#original consept?
astraymetronome · 3 years
The First Accidents
So this is the first part of my Mha/Bnha Au i’m gonna just call Shrinkable Au, basically this is when Deku’s new quirk first develops and a bit of shenanigans that ensued. 
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Jirou Kyoka, Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead, Chiyo Shuzenji/Recovery Girl, and Denki Kaminari
Warnings: Panic, g/t, and Superpowers, who know what people hate these days.
Word Count: 2347
Considering how often he’s been in strange situations, this is the weirdest yet. All Midoriya had been doing was going on a Practice patrol around the given area with Jiro as his partner when something startled him. He remembers this feeling of needing to hide away from it and when his eyes opened, everything was huge. 
He immediately yelped as the ground shook around him causing the already confused boy to become more dizzy before a loud voice interrupted his questioning.
“Ah! Deku what?!” He covered his ears quickly, it was way too loud! Izuku looked up to see his classmate towering over him, his heart dropping into his stomach at the sight. He felt as if he should run away, do anything to get this new Giant Jiro away from him.
“Oh, sorry I was too loud?” She asked, her voice much more quiet compared to her from earlier. He nodded and began to shake as her hands got closer to him
“Jiro! D-don’t touch me right now!” Midoriya yelled out to her as he started to hug himself. She looked down at him with a sad look before sighing. 
“We're in the middle of a sidewalk, if someone comes by they will question this. It’s best if we head back to the school.. How did this even happen?” As much as he didn’t want to agree, she was right. Him being this small meant he wasn’t safe at all. 
He moved closer to her still shaking as his classmate gently put her hand behind him, scooping him into her palm suddenly causing him to squeak in surprise. He managed to sit up his feet dangling off the edge of her hand. Midoriya immediately turned around and noticed her thumb he scrambled over in a bit of a crawl holding on tightly to it, his legs still slightly dangling off.
This simple encounter between the two of them helped him get an idea of just how small he was, he was around the size of her hand so not the biggest but compared to a normal person it was a significant difference. 
“So.. Midoriya.. What caused this?” She asked as he looked up at her still clinging to her thumb. 
“I-I don’t know Jiro, all I know is I heard that loud thud and then poof! I’m on the floor and the size of a hand!” He called out to her needing to raise his voice a little. He will admit her hands were really warm and it gave him a sense of security but it was quickly swept away by the remembrance of the size difference. 
“I didn’t see anyone who seemed to be suspicious? Did you see anyone?” She asked him, Izuku took a deep breath and shook his head when nothing came to mind. 
“No one that I remember.” He told her as she moved down the road getting ever so closer to the school. His fear was starting to bubble up and rise up over his limits. He hugged her thumb tighter as she got to the gate of campus. 
“J-jiro!” He yelled out her head immediately turning to face him. Once he received his attention he made eye contact with her and responded, “Can we go straight for Mr. Aizawa, I don’t wanna be seen by anyone.” He whispered his face red with embarrassment. The girl nodded in response and cupped him in both of her hands getting a quiet squeak from the boy.
He couldn’t see anything at this point but he could hear people talking even a few questions about why her hands were cupped and where he was. She would say something simple before continuing on her way and walking to find their sensei. 
“Mr. Aizawa!” Jiro’s voice cut through the muffled sounds as she stopped in front of who he could only guess to be his teacher. He felt her move her hands. 
“Something happened to Midoriya.” she said in a very calm tone as he moved around in her hands it was getting rather warm due to her body heat in addition to the warm weather. 
Her hands parted, revealing the small and clearly uncomfortable Midoriya that had been hidden in her hands. He immediately started to look around sighing with relief when he noticed the lack of other people, it was just the three of them.
“What in the world happened to you, Problem Child?” Mr. Aizawa’s voice stole away his attention as he turned to him. Looking up at his teacher, Izuku gave a very little wave as he moved to try and stand up in Jiro’s palm, falling miserably as he slipped and had to grab onto her thumb in order not to fall off.
“We don’t know Sir-!” He yelped as he caught himself returning his gaze to the tall man. He held onto Jiro tightly as she used her other hand to block him from falling. Once he was resettled he continued, “We were walking, heard a noise, and then I was small!” 
Izuku watched as his sensei took a moment to think and gave a sigh, “Well Midoriya, did you notice-” Jiro was quick to cut him off.
