#or like i’m existing wrong and somehow upsetting it
possibly-pasta · 6 months
i’m so worried about my friend. and i don’t think they want my help
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scremogirl · 1 year
✪⁂✫彡𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓✵✥☆ミ★ ???
Yandere Student Council Pres x Nonchalant reader
I’m not sure if I should retitle this to Yandere! Childhood friend x reader or not. There’s not a lot of the fact he’s the SCP shown in the story. I felt like I went a little off track. I got so consumed in writing😭. I already have a post like that on my page so I didn’t want to make it confusing. I don’t know if I should’ve said unemotional reader either. Idk let me know what you think. Have fun reading!
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He was at the top of the food chain. Good grades, teachers liked him, students feared him, rich, good looking, and most importantly; the student council president. With that being said, why wouldn’t he leave you alone?
Takenya was a stuck up priss in your opinion. Always lecturing you about things you could do in order of improvement. You weren’t popular but you weren’t one of those weird Naruto kids that sat in the back of the class and ate crayons either. You just existed. Someone so average at everything somehow attracted the most “perfect” guy in school. Your grades were fine; a straight A-B student with the occasional C here and there. Your attendance on the other hand… well maybe he’s not so wrong about that, but who actually wants to be at school anyways?
“I don’t understand why you don’t try harder? You could easily surpass most of our class,”
“You need to come to school. This behavior would never pass in the real world. What would your employer think of you just not showing up?”
“Chocolate for lunch…really? If you want to stay healthy you’ll need to-“
Why does he care so much anyways? Sure, you used to be friends in like what, fifth grade? You used to get bullied in school for being different. You just didn’t like the things that kids your age were supposed to like. But… it never bothered you. You weren’t emotionless per se, it’s just, why care what others have to think?
Mellisa Grey. The girliest of all girls. She used to have it out for you when you were younger. Calling you names and bumping your shoulder whenever you walked by. You put up with it until the end of the year; fifth grade graduation. That evening she and her crew thought it’d be funny to pour milk on the shy little nerdy boy in your class. Some spilled on your dress, that you didn’t mind, but the tears of the boy next to you made you. Something inside of you just snapped. You shot up from your seat grabbing a first full of her hair and slammed her head onto the wooden table. Not stopping until you saw the wire of her pink, sparkly braces fly out her mouth. Well, that was what you wanted to do; the teachers came too early for you to inflict any further damage. The most you got was a broken nose and a lawsuit. She transferred schools after that, and you got the whoopin of a lifetime. You didn’t care. You didn’t feel bad at all. If anything you felt elated seeing her in pain and the rage on her parents faces as the cussed child you out. You didn’t cry or yell when your parents picked you up. You weren’t phased by the belt or the palm of your mothers hand striking you. You didn’t feel anything. So why were you so upset on someone else's behalf anyways?
You knew this kid. I mean, how couldn’t you when he would follow you around 24/7.
“H-Hi… my names Takenya” you just blankly stared. His sheepish gaze barely meets yours from behind his big fat glasses.
“…Do I know you?”
“Well…no. But I know you!”
“Good for you I guess.” You continued to go back and forth on the swing, not acknowledging the boy's existence at all. The swing he sat on remained stationary, never once dropping his gaze from you.
“Uhm… I just wanted to thank you for yesterday,” Hm? What was he talking about? He saw the confusion in your face when you turned around to ask and beat you to the point.
“You probably don’t know me. We’re not in the same class,” Right. So why is he talking to you? Again, before you could ask he cut you off.
“The other day when recess started you helped me pick up all of my stuff after Carter pushed me down; remember? I-I just wanted to say thank you for sticking up for me” Ohhh, you do remember him now. He was that shy little rich kid that transferred here at the end of fourth grade. He didn’t have many friends, let alone any at all. Everyone had grown up with each other and formed friend groups at this poin. He was a little late to the party so he didn’t fit in. He wasn’t worried about the next episode of Ninjago and didn’t find humor in looking up the words penis and vagina in the dictionary at the school library when the teacher wasn’t looking. His hair long, tied back into a neat ponytail and not buzzed into a Mohawk like half the boys in your grade. He had glasses that almost covered the entirety of his upper face. He always ate his pb&js on whole wheat instead of white and preferred celery sticks over fruit snacks. So, just like you, he got bullied just because he was different.
“Oh yea. I remember you now. You’re welcome by the way,” he grinned. The first time you saw him smile ever since he came to your school.
That marked the day of a long friendship.
That was until you went to middle school. You think puberty had something to do with it. He grew into his face more and sized down those jellyfishing glasses. His scrawny figure gained slightly more bulk and dressed in a more modern fashion. His hair remained the same; a bit shorter than before but still longer than most guys. You’ve always liked his hair. He would let you braid it sometimes when he was too distracted playing on his DS. He didn’t get acne like many of the other kids your grade either, skin smooth and clear. All the girls found him to die for. Your nonchalant behavior rubbed off on him and he became more confident in himself. Not letting his elementary school self be reflected into now. He became a bit too obsessed with his studies for a middle schooler; pushing all his ways on you. He would always follow you around blabbing about not attending gym class. He even started hanging around the same snotty rich kids he would complain to you about. You became annoyed. So you cut him off. Just like that. Stopped talking to him, answering his texts, not sitting with him at lunch or in class. Even after all the rejection at his advances, he came running back to you. Not willing to let you go so easily.
The school bell rings signaling the end of 4th pd and beginning of lunch. You were planning to go off campus today and not come back. Keys in hand you make your way to the student parking lot. However, someone’s blocking the exit. He’s gotten taller, about 6’2-6’3; sleeper build accommodating his height. Glasses thinner and sit perfectly on the bridge of his nose. Hair as long as ever, tyed back with that same white ribbon you gave him years ago; revealing an undercut. He fixes the collar of his button up and readjusts his tie and vest.
“And exactly…just where do you think your going?”
“To lunch,”
“The cafeteria is that way,” he points with a slender finger, decorated by a diamond ring. It shimers under the lights above reflecting against his matching earrings.
“Off campus,” he raises his eyebrow, folding his arms.
“Knowing you, you won’t come back. You do realize your request for a half day schedule is still pending right? You also recognize that I’m the one who assists the principal in granting them as well?” You don’t answer him, already knowing we're going with this.
“As I said before, your attendance needs improving before I-… we can grant it,” what a pain in the ass this guy is. You try to walk past him but he stops you, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“I don’t eat school lunch. I’ll be back after,” he gives you an unamused look. Hand gripping your shoulder a little tighter as you try to take another step.
“You know I can’t let you do that. Not unless you don’t want a new schedule,” he pauses.
“Not unless I come with you,” you look up.
“You’re paying?” His eyes widened slightly, shocked at your willingness. But he can’t be too surprised, he knows you don’t care about anything unless you get what you want.
“Of course I am. You need to spend your money on other priorities; like a new math textbook,” you ignore the subtle jab and walk to his car. No need to ask where as he parks next to you everyday to make sure he knows you’ve actually show up. Definitely not because your the first thing he wants to see in the morning.
“I don’t understand why you come to McDonald’s of all places,” he lets out a sigh, handing his card to the drive through worker. He drives up to the next window waiting for the food.
“It’s not healthy. You seriously should consider my offer in taking you to that new place down the street,”. He looks over when he doesn’t get a response; noticing the music blasting from your headphones as you look at the door. He sighs again before taking the food from the workers hand and grabbing your headphones. You turn your head to look at him but your gaze shifts to the bag in his hand. You reach over and grab a fry out of the bag and he s his eyes. Pulling into the parking lot, he silently watches you eat. This brings him so much nostalgia. He misses eating lunch with you everyday. Ranting while you just sit there and chew. He misses having someone listening to him about something that’s not related to school. After you stopped *attempted* talking to him in the beginning of 7th grade, his heart felt like it got ripped out of his chest.
He’s never felt anything his whole life. His father would tell him that one day he’ll find someone who makes him feel everything, makes life worth it. He’d seen the love shared between his parents everyday. He always wanted that. In the fourth grade all of that came true. He saw you getting off the bus making your way to school. He saw the way you helped up Michael Lemitzki, a dorky little boy, after Conner pushed him down. Shaggy hair, braces lining his teeth, comic books all on the floor. How pathetic. You weren’t scared of Conner at all. He was bigger than you and more popular than you, but you didn’t care. You kept a straight face as he threatened you and held your composure. No emotion showing whatsoever.
He thought you were beautiful. It was love at first sight. He was too busy staring at you to hear his father calling out to him. He followed his son's gaze to you. He looked back down at the small boy and gave a knowing smile. Takenya just stared at the other boy hugging you with tears down his face. Why is he touching you like that? Push him away already! That day he purposely made himself a target to the bullying of Melissa and Conner. Hoping that one day, you’ll save him the same way you did Jacob. He got bigger glasses, grew his hair out, and started dressing like the typical “nerd”. He would leave candies in your cubby, prized limited edition Pokémon cards in your backpack, brand new color pencils and markers showed up around you. He started to lose hope though. Why haven’t you noticed him yet!? Sure he’s never actually talked to you.. but still! Could you not see his effort?! Did you not care? He sat alone at recess that fateful day. He was randomly pushed down, papers and crayons flying out his small hands. He wasn’t in the mood for Connors teasing today. To caught up on the fact that the love of his life may never see him they way he’s dreamed of. Oh the dramatic mind of a fifth grader. He clutched the safety scissors that flew out of his pencil pouch watching the dick of an elementary schooler turn around. He was about to get up but stopped as he saw someone bend down beside him. It was you! You helped gather all his things and placed them into his arms. His heart pounded in his chest and the blush on his face spread like wildfire. Before he could say anything you walked away. Taking your place on the swing set. He hurriedly put all his things away before trying to build up the courage to come talk to you. He took to long, however, as the teacher soon yelled for everyone to make their way into the line back to their respective class.
As he reminisces on the past, an alarm rings. Telling him that it’s time to make his way back to school. You’ve already finished all your food and somehow managed to take your headphones back.
“What?” You say snapping him out of his trance. He didn’t even realize he was staring.
You make your way back to the school and go your separate ways. He walks you to class ensuring that you get there. Out the corner of his eye he sees someone wave to you. Lemitzki. His hairs more well kept, ditched the glasses for contacts showing of his green eyes. He’s taller and has more muscles now. The only thing that hasn’t changed is the jagged line that makes it’s way across his right cheek, interfering with his dimple as he smiles. It’s been awhile, the scar healed well. The once clutzy boy looks at the door and freezes, hand dropping and going pale. There’s a silent stare off between the two before the late bell rings. Takenya makes his way to class, a slight smile on his face at a sudden memory.
Watching him walk away, a fist tightens. Little does he know someone was planning on getting their revenge.
Hi loves! I hope you guys enjoyed. Take is an OC of mine I’ve had for a while just never had a name for him until now. Like his concept was in my head foreverrrr. He might be a reoccurring character. I really like him. But I did put one shot so I’m not sure. Lemme know what y’all want. Check out this post below for a little more context. Hope you enjoyed.
-Love, Sos❤️
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fatkish · 2 months
I saw you were taking requests of Demon Slayer! So can I request something with kokushibo with human reader, where reader and koku are in a relationship but somehow she ended up knowing that he was married in the past and had children so reader became insecure but with a happy ending 🙌🏻
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Kokushibo x Human Reader
It was late evening and the sun had started to set. You were sitting on the edge of your engawa, a cup of tea in your hands. You had recently learned from Kokushibo that he had a previous family. You had been talking to him and asked him about his human life and what he remembered from it. That’s when he told you that he had had a family, one that he left. You took a sip of your tea as you swung your legs that hung off the side.
