#otp: more intimately than lovers
soldieronbarnes · 1 year
Kinktober #1 -- Humiliation, hair pulling
Joining kinktober super late, but if you have any prompts, just drop them in my ask box!!
“Look at you,” Obi-Wan says, and his voice is so full of derision that Anakin squirms, gasping, tears welling up in his eyes. His Master so rarely resorts to contempt, hates having to do so, he knows, and he knows he deserves the scorn, he does, after defying his Master so openly, so carelessly, in front of a Galactic senator no less.
Usually, his Master is so, so gentle and understanding, unless Anakin pushes him too far, and he did – he pushed him too far, knowingly, and he wonders if Obi-Wan knows that it’s a punishment as well a a reward, the way his Padawan braid if wrapped tightly in Obi-Wan’s fist like it’s a leash, the way red blooms around the shape of his Master’s hand on his bottom and makes everything more sensitive, the way the pace of his cock against Anakin’s prostate is just this side of too much too fast, pushing the air out of his lungs and making his spine bend and melt into the movement. 
“Look at you,” Obi-Wan repeats disdainfully. “You think you can defy me? You think you are ready to be a Knight?” 
He tugs harshly at the braid, and Anakin whines. “Master – Master, I’m –”
“Look at you,” Obi-Wan snarls. “You’re so needy, so desperate for a good fuck. You can’t go three days without panting for it like a dog. You go any longer without anyone fucking your brains out and you turn stupid, unable to formulate any clearly thought out plan, as you demonstrated today. And you want to be a Knight?”
Anakin keens. He needs Obi-Wan to fuck him harder, to evaporate any coherent thought. “Master, Master, please –”
Cruelly, Obi-Wan slows his thrusts until they are shallow, the movement barely noticeable. “A Knight is self-sufficient. A Knight is selfless, serving the people of the Republic. A Knight doesn’t want or need anything.” 
He leans down, plastering himself to Anakin, chest to chest, and whispers in his ear. Anakin grasps the opportunity to wrap his legs around him and kiss him, panting against his lips when Obi-Wan pulls back. 
“A Knight is separated from his Master, because he can be trusted to act on his own. Do you think you can be trusted to be on your own, away from me for months and months? You can’t,” he says. “Look at how much you need direction, how much you need a cock in you. You get stupid when someone doesn’t fuck you right for a few days. What are you going to do when you are apart from me, hm? Are you going to doom entire civilisations because you are horny and stupid? Are you going to just fuck anyone to keep you in check? Are you going to be happy hanging off the first thick cock you find?”
“I wouldn’t,” he cries, hot tears running down his cheeks. “I wouldn’t, Master!”
“Yes, you would. You’re so hungry for it. You’d let anyone fuck you, wouldn’t you?”
“I wouldn’t”, Anakin protests.
“My pretty little liar,” Obi-Wan croons. “You think you can think straight without getting fucked? How will you complete missions on your own, then? Tell me.”
“I’d make a replica of your cock and fuck myself with it,” Anakin gasps, because there’s no line in the sand he hasn’t relished in stepping over. It’s the perfect solution, too; he’d get to go on his own missions without missing anything. 
To his surprise, Obi-Wan just laughs. “You think all you need is the shape of my cock, and that will save you?” he asks. He pulls out, wrestles Anakin on his belly before he can protest, and lets the head of his cock kiss Anakin’s hole. “Go on, then. If you think you don’t need me, just my cock – prove it. Get yourself off.”
And Anakin – well, he tries. The instructions are simple enough, and the position he’s in allows for a decent range of movement. He starts slow and sinuous, and ends up with a quick and brutal pace, and it should be enough – enough to entice Obi-Wan to move, to touch him in any way, enough to get off – but it isn’t, and soon enough he’s sobbing with need. He can’t rock back onto Obi-Wan’s cock at a satisfying angle, not quickly enough, not when he’s trying to strip his cock with his hand, and he’s so, so, close, but it doesn’t matter. It’s not enough. 
“Let me ride you,” he begs. 
His Master snorts. “You think that’ll help you?” he asks, but he lies down on his back, pulling Anakin on top of him, surprisingly indulgent. “There you go. Try your best.”
The taunting challenge in his voice makes Anakin set a quick, rough pace, because he can do this, he can  – except Obi-Wan refuses to touch him, crosses his hands behind his back and allows Anakin to use him, but won’t even put his hands on him; won’t touch his cock, won’t grip his hips in those wonderful broad hands of his that can span so much of Anakin’s waist, won’t tease his nipples of pull his hair like he usually does and it’s – it’s torture, is what it is. Anakin rides him until his thighs begin to tremble uncontrollably, until tears are rolling down his face and the gasping breaths he takes turn into shaking sobs. 
He’s so, so close, still, but he cannot fall over the edge, no matter what he does.
“Master,” he begs, “Master, please, I want to come –”
“And why,” Obi-Wan asks, “do you think you always deserve to get what you want?”
A desperate whine escapes him. “Please, I promise I’ll be better, I’ll be good –”
“Will you? Will you be good so you can be a Knight? So you can be trusted, away from me?”
“No,” Anakin gasps. “I’ll be good for you, I will, but please don’t send me away, I need you, I need you –”
And finally, finally, that’s the right answer. Suddenly, Obi-Wan’s hands are on his hips, the grip tight and bruising, holding Anakin still as his hips piston up into the scorching heat of his hole, the pace fast and relentless and unforgiving and finally, finally enough. Anakin comes with a silent scream, spine bowed and fingernails raking visible trails down the fair skin of Obi-Wan’s chest. He thinks he blacks out for a second, and when he comes to, he’s half collapsed on his Master’s chest, his cock still moving in and out of him at a brutal pace, making him shudder with the aftershocks of pleasure. 
“Give it to me,” he whines, speech slurred with how good it feels. “Master, come inside me, mark me, please, give it to me, show everyone I’m yours!”
Obi-Wan curses under his breath, and before Anakin can even parse his words, he’s dumped unceremoniously onto his back, and he could cry at the sudden emptiness. 
“I’ll mark you, for everyone to see,” Obi-Wan promises, his voice dark and heated, kneeling over Anakin and stripping his cock quickly, wildly, and Anakin keens when he realizes what’s about to happen. 
“Yes, yes Master, please –” He barely has time to open his mouth before the first thick, hot stripes of come coat his face and tongue, his neck and chest and –
“Look at this,” Obi-Wan says, tugging at his Padawan braid. That, too, is covered in white strands of his Master’s come. Anakin whimpers when he sees it, and despite himself, he feels his cock twitch with interest. “Do you know what that means?”
“I’m yours,” Anakin whispers, his voice hoarse. “It means I’m yours.”
Finally, finally, Obi-Wan softens. “Good boy,” he praises, and leans down to kiss him, and everything else fades away. 
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comebackali · 8 months
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elysianholly · 4 months
Why Spuffy
Decided to put this here so I can find it more easily. Originally answered on r/Fanfic: What is your OTP?
