#otherwise dresses or whatever fit super weird
shopwitchvamp · 10 months
I have a question about your sizes: I usually wear a size 6/MD in most bottoms, and with my body shape my thighs and butt carry most of my visible weight. Would you recommend the size A, or size B?
I'm a similar size and shape, and I wear A Size!
I'd definitely recommend getting A especially if you plan to put much at all in the pockets (a more snug waistband won't slip down at all even with heavy stuff in the pockets), but go up to B if you prefer a looser fit and/or if you want a slightly longer skater or mini.
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aph-estonia · 28 days
the closest thing to the """trans agenda""" irl is being asked for pronouns only to be disrespected because of other people's headcanons about yourself mattering more than the truth you inform them of
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elvencantation · 7 months
weird things i don’t know if i can attribute to trauma or adhd or social anxiety:
-super sensitive smell and taste. carbonation hurts my tongue
-sometimes brain decides perfectly good food is bad (usually if i’ve had it too many times or its too bland) and if i make myself eat it i’ll have a stomachache (also sometimes i just don’t have the energy to try new foods)
-subset of this: i am very sad when my tomatoes or nectarines (or anything else that i love to be firm) is soft or otherwise unusually textured. like if i can see they’re wrinkly or lumpy i will not eat them. i am currently staring at some sad tomatoes being like. will my mouth accept them or will they be too soft
-unspoken social rules i don’t know and anxiety about new social situations i have no context for, no list of example responses and what it leads to
-i have two social modes that its very hard to find middle ground between: stranger and person who is safe
-bothers me when people are wrong about something and i am often not able to stop myself from correcting them
-very blunt and bad at subtext, take things way too literally especially when im tired
-let me expound on that. even when i know the question isn’t meant literally, usually i answer it literally first, then as they meant it. i play it off as a joke but it’s hard to resist being totally and completely honest if there isn’t a reason (like info about myself i think people don’t need to know)
-no understanding of peer pressure and why someone would change themselves to fit in (like srsly how do you find genuine friends with common interests and stuff if you’re hiding who you are?)
-annoyed by overly self-deprecating statements. have dealt with this by being overly sarcastic like- OH MY GOD. HOW DARE YOU HAVE HUMAN EMOTIONS AROUND ME, ANOTHER HUMAN YOU TRUST AND WHO CARES ABOUT YOU???
-constant over analysis of myself and how new people perceive me, esp coworkers (since they’re not friends, they don’t choose to spend time with me) UPDATE: i’ve mostly stopped doing this. turns out it was social anxiety and the fact that i had to meet like over fifty new coworkers at once
-i logic my own emotions. i can logic myself out of them sometimes if they’re negatively affecting me. usual example: i can usually set aside my anxiety at something if there's nothing i can do to change it. or more accurately if i've taken a step towards fixing whatever triggered it
-very slow reflexes/processing time
-can’t stand pet hair on my clothes or stuff
⁃very fluid sense of opinion. very influenced by the opinions of those im close to. to the point where a dress i loved, i couldn’t bear to wear because my mom said it looked trashy. to the point where my best friend said she didn’t like a song, so i didn’t really like it (i just listened to it, and its not a bad song. i think i do like it? idk) i think this used to be more severe when i had less self confidence but still happens now sometimes
-secondhand embarrassment can become so unbearable and i have to plug my ears and want to hide
-dissociating after 2+ hours staring at a screen
-if there’s no background noise i can hear my ears ringing and that’s not fun
-i never get angry. upset sure. anger or rage? i can remember feeling properly angry like. once. when my brother was young and traumatized and did something totally stupid and fucked with my sweet cousin. that’s… pretty much it. but mostly it was my protective instinct and i think i was scared cause i didn’t understand what was happening
-the sheer panic and frustration that happens when someone misunderstands my words consistently. like if you cannot understand what i am saying how do i communicate with you? in the time honored words of dr seuss: "i meant what i said and i said what i meant"
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charmanderxerneas · 8 months
To me: being a furry is a lot like being being trans or something
I love furries. A community of people who enjoy anthro animals so much that they identify with it. People hate on them for being “weird and cringe”, but really, whats more beautiful than indulging in being true to yourself and joy and creativity, which that community fosters? Cringe culture is truly tiring and people are very hateful to anything they deem silly, when really people should be respected, regardless of who they are or how “annoying” or “impure” you think they are.
But also people are fuckin weird about “what counts as a furry.” Sure, it’s someone who likes anthropomorphic animals, but that’s also so simple that it doesn’t really capture the essence of furries. If it were that simple, then every single person who’s enjoyed a talking animal film would be a furry (well, I have seen some people say that…) but then you’ll find a lot of people who casually like talking animal films but don’t consider themselves furries.
To really be a furry, you have to identify with that label. Furries have become such a big community and there’s a lot in it. I wish people weren’t weird about people who “like furry stuff but don’t feel like they count as a furry because they don’t connect enough with that label.” You can like furries and be a #furryally and enjoy talking animals, but if you feel like you don’t really identify as a furry, that’s fine and should be respected. I support furries and have a “fursona”, but I don’t really consider myself a furry at all, it just isn’t something I identify with. Doesn’t mean I’m “denying the truth because I hate the idea of being a furry” or whatever (it would be fuckin awesome to be a furry actually! but I’m just not! I wish people were more respectful about that!). Similar to if a cis guy tries on dresses and likes “feminine” things, it doesn’t necessarily make him trans or a girl. To be trans you have to identify with that label. It doesn’t matter what box other people want to put you in. Not to say you have to be super duper into the furry fandom to consider yourself one, you can be as casual as you want about being a furry. But the only person who can decide if youre a furry or not is yourself and how YOU feel about it.
This extends past furries and is a little tangential, but I hate how people force labels on everything these days. You can identify with a label and have it be super duper important to your identity, that’s awesome. You can be casual about your labels too. But you can also just: not identify with labels at all if you don’t want. Or identify with labels that people think “would be weird for you to identify with” because you don’t fit the stereotypical depiction of how people think about that label. You don’t have to be forced into a box, even if it feels like the rest of the world is desperately trying to force you into that box. I see this a lot in the queer community, tik tok poisoned teens trying to assign labels to everything or arguing that a strangers labels are “incorrect” as if they know that person better than they know themselves. Respect people and how they want to identify. It’s not your place to assert otherwise.
peace and love.
please dont insult me for “comparing something trivial as furries to being trans”, i am trans. using my own experience as a comparison. suck a dick
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
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it’s been..... 3 years......... oops ?
for the luckily unaware, i first posted about this AU back in 2019 for the kakaobi week, said “someone remind me to make a post with like, more details about this AU” and then promptly forgot about it
anyway uh, Root AU !
basically, Obito is found by Root, Orochimaru is brought in to experiment on his body with some HashiraDNA™ (it’s not like Obito would survive otherwise, so no consequences if things turn out badly Again) and surprisingly the graft takes
so now Danzo has a new tool, Orochimaru has a long-term pet project and some reassurance that his HashiraDNA™ experiments could work, and Obito is Going Through It
his new body is super fucked up. not only is he now a weird amalgamation of cells that only fit together thanks to seals engraved inside his skin (? or whatever the equivalent of skin is for half-tree-half-man limbs), but the rest of his body is Also covered in seals to guarantee obedience, silence, not bringing harm to Root or Danzo, not revealing his original identity, not killing himself... but also some of them are responsible for keeping him alive, so it’s a mixed bag
his new name is Kinoko, in katakana. because i thought it was funny to call him mushroom and/or tree child, even though it doesn’t fit the pattern of Root names. also it’s just fucked up enough that Orochimaru would like it i think, so we’ll just say he’s the one who chose that name
so that’s the origins of Kinoko
because his old self has been buried by Root training, seals, and trauma, his feelings relative to Kakashi and Rin are pretty different from canon, in that while he witnessed Rin’s death through the shared sharingan connection with Kakashi (which led to the discovery of said connection and the implementation of some news seals inside Obito/Kinoko’s eye socket to make sure nothing from his side goes to Kakashi) and it awakened his mangekyou, he doesn’t keep a grudge. Rin’s death becomes just one more fucked up Root thing in his mind
unlike Kinoe, whose mastery of mokuton is used to great avail with complex buildings and structures, Kinoko’s version of it is incomplete and entirely tied to his body. on the one hand, this limits his range a lot, but on the other he doesn’t require hand signs and thus can launch very efficient surprise attacks
by the time Team 7 is established, Kinoko is assigned to watch over them and make sure nothing goes wrong with either the 9 Tails or the last living Uchiha who isn’t an abomination of nature
while he cannot reveal his identity, nothing in his programming forbids him from being accidentally spotted by Kakashi, which accidentally happens. accidentally
yeah Kinoko is kinda tired of Danzo’s shit, turns out, and would very much like some freedom
51 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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This is true love.
just had to draw the queerest straight couples in jjk on a double date
Hakari and Kirara have such t4t swag... and of course there’s wifeguy and monsterfucker supreme Yuuta and whatever he’s got going on with Rika
in both cases : relationship goals, albeit in a very different way /o\
51 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
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my good buddy @b4kuch1n has been doing dress-designing streams these days, and made me want to flex my fashion muscles myself a bit
also, yknow
yuuta in a cute dress good
67 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
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127 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
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ino is just so shaped, i love him
228 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
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perrywings · 3 years
Fandom Post, Not A Fic
Criminal Minds/Brooklyn 99 crossover featuring Ralvez and Peraltiago where the BAU are called in last minute to deal with a mass shooting/kidnapping/spree killer/otherwise Immediate Crime That Cannot Be Put Off Responding To Even One Minute on the day of Spencer and Luke’s wedding so they’re sad but they have A Job/Duty To Do so they all go to Brooklyn and work with the 99 and save the day and so afterwards they’re all at the 99 chilling while the plane gets refueled and Spencer and Luke are joking around about buying a cake to take with them on the plane and they end up revealing that yeah they were supposed to get married today but shit happened and hopefully their venue calls them back and lets them reschedule for tomorrow and the 99′s just like “there must be something we can do” and Captain Holt’s all “MY TIME HAS COME” because he got ordained for Jake and Amy’s wedding and HELL YEAH is he going to marry some GAY/BI FBI AGENTS in HIS PRECINCT so the 99 and the BAU team-up to throw together a last minute wedding. Holt gets the lowdown from Prentiss and Garcia and Gina pull up some relevant highlights on social media so Holt can say some nice personal things about Luke and Spencer. Amy’s multitasking referencing multiple binders to help plan the wedding and showing Spencer how to Make Proper Useful Binders. Jake pulls off some Somehow Helpful Shenanigans implementing Amy’s plans and just thinks Luke is the most awesome person to exist after hearing he used to be a part of the Fugitive Task Force which made him Basically a Bounty Hunter for the FBI. Charles is kinda jealous because of this but sets it aside to take over the kitchen and whip up something delicious for a wedding dinner since he loves love so much. JJ helps him and they gush about their sons. Rosa somehow appears with two well-fitting suits or dress uniforms and no one has any idea how she did it (especially so fast). Emily and Tara are both Very Impressed (and possibly at least one of them gets her number later). And the wedding’s cute and beautiful and Garcia’s livestreaming it for Morgan and Hotch and Will and whoever else because yeah, they’ll have family and friends and everyone at the reception, that can wait, but they said they were going to be husbands today, that’s the most important part, so they’re damn well going to be husbands today. Matt is Luke’s Best Man and JJ is Spencer’s Best Woman. Terry cries even though he doesn’t even know them. Hitchcock and Scully use their Food Lovers Connections to get Spencer and Luke a cake to share on the plane home. The BAU’s super grateful and the 99′s like “if I had a nickel for every time an impromptu wedding happened at the 99 I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice”.
