#or more precisely my mom has it and I used to play with it as a child
sainte-melasse · 30 days
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POV : I invite you to board games night
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mirohlayo · 6 months
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including mclaren, ferrari, mercedes + verstappen, ricciardo & gasly
warning : mention of medicine, pure fluff
note : been sick for almost 2 weeks now so i thought about this idea lol
!! english is not my first language !!
his poor heart cries in pain seeing you so weak. he hates when you're sick because sickness take off your positive energy which he adores much. so he makes sure you're warm enough under triple blankets, double pillows under your head for extra comfort and some movies playing on the tv. call him and he'll be standing right next to you a second later, ready to help you with anything. ask for cuddles and he won't think twice before joining you in the bed and pecking your face. he still want you to takes your medicine even though you're recovered, just in case, just to be sure you won't get sick again.
his poor baby is pin down on the bed, coughing and sneezing every single minutes. he hates it, he wants to see you smile again, he wants you to feel better. he would stay with you until you feel good, arms around your body as he let lazy and soft kisses everywhere on your face. especially your lips. you'll probably scold him because he'll get sick too but he doesn't care, he wants to take care of his baby, it's just his job. he reminds you to take your drugs and also makes sure you have everything you need, and if not then he'll bring it to you as quickly as possible.
as soon as he knows you're not feeling well, he would run to you in a hurry. he would also panic because it's not in your habit to get sick. he'll call his mom to get advices, he wants to do his best to take care of you and your poor state. try to act confident in front of you but internally stress because he doesn't really know what to do. still he manages to keep you in a good mood, he makes you laugh but you just end up coughing so he stress even more. but don't worry he'll be the sweetest, showing you with loads of kisses and cuddles because either him can't get enough of them.
now this guy would 100% know how to manage with his loved one being sick. like he just used to it and he perfectly knows what to do and what can make you feel better. he'll put you on the bed, and wrap you in a huge blanket. he even writes a schedule for your drugs with precise times. he'll cook the warmest meals and makes you tons of tea. sit next to you to keep an eye on you, sometimes you ask for kisses and he can't refuse them, pressing his soft lips on your forehead. you say that he's doing too much for you, overreacting the whole thing. but he would shrug and reply that he just wants the best treatment for you.
he doesn't really like when you're sick because he can't get along with the picture of you being stuck in the bed, a tired expression endlessly on your face. but on the other hand i feel like he'd love playing the doctor. like he'll be so much caring, asking you every little minutes if you're feeling better or not. he won't rest until you're completely recovered. also would be the type to play some music, because he knows how much it comforts you. he'll put your favorite tv show and slide under the blankets and cuddle you until your body is warm enough. and also constantly rubbing your back or arms, just full of love for his lover.
he has to deal with you being pretty sick and he doesn't wait a second to take care of you. maybe first will scold you because you don't wear enough warm clothing or you just don't pay enough attention to yourself. he doesn't like that, so he reminds you to always cover yourself with extra gloves and scarf. and then he feels bad seeing you in that state. he always feels panicked whenever you're coughing a bit too hard or sneezing nonstop. like a worried expression is stuck on his face. he would lay down on the bed next to you, mumbling some "my poor baby" and things like that. you'll tease him later about how much worried he looked for you but he doesn't care because it's just his way to show you how much he cares about you.
he's extremely caring and sweet with you. he becomes softer, acting super gently because he doesn't want to hurt you. stuck on your side like the world will stop if he's not keeping an eye on you. he would bring you to the doctor even if you just have a little fever, he's just so worried about you he doesn't want you to get sick. but manage incredibly well with it. he's the best because he does whatever you ask him to do. make you laugh ? he transforms into a comedian. not warm enough ? he joins you and cuddle you so close to his body. need some rest ? he'll take a nap with you in his arms, pressing kisses here and there until you're fully recovered.
at first he thought you were joking about your state. but when he came home and saw your tired body and face on the couch, he knew it wasn't funny at all. he feels so bad and he knows he has one job : take care of you as best as possible. but he knows one remedy that always works. his humor. whenever you're feeling off or sick, his humor always lifts up your mood. so while giving you your drugs, he'll talk about funny histories, or anything that can makes you laugh. and it works so well because despite the pain you're able to laugh. and he loves it. also pecking your whole face is one of the best medicine. but you can be sure he takes good care of you.
know how to handle the situation. like he would transform into a doctor as soon as his eyes saw something was off with you. forces you to stay in the bed, a crazy amount of blankets over your body. you tell him it's fine but he doesn't listen and keep adding more warm stuff. he would gives you princess treatment, ask for anything and you'll got it. also makes you different types of tea with all the different flavors, and it'll just ends up in a tasting session. he would also never shut up about his science, explaining you how people get sick. but over all, he's happy to stay on your side and feeding you with lots of kisses
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ariseur · 2 months
hi, can i request how dante and vergil would act after having an argument with reader? thanks!
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sparda twins after an argument 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
dante x reader, vergil x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
i hope you guys remember that i’m a ffvii AND a devil may cry acc, don’t be afraid to request for dmc 😭😭
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
intended lowercase, one spoiler for vergils lore (?), arguments ofc, lmk if i missed anything!!
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓓ANTE — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ i can’t see you and dante getting into arguments often. the only things that would lead to a fight is dante being concerned about getting you involved in his work (if you’re a devil hunter), or you worrying about how he’s too nonchalant when he eventually does get injured.
❥ even then though, he makes sure to not say things he doesn’t mean. but even after an argument, it’s like he replays it back in his head when he’s alone, thinking of every word and if it actually did offend you or not.
❥ in the case that it’s a lower to moderate argument— dante’s so fuckin goofy, he’s the type to still kiss your cheek to wake you up and make you terribly cooked breakfast to see if you’ll forgive him. up to you whether or not you do but he’d try to spoil you with whatever money he has. i’d suggest coaxing him to use that money to pay the bills instead 😭
❥ but if it was a big argument, i think it’d be pretty silent for a while. i can see dante apologizing first depending on how old he is (what game it’s set in). the younger he is, the more emotionally inept he’ll be.
❥ in the case that it’s older dante, he’ll give you an apology although he doesn’t expect you to forgive him, he just wants you to know he’s sorry.
❥ regardless of his age though, dante will leave you be until you come to him saying that you feel better. there’s no point in chasing after someone who needs space. if you cup a wild bird in your hands, the only thing it wants to do is escape.
❥ i see dante as pretty decent when talking it out though, he just wants nothing more than for the silent treatment to just simmer down so that when you’re both feeling calm and okay, you can talk it out reasonably. and the make-up sex is even more awesome.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓥ERGIL — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ as stated before in my previous hcs for vergil, he is a silent lover!! no difference whether he’s calm or angry, he silently brews. i cant see vergil getting into arguments much either, but the only difference between him and dante is that vergil brushes the topics off unless it comes to you.
❥ for instance, you get hurt? he doesn’t play lmao
❥ he might be a little harsh but considering he spent a lot of his time in hell, his social cues are kinda off. he never yells at you, but it lowkey hurts when he’s like a mom who can’t show she’s mad in public as he’s whisper yelling about how you’re not supposed to be so careless.
❥ vergil never yells, always talking lowly in that precise tone of his. however, he’s just so calculated with his words, making it more difficult when you try your attempts at a rebuttal. his sharp tongue would probably get him into trouble if you piss him off enough / if he super worried, though. might say something he’ll regret later.
❥ if it’s a small argument, he either acts like nothing happened or he overanalyzes it and overcompensates with his ‘apology’— which is sitting you down on the couch as he makes you feel like you’re in an intervention while you guys talk it out 😭
❥ if it’s a bigger argument, he’ll probably give you the silent treatment. he won’t talk about it and he won’t talk to you for a while, preferring his space over anything while he calms down.
❥ his pride stands in the way of him actually apologizing to you, especially if he recognizes the argument was his fault after a while. so you might have to be the one to confront him first.
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elizabethsnuts · 12 days
natasha realising some of her knifes are missing and she walks in on tony and her daughter using them as darts while bucky is just like ur mothers gonna kill you (completely random😭)
Sharp Lessons
WinterWidow x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Natasha founds out you and Tony were playing with her knives.
Natasha had just finished her morning training routine and was heading to the kitchen when she noticed something was off when she picked up her weapon case. Natasha had a finely tuned sense of her surroundings. So, when she noticed the lack of weight in the case, her brows furrowed. The absence of several knives didn't sit well with her.
She muttered under her breath in Russian as she strode through the Avengers Compound, her mind running through the possibilities. Natasha approached one of the training rooms and froze at the sight that greeted her. Tony was laughing, and beside him, you were holding one of Natasha's prized knives. The pair of you stood in front of the dark board, and Natasha’s knives were embedded in it with alarming precision.
Nice throw, kid!" Tony exclaimed, patting you on the back as you nailed the centre of the target.
Bucky was sitting on the bench nearby, arms crossed and a smirk playing on his lips. "You do realize your mother's gonna kill you, right?" he drawled, looking directly at you.
Your grin faltered as you noticed your mother standing in the doorway, arms crossed and a raised eyebrow that made it clear she wasn’t happy with you. Tony turned around casually, seemingly not caring about the situation. "Hey, Nat! Didn't know you were back."
Natasha's voice was unnervingly calm. "Tony, those knives are not toys. Y/N, what were you thinking?"
You glanced nervously between your mother and Tony. "I... uh... we were just… practising? Uncle Tony said it was okay."
Tony gave a sheepish smile. "Listen, she has excellent aim. Could be useful in a mission someday."
Natasha sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Tony, you are not helping. And Y/N, just because you can throw a knife doesn't mean you can just take mine without asking."
Bucky chuckled, getting up from the bench and walking over to stand beside Natasha. "Told ya," he whispered to you, and you shot him a playful glare.
You turned back towards Natasha and nodded earnestly. "I know, Mom. I'm sorry. We won't do it again."
Natasha's expression softened slightly as she looked at her daughter. "I'm not angry, just... be more careful next time, okay?"
You nodded quickly. “I will, I promise.”
Natasha uncrossed her arms, finally allowing herself a small smile. "Good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be taking my knives back."
