#otp: still not my type
akumatizedpuns · 2 years
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Made a tier on the Total Drama couples/pairs (all the ones that ever became at least cannon or semi).
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
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Stay with me a little longer, I will wait for you...
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recurring-polynya · 3 months
"Just do as you're told," Mogget said firmly. "Think of yourself as Abhorsen's sworn sword-hand, if it makes you feel better, though in this present era, you'll find common sense is more important than honor. "Very well", Touchstone muttered, humbly. He stood up and put on the underclothes and shirt, but couldn't get the trousers past his heavily muscled thighs. "There's a kilt and leggings in one of the chests back there," Mogget said after watching Touchstone hopping around on one leg, the other trapped in too-tight leather."
if you, as an author, aren't introducing your male love interests like this, what are you even doing with your life?
(from Sabriel, by Garth Nix)
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thranduel · 8 months
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"you drew stars around my scars."
#astarion#baldur's gate 3#bg3#astarion x tav#astarion romance#tav#astarion ancunin#my screenshots#oc: kaelin#otp: you're not alone in this#had to get both of their scars in these screenshots :')#anyways here's a bit of backstory about this scene that no one asked for:#in my head this type of scene does NOT happen for a very long time and when it does it's actually genuine#i know some of you will say but that's not what's canon blah blah blah GUESS WHAT I DON'T CARE :')#that's how i like to imagine it for them because they start as rivals and it's a very long slowburn#and the actual canon forest scene doesn’t fit my character at all. he wouldn’t do that lol#it happens WAY too quickly and at that point they're still rivals and constantly bickering#also the game doesn't really give you much of a choice to advance astarion's romance without having sex and i don't like that :(#i still kept how astarion lies to try and manipulate kaelin in order to gain protection because that's a big part of the plot but +#there was no sex. he just suddenly became really friendly and apologetic and flirty#but when astarion admits he was just manipulating him to get closer to him kaelin is hurt and disappointed all over again#but astarion explains why he did it and kaelin starts to understand. he's still upset that his feelings were played with but he gets it#anyways i like to imagine they build trust and a friendship first and then it takes ages for them to realise their romantic feelings#the moment they officially start dating is after kaelin defends him in front of the drow & it's a huge turning point in their relationship#also when astarion opens up to kaelin about his trauma it brings them so much closer and i imagine there's lots of tears in that scene +#from both of them. also there is NEVER any pressure or rush when it comes to sex in their relationship. they don't focus on it#but i imagine the scene in this gifset happening in their relationship WAY later on when it's genuine and when they're both ready
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yamatonikado · 5 months
ya'know what's f**ked up? the fact that I STILL get chikaita brainrot even though i haven't viewed, touched, or interacted with ANY kind of A3 media in what feels like years? when did they stop updating the EN servers? it was before that even. and yet despite this itaru and chikage live in my brain rent free tending to the chikaita brainworms in my brain content garden. i cannot escape them and their messed up relationship.
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juriyuna · 7 months
bat/ao thoughts? bat/ao thoughts.
the way ao starts acting more like the bat the more paranoid she becomes is SO good. i love thinking that the reason why the bat kept sparing ao's life was because she saw her old self in ao's eyes: a scared kid trying to act tough to prevent anyone from ever hurting her again.
of course, neither of them would ever want to admit that they're more alike than they seem. ao reminds the bat of her own weakness; that painful, ugly part of herself that she's crushed down time and again, but still hasn't managed to truly get rid of. it's hard to look at her sometimes. (the irony of being unable to finish off someone so weak- a reflection of the coward the bat used to be- is not lost on her.)
the realization would haunt ao as well. she would be horrified to think that the bat used to be someone just like her-- and maybe still is, deep down. but when she makes eye contact with the bat, she can't shake the sense that she's looking at what she herself could become.
ao would end up constantly rationalizing all of her more dubious actions (and her willingness to kill/fight in general) to try to convince herself that they have nothing in common. she can't bear the thought that she and her abuser are two sides of the same coin.
unfortunately, this anxiety makes her even more prone to being exploited-- since the bat knows where ao's fear comes from, she knows exactly which threads to tug at to make ao's psyche unravel. and no matter what ao does, she cannot chase the bat's words out of her head. she may be physically strong enough now to hold her own against the bat, but mentally, she's still as fragile as she was back in their monzenbashi days. still the same girl getting yanked around on a chain.
as far as the romantic aspect of it goes, ao has to be at least a little into the bat. even if the bat terrifies her, maybe ao thinks she's kind of cool or handsome every now and then. there is that scene in ao's MSS where she says that she's terrified of robbing someone's future away, implying that she never killed the bat because some part of her believed the bat could change... it's kinda cute (and a bit sad) that ao must have seen something in her that was worth saving.
