#otp: it's gonna be perfect
matchtheminrenown · 5 months
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elliot augustine + being a literal romance hero
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faxxmodem · 8 months
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og post: @dogmotif
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kemendin · 5 months
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He tightens his hold around the inert Jedi in his arms, and uses the Force to leap from the metal-strewn crater and onto solid ground. Several startled soldiers turn on him, their weapons lifting, until Kira hastily waves them off. If they harbour any hesitations about obeying her direction, the Sith’s burning glare gives them plenty of incentive to fall back. As though they truly could have stood in his way. Without hesitation Scourge pushes past them, heading as swiftly as he dares for the monorail and the emergency landing platform that waits outside. He is oddly, intensely aware of his fingers digging into Caspian’s jolting body, of the Jedi’s armour scraping against his own. The way the weight of the other’s head has rolled against him, bloodied brow resting upon the Sith’s aching shoulder; and now Scourge feels a different sort of pain spasm through his tightening chest. “I have you, Jedi,” he breathes raggedly. It makes no sense, Caspian clearly cannot hear him - and yet he feels the need to say it. To reassure him. I have you. You are safe. - Fall On Me, With All Your Light
I love commissioning artists to draw scenes from my stories. This one was truly a dream commission of mine, and I finally had the chance to see it come to life under the incredible patience and skill of hifarry on dA. The colours, the atmosphere, the details - this is everything I wanted from this piece, and I am beyond ecstatic!
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rakiah · 6 months
LeoVil will be that one celebrity couple that every tabloid believes will divorce in less than 5 years but turn out to be the only one that actually fulfills "till death do us part" bit.
Actually, no. Not even death. They're gonna be 85+, cuddling together as they admire the sunset. The decide to take a nap before dinner and just don't wake up.
Cheke helps see to their funeral. They're buried together in an Afterglow equivalent of the Taj Mahal, a symbol of gratitude for all they did for the kingdom and a monument to their love that not even death could touch.
How dare you come into my house and make me sob like a child... I’m living for that LeoVil headcanon [clenched fist] I do believe in the strength of their alchemy yes and everyone needs to know it! 😤
But, the Cheka part… Damn, my heart aaaa ; ;
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
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I know it isn't fair...
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OTH endgame ships stay winning!!!! 😁😍💜🔥
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karalija · 1 year
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“Eye of the Storm” by karalija
Squall Leonhart and Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII by squaresoft/square-enix.
Sorceress Rinoa hauling her Knight a little bit closer. He’s got too much self control.
Title comes from the song “Not Afraid Anymore” by Roniit listen here to enhance viewing experience: https://open.spotify.com/track/0D5RN9ZUOvG7Ga5FiWzQgb?si=-4MMWzUqSSS5NXdTpZimZA
A fic I read recently just blew my mind and I want to recommend it wholeheartedly. I’m still just thinking about it though I finished it days ago! I love the authors other fics as well but this is my favorite!
”The Bells of Freedom” by Ronin on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/227670/chapters/345273
And on ff.net:
Really just an incredible story. Shows exactly why Squall is the best, deadliest and most revered SeeD. Not just in physical power but because he can strategize with intense accuracy. And Rinoa’s coming into her sorcery, the Timber Owl’s growing up and growing a pair, the final battle, the steamy love scenes and SeeDs kicking major major ass... it’s got everything. Fuck I’m a happy fangirl.
So! This piece was fun! The sketch was giving me fits. I couldn’t get the perspective right until I started in with a glow brush to show my teenage artist daughter different light source examples, and wa-LA... I put a glowy line on the back of Squall’s big ass head of hair and perspective just pushed into place. Yay.
Drawn in procreate.
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earnmysong · 2 years
lucy: ‘his playbill?’
tim: ‘his playbook.’
this line is everythingggggg to me! i mean, i was going to maintain my ‘lucy adores musical theater’ headcanon regardless, but. i love me some validity!
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nikkiruncks · 6 months
Shiny & Zaya double datesssss
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Can we talk about how French is the language of love, and it's the one language that Aziraphale can't speak proficiently...
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merrilark · 4 months
The tragedy of Daenerys' marriage and overall relationship with Drogo is not lost on me, I get it, I see the red flags and the issues and the glaring sexism and inherent abuse of it all.