Honestly, it doesn’t technically have to be Ralvez, it’s just the pairing I’ve been writing the most for, you could probably use whatever pairing you want, but I do think you could really play off the Ralvez and Peraltiago parallels very well.
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ghostietea · 3 years
Furuba autistic headcanons
With it being April, or autism acceptance month, I wanted to finally drop my list of characters from Fruits Basket that I read as autistic! This is based a lot on my own experience, as well as that of other autistics I know or have seen talk online. I hope some people can get something out of it, feel free to tell me what you think 😊, though please refrain from getting upset that I would dare suggest your fave is autistic.
Before becoming able to better control her powers, she would be constantly overwhelmed by the things she heard to the point that she couldn't even really go out in public. This reads a lot like sensory overload.
Constantly picked on in school because other kids thought she was weird. Eventually reclaimed this weirdness and turned it into a whole persona.
Seems to talk usually in a relatively flat tone.
Had trouble socializing with no friends outside her family until middleschool.
Has a very funny, dry sense of humor that I find very similar to a bunch of autistics I know, including myself.
Listen. You have seen the funky little man, you have seen the way he talks, the way he acts around others. He is, and I mean this in the best way, a weirdo. I do not know how you could look at him and see a neurotypical.
Once again, like Hana, Haru is funny in a way that feels very autistic.
Very flat, dry, tone delivery. Sometimes just Says Things that make everyone else go huh??? Suuuuper blunt. Doesn't emote facially a lot of the time.
When this man sees a social norm he doesn't get he WILL NOT follow it. Pierces his ears just because his hair got flak, defends Momiji wearing whatever he wants because sometimes y'know the social rules are just dumb and don't make sense. Especially dress codes.
Sometimes says things not befitting the current tone of the situation.
Represses (masks) a lot of his emotions, leading to outbursts that seem uncharacteristic.
His main childhood trauma revolves around adults branding him as "dumb" and ridiculing him. Haru, however, is super smart and wise!! Just in an offbeat way that not everyone may get.
Reads as very "flat" emotionally to the point that others would call her boring. Also has a flat vocal delivery.
Relies on specific habits or ways of doing things or else she gets super upset (her hatred of imperfection.
Has trauma surrounding adults completely misconstruing her intentions and thinking she's doing something malicious when she's not.
Generally behaves in a way that's hard for others to understand, one of her formative moments with Yuki was him saying he wanted to "see how the world looks" through her eyes.
Once again, trouble socializing.
Tries super hard to please her parents but in the end they still see her as somehow inherently "defective."
Listen. A lot of this one and the last two are mostly vibes, hard to verbally define. You just have to look at them and trust me.
Displays behavior very reminiscent of masking throughout the story, a huge part of her arc is about how she hides a lot of herself and has a very controlled persona. I think it would fit very well if she had other autistic behaviors that she suppresed also it helps explain why she is relatively socially adept, it's learned behavior to make people like her more.
Yes she is very good at saying what others need to hear, but especially early on she is pretty blatantly imitating her mother's words. She only gets better at getting through on a more personal level later on (see her with Rin and Akito v. early series Tohru). She does this by relating her own experiences, a very autistic way of showing empathy that often gets us written off as self centered. The way she relays things her mom said could also be seen as this, and she even worries at a few points that she's being insensitive for going on about things like that.
While emotionally repressed she is hyper empathetic and feels other's emotions so strongly she cries.
Her speech patterns are all imitated from her father and she often copies verbal things from others (see Ritchan-san). Noted in canon that people think her way of speaking is slightly off/not befitting of someone her age. Additionally, her father was polite more sarcastically, while she plays it straight and sometimes takes things very literally or fails to get the message, indicating trouble with reading tone. Has numerous strange verbal tics, including saying parts of her internal monologue out loud without context.
Very expressive with her hands including waving them around and flapping them up and down.
Does have a bit of trouble with accidental insensitivity in social interactions, like how she constantly fixates on her mom and realizes that might bug the Sohma.
Has trouble paying attention in school since it doesn't have much to do with her interests
Her only friend until she was a middle schooler was her mom
Has a pretty unique outlook on things compared to others, people seem to think she's pretty eccentric. There's always a "this girl is nice but in an odd way, she's our weirdo and we love her" vibe.
Sometimes has an "inappropriate" emotional response to situations
Has a lot of trouble with change, similar to Akito. Which oh, look at the time, next hc coming up.
But first, a disclaimer. It is cathartic for me to read Akito this way, but with that reading comes the baggage that she would, mayhaps, be showing a more negative side of things... It doesn't bother me since it's a joint hc with other characters and she does develop at the end but yeah, general villain hc baggage. This is in no way me trying to excuse her being The Worst being autistic doesn't absolve you of being able to do wrong . Also, a lot of these points can and do have other explanations related to her upbringing, but things can be for more than 1 reason. With that said, she really strongly comes off as autistic to me, in a way that's sorta hard to explain. I wrote a lot more for her than the other, both because I felt I needed more to convince people and that this headcanon was more sensitive and I needed to be careful in my explanation. Also hey! She's my special interest within a special interest.
Shown to have a dislike of summer weather due to heat and brightness, could be due to sensory issues in tandem with sickness things. Also covers her ears when people raise their voice sometimes which is partially her trying to shut down opposition but also 🤔 can read a different way. She'd also avoids louder Juuni like Ritsu and Ayame because she can't handle them.
Wears pretty much the same outfit every single day. Said outfit is also pretty loose fitting.
Always seen sitting in a pretty unconventional way. Evidence:
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Of course this is also the isolated in a cult thing and there is a level of her purposefully doing things to intimidate but: doesn't follow a lot of social rules (overly touchy with strangers, legit doesn't get that what she's doing is wrong, ect.). Repeatedly confused when people indicate she should act otherwise without explanation. Has a breakdown when this comes to a head and approximately says that "they" shouldn't expect her to know "common sense" if "they" never explained it to her, that the way that she was was her "common sense."
Often talks in a way uncharacteristic of her age when shown as a child in a more faux mature/pretentious way. Might just be the translation and idk how to explain it but her speech as an adult also seems off from what one would normally use in conversation. Additionally, when she tries to fake being friendly in her intro chapter, it comes of as extremely stiff and unconvincing.
Generally displays behavior that could be thought of as childish as an adult, but a lot of this behavior could also read as autistic (covering ears, emotional deregulation and meltdowns, ignorance of basic social norms, ect.). It's also important to note that she knows that this behavior makes her seem younger and more helpless to the older zodiac and uses it as a manipulation tactic. Has issues regarding people treating her like a child or only hanging out with her because of pity. While she does weaponize it, we can tell that this grates on her, as seen with her finally blowing up on Kureno, which is partially triggered by the maids saying some sorta infantalizing stuff about her. Irl, a lot of autistic adults and teens struggle with being infantalized for our behavior generally or treated as little babies that can do no wrong. Even in fandom, you see people doing stuff like jumping to call autistic adult characters, such as Entrapta from Shera, "minor coded." It is also common for us to have at least one bad experience with someone hanging around us out of pity. This is something that really gave me a similar feeling in Akito's arc. She's not a baby and she can understand and do better if she is given the chance to learn and break from all the freaky cult indoctrination she's been subjected to instead of just being constantly enabled. In the end, a lot of her growth is represented by her showing that she is capable of changing and being independent.
Shows particular difficulty with socialization, often sits by herself spacing out at social events. A lot of her fear is rooted in the fact that she doesn't know how normal relationships work, becoming overly reliant on the curse because she doesn't know how to make friends.
Clings desperately onto the notion of being "special" and in some way superior to others to be worthy and to make up for perceived inherent "flaws." It's the nd gifted kid burnout vibes for me.
Easily bothered by things that don't bother others. Feels emotions very strongly to the point of getting physically ill and has bad emotional regulation.
Relatively good at reading others in an analytical sense (though has more trouble when it comes to seeing how they feel about her since she's wildly delusional) but brings up her observations in a very cold, detached way and hurts people even on the rare occasion she didn't mean to. Has extreme trouble connecting to others and understanding their point of view. This makes her come off as pretty unempathetic even though that might not fully be the case. Also thinks that people like Momiji are trying to look down on her when they try to empathize with her. A lot of why Tohru can get through to her is that she manages to convince Akito that she's not condescending by relating shared traits and experiences. As I said earlier, autistics often empathize by sharing their own experiences with someone, and I know I often have an easier time confiding in other autistics because of a fear of being seen as lesser by those that don't understand me. I think the connection between these charachters and the way that Tohru manages to reach Akito like that while others couldn't makes a lot of sense through an autistic lense!
Additionally, when Akito herself gets around to trying to help others instead of just projecting trauma, she tries to reach out to the old maid by relating back to her own experiences. This however, doesn't work.
Has "cold" emotional reactions sometimes even to things that do make her upset. For example, how sort of calm and detached she acted after her father's death can make her seem uncaring. However, we know that this event did mess her up a lot and she is still (poorly) dealing with a lot of grief from the death of her father years later.
Copies mannerisms from others, the most blatant example is with Ren, who she directly parrots lines from as a child to Yuki.
Partly just her posturing, but gestures a lot with her hands when she talks. Also seen several times clutching her hands in her hair.
Deals extremely poorly with the idea of things changing to the point that it is a driving force of the story.
Does not understand when people tease her.
Ect. Ect. Ect. Listen, I could go on for ages but just trust me, the mean gremlin lady is autistic.
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Can I request the Danganronpa 2 girls learning that their male S/O likes to wear feminine clothing?
I like this request a lot and just the concept of it :> (I gotta make more full casts and mini-series like the flower bouquet one)
Also like - where whatever you want. Clothes have no gender, they're just clothes
here are your hcs!! (any future full cast requests will be under a cut, also sorry if these are a bit short!)
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SDR2 girls learning their Male s/o likes to wear feminine clothing
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【Akane Owari】
• I feel like at first Akane would be a little confused. Like boys.. aren't really supposed to wear 'girly' clothes, right?
• But after explaining it to her about how it just makes you feel happy and pretty (despite being a boy) Akane seems full on board with it!