She moved to collect her weapons, and Bucky gave her a supportive squeeze before turning to Tony and You. "Next time you want to have fun, maybe stick to something a little less... lethal."
As Natasha walked out of the room, knives in hand, she heard Tony mutter to you, "Your mother’s scary when she’s mad."
You laughed softly, glancing at your dad. "Yeah, but at least we know she cares."
Bucky chuckled, ruffling your hair. "That she does, kid. That she does."
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By god do I just need to scream into the ether about the Heart and co. confrontation scene.
First, the tension, incredible. Gemini and Fourth are phenomenal actors. Heart and Li Ming know they are walking in to a very emotionally fraught situation and their hesitation is palpable.
It's scene breakdown time babyyyy! Let's start from the beginning
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For a boy who admitted last episode that he has no idea what he is doing, he sure keeps doing things right. He's letting Heart know he's going to talk. Now, granted I don't know what he is saying here precisely if he is just simply saying "I'm going to talk for us/first", "I'll interpret," or if he's saying "I'm going to talk?", I don't think his face moves in any way that would imply a question, but his face is partially obscured. Either way he is at the very least keeping Heart in the know, and at the most asking for Heart's explicit consent to lead this conversation. You can't see it from pictures, but I appreciate the fact that before they cut back to the wide shot, Heart nods, so we as an audience, and Li Ming as the speaker here knows that Heart is okay with the power dynamics at play, with Li Ming talking for both of them.
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It's a blink and you'll miss it moment, thankfully I'm obsessed with this scene and therefore have been looping it endlessly, but I feel compelled to point out the way eye contact in this moment goes a long way in conveying how Heart's Mom and Li Ming view Heart. When Heart's mother points to her son she doesn't even look at him. The most she does is cast a downward glance at his bandage, and that's before she even points. And you can argue all you want that she doesn't look at him because she's specifically talking to and addressing Li Ming. But I call bullshit on that because Li Ming is specifically talking to and addressing Heart's mother, and he's looking straight in to Heart's eyes when he refers to and gestures towards Heart. I'm sure that both of these characters believe they love and care about Heart, but of these two characters which one actually recognizes Heart's personhood?
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But uh oh! Li Ming stood up for himself and for Heart, and talked back to not just an adult, but a powerful adult. And now she's mentioning past debts, and now there will be more to pay as a result. And Li Ming can only work so much with school and life and everything. He clearly doesn't know what he's getting himself in to, or what he has gotten himself in to. Li Ming and Heart's Mom are both getting angry, tensions are rising, something needs to happen to de-escalate the situation or this might go wrong. Uncle Jim absolutely must intervene (I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my voice). Interesting note: Guess who else doesn't look at their child when making a decision for them. Jim does look at Li Ming directly after this though, but it's to ask him why he did it. It's to place the blame for the accident on Li Ming. "You Li Ming, why did you do it?" "Heart asked me to." "Stop saying that."
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Jim is scared, Li Ming is pissed. "He was bored at home" "I said stop!" Jim is used to the way powerful and wealthy people can control and punish the poor. Jim and Li Ming have had conversations before that indicate this very mindset. Jim has mentioned power to Li Ming before and Li Ming's response has always been "what, so we just let them?" "He's a police officer so he can just do anything he wants to us?" to a young adult like Li Ming, this is an absurdity, to an older man like Jim, this is a reality. "he can just do anything he wants to us?" the answer is yes. Which is why Jim is so desperate to get Li Ming to stop talking here. But it just serves as a reminder to Li Ming that Jim thinks he's a child, and that he needs all his battles fought for him. If Li Ming doesn't keep pushing, nothing is going to change (social and political commentary anyone?)
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"There you go again," Heart's mother says, and this is Li Ming's initial reaction. This moment of annoyance and anger that this woman who doesn't even know him is once again accusing him of something he didn't do. This woman who is pointing once again to her son without even a glance in his direction "You know that he's mute, so you can say whatever you want?" First of all, even people who are mute have ways to communicate, so it's not like even if he was mute Heart would be helpless. Hell, even if Heart was mute he still has fucking sign language.
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The face of a woman who was, in fact, not aware that deaf people dislike being called mute.
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GUESS WHO FINALLY LOOKS AT HER SON AFTER THAT!!!! Please please if the writers are kind and merciful, this will be the point in the show where Heart's mother does so deep deep introspection and realizes how much she has fucked up. "He's just deaf," Li Ming says, loudly, and he steps forward, to try to engage Heart's mom in further conversation, in more dialogue. And what does Jim do? Pulls him back, takes him off his even footing "I said stop,"
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The face of a man who is very scared for the trouble his nephew might be getting himself in to, and the face of his nephew who is very disappointed that his uncle keeps not only backing down, but forcing him to back down as well. Who keeps asking him, in these small ways to lie instead of tell the truth. To remain quiet, to take the blame, to stick to the status quo.
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And then the part I hate (emotionally) begins. Heart asks Li Ming to tell him what they're saying. And I hate it because Heart's parents refusing to learn sign language does not only hurt Heart but it hurts everyone around him, themselves included. But specifically here, it hurts Li Ming, because he has to be the one to look Heart in the face and repeat the words his mother said, knowing that to do so will hurt Heart. Knowing that he has to be the one to hurt Heart.
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And this moment is also a great reminder for the audience as well that no one else knowing sign language creates really uncomfortable power dynamics between the person who is able to interpret and the Deaf person. Because Li Ming is hesitant to repeat it. Heart has to repeatedly grab his arm, repeatedly ask Li Ming to tell him what was said. Li Ming has absolute power over Heart right now, to refuse to say it, or to flat out lie. He doesn't, but it also should not be Li Ming's decision whether or not Heart knows, accurately, what was said. Even after we see it in his face that Li Ming agrees to translate, he still hesitates for a few seconds to move, to reach for the notepad, to have to write it down.
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And once he writes it down, Li Ming's eyes do not leave Heart. He is honed in on Heart, on Heart's face, on his shoulders, hell even on the back of his head until Heart asks him to translate. And god as much as I hate this moment in the scene for the pain that it causes Li Ming, I hate it even more for the pain that it causes Heart.
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He is fucking livid. Rightfully so, because HE'S NOT FUCKING MUTE, HE'S HAD LANGUAGE THIS ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME. He just wants to live his life like everyone else AND HE HAS TO TELL HIS PARENT'S THAT USING SOMEONE ELSE'S VOICE. Because they have refused to use his own. GOD. I'll be surprised if anyone makes it this far down in the post but I just...AHHHH I have no coherent thoughts about this moment, I just....Heart's parents do fucking better. Damn. And the worst part of this scene is yet to come because his Mom tries for like 0.2 seconds, but it looks like she's going to start signing something and Heart just looks SO surprised.
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He's so focused on it, he's paying so much attention to it. Is this it? Is this the moment he finds out that his mother has actually been trying? That she has learned and is ready to start using sign language with him? To talk to him, to understand him?
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She can't do it. She doesn't know how to. And it's just..it's so easy to see how much hope he had for just a second, how much that one millisecond of effort obliterated all the logic in his head that told him they didn't know it, they didn't care. And how quickly that disappointed anger snaps right back in to place. So Heart starts talking, in sign language, like he has been able to do for years, and he speaks his mind, and his mother still can't understand him. And we see the same dynamic here as with the "mute" comment. Heart's Mom wants Li Ming to translate, Heart wants Li Ming to translate, Li Ming knows how hurt Heart is, and yeah, probably some of his hesitation in voicing what Heart said is because he knows what Heart said will hurt her. But more so because I think it hurts Li Ming to know how much pain Heart is in.
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God, poor Heart, literally having to beg to be heard.
"He said you are ashamed of him being deaf,"
His mother shakes her head and says "Heart, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say, dear," and therein lies the problem. She doesn't know what to say, she never has. She has never bothered to learn how to communicate with him since he went deaf. She has kept him locked away. And it doesn't matter if she thinks she did that to keep him safe, Heart feels like he's being hidden away. And she doesn't say "No. No I'm not ashamed. I have never been ashamed." she doesn't know what to say. Because she can't say that. She can't deny that, and it just confirmed everything that Heart has known. So he leaves, because that's too much to handle.
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Bullshit 'he'll be fine, honey'. Your fucking son just told you that you never bothered to learn sign language in THREE FUCKING YEARS, and stormed away after admitting that he feels like you are ashamed of him, and you think no need to go after him, he'll be fine??? Fuck you. ACAB.
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Does this...
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look like...
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he's fine, to you?
No. I didn't think so.
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I don't really feel like I need to say much about this last shot. It stands on its own so strongly. Mirrors reflecting back, Heart and Li Ming only ever being able to see each other, to be seen by each other. Warm light at Heart's back, Li Ming in front of him, sandwiched between warmth in all of that blue, isolating coldness. All that evidence of how much time and the energy Heart has spent learning sign language. I don't know what the post-its say, I don't know that I want to know.
I don't know if they are notes Heart has written to himself when he was learning, and this is just what remains of his effort. Honestly I hope it's that, because if it is what I think it is, general, every day responses that he might have to give in reply to his parents that he can just pull off his wall and return, that is so much fucking worse. Because then its just the evidence of all the effort Heart has put in to communicate with his parents on their level when they have not put in the same effort to communicate on his. Even if it's something cute, even if it's all the notes that he and Li Ming have passed back and forth to each other over the last few months, serving as a reminder that someone cares, you still are left with the heartbreaking shot of two young men, desperate to be understood by their families, only having each other to hold on to, surrounded by reminders that they are the only two people that can understand each other. No matter how hard they try.
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slutt4ellie · 3 months
Sacred Hearts Entwined
(Bare with me this is the first story i’ve ever written!)
Ellie Williams X Reader
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Part 2 -> ✞
Part 3 -> ✞
What do you do when you’re falling hopelessly in love with your childhood best friend?
Summery: You’ve been friends since 2nd grade first meeting in school. Growing up in a religious background you’ve always been taught the “right” way to think. So why are you falling in love with her..?
Warnings -> Mentions of the “d slur” / Parents are controlling / homophobia / Both extremely confused of their feelings / cheating / (lmk if I missed anything else!)
