 👎“Customer service is mediocre and I can't upload large files”
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Basic plan pricing: $15.99/month or $4.95/month with three year commitment (monthly, 1, 3 year plans available).
Notes: Free domain and SSL certificates (for first year only). 24/7 Customer Service. Built to handle higher traffic websites. Although they specialize in Wordpress websites and provide updates automatically, that's almost a bad thing for webcomic plugins because they will often break your site. Their cloud hosting services are currently in early access with not much additional information available.
👎"The fees keep going up. Like I could drop $100 to cover a whole year, but now I'm paying nearly $100 for just three months. It's really upsetting."
👎"I have previously used Bluehost’s Wordpress hosting service and have had negative experiences with the service, so please consider with a grain of salt. I can confirm at least that their 24/7 customer service was great, although needed FAR too often."
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Basic plan pricing: $7.99/month or $5.99/month with three year commitment (monthly, 1, 3 year plans available).
Notes: Free SSL Certificates, 24/7 support with all plans, 97-day moneyback guarantee. Not recommended for ComicCtrl CMS
👍“They've automatically patched 2 security holes I created/allowed by mistake.” 👍“Prices are very reasonable” 👎 “back end kind of annoying to use” 👎 “wordpress has some issues” 👎 “it's not as customizable as some might want“
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Basic plan pricing: $11.99/month or $9.99/month with three year commitment (monthly, 1, 2, and 3 year plans available).
Notes: Free 24/7 Customer service with all plans, Free SSL Certificates for 1 year, free domain and site migration.
👍Reasonable intro prices for their Economy hosting, which has 25GB of storage 👍Migrated email hosting service from cPanel to Microsoft Office, which has greater support but may not be useful for most webcomic creators. 👎 Many site issues and then being upsold during customer service attempts. 👎 Server quality found lacking in reviews 👎 Marketing scandals in the past with a reputation for making ads in poor taste. Have been attempting to clean up that image in recent years. 👎 “GoDaddy is the McDonald's of web hosting. Maybe the Wal-Mart of hosting would be better. If your website was an object you would need a shelf to put it on. You go to Wal-Mart and buy a shelf. It's not great. It's not fancy. It can only hold that one thing. And if we're being honest - if the shelf broke and your website died it wouldn't be the end of the world.The issue comes when you don't realize GoDaddy is the Wal-Mart of hosting. You go and try to do things you could do with a quality shelf. Like, move it. Or add more things to it.” MyWorkAccountThisIs on Reddit*
Things to consider for any host:
💸 Introductory/promotional pricing - Many hosting companies offer free or inexpensive deals to get you in the door, and then raise the cost for these features after the first year or when you renew. The prices in this post are the base prices that you can expect to pay after the promotional prices end, but may get outdated, so you are encouraged to do your own research as well.
💻 Wordpress hosting - Many of the companies below will have a separate offering for Wordpress-optimized hosting that will keep you updated with the latest Wordpress releases. This is usually not necessary for webcomic creators, and can be the source of many site-breaking headaches when comic plugins have not caught up to the latest Wordpress releases.
Any basic hosting plan on this list will be fine with Wordpress, but expect to stop or revert Wordpress versions if you go with this as your CMS.
🤝 You don't have to go it alone - While free hosts may be more limited, paid hosting on a web server will generally allow you to create different subdomains, or attach additional purchased domains to any folders you make. If you have other comic-making friends you know and trust, you can share your server space and split the cost!
Want to share your experience?
Feel free to contribute your hosting pros, cons, and quirks on our survey! We will be updating our list periodically with your feedback!
115 notes · View notes
randomfoggytiger · 1 month
React: A Late-Canon Reviler Gives the Revival a Try (My Struggle I), Part I
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For David Duchovny’s birthday, I put out a poll asking Tumblr which of his projects I should watch for the first time. 
The Revival won. Welp. 
I then, fool that I am, put up another poll wherein I doomed myself by including an option to watch the whole thing. 
And here we are. 
My Struggle I. 
Oh, boy. 
This post will be long because I'm laying the groundwork for the rest of the series.
I don’t care how cute or cuddly or happy or heartfelt individual MSR moments are, popcorn will be thrown if those scenes are achieved through incomplete, inane, or nonsensical plot points. Give me 1+1=2 or give me death.
The Revival is part of a whole that includes all of Seasons 1-9 and Fight the Future and I Want to Believe. As much as I prefer to distance this series from canon, the reality that it functions as a direct follow-up remains; and it needs to be judged accordingly.
And, as always, I separate the art from the artist~.
...WELP. It’s time to face my doom. 
Let's go!
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The intro’s… fine. Engaging, even. 
I did notice, though: the last series and Fight the Future and I Want to Believe began with the same formula: glimpses from what will be an x-files case, then straight to Scully’s perspective. Usually Mulder’s narration and POV didn’t feature until the tail-end of a two or three parter, i.e. Redux or Amor Fati or… well, even then, it was juxtaposed against Scully’s. 
Scully was the voice of The X-Files-- even Chris Carter noted that her report of each episode’s casefile became a motif of the show. Mulder’s narration was rare, very rare, even in episodes that were written to focus on him. 
A definite and purposed choice, to be sure. Mulder as an active agent in his own story. …OR a story that focuses on Mulder’s voice instead of Scully’s. 
We shall see. 
The intro continues; and it’s still engaging, possibly gripping (too bad I know where this leads)... but the music got a bit LOTR there. Is that just me? Seems… mellow, orchestral, a little more fantasy than sci-fi. Am I nitpicking? Maybe. 
The BIBLE references UFOs?? Lol, no. (Unless you count the objects described in Revelations-- the book, not the episode-- but even then, those are largely considered to be drones, not UFOs.)
Chris Carter, I see you. 
(Note from the future: NOW I see why the Bible bit was included-- lots of heavy-handed "God means this, Scully" in order to get her on-board to join the files. Ugh.)
…They’re really doubling down on the UFO lore, huh. All of which evaporated because of global warming, I guess. 
GUYS, why couldn’t this have been about life on Earth after Colonization?????
It fits with the disaster footage, it fits with Mulder’s voiceover, it fits with the character progression from Season 9 (I GUESS), it fits with a whooooooooooole ton of other factors. 
I’ve never been one for wanting Colonization in canon, but it literally would have worked for this series. There wouldn't need to be a complete wipeout of humanity, maybe just a “disaster happened, but the humans are fighting back” scenario. 
And that would fit with Mulder and Scully’s "breakup", PERHAPS-- they spent so much time working, trying to save the world (she in science, he on the ground or with untainted factions who coalitioned post-Colonization) that their relationship cracks would need to be actively worked through. Not broken up so much as together and repairing.
It would also help CC and co. to avoid the tempest of modern US politics and the more mainstream conspiracies that were taking hold at that time-- a broader reach to all audiences, a "bigger picture" for everyone to unite under.
(Guys, they should have let me write for this show. …I take it back, I’d have quit after three days.) 
Also: The show writers spent all their brain power on this sequence and this sequence alone, didn’t they? 
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Obiwan Kenobi and Military Man are going on a bus somewhere.  
...On closer inspection, neither man looks like anything like Obiwan Kenobi, but the nickname is staying.
We’re back to Scully at a hospital-- not unlike I Want to Believe’s opening.
Skinner called? Oh. Didn’t know he was “here” this early. 
Wait, wait, wait. 
Scully just called up Mulder like nothing’s a big deal? He answered like nothing’s a big deal? She’s smiling over his joke from the get-go?
…And we’re supposed to believe they’re seriously broken up. Which the show will insist is the case. 
David and Gillian really said, “Script? What script?” and did what they wanted. I salute them. 
Also, “What’s happening out there, Scully?” is a great line to point to Mulder’s continued isolation… which the series will IMMEDIATELY toss aside because he’s, apparently, not been as much of a hermit lately? (Granted, this could be a joke at his own expense because he’s no longer claimed by ~the darkness~, but…. I don’t think the writing’s gonna be that clever, I’ll be honest.)  
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Fine, I admit it. 
I’m loving this so far. 
And that’s gonna make me even angrier later on. 
“Why doesn’t he [Skinner] just call me?”
“He doesn’t know how to reach you, Mulder. I barely know myself.”
Mulder is baffled and a tinge annoyed, Scully is amused and straight shooting. 
THERE IS NO HINT, BEHAVIOR, OR MANNERISM SUGGESTING THEY’VE BROKEN UP. None. At all. He’s isn’t reluctant to answer her call, isn’t sad or withdrawn, isn’t affected by anything she’s saying other than to be teasy or poky. She isn’t hesitant to call, isn’t sad or depressed, isn’t anything other than a little pleased to dangle a juicy tidbit in front of Mulder’s face. 
This is gonna follow IWTB’s ping-pong writing-- they’re fun and in-character, they’re suddenly out-of-character, they’re fun and in-character, they’re suddenly out-of-character, etc. etc. etc.-- isn’t it?
