#or maybe i like both takes but the one im going with varies depending on whats funnier or cuter to me in the moment
sonknuxadow · 5 months
hope you all know that i cant really see sonic entering a conventional romantic relationship not even in the future and that whenever i say i like a pairing involving him i mean in it a vaguely aromantic way. ok thats all
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dragonzfanfics11 · 17 days
One saw your newest post and I LOVED it!!! It's not often I find someone writing for my favorite SBG character(Logan), in fact I usually find people hating on him. Like my boy didnt do anything to deserve that. Anyways if your request are open and your up for it, SBG main 6 with an really affectionate S/O? Like always touching them in some way, example holding their hand, has their hand on their shoulder, arms wrapped around them, leaning against them, always wanting hugs and kisses, randomly hugging and/or kissing them. I'm a clingy person and act like this(though thats because im touched staved). If you don't do this thats fine, JUST KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
this actually made me smile thank you so much for the support 😭 I have no idea why anyone can hate logen tbh he's so cute and can be super badass with a gun to lol thanks for the request!!
Warnings- very fluffy probably,definitely spelling errors, im doing headcanons cuz I can't think of any storys rn lol
Sbg x affectionate reader!
Shes probably vary against all of the affection at first but eventually gets used to I and starts to like it!
She probably only lets you do small forms of affection in public but will let you cling to her when it's jut you two
She's mostly comfortable with hand holding or locking your pinkys together when your walking and somtimes a hug or two
She won't push you away when you just lean on her shoulder or wrap your arms around her when your alone pr with the group she just lets you do whatever depending who's around
I don't think she'd love kisses that often but like matey one every once in a while or just a kiss on the forhead/cheek
Hes probably always touching you in some way two like your both inseparable half the time
The only time he's not touching you is when he's trying to do something crazy and stupid
He's probably up for any kind of affection going from hand holding to cuddling and kissing
Honestly I think the first time you kissed him either on the lips or just the face he just short-circuited
He is not ashamed at all about you or any affection he gives you in public he makes sure everyone knows your his
Also off topic but I think he'd be the type to maybe get jealous any time somone gets to close to you excluding everyone in the group obviously
He probably would be super nervous at first because he's not used to so much attention from really anyone
He's probably mostly ok with just holding your hand,hugs, and cuddling
It probably takes him a while to get used to the kisses even if there jut on his face he becomes a blushing mess
He probably likes holding your hand in public or just any form of small touch its just comforting to him to know your there
Hes probably an awesome huger and cuddle I think he'd be so warm lol
He probably takes forever to get used to any form of affection from you evn if it's just small things he turns into a blushing mess
He probably prefers to just link pinkys with you or hold your hand but dosent mind of you just have your hand on his shoulder or anything like that
If you give him any kind of kiss I think he would just completely freeze and have a mental panic as his face is red as a tomato
I've probably dosent mind cuddling to much since the whole group cuddles together all the time so it's one of the things he's more comfortable with
He probably also likes hugs from you just because the comforting and nice
He probably acts like he hates it in public but is just as clingy when it's just you two
In public he'll somtimes hold your hand or link pinkys with you but he mostly just acts annoyed whenever you give him affection
When it's just you two though he'll be like a fvcking leach he'd probably love to cuddle with you and he'd let you cling to him with any kind of affection
If you kiss him on the face or anything in public he'd probably blush like crazy and act all offended and like he hated it
If you kiss im when it's just you two he'd probably just short-circuit and hide his face in the crook of your neck or something
Shed probably love any kind of affection you give her and she'd give you just as much affection anywhere
Shed probably love to jut hold your hand in public if that's what you wanted or if you wanted to just have your hand on her shoulder she's all for it
Shed probably love kisses on the cheek or forhead and Shed do it right back to you wherever you kissed her
Shed also be such a good cuddler and just gives you so much affection whenever you gave her affection
Shed love you just as much as you loved her
Thank you so much for the request again im so glad that I can make people like you so happy with my fanfics 😭
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
I hope your weekend won't be bad but just in case I have some questions (mostly about fanon and not canon) to distract you. Pick and choose whatever interests you:
- How/ When do you think bucktommy will make their relationship official? Is it after dating for a longer time or will it be immediately after the wedding?
- Ignoring canon drama, what song should their dance at the wedding be to?
- What was the biggest lesson Tommy learned in therapy?
- Is Tommy still in touch with Sal?
- How would you like Maddie's and Tommy's first meeting to go?
- How would Buck react to Tommy getting injured on the job?
You’re so sweet! And because I definitely need the distraction, I’ll answer them all!
I feel like canonically speaking they’ll put a label on it in one of two places, either right after the wedding or somewhere around 7x10. I’m not sure which one I’m leaning more towards, but I think they won’t wait too long because they know the risks of the job.
Ooooooh I have three possible answers to the dance question. And I don’t listen to a lot of good wedding dance songs 🤣. Either Perfect by Ed Sheeran, All of Me by John Legend, or Halo by Beyoncé.
How to forgive himself. I was going to type how to love himself, but I don’t think he could love himself until he forgave himself. Forgive himself for how he acted, absolutely, but also for all the pain he caused himself. All the stress and the heartache and low esteem that being closeted brought him. Forgive himself for making himself into a person he could barely recognize.
Ooooooh good question. Canonically, probably not. If he’s out, canon Sal would’ve dropped him like a sack of hot potatoes. In my headcanon, it depends on the story. Either no or yes but they talk very little. I feel like Sal being away from the 118 and growing older, maybe having some kids, might have made him into less of an asshole. Or maybe he’ll always be an asshole. Im not sure. Tommy could’ve also chosen to lose contact with him. Again, depends on the headcanon.
Tommy and Maddie’s first meeting! Well we all think that Chimney is being rescued by Tommy, so I can picture them rolling up and Maddie throwing himself into Tommy’s arms, thanking him profusely. Later over the wedding, maybe over the dinner or the dance, she takes the time to get properly introduced and talk to him a little.
Depends if Buck was there! Let’s assume he wasn’t. When he first hears the news (going back to my emergency contact headcanon), he goes still. He vaguely registers that Bobby is telling him to go. Maybe Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chimney drive him to the hospital. Buck paces around the waiting room. Depending on how serious it is, the 118 might wait with him. Tommy has no family that would come/is close enough to, so when Tommy can receive visitors Buck is first in line to go in. And seriousness of the injury can vary, but let’s say it’s an observe overnight deal, so Tommy’s got his room. Buck barely touches him at first, eyes memorizing every detail of his face. But then Tommy mumbles, “Evan”, and Buck places both hands on his face and gently presses kisses all over it, ending with one to his lips.
