#or maybe mcr? I could do that instead
bramblequeer · 1 month
Sent the longest text ever to The Boy who I believe confessed his feelings to me last night. I’ve had a whole letter to him ready to go since January explaining that I’m trans and aro ace and I feel a bit sick now I’ve sent it but ho hum it’s done now
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dashiellqvverty · 2 years
okay but if they are repeating outfits all 5 nights what is the dream lineup
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nonegenderleftpain · 2 years
To all the new, young MCR fans out there who are just finding them during this tour - you will never know what it was like to be a fan back before and during the hiatus.
And that's a good thing.
I have been following My Chemical Romance since I was ten years old. MCR was the band that the freaks liked. The band that young queer kids were called fags and dykes for liking. Someone once called them the "poster child for suicidal depression," and they aren't wrong. We watched the band struggle with drugs and drinking and idolized how much they were able to do while blackout on tour, because if they could do something so powerful at such a disadvantage, then maybe we could, too. We watched the popularization of "guyliner," because having a term for men wearing makeup could make it an ironic fashion statement instead of a deliberate choice that would get you left bloody and unconscious on the floor of a gas station bathroom. We watched these guys destroy themselves, and we saw ourselves in them because we were destroyed, too. We wanted to believe that we could be just as important, no matter how broken we were, and we found shared experiences at concerts and cafeterias and skate parks and libraries, with other fucked up kids that wanted to listen to the guys that didn't care if people called them gay. The guys that made out on stage to the jeers of thousands of people and got bottles of piss thrown at them but kept doing it anyway. The guys that played with gender and sexuality and everything on the fringes of acceptability, in their lyrics and their performance and the way they treated each other.
This was important. It was life-saving. It provided a comparatively safe space in an unsafe cultural environment for the freaks to find comfort in. It was also hugely and dangerously unhealthy.
I've talked at length to my friends about how healing and lifechanging this tour has been for me, and I want to illuminate that for these young fans that are falling in love with MCR like I did when I was their age. When we were kids, most of our heroes were already dead. They died young, had tragic lives, and we saw ourselves in them. I fully believed MCR would end up the same way. It would have been so easy to be martyrs - to die young and beautiful. Gerard said it himself, back in the day, that MCR was destined to die young in a car crash and stay beautiful forever, and I think he truly believed that.
So they broke up. And, like a miracle, things started to change. They got clean. Got married. Had kids. Not just Gee, but the lot of them. They aged out of the 27 club, and then out of their 30s, and they only seemed to continue to thrive. Today, in 2022, Gerard Way is 45 years old. He has wrinkles. He has a daughter who is older now than I was when she was born. And they are touring again.
The cultural change from when I was a teenager to now, when you guys are, is monumental. It's insane. It's fantastic. Back in the day, Gerard made some occasional comments about playing with gender presentation (that all us trans people, including those of us that didn't even know yet, hunted down and cherished and kept in our chests for safekeeping), but the idea of doing something so flagrant as headlining Riot Fest in a dress was ludicrous. It would have gotten him booed (still did, even now). It could have gotten him killed. The fact that Gerard Way has stepped on stage three separate times this tour in a dress (so far! it's not over!) is such an incredible, monumental change from when I was a kid and I am so, so happy for you to be experiencing it as kids.
I had a cry about this at a P!ATD concert in 2018, after seeing preteens running down the halls in pride flags, and I feel even more strongly about it now than I did then. That you're able to talk openly about Gerard's gender performance without fear, that you're able to hear them go by he/they pronouns, that you're able to interact with other young fans in the wake of MCR's revival in a safe environment and take in the messages that are at the core of what they stand for? These are beautiful fucking things.
You can't know what it was like, growing up with MCR back in the day. But you get to know what it's like to grow up with them now. Cherish that. In Detroit, Gerard told us to take our meds, and reminded us that we made it. They made it. They fought through the hard parts, fought the demons, and came out the other side better for it. As you watch them put those demons to rest from concert to concert, know that there are older fans cheering you on, so fucking happy to see you sharing this experience with us, and so excited to see what way this changes you. We know it changed us.
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thoughtsofatransboy · 2 months
I hope you know you're really worth it.
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Hello fellas!! Are you guys doing well? Sleeping and eating? I hope yes! I'm happy to be back writing by my own will, not just for full fill requests (something my little burnout brain can't do perfectly) There's another MCR fanfic, since this fellas are the reason I smile everyday 👾
Warnings: This fic contains pet names such as: angel, sweetheart, darling and pretty thing; multiartist!reader, sex, gn!reader, implicit afab!reader (I'll try my best to not describe genitals), kind of dom!Frank Iero, grammar mistakes cuz my English sucks. Some angst and a scar (implicit SH) mention. If any of this things can make you feel uncomfortable, feel free to leave and maybe read something else from my blog
1st of August, another month, another week, another day. Honestly, your life's being a stupid watercolor blur, the hours and the moments and the pain just mix with your emptiness.
You've been feeling real down, a horrible self-esteem and lack of creativity. Basically, you're experiencing a severe burnout. Being an artist, you know how much the quality of your creations tends to decrease when you're going through something like this.
