#otp: thank you for finding me
marthaskane · 1 year
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Connor, I pledge to you my heart and my soul. I promise to understand you, support you and adore you for as long as we live. Just... thank you. Thank you for finding me. Imogen, I was lost before but I never knew it so much until I met you. But then I knew what I'd been missing. It was you. You're the other half to me and with you by my side everything finally makes sense. Whenever your heart beats, wherever you are, I can feel it. Nothing, not time or distance, or anything that anyone throws at us can ever change that.
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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I killed my best friend. (insp)
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badfandomurl · 1 year
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2x03 | 6x03
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
seven sentence sunday
I was tagged by both @prince-buck-diaz and @cowboy-buck thank you babes <3333 im currently bouncing back and forth between 3 docs but have the bit i plan on making the summary of the trauma fic 🫶 because i feel like its close to getting done (that depends if they'll stop talking at some point here, I'm not sure anymore oaskoaks)
"Eddie," Buck breathes, almost a sigh as he drops his head, and Eddie can tell he's ready to drop it even if he wants to talk about it because he'll follow him. "Do you want to talk about it? I have nowhere else to be, and I know you were just following my lead with this. We can talk about it all if you want," Eddie offers, trying to show him how serious he is about it but Buck looks skeptical. "I don't know, man," Buck shakes his head, picking at the label of his beer, clearly wanting to say something but not knowing if it's his place to say it. "So here's what we're gonna do, the shit we've been through that you keep telling yourself didn't happen to you so you have no right to feel anything about it? You're gonna tell me how you felt about it anyway," Eddie says, turning on his chair so he's facing Buck fully and watching as Buck mirrors his movement, places his beer on the counter, and rubs his thighs before speaking.
As usual, I have no idea who to tag because I feel like most people I can think of have already been tagged ksaoksas
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bripops · 9 months
heads up seven up
@jtownnn tagged me in another writing meme, we stan. sharing seven lines!
also from my seblaine 'tis the damn season AU because I'm buckling down on it so I can publish at a seasonally appropriate time lol. I have two chunks of exactly seven lines that I could not choose between, so the second one is under the cut
Blaine was wearing a lobster-patterned polo shirt when he emerged, and it was so mind-numbingly stupid that Sebastian’s shocked silence must’ve come across as residual pity. 
“Not you too,” Blaine said miserably. He was already out of steam, never able to stay mad for long even when it was justified. Sebastian wondered, not for the first time, if Blaine and Kurt would have lasted as long as they did if Blaine was the type to fight back when he was being treated like shit.
“Not me,” Sebastian said. “Literally never. Like I told Trent when he made the rules, that’s fucking stupid and I’m not doing it. You got dumped, it’s not like you have cancer.”
“Not a Face ID kind of guy, huh?” Nick said as he unlocked Sebastian’s phone. “Not like you to turn down a chance to look at yourself.”
“What are you, a cop?” Sebastian asked, t-boning a police cruiser in-game. “They need a warrant to get your code but can make you use your face whenever they want.”
Nick raised his eyebrows as he sent himself Trent’s contact info. “Learn something new every day,” he mused. “Hey, you know you have like ten unread texts from Blaine, right?”
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totentnz · 5 months
18 I MEANT 18
Soft OTP prompts
18. Write about how each member of your ship smells. 
essentially they smell the same since even before their souls were fused they were so much alike.
the smell of fresh and old cigarette smoke somehow mixing, sweat (also old and fresh), cheap body wash/ deodorant (think old spice), whatever smell of the previous night partying lingers on them and that mildew-y smell when you leave your clothes in the washer for too long because you couldn't be arsed to put it in the dryer.
that might sound a bit boring at first but since they are mirrors for each other they eventually realise how bad they smell. whether they care about that revelation or not is a different question entirely.