• She just feels so inspired, she wants to wear some clothes that would make her feel more strong (or masculine in a sense I guess idk) , maybe even get someone that resembles Nekomaru's clothing style
• If wearing feminine lookin clothes makes you happy, she is not gonna stop you from wearing them, and will absolutely destroy anyone who says otherwise
• Honestly she just finds it super cool and I feel like she could just go around and tell the other classmates about how absolutely awesome her boyfriend is rocking those skirts, dresses, etc
【Chiaki Nanami】
• So you like to wear feminine clothes despite being a boy? Well that's all fine with her
• Honestly, she would've have much of an opinion on it. I like to think Chiaki is related or just friends with Chihiro, and since Chihiro wears feminine clothing despite being a boy, she wouldn't really mind at all
• Its not really much of a big reaction - it's more like the "oh okay" and that's really it from her
• Hey, maybe you two can wear matching outfits and both be cute gamers together ^^
【Ibuki Mioda】
• (i'm making a small scenario for her because I can) So Ibuki actually found out when she just barged into your room unannounced, (something she does way too often) and usually you aren't doing much so you aren't exactly caught "red-handed" or some sort of embarrassing moment, but today you were looking at yourself in the mirror with what appears to be a light flowy dress with some cute accessories on
• It wasn't exactly an embarrassing moment, but there was the cliche moment of silence and the awkward direct staring once she barged in
• There was a tense atmosphere, that's for sure, but after a minute Ibuki looked liked she had stars in her eyes, and the awkward staring went from her staring at you in awe
• Next thing you know, you have Ibuki gushing about how amazing you look, suggesting about how you two can be match and is already thinking of way too many ideas
• You did ask her at some point if she thought it was weird for you to dress with clothes much preferred on a female (despite her very obvious [happy] reaction) and her honest answer was that there just clothes (Ibuki doesn't care too much for gender anyways)
【Mahiru Koizumi】
• Again, like Akane, would probably be a bit confused. Men are supposed to look tough and stuff, right? (she doesn't mean any harm I swear)
• It would take a bit of adjusting on her part to get used, but after a while she is pretty content with your choice
• Sometimes she would give you fashion tips and all, and would even pick out clothes so you can look stunning
• There are even times where Mahiru would take pictures of you in your new feminine clothing (of course only if you want too) and loves seeing how the sun beams down upon you like an angel and you are just a sight to behold and admire
• Anyways, go on and pose for the camera!!
【Mikan Tsumiki】
• Full on supports you when you tell her that you like to wear feminine clothing
• I mean, who is she to judge you based on what clothes you should wear or what society finds clothing fit for a boy?
• Mikan would be quite happy about it honestly, and now you two can probably go clothes shopping together!!
• Maybe wear cute matching clothing, or perhaps you already have a style or clothing aesthetic in mind - is so, Mikan is more than happy to let you choose
• All in all, super happy and full on accepting
【Peko Pekoyama】
• Another gal who probably wouldn't care too much or have any sort of general opinion about it
• You like wearing feminine clothes? That's cool. She is not one to judge a character based on clothing alone
• She isn't really sure what to do with such information anyways, but Peko will support your choice in what you like to wear
• If anyone even dares to make any sort of bad comment to you about how boys aren't supposed to look 'feminine' or wear something only girls can wear - then she is coming for them, no doubt about it
【Sonia Nevermind】
• There is a ton more clothes shopping once she learns this new fact about you
• Honestly to her, it's really interesting. There's not a lot of boys (at least to her knowledge) that would wear any sort of clothes that are seen as 'feminine' since society is one for strict rules on almost everything these days
• It's almost like you are a knight! A knight that breaks these kinds of norms and how anyone should be able to wear what they want no matter their gender or what is seen as 'masculine' or 'feminine'
• Do you think you would wanna wear a dress? Sonia would love to see you in a beautiful gown and all. She thinks you would look absolutely stunning!
I had - zero ideas for Akane and Mahiru so I do apologize if they have more weaker points than the others
also I don't know if I really carried out the 'male s/o' part well because not a lot is truly mentioned about the s/o's gender minus the word 'boy' and a few others (sorry!!)
I still hope you like them!! Thank you for requesting ♡
~ Mod Toko 💜
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liaromancewriter · 3 years
Newly Wed Wednesday: Happy Ever After
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
Rating: Teen (ish)
A/N: Hello, Hello! I didn't think I'd be able to do these today, but I surprised myself. Thanks to @genevievemd for the questions and @jamespotterthefirst for organizing.
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Where did you go on your second date?
Cassie: (looks at Ethan quizzically) Wait, did we have a second date?
Ethan: Of course, we did.
Cassie: Well, what was it?
Ethan: We went...uh…I’m pretty sure, we…Huh. (Looks lost)
Cassie: You owe me a second date, Ramsey.
Ethan: We’re married now. Pretty sure dating is not a requirement anymore.
Cassie: That’s what you think.
Ethan: Anyway, we've gone out plenty of times, Rookie. All those coffee dates at Derry’s, the summer Food Truck Festival in Cambridge, the trip to Coney Island, boating on the Charles Rivers, the season opener for the Boston Opera House. What do you call those?
Cassie: (smirks) Keeping you on your toes.
What is their pet name for you?
Cassie: Rookie when he’s annoyed and Love when he’s being super sweet.
Ethan: Dr. Ramsey when she wants to seduce me. Babe when she’s in a hurry.
Cassie whispers in his ear and his cheeks turn red.
Ethan: Ahem…what was the next question?
Do you have a favorite? Do you have a least favorite?
Ethan: No favorites, but I dislike being called E. My name is two syllables. How hard is it to say the whole thing?
Cassie: But think of all the extra time gained.
Ethan: Two syllables, Cassie. At best, you gain two seconds.
Cassie: I like it when you call me Love because that’s when I know you’ll give me the world if you could. As long as you call me yours, I don’t care.
Ethan looks at her and then bursts out laughing.
Cassie: (outraged) Hey!
Ethan: (trying to control his laughter) I’m sorry, love, but that was the cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard you say.
Cassie: Whatever, E.
What is their silliest fear?
Cassie: (snorts) Swans freak him out.
Ethan: They’re vicious creatures that’ll attack you for no reason!
Cassie: How tall are you again?
She starts stretching her hands to indicate the span of a swan’s body and puts it up against his for comparison. He facepalms her.
Ethan: She acts weird around goats.
Cassie: They follow you around for no reason. Don’t they have goat things to do?
Ethan: Such as?
Cassie: I dunno. Like make cheese or jump over fences or something.
Ethan: (trying to keep a straight face) You mean goat cheese?
Cassie: You’re winding me up on purpose, aren’t you?
Ethan: (raises her hand to plant a kiss across her knuckles) I’m sorry. You looked so cute, I couldn't resist.
How often do you go on dates together? Do you think it’s enough or would you like to go out more often?
Cassie: Like official, get dressed up for the Oscars type dates? Maybe once every other month if we can fit it into our schedules.
Ethan: Otherwise, we have casual at-home date night at least twice a week.
Cassie: Rules are no work talk, no phones, no distractions.
Ethan: (smiles at her) Just us.
Cassie: (muses softly) And no, it’s never enough.
Ethan: We don’t need to go out to feel connected. Our date nights at home are always special.
Cassie: But when we do go out…
Ethan: The best part is coming back home with you.
What was the first thing your spouse said after the proposal.
Ethan: I think she said, “Are you serious?”
Cassie: What else was I supposed to say. I’d just been laughing at you and all of a sudden you said, “Marry me.”
Ethan: Because it felt like the right moment for us.
Cassie: And when I didn’t respond, you asked me again and said we were inevitable. And I knew you meant it.
Ethan: Not going to lie. I was dying inside the longer you didn’t respond.
Cassie: You have me now, Dr. Ramsey. For better or for worse.
Ethan: (brushes his lips across hers) For always.
If you were forced to marry one of your exes, who would it be?
Cassie: Hmm. That’s a tough one because I’ve not had many exes. But I guess Jackson?!? At least he loved me enough to want to marry me. (looks askance at Ethan)
Ethan: Maybe Theresa. At least I’d get free tickets to any opera at La Scala.
Cassie: (dramatic sigh) Abandoned for an opera singer. Of course.
Ethan: This is make-believe, love. But if it ever came to pass, I’d divorce you first.
Cassie: You’re a genius! Then, we’d be exes and have to marry each other.
Cassie grabs Ethan by the collar and shows him just how much she loves his smarts.
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Perma-tags: @jamespotterthefirst @starryeyedrookie @genevievemd @forallthatitsworth @queencarb @ohchoices @coffeeheartaddict​ @openheartfan @udishaman @danijimenezv @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @schnitzelbutterfingers @mainstreetreader @tsrookie @bex-la-get @chaoticchopshopheart @headoverheelsforramsey @thegreentwin @dorisz @silma-words @custaroonie @pixelnutrookie @adiehardfan @parisa-kh @takemyopenheart @dickgraysonsscrumptiousbooty @jerzwriter @choiceskatie @mia143 @mm2305 @a-crepusculo @barbean @beastlyinstrument @electroniccreatorwerewolf @rosebudde @lucy-268 @sarcastic01lily @blainehellyes @crazy-loca-blog @writer-ish @pixelberrygirl
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tempestsreach-blog · 3 years
Fuck Diet Culture
This is going to be long.  It’s going to be rambly.  It’s going to be sad.  It’s going to be angry.  There’s going to be language some people don’t like. I can’t NOT talk about it though. 
Fuck diet culture.  Let me say that again.  Fuck. Diet. Culture. It has taken such a huge chunk out of my life.  I have lost pieces of myself I’m not sure I’ll ever get back.  The only way to heal is to go through.  I can’t go back.  I have to move forward.  But I can’t do it quietly.  I can’t hide.  I can’t live in the same shame I’ve spent the last 40 years in.  Literally.  40 years of my life wasted to this.  I can’t bear to live the back half of my life in the same way.  What the hell is the point? I’m not going to write this in any particular order because all of the thoughts and feelings swimming around are snapshots of things in my life that diet culture has broken in me or stolen from me. A lot of you aren’t going to agree with me.  That’s okay.  Truly.  This is about ME.  This is to help ME heal.  You can talk to me about your struggles, your diets, your ups and downs, your successes and whatnot.  I am here for you in all of it. But I won’t diet with you anymore.  Never again.
Currently I am having severe knee pain.  One knee is worse than the other, but both are bad.  I should go to the doctor.  I should have gone to the doctor years ago for it.  Want to know why I didn’t?  My weight.  I have injuries from overuse and over exercise and I am terrified that I am going to go to the doctor and the first words they’re going to say are “Well, if you lost 20, 30, 40, 50 pounds, it probably wouldn’t hurt so much.” instead of listening to me, examining me, scanning my knees and HELPING me.  I don’t feel this way irrationally.  This shit happens.  I am in pain.  I don’t know how to get help without being told to go on another diet that will not work.
Because diets don’t work.  Not long term.  I am excellent at losing weight!  I’ve done it over and over and over.  Then I stop restricting, counting, starving, and pushing myself.  Then my body says “What the fuck were you doing?” and puts it back. I lost the ability years ago to know whether I’m actually hungry or not.  I eat too fast when I do eat because if I snarf it down super fast I can get it in before my brain says “You’ve had too much.  Did you count those calories?  How many miles on a treadmill will you do to make up for that?  Did you actually earn this meal?”
Every time.  Every meal.  Every morsel.
