#or tifftalks
swollenwithangst · 7 months
why must i (a nightly princess) take a plane? instead of dealing with motion sickness and turbulence, i should be filled with laughter as my vampire partner tickles me with the wings of the various bat forms they transform into.
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pinkerfem · 2 years
Anyways we can’t consider makeup an ‘Art Form’ until it is no longer a major agent in capitalistic control over women’s bodies
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faceofhind · 2 years
To be advance in life, swap out the negative impacts of your life for the positive ones
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To be advance in life, swap out the negative impacts of your life for the positive ones
Replace the negatives in your life with positives if you want to advance in life. This article will teach you how to remove the bad influences from your life and replace them with good ones, which will boost your productivity and morale. For success and peak performance, pay attention to the positive.
Replace the negatives in your life with positives if you want to advance in life. This article will teach you how to remove the bad influences from your life and replace them with good ones, which will boost your productivity and morale. For success and peak performance, pay attention to the positive.
The majority of us are unaware of how many harmful influences we are exposed to every day. We are constantly exposed to unfavorable messages from the media, those around us, and worst of all from within.
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Making the decision to begin looking for the negative messages and ways to replace them with positives is the first step in the process of replacing negatives with positives in your life. Choose to concentrate on the good things in this world.
Reduce the amount of news you consume significantly. Most people read the news as they begin their day. Of course, the majority of the news is negative—fires, floods, etc. Then comes traffic and the weather, which emphasizes more drawbacks. You will therefore have heard enough unfavorable news by the time you have finished your coffee to last a week. Do you want to throw open the door and welcome the new days in response to all this bad news? Actually, the opposite is true. What about how we wrap up the day? Many of us watch the news before bed, which exposes us to a lot of unfavorable information right before attempting to fall asleep. Is it surprising that so many people struggle to fall asleep? You are preparing yourself for a bad day ahead of time because our mood at bedtime affects how we feel the next morning. Most likely, all the negative information you are consuming from the news is unnecessary, and you can get by just fine without it.
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Use motivational tapes, uplifting music, and websites like faceofhind.com to replace the news you were previously consuming. Reading empowering literature is also very helpful. Reading can be a wonderful way to revitalize your life. See what works for you by looking up success stories, biographies of successful people, etc. Right away, you'll start to feel better.
The next thing you should do is cut back on your TV viewing. According to a recent study, 78% of TV viewers are not interested in the show they are currently watching. Therefore, watching TV is likely to make you bored at best and keep you from engaging in activities that would be more enjoyable. The time when most people are watching TV is known as prime time; you can make that time your prime time by turning off the TV and using it to advance in your life.
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Next, try to avoid negative people as much as possible. Most people are unaware of how depleting it is to be around negative people, but they affect your spirit and energy in a variety of negative ways. You should make every effort to keep negative people out of your life because they drag you down. Never join in on the whining or pity parties that occur in the office. Replace the negative people in your life with those who encourage you and make you feel good about yourself.
When we are negative, we do the most harm to ourselves. The majority of us constantly talk negatively to ourselves, which our minds accept as reality and which holds us back in various ways. We dwell on our flaws and issues and spend our time foretelling more bad news for ourselves, which inhibits our willingness to try new things and other positive behaviors. Begin concentrating on your best qualities. What are your special strengths, your accomplishments, and how are you superior to others? Build positive images of yourself doing the things you want by using affirmations and visualization, then use these to replace the negative ones. Give yourself a lot of credit for everything you achieve so that you can continue to hear good things about yourself. Set aside three minutes each day to reflect on all the positive aspects of your life at the moment. Thinking about the positive aspects of your life will make you feel good and last for most of the day.
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Remember to take good care of your body. To improve your self-esteem and increase your strength and endurance so you can accomplish more, eat a healthy diet, kick some bad habits, and exercise frequently.
You'll feel better about yourself by helping others. Spend some time volunteering at a shelter for animals, a charity, or other worthwhile causes. You will receive positive comments from others and come to truly believe that you are a good person. Make sure that what you send out is positive because what you put out comes back to you.
Change Your Mind, Change Your Luck for Successful Life
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By substituting positives for negatives in your life, you will probably improve both yourself and the world as a whole. Along with completing many of your goals, you will feel better physically and mentally. Nothing is ever achieved without action, so get started right away to improve your life.
Always remember that negativity is the pollution of your thoughts so use your thoughts as purifier, it will definitely give an impact to your life to achieve your goals.