But... in the middle of your chaotic situation, you have someone who can always make you laugh, flush, giggle, smile and have pleasure. Your beloved one, Frank Iero. Which you call as "Frankie"... You can't understand how you got so lucky in your life to have someone as sweet as him to love and take care of you.
Well, as sweet and adorable as it looks like, you've been having struggles with him too. Not because of his actions, but because of your fear of losing him. Anytime you went to a walk with him, and you see him looking to someone, you couldn't help but feel insecure, afraid that he might be desiring them.
You know it's just some paranoia and he would never do something like this to you, at least is what your rational part wants you to believe.
8 p.m, you're laid down on your sofa, with a small blanket covering your legs. You're waiting for Frank to arrive home. You're looking around your living room, trying to distract yourself from the scars on your arm, they really aren't helping your self-esteem. You notice that your cat is there, she seems happy, meowing around and chasing a little fly. God... How much you wish you were happy like a cat.
You couldn't do anything but feel overwhelmed with your pain. Your work, art, family, your partner, yourself. Before you could notice, you're collapsing into tears, and so focused in your crying, you don't listen to the key turning in the door. Frank arrived, but instead of a happy partner, he finds you crying and hopelessly on the couch.
"Sweetheart! Are you ok?" Frank said, no taking too long to go towards the couch and hug you. "Shh... shh... it's ok... I'm here, it will be fine.." Honestly that's all you needed. You let yourself focus on the moment, while he strokes your hair gently. After some minutes in completely silence, he decides to ask. "What happened angel? Why were you crying?" You really want to answer him, but all you could say was "Frankie, am I worth your love?"
Frank was surprised, there wasn't many questions in this world that would make him feel so sad as he was now. He wasn't showing his partner enough love? How could he be so fool to let his own partner think something like this?
"Oh sweetheart... you are the prettiest person I ever met in my whole life. Of course you're worth it" You finally could feel yourself calming down a little, In the heat of the moment, he kisses you on the lips, sweet but really sloppy.
What was supposed to be an innocent little kiss turns into a make out session, with some naughty hands and pleasure moans. Your tears couldn't even be noticed anymore, they're drying more and more as Frank caress your face with so much caring and love.
You're senses are filled by his scent, your body sensitive to his hands caressing through your favorite spots. He breaks the kiss, not gasping for air, but on the way to kiss and suck at your neck.
His kisses send shivers down your spine and his hickeys makes you feel something else down there. He seems more desperate than you, alternating between kissing you mouth and your neck.
Noticing that you're aroused, Frank finally decides to act, passing his hands through your body, until he arrives your waistband, lowering your pajama pants down. Getting on top of you, he starts grinding against your crotch in anticipation.
"Darling, I wish I could give you my eyes... My ears... My thoughts, so you could understand that everything you do is incredible, so you could see yourself the way I see you" His soft words making the perfect contrast with his hands lowering your underwear in a quick movement, throwing it somewhere on the floor.
"Frankie, I love you so much" he smiled to you. He starts to undo his belt, getting rid of his pants and underwear, not bothering in looking where he threw it at. Oh, how could you hold yourself when he is stroking his cock while looking in your eyes? You left out a desperate whine. "Please! C'mon Frankie!"
Who he is to deny you your pleasure? He aligned himself to your entrance, before pushing in slowly and delicate, making you let out sweet moans and some curses. You and Frankie mostly fuck, but not today, today he was making love to you, passionate and pleasuring love.
His thrusts delicate but deep, a sensual pace that made him be able to touch all your sweet spots. Your hole clenching around him, your bodies so connected and heated, his sweating face, your moans, his whines. All of this was too much for you, you couldn't help but let it out go, cumming without advise.
"Hell yeah! Pretty thing... so beautiful when you cum" his attention suddenly goes to your neck, once again he decided to use all his effort to mark your neck. Despite he never stops the rhythm of his thrusts while he goes to your neck, his legs are shaking a little, his moans are getting louder. A sign that he's going to cum very soon.
After some minutes, he couldn't help anymore, cumming inside of you. Collapsing over the couch, next to you. "Hey sweetheart... I hope you know you're really worth it" with a small giggle, you let yourself fall asleep slowly next to your love. Maybe you still going to have troubles to create and maybe you still feel a little sad... But at least you have the sweetest lover in the world, right there for you.
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gerardpilled · 8 months
i feel like one of the reasons why the black parade may feel kind of underrated to some degree is because there was just an astronomical amount of truly groundbreaking and dare i say genre defying music being released in the 2000s that maybe overshadowed any critical acclaim that mcr might’ve otherwise received? like just from the period of 2005-2010 there was a massive influx of extremely talented artists that had just debuted (kanye, nicki, gaga, m.i.a., kendrick lamar, sufjan stevens) who can 100% be considered pioneers of their individual genres, styles, and musical subcultures. i think the attention was just all on them (and for good reason) + not many people really took “emo” music super seriously/thought of it as just a teenage-phase thing. it’s interesting to think about what kind of reaction mcr would’ve received had they released all their music say in the mid 2010s instead of the mid 2000s!