I have never been officially diagnosed with an eating disorder.  Only been told by therapists and psychiatrists that I definitely engage in disordered eating.
No shit.
Every diet under the sun.  Cabbage soup.  Phen Fen.  Weight watchers (MULTIPLE TIMES), TOPS, Noom, My Fitness Pal calorie counting, intermittent fasting,  and every whacky bullshit thing in between promising results.  I’ve purchased fancy scales.  I’ve even tried one that wouldn’t show you your weight, but the color of your progress in the app.  Here’s a hint… if you gain, your color is black like death.  I’ve failed a million times and I’ve blamed myself.  I am the failure.  So I hate my body a little more every day and I stress about how I’m going to NOT pass my disordered eating and my food issues onto my kids.  My stress levels are through the roof and 98% of it is diet culture related. What the fuck is that about? Every time I start a program I hit it hard.  Last time I tried anything involving tracking or counting I was so starving by the time I got home from work that I almost ripped a child’s head off (not literally OBVIOUSLY) but I screamed at her at the top of my lungs because she hurt my feelings.  It wasn’t until after finally allowing myself to eat another morsel of food that I realized I was hangry.
Why is living in a larger body not acceptable?  We all talk about diversity and equality as though we believe it with our whole hearts, but that doesn’t cross over to fat.  Or skinny if we’re really being honest.  How many times have you heard or seen online “Oh my god, she’s so skinny.  Feed her a damn cheeseburger!  She looks anorexic.”  I know I have.  I know I’ve said those words.  I will punch myself in the gut if I ever say them again.  
Every body is different.  We are supposed to be.  Let’s not BLAME genetics like it’s a bad thing.  Let’s realize that it’s what nature has intended.  My father is over 6 feet tall and a large man.  He’s just a big man.  He went on Nutri System when I was young, lost a ton of weight, and put a bunch back on over the years because he is a big man.  My mother was not tall, but was always large.  I hated her body because HER PARENTS told her all the time she was fat and unworthy and cautioned me not to grow up to be like her in any way.  Even when she was poor and homeless she was still large.  That was the way her body was.  I wonder how different her life might have been if the size of her body hadn’t been a factor in the way she was raised or treated.  How might that have made my life different?
I know a lot of you are probably rolling your eyes at me right now about being vocal about another health plan or saying to yourself “just because you have trouble with diets doesn’t mean they don’t work”  I know there are people close to me thinking “She just always gets excited when she discovers a new diet, that’s probably what this is.”  NO.  
This is me finally realizing that I can heal and healing doesn’t mean I need to weigh 157 pounds. (That’s the weight limit for women my height to enter the air force when I did in 1992) This is me finally realizing that I’ve been lying about the weight on my drivers license for 30 years because gods forbid anyone saw my real weight on that document. This is me realizing that I’ve spent my life trying to live up to other people’s ideals of what I should look like because I assumed they wouldn’t like me otherwise. This is me realizing how much unintentional harm I could have been doing when sharing another diet, another idea, another bout of “well this is working really well for me!” with people I care about. This is me realizing how much damage I’ve been doing to myself living with this level of shame for 40 years. Hiding what I’m doing.  Suffering in silence.  Hiding food. Restricting.  Binging.  Over exercising to compensate.  Spending money on one last diet.  Spending emotional energy on one last hope. We were in Las Vegas for what was supposed to be a fun vacation last week and I was so hot and miserable and so steeped in hating my body because my painful knees were betraying me that my internal monologue was a never ending loop of “I’ll hit weight watchers REALLY HARD when we get home and get rid of this weight, then I’ll figure out my knees and work on maintenance” Let me say that again, clearly.  I struggled to enjoy my vacation because I was obsessing about restricting food AFTER my vacation. One last time.  One last meal.
We walked by shops with weird and pretty fashion dresses. (I freely admit I don’t understand fashion) the husband and I would both point out ones we thought were pretty.  My brain would get stuck on “Yeah, but they don’t make them in my size” or “Yeah, that would NOT look good on me.  It looks fine on that size 0 mannequin”  Pretty on other people.  Other people are pretty.  Not me. Diet culture is pervasive and all consuming.  In big ways and little ways.  I’m 5 ft 9.  I’m not a tiny person at any weight.  I’ve always been told I’m too big.  Even when I sit, I slouch a little and/or tuck my legs and feet up under me to try to make myself appear smaller and less invasive.  This is subconscious.  I don’t always realize I’m doing it until my knees remind me. Most of my life has been things that get in the way of my diets.  “I should start the diet today, but it’ll have to wait until next week because so and so’s birthday is this week and I want to be able to enjoy that.”  or “It’s late fall, I should just start now but first there’s my birthday, and then Thanksgiving, and December happens and there’s all kinds of treats then.  Better wait until January, but not the first because that’s new year’s...maybe the following Monday.” or the ever popular “I already had a bad eating day today, I’m a failure.  Why bother?  Fuck it.  I’ll try again tomorrow.”  That one was always followed by binging because of the last supper mentality.  If I’m starting a diet tomorrow I better eat EVERYTHING NOW. This is how I’ve lived my whole life.  The time not spent dieting was just the time in between diets where I was planning my next diet.  So much life wasted.  The only time I was not actively dieting or planning the next diet or suffering from “I’m just too exhausting to put effort into food right now” was during my 4 pregnancies.  I let myself eat whatever and whenever because I was nauseous all the time anyway and something in my brain made me fuel my body for the babies. When the youngest was born and the on call doctor who delivered her told me I was too fat to have my tubes tied I definitely started planning diets again in that moment.  I believe now, years later, that my diet and diet culture ruined mind and body is part of what kept me from being as successful at nursing the kids as I wished I had been.  I assumed my body was broken and not good enough for my babies.  The last time I lost a LOT of weight it was because I didn’t want to ruin someone’s wedding pictures.  True story.  This was nothing that person felt or anything they told me.  IT’s what my brain said to me.  It’s how I de-valued myself.  There are very few current pictures of me now because I’ve been stuck in a place where I feel shame when I see them. When I’m dead, memories and pictures are all my kids and grandkids will have, and I hate myself too much to let anyone take them. That’s not okay.
I dream about food.  I daydream about food.  Food I “shouldn’t” eat.  Food I “should” eat.  When to eat.  When not to eat.  Every spare ounce of energy is spent thinking about food or hating myself which leads to more thinking about food. I am not in a place where I can prepare dinner for my family right now because it’s too hard to put that much energy into food.  I force myself to pick the recipes from the app and get the shopping done via instacart so all anyone else has to do is pull up the recipe and make the food.  If I’m looking at the ingredients or trying to prep anything I stare at every individual thing debating whether or not I “should” eat it.  This is going to take me a long time to break free from.  Today I finally feel like I CAN break free. There is nothing wrong with being in a large body or a small body.  Food is not good or bad.  Food is food.  I have to say these things.  I have to repeat them to myself or I fall down the rabbit hole again.  None of this is work anyone can do for me.  I have to live it.  I have to work through it.  I have to figure it out. If you read this far, my statement stands.  If you’re on a diet, I will listen to your woes and hold your hand and I will not judge you for it.  This was very hard to write because I am certain some of you who believe in diets, ways of life, and wellness eating may block me now because I spoke my mind.  I’ve clung so tight to the people I love and refrained from being honest and speaking my mind for fear of abandonment.  I’ll have to live with it if that’s the case here, because people sometimes need to do what’s best for them.  Airing this out is one of those things for me.  It’s a scary thing for sure. I also want to say that I’m happy for this to lead to discussion.  I’m not going to shut anyone down for wanting to talk to me about this.  I am always open to learn new information and see different perspectives.  Just know that if I’m emotional and feeling a lot of strong things about how my life has been up to this point, and I am entitled to believe what I believe just as you all are.  I’m happy to share sources and books I’ve been reading on the subject.  They are not diet books.
Here’s to doing better from here on out.
Here’s to finally being free.
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inviberu · 3 years
til death do us part
Shino thought it was easier to say it in his own words instead of the ones that were put into his mouth forcefully by some other wizards.
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There wasn’t a day in his life where Shino felt himself become this troubled—save for that one time he had a realization dawn to him which was heavily related to his worry about not being able to stay by Heath’s side if he wasn’t powerful enough—and frankly put it, he hadn’t pushed away the idea of asking his fellow wizards just yet even after many failures. First, he tried asking Heath for help. Though it ended quickly with Heath clutching his stomach, trying to suppress his laughter and Shino walking away out of annoyance.
Second attempt was with Nero and Faust who were enjoying an afternoon together out in the courtyard much to Shino’s surprise. When Shino asked them for help, Faust was surprised beyond belief before letting out a tired sigh and Nero merely looked as if he’s a mom that’s given up with her child’s ridiculous antics—that didn’t mean he didn’t find whatever he was asking for a tiny bit hilarious though. Shino, upset, walked away from the scene as well when he found out that the two old men did nothing to assist him with his quest.
Third attempt was when he bumped into the ancient Northern twins in the hallway when they were on their way to their room from the lobby. He asked them a seemingly simple question and yet they went off on a tangent for an answer, which Shino found extremely boring and unhelpful so he just walked away in the end without hearing the end of it. Snow and White got a bit upset with him for walking away just like that, especially after they switched to their adult form just to answer his unusual question.
Fourth attempt was his most successful one by far, which was with Shylock. Shino looked for him inside his bar and asked him for help, to which Shylock happily indulged him and gave him an answer that sort of satisfied Shino. Although he was still a bit hesitant, he decided to go with Shylock’s answer for the final thing he’s working on—not noticing the underlying tone of deviousness in his smile. Shino ought to remember, Western wizards loved a good show, and Shylock was the epitome of a Western wizard.
Shino felt his nervousness wash away and instead got replaced by an enormous amount of confidence that seemed unfitting for someone of his stature—short and small. His hair was slicked back and he was dressed in formal attire from head to toe in contrast to his everyday look where he was definitely more casual. Shino, himself, did not know what exactly he was doing but he decided to go through with it anyway since it was Shylock’s advice. And he knew that Shylock was way better than him when it came to matters such as this.
A proposal to you—is what he was planning.
He panicked a little bit after realizing he had no expertise in that area and that he just really wanted to marry you, terribly so. When he asked Heath for help, he almost sent the young lord rolling across the stairs out of laughter. Heath found it ridiculous—hilarious, even. Shino took it as a sign to leave Heath alone as he was of no help at all. Nero and Faust just sighed at him when he asked them how to propose to someone, telling him he should just be himself. Which Shino paid little attention to, thinking that it was fruitless advice from a bunch of old geezers. The twins were more than happy to help but they started sputtering out gibberish not long after. Shino concluded that those womanizers would be of no help.
Shylock, though, gave him a bit of solid advice. Which he followed and leads us to where Shino is today. Dolled up and with a bouquet of flowers in his hands, it was out of character for him. Anyone could tell that much but when you caught sight of him waiting for you outside, you decided to give him the benefit of doubt. Though when you approached him, there was a little bit of a problem. He was speaking weirdly, very unlike the Shino you came to know and love. Though it wasn’t necessarily a bad kind of weird, it was leaning more so on the funnier side. He cleared his throat.
