#or maybe spring ??? i dont remember
safyresky · 6 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 13/52: In which Jacqueline impresses the Lady of the Lake and gives her Blacksmith Guardian a heart attack and a HALF.
Disclaimer: I know nothing about Arthurian Legends. HASHTAG WINGING IT!!!!
"What happened to the one in the anvil?!"
"Broke it fairly fast in a duel if you can believe it."
"He BROKE one of my SWORDS?!"
"He did stick it back in the anvil after drawing it out the first time."
"He did WHAT to my SWORD?"
"And then pulled it back out again. After multiple people took a go at it. Merlin was a bit late to the whole affair. Wizards, y'know. Terrible timing."
"In AND out of the anvil?! MULTIPLE TIMES?"
"Deep breaths, Bastion! Red's really not your colour."
The dwarf took a deep breath in; held it. Breathed out. The wind from his exhale ruffled his sooty beard. He frowned to himself; the lines in his forehead creased deeply as he tugged his beard in thought, the gaggle of young magibeans he had taken in running around the shop behind him. Sparks flew as the older ones worked to make various weapons; some worked on aesthetic details, piles of gems and precious stones gently strewn about the benches. Water hissed as weapons were cooled, clanking ringing out from the far recesses of the shop.
"Well Bastion? Up to snuff?"
"We'll get it done. It may take a little bit to forge a fresh one—"
"Not to worry! I came prepared." The woman in front of him grinned. She lifted her hand. Bastion watched, head tilted in interest as her palm glowed turquoise and suddenly, CLANG! CLATTER! A pile of swords appeared out of thin air and landed right on the counter top, water sloshing and spilling off the sides of it.
Bastion gawked.
"You wouldn't believe how many people dump their swords in the lake. Nasty little surprise, having one of these buggers hit you right on the noggin. Enchanted, too, most of them!"
"Most of them?" Bastion picked one up, admiring the craftsmanship and the inlaid gems. "All of them, I'd say! This pile is radiating magic. Between the lot of us and this pile we should have the new piece done to your specifications in, oh, about two weeks? Belinda, what do you think?"
A tall, elvish woman came over, magnifying eyepiece in her eye. She hmm'd, examining the gems inlaid in the sword pile quickly and closely. "Maybe more. Some of these enchantments have worn away completely, and they'll need replacing. We can do that in house, of course, but there are a handful we'll need to procure out of shop. The anti-fatigue one, we'll have to pop over the wall to get. The strengthening one, that'll be in the mountains."
"I can grab that one meself," Bastion volunteered.
"I can send Maggie over the wall. She does well with the fairies here. Hmm. Breathing underwater? Now, that one may be a feat—"
"Oh, not to worry! I took care of that one." Another glowing turquoise hand lifted and a small gem appeared in front of the pair, suspended in a bubble of water. "One of my specialties," the lady teased, winking as the bubble popped. The gem landed in Belinda's hand, the water bubble popping right on Bastion's nose.
He wiped it off, completely unbothered.
"I can procure a seeing stone. That should be simple enough. That just leaves the resistant gems. Most of which we have here...all but the cold resistant one. That'll be off in the far frozen."
Behind the pair, one of the magibeans by the anvil perked up. The Lady of the Lake watched as the girl tilted her head, listening in.
"We can send Tristan—"
Belinda looked amused as the girl—a sprite, the lady noted—ran over to their little group. Bastion looked very, very tired. And perhaps a bit anxious? The girl pushed right through the pair of them, indignant, hands on her hips. "Tristan is STINKY! And ANNOYING! He's not even cold resistant—"
"But he is older and has much more experience with these sorts of environments—"
"HE'S GONNA MELT ALL THE ICE! I won't! I can just waltz right through it! Can't you send me? I wanna go! You know I can do it!"
"I know that if I send you and something happens, your father will kill me right dead! Send me right off to Rosehaven, personally! He's trusted me to take care of you!"
Well this just got interesting, the lady thought to herself, watching in amusement. "Does he usually go around killing people?"
"No. Not that I know of, at least. See, he's in a position of power."
"One of the Governors back home."
"He won't kill you, honest! He's the nicest person I know! "
"Her mother may, though," Belinda pointed out.
Bastion hummed. "Fair point."
"What? No it's not! She'd be super okay with it and say it was furthering my spritely education—"
"Did someone call for me?!"
"Always a pleasure to interact with you, squirt."
A taller sprite had appeared now, shoving the girl to the side and taking her place between the pair of smiths, armour shiny, surcoat barely creased or smudged or dirty. "Fair Lady of the Lake, I would be HONOURED to fetch this gem for you." He bowed deeply, holding his hands above him and summoning a little flame.
The Lady of the Lake barely repressed her snort in time. The sprite rolled her eyes, a sentiment shared with Belinda. Bastion exhaled loudly through his nose.
"That's enough of that. Up you go. It's off to the far frozen for you. We're out of cold resistant gems and we'll be needing one for the new King's SECOND," he shot an unamused glance the lady's way, "sword."
"I will venture to the far frozen mountains! I'll leave at dawn, after procuring the finest cold resistant clothing and warmest warmly enchanted sword we have here!" He dropped the grandeur, looking giddy and very much like the under two-thousand year old sprite he was. "This'll look great for knights looking for a new squire."
"I'm sure," the Lady of the Lake replied, biting her tongue very, very much.
"It will take me but two weeks time—"
"I could do it in one! DAY even! Not week! Come on, do we really have to send him of all people? Of all SPRITES?!"
"That's enough Jacqueline," Belinda spoke sternly. "Mind our guest."
The girl huffed, blowing an errant curl of off her forehead and stomping away, disappearing into the back recesses of the workshop, mumbling something about elements versus what sounded very much like "a whole ass season".
The Lady snickered to herself.
"So sorry about that. She's a..."
"Piece of work?" Tristan suggested.
"Adventurous sort," Belinda spoke over the young squire, glaring daggers at him.
"It's quite all right. Kids. So! Sword. About a month, then?"
"If you'd like the opal then yes, about a month. If not, two weeks."
"Brilliant! I'll be back in a month. And you can keep whatever swords you don't use. I've no attachment to any of them. Cluttering up the lake and hitting my head and interrupting perfectly relaxing mud soaks," she tsk'd. "I'll be off then!"
And before Tristan could abase himself any further, the Lady of the Lake was out the door and well on her way down the lane.
The moment Melusine shut the door behind her, she cackled. What an absolute wanker, that Tristan. She had far more faith in the delightfully outspoken sprite than she did in that sorry slip of a squire.
Sword issue taken care of (both of them, thankfully) she made her way back to her humble abode (lake), thoughts returning to her next task: find who had thrown the last sword into her lake and jinx their arm. Terrible aim for a thousand days, perhaps. Or maybe turn it into something wiggly. Like an eel. Or a tentacle. Somewhere in that wheelhouse, for sure—
Mel turned abruptly, watching as the sprite from before wriggled her way out of one of the windows and ran towards her, waving her down.
She fell mid run, flat on her face. Mel winced, about to ask if the sprite was all right when she sprung back up (a chilly wind flitting through the lane way) and continued running, unbothered. She skid to a stop right in front of her, breathing heavily for a moment, her coiled braids swinging, little hairs trying to escape the neat loops.
"Yeah! Absolutely! Just catching my breath. Hi! Sorry to bug you, um, your lakeyness," the girl bobbed a quick and lazy curtsy.
"Not at all."
"Oh! Good! I thought maybe it would be—I wasn't very polite back there. I usually am! Tristan just bugs me a LOT."
"He's a knob."
The girl grinned, laughing. "RIGHT? And it's very annoying that he gets to go on that fetch quest cuz like, ice and snow is my SPECIALTY. Anyway, I wanted to ask you if Bastion and Belinda gave you an estimate? For time, that is."
"With that sop going on the fetch quest? About a month. I can wait, though! I've tons of other things to do in the meantime. Which is more inconvenient as an arm, do you think—tentacle or an eel?"
The sprite looked thoughtful for a moment. "Eel! Because it has a mind of its own! Harder to control if it doesn't think like you. Unless that's not the aim here?"
"No, it is! It is. Good point about the eel."
"Thanks! I try. Without the cold gem thingy. Did Bastion say how long it'd be?"
"About two weeks."
"Oh! Good! So come back in two weeks and it'll be ready."
Mel quirked an eyebrow. "Really now?"
"Mhmm!" The girl nodded exuberantly, an excited glint in her eyes. "I'm gonna go get the opal."
"Didn't your guardian tell you not to?"
"I heard him myself."
"—ooookay so YES he did BUT! He is OVERREACTING and Tristan is gonna WALK. I CAN TELEPORT! I CAN POOF IN AND OUT AND BE BACK SO FAST!"
Mel served her with a stern look.
The sprite bristled. "I'll be okay! Really!"
"Now I'm all for giving men like Tristan the old what-for, but Bastion's the best swordsmith around. Not to mention a stand-up magibean. I certainly wouldn't like to see him sent to Rosehaven by your parents should something happen to you."
"Nothing's gonna happen! I've survived WAY worse!"
There was a brief pause; a quick emotion passed over her eyes. But before Mel could discern anything other than she meant it when she said she'd survived worse, it was gone, and the sprite continued as though nothing had happened.
"And my parents won't hurt him, I've been out and about for like three hundred years at this point and they have their hands full with my younger siblings. Even THEY could do a better job than Tristan, and they're not even four HUNDRED yet."
Despite how funny the sprite was being, Mel tried very hard to keep the stern facade. "Have you told Bastion you're going?"
"Would you believe me if I said I did and he was okay with it, totally changed his mind?"
"Look, your lakeyness—"
"Me too! You're like, one of the coolest magibeans around these parts. All of the littler kids are losing it in the back," Jacqueline said, giggling. Mel smiled to herself. "Anyway. Please don't tell him! He'll get all over protective and stuff. Which I appreciate of course," she said, sticking her palms flat in front of her. "I'm really glad he let me apprentice here! And he teaches us all how to use the swords which is great! I'm very thankful. Don't get me wrong. I just...really wanna do this, y'know? And telling him would make it really hard for me to do this."
"Hmm. You're right. Perhaps I should cut out the middle man and go right to your parents myself?"
"Please don't! I really, really wanna do this!"
"Ah, so they would stop you?"
The sprite made an unsure noise, tilting her hand back and forth in front of her. "Fifty-fifty."
"Oh, plenty of things. You think I know your parents?"
