#or...if u want to get more recent...JUST IN OCTOBER
austronauts · 2 years
It's terrific because [the fans' love] is so well-deserved for Mitch. This guy has been really driving the bus for us, so for him to get that reaction and to know that the people are behind him - that's terrific
Sheldon Keefe about Scotiabank Arena’s reaction to Mitch
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Ok here's my working theory. I just feel like getting it off my chest as I've been so confused about so much since the PT ended - like I just really haven’t been able to get my head around what happened with L. I would love your thoughts!
I do believe/agree with everyone's perception that L may have had feelings for N for a long time (maybe a spark since the beginning, and a fire since season 3). I don't know if I think N had a crush on him too, before or during season 3. They clearly have love and amazing chemistry. He sparkles with her and looks at her like she’s the love of his life. She sparkles with him too, but she also sparkles with everyone and even alone.
I don't know what happened during or after season 3 between the two of them (if anything did), but we know they ended up apart last summer and L found distractions (from his breakup with J, maybe from his feelings for N) in HBS and then, eventually, a budding relationship with A (of whatever kind it is). Maybe he even started to like A, and maybe he thought it could really go somewhere, who knows? He then sees N again at reshoots in December, and then the PT starts in January, and his big feelings are still there/get stronger as they spend time together again.
What I haven't been able to make sense of is how come, with these big feelings, he not only stayed with A through it all but also brought her around to different locations during the PT, where he was with N (and flirting with N) - because it seems to me that A's presence all but guaranteed that nothing would actually happen with N, so why would he want that outcome if he in fact wants N (and if N was available)? It seems clear that he doesn't have the same big feelings for A as he does for N. I also haven't made sense of how someone who seemed soooo sweet and lovely and doting and soft on the PT with N could be with, and return to, such a (seemingly) vapid situation with A, where he seems not only miserable but almost like a completely different person than he showed us during the PT and how his costars describe him to be (and he's also been treating A more poorly than he treated N - at least publicly).
Now, JD has been in N's orbit for at least 2 years - he's been in productions with Louisa, Laurie, and Dylan (at least). I also remember photos showing that he was at CW's wedding in October, so he's clearly been an entrenched part of the friend group for some time (the fact that they more recently followed each other on insta doesn’t mean they didn’t know each other before). So let's *assume* for a second that JD and N are actually together now (and that that's what the pap pictures show us). He seems to mesh well with who N is and her friends/lifestyle. What if N and JD's friendship had been blossoming, with more one-on-one time, turning into a mutual crush, then turning into something more at some point. What if L knew about this because it was taking place before/while N and L were on the PT together. If N and L are BFFs, N could have talked to L about what was happening with JD. And this would explain why L - to protect his heart - kept bringing A around on the PT (despite not seeming to enjoy her presence there) because he didn't want to be single while watching N fall in love with JD. 
Everyone wonders why on earth L brought A to the London premiere (especially given what ended up happening with pap-gate, which I personally don’t think L planned/knew about) - but you know what, JD was there with N's friends too! Maybe L knew that JD would be there, and he knew how shitty that would feel, so he also wanted to have someone with him too (hence A's presence). But remember the conversation on the red carpet, where they're asked for dating advice, and N kind of pointedly says, "wait for the right person, you're worth it" and L looks uncomfortable. Maybe that was N subtly expressing concern about L’s situation with A, as his BFF and not because of any romantic feelings she has for him. But of course, if L had unrequited (probably not communicated) big feelings for N, it explains his discomfort and also his subsequent behaviour with A - carrying on with her after pap-gate (Milan, LA, GQ/Soho House, bday in Italy), while looking miserable, as a continued distraction from his heartbreak over N. It could also explain why he let everything with his public image kind of go to shit (both because he was sad and also because he was still protective of N).
I agree with everyone that by the end of the PT, N started to return L’s heart-eyes and that of course remains confusing. But she's such an effusive and loving person, and she was so proud of him/them for their season and PT, and nostalgic that their big adventure together was ending, that maybe she was feeling so much love for L, her BFF, but not *in love* with L. (Her heart-eyes for Luke T at the London premiere is an example of how she can be so loving with her male friends.)
An imperfect theory, but it's the only one I've landed on, after being confused for months, that helps me to reconcile the L we saw in the PT (N's version of L) with the L of the summer (A and SoHoe’s version of L) - the latter of which has frankly confounded me! - because his summer  behaviour can then be explained as a symptom of his unrequited love (for N) and heartbreak (a Sad Boy Summer).
Does this means that L is (in Suffer’s words) still biding his time and waiting for the end of N and JD?
(Of course, big caveats to all this, we don't know anything! We don't know for sure N and JD are together, or what the status really is/was between L and A. This is all my perception of things from what they show us publicly, I’m just trying to make sense of my own confusion about L.)
this is all opinion 😔
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milaisreading · 11 months
Yandere!Sae Itoshi x Reader
🌱🩷: As promised, here is the Halloween special story I wrote. Hope u all enjoy it! Thanks for reading 🩷
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. There are talks of murder here, so under 18 and everyone uncomfortable with this topic, please don't read.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Fall was finally upon Tokyo, and there was nothing (Y/n) more enjoyed than a nice stroll through the city while the cold air hit her face. It was specifically October 31st, Halloween day. And while (Y/n) wasn't much of a fan of that day, mainly because of the pranks, she couldn't deny that she was fond of the decorations, food, and shows. Shibuya was specifically the most visited place during this time of the day, due to all the attractions. Kids and teens were laughing, wearing different costumes varying from princesses to trolls, and adults were either watching over them, or just mindlessly walking around to admire everything. (Y/n) didn't really prepare anything for that day, she just recently arrived from Germany for a week off, and just wanted to rest and enjoy the moment. She planned on enjoying this day alone, but she messaged Rin 2 days prior and found out he was back in Japan, too. The two had then agreed to meet up on this day, since Shibuya will be packed with people, and Rin would have less chances in being recognized.