“O beloved of mine, won’t you grant me a few minutes of your time? You see… I’ve been thinking—” Before he could finish, you couldn’t let out a chuckle. One that Shino couldn’t let go off easily. A simple chuckle was enough for him to feel the embarrassment rush to his face and wondered if in your eyes, he was just a fool not worthy to be taken seriously.
“Shino, why are you talking that way-?”
“Forget it,” he reverted back to his old self. His usual rudeness surfaced when his mind suddenly started taking a turn for the worse. “It’s nothing important anyways.”
Before you could let out another word, he summoned his broom and quickly fled from your sight, where you may never see the look on his face as he suddenly felt regretful. You couldn’t tell what exactly just happened but you knew this much—you felt as if you’ve done something to make him feel bad.
A figure in the air, riding on a broom, let out a puff of smoke after taking a drag from his pipe. An amused expression settling on his face mixed with a little bit of a troubled one, as if he just saw his favourite show getting cancelled right in front of him.
“Oh dear, will we be seeing the finale tonight? Or will the show simply stop here? Maybe a little push is due to apologize to dear Shino.”
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You wondered if you did something to severely upset Shino, it wasn’t as if you’d never gotten into any arguments with him but this time you’ve done little to nothing at all! You considered if he got upset after your chuckle—which you thought was harmless—but the more you think about it, the more plausible it seemed. But why would he get hurt over something like that? It looked as if he was playing a silly prank on you. Unless… That wasn’t a prank at all and he had something serious to say to you.
The longer you realized, the more terrible you felt during the dead hours of the night. You paced back and forth in your room, wondering if Shino is awake or in his room right now because there was nothing more you wanted than to immediately rush to him and apologize. He must’ve felt horrible, and you only realized it now.
Making up your mind, you grabbed your coat and made your way to your door to go to his room until you heard a loud thud near your room window. There was only one person that would knock on your window during this time of the night—Shino! You quickly turned around and expected the Eastern wizard to greet you, and you were right this time. His hair went back to its usual messy look and his formal clothes were replaced with the ones he usually wears everyday.
And there were still a handful of hand picked flowers in his hand—your favourite this time, roses. You immediately rushed towards the window and slid it open, your hands outstretched towards the scenery and the cold yet gentle breeze that caressed your face. Before you knew it, Shino let go of his broom and threw himself into your arms, the strands of his hair brushing against your cheeks and his arms wrapped tightly around your torso with his head placed atop your shoulder to hide his embarrassingly red face. The flowers he was holding almost falling to the floor with how loose his grip suddenly grew.
Without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around him and opened your mouth to apologize before he could say anything: “I’m sorry!”
But as if he couldn’t hear a word you said, he pulled away and looked at you straight in the eyes. For a moment, you wondered if he was mad at you but the long hug and the blush on his cheeks was enough to tell you otherwise. You felt yourself growing more embarrassed as well when he suddenly shoved the flowers towards you. Before you could open your mouth to ask, he suddenly blurted out:
“I want to eat the pie you make for the rest of my life.” Your eyes widened, and you felt yourself wanting to laugh again. You looked away, shoulders trembling.
“... You’re laughing again,” he pouted. You shook your head, tears almost falling from the corner of your eyes.
“No, no. It’s just that I thought saying something like that felt super fitting for someone like you.” You paused to calm down, clutching the flowers he gave you close to your chest. “Will you still want to eat the pie I make even if it’s burnt?”
“Then I’ll just have to make sure you don’t burn it,” Shino shot you a gentle smile. Under the moonlight, you wondered if your eyes were just playing tricks on you and this was all just a sweet spell someone cast over you. Though, there was no use in denying the fact that Shino’s sweet and genuine smile illuminated by the moonlight was something you want to etch into your memories for centuries to come.
“As much as I want to say yes, isn’t it a bit too early for us?”
“I don’t think so, no? I’m not going to wait for your answer for more years when I already know you’re going to say yes to me in the end. So why not just agree now?”
“Wow, you already think that my answer will stay the same for the years to come.”
“I don’t just think so. I know it, I know you the best. You can’t resist my charm now, and you still won’t be able to in the future.” He took hold of your chin and leaned dangerously close, to the point where you could feel his breathing close to you. You closed your eyes, expecting him to kiss you but was met with laughter instead.
“Pfft-! Did you really think I was going to kiss you?” He let out a chuckle, “consider this as revenge for laughing at me earlier.”
“H-Hey! I was not expecting anything at all, and I didn’t laugh at you. I just chuckled, that's all!” You quickly got defensive, not wanting to admit you were expecting him to kiss you.
“Are you sure?” His tone was smug and teasing, something you loved about him no matter how infuriating it is. “You still haven’t answered me, by the way. Will you pledge to spend the rest of your life with me?”
“An eternity seems long… and to think I’m considering spending it with you, of all people.”
“I know you love me.”
“Yes, yes. You already know my answer don’t you, Shino? It’s an eternity I don’t mind spending with you. Though I don’t know if Faust will allow us-!” You could barely finish your sentence when Shino crashed his lips against yours into a passionate kiss. His raw emotions coursing through him and you felt yourself getting lost in it as well, the words you held back from each other suddenly spilling like a waterfall that’s been blocked for decades through kisses. Your fingers tangled in his hair and Shino found it hard to pull back—had it not been for your need of oxygen, he would’ve never let you go.
“Let me finish my sentence first!” You exclaimed, lightly hitting his arm, breathless.
“Sorry, I got a bit excited.” He admitted like a defeated puppy but the smug look on his face made you want to smack his pretty face instead. “I just couldn’t help it when I realized that we’ll be together… til death do us part.”
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Shylock took a drag from his pipe, the scent of alcohol still lingering in the air as a gentle expression took over his face, as if he accomplished something great—and he wasn’t the whole reason why a huge mess occurred in the first place.
“All’s well that ends well… Huh? I do hope dear Shino doesn’t bear a grudge against me. Eastern wizards aren’t exactly known for forgetting grudges easily.” He smiled, knowing that Shino would thank him later on. They both got what they wanted, after all. Shino and his quest for true love and Shylock with his desire for something interesting.
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muwur · 4 years
snapchat headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for using snapchat w ur boi toi ft. the pretty setter squad
❧ gn reader
✎ 3.1k words
a/n: kinda a combo of how they use sc and the kinds of snaps they send you! along w wat u send them, and uh... dating stuf n shenanigans? texting/snapping habits? my fantasies? IDEK ANYMORE EOFHEFJ
this was born from the recesses of my mind , which desired nothing mor than snapchats from suga , us sending cute selfies , others bein dumb n chaotic , no context videos , n him snapping me photos of some mangoes on sale he said he’ll buy for me DXX it’s too late for me now
doing research on hq bois and surfing thru sc features (im just now realizing theres quite a bit?? im hoping i address most of them at some point lolol) instead of real life tings aHHhhhHAHA
requests: open! will be working on a suga one i got, dw, requester!
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✧ sends good morning and good night snaps
✧ so he’s rlly good at keeping streaks, probs has the longest ones (one of them being y’alls streak)
✧ posts tidbits of volleyball practice on his story every once in a while
✧ snaps you pics of his sleeping teammates when they’re coming back to school after a long day of matches , adding a single ‘❤️’ as a caption
✧ he will also create colorful masterpieces on all of them
✧ gives daichi a santa beard, tanaka a squiggly stache (i imagine it to look like spongebob n patrick’s seaweed ones now that were mEN), n kageyama sum angry brows,,, wait he already has them lolol u good der kags
✧ posts a picture of you when you’re hanging out, captioning it: “🥰“
✧ has conversations with you purely via snaps
✧ ranges from casual chats and checking up on u to crackwhoring ( ** indicates the photo, while the “” quotes indicate the caption, all snaps are italicized, otherwise its regular dialogue)
✧ suga: *peace sign* “hey sweetheart, how r u?”
✧ you: *pics of homework* “ahh, drowning in school ;-; i cant wait for this week to be over fghjkl”
✧ suga: *close up with :o on his face* “let’s study together tmrw!”
✧ or
✧ suga: *complete darkness* “its 3 am n i cant sleep”
✧ you: *the top half of your head, laying on a pillow* “ ;( aw babe. do u want me to send something to help u sleep?”
✧ suga: *still in darkness* “y u still up?? go sleep. n 🥺 yes pls”
✧ you: *snaps pics of feet* “that’ll be 50 bucks, pay up” 
✧ suga: *darkness remains* “can we make a trade instead? i promise to make it worth ;)”
✧ ok now u BOTH cant sleep (im sry my crackheading be acting up around 2am eeryday, i stan a mischievous suga--)
✧ video chats (in the darkness lol) instead until you both pass out (im not in luv u r 😭)
✧ super down to take filtered selfies w you
✧ does all the silly ones with you (things like ’angry face’ or the frog one)
✧ but also rlly digs lookin cute with you using some heart crowns, y’all an aesthetic (n crakhead) duo fosho
✧ def subscribes to life hacks and tries them out himself, has a 50% success rate
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✧ doesn’t rlly use snapchat too much
✧ but when he does
✧ will either send you a picture to indicate he’s at volleyball practice (wow wat a sexi lookin gym floor)
✧ or some random picture of whatever he’s doing at the moment (*drinking milk*)
✧ this is mostly in order to save streaks
✧ he’s so bad at streaks
✧ “why does it matter?? what’s the point of sending just black screens or whatever’s in front of you at the moment??”
✧ can’t keep a consistent streak for more than 3 days and also doesn’t care (until hinata challenges him to see who can have the longer one)
✧ when you send him videos of him playing, he really focuses on them to try to improve his technique. asks you to send those vids to him (assuming u saved them, which u did)
✧ but when you look over his shoulder when he’s watching a video and give him some compliment (“i recorded at the perfect moment! that was a really good set, kageyama!”), he gets a bit flustered
✧ gets even more flustered but pretty happy whenever you post videos on your story showing karasuno winning some points with captions like:
✧ “footage of the legendary quick >.>” or “karasuno crows flyin high!” or “these bois make my heart 😭 im so proud”
✧ you WILL catch him off guard in photos, using filters that surrounds his head w/ emojis like 🥺💖🥰💘
✧ you also put these on your story (to his dismay)
✧ ppl comment on these mor than anything else (n for those who dont rlly kno kageyama, theyre kinda surprised to him like this)
✧ hinata snickers “hey kageyama you look pretty good here--”
✧ takes some selfies with you, mostly cuz you want them
✧ saves them after u send them over (n secretly cherishes them)
✧ occasionally watches his subscriptions, they’ll usually involve sports, mostly volleyball (who woulda guessed)
✧ you use his bitmoji to test out random facial expressions you would never see him wear
✧ you: “can you smile and wink like this? act like you’re the obnoxious charming guy in a shojo.”