She shrugged. "Most people do! It's kinda obvious, actually." she flushed a bit, scratching her head. "Anyway, I really think someone needs to knock Tristan off his high horse, and since I don't have jousting mastery yet or the means to get a lance and corner him, I was thinking that if I showed him up instead, it'd lay him FLAT on his BACK!"
"I admit, that does sound very appealing."
"Oh, absolutely. I deal with his type all the time. They're all knobs, really. It'd be fun to see all those big airs pushed right out of them. Do you think they'd make a rather rude noise as they deflate?"
The sprite giggled. "I hope so!"
"Then it's settled! I'll be back in two weeks time for my sword, complete with cold resistant opal."
"Really?" she brightened. It was rather heartwarming.
"Ah, thank you thank you THANK YOU!" she hopped forward, almost hugging the Lady of the Lake before stopping herself with a sheepish grin. "Sorry." she cleared her throat. "Anyway, I'm gonna head out now. I'll be fast! They won't even know I was gone," she winked. "See you in two weeks?"
"I'll be there bright and early for the sword."
"Yay! Okay! See you then!"
And with a cheeky little salute, the girl continued her run down the laneway, a scabbard on her back bouncing with each footfall.
She's got it, Mel thought to herself, as the delightfully outspoken sprite crested the hill and disappeared in a flurry of light blue sparks and what looked to be an actual flurry of snow.
Two weeks later found Melusine at the front counter once more, requesting to see her completed sword from a delightfully confused Bastion.
"I mean, it's done as done gets, but Tristan isn't back from the far frozen just yet so the opal is missing—"
"No it's not! TA-DA!"
Mel grinned to herself as Bastion turned. She could picture the jaw drop when his whole body seemed to sag in shock as he looked at the person who had just spoken up.
It was Jacqueline. She stood in a very wide horse stance, proudly holding up a small opal, maniacal grin on her face.
"You didn't."
"I did! And I did it in a DAY. And nothing happened to me at all! And you didn't even notice I was gone! I came right back nice and safe! And my parents won't be doing a murder because I told them what I did and they were very proud, which is what I THOUGHT and also KNEW would happen!"
"Well done," Belinda pipped up from her workspace. "And I suppose this is the reason why I couldn't find the sword in question amongst the others?"
"I stayed up all night getting it ready so that I could do THIS!" With a flourish, she pulled the sword out from behind her, placed it gently down on the counter top, and placed the opal right into the setting she had carefully carved for it last night.
It slid right in and glowed a brilliant, bright white. Then, the other gems glowed; the entire sword, in fact, was glowing, an iridescent rainbow. It lifted up off the counter, shaking for but a moment before flying into the scabbard when Jacqueline held it out in front of her.
The glow diminished; the smithy grew silent.
"Your sword, your lakeyness," Jacqueline said, bowing down and offering it to her. "It has been a great hONoUr to BEQUEATH to you this BLESS-ED OBJECT, for I journeyed SOOO FAR to procure the far frozen opal IN BUT A DAY FOR YOU! WITH NAUGHT BUT MINE OWN TWO HANDS—"
"That's quite enough, Jacqueline," Belinda interrupted, amused.
"It was good, right? I sounded just like Tristan."
"Well I'm impressed," Mel said, taking the scabbard and throwing it over her shoulders.
"And I am most definitely having a heart attack," Bastion decided, clutching his chest.
Belinda rolled her eyes, placing her eyepiece down and coming around the table. Carefully, she turned Bastion around and sat him down, looking him over. "You'll be fine."
"And what of Tristan?"
"I see his type all the time. He'll be right as rain. Oh, sure, his ego will take a hit and he may bemoan and grovel and do all sorts of silly it's the end nonsense, but he'll bounce back. They always do. We can only hope he'll be a little more subdued." Mel shrugged.
Jacqueline looked delighted. "Then we'll see who the piece of work REALLY IS."
"Should we call him back?"
"Nah. It'll be funnier if we leave him alone and he comes back all like OH! WOE IS ME! I HAVE FAILED YOU! And then DEFLATES! With GAS NOISES!"
"He'll be so upset," Bastion mused.
"Gas noises?" Belinda would regret asking, quirking an eyebrow.
"Yeah! Y'know, like, PFFFT," Jacqueline blew a very wet raspberry, hopping up and sitting on the counter. "Maybe Mel will come by to ah, soothe his ego?"
"And by soothe you mean—?"
Jacqueline grinned. "Watch him cry like a big baby and die a bit on the inside when he realizes he was bested by THIS GAL!" She hopped up on the counter, pointing at herself with both her thumbs.
"Jolly good! I'll be sure to pop on by in the next fortnight. Now! Bastion! what is it I owe you?"
Still shocked into silence, Bastion barely managed to utter a puff of air. With a sigh, Belinda pat his head and turned to Mel. "Given his present state and the materials you brought for us to use, consider this one on the house. And Mistress Frost? Off the counter, if you please. That's more than enough out of you."
My god, that got out of control. Delightful! I'm sure Mel and Jacquie had a ball when Tristan came back as he very much did think he was BESTED by some DEVILISH FOE. And you know what? He wasn't wrong!
Anyway, this SCRIMBLE was requested by @definitelyy-not-a-vampire a haute minute ago:
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The drabbley ficlet smile shot thing just. It just. haPPENED. Whoops! Sorry not sorry!
She WAS gonna be scruffy and grubby and full of soot but then when the Lady of the Lake came into play (who in my mind is 100% @kscribbs Melusine of Miller's Law fame), Jacqueline was like "nah. I'm gonna impress the SHIT outta her! >:D"
And that went from IMPRESS to FUCK AROUND WITH AN ABSOLUTE FOP OF A SPRITE WITH HER in like. 100 words while writing the ficlet, lol.
Enjoy! Here's the un-scanned/edited one:
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And you bet your ass I have some design notes >:)
I stole a fashion through the ages textbook from the library (and by steal I mean I have renewed it every semester and it has lived on my bookshelf since about 2019) and scoured through the middle ages chapter to figure out this fit
Wanted to throw in some purpleish pink bc I think purple is in Jacquie's palette, she's THAT GOOD at ice >:)
The hair is not short, it is simply in those braided coif. Things???? And it is a MIRACLE they are staying put
This is between 1350-1450 so she's between 1255-1355. IDEAL Gremlin age lmao
I don't have enough experience/markers to make the opal look opal so YOLO lmao
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opens-up-4-nobody · 7 months
I wanna play with Legos right now :-[
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voidimp · 2 months
waiting PATIENTLY for one of my bjd preorders to ship. patiently,
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yakkitylylac · 9 months
unrelated but last night i had a weird dream where the radiance and fae were both dragons and they went to a furniture store. and also some ye olden tavern and there was a food fight
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: motherly hashira!reader x the hashira pt 2
characters: fem!reader x muichiro, sanemi, mitsuri, obanai
AN: this is a pt 2 for the request from @danielle-marie
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he's the hashira that ur most comfortable around
he was a hashira before u
but u get promoted and its an instinct
must protect.
at first he probably gets annoyed by you
he's not used to someone caring for him the way that u do
but then one day ur sent on a long mission
maybe a few weeks long
and he finds himself missing something
of course he has no idea what it is that he's missing something
he completely forgot about u
but when you get back to the butterfly estate and he sees u
it clicks
he remembers
he missed you
he missed your overprotective nature
he missed your soft caring voice
he missed the way that you brush and style his hair
he REALLY missed that ^
walks up to u, grabs ur hand and tugs u away
doesn't care if you were talking to someone
and doesn't say a word
brings you to his favorite cloud watching spot with a tight grip on your hand
makes you sit down
and lays his head in ur lap
stop im squealing and kicking my feet from the cuteness
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my guyyyyyy
have i ever told yall that i love him?
only in every single thing i post
he HATES you at first
lmfao rip u
your shy and quiet nature reminds him of giyuu
and if theres one person sanemi can't stand
its giyuu
therefore he don't fw u
and doesn't pay u much attention
he witnesses u pulling genya by the ear to the infirmary after a mission
and telling genya tf off for pulling som stupid shit during the mission
+100 respect right there
not only are u actually talking
but ur screaming??
at his brother??
and taking care of him at the same time?????
my guy is lucky if he doesn't pop a boner right there lmfaooo
starts paying more attention to u after that
and is noticeably a lot nicer and calmer around you
will blush beet red and deny tf out of it if the other hashira comment abt his change of heart
but def develops a soft spot for u
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she loves u
ofc she does she's the love hashira
but in mitsuri's mind how could she not absolutely ADORE u
not only are you breathtakingly beautiful in her eyes
but she sees the way u interact with the younger slayers
how u genuinely care for everyone's wellbeing
if she wasn't looking for a husband she would wife u tf UP
she still might lol
mitsuri is gonna go out of her way to become friends with you
she's inviting u to her estate for girl's night with shinobu
she's dragging u along to her favorite restaurant for lunch
she's inviting u to join her at the hot springs to relax
she really enjoys ur presence
even if ur shy she thinks ur very soothing to be around
she loves when you do her hair!!
and when u cook for her??
mitsuri alrdy eats a lot
but if u made the food for her??
girl is not letting a CRUMB go to waste
loves the way u take care of everyone
especially when u take care of her
10/10 would recommend a mitsuri
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someone pls love this man
he needs it so bad
so dude had SHIT parents
like bad bad
so when he sees ur interactions with the younger slayers he's prob a lil put off at first
like ma'am?
this is the demon slayer corps??
we don't have time for all ur mothering and coddling
but then he's injured on a mission
and waiting in the infirmary for shinobu to show up and patch him up
and then u bust through the doors???
confused asf
shinobu is on a mission and you've been helping out in the infirmary
so looks like ur the one taking care of him today
and turns out his injury is bad enough to land him an extended stay in his lil hospital bed
and after a few days of u taking care of him
with ur red face and soft stuttered words
he learns that you're not so bad
and he actually enjoys being around you
and being taken care of
won't voice this tho
but when Aoi comes in to give him his meds one day he gives himself away by accident
with a
"where's y/n?"
he's a blushing grumbling mess after that lol
after he discharged best believe the next time he gets injured he's not even going to the infirmary
he's hunting u tf down
nobody else gets to take care of him except YOU
and thats period.
