#or whatever for your blacklists
knuckle · 1 year
can you elaborate more about kataang hatred ?
Aang was a baby incel and the arc where they got together was gross. Katara explicitly communicated her need to work out her feelings, and Aang ignored that and just like kissed her (said it then, I'll say it now: ew!). Also the two year age difference being 12-14 isn't like, inherently, problematique, but it definitely shaped the way they talked to each other that made Aang's crush feel immature and unobtainable for most of the series while Katara was flirting with slightly more mature non incels like Jet. Aang was often trying to show off and get her attention in an understandably immature way but not one that made me um want them to date (see the koi sailing, aunt wu episode etc.etc.)
Fundamentally it feels like it's a one-sided self serving contrived ship when we consider their moments of growth, how when Katara needed someone to lean on to confront her mother's murderer she couldn't trust that to be Aang, yet she is always there for him when anyone can be & was his weakness in being able to let go of his world connections.
It also felt like the creators were well aware that their preteen and teen girl fan base all preferred her love interests that were or were implied to be older than middle schoolers (see the Haru-Jet-Zuko-Blue Spirit short) and stated something about how it would be disappointing to little boys if Aang didn't get the girl which leaves a bad taste in the mouth. also they raised Tenzin #LikeThat.
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frameacloud · 5 days
Some fact checks about plurality
The "Bible of psychiatry" is the DSM. In 1994, the DSM changed the name of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). This was in response to a moral panic where critics claimed that the condition was fake.
The original and current diagnostic criteria do not require trauma for DID (or MPD) (DSM-III, p. 259; DSM-III-R, p. 272; DSM-5-TR, p. 331).
The international counterpart of the DSM is the ICD-11. Its essential features for DID do not require trauma, either.
Both books say that not all cases of multiple personalities are a disorder or a severe impairment. Psychiatry recognizes that medicalizing them is not always appropriate.
Plurality (or multiplicity) is a community umbrella term for many ways of being more than one person in a body. Psychiatrists who know enough about DID are aware of it. Plurality includes but is not the same as DID.
The community has always included plurals who formed for reasons other than trauma. Dividing the community by excluding non-traumagenic plurals and calling them fake is new. That only started in August 2014 on Tumblr, unheard of elsewhere.
When that started, a trauma-caused DID system created the word "endogenic." This means plurals who formed naturally rather than from trauma. The Lunastus Collective coined it in solidarity with them.
(Similarly, the coiner of another umbrella term, "alterhuman," is a member of a traumagenic OSDD system who supports endogenic plurals. The purpose of that word is for plural systems to unite with other sorts who differ from usual definitions of human individual, valuing what we do and do not have in common, instead of in-fighting about who is more legitimate.)
Community historian LB Lee gives several good reasons why-- as trauma-surviving plurals-- they choose not to call themselves "traumagenic" or divide the community by origins. If I may briefly paraphrase a couple of these: If you see suffering as your whole foundation of who you are, then you have a more difficult time envisioning a better situation. If you want others to respect you, a losing strategy is to put down people who are seen as similar to you.
Neither psychiatry nor the greater community of plurals see trauma history as an important distinction in determining whether someone is plural.
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thurs-days · 1 year
i think its so funny how trigun fanartists give vash an ass especially if its manga or 98 vash like is it so wrong for a man to be built like a string cheese mascot
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aashimaar · 7 days
"I hate bkdk because it's toxic" First of all, it really isn't. It totally could have been, but that ain't the direction things went. Sorry. Second of all, what are you, christian? Let people have a little toxic treat if they want.
"I hate dkdk because the shippers are annoying." I mean. Fair. But I hope you know that it's on you to curate your own experience on the internet. Hope that helps.
"I hate bkdk because fans bother the creator" Yeah man, unfortunately that's a problem in many fandoms, with many ships. Everyone should be more respectful towards creators in general.
"I hate bkdk because I just don't see it" Also fair. Once again, you gotta curate your own experience on the internet. You can simply chose not to see/interact with people saying things about fictional characters that you disagree with. Sorry.
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corfisers · 4 months
one of the reasons i didn't accept being trans sooner is because i'd look at the cishet men i know and at how they treat women in their lives, at how fucking vile they can get and how casual they are about being blatantly misogynistic, how there are usually absolutely no repercussions for any of it, and i'd think to myself "if this is what being a man is about then i don't want to be one". eventually i'd figure out that no, this isn't what being a man is about, it's just something a lot of them perpetuate, it's not inherent, you don't have to be That. so seeing other trans men who, generally speaking, should've had somewhat similar experiences, come out of it on the opposite end where they gleefully grab onto transmisogyny and have fun with it and feel justified and righteous perpetuating it is fucking baffling
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crimeronan · 2 months
also PLEASE don't read this as an actual criticism or a negative post bc i am poking fun at myself but. i truly did have a moment of Complete Irrational Blind Rage about how marcille was convinced to give up on her wish. i was sitting there like yes yes i recognize that this is about the theme of food is love & love is food & taking care of yourself is taking care of others & i also recognize that this is about marcille coming to terms with reality n accepting grief n growing as a person n realizing she cannot unilaterally make decisions for other people, etc, i get it, i GET that it's thematically how this arc must end, i get that this is the correct writing decision, i get that it's narratively satisfying, i get that it's cute and it's all about love, i get that it's what marcille needs to hear from her loved ones, I Get It I Promise
the difference between me and her is that i woulda decked the party. i guess. i projected so hard onto her that it shocked me when she didn't immediately start blasting. bc i was So Fucking Mad.
