#dealing with depression
villemel · 1 month
Shakespeare's Sonnet 29 is really resonating with me rn. His use of the poetic turn is particularly evident here, as he induldges in writing verse with a clear intention to stop negative thinking and emerge with a fresh state of mind.
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His repetition of 'state' as well as his reference to 'kings' all have profound meaning for a person who's fallen out of favour in a stratified society, and in this case the bard suggests turning to the remembrance of love to cheer oneself up.
Nb. the bust is of the Swiss politician George Favon (1843-1902) and the plinth reads 'no progress without social justice'
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nintendo-b1tch · 7 months
There isn’t enough Rauru Fanfics!! >:0
So here, have some angst! :D
Warnings: Grief, Loss, Major Character Death, Sleep Disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Violence, Stress, No Happy Ending
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As he watched you run, a grin spread across his face, basking in the euphoria of this simple yet magical moment. Suddenly, you halted, turning towards him with a mischievous glimmer in your eyes. In a swift motion, you planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, causing his eyes to flutter open in surprise and admiration. The affectionate gesture sent waves of warmth pulsating through his entire being, solidifying his love for you.
However, reality didn't mirror this idyllic scene. He awoke to find himself lying alone in bed, the absence of your presence as overwhelming as a tidal wave crashing upon him. Instinctively, his arm reached out to the side, seeking the imprint that your body would leave on his mattress. His fingertips grazed the empty space, a cruel reminder of the hollowness within his soul. As his trembling hand fell back to the sheets, his sorrow gave birth to crystalline tears that gently tracked down his cheeks, mirroring the anguish that consumed him.
His mind became a torrent of memories, each fragment tragically reminding him of the void that was now his reality. The weight of regret pressed heavily upon him, crushing his spirit with its unforgiving grip. If only he had been more cautious, if only he had shielded you from the clutches of Ganon, perhaps you wouldn't have been subjected to such a tragic fate. The simple stone, a mere piece of jewelry that adorned your neck, had proved to be a fatal harbinger of doom. In his heart, he carried the burden of guilt, etching the words "it was his fault" into the very core of his being.
Every fleeting moment with you, every stolen kiss, now replayed in his mind like a bittersweet montage. The weight of your absence intensified with each passing second, seeping into the crevices of his soul. The overwhelming grief threatened to shatter him completely, leaving only broken fragments of a once vibrant love story. The realization that you were gone, forever out of his reach, pierced him with a searing pain that he couldn't escape.
As the tears continued to cascade down his sorrow-stricken face, his heartbreak became etched in every line and crease. He yearned for the warmth of your laughter, the touch of your hand, and the ethereal connection that only the two of you shared. The throbbing ache within him served as a constant reminder of the irreplaceable void you left behind.
In this sea of anguish, he found himself drowning in a whirlwind of regrets and what-ifs. If only he could turn back time, rewrite the course of history, and rewrite the tragic fate that had befallen you. He clung to the remnants of your love, desperately seeking solace in the hazy memories of your beautiful laughter and infectious spirit.
In the depths of his despair, he vowed to honor your legacy and never let your memory fade. The stone that had caused your untimely demise became a symbol of his eternal devotion, a poignant reminder of the battles he fought within himself. With each teardrop shed, he silently pledged to fight for a future where love prevailed over darkness, where your laughter could once again fill the air, enchanting his broken heart with remnants of a love that will never be forgotten.
The haunting events of that fateful day replayed over and over again in the deepest recesses of his mind, replaying like a broken record that he couldn't tune out. There seemed to be no escape from the gripping nightmares that relentlessly whispered devastating images of your lifeless figure sprawled mercilessly on the unforgiving ground. And there, standing ominously in the backdrop of this indelible memory, was Zelda, her presence casting an eerie shadow upon the scene.
It was as if the weight of his guilt had become an unwelcome companion, a heavy burden that refused to be shrugged off. Shoulders slumped under the immense pressure, he found himself enveloped in an overwhelming sea of remorse, unable to fathom how he could have prevented such a tragedy. Deep down, he knew that you, in your infinite kindness and understanding, would never have wanted him to shoulder this blame alone. But try as he might, it was a challenge to convince himself otherwise.