You couldn’t help but wonder, what was his first wife like. Was she prettier than you, if so, what’s to keep Kokushibo from leaving you too? You’re only a human. Now that you think about it, why is Kokushibo still hanging around you? And when will he leave. You deeply loved the man, despite knowing what he is and that he eats people. You believed that demons exist to create a balance as humanity’ predators. That’s why you didn’t really mind that he ate people, since he promised you that he’d deliver his prey a quick and painless death.
You sat on the engawa, your mind filling with worries and doubts as you drank your tea. That’s why you didn’t notice that your lover had returned once the sun had set. Kokushibo could tell that something was bothering you. You had that thoughtful look on your face and he could sense your stress. He walked over to you and sat beside you before gently taking his hand and placing it on your shoulder. You jolted slightly and turned to see the very man you had been worried about.
“What’s wrong? I can tell that you’re upset. What bothers you?” Kokushibo asked in his usual slow speech.
You sighed knowing that it would be best to tell him now, since he’d get the truth out of you one way or another. You looked him in the eyes and pat the spot next to you on your left, indicating for him to sit down to which he did.
“Do you recall how you told me that you had a previous family before you became a demon?” You asked him.
“Yes, I do recall that”
“Well, I’ve been thinking, and I’m worried that you’ll leave me too.” You looked down at your lap as you finally confessed your thoughts. You couldn’t see his reaction so you didn’t see the slight widening of his eyes.
He reached over and took your cup out of your hands and set it to the side before grabbing your hands and leaning over you. Your back was nearly touching the floor as you looked up into Kokushibo’s eyes. His face was mere inches from yours.
“I promise, I will never leave you. Even in old age. I will be here with you. The love I hold for you is bountiful. I will stay by your side, even if you decide you no longer want me.” He looked you straight in the eyes as he spoke.
He then closed his eyes and kissed you on the lips. You closed your eyes as small tears escaped. He gently wiped them away with one hand and pulled you into his lap.
“Perhaps, if my words alone, are not sufficient, then I will just have to show you.” He spoke as he wrapped an arm around you. He grabbed your cup and stood up with you in one arm and the cup in the other. He walked inside and set the cup in the sink before walking towards your bedroom.
“Kokushibo, where are you going?”
“To our room. I’m going to show you how much I love you. So prepare yourself” he then opened the door before walking in and shutting it behind him.
Let’s just say you didn’t do much sleeping that night.
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sarahreesbrennan · 4 days
Quick Evil Note
To all my wicked darlings, I have now received rather a lot of messages asking me about the influences of Long Live Evil. And I wish to get messages about LLE and truly appreciate the ones I do get! And I wish to answer them. But answers about influences are tricky.
The book has been out in the US for a little over two weeks, and it’s going so well so far, I couldn’t be more delighted and appreciative about its reception.
But also I’ve been informed (not asked) that two of my characters are obviously somehow both Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy of Harry Potter, and Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation. (Very puzzling as I don’t think these pairings - and one isn’t a pair - have much in common with each other or with mine. Vague hostility against a vaguely academic backdrop for a bit? For the record… in the book everyone is an adult and I don’t even have any academic backdrops to be vaguely hostile in front of…) This hasn’t happened to me in a long time, because I haven’t had an original novel out in a long time due to illness, and it is upsetting to always be discussed differently than writers who didn’t openly link their real names to their fan identity.
I have very different feelings and new appreciation for fandom than I once had. It’s been amazing to see and meet people who have stuck with me for decades. People are generally way more open and affectionate to and within fandom than they once were. Love matters to me a good deal more than hate. But getting death threats in your early 20s for excitedly telling your Internet friends you were going to publish a book does mark the psyche, and so does having your characters dismissed as other people’s characters.
And we can say there is nothing wrong with fanfiction or writing fanfiction and there isn’t! Fanfiction is great and can be genius. Terry Pratchett wrote Jane Austen fanfiction, and didn’t (and shouldn’t) have people saying Captain Wentworth = Captain Vimes. Still, when a TV show is discussed as ‘like fanfiction’ or when Diana Gabaldon said she didn’t like fanfiction and many said ‘YOU write fanfiction’ it isn’t intended in any kind spirit, even when it’s fannish folk saying it. And it’s just generally odd to have everyone call your apple a tomato, and has had professional consequences for me in the past.
However! All the asks I’ve received have been very kind, and I do want to answer them. I do want to talk about my influences because they are manifold and because I actually think it’s important to always talk about influences. I don’t believe stories exist in isolation - we tell tales in a rich tradition, and also a story doesn’t come alive to me all the way until it’s heard or read.
Long Live Evil is a love letter to fandom: it’s chock full of references to many many stories I’ve loved, to fairytales, myths and legend and Internet memes and epic fantasy and meta. My acknowledgements are endless partly for this reason. I do owe a great debt to many portal fantasies and archetypes and musicals and jokes about genre and plays through the ages, though I do think of my characters as themselves and nobody else.
I was frankly tempted to go ‘Yes I stole EVERYTHING! Bwhahaha!’ But while I am thoroughly enjoying and finding great freedom in my villain era, I do want to talk sincerely to you all as well, especially when asked sincerely interested questions.
But I’m a little scared to do so and have people say ‘AHA! Now we know what it’s fanfiction of’ (it’s happened before) or ignore me and go ‘we know the truth!’ (it’s happened before) and to feel like I’ve injured my book. Long Live Evil means more to me than any other and I really want to get talking about it right, and make sure it has the best reception I can give it.
So. Questions on all Evil topics very very welcome but answers to influence questions may come slowly. Bear with me. I am working on this!
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temis-de-leon · 7 months
Replaced MC AU/AU - V. 2
Characters: demon brothers, fem!MC and flirty! fem! NES (MC x NES)
Intro – gn!MC , fem!MC x male!NES (Part 1) , male!MC x male!NES (Part 1 , Part 2)
Masterlist , about the NESs
CW: rejection, abandonment, women flirt hard from my experience but this is mild i think, suggestive but also mild, lession 16 mentioned, MC is not stupid and deserves to vent, no comfort in this one folks, my favouritism is showing
A/N: Jesus Christ guys. On another note, for those who couldn't be tagged: please check if you can fix the problem! I don't mind sending you a private message, but it's easier this way :)
It was a surprise for Lucifer, somehow, seeing someone like MC so content with someone like NES. When one smiled, the other frowned; sweet and spicy; beauty and brawn. The brothers had naively thought having MC share her room was bound to cause problems, but how wrong they were.
Four months into the second year of the program, the two girls had already merged their closets, creating a unique style with their combined clothing. They’d also decided to use one of the beds for storage, sleeping together in the other. The first time that happened and all of them had to face Belphie’s resentment, Lucifer had feared for NES’s safety and even considered confining his brother in the attic again. Thankfully, and surprisingly, the younger demon had opted for the pettier option: ignoring MC altogether and treating NES like a rotten piece of furniture.
He was probably hoping for MC to feel guilty enough to completely ignore NES and come crawling back to him, but, as different as they were, both humans quickly became two peas in a pod, always walking hand in hand, shoulders brushing while exchanging secrets that no one else was allowed to hear.
Overall, the whole situation had become a recurrent topic in the brothers’ groupchat and, while Lucifer wanted to remain as nonchalant as ever, it was impossible to hide his opinions on the matter.
He wasn’t happy.
None of them were.
Mammon wanted her gone.
He wanted her gone now.
Who did she think she was, stealing MC’s attention from him and acting like she didn’t know what she was doing? Sitting next to her at every meal, massaging her scalp during movie nights and waking her up at odd hours because she liked ‘those late night talks’ in the kitchen?
What type of talks were ‘those’? MC could have them with Mammon; she didn’t need NES! She had him, after all. Her first man!
“Well, I’m her first woman then” answered NES the time they argued over who was gonna sit next to MC in class.
Who did she think she was?!
“Are you okay, Mammon? You seem upset”
And there she came, the bane of his existence, already dressed up in her RAD uniform and dragging MC by the hand. Both of them looked tired and Mammon realized with primal horror that no noise had come from the kitchen that night.
“Why are you so tired?! MC!”
Her only answer was a yawn, so NES gave herself the right to talk on her behalf; but not before handing MC some food for breakfast, of course. 
Although half of it was burnt, Mammon still hoped MC would like it.
“Oh, we were up for a long while, barely slept at all. Right, MC?”
She nodded, happy under the pampering, but her eyelids were half closed and she didn’t seem to notice she was eating her favorites. 
Mammon stared at them in shock and distraught before sparing a glance at Lucifer, who was too occupied checking his DDD and drinking his coffee to pay attention. Had he really looked at him, though, he would’ve seen a twitch in his brother’s forehead and a stillness in his eyes; he wasn’t reading at all.
“Then maybe MC and I could take a nap after class”
They all looked at Belphie, who had started to show an unusual interest in going to RAD those last few days. He was smiling like a kid in a candy store, already gawking at the idea of spending quality time with MC, or, at least, what he considered quality time.
His expression dropped, however, when MC shared a complicit glance with NES and smiled apologetically.
“I’m sorry Belphie, but I already made plans with NES”
“We’re going to Majolish” added said girl with a sly glint in her eyes “MC saw some clothes and wanted an outside opinion” 
Belphie looked downright offended, but not as much as Mammon felt. What did she mean they were going to Majolish because MC wanted an outside opinion? He was there! He was literally a model!! Hell, even Asmo would've been a better choice!
“I’ll go with you!” he announced, not asking for permission “I’m a professional, you know? You should be thankful I’m even considering wasting my time on some dumb humans!”
The youngest demon rolled his eyes, but NES’s expression briefly flickered and that was almost enough for Mammon. Beside him, at the head of the table, Lucifer sighed. 
“Do what you want, but if you end up third wheeling, that’s on you”
MC laughed, neither confirming nor denying anything. NES watched over the brim of her mug, challenging them with unsaid words.
Mammon wanted her gone.
Famine woke Beel up, like always, so he went to the kitchen, like always. It’d been MC’s turn to cook that night and he was pretty sure she’d stored some leftovers in the fridge for him. It was nice, being remembered even when she was too occupied with NES to pay them attention anymore. It brought some comfort, as well as a small smile to his face.
But much to his chagrin, the kitchen light was already turned on when he arrived, and his mood soured when he saw what was happening. Beel’s heart dropped and plummeted through his guts, deepening the black hole in his stomach. MC was leaning against the counter, creating some concoction in a bowl, while NES hugged her from behind. Both of them waved at him when he made his presence known, getting no greetings in return.
“Hi, Beel! I left food in the fridge for you!”
He wanted to be happy and thank her for the trouble, but he wasn’t able to think properly, not when NES’s face was snuggled into the fluff of MC’s hoodie, hands sneaking around her waist and disappearing under the material.
What was she doing? Should he stop her? But MC looked so cozy… not uncomfortable at all. His throat closed at the same time his stomach roared loud enough to fill the silence in the kitchen.
“Beel, are you okay?” 
“You seem upset”
MC looked worried, but NES’s words crammed his mind. She’d said the same thing to Mammon that morning wearing the same self-satisfied expression.