Why? There are a lot of assumptions made about Spike/Spuffy fans. Like, we're just whores for good cheekbones. We're blinded by Spike's abs. We're all just abuse victims waiting to fall in love with the wrong person. And honestly, after 2+ decades of this nonsense, it'd be nice to just say: "read this then get back to me."
So. What is your OTP?
Buffy/Spike from BtVS. They've owned my heart for more than 20 years and show no signs of slowing down.
At first, it was the enemies-to-lovers thing. I've always been a sucker for that. Especially for a villain who turns to mush for a hero in the falling process. That is still true, but my love for them has become more nuanced the older I've gotten. I just turned 39; I fell in love with Spuffy when I was 17. What I love most about them today is that their history as enemies means they know each other better than anyone, have seen each other's faults, have done the worst things they could do to each other, and have a very honest, non-rosy view of their relationship. Spike is also the only man in Buffy's life (on the show; I'm not counting comics) who owns the hurt he's caused without making it her fault or imposing his view of things and convincing her he's right. He shows her that loving her doesn't always mean sacrifice or suffering, the way it was with Angel or Riley, but that she can make someone want to be better. And he also knows her well enough to know she will assume the responsibility of the soul he sought for himself (the most effective and tortuous sentence for the demon who hurt her), so he first tries to hide it from her, then encourages her when she starts dating Robin Wood that she owes him nothing, that she doesn't need to consider his feelings. It's the first time someone she's been intimate with has not been petty or jealous at the thought of her moving on. And because he has seen the best and worst in her, when he says he loves her, it's with a view of the whole person Buffy is.
And for Buffy, loving Spike is about loving herself. He was her outlet for her depression, a representation of all the bad things she thought about herself when she was at her lowest, and she punished him for that. She was conditioned to believe her friends' acceptance of her had strings attached. By Season 7, after she has come to peace with the worst thing she went through, she is no longer apologizing for herself or making excuses. She is unapologetically in charge. Loving Spike means loving the parts of her she always thought were ugly or twisted or irredeemable, going all the way back to how she carried the burden of Angel having lost his soul when she was a 17-year-old girl in love and had no idea what was going to happen. Furthermore, how she was made to feel responsible (side-eyeing Xander here; Giles and Willow get a pass but Xander was the most egregious offender). She also assumed the responsibility for her relationship with Riley falling apart even after he negged, gaslit, and cheated on her. Spike showed Buffy that she is not the problem in relationships, and allowing herself to love him meant an acceptance of self she struggled to find throughout the course of the show. In the end, after bringing out the worst in each other when they were at their worst, they learned to bring out the best in each other. It's just beautiful.
And that's why Spuffy, friends.
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leorai4life · 2 months
I'm realising that my main OTPs are all characters who have never been explicitly confirmed to be together lol
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Leorai - basically canon, but we never got any kisses or hugs like the other couples in 2012 did. Enemies to lovers with a purely emotionally intimate connection. They will stab you cutely if you hurt their beloved~
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Zutara - enemies to lovers vibes, ferociously protective of one another, badass fighting duo. They never became canon, ofc, but their romantic chemistry and emotional intimacy was off the charts.
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Shadouge - started off as 2 people only looking out for themselves and focused on one goal (revenge, jewels) but the longer they were around each other the more vulnerable they became with one another. Would trust each other with their goddamn life.
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Royai - they're basically married, your honour. Know each other's body language off by heart, would follow the other to hell and back, would rather die than live in a world without one another.
They all just give off soft "I will protect you and care for you even though you could do it yourself" vibes. I guess I just love badasses who are also the most emotionally intimate pairings you'll ever meet <3
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thechaosbrewery · 6 months
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Ship: UzuRen [Uzui Tengen x Rengoku Kyojuro]
Part 1: Friends to Lovers
This is my ultimate OTP, I live and die for this ship, I love both characters to death. They both live rent free in my head and I will never regret to be on this shipwreck.
If you are more into [you x character] please make sure to check my other blog -> @guerrerajaguar .
In my honest opinion there is no one else better for my little sunshine than the flamboyant god of festivals and let me tell you why:
We all know how they first meet at the Hashira summit when Kyojuro is summoned by Oyakata.
I firmly believe that Tengen fell in love at first sight with Kyojuro, right there in Oyakata’s Zen Garden. At first I think he was star-struck by Kyojuro’s looks and aura, but we lost him when the flame boy confronted Sanemi with not an ounce of fear.
Tengen definitely tried to act to look cool around him, unconsciously flirting with Kyojuro, showing off his muscles and flashy breathing technique, and Kyojuro was genuinely fascinated by this, fueling Tengen’s ego even more.
“Amazing!” “As expected from the Sound Pillar!” “I have never seeing a breathing technique as beautiful as yours!”, Tengen’s chest will fill with pride every time Kyojuro praised him.
Tengen LOVES to be praised, specially by his handsome colleague. He would constantly find himself going over the edge when Kyojuro was around.
The rest of the Pillars hated when this happened, Tengen would be even more insufferable around them, cocky and presumptuous, but Kyojuro never found this annoying at all.
Kyojuro always felt admiration and respect for Tengen as he considered him his valuable superior and never realized that his “comments” about Tengen were easily interpreted as flirting.
All the Pillars knew that Tengen was down bad for Kyojuro even before Tengen realized this himself.
Tengen did not realized his feelings only after he and Kyojuro became closer acquaintances, and I like to believe that it happened when they had their first mission together.
After that, Tengen started to be really TOUCHY with Kyojuro. At first, these were subtle, accidental touches, but as Kyojuro did not seem to care, the nature of these touches intensified as to Tengen trying to pin Kyojuro against the wall, grabbing Kyojuro’s hands, breathing into the back of his neck, hugging him from behind, you name it; complete and entire invasion of the flame pillar personal space.
Tengen ADORES Kyojuro’s hair, so somehow his hands always found a way into Kyojuro’s flaming strands. Softer than what it looked like.
It was after his first mission together than Kyojuro found out about Tengen having 3 wives. He did not approved at all, as for him, a man should be completely devoted to only one persona for the rest of their life, just like his parents were.
Kyojuro tried to fool himself with the argument that Tengen already had 3 wives, so it was very unlikely that his friend had feelings for him.
It gets harder for Tengen to conceal what he really feels, he wants to get more intimate with Kyojuro and I think he is completely fine with the fact that he has fallen for a man.
Tengen confesses first because he really can’t stand to be in the “bromance zone” anymore.
Kyojuro is a bit shocked but not completely surprised at all, he is not as dense as a lot of people thinks. And also, Kyojuro is unbothered by the fact that Tengen is a man.
Kyojuro has a hard time to accept Tengen’s feeling, because in his mind, he will be committing adultery and that is something he will never approve of.
But against of all odds and his own morale, I think Kyojuro would officially start his romance with Tengen and OH BOY, ARE THEY PHYSICAL.