Every waking moment was haunted by the fragments of that incident, the vivid imprints etched forever in his psyche. From the smallest details of how the light had danced upon your face to the exact postures Zelda had assumed in those haunting seconds, his mind relentlessly recreated the scene vividly, unable to let go. It was as though time had stopped and he was trapped within a loop of remorse, forced to relive every heart-wrenching second indefinitely.
The constant replay of this torturous memory began to spill over into his daily life, causing ripples of distress and despair in even the most mundane tasks. The once vibrant hues of everyday existence seemed muted and dull, as his mind remained fixated on that singular, pivotal moment of tragedy. The world around him carried on, oblivious to the silent torment gnawing at his soul.
He yearned for closure, for a way to escape the clutches of this consuming guilt. Desperate attempts were made to rationalize the situation, to find some semblance of solace in understanding that sometimes, despite our best efforts, life takes a cruel detour. But the heavy weight persisted, pressing down upon him like an unrelenting force, unwilling to grant him respite.
You were the one who opened your heart to fall in love with a unique and unconventional being like him. While many Hylians would mock and ridicule him, you chose a different path, embracing his imperfections and vulnerabilities without judgment or scorn. Your unconditional acceptance and support transformed his life, becoming the guiding light that brightened even the darkest corners of his existence.
The unimaginable day when you were taken away from him stands as a haunting turning point, forever etched into his memory. The mere recollection brings back a flood of emotions, like a fierce tidal wave crashing against the shores of his soul. He can still vividly recall the moment he crumbled, his helpless sobs finding refuge in the comforting embrace of his older sister. The pain of losing you weighed heavy on his heart, threatening to crush his spirit.
The sheer disbelief at your departure overwhelmed him. It was as if the universe had played a cruel trick on him, snatching away his beacon of hope and leaving him stranded in a desolate void of emptiness. Coping with your absence proved to be an uphill battle, one that required him to confront his inner demons and face the reality of life without you. Alas, his inability to accept your departure led him down a treacherous path of detrimental habits and destructive behaviors.
Night after night, unbearable nightmares plagued his vulnerable psyche, mercilessly thrusting him into a realm of torment that he sought to escape. Sleep became his enemy, a treacherous portal that unleashed the haunting memories he desperately wished to evade. His sister, although well-intentioned, could not fathom the depth of his anguish and grief. It was in the dead of night that she awoke, startled by the piercing sound of his anguished scream, a haunting echo of his heartache and yearning for you.
This distressing episode served as a mere glimpse into the extent of his sorrow, a silent testament to his shattered soul. The magnitude of his pain was impossible to comprehend fully, confined within the confines of his mind and heart. Yet, the echoes of his anguish reverberated through the halls of his existence, a constant reminder of the void left by your absence.
When the panicked urgency surged through her veins, propelling her out of her own room and towards the source of the piercing scream, she was met with a sight that left her breathless. In the wake of her hasty arrival, her brother's once peaceful abode had morphed into a scene of havoc and destruction. The room, once a sanctuary, now lay in ruins, as if a tempest had swept through its very core.
However, it was not the shattered remnants of the decorative mirror that commanded her attention, but rather the sight of her brother standing amidst the chaos. Approaching him with measured caution, every step calculated, she couldn't help but notice the untamed state of his hair - an outward manifestation of the depths of his anger. Only on rare occasions did his normally composed demeanor give way to such uncontrollable fury.
As she drew closer, her acute hearing intercepted the soft murmurings emanating from him, the words casting a shiver down her spine. Shock and horror washed over her like a tidal wave as his disturbing declaration echoed in her ears, each repetitious utterance carrying with it mounting intensity. " I'll kill him " he seethed, the weight of those words hanging heavily in the air. The force behind his voice grew, matching the intensity of his emotions, as his clenched fist collided once more with the jagged fragments of the shattered mirror. Yet amidst the chaos, her gaze locked onto something unexpected — a glint of metal in his other hand.
With tears streaming down his face, his anguish was palpable. The sight of her brother, overcome by a maelstrom of emotions, filled her with a desperate sense of concern. In that moment, she glimpsed her most cherished possession, a necklace that held sentiment and memories intertwined, clutched tightly in his trembling grasp. The juxtaposition of his vulnerability and the presence of that treasured necklace left her questioning the events that had led them to this drastic point.