Ignoring his needs and his emptiness, Beel turned around and left them alone.
MC was seething. Her thoughts were a mere blurr and a sting in her throat left her unable to speak her mind the way she wanted to do it.
Was he serious?
Were they serious? Those self-righteous hypocrites! 
“We think it’s for the best, MC” spoke Lucifer like she was a child too slow to get his point.
“She’s playing with you, honey! She’ll hurt you!”
The gall. The audacity. The… ugh!
She stared at Asmo baring her teeth, never a threat to them, but a gesture so uncharacteristic of her that it was impossible not to treat the situation seriously. The common room was silent, yet MC was sure every single one of them was able to hear the violent thumping of her heart.
“We’re doing this for you”
“FOR ME?” she screeched at Belphie.
A scream would’ve made her feel better, but she guessed the high pitch got her point across good enough, her anger reaching every corner of the room. The brothers stayed silent, eyes wide open and muscles tense, waiting for her next movement. Not even when she got up from her seat and paced they spoke.
“MC, lower your voice”
Lucifer glared at her, the red in his eyes glowing dangerously. MC wanted to keep going just to spite him, begrudgingly giving up in the end. She was close to crying out of frustration and her throat hurted, so screaming would only hurt her more.
“You were the ones that insisted so much on having another human exchange student” she reminded them, stopping in front of the fireplace and basking in the warmth for some comfort, pointing to the eldest brother with clenched jaws “You said it would improve the program!”
“She’s holding you back, distracting you and using you for her own entertainment!” intervened Satan before Lucifer could speak.
“Oh, because you were so altruistic last year! Treating me with all the respect I deserved! Totally not threatening me all the time or even killing me for selfish reasons! You’d never do that to me, would you?!”
They lowered their gaze, suddenly very embarrassed, and MC felt a part of her healing. Then she saw Levi’s glassy eyes and Beel’s defeated expression. Neither Mammon nor Belphie weren’t even looking at her anymore. And she could live without Belphie’s half-hearted apologies, but not without the brothers under a pact.
“I believe this is enough, MC. Calm down and we’ll talk again in the morning”
Lucifer got up, his voice completely neutral, but his eyes pleading and desperate. He started to close the distance, but she got away, walking towards the door without breaking eye contact.
“You were so on board with this, Lucifer!”
The tears swelled in her eyes. Hot tears breaking her a little more, fuelling her anger. 
“Do you really think I’m not aware of what she’s doing? We share a room, you morons! I've lived with her more than I’ve ever lived with you!” 
There was silence again, four of them looking at her with visible pain and the other three leaning against each other.
Fuck it then.
“It’s all good and awesome when you’re the ones in favor, but when I’m the one having fun, suddenly NES has to go away?! Do you hear yourselves?! I’m so done with you thinking I owe you anything at all, let alone my fucking soul! Half of our pacts weren't even born out of friendship, so hear me out and hear me well! Get your heads out of your asses and for once in your life: LEAVE ME ALONE!”
MC walked away, closing the door at full force and leaving them behind in more ways than one.
How could they ever get over this?
Taglist: : @stfuchaase @k1-an @meggs-wonderland @kkeromenoo @va109 @marvelous-maniac @cruzerforce4256 @blarsh @marathedemonoverlord @junni-berry @arylleb @b-a-m-2006 @jonielunar @piercedddriver @cosmidaydreaming
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gothicayomi · 6 months
Edit: I made a post about Alex’s reponse: Here
Okay. The Alex callout is so fucking wishy washy that I’m genuinely getting whiplash. When I first read Ven’s callout document several days ago, I honestly skimmed it because I’m the type of person who has always just assumed callouts are fully honest. And siding with the victims immediately is always a must, especially if it’s about grooming minors, or severe abuse. At that time I was also under the impression DB was a minor, thus I automatically denounced Alex Kister. However, last night I wanted to see any updates regarding this development and I’m so glad I saw Ven’s tumblr post before he updated it, because it provided vital information (such as reminding everyone DB is an adult during all this) and I was able to see people’s responses to it. I decided to reread the document with this new, updated information in mind and I’m very upset with how badly this has gotten. Particularly about how feeble Ven’s doc is and how some of the things they said rubbed me the wrong way. For now, I’m just pointing out some things that really stood out to me with how much it didn’t make sense or it was particularly antagonizing toward Alex.
So… in the tumblr post Ven made, they were saying that the point of the doc wasn’t to say Alex was a groomer. And yet they made it VERY CLEAR that Alex’s gender identity was, in their opinion, a way for Alex to “lure victims”. Basically calling a transfem a predator cuz she expressed her gender identity AND sexuality relative to her gender identity to her partner and not minors. but Ven was also backing up from that claim, which clearly was the whole point of the doc???? But it was never stated in the introduction of the document. So first of all, I thought that was weird. It just said “Alex’s predatory and manipulative behavior.” Here we go.
So. Apparently a content creator wanting to make friends and connect with people is parasocial? Sure, content creators have to be aware of their “high status” or whatever, but i think people are also weird for idol worshipping in the first place. Alex (which I’ve seen stated uses any pronouns) has been self aware about parasocial relationships from the beginning and he’s not saying he never was aware of it. 😐 but several screenshots of him explaining himself tells that he never even thought about the potential power imbalance— he wanted some fucking friends.
These screenshots would show someone expressing their discomfort and assert their boundaries. And Alex always seemed very genuine in their apologies and would acknowledge the person’s feelings wholeheartedly. None of it was brushed off by her in the screenshots. She never downplayed anything. And yet you guys are still offended???????????????? Let me get this straight. You want someone to own up to their mistakes and apologize for making you feel weird, but when they do, you’re somehow still upset? Hm. Make it make sense. Like what the fuck you want, blood from a rock??????
By the way, what’s transphobic to one trans person might not be transphobic for someone else. As a gender-fluid person, I’m not going to be pissed off if a different gender fluid person “”“changes their gender every day”,””” (i say this particular thing because I’ve seen people act very upset over it while others aren’t) because it’s not my fucking business and it doesn’t affect me or my daily life. If they’re comfortable and happy, that’s all that matters. I have no say in what other trans people makes them comfortable with themselves. What’s transphobic is invalidating another trans person’s gender identity, expression, and sexuality, (which CAN co exist by the fucking way) and demonizing it just because you don’t like that person or you don’t want to try and understand them. Just so you know. :) that’s like misgendering someone on purpose just because they’re a terrible person, or saying neopronouns are invalid.
Here’s the thing: when you’re exploring gender identity, you’re not going to get it on the first fucking try. From what I’m seeing in the docs, this was Alex around the time they were first stepping into that comfort zone. They were trying new things. Wanting to feel comfortable. Wanting to be validated. Wanting to connect with other trans people. That’s what every trans person wants. You seriously shamed her for that? To the point where Alex admitted they felt so ashamed of their gender expression that they lied about saying it was joke? All to reassure everyone and make people feel better? Fuck you. You don’t fucking get to say what someone should and shouldn’t do regarding their body and gender— he wasn’t saying explicit things to the minors. Not stuff similar to what was said to Ven or D8 so why the fuck is anyone tripping??????
I will say that I understand why Ven would be concerned about this in the first place since when they dating Alex, Alex did make sexual comments about wanting to wear their clothes and look like them. I get it. But Ven, you were his partner, obviously when you guys were comfortably having intimate discussions that he’d be willing to share vulnerable desires with you regarding gender identity woven with sexuality. But why did you automatically, outside of your personal conversations with him, try so desperately to search for that in his convos with other people? When they had nothing to do with you I understand wanting to be concerned and looking out for other people but this was so blown out of proportion that it’s insane.
Alex trusted you so much. And one thing I was really disgusted by was the creepy ass way of you posting screenshots of his sexual fantasies. If Alex does decide to post YOURS you sent to HIM, you have no fucking right to be upset over it, okay? :) fair’s fair, my dude.
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So this screenshot being posted after Ven writing in the document “venting to a minor about his sexual frustration” all I have to say is Ven what the fuck are you talking about? being touch-starved isn’t Inherently sexual. Why the fuck is Ven saying this is sexual frustration. ?????????????????????????????????????????? So it’s sexual when it’s said to a minor? Oh okay, good thinking, Ven. /sarcasm. I didn’t know cuddles and hugs were bad. I guess grown adults shouldn’t cuddle their children, or adults can’t hug their child family members. Idk what to say about the “I wish you lived closer thing” tbh because i don’t know what the person said— it could have been taken out of context. Which brings me to my next point.
Ven stated there were people who came forward with their own screenshots of what Alex said. But if someone is going to crop them into tiny little boxes and obscure what the victim said before and after, it’s going to be pretty fucking difficult to even make a proper judgment on whether or not the context is inappropriate, or if it was said to the actual victim themselves in the first fucking place. Sure, the screenshots aren’t fabricated, but we don’t know who the fuck they were sent to. That’s on y’all.
Btw I’m so fucking convinced none of these ppl have ever experienced normal, healthy friendships or relationships, oh my fucking god. No fucking basis for proper judgment, imo.
One thing that also pissed me off was Ven targeting Alex’s mental health and symptoms throughout the doc. They targeted Alex’s paranoia and suicidal tendencies. First off, I’m pretty sure everyone part of tmc + the fandom know that the most prominent themes of tmc are SUICIDE and religious trauma. I once saw Alex post a tweet about various poetry written during his high school years venting his depression and suicidal ideation. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had been struggling with depression and suicidal ideation way before that. I’m gonna be so honest, after seeing the way Ven twisted a lot of this around, when I look back on Ven saying “Alex said he’d kill himself if I broke up with him” makes me think Alex could have said something like “you mean a lot to me and I’d be devastated if we split.” like. I can’t be the only fucking person who thinks this. Alex has always been self aware. I know he’s really struggling right now.
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LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO BITCH YOU ARE SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!! You either genuinely don’t know what paranoia is (symptom of mental illness) or you, of course, are genuinely trying to demonize an aspect of someone’s symptoms they can’t control. All to justify your bullying against Alex. Maybe research what paranoia is, and you’d be more understanding of Alex.
Mental illness doesn’t fit into your neat little boxes, by the way. And everybody experiences mental illness differently, so don’t act like you 100% know what someone is going through. I understand wanting to see the people you care about getting therapy and professional support. But you don’t have the right to demonize them when they aren’t being outright shitty.
Not to mention, every single fucking time Alex would explain their feelings and perspectives, Ven, you would shut them down in the doc. Invalidating Alex’s feelings. That’s the sort of thing manipulative people do, just so you know, Ven!! The same type of person you claim Alex is!!! Don’t throw stones in glass houses. That’s coward behavior, and projection is damaging to both parties.
Im gojng to be so deadass right now. If I could nitpick every single little detail in Ven’s document that I found weirdly uncomfortable or suspicious or confusing, I’d be making my own goddamn google doc which would be two or three times as long as Ven’s.
This entire matter genuinely could have been dealt with privately. Alex even expressed that and Ven shut him down!!! Do you know how fucking frustrating that is? And no, Alex never shut you guys down so don’t even try and twist the blame back onto him. You wanted him to own up to what he’s done and said, but y’all don’t want to do the same. Sigh!