“We didn’t see anyone Sir, that was the first thing I asked him.. Well, other than if he was okay.” She told him as Mr. Aizawa nodded and he seemed to understand to a point.
“Alright, well… this is such a random quirk effect, we don’t have a policy for what to do when a student is shrunken.” Izuku bit his lip clearly thinking about something as he looked up at his teacher.
“Sensei, I have an idea.” He said looking up at his teacher and straightening up it clear he’s more comfortable with his size.
“What is it Midoryia?” Said student smiled a little as he looked up at Jiro. 
“Can you put me down?” He asked her, she nodded in response and slid him onto the ground, the two of them squatting down next to him. Izuku sat down as well and looked up at them. “Sir, I want you to use your quirk on me.” He said very abruptly. 
Mr. Aizawa seemed very confused as he looked down at the small boy. “Alright, I see how that will help you but I have no reason to disagree.” His teacher used his eye drops before looking down at the boy. Once activated his quirk seened to cancel whatever it was because Midoriya was suddenly his normal height again.
They both looked shocked as the previously shrunken boy sighed with relief. “Okay… Thank you sir.” Izuku ran his fingers through his hair as the group all stood up.
“Considering my quirk worked… You somehow did this to yourself.” Mr. Aizawa seemed as surprised as he did. He looked down at his hands and then back up at his teacher.
“I-I don’t know how! My quirk isn’t like that.” He said waving his hands around quickly as he dismissed the thought. He stood up rather straight before his teacher gave a sigh.
“Midoriya, do you think you can control it? We have all the reasons to believe you are the cause.” Eraserhead put his hand on the short boy's head as he looked up at him. 
“All due respect Mr. Aizawa, I have absolutely no idea.” He said with a sigh as Jiro crossed her arms over her chest.
“Am I allowed to leave? I have a feeling I'm no longer needed.” She asked as the teacher nodded dismissing her.
Before she could leave Midoriya grabbed her wrist, “Please don’t say anything about this, not until we understand it.” He asked her, the girl replying with a nod as she walked away.
“Alright Midoriya, we are gonna go see Recovery girl, you look a little pale and I honestly want to know what happened.” Mr. Aizawa gave an obvious sigh as he started to move in the direction of the old woman's office. Izuku followed suit as the two of them moved.
“What is it this time Eraser?” The woman asked as she spun around in her chair, the moment she made eye contact with the short green haired boy next to him it made it rather clear he was involved. “What did Midoryia do this time?” 
Izuku flinched from the question feeling extremely embarrassed, “Something-” He started before being cut off by his teacher.
“I believe Midoriya shrunk himself with his quirk.” Mr. Aizawa was so forward with the situation it honestly made the younger boy feel self conscious about his own abilities. 
Recovery girl seemed rather surprised, she knew everything about Midoryia’s quirk so her being surprised by this made it seem rather off. “That’s new.. How can you be so sure it was him?” She asked as she got out of her chair, walked over to the boy, and pulled him out of the doorway.
“Yeah, I used Eraser on him and he returned to normal.” The tall man replied as she pushed Izuku onto a hospital bed and made him sit still as she started to look the boy over. 
“I guess you just developed a new quirk.” Recovery Girl told the two of them as she handed Izuku a cup of water. He told her a thank you before he drank everything that was in the cup.
Mr. Aizawa and the lady went and stood closer to the door to talk as he put the empty cup down on the counter. He went ahead and took off his hero costumes gloves; it was way too hot to be wearing so many layers. 
He gently wrapped them up and threw them over his shoulder as he picked the cup back up to fill it with water again. Instead the cup practically disappeared, turning so small in his palm.
“Miss?” Midoriya called out as he turned to face the two. They looked at each other then at him noticing he was holding something up. “I think I shrunk the cup..” 
The two teacher’s looked a little shocked as he put the small and barely noticeable thing on the counter. He held his hands together tucking them into his chest, afraid to touch anything. Mr. Aizawa walked over to the short boy and was quick to gesture for his hands.
He held them closer to himself before putting his hands out with his palms up. Mr. Aizawa reached over to grab anything from behind him and put a book on them. It took not even a couple seconds for the object to go from normal to a smaller version in his hand.
“I-I can’t control it sir.” He said looking up at the man as he removed the small book from his hands. Izuku placed it on the nearby desk as Recovery girl started to dig through things. The black haired man seemed lost as he looked at the woman. 