(Mulder taping over his laptop’s webcam is a great touch and not something at all that I’ve done before. At all.) 
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“I thought you were done with UFOs-- the ‘stranglehold they put on your very existence’, I believe you put it.” 
“I’m just the messenger, Mulder.”
That’s GOOD, that’s necessary writing. That’s planting the seeds of what happened between them, what led to a cooldown or a breakup or a whathaveyou. AND STILL neither character acts as if they’ve broken up: no melancholy, no sadness, no nothing. 
Mulder’s timbre became a little sardonic while quoting back her words, but that doesn’t mean they’ve broken up. If anything, that points to a bicker and line-in-the-sand between them-- him bringing up UFOs at the dinner table and her reminding him to talk to someone else about it before turning the topic to how the lettuce is growing or something.
Neither actor is performing like one would if pain and trauma and heartbreak and distance were placed between them; and that really complicates things because the breakup is built on top of the aforementioned list of struggles. 
Would Mulder have dug his heels in post 2012, seeing it as a sign that “the aliens” just changed their plans? Yes. 
Would Scully have seen a pursuit down that rabbit hole as a waste of time? Debatable. The Truth S9 Scully wouldn’t have-- the aliens are still out there; and they cost her months of her life, months of Mulder’s abduction, months of Mulder’s death, months of Mulder’s separation, and the ultimate cost: William’s adoption and their life on the run. Post The Truth Scully would have seen this as her quest, too: she won’t give up, she says in the finale, because he won’t. 
IWTB Scully, however, would- and that's a problem. 
I’ve already discussed, at length, how out-of-character Scully was in I Want to Believe (posts here.) Although Mulder doesn’t escape from the same writing blunders, she is really, really scalped: of her courage, of her will, of her determination. 
Whenever Scully gave up, in canon, it was only because she thought she was holding Mulder back, or when she felt Mulder had lost his faith and trust in her. That held true in Season 9-- despite the appalling writing choices there, too-- but didn’t in IWTB. 
The Revival had the perfect opportunity to factory reset the writers' mistakes: portray a wiser duo who continue to fight the fight according to their strengths, like they always have before Mulder ever met Scully. (When Mulder tells Scully to set up a meeting with Skinner, he adds, “Don’t pretend I’m going alone”-- which reinforces my point.) 
But I know that's not going to happen.  
Scully goes without argument-- THAT’S GOOD, THAT’S GOOD CHARACTER WRITING. At this point in the game, of course she would-- they trust each other, they have for years, they’d have reached even deeper levels after going on the run for [insert math] years. All good things! 
The problem: this will create a huge conflict with her actions later.
(I’m already so disappointed.) 
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“Uber?”/”Hitchhiking. Relax, Scully, I’m kidding” was a fun modernization of their humor, I’ll take it. 
This scene is starting to highlight the distance between them, which is all well-and-good, but feels tonally different from the previous scene. As in, their two scenes were definitely filmed on different days, in different moods, and with different intents. 
She’s worried about him, with tears in her eyes; he has his walls up; there’s distance, as previously noted. 
“Good for you to get out of that little house every once in a while”/”Certainly was good for you” is followed up with knowing, indulgent, pleased smiles and you expect me to believe these two are seriously broken up. Nope. I’ve seen Scully sad but amused, I’ve seen Scully too sad to be amused, but these two? This moment? Nah.
Tonally dissonant-- the IWTB problem: at-ease and close one minute, at-odds and distant the next. Hoorayyyyyy....
None of this makes sense for a long-term, permanent (as Scully infers later to someone else) breakup. Nor for a short-term, semi-permanent one. Math doesn’t math. 
“I’m always happy to see you,” she says, implying he's the one who permanently pulled away… which will be contradicted later this very episode. 
“I’m always happy to find a reason [to leave the house],” he says, somberly. 
Both of which are odd lines. 
If he’s happy to leave the house to see her… why hasn’t he? 
If she’s happy to see him, always, but says a relationship between them was "impossible" (which she will later), why is Scully staring at him with heart eyes, hoping he gets better so they can continue their relationship? (And mark my words, this tone underscores her interactions with him the rest of this series.) 
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Tad’s here. He’s... fine. He represents the overly cautious very well. At least he hasn’t gone full Alex Jones mockumentary (...yet.) 
I’ve heard criticisms that Mulder and Scully don’t act like themselves in this series, but based off the few minutes I’ve seen here… I don’t agree. 
The essence is the same. Truly. Scully’s got the same face that lights up the same way, Mulder’s got the same expressions and young-at-heart humor. Neither are really melancholic. Neither are David or Gillian esque. 
Perhaps that will change. 
(Note from the future: OH BOY. Which Mulder and Scully are we talking here-- OG Mulder and Scully? Nope. IWTB Mulder and Scully? Yep. David and Gillian? Once or twice.)
But, again, their interactions feel… wasted. Hollow. They’re supposed to be broken up, but their breakup doesn’t contribute to their interactions or the plot. They’re supposed to have suffered and are working back to each other… but they aren’t really separated, haven’t seemed to suffer (note from future: except for one scene which comes outta nowhere), and won’t collapse back together on-screen.
They’re supposed to be wiser and more mature, but they’ll still engage in a silly will-they-won’t-they while Mulder eats up the latest UFO or conspiracy slop he’s either already engaged in or debunked [insert math] years ago and Scully clings to her cowardice like a leech. 
First nagging problem: Scully smiling at Tad, Scully excusing Mulder’s mannerisms when he becomes briefly jealous, Scully making nice with a conspiracy nut. 
…Isn’t that Mulder’s job? Didn't she leave because conspiracies were consuming her life? Does this mean she actually does want this life back but is she playing coy or elusive because...?
Furthermore, when Mulder popped a comment off to a witness or informant in the past, Scully never excused him-- just breezed over it professionally with another question. She’s only saying “excuse him” here because she’s taken a shine to Tad. WHY, on this post-2012 global warming green Earth, WOULD SHE?
Tad says Mulder is the X-Files, Mulder says that “book is closed”... WAIT. Wait, hold up--
Pause. Stop. Rewind. 
Mulder wants to believe. Actual proof is hard to come by. 
Tad thinks Mulder is the X-Files. 
MULDER SAYS… *ahem*... Mulder says, “I’m afraid that book is closed.” …Which means he’s no longer into UFOs or aliens, too. SO. why did Scully LEAVE.
If that’s behind him, why aren’t they together again???? Mulder didn’t know who Tad O’Malley was a minute or so ago, meaning he’s been outta the conspiracy scene for a bit. That MEANS his departure from Conspiracyville's been long enough to patch-up his obsession and ensuing depression, I guess.
But then... what about Scully??
Because Mulder wants her to come back (already subtly established in each scene), and Scully is concerned for his welfare; but Scully thinks he’s still into UFO conspiracy and hasn’t come back because of it? BUT SHE ISN’T SHOCKED WHEN HE SAYS “I’m afraid that book is closed” MEANING SHE KNOWS HE’S PUT THAT BEHIND HIM... BUT STILL HASN’T RETURNED?
And both of them aren’t acting as if they’ve broken up, anyway, except for a pointed line of dialogue here and a brief reaction there before they yeet back to the status quo.
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They’ve left that behind them, Scully says, for better or worse. And Mulder latches onto that better or worse, making a pointed barb at their breakup, but…. There’s no writing glue, just suggestion and inference; and the suggestions themselves don’t add up. 
Here come the bullet points. 
Season 10 posits Mulder became depressed after the aliens didn’t invade in 2012-- that’s reasonable and logical, his nature is depressive when his expectations are subverted or smashed or etc. 
Season 10 also posits Scully left because Mulder became too much to deal with. That’s… not logical, since her nature is to rescue and nurture, even when Mulder’s being an actual boil on her sittin’ cheeks (ala Demons, etc., etc.) 
Season 10 posits Mulder’s hard to get a hold of-- despite being in the same house the FBI helicoptered to in IWTB-- and posits it might be hard for Scully to get a hold of him-- despite the fact both characters easily got in contact, knew it was each other, and even joked about the fact it’s hard to get in contact with Mulder… which means it really isn't. (The script doesn’t catch these discrepancies, of course, pretending Mulder is very hidden away at the same ol' house he'd been discovered at in 2008.) 
Season 10 says Scully doesn’t want UFOs to be part of her life anymore, that it was a stranglehold… yet she came along on a conspiracy gig without question to… what? Be around Mulder? But then, why warm up to the conspiracy guy-- an embodiment of what drove her and her partner apart?