Also, what the fuck is the takeaway supposed to be? Y’all said he isn’t a groomer. Ven said somewhere in the doc that people aren’t trying to be transmisogynistic. But clearly you are fucking using Alex’s gender identity against her. I hope you burn in hell. Also, since none of the minors were being groomed, what the fuck are you trying to prove?????????? That wanting friends is fucked up and evil???? That you and D8, grown ass adults who were consensually engaging in sexual conversations with Alex, were fucking manipulated? Evidence shows you guys were comfortable with expressing your discomfort and asserting boundaries, but like I said, y’all are still pissed off Alex took accountability. You’re adults. Act like it.
I could go on and on about this shit but these are the key points I wanted to bring up. I saw the post that donut made and I read through it thoroughly but since there is no evidence suggesting Alex was grooming minors, and he was genuinely apologizing for making Donut and other people uncomfortable, it honestly came off as a kid (kids shouldn’t even be in online without a fucking parent’s supervision anyway) being a kid: immature. So I genuinely do not give a fuck. Have your parents watch what people say to you online.
I’m a 23 year old adult who’s been in both toxic and healthy friendships and relationships with people and I can honestly say y’all are fucking stupid for even writing these dumbass callouts. I’m looking forward to Alex’s response and I will be supporting him unless there is substantial evidence showing Alex is a bad person. Ok?
Feelings and perspectives are valid and important on both ends. You don’t need me to tell you that. The point of this post is that the doc was very feeble and lacked proper documentation at numerous points. you shouldn’t purposely misconstrue Alex’s words and actions just to make him look bad, especially if your evidence (screenshots, in this case) isn’t consistent or fully exposed. I will mention what I said earlier: plenty of people here, from what I saw, were able to express their feelings and assert boundaries just fine and Alex was completely open, and whoever needed that help definitely got it. Despite everything that has happened, I’m glad people did have others who understood what they felt.
I may be editing this post if I find I think certain things need to be (re)addressed or corrected. Because like I said, there are various things I want to point out. Stay updated or not!
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hannie-dul-set · 22 days
hii, I will represent onedoor and ask for jaehyun in the reverse harem hell <3
[green card application]. myung jaehyun is a jealous man.
not that he’d ever admit that to himself. absolutely not. he’s not jealous. he’s never jealous. for every single instance that he’d be very explicitly, very overtly be feeling a little green, jaehyun would always have an excuse. a justification. 
he wasn’t jealous when woonhak greeted him ten minutes late on his birthday when the kid greeted everyone else on time— he was wronged. he wasn’t jealous when the kids from last year’s children’s day event kept flocking to sungho instead of him— he was offended. those are completely different feelings from jealousy. he’s above feeling that sickly green emotion.
well. that was until you picked leehan over him to work on the event entrance with you.
“donghyun-ah, the kids keep fighting. do you wanna work together instead?”
in that moment, even myung jaehyun couldn’t deny that what he was feeling was jealousy.
and it wasn’t a very nice feeling.
“quit being pathetic,” taesan bluntly tells him, the both of them sitting on the stairs at the entrance of the office. jaehyun unburies his chin from his knees, still hugging his legs to his chest to look to his left and send taesan, who’s been tossing a rubber ball back and forth into the air, a dirty look. “what? i’m just saying. quit acting like your girlfriend just cheated on you. she’s not. you don’t even have the right to be jealous.”
“mind your own business, jerk,” the both of them have been moping around and wallowing in mutual rejection ever since you and leehan disappeared into the storage room together. why’s this guy acting like he’s all mature all of a sudden?
“just saying,” taesan shrugs, shooting the ball up in the air one last time before hooking an arm to catch and pocket it, because at that moment, the both of them see you and their other friend leave the storage hut, and taesan quickly jumps to his feet and runs up, calling out your name.
jaehyun’s stomach writhes at the sight. it’s mid-afternoon. the sun is so bright and warm and focusing on you entirely, but your attention is caught in between two boys who are trying to carry the boxes, papers, documents for you.
the tree leaves are green. the yard’s grass is green. myung jaehyun is seeing green.
somehow, he thought that the best way to manage this feeling is by throwing a protest. a fit, if you will. for the next three days, he hasn’t been talking to you. he’s been simply just acknowledging your existence as a co-volunteer. he’s nothing more than that to you, anyway.
because taesan is right— he doesn’t have the right to be jealous. he doesn’t have the right to want your attention. he’s doesn’t have the right.
“myung jaehyun.”
he doesn’t—
his three day protest is tossed into the trash when you corner him by side-stepping in front of him before he could flee, catching his face between your hands, and he’s a deer caught in the headlines. “you’ve been avoiding me.” you’re squishing his face. he’s staring at your face. he’s been trying his best to not look at you these past few days and he’s punched square in the nose by the reminder of how pretty you are. “are you sulking?”
the warmth that’s seeping from your palms into his cheeks is overheating is brain. he’s burning. he’s burning up. what...what was he doing again? protest? what? “why—why would i be?”
your hands leave his face and he pouts and frowns even further. “you really think i wouldn’t notice you getting upset the other day?”
that means you’ve been paying attention to him. jaehyun nearly ascends into cloud nine, but he’s brought back down to earth by your next few words.
“it’s not that i didn’t want to work with you. it’s just that donghyun was the only one i haven’t gotten the chance to get close with yet in the committee.”
again, myung jaehyun is a jealous man.
“so i thought it would be a nice opportunity to get along with him better.” and this is a feeling he can’t quite control just yet, and neither can he control his face and expression— a visibly knitted look, downturned lips, and drooping shoulders which don’t go unnoticed by you. “jaehyun-ah, what’s wrong?”
he droops even further, tugging you closer by the hem of your shirt so he could mumble, “i don’t like it.” and again, it’s just as taesan says— he doesn’t have the right to be jealous. 
you laugh. “what do you mean?”
“why do you need to get closer with him, anyway?”
but if he doesn’t have that right, can’t he just earn it?
“you’re already pretty close with me.” 
send me a kpop boy (txt/enha/zb1/bnd/dream) to toss into reverse harem hell! [leehan]
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
hello!!!! i love ur work sm omg i’m so excited that requests are open <333 i wasn’t sure if they’re still open or not since your pinned says closed but if you did close them feel free to ignore this! anyways i wanted to a request a little skz reaction to their s/o complimenting them after they’ve had a tough day and are kinda doubting themselves? they’re the best boys and i refuse to believe otherwise
stray kids reactions to their s/o cheering them up after a bad day
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genre: fluff, hurt / comfort
warnings: none
a/n: sorry i forgot to change my pinned when i announced requests were open 💀 my bad
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chan definitely has his bad days. and sometimes he feels like nothing, nothing will be able to lift his mood. but, to his surprise, you prove him wrong every time. without even meaning to, you will soothe his mind and somehow make his day better just by existing. just by being you. the natural praises that come out of your mouth when you talk to him make him realise his worth <3
contrary to chan, minho doesn't have a lot of bad days. but that means, when he is faced with them, they hit harder than he would like them to. he really appreciates it when you're just there for him. when he's ready to talk about it, he will explain his frustrations. after this, you run your hands through his hair and tell him how proud you are of him. he would never want to admit it, but those words made him very emotional. you touched his heart deeply.
word of affirmation is important to changbin. when he comforts others, he tends to be very supportive with his words, showing that he cares whilst also trying to provide a solution. sometimes his own problems can't be solved. nevertheless, when you see him upset or sense he's worried about something, he really appreciates the praises and the words of comfort you give him. he realises, in these moments, how much he loves you.
hyunjin definitely relies on your words of wisdom and comfort. when he has bad days, he feels like there is a grey cloud following him, constantly there and something he just can't shake. even with loved ones around him, it's hard to shift out of his negative head-space. so when you leave your little words of encouragement ringing in his ear, telling him how well he did today, telling him how well he did always... he tears up. words such as these keep him going.
hannie can feel down about himself when he feels like he isn't doing enough. it hurts him, the idea that he should be doing more. the idea of being in a slump. he can't stand it. all he can think about is coming home and burying his face in the crook of your neck. and when he does this, you cuddle him close and praise him for how well he has done today. "you tried your best. and that's perfect to me." he will look up at you with shining eyes and whisper a 'thank you.' he is truly touched.
unfortunately there are a lot of times when felix doubts himself. it can be quite disheartening to watch this sunshine boy talk badly about himself. he deserves to be praised because he doesn't give enough to himself. you recognise this and always try your best to offer sincere words of love and support. even if he might not believe your words at the time they are spoken, they will stick with him in harder times, and he will be grateful that you were there for him on those days.
seungmin can get frustrated with himself if he isn't learning things as quickly as others or if he's not hitting the notes he wants to hit. you giving him compliments on these days, even if it's something small like 'you look handsome today', you know, something he hears every day, suddenly means a great deal more to him now that he's sad. you make him much, much happier.
jeongin can get down about himself when he compares himself with others or makes little mistakes frequently. when he feels he isn't improving, his mindset can turn quite negative and he may feel disheartened. so he really does appreciate your efforts to lift him back up. it's nice hearing the good things he has done from the one he loves rather than his own negative thoughts.
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taurusdaylight · 1 year
[2.03pm] kindness
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kindness came in the form of jeno lee. almost always having a smile etched on his adorable face, it was baffling to the people around jeno how he kept up with such a bright disposition all the time. it was as though he had little to zero anger coursing through his veins. 
to some extent, it’s true that jeno rarely got angry. despite being a chronic overthinker, jeno’s not the type of person to let his emotions control him. instead, he’d mull over it for a bit. think about why he got upset over something, and if it was truly worth getting upset over. he would at most sulk a little, as evident by his pouty lips that would make an appearance every so often. 
case in point: jeno currently getting lectured by yours truly in the corner booth of a quiet café. looking down on the ground, jeno absentmindedly stirred the straw in his cup while you talked.
you huffed, “you should stop being so nice to others.” 
“i didn’t know how to reject him…” jeno replied softly, still not looking at you. “besides, it will contribute to our overall grade? it won’t take up much of my time anyway,” he quickly added, in hopes of making the situation better.
the both of you weren’t even talking about something extremely serious. you were simply nagging jeno for agreeing to help his groupmate finish his part of the project because he was apparently busy with other submissions. the first thought that came to your mind was, what about jeno? surely he had other things to do too. 
the thing is, jeno was a kind person inside out. it wasn’t only about looking kind. deep down, jeno was tender-hearted and the biggest sweetheart to ever exist. as much as you believed in being kind, you were also aware of your boyfriend’s inability to say no to others whenever they approached him for help. no matter how he dismissed it as something trivial, you still didn’t like how he would go out of his way to do something that was not even supposed to be his responsibility to begin with. most important of all, you disliked how others took advantage of his kindness that came second nature to him, which rendered him to be at their disposal even if it wasn’t exactly convenient for him at times. 
“we talked about this, jen.” you made a face at him, expressing your concern over this issue that repeatedly came up time and again. “i hate that other people are using you and you just let them.”
while jeno understood where your frustration was coming from, a part of him also felt wronged because he was simply trying to do something nice for others. why is it that he somehow managed to make you upset too? jeno felt like he couldn’t do anything right. 
jeno finally stopped playing with his straw and looked you in the eye. “i’m sorry, okay? i won’t do it again, just please don’t be upset with me,” he said in a desperate plea. 