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lidiasloca · 19 days
Ok this one of my ideas not sure if I have actually read it before or if it was a fever dream. Az has a girlfriend/ mate that the inner circle hasn’t met before.she works with marja as a high and has maybe other powers I don’t know. I have 2x options in which to take this idea. 1. Azzy gets very hurt on a mission and his brought to you to fix him. Very emotional IC and reader. They save him blah blah. 2. Some of the healers are working on so far out town. Az was cutie and like don’t go. She was like boo you go all the time I going to help people. Love you be back soon. But while they are there they are kidnapped by someone ( you pick). Word gets back to Marja who tells Rhys and Az happens to be there. Az freaks out when he hears our name on the list of miss. Blah blah.
totally cool if you don’t wanna use. It is just an idea.
azriel being worried about you going on a mission
azriel x reader
a/n: i ain't really not for angst these days, so i only took the beginning of your second idea, hope u dont mind :)
“You will not go,” Azriel sates, and his voice is so commanding and serious you stop in your tracks. 
“Azriel, we’ve been through this. I’m a healer. This is my job.”
“No, your job is to heal people being safe,” he explains as if you were stupid. You know he means well, but you are growing more irritated by the moment. “Your job is not putting your life in danger.”
“Well, saving lives in the middle of a war comes obviously with my life being in danger.”
Giving him your back, you continue packing all you need for the journey. You hear his footsteps getting closer, then his hand is on your back, gently stroking. “Y/N. Please,” and it sounds enough of a plea for you to turn and face him. 
“Azriel, you constantly put yourself in danger. Almost everyday I have to see you leave to work, with no assurance you will come back.”
His eyes drop to his feet in defeat. “I know, and I know it’s not fair for me to ask you this. But - I simply don’t care.” He watches you again, a spark of confidence and hope settles in his eyes. “I cannot risk loosing you, and the risk of loosing you is higher than yours is to lose me on a mission.” When he catches your frown, he adds, “You must give me this; I know how to defend myself better than you in the battlefield.”
You let out a soft chuckle, the seriousness of before fading a bit as a timid smile blooms on his face.
But your mind is made up. “Azriel,” you sigh. “I must go still.”
His lips close to a thin line, worry back in his face. He takes your hands in his scarred ones. You are to hear his angry pleads again, but to your surprise, he simple answers, “Alright.”
You open your eyes wide in astonishment. “Alright?”
Your mate grins before adding, “Alright.” And that grin means two things. Trouble, or planed trouble. 
“What is your mind up to, Az?” you ask accusingly, as if he was no more than a kid planing mischief. 
His grin grows more teasing. “Nothing, nothing,” he says as he turns to your travel trunk, putting things. His things. “It’s just that I'm going with you.”
“What?” he says, totally unfazed by the situation. “You need protection. I want to know you are safe. You are no good with a sword, yet excellent healing people. I’m quite good with a sword. I think it’s a perfect plan.”
“You miss that Rhys has assigned you a mission in the Spring Court. Tomorrow.”
He looks at you, looking at you as if what you’ve said it’s dumb. “I don’t remember that.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Love,” he says, and his voice is serious again. “Please. I beg you, don’t make me suffer like this. Let me accompany you. I will talk to Rhys and he will understand. He knows how terrible it is to know your mate is in danger, no mater how strong or brave she is. And you are, but I am not strong enough to spend every second of the following days not knowing if you are safe.”
You sigh, now you are defeated. “Alright.” He smiles triumphantly, so you are quickly to add sternly, “But no scaring anyone that comes near me, understood?”
“Yes, ma’am,” and he has that teasing smirk on his face again. 
-Characters by Sarah J Maas
and you can also request any fic idea you have through my inbox so i can write it down :)) i much appreciate requests for azriel and other acotar characters
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feyburner · 4 months
In ur version, does Batman or Superman even approve of Kon and Tim being together?
Lol sorry I’m sure you intended this as an art prompt but instead I used it as a silly little writing exercise.
Clark Kent (Daily Planet) »
Hi! Do you have a moment to chat?
« Bruce Wayne
That depends.
Clark Kent (Daily Planet) »
On what?
« Bruce Wayne
On the subject matter, Clark Kent, Daily Planet Reporter.
Clark Kent (Daily Planet) »
Shoot. hang on
Superman (Justice League) »
Hi! Do you have a moment to chat?
« B
How many times a day does that happen
Just tell me. I can take it
Superman (Justice League) »
Not… that many…
« B
How many records are we scrubbing.
This week.
Superman (Justice League) »
You are the one who chose to make secret phones that are identical to normal phones
I don’t know what you were expecting
« B
It’s precautionary. In case they get lost.
They’re not identical. The Batcell’s haptic interface hardware is superior to the iPhone’s.
Slightly bigger too.
Superman (Justice League) »
I’ll refrain from the obvious comment
But know I am thinking it
« B
So there’s a visual difference.
You have x-ray vision.
Superman (Justice League) »
If you think I’m going to x-ray my phone to figure out if the haptic interface software is 0.3mm larger than an iPhones every single time I need to send a text you are nuts
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That’s you
« B
Learning memes are we.
Superman (Justice League) »
That’s not a meme. It’s a reaction image
I think
« B
Doesn’t a reaction image have to be sent in reaction to something? By definition?
Superman (Justice League) »
I dont know.
« B
I don’t either.
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
You said you wanted to chat?
Superman (Justice League) »
And let me just preface this with:
I am about to tell you something and I need you to be, with all due respect, so normal about it
« B
Jesus fucking Christ, what happened?
Superman (Justice League) »
Nothing!! bad
Nothing bad
« B
Where are you? Can you call?
Superman (Justice League) »
Ok calm down, I’m fine, everything is fine
I can theoretically call but I think this is the kind of thing you’re going to want to sit with, on your own, for a second
Maybe 30 full seconds actually. Maybe sit for 30 full seconds before taking any action
« B
Kal El, I am catastrophizing at the speed of sound.
Superman (Justice League) »
Then I bet it will be such a huge relief to learn that all Im going to say is I have it on good authority that Superboy has something to tell you, and normally I would never breach his trust like this, but again: I cannot emphasize enough that I need you to be so, so normal. When he tells you. Which I have reason to believe he will, imminently
« B
Alfred has just informed me that Superboy is on the doorstep.
On the doorstep, Kal.
Of my home.
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
He’s asked to speak with me in the parlor.
“In the parlor.” Quote.
I forgot we had one of those.
What is this.
Superman (Justice League) »
I think there’s a chance Kon is about to be very, very brave, to your face
And—keep in mind I’m saying this as someone who thinks the world of you and has boundless trust and faith in your ability to be kind, selfless, and accepting—
If he doesnt leave that house with a smile on his face and a spring in his step I will ruin your life.
« B
I know you’re only threatening me because of that, thing I said. Last time.
And yet, it’s still effective.
Superman (Justice League) »
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« B
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
I have to go meet your kid. “In the parlor”
Superman (Justice League) »
Be nice :)
« B
I will.
I know what he’s going to say anyway.
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
He, and coincidentally also Robin, needs to work on his situational awareness.
With an emphasis on remembering to scan the environment for CCTV cameras.
Superman (Justice League) »
Ok to be fair there are a lot of cameras these days
« B
The incident in question took place on the rooftop of Wayne Tower.
Superman (Justice League) »
I see.
« B
Superman (Justice League) »
Unrelatedly are you coming over later?
« B
So you can ruin my life?
Superman (Justice League) »
See you then :)
« B
It’s not weird now that…?
Superman (Justice League) »
Holidays may get awkward but I’m sure we will all cope.
« B
Superman (Justice League) »
Tell Kon I said hi!
« B
I will.
« B
Hey it’s Batman. I fucked up.
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
Not with Kon’s thing. That went fine. But we kept talking and I mayh ave let something slip and I’d liek to apologize in advance bc I htink he’s on the way
Superman (Justice League) »
Kons at my window???
« B
Superman (Justice League) »
I will ruin your life!!!!!
« B
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aliaology · 10 months
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summary: right person, wrong time.
pairings: jack hughes x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of cheating, drinking
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heels clicked against the cobblestone walkway. people came, people left. yet you stayed. you stayed in the living room. the party around you felt empty, even though the room was crowded. you watched, watched his hand move from her after she attempted to touch him.
why was it that suddenly he didn't want to touch her, but just last month he was perfectly fine being inside her? it felt unfair.
you sipped your drink. you remembered being the one who got him for his summers, winters, falls, and springs. now she had him, well, not necessarily. he barely even pays attention to her. instead he talks to his best friend, who keeps glancing your way.
every time you find jack's eyes on you, you watch the pain hit his face. but that was his fault, right? he chased two girls, lost the one.
the one. were you really the one for him? you two were young. by the time he hit 16, he called you his. that you would forever be the one. your parents and his parents laughed. you were too young to say that. too young to know anything.
you adverted your attention from jack, to the party itself. the loud music, crowded room, and bodies jumping, yet it still felt like nothing was there.
"what are you doing, jack?" you asked, a smile adorning your lips. the brunette boy shuffled through your closet. "you have literally nothing to wear" he groaned.
"hm, maybe because i dont just wear hoodies and shorts. none of my clothes will fit you" you laughed, watching him from your bed.
he groaned again. ultimately, he fell down onto the bed next to you, hands meeting your waist and pulling you on top of him. "guess ill wear you to keep warm."
you let out a laugh. "that sounds so wrong, jack. plus, im not some sort of cardigan" you giggled.
jack smiled at the sound of your laugh. "you're still my favorite, even if you unfortunately aren't a cardigan."
you let out a sigh and stood up from the couch you sat on. you grabbed your drink, and walked to the kitchen, gripping walls for support as your heels killed your feet.
you went to dump your drink out, feeling a hand on the small of your back. you jumped slightly, looking behind you to see jack. he lingered like a tattooed kiss, never leaving you alone if he knew where you were.
"what do you want, jack?" you asked, placing your cup on the counter, head now facing forward as you refused to look at him.
"i miss you" he spoke softly, his free hand reaching to your side. you weren't surprised. you knew he'd try coming back to you. you felt his hand move up under the cardigan you wore over your red dress.
you let out yet another sigh. you wanted to let him back in, to turn around and kiss the shit out of him, but you didn't. no, he hurt you. you couldn't let him do it again.
"jack we're gonna be late" you laughed, trying to pull away from him as he kept peppering kisses along your face.
"who cares? just let me love you." he placed a soft kiss on your lips. you smiled into it, hand cupping his cheek.
his hand rested on your thigh, fingers tracing stars onto your skin as his lips stayed on yours.
