jewfrogs · 1 year
the problem with autism is sometimes you want to do something (brave) but you need someone to gently walk you through each step so you know what will happen. and people don’t like doing that
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catsofyore · 1 year
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Armful of marmalade. 1934. Source.
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skybristle · 5 months
rbs > likes
wooo another nice bh ref sheet. i've been meaning to do this for a while LOL. take a shot every time i change ochre's colors
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greenygay · 11 months
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 year
The ninja costume has several skins (fiery, from the Halloween series and winter from the game), I'm sure there are more, but we were not shown ( I would like to see the First ninja in these skins (?) please
yeesssssss me tooooooo
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honestly anon? im mad that i haven't thought of it myself before xD
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tashasbabe · 8 months
♱ off. — n.n
creds to @s-hyia & @florietas for the dividers!!
𑁤 w/l : substance usage, vomiting, fluff, angst??, profanity!! i think thats all <3
this is not proofread + i didn't use caps on purpose and never will!!
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nicky is a woman who, usually, stays true to her promises. 
“i promise i’ll never use again, baby. please, i can get better, just trust me.”
what a lie. 2 years, down the fucking drain. early this morning nicky stumbled into her bunk, the one that you two shared. it was wayyy too obvious she was using again, and you wanted to break down right there, but you couldn’t. you had to be there for her. 
her lips and fingertips were blue, she looked pale, like she just got done vomiting. she couldnt walk straight, her pupils were dialated, it was so fucking obvious. 
“nicky, baby, c’mere.” you murmured softly, trying your best not to wake the other inmates up. 
“baaaaaabee, hii.. mmhph..” she stumbled over to your lap, in which you caught her when she tripped. “i puked, but i’m okay, i’m okay!!” she whisper-yelled, and you brushed the hair out of her face. you could’ve started crying right there, she was cold, so fucking cold. “that’s good, sweetheart. just.. l’me take a look at you. you tired, baby?” you quietly murmured, holding her in your lap as you checked her out, holding one of her hands in yours. 
“dunno, mamas.. i don’t really feel anything. hmph.” she yawned, at least she wasn't fully out of it. you kissed the top of her head, “okay, babe. okay..” you sighed, rocking her gently on your lap.
“are you sure you're okay, nicks?” you asked softly, a few minutes later, stroking the hair away from her face. “yeah, for the 5th time, i’m okayy.” she murmured, she had slightly calmed down, still bouncy but she didn’t move from your lap. you made the big decision, deciding to tell her. she obviously didn’t know she used. “nicky, baby, you’re cold.” you said, catching her attention. “what’d you mean, mamas?..” she asked softly, grasping your hand in her own.
“did you find heroin? please, dont lie to me.”
“yeah, but i gave it to boo.. i promise.” she whined quietly, she didn’t want you mad at her. “no, you didn’t, you used again.” you murmured softly, pulling her closer to you, her eyes were unfocused, wandering away from your stare. “look at me, baby, just try.” you gently cupped her chin, making her look up at you. 
“did i relapse..? i really did?” she asked softly, she looked like she was about to cry. it had probably been about an hour or two since she relapsed, and she was slowly making her way into withdrawal. “yes, baby, yeah.. it's gonna be okay, though. you did good finding your way back to the bunk.” you smiled softly, your eyes swelling up with tears. she almost instantly started sobbing, which alerted guard bell, 
“keep it down, inmate!” guard bell yelled, standing next to the doors.
“baby, shhh.. it's okay, itttss okaayy..” you murmured softly, trying to soothe her sobs, patting her back gently and bouncing her in your lap. “it's not okay, i’m not okay. mamas, i didn't mean to. are you mad at me?..” she sobbed quietly, hiding her face in your shoulder. none of the other inmates really minded her sobs or cries, they knew she was going through something. “noo, baby, i’m not mad.” you cooed softly, petting her hair. she stopped crying for a moment, then started again. she was sweating, alot. she was withdrawing. “b-babe.. fuck, trashcan!” she sobbed, which caused the guard to yell again, you immediately grabbed the trash can next to your bed though, holding it up to her. she slouched down, vomiting into the trash can. “good girl, let it all out, it's okay..” you soothed, patting her back gently, helping her through it. “all done?” you asked softly after she stopped puking, helping her lift her head, and wiping her mouth with your sleeve. “hmph, yeah, i’m.. done.” she murmured, she was slightly out of it, but still fazed. “mamas.” she grunted softly, and i placed a hand on her stomach, it was rock hard, tense. i rubbed her stomach slowly and gently, making sure i didn't cause her any pain. “that better, sweetheart?” you asked gently, continuing to rub soft circles on her stomach, and she sighed. “yes, baby, thank you.” she murmured softly, slowly adjusting back to her normal self, slooooooowly. 
“good girl.” you murmured softly, helping her lay down slowly, making sure you didn't hurt her. “i appreciate it, mamas.” she murmured quietly, it was painfully obvious she was tired, because she fell asleep almost instantly. “night, babygirl.” you murmured softly as you cuddled up to her, she would be okay, she truly would.
𝜗𝜚 a/n : as a girl that used & relapsed throughout her teenage years, this was particularly hard to write, i sobbed almost the whole way through. when i wrote this, i didnt think about how it would attract attention to using & overdosing. so, i must say that i'm NOT trying to influence drug usage. <3 please, stay away from substances, you truly don't know how bad it can hurt you. i also wanna say that this was longer than i wanted it to be smhh.. buuuttt i hope u enjoy reading it!
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werewolfetone · 6 days
My favourite figure in irish history? the guy from munster who somehow ended up fighting with the ulster united irish army (which was not only almost entirely presbyterian but also made up of people who had quite literally grown up hearing first hand about how awesome fighting under our great king billy was at their grandda's knee) in 1798 and, upon taking command of his regiment, exclaimed, in front of all his men, something along the lines of "lmao let's KILL them just like the true stuart king did with those orange cunts in 1690 🫡" thereby pissing off so many people so much that it was recorded word for word for posterity
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ninjastar107 · 11 months
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'Didn't see the radar this morning?'
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I accidentally invented my most favorite most special girl in the world with Victoria and now I have to shoulder the burden of making all the content for her myself
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dark-falz · 10 months
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PSO Scenery 53/???
Caves 1 (Ultimate)
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nightgarla · 10 months
sonic oc be upon ye
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their name is melee the porcupine and i love them
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do u ever just pick up an orange and go wow this fits in my hand perfectly ig i do believe in god
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tamblerdraws · 6 months
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Dnd character :D (based on the personas)
Their name is Odette
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ninbinary · 4 months
...if Starship controls were built like right-clicking my USB devices
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...yeah, THIS time I want to "Eject", LAST time I wanted to "Eject"... come to think of it, EVERY TIME I PUT A USB MEMORY DEVICE IN, MY GOAL IS TO EJECT IT FROM MY COMPUTER WHEN I'M DONE. but yknow I'm so glad I can "Format Drive" just as easily as I could "Eject" :| good job computer designers, good job.
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smbhax · 29 days
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Twinkle Star Sprites (Dreamcast)
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natolesims · 2 years
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DAY 6 | Wine Tasting 🍷🍷
@mickimagnum’s Date Night CAS Challenge ❤️  
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