If Tengen was touchy before, after his confession, he is all hands over HIS MAN.
Tengen its jealous AS HELL.
He was a bit jealous when they were friends but now it’s a lot worse.
He hates when women they rescue try to get too intimate with Kyojuro, this never turns into a fight thanks to Kyojuro’s character and personality but Kyojuro is very firm to not let this to get in the way of their duty.
I also think that Tengen gets more openly jealous from some of the other Pillars and I will elaborate from whom on another post :P.
On the other hand, Kyojuro’s jealousy is shown more as bitterness for Tengen’s wives. He believes that the ladies are able to give Tengen what he will never be capable of [kids]. But he is not resentful at the girls at all, all the opposite, Kyojuro contradicts himself all the time by telling Tengen that he should be more respectful of his ladies.
As opposed to Tengen, Kyojuro never voices these insecurities to Tengen because he does not feel he has the right to do so :(
Kids are really important to Kyojuro, one of his main goals in life is to be extend the Rengoku legacy, Tengen takes a lot of importance to this as he wants to make Kyojuro happy and motivates Tengen to make important decisions. I will explain this in another post.
Tengen teaches Kyojuro the arts of love, Tengen is gentle and chivalrous, caring and compassionate, I will explain in more detail the love language of each.
Kyojuro is extremely romantic when they are alone, I think that as Kyojuro is super passionate, Tengen gets the best out of him in this aspect as Kyojuro have never loved someone before.
Tengen is Kyojuro’s first love <3.
Tengen makes Kyojuro flush in public but Kyojuro takes Tengen’s breath away in private.
Tengen IS CRAZY about this, he loves when Kyojuro gets intimate and touchy with him. Tengen wants Kyojuro to need and want him as much as he does.
I believe Kyojuro’s is the first to say: I love you.
Tengen is very vocal about needing Kyojuro, Tengen is a demanding lover, he wants all the attention and pampering that Kyojuro has to offer and at the worst time possible lol.
In the middle of a fight? Maybe. In front of other Pillars? Absolutely. In front of Shinjuro? DON’T even dare not to kiss him back.
It takes Kyojuro a bit more time to feel like he is entitled of receiving love and attention from Tengen, because he feels like a home-wrecker mistress lol. So he rarely demands any attention from Tengen.
Tengen confuses this as Kyojuro not loving him enough, or not being sure about them two being together.
Kyojuro’s guilt drives him a bit away from Tengen, again, not feeling like he is entitled to anything and it takes him a bit of time to settle this down.
Tengen certainly panics whenever Kyojuro acts distant or seems to want space in between them, this mainly due to Tengen’s insecurities and feeling like he is not good enough.
They eventually work this stuff out, and have a very healthy, sexy and loving relationship. I will elaborate this in another post.
I will also elaborate my thoughts about the Rengoku family reaction to Kyojuro’s and Tengen’s relationship.
That is it for now, I hope to write the other parts soon. I am a multishipper, so expect to see other pairing with the unbelievably perfect Flame Hashira and other KnY characters.
If you love this ship as much as I do, please don’t hesitate to hit my DM’s and send your requests as well <3. Wishing you all the best, read you all later!
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oh-nostalgiaa · 7 months
Writing Prompt Masterlist, Part Ten
Masterlist of Writing Prompt Masterlists
The Prompts
12 Days of Smutsmas Prompts
30 Top / Dom Prompts
A Collection of Five Times Drabble Prompts
A Few Various Sentence Starter Prompts
A Random Act of Kindness Prompts
Abilities & Super-Powered Themed Prompts
Affectionate Prompts
Affection Sentence Starter Prompts
An Extremely Self-Indulgent Physical Contact / Tickly Prompt Collection
Another Kiss Prompts
Around the World in 80 Prompts
Asking for Permission Prompts
Bed & Sleepy Prompts
Caring for Sick Muses Prompts
Casual NSFW Conversation Sentence Starter Prompts
Christmas AU Prompts
Cuteness Prompts
Different Ways to Hug Someone Prompts
Dirty Talk Prompts
Distracted by the Sexy Starter Prompts
Domestic Bickering Sentence Starter Prompts
Emotional Starter Prompts (Anger)
Even More Stuff Based on Personal Experiences Prompts
Febuwhump 2024 Prompts
Fictional Kiss Things That End Me Prompts
First Meetings Prompts
Fluffbruary 2024 Prompts
Fluffmas List Prompts
Fluffy & Cute Prompts
For a Lover's Reassurance Prompts
Friends with Benefits OTP Prompts
Gentle Touch Prompts
Grumpy x Sunshine Prompts
Heartbreak Prompts
Heroic Intervention Prompts
Holiday AU's for the Christmas Spirit Prompts
I Deserve Better Than This Prompts
I Love You But I Can't Say Those Words Prompts
I Miss You Dialogue Response Prompts
I Really Want to Kiss You Right Now Prompts
I'm Sorry Starter Prompts
Idiots to Lovers Romantic Starter Prompts
It's So Fluffy! Sentence Starter Prompts
January OTP Prompts
Just Like a Pillow Prompts
Kisses Prompts
Levels of Intimacy Prompts
List of AU's That Aren't Themed At All Prompts
Lyrics for Unconventional Ship Dynamics Prompts
Marriage Proposal Starter Prompts, Part One
Marriage Proposal Starter Prompts, Part Two
Miscellaneous Action Meme Prompts
Missing Them Sentence Starter Prompts
More Touch Starved Prompts
Non-sexual Acts of Affection Prompts
Non-Verbal NSFW Prompts, Part One
NSFW Muse Reaction Prompts
NSFW Sentence Starter Prompts
Oddly Specific Sensual Touches Prompts
Only One Bed Prompts
Pinned Against a Wall Prompts
Powerful Prompts
Prompt List, Fluff Edition
Prompts for Fake Dating & Going Undercover
Prompts That Hit in All the Right Places
Question Sentence Starter Prompts
Random Sentence Starter Prompts
Random Settings Prompts
Reassurance Starter Prompts
Sacred Romantic Moments Prompts
Sacrifices Sentence Starter Prompts
Setting Prompts
Sexual Sounds, Words, & Actions Prompts
Sexual Tension / Attraction Prompts
Smut NSFW Starter Prompts
Smut Oneliner Prompts
Smut Starters & Symbols Prompts
Smutty One-Liners Part VI Prompts
Soft Action Prompts
Soft Fic Prompts
Soulmate & Significant Connection AU Prompts
Spots to Kiss Prompts
Starters for Quiet Muses Prompts
Stoic x Cheerful First Kiss Prompts
Sweet and Intimate Actions Which Make Me Go Feral and Have Me Folding Like a Folding Chair Prompts
The Enormity of My Desire Prompts
The Five Senses Starter Prompts
The Intimacy of Hands Prompts
The Sweet, Early Morning Things Prompts
Things You Said Prompts
Touch Starved Prompts
Touching Tenderly Prompts
Undercover Sentence Starter Prompts
Underrated Affectionate Gestures Prompts
Unspoken Fluff Starter Prompts, Part 2
Violent Starter Prompts
What We Almost Had Starter Prompts
Wisdom Teeth Removal AU Prompts
Would You ... ? Prompts
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just-antithings · 1 year
I'm "friends" with an anti irl, and he's constantly telling me how disgusting he finds my ships bc I love a good enemies to lovers, incest, 15+ year age gaps, master/apprentice, student/teacher ships (not necessarily all at the same time, but if there's more than one box ticked I'm so down ngl)
So imagine my annoyance when I get into a really great show from the 50's and my otp is incredibly vanilla (affectionate), loving, intimate, tender, very-in-love-with-each-other-in-a-healthy-way and this "friend"s response is to say "oh it's creepy that you ship them because both actors have been dead for a decade" -.-
Antis stop changing the goalposts challenge (and I think I need a new friend)
anon please ditch that friend asap
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himbos-hotline · 9 months
AO3 || Tumblr writing tag
It is totally fine to draw fanart of my fics [tag me if you post it. I will love you forever] and that stuff, it is not okay to reupload them or to post them on another website without my permission.
