#osiris horus
unladyboss · 5 months
When Carmy interrupts Sydney and Marcus' conversation to bring in the dextrose (and talk about Claire and his mom driving through the house), I should point out that I don't think there was a corner
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To get to that section is a straight line from almost anywhere else in the kitchen
Plus it doesn't seem like anyone else was around
I think that loud YO CORNER, was him announcing he was coming and if they were in the middle of any mushy stuff he was gonna shut it down...
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dalberadiata · 11 months
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Práctica de cuerpos masculinos que hice el año pasado
Luego de tanto tiempo aún no aprendo a dibujar manos u.u
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ancientcurator · 1 month
Looking for more blogs to follow!
Please like this post if you post about:
Celtic and Norse
Shadow work
Apollo, Hades, Persephone, Aphrodite
Anubis, Bastet, Horus, Set, Sobek, Osiris, Thoth
My blog is strictly about spiritually, kindly no fandom blogs will be followed back. (So sorry)
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milky-rozen · 2 months
I was bored so I made a thing:
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Bonus (if you know, you know 😜):
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brownlupine · 2 months
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"In the protection of your embrace I can feel the wisdom grow within"
Seth being guarded by Horus, while Anubis and Wepwawet watch over them. Heavily ENNEAD inspired. Feel free to interpret however you like.
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thesirenisles · 2 months
The origin of all Astrology.
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Goes back to the Dendera Tablet of Ancient Kush-Kemet, presently known as Egypt in the heart of North Africa.
A key to all Astronomy & the calendar itself. Eternally grateful for the knowledge! 🫶🏾
All of the planets can be linked to what they call “Neter”… what we presently know today as Gods and Goddesses. They were transcribed into Greco-Roman religion, but the myths are true to the original.
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zezees-posts · 4 months
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lancersafetysigns · 3 months
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blackrainbowblade · 3 months
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Horus guides Queen Nefertari into the Underworld.
Translations of the accompanying texts:
"Djed medu in Hor sa Ast" - WORDS SPOKEN BY HORUS, SON OF ISIS
"Hemt weret Nebet Tawy Nefertari ankhti maat-kheru kher Asir netcher aa" - THE GREAT QUEEN, LADY OF THE TWO LANDS, NEFERTARI, GRANTED LIFE, TRUE OF VOICE BEFORE OSIRIS, THE GREAT GOD
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servantofthegodss · 6 months
Dua Heru-sa-Aset 🙏
Praise Horus, Son of Aset
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Praise Horus in the Horizon
Praise the Divine Falcon
Praise He Whose form and Whose appearance are not perceived
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unladyboss · 2 months
Sydney made time to show Marcus some birthday love
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The brother and sister in them jumped out!
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dwellerinthelibrary · 2 months
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The papyrus of Nesmin. Why is the deceased wearing a little green hat?
Where: Louvre
When: Late Period, 30th Dynasty
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milky-rozen · 5 months
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Brotherhood in Egyptian Mythology be like:
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xenonmoon · 1 year
The Contendings of Horus and Set (and homosexuality in Ancient Egypt)
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(The image is the Chester Beatty Papyrus I, written in hieratic, containing the mentioned story)
In my last post I (affectionately) called Set "the Gay Uncle of the Egyptian Pantheon" and promised to elaborate more on it in another post.
(CW: sexuality talk, bits of violence and- lettuce. No strong language)
First, a "little" foreword on homosexuality in Ancient Egypt: this is a very complicated subject as I gathered since, well- we don't know very much about it. The few accounts that survived are either disputed or offer little information on the general attitude towards same-sex relationship outside the single case.
It's also difficult to talk about heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality in ancient times at all since the way we know them is a relatively modern concept (the word homosexuality is first attested in 1868 on a letter to Karl Heinrich Ulrichs by Karl-Maria Kertbeny) and before christianity became mainstream the biggest concerns were at best pointed towards the practices (mostly, Taking It™).
For everything else, relationships were just relationships.
The best known example of a same-sex couple were these guys, since it's likely the earliest recorded in history:
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They're Khnumhotep (ẖnm.w-ḥtp(.w)) and Niankhkhnum (nj-ꜥnḫ-ẖnm.w), two royal servants and confidants who had the prestigious task to be the king's head manicurists. In their mastaba tomb in Saqqara are depicted in poses traditionally reserved for couples - like holding hands, embracing and kissing.
However, both of them had wives (Khenut and Khentikawes) and 6 children each.
Ancient Egyptians were very passionate about fertility - which is understandable considering how easily people could die any day for any reason back then. The more children you had and the more the chances that at least one of them survived to adulthood and could carry on jobs and duties.
So as long as you were a (re)productive member of society, it wasn't a big deal that you enjoyed / preferred the company of an individual of your same sex.