"i think august would be pleased to have you instead." you spit. jack let out a sigh. "baby please, it was a mistake."
you scoffed and shoved his hands away from your body. "a mistake that happened more than once over the course of a month." you sent him a harsh glare. "a mistake that occurred while i was in new hampshire, visiting my mom who was in the hospital."
"baby please" he pleaded.
you let out a sigh and walked away from him.
"baby- baby wait!" he yelled, rushing towards you, a towel being the only thing around his waist.
your heart broke at the texts, the pictures, the messages. you wanted to throw up, his endeavors happened in your home. your bed. on your sheets. your side is where she slept.
"go to hell, jack!" you ended up slamming the door, rushing to your car.
you cursed him under your breath as you walked away, hearing the same words fall from his mouth as they did that night.
"baby it was a mistake! come back to me.." and his voice trailed off even as he chased you. you drowned him out.
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erm was this good... i cant work on now that we dont talk atm bc my laptop is acting up so here is this to make up for it!!
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rosedere · 4 months
The Liyue Lotus and the Merchant from Snezhnaya (Pantalone x Fem Reader)
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Part 1, Chapter 2: The Lotus that became a White Rose (you are here), Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7~
Summary: A surprise visit to your new residence causes an interference in your plan of being low key.
If you think I'm lost, maybe
You're looking in the wrong places lately
You never ask if I'm okay
I've never felt better anyway
Thankfully, the gradual transformation of becoming “Lián” was complete.
No one had suspected a thing, assuming you were a small apothecary shop in the harbor that worked and lived alone. 
It was only after week 10 of being undercover that the two Fatui soldiers appeared at your door. 
Unsuspecting you began to play the part as "Lián,” you answered your door.
Your eyes almost bugged out of your head when you realized who it was:
One seemed to be a tall Fatui mage with a purple hood over her, making it difficult to figure out her true face; the other Fatui skirmisher was also wearing a dark hood over his figure just as his fellow solider had.
You were anticipating the worst.
 And the worst indeed was what you got.
"Do you remember us?" The fatui mage asked, the voice that came from her was delicate and cheerful but not familiar to you.
"Galina,” the mage said, holding a hand out to you.
shakily, you let your hand connect with her outstretched one as you shook it cautiously.
After the awkward handshake, you pulled back to see the skirmisher bow before you.
“I am Fedor, Miss Lián,” he said before holding his bow for a few seconds.
“Please do not hesitate to ask for our assistance since...”
“We are your assigned guards,” they both said in an uplifting tone.
 Oh archons…. As if the pressure wasn't crushing.
“Ah, no need to fear! We are more than qualified to keep you safe as per the regerators order,” the mage spoke.
 "Oh, so I'm assuming Pantalone has sent you here?” You folded your arms.
“Yes, I did send them, darling.” A booming voice was heard behind your two guests.
His long, flowing coat pooling behind him as he walked up the cobblestone steps leading past the scent of spring shops below your small home. 
Of course, he did not come completely alone, with the few low-ranking Fatui soldiers surrounding him like knights.
It made sense, though, from the intel you gathered since he was utterly defenseless in the Fatui ranks. But what he lacked in brawn, he made up for with his scheming brain.
You gritted your teeth.
“Pantalone… you shouldn't have,” you said, letting your powder blue shawl cover more of your chest.
 He stood behind the two guards on your doorstep with his usual graceful smile twinkling before you.
 “Well, I wouldn't have to if you decided to take me up on that offer from our last date, darling.” 
 You remembered what he was saying. But you thought your dismissal of his pitiful offer was enough.
 “I know—I just want to go a bit slower in our relationship,” you puffed your chest out with a hefty sigh.
“I just dont want to ruin your reputation as a bachelor” you added flipping your hair.
He only raises one eyebrow at your statement.
"Such and active imagination you have there,” he laughed.
"I have already stressed I am a monogamous soul, I'd never play with your heart like that"
He then gestured back to the two guards before you still standing at attention.
“Please don't hesitate to get to know your two guards; I unfortunately have to go tend to some business, so I'll leave you for now, Liàn." Pantalone immediately walked towards you, parting the soldiers to the right and left for him in sync.
Stopping right in front of your doorstep towering over you.
“May I have a farewell kiss from my resilient lotus?” 
You could feel your scowl trying to form on the corner of your mouth, but you had quickly fought the urge.
He knew he had the upper hand with all these guards around. He only wanted to show he was in power. It made you sick.
Pantalone closed his eyes, leaning down to where your lips were expecting you to give the kiss on his plush lips before you.
Another sigh escaped before you quickly pecked his left cheek.
Pantalone, still waiting, opened his eyes to give you a clearly annoyed smile.
“I gave you what you wanted–”
He roughly grabbed your chin, pulling you to look up at him. Eyes widen in surprise.
“If I were you, I wouldn't act like a fool in front of my underlings now,” he scoffed his face distorted in annoyance.
“I'll give you one more chance to make it up to me.” 
As he said this, his grip on your chin was harshly increased, making you wince. 
You so badly wanted to breathe frost into his mouth if you weren't undercover right now.
Letting a small, pained whine out, you found his lips in front of you before you leaned in.
 It was already embarrassing that he was about to take your first kiss, but now he was doing it in front of his lower rankings.
You hesitantly brushed your lips against his before you latched onto his firmer lips. This action immediately makes Pantalone eagerly connect to your barely parted lips. He was quickly moving his lips over yours, trying to get you to open your lips more for him, but you tried to just stay as still as possible for him.
Your mind was starting to get hazy from the lack of air, you welcomed the cut off from his mouth, he then held you close to his chest.
 "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?” 
 You nodded in response, as you were forced to be against his chest.
 Pantalone gave you another kiss to the top of your neatly parted hair before he pulled away.
“Oh, before I go, I do have something to give you for our next date tonight,” he mirthfully said with the snap of his fingers.
The two guards that were escorting him before came before him holding four bags from a place you'd never heard of before.
Immediately, they held it out before you could grab it.
“Be sure to wear it. I want to see you in something other than that,” he pointed, gesturing to the frayed white silk dress you wore wrapped in your well knitted powder blue shawl.
“I will, I'm so flattered you even thought of me,” you gingerly grabbed the shopping bags from the two guards in front of you, who quickly went to form a circle around Pantalone.
“You're too kind, my little lotus,” he smiled.
With a small wave, he turned and walked down the alley, with his subordinates following closely behind.
Leaving you alone with your new accessories waiting patiently before you on your doorstep.
“So… Do you two just stay here?” You questioned the hooded figures before you.
“We are here and there; wherever you want us to be or do for us is what we must do." Galina assured with her hand over her chest.
"So what is our first task, my lady?” Fedor bowed.
"Well, if it's acceptable, would you mind watching the entrance? You're welcome to come in, but I'm going to dress in the clothing I received and–”
“Of course, my lady,” they both responded in unison before the mage practically disappeared before your eyes in a bright spark of purple while the skirmisher began the walk down the steps towards the stone steps of your accommodations.
Thank God they left.
You knew he left them here to spy on you.
Shutting your door, you used your elemental sight to see if it was truly safe from the guards that were waiting outside your "home"
Quickly going to your bedroom, you went to the small nightstand in the bottom drawer, collecting your beloved weapon and vision.
Desperately circling your bedroom, you tried to think of a place to hide your items without them being noticed.
Walking around the small room, you heard a creak under your bedpost.
Stepping on the wooden plank, you realized it was loose. Wiggling the board, you were able to see the earthy soil of Liyue under the plank.
Digging with the plank, you made a hole deep enough to leave your items there.
Holding your weapon and vision, you delicately left it in the poorly dug hole before you covered it completely with as much soil as you could pack.
It was sad seeing your items deep in the ground below.
But you had to do what you could to not be caught so early in your undercover work.
Cautiously exiting your bedroom, you tried your elemental sight to see no traces still.
It seems you were able to complete your dirty work in less than 10 minutes.
 As you walked towards the entrance, your foot almost connected with the shopping bags hastily left in the doorway.
 You eyed the clothes suspiciously.
You knew, at least because of the frequency of the dates and his insistence on being exclusive with you, that he wouldn't send you anything weird.
But with your new problems sitting outside watching your house, you knew your lifeline to Yelan and your other agents was completely cut. 
Sighing to yourself before you reached down and grabbed the bags, you looked them over once more using your elemental vision.
The clothes themselves were fine, but well, you just had to confirm what you thought you saw in the bags.
Placing the first two bags on the bamboo table in the kitchen, you opened the expensive, exotic-smelling bags. It was clear they weren't from Liyue, as the material was too thick and heavy for something made for Liyue heat.
Finally, after unwrapping the millions of pieces of tissue paper from the items of interest, a few designer tags fell out.
You held it up, thinking he sent underwear.
But as you unraveled the scraps of cloth, you felt up the thick white fur that wrapped around what appeared to be the neck when you realized what it was.
"No, he didn't,” you audibly groaned, unable to keep it in your head.
To confirm your theory of what the item was, you stripped your shawl and untied your dress, slipping on the shreds of cloth Pantalone spent 90 million mora on if the price tag was correct.
Unfortunately, as you slid the dress into yourself, it did fit just as a formal qipao would... 
The sleeves were nonexistent, and the three thick cuts of silk and cashmere that fell down to your feet were pretty much an accident waiting to happen. If you moved two inches or the wind even blew past you everything would be revealed to all of Liyue Harbor. 
The fur neckline that wrapped all around your torso to your neck was tight around you, feeling like a choker to the max on you, but in a way, maybe it was a good thing since the back was completely open, only being held by three ribbons of silk, creating a back window.
Maybe a twig can fit in this.
Unfortunately, besides the revealing nature of the dress and the tightness of it, you had to say it would probably be beautiful on anyone else but you, as you were no model that was a firm size 00.
And you werent interested in wearing it in front of the likes of Pantalone either.
embarrassed by the amount of skin you were showing, you tried to get the dress off only to realize it wasn't as easy as it seems since it was so tight fitting to your body.
Walking to look at the other bags, you found an expensive pair of shoes that were actually tasteful, and in your style being thin heels that made them look like they were crafted of ice flowers. The gloves, which were a deep navy blue, were also very beautiful when paired with the ill-fitting dress.
But just as you were starting to make the best of the situation, however, you opened the last bag.
"God, I hate being undercover,” you groaned as the non-existent thong and white bralette were twirling within your grip in front of you.