“i’m not upset with you, so there’s no need to say sorry to me,” you assured him. one thing you learnt about jeno over the years was how his negative thoughts got to him more than he’d liked to admit. how he would willingly take the blame for something if it meant that it would keep the peace. thankfully, he simply needed a few words of affirmation for him to get out of his head. 
you grabbed jeno’s hand and gently squeezed it. “i just want you to know that it’s okay to put yourself first. you don’t always have to think about others when you’ve got so much at hand. sometimes… just sometimes… it’s okay to be selfish too!” 
your lips curled upwards into a bashful smile. “even i feel bad asking you for help. i don’t like to trouble you but i know you wouldn’t say no even if i did, especially not to me.” you were ashamed to admit that, but you could swear from the bottom of your heart that you only turn to jeno as a last resort because you didn’t want to be like one of those people who only went to him when they needed something. 
“what?” jeno pouted even more. “but i like doing things for you. i’m your boyfriend, i’d hate it if you went to anyone else for help.” 
“it’d make me feel useless,” he muttered. 
you were quick to respond. “hey! don’t say that… you’re not useless at all.”
“anyway, don’t change the subject. after this project, please say no if you don’t have the capacity to help others, including me! if your worry is not knowing how to reject others, you could start with me. we are already so close, i won’t take it to heart if i asked you for help and you said no. let alone acquaintances who barely know you. baby steps, okay?” you looked at jeno expectantly. 
jeno’s expression turned into one that was half a frown and half a smile, you could tell that he was feeling conflicted about it. “like you said, i could never say no to you, baby…” 
you tried to bite back the small smile that made its way onto your face because of the nickname so that jeno would take you seriously. “so, you‘d do something about this?” 
“only for you, yes.” jeno’s face broke into a wide smile as he tightened his grip on your hand. 
“you’re supposed to say no!” you replied jokingly in order to play off the shyness that came with jeno’s affectionate gesture. “you’ve failed the first test, i thought you were better than this…”
an incomprehensible noise left jeno’s mouth. “i’m so confused right now… so do i say yes or no?”
you sighed, well aware of how this was going nowhere given jeno’s innocence that sometimes made him come off a little… naive. like the time you told him that you were going to teach him something to tell your parents in your native tongue and he obediently repeated after you, only asking what it was later on (it was a curse word, and you were glad he asked before the actual meeting with your parents). 
“nevermind… the next time someone asks you for help, just tell me. i’ll make sure they’d never want to ask a favour from you ever again.”
jeno’s eyes widened in shock, “o-okay.”
“i’m just kidding. but seriously, i’d help you reject them so you don’t have to,” you said with a smile. 
“thank you,” jeno said sincerely, “i know you mean well, and i appreciate you looking out for me.” 
at his words, you leaned over the table to give jeno a peck on his right cheek, on the spot just slightly below his beauty mark. he laughed quietly, his smile uncontrollably becoming wider by the second.
the both of you were so immersed, it was fortunate that the café was empty enough for the moment to remain intimate. better yet, the owner was preoccupied with his tasks, not sparing a single glance at the direction of your table. 
between soft giggles and shy smiles, you and jeno indulged in each other’s loving company until the sun fell, its golden rays penetrating through the glass window situated next to your table. 
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I've been dreaming of the Loyalist of Clubs.
There are so many regrets born out of ignorance. So many bonds lost to time.
He wishes he could have done more then.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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“Wh-What’s happening, Trey?”
The question comes from the boy huddled on the guest bed. He’s smallish and demure, like a rose bud yet to bloom. His eyes and cheeks are the same color as his hair—red, from crying.
Trey awkwardly peels himself away from the door. Even shut, shouting is audible from beyond it.
“HE KIDNAPPED MY SON!! Bring him back this instant, or I’ll call the authorities!”
“Ma’am, please calm down. They’re children—”
Trey pictures Mrs. Rosehearts as a balloon, bright red and inflated with hot air. The more she screams, the more air leaks put of her twisted mouth. She shrinks and shrinks until she poofs out of existence.
It doesn’t feel right to stand, so he sits on the bed beside his friend. The frame groans from their combined weights, light as they are.
“… I’m not sure,” Trey admits. “I saw you upset and grabbed your hand and ran. I didn’t want you to be stuck in that situation anymore.”
He pats a pillow. Attempts to comfort his friend.
“You can stay here.” Forever, if you want. But he doesn’t say that, only hopes it in his heart. The solution is so simple in his kid mind. “At least until your mom isn’t mad anymore.”
“Is that… allowed?”
“Sure it is. My parents won’t mind—er, probably. They like having new people over. We’ll pretend it’s a normal sleepover.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s when you sleep over at another person’s house—that’s where the name comes from. You stay up late, watch movies, play games, eat snacks, and then fall asleep together.”
Riddle’s eyes widen. “That sounds like breaking so many rules,” he says nervously.
“Those are the rules for sleepovers. The point is to have fun.”
“Fun…” Riddle nibbles on his lip, drawing his knees closer to his torso. He hugs his legs, collapsing into himself with a sniff. “I-I don’t know—I don’t like not knowing. I’m scared, Trey. Mama is so angry with me. I’m not supposed to…”
“It’s okay to not know. No one knows everything.”
“Mama does. Everyone says so. That’s why she’s always right.”
“That’s not true. I know she’s wrong about this—about us, and about Che’nya.” He grabs Riddle’s clammy hand and squeezes. “She can’t keep us three from being friends.”
“We are…?”
“Yup.” Trey pokes him, then points to himself, “We’re friends. And friends stick up for each other, watch each other’s backs.”
Riddle hesitates. “Is that… the rule?”
“You can think of it like that if you want. But I didn’t do any of this because of some rule, I did it because I wanted to help you somehow, any way I can."
"B-But we're just kids. What can we do?"
Trey worriedly glances at the door--the adults' voices haven't quieted at all--then at Riddle and the stress deeply etched into his round face. This isn't a good place for him right now either.
"We could... go over to Che'nya's. He and his grandpa will be happy to see us, and we can all have that sleepover.”
Riddle looks bewildered at the mere suggestion. "We're going to leave?"
"Shouldn't be too hard. We've already played hooky before," Trey says, tugging him up and off the bed by the arm. "Besides, a walk can help take your mind off of things."
We can be ourselves. We can forget our worries. Everything can be as it was.
Riddle’s eyes are wide with alarm. His knees wobble, and Trey catches him.
“It’ll be fine! I’ll be with you all the way—so if we get yelled at, we can be yelled at together. You won’t be alone.”
Not ever again.
Riddle responds in a shaky mew. His cheeks are wet from crying, and his words trembling—but his trust is firm. “O-Okay… I believe in you. Let’s go. Let’s go see Che’nya.”
Trey smiles reassuringly. “Alright, we’ll escape through the window. It’s a classic. You know how to do it safely by now, right?”
The two boys scramble to the bedroom window, undoing its latch and sliding it up. Trey leads the charge, easily clearing the sill. He looks back, urging Riddle to follow.
The threshold is daunting, less the boundary between inside and out and more like the bridge to a world unknown. When Riddle charges at the open window, he expects to smack into the wall. To fall, to fail.
The ground rumbles,
Splintering, fissures appearing.
“You got this!!” Trey cheers from the other side.
Riddle vaults too early and slips.
Panic shoots through him like a bolt of lightning.
Something erupts from out of the floor, racing under the boy to break his fall. Riddle lands on a thick, cushy stalk, leaves twisting around it. Above him, a giant head of petals--blue, bell-shaped, and ringing.
Another flower sprouts by the boy's feet, bearing a crimson mouth--two lips, pulled back in a laugh. "Frolic, rejoice," says the Tulip. "Be free.”
“Free, free,” a patch of tiny, shrinking violets choruses.
“To dance around the posies and spin daisy chains and search for four leaf clovers.”
“We’ll lift you up when you’re down.”
Plants are poking out from every inch of the guest room, making their own quips and banter. Trey should be startled, but instead he laughs and waves for Riddle.
He waves back shyly, then gasps. His feet find something squishy yet solid under them.
Mushrooms with flat caps, a whole flight of them, in ascending height. The boy clumsily crosses them, each step sending up a cloud of fat, lazy spores. Riddle sneezes, nearly careening off the side—but a wall of snapping dragons or sly gloves in foxes closes in, surprisingly gentle as they support him.
He hops over the sill with ease.
And the flowers follow.
It’s a rainbow come alive, color sprawling over the roads and knitting rooftops with new lattice designs. Some designs dare to go higher and flashier: beanstalks that pierce the clouds, fruit clusters so heavy they bend and droop, petals dripping with jewels. Even the air is more jubilant, filled with shimmering particles--pollen?
Sunshine opens on Riddle’s face.
“Whaaaa~ So pretty!!”
“Isn’t it?” Trey’s grin is so wide his teeth ache. “We should hurry and get Che’nya so he can see this too.”
“It’s going to take so long to wade through all of this.”
“Fine by me." Trey grabs his friend's hand. It feels so small in his, and he thinks of a seed in need of water and light. "We can take our time to stop and smell the roses!”
His other hand reaches out and finds the stem of a large passing dandelion tuft. It forms an umbrella from its fuzzy white tendrils, the perfect shape for sailing on the wind.
Trey and Riddle squeal as they're whisked off.
Up, up, and away, where their troubles can't chase them.
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violetasteracademic · 14 days
I saw a reddit post a while back talking about how “obvious” gwynriel is, with hundreds of upvotes and everyone agreeing, saying that it’s exactly how SJM sets up her love interests, and it makes me feel like a crazy person.
I agree that SJM is obvious with her couples, but for me the only logical obvious answer is elriel. The entire time I was reading the series it couldn’t have been more obvious, and all my irl friends feel the same. We didn’t even know gwynriel was a thing. They barely interact in the books, and even then it’s only vaguely friendly and mostly one-sided. Then I get online and see all of these people who genuinely believe it’s gwynriel that’ll be endgame and I can’t understand how we’ve read the same books.
This is the only reason I question elriel at all; am I somehow missing something? What the hell are these people seeing that overshadows elriel’s foreshadowing? I just can’t see it from their point of view, no matter how many theories or analyzing I read from them. I almost wished I could so that this ship war wouldn’t be so frustrating, but I just can’t.
Sorry to throw this rant at you, your posts and explanations are just very comforting and you explain things so well. I read them whenever I’m worried to assure myself I’m not crazy :,)
Hi sweet anon!
I certainly don't think you are crazy or missing anything, and I'm glad to know that some of my posts have brought you comfort. That is my one and only goal.
I've been getting more and more messages like this in my inbox, and I've been struggling with how to answer them because I've learned that a lot of my thoughts don't really fit in with the fandom at large. I don't mind that other ships exist. I have real life G/wynriel and E/lucien friends that are very chill and wonderful and not knee deep in the online fandom and don't think horrific misogynistic things. I stay out of spaces where I'm bound to see something hurtful, and I scroll so fuckin fast when I see the Elriel community screenshotting and reblogging bad takes cause I *don't wanna see it.*
I'm just a girl, and while I'm honored that this little weirdo's opinion has become of some value in this little comfy cafe corner I'm trying to build here, I don't want to say the wrong thing and make people feel discredited and invalidated. I've learned that people really like being in the drama and venting and focusing on how badly the other side is behaving, which I don't really like, and it often leaves me at odds with my own "side" of the war. But since you are here in my asks, I'll share my thoughts. Please know I am saying this with all the tender love and care in my heart, but I say:
Just let them exist. You don't need to understand. You also don't need to let it worry you. None of us are in control of the ships that are sailing in this war. So for whatever it is worth, I want to encourage you to try to stay away from the spaces that make you feel upset, confused, hurt, or angry.