additionally v has that sweet smell on her breath from drinking too much nicola/ spunky monkey/ energy drinks though i think most of it gets covered up by the smell of menthol cigarettes. she also uses gel/mousse/ hairspray to style her hair which would make for a prominent scent. there is a slight hint of wax on her since she uses it to make her clothes repel water. punks often use floss for their stitching so if she just got done customising some clothes i think there is that mint-y smell as well.
to add to the nastiness: you can def smell if she's on her period. not by walking past her but if somehow the other smells didn't bother you enough and you get close and personal with her, there is that metallic-y blood smell.
note: she DOES try to cover up all that with deodorant but as we all know it only makes it worse somehow.
johnny on the other hand doesn't smoke menthols, he's also got that leather-y smell from his pants (is it real leather? i doubt it but it's not impossible) he probably also wears some cologne some groupie got him to impress him. though i doubt he does a lot of maintenance on his arm i think there is the smell of grease/ oil wafting off it, as well as any other liquid/ (bodily) fluid that is stuck within it's creases.
overall MY silverv is s4s (stinky 4 stinky)
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honeyedlashton · 2 years
the title of the fic is similar to yours that you did for mine…but yankee candles! soft blanket (my fav), warm cashmere, and sun-drenched apricot rose. you don’t have to do all of them. i just love candles and these are some of my favs. obvy lashton as well🧸🤍🫧🕯
Omg yes!! This is so much fun! I love that, thank you, Swan, for sending me this charming ask. I’ll do my best to come up with something worthy of these incredible smells 🕯💞😇🫧
Soft Blanket ❄️🧸
“Wrapped in sweet dreams… a lullaby of clean citrus, luxurious vanilla and warm amber notes.”
Christmas time is always Luke’s favorite time of year. And one of the best parts of the holidays is going home to his parents. Typically these few weeks are spent peacefully meandering around the decorated town square in the fluffy falling snow, forgetting about a world outside his winter wonderland. That all changes this year when his high school sweetheart makes a reappearance after years of skipping town on the holidays. Luke’s snow globe escape fantasy now has him trapped inside a bubble of feelings he’d pushed aside. To make it worse, Ashton is an older and more levelheaded version of the charming sweet talker Luke had fallen for. Plus, he is nothing but persistent in his attempts to win his good favor back. Luke is torn between treating Ashton with the lovesick passionate fires of his youth, or the jaded edges of a heart that’s been shattered. Either way, he knows he’ll need a Christmas miracle to traverse either emotional plane if Ashton keeps sweet talking him like that…
Warm Cashmere 🧣🍁
“Wrap yourself in luxury with sumptuous notes of calming sandalwood and exotic patchouli.”
Luke has spent the majority of the fall semester doing two things: firstly, burying himself in dissertation prep to keep from third-wheeling with Michael and Calum. Secondly, praying for attention from Calum’s friend Ashton. While the two sometimes hang out at parties and have been flirtatious in the past, nothing ever moves beyond playful banter—much to Luke’s adamant frustration in his explicitly detailed digital diary. When Luke’s laptop crashes in the middle of doing his research, he is horrified to have to turn it in to the only working IT technician at his school: Ashton. While he prayed that Ashton wouldn’t see his diary amid the millions of tabs he’d left open, he can’t help but feel like something’s changed when Ashton gives him his laptop back. Maybe snooping is wrong, but Luke was willing to look the other way now that it might have scored him a date with the most handsome man he’d ever met.
Sun-Drenched Apricot Rose 🌹🧡
“A full bloom scents of lush, delightful apricot and soft petals.”
On the Italian estate Ashton is staying in for the summer, he has only seen a flash of the nameless model he’s been sharing half of the house with. While they are never on the same schedule, Ashton somehow chances on meeting the mysterious beauty while he’s on his way out for the night and Ashton’s on the way in. Luke Hemmings, his famous housemate, invites him to come along for a night of his life. Ashton is never one to turn down a good time, so he is plunged into the nightlife of one of the most notorious party celebrities around. What this sparks is a curiosity about the life beyond the tabloids, and a summer romance that could easily be the subject of old foreign films. From picnics on lakesides, to clubbing till the early hours of the morning, Ashton is certain he never wants the burning summer with the beautiful blonde to end—though he fears like all seasons, it must.