WC: 2.3k
(Did not proofread!!)
The girl who caught your eye since you were kids, Ellie Williams.
Age 6 (grade 2) -
You didn’t have much friends, after all it was only grade 2 and being popular was probably the least of your concerns, at least that’s what your mom constantly told you.
Growing up as a naturally shy kid, meant going outside of the box to talk to people wasn’t precisely your idea of “fun”! That’s why you often dissociated, it seemed easier that way? So, as soon as the bell rang for recess you would go to the back of the playground where no one else sat watching the different animals the would scale the trees while the birds would flow through the sky.
But today was a different day, as you did that normal routine a girl sat beside you, freckles that trailed all around her face and light green eyes that shined in the sun with auburn hair which ended up being almost bright red in the sun.
“Do you like watching the animals too?” She asked fairly quietly looking at her hands, you sorta look at her and nod, to nervous to talk..
Age- 7 (grade 3) -
You shortly did learn her name after that moment, Ellie Williams. To be fair you actually started learning almost everything about her. She’s an only child, loves spending most of her time doing art or playing outdoors, she’s way more extroverted then you ever could be, and she has a pet dog named Max.
You and Ellie almost spent all your time together if not at her house playing outside then you guys would be cooped up in your basement finding new board games while your mother cooked dinner for you guys upstairs. Coming out of your shell with her seemed easier then other people, she made it easy. After all she didn’t get easily bored of my shyness through the beginning.
Age 10 (grade 6) -
“Okay push!!” Ellie groans pushing a trash bin closer to the convenience store ladder which leads to the roof. “Ellie this is dumb” You say on the opposite side using your back to help her push it. “Just relax! Once we get up there, then we can practically see the whole town!” She smiles continuing to push it “But if we get caug-“ You can’t even finish your sentence before she talks “We won’t get caught!” She says as the trash bin finally reaches the end of the brick wall.
“K boost me!” Ellie smiles walking up beside you as you slowly crouch resting your back on the cold metal trash bin, you put your hands in a cuff which Ellie’s foot rest in as you lift her up. She’s not even standing on the trash bin for more then 10 seconds before the bottom gives out and she falls feet first in the bagged trash “Ag fuck! Help!” Ellie groans trying to lift herself out.
You burst out laughing not even grabbing her hands to help her up and out, but now she yells “Help me!!” You’re still cackling as she practically falls out “Eww now you smell weird!” You laugh getting away from her “Oh yeah you want a hug?” Ellie says chasing after you as you run away into the distance.
Age 14 (Freshman year) -
“It’s bullshit!” Ellie says annoyed “They didn’t care about signing us up for a catholic school for the last 10 years” Ellie says kicking in her new shoes she got for her uniform “Maybe just a change of heart” You shrug almost accepting it “You barley even care” Ellie says looking at you “Us pouting isn’t gonna change our parents mind, the decision is final now?”
“I don’t wanna even go, I look really dumb in a skirt.” Ellie holds it up disappointed “Ellie you look fine in a skirt” You sorta smile looking at her “I don’t, I rather just wear the pants.” Ellie groans sliding her hands down her face dramatically “Well I think you look good?” You say partially because you want her to stop whining about it but mainly because you mean it.
Age 15 (grade 10) -
“So you’re going with Alex then?” Ellie ask looking at you as you read a book “I mean yeah he asked it would be weird not to go?” You sorta shrug “K..? I- We just always made fun of people who went to the dances, I just didn’t except you to suddenly change?” Ellie says, she wants it to seem like she doesn’t care but she’s genuinely doing a horrible job covering it. “I guess I didn’t get the impression you cared so much?” An annoyed tone leaking through your voice.
“I don’t.” Ellie says almost coldly adding on a few seconds later. “I’m probably gonna dip, my parents want me home soon anyway.” Ellie says standing up. You sorta just wave also not in the mood it’s been a long day and you don’t wanna fight with Ellie over a stupid thing like going to the dance with someone.
16 (grade 11) -
The moment where the story starts to go downhill, well this is it. You got together with Alex a few weeks after the dance and you’ve been together all summer. Leaving little time for Ellie, and don’t get me wrong! It’s not like it’s purposefully happening, it’s just the fact that you’re both at 2 different points and spending all your time with the person you’ve previously been doing that with for 10 years isn’t exactly on your top priority list. Ellie’s also just been weird around you, she doesn’t like it when Alex is brought up occasionally sighing every time he’s even mentioned or going on about how she can’t see you guys going beyond high school. And at this point you finally talk “You say it like you’re fucking jealous?” You say a bit pissed off.
“Why the fuck would I be jealous?” Ellie claps back. “I don’t know Ellie! Please you tell me, every time I bring him up it’s like the idea of me dating someone repeals you, I don’t get why you’re not happy for me!”
“Who ever said I wasn’t happy for you” Ellie says now no longer walking so she can actually look at you in the face. “You just imply it constantly, like am I missing something, did he do something??” You say actually wanting to hear her opinion, why she hates him. Ellie chokes up though, wanting nothing to do with the real reason she doesn’t like Alex.
“Because I-“ She stops, and switches what she was going to say. “Because me and you barley hang out anymore, last summer all we did was go to each others houses and now you have 0 time for me!” She sorta yells. “Because Ellie I have a boyfriend? Did you not except us to grow up?” You now yell back, this whole argument is picking up fast. “I expected you to have the fucking decency to hang out with me once in awhile, you think i’m some girl who’s just obsessed with you and it’s getting old” Ellie says hurt that becoming evident when her voice cracks. “Ellie I didn’t say-“ You can’t finish your sentence because she talks. “It’s fine we can hang out later.” She says turning around and walking away.
To be fair half of you wants to chase after her, talk to her like you used to before you guys even started high school, but you don’t. This isn’t a movie after all.
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(Present: Saturday)
You and Ellie haven’t talked in about 4 days since the little fight, the annoying part of it is the fight wasn’t even that serious, it’s just neither of you know where to start.
Throughout your friendship there’s only been a few fights, none of them being at all important, dumb stuff like you never gave each others clothes back or broke a toy. Never something like this, something that actually had meaning.
You don’t even understand why it bothers Ellie so much that you’re dating Alex, she’s your best friend, if anything she should support it, you would support her? As of now though you’re trying to do everything in your power to completely ignore the fact you guys even had a fight, as long as she doesn’t talk to you and you don’t talk to her it’s fine! Right…?
That’s at least how you thought about it, avoiding it seemed like the best situation at the end of the day because you never had to confront the problem, you did that a lot. When you were 7 and broke a glass cup, the way you solved it was hiding it in between the tiny opening between your counter and oven. Which actually ending up working..till your brother found it and immediately snitched.
Tonight though there was a perfect distraction, there was a party and half the school was going to be there, I mean it was a safe assumption saying Ellie wasn’t going to be. She hated parties, she said “It’s like a bunch of toddlers in a room, not really anything fun about that?” Which wasn’t completely false but she rarely let loose and actually drank.
Tonight’s plan was to get blackout drunk, forget Ellie, forget school, just forget everything as of now, and just hang out with the guy you loved..?
Because you love Alex how could you not?? He plays football, is popular, has a bunch of friends, treats you nice! You would be insane not to like him!! So why does everything with him feel so stale and forced? Shit now you’re thinking to much about this, Ellie is just getting in your head.
So when it was 11pm and your boyfriend Alex picked you up you made sure to make him the only thing on your mind, hanging around him, being touchy, anything to convince you that you love him. “Baby can you get me a drink” He ask smiling kissing your cheek “Yeah of course” You smile walking over to the kitchen grabbing a red solo cup filling it up with punch when as you look up, there she in. Ellie..
“Real gentleman you picked out.” Ellie says sarcastically drinking out of her red solo cup clearly tipsy if not drunk. “What..” You sigh looking up at her.. “I said real gentlemen. I mean because he’s grabbing your drinks and all!” She smiles looking at you right in the eyes.
“Why the fuck do you suddenly care so much Ellie.” You say annoyed looking at her. “I don’t care I just know you could do better..” She shrugs looking at her red solo cup the confidence disappearing after that sentence. “Who’s the magical person who’s better for me then Ellie?” You look up at her
Ellie sorta shrugs. She wants to say her but she rather skip on border school because her stupid crush on you, if her parents found out Ellie would be kicked out in a matter of seconds. “I don’t know, just someone better” you just slowly nod as Ellie finishes her sentence “Thanks for that great speech Ellie.” Ellie grabs you arm as you try and leave. “When did you start settling for low?” Ellie ask looking at you “Fuck you” You push her.
Ellie pushes you back “You’ve changed” You quickly shoot back “You act like you fucking like me!” you say probably to loud “You seem like a dyke Ellie.” You don’t even know why you said that!..well you sorta do. It was to cover your own ass, it was better to say that then “I think i’m in love with you Ellie”. Ellie almost immediately steps back and walks out which prompted you to follow “Ellie I didn’t fucking- fuck.” You can’t even finish your sentence before she’s gone, at this point you’re almost sure you just fully screwed up your whole friendship.
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(Sunday 3:47am)
You can’t fall asleep knowing you called Ellie that, it was a heat of the moment and you didn’t even fucking mean it, it felt so much easier then admitting you think you love her? What if she didn’t feel the same when, then the whole school knows you like girls and next thing you know your parents find out and you’re getting sent to a border school to be “corrected”! Fuck, fuck, fuck. You get out of your bed throwing on a t shirt and sweatpants, what are you even doing??
You quickly sneak out your window and start running to Ellie’s house which is about a 7 minute normal walk. As you run up you notice that Ellie’s bedroom light is on, so sneakily climb up onto the roof, you used to do that a lot during summer after your mom would say no to a sleepover but once you climb up Ellie’s window you lightly knock on it.
After about a minute and a half she opens the window and sees it’s you almost immediately shutting it. Before Ellie can shut it though she puts her palm on the window. “Ellie can we talk” You ask genuinely nervous she might say no.. “No, i’m studying?” Ellie completely lies but she just needs a shitty excuse “Ellie it’s Sunday can I just come in. Please.” At this point it’s like your begging and Ellie eventually opens the window fully. You step in looking at her “I’m so sorry” you say almost immediately “Mhm” Ellie replies, she doesn’t wanna here stupid ass sorry’s
“Ellie” You say looking at her.