'At least I hope Rin plans work.' She chuckled and went into a shop to look through some clothes.
"I still have 3 hours till I meet up with Rin." She muttered.
Sae hummed as he drained the water out of the bathtub. He yawned as he walked out of the bathroom to pick out some clothes he could wear tonight. Sae wasn't someone who really cared about dressing up, especially when it's about meeting someone, but this was different. Tonight was the night he would start his plan on making (Y/n) fall for him. The prodigy had to admit that he never expected to fall for anyone, much less the former manager of a football project. But it happened. The more Sae observed the progress of Blue Lock, the more he paid attention to the staff, mainly to (Y/n).
'Well, it is Rin's fault. If he hadn't been so secretive about her, I would have moved on.' The boy blushed a little as he put on his shirt, thinking of the girl. She was... interesting to Sae. She was smart, beautiful, and witty when needed. She was almost flawless in Sae's eyes, almost. The only flaw (Y/n) had is that she wasn't his, but... he will fix that soon.
'With Rin out of the way, my plan on making her mine forever will be a lot easier.' Sae smirked as he remembered the last fight him and Rin had 2 nights ago. It was a normal (?) siblings fight, if you ask Sae. The older Itoshi found out Rin asked (Y/n) out on a date, they started shouting, and before you know it, Rin had a knife stabbed in his chest. Sae had killed his brother. The boy didn't even know how things even played out, all he knows is that Rin shouted something at him, which caused Sae to snap and take the big kitchen knife. So, for the past 2 days Sae had spent his time cleaning up the kitchen, getting a new knife, getting rid of the used one, and at the end he had to get rid of Rin's body. To Sae, that was probably the hardest part, but with a few tools, garbage bags and random chemicals it was possible to do. Sae estimates that it might take a long while till anyone finds his brother's body.
'After all, who visits the deepest pits of the forest these days.'
Sae chuckled and dialed (Y/n)'s number, preparing to say the speech he prepared for the past 5 hours.
2 days before...
"I know what you are planning." Rin sent Sae a sharp glare as the older ate his dinner in boredom. Perhaps it wasn't the smartest idea of the Itoshi parents to leave their sons alone for a week, but oh well.
"What do you mean?" Sae finally asked.
"I know you want to get with (Y/n). And I am here to tell you, you won't ever have her."
Rin smirked as Sae raised an eyebrow, putting his chopsticks down.
"What make you say that? Then who will have her you? Or one of those pathetic Blue Lock players? Don't make me laugh." Sae rolled his eyes.
"Of course it will be me." Rin said confidently.
"For your information, Sae, (Y/n) knows me better than you. When she comes to our matches, she is there to cheer me on. When she is in Japan, she calls me to meet up." Rin chuckled, not noticing Sae's hands slowly twitch. He was always good with his resting face.
"And when walks down the isle eventually, she will do it because of me. Because I will be always (Y/n)'s pick. Not you. You are insignificant to her."
Sae didn't know what had possessed him to grab the knife, but he did. With a never before seen speed and strength, Sae was quickly in front of Rin and tackled him to the ground. The younger tried to fight his brother off of him, but he couldn't. All Rin saw at the end was a crazed smile on Sae's face as the older repeatedly stabbed him.
"Looks like your little dreams of (Y/n) will stay only that. Dreams." Sae laughed as he got off of Rin. The younger's eyes wide in panic as he slowly took his final breaths. Knife still stabbed into his chest as a pool of blood surrounded him.
Present day...
"I still can't believe Rin has a girlfriend." (Y/n) said while drinking her got chocolate. Sae sat across from her, trying to keep his usual stoic expression on.
'Cute.' He thought and clearer his throat.
"Yeah. That idiot couldn't wait to see her so he left earlier. Again, I am really sorry he didn't call you earlier."
"It's fine. You don't need to apologize. I just wish I knew sooner so that I could tease him. Oh well, maybe the next time I see him." (Y/n) laughed as Sae shrugged his shoulders.
"For sure. But in the meantime, do you want to have dinner tomorrow? I saw that a new  restaurant opened in Roppongi."
(Y/n) put her cup down and slowly nodded her head.
"Sure, I have no other plans for the next few days. But wouldn't it be boring with me for 2 days in a row-"
Sae shook his head and gently took one of her hands.
"Not at all." He gave the girl a tiny smile, causing a blush to erupt on her face.
"O-oh... ok, then!"
'Finally we are going somewhere. Should have gotten rid of that nuisance a long time ago.' Sae thought, holding back a smirk.
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uriekukistan · 2 months
this may sound a bit silly but i wanted to share it here because idk where else to 🥲
i was thinking about yuuji, during the one month time skip, remembering megumi telling him stuff about the stars and constellations (since he seems to know a lot). so i was like "i wonder when pisces' constellation is best seen" bc i think megumi would tell yuuji abt his sign's constellation, and apparently in the northern hemisphere it's best seen in november :') so now i imagine yuuji looking up at the stars every night and searching for his own constellation, trying to remember megumi's words on how to find it
omg no not silly i think abt them stargazing together all the time :') although i've never thought abt yuuji going on his own after...yeah T_T
like i imagine both of them would have a lot of sleepless nights because they've both seen/been through so much. megumi would have started doing it occasionally after tsumiki went into her coma to feel closer to her, since she was the one who taught him about stars :') but after yuuji "dies" at the detention center, he starts going more frequently. there's more light pollution than when he was in saitama, even on the outskirts of the city, but he still goes, naming as many constellations as he can remember. sometimes he'll look up and wonder if yuuji is staring back at him, even though he doesn't really believe in that sort of thing.