✧ will actually attempt, but it looks so bad that you die inside and he never wants to try again cuz of ur laughing outburst (you: “😭😭 bb im sorry i couldnt help it”)
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✧ literally sends you anything and everything
✧ morning bathroom selfie to show off how good his hair came out that day, saying:
✧ “he has risen”
✧ or “i woke up like this”
✧ and my favorite, “you’re lucky you get this content for frEE”
✧ selfies with iwa, who just looks annoyed and exasperated at the camera
✧ sends you pics of his lunch and snacks (“bet u wish u had milk bread too”)
✧ always packs extra milk bread so he could convince you to stay at his practice after school--
✧ will either use the filters that make him kayooottt (cute)
✧ loves the ones named ‘hearts,’ ‘soft,’ ‘peach,’ ‘butterfly cheeks,’ vsco filters LOL, etc
✧ uses ‘big mouth’ when he feelin a bit sASSY; also loves to use this one when he rants, it channels his inner valley girl
✧ sometimes he’ll be snacking or drinking something while he does so (“hey guys today im gonna eat these milk buns from my favorite bakery and this bomb orange juice and complain about this little kid who talked smack to me earlier and almost made me cry--”)
✧ takes cute selfies with you, is an aesthetic selfie king, puts them on his story to show off he’s hangin with you
✧ but on your story you only post the ones he looks bad in LOL
✧ has separate stories for his every need, some r private (and lucky you, ur included in all of them)
✧ titles them ‘mean things iwa said to me today,’ ‘ranting hotbox + mukbangs,’ ‘a day in the life of oikawa,’ ‘volleyball 🏐,’ ‘unpopular opinions,’ etc. 
✧ fitting room photoshoots lol
✧ “y/n, what do you think of this??” “and this?” “oOH WHAT ABOUT THIS??”
✧ ends up calling you through video chat so you can live critique his choices
✧ “oikawa, please no, i can’t be seen with you in public if you wear those--”
✧ also changes his bitmoji’s outfits from time to time, hopes you’ll notice, but you don’t LOL (oikawa: ;((((((( )
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✧ uses sc usually just to reply to messages ppl send him
✧ indifferent about streaks, but keeps a few with ppl he’s closer to
✧ mindlessly plays the snapchat games with you, finds some of them kinda cute
✧ you both made his bitmoji for him, dressing his up in the orange cat suit
✧ you also helped make kuroo’s and put his in the black cat suit to match--
✧ snaps you every time he gets a new game, starts playing it, and once he finishes
✧ started to post some gameplays and reviews on his sc story (might as well add them to sc since he was already on other social platforms), and ended up amassing a large following
✧ follows the tech and gaming stories on sc
✧ as well as the ones with cute animals--
✧ open to selfies with you, usually wears a calm expression and holds up a peace sign
✧ even occasionally sticks his tongue out
✧ his story is occasionally heavily bombarded with candids of him w/ pretty sc filters, all taken by you
✧ but of all the filters, you love using the clout glasses on him
✧ especially when he’s just minding his own business
✧ “kenma, in his tru habitat” when hes cocooned in a blanket
✧ “kenma, on his way to steal yo manz” while on his way to the bathroom
✧ “kenma, next iron chef. watch out gordon” as he’s cooking instant ramen
✧ “kenma” n das it
✧ but he thinks it meme-y so he lets you do whatever you want, kinda digs it
✧ you end up dedicating your snap story to memes of kenma and the nekoma volleyball team. ppl are in it for the shits n giggles n hot bois
✧ you later discover someone else did the same thing with their volleyball team filled with hot bois from shiratorizawa, and you befriend tendou and share funni internet tings
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✧ 99% of his photos include either you or bokuto or both
✧ bokuto spams akaashi’s story and contact list with selfies and videos of himself using weird filters, often gets you to join him
✧ has several streaks, but will send something with more substance than a black screen or his bedroom window
✧ will usually involve smthng that just happened to him or smthing he saw, like:
✧ “a kind older lady offered me some apples in return for helping her”
✧ “how do i break the news to bokuto that the yaikniku place he’s been wanting to go to for the past week ,,, is closed today”
✧ o n let’s not leave out:
✧ “is it possible to conjure a ghost using a wooden spatula, ketchup, and a chalk drawn hexagram? bokuto’s been paranoid ever since he tried last night and i dont know what to tell him. seriously, help”
✧ looks through stories occasionally, comments whenever bokuto makes questionable decisions
✧ also comments on whatever you’ve posted. his words range from “you’re cute” to “why,” depending on the content
✧ ppl know when y’all are hanging out cuz he’ll post smthing to indicate he’s with you, usually it’s some candid and you’re not paying attention
✧ appreciation posts for you as well! esp if you got him something, like onigiri or his fav, Nanohana no Karashiae , for lunch! (akaashi: *snaps a pic of his food* “thank you y/n for feeding me”)
✧ prefers video calling over texting/snapping whenever possible tho
✧ occasionally reminisces thru his sc memories
✧ enjoys the flashback feature and will send them to you and bokuto (cuz they’re about y’all anyway lolol)
✧ also has secretly saved a bunch of selfies of himself, consists of him trying out a lot of the filters (he feelin himself)
✧ you, one day, looking thru his phone and discovering them: “akaashi, you’re so pretty wtf”
✧ akaashi: “...”
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✧ sends you selfies of him before practice
✧ during breaks
✧ and after practice, usually makes a comment about how it went for him that day like:
✧  “i hit a decent toss today and futakuchi actually complimented me!”
✧ that, or:
✧ “i got yelled at 17 times today 😢😩”
✧ has quite a few streaks, his longest ones being with you and hinata
✧ def uses filters
✧ tries out every funny one he finds and sends you videos
✧ “look y/n im an aaaaAALlliiEEENnnNNN oo oo hoo hhhooOOh”
✧ “now im a chicky nuggy!!” (chicken nugget)
✧ also enjoys the doodle feature
✧ but he uses the filter with the clout glasses unironically--
✧ usually when smth good happens to him and he feels happy and/or cool about it
✧ “just beat the boss in this game on my 69th try B)”
✧ “kogane, that’s--”
✧ plays sc games with you and thinks bitmojis r cool
✧ kinda sad he cant find a hair option that matches him tho lolol rip
✧ you: “you hair’s just,,, unique,,,”
✧ subscribed to anything sports and fitness, as well as pop culture so he can stay in the loop
✧ also watches everyone else’s stories, pointing out whenever he sees smthing cool and/or interesting
✧ “woahh, karasuno’s at nationals right now! i wish we could’ve won, but next year for sure!!”
✧ you encourage him at all his games, hyping him up irl and online
✧ “koganegawa: best setter 😍!!”
✧ luckily you didnt record the parts he completely messed up LOL
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✧ before going out with you, snaps you a pic of his casual outfit like:
✧ semi: “does this look ok”
✧ you: “babe you look great, tendou was just messing with you”
✧ will make unwanted appearances on tendou’s snap and complains to you about them
✧ “i didnt consent to being part of his meme page” and
✧ “okay, but he didn’t only have to share all the moments i messed up--”
✧ also indifferent about streaks but will do them
✧ sometimes sends snaps/streaks indicating he’s practicing his music
✧ when you see these you usually ask him to send you vids or if you can come over n watch
✧ initially is a bit shy about it but he loves what he does and you and knows you’re genuinely interested and supportive so he agrees
✧ secretly rlly enjoys having you as his personal audience
✧ lowkey into asmr, like the soap cutting shit as well as chewing crunchy things
✧ also watches food porn and clips of mukbangs, then can’t resist going on youtube and watching the whole thing
✧  “y/n, can we try this, it looks so good--”
✧ will also often watch oikawa’s stories, especially his ‘ranting hotbox + mukbangs,’ and makes comments about him being an idiot
✧  “this kid he’s talking about is a savage”
✧ but admits they’re quite entertaining
✧ just looks serious in all the selfies you take with him
✧ you: “can you look like you’re enjoying yourself?”
✧ semi: “i look cooler like this tho”
✧ sc memories filled with shenanigans from you and the volleyball team, doodles, and mirror selfies with him experimenting diff looks (you: “tendou, you got him way too concerned about this”)
✧ also enjoys showing off he’s with you, taking a short video of you when you hang out
✧ you: “semi, i look bad right now”
✧ semi: “but you can never look bad”
✧ you: “🥺 bb”
✧ viewers: “aw”
✧ shiratorizawa: “can he be this nice with us LOL”
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✧ his main mode of communication with you is mostly through the regular messaging app, so he doesn’t use sc too much
✧ also doesn’t care for streaks and is bad at keeping them
✧ will answer to you or his senpais rather soon tho
✧ but lets all his other notifications pile up a bit before finally going thru them
✧ goes through the snaps he receives really fast, spending like 2 seconds each to look at them cuz aint nobody got time for dat
✧ doesn’t even rlly open goshiki’s LOL
✧ you have fun using filters on him and taking videos while he’s just doing his own thing peacefully like studying
✧ it takes him a second to notice and when he finally looks up, he just gives you an exasperated look
✧ cue you cracking up with laughter bc the filter finally shows up on his face
✧ his eyes and mouth are now on mike wazowski
✧ that, or his face becomes so disturbingly moRPhed like an alien
✧ caption: “ken-chan, my future medical man 😍”
✧ “y/n, please, this is like the 7th time in the last 20 minutes--”
✧ finally convinced him to take a study break and hang out with you
✧ which usually consists of snacking and light banter while you lay your head on his lap
✧ and scrolling through snapchat stories and showing him what everyone else is up to and cool things you’re subscribed to
✧ “loooook, dr. miami’s doing another butt job! is this the line of work you’re studying so hard for?”
✧ “no, it’s really not”
✧ is actually very soft with you and likes having the photos and vids for memories
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✧ sends you snaps where his brother looks bad, captioning it:
✧ “this is evidence that im the hotter twin”
✧ likewise, osamu sends you snaps where atsumu looks even worse
✧ like, the mans passed out, looking rekt and open mouthed, drool seeping into his pillow
✧ osamu: “u still have time to break up with him”
✧ also lucky for you, atsumu also loves to take unflattering photos of you and send them to you randomly at like 2 am
✧ you: “nani tf when did you even take this??”
