#organic juice
hella1975 · 1 year
noah kahan really said growing up in a small, bitter hometown is about the rage and the hatred that's been sung about many times before but it's also about love and devotion and the 'all three of us were drowning and we didn't know how to save each other but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together' of it all and knowing people so intimately yet not being able to help anyone and he's morally grey at best in a lot of his songs and objectively the bad guy in others and that's just how it is and it's about substance abuse and normalised crime and teen suicide and country roads and failed exams and leaving and being left and love and hate and love and hate and love and
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starving-mimi · 3 months
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he's going to steal all your orange juice
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pinktulipgirly · 2 years
join me in an sunday reset! let’s get our lives back on track! 🌷
space 🕯
put on a playlist that motivates you!
clear your floor of all clutter and mess
clear off all the surfaces of things that don’t belong there (desk, dresser, nightstand countertops, etc) and give them a good dusting and wipe down
catch up on laundry and fold it all immediately!
change your sheets and make your bed
vacuum and sweep
clean your bathroom really well! don’t forget to mop
remove all the out of date food from your fridge and pantry
do your dishes and clean your sink
reorganize things that tend to get messy during the week - make your space work for you! 💕
body 🌱
put on a cute set and do some movement! a whole work out, a hot girl walk, a dance party, some light yoga from bed - whatever works best for you and your body <3
drink a ton of water! hydrated girlies are happy girlies
have a nourishing meal with loads of fruits, veggies, and protein
get some sunlight
take an everything shower - shave and exfoliate, and don’t forget to moisturize!
do a hair mask
do your full skincare routine and a gentle face mask
do your nails or go get them done
mind ☁️
put your phone away and have some quiet time - maybe read a book, doodle, or meditate! just give your brain a rest from the noisy workweek
set some goals for the upcoming week and think about how you can actually achieve them
organize all your assignments / tasks for the week in a planner - everything will seem less overwhelming when you write it all down!
spend some time with friends or family
do something you love to do!
and finally, go to bed early tonight! you got this, angel! ✨🌸
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lavenderamadea · 1 month
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redd956 · 7 months
Worldbuilding questions to get the creative juices flowing 45
Theme: Militaristic Organizations & Similar
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How did this group come to own a military? How do they gain new members/recruits? Does every member double as a soldier?
What allows this organization to own a military? Do they have any governments or rivaling organizations? Are they limited in anyway? Are they legal?
Is the military viewed as part of the organization, something they own, something they sometimes do, or something that the leader owns?
How powerful is this organization compared to a national military? Is this well known? Do they have any alliances?
Where do they get their money and resources? Do they participate in any trading?
What does it take for them to get militarily involved? Can they be hired? Are they a bunch of organizations in a trench coat?
How would the world be affected if this organization collapses? How prevalent are they in society? How infamous are they?
Who leads it? (A group of people, a single individual, a political party, a government, a corporation) How did this organization form?
What non-military things does this organization do? How involved are they in the economy? The government?
What types of equipment is this organization supplied with? Do they help supply others? What type of people work in this company? How do they differ from the everyday soldier?
Does this organization hold a good or bad reputation? How has the organization changed overtime? What types of situations do they get in? What type of people are they associated with?
Where is this organization based? Is it global? Do they relocate a lot? Is it associated with one country?
How do they maintain their military? How do they keep themselves safe? Are they hidden under wraps? Is it obvious that they're militaristic? Are they known for their military?
IRL/Historical Examples:
United Nations
Political Brotherhoods
United States' NRA
United Fruit Company
Intelligence Agencies
Anti-Terrorism Groups
Mercenary Groups (Hansa, Samurai, Academi/Blackwater, etc.)
Private Military Companies
Fictional Examples:
Assassin's Creed
Arknights' Rhodes Island
Tom Clancy's Team Rainbow
Justice League
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sniffanimal · 5 months
we like to joke about "op check your carbon monoxide detector" but genuinely, please check yours. mine was expired by TWELVE YEARS I recently discovered. please check yours
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whatudottu · 1 year
Honestly I feel like Autobot Experiment!Blitzwing’s anger and betrayal once he finds out about Blackarachnia experimenting on Wasp would probably hit harder than if his canon self found out about it.