when yuuji comes back, megumi keeps going out at night to watch the stars because he can't seem to erase the image of yuuji face planting into the pavement, even when he's living and breathing right in front of him. then one night, he notices there's a light on in yuuji's room when he's heading out. he knows yuuji's seemed a bit tired recently, and wonders if he's been struggling with the same troubles sleeping, so he invites yuuji out with him.
it becomes a near nightly tradition. when it reaches late october and the air is growing colder, yuuji starts bringing a blanket from his bed and a thermos of tea -- ginger, of course -- because megumi gets cold easily, even though he'll never admit it. megumi points out all the constellations and yuuji listens. he only occasionally brings up aliens, and megumi pretends to be annoyed, but secretly enjoys those conversations. okay, but would you do you if you met an alien, fushiguro?...itadori, i dont- i guess i'd probably try to establish its intentions? that way when the full invasion comes, i'm prepared...that makes sense. you're always so smart, fushiguro.
after megumi's been taken, yuuji keeps going. every night, sometimes all night. choso's worried and wants to go with him to make sure he's okay, which is such a stupid question when he thinks about it, because why would yuuji be okay after all of that? but he doesn't go, no one does, not because they don't care, but because they understand. that's yuuji's alone time with megumi, reconnecting with him through the stars, the same way megumi used to with tsumiki.
hm i think i got carried away here TT_TT i just love and miss them so much, i need to think about those soft moments between them before everything truly went to shit kdfjghlkg
thank u for the ask!!
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nahoney22 · 2 years
How would Hunter or Echo react to a s/o that gets flustered so easily! Like they even get all shy and bashful just holding hands XD
What’s Got You Blushing Like That?
Hunter X GN!Reader
word count: 821 words.
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There was nothing more endearing to Hunter than seeing how you react upon him holding your hand.
warnings: Very fluffy, gender neutral reader, hand holding. Short and sweet 🤍
Authors note: thank you for the request.
Originally wrote December 2022, Rewritten October 2023.
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Life had recently taken a turn for the better. You found so much solace and security among the Batchers, with a sufficient number of credits to sustain yourself in your pockets. Not to mention that the relentless stream of missions from Cid momentarily subsided. More importantly, you had developed a profound love for the Sergeant, and it seemed that the sentiment was mutual.
While your relationship wasn't exactly a well-kept secret within the group, public displays of affection were kept to a minimum. It mainly consisted of stolen kisses in private, flirtatious messages exchanged covertly, and the occasional playful remark in passing.
However, all of that changed during a visit to the bustling local marketplace on the planet you all touched down on. The air was filled with lively music and the cheerful bantering of the crowd, with no sign of any Imperials in sight. The peacefulness of the moment almost made you want to burst into song. As you stood next to Wrecker and Omega, admiring some intriguing knick-knacks at one of the stalls, you felt something slip into your hand. It was undeniably someone else's hand.
You looked down at the intertwined fingers and followed the wrist to see Hunter standing beside you, wearing a warm smile as he gazed down at you. "Is everything alright?"
Your heart raced as you blinked rapidly, and your cheeks ignited. "U-uh, yeah," you stammered, caught off guard.
He fixed his gaze on you with a pointed look and repeated, "Is everything alright?"
You could only blink in surprise once more, the sensation of his hand holding yours in public sent a thrill through you. Hunter had held your hand in private moments, but this public display of affection was unprecedented, especially in front of his sister and brothers. You quickly scanned the expressions of the others and it seemed that they hadn't picked up on it. "I'm... I'm fine," you finally managed to choke out. "Just fine."
Hunter raised an eyebrow, but wisely refrained from further comment, instead offering a reassuring squeeze of your hand as you moved on to the next stall where Echo and Crosshair were.
"Are you guys considering buying anything?" Hunter inquired, and you couldn't help but notice your heart rate increase, particularly when Crosshair leaned over his shoulder to look at both of you. His eyes flicked down to your intertwined hands, but he made no mention of it.
"I need a new scope for my rifle; it's starting to show some rust," Crosshair responded smoothly, his attention returning to the stall. Echo approached both of you and held up a small pouch. "I think this might come in handy for Omega," he noted, placing it in Hunter's outstretched hand. As Hunter inspected the pouch, your gaze remained fixed on Echo, who met your eyes and smiled knowingly.
Hunter felt your hand grow slightly sweaty against his, and he side-eyed you, a hint of smugness in his expression at your reaction. He knew you weren't uncomfortable; otherwise, you would have said so. Instead, he could tell you were flustered.
"She'll appreciate it. Thanks, Echo," Hunter handed the pouch back to his teammate and playfully nudged your shoulder. "Want to take a walk somewhere, cyare?" He said audibly, using the term of endearment in front of Echo and now Tech, who had arrived with his own purchases.
Words failed you as you tried to compose a coherent sentence, your cheeks ablaze. Hunter led you away from the group, finding a quiet spot where the two of you could enjoy each other's company a bit more.
Hunter's voice was soft as he turned to you, his gaze equally tender. "So," he said, "what's got you blushing like that?"
You couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by your own reaction. "I wasn't aware you wanted to do that in public," you admitted, a mixture of surprise and delight dancing in your eyes.
He raised an eyebrow, turning to face you as you both came to a stop. "Hold your hand?" he clarified.
You nodded, and he chuckled, raising his free hand to gently caress your cheek, his thumb lightly tracing its contours. "I could kiss you too, if you'd like that," he said with a teasing purr, drawing closer, his eyes locked on yours. "Or would you be too flustered?" It was a playful remark, a hint of the intimacy he shared with you in private.