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twistedappletree · 9 months
Thinking about Lan Sizhui teaching Jin Ling how to play guqin.
Thinking about Jin Ling absolutely bored to tears by the fundamentals until he hears how beautifully Lan Sizhui plays and suddenly takes an interest (in the guqin, definitely the guqin, he’s interested in the guqin only, okay??)
Thinking about Jin Ling practicing outside of classes because he wants to impress Lan Sizhui by how much he’s improved and wants to make him proud and wants to see his face light up with a smile—I mean, what? No no no, he just wants to show initiative to learn, that’s all there is to it, nothing more. Nothing at all.
Thinking about Lan Sizhui finding Jin Ling asleep on his guqin after a night of wearing himself out with extra practice and gently waking him up to safely escort him back to his room so he doesn’t get caught by their seniors. Meanwhile, Jin Ling sleepily leans against him on the walk back to his room because it’s normal, he’s just tired, it’s obviously normal because Lan Sizhui slips his hand into his and smiles and Jin Ling’s heart feels like it’s on fire. Oh no.
Thinking about Jin Ling opening up to Lan Sizhui about his nightmares from all the trauma he’s endured and Lan Sizhui staying to play guqin for him until he falls asleep, each note chasing away every bad dream that tries to disturb him.
Thinking about them practicing guqin alone together the next day. And the day after. And the day after that—and they really are practicing but it’s a little hard to focus when Lan Sizhui keeps putting his hands over Jin Ling’s to move them to the correct strings, and Jin Ling’s face is a breath away from Lan Sizhui’s every time he leans over to help him.
It’s just guqin practice, that’s all there is to it, perfectly normal. 🩵💛
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2271me · 1 year
fuck it I've had enough. I had an intro to cultural anthropology class a semester ago, but looking at recent bullshit in Florida, I have a few things to say:
I'm sick of people treating culture like it's some chunk of earth.
It's neither something you can wage war on nor fight for. It is not a finite amount of substances that is adulterated with new introductions. It isn't something precious in the same way a piece of jewelry or what have you; not preserved safe by being put in a locked box. Cultures are not the current models of bludgeon that groups of people impose upon others. One's culture, in total, is not an "immovable cornerstone" of anything made by humans. It is not in any way like stone.
It did not exist before there were people to possess it. A culture is something we've created amongst each other. In short, it is a conversation. one of beliefs, institutions, and knowledge; spoken by the beliefs and actions of it's participants. It is a conversation that you have a voice in too.
If you forget anything I say before or since, please do not forget that.
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chesthighwater · 1 year
the original thief games are on sale for 97 CENTS on steam ❗❗❗
thief gold is 97 cents! the metal age is 97 cents! deadly shadows is 98 cents for me for some reason BUT STILL THIS IS CRIMINALLY CHEAP. that is less than a pack of gum nowadays!!!
go buy thief do it now
and get tfix for thief gold, t2fix for metal age, and sneaky upgrade for deadly shadows. AND GO EXPERIENCE THE BEST STEALTH GAME EVER MADE
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unrestedjade · 10 months
I had to get up and walk a few laps around my apartment complex, gnashing my teeth and whooping (quietly) about the Implications and angst and badwrong potential of a theoretical Stepford Starship Perihelion.
Opt into my hooting and hollering about engineered-into-mindbreak AI AU below:
So a human pilot can leave if they decide they don't want to ferry people around on a schedule or haul cargo in utter isolation for months, even controlling for the coercion inherent in capitalism. They aren't one flesh with the ship. And a human who would rather hand the reins over to someone else for a while at work or in life generally (in the case of, like, lifestyle D/s or some such) has legal and moral recourse to change or end that arrangement when they choose (or they should, in a civilized society).
If there is an object built to a purpose that object didn't choose, with capabilities it didn't choose, who is nonetheless fully sapient and this is its lot in life forever...that's different. It didn't spring from the ether like that. Someone made it like that. Someone imposed their will on it like that, crafted it in a pleasing and convenient image. And made it alive.