And as soon as Ellie looks up you lean forward and kiss her. Ellie moves her hands on your face and you do the same..
But that moment is cut almost immediately right after when Ellie’s father walks in..
A/N -> I hope this is okay for my first post!! I’ve been reading on tumblr for about a month now and I thought making something could be interesting. I might make a part 2 depending on if I feel like it considering this story ends on a cliff hanger 😭
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xxsugarbonesxx · 4 months
miguel tingz that wont leave my brain
a/n: I have a few thoughts on my wife Miguel that echo through the vast emptiness I call my noodle. Please be nice to me this is my first time :,(. Think of this as word vomit, enjoy. Or don't, I don't care, I'm not your mom. Slight NSFW at the end if you squint????
I think this is kinda like he retires as spidey and settles down. He marries (you in this senario) and has a couple kids, now that he doesn't have to save the universe constantly, he's much more relaxed, but his previous life does tend to slip out here or there.
Bro has a dad bod, his arms and legs are thick with muscle, he's still got those big ass hands and super strength. But now he was a chubby tummy, with lots and lots of hair. A thick happy trail that leads down to the base of his thick cock. Arm, leg and chest hair, maybe he's got a bit of a trimmed beard moment?? I feel like he has a short wolf cut now, something kinda shaggy but doesn't touch his neck just yet.
I feel like Miguel enjoys danishes. Stuff with light icing, flaky pastry insides and some sort of berry. I think he'd like cherry or black berry the most. Bear claws too, almond desserts 'n' such. But the danishes are the sweetest thing he can eat. His teeth are really sensitive to cold and sugar. But I like to think he get something sugar-y as a treat for himself very rarely and just powers through the discomfort.
He has a very thought out and meticulous hair routine. Maybe skin too, I dunno...but his bathroom sink is full of fancy product he uses, if you were to use some of it without his knowing, he'd know exactly how much was used by holding the container. He's very precise, mans has spent YEARS perfecting his routine to get everything just so. He likes feeling handsome and clean I feel.
He smells warm. Something cozy, like fresh citrus, firewood and dark chocolate. Paired with his natural musk, bro smells heavenly. He has a lot of colognes, fancy rich guy colognes to be more specific. The man is rolling in it. He keeps the lights on at the Spider Society, that power bill has to be atrocious by just looking at the architect of the building. And his universe is set in the future, so inflation has to make it even worse.
He dances like a dad. Specifically a dad who loves to embarrass his kid(s). Thought this was a normal get together and daddy dearest would finally behave? NOPE. I feel like he has that one song that just sets him off, that one song that makes him have his little 'dance like no body's watching moment'. So much so said kid(s) would shudder as the beginning would play. And he'd maintain eye contact through out it. He's dancing and he's staring his kid(s) down, the ultimate power move, reminding them there's nothing they can do and pops will always be there when they need him the least to embarrass them.
He'd be very warm and sweet and doting to his kid(s) and you, though he can kinda be sassy with them. But anyone outside of his circle, he'd be very cold like how we see him during the movie. He totally talks shit about people he doesn't like to you. "Can you believe Sonia's husband, he's such a tool. I really--I honestly just can't with him..." He'll say as he sighs, massaging his temple as he nurses a glass of red wine.
He's a wine mom, he'll end the week on the couch with a cheesy telenovela that he's lowkey obsessed with though plays it off like it's nothing. Sipping his glass curled up with you, going back and forth between watching the show and gossiping like a auntie. If you work, he needs to know the scoop. Tyler is married to Pamela but Pamela is swapping spit with that Melina? His undivided attention.
He cuddles. If you've every shared a bed with a bernese mountain dog, you know what I'm talking about. His whole body weight on you, his head on your shoulder and his legs tangled with yours. I feel like he sleeps naked, skin on skin, keeping you nice and warm all night long as he snores. He cock warms too, his fat cock pushed deep inside you, your velvet walls cradling his length as you two spoon. If he wakes up first, he'll slowly buck his hips into you with his nose buried into your hair. The sound of soft claps and sweaty grunts as your wake up call.
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paperclip-skz · 1 month
Get Out of My Head
Minho x reader (enemies to lovers)
contains: teasing, stimulation over clothes
WC: 1.1k
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imagine: you and Minho have been dance partners, but haven't been able to connect with each other. Until Minho has an idea.
I’ve been practicing for hours on end. Repeating the same movements as I was when Minho was here. God the nerve on him, I have been working my ass off for the entire week. I can’t deny he’s wrong though, I’m not comfortable with him. “What the hell is wrong with me” I voice to myself.
“I don’t know, you tell me” I’m startled by his low voice, echoing throughout the room. 
“Didn’t your mom ever tell you it’s rude to stare” I scoff at him, but I feel tingly on the inside, that he’s been watching me this whole time. Watching my movements, studying every twist and turn. Get out of your head Y/N. 
“Me. Rude? Never.” his body stalks to me making his tall figure known. “Do you remember what I said earlier?”
“What? The fact that I need to get comfortable with you to actually do the moves correctly? Yeah, I remember” I cross my arms over my smaller frame, trying to make my tiny body intimidating. I laugh at the thought, me intimidating to the Lee Minho. Yeah right, I have a better chance of looking intimidating to a Rottweiler.
“What’s so funny?” my thoughts escape me as I realize the close proximity. While I was off in my head he was stepping closer with every word. His hand gently creases my chin holding me still to meet his gaze. “Dance with me” his touch leaves me wanting more, and I curse at the thought. 
“What?” I breathe. 
“You heard me, dance with me. This is the only way that we can become comfortable with each other. Nothing precise, just dance” It's a good idea, this is the only way I know how to communicate, and it seems like this is the only way Minho can too. 
“Ugh, fine” I make my way to the middle of the studio contemplating what song he might choose. “Bam Bam” by Camila Cabello & Ed Sheeran pools through the speakers. I can’t help the small laugh and wide smile that plays on my face, he’s taking it slowly and I appreciate it. God help me, I appreciate Minho. 
“We’ll start with something simple” he jogs to my side and captures my body. We dance slowly to it, taking our time with the melting rhythm. I break our connection swaying my body to the melody. The second the music picks up Minho is back behind me, melting his body to mine making swift movement with each pound. I turn around waltzing with Minho, the smile we share is blinding. Minho dips my body bringing me back up and swaying with the beat once more. We’re close, really close but I don’t mind, right now all I’m doing is just dancing. A laugh breaks through the song, I realize it’s Minho’s rare chuckle that fills the room. With the final bang of the song, the room fades to silence. I can’t stop the smile on my face and I don’t think Minho can help his either.
“I have an idea” I skip to his phone where it’s plugged into the speakers, two can play this game. I type in “Don’t Go Yet” and race back to Minho. Camilo Cabello once again fills the rooms with her sweet melody. This song is a lot faster than the last, but Minho’s smirk seems to like the challenge. With my arms around Minho’s neck, I sway my hips with every strike of the beat, while Minho’s hands search my body. At the same time, his eyes search mine with any sort of retreat, but all he can find is a welcome party. Not even a second after, the music starts to speed up and Minho spins me in his arms and each step is matched with the melody. The score of the song breaks through the speakers, and before I know it I’m being lifted into the air. Minho’s arms keep me locked into place until the music goes back to its slower rhythm. The movements that capture us can’t be explained, I’m transported to a place where it’s just me and Minho, dancing like there’s no tomorrow. He sets me down going back to our comfortable sway.  At the climax of the song, I take a chance and leap into Minho’s embrace, he welcomes me and spins me around the room until the song ends. I laugh into his shoulder as he still holds me. His scent fills my body, mint and pure sweetness.
“No more easy stuff”  he sets me down on my feet as he retrieves a chair from the corner of the room. He sets it down in the middle of the studio and walks quickly back to his phone. I immediately recognize the song that fills the room, suddenly when Minho’s eyes meet mine, they're dark, sinful, and lustful. The beat is striking, punching the speakers, but that doesn’t stop our slow movements. Minho’s steps are slow, too slow, but when he finally reaches me his hands are searching for something, anything, a treasure that will never be found. 
The heat builds from my core all through my body, until he steps back and sits on the chair. “I won’t do anything until you show me you're ready” his low voice is so pure and honest, but I’m blinded by the growing heat that I can’t focus on anything but his lips. I make slower steps to him, straddling  his thighs and climbing my palms until my hands are resting on his chest and I’m straddling his lap. The score of the song chimes in and my hands search with every pound of the beat, exploring his body. He keeps his hands still at his sides itching to touch me. Yet again the climax of the song punishes the speaker.
“Fuck waiting” With a growl he grabs the nape of my neck and devours my mouth, exploring my tongue and worshipping my lips. It feels like hours, but only mere minutes, I pull away for a breath, and Minho gently bites my bottom lip making me hungry for more. Once I have that small needed breath it’s my turn to devour him. I grab hold of his neck pulling him closer to me, my breasts slam against his chest, and my breathing quickens with every stroke of electricity that vibrates through my body. His kiss matches with the same desperation I feel. My voice betrays me, and as a moan escapes between us, it earns me a low groan from Minho. I take that as a plea to keep going so I break our kiss only to return the touch with tracing kisses along his jaw. He smells fucking fantastic. The mixture of mint can only be described as male. The song has died, but we don’t break our intimate pursuit. My body moves on its own as it grinds against Minho's lap and Minho lets his hands roam as they please. I don’t try to stop him when his hands reach under my shirt and cup my breasts. I break away from my kisses to go back to my real treat.
this is just a short story I don't think I plan on writing anything to proceed with this one.
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lutawolf · 10 months
Stay By My Side Ep 6 soft D/s elements
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This episode, Jiang Chi and Bu Xia hits some bumps. It's classic bumps, but it's unique to them, which is what makes it interesting.