Once more, warmth tingled in your cheeks, and your ears flushed. "Hunter," you softly hummed, your bashfulness apparent in your eyes.
Seeing the adoration in your eyes, Hunter needed no further encouragement. He sealed the deal, his lips meeting yours. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he gently cradled the back of your neck, and you melted into the kiss, a smile tugging at your lips as you pressed against him.
You couldn't help but think that life was indeed, pretty good.
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More Hunter Works
Masterlist 🤍
tags: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @adriiibell @theroguesully @equalityforcats @rexandechosandwich @mustluvecho @inagalaxywickedfahaway y @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @alexandrisonfire @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @by-the-primes @torchbearerkyle @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @mylifeinthetardisforever @brynhildrmimi i @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @agenteliix @the-good-shittt @photogirl894 @s1st3r @buddee @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater
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hi um how r u? I would rlly like to see some sources for you saying this is antisemitism. I’m Jewish, and Israeli, and this is genocide. It took me a while to change how I thought about it but I really think that we need to accept that Israel is not the victim here. I know not everyone in the idf is bad bcuz my parents served in it but just look through some tags for a moment. Civilians are being murdered. I know it’s the government’s fault, bcuz again, I am Israeli but ppl speaking up is not antisemitism. This isn’t hate, I just don’t understand your point of view and I want to. Please don’t get mad or report me I am legitimately trying to understand why u think this is antisemitism
Hi, I’m not saying criticising the Israeli government is antisemitic, I literally posted that I hate them earlier today. Here’s a summary of I what I wrote in previous posts about this:
-First of all- I obviously don’t support Civilians dying on neither sides. Unfortunately, the assumptions most anti Zionists make is :
Israeli -> evil genocidal murderer-> deserves death
And if they’re antisemitic enough , it’s more about the religion than the country you’re from.
-suddenly when it comes to Israel/palestine everyone’s involved are the expert (usually they’re factually wrong).
Nobody cares when Palestinians are being slaughtered in Syria/lebanon/yemen etc. for years. Hundreds of thousands displaced and killed .
if they are aware, it’s somehow Israel’s fault.
-this war wasn’t initiated by us. Israel was invaded , hundreds of Civilians were slaughtered and hundreds were kidnapped. People were celebrating the same day and saying our retaliation is a genocide. It is not.
October 7th was a war started on deliberately on our holiday (once again).
It’s antisemitic to constantly demand humanitarian aid for Gazans (which is provided) while not caring that the Israeli hostages held are not getting any medical treatment and have not been visited by the Red cost once since kidnapped.
-the ratio of casualties is unheard of in the history of modern urban warfare. If I’m not mistaken it’s 1:4:1. The idf makes every possible effort to not hurt civilians and that’s not enough for anti Zionists. No other army in the world does all of that in a war . That’s antisemitism.
-The passion and hate against Israelis is unparalleled in every aspect.An Israeli can’t breathe in the public space / online without getting attacked in the comments, let alone feel safe abroad.
They’re yelling death to all Zionists (Jews) and other antisemitic chants. Jews are barricaded in their homes while these anti Zionists are preventing them from gathering, wearing any religious symbols or entering their colleges ffs.if they are “made” as a Jew/ Israeli Jew they’re immediately attacked. It’s not just about anti Zionism/ hating the Israeli government, it’s about hating them the most. Combine that with ignorance , Arabic funding and Jew hatred , and you get the current rise in antisemitism- which has been happening for years.
-people are denying what happened in October 7th or saying it’s justified at best, and mock the Israelis slaughtered , kidnapped and raped at worst.
-Official organisations like UN didn’t call Out what happened or get involved with investigating the sexual crimes until months later.
-often use of blood libels and antisemitic tropes in describing Israel. (Not to mention Nazi propaganda).Eg the recent conspiracy that Israelis are organ harvesting Palestinians.
-using the word “Zionist” as a slur, while
1. Zionism simply means that Jews have the right for self determination in our homeland Israel.
2. It basically means Jew as most Zionists are Jews/ approximately 95% of Jews are Zionist.
-I’m not saying Palestinians don’t suffer, they do. Hamas had every opportunity to make their lives better. Instead they kill them, use them for hiding places for weapons and steal the aid.
This is what I remember from the top of my head. I’m sure other fellow Israelis here can tell you more in the comments/DMs. And honestly, talk to your parents about this if they’re Israeli. Ask them about what life was like here, the constant terror attacks , wars and rockets. The complete lack of apartheid.
Edit: I’ve added more, hope that this helps and that people that already reblogged this see.
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ight. now that wxs disband arc is (hopefully) over what do u think will their next arc about? (got inspired by that one niigo ask)
shout out to the otori brothers for outright stating what's gonna happen in the next arc.
so at the end of the event they mention that they managed to get WxS contacts with three other theatre groups. i doubt any of these will be arcland again so that probably means three new groups and new NPCs and such. i'm assuming we'll get another event for tsukasa to improve his acting and maybe he'll actually get to meet his idol who was brought up/appeared in the more recent events? maybe one of the theatre groups is the one that guy belongs to, although maybe that's a bit of a stretch since WxS is at a much lower level. nene will probably get a similar event if it's three groups. so smth like tsukasa -> rui -> nene, or maybe more spread out.
i reckon the first event will be finding their footing like MMJ had when they first started freelancing. maybe that could be a rui event actually? like it was his idea to do this so it'd make sense. i wanna know if we can get rui october unit event for the 4th year in a row. oh and we'll probably go back to wonder stage at some point and in my mind that would make a good emu event.