Reblogs and comments are the lifeblood of artists, reblog and comment on artwork [not just handdrawn ones] to keep an artist creating, its legit your only job...
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1). Very nice, very tired, very evil || Hookhausen || AU: What Baking can do || Prompt: ""you should sleep" "I am not human. I don't need sleep." || 2k words
2). How much time ya got? || Kingmox || Prompt: Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley sitting in an all night diner talking about the new "adoptees" of the BCC. || 6k words
3). Blood is as rare and as sweet as cherry wine || Hangkenny || Prompt: "have i not suffered enough? has my sacrifice been insufficient to entertain you?" || 4k words
4). BTE buddies || No ship || Prompt: “ that hurt more than a brazilian wax . ” ||OC: Jay Orton || 2k words
5). I love the way he looks at me || Bluejays and blowjobs || Prompt: "Waiting outside in the car after dropping the other off to ensure they at least get inside their homes safely before driving away." || OC: Jay Orton || AU: the highschool AU || 3k words
6). Hand in [un]Lovable hand || Southern Lovin' had me a blast || Prompt: “Do you trust me?” ||OC: Jay Orton || 6k words
7). Getting you off is my favourite hobby || Southern lovin' had me a blast || Prompt: I’m gonna stop if you don’t cum.” || OC: Jay Orton || 3k words
8). We'll bury these old ghosts here || Bluejays and Blowjobs || Prompt: “You literally don’t have to do anything to catch my attention because my eyes have never really been on anyone else other than you.” || OC: Jay Orton || 2k words
9). I need to purge my urges [I need someone to blame] || Prompt: CM Punk trained Jay turning on him to join BCC or The Elite || Welcome Home || OC: Jay Orton || 3k words
10). If I said you could never touch me || Hangkenny || Prompt: I wish you would write the conversation between Kenny and Hangman and Kenny on Kenny's return || 2k words
11). Would you love me more [If I killed someone for you?] || The Elite polycule || Prompt: "You're bleeding… You're bleeding bad…” || 2k words
12). Show me the method of your selfless tongue [give me a sermon] || Hangmatt || Prompt: “are you..are you blushing?” “NO physical activity just makes me red okay” || 3k words
13). Just Cole || Bluejays and blowjobs || Prompt: When the otp+ are not on a first name basis and it becomes more intimate than more technically familiar address || OC: Jay Orton || 1k words
14). Can we just lay here and forget the world || The Polycule || Prompt: "I just want to lay here, with you, for a little while longer." || OC: Jay Orton || 2k words
15). We made our peace with weariness and let it be. || Hangkenny || Prompt: "You were a good person once. I looked up to you" || 2k words
16). I find myself alone at night [Unless I'm having sex] || Hangkenny || Prompt: Person A gets cold during the night, and joins Person B in bed || 2k words
17). There's always some reason [to not feel good enough] || Hangkenny || Prompt: things learned in a nearly empty diner || 1k words
18). An open hand [for your other man] || Hangkenny/Golden lovers || Prompt: “How much did it hurt?” || 3k words
19). But lately, I've been worried youre losing yourself || Hangkenny || Part two of: IFMAAN [UIHS] || 2k words
20). It's fine, fine, fine [Who am I?] || Hangkenny || Prompt: "just tell me what you need. let me give it to you?" || 1k words
21). Angel to me [Watashi ni totte tenshi] || Hangkenny/ Golden Lovers || Prompt:'how long have you known?' || Part 1/2 || 2k words
22). You know the distance never made a difference to me || Golden lovers/ Hangkenny || Prompt: “i can't hide from you like i hide from myself” || part 2/2 || 2k words
23). I'll tell you my sins and [you can sharpen your knife] || Bluejays and blowjobs || Prompt: "I'm starting to feel jealous when I see you with other people." || OC: Jay Orton || 4k words
24). The dead man in the dream is you || No explicit ship || Prompt: "I've got a lot of bad shit that I'm taking to my grave." || Trans girl adam cole || 4k words
25). I picture it soft and I ache || Hangkenny || Prompt: Singing them a lullaby || 1k words
26). no lover leaves the rose garden without blood on their hands || Hangkenny || Prompt: “if I asked, would you stay?” || 1k words
27). Everything stays [but it still changes] || Hangkenny || Prompt: “Kisses that have them hiding their face in your shoulder” || 4k words
28). Look at you [how could I not be in love with you] || Hangkenny/The elite polycule || Prompt: "Leaning in without realizing and then stopping just before their lips are attached to look in the other’s eyes to see if they want this too" || 2k words
29). I could be a better [boy]friend than him || Adam squared || Prompt: "This is a bit weird, isn't it? Sharing a bed with a stranger." || 2k words
30). Did you kiss me so my lips would bleed? || Hangkenny || Prompt: Those soft gazes you can feel burning into the side of your head, and when you look back at them, they’d either hold their gaze or they’d quickly look away so you don’t catch them staring at you. || 1k words
31). I hate what youre doing, I hate that it feels so- || Hangkenny || Prompt: “How far is too far?” “I honestly don’t know at this point.” || 1k words
32). Your voice drives me insane || kenny Omega || Prompt: N/A || 400 words
33). Bite the hand that needs me || Hangkenny || Prompt: “You ever wonder if other people think we’re like… A thing?" || 2k words
34). The only one who’s hurt someone is me || Golden Lovers || Prompt: “I want you. I need you.” || 3k words
35). Being such a good boy for me now || Hangmatt || Prompt: sender spanks receiver hard enough to leave a mark || 4k words
36). Talk to me (talk to me, talk to me) || Hangkenny || Prompt: Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise || 4k words
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honeydots · 3 months
For the ask game- Xanlow 30 and 33
OTP ask game
maybe i should just put all of these under a cut at this point
30: Pet names? Yes or no?
laslow 100% yes. i think he's a man who says darling, lover, my dear. perfect. my love. dearest, even. i can imagine him using babe in a modern context too LMAO and goofier ones i think he could use jokingly at xander just for fun. but i think when laslow starts using them it's very notable to xander. the first time he calls him lover.... agh........ ;A; xander.... okay had you asked me this like half a year ago i probably would've said not really but ive been warning up to it lately. "my love" or "my dear" or POTENTIALLY something like "dove" would be cute. i don't think he uses them nearly as often as laslow does, and i think they're usually reserved for more intimate moments (but not necessarily always?). im always iffy w pet names bc sometimes its hard to make them work. but i think there ARE ways to make them work w these two, it just needs to be like. correct? lol. if u have ever seen me use a pet name in a fic know that i most certainly agonized over it LMAOO
33: What is their wedding day like?