Season 10 posits Mulder chased Scully off with his conspiracy spiraling YET ALSO states he’s put that part of his life-- conspiracies, UFOs, the X-Files-- behind him. Which implies: A. Mulder’s aaaaaaall better now and B. he put that all behind him but Scully never came home and C. Scully shouldn’t know he put that all behind him if that’s what’s keeping her away; but she does know because his declaration doesn’t take her by surprise, which means she’s still driven away and concerned for him for no discernable reason.  
Season 11 posits Scully didn’t leave because Mulder became too much to deal with but because she, too, had issues to deal with. This point wasn't mentioned or hinted at in the episode that introduces their breakup, which makes that line of reasoning a complete rewrite. (Whatever. I’ll judge how well that’s executed when I get there.)
It doesn’t add up. 
Are we surprised. 
Five seconds after this, I had to listen to a back-and-forth between Tad O’Malley and Mulder on conspiracies and Conservatives and alien beliefs and the O’Reilly Factor and….
This seems out of touch, I’m not sorry. 
When this show aired, Conservatives already had their miles-long conspiracy theories. For Mulder to be ignorant of that fact while allegedly knowing exactly who and what Tad believes while also alleging….
More bullet points!
Fox “I’m afraid that book is closed” Mulder has, supposedly, been out of the conspiracy scene. 
Fox “I’m afraid that book is closed” Mulder isn’t aware that not only did 2015 Conservatives believe in aliens-- despite the fact Tad is a watered-down copy-paste of Alex Jones-- but that there were also Conservative believers in the 90s (who were a fringe in their own group, but.) This was Mulder’s expertise; and his eidetic memory isn’t likely to have tossed that info because it was no longer relevant to his life. 
Fox “I’m afraid that book is closed” Mulder has supposedly not been out of the conspiracy scene-- despite saying he is-- because he does know who Tad O’Malley is-- despite not knowing who he was two minutes ago. 
Mulder is assuming that Conservatives “of your credentials” don’t believe in UFOs or “9/11 false-flag conspiracies” despite people from the Left, Center, and Right publicly believing those conspiracies in 2015. 
Fox “I’m afraid that book is closed” Mulder is supposed to be dismantling Tad’s grift; but he (and the writers) sound uneducated and incredibly out-of-touch during this dialogue-- as if all Conservatives were still Bush-era believers. Most were suspicious of the government by this time (they helped elect a man who ran on a “drain the swamp” campaign, after all.) Mulder’s bewilderment here is old and tired, even by 2015 standards. 
This writing is flashy-- long sentences, quick back-and-forths-- but poorly constructed and badly executed. 
This is also the first segment where David Duchovny is peeking through Fox Mulder; where Scully is swinging wildly between absolutely-fine-with-Mulder and we’re-no-longer-together; and where we, the audience, are being force-fed that only one side of the political aisle believes in aliens-- or the Bigger Question or whatever-- on a show that wants to poke at unfounded conspiracy beliefs.
Oh, look! Scully made a Scully-face, so everything’s good now! 
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Sveta. Aww, I like her--
“You don’t remember me.”
“No, I think I’d remember.”
Show writers, STOP with the romantic triangulation, it’s NOT. GONNA. HAPPEN. David doesn’t even TRY to make that romantic-ish. Yet you angle on Scully’s face as if she’s supposed to be out-of-the-loop and a tinge jealous. 
WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, hoooooooooooooooooooold up. 
Svetta was a dark-haired little girl Mulder interviewed after her first abduction, meaning she’s set up to be another Samantha. 
So…………………. What’s with the murky jealousy issue, CHRIS. You wedged it in solely so Scully would feel jealous over Mulder? Y’know. Like I Want to Believe? 
And I say Chris Carter because he wanted to play the breakup angle:
"We do it in an interesting way," Carter told The Hollywood Reporter. "We put some of the tension back in that was relieved by them being together. It added to the storytelling opportunities. It's something that I came up with; I had been thinking about it. There was always talk of [breaking them up] if we did another movie."
The first shot canon takes right between the eyes:
Scully being “familiar” with the “screen memories” abductees are given was a cool touch… except she’s never been given “screen memories.” The abductees in Jose Chung’s From Outer Space were given screen memories-- she was returned a blank slate. (Even Mulder didn’t have “screen memories” after his abduction.) 
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Scully poking Sveta about aliens taking her unborn fetuses seems a tad (heh) strong except all the alien-related pregnancies have been the result of government testing, not alien probes. So. If this scene followed canon's rules, her skepticism would be warranted.
But this skepticism is still odd. 
Two seconds ago, she was making nice to Tad O’Malley in the car, and now she’s leading the questioning for Sveta. The odd icing on top of this odd cake is that Scully left because she didn’t want UFOs to have a stranglehold on her life, yet here she is leading an interview with an abductee.
Sveta: “I have alien DNA, for sure.”
Scully: “Have you had a doctor confirm that?”
Sveta: “No.”
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Me, too, Mulder. Me, too. 
Scully doesn’t question the alien DNA bit, so that’s good. 
…I’ll bet everyone forgets she and Mulder have a bit lingering in their systems from the black oil and his brain thingy and residue from when she touched the ship and and and. 
“Something you can test. Dana.” 
What… what was that. 
Honestly, what was that. Whatever mood David was conveying through Mulder, it didn’t match anything from any previous scenes, let alone this one.
Is he poking at Scully? Why? He’s not jealous anymore (if he even was.) The way he says it and her expression in response implies they have a tense back-and-forth going on, but they don’t. THEY DON’T. 
We’re 13 minutes in and I could make another numerical list. But I won’t. Yet.  
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Back to not-Obiwan Kenobi and Military Man. 
That alien’s stupid bad-looking. 
That’s not how canon said Roswell unfolded. 
And the first alien shot on Earth was by Deep Throat’s hands-- that was his whole turning-point backstory. 
(Note from the future: All of that past canon? Fake. Faked. All lies. None of that happened.)
“What have you done??” Not-Obiwan Kenobi yells… and what have they done? 
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Back to Scully and Sveta. 
Sveta can move things with her mind-- not all the time-- but at least Scully is listening to her claims without automatically shutting them down. 
But also…
“I can move things. With my mind,” should have IMMEDIATELY had a greater impact on Scully, up-close-and-personal as she was to her son’s abilities. But nope! No reaction! Of course! 
Sveta “You were together but now you’re not” is asking the right questions. I don’t even mind Sveta. I’ll bet this episode’s the last time we see her, though. 
Does she contribute to anything? No. But she’s nice, so. 
Scully diagnosed-- wait, hold up, list time. 
Scully diagnosed Mulder with depression. 
That killed their relationship. 
…THAT killed their relationship? After everything? 
The writers are going to have to explain, in detail, why that killed it. 
Why does canon need to explain? Because we have a history of Scully sticking by Mulder during the worst periods of both their lives-- leaving him would have to require a very, very good reason.
And there is no indication, thus far, that Mulder’s depression drove a humungous wedge between them, forcing her to walk away. In fact, there is no indication a wedge exists between them, AT ALL-- only the odd, inconsistent word or phrase here or there that bears no weight on the plot or their ultimate decisions.
Whenever Scully left in canon, it was because she could no longer help Mulder. Season 11 will rewrite Season 10’s initial explanation but setting that aside: we’re not given any indication that she did try to help him; or that his depression was so deep and so dangerous that it drove her away.
And if it were that deep or that dangerous enough to drive her away, Scully leaving would have been the last and worst possible action she could have taken. If Mulder's mental state was in such a massive nose-dive that she couldn’t handle what he was going through, Scully-- a medical professional-- would have had him hospitalized, even temporarily against his will, because she would know (per Demons or Gethsemane or Amor Fati) that this level of depression always manifested in suicidal tendencies for her partner.
But Mulder, as per the rules laid out in this episode, never went that far in his deterioration. (Note from the future: We'll get to that.)
If he had, Skinner would have been aware of his hospitalization and wouldn’t have asked for his help; Scully would have been aware and wouldn’t have passed on the information; and Scully wouldn’t have called from the hospital with a degree of buoyancy when relaying Skinner's request to Mulder. 
In short: Scully leaving = very big, very drastic measure. Mulder suffering from depression = very big, very bad consequences. Scully's nature and past actions = getting Mulder help, even if he resists at first (i.e. shooting him in the shoulder to save his life.) Mulder and Scully's partnership = unbroken, except through distrust or botched writing.
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“And you have a child together.”
Wow, that wasn’t clunky at all. 
I’m… so disgusted. Like, eck. Urk. Awful. 
Telling Sveta to back off, strongly, would be in-character; USING PAIN TO DO SO is…. So wrong on so many levels. Scully never utilized medicine to inflict pain or injury on her enemies.
Wow, this grossed me out. You know why?
Scully diagnosed Mulder with depression and left. At first glance, that seem like an out-of-character action that the writing can salvage later by this or that means.
BUT THEN, Scully inflicts pain on Sveta for mentioning William, leaving the audience with the impression that she’s vindictive. 