I think that could be part of it, but I do think a larger part was how the band was being “sold” to the public. They were a boy band that were in the same conversations and magazines as shit like all time low and 30 seconds to mars despite making music that I personally think was light years ahead of most of their “emo” and “pop punk” “peers”. The band and their label didn’t necessarily help themselves in this way, and I think they kinda sold themselves short by doing the festivals and tours they did. But then again, they weren’t really musically like any other acts that were being taken seriously so maybe they did fit, aesthetically, with blink182 more than queens of the stone age 🤷
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rdiowx · 1 year
Could you write just a fluffy comfort fic with Frank, Mikey, and reader? it's not a pairing that I've seen even though I love the dynamic :] if it's not something you think you can write that's okay too, you're just one of the few mcr writers I've seen that take poly requests :D
eeeee! Yes! Im not too good at writing comfort but ill try my best! Thanks for requesting!
Fluff,comfort, mikey and frank being cuties, cuddling, kind of dialogue heavy, its not like sad comfort its more angry comfort because when i overthink i get angry instead, if that makes any sense, readers kinda mean? I dont know what most people consider mean, i struggle with writing emotions, my house is constantly freezing so i guess im projecting a bit, is this even comfort?
Not proofread yet
Mikey & frank x gn!reader
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Currently you were sitting on your couch waiting for your boyfriends to get home. They were supposed to get home 2 hours ago but, they’re busy people i guess. You had put on a show that was on, now long forgotten as you went to look if you still had icecream in the freezer.
To your surprise there was, and it was your favorite flavor too. Grabbing a spoon and the icecream, you made your way back to your couch. You found yourself overthinking after a while, staring at the tv with a blank expression. You tried to enjoy your ice cream but, with your thoughts going a mile a minute you inevitably got distracted. After maybe an hour you looked down, realizing your icecream was starting to melt.
“This is so stupid.” You flatly said, angrily getting up from your spot on the couch. “They were supposed to be here three hours ago!” You exclaimed, shoving the icecream back in the freezer before it melted. As if on cue you heard the door open, you groaned in response. ‘Course as soon as im talking shit they get here.’ You thought, deciding to go greet them.
“We’re home!” Frank yelled, from the doorway. “I can see that.” You responded, appearing from around the corner, accidentally spooking Mikey making frank giggle. “Hey baby, how was your day?” Mikey asked, pressing a kiss to your forehead, frank going to put his guitar away. You thought about your answer for a second before deciding. “Boring, what happened to coming home three hours ago?” You replied with your own question.
“Gerard wanted us to stay longer so we could finish another song.” Frank said, wrapping his arms around you and kissing the side of your head. “Tell Gerard I’ll steal his eyeliner the next time it happens.” You grumbled before kissing frank back. “Will do.” Mikey answered, pecking my lips before moving to put his bass away. “C’mon lets go get ready for bed.” Frank requested. “Nuh uh, when did you shower last?” You quizzed, stepping away from him.
He didn’t answer, “thats what i thought, Mikey! You’re both showering or you’re both sleeping on the floor! You pick!” You asserted, moving to walk towards your guy’s room. “But will you shower with us?” Mikey questioned, walking into the shared room. “If thats what it takes to get you guys cleaned.” You laughed slightly. “Yay!” Frank cheered jokingly.
After, many kisses and pruney fingers later you all got out of the shower and got dressed. It was rather cold but, thanks to your absurd amount of blankets you all got comfortable. “Why do you keep the house so cold?” Frank asks from his place on your stomach. You shrug in response, continuing to run your hands through his now clean hair. “I guess i like it better than being sweaty.” You yawned.
“Thats fair.” Mikey hummed from above you, rubbing circles into your stomach. “Frank and i are sweaty a lot though.” Mikey finished. “Believe me, i know.” You responded flatly. “I love you guys.” Frank said sleepily. “I love you too Frankie, goodnight.” You whispered, kissing his head. “I love you too frank.” Mikey whispered aswell, kissing both of you goodnight.
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oldmemoria · 8 months
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caught up with cringetober because I literally forgot to do it, individuals and explanations under cut
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Day 1: Heterochromia I’ve come to the revaluation that my sona is already cringe as hell considering not only can his entire body change color but he also has differently colored eyes as a staple of his design. They’re usually yellow and blue but this time I color picked the blue from the trans flag and the mint from the Vincian flag for this color palette, it turned out really pretty :)
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Day 2: Self Insert Now she isn’t my self insert anymore, but back in the day when I was at “peak cringe” she definitely was. This is my warriors OC Icypelt and I have a post going over part of her story on my profile somewhere. She’s been through a lot and I think her modern design is very pretty :)
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Day 3: Unnecessarily complex fit/design Spider scene is kinda infamous in my brain for having wayyy too much detail but I love them and I think this might be my favorite one out of this batch, super cute, the pose is really cute and the colors are nice and fits her really well :D
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day 4: Angel x Devil inevitable MCR reference ik, Helena and Revenge, love them dearly. Poor revenge man this one is cute and looks like a sticker!!