(ao would try to ignore these feelings, though. she hates the bat for everything she's done, and she'd hate herself even more for falling in love with the girl who caused her and janomiya to live in fear for so many months. what would the bat think if she knew? what would janomiya think? ao promised she'd save these girls from ever being exploited again. she already feels like she's betraying herself; she can't betray them too...)
the bat sparing ao's life once again, skin prickling at the possibility that she's doing this because ao has somehow managed to get into her heart... she tells herself that she won't be so soft next time, but that's just a lie to make herself feel less pathetic.
it scares her as much as it angers her. she's worked so hard to keep her guard up, never letting anyone in for fear that they'll use this closeness to hurt her-- yet somehow, weak, pitiful ao of all people managed to make a crack in her armor. the bat hates feeling this way, and she hates herself for being foolish enough to slip up and allow herself to get attached to someone. so she's left unable to progress in either direction, too paranoid to let ao closer, but too afraid to finish her off and forget it all...
bad takes of a... certain flavor really turned me off of 🦇🐍 for a while, but now that i've completely disengaged from that side of the fandom, i've started to enjoy it a lot more. i Love thinking about how the parallels between the bat and ao would affect their dynamic, auuuugh
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Kinsugi androids
Au where everything is the same except instead of plastic, android casing is made up of porcelain with gold joints so they look like a cool blend of Alitan:battle angel and the kinsugi technique
that’s all just context for this wip, I figured to try entice more people for the journey I’ll just ?? Keep updating y’all on my pieces and have a big reply at the end
so here is nines but he’s funky and ready to smash into a million pieces and be glued back together with precious metals <3
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adanseydivorce · 1 month
me: I’m fine
me, 10 seconds later: the Greywaren mind meld was sooo stupid and the worst part of it is that device Could have been implemented without it feeling like a total cop out if it was say, characters having an actual argument/conflict in some type of dream space, alternate version of reality each others memories etc. if we were actually tracking them through all that and not just “they were wanted…” as the resolution … the actuality of it was just lazy.
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thschei · 5 months
Wait hold on
Do we count not regenerating as suicide??? Bc if we do, that means that the master has killed themself out of spite 4 times, 5 if you count the Lumiat as canon (I do), and 2 of those were simm!master and 2 of those were missy, and 4 of them were motivated by the doctor
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soldwreckedmoved · 11 months
his wife and his former best friend? that’s gotta hurt.
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NAME: arthur “art” donaldson
AGE: 30
SEX: male
D.O.B: july 13, 1993
ORIENTATION: unlabeled
OCCUPATION: tennis player
FAMILY: born to george and kayla donaldson, both alive. no siblings. married to tashi donaldson & has one daughter, lily donaldson. partners and children are verse dependent.
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: blonde hair, blue eyes. skinny but has muscle. tall and lanky. typically wearing some sort of gym clothing or just a t-shirt and shorts with sneakers.
EDUCATION: graduated high school and attended the local college for sports marketing before becoming interested in tennis and deciding to join the local team.
RELIGION: agnostic
ALIGNMENT: neutral good
ZODIAC: cancer
he’s always been a little bit of a pushover, y’know?
determined. people pleaser but not a pushover. witty. overachiever. falls in love very easily. a little bit guarded.
Arthur Donaldson was what everyone wants their son to be. Happy, outgoing, charming. He was pretty much the golden child of his family. And considering the fact that he had no siblings, it was easy enough to get the title. He just needed to worry about keeping it.
He graduated high school at the top of his class and went to the local college with the intention to study sports marketing. By chance, he happened to join the school’s tennis team and he fell in love with the sport almost instantly. There was another boy on the team by the name of Patrick and the two quickly became unstoppable. There were rumors of them dating, but the no one ever found out if they were true or not. The boys didn’t care. They were just happy to have a friend that cared about tennis as much.
They remained friends all throughout college and into their adult lives. And then they met Tashi. She was a rising tennis star and both boys may have fallen a little bit in love. Patrick dated her when they were young but it was Art that ended up marrying her. Their friendship fizzled out after that. Tashi had gotten an injury years prior that took her out of the tennis scene, but Art had decided to compete for her. He just hadn’t known his competition would be Patrick, and he certainly hadn’t known that his wife would start seeing Patrick again.
the golden boy of the town//verse - pre canon. art growing up and becoming an independent kid. he’s top of his class all through high school and goes on to maintain good grades in college. he meets patrick and develops a passion for tennis that continues throughout his life.