WEDDING DAY SOBS SOBS SOBS okay well.... for one thing i do think laslow is a bit of a wreck. anxious to be in front of all these people, anxious to do well in a culture so unlike his own, anxious for what's to come after marrying a king. i think he'd also have a melancholy about him. his friends aren't all there. even if odin and selena are around, i really think the consequences of staying in nohr will weigh on laslow for like. ever. i don't think he'd be able to shake some of the sadness and loneliness. and on a day like his wedding, i think it'd be on his mind. EVEN STILL!! i think he'd be faced with a lot of joy, too. especially once he's with xander and they're celebrating. laslow probably voiced some of his anxieties leading up to the wedding, so it's not like xander doesn't know that he might have some trouble. and i think he'd do what he can to make him comfortable. xander is probably also very nervous. we know he has a lot more anxiety than he seems to, and a royal wedding isn't going to be without its fair share of stressors. i think his siblings would be trying their damnedest to make sure things run smoothly, and probably have to keep reminding xander that it's *his day* and he doesn't need to be in charge of everything, just this once. he's a little antsy!! i think it goes well, tho. laslow probably does cry and its VERY embarrassing. of course they dance together. i like to think peri helped to make some of the goodies and pastries that're served, too. and afterwards i think that a lot of the stress and sadness melts away, and they're filled with a lot more giddiness and excitement. they're married :) !! and then honeymoon in cyrkensia or something HEHE
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
Fukuchi for the ask game please!
Fukuchi, sure!
Favorite thing about them: Causing Akutagawa to die for Atsushi I think he's a very well written villain!! He's sympathetic and likeable and his motivations are sincerely noble and understandable. His plan fell a little short, but that's just bsd for you ahah. I like how he poses real and relevant political questions, I dig any sort of political discussion. Overall, he's just a character I have lots of fun to reflect over and talk about, but that's primarly due to being a politics nerd pffttt.
Least favorite thing about them: I find some of the gags he gets into quite unpleasant, it's not for my taste personally.
Favorite line:
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Self-explainatory. But like, something that actually has to do with Fukuchi...
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It's just, I get the sentiment? Like, I get the feeling of being willing to do anything if it's to save even one single person.
brOTP: Sorry for being predictable, but highkey Fukuchi and sskk lol. Because Fukuchi seems to care about them /so much/. I find it a truly moving part of chapters 84-88, how Fukuchi doesn't want to fight even more than sskk themselves. He's genuinely sorry for them. He offers them heartfelt advices. He waits for them, he gives them time to regrup. He offers to spare one of them. Fukuchi has been a kinder mentor figure to Akutagawa in twenty minutes than Dazai has been in six years. He compliments Akutagawa and acknoweladges his value and spares him words of respect even after his death. I just,,, in a perfect world he would have loved them dearly, and be the first supporter of their union.
OTP: I REALLY like Fukuchi and Fukuzawa. Tragic yaoi FOR REAL. Very characters who aren't canonically gay but whose behavior just makes so much sense if you read them as gay. Also my other personal shipped them before they got popular. They just care about each other SO MUCH they didn't ever denied it and yet are forced to be on opposite sides... Ultimate star crossed lovers fr.
nOTP: Nothing. I need to delete this section.
Random headcanon: I can't think of anything of a proper headcanon, but I feel like he's looked to Fukuzawa and Ranpo many times and intimately wished they could have created a family together. I feel like the chapter 83.3 cover (the one a little further below) is exactly what Fukuchi would have dreamed his life to be if the world was different.
Unpopular opinion: I'm glad he killed Akutagawa. Duh. I've said this so many times but the “I wish Akutagawa didn't die” is a sentiment I really can't share.
Song i associate with them: I can't believe I could actually think of something, but Knife by rerulili is perfect as the love triangle / katanas / dying in your gay lover's arms story.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Send me a character?
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soldieronbarnes · 1 year
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burning, freezing
#obikin kinktober fic; sensation play, temperature play
Anakin is trembling, and there’s a high pitched noise ringing in his ears, but other than that his thoughts are finally, blessedly empty as he comes down from what was perhaps the most mind-shattering orgasm he’s ever experienced.
That’s probably a lie. Every orgasm Obi-Wan has given him has felt like it has rerouted all his synapses, allowed him to see the galaxy in a new light. This one is no different, except perhaps for the way his skin keeps tingling – sometimes pleasantly, sometimes painfully – all over. 
It had taken months to get Obi-Wan to this point – to acknowledge that sometimes Anakin needed a heavier hand, that pain could equal pleasure, that Anakin longed for more than a hand tightening in his hair or the occasional playful slap of his rear. 
And now, now, finally, his hands are tied to the headboard in soft silks. His breath keeps heaving under a chest splotched with red, both from exertion and the rough handling his Master had finally agreed to. He brushes his flesh fingers over his left nipple, soft as a feather, and shudders at the sting, his nipple still pert and overstimulated, sending zings of pleasure and pain throughout his body. 
There’s come there, too, on his chest – his own, coating much more of his chest and belly than he’s used to – and down below, too; he can feel it dripping out of his hole, warm and sticky and barely soothing the sting as it coats the puffy rim of his entrance. Everything is hot, there, too – reminders of Obi-Wan’s cock breaching him when he was barely prepared for the stretch, the delicious burn of it, and the handprints still visible, a tangible enough brand that he won’t be able to sit down tomorrow without acutely being reminded of his Master’s claim. 
Obi-Wan’s hand sweeps through the come dripping out of him, just then, gathering it up and gently rubbing it around his abused hole. Anakin moans, unsure whether to melt into the sensation or squirm away from it. It’s so much, so soon. 
“Oh, sweet thing,” Obi-Wan murmurs. “Too much?”
Increased pressure, just a little, just the edge of his thumb breaching his hole to force an answer.
“I don’t know,” Anakin pants, eyes screwed tightly shut. “I don’t know, I don’t know –”
Obi-Wan hums. “Let’s cool down a little, then.”