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Day 6 (I skipped day 5 because I didn’t want to open up ms paint today): neko i kinda hate this one but cat Gerard yay
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Day 7: Pinterest base at first I wanted to draw hobie in place of Gwen but I remembered that I haven’t really drawn Mikey with her even though they’re supposed to be friends so I drew her instead. Idk. The height difference is not accurate because of that but Jumping Spider is small because he’s based on a jumping spider and those are tiny who would have thought
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Day 8: tumblr sexyman i have never played undertale a day in my life i just know a lot of people wanted to jump sans’ bones
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day 10: fursona i already have a fursona I already drew and yes I colorpicked from the lesbian flag how could you tell /j
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Day 11: Yandere LYLA is technically canonically a yandere because spoiler alert she tried to kill Miguel’s fiancé via overheating her in the shower (essentially literally boiling her like a lobster) because she was “in love” with him (she said if she did have autonomy and had feelings the would be in love with him but she doesn’t but idk who knows I don’t).
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day 12: niche interest ik MCR isn’t exactly “niche” but the black parades story in particular has always caught my interest and I have my own interpretation of it and a whole kind of story I’m still developing and character arcs and headcanons and interactions and yeah you get it, death in particular has evolved into god knows an OC on his own I just keep him attached to MCR because… it makes more sense that way, ig-
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day 13: creepypasta does this count- whatever grimdark is just the same thing as a creepypasta- I’m not really in the MLP fandom anymore but it was my first ever “fandom” I was actually apart of. My first hyperfixation if you will. I wasn’t in the grimdark part of the fandom because I was too young for it but I was actually watching the izzzyzzz grimdark video and I was like “oh” and drew a rainbow factory Rainbowdash. Honestly I should draw ponies more they’re fun to draw
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Day 14: candygore (?) im not good at drawing candygore and since I was rushing this o didn’t do it as well as I thought I can, but it still turned out pretty cool
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Day 15: song lyrics aaaa inevitable hesitant alien drawing this one turned out so cute!! The colors and the sparkle eek so cute aaa action cat lyrics I’m breaking down right in front of you I’m sorry
planning on doing the rest of the month now, maybe not exactly on time since I’m still in school but I’ll try to get 31 drawings out by Halloween. Love the idea of cringetober because I just love all things cringe. Ack this is so good
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awsugar · 3 months
you could get two music videos for songs that don’t have videos but you have to get rid of two existing music videos. What are you picking?
sorry for the controversial opinion. i think heaven help us and deathwish (regardless of being some of my fave songs) could have killllleerrrr music videos just based on the imagery of the songs like i think gerard could have reeeeeaallly cooked with those.
and what would i get rid of? kids from yesterday 🫢 and i don’t love you. or maybe planetary instead of kids. idk, neither of them are like. super intentional big budget mvs the way we are used to getting from mcr, kids has never been a song that i loved, i know i’m sorry. the footage is good yes but i think it’s footage that’s most available elsewhere? and like i just prefer like something more. planetary is fun, and i LOVE the song, but that one feels like they just wanted to do something quick. you know.
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blood-injections · 1 year
So I was fucking around in google earth as I commonly do for fun, scrolling around the desert to fuel my danger days fantasies and engrain myself in the universe. I was looking for places/things to use as inspiration in art or writing or whatever and out of pure curiosity, I looked around the la area to see what irl could possibly line up with like the canon map that could be wolfblood bleach because I don’t think it was ever confirmed if it’s an actual beach or not or just a name for a place and it’s one of those things I’ve yet to just make a headcanon for. I didn’t actually pull up the map to overlay it or anything but I was having fun like could it be Long Beach or a lake somewhere in here or what. And then out of pure curiosity I typed wolfblood beach into the search bar. Obviously nothing came up but then I typed in just wolfblood for the hell of it and this came up???????
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CrAnIal dEForMAtiOn prOJecT???? Zoom in and there’s nothing, it’s on a mountain in the middle of the woods and there’s no weird structures or anything just trees. Look it up on google and there’s nothing. Why the goofy ass picture??? What is this???? Why does it only come up when you search wolfblood in the la area???????? If you zoom in without typing anything it’s just woods, the pin doesn’t come up. The pin is only shown when you search wolfblood.
I’m genuinely wondering if this is a lore thing like they had the weird websites and obscure YouTube videos and twitterverse I wouldn’t be surprised if they put stuff on google earth for the hell of it and somehow wolfblood is a keyword that gives you this thing. But then I would think it’d have more then the name and a goofy ass picture, it’d have some weird link or something, unless it’s just inactive and this is all that’s left. Or maybe a fan made this or something. Or maybe it’s some other weird conspiracy altogether not related to Mcr at all just a weird google earth thing in general that happens to be in the la/zones area.
Anyway this inspired me, as I said I didn’t have a headcanon for wolfblood beach yet and what it is so fuck it, it’s not an actual beach at all it’s the name of a fucked up medical facility in bat city where they have a.. cranial deformation project. Maybe not quite that maybe it’s just where they experiment with the drac masks and stuff or like chips to go in peoples heads instead so it keeps the cranial theme.