But consider: They're not real and the way they look at each other is cute as heck, Your Honor.
#sgldgkslgk#the way he's so protective of her??? and the way she's so protective of him????#and the way when he's dying???? and she touches his face his brow softens?????? hello???????????????????????? i'm unwell#likewise there are obvious ''this is survival'' problems with daenerys becoming khaleesi. she clearly had no choice in the matter.#but like?? idk i find her story extremely comforting and empowering actually.#the fact that she flipped a horrific fate on its head and reclaimed power not only over drogo but his entire khalasar AND#AND!!!!!! used the power she earned to show mercy toward others even those who she owed no mercy (lookin at u viserys).#i don't precisely know how her writing gets ruined i just know it happens so i get that saying this is prob gonna bite me#but as it stands now just finishing s1... i really adore daenerys and i think this is an interesting way to write a strong female character#it's not perfect obv but idk. i just. i think she's great. i love her resilience and i love watching her find her footing.#fate gave her a bad hand and she said ''alright. but i will do it my way.'' and she DID. she refused to break. she's getting her agency bac#i suppose it's yet to be seen if she succeeds but i am watching her v closely and i love her i love her i love her.#i also love her and drogo but i'm willing to accept that as my problematic otp skgslgkslksdl they're just. so soft. he's so proud of her an#idk man don't look at me. i like them a lot. they are my guilty pleasure and i'm sad drogo is dead.#there's no love between them at first but no one can convince me that there was no love by the end.#merri watches game of thrones
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matchtheminrenown · 6 months
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i don't wanna look at anything else now that i saw you i don't wanna think of anything else now that i thought of you i've been sleeping so long in a twenty-year dark night and now i see daylight
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dylanconrique · 2 years
i’m very grounded in reality in the sense that i know 99.9% of the time my silly little chenford fantasies are never going to come true, but i am predicting right now that their first “i love you” is going to be at nolan’s wedding, and it’s going to come from tim, and it’s going to make lucy stop dead in her tracks while they’re slow dancing and look up at him with such utter shock like a deer caught in the headlights while he proceeds to rattle on about how he slowly, and very unexpectedly fell in love with her, and while smiling up at him with watery eyes she tells him she loves him too. and you know what if i don’t get this...  *jenna marbles voice* OOOOOHHHH!! i will be so sorely disappointed.
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jooeeydee · 10 months
Okay, so I've been watching some Canarrow vids to get my muse inspired to get back to writing and can I just say I don't get it and I never will.
Not the choices the Arrow writers made nor most of the show's fans.
Oliver and Sara had such an epic love story, everything about it from the very beginning(yes, I'm talking Pilot!) screamed soulmates and endgame. And the way they looked together both in civilian clothing or their suits was just perfect.
And yet here we are...
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
That ending was INSANE, OMG!!!
And you know what, that's actually a better reason than I was expecting and I will totally take it.
I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that, and I liked that sooo much better.
Like, Scott literally bit Liam out of pure panic in a desperate grab to save his life, and it worked! And that's great, and I am all here for that, but now Scott has to, like, process the positives and negatives of what he just did (which INCLUDES Araya Calavera's warning) and, based on his facial expression at the end, I don't think he liked the final outcome.
But you know what, Scott? You saved Liam's life, and that's all that matters. You are still a hero, and--oh my god please don't start turning this into more self-sabotage you really don't need any more reasons to hate yourself.
Besides! Now we just get more additions to our little found family. See? It'll be great!
...please don't feel bad, Scott. Baby you saved his life, okay? Panicked or not, you did the right thing, I promise.
I was right about Sean being the bad thing instead of whatever-the-f*ck-creepy-dude's-name-is being the evil one. Mouthless Creepo (that's what we're calling him until I figure out what I'm actually supposed to call him lol) must be some sort of bounty hunter or monster hunter or something like it. A weird one at that, but definitely a hunter of some sort. He can't just be, like, a general hunter, though, because he left Scott alone, which means he's not after werewolves--or, at least, not until he needs to be. Hence...bounty hunter theory?
I don't know, but he still makes me nervous, and I just hope there doesn't come a day when he decides to come after Scott (but I'm sure there will be, because why else would he be around??).