just something i want to happen and not necessarily something i am confident will happen: i want the group to get closer as friends and not just coworkers. they're definitely starting to become more open about their feelings with each other (see pandemonium, our happy ending), but there's still a bit of lack of closeness both emotionally and just generally. they are close friends and it's very clear but there's still a lot that they don't say out loud and they rarely do things together that aren't just for the sake of work in a story that isn't a card story or an area conversation. because a lot of the bonding that's happened has been limited to that and it's kinda annoying lol. i guess we did have close game/offline and pandemonium as events for them to do more general, not-work-related friend things but neither of those were the whole unit. give them a same dreams same colors is what i'm trying to say (which is possible because they're freelancing now which means employment comes and goes and they will have spare time on their hands).
oh and obviously there's the fact that eventually tsukasa and rui are going to have to start thinking about college and tsukasa's probably gonna have to choose between going abroad like he's mentioned he wants to do a few times before or staying in japan and obviously he'll stay in japan so we can avoid the group disbanding but that's still probably gonna be a thing although maybe not in 3rd arc that seems too soon so maybe that's a 4th arc thing.
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shokosmokes · 21 days
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🍰 requests are open 🍰
it’s been about a year since ive actually posted anything (๑´╹‸╹`๑)
but i really do hope to become more active again
~especially with october coming up
(՞っ ̫ _՞)
im hoping to get some ideas in for said holiday, so feel free to fill my inbox with requests
🫧 guidelines 🫧
- smut
- fluff
- angst
- honestly almost anything just ask lol
- marriage tropes
- somnophilia
- incest (stepcest is ok (՞っ ̫ _՞))
- anything involving having kids/ starting a family lol
- smut involving a high school setting as all character *will* be appropriately aged up
i mainly write x reader but im open to some ships (just ask ill think about it lol)
- gojo
- geto
- fushiguro
- nanami
- tartaglia
- kazuha
- cyno
- scara
- ive recently started hyper fixating on horimiya again and found that there’s little to no content anymore so if u guys want this let me know lol
these are just characters im well versed in but if you have any other ideas just ask !!
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tadpolesonalgae · 29 days
tabby... youve really outdone yourself with this new chapter of cbmthy- gimme 3-5 business days to get my report on ur desk 🙏
(i hope you had a lovely break! dont hesitate to take more time if u need, ur human too <3 )
I'm honestly so surprised it went as well as it did? I feel like I spent quite a while knowing I had to write that scene in ch. 21 but I just couldn't figure out how to make it happen? I think I'd gotten it into my head that it had to happen over a dinner and like an argument happening and then reader just quietly announcing her predicament in the empty space but I like this version much better with the planning and reader kind of consciously making the decision to come forward and tell them herself after what happened with Bas? Chapter 21 was also all written and edited in one day which is why it's shorter that the other recent ones but again, I've reread through it and I'm (surprisingly) happy with how Sleepy Tabby writes! :)
'(i hope you had a lovely break! dont hesitate to take more time if u need, ur human too <3 )'
Thank you :')
I know October seems ages away still but I want to be as ready and prepared for it as I can be so there might be some gaps in fics but hopefully I'll be able to reblog/answer some other asks I got while I was away and haven't yet gotten to <3
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i watched dom the bombs reading of book 2 and saw people making really negative comments about tillie and the book, it made me feel bad seeing how far people are going to hate on tillie instead of just the book
Yeah, I saw some of his livestream. I don't really watch his content, but I have watched the videos he did about Clementine Book One. I only watched the stream for about two minutes before I had to shut it off because it was that unpleasant, and I'm not referring to the content of the book. Then when I heard through discord that he'd gotten to chapter 9, I turned it back on and watched his reaction and the rant that followed and like... I have a lot of feelings but to put it simply, I'm kinda pissed so apologies for this long post.
Here's the deal: I don't know Dom, and maybe his reactions were exaggerated for his chat, or maybe he really does feel that aggressively passionate about twdg and what these comics have done, I don't know. I jumped into the stream the first time when he was at the part where Clementine's being introduced to new cast at the party, and it's when he was reading and said, "'John is Morro's son' I don't care" that I clicked off. Why should I keep watching when you're not going to put in any effort into the story outside of just hating on it? That's the whole vibe I got and it put me right off.
He can hate them as much as he wants [and he did say that if this wasn't about Clementine, it wouldn't be that bad], that's not my issue. My biggest issue comes when he brings Tillie into it because he always does.
I think his stream had a little bit of a ripple effect that's lead to Tillie's social media. Looking through her most recent post on insta, there are a bunch of new comments with people parroting some stuff he said in his stream... as if she needed more shit. She's been getting these comments for days now.
For those unaware, Tillie Walden just had a baby on October 4th, the same day Clementine Book Two came out, and these are pieces throughout the comments section of that post sharing the news:
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I'm trying so hard to put this into words because, on one hand, I get that Dom is just one person and it's not like he can force his audience to do anything. Plus, the hate was happening before his stream so it's not like it's his fault anything... but just because he throws in a "I don't condone harassment of Tillie guys" disclaimer around, that doesn't mean he isn't contributing to the problem.
You can't go on a rant about how Ricca is Tillie's self-insert and no one can change your mind about that, and then be like "but guys don't harass Tillie, she doesn't deserve it." THAT is what people are sending her threats over! You're just validating that self-insert idea! You are contributing to the problem!
Personally, I don't think he's saying "don't send anyone harassment" because he actually gives a shit about Tillie Walden or anyone involved in the project, he's saying it to cover his own ass so no one can point any fingers at him. I'd like to be proven wrong on that. I'd love for him to be more serious about it and say more than just "I don't condone harassment" before going on to say he's gonna bring the hammer down for his review.
And y'know what? You're right. I can't change your mind about Ricca being a self-insert because you don't want to change your mind.