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chromantlks · 1 year
Workin on art at 5:30am and watching Vendetta, so to procrastinate even longer, here is:
Resident Evil Vendetta: Why Leon and Rebecca’s Positions Should Have Been Swapped
• Rebecca is not a damsel in distress please stop doing this to RE women (female characters in general, hate to be that guy), let Rebecca be the prodigious badass tyrant slayer she has been since day fucking one
• Leon’s entire arc would be improved in the way Chris’ sort of was if he was kidnapped and had time to think about who he is and why he’s come as far as he has, as well as accepting that he can’t always be the dashing hero and that sometimes he needs help too
• We could FINALLY re-explore the dynamic between Chris and Rebecca!! Don’t get me wrong, I love the relationship between Chris and Leon I love the part where they said “it’s gay sex Thursday” and then started making out on the chopper, but cmon. These were the ORIGINAL guys, the goobers, the oomfies, they were partners then and they could have been again
• We might have had more of a chance to catch up with what Rebecca has been doing all this time, we haven’t seen her since 0, or the stage play if you’re insane like I am, and I feel like we deserved to see her in action. It’s totally in line with her character to take more of a backseat to the action, having more of an interest in the science and medical aspects, that’s all good, but she’s still trained in combat and marksmanship. Can you imagine a scene of Rebecca showing off her skills, especially to Leon? Dude that would rock so unbelievably hard cmon.
• Chris has this continued theme in his life of losing people close to him and it reflects in the way he treats his partners/teams. This is just a flaw with the movie in general (which I continue to enjoy despite its. Yknow. Everything~), but we never got to see much of that. Obviously that whole theme was generally resolved in 5 and then continued into 6, but I feel like whether it’s Leon or Rebecca, Chris should have been, like. Way more freaked about it? Staying professional and all, but Jesus Christ man, you’re gonna exchange one liners and cool gun slow-no scenes with MCR over here in the hallway while you have less than 20 minutes to both SAVE and CURE someone who has been by your side for upwards of 20 years whom you have befriended and relied on numerous times??? Whatever! Whatever!
• Arias should have had a MUCH higher interest in obtaining Leon if he wanted his revenge plan work out. He’s already a suuuuper iffy character, I too would be mad if the government dropped a bomb on my wedding and killed almost everyone I held dear, but also I didn’t do arms dealing and bioterrorism so. Maybe reflect on that man. But anyway, the A-Virus already has a lot in common with the Plaga. Arias ABSOLUTELY could improve this connection via a sample of Leon’s blood and an examination of whatever’s left in his nervous system; if done right, this could have handled the virus nearly unstoppable. But instead, he opted to, uh…steal a woman that looks like his wife? Yeah, her blood with the antibodies made the virus stronger, but he had NO IDEA OF THAT. He totally lucked out there. Now, information about the Plaga would be easily attainable for a man of Arias’ profession and status among the underworld of crime or whatever, all that shit, and Leon’s name would absolutely be among that information. It’s just so much more convenient? Makes so much more sense?? Literally aids his evil plan???
I’m sure there’s more reasons I’m forgetting because the amount of times I’ve ranted about this is ridiculous, but like. Cmon cmon cmon I beg
If someone makes art or like rewrites the story like this tag me in it I beg of you like idk if this will incite any inspiration this is just my special weird take on a my special weird movie
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raw-law · 7 days
rahhhhhhhgghhgg ive been less active since the servers creation bc now i just talk to you directly more often. but, i still like to send asks because its fun. its like mail, i send a little message, you guyz read it. then i get a notification with a reply like a day or so later and its so thrilling to me. i love mail so much. i love buying thingz online and then getting a little treat in the mail. it makes me lowkey ecstatic! i actually just bought an mcr shirt because they released merch for the 20th anniversary of their sophomore album, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. i'll forget i ordered it and then in a few weeks, a little treat for moi!!!! j'adore les petits cadeaux pour moi!!!!
what is your opinion on the shift from sending letters to just calling or texting people instead? do you think instant forms of communication are a betterment for society or do they ruin the fun?
Good to see you again, Deer Anon!
And I'm glad you like sending asks; I like reading them as well, even though sometimes I mightn't have time to answer. It's good you got a little treat for yourself, you deserve it.
Anyways, to answer your question.
I think instant forms of communication is wonderful. Without it, after all, we wouldn't have the chance to be running this blog, and I wouldn't be able to meet Ryuzaki. It's also convenient when people want to get in touch with us, and without it, we wouldn't be so developed and safe.
However, it is rather regretful that not a lot of people write letters any longer because of this. Letters are a sincere, heartfelt form of communication, and in my opinion, so much more worth treasuring than messages on a phone screen. Through a handwritten, decorated letter, you can find out so much more about the letter's writer, and I find that a very beautiful thing. I still write letters to my ex-teachers, though not as often as I used to when I was a kid and not yet with a phone. And that's a little sad.