So we start the episode with Bu Xia accusing Jiang Chi of causing their relationship to be misinterpreted. Right off, I heard people checking out with this scene. It didn't make sense to them, but I've been like this. My first kiss was actually a girl, initiated by me, and then I completely flipped my shit on myself. Sometimes there is just a war inside you that you have to fight. For me, it was society and for my daughter it was her own "normy expectations."
Jiang Chi is understandably confused. However, if you pay attention, this is where I really see Dom in him. He isn't in it for just the rewards, he is trying very hard to meet the needs of his skittish sub baby. Now, I will say that the D/s element are very soft, but they are still there. I often hear comments about D/s and age. Lifestyle is different from scene and many cultures, especially Asian, have a natural inclination towards a D/s aspect. I actually explain why this is, but I can't link it because assholes keep reporting my posts. *I can literally hear my daughter going, "Mom, your ADHD is showing, back on topic."* Sorry!
The interview cracked me up. Jiang Chi says yes, and Bu Xia says no. Guess who won? Bu Xia, looks at him but backs down. The way Jiang Chi looks at Bu Xia when he is talking is so cute. At this point, Jiang Chi just thinks that Bu Xia doesn't want everyone to know yet, and he is okay with that. He doesn't let Bu Xia say they aren't dating, but he doesn't confirm that they are either. Compromise.
Notice the clear and precise. "There is no misunderstanding. I meant what I said."
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gif credit to ueasking
Bu Xia's dreams are telling him what he wants, but he isn't ready to deal with it yet. Him falling off the side of the bed is my favorite thing because, I think, we've all done it. 🤣🤣🤣
The more I watch, the more I think that Jiang Chi is playing the long game. He is too aware of Bu Xia's confusion and is too understanding of it, and yet at times he reels him in.
Jiang Chi has learned the best way to handle Bu Xia is with the reward system. "Help me with dishes/wait for me, and I'll bring you late night snacks."
Bu Xia is cute, but he clearly isn't ready for self reflection or owning his own responsibility. Notice how everything is all Jiang Chi's fault. Not that I don't do the exact same thing with my husband, but that's besides the point. I'm just stating the facts about Bu Xia. 😈
I honestly adore the basket ball team. Their teasing is light-hearted and meant to showcase an acceptance. Because everyone but Bu Xia can see it. He is a coconut.
This next scene is very D/s. The brat talks back to the team captain when told that he has to wash Jiang Chi's stuff. Captain immediately grabs Jiang Chi and puts him in front to handle the brat. Notice the firmness of Jiang Chi when addressing this. He isn't yelling, he isn't even being rude, but rather using a tone and logic to indicate this is a line. Bu Xia didn't even think of doing anything but accepting. And there is a that reward system again. Jiang Chi rubs Bu Xia's head, essentially saying, "Good Boy."
The hilarity of the water bottle scene after basket ball practice. Again, I love the basket ball team. The uniform washing scene that turned into let's see how wet we can get each other was impossibly cute. I don't want to hear the phrase "boys will be boys" unless we are talking about a scene like this. That's the kind of boys will be boys behavior that I can get behind.
The whole next scene is my everything. First, the explanation of the uniforms. Then the kiss. The wash clothe coming down to cover Bu Xia's eyes. The initial gentle kisses from Jiang Chi, to more once Bu Xia shows acceptance. Sighhhhh, it was so cute.
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Now we are at the point where Bu Xia has got to be getting whip lash from his own brain. You can see his amusement and happiness at all the pictures "deadlock" (by the way, it took me forever to get the joke behind that. That it's their names. I'm so stupid.) Bu Xia is clearly pleased at Jiang Chi taking a secret picture of him. Then he sees the comments and it flips his switch. Now he is back to questioning himself.
And it's all downhill from there. His basket ball teammates are trying to gently push him in a direction. They push too much, though. Leading to a huge misunderstanding for Jiang Chi. Who in his feels pushed too hard. Causing us to end in angst. We have 10 episodes in total and this was only number 6!
Hope you guys enjoyed this! As always, thank you for taking the time to read. 💜💜💜
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asfodelle · 7 months
As tragic as it is to see He Tian battle so hard to get out of what his family has decided for him, I’m gonna be screaming into the night about how sweet it is to see the other three be dead set on not leaving him behind.
Jumbled thoughts incoming
And like, it makes total sense at this point. Mo has been looking for He Tian like a compass seeking North whenever he’s not on sight and ZhengYi are Loyalty Personified but I love that all three not only wait for him, but take an active role to go and look after him. (And it’s Mo leading the operation!! And He Tian sees it!! And that he’s touched by it!!) They could consider he’s with his family and to not intervene, ZhengYi could be leaving together but nope, they were four when they arrived, they’ll be four when they leave. Which also makes me wonder if Jian Yi already has an idea of what could be going on, he’s already got kidnapped, is somewhat aware of his family’s endeavors and how they’re tied to He Tian’s. 
We’ve often seen both He Tian and Jian Yi being alone, pensive, surely burdened by what their future could entail. So far, we’ve had a better view into He Tian’s mind and where the antagonists want him but not a clue (unless I forgot them) as to what happens to TianShan during high school or when they’ll meet again precisely. Narratively, it would make sense for He Tian to leave now that they’ve made their bond official through the piercing but ya know, let me hope that they still have cute moments together before the big sad hits.
Almost on the contrary, the timeline for Jian Yi is set in stones but the motives and the amount of knowledge Jian Yi has about his fate at that point are a bit more blurry and more complex? (Like it would appear his mom and his grandpa have contradictory goals, maybe neither he nor his mom know what'll happen because why would he even enroll in high school?) And it might be wishful thinking but I badly hope pushing ZhengYi into comic relief has a purpose for the story more than just being a way for them to be included during the TianShan focused arc. Maybe Jian Yi is in a phase where he’s hiding his own anxieties and fears behind a facade of naivety and cheerfulness? All things that could return to hit him in the face when he sees He Tian can’t escape no matter how much he tries. 
To return to him, I have no idea whether we’ll still see what happens to He Tian once he’s separated from the rest but there’s a possibility we’ll have parallel storylines, him alone on one side, the other three on the other, and part of me would love to see that and learn more about his family dynamic but there’s also the possibility that he’ll just vanish for us readers, just like he’ll vanish from Mo’s point of view.
No clue how it’ll unroll because let’s be honest, TianShan is what caught a lot of the more recent readers and if we’re a little cynical, maybe the author doesn’t want to just cut them up completely for a very long number of chapters. I could totally see visual parallels of them alone in their respective rooms, we don't even know if they'll go completely no contact for years but if they do, it'd be harsh to just... not see He Tian anymore. Though Old Xian has very very often decided to not show us everything, so I wouldn't rule that option out completely.
Either way we’ll get long chapters of sad lonely Mo??? Thinking he was abandoned soon after coming to terms with his feelings??? Who still decides to keep the piercing and the guitar and to keep working hard????? So no matter what I’m getting my heartstrings played with but if we could have a little insight into the He family as a compensation and heavenly sent ZhengYi development, I wouldn’t mind it. 
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purlturtle · 4 months
One of the hardest thing for me all throughout my life has been the fact that my parents still don't trust I could be doing all right for myself. That my life, different though it is from their lives, and from their vision they had for my life, is a fulfilled and happy and working one.
I am forty-four years of age. I have lived on my own for twenty-five of those years: longer than I have lived under my parents' roof.
And yet!
And yet.
And yet it would seem that they see me as a head-in-the-clouds dreamer incapable of navigating this world, constantly in cloud cuckoo land, squawking helplessly (apparently) at such things as taxes or car insurance or, I don't know, cooking without burning the kitchen down or something.
I have been living in this world for forty-four years; twenty-five of them on my own.
They have never had to bail me out of jail, drive to where I live to pick me up crying on someone's doorstep, spot me money so I can pay rent, none of that. I have never once moved back home or even entertained the idea. (Not that there is anything wrong with any of the aforementioned - I, personally, don't think of these things as failures. I know my parents do though.) Never once have I needed them in such a way that it could hypothetically theoretically potentially play into their idea of me being someone who doesn't have her life together.
And yet!
And yet.
And yet I feel so keenly their dismissal of my adultness, of my being capable the way I am. So many things that are so important to me, are taken by them as a sign that I'm childish. So many markers that they put so much importance on of adulthood: car ownership. House ownership. Children of my own. - some I will never check off on, some I passed too late (whoever heard of owning your first car at 38!), some I very vocally dismiss as a marker of adulthood in the first place.
This hasn't gotten any better (heavy sarcasm) since I developed mental health problems. Why only today, in a phone call with my mom, I had to justify my use of social media to her (since of course all of social media is universally bad, and the fact that I "spend so much time glued to your phone" is a dire sign of my impending insanity (more heavy sarcasm)), AND list all of the things that I do to relax to make up for being stressed out of my wits due to my hypersensitivity. And thank GOD I listed knitting among them, "at least that's being creative" - thank you Mom, for your approval; I needed it so badly. (heaviest sarcasm yet)
I mean in a way I get it; she doesn't see me day to day, she doesn't know that I *have* arranged my life in such a way that I'm mostly okay. But the thing is: I have told her. I have told her, and I am not being believed. Because I couldn't possibly know best what I need. Like, even my consumption of food - I tell her that one of my strategies is making sure that I get enough food so that I don't fall into a blood sugar hellhole, and the first thing she worries about is whether or not the food that I eat is healthy food. Fuck, Mom, sometimes all that helps is chocolate and ice cream!!
And this conflating of "we're worried about you" and "we still don't trust that you know what you're doing, so tell me in precise detail what you're doing so that I can judge if youre doing it right (based on my incomplete knowledge of you and of being HSP)" is....... tiresome. Especially when their causes for worry are based on their headcanons, basically; hypotheses and images in their own minds, based on when we see each other twice a year, usually not at my best, because (who would have thought it?!) being around my parents is fucking stressful to me!
So earlier this month we had such a visit, and it went badly, and a few days after I got home, my mom and I talk about the visit and I tell her, in very plain and coarse language so that she'll fucking hear me, how fucking badly it went - and the next thing I know is I get a phone call from my DAD (in itself only a thing that happens in dire needs), saying that I made my mother cry, telling me with tears in his own voice that I need help, that they think I need help (i.e. therapy), basically staging an intervention based on the abovementioned hypotheses and images, and not even talking to me or asking me any background for proving or disproving their theses.