Each shattered piece of the mirror, every trembling word, and the necklace cradled in her brother's hand served as a mosaic of emotions and turmoil. In that poignant instant, she vowed to uncover the truth and bring solace to her brother's tormented soul, to navigate the labyrinth of their shattered reality with unwavering determination. She knew that the road ahead would be arduous, but her love for him was an unyielding beacon, guiding her through the darkest of storms.
" Rauru....this isn't your fault, you couldn't have seen this coming "
" YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND, MINERU, I SHOULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING!! HE IS RIGHT, I AM NO FIT TO BE A RULER IF I AM UNABLE TO PROTECT MY FAMILY!! MY SUNDELION!! My everything.... " His body collapsed into his sister's arms, a vulnerable surrender to the overwhelming grief consuming him. As his uncontrollable sobs reverberated throughout the room, it became evident that something crucial was missing in his life. Your absence had left an unfathomable void in his soul, a void that seemed insurmountable in its depth and magnitude.
The tormenting night had awoken him from a fitful slumber, startled by the vivid intrusion of a powerful memory. In his dream, a cherished recollection had materialized, reminding him of a remarkable moment that had forever altered the trajectory of his existence. Summoning unprecedented courage, he had mustered the audacity to ask you on a momentous date, a simple act that held profound significance for him.
The night had unfolded like a beautifully scripted romance, each moment etching itself into the fabric of his memory. And when the time came to bid adieu, he exuded both anticipation and trepidation. With trembling hands, he gently clasped a meticulously crafted necklace around your delicate neck—an exquisite piece painstakingly created by his own hands. It was a blooming Sundelion, a whimsical embodiment of your heart's desires, carefully selected because he knew it held a special place in your affections.
His heart swelled with an indescribable sense of pride and accomplishment upon completing the necklace. The delicate charm gleamed against your skin, its intricate details a testament to the love and dedication he had poured into its creation. As you gratefully expressed your admiration for the thoughtful gesture, his smile widened, deepening the bond that already connected the two of you.
Through this tangible symbol of their affection, he hoped to convey a multitude of emotions that seemed impossible to articulate in words alone. Each carefully crafted petal and intricate design was imbued with the love, adoration, and profound understanding he had for you. It was his humble attempt to epitomize the intricate beauty of your soul—a reflection of the vivid blossoms that bloomed within your essence.
In that moment, he knew that the necklace would be far more than a mere accessory. It would become a cherished talisman, a tangible embodiment of the depth of their connection and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. And so, as he collapsed into his sister's arms, his tears mingling with the memory of that cherished night, he held the necklace close to his heart, finding solace in the reminder of the love he had once shared with you.
You were a truly extraordinary individual who possessed a remarkable ability to brighten people's lives. Your infectious personality and genuine care for others meant that you always went above and beyond to ensure that everyone around you wore a genuine smile. It was absolutely heartwarming to witness how effortlessly and selflessly you made it your mission to uplift those who were feeling downhearted.
In your presence, even the most sorrowful souls would find solace and comfort as you ceaselessly worked to turn their frowns upside down. Your unwavering dedication to spreading happiness and joy was truly awe-inspiring. You had an innate talent for understanding the needs and emotions of others, which enabled you to provide them with the support and encouragement they required during their difficult moments.
Your magnetic charm and charisma attracted people from all walks of life, and it was a testament to your exceptional character. Your mere presence had the power to create an atmosphere of warmth and positivity that enchanted everyone around you. You effortlessly formed deep connections and friendships, leaving an indelible impression on everyone who had the privilege of encountering your radiant spirit.
However, when fate took you away from the realm, an irrevocable darkness descended upon the once vibrant kingdom. The news of your untimely departure spread like wildfire, and the kingdom was plunged into an overwhelming state of deep sorrow and mourning. It was as if a brilliant light had been snuffed out, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. As word of your loss reached far and wide, communities near and far grieved the loss of a remarkable soul whose impact had reverberated throughout the land.
The kingdom mourned not only for the loss of an extraordinary individual who had enriched the lives of so many, but also for the void created by your absence. The absence of your vivacious spirit and contagious laughter left an insurmountable emptiness that permeated every corner of the kingdom. The memory of your selflessness, compassion, and unwavering commitment to spreading happiness was etched in the hearts of every citizen, forever reminding them of the profound impact you made during your time amongst them.