Both of them having glasses isn't evidence, and "they look exactly the same!" doesn't work when Tillie's art style has same-face syndrome. Slap some glasses on Olivia and oop, Olivia must be a self-insert, too!
Like... do people still not get how stories are made? Writers tend to write what they know, they draw from their life experiences and that influences their characters, settings, and plots. You know what probably happened? Tillie wears glasses, and she probably thought about how much it would suck to wear glasses in the apocalypse, and gave that idea to one of her characters.
But does it even matter? You've already decided it's not up for debate. You're not open to discussion on it. You're set on spreading "Ricca is a self-insert" to your audience, that ripples through the fandom, and a shit ton of people are weaponizing it. "Ricca is a self-insert" is why they're going after her on a post about her newborn baby.
I know how that this works. It's happened to me where I've said something only to see some of my followers weaponizing it against other people. Shit, when I was on the subreddit the other day, I saw someone misquoting me from my first read through of Book Two post: I never said I would lose my shit if they named Olivia's baby Amos Junior, AJ 2.0. I was making a fucking joke. And do you know how many times I've come across "AJ 2.0" since? An alarming amount!
When you have a platform with any amount of followers, shit you say is going to spread and it might be used poorly. There isn't much you can do about it except think about the future shit you say and how you say it. You're never going stop everyone from being shitty; some people are just insistent on being assholes, but you can always try to reach through to more people.
There is a conversation to be had about the contents of chapter 9, and how this story is leaning toward a more romantic focus over a gritty zombie drama. There's a lot to say about Ricca as a character. There are legit criticisms of these books, and criticisms to be had of Skybound for continuing the series after the games ended... but I don't think many people are interested in actually having those conversations. I think they just want to be mad. I think they want to put all the blame on one person, and since it's Tillie's name on the books, they want to hate her.
And I don't even dislike Dom or anything. He seems like a nice guy who's passionate about the games and is disappointed the comics didn't do them justice. From the parts I watched he had good points about how Skybound were the ones who hired Tillie knowing her previous work. I see where he's coming from with his dislike of the romance angle, too.
But it's the reactionary anger that feeds and grows, which again, I don't blame him for having strong feelings or reacting. I used to stream on twitch and you do get carried away; you exaggerate, you get pissed off and so does chat and suddenly everything is heated and you're bouncing that off each other. So I get it.
I guess I just dread his actual review because I know what's going to happen. And now I'm also a little worried about my review.
I'm just upset that this is what the twdg fandom's turned into. I mean, we've always had toxicity but I don't remember it ever being this bad. There's nothing I can do about it except hope people calm down.
...I can't believe this is where my character arc has led me. I'm the Tillie Walden and, to an extent, the Clementine comics defender... Well, shit.
I don't even like the comics, I think they're bullshit too, and yet-
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wormeats · 2 months
hello gay autism website, advice for meltdowns and burnout?
preventing meltdowns and dealing w them if they occur, recovering from burnout after a lifetime of masking and smaller burnouts until i pushed it for too long and this time i feel broken but also learned more about myself ?
i havent intentionally self harmed in 2 years, and quit nicotine like 2 months ago so those are some long term core coping strategies i lost maybe also making stuff harder, but it was good to quit those ofc
it just gets scary bc during a meltdown it feels like i Need to Scream and/or Run and/or make myself feel pain/hit myself or hit something else (but i stopped doing that bc once as a teen i broke my wall and it was embarrassing and bad, and a few weaks ago i fucked up my hand punching a tree full force) (it always ends up being Harder and More Damage than i thought at the time, mayb adrenaline, but adds to scary) but the worst is that during the worst ones I feel a very strong urge to hit my head against shit as hard as i can, and i try to redirect to Anything Else bc that feels Dangerous so i used to punch my legs a lot and give myself hematoma bad bruising, more recent ones ive screamed into stuff to muffle, scratch my skin (another past coping mechanism of sh F), and bite myself so hard i feel my teeth about to connect and tear a chunk of meat out of me so i get scared and stop
it also is really hard or impossible to communicate and really hard to think so its more stressful if i am causing distress to others and want to calm down when i cannot calm down
it feels involuntary, like if i dont scream ill hurt myself and if i dont bash my head in i have to punch my legs or bite myself
at a certain point, i probably just have to let myself have the meltdown and know i will be okay after, but it scares people also if i cannot communicate that to them and am in lot of visible distress
advice ? any pls
im struggling a lot and have been this entire year
probably started burnout around october and thought it was a depressive episode (maybe a lot of my past depressive episodes were burnout and being too depressed to do shit let me rest, but this time i couldnt afford to be depressed bc i need to work to live and afford shit and etc etc even tho still not doing shit i need to like acquiring insurance and doctors, it feels impossible i am just trying to survive each day. how the fuck do you get doctors and appointments if u are too mentally unwell to do that. i cannot afford to be hospitalized either i need to keep working and have money to live)
any advice ? sorry for essay, ty if you read, shit is so hard rn
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viarayy01-blog · 3 months
since u sent me an ask ur getting attacked with one!!
i think im gonna yap about..... ride the cyclone!!
for context its a musical about 6 choir kids dying in a rollercoast accident and them getting to sing about their dreams and their experiences for a chance for one of them 2 be brought back to life. i would reccomend it soso much theres def some slime tutorials on yt if ur curious :3
i discovered it around september/october of 2022 i think? thats where the big boom of content for it was but recently i've been seeing it more of it here which made me listen 2 the soundtrack again and guh. gahg. now i remember why i liked it.....
which reminds me, i've been brewing up a little au where the mci kids take the roles of the cyclone kids... i haven't drawn it yet so i think it'll just stay as a cool concept to think about and not something to like. fully dive into. maybe i'll post about it who knows (saying this as if i wouldn't be the person who Knows)
but yea!!! thats all i wanted 2 say :3
i’ve heard such good things about ride the cyclone and by how you described it im even more interested now… that premise sounds super fun. SLIME TUTORIALS YAYYYY!! i’ll have to get my friend to send me the slime video bc she loves ride the cyclone too. i will watch it tonight and report back!
also with that premise an mci au sounds like it would fit in a really cool way.. especially with the “coming back to life” thing!