Honestly, both have their pros and cons. But my view is that, at the same time when texting friends and calling family, we could write a simple letter to them, asking about their day, and maybe draw little doodles on it. I'm sure that'll make their day, and maybe also the days after that. :]
Thanks for the question, Deer Anon. I loved answering this one.
ahh... i had a feeling that might happen with the addition of a discord server.. eh, what can you do. the server's fun anyways.
but i am glad you enjoy the asks so much. i'm also glad there's people who still have an appreciation for mail in general. i too quite enjoy the simple act of getting a box i've forgotten about and tearing it open, though it is a little ironic considering i'm not really fond of physical gifts, unless they're practical or edible. i just like the unboxing bit. i hope you have fun opening up that mcr shirt of yours. it certainly sounds special. rock on, you hopelessly reactive romantic.
as for my opinion on instant communication... it's all rather conflicting..
i appreciate the advancement of technology. it's played a large part in improving our daily lives, and like light has said, it's given me the opportunity to meet him, along with other people close to me and the askers on this blog.
... but it all feels a bit much to me, at times.
people having the capability to simply.. question me whenever they please feels too weirdly personal.. i know it's irrational, but i just don't like it. i don't like that pressure. nor do i like the way the formatting of words has changed because of it. it's just not something for me. i'm only really alright with it when it comes to people i consider special, but even then i feel like i'd enjoy it more if we communicated through things like letters or even emails. have you seen Simon VS. The Homo Sapiens Agenda? it's a favorite of mine. sometimes i catch myself yearning to be somebody's blue. it really is irrational..
thank you for the ask, it was a pleasure to ponder. always fun to see the tidbits you share. :)
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myceliumtoaster · 3 months
Today I went to the preserve again!! I was nervous, as it was my first time walking there by myself. My ptsd + anxiety like to tell me that going outside isn't safe even though I now live quite far from (and no longer talk to) my abuser. Today, I decided that I'd do it even if it scared me, because I deserve to feel safe in my own neighborhood for fuck's sake. Knots were twisting in my stomach as I picked up my keys.
I almost didn't do it, but I took a bunch of deep breaths and stepped outside, pointedly walking towards the preserve. I forgot where I heard this, but apparently if you focus intently on the details around you it forces your nervous system to calm down because your brain is like oh I can't be running from a lion, I'm focusing REAL hard on this moss rn
So I put my headphones around my neck and did my best to ground and notice the stuff around me. It was maybe a 15, 20 min walk to the preserve and soon enough I was singing along to Mama by mcr and enjoying the sunlight on my skin.
My deities had been cheering me on the whole time, whenever the doubts creeped in I would hear their encouragement. I was about a block away from sweet sweet nature when I saw my very first crow, or maybe a raven! I've never seen one in the wild before, and I immediately knew it was someone watching over me. I suspect it was either the Morrigan or Lilith, as I've been working closely with both of them recently. It made me feel super safe and protected!
Once I got to the preserve, I said hi to the trees and forest on my way in. They're very wise, you know. They remember everyone and everything that comes through. Usually, when I've gone, I've been in a bit of a rush because of the chilly weather and my anxiety. But this time, I genuinely took my time and found so much more joy in the moment because of it. I think as humans we tend to rush things, always thinking we have somewhere to be, some destination- but there is so much beauty to be found in taking your time and enjoying the journey. I took off my crocs and dipped my feet into the river that runs through the preserve. I let the sun warm my head and my shoulders, took off my flannel and let myself just be.
A lot of times, when I'm anxious, I'm just borrowing grief from the future. I'm expecting a certain outcome and mourning before it even occurs. Realizing that helps me snap out of it a lot of the time, to remember that there's so much that can and will happen, but the only thing I have control over is the present moment. Then once I ground, tell myself I'm here, I'm safe, I'm present, I can think more clearly.
Then, instead of asking myself what could happen, I ask myself what I want to happen, and how I can get one step closer to that desired reality today.
As my partner puts it, you don't have to solve all your problems in one day.
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
Ok I am finally getting back on the horse (posting about the FMA student government AU). It is time... for plot.
To consolidate information from previous posts, Father/Chancellor Bradley left a trail of corporate destruction and embezzlement in his wake before taking on the chancellorship at a large state university where Hohenheim works. Hohenheim went "absolutely not" and started taking sabbaticals to try to collect proof of his twin's misdeeds. Father kept up with the misdeeds and contracted with the military to have the chemistry program produce some crowd control gas that ended up being harmful. The chemistry students working on the gas suspected that it could have those effects but most didn't leave the lab, fearful of the ramifications that choice could have on their education, stipend, and future career.
When the gas was used on civilians, students protested, including Scar's brother. Having a chemistry background himself, he suspected administration might have known the danger - which they absolutely did - and came close to uncovering that the military had contracted for a weapon the whole time. Before he could get all the details, though, he was expelled and deported as the chancellor's son and undergrad student president helped crack down on protestors. Now that son is back and running for graduate student president, and chem student Roy is running against him to atone for his past mistakes and prevent more such atrocities and also because he loves attention.
Ed and Al do independent study in Roy's lab, where instead of supervising them Roy spends most of his time scheming and bitching about administration with his friends. The Elrics are a little too competent to fill all their independent study hours doing titrations, so Roy starts having them do minor tasks for his campaign. They're bored enough to do it and don't really care who wins - their interactions with their cousins are minimal, besides that Ed and Envy occasionally run into each other in the Hot Topic near campus. (They have probably squabbled over the last MCR shirt a few times.)