The grief that pervaded the kingdom served as a testament to your extraordinary influence and the indomitable mark you left on the hearts and souls of the people. It became increasingly evident that your absence was not just a personal loss, but a collective tragedy that weighed heavily upon the entire community. The kingdom yearned for the return of the joy and unity that had once flourished under your guiding light.
Though the kingdom continued to mourn, your legacy lived on, as the lessons you imparted and the countless smiles you had brought continued to inspire and motivate. The memories of your kindness, generosity, and immense capacity to bring happiness to others lingered, reinforcing the importance of compassion and empathy within the hearts of those who remained.
In conclusion, your unparalleled ability to bring a smile to everyone's face, even in the darkest of times, was a gift that touched the lives of countless individuals. Your magnetic presence and unwavering commitment to spreading joy made you the guiding light of the kingdom, and your departure left behind an irreplaceable void that was mourned by all. Your legacy of kindness and selflessness continues to resonate within the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to cross paths with you, ensuring that your memory is forever cherished and celebrated.
Every single day, without fail, he would find himself in the same predicament: unable to sleep, tormented by the memories of their time together. Each night seemed to bring forth a different recollection, replaying like a broken record in his mind. It was as if the universe had conspired to snatch away his beloved far too soon, leaving him to grapple with an unfair and unfathomable reality.
The emotions that churned within him were overwhelming, and he couldn't help but feel a growing disgust in the depths of his chest. The sight of couples indulging in displays of affection felt like a personal affront, a cruel reminder of what he had lost. It was almost as if they were purposefully rubbing their happiness in his face, taunting him with the fact that he could no longer share such moments with you.
These thoughts, invasive and unrelenting, plagued his mind relentlessly. They consumed him to such an extent that he found solace only within the confines of his own room. It became a sanctuary of sorts, a shelter from the onslaught of memories and emotions that threatened to engulf him. Within those four walls, he sought refuge from the tumultuous waves crashing against the shores of his weary soul.
And so, he would retreat into isolation, withdrawing from the world outside that seemed so devoid of the warmth and joy he once knew. The confinement of his room became a physical representation of the emotional isolation he felt, a space where he could attempt to make sense of the incomprehensible loss that had shattered his world.
In this chamber of solitude, he would dwell upon the fragments of memories scattered across the vast expanse of his mind. Each moment of tenderness, each laugh shared, and every touch exchanged would be painstakingly dissected and analyzed. For within those memories lay the essence of what had been lost, the intangible connection that was now severed.
As he grappled with the unbearable weight of his grief, he longed for an answer to the inevitable question: why? Why were others allowed to bask in the glow of happiness while he was left to navigate the darkness alone? The answer remained elusive, buried within the complexities of fate and the unpredictability of life.
And so, night after night, he would find himself trapped in this ceaseless cycle of longing, yearning for an escape from the clutches of his sorrow. Each sleepless night was a stark reminder of the love that had been snatched away, and the pain that persisted. And within the walls of his room, he would continue to search for solace, hoping that one day, the memories would bring not only pain, but also a bittersweet sense of peace.
Rauru found solace in immersing himself in his royal duties, seeking respite from the overwhelming weight of his thoughts. Wrapped tightly in his blanket, he absentmindedly scratched at the fur on his thighs, a nervous tick that offered temporary distraction. His gaze fell upon the wounds that marred his flesh, a secret he held close, aware of the unhealthiness of his actions.
In truth, he couldn't fathom the possibility of breaking free from this cycle. It had become an addiction, a desperate attempt to alleviate the agony of your absence. You were more than just a presence in his life; you were the very essence of his happiness. The day you left, his world came crashing down, an irreversible rupture in his soul.
That fateful night, Rauru found himself kneeling before the statue of the goddess, pouring his heart out in desperate pleas. He yearned for your return, hoping against all odds that she would hear his cries and grant him reprieve. However, no matter how many times he humbled himself in front of that relentless statue, you remained forever out of reach.
Oh, how he longed for your presence once more, but it was an unattainable dream. He resigned himself to a life where you would never grace his side again, forever mourning the loss of the one who completed him..