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myheartalivewrites · 1 year
Tag someone you want to get to know better.
Thanks for tagging me @bitbybitwrites ! ❤️
favorite color: no clue! I look particularly good in pink, white, navy blue so let's go with those!
last song: playing on my Spotify just now: Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper, which... yeah, I stand by it.
last movie: the last film I saw in a cinema was Red, White & Royal Blue at the London premiere. Actually, now that I think of it, I took my kids to the Super Mario Bros movie more recently, but that can't be my answer, so we'll stick with RWRB.
On the tv it was Love at First Sight on Netflix, which was alright.
currently watching: rewatching Sex Education before diving into season 4. Watching the current seasons of Taskmaster and Only Murders in the Building as they air so I don't get spoiled.
other stuff I watched this year: if I was a goldfish I wouldn't even be able to find my way around my fish bowl, by which I mean my memory sucks and I can barely remember what happened on a show from week to week. I watched Succession. Loved the second season of The White Lotus (I think that was this year 😬). Season 2 of Heartstopper. Strange New Worlds. Queen Charlotte. The Night Agent. Good Omens. Starstruck. Rewatched Schitt's Creek. I'm sure there's more
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: I started on The Americans, forgot I was halfway through but I want to get back to it. Abbott Elementary I've been dipping in and out of when I need a v chill evening. Same for What We Do in the Shadows and somehow pretty much everything I like that's on Disney+ I keep forgetting to finish. Res Dogs, Grey's, Station 19, Fleishman is in Trouble. That's weird.
currently reading: I just finished The House in the Cerulean Sea 🥹 and now I'm reading Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit bc I like to alternate easier books with more challenging ones 😂
Oh, and fic wise, this weekend I started With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest) by @kiwiana-writes
currently listening to: my most highly in rotation playlist atm is a very poppy one filled with BSB and N'Sync and Britney and other bangers including Nobody Like U (from the film Turning Red) which is fucking excellent and will always be famous to me 😍. It's out of character for me, but it peps me up!
currently working on: a few attempts at expanding recent fics. My south of France fic. Something original that I'm hoping to really dive into come October, if the fic brain worms leave me alone.
current obsession: def still RWRB ❤️
Tagging @daisymae-12 @inexplicablymine @historicallysam @gwiazdziarka @letloverule1111 @kiwiana-writes @celaestis1 and if YOU too feel inclined to overshare on the dash why not do it and tag me so I can read it? 😁
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undeadjunko · 11 months
Can I ask what pen u use? (also do u use Ibispaint by any chance?)
I really wanna try your style of drawing! ^^
For digital or traditional? I'll put a general thing for both here just in case anyone else is curious for both since I've got some trad up here as well.
Bit of a long scroll haha.
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For my current traditional work I use watercolor to ink with.
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Older stuff uses verying sizes of micron pens and rarely fine tipped colored pens I long forgot the name of.
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This is a drawing I did at the beginning of october, before I received an ipad. I used a brush that allowed me to use brush sensitivity so I could make diff sizes easier. I used one that wasn't shaped kinda like a blob.
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Now for my new-new stuff I can get into a little more detail. I've kinda switched to using a more sketchy brush? The specific brushes I suggest are sketch derwent and the chalk brush in the calligraphy section on procreate. If you want a non-sketchy brush I go with a technical pen in the inking section.
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Also, yes I do have ibispaint! Though my drawings on this program are few and far between. (working on a phone does not sit well with me I suppose. I'd rather break out my portable watercolor set haha.) since this might be what you're looking for I'll try and come up with something that might helo for ibis users.
So, make sure you use something with some pressure sensitivity. I make corners and places with shadows thicker than the other stuff. I don't suggest using perfectly circular brushes. (I don't know the difference I just try and use something different.
Artists I get my inspiration since you want be able to create something similar:
♡ Par0llel (twitter and instagram, possiblely tumblr, haven't checked.)
♡ Lavandertowne (she's got tons of useful tutorials on youtube! Also she's on instagram.)
♡ Whitestag (does a lot of gothic art stuff? Has recently branched to pastel stuff too! On instagram, tiktok, youtube, and likely others.)
♡ Candietowne (they do pastelgoth styled stuff and I only know that they've got an instagram.)
♡ Jo_sipu (korean artist who does wonderful pastelgore work! On youtube and instagram.)
♡ Menherachan (naturally appears here. I've seen them on instagram, likely elsewhere.)
These artists likely have other social medias I haven't mentioned. I normally use instagram so that's how I know of most of these. (astel_eva if you wanna know. I post more of my art there.)
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dennydraws · 11 months
Good Morning!
Happy 1st of November!! \o/ I hope all who were doing inktober are winning, everyone who chases fancy drops in FF14 is having blessed rolls and all of the Sun Haven squad is enjoying the new updates...and romanceables! And...all who attempt NaNoWriMo are prepared!!
So Inktober... as expected I got behind xD; But it's fine, between everything else I managed fairly well all things considered. I didn't want to post progress and stress myself so hopefully sketchbook flip through when I'm done...somewhere in November ... :D;; I did make it up to around 12th-13th and then slowed down and gave up :D;; but picking a smaller sketchbook definitely helped!