✧ usually posts a snap while he’s out somewhere like at a match, the gym, outside on a run, a party, or just hanging out with you or his frens
✧ however, makes sure you look good if you show up on his story cuz he wants to show you off
✧ doesn’t really care for streaks, but has a lott
✧ but also has a tON of unopened snaps
✧ is the type to send just a black screen n call it a day, or maybe spice it up by sending a pic of the sexi gym floor (a comeback) w his shoe in the corner
✧ will, however, consistently respond to you and kinda looks forward to ur snaps (secretly hopes you show ur face)
✧ but when you dont:
*in class*
✧ atsumu: *a smirk on his face* “your content’s kinda dry today” 
✧ you: *your sexi desk* “my nudez ain’t free, i demand compensation”
✧ atsumu: *grasped his chin in thought, but angled the cam up bc he needa hide his phone in class lolol* “what if i... take you out on a romantic excursion”
✧ you: * your face but with ‘sausage’ filter* “🥵🥵🥵🥵 yessir, what u want”
✧ rlly only wants to have pics of your face wat a closeted sOFTIE
✧ likes to have content on his flashbacks
✧ usually has other social media sources to keep up to date with things
✧ actually rlly digs using sc filters, mostly ones that’ll make him look like a queen
✧ captions a selfie of you two like: “me >>>>>>> y/n”
✧ but nearly everyone who comments on it is like: “i think you flipped the sign, bro 🤥”
✧ judges ppl who are into soap cutting asmr (you will never hear the end of it if you also like it)
a/n: sc kinda dying for me, my use went from suga to an atsumu to like nearly nonexistent LOL
also o gawd i already have ideas here n there for a pt 2 so stay tuned fjxnwfesd hope it takes me less long cuz this one took me fkin foreva LOL
idk y i made semi like mukbangs but i feel like he’d be rlly into them--
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sortavibing · 4 years
middle blocker’s clothing aesthetics
since a longer fic i was writing got deleted, here’s something else while i decide if i’m going to restart or just pretend i never had the idea :) also i did kuroo in captains’ clothing aesthetics, so that’s why he isn’t here
he needs to be comfortable and able to move around a lot in his clothes, because he is just a jumping ball of energy, so he has a casual streetwear aesthetic.
he hates jeans and accessories because they are uncomfortable and they get in the way of all of his overexaggerated actions he makes. he also hates accessories because once one of his necklaces got caught on a fence, and it almost choked him.
he gets a lot of inspiration from bokuto, because they both have the same requirements for clothes, so he always asks him for clothing tips, and bokuto happily obliges.
he cannot buy expensive clothes, because he always finds a way to stain his clothes or get them dirty. like he could be in the cleanest place imaginable and he still would get something on his shirt-
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he is the literal definition of soft boy, so he definitely has this aesthetic. yamaguchi doesn’t want to attract too much attention to himself, so he doesn’t do anything super extra like others, but his style is still amazing.
yamaguchi is a big advocate for thrifting and sustainable shopping, and he usually brings tsukishima along with him for thrifting trips, and they both get some nice pieces to add to their wardrobes.
he uses a really nice smelling fabric softener with his clothes, so his sweaters are really soft, and they smell nice, and it’s the literal perfect combo.
he doesn’t like wearing thick chains and more edgy acessories, but he likes to wear a simple gold chain necklace to just bring his outfits together and it’s just- *chefs kiss
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this man is so soft- like i can’t imagine him ever wearing anything black or remotely edgy because he just want’s to seem friendly and inviting, so he wears a lot of sweaters and has that indie soft boy aesthetic.
because the soft sweaters cost a lot of money, aone tried to knit one himself, and it actually works, so now at least 1/3 of his collection is handmade and he’s really proud of it.
he doesn’t like wearing jewelry, so he accessorizes his outfits by layering lots of clothing, and though it may not seem like it, the layers actually work really well together and he ends up having a well put together outfit.
he loves to support sustainable brands that fund good causes, so most of his clothes are a little more on the expensive size because of that. he doesn’t mind because he knows that he’s helping the planet out a bit.
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his clothing style is kinda simple, but it still looks really good. he doesn’t like being extra with his outfits because he thinks people that try too hard are “not cool” so he’s pretty chill with his aesthetic.
he didn’t really think thrifting was that exciting until yamaguchi took him once, and now he enjoys looking for new jackets or pants to make into outfits, though he will never tell yamaguchi that he looks foward to the trips.
he hates wearing necklaces, because he thinks they look really weird and they throw off the vibe of the outfit, but he is willing to wear rings, depending on how they look.
he doesn’t like wearing tight, movement constricting clothes, and he really doesn’t like getting his clothing dirty, so he will take active steps to get out of the way of hinata and noya, or his clothes will be ruined.
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he 100% wears the alt/punk style fashion, and he can pull it off really well. he loves to just experiment with layering and different accessories and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.
he is an avid thrifter, and he loves to just go to his local stores and find new crazy items that would work well with his chaotic aesthetic, and sometimes he brings ushijima along (he doesn’t really understand why tenou likes thrifting so much).
he knows that he dresses well, and he isn’t afraid to make fun of the other people on the shiratorizawa team about their fashion sense (especially semi).
he doesn’t really care if his clothes get dirty or ripped, because if they do it just adds to his aesthetic, so he does whatever he wants, and actually gets a little excited if his clothes rip or get something on it.
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suna is an eboy. you cannot convince me otherwise. he loves the black on black aesthetic, and accessories are his favorite part of all outfits. he especially loves rings, because they always add that needed “edge” to his outfits.
he has one of those tik tok accounts where they just show off their fit and their hands, and like hundreds of thousands of people just like simp for them even though they never show their face, and he has a shit ton of fans.
he hates when his clothes get dirty, so when he has an outfit that he put a lot of effort into, he is really careful with it, and will not let the miya twins even touch him.
he makes shady comments about his teammate’s fashion sense, because he knows he dresses well, and he wants everyone else to know it too. he really likes making fun of atsumu.
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he has a retro/80s aesthetic, and his sister introduced it to him, because she thought it would look good on him (and it does), so the aesthetic just stuck with him.
he likes to thrift, but he doesn’t usually go thrifting, because he never can find anything in his size, so when he does find something that fits, he gets really excited and buys it immediatley.
he doesn’t really use accessories, because he just doesn’t know how to match it to the outfit, so most of his outfits are pretty basic, but they look good. he also never can find matching socks for some reason, so he counts that as an accessory.
he does care about the condition of his clothes, so he is sort of careful not to get it dirty, but not enough that he won’t spill something on his shirt every once in a while.
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he is another person who has the sort of retro aesthetic, but unlike lev, he likes to use accessories and layers to make his outfits a little more extra. he doesn’t like rings though, so that’s one thing he won’t wear.
he goes thrifting with hanamakki a lot, and while they do get clothes that would actually look good, they usually buy some really weird and borderline creepy shit just for fun.
if the brand is showing on the clothing, he doesn’t like to mix it with another brand. there really isn’t much of a reason to it, it’s just one of his fashion pet peeves.
he doesn’t like to wear things that are super tight or uncomfortable, so he only wears loose clothing and accessories. he is pretty chill if his clothes get dirty or stained, but he prefers that they won’t get dirty, so he is sort of careful about what he does, but not as careful as others.
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i hope you enjoyed!
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fabricdragondesigns · 4 years
CW:  Discussion of sizes, clothing fit, and patterns v ready to wear (other than the 1st item not really in any order)
1. first of all, if you are new to sewing you need to memorize this  *Your pattern size has nothing to do with the size you wear 'off the peg' or 'ready-to-wear.*
not at all
no, i don't care if they say something that "sounds like" ready to wear sizing.
2.  you need to take your measurements.you do not have any idea HOW to take your measurements if you are not used to buying patterns, because everyone has taught you incorrectly.    
2a. UNLESS patterns say otherwise they are fitted for a 5'6 woman with a 'B' cup size.  You want to  buy  the pattern based on your "high bust" (above your girls)  if you are larger than a B cup, and then make adjustments.  if you do not do that you will buy for the "bust measurement" and it wont fit your shoulders.  many patterns have pre-done adjustments for  C and D cups, but THEIR idea of a C and D cup may not be yours- check the fit.    
2b.  for the love of Gd do all your fittings and measurements in the same bra- or same type of bra- that you will actually be wearing the pattern with.  a strapless bra v a regular bra will change your fit.
3. worth its own bullet point:  all patterns are designed with ease (extra space for it so you can move) and/or  'design ease (how it fits, like a 'loosely fitted' top is not as tight as a 'slim fit')   
3a. If you are sewing a skirt with a snug waist, but full swishy gathers... it will fit over a wider range of hip sizes than the pattern says.      
3b. you buy your pattern based on the part of the body that is a critical fit.  if it drapes off my bust and then  is "A" line  (flares out) it doesnt matter much  if my waist is a bit larger than the pattern.    
NOTE:  if you have an *extreme* difference of size between your waist bust and hips, you may need to worry about this, but if its just a little off the measure in a loose fitting place?  dont worry about it.
4. did i mention your pattern sizes are not your RTW sizes?  i did? cool... have i mentioned that your RTW sizing is an arbitrary number that varies widely between brands anyway?you knew that? good.
4a.  fit of a pattern can also vary between vastly different brands.CHECK THE PATTERN AGAINST YOUR MEASUREMENTS because while the 'big three' you see in the fabric stores may all be similar,    EVEN those have specialty lines that use different sizing... and if you get into ANY of the other designers?  Totally different sizes.
5. you need to make a 'muslin' or test fit (pin fit) the pattern at the very least.   
5a. no, seriously you do... at least until  you have made enough similar patterns that you can check the fit against your existing work.    
5b. if you cannot bring yourself to "waste" the sewing on  a muslin?  at least either buy a 'fun fabric' to make a trial run in, or buy double of your fashion fabric.    
5c. ok, but don't swear at me when you find out you need to replace that 'perfect' fabric because the pattern doesnt fit, and now you cant find anymore.
6. If you expect to launder the clothes? you need to wash the fabric before you cut and sew it.    
6a. this is also where you keep a close eye on red, purple, blue and other super saturated colors for any sign that they are 'bleeding' and likely to end up making all your white blouses a weird pinkish color in the next wash.   
6b. some fabrics (cough linen and linen blends) fray and can generate a lot of lint- especially on the first wash. this is why many people serge or zig zag stitch the cut ends of the fabric before washing.
7. look at the pattern and choose fabrics wisely.  That  pleated swishy skirt may look really cool in a crisp  stiff fabric, but it wont be a SWISHY skirt... it will stand out away from your body...  this may be what you want, but it may not.Likewise that crisp jacket detail will look sad and wilted in a soft  drape fabric.
8. pattern photos (the models) often show the patterns in fabrics that do not help you understand the pattern at all- look at the black and white line drawing that shows you the seam lines.    
8a. also, yes, they choose really weird  fabrics for some of the photo shoots- no we don't know why.
9. seriously please get  any shame or obsession with "sizes" out of your mind (in general but in sewing especially).    
9a. no one will see your size number: it doesn't appear on the back of your dress, but if it makes you feel better put a label in everything you sew  with whatever size you like.    
9b seriously? sizes are not even consistent in RTW, and they are not the same across different pattern lines.  the whole point of sewing is to make the clothes fit you.    
9c. honestly you can get professionally made clothes labels and put whatever size you want on them. a friend who made clothing actually named her sizes after the fit models she used,  so Roseamund and other names were *sizes*... its cool.  your clothes should be YOU sized.
10. pattern making and alteration sounds scary, but even if you dont want to do it at all? some things are really easy.    
10a. some patterns  come with interchangeable parts, so once you make one outfit that fits, you can wip up a dozen with different necklines, sleeves, amounts of swish in the skirts, length in the pants, pockets...    
10b. certain changed are easy- peasy.  change the fabric  (remember the crisp versus draped fabrics?), make it dressy or casual,  changing pleats into gathers (or vice versa) add trim, pockets, embroidery, lengthen or shorten it.    
10c. some changes are a bit more skilled, BUT STILL WITHIN BEGINNER capabilities, just  take your time!add an over-layer of lace (in whole or in part), add width to a sleeve and make it a dolman or a flutter sleeve, add width to the skirt, changing it from a straight skirt to a full skirt, add a colored insert, or 'slot seams' (not as hard as it sounds, trust me)
you can LITERALLY make hundreds of outfits out of a good basic pattern set by making minor adjustments!