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honestly, the more i think about it the more certain i become that winds of winter and specifically the kings landing plot/vale/gc plot will significantly parallel the dance of the dragons (mainly the end of the dance).
others have already made great metas on this lol
i think cersei’s downfall will resemble alicent’s. im sad but certain that both tommen and myrcella will be killed (maybe paralleling aegon and rhaenys deaths?). i’m kind of hoping the sand snakes will go through character development and not choose revenge… but i kind of doubt it. i’m sure that cersei will definitely break down even further tho. that’ll be interesting and horrifying to read.
tommen will certainly die first, leading to myrcella being crowned. i think it’s likely that tommen is killed by the sand snakes, but i think myrcella will be killed during the fall of kings landing to (f)aegon. i wonder if the sand snakes try protecting her and fail?
i highly doubt that dorne is going to join (f)aegon. i think arianne will see the truth and will be able to successfully maneuver her way back to dorne. (tho i think she’ll have a run in with aurane which would be cool to read). however, (f)aegon will think that arianne is on his side. i’m worried that lady lance wont leave with the dornish party tho…
anyways, after the fall of kings landing cersei will likely be locked up as she won’t be considered a threat. but this won’t be enough to stop the crazy that will be childless cersei.
the high sparrow will certainly support (f)aegon.
i’m 50/50 on whether margaery marries again. i am worried that margaery will get jaehaera’d :/. i think it’s certain that she’ll be held hostage tho. what if she goes the helaena route… yikes… that’s a sad thought.
at this point in time i think the starks will hold winterfell once again and the freys will have be destroyed. the tullys will probably hold the riverlands again.
euron will be causing absolute havoc in the reach.
i think the vale plot in winds will resemble what happens during the dance. harry and robin will both probably die, so i think littlefinger, who’d be in trouble at that point, would try to gain power through sansa. so i think the knights of the vale will make their way to kings landing with sansa with the intent of making her queen.
this is where the tourney at ashford theory comes into play. though jonsas have it completely wrong, as (f)aegon will be the one taking the place of prince valarr. i’m a bit iffy about sansa marrying (f)aegon due to sansa’s marriage to tyrion… but it could be annulled i suppose? but would the high sparrow do that? i think it’s possible.
i wonder what will happen to trystane and the sand snakes tho? i do think that the sand snakes are savvy enough to be able to escape on their own but trystane worries me :(. and he’s gonna be devastated by myrcellas death.
anyways if the plot does move in this direction then i totally expect to read many littlefinger vs varys showdowns.
this will definitely be a false dawn tho. euron will likely be making his way to kings landing and i’m fairly certain that he will sit on the iron throne at some point. bet this is when cersei is able to rise again.
i’ll admit that this prediction for winds has many holes in it. i may be misremembering some stuff as well and i likely haven’t considered all variables either, so take everything i just stated as a vague prediction.
some questions i’m asking myself rn lol: would the tyrell army go down that easily (or maybe varys friends in the reach will help the golden company win the battle?)? will sweet robin really die :(? baelish won’t be able to try and take back the north bc the starks will hold it once again, and going north would mean definitely giving up his hold over sansa… so wouldn’t trying to make sansa the new queen make more sense? since he’d still be able to isolate her and she’d likely need to depend on him? but wouldn’t going to kings landing again be dangerous for him? well if his and varys interests line up then maybe not… but would the knights of the vale follow him? i guess if both harry and robin died then they’d be totally lost too…
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fourswords · 18 days
starting sketching out light and like. HES 12??? like I get it- he's about to be 13- And knight is the oldest at a grand total of 15 but like-
like I know they're dumb in the manga but 😭 every 12-13 year old I've ever met is like a certified dumpster fire, which you might wanna consider in his character lmso
but I just feel like after the manga it wouldn't even matter that he saved Hyrule, he's just getting grounded until he's a legal adult 😭
like azure THATS A BABY- Aint no way he's smart enough to have even survived half the manga even with his dumb luck!
im crying please add like one year to all their ages im on my hands and knees is your goal to give this tiny child some form of PTSD because he is IN CONSTANT DANGER.children need to have a sense of safety (and their stupidity doesn't count, blue got swallowed alive and frozen, vio was lying to SAVE HIS LIFE, green was straight up about to kill vio and had to deal with attacking another knight, and couldn't bring himself to attack their own dad, and then red got chased by an angry mob and then lost all will to LIVE with blue in that one temple-) 12 is barely even conscious and self aware 😭
like I know 12 year olds have complex emotions and can handle abstract concepts and start getting into deeper moral understanding- but my human of earth the self awareness is either ONE THOUSAND OR ZERO AND THERE ISNT A BETWEEN AT THAT AGE-
im sorry if I sound rude or something btw I'm mostly just joking and I tend to overdramatize for comedic effect but I genuinely cant wrap my head around him being just 12- like at least 14??? maybe bump knight to 16 while ur at it? ?
also I'm gonna figure out some way to incorporate the different colors into his hat probably, its big so its like a bag lol since in the manga blue just shoved his whole hammer in there I'm pretty sure
smithy will be extremely small without complaint.
feel free not to take my words seriously tho lol I just cant imagine a 12 year old going thru the manga, like look me in the eyes and tell me a 12 year old-
if I misunderstood anything lmk lol I am a lil stupid sometimes
HAHAHA YES HE IS IN FACT TWELVE. The Legend of Zelda is a series that's all about "yeah let's hand this child a sword and let him go nuts" (to use a popular example, BOTW Link being canonically handed a sword at age four and is said in Mipha's diary to have been able to best grown men in fights: "At the request of Hyrule's king, a group of outsiders came to greet us at the domain. One of them was a Hylian child of only about four years of age. His name was Link. He made quite a first impression. He was curious and full of energy, with a ready smile. Are all Hylian children that way? One thing that surely sets him apart is his swordsmanship, which I hear is exceptional. He has even bested adults. He must be somewhat reckless, however, as he was covered in bruises.") and I absolutely intend to lean into that as much as possible. Light's age comes mainly from comparing Akira Himekawa's designs for Links of varying ages side-by-side with each other; for example, you have Minish Cap Link, who's very obviously drawn like a young child:
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You have Twilight Princess Link and Ocarina of Time Link, both drawn to look like older teenagers (and we know OOT Link's older age is 16-17 depending on who you ask):
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We have Skyward Sword Prequel Link, who is a fully-fledged adult (his other panels illustrate the difference more sharply, but this is what he looks like, so):
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And then we have FSA Link in the manga, who is drawn to be VERY visibly younger than OOT, TP and SS Prequel Link, but is definitely visibly older than MC Link (he's got the rounder face + eyes, the shorter stature, and it becomes even more visible when compared to the knights in the FSA manga itself):
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His maturity level also does, to me, match that of an average 12-year-old nepo baby (which he really kind of is)—kid who thinks he knows everything & that he's hot shit but is kind of a giant train wreck internally.
All three Four Sword heroes prior to him were explicitly stated to be "young boys", and FSA manga Link is really no different in that regard—in the context of my own AU, he's actually the one who went on his adventure at the oldest age (with Smithy going on his around 8-9, Four going on his at 10, and Knight now going on his at 11). It's just been a shorter time since his adventure than it has been for the others ^^;
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stars-tonight · 1 month
Hi! So…I saw your haikyu matchup thingy and thought…YES.
On that note could I request a long romantic matchup?
The only characters I really have a problem with is Oikawa, kindaichi, and Kunimi. Also slight Atsumu but if you REALLY feel we’re a match (which I doubt) then he’s okay.
I’m a girl and I go by she/her, with a preference for mostly guys but will also do anything for a pretty girl…
My ideal partner varies depending on the day so it’s hard to say. Most of all I enjoy humor (or being able to tease the other). Which is kinda contradictory considering my anime type tends to be the tall, silent, and dense type…however, I also enjoy those that I feel need support or a little lift up. I may or may not have a savior complex.