Which then connects the dots between “vindictive” and “left Mulder when he was diagnosed with depression.”
And since we, the audience, haven’t been given a stronger reason for how Mulder’s depression got that bad or why she didn’t help him through it, we’re then left with a sour impression of Scully’s character. 
The writers then try to imply Sveta was spilling out Scully’s personal secrets to prove that her powers were real, but that still doesn’t give Scully the right to abuse her power. Especially because a traumatized woman was trying any method possible to be believed.
And the fact that Sveta is also victim of the government weaponizing science and medicine makes me even angrier at Scully.
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Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, BOY, another helicopter outside the Unremarkable House, my favorite part of IWTB....
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Mulder’s never seen… an alien replica vehicle. 
Oh, my mistake: “No. Never. Not like that.” Covering all the bases, I see. Y’know, in case the writers FORGOT MULDER SAW ONE in SEASON 1, EPISODE 2. 
OH, LOOK, he’s got his wonder face back, everything’s aaaaaaaaaaaaall better now!
Running on free energy they’ve had since the 40s, sure Jan. Whatever you say. 
This just feels so old. Like. Tech we haven’t had since the 40S, GUYS, GET IT, BIG MONEY CORPOS KEPT IT FROM US. Yeah, we got it. 
And the flashbacks to Not-Obiwan Kenobi just walking off with an alien corpse because Military Man didn’t… see… value in studying… it. I guess. 
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Scully doing “God’s work” giving kids ears because their biology neglected it.
I admit, that’s an intriguing window into her perspective of God vs. science, and how she sees a person’s biology separate from God messing them over or messing them up just because. I dig it.
(Note from the future: This will be used as a plotline club rather than a nuanced discussion of her faith.)
Mulder being the most challenging relationship she’s ever had-- “and the most impossible”-- is a weird line. Because yes, it’s true that their relationship is challenging; but her fervor at impossible is the only time in this episode we see an adversarial tendency, DESPITE My Struggle I trying to drum up moments to prove TENSIONS still LINGER (they don't.) 
It’s IWTB all over again. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. 
“Yeah. I got that impression.” Tad says, and Scully’s hurt because she thinks Mulder gave Tad that impression of her. 
So. So. Wait. 
Scully lied when she stated “It’s impossible” because she didn't like Tad poking into her private affairs?
But she sounded truly convinced their relationship was "impossible" while saying it.
So, she was either angry or still confused about her emotions-- which is fine, Scully's not always in-tune with her inner workings-- when Tad replied, "I got that impression."
Which explains why she was so hurt at Mulder's seeming rejection.
Because she thinks Mulder’s behavior led Tad to that conviction.
Which means CC just wants Mulder and Scully to be caught in a miscommunication fic.
Also, why is Tad so sad about this? Were they his OTP, or is he pretending to sympathize to get in Scully’s pants? Because that’d be crummy, Chris, to have her be overly nice to Tad only for him to try to twist that into an opening as the new conspiracy guy on the block. 
On a lighter note, Chris Carter said Mulder and Scully could still get it in their 50s, so there’s that.
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Poor Sveta. She’s gonna be butchered in this script, isn’t she?
The series is EATING up vast amounts of time with very little scale or grounding. For all I know, a day or a week could have passed. 
It’s so, so badly paced. 
Mulder’s investigating now, without Scully, because he noticed Sveta had a tell during the interview. 
Sure, that’s a Mulder thing to do.
Oh, wait. This is the “work of men” realization.   
The dialogue between Mulder’s questions and Sveta’s answers are really disjointed, as if they’re mildly talking past each other-- another aspect of IWTB I couldn’t stand. 
Welp, at least it’s easy to prove they were both written by the same people. 
The second shot-in-the-head for canon: 
“Sveta, who took your babies?” 
“Men? Humans? You saw their faces.” 
Also, Sveta’s babies are referred to as her babies, but William-Jackson isn’t Scully’s baby despite sharing half her DNA but Emily Sim was Scully’s baby despite also only sharing half her DNA.
It’s a mess. 
Well… Mulder doesn’t seem too surprised here that men were involved in her abductions (I mean, he's long since been aware the government was involved from day one, so.) It’d be really stupid if the writing made him surprised about this later, wouldn’t it?
…Wouldn’t it?
Another poorly constructed set of lines:
“I haven’t worked for them [the government] in years.” 
“But you always wondered… if they were lying to you, too.” 
No, he didn’t wonder-- he believed it.
A wonky way to address his old skepticisms, for sure. 
I knew this was coming, but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan that was so, so poorly handled.
I thought Scully had dated Tad O’Malley in the past (sometime after the breakup) but this is worsefarworse. 
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“Mulder, where are you going?” sounds exactly like Scully, and now I’m mad Gillian didn’t use that voice for the rest of the show (voice recovery aside....)
I KNEW SKINNER WAS BEHIND GETTING THEM BACK. He just calls up Scully to call Mulder up, then just unlocks the old office when Mulder wants to get back in. 110% Skinner thought this would help his buddy Mulder. And he’s not wrong. 
Did Skinner put in more effort to save Mulder from his mental health struggles (per this My Struggle I episode) than Scully??????
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-- my brain is broken. 
The hold on Skinner’s face while he says “Can you tell me what this is about” was way too long. 
Also, don’t try to play coy with me, Skinman. 
Now the camera’s zooming around and losing its “X-Files” feel by being too… modern. 
Skinner telling Mulder to calm down is the only time in canon where I agree with him. Mulder’s just spouting and demanding and not really making clear sense and this is why you don't let Mulder back into his basement without Scully by his side, Skinner-- don’t you remember that lesson?
Skinner telling Mulder to calm down then saying he doesn’t take orders from him only for Mulder to say “Who do you take orders from?”, ugh.
I’m not even 25 minutes into this, help. 
“Why do you think I called you? Because I was looking out for you, because I’ve always looked out for you.” Is… is Skinner the only character who’s progressed? That’s exactly what he would do-- he’s acting sensibly, rationally, and in-character... and more mature, more veteran, than his agents.
I know the Revival is supposed to be “Mulder and Scully all grown-up” but none of their actions have been intelligent, measured, or informed by their age or life experience. It’s a farce that I hope future episodes will rectify. 
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“A decade of my life--” Mulder rants and kicks his poster like a toddler AND YOU KNEW ALL THIS INFORMATION FROM SEASON 1, MULDER. NONE OF THIS IS NEW. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWHAT IS THIS. 
I can’t imagine how disappointed philes were when they tuned into this episode. Well... I can because of how I feel; but at least I knew, roughly, how bad it would be going in. 
This is worse. 
Skinner: “You’re blaming me for that?”
Mulder: “No, I’m blaming myself. I’m sure they lied to you, too.” 
This isn’t a revelation, chump. 
At least Skinner confirms my theory: “There hasn’t been a day since you’ve left that I haven’t reached for my phone to call you, Mulder, wishing you were still down here.” 
Feral Mulder is touched. 
“Since 9/11--” OH NO, WHY ARE WE GOING THERE “--this country’s taken a big turn and in a very strange direction.”
Guys. Guys. This isn’t… this… what. 
“Now they police us, spy on us, and tell us that makes it safer--” CAN THE WRITERS GET OFF A SOAP BOX FOR FIVE SECONDS. Of course it isn’t safer to be unnecessarily policed or spied on, but the answer isn't just "boo, the government!" What… why… my brain’s melting, I feel it deteriorating. 
This, again, feels so Bush-era. Like, whoever wrote this didn’t update their mentality. 
Also, the camera shots and cuts are weird. Holding too long, zooming out at “pause and take THAT in” moments, focusing on Mulder’s phone while he silently calls up Skinner to prove a point… it’s supremely unsubtle.
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Back to Tad, I don’t care. You did this to yourself, Scully, cozying up only to be used as a name drop on his show. Stupid. 
Is Scully gonna be shocked she has alien DNA? She shouldn’t be. 
But then again, Mulder shouldn’t be shocked this has all been a work of men, so. 
She’s expecting-- no, hoping-- for a call from somebody named Mulder. 
Sure, they’re broken up with hard feelings. Sure. Absolutely. 
Is this old man Not-Obiwan Kenobi?  
Of course.
At least Mulder seems old hat at this informant business. 
But of course, he’s “not even close” to putting it all together. 
The countdown was WRONG-- Mulder states it began, not ended in 2012, meaning he's believed this theory for some time. Meaning... why was he so depressed after 2012? Why are there still depression concerns in 2015?? Seriously, what's with his depression if the 2012 Colonization was allegedly the cause of it but there is no Colonization and the clock's simply been reset????
Mulder: "Not by aliens, not with aliens, but by a conspiracy of men--"
“You’re wasting my time.” Tell him, old man Not-Obiwan Kenobi!
“Ten years ago, you came to me--”
Wait, ten years ago? What, 2005? The guy showed up while Mulder was on the run? And Scully never… knew about this?