And then, suddenly – he gasps as something ice-cold touches him, circles his chest. The shock of it makes him shiver and convulse, and yet, he can feel his body arching into it. It’s good, it’s relief for his abused flesh, even in its extreme.
Where had Obi-Wan even gotten a hold of ice cubes? When had he even moved them to the bedroom? They’re slightly melted already, sure, as proven by the liquid that makes its way steadily down to pool in his belly button, but the cold still stings nonetheless. 
“Better?”Obi-Wan asks gently.
“Yes,” Anakin says, although the cold bites, too. 
And so it continues. The ice cube moved from one nipples to the other, soothing and needling his skin in equal measures until it melts away completely. The next cube is gently rubbed into the heated flesh of his thighs and buttocks, where Obi-Wan spanked him before he came the first time, before the heavy, delicious weight of his cock against his prostate coaxed another orgasm out of him. And then –
Another feather light touch against his sore rim. “That looks like it hurts,” Obi-Wan says, and it does, and then there’s another cube pressed along his taint, his rim, everywhere that’s red and swollen, and the noise that’s ripped out of his throat is inhuman.
“You like that”, Obi-Wan marvels, as he keens and thrashes at the sensation, his hole clenching on nothing, desperate to be filled again.
“Yes,” he gasps, “yes! I – I – ”
Obi-Wan hums again, except this time it’s more considering, and then, and then – 
There’s little resistance as Obi-Wan pushes the remains of the cube inside, his hole still loose from taking his thick cock, but it’s a shock: Anakin’s whole body locks up at the freezing cold inside of him, and distantly, he can hear himself screaming as he comes again, the heat of Obi-Wan’s finger pressing against his prostate contrasting with the biting cold of the cube and he hadn’t even realised he’d grown hard again under his Master’s continued ministrations. 
It takes a while until he can think clearly again. When he does, he’s curled against his Master’s chest, with Obi-Wan gently rubbing feeling into his wrists again.
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan whispers, “I’m sorry.”
Distantly, Anakin wonders if his Master is apologising for the erection poking his hip, but he knows he isn't. Only Obi-Wan could feel guilty about giving his former Padawan an amazing orgasm and being turned on by it. Idiot.
So to alleviate his guilt, Anakin burrows closer into his embrace, nuzzling into his neck. “You got any of those ice cubes left?” he asks, voice muffled as he presses kisses into his Master’s neck. “I bet I can suck on some and then blow your mind.”
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comebackali · 7 days
sometimes i roll my eyes a little when i'm reading some take on some very over the top fluffy obikin sex, but then i remember obi wan saying, "you are strong and wise anakin and i am very proud of you" with the sweetest, most adoring look on his face, and i'm like oh yeah, these bitches are having the most embarrassing, tender, sappy sex in the whole galaxy and obi wan literally cries the entire time
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anxious-lee · 2 years
|| Basil and Dawson Tickle Headcanons ||
tumblr wouldn't let me make this a full gif 😤
A/N: Disney OTP! They're so wholesome and deserve some tickles in their otherwise pained and morbid life
- basil and dawson took some time to get physically intimate with each other (sfw intimacy). you can see that they get rather nervous about touch in the scene where basil comforts dawson and he hesitates to place his hand on dawson's shoulder
- it's because both of their love languages are Touch, and it's a vulnerable thing to show someone you love them, no matter who it is
- the very first time the sensitive subject came up was after a harrowing chase and basil came dangerously close to injuring himself. dawson of course fawned over him and checked him for any bruises. one off-course paw in the armpit is all it took for basil to jolt into the air with a yelp. and there it was. undeniable by basil and unforgettable by dawson. the Great Basil of Baker Street was ticklish
- of course basil would sooner unlive than admit it, but he doesn't truly mind being tickled all that much and perhaps might even enjoy it
- and dawson knows that ;)
- wordlessly, they each know the other's boundaries; basil will squeeze dawson's biceps when he's had enough, and dawson can just simply utter out a "stop" (because he isn't so embarrassed as basil)
- you'd guess just from looking at them that basil is the ler of the pair and dawson the lee. but you've got it backwards
- while they are both switches (dawson the ler-leaning and basil the lee-leaning), dawson does more of the tickling than basil; primarily because his biggest source of joy is seeing his lover happy, and because basil feels loved when his lover tickles him
- when he gains the upper hand, basil is a devilish ler
- makes observations about the lee's reactions and sadisticly makes fun of them for it
- "hmm you know, if I didn't know any better, which I do, I'd say you were ticklish~"; "was that a giggle, dawson?? I think that was a giggle! you know, when I neared that spot you keep trying to hide from me"
- very methodical tickler; say your prayers now
- even as a lee, basil still doesn't abandon his sense of superiority; if he can stop laughing for long enough, he'll shoot snarky quips at dawson while he's having the daylights tickled out of him
- his laugh is high-pitched cackling; its such a childlike sound, it warms dawson's heart
- his most ticklish spot is behind his ears, meaning dawson gives him kisses behind the ears constantly
- basil is mortified at the fact that he, of all mice, is so ticklish, but his husband keeps reassuring him there's nothing to be embarrassed about; though that assurance is met with only a grunt, it's still noted by basil
- dawson is not a strong ler
- he is easily overpowered and easily flustered lol but we love him for that
- he doesn't tease with baby talk or anything like that, he teases by pointing out how much the lee is enjoying it and how adorable the lee is
- he a sweet lee tho ❤️
- his laugh is full of heart chuckles and belly laughter that sounds like sunshine
- goes limp when tickled, too soft to fight it
- his worst spot is his underarms
- they both use tickle fights to solve a good chunk of their problems; don't know who should have to be the bait in the next stakeout? loser of the tickle fight has to do it
- other than those circumstances, there is no winner in their tickle fights; they just wrestle and fight to tickle the other until they both get tired
- mrs. judson will come into the common room to investigate what all the noise is about, witness their ticklish war, and silently leave the room, watching them as she goes with a smile on her face
They give me endless happiness ohmigosh 🥰🥰🥰
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dalliansss · 1 year
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? Depends on the AU, for me, but by default worldbuilding I write with @skaelds they last even beyond the Old World.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? Pretty quickly for Ainur standards
How was their first kiss? Surprising for Melkor's part. Mairon at the time knew him as Thû, maia of Námo.
Who proposed? Mairon, lmao
Who is the best man/men? n/a
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? n/a
Who did the most planning? Mairon. It was a premeditated move hahaha
Who stressed the most? Mairon. Melkor didn't even know Mairon wanted to put a ring on it.
How fancy was the ceremony? - n/a
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - n/a. Ainur do not observe customs like Incarnates (men and elves) do. Wedding is a simple thing: shed their fanar, mingle their fëar. No need for ceremony or vows at all.
Who is on top? Again, Ainur don't get intimate the way Incarnates do. Sex for them in shedding corporeal forms and mingling their spirits. But if you're being technical, Melkor mostly 'dominates', because he's Vala. His fëa is infinitely stronger.