I’m pretty shy when meeting new people but depending on the dynamic I can pop open and hit you with the most atrocious comment you’ve ever heard. I also tend to be really giggly and laugh at almost every dad joke. I’m also a bit family oriented but in like a sibling way? Essentially my sibling’s are my whole life. My best friends, my worst enemies, my everything.
I like to crochet and I’m in community service club. And I (obv) watch anime and really like reading romance/fantasy books!
Not sure what my receiving is but possible words or touch? Even quality time? Definitely not gifts. I know my giving is touch and words tho.
Ideal date would be something indoors where we can talk or admire something and share opinions. Like an aquarium or even board game night or smth.
I’m a big foodie and I have a GIANT sweet tooth. I’m allergic to cats sadly but they would totally be my favorite pet. My mbti is an INFJ and my enneagram is 9w1. Top characters are Tsuki, Yamaguchi (we have the same b-day 😈), Ushijima, and Bokuto.
-but can I be 👻 anon?
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🥛 first tsukki match in more than a month 🥳
🥛 honestly i thought of tsukishima before even seeing that he was one of your favorite characters lol
🥛 idk how skilled tsukishima is at "humor" but you'll definitely be able to tease each other
🥛 although he can sometimes be a little mean with it so hopefully you're okay with that
🥛 if you ever get genuinely upset by something he says though, he'll fs realize it and make it up to you somehow
🥛 which brings me to my point about love languages . . . i think tsukki's giving love languages are definitely acts of service or quality time, maybe a teeeeensy bit of physical touch
🥛 maybe both at the same time, like if he notices you're cold he'll wrap his scarf around you and pat your head or something after (while scolding you for not wearing something warm)
🥛 his receiving love language would maybe be physical touch
🥛 he says he hates it but he's secretly blushing and trying to hide his face so you can't see and make fun of him for it
🥛 also tsukki is tall and silent but definitely not dense, at least not when it comes to academics
🥛 he's pretty dense when it comes to social interactions or romantic gestures, ngl
🥛 he also cares a lot about his brother so it's cool that you're both family / sibling oriented
🥛 if he's going to settle down with someone i feel like he secretly needs them to be approved by his family, especially his brother
🥛 also since you share the same birthday as yamaguchi, it's simpler for tsukishima to get you both presents and prepare celebrations
🥛 tsukki always says it's easier than having to remember a separate day
🥛 (but you know he'd take care to memorize your birthday no matter what day it is)
🥛 tsukki definitely prefers staying in to going out and likes private, indoor dates
🥛 he likes the aquarium date because you can ask him questions about the marine life and he can rattle off facts and appear smart
🥛 he'd always scold you for eating too much candy
🥛 i could see him as a reader but not the romance / fantasy genre, if you somehow get him to read a romance novel he'll be rolling his eyes at every cheesy scene and grumbling about how he can't believe you got him to read something like this
runner up for you was sakusa kiyoomi!
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A/N: hello 👻anon! i am so sorry about the long wait but hopefully you like your matchup :)
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rontra · 1 year
holding your hand looking into your eyes is the exact energy I intended thank you for picking up on it
typeoneninja asked: Maybe though do say who powergirl is because I have actually less than zero idea
oh my god i get to talk about my blorbo...okay well you MUST understand i'm still a comics newbie and laser focus on only the stuff i directly care about so it's not like i've read everything about her or anything (and things do vary--sometimes A LOT depending on the character lol--from comic to comic as is DC's dark design). so take everything here as kinda loosy-goosy from someone who's Casually Acquainted. however (LONG POST)
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you know Supergirl right. heard of her. kara zor-el (spelling may wary) she's superman's cousin (usually) and has the same power set. it's me supergirl and i have all your powers
power girl is Also kara zor-el (spelling may vary) from a Different Dimension. two of them.
the details about her backstory vary a little but the agreed upon IDEA for her is that her home dimension has like collapsed somehow or the earth in it is torn to shreds or whatever. she's either like the only survivor of a dimension that went poof or she's been isekai'd here from an earth that was getting blown up by demons or whatever.
and now there's two karas and theyre forced to coexist on the same earth and they can't both show up dressed like supergirl so now power girl has to do her own thing.
that's like generally the gist of whats going on w her conceptually. she got vooped over here and now she's stranded on an earth that isn't hers with castmates that aren't the same people she knew
like i said the specifics of her backstory vary but on top of being Dimension Displaced she usually shares Supergirl's whole "after their home planet exploded she arrived to earth much later than Superman did, due to Space Shenanigans" thing. she's usually older than supergirl. and she DOES have bigger boobs also. NOT sure why that's a dimensional difference between them but i'll take it (what were they feeding her on earth 2?)
sometimes they're drawn basically looking identical. i can understand the impulse (they are both kara zor-el after all.) but i think it's kind of a shame when power girl doesn't look Older than her because i like it when she's older than her. i guess sometimes they either ditch that part or just don't feel like it. F.
anyway when they look identical you can usually tell them apart by identifying which one DC has bequeathed the Boob Window upon and that one will be power girl. works every time
to me i became enamored with her when i was reading some green lantern comic (it was my first comic, they had launched a guy's coffin into the sun and had to go get it back it was wack) and i noticed a boob window girl (my beloved) had BEEN INVITED but didnt get to DO anything. she spent all her time standing in crowd shots while other people did the main stuff. and i thought "wow. now there's a character i need to put in my purse". and the rest is history
it was like this
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i felt like bad for her i was like oh honey...you're coming with me... my girl in the ensemble
she kind of struggles in general because she doesn't get a lot of content coming her way. (and when she does it's not usually stuff that i love.) she shares this with supergirl too 🥰
anyway i hope that helps a little. she's supergirl from a different dimension and she's stuck here now. is the gist of it.
for a bonus side-elaboration on what IM doing over here in my AU, my main basis for CTDE power girl is her shenanigans in the n52 where she gets stuck here WITH another extremely normal girl (they get isekai'd together during like a big dumb demon war on their home earth). that's helena wayne she's batman's daughter in the other dimension and no such person exists on this earth. they're both stuck (together) (the only 2 people on earth who know and understand each other) (it's romance) (superbat for girls)
in that story power girl becomes like mildly obsessed for a bit with devising a way to get HOME to her own dimension and earth which is (as far as she knows) still under siege by Planet Fucking Hellmouth. shes building machines. shes using technology
(while helena believes there's nothing to go home to anymore and they should try to make a new life in this new dimension)
what gets me about it is that its SO FUNNY that this specific power girl's setup is basically a supervillain origin story that they just don't lean into because her name is on the book (obviously). (hey why do so many villains build a DimensionFucking Machine that's gonna Fuck Up the Dimensions because theyre obsessed with something on the other side anyway)
but i feel no such restraint obviously!!!!
so anyway my CTDE "Arc 1" is about Power Girl (now almost two decades deep in her desperate fixation) finishing building the ultimate DimensionFucker 9000 to get home. shes been working on this for years. she doesn't care very much about this earth and she needs to go back to her own one NOW
Helena is realizing with horror she's way too late to talk her babygirl out of this one because PG just isn't listening to her anymore (and as a human she would struggle to snap PG out of it by force). she feels she has no other recourse but to betray her most specialest girl and sell her out to supergirl, who's investigating the Weird Dimension Rift Shit that's been going on (and is strong enough to actually fight her)
And Supergirl has to stop PG because what that thing is doing to HER universe is NOT GOOD!!!!!