There were no aliens lighting each other on fire??????????????????? WAIT, I NEVER HEARD THIS INFORMATION. 
THERE WERE NEVER ALIENS, AT ALL???????????????????? Like, AT ALL????? 
The writers are saying that Scully's experience on Ruskin Dam in Season 5 was not two warring alien factions BUT TWO GROUPS OF MEN LIGHTING EACH OTHER ON FIRE, OR GIVING EVERYONE FALSE MEMORIES OF ALIENS LIGHTING EACH OTHER ON FIRE, OR...??????
Let's be real specific for a second: Chris Carter expects us to believe that the ENTIRE mytharc from the original show was ALL faked; that there were no aliens, ZERO, ZILCH; and that CSM and Deep Throat and all the others created elaborate schemes JUST to manipulate MULDER because the aliens weren't a threat from the start????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? DON’T BELIEVE YOUR LYING EYES. THEY WERE ALL MEN IN SUITS.
Like… do you realize how stupid that is? How actually, unfathomably stupid that is? It’s not just “the aliens didn’t invade because of global warming,” no, it’s “they were never a problem to begin with, we just manipulated Mulder into believing they were because… because he’s so important, I GUESS.”
Roswell’s also a smokescreen, of course. 
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Y’know how, during the 90s, DD thought The X-Files was a stupid sci-fi show? If he thought each mytharc plot was as bad as this one, no wonder he wanted to bail. 
Oh, by the way, the global warming explanation is part of a theory: the fascist elites will dominate the world and escape from consequences into space, leading the rest of humanity to die by a globally warmed planet. The aliens weren't chased off by global warming because they were never a factor to begin with.
Scully shows up at his place in her uniform from yesterday, panicked, like she’d just run from Tad’s side to see what happened despite her saying over a day has passed.
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Going to ignore his “What are you doing here, Scully?” because we’ve ping-ponged back to the out-of-character Mulder that the writers use when it’s time to remind everyone he and Scully are broken up. 
It’s IWTB all over again, I’m so tired. 
They’re talking past each other and he’s touching her shoulders now because he needs her to trust him and yadda yadda yadda. 
It’s soooo, sooooo, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo highschool, I’m sorry. This is Riverdale. This is [insert whatever teen series you want to watch.] These are teenagers masquerading as adults, for the angst.
None of this holds up, their emotions shift left and right without provocation, things just happen, and there is no strand of continuity stringing anything together.
Scully trying to talk Mulder down from further pursuit doesn’t make sense because, AGAIN, she’s the one who's always gone back to the files even when he walks away; and every time he’s given up, or wanted to, SHE'S called him back and held him accountable and kept him going. 
This is the Scully from IWTB with no gumption of her own, who denies her leaps forward because of plot, plot, plot. 
Guys, I’ve been religiously dosing myself with caffeine (via chocolate), but my body keeps trying to make me go to sleep because it’s so uninvested. I don't even need sleep.
“This is my life, this is, this is everything I believe in--” HOW. MANY. TIMES. Has he said this before. WHEN HAS THAT LINE EVER WORKED ON SCULLY.
But that's beside the point: "this" was no longer his life after Amor Fati, by his own choice. Closure brought him closure, but he was already spittin' walk-away talk by Requiem, chose to leave in Vienen, and insisted Scully stay gone in Alone. In Season 9, it was Scully who had to beg him into hiding to pursue the Truth or whatever; and it was Scully who brought him the case in IWTB and Scully who relayed Skinner's request and tagged along both times until she got uncomfy and decided never mind, too hard.
Y’know? This claim gets to me because it’s a lie. A lie so blatant that 90s Mulder would have thrown hands over it, a lie so baseless that it erases his declaration in the hallway:
“I don’t know if I want to do this alone. I don’t even know if I can.” And every time Mulder yells his “THIS IS MY LIFE”, he erases that part of his past, the part that willingly left the files or the big Truth or the next chase to save Scully’s life or to keep her by his side. 
Chris Carter said Mulder and Scully were The X-Files post The Truth… but I guess he keeps conveniently forgetting that. More accurately, he keeps making MULDER forget that, in spite of all evidence in Mulder’s history and personality to the contrary. 
It infuriates me. 
“Tad O’Malley is a charming man--” get outta here. 
Now Scully’s been played the fool so she’s going to think Mulder’s being toyed around with by a social media sociopath. You’re an idiot, Scully. 
You’re an idiot, Mulder. 
You expect us to be idiots, writers. 
Here’s some ham-fisted “Fate” dialogue for you, *ahem*:
Scully: “How do you know he’s not playing you, he’s a player!” (You would know, Scully.) 
Mulder: “He’s a Godsend!”
Mulder’s not a believer in God, BUT this is also supposed to refer to the God conversation Scully and Tad had in the hospital, which will inadvertently make Scully ~believe~ again.
“What are you talking about?” I’m with ya there, Scully. I’m with ya, there. 
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Scully’s trying to insist Mulder's on a verge of a breakdown, which… UGH. 
This scene implies Mulder hasn’t had a breakdown or a break from reality YET-- Scully spends the episode constantly concerned for his health and begging him, here, to watch what where he's stepping because he’s on the verge of spiraling. 
Which means he hasn't spiraled, because she's afraid of what would happen to him IF he did.
MEANING that there wasn’t an inciting factor that made her leave: no alcoholism, no outbursts, no nothing. He just became depressed, probably withdrawn, and wouldn’t change; so, she left. 
Do you realize what that means, per this episode? It means Scully ANTICIPATED a breakdown and left BEFORE it happened. Then hoped he’d get better before it did. 
Which breaks the established morals of her character. If she had been able to help, she would have stayed. If she hadn’t been able to help, she would have found another way to help him, even if it involved calling in a third party against his will. Instead, she withdrew and hoped he would get better BEFORE he reached a breaking point-- essentially, leaving him to an impending breakdown while hoping and praying against it.
This makes her decision to leave a mark of weak character-- not because she was a woman who left her depressed husband, but because Dana Scully, whose character we amply know, left. It checks none of the boxes she'd have to clear first before choosing to take one step out the door.
All the fic I’ve read to justify their breakup-- and make no mistake, CC wrote her to say “as your friend” intentionally--  or time apart or whathaveyou had Scully reach a breaking point. Because, of course! That's logical. But here, in canon-- in black and white-- that didn’t happen. 
We, the audience, have to create a plausible scenario in our minds to justify the steps she took. Because. it. Is. not. In. canon (as per this episode.) 
Now Scully’s gonna get jealous of Sveta, I’m so done. Riverdale, uuuuuuuuugh. 
Mulder just lets Scully walk away because Scully thinks he wants Sveta but “Sveta is the key to everything” and if Scully wants to misunderstand that she should have more trust in him, I guess, and I NEED A RESPIRATOR.
He just says “Scully” once  and lets her huff off.  
Mulder: “I would have invited you, Scully, but I didn’t think you would come.” 
Let’s break down this stupidity: 
Scully shows up. 
Mulder had Sveta in the house because he was calling her and O'Malley for a group meeting. 
When Scully becomes nearly hysterical over his safety, he doesn’t reason with her, just spouts like a lunatic. 
When she misreads the Sveta situation and stomps off, he lets her go with a weak, “Scully"--
--because he knew Tad was right behind her and was pulling in to stop her from leaving. 
Because Tad and Sveta were invited but Scully was not. 
And Scully was not invited because.  
Because she might not show up. 
I’m just preaching to the choir at this point, continuing on. 
Scully gave in, just like that. Guess she’s not leaving, anymore. 
She’s so, so… spineless. Has been since Season 9, has been a BIT since Season 8 (though that was at least justified and kept to a bare minimum.) 
I’m just. So sick of passive Scully. 
It’s always, “You can't let this information out because these men work in secrecy”/”What is it?”/”You’ll see”; then stinger; then we, the audience, are immediately shown what it is.
No suspenseful build-up.
Tad: “Then why are you [Scully] here?”/”Scully: “Mulder, what are you up to?”/Mulder: *knowing look*/stinger/next scene.
“Implanting of alien embryos”-- so Sveta’s babies weren’t her babies. 
So Scully’s baby wasn’t her baby. 
But Emily was her baby but William isn’t. 
Sure, Jan. 
In spite of this information, the Revival will paint William as their son until it doesn’t; despite, again, stating from day one that the alien babies are implanted embryos and not biological babies.
So, these two boneheads should have suspected that William wasn’t theirs, anyway. 
Even though William is theirs because the CSM timeline doesn’t add up, which they would have mathed in their heads by the time little William was snuggled in their arms. 
It’s all so stupid. 
Why does this feel so fearmongery about the government? And I’m not going to sit here and say the government should be trusted-- it has a VERY bad history, I'm aware. But this is “my first conspiracy” level of worldbuilding.  