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cyndalyssa · 3 years
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Name: Rosella Macawber
Age: She’s about five years younger than Morgana; heavily depends on how you think supernatural beings age
Gender: Female
Species: Monster/Fae Duck
Occupation: Waitress (and occasional gardener/landscaper) at Shadow Chateau, Superheroine in Training
Super powers: Earth Magic (Geokinesis, Animation of Stone, Petrification, basically any spell that involves dirt, stone, minerals, etc.)
Cast/Wrought Iron (typically manifesting as allergies, though they also weaken her magic), 
Water (erodes at her strength until she can barely move, she also can’t swim and sinks like a rock; however, she can drink it just fine, she’d just rather not take a dip in it)
Tiny twig of a woman with a terrible case of baby face. 
Brown feathers, prehensile green hair done in a single braid (typically behaves like tentacles when unbraided) with a hot pink daisy at the base, rose pink eyes (which can turn red when she’s in attack mode). 
Teeth are selectively sharp and claws are retractable (usually borne when she’s angry).  
Typically wears a green sleeveless tunic, brown capelet with a hot pink rose pin, string belt holding a tan magic pouch to her left hip, brown leggings and darker brown flat shoes.
Personality: Optimistic, excitable, curious, and friendly; quite independent, but also lonely to the point of stir craziness; tends to be stubborn, prideful, and a little fiery, especially when she feels her identity as a person is threatened.
Morgana Macawber (cousin, big sister figure)
Tuffy (her cat made out of rocks; BFF)
Mattias Macawber (father, lukewarm relationship)
Undine Macawber (eldest quadruplet sister, hostile relationship)
Ashmay and Zephra Macawber (other two older quadruplet sisters, lukewarm relationship)
Darkwing Duck (ally, mutual annoyance but begrudging respect)
Launchpad McQuack (friend, usually the one to educate her on Normal stuff)
Gosalyn Mallard (odd friendship where they’re kinda kindred spirits but with opposite tastes; occasionally Rosie babysits her and it’s wild)
Liquidator (enemy, will absolutely NOPE out of Dodge upon seeing him)
Quackerjack (enemy, there’s a stupid mutual grudge between them)
Bushroot (some kind of weird complicated friendship despite being on different sides)
Once upon a time, Mattias Macawber went traveling for a few years, only to return to Transylvania with four eggs that he quietly admitted were his, and that the woman he produced them with was dead. He spoke little more of the matter, despite everyone’s curiosity, and just sought to raise the children like any other monster.
Rosella was the last of the girls to hatch, and at first, she seemed like a regular monster, looking like she’d be a witch with animated hair. However, as she grew older, it became clear that she just couldn’t fit in. No interest in their macabre society, no desire to be scary or gross, and no magic ability save for manipulating dirt and pebbles. It grew worse when upon stumbling into Normal territory, she discovered their colorful flora (a far cry from the deadly and scary plants monsters grow), among other things, and immediately took a liking to it. She was already bullied by the other monsters for being weak; having adopted a cute and colorful persona, she was now tormented for being the odd duck of not just the esteemed Macawber Family, but all of monster society.
By the time she was an adult, she was shoved to the outskirts of monster society, and often even excluded from her own family—her only friend was a cat (named Tuffy) she made out of rocks and endowed some of her life force into. Not many visitors came her way, and when they did, it’s usually just to grab something from her magic stone/crystal/sand collection and run before she can offer them tea. So, her life was full of loneliness, filling time with gardening, making artisan crafts, and practicing her earth magic—it was enough to make her a bit stir crazy. Still, as much as she yearned for acceptance, she held a stubborn pride in who she is.
Things started to change when her cousin Morgana sought her help in landscaping around her restaurant, the Shadow Chateau. It was initially meant to be a temporary affair, and they’d part ways after the work was done.  But, things took a turn when the fairy bounty hunter/hitwoman Goldenrod captured the Macawbers at the restaurant--save Rosie, who was ditched by the other members of the family and left to figure out which magic door at the castle led to the manor in St. Canard. She helped Darkwing Duck and co. rescue them, and then angrily chewed out her kin for leaving her behind and overall treating her like dirt. 
Realizing that Rosella was unhappy with her life, Morgana felt pity for her, and offered her a job and a change of scenery. Despite said job being a waitress for the restaurant—involving being dressed to match an aesthetic she cares little for—Rosie ecstatically accepted (albeit with the condition that they transport her garden to a new plot of land, so that no vandals destroy her hard work when she’s gone), seeing it as an opportunity for a fresh start in this strange land of St. Canard.
This fresh start would involve the insanity of superheroes and supervillains, supernatural forces following her and Morg to the city, aliens, spies, mutants, and more… but hey, her life’s more interesting, and she’s starting to make friends.
Open to RP: If anyone cares.
Random facts:
Her mother is a faerie, and only two know (her father and a local doctor (who was confirming the girls’ relation to him, given that he just randomly showed up with eggs; Mattias paid him to keep quiet about their other half)). 
However, everyone else does sense something off about Rosie (and her sisters, but she sticks out), enough to theorize that she’s actually a faerie changeling (well, they’re kinda close?). Some of Rosie’s peers had even taken to calling her “fairy princess”, which infuriates her.
She has a scarily extensive knowledge of geology—after all, if you had the power to command the earth, wouldn’t you want to better understand your element? She has a rock collection to boot. 
She’s an avid homesteader, given that she’s been taking care of herself for years with various home skills like gardening, cooking, textile work, etc. As interesting as St. Canard is, living in the city gets her a little on edge, and she hopes to someday live independently in the country like she did before (that said, she doesn’t want to go back to a friendless life and would love visits). 
Whatever you do, do not threaten her garden. She will throw boulders at or sic golems on you at best. At worst... let’s not think about it. 
Though she has a distaste for the spooky, gross, and freaky things that are mainstream in monster culture, she ain’t gonna complain about the food--she actually enjoys it, her faves being the bug dishes. Otherwise, with Normal food, she has a ravenous sweet tooth, dislikes salty foods, and everything else ranges from okay to pretty good. 
Character created by and belongs to @cyndalyssa​
Bio Template nicked from @duckverseoc​
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searenbound · 4 years
I forgot theses existed. It’s two sets of head canons about Omega Baku x a bunny quirk having Alpha I did on my old blog, slightly edited to fit better as one big list
Warnings: swearing, sexual activity, omegaverse
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
- He really hadn’t wanted an Alpha, in his opinion they’d only be a distraction
- He didn’t need anything taking his attention away from his goal of being a hero
- He really didn’t like the idea of being some trophy bitch for some shitty Alpha either
- So, you can imagine how pissed this boy was when she just showed up with her stupid pretty face
- This brat is so annoyed, like how dare she?
- Waltzing right on into his life smelling like fresh baked carrot cake and orange peal
- He was as said before pissed
- Bakugou has never been a traditional Omega he knows this and is proud of the fact, but suddenly, he feels this need to fret over her
- Like? He just needed check on her constantly and wanted her to do same for him
-He was in denial for the longest time
- It didn’t help that she was always challenging him either
- They were always butting heads, literally she had this strange habit of pressing her forehead against his and staring intently at him
- shit was fucking weird and he heated how his heart would thump when she did it
- He’d always pulled away first scuffing at her and acting annoyed by her
- He always noticed how she looked satisfied right after but disappointed when he left grumbling about her stupid scent getting all over him
- He decided to look into it not that he cared or whatever he just felt like it ok?
- He was only a little surprised to learn that it was how rabbits established dominance over others
- So that was her game
- The next time she pulled that shit he just huffs turning away from her and patting her head, just at the base of one of her floppy ears
- She was just like !!!!!! when he did, and he got so annoyed about it
- “That’s what you fucking wanted wasn’t it?! Stop fucking staring at me like that!”
- After that it was a done deal
- don’t except him to ask for scented items he just fucking takes whatever he feels like
- He’ll only give it back when it stops smelling like her
- I say give it back but he just fucking throws it at her and demands for it back by the end of day
- She’s started buying extra hoodies and sweatshirts for this reason
- He’s taken to calling her Carrots and he’s the only one she lets call her that
- Kaminari tried to once and she kicked him in the stomach and reminded him of her proper name
- Bakugou nearly died laughing when it happened
- He smells like spiced caramel and it drives her nuts
- She will literally find any reason imaginable to be all over him
- He acts all huffy and annoyed but if she tries to move, he gets super pissy
- “Fucking hell you’re clingy” “Well if you wanted me to stop all you had to do was ask Katsuki” “Did I say you could fucking stop!?”
- Her ruts get really bad during spring
- She’s usually very kind and sweet and even during her ruts she’s still somewhat levelheaded
- But when spring comes around, she’s completely different during her rut
- It’s the closest to traditional Alpha that she gets
- She gets extra clingy with him and constantly scents him
- She also won’t let him out of her site unless absolutely necessary and gets a bit jealous when he pays any attention to anyone else
- “Oh, Kiri wants to hangout? Ok I’ll go with it’ll be fun!”
- She worries that she gets to clingy but Bakugou actually really likes the extra attention
- He’d never admit it though
- Stubborn brat that he is has too much pride for that
- He knows he can be a handful so he’s actually really happy to have found an Alpha like her
- She’s so different then what he expected of an Alpha
- He’s been told since he presented that Alphas wouldn’t want an Omega like him
- That he’d better lose the attitude, or he’d never find one
- That as an Omega he needed an Alpha to take care of him
- She doesn’t judge him for his temper and supports his goals wholeheartedly
- He never thought he would want or need an Alpha, but he definitely needs her
- And she needs him just as much and that blows his mind
- She joked before about letting Bakugou mark her instead of marking him
- The idea of it actually kind of excite both of them though
- Neither of them are exactly traditional examples of either Alphas or Omegas
- So, an Omega marking his Alpha just makes sense to them
- They ended up marking each other and Baku gets real cocky when someone notice her bonding mark and asks about it
- She also started dressing in a way that will show it off cause she supper proud to be marked
-Really quick because I wanted this part to stay in, but didn’t know where to put it, it’s here at the end
- Her hero costume is not I repeat is not a bunny suit
- However, she does own one but it’s only for her Omega to see
- It’s themed around Bakugou’s hero costume
- She had it custom made as surprise for him
- Or at least it was meant to be a surprise
- He kinda ruined it
- He just happened to come by when she was trying it on
- That was a fun night
- She bought more stuff like that since but that still seems to be his favorite one
- She assumes it’s a vanity thing but in actuality it’s because her ass looks really good in it
- Her legs are really powerful due to her quirk so naturally she is for lack of a better term thicc
- And Bakugou has trouble keeping his hands to himself as it is
- I mean of course he wouldn’t just feel her up in public but behind private doors that’s different
- A lot different
- Like it’s a good thing she’s a rabbit because otherwise I don’t think she could handle how he’s always ready to go, different
- So, seeing his Alpha dressed in something like that
- With her ass all on display and knowing it’s all for him
- It drives him crazy
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