(Supergirl was like a teenager when her home planet krypton went kaboom--she Remembers it and feels detached from everything because she doesn't Have a home anymore + oh my god the trauma + also no one on earth even really needs her that much. but that doesn't mean PG can DESTROY THE DIMENSION!!!!)
(also in my AU the other earth is actually lost for good, so it's not only a Grief Quest but a FUTILE Grief Quest because there's no one alive and nothing to salvage on the other side of the portal anyway)
It's the "Power Girl As Villain In A Supergirl Book" arc. because i think women should have cute obsessions that endanger other people and i LOVE when the karas interact
this is why i drew pictures of them being very not nice to each other 😔
like it all works out. it's fine. they do some crying and screaming at each other, some kicking and punching, helena gets her piece in, and PG's brain fungus finally calms down enough for her to take the "Protagonist Kara" seat for Arc 2 (when Supergirl has her own issues to deal with)
theres just a lot of "kara zor el screaming At Herself that she can't go home because there is no such place anymore and she has to live with that forever in a place she doesn't belong". you know. girl talk
anyway that's like roughly power girl + what im doing with her in my first arc (helena is here too dont worry) hope that helps. shes my comic blorbo. hope she gets the main stage in a good comic someday. MDGHBJFGM
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Ok, let´s see: the incident who happened when Paul was with a girl and John destroyed her dress, who is very confucing; some songs of Paul (well lots of songs) who can be related about this (from the obvious Here Today to The Lovers who Never Were) the interminable descriptions of the beautiful hands of one, the handsome presence of the other, etc...the "if you were a girl" moment ( who i can´t remember when, but was one of my first pieces of suspiction XD) all the pinning (from both of them, but Paul even more...he still dreams with him sometimes)...the weird "fanfiction" where appear amie d´mitril and Paris...
...someone said me in Discord "There are some men who are boyfriends and don't realize it until they break up" after showing an iceberg with some Mclennon theories. Someone who no was even into it.
Im kinda agnostic about all this, but im really amazed about all the theories who exist about this, who the doubts and suspictions are really understable. Is a lot on info!
Are you asking me to rate this for the ask game, because most of these are verifiable things, the question is just what they mean/what led to them, right?
I can give you a personal take on all of them though.
John cutting up the girl Paul was having sex with's clothes: I 100% find this eyebrow-raising and quite possibly an act of jealousy. But I also can't discount that John was likely off his face and maybe his reason for doing that didn't really make sense either. (e.g. maybe he wanted to use the bedroom and thought up a way to get rid of the girl as fast as possible? I don't know, I just don't think there's enough information to be sure of his motivations)
Songs: I generally find it kind of exhausting to argue about song meanings and what they reveal about John and Paul's relationship without anything else to go on. I feel like songs don't have to be about them for them to have had Feelings™ for each other and also songs could be about them and be less literal than some people think. There can be emotions and themes inspired by the other that find their way into a song, without the song literally describing what happened. What I mean by this is I don't think it's at all impossible However Absurd (of which I've read the lyrics, to be clear) is in some sense about John but I wouldn't from that conclude that John and Paul literally made love. And if I'm not drawing these conclusions, it's less important to me whether However Absurd is about John or not, in that sense.
Beautiful hands: I do want to slightly push back against describing Paul's geberal speech pattern with words like "interminable". Tumblr deliberately picks out the most ~mclennon-y~ things from his interviews and shares these quotes over and over. (also thinking of last year when people were claiming most of the Eyes of the Storm book was John, when really those were just the pictures people shared around the most) That's not to say he doesn't bring up John a lot (lol) but I think he probably mentions John's hands specifically less often than some think. The thing is, the main quote people use regarding this, is the one where Paul directly compares John's hands to his son's. Unless you wanna argue Paul is into James, you have to conclude Paul finds hands aesthetically pleasing and interesting without necessarily being attracted to them. And showing John chords and playing guitar "mirrored" actually makes a lot of sense as something that would make Paul notice John's hands.
Handsome presence of the other: your mileage may vary here and it depends on the specific quote. Some I agree, and some are imo them both just being frank about the fact that physical attraction matters to people, even when you aren't personally physically attracted to them.
"If I had been a woman...": single best argument for reciprocated McLennon IMO. I also think it's very possible that Paul is observing the fact that romantic relationships are hierarchically placed above friendships and "the bro code" prevented Paul from doing anything about John's privileging of Yoko over him. But it could definitely Also be Paul saying "I would like to have gotten together with him".
Pining: Honestly, I think they both had a lot of reason to feel Weird about each other in the seventies. There was a lot of bad blood but also a lot bonding them in an almost cosmic way: the shared trauma of losing a mother AND of fame, the weirdness of being both pitted against each other and sold to the public as a package deal... I think they were ripe for the conflicted pining picking. Regarding Paul's behaviour NOW.... I don't know, I don't think it's weird at all that he still sometimes dreams about John. I think he talks about John in part because that's what people want to hear (and tumblr pretends to be surprised every time when they're part of the target audience lol) and also I think.... people sometimes sort of gloss over the fact that Paul literally lost John in a highly traumatic way? Maybe that's gonna make him A Little Weird. (most of this is neither here nor there, regarding their romantic feelings for each other by the way)
Amie in Paris:
I haven't read the story in full but I feel similarly here to how I feel about the songs I think. There might be an argument that John is less prone to fictionalizing than Paul (though... I don't think that applies to his prose, even if autobiographical elements can be found in it) but he's also joking half the time. It doesn't to me feel like an especially fruitful avenue to conclude things about John's life.
All in all, I know what you mean. I do think there's A Lot going on between them, however you parse it.
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hornsketch · 1 year
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hey there! ive finally made an art blog! im going to try post more just… stuff, as usually i reserve my art posts for either special occaisions or specifically public-oriented works, and it kinda bums me out to not just have a place to dump my art anymore, so here you go!
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(more details and helpful info below!)
who are you?
in hopes of providing some relevant lenses to view my work through, ill give some personal details here. if these lenses dont suit your interpretation of the work, thats alright! view as you please, though i do still think these will always be important context in said viewings.
my name is zelda (she/her) and im a queer jewish 20something who struggles quite a bit with illness both physical and mental.
ive always been kind of enthralled by impressionism and what it really means to use suggestion and spirit as a stronger tool than portrayal and form.
i have a particular draw to fantasy and magical aesthetics, especially the world-building within.
i am a serial overthinker, and tend to see alot of meaning and symbolism in things that plainly do not have them.
while yes i am jewish, my relation to faith is complicated. if you see me type “god” im using it in a turn of phrase with no meaning. if you see me type out “g-d” i am being religious. yes i know thats not how its supposed to work. its meaningful to me.
what will you post?
as previously mentioned, here im trying to make a concerted effort to post a broader variety of things with a wide selection in quality and topic, so unfortunately here the only real uniting theme is going to have to be that i made it. still! to help navigate the space, listed below will be a list of tags i will try to keep to, all of which this post will also be tagged as, since i know tumblr search can be finicky.
#the self and the other
these will be about me, my friends and loved ones, or possibly both
#differing mediums
these pertain to other works or universes, as well as fan content
#harsh tones
this is gonna be the rough stuff. topics will be tagged as needed.