Did the writers think it was clever to set O’Malley up as a bad actor then reveal he was a good actor, modeling him after the notorious Alex Jones only to point and jeer, “HAH, you assumed! He’s actually on Mulder’s side!” 
Because that’s not genius, that’s laziness. 
Scully only now decides to inform everyone Sveta has no evidence of alien DNA? So, what, she was never going to tell them unless Mulder kept being, what, crazy? 
“They got to her” says Mulder about Sveta, but Scully LITERALLY SAID she had no alien DNA, so what was Sveta supposed to believe???????? That Tad O'Malley wasn't using her for as a hoax???
Mulder ran all the way to her house, or ubered then ran, or whatever… and she’s gone, of course. 
Poor Sveta. 
Tad O’Malley’s Truth Site is gone, oh, noooooo. 
Look, I’ll always be against censorship. But this is sending so many odd and mixed signals that it’s creating craaaaaaaaaaaaazy levels of dissonance. 
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Mulder wrote “Don’t Give Up” in Scully's car dust…. 
Mulder presents the global warming = no aliens theory? 
I’m so tired. 
“We need to find her [Sveta], Mulder,” Scully insists. 
Hold on, prediction time: Scully only changed her mind because this case now involves her-- i.e. only extending empathy to Christian (a boy that reminded her of William) and not to the string of missing, possibly murdered, women in IWTB.
OF COURSE. Her results for Sveta ended up being wrong AND HER OWN GENOME HAS ALIEN DNA IN IT, TOO. 
You selfish, self-centered clone of Dana Scully. 
Scully truly hasn’t recovered since… Season 9, let’s be real, where she told Mulder to leave then spent the whole year crying over his absence. In IWTB, she brought Mulder a case then left him when he wouldn’t stop his pursuit (to SAVE. LIVES.) And in the Revival, she called Mulder and the gang crazy until her own genome showed alien DNA. 
Hate this, hate this, HATE this. 
Also, yeah, she already knew she had alien DNA in the OG series, moving on.
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Oh, and now they get a call from Skinner just when Scully says someone has to stop the bad guys. 
Remember the God convo from earlier, guys???? GOD. FATE. SOMETHINGSOMETHINGSOMETHING. 
You had ONE good idea to explore-- how Scully views God vs. the aberrations of biology-- and then just... used it as a convenient club to beat in the “God/Fate means for us to do this” instead. 
“Scully, are you ready for this?”
“I don’t know there’s a choice.” 
Can’t someone PLEASE just explore her faith with nuance? PLEASE? 
Sveta's DEAD???????? I’M SO MAD, I liked her!
Skipping the CSM scene because I don’t care, the END. 
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How does Scully’s mischaracterization keep reaching new lows? 
How does Mulder become less wise with age? 
How is Skinner the only mentally mature character here?
I’m so tired.
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phoenixyfriend · 7 months
A lot has been happening today that rep calls could affect. UN vetoes, KOSA, Julian Assange, UNRWA's funding crisis and Israel's demands that it be completely dismantled, the large number of bills we just learned are on the docket for the coming week, and even the good news that is recent successes by the BDS movement.
And like... I care about this stuff. I want to talk about it. But it takes an emotional and mental toll to do it, and it takes time, and... there are two reasons to write up reference, update, information posts:
Compensation. I'm not a journalist, but if I were, I would in theory be getting paid for the information I collect and share to my audience. However, I am not, and am doing this for free. I have gotten maybe $5 in donations since I started this project, and while I recognize that this is probably because people are (quite rightly) donating instead to Palestinian charities or local campaigns or something, it's a basic fact that I am not actually being compensated for this work.
Promoting change and activism. This is in fact my main goal: to have a positive impact on current events by giving people a guide on the news and politics because there's so much happening that's hard to keep track of, and if I'm already doom-listening to half a dozen political podcasts, I might as well save other people the trouble, right?
The thing is, like... most of the reblogs on my guidelines and helpful posts are from me, to me. I am the one reblogging. I am desperately trying to get these things to circulate so I can make a difference, but... no dice. Some of the posts are admittedly pretty long (my 'how to call your reps, here's some verbiage' post is 3.4k words), and I can imagine some people are saving it for later, and then maybe forget, or they don't want to share something controversial, and like... I do get that. I do.
But it does mean the posts aren't circulating, and thus they're having less of an impact, and I can't help but feel like there are other things I could be doing to help that would be more effective. More bang for my buck, except it's my time and effort instead of my money. Like, maybe it would have more an effect if I hunted down a wider variety of elected officials I could bother instead of instructing other people on how to bother theirs? Maybe going to protests (which would be a huge commitment due to distance) would be more effective than trying to help ensure that the effectiveness of "I actually have a vote and you are losing it" of calls has the weight of numbers behind it.
Especially since I did try to blaze it, and tumblr mods rejected the post. I don't know why. It's not against ToS, since none of it was disinformation or election interference, which is the only reason given on the FAQ for why things might not be approved for blazing, but who knows.
Maybe tumblr just decided the possible blowback on them for blazing a pro-ceasefire post would be too much.
I don't know. I just... it's just really disheartening to try to help and it gets stymied because, as much effort as it might be, it doesn't reach more than a (comparatively) tiny audience, especially when my relatively low-effort polls and shitposts get easily ten times as many notes with way less energy put in.
EDIT: This is not a post that I need to have reblogged. this is just me bitching. This a vent post. What I am asking people to reblog is my activism posts that I spend hours on to try and help nudge things in a better direction. Please reblog THOSE. This one doesn't need reblogging unless you have an actual comment. Reblogging this post just to reblog, with neither useful comment nor encouragement, is not helping me with my issue of 'not paid, not making an impact' or helping with any important causes.
122 notes · View notes
thebunnednun · 4 months
Ahoy! U write about Shanks? Our sweet red-haired daddy? I just found out Shanks is younger than Katakuri I'm shocked
Dancing Under the Stars Red-Haired Shanks X Bar-Maid! Reader
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Dear God, I have never written this man as love interest before, I am so sorry if he's outta character!
I hope you didn't mind the long wait! Stuff happens and then I just have to keep these in the chamber until I can post again. Okay, the red haired daddy of the pirates is gonna be a handful. Let's make him dance~ >:D
This was a request from my Follower Fridays! If you have a character or story in mind, go ahead and ask because my requests are open!
05/26/2024, a poll is open too for a community vote, so place your bet now before it closes!!
On with the show!~
The sun set in a brilliant display of colors, casting a warm glow over the tropical island. The beach was bustling with life, and the sound of laughter mingled with the rhythm of the waves. Shanks and his crew had just docked and were making their way to the island’s most famous spot: [Name]'s Beach Bar.
The bar was a beacon of light and sound, drawing pirates and locals alike. Music filled the air, and the scent of tropical flowers and salty sea breeze created a perfect atmosphere for a night of fun. Shanks, with his trademark straw hat perched on his head, led his crew inside.
"Ahh," Shanks sighed, stopping at the doors before grinning. "This is the place."
Inside, the bar was alive with activity. Patrons were dancing, laughing, and enjoying the warm night. Strings of fairy lights were hung from the palm trees, casting a soft, magical glow over the scene.
Behind the bar, [Name] was mixing drinks with practiced ease, her smile lighting up the room. You were by far, Shanks favorite reason to stop at this island.
[Name] is a stunning vision of beachside beauty, with features that reflect the paradise that surrounds her.
Your skin is always warm to the touch from endless days spent under the tropical sun, giving you a radiant glow that seems to illuminate the room. Your eyes sparkle with mischief and warmth, hinting at the playful spirit that resides within.
Shanks found himself walking a bit faster towards the bar, Beckman on heels. For him, [Name]'s smile is her most captivating feature, brightening her face and drawing others to her like moths to a flame. Her lips are full and plush, often adorned with a glossy sheen that adds to their allure. With every movement, you radiates joy and positivity, infusing the room with her infectious energy.
In summary, [Name] is a vision of beachside beauty, with features that reflect the sun, sea, and sand that surround her. Her radiant smile and captivating presence make her the epitome of tropical allure, a true goddess of the shore.
Or that's what Shanks was going on and on about to the crew until he finally arrived at your station.
Inside, the bar was alive with activity. Patrons were dancing, laughing, and enjoying the warm night. Strings of fairy lights were hung from the palm trees, casting a soft, magical glow over the scene. Behind the bar, [Name] was mixing drinks with practiced ease, her smile lighting up the room. She looked up and spotted Shanks, her eyes twinkling with recognition.
"Well, if it isn't the famous Shanks!" she called out, waving him over.
"Welcome back to my bar!"
Shanks approached, his usual confidence slightly tempered by the lively atmosphere. "Thanks, [Name]. I've missed yo- this place."