it’s not just tennis//verse - canon. patrick and art are up and coming tennis players who happen to meet the woman who would eventually become art’s wife. she’s patrick’s girlfriend first, though. an injury during a match takes her out of the tennis scene completely and she and art agree that he’ll compete in her place. neither of them were expecting his competitor to be her ex-boyfriend. neither of them were expecting her to start seeing him again.
put a wrecking ball through the front door//verse - post canon. art and tashi have divorced. he has custody of lily and he’s trying to put his life back in order. he doesn’t know if it’s working or not. but he’s trying and he thinks that’s all that matters.
we’re all guilty of something//verse - art/patrick verse. this verse is of my own devising and if anyone wants to write something in this verse, please ask! i’m always up for it but just know that it’s a very toxic, unhealthy relationship and i prioritize your comfort over anything else. patrick and tashi have been dating for about three months. art is trying to be happy for them. it’s hard, though. especially because patrick keeps coming to him and asking for sex. art’s not the best at saying no, and despite the fact that he knows cheating is wrong, he’s always had a thing for patrick. and if tashi never finds out, it’s fine, right? they keep this up for the whole time that patrick and tashi are dating. art feels terrible about it but he keeps quiet and says nothing. and then patrick and tashi break up. and she and art are going out. and he doesn’t know what to do, so he just doesn’t do anything. and now it’s been six months and art has realized that he’s pretty much nothing more than a glorified cheerleader. and he doesn’t want to be. he knows he’s a people pleaser but he also knows that he’s not a pushover and he’s sick of being treated like one. he doesn’t really do anything at first, but patrick comes to him with the offer of sex (like always) and art, despite knowing (like always) that cheating is wrong and awful and terrible, agrees. after about a month of this, he realizes that this isn’t better than his relationship with tashi. it’s worse. it’s so much worse. but he can’t leave, because leaving means going back to tashi and he can’t do that. he can’t stay with patrick, either. so he goes back to tashi and tries his best to cut off all contact with patrick. this works for a while and then patrick is his competition and art is experiencing all of the feelings he’d felt before. against his better judgment, he goes back to patrick, only to find out that tashi did the same. he doesn’t know what to think. was he just being lead on? and if he was, why? he keeps seeing patrick and he suffers in silence. he can’t tell tashi about it and he can’t talk to patrick, either. so he just suffers in silence and alone, taking out all his emotions on the court (and sometimes in the bedroom)
so what i’m hearing is that he’s crazy//verse - any and all interactions with muses that do not exist in the challengers universe. this includes fandomless ocs. it does not include challengers ocs.
i am not a cheerleader; treat me like an equal//otp: art/tashi
i’d like to be my old self again but i’m still trying to find it//otp: art/patrick
we don’t normally have the same type//otp: art/tashi/patrick
every time i see you i am overcome//otp: art/johanna
it’s never too late to come back to my side//otp: art/dorothea
to live for the hope of it all//otp: art/august
it was more like art//dyn: art/tashi
since when did you have it made//dyn: art/patrick
long days and even longer nights//aesthetic
my brain won’t shut up//headcanon
he looks like a golden retriever//faceclaim
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radiates-confusion · 1 year
I did up to the lineart on stream last night, so I count this as a June 1st drawing, but hey ho, close enough, first drawng in June, figured I'd make it adorable and queer! So, yh! This is Jackro and Varion, the fathers of my DnD character Urlwyn!
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Is she even really the one if she won't (help you) fake your death
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quintillusesfishtank · 7 months
thought i had recovvered from my dirkjake era but they keep showwin up on my dash and im gettin sucked in again
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batcavescolony · 2 years
"I wish ao3 would let me-"
It probably does, you just gotta learn how to do it.
"I wanna see fics for only my opt"
Go to either fandom tag or your ships tag, (if you're doing fandom tag you have to add your ship in the 'relationship' section),go to fliters (mobile) or the right hand side (desktop), go to the 'search within results' area and put in otp:true just like that click 'sort and filter' And it'll pull up all fics with just your otp.
(EDIT: if you wanna do this but still have other parings try otp:false instead of otp:true)
"I wanna sort by _____ not 'Date updated'"
Go to 'filters' or right, theirs a drop down and you can change it to 'author' 'title' 'date posted' ect their are more options. Pick one, click 'sort and filter'
"I don't wanna see /reader"
Filter or Right, go to 'search within results' type in -/reader like that, click 'sort and filter'. No more /reader
"I don't want explicit works"
You know where we're going Right or filter. 'Exclude' section. 'Ratings' click the box that says 'explicit'
Obviously if people don't tag shit correctly it's not gonna work but yeah you just gotta learn how the tagging works. For better tutorials go to TikTok and search 'ao3 tutorials' you can do just about everything.