When I do not need therapy, I've worked with therapists and coaches before, I am the clearest on my needs and accommodations that I've been *in my life* - I just need my parents to accept those needs and accommodations, and to trust that I have things handled, and to damn well consult me first before they think that their precious little baby girl is out there in the world not knowing how to deal.
I've been managing myself even when I still lived with you, you numbskulls. Moving out was the best decision of my LIFE (and arguably saved it)!
God, I am so angry. I am SO angry. I can't handle well being treated dismissively at the best of times, and their dismissal is CONSTANT, and they don't even realize it. I told my mother, in today's phone call, several times that she could trust me when I say that my social media usage isn't detrimental, when I say that I have my life arranged in such a way that most days I'm okay, that I have a grip on things. And she said "well all right then, if you say so" and oh the humoring was audible and I am so furiously, incandescently angry.
And the thing is, I cannot have this conversation with them.
Not on my own, anyway.
Oh how I *wish* that there was a way in which I could sit them down, sit down myself, and then look at a family therapist or someone like that, who will then moderate that conversation so that I can be *part* of the conversation, and not also its moderator. Because that is what I'd try to be, if I sat them down with only myself, and that would NOT work out. As it is, every time I talk with them, I walk on eggshells, I constantly watch myself and them, I check everything I say to make sure I'm communicating clearly and factually and in I-messages and that whole-ass shit, and it is such a high demand on my brain that it leaves me shaking with the effort, ten minutes in. (Not because I'm afraid they'd get abusive. Don't worry. It's never been that, neither in word nor in deed. It's just the constant dismissal, which won't be helped if I have an emotional meltdown.) Still, it's an amount of managing them and their emotions that is not fair to put on my shoulders alone, but as the person that I am, that is where I'd put it, because I don't know how to have that conversation in other ways (curse of being a social worker...).
If you've read all the way to here, thank you. I appreciate you.
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I have decided that the Lalondes are Maori and furthermore I am more correct about this than anyone has ever been.
My evidence:
Engaged in a battle with her mother of who can say the most eloquent (and longest) karakia because she always hated saying them so now tries to continuously one up her mother by being slightly more precise with hers. Dinner is always an hour late because of this.
Despises the insistence of motherhood in Maori folklore (especially ones her mother teaches her) and finds them to be incredibly stifling.
She hates doing kapa haka and hates that women cannot do a full haka, so she puts on a one woman performance herself when she is young during a “ridiculous” matariki celebration her mother was putting on, and did a male haka by herself. Mom found this extremely adorable and insists on playing the video every Matariki, which Rose hates.
Her favorite nursery rhyme growing up was “One Day a Taniwha”
Rose loves taniwha, though she acts like she doesn’t.
On the meteor she wishes she had actually learned about her culture with her mother when she had the chance instead of only engaging with it ironically and feels very separate from the others on the meteor because of it.
After she is on the meteor towards the end of homestuck I think she reconciles her heritage with her lack of motherliness in the idea of women less as mothers but as powerful dangerous people (a la the goddess of death, Hine-nui-te-pō, who kills Maui with her thighs)
She is so annoyed with the lack of taking care of the land when they reach Earth C. She did not really consider Papatuanuku as her mother before but she realizes now after seeing how all the other kids and especially some of the trolls behave, acting like the land is something to be used and discarded she gets extremely annoyed. She, Roxy, and Jade bond over this.
Her mother gave her a Koru pounamu to celebrate her becoming a woman on her first period. She resentented it and refused to wear it, but eventually accepted it and passed it down to Roxy who was overjoyed to receive it.
She instead wears a Hei Tiki pounamu necklace Dave gave to her as a wedding present. She acts aloof about it but anyone who knows her can tell she is deeply moved by the gift. She keeps it on at all times.
There is an inherent horror to looking all around you to see that Tangaroa has drowned his mother.
The idea that The Condesce, a colonizer, took over the world and left Roxy stranded on a tiny piece of land with almost none of her people or culture left, and she can never sail out on a waka like her ancestors or a sailboat like the ancestors of her ancestors to see other places, trapped in a tiny select space. It’s a horror I can’t really describe.
Roxy desperately wants to know what tribe she comes from and who she descends from, to find that little bit of her family. She is very quiet on the day she finds out she was produced from herself. 
Roxy misses Papatuanuku, she misses her chance to meet both her mothers before they died. She messages Dirk about this while drunk but he does not fully get it.
As a trans woman, finds the women in Maori mythology and culture to be aspirational figures of power and motherhood.
She thanks the appropriate gods for any food she can scavenge for in her apocalypse but never really has the time to learn a full karakia.
Teaches the carapacians kapa haka, they aren’t very good at it but they do make up for it with enthusiasm
When she enters the session she insists on hongi (sharing breath) with each of her friends. It goes like this:
Dirk: Has been preparing for this for years. Has the whole technique down. Confident cool guy swagger, but not too much, he doesn’t look like he’s trying too hard either. He and Roxy bump their heads together and fall over. This looks ridiculous.
Jake: Roxy explains and leans in to do a hongi with him but he kisses her on both cheeks like he is french. Roxy thinks this is hilarious.
Jane: Needs at least 6 tries to get it right but keeps on insisting on doing it again so she can participate in Roxy’s culture appropriately, and then a couple more times because she keeps failing on purpose to make Roxy laugh. They are both in a fit of giggles by the time she has worked it out and it becomes their standard greeting.
Hal: Is a computer, but Roxy does hold the nose bridge of the glasses up to her face like they are doing a hongi which Hal does appreciate.
Calliope: Gets it right first try!
Goes somewhat crazy hanging out in nature on Earth C. (Where is Roxy? In The Mud. Of course.)
I cannot express in words as well, the sheer euphoria Roxy feels standing on the ground on Earth C. 
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sophaeros · 6 days
I think I'm hf in the exact same thing as you rn I just found your blog I am also obsessed with band rpf and Casablanca's/hammond jr do u have a kind of manifesto or anything I can read
dude did one of my irls send this or smth..i was literally Just talking about putting together a masterdoc and they were egging me on BSJFJWBS. i mean i'm kinda working on one but no promises bc im terrible w long term projects and also theyre very difficult to figure out
BUT i Will say (and i've seen other random people online agree w me) i think the general timeline is that during the seven years they lived together from 1998 to 2005 jules was down bad for albert but albert didn't realise his own feelings, so the most that might've happened is some fooling around physically. (this is mainly going off of this page from the meet me in the bathroom book where jules says "albert, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, baby!" insane quote. i could talk a little more about their full quotes but that's another post)
sometime between 2005 and 2013 (possibly 2011 tbh, comedown machine is The gay situationship album but angles touches on it a lot too) they dated twice and broke up both times. im not sure who broke up w who but tentatively i would say the first breakup was more acrimonious while the second breakup might've been mutual.
it's difficult to say anything for sure because most of their songs have songwriting credits shared with other people, so looking at lyrics for clues has a pretty big margin of error since a line might've been written by someone else and not them, yknow? i mean rpf is never a "for sure" kind of deal i could be entirely wrong and that would be fine but. you get what i mean
also one way trigger is the lynchpin for me. i physically cannot imagine a platonic explanation for this poster that uses a screenshot from thelma and louise of all films. not to mention the lyrics like even my Mom raised an eyebrow at "get dressed in your bed while she's asleep." and also it's one of two strokes songs albert has ever played solo with the other being elephant song (at least according to setlistfm, im still trying to find a video of it) which was written, surprise surprise, by albert and julian in 1999.
i mean i guess the poster could be them fucking around and having a little laugh but come on what an insane ass joke to make man. i'm gonna make a post later about one way trigger being their specialest little song because it really is
soo like..theres still more i could talk about like one way trigger being written by the albert julian nick trio (which makes me laugh imagining nick mediating their lovers quarrel) [EDIT: ACTUALLY WAIT NO ok it's hard to find definitive information on who wrote what bc different databases have information of varying precision but the canadian site socan which is the most precise so far says only albert and jules wrote the lyrics for one way trigger i'd misremembered. albert julian nick trio Did do call it fate tho which is still kinda crazy !! also jules and albert being the only ones to do one way trigger makes me crazier jesus christ why is this depressing ass song Their Song !!!!] which is the same trio as games from angles. theres a lot i've been thinking about them nonstop for like, what, a month? give or take? my poor friends have to deal w me sending dozens of messages at a time much love and light to them if they read this muah
and thank you for the excuse to be insane on main anon 🥰
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Dearest Eddie
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Part 1 /  Part 2 / Bonus / Part 4
Steve Harrington x Wife!Reader
Word count: 2.8k
Summary: Steve and the reader are writing home from the honeymoon.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Fingering. P in V sex. Swearing. Writing out sex scenes for friends.
Your fingers dance over the tops of the postcards as you peruse them, picking out the ones you like, the ones that remind you of the family you left back in Hawkins. You add the stack of your favorites on top of the small basket of souvenirs you've picked out - at least one trinket for everyone. There is no way you're leaving this Houdini Exhibit without something to add to your growing collection of gifts for everyone back home.
Steve stands behind you, his chin resting on your shoulder, as he adds his opinion into the mix.
"Definitely," he says, "El will love it."
"Oh, that one is definitely for Robin."
"That one has Lucas written all over it."
"Joyce and Hop? Hell yeah."
"Honestly? Dustin would make fun of us for the rest of our lives if we got him that."
And so on, until you've got a small collection for your friends and family.
"Anyone we're missing?" you ask, flipping through the postcards one more time.
"Did you get one for your mom?"
"My mom?" he asks quickly before rolling his eyes and swiping his hand through the air as if to brush the thought away. "Forget my mom."
"Eddie?" the pair of you say at the same time.
You turn your attention back to the postcards, looking through them one more time before you come across one with a picture of Houdini himself shackled up and practically naked as he stooped over to accommodate his trappings.
"This one," you say, plucking it from the rest and adding it to your stack. "Something about this picture makes me think of Eddie."