So try to replace the negativity with positive aspects
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weak-aesthetic · 2 months
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𝘩𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜, 𝘩𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜. 𝑚𝑦 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑦, 𝑚𝑦 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝘩𝑒/𝘩𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑦 𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑏𝑖𝑜 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑖 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡
ı usuαllч just reblog on here but ı ɯαnnα stαrt postıng so, fᥱᥱᥣ frᥱᥱ to sᥱᥒd ᥲsks bᥙt ι do hᥲvᥱ somᥱ rᥙᥣᥱs rᥱgᥲrdιᥒg ᥲsks:
hate is not tolerated. if you send me an ask that is hateful, it will be ignored :)
if you are a minor, please don't interact nor send asks
if you don't like the topic/person you are sending an ask about, don't send it??
if i am not well versed or i do not wish to speak on a topic or person, i will not answer the ask
don't harass me. plain and simple
if your ask is inappropriate in any way, i will not respond; this does not include cursing as i myself curse a lot
if my opinion offends you, well, oops
please only ask about the topics/people in the tags
all of my posts regarding asks will be tagged under "tifftalks"
*gifs are not mine. credit: https://www.tumblr.com/drew-danny
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yourmomeatsmayo · 11 months
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It has taken me years to figure this out. Tomorrow is not promised; your family and friends will not be around forever, and your kids and nibblings are never going to be this age again. The opportunity to take a trip or make memories on an experience will not present itself again. You are replaceable; you are just a number to many jobs. Don’t make the mistake of burning yourself out, on the verge of mental breakdowns and losing everything. Take your lunch, take vacation time, don’t answer emails at 10 pm. Unplug and recharge. Because tomorrow those tasks will still be there; however, everything in your life might not be. Happy FRI-day 🍟😀 #LifeAdvice #TiffTalk
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mediocritymachine · 7 years
Ffff I slept till noon then I had a mild allergic reaction and took two Benadryl and it knocked me out until 7:00
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mcavocados · 7 years
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doyoukki · 7 years
(semi) hiatus
some of you might have noticed, but I’ve been pretty inactive lately. I’ve been really busy with school (& work), so I’ve gotten out of the habit of going on tumblr. I’ll try to queue posts and make content when I can. 
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bellamyclark · 7 years
Hello for once I'd like to thank Facebook for suggesting to me for now one of my favorite shows, Veronica Mars. I never click on the ads but thank god. I know I'm late on the vmars trains but I've watched everything and I'm so attached. I've seen some articles being said that people didn't like the movie bc it was mostly fanservice and it wasn't successful bc it wasn't geared towards people who haven't watched the show. So to that I say IM GOOD WITH THAT. Bc honestly I watch and binge a lot of good shows (lately being from the 00s) and they either get cancelled or just fizzle out bc they've been milked dry of material. Vmars was one of those cancelled shows and I was really looking forward to what could've been season 4, but to hear we got a movie instead made me happy. It gave me closure that not most cancelled shows are willing to do. The overall production and crew of the show just seemed so great. Not a lot of drama except from the network that didn't see vmars' potential. So I'm really happy we got an ending that was made with love and dedication from people of the show and the fandom. Now I will continue to pine over our favorite bantering otp til my last dying day. Xx
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yoonjunqhan · 7 years
omg we can hear seventeen rehearsing while in line
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mainmaknae · 7 years
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swollenwithangst · 7 months
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racked with anxiety yayyyyyy
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pinkerfem · 2 years
I really hope the Twitter Radfems don’t jump ship here bc if I have to see usernames like ‘radfemhitler’ I’m ending myself
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neonghoulie · 7 years
I tried to play overwatch last night because it's been so long and I've missed it so much. BUT SINCE ITS BEEN SO LONG, THE FREAKING UPDATE FILE WAS SO BIG, IT LEGIT WAS GONNA TAKE 3 HOURS TO DOWNLOAD.
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
Wondering if you've seen that FB post about Garcy&violence against women? What's your take on this? To me it's insane - I enjoy all kinds of weird shit in fiction, but don't wish it happened to me. I'm a bit concerned that our ship may never sail to the sunset 'cause of similar (exaggerated, in my opinion) voices. Aaaand... didn't I see the traces of psychological abuse in Lyatt/Wyjess?
Disclaimer: I hate talking about/thinking about/participating in any way in fandom drama, and my policy for as long as my blog has existed has been to ignore it. Some people have to be very informed on it and reacting to it all the time and etc, and whatever works for them, but I just can’t do it. Fandom is my happy bubble and I take active steps to cut out that sort of energy, because it will mess me up. It’s one of the reasons I’m not on twitter. I am a serious introvert and sensitive person and just don’t have the spoons to constantly manage it. So.
That said, you asked, and I do have some thoughts on this, so this will basically be the post I make about it, and then go back to my happily oblivious corner.