#jaunty doodles
funny business. shenanigans, even.
listen this blog is for a wide breadth of content, so please if you do not want to, or otherwise should not be seeing mild to moderate nsfw content (i dont rlly plan on posting straight up porn here) block this tag.
wait— is there anywhere you do post more direct nsfw?
maybe, yeah. but before any of that i would like to set some ground rules. these are my spaces for me to share my work for others to see. if you arent a fan of what i post, ill make no attempts to dissuade you from that. your discomfort is your right. I would however request that you dont make your discomfort an issue i am epxected to remedy. ill have no harsh feelings if you arent a fan of my less safe for work content, or even anything it may tangentially relate to, and need to take the necessary steps to curate your experience in those regards. i will be far less than happy if people cant behave because i post content that is not to their personal tastes, within reason.
all of that being said, yes, if you are an adult fan of my other work, feel free to check out @shinyspadetiptail
do you take commissions?
yeah, usually. im not really at the point where i have to close and open them for availability reasons, so shoot me a dm and ill usually be able to give you a response pretty quick on.
price tends to vary by project, and i always set $20 per hour of canvas time as my baseline, but generally simpler stuff like limited detail icons and emojis run in the $20-$30 range, while fully detailed halfbodies tend to run in the $40-$50 range, and fully done fullbodies range more $70-$80. aside from that, backgrounds are a little too context dependent to put a full price estimate on and extra characters can and will cost extra.
usually whatll happen is after laying out the basic price range we’ll talk, and ill thumbnail until we have smth we can agree on, and once weve got an idea of what were going for ill give an estimate that ill try to stick close to, barring any major changes or complications. from then on ill try to send updates whenever i work, and then when im relatively close to finished ill ask for the payment either through paypal or cashapp, after which ill send on the finished piece and any expected variations. in some cases, this may be changed, and payment may be done half at the start, and half when relatively close to completion.
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zeroiii · 2 months
hi i know this is a weird question but idk who to ask or anything really and i keep getting conflicting opinions off reddit
what r the best type of weed/thc gummies to order do you know? and how long does it take to kick in is there a scientific formula to it? im a fat guy so i did read that it might take longer to work for me or that i might have higher tolerance because of that
i am legal btw if you're worried about that, im just disabled and have some mental issues that make it hard for me to figure this out
and i keep finding so much varying info??? it really is not easy to research
pls help or maybe your followers can help if you don't know
or maybe direct me somewhere where i should be asking instead? idk
honestly i might not be the best person either but i will post so others can help but most importantly if ur looking for pain relief i would look for thc AND cbd gummies; they make ones with both. cbd is seriously going to be ur best friend for pain relief
your tolerance is kind of weight-dependent. i can't remember exactly what it is, but if you're super skinny like me ur gonna lose ur tolerance super fast (mine gets pretty low if i dont smoke or do edibles for more than a day). i dont know if i worded any of this right especially bc if its ur first time trying anything thc its going to hit you no matter what. my first time eating an edible i had 20mg and did not move from the couch for hours
it also kind of depends on how full your stomach is, at least ive noticed for me. i try to eat something before eating a gummy if i can and depending on the strength it can take a bit. i never time it anymore but usually its working within the next half hour
i cant rly say WHERE to buy weed because it really depends on ur state and local area stuff. i have a couple dispensaries about 20 minutes away from me but it could be different for u. dont do gas station weed. even if theyve got a fancy counter and all the cool glassware behind them, dont do gas station weed.
i think ive said everything i wanted to say so if anyone else wants to give inputs :)
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honeybyte · 11 months
didn't want to ask this in the replies but what is your process like for designing clothing for characters bc not only do they look gorgeous but you always put so much thought into your stuff, esp the historical kind. it smthin i've always kind of struggled with tbh and you make it so interesting
oh man it kinda. varies? depending on what kind of clothing i want out of a character. this gets kinda long too but bear w me lol
the fashion pieces i do, i spend a lot of time going thru fashion editorials for poses and pick up pieces of different outfits or silhouettes that i want out of a piece. for stuff like a set occupation (hunter, butcher, blacksmith) it's abt knowing time period and finding the pattern between different photos.
the more complicated ones are like. odelia and euan. where im creating a whole piece that's frankensteined from a couple different styles (rococo, georgian, regency, etc). i think the three main types of information i depend on are Goal, Silhouette, and Fabric.
so Odelia and Euan. the goals for them are very different, bc Odelia strives to be the center of attention while Euan tries to blend in with the background.
Odelia needs something extravagant and flashy, maybe brightly colored and shiny; pastels and wide skirts would be good for her, and rococo is a good place to find both. satin is good for shine and lace is good for detail, and both are relatively light materials. Euan would want something a little more subdued, possibly a tighter silhouette so he's not taking up much space. i found a picture of a russian noble while i was sifting thru various noble clothing designs, and i liked the way the silhouette was tighter and cleaner. he'd also need darker colors if he wants to hide in the shadows. i like the way darker colors look in velvet, and it's a thicker, heavier fabric, which was another trait in the photo i was referencing. i also like the weight and thickness of quilted fabric so throw that in there for fun and detail. lastly, being as they're twins and high priests, they need a way to tie the designs to each other, and i settled on a thicker neckline that suits both styles in different ways. the finished concept looks a bit like this.
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granted this is always subject to change, and its a v simple version of the design i want, but its a good start
with designs like that i also like looking for textiles! rococo patterns are so pretty too, so i picked one for Euan as well. the off white would be shared between the two designs, the lighter blues for Odelia, and the darker blues for Euan
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wheeze that's a rough estimation of how i go thru designs, there's a type of practicality and personality i want out of most of them so i try to research what i can when i want smth specific. part of this is admittedly bc i. am a lil obsessed w period clothing, so i already have some of that in my back pocket, but i also think just typing in "[year] fashion" is a fair place to start. regardless, having fun is a Must when you're designing clothes for a character so dont forget that bit lol. i wish you luck and godspeed, friend!
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
do yuo yave any more liam thoughts im delirious rn a d i need my boy. I need my boy.
i ALWAYS have liam thughts every day of my LIFE . they may not be esp collected bc i have many so i dont have specific ones ive planned to share BUT ill throw some of my thoughts on him in Bullet Point Form and may end up elaborating on a few in particular :) (lot of these may be more vague, and some r more just things ive had on my mind cus ive been planning stuff!!!!)