"And I've you too," [Name] replied, leaning on the bar with a playful glint in her eye. "It's not every day a legendary pirate visits my humble establishment. Let's get you something to drink."
Shanks ordered a drink, and the two quickly fell into easy conversation. They exchanged stories of their adventures, [Name] recounting tales of her bar's colorful patrons and Shanks sharing snippets of his journeys. Shanks found himself captivated by her lively spirit and infectious laughter.
"So, tell me," [Name] said, resting her chin on her hand as she listened to one of Shanks' tales, "what brings you to this part of the Grand Line?"
Shanks shrugged, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Just looking for a good time, some good company. Seems like I came to the right place."
"You certainly did," [Name] replied with a wink. "We know how to have fun around here."
As the night wore on, the music shifted to a faster tempo. Couples began to pair off, moving to the dance floor. Shanks watched them, a flicker of unease crossing his face. He admired how effortlessly [Name] interacted with everyone, her energy drawing people in like a magnet.
"You know," [Name] said, catching his look, "dancing's a big part of the fun here. How about it, Shanks? Care to join me?"
Shanks hesitated, glancing at the dancers. "I'm not much of a dancer," he admitted, his voice uncharacteristically shy. "Especially with... well, you know." He gestured to his missing arm.
[Name] smiled warmly, her flirtatious nature coming through. "Who says you need two arms to dance? Come on, let's try something different. How about a square dance? It's more about having fun than anything else."
Before Shanks could protest, [Name] took his hand and led him to the dance floor. She signaled to the band, who started playing a lively tune. Shanks found himself in a group with [Name] and several other patrons, moving to the beat in a series of coordinated steps.
At first, Shanks stood with an uncharacteristic stiffness, his gaze shifting uncomfortably as he became acutely aware of his missing arm. But [Name]'s infectious laughter and encouragement gradually worked their magic on him. She moved with such effortless grace and joy that it was impossible not to be swept up in the moment.
"See?" [Name] exclaimed, spinning gracefully to the music's rhythm.
"You're doing great!"
A genuine laugh escaped Shanks' lips, his usual air of confidence returning. "This is actually fun! You're not too bad yourself, lass." He flashed her a crooked grin, though there was a hint of vulnerability in his expression.
In a bold move, [Name] playfully pinched his side and deftly removed his cloak, revealing the scarlet hue that tinged his cheeks. Leaning in closer, she whispered teasingly in his ear.
"I could say the same thing about you, Daddy.~"
Shanks flushed, a deeper shade of crimson than his hair, as [Name] giggled mischievously and twirled him around once more. Despite his initial reservations, he found himself enjoying the dance more than he had anticipated, grateful for [Name]'s playful spirit and her ability to make him feel at ease in his own skin.
As they danced, more people joined in, the dance floor becoming a sea of smiling faces and twirling bodies. The atmosphere was electric, everyone feeding off the collective energy and joy.
"You're a natural, Shanks," [Name] teased, giving him a playful wink. "I knew you had it in you."
Shanks grinned, a spark of his usual confidence returning. "Maybe I just needed the right partner."
Their laughter mingled with the music, creating a harmonious symphony. The energy on the dance floor was contagious, drawing even more patrons to join in the square dance from the beach.
Shanks and [Name] found themselves at the center of a growing circle of dancers, their movements becoming more synchronized with each beat.
"You know," Shanks said, catching his breath during a brief lull in the music, "I never thought I'd enjoy square dancing of all things."
"It's all about the company," [Name] replied with a smile. "And you're pretty good at keeping up."
The night continued with more laughter and dancing. At one point, the band transitioned into a slower, more romantic tune. [Name] took the opportunity to lead Shanks into a slower dance, her hand resting gently on his shoulder and chest while his arm wrapped firmly around her waist.
"You're full of surprises," Shanks murmured, looking down at [Name]. The soft lights reflected in her eyes, giving them an enchanting glow.
"So are you, Red-Haired Shanks," [Name] replied, her voice soft and playful. "I never would have guessed the great pirate captain would be shy about dancing."
Shanks chuckled, the sound low and warm. "You make it easy."
While the dance continued, the rest of the bar seemed to fade away. The connection between them grew stronger, the chemistry undeniable. Shanks felt a sense of ease and happiness that he hadn't experienced in a long time. For a moment, he allowed himself to forget the responsibilities and dangers of his life as a pirate and simply enjoy the present.
As the night at the beach bar continued, the energy remained high, with patrons laughing, dancing, and enjoying the lively atmosphere. At one point, the karaoke machine was brought out, and [Name] couldn't resist dragging Shanks up to the stage.
"Come on, Shanks, let's sing something together!" [Name] exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.
Shanks hesitated, not used to being the center of attention in such a way, but he couldn't resist [Name]'s infectious enthusiasm. "Alright, why not?" he chuckled, taking the microphone from her.
Together, they sang a lively sea shanty, their voices blending surprisingly well. Shanks was pleasantly surprised at how much fun he was having, his initial self-consciousness fading away with each verse.
Meanwhile, Shanks' crew sat at a nearby table, watching the scene with amusement. Yasopp nudged Benn Beckman, a smirk playing on his lips. "Looks like the captain's found himself a duet partner."
Benn chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. "Who would've thought the great Red-Haired Shanks would be singing karaoke?"
Lucky Roo grinned, clapping along to the music. "They make a good pair, don't they? Maybe we should join in!"
Shanks and [Name] finished their song to applause and cheers from the crowd. Shanks couldn't help but smile at [Name], grateful for her infectious spirit and the way she had helped him let loose and have fun.
"That was amazing!" [Name] exclaimed, giving Shanks a playful nudge. "Who knew you had such a great singing voice?"
Shanks chuckled, a hint of color still lingering on his cheeks. "I suppose you bring out the best in me, lass."
As they made their way back to their table, Shanks' crew greeted them with cheers and applause, their earlier teasing replaced with admiration.
"You two were fantastic!" Yasopp called out, raising his glass in salute. "Who knew the captain was a karaoke star?"
Shanks laughed, feeling lighter and more carefree than he had in a long time. He was grateful for [Name]'s presence and the way she had helped him break out of his shell, if only for one memorable night on the beach.
By the end of the night, Shanks felt lighter than he had in years. As the music faded and the crowd began to disperse, he turned to [Name].
"Thank you," he said sincerely. "I haven't had this much fun in a long time."
[Name] smiled, her eyes warm and inviting. "Anytime, Shanks. You're always welcome here."
As the stars twinkled overhead, Shanks and [Name] stood on the beach, the waves lapping at their feet. It was a night neither would soon forget, a reminder that even the most legendary pirates could find joy in the simplest of pleasures.
Shanks looked at [Name], a mischievous glint in his eye. "You know, I might just take you up on that offer."
[Name] laughed, the sound like music to Shanks' ears. "I'll hold you to it, Strawberry Shortcake. Next time, maybe we'll try a waltz."
"I look forward to it," Shanks replied, his heart lighter than it had been in a long time.
As they parted ways, Shanks couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected evening. He knew he'd be back to [Name]'s Beach Bar, not just for the music and the dancing, but for the company of the captivating woman who had helped him find his rhythm once again.
Shanks being nervous about dancing was very much inspired by: @fanaticsnail and their story: Dancando Lambada it's freaking great and you all should go check it out!!
As a caribbean latina, I fucking loved that shit and it's so rare to see something of my culture make it to mainstream media.
In the words of Emily Rudd, "Shanks is a daddy!"
Make sure you check out the a03 account by the same name. I also have other daddy's of One piece posted in the masterlist! Give them a read if you please!
Be sure to leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don't be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Also, don't be shy, send me your requests! I wanna write lots this weekend!
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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You Get To Build Me Into A Sissy!
Hi everyone! I'm a sissy named...I don't know yet. I don't know anything about myself because you haven't told me! Making choices is hard for a sissy like me. It's way more fun to be what other people want you to be!
So I'm letting Tumblr decide my sissy fate!
Starting on July 1st at 7pm Central Time, I'm gonna post one poll every night. Each poll is going to be open for a week and whatever the winning result is will decide my fate! Some polls I have lined up include "What Kind of Sissy Am I" and "Am I Allowed to Have A Name" and "Do I Like Boys or Girls"! You get to decide how big my boobs are, what my hair color is, what my favorite color is, things I'm allowed to do and not to do, and as the blog goes on things will get more and more specific. Oh, and if you want to submit a question I should ask Tumblr you can right here!
I know Tumblr users LOVE their sissies so how fun is it that you get to make one yourself! I can't wait to see how everyone votes!!!
Edit: As I start posting polls, if you want to find every poll you can vote on easily you can go to the Active Poll tag!
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 7 months
About the blog:
This is created just for fun to poll people on their opinions on ships, because shipping culture is something that I find fun. I’m sure this has been done before but I haven't seen any active blogs doing it, except for tournaments. Please stay civil and block the people that make you angry. (Or just ignore them.)