Ling gets involved via the Elrics after hearing Ed complain about Roy's delusions of grandeur during their tutoring sessions. As part of his 12 step plan to taking over his father's corporation, he wants to add student government president to his own resume in a few years. For now, experience with a campaign and connections in graduate government would be an asset. Greed, naturally, wants to stick it to his brother.
Father enlists his more cooperative children to assist Wrath's campaign - Lust through her many committee contacts, Envy by hacking Hughes' social media accounts and getting him suspended. Pride is, again, a child and blameless in this debacle.
Meanwhile, Mei has met Scar and bonded over devotion to small, cute animals, and Al eventually meets Scar through her. There's a bit of nastiness with Winry (obviously Scar did not murder her parents; this is a college AU. Maybe he makes a dismissive comment about them pulling a white savior routine?) but Al is intrigued by the suggestion that his brother found something suspicious. He's been feeling a little faint this semester and needs something to work on less taxing than Ed hassling innocent passerby with campaign fliers, so he heads to the university archives. (Scar can't go because he has been trespassed from so many university buildings.) The information has been partly redacted but a) higher ups rarely care about or understand archives anyway and b) most archival materials these days are processed using MPLP (more product less process) to work through backlogs quickly. It's easy for something to slip past. Last time I used university records I found so many uncensored social security numbers. Luckily Al makes contact with a former archival intern who got dismissed because of her insistence on reading every slip of paper, and she points him in the right direction.
This is all leading up to election day, also the day faculty senate is going to meet to hear Hohenheim's presentation, also the day of a solar eclipse. I was in college when we had a total solar eclipse and nobody shut up about it for several months prior. You can't go anywhere without someone waving off brand eclipse glasses in your face. Greed bought some because he thought they made him look cool and immediately walked into a wall.
As election day draws near, Lust and Gluttony have already bailed because Lust saw the writing on the wall. Olivier has reluctantly endorsed Roy because she's decided she hates Wrath more. Al keeps getting dizzy spells and not telling his brother about it. Ed has gotten really into campaigning because he can run around yelling at people. And Hohenheim finally has the evidence he needs to prove his twin is up to no good, although his children are not impressed by his halfhearted greeting when he finally shows up on campus again.
Then it's election day, and everything goes to hell. That post... tomorrow? We shall see.
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myrammmortal · 27 days
Chapter 37, this is Richards POV and shit is about to get even weirder.
AN: OK EVRYBODY IM GONG ON VOCATION ON DA FRIST OF JULY SO IM EEDER GONNA END DA FIK OR UPDAT IT IN WEEX. fangz!1 oh yah nd prepz stop flaming sa story!11 raven fangz 4 da help c ya gurl afta vocation!11
Vampire and I chaind Hairgrid 2 da floor.
“Oh mi fucking satan!11” Paul Darkness Alzheimer Birdflu Landers said. She wuz so hot. “Maybe I cud uze Amnesia potion 2 make Satan foll in love wif me faster!1”
“But u r so sexy and wonderful aneway Tata,” said Vampire. “Why would u need it?”
“To make everyfing go faster lol.” said Paul Darkness Alzheimer Birdflu Landers.
“But you wont have to do it wif him or anyfing, will u?” I asked jelosly.
“I am here too and OMFG u guyz r so scary!11” said Britney, a fucking prep.
“Shut the fuk up!1” said Willow.
“Ok well anyway lets go 2 Profesor Trevolry’s room.”
Richard, Paul Darkness Alzheimer Birdflu Landers and I went to Profesor Siniater’s room. I don't know how I'm here twice but sure. But Profesor Sinister wasn’t there. Instead Tom Rid was.
Oh hi fuckers he said. Lizzen, I got u sum kewl new clovez.
I took out da cloves from da bag. It was a goffik blak leather miniskirt that said ‘Booty Slut’ on da bak, black stilton bootz, blood red fishnetz and a blak corset.
“OMG fangz!” I said hugging him in a gothic way. I took da clothes in da bag. I love dressing in drag!
“OK Profesor Sinister isnt hr what the fuk should we do?” asked Richard. Suddenly he loked at a sign on da blak wall.
“Oh my fuking satan!1” I screamed as I read it. On it said Evry1 Profesor Sinister is away. She is too gottik she is in Azkhabian now. Classes shal be taught by Daddy Till who is bak but he shall not be principal 4 now. Sincerely Profesor Rumbridge.
“OMFG!111” I shoted arngrily. “How could they do that!11”
Suddenly Daddy Till came.
“WHAT DA HELL R U DONG IN MY OFICE!1” he began to shoot angrily. Sudwenly I saw Morty Mcfly’s blak tim machine!111 I jumped seductivly in2 it leaving Richard and Vampire. Sudenly I wuz back in tim!11 I looked around. It was……………Profesor Slutborn’s efface! I sneaked around. Suddenly I saw da Amnesia potion on his desk. It wuz blak wif blood-red pentagramz in it. It was the shape of a cross. I put it in my poket. Suddenly da door opened it wuz……..Profesor Slutgorn!11
OMG wut r u doing fuker he shooted angrily I don’t kno wut da fuk r u DOING I SHOUTED ANGRILY.