generally, i think liam stays in airys world for a while, yeah, but i think he gets the contestants out before 8 months. this is mostly bc of charlotte. BUT also, we know airy has been in this place for "at least a decade," but oscar ALSO says he was on the plane "at least a decade ago." so its unclear how long airy WAS there for (if we assume that one takes place in the 2010s, in 2020-its vague and im not sure if cheesys ever clarified- but no code by pearl jam came out in 1996, so if its 2010s, hes only been dead for a bit over ten years, and 2020 would mean somewhere between 1996-2010, and this ISNT accounting for how long he spent in the waiting room) but it seems? that it didnt take him. actually THAT long to figure out how to teleport people to and from the plane. it seems to have been one of the easier things he figured out! (aside from actually creating planets) and? airy was a trucker. he COULDVE had tech experience, and i think sometimes people overestimate how much exp liam would have with tech as a telemarketer, ill have to look that up, but like. hed DEF have more exp w computers, just based on profession, so id imagine at least INTERFACING would be easier. the point of this is that i dont think liam would take long to find out how to teleport people, esp not ten years. especially with as much nonstop effort he shows in the series (compared to airy, who was likely in no rush, though im sure rushing WOULD mess with the speed that liam would figure things out), i think hed figure it out way sooner than airy did, and thats not even TRULY accounting that airy couldve taken any amount of time to figure it out
continuing that, ive seen ppl say that the computer wouldnt be able to teleport him home, but if my theory that the kill command is actually just an offshoot of the code used to teleport people (which ive posted abt before, but to summarize, when characters die, their bodies remain, but when the kill command is used, their bodies disappear, as shown at the end of universe modulation) is correct, the computer isnt restricted just to the plane. i think the extent of its abilities are mostly reserved for the planets it makes, but i think it may have otehr functions outside of these (such as interdimensional internet access, apparently). the point of all of this is that i think hed be able to send everyone home eventually, and i think it actually makes SENSE for him to get home. i think being able to teleport himself back home would take way longer than teleporting the others, esp since he most likely has the base code for the others (and airy didnt seem to actually BE concerned w getting home. he was lonely, but i dont think it was home that he was concerned with), but i think hed get home eventually
on that note, ive also said before that my family hcs for him vary. i OFTEN depict him as a middle child mainly bc it gives him people whove been waiting for him to come back that arent just one coworker. BUT i do sometimes depict him as an only child . it depends on the day. BUT!!! i thnk no matter what, once he gets home, he stays with owen the first day/night back. i think hed move in w bryce and amelia and charlotte very genuinely, but i think this would happen after MANY months. maybe a year or so. he needs some time. i think in that time, he stays w owen, OR if im depicting him as a middle sibling i throw him w one or both of them
also i dont actually think they contradict canon. ik a lot of people sometimes see liam NOT going to family after getting home as an indicator that he has no close family but like. tbh i dont think it even mattered HOW close he was w any family. i think the moment he saw that he was presumed dead, any hope hed had that things would return to normal, if that even was on his mind, just disappeared. because he was Dead.there wasnt anything left because he disappeared, he died, and that was it. before he looks at the notes he just kind of. looks lost. because at that pt he doesnt HAVE an idea of what hes going to do. all hes thinking abt is that this is Fucked. and i dont think it had anything to do w being close to people, or having friends or family (though it does seem to be mildly implied that he WASNT close w that many people, but i dont think that rly has much to do w whether he has siblings. siblings arent always SUPER tight knit, tho i think they were all at least friends :) ). i think he just. didnt know what to DO because he doesnt have almost Anything to his existence anymore, he just existed one day then he didnt!!! and then after looking at the notes, he still was dead, but he could still do Something about the plane with whatever he had left, not in possesions, but of Himself
on the subject of how he responded to things, i think SO often about how he seems to respond to stress. thruout the series, he is shown responding to small AND major stressors, and ive dedicated my life to studying the minute details of Liam Behavior so that i can make sure i understand him As Much As Possible. and? he is soooo not loud. under any pressure, he just Stops doing things. like the end of ep 1 could be excused as shock, but there are SO many instances of him just sorta. Stopping, or at the very least Not speaking when stressed, just tuning things out (if hes not full on dissociating, but since hes also generally Quiet it CAN be hard to distinguish if he is or not, since sometimes he may just Not be talking. i still have yet to study him wrt this but i will eventually), theres even lighter examples of this, like him Not saying anything in ep 2 when everyones yelling at airy, or him passing by bryce in ep 13 and seeming to think that would work? he just. often responds to things by NOT responding to them. there are only a few instances where he deviates from this, such as in ep 2 when he yells at airy, in eps 10 and 13 when he yells at bryce, and the many many times he yells at airy thru eps 17 and 18. but what ties these all together is that what REALLY pushes him to go from quiet to loud is when people are Ignoring Vital Details. when they are Confidently sticking to smth thats Incorrect and WONT listen to him (which is a bit more subjective w bryce ofc, but its still Incorrect to him). i think this also can of course extend to morally incorrect, as shown in ep 18, but even then, i think the main catalyst for what he says there is desperacy. he isnt asking airy why owens on his computer because he doesnt know. liam can be reckless throughout one (which is HEAVILY influenced by stress), but hes not stupid. he KNOWS why owen was there. i think THAT was just. denial? a need to know why? i dont know what specifically the emotion is, but at that pt, airy is acting FAR beyond what liam can reason him to not do. and? liam DOESNT say anything when he tries to kill airy. liam yells when people are being illogical, or not listening. because he WANTS them to listen. but airy wont listen to him. ive said it before but ill say it 2 billion times more that liam trying to kill airy was NEVER abt anger. really? he was acting how he acts when STRESSED. when hes NERVOUS . he historically Stops talking when hes under a lot of stress, and yells when indignant or frustrated
this does influence how i try to depict him, because i dont think hes an esp angry person, but when people wont Listen i think THAT does make him mad (and i think its also why he doesnt go to people when he gets home. if he wanted to talk abt things, he wants to talk to people abt how they ARE, not a fake version that people will believe. i think him getting a therapist post-canon is very challenging because of this. he is very stubborn) but when hes stressed or nervous he seems way more likely to Stop doing anything, and its smth i try to take into account when writing him SO much. he CAN be scared and still talking n stuff, but if its too bad hes more likely to freeze up
man tho. people joke abt him fighting REALLY poorly in ep 18 but i think people forget that he is running on FUMES. airy has been chopping down trees for years, hes fine. but liam got to bryces house and slept til morning, and seems to have maybe slept a litttttle? in ep 13, but its not very clear. he may have just sat there til the coast was clear for him to steal bryces car. who knows. but THEN he crashed a car (NOBODY points out that he was limping. either he was very out of it or that guy injured his leg AGAIN. i dont think it was a breakage but he SEEMS like hes in pain and then forgets it). then died a bunch of times. spent a WHOLE day awake. then went to airys world. and is just around for a while, cries, talks to airy, and Likely sleeps a little til morning. or at least lays there. its ALSO not clear. and keep in mind, he JUST spent the week before nonstop hitchhiking with likely minimal food or water bc he... doesnt have money (which i dont think is needed in airys world. i think it and the plane maintain people who live there, but thats its own hc). that, and with the way i interpret how the waiting room heals injuries, his leg may not have fully healed (which airy DEF didnt help. you are NOT supposed to straighten out broken legs. it was better than nothing but that guys leg is NOT healed) similarly, i dont imagine his arm is doing much better. those last few parts CAN be set to the side since that IS just how i interpret the waiting room but even aside from those. all of this to say that when he is fighting airy i think he is VERY obviously Really Fucking Tired. like yeah of COURSE hes not going to aim an AXE well. this guy hasnt known rest in 7 months and KEEPS getting injured. OBVIOUSLY hes not gonna fight well!!! hell, hes never FOUGHT someone with an AXE before. i think hes a little inexperienced on that front too!!!!!!