I personally headcanon that Blitzwing has severe trust issues and difficulty establishing interpersonal relationships thanks to his trauma so I imagine that finding out that someone he considered a kindred spirit and felt like he could allow himself to be vulnerable around severely disfigured and traumatized a literal child in a similar manner to what he himself experienced and didn’t even feel guilty about doing so is probably something that he wouldn’t take very lightly.
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My girl Blackarachnia not only does one hypocritical thing but two, she's not getting away scot-free 😞 it doesn't have to be this way
Blitzwing may be the only 'one of a kind (beloathed)' now that Wasp has Blackarachnia to share being a techno-organic, but god damn it there's a kid in need of counseling and they have a varying quality of actual competence in that regard. Hothead is going to be very present for a while, heh-
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more-gremlin-than-fae · 8 months
Love that the boys are like "Better keep the lil lady out of it from now on" even though she's done literally all the heavy lifting on the emotional support and research side. And she immediately gets chowed down on by the vampire because she was home, when she would have been better off storming the mansion with them.
But no, she is An Lady which means she has a delicate constitution and never mind that she listened to the tapes of Lucy's death, downed a brandy and proceeded to write up the transcripts in between letting all the men cry all over her shoulder about it.
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sealrock · 6 months
and with that, decembhyur is officially done! thanks to everyone who checked out my posts, see you in the new year
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miasanmuller · 7 months
It's awful because Tuchel-era Bayern is just that. All games look and feel exactly the same. We're not particularly bad most of the time, we're just... not good. Bland. Tasteless.
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mercmenagerie · 3 months
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dollystuffs-chiori · 17 days
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me rn btw
(organic meme slapped together by me in ibis paint)
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This might be too dark even for what you're writing, but is the reason Rachel is alive but malnourished because the Yeerks were taking turns morphing large animals, cutting big chunks out of them, then eating the chunks as the unfortunate victim returns to human form?
Oh hello, plot point that I mentioned in an early draft of How I Live Now but dropped for being too dang gross!
Specifically, I think "chunk of flesh" would be "large mammal's liver." That'd be the most Vitamin C and Vitamin D for the least insta-fatal injury, even though the controller in question would have to morph back fast after the harvesting occurred. Bear livers are excellent sources of both vitamins — so much so that they can kill you with an excess of Vitamin D — and there are accounts of humans living for a few hours with no liver, so a bear could probably live liverless long enough to demorph. This isn't a great system, since one liver split ~30 ways isn't much to go around, and every single harvest risks someone on the crew dying, but I do headcanon it as being the stopgap measure the yeerks would've used.
I should also note that the research is a little unclear on how long humans can go without Vitamin C. Magellan's three-year voyage only had about a 70% death rate from scurvy, but historians don't know for sure that the 30% of survivors didn't stop on an island and have a nice glass of lemonade at some point. Hudson's crew had its earliest scurvy signs pop up as early as six months in, but those were also sailors with overall way poorer diets than contemporary Americans would have. (If nothing else, a single cup of Coca-Cola contains 100% of one's daily Vitamin C as a flavoring agent.) Anyway, the answer seems to be that scurvy occurs somewhere within a year of going off Vitamin C, and proves fatal somewhere in the second year of no Vitamin C, but that even small doses of the stuff result in near-total recovery.
So. My official behind-the-scenes explanation for how the Blade ship wasn't a floating tomb within a year is that some harvesting of bear livers went down, which — when combined with suburban Americans having insane produce access and gorgeous fat reserves — meant some teeth were coming loose but no one had keeled over by the time 19 months went by.
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26 y/o Eddie complaining about his tooth hurting but he can’t afford the dentist
Nancy: Eddie just use our insurance.
Eddie: I don’t have insurance.
Nancy: Yes you do, we all do.
Robin: I don’t have insurance.
Jonathan: Me either.
Steve: I just got kicked off of my parents’ insurance.
Nancy: You guys, we all have lifetime medical insurance as a benefit on our NDAs. Did none of you read the NDA?
Eddie: …
Robin: …
Steve: …
Jonathan: …
Argyle: Wait, you guys signed an NDA?
*everyone stares*
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diaryofdesi · 7 months
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just-venting-idk · 4 months
went for a drink with colleagues, and I was stressed bc I knew it was gonna be challenging
they ordered a bunch of food and I managed to only eat one mini vegan empanada and some olives, and when they went for a third round I managed to keep to water so I'm proud all in all!!!
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