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Note: mehhh sorry for the filler this chapter next chapter though is more interesting heh
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imtrashraccoon · 18 days
Guess who's back
Lolita anon ‼️ (*`▽´*)
An ask for the UT!, US! And UF! Papyri and sanses!
(Since some of the skelies dont have a scarf or bandana thing uhhh, its winter for their part of the ask so they are wearing one since scarfs are required </3)
They were getting ready when S/O walked up to them, gesturing to the scarf saying that they want to do it for them
When they're done they pull back and...
The scarf is tied into a bow
Before they can react they just hear "because you're a gift" and they walk away with a squeaking guinea pig
It isnt until later they realize that was a distraction of the fact they bought a guinea pig
Its named kitty now even though it is not a cat
(#゚Д゚) its 4 AM here though so i need to sleep, bye bye !!! (*´∀`)♪
I always enjoy writing your requests! I must apologize that it took me this long since I was doing the Don't Imagine requests, but it's here now. (Side note: I have a couple of those that still need finishing but I took a small break from writing this week.) I hope you like this.
Undertale: Classic (Sans) & Vanilla (Papyrus)
- He was about to head out to pick up Frisk from school and wouldn't have even put a scarf on if his brother hadn't insisted on it. The cold goes right through him after all... He's a little taken aback when you offer to tie it but he lets you since he likes seeing you happy. Although, the bow is a little...childish. He's not a babybones, okay? He'll wait to untie it until he's out of sight so he doesn't hurt your feelings.
- The mild flirting does get him to blush a little. Shucks, he's not sure how to react to that except to make a pun about his presence. He definitely can't untie the bow now, not with how sincere you were. He leaves none the wiser with a bit of a spring in his step.
- It's only an hour later that he remembers the guinea pig and realizes that you purposely distracted him. He's still impressed by the pun but he's also not sure why you did it. He doesn't care if you've collected another pet, so long as it's properly looked after anyways. If anything, he just got another nap buddy. Do guinea pigs even take naps? Eh, he'll ask you about it later.
- He was on his way to meet Undyne for a "training" session (really just a glorified snow fight) and had started putting on his winter gear when you offered to help. He explains that unlike his brother, he doesn't need assistance with this sort of thing but humours your odd request with a smile. He's a little taken aback when you decide to tie his scarf into a bow but can't deny that he actually likes it. He almost wishes he'd worn his scarf like this as a babybones.
- He blushes a little and manages a quiet "nyeheheh", although it takes him a second to realize that you weren't just flirting and also made a clever pun. He's rather impressed that you managed to trick him like that and he'll be thinking of a way to get you back for the rest of the day. He might get a little more flustered than he normally would when Undyne inevitably asks why his scarf is tied the way it is.
- He noticed the guinea pig immediately but didn't get a chance to ask about it in the moment. He'll be sure to ask you about it later and will be overjoyed at your name choice. He's also curious about how you care for a guinea pig and wonders if it would be lonely by itself. Maybe you should get it a friend?
Underfell: Crimson (Sans) & Scar (Papyrus)
- He's of the opinion that he doesn't need a scarf and that he looks silly with one anyways. He's only stepping out for some fresh air and even if the weather does turn, he's been through worse. He only relents when you start to pout and mutters under his breath about how he really should start saying no to you. Unfortunately for you, he absolutely hates the bow and protests that you're going to ruin his reputation. He tears it off immediately and storms out, although it's obvious that he's more embarrassed than angry.
- He's blushing but more from embarrassment than your flirting attempt. He'll cool off by the time he gets back but it gives him plenty of time to think of a way to embarrass you in return so you better watch out.
- Fortunately, the distraction was very effective and he's completely surprised when he eventually does find out about the guinea pig. He's a little weirded out by it but ultimately deems it not his problem. You've been good about looking after your bunnies so it'll probably be fine. Just, keep it away from him? He's not keen on rodents, even if it's a lot cuter than most are.
- He was about to go check on the goats since one is about to give birth any day now when you offered to help him with his scarf. At first, he didn't understand what you were asking since he knows perfectly well how to tie one. When you still insist on helping him, he gets suspicious but bends down enough so you can reach. He almost laughs when you tie it in a bow and gives you a bit of a patronizing pat on the head. He explains that he's too old for that now but he appreciates your efforts to make him feel special. He unties the bow afterwards and leaves with a smile.
- It's only when he's inside the barn that he allows his composure to break. Why do you have to be so cute?! It was a corny attempt at flirting but it still left his soul fluttering. He'll eventually think of a way to respond that is equally as clever.
- He noticed the guinea pig but was too focused on remaining in control of his emotions to say anything. He'll casually bring it up later on, possibly catching you by surprise, and make sure you're aware of how much work it can be to look after it. You do know that they're social animals and should have a companion so it won't be lonely, right? And don't even think about putting it in the same enclosure as your bunnies or he'll lecture you about that too.
Underswap: Blue (Sans) & Saffron (Papyrus)
- He was off to work when you stopped him and asked to tie his scarf. He starts to say no but you immediately put on puppy eyes and he can't bear the thought of making you upset. He's a grown skeleton and doesn't normally like being fussed over like this. He blushes at how close you're standing and can't bring himself to look at you directly. The bow really doesn't help him calm down either.
- He was already blue in the face but your attempt at flirting only made it worse. He doesn't know how to respond and bashfully rubs the back of his skull. At least he now knows you were being clever and not infantilizing him, intentionally or not. He's pleased as punch while driving to work afterwards and only unties the bow when he arrives.
- He was much too flustered to even register that you were holding a guinea pig and only remembered when he got home in the evening. He's ecstatic about the new addition to the household and finds their name rather amusing. He's curious about the differences between a guinea pig and a rabbit so you better be prepared to answer a lot of questions.
- He only wanted to step outside for a smoke break when you ambushed him and insisted that he wear a scarf. At first, he attempts to weasel his way out of it and makes a few puns to distract you. Unfortunately, you're equally as stubborn and physically loop it around his vertebrae. He relents after that but not without commenting that he's not a babybones anymore. He's actually stunned when you tie the scarf into a bow and stands there silently as you leave.
- Once he gets over the shock, he's secretly very impressed. You got him good and he's not so sure he can top that. He ends up playing with the ends of the scarf instead of doing what he originally planned to. You're too good to him and he finds his soul swelling with joy afterwards.
- He definitely saw the guinea pig but was too distracted to dwell on it. He'll hide his surprise when you eventually tell him about it but he doesn't mind the new addition. The name gets him to snicker a little and he can't help but ask why you're like this. He's not complaining though; you make his life better just by being in it. He'll pay close attention to how you care for it so you don't have to worry if you aren't able to for whatever reason.
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cryptidghostgirl · 6 months
Hello hi- back to my shenanigans again (the one with the fake dating + lobby portal + frozen half the pentagram surely not an OC ahahah anonymous asker) - anyway- heres some MORE angst.
Reader's past lover- died waaay before reader back in their teens because readers mother found out about their not so heterosexual relationship and decided to shoot them both but only killed one- reader escaping and killing her mom in return (let’s name her Charlotte- with mane wolf features- so wolf+fox+deer features a combination! ) and barely moved on after meeting Alastor like years later, yet still haunted by Charlottes dead eyes reader saw when she woke up from some sleepy poison. Now Charlotte is in heaven and reader in hell alongside their radio-lover lover!
Yet somehow- maybe though a very uncanonical accurate meeting where angels go down to see the new hotel after hearing sinners can get redeemed Charlotte (not to be confused with Charlie) is one of said angels and suddenly all those waves of emotions come rushing back and reader can do nothing but stare.
but oh wait! Angels/Winner dont remember their past life so reader goes to her- and shes just “Oh hello! Whats your name? :3” (shes an angel and loves the stars and plants and everything nice can do no wrong) “I-… I guess you dont know me in this lifetime” (AND DOESNT TELL HER THEYVE MET BEFORE because what good would that bring?)
But alastor is also there lurking in the back. watching them- he knew someone was in readers life before him but reader never said more than that. Will readers feelings for Charlotte come back? Will reader stay to the infatuation of murderous acts that Alastor bought them? Will reader choose the pure love that might not spring again?
The infamous blizzard demon overlord! that never dropped their mask around others that always seemed to have the upper hand in any situation, the cold- charismatic- brutal and ruthless overlord- suddenly speechless at the reappearance of someone they used to know. How will everyone react?! “Sweet as a pea, but sharp as a knife- now shocked like the stars have fallen”
GAAAH MY BRAIN IS TOO BIG ANF FULL OF ANGST!!!!! Heres some kisses too: maybe next fic its me x you pookie 😘😘🥰🥰😘😘😘😘
A/N What a wild way to close off a request, I honestly got so much respect for that. I don't do OCs but for the sign off comment, I'll make an exception. Also I am assuming you want this as a part two to Frostbite because she's still a blizzard demon?? Apologies in advance if I got that wrong. Also,, not you quoting something else I've written in your request. That's crazy, thank you so much for the love.
Day Lilies (Alastor x Blizzard demon!Reader x Angel!OC)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Part One: Frostbite (Alastor x Reader)
Warnings: Homophobia (from other people and internalized) and murder. Smoking/cigarettes and angst. Always angst. I think that is it, please correct me if I am wrong.
Word Count: 2,969
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
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The best thing about the Hazbin Hotel, according to some, was the fact that not one but two overlords who had found a home there. The Radio Demon and the Frost. Feared, revered, respected, and making an appearance for the first time in seven long years.
Without Alastor and Y/n's help, Charlie would not have been able to achieve all she had and she was eternally grateful to the pair, even if they were a tad confrontational and violent at times. Deeply in love, indebted to one another in a billion and five different ways, Alastor and Y/n had worked hard for their life in the underworld. As the angel stepped gently out of the portal, following her superior, Y/n felt the pressure of that life as it began to crash down around her.
When Charlie had struck the deal with Heaven to have an angel come down to the hotel to track its progress and assess if any of its inhabitants were worthy of redemption, Y/n had thought nothing of it. Sure, it was a bit irritating but if anything, the deal seemed ripe for entertainment and thats really all she and Alastor were after at the end of the day. She had figured the angel would be some low ranking nobody. She had thought it would be amusing, that they would torture the poor creature, that things would stay roughly the same. Never in her wildest dreams had the notion ever crossed Y/n's mind that the angel might be Charlotte.
Of course, Y/n had known Charlotte must be in Heaven. The girl had always been so kind, so good to her very core. It had just all seemed so far away and now, somehow, there she was, peeking timidly out from behind the seraphim's back.