Also, that was a really random wendigo name drop, but it DOES explain the human meat locker, and now I'm wondering if we'll run into anymore? God I hope not. Wendigos are creepy. And gross. As evidenced by everything that just happened.
Other positives.
Scott popping in and saving Melissa's life was amazing and beautiful as always, and Melissa being the tough as nails mom that she is and immediately getting back up and telling Scott to "go get that son of a bitch." We love her. This is why Scott is as amazing as he is. <3
Stalia is actually super adorable and I love it more and more as we keep going. Like, the moment where Malia tries to get all lovey dovey with him and he tells her to study, but then when Stiles realizes that she color codes in the same way he does (SHE COLOR CODES IN THE SAME WAY HE DOES! That's literally SO CUTE I cannot.), he immediately doesn't care about studying anymore because that makes him love her even more (the way he LOOKS at her I cannot, Dylan O'Brien seriously has the best freaking facial expressions. <3 <3).
Meanwhile, Lydia and Parrish actually kind of have chemistry? And I'm not sure how I feel about that, because I'm pretty sure Lydia is still underage (though, not for much longer, right?), but also, Parrish is a younger cop, so...I don't hate it. Come back to me on that when she's legal. I wouldn't be against it. (Though, again, Stydia is still my OTP, so...anything that happens would have to be temporary until I get my Stydia endgame. XD ;) <3)
Anyways I love how all of our little pack members make connections at around the same time and find different pieces of the puzzle. Right as Lydia was finding the bodies, Stiles was finding her code that matched Mouthless Creepo's stuff that he was typing on the computer, and Lydia's warning gave Scott, who was already at the hospital, JUST enough time to save Melissa and just BARELY save Liam, but he did! He did save them both!
So now we get to add Liam to our little pack family, and we get to deal with ALL of the repercussions that'll come with that, but it'll be worth it, because he's going to be a lovely addition and I am very excited for the Sciles parenting dynamics with Liam.
I said it already, but I'm going to say it again: this is easily in my top five Teen Wolf episodes so far. I feel like everything about it was perfect, and I have no complaints (okay, wait...almost, 'cause I didn't like Sean's acting in the very beginning, but that's not important in the grand scheme of the episode lol) whatsoever. Like, that was just SUCH a solid episode, and it was filled with Sciles moments, and filled with an OFFICIALLY CANONICAL SCIRA, and we got some cute Stalia, and now, we've got a new pack member (we EVEN got some cute Malira in the bleachers during the lacrosse tryouts!! <3).
Really, more than anything, the fact that these episodes are 45 minutes long, but it took me THREE HOURS to watch this one episode because of how long my reactions were and how often I kept going back and re-watching is a pretty good indicator of how much I liked this episode.
Like, I'm trying to think of what other ones have taken me that long to watch (post mid Season 2, because I didn't really start doing reactions until then), and the ones I'm thinking of are 3x6, 3x13, 3x18, and 3x22, which definitely makes sense, because Sciles and Season 3b. So...consider those plus 4x3 my top five episodes so far lol.
But honestly, in general, Season 4 is SOOO good. Like, I loved 3b, with everything I had. I loved Season 3 with everything I had, to be perfectly honest. But frankly, I feel like the show is just getting better, and I am LOVING Season 4 so far. I can't rank it above Season 3b yet, because I'm obviously only a few episodes in, but it's looking REALLY promising. I'm just soooo freaking invested in this season right now, and my heart is just so pleased, and I just...yeah I really loved that episode, and I really love this season.
Since, as I mentioned, watching that ONE EPISODE took me THREE HOURS, it is now way past my bedtime, and I should go to bed. XD
But! I promise, I will watch more tomorrow. And probably Saturday. And probably Sunday.
If I finish Season 4 this weekend, we REALLY have a problem...but honestly, I might. XD
Hmm...pick a gif, any gif.
How about many gifs? XD
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(Oops how did that Sciles gif get in there... Anyways loved that episode!! XD <3 <3 <3)
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frecklesandpoverty · 1 year
you ever hear a lyric that’s so beautiful and relates to your otp so perfectly that you want to start writing fanfics?
nahhhhh, nope not me, totally not  👀
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