We are all honestly similar in ways that might be hard to admit. If we are here, deep into this fandom, we are probably connected in a number of ways. Maybe we're a little bit lonely (me), a little bit mentally ill (me), a little bit hyper-fixated (me). Maybe we are easily consumed and obsessed, and don't have anywhere for that energy to go in our real lives and so we live on in a chronic state of escape and disassociation (yep, me).
We are also an exceptionally small percentage of SJM's readership, and we take things as far as a fan could possibly take them. This is not how most readers are interacting with her work. So to see hundreds of upvotes on something, even thousands, yes- it seems like a lot. But it's not actually that much in terms of SJM's actual numbers. Anyone on reddit, tumblr, tiktok, ect, is looking for community and people who share their thoughts and likes and dislikes. I think this is often why a lot of non canon ships actually grow more popular than canon ships, because people are here looking for a road the written story will not take them down.
I don't think it's strange or offensive or unhinged that ships other than Azriel or Elain exist and are popular. I *do* think its a little odd that this fandom has taken the stance of proving non-canon things as canon instead of just enjoying crackships, but I can't honestly sit here and say my posts proving "canon" to try to comfort people who want the same fictional couple as me is not the exact same behavior. I think I'm right. They think they are right. There will come a day when Sarah lets us know what she has decided, and it's out of our hands. But the ships will live on.
I love so many non canon ships, and I engage with them here every day. This is what fandom is for. I think this fandom in particular would be a lot less toxic if we would just live and let live and leave each other be. I am gonna keep making theory posts and writing fanfic. They are gonna keep making theory posts and writing fanfic.
Take care of yourself. Rock the block button. Strangers on the internet do not get unfettered access to me or you or anyone else just because we are online. Set some boundaries for yourself. Lurk where you feel good.
I hope my page continues to be one of those places where you can lurk to feel better. And if that ever changes, block me. I encourage it deeply. I actually feel relieved when I can see that someone has blocked me, because I know they are taking care of themselves and also saved me the time and energy of trying to diffuse an argument.
I hear your frustrations. I know it sucks to want to go on reddit if that has been a fun and comforting space for you, and now it feels overrun and not safe and not fun. Grieve that. We obviously all care very deeply, and that's okay. It's nothing at all to be ashamed of.
But at some point, we are all gonna have to learn to live with each other, because no matter what happens in canon, the ships are not going anywhere.
Take care of yourself, anon. And I hope you continue to find comforting spaces to rest.
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🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼 (yes I did twice)
YEAH! More BuddieShannon! 129 sentences:
“Eddie, come on. I thought we were trying to be better about talking through our crap.”
“This isn’t our crap, though, Shannon!” He protests. “My stupid sexuality crisis is my crap!”
Shannon’s eyes widen. It takes his brain a moment to realize what his traitorous mouth has said. Fuck. 
“Oh,” Shannon replies. “So it’s not, like… A kink thing?”
Somehow, that question serves to make this even more embarrassing. 
“What? God! No!”
“O-okay,” Shannon stammers. “Sorry. I’m sorry. I just didn’t know this about you.”
Eddie sighs, deflating. 
“Yeah… Neither did I.”
Shannon scooches a little closer to him. She moves her hand from his wrist to his shoulder. 
“Eddie, there’s nothing wrong with it,” she says. “You know that, right? It’s okay to be attracted to him.”
Something stirs in Eddie at this. Like a wilting plant dragging itself towards a light source. But he shakes that away. 
“That’s not true,” he replies. 
“Why isn’t it true?” Shannon asks. “You’ve never cared about that kind of thing before.”
“For other people,” Eddie agrees. “But I’m not… That’s not how it’s supposed to be for me. I’ve never loved anyone but you. I’ve never wanted anyone but you.”
Her lips part a little. 
“You love him?” She asks. 
He freezes again. Fuck. He needs to stop talking. 
“Of course you do,” she says. “I mean, how could you not?” 
Right. Because she’s into him, too. Jesus Christ. What a pair they make. 
“I love you, Shannon,” Eddie replies. Firm. Unflinching. Because no matter what else is going on in his brain, and in his horrible heart, that is still true. 
“I don’t…” She frowns, struggling to choose her next words. “Eddie, one doesn’t make the other not true.”
He furrows his eyebrows. “But isn’t that fucked up? That’s wrong. That’s… It’s like emotional infidelity.” 
“It’s not,” Shannon replies. “We’re separated.”
“Well, that wasn’t my choice.”
She sighs. 
Right. Probably not a great point to focus on right now. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles. 
“Even if we weren’t, Eddie… It’s not bad,” Shannon says. “I mean, there would still be nothing wrong with you.”
“How can you possibly say that?” Eddie asks. 
Shannon bites her lip for a moment. 
“Eddie, are you upset that you’re attracted to a man or in love with two people at the same time?” 
“Both!” He bursts. “Those are both things I am not supposed to be.”
She sighs again. He wishes she’d stop sighing.
 “According to who?”
Eddie’s mouth snaps shut. He doesn’t know how to answer that question. According to who indeed? 
“Your parents,” Shannon says. “The church they made you go to?”
The one they had to get married in.
Eddie nods sheepishly. “Yeah. I guess that’s it.”
“And if Chris has this same question about himself in fifteen years? What will you say?” 
“Don’t go there, Shannon.” Eddie feels a rise of frustration in his chest. “You know what I’d say.”
“Yeah, I do,” she agrees. “Say it for me anyway, Eddie.”
Eddie groans. “I obviously don’t care who, if anyone, our children fall in love with one day, Shannon. As long as they’re happy and safe, I don’t care.”
“But that doesn’t apply to you?” Shannon asks. 
“Shannon…” Eddie complains.
“No, Eddie, come on,” she presses. “Why do Chris and-and this baby get the freedom of your values, but you get the restriction of your father’s? That’s ridiculous. You know it’s not bad or wrong. You know that.”
He knows. He does know. He… He just can’t.
“They get to be whoever they want, Shannon.” Eddie tells her.
“And you don’t?” 
No! No. Doesn’t she see that? He has never got to be anyone at all. What he wants doesn’t even exist. He’s never been able to explore that. He is no more than this. This automaton on a set path. He doesn’t know how to be anyone else. 
“No,” he replies. “I don’t.”
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Tbh I get that all the episodes of this arc being extremely rushed and episodic and awkwardly cutting off instead of having proper endings is just part of the YouTube Shorts aesthetic, but it really doesn’t work for an episode as important as today’s that was a video and not a Short. And arguably never worked for any more serious story-important episodes tbh
(Spoilers for pretty much everything and just a lotta general negativity ahead)
Like things like the explanation of the lore and the countdown could be done in Shorts because they were clearly made with the fact that they were going to be Shorts in mind, but when things finally started to pick up it felt less like Shorts and more that they were only showing us little bits and pieces of a much bigger story that we’ll never get to see and that really messes with the immersion
“But the world doesn’t exist outside of when Chikn wants it to. The Shorts are all there is to see. That’s the point” the point is stupid
And that doesn’t even work because if the world can only exist when Chikn wants it to then everyone should be dead. How did any episode or even any moment without Chikn in it ever exist if that’s the case? How are the characters shown to have done things off-screen multiple times?
Also furthermore like. Everything was just so rushed???
Like one minute Chee is getting upset and ends up punching Chikn so hard it knocks him out (Not to mention she didn’t even punch him in the face and just kinda awkwardly pushed him. Would’ve been cool if she scratched him being a cat and all but the devs didn’t wanna go for that for some reason), but in the next scene she’s smiling like nothing was ever wrong to begin with, and somehow manages to trigger a flashback without even saying anything?
Also the devs teased a lotta puppet imagery with Chikn that they can’t decide whether or not they actually want because there was that whole thing about how while the chaos is caused by Chikn, he still feels like a part of it rather than the cause of it (“Sometimes I feel like I’m just… A puppet on a stage”), which is presumably because of his chaotic powers running wild and trying to take control of him, but in this episode that apparently was completely retconned in favor of Chikn himself feeling like he has to destroy the world. Which I can also see as well with how Bezel keeps egging him on but 1. They didn’t have to replace one with the other. It’d arguably be more interesting if both were true at once (Chikn feeling like he has to fulfill his destiny and destroy everything made it easier for his powers to get the better of him), and 2. Bezel never said anything to him that would actually make this work. He didn’t even know about his destiny until his powers started doing their thing because Bezel explicitly refused to tell him. Where did these feelings of having to fulfill his destiny even come from? How does he even know there’s a prophecy instead of thinking that he just happens to have weird powers?
Or maybe he did. Maybe all that stuff did happen and does have an explanation and we just won’t see it because they don’t show us the full story
And also speaking of Bezel what happened to “Everything must be cute. Everything must be nice”? If Chikn is so convinced that he must follow his destiny of destroying the world what was up with that part where he explicitly stated that he doesn’t want the world destroyed?
(Also also speaking of Bezel, the reveal of him being the doomsday clock was cool and really clever but like. If he’s not the embodiment of time why didn’t Iscream & Fwench Fwy literally just kill him?)
“Well maybe his powers did what power usually does and began to corrupt him” They should’ve said that. As the viewers, AKA the people who are not writing the story, it is not our job to fill up plotholes
And also that still goes for the “Puppet on a stage being controlled by the chaos inside him” angle while today’s episode goes for the “Bezel gaslit Chikn into thinking his destiny is inescapable” angle
And also furthermore if he’s convinced he has to destroy everything why didn’t he eat her? Why didn’t he ever try to hurt Chee or show that he was going to (And yes, I do mean show. Chikn tells her over and over again that his destiny makes him dangerous for Chee to be around, but she is never shown to be in any real danger)? Maybe instead he could’ve started trying to do that thing he did in one of the earliest episodes where he pulled out her pin and she just died. Maybe seeing her like that could remind him of that time and that could’ve been the thing that triggered the flashback
Not to mention the whole reason this happened in the first place was because Chee stopped hanging out with him and that made him feel lonely and the emptiness and boredom he felt allowed him to become aware of his powers and how they affect people. Why was that never brought up throughout like any part of this whole thing? “We’re all here for you” He doesn’t want a “We’re All” he wants you specifically. That’s why he’s doing all this. That was the whole significance of Chee going to talk to him
And speaking of how his powers did that thing to Chee, quick sidenote to mention how we never see the result of that. We never see what exactly happened with Chee that stressed him out so much or how Cofi and Slushi reacted to it and that wouldn’t been such an interesting thing to show. And no this is not because of an episode limit they literally have 300 of them
And speaking of Slushi, why do we never see her reaction to the fact that all of this was Chikn’s fault? Between Chee randomly walking out on their hangout and Chikn’s powers rubbing off on Sodi she has to have noticed
And the line delivery in this episode was shit because we know Chikn Nuggit characters can sound genuinely emotional when they need to
tl;dr: The “Silly little relatable Shorts made by a small group of people who just wanna have fun” aesthetic doesn’t work well when applied to Shorts that aren’t silly or fun. Trying to uphold this vibe has done infinitely more to hurt the story than to help it
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haoreo · 1 year
✿ message in a bottle | park jeongseong
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content: jay x fem!reader, student au, secret admirer!reader, both of yall are idiots, just fluff tbh
disclaimer: nothing in particular, a lil bit of swearing. i mean no harm to any of the members, this is purely a work of fiction.
word count: 1.7k+
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jay was either extremely clueless or simply in denial about his multiple admirers across campus. the multiple chocolates and coffees left on his desk in the morning, the constant invite to be their plus one at whoever’s party - were all politely declined by the boy who was too kind for his own good.
you, on the other hand, were very familiar with such admirers. being jay’s best friend since childhood, you had to endure all of the questions that they would shoot you left and right all about his likes and dislikes. a constant nagging of what his favorite color, flavor, or scent was what you had to endure for most of your friendship with jay.