OH YEAH. sleeping thing reminded me. i think he and amelia sleep on the floor so much out of habit. i think they could sleep ANYWHERE but also bc theyre both so used to shitty sleeping conditions, good sleeping conditions make them fall asleep SUPER fast. this eases w time but i think it happens a lot. i think for the first few months, if liam has one blanket he just goes wow! thats comfortable (falls asleep)
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ganondoodle · 2 years
Hey, I adore your artstyle mate, I loveeee all the vivid colors and the fact that most of it lacks lines?? You doing the hard stuff, but it paying off 💜
can I ask, as I’d like to get into comic making, how long does it take you to finish a a single panel?
Hi!! thank you very much!! drawing lineart is incredibly frustrating to me so im very glad i was able to make the jump to mostly lineless artwork, tho im very much still at the beginning to learn how to do it xD
to answer your question, i .. cant say really, it depends on what is on the panel, and i always jump around when working on a page, i draw half of the very last panel, then jump to another, maybe i see something i want to change right away and work on the third besides i ... dont know anything about panel composition, i think in movies so i play it and try to pause it on a frame that could work as a panel, whichs is probably why it goes alot slower than normal comics, idk how much to skip gndfjknvgfdjk
im by no means an expert in making comics, you kinda have to find your own way of what works for you, i have done many in the past but all failed, i gave up before getting even one chapter done many times
general advice i can give you is, most importantly, dont wait, i know its daunting to start, but you have to start, even if you dont think you are good enough, you will always change and improve anyway, better start now or you might do it never, and remember, when a page is done its done, i know how tempting it is to go back and redo it, but if you start with that it will only lead to an endless cycle of remaking it over and over
a cause that made me abandon my old projects, was partly lack of support/recognition, but mostly that i was forcing myself to things that werent fun, like one i made in black and white bc i thought you had to do it bc color takes too long, but i live for colors, so it drained the fun out of it immediately
the only "rules" i have set for myself is that its understandable, the flow of the action doesnt flip around too much, speech bubbles are aligned in a way that guides you (of course im not perfect at that either and always learn); i dont jump between pages, i jump between working on panels, but i dont start another page before the previous is at least acceptable, otherwise id get ahead of myself and get impatient, just wanting to skip ahead and neglect older pages; and that i only work on a panel/page as long as it has acceptable quality and is fun to draw, when i notice im getting bored or frustrated i finish it quickly as best as i can and move on, otherwise it might drag the entire project down, which is why each panel or page in 'Destiny' varies alot in quality
i can barely look at the first pages .. or even at the last one i made for that matter, but its also fascinating, how much my art changes within even one update which takes me about a month for 4 pages, since i have set my 'fun' rules at least, it used to take much longer (i wish i was faster, and i could be, but i have a job, and have to look out for my health, both physically and mentally, so i take whatever time i need and draw however much i feel like drawing, no rushing)
my progress so far is that i write a rough script, what happens, what dialog, where it ends, and so on, it doesnt have to sound good, god knows mine are shitty xD but its a good guideline, even if rough! then i make a rough draft, basic panel layout, dialog (it always changes fro mthe script, again its more liek a guideline than a rule ;) ) then i start with actually drawing the first page, my art and way of .. art and writing changes incredibly fast (idk if its for the better lol) so .. by that point i redraw the rough draft version of the page if i see how it works better, rewrite dialog too, and even cut stuff from the rough draft
im not done with the first chapter (im slow af lol), but wrote the script for the second one when my hand was injured and i couldnt draw for a month, once im done with this chapter i will draw the rough draft for ch2, then write the script for ch3 then go and draw ch2 fully, at least thats the plan the more time passes the more i know what the next chapters are gonna be, tho i know the important points long before; right now i have the entirety of the first arc sepeareted into chapters, and the end of it all too, but between there its still a lil blurry and im adjusting everytime i think of soemthing better
anyway, sorry for that long ass ramble, its late and i thoguht about this ask bc im trying to get my want to draw back (not feeling well rn nkfdnkd) so i randomly decided to answer it .. probably in the most unhelpful way possible, alot of stuff noone aksed for lol
anyway, sorry, and goodnight uwu
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hi hi, same anon from yesterday that asked about the Charles/carlos tyres question, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how Charles did during his final pre season testing session today!! I’m a newbie f1 fan so im trying to learn as much as possible and understand what’s going on, and your thoughts have greatly helped me sososo much !! Why do you think Charles’ fastest time didn’t match Carlos’? Did Charles do a race sim today? Did he do well? What does this mean for next week? I’m nervous! -newbie anon
Hi! So to start there are a lot of factors at play here which might explain this.
The Tyres:
Carlos set his fastest lap in the afternoon on the C4s, those are soft, but have a little more durability. They are a fast tyre, but not ideal for the circuit.
Charles set his lap time on the same C4 compound.
These soft tyres are used for when the track is very smooth or "slippery" and the softs give the best grip.
Testing gets weird results:
Testing is not a great indicator of the car performance in terms of actual race speed for a few reasons. One the car might have an unusual setup just to test something. Often time teams will try to see what happens with various fuel loads which can impact lap time.
Also they will do stuff like have DRS on longer etc. A lot of things play a role.
Bottom line is what testing is never a good benchmark for what qualifying results or race speed will look like.
Carlos' time was unusually fast, if you compare to what fastest laps during races and quali look like. To me that says they had something different about the car(maybe didn't have as much fuel etc there are a lot of possibilities)
The Circuit:
Bahrain is a fixed circuit and is one of the most abrasive surfaces. C4s and C5s are not often used on this circuit during races.
The tyre compound isn't suited to the circuit especially for runs of any substantial length.
Tyre Degredation testing:
I actually think that Ferrari used these softs to really test the way the car treats the tyres. Tyre degredation was one of the many problems for Ferrari last year. Tyres get too warm they start to break apart and are less effective.
So testing soft tyres on an abrasive track in warm temps is way of limit testing the tyre deg on the SF-24. Having both drivers do this with varying settings on the car was probably one of the things they were doing. (If I had to guess. If it were me I'd for sure be testing the limits of tyre deg after last year)
The C4s actually aren't going to be allowed to be used on race day on this circuit because they are ill fitted to it.
You usually see softs like the C4 and C5 on more slippery tracks and street circuits. So next week they will probably be running on C3/C2s
I mean there is always speculation about who is sandbagging. It is possible, very hard to tell. We will know after a few races if this was the case because obviously the teams never admit to it.
Given the Charles is the priority at Ferrari and the faster driver overall they may specifically not be pushing him or even trying to see if he can beat Sainz time.
It's the hardest to say here, but I think it's safe to say that they don't want to give away everything.
We also saw this with Red Bull and Max, they didn't push him to try to set a faster time, he said as much, so it's really down to race day what happens.
Temperature and other track conditions:
How tyres interact with a track depends on a variety of conditions, one of the most important is temperature. Time of day plays a big role in temp, so any variable in track temp and air temp can have an effect on lap time.
There are also other conditions to take into account like wind, amount of sand(because that's a factor on this track)
So ultimately it's really hard to compare the two. It probably gave the team some useful information.
Charles did great! He seemed to really get comfortable in the car and said that they learned a lot and have a direction. Also his long run stints were so fast and competitive compared to Max. His longer runs on the C3s were looking so good, like if that's the race pace of the SF-24 or close to it I am excited. To me it looks like he was starting to be properly comfortable in the car, which is good to see.
Now from testing we do know that Ferrari is tentatively the second fastest car on the grid(behind Red Bull) So that is something to get excited about.