Charlotte looked different, having taken on some animalistic, wolfish features since her death. Sharp ears sprouted from the untamed mess of her hair, fangs peeked their way out from the corners of her lips but Y/n was sure. It was Charlotte. It was all in the eyes.
"Welcome, Sera." Charlie politely began, taking a step forward.
Normally, such a show of self restraint from the young demon princess would have caused curiosity to spark a fire in Y/n's chest. Now, she just stood beside Angel as Charlie had requested, eyes wide and mind reeling.
"Is this who we will be working with?"
Sera looked at the shy wolf of a girl behind her and nodded her head, gesturing for the girl to step forward.
"Yes." she replied, her voice cold and haughty, "This is Charlotte, she has been with us for a while and we trust her judgment on matters such as this."
"Oh how funny!" Charlie brightly exclaimed, "My full name is Charlotte too but, I go by Charlie. Do you have a nickname you'd prefer?"
"Just Charlotte is fine." the angel softly replied and Y/n's breath caught in her throat.
The girls voice was honeysuckle, it was sticky sweet teen love.
"Why her?" Husk asked and Charlie shot him a glare, "She just seems a little..."
Sera laughed lightly, a caring smile sneaking on to her face.
"She's a little shy, but she is smart. Even when she was alive, she had an ability to read people, to see right through to the essence of their beings."
Charlotte blushed slightly at the compliment, turning away.
The southern sun beat down over head, long grass whipping at their legs as Charlotte, running, dragged Y/n to the center of the field.
"Lottie!" Y/n exclaimed, half laughing, "Where on earth are you taking me?"
Charlotte glanced back at her companion, a mischievous smirk painting her lips that sent bolts of red hot fire through to Y/n's fingertips.
"You'll see."
After a few more paces, they came to a panting halt. Charlotte turned to Y/n, placing a hand gently over the other girl's eyes. With a guiding hand, she lead the blinded girl to a spot a little ways off where she had snuck off to earlier and set up a picnic. There was fresh fruit, Georgia peaches from her family's own orchard, and home made lemonade. Slowly, Charlotte gifted Y/n with sight.
Y/n's mouth fell slightly open as she surveyed the scene before her. Sixteen and in love, she turned to Charlotte, taking both the girl's hands in her own.
"When... how..."
"I know things have been rough at home lately. I wanted to do something to make you smile."
"How did you know? I never..." Y/n cleared her throat, "I never said anything... I nev-"
"You didn't have to. I know you, love. You never have to say a word."
Alastor watched his lover silently from the other side of the group. Charlie had insisted they flank the guests, dragging Y/n away from his side just as the portal had opened. She didn't show it, not obviously, but he knew something was wrong. From the second the portal had opened and the angels had stepped through, she had gone tense, her eyes fixed on the one called Charlotte, the tips of her frostbite blackened fingers tapped against one another in wild thought.
"Well," Sera sighed, looking around at the ragtag group of sinners and demons, "I had best be on my way. I will be back in a few days to pick Charlotte up, please be kind to her over the course of her stay."
With those parting words and a reassuring pat on the angel's shoulder, Sera stepped back through the portal which closed behind her.
"Well," Charlie began brightly, clapping her hands together, "let's do introductions! I am Charlie Morningstar and I run the Hazbin Hotel with my girlfriend, Vaggie."
Vaggie sent Charlotte a wave which she timidly returned. With a deep breath, Charlotte stepped towards the line of sinners before her.
"Alastor." Alastor hummed, grabbing Charlottes hand and shaking it harshly, "A pleasure to be meeting you my dear, quite the pleasure."
It struck Charlie as a bit odd he said and did nothing else but, she made no mention of it. In her mind, Alastor was simply on his best behavior as requested. In reality, he was far too focused on the way a slight flurry of snow had begun to settle on Y/n's sharp shoulders.
"Nice to meet you too." Charlotte replied, extracting her hand from his grip and moving down the line.
Y/n's heart pounded wildly against her chest as Charlotte grew closer. Her tail twitched behind her, flicking back and forth gently, and her breaths grew slightly heavy. Although he noticed the odd behavior, it was impossible not to from his place beside her, Angel said nothing. At long last, Charlotte came to a stop before her.
"Disgusting!" Y/n's mother's voice rang out through the yard, "You are both complete and utter disgraces!"
They hadn't meant to be found out. As far as Y/n's mother had known, Y/n and Charlotte were best friends. Charlotte had come over to help Y/n with her chores, they had been doing laundry out in the yard when Charlotte had playfully flicked water towards her beloved. One thing had lead to another and before long, they had been wrapped up in one another, planting a singular, soft kiss on each other's lips. Y/n felt Charlotte's hand tighten around her own, she took a step forward.
"Don't you dare speak to her that way!" Y/n yelled back, anger burning brightly in her eyes and adrenaline shaking her limbs with wild courage, "Don't you dare!"
Her mother scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"She is a bad influence on you! The devil sent to curse me!"
Y/n's mother stepped forward, grabbing Y/n and wrenching her from Charlotte's grip. Charlotte tugged at Y/n's mother's dress as she dragged her girlfriend harshly into the small house.
"Let her go!" Charlotte cried, "Stop it! We weren't doing anything wrong!"
With a harsh slap to her face, Charlotte was sent to the ground. Her mother threw Y/n through the door, the unfinished wood of the floor sending splinters deep into Y/n's knees as she struggled to get to her feet. Her head had hit the corner of the table in her fall, the world was spinning. Y/n's mother grabbed the shot gun from where it lay beside the door. Just as Y/n managed to stumble to her feet, holding her swaying body up with a hand on the table she had hit, her mother stepped outside and slammed the door behind her, locking it.
Y/n rushed over, trying desperately to wrench it open to no avail. The anger had turned to panic as she heard her mother cock the gun.
"What are you doing!" she heard Charlotte yell and Y/n rushed to the window.
From her vantage point, Y/n watched her mother train the gun on Charlotte who had her hands raised and was stumbling backwards.
"Run!" she yelled, banging her fists on the glass, "Lottie, run!"
"Please." Charlotte was pleading, tears wetting her cheeks, "I promise I wont ever come here again, I wont ever come near her again. Please!"
"Lottie!" Y/n yelled again.
With no regard for her own safety, Y/n punched the glass of the window. The pane shattered around her hand, puncturing her soft skin. Blood, hot and wet, ran down her arm as she pulled her hand back to her side.
"Yeah, you sure as hell wont!" Y/n's mother yelled, her voice thick and low with rage, "You'll be dead!"
Y/n flung her leg over the window sill, shards of glass digging into her as she pulled herself through the hole she had created.
"Lottie!" she yelled again, "Run!"
Her screams were drowned out by the sound of a gunshot. Charlotte held her hands to her stomach, blood pouring from between her fingers. Their eyes met.
"And you are?" Charlotte asked expectently.
Y/n shook her head slightly, pulling herself from the depths of her memories. Everyone was staring at her, she had no idea how long the angel had been standing before her. She cleared her throat.
Alastor didn't know what was going on but, whatever it was, he knew he didn't like it. Using his shadows, he appeared behind Y/n and placed a protective hand on the top of her head between her horns. Her hair was damp from freshly fallen snow and Charlotte gasped slightly in surprise at his appearance.
"My dear," he grinned, leaning down to Y/n's ear, "you're snowing."
Y/n looked up, her cheeks flushing pink and the heart on the tip of her tail puffing up as she realized what he said.
"O-oh." she stuttered, brushing his hand from her head and the snow from her shoulders as she regained control of her powers again, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."
The other members of the hotel watched in a mixture of shock and confusion. They had always known Y/n to be cold, to be harsh. They had always seen her devotion to the man behind her as infallible. No one had any idea what was going on but, the presence of the angel stopped them all in their tracks.
"It's quite all right, what's your name?" Charlotte asked again, her voice honey sweet.
Y/n took a deep breath, morphing her features into the closest thing to a kind smile she could muster.
"Y/n." she firmly replied, "I'm Y/n."
Her eyes scanned Charlotte's face intently as their hands made contact. She waited for the shock of recognition, for the tears her Lottie had always been so prone to. There was nothing.
"That's a very pretty name." Charlotte replied, "It sounds like it is from the same era as mine."
That raised some small hope in Y/n's chest. She took a step forward, bringing herself closer to the angel.
"Which is?"
"Oh, I don't know." Charlotte replied, her cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment, "Angels don't get to remember their lives on earth unless they are pretty high in the ranks. I've been told I was from Georgia though, that I died in the early 1900s."
Y/n froze, her breath trapped in her chest, a knife buried deep within her heart.
"Oh." she mumbled out in a broken whisper, "I guess you... you don't know me in this lifetime."
"What was that?" Charlotte asked, leaning in a bit.
Y/n shook her head, letting go of Charlotte's hand.
"Nothing. I... I need some fresh air, I think. If you would all excuse me."
It didn't take Alastor long to find Y/n once Charlie had let him return to his duties in favor of showing Charlotte around the hotel. She stood out in back of the hotel, her back pressed firmly against the wall and a cigarette crushed between her fingers. Shakily, she took a drag.
"What was that about?" Alastor asked, leaning up against the wall beside her and folding his arms across his chest.
"What was what about." Y/n cooly replied.
"Y/n, don't play dumb."
"I knew her back when we were alive, thats all."
"Is that all?" Alastor asked after a moment, "You seemed..."
He trailed off. Alastor was angry. He had always been the jealous type, protective to a fault. He could see how shaken up Y/n was however and so, running a finger over the ring he wore, Alastor took a deep breath.
"That angel, Charlotte..." her name lingered poisonously on his tongue, "it seemed there was something a lot more than just you knowing her."
"I picked these for you." Y/n bashfully stated, shoving a bouquet tied with a rough bit of twine towards the pretty girl beside her, "Here."
Tentatively, Charlotte took the bouquet from Y/n's hand. She held it gently, watching the way the breeze played with the petals.
"Georgia asters?" Charlotte hummed thoughtfully, "And yarrow?"
"My momma didn't used to be poor. She grew up in a rich family, gave it up when she married my dad. Her momma taught her floriography." Y/n's words came out in a big rush, they chased after one another in a breathless flurry of nerves, "It was big in the victorian era for fancy people, all about talking through flowers. She taught me asters symbolized wisdom, faith, and valor and that yarrow was for healing and... and love... besides, I know you like them. You're always staring at them when were out."