I wasn't as active in October as I would've wanted, truth is work gets extremely busy after September with all the holidays and events, it's honestly like a landslide lol More often than not I don't have the energy to draw or do much beyond watching a bit of tv and go to bed super early. I'm starting to fall behind with my Sneric comic work flow too, which bothers me to no end xD;; But I hope I can catch up in the weekends.
Speaking of... I made myself a new cozy creative corner by ..combining some old furniture pieces... it looks wonky but it works xD;;
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I just need a bit of fairy lights to attach around and I'll be set! :> Sadly now come the days of it's dark when i go to work and dark when I come back from work ... u.u and weekends can be so short... I also got to clean up and throw away old art supplies.. which reminded me once more, I need to use my markers more before they dry up lol;;;;
I don't know how I will fit time to read between everything I try to do buuut I ordered myself some spooky books during the Halloween discounts and kinda excited to get lost into some murder mystery and disconnect from the web for a bit!! :D So I hope I get to sweep these books through the month as well!
But yeah, I'm around, I'm just going to be permanently tired pigeon until mid December it seems ;u;! I hope you all are doing well! A thank you to all the new faces who followed this blog recently!! I hope I'll provide something fun to follow :D I'm still very much into Sun Haven, even if I'm so slow and barely fit time to play, I still have fun drawing Ary and Claude and I'm so floored by how much people seem to like them! Thank you so, so much!
And that's it, thank you for stopping by~ I hope you have great rest of the day and a November full of inspiration!
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obikinwhore · 6 months
LukeLeia Valentine's Day WIP
Umm idk i missed the date i meant to write it for as we can see and yet i'm still gonna finish it. But putting it out there so there's more than just a crumb of lukeleia writing on my blog. The wip is under the cut dearests. trying to get this done by April 10th heehee if u know what that day is.
“I don’t know what to even get her ya know? Like chocolates and plushies are overplayed and we’re 16 it's so childish.” Han walks out of the Bath & Body Works storefront and stops in the middle of the foot traffic in their local mall. Luke sighs internally and takes Han’s arm to lead him away from being a nuisance and making everyone step around him. 
“Well she would have loved that perfume set. She almost always has those eucalyptus candles on to de-stress.” Luke wants to roll his eyes at how indecisive Han is being. Valentine’s day is only 3 days away and the older boy has only just started looking for a gift. Even then he couldn’t look by himself for his own girlfriend. Of course he has to drag Luke because he should know his twin sister best.
Han and his sister Leia have been dating for 5 months, but have known each other for a few years. Han had met the twins when they all had the same homeroom class together. He had essentially annoyed his way into being their friend and finally made a move on his sister last October.
“So where else do you want to see since you have already shot down all my other choices for where to shop for a gift?” Han whistled out his next breath and looked up and down the middle aisle of the mall while people milled about. “Hey, look over there. Do you see that shop? That’s perfect. Come on Luke let’s go.” Han grabbed Luke by the elbow and started dragging him in the direction of a lingerie store before Luke could say a word.
“Whoa, wait a second. This is where you want to shop for a Valentine’s day present?” Han continued to drag Luke into the shop and only let his hand go loose but still had a grasp on the blonde’s elbow once they had stepped inside. “Yeah, see this would be perfect. I’ve been trying to go to the next level with Leia and this will set the mood. See this red set? Wouldn’t that be just so hot on her?”
Luke took a glance at the bright red mesh bra and panties set that Han had pointed out to him. The color of it was paradoxically vibrant when there was so little actual material that it was made of.  Luke took the bra in his hand to test the feel, rubbing the material between his thumb and forefinger. The mesh felt soft and not scratchy at all like it looked at first glance. It had a smattering of red satin hearts decorating the cups and the band and the thong panties matched. The set was so very obviously lingerie, nothing about it something that would support or cover anything. He imagined how it would feel on his own skin and the bright flush that thought brought to his face had him dropping the bra like it burned him.
Luke glanced at Han who was already looking at the price of the set. “First of all, why would you ask me that? You know she’s my sister. Second, I’m not sure she would like this color of red at all, she tends more toward light colors like white. And third, where the hell are you getting the money for these? Together this is like fifty bucks.”
“Chill out kid, I got a job a couple weeks ago on the weekend working out of a mechanic shop. You know the one, Chuy’s? On the corner of millennium and falcon? So I definitely have the dough needed. Also don’t be a prude, come on, you know your sister is sexy and I want to see her in red. It’s the Valentine’s Day color anyway.” The jab about his sister brings a flush to Luke’s face, Han never misses a chance to perv on his sister and tell Luke all about it. 
The truth is that Luke has been feeling like the third wheel recently and jealousy has been slowly simmering inside him. These two found partnership so easily, the tension between Leia and Han was palpable throughout their entire friendship, before that tension broke.  
A night out where they all went to a party ended with Luke heading home alone and Leia sneaking back into the house a couple hours after Luke. Usually they always came back home together so it was obvious that something happened between her and Han who both disappeared when luke was getting sleepy from drinking. 
He was mostly okay with it. The signs that they wanted each other were always there, despite Luke trying his best to ignore it. He’s not jealous, they were both friends with Han, but when he saw the sign of a hickey on Leia’s neck just barely hidden by the collar of her shirt? Well, the truth slammed into him. He had looked at Han who was so smug and felt the urge to punch him. 
He immediately afterward felt sick to his stomach. He’s not like that. He’s not violent. It’s just… she’s his sister so it makes sense that seeing that pissed him off. Han is always trying to provoke him by telling him how hot his sister looked that day, how he reached second base with her, telling Luke how she was grinding on his thigh. Even thinking of it now he can imagine with a startling clarity the faces Leia could have been making, the outfits she wore that always complimented her small frame and subtle curves, the noises she could have made. 
He doesn’t want to think about it any further. He shouldn’t. There’s a lot he tries not to think about now.
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