Another important thing to remember in all of this is that a single lap time is very different than a race, having consistent speed and endurance in a car is more important. (Zhou set the fastest lap during Bahrain last year, he obviously was not in a car that is the fastest on the grid, but that highlights how things are different during races)
We will know so much more on race weekend with the cars loaded up for race settings and with the proper amount of fuel/weight distribution.
Edited: Time tables reported Charles being on the C5s but that has been corrected to the C4s
Bottom line, testing is testing and it's a very different beast from race day.
I probably talked too much but ah well <3
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achilleslefttoe · 8 months
The Gods.
hihihihihihi, so basically this is mostly for @star-realities but im making it public cause yes. hope this is helpful so basically, im writing a book series, and my big idea was to make design gods for the world inspired by me and the friends i created the world for. there've been multiple versions of this series but the very first was based on me and 3 of my friends. I found it fitting to make us the gods of the world because if it weren't for us, the book nor the world it takes place in would exist.
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so these are us, i made the photos on picrew (@/hunbloom). but anyways here's the actual lore. basically Achaii woke up one day bored as hell and said "damn, this thing we live in is bland as hell. imma spice it up" and grabbed their paintbrush and made the sky. Legends say they still paint the sky every night and morning.
Evanitis saw this and joined in making greenery. The two enjoyed their freedom and the other two watched. Zacharaea and Maion never really liked each other but they both loved Ace and Evan. Then Zach wanted to join in, so he and Evan made fire by accident. Zach, overwhelmed by pride cried, and Ace stepped in to make the oceans and rivers to store the tears of Zach and later on the others. The tear thing is important later. Mae blew the fire out to keep it from spreading, they all knew the power that their creations had.
After Mae had blown out the fire, the earth parted. Evan fixed it to be somewhat uniform afterward. (goodbye Pangea) They called their island Te Etearia Isle, later changed to The Ethereal Isles. Located off the southern coast of France.
After this, Evan created an herb he was fond of and decided to burn it, after he burnt it, he began creating whatever the fuck he wanted (yes, i'm implying he made weed)
One night the deities came together to create the first humans. They loved each other in VARIOUS different ways but it got lonely when it was just the 4 of them. Mae worked out the fine tuning of humans. Two arms, two legs, two lungs, a head, brain, and heart. Of course and so on. Each one of their first humans had their own special features but i haven't worked them all out yet.
Anyways, back to the tears thing. In my story, on their side (there's their realm and our side aka the boring non magic side) there are four bodies of water that are considered Tears of a God, which is written in Latin but I don't have a perfect translation for it yet. These bodies of water have special properties that vary depending on which god cried into them. They're all salt water cause yk, they're tears.
I have one for everyone but Evan, the only thing I know about his is that it's like The Yellow River in China, it's rough and prone to flooding for a very specific reason. But that reason is written in my history notebook that i left in my locker at school.
Ace's (well mine) is called Mourner's Peak, where there's multiple little ponds (or maybe geysers idk yet) each one evokes a different emotion. Mostly negative, but some positive.
Zach's is the original pond Ace had made for him to cry into when they made fire for the first time. That is the main portal, his tears make it possible to travel from each realm easily.
Mae's in a deep deep saltwater pond, under it is the cave where she locked away the other three gods. They're stuck under there for thousands of years.
also, the star over bethlehem where people say jesus was born is where the big fight between Mae and the others happened. The star was Ace fighting cause yk they're the deity of the cosmos and celestial magic. Also toying with the idea I wrote the bible as a joke and someone found it after we locked away and then continued it lmao.
anyways, that's it for now. if anyone has questions or wants me to go into more detail on anything, I will gladly do so. Also if you wanna hear more about my series in general, i will gladly ramble about it
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sothischickshe · 1 year
Thank you 😘😘
4. How much do you trust the reader?
Oof well the reader im most concerned by atm (cos ~theoretically stumbling through a draft😓) is me, and I'm not sure I trust that bitch at all 😅😅
This concept [particularly re ~comprehending the story/aspects] is a bit of a tricky balancing act I think, bc if you as the writer have sat with something for a long time espec while editing/rewriting/tinkering it can be really hard to get a sense of what does come through clearly, espec in a first/single read. And with serialised fiction like multi part fic which isn't published at a fast regular clip, it's impossible to know how much a reader might recall about what's happened already (maybe fic chapters need a 'previously on' segment?!).
Plus and maybe especially as a lover of ambiguity, it can be really hard to know if the sense/s you've tried to convey as an author have come across coherently. I think that's just something you have to accept if that's a style you prefer, and you can figure out how to develop certain aspects/skills better to help; if you want to be surer of things coming across relatively clearly you may have to explicate pretty explicitly and/or repeat more.
But I suppose this is why writing primarily for oneself is important -- if it works for you, then maybe by definition it works for this idealised reader 🤪 both in terms of quality but also of joy, eg if you include easter eggs which make you cackle, maybe they'll brighten someone else's day too!!
further, if you wanna trust the reader, you've gotta create a scenario where they can trust the writer, SuReLy? For example, if you as writer HAVEN'T nailed down what's happening with characters on and off the page or how truthful they're being (in convos but also ~pov) that tends to show; trust of hypothetical ppl probs needs to be earned too.
Ofc whomsoever 'the reader' is is gonna be varied! Can you trust that any reader is going to pick up on your context clues? Obviously not! But I do think writing towards an idealised good faith audience concept can be encouraging.
I suppose it also depends on what you're hoping to trust the reader to do tho! if you can identify, maybe you can ~aid:
Eg: to read your story? Well OK, maybe you can promote it better. To read your story alllll the way to the end? Well OK, maybe you need to focus on making it continually engaging; cut some chaff; have an endpoint in mind. Trust the reader to respond/feed back to the story? Well you can at least request that if it's important to you, and specifying what areas you particularly seek it for will likely help. Trust the reader to interrogate the story? Well, I think certain styles probably encourage this. Trust the reader to reread the story? Well, you better make it engaging then!! Etc etc
Ultimately, I've had ppl comment on my stories in a way which implies they've misunderstood what I was trying to convey, maybe that means I've left it too vague, or that they were bringing their own assumptions and/or didn't read carefully. Does that mean I should trust no readers/completely change how I write? I don't think so, espec when I've also had other ppl engage with the ambiguity in a positive way, or try to crack a secret of the story open, or take the time to try to understand references they weren't familiar with at first glance, or ref things implied-but-not-stated as if they were on the page. It DOES mean though I can consider that it may be worth clarifying or repeating important points if I want them to def be understood by more readers, and that there's some areas where it's probs worth being more specific (eg did I think the setting was obvious cos I could imagine it clearly but maybe that didn't translate and someone could get it totally wrong?). Also how you approach this for different kinds of stories can be v different! Eg a 1500 word short story can easily be v ambiguous & fun for a reader to play with interpreting vs a 200k one probs needs more clarity to not alienate the audience -- if you're referencing line 1 on line one million without any mention of that topic in btwn, I'm not sure you can expect ppl to remember what you're on about!
So I suppose it's about deciding what reader/s you wanna be able to trust -- just you? Just an idealised perf reader type? Or more broadly, and if so how wide? Can you make it work on multiple levels?? And overall yea, I don't think you can be asking an audience to trust you without making it abundantly clear you're trustable at storytelling!
Writing meme: ashamed edition!
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