I also run the blog @do-you-know-this-baby and @aretheyqueer
I’m mainly going to be focusing on anime or cartoon ships, but you can submit any show/movie/book/game etc.
Pedophilia and incest is not allowed, but am otherwise lenient with it. I don’t consider myself a proshipper, and will sometimes deny ships that aren't technically illegal. If I accidentally post something awful then you can let me know. I do not care about your hatred for antis.
I'm not posting Harry Potter, Hazbin hotel or Helluva boss characters.
This blog is lgbt+ friendly, of course. 
Feel free to send me an ask if you’d like to ask questions or have a suggestion, or something else to say.
Other similar blogs (none are affiliated with me):
Submission rules:
Submissions can be sent through the form below, or through an ask to this account!
No real people
One ship per form, but you can send in multiple forms at a time.
There are currently 800+ submissions so it'll take a while to get through all of them, but your submission could show up at any time since I don't really go in order as much as I should.
I also sometimes miss duplicate submissions so if your text isn't included, I apologize!
Here is a spreadsheet with all published ships and their votes, if you prefer it over the blog search feature, or want to check something easily. It also includes denied ships.
Fandom jail
Fandom jail is for fandoms who bother me too much but don't deserve to be banned forever. This means polls featuring these characters will be put on hold. The fandoms currently in jail are:
Tags used:
#anime ; #cartoons ; #movies ; #tv shows ; #books etc
#not a poll
#fanart friday (feel free to send me fanart you want to be featured)
#crackship poll and #april fools for joke polls
#tournament poll
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
04/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys; Nathan; Rachel; David; Samba/BTS; Vote for OFMD on GLAAD; Watch Parties; Watch Party Polls; Pirate Experts; Uncle Ed; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
= Rhys Darby =
Looks like Rhys is taking a page from Taika's book and doing some advertising this week!
Src: Rhys' IG, Rosie's IG
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= Nathan Foad =
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Love's Labor Lost
Nathan will be playing Costard in Love's Labor Lost! ROYAL SHAKESPEARE THEATRE STRATFORD-UPON-AVON11 APR - 18 MAY 2024 More info!
= Rachel House =
Rachel's new movie The Mountain has been selected for the Sydney Film Festival 2024!
Src: Rachel's IG
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= David Jenkins =
Chaos Dad saying what we're all thinking.
Src: David Jenkins' IG
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= Samba Schutte =
More BTS from Samba! This time improvising from the Revenge crews!
Tumblr Link to the Vid / Src: Samba's IG
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== Vote for OFMD on GLADD! ==
Hey crew! GLAAD is opening up Fan Favorites for their May 11th ceremony! Let's see if we can't get OFMD one of those awards! Requires an email, and it's not in the inital dropdown, you'll need to add Other.
Please Vote! Img Src: Irene Adler's IG
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== Active Watch Parties ==
Taskmaster NZ Series 1 Watch Party with @saveofmdcrewmates! When: April 3-12 (W,F, Su -2 eps each) Time: 11 am PT/ 2pm ET/ 7pm BST Where to watch: YouTube, TVNZ, Channel 4
Twitter Hashtags:
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== Poll Going on for Watch Parties ==
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Twitter Poll going on by @iamadequate1 regarding two questions:
Should WP start times be the same for Europe and the US?
Is it useful for each WP to have its own separate hashtag?
Please vote when you get a chance if you use twitter. Full Thread
== Pirate Experts ==
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== Uncle Ed ==
Some of you may have been seeing the theme of "uncle edward" going around and if you're wondering what it is-- well look no further! @eddiepeaches had a really great post (which is where it originated), please check it out!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's Cast Card is Abshir! Good to see Devon Stewart getting some love! Thank you @melvisik!
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= Big Gay Energy Podcast =
This weeks episode features an interview with Vico Ortiz!
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Where to Watch: Big Gay Energy Youtube
Where to Listen: BGEPod
Big Gay Podcast Patreon!
== Love Notes ==
Evening/Morning m'dears. Hopefully today was a bit easier! We got quite a few crumbs of bts / script info today and lots and lots of Rhys which certainly raised some people's spirits.
I just wanted to send a reminder out today that lovelies, you are so much more than what others think of you. You are so much more than what you think of yourself even most days. You are such an inspiration, and you've been doing a really amazing job, even if you've had bad days. I'm sure you're tired of hearing that, but that's too bad because I'm gonna keep saying it until you get it in your beautiful brain that you are doing great. So many things are going on, and everyday, bad or good, you are getting through them. If someone was unkind to you today, I'm so sorry, and I hope they haven't made you feel too down on yourself. If they did, just know, you are a force to be reckoned with. They can be spiteful and hateful, but you are a wonderful force that keeps on kicking ass.
You deserve kindness in this world, no matter what, you hear me?
No matter what.
You're doing great, so give yourself a big ol hug for me and the rest of the crew, and know you are an absolute gem. <3 You're gonna get there, wherever you're trying to go. Keep going!
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Love Notes Image Src: @ BethEvans IG.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Don't ask me what theme this is 👀
Taika Gif Courtesy of @darkinerry Darby Gif Courtesy of @wastingyourgum
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86 notes · View notes
Sorry if this has been asked before, but what's your process for selecting songs to create polls for? I have an extremely wide music interest range, but I feel like even I would have massive blindspots for a lot of stuff, just because of the sheer amount of music that's available, difficulties with search engines, and the user-reinforcing nature of algorithms on most sites.
So far, I'm extremely impressed. One particularly-niche artist I love has appeared on here before, which absolutely made my day. If there's a random-selection tool you're using, perhaps selecting from a massive, community-built database of song listings, then I'd be very interested in knowing about it. If not, then once again I'm really impressed by the range you've been finding so far, just based on genres alone.
Hope you're having a great one!
asfkjfdhr i just really love music? :'D it's my autistic trait, I think.
I have siblings who are up to 20 years older than me so I grew up with their music as well as my parents' music while the other kids my age had never listened to that stuff but i made them, i got to listen to music from "the other side of the world" through foreign family members, I was pretty much glued to MTV, and Eurovision can be quite a good source as well. And then there's the movie soundtracks....!!!! and there were a few anime years as well with all that music, too. It all have been a great way to expand the interest range without even being aware of it, i think? There have been some fantastic new discoveries to me amongst the submitted songs but i've also been lazy and chosen submissions that's already been in my mp3 collection. I am slow with working my way through the submitted songs but there's gonna be more of them, I promise!
idk i just thought this whole music hoarding thing was normal when growing up and then I realized it wasn't and I guess I've finally found a use for it now lmao 😂
The process of picking songs pretty much goes like "I love this one! And this! I don't love this but it's cool and different so in it goes! But I love this! And this! And thi- no wait that is too similar, I'll hold it for a while. And this! Oh and a submitted one! And this!"
That said there's only one song i've actively searched out and it was by googling "2024 number one" for something brand new from this year.
Which artist of yours was it that was posted? :D
Thank you so much, and I hope you have a great day too!! 💖💖💖
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The future of this blog
Hey everyone! You might have noticed that I haven't posted in a while. No, this wasn't really a hiatus because I was busy like usual. You might have also noticed I removed the link to submissions, too. I've gotten a few asks, either asking about it or submitting something in place of the submissions link, too. I'm not trying to ignore you, I love you guys, but the reason why I've been avoiding continuing daily poll posting is because, well...
Im sort of contemplating the future of this blog.
Sorry, I know that sounds very dramatic, but it's true. In the past few months of the blog being active, the amount of voters on polls have gotten very low, sometimes less than 50, which is strange on a blog with over 500 followers. And like, that's fine. I am not owed votes on polls. But I would be lying if I said that that isn't disheartening weighed with the amount of work I put into this blog. It makes it hard for me to want to take more submissions and spend time making more polls knowing how few people seem to look at them.
A lot of other blogs like this I've noticed have started to wind down or stopped posting, too, so I'm wondering if it's the expiration date for many of us gimmick blogs.
I don't want to abandon this blog, though. I really love the community that we have garnered on here. There are still some people who love to see every post and like finding new things to read through it. I myself have read a lot of short stories and novellas and collections that I've only found because of this place! I've also found a lot of writers that I like here.
So, I'm going to make the decision to convert this blog to a "Have you read this piece of short fiction" style blog to a daily blog of shorts. In a few weeks, I'm going to reopen submissions and start posting a daily piece of short fiction instead. (i.e. "The story of the day is (short story title) by (short story author). Here is a link to it if you wish to read!") There won't be polls incorporated to each one, but I might incorporate polls in another way. I'll have more details up later on when I'm ready to start, but I will be changing the pinned post and url when the time comes.
For now though, expect more silence for a few weeks until I'm ready to start this new style of blog. I hope you guys like it and feel free to send me questions and feedback in the meantime.
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