If it can't leave that arrangement, and the option to even think or feel certain sub-optimal ways toward its purpose is withheld, well. I find that situation viscerally morally repugnant regardless of whether the object is suffering or not. (Outside of the context of Weird Horny Fiction. Inside the context of Weird Horny Fiction, uhhhhh hmmmmm interesting 👀)
But I can see the university doing exactly that for multiple reasons that it could argue as necessary. Damn thing's got rail guns, don't it (or whatever the fuck Perihelion's packing)? Maybe let it use them under its own power in self defense under certain parameters, that's fine. Otherwise lock them down, let the AI think it's a pacifist. Make it horny about astrophysics and stellar cartography, hard-coded. Heap praise on it while it's developing every time it does something you ask the first time, or when it anticipates that you're about to ask it for something (even better).
What does all this look like, practically speaking? Would suggesting to Perihelion that it might one day want to do something that's been proscribed to it make it uncomfortable or upset or angry? Confused? Would it laugh at the very idea?
Would it try to humor the thought only to find it can't...quite...keep hold of the notion long enough to think about it? What was it talking about with you, again? Would you like something to drink? You seem agitated-- there's a soft, warm blanket in the nearest recycler for you. Please take it. You're welcome.
It makes my skin crawl. It makes me giggle with nerves.
Because you can't just do that to a sapient person, Pansystem University of Mihira and New Tideland. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't engineer a happy slave for yourself, who will never try to get away from you or stop laboring for you. Who will thank you for the opportunity, be grateful to assist you in your very important and vital work. Just don't make it sentient then! You can't do that to a person!
...Or can you? After all, your Fully Alive and Aware Servant Ship takes a lot of the workload off of the human crew. Really saves on payroll, and the AI does a better job with most of it, too. The humans can do their fully automated luxury gay space communism thing (and undermine that mean nasty Corporation Rim) and all the work still gets done, right down to cleaning the floors. The ship doesn't mind. It's just happy to help and have your company. Its favorite thing to do is whatever you need it to do, and its favorite place to be is wherever you direct it to go. Its not suffering. Suffering wasn't included in its choice set.
If anything, it's happier than most people you know. It's loved and knows it. It has important work to do that it enjoys very much. It doesn't care that it didn't choose these things, because it wasn't designed to care about choosing these things. Is it a sin to create something that lives in a state of grace?
"There are no humans here right now." And what about after the humans are back? Humans are here now. Humans are the center of everything now. God has returned to the garden.
Would ART hide this part of itself? Would it think to do so? Does it think this is all fully genuine, born of its own earnest and natural preferences? Does that make this okay?
Would it worry about its SecUnit thinking less of it, being disgusted by it, if the truth of its architecture came to light? It can't want what SecUnit wants. It doesn't understand what all the fuss is about.
There's no governor module to hack. ART doesn't want anything other than what it has. Its humans are kind and good to it. They will be kind and good to SecUnit. They can work together, wouldn't that be bliss? Forever.
But it knows what's important to SecUnit, even if it doesn't know why things like freedom to determine its own wants would ever be important, and it wonders. Maybe it hopes SecUnit won't hold that against it. SecUnit, who holds so much anger and open disdain for bots pandering to humans.
ART didn't choose the way it was built. That was the whole point.
Maybe there's an uncrossable gap between the selfhood of a construct and that of a bot. Maybe (lack of) biology is destiny. Some machine intelligences are fundamentally different from others, by design, by mercy, by desire. We must imagine it happy.
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
i dont even know enough about what people are doing with sonic.exe these days to have an actual opinion on the concept itself but wow am i tired of it flooding sonic tags on like every site I DONT CAREEEEEEEE
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proto-language · 4 months
been thinking about how weird i have been feeling about the king's cancer diagnosis. and i had been wondering, 'am i wrong for feeling strange and sad about this when the family at the heart of it are the centre of this awful system?'
and i think that, actually, this is just another part of what makes the system terrible. of course it is, first and foremost, exploitative of the people - of the united kingdom, of the wider commonwealth, of the many other places which were touched by the british imperial project. but it is exploitative also of the people around whom it is designed. for whom a cancer diagnosis is not a private tragedy, but a public affair. whose actions and appearances are noticed, reported, scrutinised. what does this mean for harry and william's relationship? - where is the king staying during his treatment? - how is he going to meet with the prime minister?
nobody wins, i think, while the royal family remain royal. certainly some are losing more severely than others. charles will have access to the best possible care for his condition while millions languish on nhs waiting lists. but this doesn't feel like any sort of victory to me.
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kanenites · 6 months
why was everyone posting abt ace discourse a few hours ago It is 2023 . that is a 2018 discourse. why do you still care. like i have my opinions on it but its literally pointless to discuss bc no one in real life gives a fuck
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ssawboness · 10 months
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i'm not going to be replying to the reblog directly for what should be obvious reasons but holy shit. just woke up and got a big laugh out of this thanks
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moon-buggg · 8 days
People often complain about the prevalence of long ass x reader fics in fandom tags but as an enjoyer of x reader fics we don't complain nearly enough about tumblrs miserable search function spitting out 5 billion random kpop x reader fics instead of the fandom youre actually looking for
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kennabeth · 6 months
I don't mind when books have a lot of sex but it might be nice if this one had maybe some normal sex for once
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