The big deal was, as I mentioned, Taking It™ for two main reasons:
Power dynamics. Assuming an active role during the intercourse meant at the same time asserting your dominance and/or humiliating the person on the receiving end of it
Something that I understood as "guy takes up the role of a woman during the intercourse but with none of her reproductive power" which considering how massively important being fertile was to them... well. Makes it a practice as sterile as the desert
And guess who was the god of deserts? our guy Set
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(and also storm, disorder and violence to be precise)
His name was written either stš, swtḫ, swtj or stẖ depending on the time period (the Greeks just went with Seth)
He also loved eating this particular vegetable a normal amount (keep it in mind, we'll need that later):
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Set was one of the children of Geb (the god of the Earth) and Nut (goddess of the sky) along with Osiris, Isis and Nephthys - who he was married to.
Osiris was king at the time and upheld the rule of ma'at (ideal natural order, fundamental concept of AE culture) along with Isis, his wife-sister.
At some point Set murdered Osiris, tore his body into pieces and scattered them all around Egypt. Reasons for this act may have been:
Osiris kicked him
Osiris had an affair with Nephthys
Isis and Nephthys in the form of either a falcon or a kite searched for all pieces and with the help of Anubis put them all together in what is considered the first mummy in Egyptian tradition. Isis uses her wings to briefly fan new life in Osiris' body and the two conceive a child, Horus.
Osiris' resurrection was not permanent and after his time was out he became ruler of the Duat (the realm of the dead), while Isis raises Horus in secret until he was old enough to come back to challenge Set for his throne.
The dispute took the form of a series of competitions (like racing with boats or fighting each other in the form of hippopotami) and legal judgement before the assembled council of gods, the Ennead.
During one of the competitions Isis tried to help her son while he was locked in combat with Set but accidentally spears Horus - he got FURIOUS and beheaded his mother. Then tried to fix it by sticking on the body a head of a cow. No one will ever notice, amright? (This gives the mythological origin of the cow horn headdress Isis sometimes is depicted wearing)
Horus repeatedly defeats Set in the various competitions and is largely favoured by the the other gods, but the head of the Ennead was Geb and Geb liked Set so they were stuck in this limbo situation of tie for years.
and then - brace yourself. Now it comes the key moment of this story.
Set and Horus have sex.
I'm serious
The details of this obviously varied from account to account (as most of myths in Ancient Egypt, it was almost expected to have different variations of it depending on the time period and place)
According to one account, it was deliberately only to humiliate him
According to another, he genuinely wanted to bang his nephew other than the act of dominance / humiliation thing, he didn't take no as an answer and got him drunk
According to another one again it was consensual, Horus agreed on condition that Set would've given him part of his strength (my fave)
But Horus was a smart birb and he either caught Set's seed with his hands (don't ask me how) or removed it in secret, so to make Set believe the act was successful. Horus tells his mom about what happened and the morning after they plan something.
Horus wanks on some lettuce and Isis serves it to a clueless Set.
Who eats it all.
The next time the Ennead were called to judgement, Set mentions having laid with Horus as a mean to demonstrate he has asserted his dominance over him so he had the right to claim the throne for himself. Horus disagrees. Geb verifies who of the two had the other's seed in his body and-
Set did.
Horus thus won the dispute
They eventually reconcile with each other and shared the lands to rule (which might have been fertile lands of the Nile to Horus and foreign deserts to Set, or one had the land and the other the sky, or the two traditional halves of the country). With this reconciliation, the dualities they represent are also reconciled into a united whole restoring order after the conflict.
(according to other accounts Geb played the bitch and gave sole reign to Horus, to other much later when Egypt was a bit in a bad place Set was utterly defeated, exiled and/or destroyed)
Funny thing is that Set actually got pregnant from the tainted lettuce and gave birth to either:
A golden disk on his forehead
Thot's moon disk (in versions where Thot is present during the dispute)
Well ancient Egyptian mythology sure is something huh
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thesirenisles · 2 months
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#Ancient Egyptian Art
A golden chair from the tomb of African King Tutankhamun displaying he and Queen Ankhesenpaaten, the golden sun shining down upon them.
Such beautiful melanated brown skin😍
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thrashkink-coven · 2 months
Im thinking a whole lot about Osiris, Ra and Horus. Like a lot a lot. My chest flutters when I think on their names. Horus the avenger of the Gods. Osiris conquerer of death. Ra ruler of Heaven and life.
I am very very new to my new found interest in Kemetic religion. I found myself absolutely devouring the Egyptian book of the Dead and becoming more and more deeply interested in these three, especially Horus. Now I’ve been seeing them everywhere, especially Ra and Horus, in random conversations, tv shows, and even other books.
I feel the strength and intense energy of Horus every time I say his name lately, I can feel his father Osiris looking out on us alongside his son, and I can feel the stinging eyes of Ra through the morning sun, feel it shifting throughout the day. I’ve never felt so strongly towards a sun deity before. I actually haven’t felt this drawn towards energies like this since Lucifer. I found myself humming syllables of the name Atum Ra through my chest in the evenings as I watched the sun set.
Perhaps it’s time to ask Mother Isis how to best honour her family.
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