“Alright Midoriya, it probably works like Uraraka and Shigaraki’s quirk, my guess of anything that touches all five of your fingertips will shrink. Here,” She handed him a napkin, “Hold this with four or so of your fingers.” He nodded in response and held it with two fingers, the result being as hypothesized. 
A smile of relief spread across his face as he smiled in response. She then nodded and grabbed his wrist holding his hand out as she slid an anti-fouling glove, artist glove, over his hand and quickly doing the same to the other. He looked at the strange fabrics that covered only two of his fingers before gasping and getting her reason. 
“This makes it impossible for me to touch anything with all my fingertips!” He said his eyes shining with the revelation moving his hands around with the glee of a small child earning a small smile from the other male in the room.
“You can use these until we get that quirk under control. Considering you didn’t shrink your gloves, I don’t think you can shrink something that is around a form, for example clothes or plastic wrap around a package.” She said as she ruffled the small boy's curly green hair. 
“I will try to help you control it better, Problem Child.” Mr. Aizawa said as he took the other pair of gloves off Izuku’s shoulder. “For now keep those on, go get changed, you look exhausted.” 
In all forms of honesty he was tired using this new quirk of his really zapped his energy he nodded in response before heading to go do as he was told.
Izuku was sitting down on the couch in the common room as he started to scroll through his phone before he felt two hands on his shoulders so suddenly and made him gasp and jump before the hands disappeared off of him. He turned his head around to see anyone but no one was there, he did feel something on the back of his head. It took a second before put his hand behind his head gently gripping the thing before he pulled it in front of him making eye contact with the small person in his hands. 
“Midoriya! W-what happened to me!?” A voice yelled out as he gasped and used two shaking hands to hold the boy.
“Kaminari! I-i didn’t mean too!” He responded keeping his voice quiet knowing how much loud sounds hurt when at the small size. 
The electric student sat up quickly looking at his small size, he appeared to be around the size of Midoriya’s hand just like he had been when he shrunk.
“I-i developed a new quirk that allows me to shrink things and I can’t really control it yet please don’t be-” Like the drop of a hat Izuku entered a muttering fit that Denki wasn’t in the mood for. 
“Change me back!” He yelled making the now larger boy flinch, he nodded as he shook quickly standing up as he held the yellow haired teen in both of his hands mimicking the actions of Jiro from earlier. What in the world was he gonna tell Aizawa?
There you go, I hope you enjoyed the first bit of this Au! It definitely could have a netter plot and be written in a more flowy way but this is what we get you boys, gals, and non-binary palls. Did I quote Thomas Sanders? Yes, yes I did.
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getetteroo · 2 years
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samejimachich · 3 years
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Day14: hanging out
Reference: Philippin's somewhere town.
whatta messy and strongly atmosphere, it's so fascinating.
(And like an old Japan.)
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wdyact4 · 2 years
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This word means to wait and watch for an opportunity. It's based on a tiger that sees an opening for its prey.
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fuyumikan · 3 years
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unknownako · 3 years
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Oh hey, I did some Head cannon character face/head sketch(?) For a thing im working on. Also most of the dark red on his face are scales like dragon scales, and for the pale red/pink its just normal scars. His name is Tiber and I don't have ALL of his background done sooo ye I hope you enjoy
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kinkhsarsm · 4 years
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"-You're drunk, let's go home..."
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pointlessstudio · 4 years
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Vicc the Space Gladiator - Original Character Design
This is Vicc from my space story, maybe one day it will be a comic. Vicc is a space gladiator who fight with all sorts of weapon and he has a very special ability with the crystal which stand his left hand. But his ability is a secret for now until comic begins. If you like him, please tell me. artstation.com/iambelph instagram.com/iambelph/ tumblr.com/blog/pointlessstudio pinterest.com/pointless_studio
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blankdem · 4 years
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January 5th 2020 vs 26th June 2020
Holy my arts improved a ton-
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mischievouscretin · 3 years
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degraphicsstudios · 4 years
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Note that these are not the final design.
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josephatdrawings · 4 years
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It is not a recent drawing, but I am very proud to have done it  💖💖💖 In the future, I also want to open commissions in this style of drawing, but I need to practice more
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xp3h · 4 years
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fuyumikan · 3 years
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redo3o · 4 years
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Some Sketches of my spider Boy
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