“you know, you should really start giving this to other people. i think my blood sugar levels are gonna skyrocket with all of this chocolate,” you said thoughtfully one day.
looking up from his textbook, he watched you as you were scanning the pile of sweets in front of you, looking for your next victim. “i never said that you needed to eat them, you know,” he said as he gazed back to the material in front of him.
“but they’re such a waste! you know if you actually gave on of these poor souls a chance, these gifts would stop like right away,” you said in a rush, with your mouth half-full with a candy bar.
little did jay know that you wanted to take back the words that you said right then and there. why, do you ask? because you have had a long-running crush on said boy before you even knew what a crush was. it didn’t take much for you to fall for him, really. all of the times where he held out his hand when you tripped, when he would always make sure that you felt included in every group setting, when he would always arrive with your favorite food to cheer you up whenever you were upset, even if you swore you hid your feelings really well.
but all of that didn’t matter now because you just suggested that he start pursuing other people, probably losing all the little hope you’ve had with him.
“look, all of these gifts are great and all, but,” he paused, briefly looking at you, “they’re not from the person i want,” he finished softly.
because jay had a secret of his own, of course.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
now, you don’t know what 2000s romantic comedy possessed you since that conversation with jay, but you decided to take matters into your own hands, writing and rewriting the same letter that you plan  on slipping into his locker the next day. anonymously, of course.
what could go wrong, right?
which is why you had to put on your greatest acting skills when a little pink note written in red pen fell out of his locker one day.
‘hi jay! weather forecast says it’s gonna be really hot today. don’t forget to drink water okie? ily!’
it could have been the weather, but jay’s cheeks immediately warmed upon reading the note. what made this note different from all of the other things he received? he wasn’t sure, but he was already looking forward to the next one.
“well that one’s new,” you said, reading the note over his shoulder, “somebody’s got a secret admirer,” you said as you wiggled your eyebrows at him with a wide smile.
while temporarily distracted by the sweetness of the note, jay was reminded once again that you didn’t see him the way that he saw you. this note was most definitely from his existing admirers and not from the person he wants the most.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“hi jay! i heard you got a perfect score on our math exam yesterday. i’m so proud of you! ily!”
as jay had hoped, the secret admirer had been writing to him everyday. a lot of them were oddly specific and definitely not general information, but brushed it off thinking that the news would get around somehow.
“what if write them back?” he suddenly questioned during one random lunch break, making you choke on your food.
“well, do you even have a clue on who they are?” now, you were very careful about leaving any signs on who you were in your notes, not leaving any sign that can help jay trace it back to you.
jay paused for a moment before replying “well, nothing about them, i guess. but isn’t it weird that they knew about my exam score? i’m pretty sure you were the only one i told.”
and in that moment, jay’s eyes widened as he felt his heartbeat quicken. “is it you?-“
“no!” you said so loud that the whole cafeteria glanced at where you and jay were seated. you regained your composure and cleared your throat, wracking your brain for a good excuse. “come on jay, i’ve known you since we were in diapers. i even saw you ate your own boogers. somebody probably just took a peak at your paper that day,” you said hastily, forcing out a laugh.
jay forced a small laugh too, returning his attention to his food. of course, because who was jay to you that you’d write love notes to?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
it’s almost been a month, and the little pink notes quickly became the favorite part of jay’s day. the person behind them always seemed to know exactly what to say at the right time. which is why it bothered him so much when one day the notes had stopped.
what was worse was that you texted him that you were sick that day, leaving him no other option than to stare at your empty desk by the classroom window.
“by the unhealthy amount of time you stare at her, it’s a miracle she hasn’t caught on about your little secret,” his close friend sunghoon said as he sat in his assigned seat.
jay immediately straightened up and brought his focus to his friend. “i don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said defensively.
“yeah, you and ___, both,” sunghoon laughed, “the two of you are so clueless it hurts,” sunghoon finished. he looked to his friend and noticed that he was once again lost in his thoughts.
“hey, i know i’m barely ever serious. but i think it’s about time that you told her, hm?” sunghoon said softly to his friend.
jay could only offer a small nod to his friend. he thought about what sunghoon said. why would he tell you? and ruin your friendship? no, he couldn’t do that. he couldn’t bare the thought of losing your company that he enjoys almost too much.
your excited smile whenever you were about to tell him the latest gossip, your frustrated frown when you couldn’t understand the material he was teaching you, and your peaceful face whenever you end up falling asleep on his shoulder in the middle of one of your movie nights. possibly losing all that over three silly words. no, it wasn’t worth it.
loving you from afar would be enough for jay.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
three days. three days without letters and three days without you. and jay was going to go crazy.
which is why he marched his way to your house with your favorite soup in hand. he didn’t bother knocking anymore, because being your childhood friend, he didn’t really need to.
“what are you doing here?” you said under your fort of pillows and three blankets. you honestly were feeling better, but you still didn’t feel a hundred percent, so you opted in staying home still.
“i brought you your favorite, and honestly school was getting so boring without you,” he said as he took off his jacket and placing his things down before approaching your bed side.
he placed his hand on your forehead, feeling your temperature. “your fever’s not that bad anymore, how are you feeling?”
“better, just not exactly up to go back to school yet,” you said quietly. you kept your gaze on jay, who went and started preparing your food on your desk. curse jay for being so perfect. for being so handsome, caring, and selfless. it was almost impossible to move on from him. but it wasn’t like you wanted to anyway.
after a little bit of fuss from you, you eventually allowed jay to feed you. you hoped that he’d think that any heat that emanated from you was from your fever, and not from his sweet gesture. eventually you finished your food and you started talking about what you’ve missed at school.
“wait, wait. i can’t remember all of this, can you hand me the notepad in my bag? it’s in the front pocket with a pen,” you said without another thought.
jay picked up your bag from your desk chair and brought it to your bed. he opened the front pocket and pulled out the pen and notepad you were talking about.
both of you stared at it in silence.
it was the same pink note that he’s been receiving this past month, with little white hearts printed around its border. and a red pen clipped on.
jay looked at you, waiting for you to speak first. but between fight or flight? oh you definitely weren’t a fighter. so you ran.
but jay ran after you, trapping you between him and your bedroom door.
you couldn’t do anything but close your eyes and hope that the earth would swallow you and save you from this situation.
“look at me,” jay whispered.
“no,” you said even quieter.
jay let out a sigh. “why?” he said desperately.
“because i’m scared,” you shuddered out, “i’m scared of losing you because i’m pretty sure i fucked it all up.”
this was it, all or nothing. “why would it be? i love you the same, don’t i?”
you quickly opened your eyes to witness jay’s warm smile. “i’m sorry i took so long, baby.”
if you were already warm from your fever, you were definitely burning up now.
“can i kiss you?” jay said as he leaned closer.
“you’re gonna get sick,” you whispered back, shifting your gaze back and forth from his eyes and his lips.
“i don’t care. just let me, please,” he begged.
and with the slightest of nods, he brought your face to his, capturing your lips in a kiss. a well overdue one at that.
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edosianorchids901 · 5 months
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The Swiftness of Time
@flashfictionfridayofficial prompt - "watching birds"
Cw: depression, mentions of violence/murder
Paris, 1314
Aziraphale noticed almost immediately that something was wrong. He had known Crowley for over five thousand years, after all. At this point, he recognized most moods.
“What’s wrong?” he finally asked, sliding a cup of wine to Crowley. It was a very nice Burgundy, much better than the local wine that had been available over the summer.
“Hmm?” Crowley pulled his gaze away from the hunk of bread in his hand. He’d been staring at it rather than eating it for the past few minutes. “Sorry, what?”
“I asked what’s wrong.”
Immediate resistance crossed Crowley’s face, and he shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong. What makes you think something’s wrong?”
“Well, a number of things.” Among them, his unusual quiet, the fact that he wasn’t eating or drinking, the furrows in his brow. But there was one clue far more notable than that. “Namely, there’s four ducks not ten feet away, splashing in the puddles, and you haven’t mentioned them at all.”
A different sort of furrow carved through Crowley’s brow. “Do I normally?”
“Always. If there’s ducks, you always say so.” Aziraphale gave a worried pout. “You haven’t even been watching these ones. It’s not like you.”
“I was busy.”
“Watching bread instead of watching birds?”
Crowley opened his mouth again, as if to protest that such a thing was perfectly normal. Then he closed it, looking entirely out of sorts. Perhaps at the realization that his behavior was so easily readable.
He sighed and turned to the ducks. For a moment, he just watched them as they splashed in the puddle. They quacked happily, scooped up water in their bills, stretched their wings.
“Sorry,” Crowley said again. “I really didn’t mean to worry you.”
“That’s hardly my concern, dear boy.” Aziraphale tilted his head. “Do you not wish to talk about it? If it’s something too upsetting…”
“Nah, it’s not actually anything specific. I’m just tired, s’ all.”
“Have you considered taking a nap?”
That earned a quick smile, although Crowley didn’t take his gaze off the ducks. “I tried a week ago, yeah. While you were out in the countryside.”
“And how did that go?”
“Not well. Just endless dreams about everything going wrong.” Crowley’s nose wrinkled with distaste. “Getting lost on the way to assignments, blessings for you going wrong and turning into murder, losing my sunglasses…”
As if the thought had distressed him, he reached up and pushed his sunglasses higher. Or perhaps he just wished to better conceal his eyes.
“That sounds very stressful.” Aziraphale tore off a piece of bread and dipped it in sauce, one with vinegar and a delightful array of spices. “Do you think it’s the cold weather?”
“Nah, it’s not actually that cold yet.” Crowley glanced up at the clouds. It was an overcast day, slightly breeze, but only a bit chilly in truth. “I think it’s more… time goes by really fast. And lately, it just feels like it’s rushing from one bad thing to the next.”
“Ah.” Now Aziraphale understood. “Is this about that Templar business?”
“Not specifically. I mean, I got commendation for them being burned at the stake and everything, but that’s not all. This has just been a bad year, before and after that.” Crowley scuffed at the ground with his shoe, frowning. “Bad… decade. Century. Millennia. Existence.”
“Oh dear.” Alarmed, Aziraphale miracled a bowl of grain and pushed it to him. “Here. You need this.”
Crowley stared at it. “Does eating raw grain have some sort of antidepressant effect?”
“No, but ducks do.” Aziraphale put on an encouraging smile, although his chest was tight with worry. “Go on. You ought to feed them for a bit.”
Lips pursed, Crowley took the grain. “Somehow, I don’t think that’s gonna miraculously cure my case of ‘humans are really bloody awful to each other.’”
“No, I don’t suppose it shall. But perhaps it will remind you of happier times?”
“Like what?” Crowley asked glumly, hurling a handful of grain at the ground. The ducks rushed over, quacking with glee over the snack.
“Oh. You know. All the birdwatching we’ve done over the years.”
Crowley glanced at him. “Humans have been killing each other for those years, too.”