“Oh sorry I wuz just looking around koz I thought it wuz class.” you said finally hoping he couldn’t c da potion in ur pocket.
“Oh ok u can go now.” said Profesor Slutborn.
You went to the conmen room after putting on my clothes. Silas, Samaro and Snap were there practicing Vampirez will Never Hurt U by MCR.
“Oh hi you guys.” I said seductively. “Wheres Satan?”
“Oh he’s cumming.” said Serious. “BTW u can kall me Hades now.” Suddenly Satan came. He was wearing a smexxy blak leather Jackson, blak congres shoes, a Slipnot t-shirt and a blak tie.
“Ok I will see you guyz at da concert.” I said and then I went with Satan. 
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buriedwithoutceremony · 9 months
recommend me 2 albums and tell me why you like them?
!!!!! I'm going to do 5 instead because I'm too indecisive.
5. Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? by Of Montreal. I love the first seven tracks of this album to bits and if it ended there it might be my favorite album. Of Montreal's sound is always unique and this album in particular is such a journey and full of pathos, I think it's truly a masterclass in album-building, with how it manages the rise of energy into the at-first-placid whirlpool of The Past is a Grotesque Animal. But it lands at #5 because I inherently don't trust break up albums by men and the latter half sinks more and more into that, and def has some kinda misogynistic lines, esp. on track 11.
4. Lost on You, by LP. My fave album by lesbian power-icon LP, it's deliciously weary. I'll say her genre (more blues-ey in this one, but with one country/gospel vibes) is not my thing generally... but with her it works for me, and this album really nails it. The eponymous track within the album is one of my top 3 tracks of all time. Now that's a break up song.
3. The Black Parade, by MCR. Look I. How do I even begin? I feel like @butchviking could cover this better than I could ever hope to. I Though I am slightly afraid she might have me butchered in bed for ranking it only 3rd. Anyway great capstone to my emo boy days, thank you for your service Mr. Grard Ouias.
2. Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons, by the Blonde Redhead. Okay Blonde Redhead is probably my favorite group, and I had a hard time picking an album and I didn't want overrepresent. But honestly I love their whole range and if you have the time I recommend checking them out, they have such a unique sound and have gone through so many interesting phases and influences. Lemons specifically is, to me, a great merger of their more accessible later stuff and their more raw and weird earlier stuff, art punk but maybe a bit more art than punk. 23 and Misery is a Butterfly are also rock solid albums.
1. Box of Secrets, by Blood Red Shoes. Thrashing around to this whole album for 15 minutes is the cheat code to fixing my brain. Heeheehoo!
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gerardpilled · 2 years
I honestly haven’t seen any weird posting? What are these weird posts??
I don't think that post was meant as a call out of a specific post or person and I'm not gonna find one to link here. I think people are just emotional over what it meant to them to see Gerard on stage in the dress and post in ways I feel is better left to private discussion or personal reflection. I do think I'm definitely guilty of this sometimes.
Though, in general, I think it's been going on for years on and off in waves. A lot of times this manifested in frerard posting (and still does...) where instead of behavior being contributed specifically to identity, it was more the implied identity that would justify /confirm the ship. I have complex feelings towards it. Like, how the band (and specifically Gerard) has challenged gender and sexuality norms of the time has always been a major aspect of their popularity. I love that. I like having discussions about celebrities and their public image. I personally just don't think some of those should be posted publicly where people who don't understand your nuanced intentions can read it and take it at face value.
I also think a major part of this is bias going into both reading and writing a post. A lot of mcr fans are trans so it makes sense they would want concrete proof that their fave is trans and experiencing gender euphoria. I just think it has to be acknowledged going in that this is just projection. We know Gerard is gender non conforming, stated that you can use “whatever” to refer to him, and that he enjoyed being able to experiment with femininity on stage. That's about it. And in my opinion, that's as far as the public conversation should go! We as fans don't know Gerard and don't know how he felt at any point in the dress-process. We can assume he loved it because he was smiling and twirling around, but we don't know if that's gender related. I personally got emotional over the idea of this just being something people are allowed to do now, but I feel like that is more an observation of how Gerard is perceived by the audience and less how Gerard perceives himself.
Again I'm not really complaining, I'm mainly writing all this because I feel like it's an interesting discussion to be had! I do think people go too far sometimes. If I see a post I think is over-stepping I usually just ignore it and contribute it to OP's excitement. Personally I get more annoyed by any kind of post that delivers convenient truths as facts. Like, the cuts on Gerard's legs being from shaving. We don't know that. Basically any Frerard reading of lyrics. The post from the fashion designer saying "His/their music". That could just be her talking about the band's music. I'm not saying I want it to mean that, I just think this is how people get disappointed later down the line. (Also not denying use of he/they, I just think using this specific post as proof of an irl using they is risky)
Again I think there's a way to post about these things that isn't going too far. Although a lot of this is still a huge problem with Frerard posts, I do like that the general vibe has turned to joking about it rather than making serious think pieces. Maybe it's just because I like finding humor in stuff.
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