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captain-barnes-writes · 10 months
What is soft launch? (Carlos Sainz)
Part three
Summary: Max Verstappen’s ex girlfriend moves on with none other than Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz and they’ve managed to keep their relationship under wraps until now. Part one | part two |
Face claim: Cindy Kimberly
Type: insta au
Pair: Carlos Sainz x reader x ex!Max Verstappen
Warning: this is all over the place, fluffy Carlos, Lando Norris all up in the comments lol, salty max
YourUsername posted a story
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Username shots fired!
Username the pettiness is real🫢
Yourbff and he always remembers not to cheat!
YourUsername: girl stop 😭😭 you know what I’m gonna delete this
Yourbff 🔪
DanielRicciardo Carlos might as well have bought the whole flower shop lmao
YourUsername don’t give him any ideas 🫣
LandoNorris this will cause more drama with Max😑
YourUsername he started it, he should’ve never posted that story in the first place!
LandoNorris I know, I scolded him for it trust me
CarlosSainz55 anything for you princesa
YourUsername 🥰♥️
MaxVerstappen1 I’m sorry
YourUsername just let me move on in peace
MaxVerstappen1 I just don’t know why it had to be Carlos
YourUsername we fell in love, simple as that.
YourUsername deleted their story
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F1Wags Carlos Sainz and Y/N arriving at the paddock for the Barcelona Grand Prix. This is the first time the couple are seen in public after recently confirming their relationship (after secretly dating for one year). I wonder how this will go down after Max’s insta story a few days about Y/N caused some drama.
Username honestly I ship it
Username same 😶
Username I can’t believe she’s back 🥹
Username max and y/n are still my one true pair
Username he definitely cheated, that’s not an OTP😑
Username those were just rumors
Username I smell even more drama just wait on it
Username I still can’t believe Max posted that story about her as though he doesn’t have his own family now🤡
Username True. I actually feel bad for Kelly after that
Username maybe he realized the grass wasn’t greener on the other side 🤐
Username 2 years too late for that
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F1world Carlos Sainz and Max Verstappen were spotted having, what seems, a serious conversation ahead of the Barcelona Grand Prix. This comes after Carlos and Max’s ex-girlfriend, Y/N, confirmed they’ve been in a relationship for the last year. Max had an outburst and posted a story of Y/N holding flowers reminiscing on their relationship which he deleted after a few minutes. The drivers seemed annoyed and Carlos at some point walked away from the Red Bull driver.
Username i knew there’d be drama 😭
Username I hope they can get past it seeing they have to see each other all the time
Username same here
Username shouldn’t be dating his mate’s ex then
Username oh to be Y/N and have two drivers fight over her 😮‍💨
Username She has the grid rizz 😏
Username she’s immaculate
Username tbh she had most drivers on a chokehold ever since she was with Max👀
Username they’re all in her likes and comments a lot of the time 🫢
Username this is Max’s karma
Username ^^ yes
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Liked by YourUsername, CharlesLeclerc and others
CarlosSainz55 Podium today, so many good things to celebrate 🙌
YourUsername proud of you baby!😮‍💨
CarlosSainz55 we’re celebrating tonight princesa 😘
LandoNorris keep it pg Carlos 😑 there’s kids here
CarlosSainz55 yeah, you!
LandoNorris 🤬
ScuderiaFerrari that’s our boy!
Username the way he included Y/N in his post too🥹
Username he’s simping hard
Username I wonder what max and him talked about
Username it didn’t look good🫢
Username definitely about y/n
Username she looks better with you than she ever did with max 🤤
Comment liked by CarlosSainz55
Username not carlos liking my comment lmao
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Liked by CarlosSainz55, MaxVerstappen1, LewisHamilton and others
YourUsername Red for Ferrari ❤️‍🔥
ScuderiaFerrari Red looks good on you!
CarlosSainz55 I agree ❤️‍🔥
CarlosSainz55 more like red for me
YourUsername 😏
GigiHadid beautiful!
LewisHamilton so great seeing you again!
Charlottesiine ❤️❤️
Username she’s in love love
Username ok but what is Max doing here?
Username he doesn’t even follow her but is all in her likes all of a sudden?
Username apparently it’s a problem if she moves on but he moved on within a second lmao 🧐
Username someone take Max’s phone away!
Username he’s probably crying in the shower rn
Username red suits you so much better than blue ever did queen
YourUsername 😝🫣
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F1Wags There’s reports that Kelly and Max are taking some time apart after some drama-filled days following Max posting about his ex-girlfriend,Y/N, after she confirmed her relationship with Ferrari driver, Carlos Sainz. Kelly was also pictured taking a solo flight to seemingly clear her mind and figure out the sudden halt of her 2-year relationship.