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theunsaidsyllables · 4 months
You can't ease pain with discipline. You can't push it out of your body with force. You can caress it, hug it gently, hold it till it feels lighter, till it melts in your embrace and becomes one with light.
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oblakdark · 5 hours
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𝕴𝖒𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖈𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖞
“𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚜 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚌𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚜, 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎, 𝚞𝚗𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚜𝚎."
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mistresslrigtar · 3 months
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Snapshots of moments between Link and Zelda post-TotK, as they come to terms with the traumatic events of the Upheaval and slowly rediscover each other and their love. How many times can two people be forced to start their lives over?
Each chapter will be under 1k, so easy to read. Enjoy! Many thanks to @floraunderground for looking about half of these prompts over! The other half are unbetaed, so apologies in advance 😅
Chapter One - Cozy (day one prompt for @zelinktines24)
Read below or on AO3 HERE
Late afternoon sunlight streams through the room’s one window, casting an elongated golden rectangle across the smooth wooden floor. Standing in the doorway of the study Link built for her, Zelda knows the irrational fear that consumes her is out of place in this otherwise cozy room. Why is it, months after she’s been transformed back to herself, can she not shake the fear that any minute she’s going to wake up a mindless dragon floating far above Hyrule? It gnaws at her sanity, threatening to break the tenuous hold she currently has on her daily life. 
Zelda tries and fails not to think about the fact that Link built this room during a time when he knew she’d swallowed the secret stone, willingly giving up her soul and him in the hopes of saving Hyrule once and for all. He had no way of knowing if she would ever return, but all the same, his first thought was only of her and what would make her happiest.
Even though he’s yet to say the words since her return, Zelda feels the love that permeates the walls. It’s infused in every stone, wooden slab, and glass pane. Stepping into the room, she runs her fingers over the leather blotter pad in the center of the simple wooden desk before settling in the cushioned chair. An iron lantern hangs from the ceiling directly above, and that, along with the round hurricane lamp on the corner of the desk offers plenty of light when the room grows dark. Link has filled a bookshelf that spans one wall from floor to ceiling with all her books, scientific journals, and a few new ones he picked up during his quest to find her. Surrounded by all the things she loves most in the world, there is only one thing missing. Him.
Zelda gazes out the window at the setting sun, dipping beyond the peaks of Death Mountain Range. Link, ever patient and kind, has never questioned her need for solitude and gives her all the space she desires. Today is the first day since she’s returned that he’s ventured out past the property line. He’s in the valley between the mountains and Tarrey Town visiting Hudson, who’d sent word that morning of needing Link’s assistance. Link had checked in with her before leaving, and she’d assured him she would be alright and was ready to be on her own. 
All the same, she’d nearly raced after him when the silence that fell over their home when he left became oppressive to the point of becoming unbearable. Zelda doesn’t want to keep Link from enjoying one of the things he loves best, helping others. So instead, she’s retreated to this small, intimate room, where she can feel his presence the strongest, and awaits his return.
Twisting in her chair, she plucks the journal chronicling Link’s quest to track down the dragon tears. She’s reviewed it countless times, rereading his growing despair with the revelation of each faded memory until the last where his entries cease. The page is blank after the recount of the final memory. That suddenly wordless void speaks volumes of Link’s desolate acceptance that once again the needs of the many have outweighed the needs of the two.
Her heart aches as she traces her fingers over the page, recalling his terror-filled eyes as she fell away from him. If it hadn’t been for Sonia and Rauru, Zelda is uncertain what she would have done, lost in the past with no hope of returning home. As it was, the choice she’d been forced to make had nearly cost them everything, if not for the saving grace of two spirits who had swiftly become second parents to Zelda.
But what if? The weight of the ultimate decision to sacrifice herself fills Zelda with guilt and dread. She had no way of knowing if it would work, if the Master Sword would be restored, better than ever. She would never have known and Link would have been left bereft in a broken, hopeless Hyrule, knowing she’d relinquished her soul for nothing, while she drifted aimlessly above, without a care in the world. Or worse, it did work, but the choice was truly irreversible, and he’d been left alone with a restored sword that had been the bane of both their existences since the very beginning. Clenching her fists, Zelda bites back a sob, glad Link isn’t there to hear her crying… again.