Timeless was a very chill fandom, shipping-wise, in s1, and it was small enough (and ships were not the main focus of the plot, even if potential existed) that we mostly or entirely avoided ship wars. However, in s2, we had a lot more shippy content, angst for a main ship, a returned dead wife, a love square, the development of an enemies-to-lovers ship, and some open-endedness about how they’re going to treat the main ship going forward, all of which leads to more friction and backbiting in fandom. This happens to most TV shows, unfortunately, and Timeless certainly isn’t as bad as other fandoms that I’ve seen, but it definitely is not the same atmosphere that it was. Which is disappointing, but again, not surprising. You have vocal fans of one thing on twitter, and then vocal fans of another, and no firm announcement of season 3, so… yeah. The natives become restless.
As for Garcy, I honestly remember the exact same thing happening with CS for years. There were many vocal antis who called the ship abusive, that it promoted violence against women, that Hook was horrible/a rapist, etc etc, that it made Emma “weak,” that it sent a bad message, so on and so forth, and they spent a lot of time bombarding the showrunners with their views. (The whole OUAT fandom turned pretty toxic and cliquish the more the show went on, unfortunately, and was one of the reasons in me leaving.) This didn’t make much difference to the ultimate writing of CS; they still ended up married/endgame with a baby. Anyway, the point is, fandom noise, even if there’s a lot of it, doesn’t usually massively or unduly influence the showrunners’ writing decisions. It’s a little different with Timeless, since they are still talking about what to do in s3, but all of that has pointed to more focus on Garcy, not less. In his TiffTalks interview recently, Shawn Ryan didn’t pull punches in talking about how badly Wyatt screwed up and raising the question of whether it was too late for him to make it up to Lucy, and repeating about 500 times about Flynn’s feelings for Lucy and that being an important part of the show (and hinting that he has a different opinion on L/W from the fandom).
As well, there has been a serious surge of interest for Garcy this season (look, they asked MATT LANTER in an interview about the tons of support for Flynn/Lucy online, which… dude, what do you want the poor guy to say? He’s not involved in that ship and plays a character that is the opposing number to it. But anyway). As I said in my last ask, they wrote a certain amount of L/W content, and then cut or changed it, and treated the Garcy content in a way to make it clear that they wanted to preserve the canon possibility of them as something more than friends/partners. So yes.
I think the fandom reaction to every enemies-to-lovers ship, especially in the case of Garcy when it appears to threaten an established/main ship, reflects the tumblr “social justice fandom purity” culture, where everything that a fandom doesn’t personally like gets put through the “this is why my opinion is Woke” gristmill. In other words, it’s not enough that they don’t like Garcy (which is fine for them, honestly, people can ship whatever they want); they have to prove that it is Bad and Unhealthy (while, as you point out, being blind to valid textual criticism to be made of their preferred ship/male lead). Flynn stans criticize him freely and refer to him as the Garbage Lord (especially in s1), but as I have noted before, Wyatt is often shielded from the consequences of his actions both in canon text and fandom discourse, and they find even more thinly justified ways to bash on Flynn/Garcy instead. That is tiring, and it unfortunately does impact on my views of both the character and the ship. It’s also why I have to stay away from too much of it. I WANT to keep liking Wyatt and rooting for him, but to have his canon actions ignored and excused and twisted around is a little (or a lot) eye-rolling. It’s okay. We all stan fuckup characters. It makes them more interesting. But that doesn’t mean they’re not fuckups.
Honestly, there were many, many other ways they could have written this Jessica arc (as well as Flynn’s interactions with Lucy), but they didn’t. As I also keep saying, this kind of drama eventually happens in all fandoms, and Timeless did not escape it. Hopefully it can be prevented from getting too out of hand. But yes, the movement overall has been (far far more than I EVER expected) toward Flynn/Lucy, and I don’t know what the writers will decide on for s3. It is, however, not going to be influenced just by some annoying fans on facebook.
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mcavocados · 7 years
International Film Festivals where CMBYN will be screened at
RIGA IFF -Latvia/(Sept 7-17)
TIFF - Canada/(Sept 7-17)/Luca,Timothée and Armie will talk at #TIFFtalk
Miskolc IFF - Hungary/(Sept 8-17)
Helsinki IFF - Finland/(Sept 14-24)
65SSIFF - Spain/(Sept 22-30)
NYFF - Newyork/(Sept 28-Oct 15)/ Timothée
Adelaide Film Festival - Australia/(Oct7-12) FIF Roche-sur-Yon - France/( Oct16-22)
I’ll update the list when more dates and who’s attending which festival are confirmed. Let me know if you have more confirmed informations too! And for Asia, sadly,there’s no word on it (yet)
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