“I’m aware of that. But ducks are nice! You like ducks. And you like watching them.” Aziraphale was starting to run out of ideas, which was really quite pitiful. After five thousand years of knowing Crowley, he ought to be able to do more. “And, I hope, you like watching and feeding ducks with me?”
At that, Crowley’s expression softened. He nodded, tossing down more grain. “I do. Sorry I’m such awful company today, angel. I guess I just got kinda beaten down by it all.”
“I quite understand.” Aziraphale held out a hand, smiling, and Crowley took it. “Oh.”
Crowley raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Well, it-it’s just…” Aziraphale’s cheeks flushed, and he shook his head at himself. “I was actually requesting some of the grain to feed the ducks.”
“Oh.” Crowley chuckled, shaking his head. “‘Course you were.”
He tried to let go. Aziraphale held on tighter. “This is nice, though. Do you think it would help you at all, if we did it a while longer?”
Crowley hesitated, then gave a slow nod. “Yeah. I think it might.”
“Well, then.” Aziraphale moved his chair closer, to make it more comfortable to hold Crowley’s hand, and settled in. “We shall watch the ducks together, then.”
Aziraphale couldn’t do anything about humans being awful, or about the effects of time’s relentless onslaught. But he could certainly offer his company and his hand. And hopefully, between that and the cheerful company of ducks, Crowley would bounce back soon.
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Halloween Party Swap:
The Halloween party between all the cool kids was just a few days away, and the winner of the costume party would supposedly get to bang Christine, she was the baddest bitch on campus, 5’6, D sized tits, the type of girl who had access to “mommies and daddy’s” money, everyone knew she had a lot of work done but that didn’t change from how fucking hot she was
How ever I didn’t really have a costume picked out… one of my buddies told me about this magic spell that could swap people’s bodies, reason he told me is cause he was gonna swap with this Chinese student who had a thick accent, and just go full stereotype and wear one of those straw hats the rice farmers use to wear in Asia, while also carrying around a rice cooker, asking people if they wanted rice
A few other people were running with this idea and so a lot of people already knew that not everyone is gonna be who they seem, so if they enter the contest they just gotta tell their real names
Now don’t get me wrong, my friend had a pretty good and pretty hilarious idea, it would really be hard to top that, but I think I could manage
I met up with the biggest nerd on campus, Davis, and told him about the party, he told me he already knew but also knew he wasn’t invited
“Bro if you help me with my costume, I’ll get you in, I promise” I said trying to convince him to come
“Ok, ya cool, I’d love to go to a party, what’s your costume” Davis said excitedly
“Um well you see Davis… I was hoping you could be my costume” I said continuing to explain the situation to him
He didn’t seem to buy it at first
“ so your telling me, you wanna swap bodies with me, dress extra nerdy, just to win some contest to fuck a chick?… quit fucking with me, everyone knows it’s not possible to swap bodies, and that magic doesn’t exist. grow up.” He said walking away
I continued to walk behind him and ask”come on bro, some of my other friends have already done it, why not, I mean you’d get to be me for a couple days”
“You know what?” He said stopping and turning around
If you want my body and can somehow use magic to swap us, sure I’d love to be you Brad ” he said turning around and continuing to his next class
“You won’t regret it” I yelled
Later that night before bed I starting looking at the spell online that my friend sent me, underneath it in some of the smallest font a computer can make, was a list of side effects
I had to zoom in just to see them, only thing that stuck out is if both individuals cum inside their bodies, the swap becomes permanent…
Now typically I would just, not jerk off in Davis’s body, but I’ve herd the stories, and apparently bro is a premature cummer, I’m talking like, just looking at too hot of a bitch could make him cum
So I did the only logical thing someone in my shoes would do, I went into my girlfriend’s drawer (well, she’s not really my girlfriend, but like a long term fling), and grabbed a chastity lock that my girl likes to use on me when she’s feeling extra kinky that night, and locked my cock in it and hid the key
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It was a tight fit while soft and absolutely hurt while hard but I guess that’s the price he’ll have to pay if he wants to be me for a couple days
I proceeded to do the spell and nothing happened
I texted my friend who already did it with that Asian guy and asked what was up. He told me it takes effect while we’re sleeping, he then asked who I’d be swapping with, when I told him, he was a bit upset but proud of my idea “ dam bro, that’s a good one, I wish I would have thought about that”
So I decided I guess I should go to sleep, no better way to kill time right haha? I just wanna win this competition so bad so I can fuck Christine
The next day I woke up in a dorm that looked nothing like mine, all my posters of nude girls were gone (which I typically take down when I have girls over) and my posters of cars and shit
I instantly thought and new that it had to worked I got up feeling extremely boney and rushed to a mirror, the face that greeted me was this
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Now typically someone that’s a hot certified fuck boi like myself would be upset they got swapped into a nerds body, but I was ecstatic. I mean ya I was ugly as shit and these braces looked fuck, man who in college still wears braces haha .
But man, I’m so gonna win this competition I said, getting dressed in a rush, not bothering to check out my crappy body.
I proceeded to go to the customs store and by a stereotype nerd costume to add to the “costume” I’m wearing now… white shirt with a pocket calculator, and pants held up by suspenders
As I was checking out at the register I started getting texts from my old body
“Hey um bro, I woke up in your body, I can’t believe it worked, this is crazy, but um, what’s this thing on my cock and how do I get it off, it kinda hurts my dick bro”
I smirked at the texts, I knew he’d want out of my chastity lock
“It’s a chastity lock, keeps you from pleasuring yourself, and you don’t… that’s the price you gotta pay if you want to be me” I replied putting my phone away and walking home with the costume in a bag
When I got home I had numerous texts from Davis, BEGGING me to get it unlocked
“ Brad come on dude, this hurts really bad and since I can’t jerk it, all I can do is keep staring and or adjusting it so it don’t hurt as much, doesn’t really help much but…”
“Brad, help me out here”
I decided to reply back and let him know why I can’t unlock it
“Look Davis, it’s there for a reason, If we both cum, we’re stuck like this and can’t swap back, and I’ve herd the stories about how just a girl talking to you can make you cum, so I’m not risking you jerking off in my body, and then me having a accident or something in yours… plus I’ve hidden the key so don’t think about trying to unlock it, that stays on untill we swap back, got it?”
“Ya got it, you’ve hidden the key so it stays on” he replied back
After that, I didn’t hear from David for the rest of the day…
Truthfully I’ve been holding in the urge to piss and shit all day, so once I got back to David’s dorm, I couldn’t take it anymore and rushed to the bathroom
As I’m blowin it up I have my eyes resting in my arms trying not to look at his junk but I caught a glimpse and had to look
“ no fucking way” I said as I removed an arm and took a look
“It’s so small it doesn’t even hang haha, this thing is pathetic, maybe like an inch soft, it kinda curls into itself” I said as I got done with natures call
“ I wonder how big it is hard” I thought to myself as imagined naked chicks
I watched as it grew to a pathetic 3 and a half inches
“Dam I would hate to be this guy haha” I said as I gave it a quick tug
That was a mistake, I almost blew it right there
“Jesus Christ, that was close, the rumors really undersold him, he’s not a premature cumer, he’s extremely premature” I said getting up making sure to be as careful as possible to not make myself cum.
The night of the Halloween party came and I went, fully dressed in my nerd costume, suspenders and all
There was a lot of hot chicks around and at some point in the night they announced via the DJ that costume swaps that involved swapping we’re not gonna be counted in this years contest
“Man this is stupid” I said angrily walking to start getting drinks, that was probably the worst decision of the night because after an hour of drinking, I saw my body walk in, in this skeleton costume, now I shouldn’t be mad cause I did say I’d get him into the party, but what had me upset was the skeleton costume had an extra bone. My dick, he must have gotten out of the chastity lock somehow? Maybe he found the key?
I won’t lie, I was already hard from looking at all the hot chicks that I can’t fuck, mainly due to the rules of the swap, and due to how none of them wanna fuck this nerd…
But when I saw my body walk in, in that costume, displaying my dick though a costume I was gonna originally wear, and knowing I was disqualified myself from the contest, I let lose.
I got absolutely trashed, the last thing I remember before blacking out was Davis coming up to me an making small talk
“Hey bro, I herd they’re not counting swapped costumes this year” he said looking down at me
“Ya” I said looking up from my cup “so ima just drink my problems away and swap us back tomorrow night… I see you don’t have that chastity lock on anymore”
“Ya, I found the lock but I decided I’d need a costume and found this in your room, I’m guessing this was your original idea” he said giving his dick a quick pull.
“Ya” I said looking back down at my cup
Davis lightly slapped my arm and said “ aye don’t worry tho, I haven’t cummed yet, kinda hard staying erect for this costume all night haha”
“That’s good” I said, and then blacked out
I woke up in the middle of the night still drunk as fuck and couldn’t think straight
I saw Christine kissing my old body on the couch and got hard immediately
I rolled over to face them and whipped my dick our starting to slowly massage it
“Oh fuck ya, I always knew I’d end up with her” I said
“Christine looked over and without saying a word smacked my body to look this way”
Davis told her “it’s fine, he’s probably sexless and just living out some sick fantasy in his head, I mean maybe we should help him, how about instead of fucking tonight, we can just match him, and you can give me a hand job, and we can call it even if you want”
“Ok” she said putting back on her sexy face and proceeding to start giving Davis a hand job in my body
“Oh fuck this is so hot, a handjob from Christine, it feels so go-O-OD I said to myself cumming in my hand and falling asleep, not aware that I’m not actually me anymore and was just watching from Davis’s real body, not some out of body experience where I watch from the 3rd person
I awoke the next day with my pants down and my hand feeling Crusty,
“Ew, what happened last night?” I said to myself
I looked around and saw my body still on the couch, no longer with a boner, “Jesus how long did he hold that thing” I thought to myself
I reached over and threw a pillow at Davis’s head, waking him up
“ I’m up” he said frantically shooting upright
“Hey what happened last night” I said looking confused “why are my pants down”
“Oh you got drunk as fuck last night and jerked off last night on the couch” he said with a smile
“Oh shit did I? Well good save bro, I owe you one, I think ima get dressed and go home, we should be back to our normal selves tomorrow” I said getting up
“ I don’t think that’ll happen” Davis said standing up
“Woah woah why not?” I said looking concerned
He pointed down at his dick and I could see a white stain
“Did I mention you jerked off to Christine making out with me, and then proceeded to give me a handjob when she saw you jerking to us?” He said with a smile on his face
“How was it, was it worth the cumming” he said seeming excited at me slowly piecing things together
“I-I-don’t remember, you just let her jerk you off bro? Did you finish? Please tell me no”
“ dam that’s ashame, you seemed so satisfied after you lasted way longer than I typically do, you lasted about 2 minutes, there wasn’t a lot of cum at all but, hey, it still happened” he said smirking
“And I won’t say I did cum, but I also won’t say I didn’t, I think the stain in your costume answers that question pretty well hahahaha” he said laughing with the biggest shit eating grin I’ve ever seen
“ man, sorry you couldn’t help yourself last night but neither could I, I mean it’s not all bad tho, I get to stay as a bonafide fuck boi, this couldn’t have ended better for me” he said turning and walking out the door, leaving me to ponder what exactly went wrong last night tripping me in his nerdy body
#Edit I know this is a little out of season but I’ve been saving this story for awhile and just find it too hot not to post, hope tumblr don’t block it, if so it’ll have to wait till my patreon
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