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nnezzy · 4 months
And finally, this year came to an end. As the fireworks shine in the sky, I'm sitting on my bed. No parties, no drinking. No friends around. Just me, Jerry, my whale plushie and my plants. This year was the first brick of a life I'm not allowed to discover just yet. I've been more alone in this year than in my 21 years of life. And I lived for so little. I remember how many times I thought about ending it all, and being this close to death that her breath felt like a delicate veil. I've been betrayed and abandoned in ways my heart didn't know it was possible to even experience. I've faced traumas I didn't know existed. O made some new friends along the way and lost others. I talked to myself an uncountable amount of times. Monologs and poetry have saved me this year. And I want to thank the hopecore, who taught me so much in so little time. I found out so much about myself.
I learned a lot.
I've changed a lot. And a lot changed.
Im learning to leave the past behind. I'm learning to be myself a bit more. I'm learning how to receive love, affection, care and kindness from others. I'm learning to be kind, tender, and delicate. I'm learning to set boundaries. I'm learning to let people go if they don't wish to stay any longer next to me. I'm learning to be alone. I'm learning to live.
I ask for one wish only to the Universe: May this year be kinder to my soul and heart. May this year be kinder, to me.
Happy New Year kid.
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ultraviolet-aria · 2 months
Had a bit of a hard time today dealing with life. I would’ve more written for my fic if I didn’t hate my life at work. Cried and hated myself a lot today but having my partner here with me helped. Hopefully tomorrow will be much better because I know I have a lot to give. -aria
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cloud-of-eden · 6 months
cloud’s guide to temporarily feeling better while depressed (this is mostly for me because when i feel like shit all self care leaves my head):
1. cry. like actually cry. if you can’t because you feel too numb act like you’re a character in a sad scene or something. anything to get the emotional release of actually shedding tears
2. get comfy. pull out a soft blanket, put on good sensory pjs, light a candle, pull out the works. you’re sad damn it and you deserve good things
3. eat a snack and drink some water. you’re gonna be dehydrated after crying and it’s going to prevent you feeling physically like shit too.
4. watch something silly. it’s tempting to watch something scary or sad because that’s how you’re feeling but it’s just going to make it worse. i personally watch clips from my favorite shows out of context because those usually make me laugh.
5. shower. now, while depressed a lot of people want to skip this. but i have had life-changing showers before and they really do make you feel better about your life. my trick for them is to not let yourself think too much. your brain is likely not a very hospitable place right now so you need to not be completely alone with your thoughts. listen to a podcast, dnd show, something, anything to get your mind out of the way.
6. go to bed. a lot of the time it can be hard to sleep, but tomorrow is a new day. normally when i am freaking the fuck out, my emotions are being really heightened by exhaustion. so try to sleep a good amount.
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villemel · 2 months
Penned in February 2006 Reworked for good form
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joyinsorrowtattoo · 1 month
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katimorton · 13 days
In this video I'm talking to you about why I think the 5 stages of grief are BS... as a LMFT who has worked closely with grief and grieving with many of my patients, along with my personal grief journey, I'm here to tell you that I think the 5 stages of grief we often refer to are archaic and should not be followed closely. So what does grief or the grieving journey actually look like? And in my research and experience, what is grieving actually like? And what can we grieve? And how does grieving a loved one differ from grief recovery from other areas? In this video I'm talking you through my grief journey and what I believe to be true around grief, grieving and the grief journey.
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oblakdark · 5 days
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𝕮𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖂𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖘
“𝙷𝚊𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚌𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚊𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚘𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚜, 𝚊 𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚖 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎."
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thepantyraids · 30 days
I am so deeply traumatized and it’s never going to go away
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Intrusive thoughts
Tw: Brief mentions of Suicide, SH
I think social media has watered down the meaning of what intrusive thoughts are, and while I'm not against the phrase being used for humourous purposes, the gravity of what they are and how exhausting they can be is a serious issue for those constantly struggling with them.
Nobody talks enough about how suffocating, disgusting, and dark these thoughts are, and how they make you question everything from your existence to your self worth to your relationships with people, even your loved ones.
And it's not easy to talk about them because you're afraid people will judge you. Venting is one thing, but talking about the most vile unwanted thoughts that can be sexual, harmful, or downright evil, is not easy. You fear hurting others but what's worse is that you start fearing yourself.