Charlotte looked over at Y/n who's cheeks were bright red. She smiled, her eyes shining.
"I love you too." she said, nudging Y/n gently with her elbow.
"Yeah, but..." Y/n sighed, running a hand through her messy hair, "I... god, Lottie! I don't just love you like a sister. Its... I understand if you don't wanna talk to me anymore I just couldn't... I couldn't keep it in anymore."
Y/n looked away, tears pressing hotly at the backs of her eyes. Charlotte's eyes went wide.
"I understand... I won't be mad... I just... I'll leave."
Charlotte's hand shot out, grabbing Y/n's wrist as she pushed herself from the fence they were leaning against. Slowly, Y/n turned to face her. Charlotte was blushing now too and looked away, still holding Y/n tightly.
"I don't..." she took a deep breath, "I don't love you like a sister either."
"It's wrong... it's so wrong... what would my mother say... what would your mother say, I-"
Charlotte cut Y/n off, standing on her toes to press a soft kiss to the slightly taller girl's lips. It was clumsy and foreign. Y/n trembled, her eyes fluttered shut.
"I don't care." Charlotte said, "I don't care."
"Yeah." Y/n sighed, taking a final drag from her cigarette before stamping it out beneath her heel, "Yeah."
"Do I have anything to worry about?" Alastor asked and Y/n's eyes met his.
He had known her long enough, he could see the conflict.
"She was my first love, Al." Y/n admitted, "We were girls together."
"You're my wife."
"It's different."
"Do I have anything to worry about?" Alastor asked again and Y/n looked back out at the sky.
"She doesn't remember me."
"But you remember her."
"But I remember her." Y/n confirmed, her voice cracking, "I couldn't forget if I tried. She haunts me, Al. She has always haunted me, since long before I even met you. Lottie died in my arms, Al. My mother killed her, shot her right in the stomach. I...."
Y/n trailed off into silence. It was more about her life before she had met him than she had ever revealed before. Alastor took a deep breath, conflicting emotions battling behind his eyes.
"What are you thinking about?"
He was trying to keep his cool, to save face. He was failing, anger and a secret fear ate away at the edges of his words.
"Day lilies."
"Day lilies?" Alastor repeated and Y/n nodded, meeting his eyes once again.
"A floriography thing again?"
Alastor knew of Y/n's interest in the symbolic properties of plants. It was one of the only things she ever spoke about concerning her mother and her shadowed past before that night in Mimzy's bar.
"What do they mean?" Alastor sighed, resigning himself to his fate because god, if Alastor knew anything he knew his fate was Y/n. She held his heart in the palms of her hands.
"Love for lovers. Love for mothers..."
His heart pounded against his chest.
"And loss of memory."
the ones in red are ones I am not sure worked/having trouble linking.
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0@kahlan170@wendyphan01203-blog @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @luxky-aish @peterpankat @corvid007
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deedala · 1 month
🍃weekly tag wednesday🍃
hello yes do you remember me? shits been crazy but i think i can finally focus for enough consecutive minutes to complete WTW this week!! thank you Kat @mybrainismelted for the game and for tagging me!! + ty @suzy-queued @gallapiech @energievie @lingy910y @catgrassplantdad @spookygingerr @mmmichyyy @thepupperino
Name:  deanna
Location:  not chicago 😔
Age: noel~
You have an unexpected extra day off work or school!  What are you going to do? oohh maybe i can make some gifs!!
What is your favorite way to spend a summer day?  inside somewhere cool and out from under the sun 💀
What is your favorite way to spend a winter day?  uhhmm...also inside and somewhere warm but not too warm cuz i wanna be in fuzzy socks and a sweatshirt and maybe even my fuzzy robe
What do you do to unwind at the end of the day?  go the fuck to bed and read a fic until i pass out
Do you play any sports?  i do not
Other than fanfic, what is your favorite genre to read?  i dont understand the question 🤔 (i guess mainly i've read YA girl protag adventure series books other than fic... oh and some dragon age novels, but is that just official fanfic? 😆)
What is your comfort movie/tv show?  many and it depends on my mood but some of them would beeee... vampire academy, new girl, everybody wants some, shameless, gallavich scenes (its two different vibes okay? lol), bob's burgers, edgar wright movies, star trek voyager, palm springs, okay i gotta stop....
Do you write or draw?  i do like to draw
What other arts or crafts do you do?  uuhhh gifmaking?
Describe your perfect breakfast:  dunkin donuts coffee with french vanilla creamer and oatmilk and an omelette and hash browns (the food part of that happens maybe once a year tho i wish i could live such a life lolol)
and now i'll tag some nuggets who might want to play too! <3 @too-schoolforcool @michellemisfit @darlingian @celestialmickey @sleepyheadgallavich @jrooc @blue-disco-lights @crossmydna @wehangout @gardenerian @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel @palepinkgoat @the-rat-wins @sam-loves-seb @creepkinginc @softmick @callivich @loftec @burninface @rereadanon @vintagelacerosette @sickness-health-all-that-shit @whatwouldmickeydo @spoonfulstar @howlinchickhowl @captainjowl @iansw0rld @y0itsbri 💖
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
Say yes to heaven ☆—
This takes place from Christmas 2020 to the spring of 2021
Warnings: heavy making out, swearing, lmk if anything else :)
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The first part
Au Masterlist!!
It had been months since Honey and Quinn's summer of rendevous, the nights of secret-filled kisses and promises of a forever slowly withered away with time as the autumn months approached. On their last night together in Michigan the two of them sat down in her room at the lake house and talked about it all, from the break up to what they wanted after she was done school.
He'd asked her only one question that entire night "what do you want in your life?", it was simple really, but Honey was at a loss for words. How do you say 'the only thing I've ever wanted in my life is you' without sounding completely lost, like she needed to re-evaluate her entire being. But it was the truth, Quinn was really all she wanted, she had only ever pictured a life with him in it, where he was she would settle, it seemed so unworldy but it was something she'd decided long before everything got messy. Instead she settled for a quick "I dont know yet," leaving both of them disatified with the conversation.
The next morning regret of falling back into old habits hit Honey as she watched him pack up his bags and head to the airport, she missed him a lot more than she cared to let on, but this was how it was meant to be, longing for love on two different sides of the continent.
Honey was asked to go with Team USA to the World Juniors to help with the media during her Christmas break, seeing as the pandemic had taken a hit on hockey at the time it was the only work she'd really been offered in a while so she took the opportunity.
Quinn on the other hand had been itching to see her, the moment he pulled into his driveway with Jack he expected to her be at his house along with her family waiting in their kitchen for family dinner as they usually did when they were finally altogether. He was gravely disappointed when he walked into his house to only see her parents and older brother on the couch, with no Honey in sight.
Honey's senior year had gonna by quicker than she'd anticipated, after Christmas it felt as if in the blink of an eye she was searching for a grad dress and searching for media jobs in the Michigan area. She also gave in to her curiosity and looked into jobs in the Vancouver area as well, pretending not to be upset as she job searched, fully knowing that there was and probably wouldn't ever be a set plan for her to move in with Quinn.
She and Quinn had yet to talk about if their futures aligned, she silently hoped that maybe he would ask her to get back together cause there was no one else out there for her, she knew that, but she wasn't going to be the girl to insert herself into his new life.
The night before her graduation she received a short message from Quinn saying sorry to her for not being able to make it to her big day, telling her how proud he was of her for accomplishing her dreams and wishing her well. She followed his text up with a quick thanks and a joke about him being a university dropout, then turned off her phone and cried in her room as she laid out her cap, gown, and dress.
Something about his absence felt suffocating, this was something she always pictured, and she had always imagined Quinn next to her during all of it. She remembers the end of their sophomore year and how hopeful they had both been in their relationship, it felt like a slap in the face, they were so naive to what the reality would be for their futures.
So now she sat in her bed, deep breathing as she tried to calm herself down to get a good night's sleep.
The next morning was hectic, getting up just as the sun began to rise to get her hair and makeup done, and her dress ironed along with every other small routine she needed in order for her morning to go as perfectly and smoothly as possible.
A quiet knock on her door startled her out of her anxious daze, she fixed the sleeve of her dress and opened the door to see a smiling Quinn in a suit. "You're here?" she said as she pulled herself into his chest, his arms wrapping around her as he held her for the first time in nearly a year. "You really thought I wouldn't make it?" "Yes, and I was mad at you for it" she laughed as she pulled away, her eyes tracing his face, thumb running over the growing beard, face seemingly more mature than the last time she had laid eyes on him, he looked really good. "I could hear the anger in your message," he whispered as his hands found solace on her waist before she allowed him to enter her apartment bedroom, and motioned him to take a seat on her bed.
She searched her room for her jewellery box, Quinn watched her brows furrow as she finally found it, his heart thumping in his chest as he grabbed the small box from his pants pocket. "Hun?" he whispered as she made her way over to him, she stood in between his legs as she put her last earring in, an awkward smile on her face as he stared up at her, "this is for you" he then pressed the small black box into her palm.
Nerves filling his stomach as she opened the tiny box, "you really didn't have to get me anything," she paused as she revealed a key, "is this?" "It's a key to my apartment, I know you said you didn't know where you were gonna end up after school, but a little selfish piece of me wants you all to myself in Vancouver," he mumbled as her gaze switched between the key and him. A grin grew on her face as she nodded, not ready to giving him a verbal answer just yet.
"Can I kiss you?" she asked lowly as she held the key in her hand, such a small thing that just changed the entire trajectory of her entire life. "Please," he mumbled, staring up at her with lustful eyes as she cupped his face as smashed her lips onto his.
His hands gripped her thighs as he pulled her forward and into his lap, "did I tell you how pretty you look today?" he pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. She shook her head and placed a kiss on his jaw, "did I tell you that I think the beard is hot," she grinned as his face broke out into a smile, his hand finding the back of her neck and pulling her down to kiss her again.
"I missed this so much," she said in between kisses, smiling at how careful Quin was, trying not to ruin her hair. He hummed, "m' never letting you go again," he whispered as his hands travelled down to her ass, making her laugh at the suprise contact.
"Guys!" Jack swung the door open to tell them that everyone was taking pictures, but screamed at the sight before him and slammed the door shut. "I'm not ready to deal with that," she whispered with a laugh as she looked at a wide-eyed Quiin, placing a kiss on his cheek as she got up off of Quinn's lap to flatten out her dress. "He should've knocked" Quinn shrugged and straightened out his tie, cheeks a cute pink hue as Honey took his hand and led him downstairs.