Who is the one to instigate things? Mairon lol. Melkor doesn't care much for intimacy.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? It depends lmao
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? Yes
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. | It depends.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - 
How many children will they adopt? -
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - 
Who is the stricter parent? -
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? -
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? -
Who is the more loved parent? -
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?
Who cried the most at graduation? - 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - 
Who does the most cooking? Melkor imbibes more, but he's more into alcohol and wine. Mairon does not imbibe at all.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - 
Who does the grocery shopping? -
How often do they bake desserts? -
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - 
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? -
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - 
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - 
Who cleans the room? - Mairon
Who is really against chores? - Neither. Both can pull their weight along tbh
Who cleans up after the pets? Melkor. His dragons, his work lol
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? Neither
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Neither
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Both
Who takes the longer showers/baths? Mairon
Who takes the dog out for a walk? Mairon
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? Neither
What are their goals for the relationship? For Melkor, finish his Great Work. For Mairon? To just stay with Melkor and order the world.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Neither.
Who plays the most pranks? Melkor.
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fantastic-rambles · 1 year
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Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Characters: Ainosuke Shindo, Tadashi Kikuchi
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 2k
Summary: In a world in which every person is born with one of their soulmate's eyes, Ainosuke is determined to do whatever he can to find the one person who he is destined to be with. [Year of the OTP 2023 @yearoftheotpevent. June: Soulmate AU]
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Ainosuke gazed into the mirror as he ran a comb through his hair. He’d always loved his eyes: red and green, they stood out among a sea of varying shades of brown, with the occasional splash of blue or green. He’d always thought that they would make it easy for him to find his soulmate… and yet, he’d watched classmates fall in love, business partners get married, people coming together to start a new life with each other while he remained alone.
Of course, it was possible for people to find happiness, even without finding the one they were fated to be with, but he couldn’t bring himself to settle for that. The idea that there was someone out there who was supposed to be his, so intimately bound together that they could see the world together through the same eyes, was something that spoke to his very soul. He just had to look harder, to put more effort into meeting more people and reaching out beyond the boundaries of his own world.
All of that ambition had led him here, to this moment. Of course, his family was thrilled and more than happy to support him in his goal to become a politician: a position of power like that would only help to raise their own stock and likely play to their advantage in other ways. But Ainosuke didn't care about that, not really. His own motivations were equally selfish, if not more so. By having an excuse to appear in public in larger and larger venues, perhaps his fated lover would see him and reach out themselves, someday. If Japan was still too small, then he'd even aim for the position of Prime Minister and go abroad, leading this country to the forefront of international politics in exchange for a few extra minutes in the spotlight. No matter how long it took, he wouldn't give up.
Tucking his brush back into the inner pocket of his suit jacket, Ainosuke turned to leave the bathroom, nearly running into another man. About to murmur a polite apology, he glanced up at the other man's face, and the words died on his tongue. A pair of brilliant emerald eyes stared back at him, all the more beautiful for having been completed. He never could have mistaken them, but even so, he glanced over his shoulder to find two crimson eyes staring back at him from the mirror.
"Please excuse me."
The other man didn't seem to have noticed anything as he continued to try to edge past Ainosuke, but Ainosuke's own heart was racing as he reached out to grab the stranger's wrist.
"What's your name?"
A flicker of emotion—annoyance—crossed the man's face, but he answered anyway.
"Tadashi Kikuchi."
Tadashi. A beautiful name for a beautiful man… but Ainosuke's contemplations were brought to an abrupt halt as he suddenly recognized the name. Tadashi Kikuchi wasn't especially well-known to the general public, but he was a thorn in the side of Ainosuke's own party. He was said to be not much of a speaker, but when he did talk, he was straightforward and honest, which had contributed to his election as a "trustworthy" politician… not unlike Ainosuke himself, though his own popularity was founded upon a facade more than reality. Rather, Tadashi's strength was said to lie in the written word, drafting bills with all the flexibility of a lawyer while finding loopholes and alternative readings of Ainosuke's own party's proposals to strike them down. But that had nothing to do with their love.
"Tadashi. I mean, Kikuchi-san. Do you know who I am?"
Another flash of annoyance.
"Ainosuke Shindo-san. If you'll excuse me, I need to use the facilities. If there's something that you would like to discuss with me, you can speak with my secretary about adding yourself to my schedule."
"That's not it," Ainosuke started to protest, but then he bit his tongue. Tadashi seemed to have the wrong impression of what Ainosuke wanted, but he was right that a bathroom wasn't the right place to have this conversation. Besides, Ainosuke wanted to do this properly. He hadn't expected to run into his soulmate here, but he'd spent years thinking about what he would do when he finally found them. This was his chance—his only chance—to make everything perfect.
Furthermore, Tadashi already knew who he was, which meant that he had some amount of interest in Ainosuke, right? Perhaps not romantically, since he still hadn't noticed the change in both of their conditions, but he'd clearly been paying attention to the younger man in some way. That was more than enough for a starting point.
"But I'll do as you say. I'll see you later, Kikuchi-san!"
Smiling, Ainosuke let go of the other man before leaving the bathroom and quickly returning to his own office. There was so much that he needed to do, after all! Contacting Tadashi's secretary first to schedule an appointment later in the afternoon and making sure that he had no events after work, calling up a florist for a last-minute order of three dozen red roses in full bloom, making a dinner reservation since both of their evenings were clear for the moment… It was truly regretful that they were in session. Otherwise, they could have planned a relaxing trip together, perhaps to Ainosuke's native Okinawa or the other extreme of Hokkaido. They could always arrange such a trip for the future, of course, but it wouldn't be the same.
He could barely get through his own work as he constantly checked the clock, waiting for the designated hour to arrive. Ten minutes before their appointment, Ainosuke headed out with the bouquet in one hand while brushing his hair back with the other. By the time he arrived at Tadashi's office, he was humming, eager to surprise his beloved.
When he knocked on the door, it opened immediately. A man in a dark suit ushered him in… and then left, closing the door behind him. Ainosuke's heart leapt in his chest when he realized that he and Tadashi were alone: had the other man finally realized what had happened? Was he ready to accept their eternal love?
As Tadashi rose from his desk, Ainosuke quickly closed the distance between them so that he could catch the older man as he walked around it to greet him. Lowering himself to one knee, Ainosuke offered the roses to him, belatedly regretting that he hadn't ordered more. A hundred, at least, according to his original plans. As many as the florist had available, and if one shop didn't have enough, he'd have reached out to more. And even that would have been a pittance compared to what Tadashi deserved. But he'd decided to hold back, a little, in case the other man still hadn't put the pieces together so as not to overwhelm him.
"Kikuchi-san. I've been searching for you, my soulmate, for my entire lifetime. As a token of our acquaintance, I have prepared these flowers, which hold the meaning of 'passionate love.' Will you please accept my feelings?" he asked, gazing up at Tadashi with an expression of earnest devotion. His beloved's expression was harder to read, blank and impassive… while he made no effort to take the flowers.