And before you know it, you want to hurt yourself and end it once and for all because it makes you feel abnormal.It really makes you feel lonely, and it makes you want to die. And one thought, one trigger can cause you to spiral and end up in a hellhole.
Finding a moment of peace becomes the most important thing for you, because what's the point of surrounding yourself with silence when none comes from within?
I recently saw a post on Instagram and the people in the comments were talking about their experiences with intrusive thoughts and it made me feel somewhat better to know I wasn't alone in this. So I'm doing my part to talk about it in the hopes that it reaches people who struggle with these recurring thoughts.
There will be people who will criticize, and you might think you're a freak. But this post is just to let you know you're not alone in this, and there are people out there who can empathize. Breathe. Keep going. One step at a time.
🫂 Take care of yourselves
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zero-0-clock · 4 months
Never thought I'd be where I am today tbh. As a teen, I couldn't even picture a future because I was so deep into depression that the only thing I could think of when trying to picture my future was death. But I made it and I'm here now and, yeah, it's hard sometimes (so hard that I wonder if it's still worth it), but I got to experience so many beauty ful amazing things and meet so many amazing people. I got into gaming, cosplay, found a community of nerds who share my interests, got to travel and read and write and just... Live. It's hard, sometimes, to remember the good things, but they're still there. They're little rays of light peaking through the darkness and I hold onto them as hard as I can.
There is always hope. Always. I still struggle with suicidal thoughts and depression and anxiety and I think I will for a long time (these things don't just go away like that *snaps fingers* unfortunately), but I'm alright. And I will continues to be because the world is full of possibilities. And every single time I start spiraling again, I remember why I held on for so long. I remember how good these moments felt and, even if I can't feel that happiness in the moment, I remember that it /is/ possible for me to feel it. I remember that it won't always be like this, that there are things worth sticking around for. I know some people are probably tired of hearing this, but it /does/ get better. It won't be a walk in the park and you'll still have to fight your mind sometimes, but it'll become easier. You'll find new things to love at every corner and rediscover some things you used to love and there will be moments when you'll wonder why you ever thought letting go of everything would be good. And when you're in the middle of fighting again and asking yourself "is it worth it? to feel like this again and again and again?" you'll find that answering "yes. yes, it is" becomes easier and easier. And you'll push through. I know you will. I won't lie and say it will be easy (it won't), but you are strong and capable enough to make the choice to stay again and again and again. It may not mean much (if anyone has even read this far lol), but I believe in you. I am only a stranger, but know that I understand at least a bit of what you might be going through. And I know we can make it. I know it.
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balanceworks · 4 months
Ideas on helping a friend with depression
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I have a friend who reached out and said they were feeling down and so I wanted to speak to them and try and help.
I am lucky to know a counsellor and so I called for advice - the below are the notes I took from my conversation.
Capturing here, as hoping this might help someone else in this situation.
Try to start the conversations by not making any assumptions about what might be wrong and just listen.
Its important to know that you are not a counsellor (you are a friend) so you can help but you probably won't be able to fix things.
Let them do most of the talking - create space for them- don't try and give ideas on solutions too soon - instead reflect back what you are hearing and empathise with them.
Let them know its very normal to feel like this.
Encourage them to go and see their doctor - they will be able to properly asses how they are and if medication and/or counselling could help.
You could use or encourage them to use diagnosis tools - like one available on NHS. This could help them understand their current position and encourage them to get help from a doctor.
Don't be afraid to ask them if they are having suicidal thoughts - I was advised, there is no link between asking someone this and them actually carrying out suicide (here is a paper I found on the topic). But by asking you could encourage them to talk to a their doctor and/or the Samaritans.
If their doctor suggests counselling then it may take some time for a no cost counsellor to become available - the doctor will probably suggest local charities etc that have groups etc to support people dealing with mental health challenges - charities like Mind.
If you do end up offering some friendly advice - be led by them, if you sense that they are seeing the advice or suggested next steps as positive then go with it. It really depends on their mental state whether they will be ready to take on advice and action it, so just feel it out.
The key is to listen, create space for them, encourage them to get professional help and be there as a friend regularly checking in on them - but not taking it all on yourself to solve their challenges.
Hope this list helps.
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