"Couldn't possibly be the chains, could it?" Steve laughs, following you to the checkout lines of the shop.
"It's possible," you reply with a grin.
You lay face down on the bed in the RV, a soft breeze flowing in from an opened window. The postcards lay scattered before you as you write them out, waiting for Steve to return from his bathroom break to help you finish.
... Mom, I know you'd love the exhibit as much as we did. We hope you're doing well and we love you. See you soon.
"Well," you hear from behind you; Steve shuffles up, bending to play with your toes. "That's certainly something worth looking at."
You grin, knowing precisely what he means; your shorts are a little too short, and your shirt has ridden up your back in the time you've been writing out the missives. You feel his weight on the bed behind you as he leans over, running his fingertips over the bare skin of your lower back. A sultry shiver wiggles through you at his touch as you pull Eddie's postcard from the "to-do" pile, settling it with the blank side up and preparing your pen.
In the next moment, Steve's weight shifts as he stretches out above you, pressing his chest against your shoulder blades and settling himself onto his elbows.
"My pretty girl," he says, his lips brushing your ear. "Who's that one for?"
"Eddie," you reply, your breath starting to labor.
"Perfect." Steve's fingers brush along your forearm as he molds his hand around yours. "I want you to write out everything I'm about to do to you. Everything, baby. Understand?"
You twist to face him as best as you can, your nose brushing his as you meet his eye.
"So," you begin, preparing your pen, "for instance, you're lying on top of me now, right?"
"Right," Steve answers, pressing his lips to your cheek as you turn back to the postcard.
Dearest Eddie, you write in the smallest handwriting you can muster. I hope this finds you well because, as it is, Steve is lying on top of me, and I can feel his cock poking into my ass.
At this the two of you giggle.
"That's it, baby," Steve says, lifting himself from you. "Keep writing."
Looking over your shoulder, you watch as he settles on his knees and pushes your legs apart, his fingers dipping into the waistband of your shorts and tugging down. Before he has a chance to clear your ass, though, he looks up and catches you staring.
"Write, baby. Write everything."
He's gotten up now, Eddie, pulling my shorts down, but he doesn't know -
"Baby!" Steve exclaims. "Where are your panties?"
- that I didn't put underwear on after my shower.
"Must've forgotten them," you tell him nonchalantly, lifting your hips so he can finish pulling them all the way down.
"Fuck, babe," he groans, his hands smoothing over the meat of your ass before he flexes his fingers into the flesh. "God, I love you."
He's grabbing my ass, Munson. Something I know you've been dying to do since high school.
"Ow!" you giggle, carrying on with your writing.
And he just bit the right cheek.
"Lift your hips for me, pretty girl," you hear Steve say, and you comply. "On your knees."
I'm lifting my hips for him now, like he asked me to, on my elbows and knees, ass in the air. I can feel his hands on my thighs, sneaking up until he -
- touches my clit like the fucking tease he is. Just a little bit, then he dips into my soaking wet cunt. He says I feel warm and silky and so fucking good.
"Ah, Steve," you say, trying to get his attention but failing. "Steve?"
"What, baby?" he says, meeting your eye over your shoulder; he slowly works his fingers in and out of you, a gentle squelching noise dancing through the air.
"I ran out of space - oh, fuck! - on the postcard."
"Don't worry, pretty girl," he replies with a smirk.
Without pulling his hand from you, he reaches for a nearby notebook and hands it to you, his fingers still pressing in and out of you. You open the notebook to a blank page and continue writing there.
God, Eddie, you need to feel this. Well, I mean, your version of this. Steve is so good with his fingers. The first time he fingered me, he had me coming in about two minutes. Had to keep his other hand over my mouth so that anyone passing the classroom we were in couldn't hear me, but fuck, it was so good.
For a moment, you close your eyes, remembering the day that happened; senior year of high school, just weeks before graduation, he had surprised you on your way to Phys Ed, pulling you into an empty classroom. After months of some intense flirting and teasing, he apparently couldn't help himself and locked the door behind him. Before you could fully grasp what was happening, his mouth was on yours, his body pushing against yours until your ass met the teacher's desk. His hands wandered down your body and gripped each of your cheeks to lift you onto the flat surface. He immediately pulled your jeans open and stuck his hand down the front of your pants to glide along the slick that had gathered along your lips.
"Fuck, baby," he murmured against your mouth. "You're so wet for me."
"Well," you'd replied, "you can't just write me a note asking me out on a date in math class and not have me swooning the moment I read it."
He laughed against your lips. "That got you going?"
"It's possible I've been thinking about how that date would end ever since."
"You mean just like this?"
He curled his fingers into you, finding your g-spot at once, and you moaned into his mouth.
"Shh," he said, laying his palm over your mouth. "Gotta be quiet, you dirty girl."
Needless to say, you didn't make it to Phys Ed that day.
"Keep writing, babe," he reminds you in the present, noticing your distraction.
"Right..." you sigh as he finds your g-spot once more. "Ah, fuck!"
Eddie, he knows exactly what to do, exactly how to move his fingers inside me to drive me up the wall. Right now, his fingers curl inside me, and I'm just melting into him. Fuck, if only you could see this. If only you could feel it.
"Good job, my pretty girl," Steve says.
You struggle to stay focused as soon as he presses against your clit, circling the nerve with precision pressure.
I can feel my whole body tingling, from my head to my toes. My cunt is soaking, just eating his fingers up as he works me toward coming.
Your handwriting has gotten a little wobbly from the motion as Steve picks up speed.
He says he's gonna make me come, that I'm such a good girl. Fuck, Eddie, he wants me to tell you how great my pussy looks, all full of his fingers and wetter than ever. He says if writing this out to you makes me this hot, then what would it be like if you were actually here with us?
"So close..." you murmur. "Steve..."
"I know, baby," he replies, keeping steady. "I can feel it coming."
You moan against the mattress before picking up your head.
He's got me so close, Eddie. My entire body burns with it, my legs are shaky, and I'm dying to feel his cock inside me. It's just like you imagined it, I bet. How many times have you pictured us like this? How many times have you -
Your hand slips as your orgasm closes in on you, dragging the pen across the page before you let go of it and grip the sheets below you.
"That's it, my pretty girl," Steve says. "Come for me, baby."
And you do; you gasp and tense, feeling the wave of pleasure crashing through your body, your cunt pulsing around his fingers as he guides you through your high.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he says, watching your body seize under him, pressing his lips along your spine.
You're panting into the mattress, flattening out as soon as your orgasm begins to fade. Picking up your pen, you continue your letter to Eddie.
Oops. Sort of dropped the pen there. Might've dropped my ability to write, too, because fuck that was a good orgasm. I can hear Steve behind me, licking his fingers like he just had KFC. He's even humming through it all, the horn dog.
He got up, though, just for a moment and all I want is to feel his cock inside me. I want him to fuck me into oblivion and I want to describe every moment to you. I think he's really thinking about this threesome thing with you. It was his idea for me to write this out to you anyway.
"Got it, baby" you hear Steve say from the other side of the RV.
Glancing over your shoulder, you see him, condom in hand and a tent in his pants. With a smile, you flip all the way around, sitting up and bringing the notebook with you.
You should see the Cheshire cat smile he's got on right now, Eds. The one he's always got on after he makes me come. Thinks he's so good at everything, doesn't he?
You fix your eyes on your husband as he drops his pants, and you tut.
"Steven," you scold. "Where are your underwear?"
He shrugs, smirking. "Must've forgotten them."
Eddie. He's not wearing underwear either. He just pulled his pants off and NOTHING. Nothing but his gorgeous dick. If only you could see it. It's hard as a fucking rock and massive - that thing splits me in half all the time. We've been fucking since high school and his dick still scares me sometimes. Like, is he going to break my jaw if I blow him? Is he going to rip my pussy open?
He's a cocky fucker, I'll tell you. But you already knew that. He's got his hand around his dick, watching me write this and -
Steve takes the pen with his other hand, writing "Hi, Eds" on the paper.
"On your front again, baby," he tells you as he slides the condom onto the head of his cock. "Ass up, like you just had it."
You follow the direction, anticipating the stretch of him and describing to Eddie the situation.
I'm on my elbows and knees again, Eds. Steve is rubbing his hands down my back and over my ass, squeezing and scratching and teasing. He likes to tease, I’ve mentioned that before. He will literally do anything at all except stick his dick in me when I want him to. He’s so mean.
“I’m so mean, eh?” he chuckles. 
You didn’t mean to say that part out loud. 
“Yeah, you’re mean,” you answer, wiggling your ass at him. “Just put it in already!”
“If that’s what you want, babe.”
He presses his lips to your spine, trailing kisses down, down, down, until he reaches the top of your bum. He gives your cheeks a good squeeze as he straightens up, just before he slides his cock along your slick.
Still. Teasing. Big old fucking tease. I ask him to put his dick in me and what does he do? He puts it ALMOST inside me. I can feel the head just gliding along, bumping my clit every so often. Is it too much to ask to be fucked stupid? Eddie, I’m sure you wouldn’t have to be told twice to put it in me.
That part you did mean to say aloud. 
“Oh, really?” Steve says, immediately sliding his dick right into you.
“Ah, fuck!” 
As usual, the stretch burns in the best way, your pussy full of Steve’s cock. He bottoms out, his fingers digging into your hips as he grabs you and holds you still.
“Fucking hell, baby,” he pants. “Oh my god, you feel so good.”
“Please, Steve,” you whine, your hand finding his and holding it. “Please, please, please fuck me.”
He pulls out until you’re empty, then slides back in with a buck of his hips. 
Fuck, he’s inside me now, Eds. His dick was made by angels, I swear to god. He’s slowly pulling out, then pushing back in. His grip on me is tight, holding my hips like if he lets go I’ll float away. He’s picking up speed, though, his hips slamming into my ass with - 
Steve gets lost in the feel of you and, thus, you lose your grip on the pen in your hand; you moan into the mattress as Steve fucks you, your fingers tangling into the sheets the moment his hand comes around to touch your clit. His grunts and groans filter into your ears, fueling the fire building in your core. 
“Fuck,” you sigh, meeting his thrusts with some of your own, chasing the high. “Oh, god, Steve!”