Username I called it!
Username it’d be hard to stay with someone who’s still clearly in love with their ex
Username you lose em how you get ‘em 🫢
Username poor Y/N can’t even move on in peace
Username she doesn’t seem to care tbh she’s down bad for Carlos lol
Username as she should 😏
Username lowkey feel bad for her
Username He should’ve fought for Y/N years ago, not now when he has his own little family
Username agreed! 😵‍💫
Username 20 sec penalty for ocon
Username 🤔
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Liked by LandoNorris, CarlosSainz55, PierreGasly and others
YourUsername we’re good over here 😌 (that last one is for you guys, you’re welcome)
LandoNorris that last one was unnecessary 😒
YourUsername I disagree😋💋
LandoNorris 🤢
CharlesLeclerc I agree with Lando
YourBff is it simping hours??
YourUsername always 😶
ScuderiaFerrari giving the people what they want 👏
CarlosSainz55 😘
Username everybody just kind of overlooking the sassy caption 🤣
Username oh we noticed lol
Username my new favorite couple ❤️
Username queen keep giving us Carlos content
YourUsername 🫡🫡
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Liked by YourUsername, LewisHamilton, CharlesLeclerc and others
CarlosSainz55 what she said 🤤
Comments on this post have been limited
YourUsername I love us🤤❤️‍🔥
CarlosSainz55 ❤️‍🔥
LewisHamilton beautiful couple!
LandoNorris third picture was unnecessary too
YourUsername 😐
DanielRicciardo the last pic on her post left me blind
CarlosSainz55 then how’d you type this?
DanielRicciardo 🫣
MaxVerstappen1 blocked CarlosSainz55 and YourUsername
Posting so late!
This is all over the place lmao but as always I enjoy making these social media au 🤭
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yarrayora · 13 days
Idk how to explain properly, but I’m a really big fan of the dynamic you portray between Marcille and Falin. I’ve always loved . idk how to say.. divorce? trouble-in-paradise? arcs/portrayals that look at problems in otp, and yours is super interesting. Sorry if this is weird just wanted to say :)
not weird at all! im flattered, thanks!
i wasnt really into farcille at first, mostly i was just impressed an f/f ship managed to be the fandom's no1, basically proving that when two female characters in a mostly male dominated cast are allowed to bond with each others and be their own characters people will latch on to them
mostly though aro touden siblings is still my no1 and even back then i didnt care about shipping because any type of romantic relationship in dunmeshi is less interesting than the potential of political intrigue the worldbuilding set up (yes, even chilchuck's failing marriage is less interesting to me than how living in the dungeon was safer for the orcs than being neighbors to human civilization) (shocking, i know)
but it all changed when i saw the daydream hour about marcille thinking falin looks cute in feminine clothing while falin herself is obviously uncomfortable with it
i can't sleep. i have to think about this. i have to think about how it's their first love and their first relationship and one is going in blind while the other set up her expectations based on a harlequin romance novel. they are NOT in the same wavelength at all and neither of them are particularly good at communicating their intention, with falin who grew up a convenient kid because she thought it was the least she could do for her family and marcille who frankly speaking was used to being treated as someone superior back at the magic school
thank god kabru exists because who else is going to give them a real advice for their very real relationship? chilchuck will be like "okay just break up" while not seeing the mirror to his own relationship with his runaway wife. senshi, wise as he is, is never in a romantic relationship. laios would be like :((( you guys are fighting? and gets stressed out on his own which makes it even more stressful to the girls. namari is like. "i, uh, please talk to kabru."
anyway theres also the bonus comic about falin inviting marcille to watch daltian clan's opera adaptation and while there is something to say about marcille thinking the humans playing elves doesn't fit her aesthetic (and the difference of societal expectations of dressing up as a different race in dunmeshi universe compared to in ours) all i can think of is that in modern day au where daltian clan has a movie adaptation marcille has a tumblr blog where she posts Hate on the daltian clan movie tag and calling it criticism which it is but also not the place, girl, go to rotten tomatoes for that
falin also has a tumblr and she and marcille had no idea the other is a tumblr user. falin made a post like "just watched daltian clan with my gf i get why shes really obsessed with it now" and marcille, against her better judgement replies to the post like "really sorry that you were misled by your girlfriend like that, you should read the novels instead, it's way better."
laios who sees falin looking shocked at her phone asks whats up and then after receiving the answer says "wow sounds like a real jerk! just block them"
anyway thats my modern day farcille when there's no high fantasy problems involved
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