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transhoverfish · 8 months
so a few days ago, krafton (their publisher), apparently had this like presentation of their plans over the next like 2 years. and during that they talked a bit about sub 3!
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and this obviously creates a LOT of questions. not to worry, though, because unknown worlds added on to this:
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im honestly not surprised by this. iirc, when below zero released they said it would be a WHILE before the next game, and they only announced this back in like... january? now, the first game's release was in january, and bz was in may, so it's definitely possible early access with be in spring of 2025. those games did not have multiplayer aspections tho! its possible we'll wait until mid 2025, and full release will likely not be until 2026. but who knows? the first game took like ten to be fully finished!!
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and honestly. THANK GOD. i can't imagine any subnautica game having BATTLE PASSES or LOOT BOXES. i would have just straight up ignored this game 😭
i do wonder what these updates will entail! "many years to come" is definitely something interesting to me, because other than bug fixes... i dont remember sub or bz getting many updates post full release. is this referring to bug fixes, or is it implying that it will be in a state of early access for much longer? are they going to just keep adding new things (like the building update for sub1) and taking fandom suggestions? very interested!!
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maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but i actually,,,, dont want multiplayer. now i do like bz, and these games arent really intended to be horror games, but also bz is very noticeablely less scary than sub1. and some of it i think definitely has to do with all the extra characters and dialogue. its hard to feel isolated when you know al-an and marg are nearby. so im very happy that it's optional, bc i know i will probably enjoy single player a lot more enjoyable!!
so now... SPECULATION.
so the first thing im curious about that the development team didnt mention:
"uncover the mysteries on an entirely new alien planet"
apprently we are NOT returning to 4546b. which im kind of sad about!! ik the story is very obviously done there, but it feels weird that its going to be some other planet this time around. THERE WONT BE PEEPERS!!!! (well there could be but it would be weird if some other random planet had the exact same lifeforms)
now my next immediate thought is: is this a direct continuation of below zero? my opinion is: no. probably not.
mostly because it mentions up to four players, and robin and alan are, if you look very closely, only two people. now they COULD just create two new characters to go alongside them (my fanfic brain loves the au idea of marg and ryley 🥺) but im just going to assume that with the addition of a new planet, we're going to drop the old storylines. which means no more degasi, sunbeam, aurora, or ayou sisters. we might move away from architects/precursors altogether! (my basis on this is absolutely nothing and i could be wrong, this is 100% just theorizing)
also, i imagine that it would be difficult to keep the plot the exact same with two established characters and then two new ones, depending on how this multiplayer aspect works. if its another crash, it would be a lot easier to just have the extra players die/survive, then try to work in a balancing act of one guy playing al-an.
(also i like keeping the ending of bz vauge. if they show up again, they would have to mention what happened to the rest of the architects, and i think it's much more fun if thats a mystery!)
((also also, im gonna drop a bomb on u all for a second. i actually,,, dont like al-an. i have a deeper connection to probably every single other character in bz. i think they really fumbled al's character and story and he is so incredibly bland to me. it feels like they go nowhere with how he was responsible for the kharra outbreak because the game ends immediately after he confesses! it would be nice to give him another chance, sure, but i personally dread the idea of even more al-an. sorry everyone for this horrible news))
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i hope they bring back some cut content creatures for this!! i noticed this new area looks VERY similar to the safe shallows, and several of the fish seem to be variations of ones we've already seen (im already seeing bladderfish and hoopfish color pallettes, and the shark resmbles some early concept art for the shadow leviathan, but with the ice worm's colors...)
will there be more land areas?? is it going to entirely underwater?? more kharra?? NO DISEASE AT ALL?? AAAAAA!!!!
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daily offerings I want to add into my practice
First up is deities I actively work with and worship heavily
Tarot pulls
Working on my death alter
Cleaning ((offering both to him and the spirits))
Lighting his candle ((maybe not daily but more regularly than I do right now))
Keeping good finances ((once I score a steady job going every day will be devotional time to him as well))
Wearing his necklace or other devotional jewerly
Spring and summer
Keeping my room tidy
Keeping my [her] plants alive
Fall and winter
Tarot pulls ((I need to get her a deck))
Moving my meditation with hades outside to honor her as well
Daily showers
Listening to self love subliminals
Eating fruit
Lighting her candle for skin care ((as well as doing regular skin care))
Daily self cleansing ((even if it is just intentional showering some days))
Remembering to eat every day
Shadow work ((targeted at anger))
Calming exercises
Deep breathing
Remembering to vent my feelings when they get too big ((even if it is just to his candle))
Sadly I am not able to be medicated ((mental health spooky shit)) yet but that is going to be a devotional act for him once it happens. Currently tho:
Tracking my sh recovery journey
I am going to work on a playlist for him but listening to it will be a daily devotional act ((even just a few songs))
Not daily but regularly watching musical cartoons
Also not daily ((dionysus is very chill in my practice so I dont often work with him every day in large capacities)) but working with and making spell oils
Lady Morrigan
I know some people worship the morrigan as three separate entities but often she presents herself to be as one sole entity ((often as the aspect titled Badb)) so I just refer to her as "Lady Morrigan")) however you work with/worship her is totally valid
Study celtic mythology
Scrying work
Daily coffee with her
Asking for her advice with decisions I know I shouldnt make on my own
Shadow work ((general digging into my inner self))
Self love practices ((taking daily time for myself, also considering starting yoga again as a devotional act for her))
Lighting her candle while i get ready ((I wanna do this with a couple people for different reasons but for her specifically I want to devote the time I get dressed to her))
Moon cycle calendar
Queen Maeve
Tend to the plants
Making an alter to the fae is going to be a big devotional act for her as it is gonna be my first outdoor alter
Reading mythology with her
Practicing traditional magic
Now for guides and deities I worship casually
Lady Asteria
I want to start a dream journal dedicated to her
Sleep meditation
Lady Freya
Taking care of my kitten
Caring for my personal relationships
Writing poetry for her
Working on my stories
Boundary work ((this was why he first appeared into my space, what him and I worked on most while I worked with him, and it is what he helps with now that he took a step back))
Knowing when to quit some things
Shadow work ((when I devote the shadow work to Lilith he usually pops in too))
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sailorshadzter · 3 months
Spring finally arrives and along with it, forgiveness and warmth. Home. He is finally home. A time in which Jon finally forgives himself and the weight in his heart that once banned him from going home was lifted (the only ban that every existed because everyone knows he was always a hero)
hi anon!
thanks for the (VERY VERY OLD) request. i really wish (or maybe i dont lol) tumblr dated these.
i hope you see this!!!!!!!!! and you like it if you do!!!!
send me prompts
He wakes to the sound of the birds singing. 
What a strange concept, he thinks, rolling over onto his side, opening his eyes so he might observe the morning rays of light peeking in through his curtains. Pushing back the furs, all while making a mental note to ask for some lighter blankets, he sits up and swings his legs over the edge of his bed. 
It’s been something like six weeks since his return to Winterfell and somehow in that time, spring had made itself known. 
Almost as if it had been waiting for his return. 
A sigh escapes him and he stands up, stretching, before he makes his way across the room, reaching for the white shirt he’d draped over the back of a chair before going to bed the night before. It was a new shirt, one which was stitched by the hands of the very queen he’d come to serve. Queen or not, Sansa still thoroughly enjoyed sewing and she’d provided him with many new clothes upon his return to Winterfell. 
When he’s fully dressed, he slips away from his rooms, heading down the hall, pausing only a moment at the door that belongs to her. But, from within he hears the voices of the maids, telling him she’s already left for the morning. So he continues on, taking a flight of stairs down and taking a left down another hall. There on his right he stops at another door, raising his hand to knock- three quick knocks, one she would know anywhere.
And then he steps inside. 
She stands at the window, the morning sun framing her in the most beautiful of ways. 
To his surprise (and delight) she’s done away with her heavy winter gowns, replacing it with instead a sage green damask, its sweeping sleeves trimmed with elaborate gold thread, the hemline mimicking the very same pattern. She turns at the door, her rosy lips curving with a smile at the sight of him there, head tilting just enough to send her hair cascading across a shoulder. “Good morning,” his queen greets, sending his heart fluttering. 
It was not always this easy, he thinks, for it was not that long ago that he lived in a dark world. One full of regrets and fear, one where he worried he was not enough for her, one where he worried his presence would tarnish her good name. Hundreds of letters from her went unanswered, though they were all kept, even now tucked into the corner of his trunk. He had murdered one of his own- for the greater good, of course, and truth be told killing Daenerys was the least of his issues. But the war… The fighting… If only he’d done things differently. If he’d handled the situation differently, perhaps thousands of innocent lives would not have been stolen. 
The grief of that had nearly taken all of him, left him bereft, left him lost to drink, the only way he could ever feel any relief. It had taken time, over a year of it in fact, to come to realize that missing her was far worse than any of the other pain he felt. And so he’d sent her a letter back, thinking the worst that could happen would be her not bothering to answer him at all. Instead, she wrote him back, summoning him with her queenly demand. 
So he listened, coming to his queen’s call. 
“You are a spring queen,” he says with a grin of his own, approaching her where she stands, watching as she blushes pink. “I can’t remember when I last saw you in such a color.” For the last two years or more she’s worn nothing but gray and black, a sign of her mourning, a sign of her place as Ned Stark’s daughter. There wasn’t a single man in Winterfell that could recall their old lord ever wearing anything but black and gray. But she was not Ned Stark, she was his daughter, and she was their queen. “It suits you.” The soft green is a lovely contrast to her ivory skin, to her vibrant red hair. 
“Thank you,” she says, still blushing. 
They make small talk for a while, she seated there in the window seat, he atop the desk. He had forgotten how easy it was to talk to her like this- then he had to laugh, because until now, they never had anything but war and grief to speak of. “You know…” She’s saying now, drawing him back out of his own thoughts. “I have heard that the first seedlings have sprouted in the gardens, I thought I might take a walk through them to see for myself. Won’t you join me?” She looks his way, blue eyes bright and shining, a beauty unlike anything he’s ever had the pleasure of seeing. 
“Of course,” he replies, rising up so he might offer her his arms, which she takes when she stands up. 
Together they make their way down the hall and down the flight of stairs to the main hall, out the double doors and into the bright spring sunlight. 
Jon smiles, wondering how he ever could have stayed away. 
After all this time, he was home.
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