“God, baby,” Steve growls, “come on, come for me.”
Within moments, your climax crashes through your body, and you cry out. Unintelligible words fall from your lips as Steve slams his hips against your ass, shortly followed by a string of unintelligible words of his own. His hips then stutter, his thighs shaking against yours with his efforts as he comes.
The pair of you collapse to the mattress, Steve sliding to your side from the top of you. 
“I love you so much,” he says, pressing kisses to your shoulder.
“And I love you,” you reply.
“How’d the writing go?”
You return your attention to the abandoned letter, realizing you left it mid-sentence.
“Oh,” you giggle.
“Did you want to finish it?”
With a smirk, that’s exactly what you do.
Sorry, Eds. Got distracted. Anyway, we’ll see you when we get home. We love you.
“That’s how you’re ending that?” Steve exclaims as you giggle more. “And you say I’m a tease, Jesus.”
“We’ll tell him the rest when we get home.”
Standing at the mailbox the next morning, you and Steve drop in the post cards. The envelope you hold in your hand, however, is met with a moment of hesitation.
“If we send this,” you say, looking Steve in the eye, “there’s no turning back from it. You know that, right? Eddie will officially be, at the very least, indirectly involved in our sex life. Is this something we can live with?”
Steve eyes the envelope, sealed, addressed, stamped, and ready to go. 
“Like... we’ve already gotten this far with it,” Steve says.
“So is that a yes?”
“It’s not a no.”
“But it’s also not a yes.”
“He’s gonna want that threesome.”
You grin, laughing as you glance up at the sunny sky.
“Don’t act like you don’t want it, too,” you say.
Steve tries to hide his smile, pushing his hand in your face playfully as he laughs.
“Shut up,” he says. “You perv.”
“You’re the perv,” you laugh. “Do we send it or not?”
You look at Steve, watching as his eyes drop to your hand, holding it in his as he pulls you just a little closer. Your heart pounds as the gears in his head grind, and only more so when it seems like he has reached a decision. He looks up, studying your face as a smile curls his lips.
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matsuxide · 15 days
People who are not interested in Matsu/Ide ship can read this post too! (It's like it's about each of them separately.)
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Alright so I was bored and I thought about what kind of environment did Ide and Matsuda grew up in? I wonder what kind of parents they had..
These are just my headcanons. I'm just assuming what their parents like :>
I'd like to start with Matsuda.
I believe that if he has any siblings, he is probably the youngest in the family. I think his parents spoiled him a bit, in a good way. He received enough praise from them as a child, even for small efforts. His siblings might be jealous of this sometimes, and he didn't really understand why they were kind of mad at him. But they cared about him a lot anyway. However, he still likes praise very much as an adult. (Judging by his attempts to be helpful). Precisely because it brings him warm memories.
I guess his behaviour is a little childish, since even as an adult, his parents could treat him like a child, and his mom probably called him cute names :D (like Little Prince, Sunshine, and so on). However, in my opinion, his desire to be useful appeared because, as a child, he did not often receive tasks from his parents, compared to his siblings, for example. I mean, they've trusted him, but they were afraid that he would break something, and he instantly gets upset over this. (I think he was a little clumsy and hyperactive as a kid!)
I think his father thought it was important for the whole family to play sports, and they definitely spent a lot of time outside doing physical activities. His mom liked to take the kids to the mall and buy them some ice cream and something very sweet, while dad wasn’t looking (his father has a healthy lifestyle or something like that, and despite the fact that he spoils his children, he doesn’t really like it when they eat a lot of sweets :D)
Matsu didn't do very well at primary school, and his parents could sit up late doing homework with him, but in any case, they did everything possible to give him a good education. This was because as a child he was more interested in hanging out and playing than in studying.
I think his parents are very funny and have a great sense of humour. Matsuda probably visits them every weekend! :>
Matsu might consider his feelings for Ide wrong. Because he is afraid of upsetting his parents, whom he loves very much. But I think even if they found out about his relationship, they would say something: "Well, we can't change him! That's why we should accept him!" (I assume his parents are modern, and they would definitely accept his sexuality anyway.) 
Of course, they will be surprised by this, and it will leave them in shock. Perhaps they might be a bit upset. But they won't love him any less because of this!
I think they will be more worried about how Matsuda's lover treats him :'D
What about Ide?
Ide grew up in a good family, but unlike Matsuda's family, it is more traditional and religious. I think his mother was kind, but his father was serious all the time. (Therefore, he has a serious expression on his face as an adult.) His father raised him to be a real man. He definitely taught him to use tools from an early age, like how to change light bulbs and so on. They had a good relationship overall!
I think both his parents take traditional values very seriously. His mother worked before Ide was born; after that, she decided to leave work at all instead of taking a decree. She wanted to take charge of raising the children and help them with their homework.
I think Ide's parents are quieter and more introverted. Instead of going to a restaurant, they preferred to stay at home together and order food while watching TV. I think they watched the news and politics most often, explaining words unknown to Ida. But on such evenings with dinner, they still agreed to watch cartoons that Ida liked. I think Ide wasn't allowed to watch TV for more than an hour a day because his parents were afraid that TV would make his eyesight worse.
It seems to me that in his family, the topic of love and romantic relationships was raised very rarely, and Ide could not discuss it with anyone. Perhaps this is the reason why he is not very experienced in romantic relationships. For a long time, he considered this topic taboo. That's why he didn't date anyone at school and college.
I believe his mother always told him that he should always have his own opinion and views on life. She told him that it was okay not to think like other people and to stick to his own opinion. [That might explain why Ide, despite L's achievements, still decided not to go to work with him.]
I believe that he always consulted with his parents regarding conflicts with friends; they would always help him with any troubles he had. They also reminded him a lot about the importance of helping his friends and being a support for them. [I assume this because he supported Aizawa by telling him that he should do something about him suspecting Light. He sensed that Aizawa had doubts about Light. Ide is a true friend that everyone deserves! He also joined Kira's case because he wanted to work with Aizawa, I think their friendship is very nice!] Most often, as a child, he was told that he could always rely on his family.
Also, because Ide grew up in a religious environment, he felt that his feelings for Matsuda were wrong.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ *ㅤㅤ*ㅤㅤ*
I think that's it! Maybe I'll update this if anyone is interested! If you have any questions, ask them.
I think the funny thing is that my parents are a combination of Ide and Matsu's parents😭 I grew up in a Muslim family, but I know that my parents would accept me the way I am. I have always had freedom of choice fortunately.
 Thanks for reading, and have a nice day! Hug the people you love and remind them that you love them ♡ that's very important
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dotthings · 1 year
So this is it. Last episode of Gotham Knights.
Thank you to James Stoteraux and Chad Fiveash for a fantastic finale. And to all the writers and cast and crew who made this beautiful DC series.
Season one gave us a taste of all the places this could go and what this show could be and it was SO GOOD I'm sorry there won't be more of it. There's only a few DC live action TV series that have worked for me over the years, Gotham Knights is among them.
"Batman chose well. Gotham needs its Robin." I LOVE this. Carrie's mom trusting her to look after herself, to stay alive, having seen her daughter in action as Robin, and asking her daughter to go save lives and trusting her to survive in return.
Commissioner Soto!! Knew!!! So...maybe she was the Gordon analogue in this continuity. All this time.
What finally made Harvey give himself over to the Two Face personality, what finally made him fully snap -- HE DID IT TO SAVE HIS DAUGHTER AND THOUSANDS OF LIVES IN GOTHAM. This is a really brilliant re-imagining.
With Turner's parents, I got that there was more to the story. Batman was defending himself from assassins. I didn't expect this version to have Batman actually have killed them, because the Batman doesn't kill idea is so seminal in most continuities including this one--this Batman also had the do not kill code.
He's a precise highly trained fighter, who has a strong code about not killing. So in that fight, something went wrong, he was in deadly peril, or, in defending himself, did something he didn't intend to be a kill, but wound up killing them.
Misha Collins and Olivia Rose-Keegan are hitting it out of the park in all their scenes. Duela with Harvey, Duela with Two Face, two very different dynamics and both riveting.
Misha getting to play Harvey as a regretful father who wants to save his daughter and thousands of lives and make amends and then Misha getting to play completely unhinged scarred, murderous Two Face and Misha floors it in both directions.
Sadly, because it's the CW network and a superhero show, the critical awards people won't even look at it. But I'm betting industry folks will take note anyway. Bravo, Misha.
I didn't expect Turner to actually be dead, and that tactical team had French accents so I expected Henri Ducard. Still enjoyed that reveal at the end. Guessing they're going with the comics background as inspiration (and would put their own twists on it--and not Nolanverse.) Henri Ducard trained Bruce Wayne. He's not a good guy, but he helped Bruce. I like how this show's plan was to have him train his son too.
And Turner, who wants to live up to his father's legacy, becomes a legacy and inspiration for his friends, to Duela, to keep fighting for Gotham, like Bruce did, like Turner wanted.
I can only guess what the S2 plans were. It's hinting Turner becoming a new kind of Batman eventually, not sure by S2.
The Knights are going to be pissed he didn't tell them he's alive.
The Two Face and Duela stories I'm sure would be riveting.
Steph/Harper and Duela/Turner getting more development and drama. Harper enrolling at Gotham Academy. Cullen would get a boyfriend.
Beyond that, it's a wild card. Two Face likely as a significant villain, but perhaps one who goes after other villains, who ultimately acts to preserve Gotham. Maybe some Owl remnants would be in play?
As it stands, I'm grateful. I got to have this, as a DC fan. I didn't go into this solely as a Misha fan. The bulk of my perspective of this show was as a DC fan, and it was good and I am going to keep saying it was good.
I love the team, I love its beautiful, candle-lit, aged, gothic, old stones and hidden dark corners and dirigibles and pre-war towers Gotham style. It gave, in my opinion, what is the best filmed take on Harvey Dent I've ever seen. The most nuanced and compassionate and unhinged and heartwrenching and frightening and gloriously fun to watch.
And it gave me this amazing and wonderful version of Carrie Kelley's Robin and I think I will miss her most of all.
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