"Please get up, Shindo-san," he requested, and Ainosuke scrambled to his feet, his hold on the bouquet tightening as he started to grow anxious. Had he made a mistake? Did Tadashi still not understand? Was there another reason the man had dismissed his assistant for this meeting?
Then, Tadashi sighed.
"I understand why you're here"—pale, elegant fingers reached up to brush the corner of his eye, just under the fringe of black hair—"but you do understand that this is mostly superstition? Certainly, the phenomenon of eyes being exchanged exists, but people who experience it do not have a greater chance of 'finding happiness,' or falling in love, statistically speaking. When it does happen, it's more likely to be some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy due to the active, concerted efforts of those involved. Otherwise, it's nearly impossible to develop a relationship with someone you don't even know based merely on a peculiarity like this."
Tadashi was saying things that Ainosuke had heard before, but he was hardly going to give up because of such a minor obstacle, especially when he was more than ready to put in "active, concerted efforts" to achieve his dreams. It seemed that his fated partner was one of those who didn't believe in fate, which was unfortunate, but not entirely uncommon. More and more people these days were accepting it as just another part of life rather than searching for the person who would complete them. But Ainosuke wasn't like that. Instead, he smiled more charmingly as he lay the roses on Tadashi's desk.
"Of course I understand that. Which is why I've already made us a dinner reservation for this evening. We can spend as much time as you like getting to know each other over good food and a few drinks. You're alright with French, I hope?"
But Tadashi shook his head.
"That's not the issue. Frankly, Shindo-san, I'm not interested in playing along with some sophomoric game. I have more important work to do. We both do."
"I'm entirely serious about this, though? Ah… are you dating someone else at the moment? Or is there some other, personal reason that you can't accept this? Are you heterosexual?"
Ainosuke himself had never worried about such things: regardless of who his soulmate was, he'd been determined to dedicate all of his love to them. It didn't make sense, after all, for a soulmate to be someone the other person couldn't be attracted to. His fairly invasive questions seemed to be making Tadashi blush, though, such an innocent reaction making him all the more endearing.
"No, that's not… No, I mean…"
"Then can't you at least give me a chance? Come to dinner with me, at least. If you decide that you hate me, then that will be the end of it, I promise. But if I'm tolerable, then let's continue meeting up outside of work. We don't have to call it dating, if you're uncomfortable with that. Just hanging out, getting to know each other, and seeing where it goes from there. And if you eventually decide that you do like me, then our romance can finally begin."
Tadashi's lips turned downwards, but the frown seemed to be more thoughtful than displeased, so Ainosuke stayed silent, not wanting to push too much and encounter resistance. He was starting to get the measure of the other man and learning how to best appeal to him. His suggestion was perfectly reasonable, which would make it hard for someone as serious and diligent as Tadashi to refuse him despite understanding the motivations behind the invitation. Even so, Tadashi seemed to be trying to find some sort of excuse to turn him down… before he sighed again.
"Just dinner," he warned, and Ainosuke nodded enthusiastically.
"Just dinner," he promised, pulling out one of his business cards and a pen so he could write down the details of their reservation before offering it to Tadashi with both hands. After the other man had taken it and reviewed the details, Ainosuke smiled again.
"I'm looking forward to this evening. Thank you very much for indulging me in this, Kikuchi-san."
Reaching for the flowers on the desk, Ainosuke extracted a single blood-red bloom, raising it to his lips to press a kiss to the soft, velvety petals before reaching out to gently tuck it into Tadashi's breast pocket. An equally rosy color stained Tadashi's cheeks again, making Ainosuke want to pull him into an embrace and kiss him, but he forced himself to hold back. Bowing slightly, he excused himself, waiting for the office door to close behind him before he reached into his pocket to extract his cell phone.
He needed to call the restaurant and make some adjustments to his initial request that they design a romantic evening, after all.
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undyingembers · 2 years
OTP asks: 8, 17, and 30 for Len and Daeran please?
8. What’s one way their personalities compliment one another?
Well, it seems the two of them are very different indeed. Len is super uptight, dutiful, and quiet. Daeran is wild and scandalous. They definitely challenge each other.
What sets Len apart from all the stodgy bureaucrats and inquisitors is that Len...doesn't really care for Iomadaen norms and virtues. Len might bristle when Daeran's antics brush up against the law, but other than that, s/he doesn't really care what he gets up to (Len was actually very impressed when Daeran told him/her of how he threw the party on the river because it was outside Hulrun's jurisdiction, and thus he couldn't do anything about it). Both Daeran and Lenarius have many reasons to dislike the church of Iomadae, and they can be quite united in that area.
Another thing that brings them together despite their differences is that they both have incredible fashion sense. They can go on for hours about what is in style at the moment and pick outfits for one another.
Even without all that, they both love each other deeply because of who the other is. Len never set out to "change" Daeran. S/he wouldn't want to lose the wonderful and passionate tempest who can keep up with him/her in banter. Daeran also loves how principled Len is. S/he has her rules and morals, but s/he also isn't a hypocrite, unlike a lot of inquisitors. Len never lectures, never moralizes, and yet, without even trying s/he was still able to inspire him to become a bit of a better person.
17. Who fell in love first?
It's really hard to know for certain. Leonosa fell in love with Daeran sometime in Act III, well after the "Not-a Date". For the longest time, Len was so worried that this would be a fleeting passion, that Daeran would grow bored of him/her, that s/he would get his/her heart broken. Yet, s/he could never shake the feeling of protectiveness when s/he thinks about Daeran living under the Other, cannot make him/herself stop noticing the small moments of vulnerably when he talks to him/her or their companions, cannot help but wonder if he meant it when he told him/her that s/he was special, cannot stop feeling wonderfully blissful in his company.
Daeran kept those feelings very well suppressed. He shouldn't have been so invested in this courtship. Yet he also cannot help but notice that this one had gone on for far longer than normal for him, cannot stop feeling the closest to safe he's been in a long time, cannot help but wonder why he keeps returning to Lenarius. The events of Act IV exacerbated those conflicting feelings. Lenarius having confirmed that s/he cares so much about him, finding himself worried for him/her and indignant at the injustice Galfrey had put him/her through, finding himself worried about their future, and, most importantly, realizing that he is capable of love and affection despite his best efforts not to. That was key. Falling in love was as much about realizing some things about himself as it was about Leonosa, and that was a little concerning.
30. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
Len loves kissing his/her lover on the hand (and being kissed on the hand). It was one of those overly romantic gestures that s/he read about in romance novels that was denied to him/her growing up. In a more intimate setting, s/he will go for that sweet spot under Daeran's chin, right where it meets the neck. S/he loves to see him shudder.
When Len wears one of his/her low-cut ballgowns, Daeran cannot resist placing a kiss on his/her neck, back, or collarbone, especially when they're dancing.
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