I hope you enjoy these, Swan. I really tried to capture the feeling these scents gave me. I loved yours so much I couldn’t help but redo the format cause I thought it was so pretty. Anyway thank you for the ask, I worked really hard but if they don’t make sense then it’s not my fault lmfaooo. 🦢🌷✨
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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can’t tell for sure though _(:3 」∠)_
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whitedahlia13 · 1 year
Currently reading Falling Slowly and just wanted thank you for blessing me with this piece of art! Chapter 24 had me squealing and screaming and banging my head on my table.
Ah...you're welcome!! That's very kind of you!🥰Thanks so much for reading Falling Slowly. That fic is near and dear to my heart, and chapter 24 is one of my favorites. I'm really really happy you enjoyed it!
P.S. I hope your head is okay. Make sure to rest before C25🧡💙
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me-myself-and-my-fos · 3 months
Guy does, in fact, love you too!! He loves you so much, and he's so grateful to have you in his life. He hopes you'll see how much he loves you soon, and he'll stick by you the whole time while you figure out just how important you are to him.
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marthaskane · 1 year
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To my amazing husband, who I love so much. To Connor. To the future.
WATERLOO ROAD (2006-2015) series nine, episode twelve
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
i feel like your roman candle; misty/nat, 8k, explicit
written in response to a series of tumblr erotic prompts (since i ended up getting many more than i was expecting, i have combined the ones that fit!).
prompts used: caught masturbating, torn lace, against the wall, fingers (@igotreallyreallytiredofmyoldurl), “do that again”, hair, panting, love bites, taste, restrained, desperate, tease, on the edge, and in public (if you squint)
read here on ao3
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osaemu · 7 months
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.ೃ࿐ streamer!au: the user "gojoslittleslut" tries to make a move on your boyfriend, but she doesn't stand a chance
contents: fem!reader. it's not too serious, nobody gets angry/jealous (except the comments lol). if u haven't already read the other streamer!gojo works u probably should so u understand the dynamic between satoru and his commenters !
author's note: reader is actually a mature person who doesn't pick fights with random ppl on the internet and i think we should all be more like her ꨄ︎
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satoru leans back in his chair, idly chatting with people who pop up in his comments after he finishes his last round of the co-op game. his viewers are eager to chat, and some even shoot money satoru's way to draw his attention. whenever someone donates money, he gives them a quick shoutout and has a small back-and-forth with them, and he does that for everyone.
that is, until a user with a questionable username donates to his stream.
gojoslittleslut has donated $100.00!
gojoslittleslut: notice me pls
"shit, a hundred dollars?" satoru says, raising his eyebrows in mild surprise. "thanks, gojoslittl— oh, fuck, what is that?"
you look up from your laptop and see the way your boyfriend's cheeks have gone bright red. satoru laughs a bit nervously, so you get up and walk over, making sure to stay out of sight of the camera. you sit on satoru's desk beside his computer and peer at his screen curiously.
gojoslittleslut: im ur number one fan~
satoru's eyes flicker to yours for a second before he looks back at his monitor. "ah, well, thanks for the donation!" he replies, completely ignoring the user's advances.
suguru-geto: he has a gf ...
gojoslittleslut: yeah
gojoslittleslut: me
you cover your mouth to suppress a giggle, scrunching up your nose at satoru to let him know that you really weren't taking it too seriously. after all, it's just some random person on the internet—they don't stand a chance with your boyfriend. 
satoru reaches over and takes your hand, twining his fingers with yours off-camera. he ignores the sudden burst of comments that litter the corner of his screen, instead watching you intently. in response, you roll your eyes playfully and blow him a kiss, snickering when satoru pretends to faint.
eventually, he turns back to his screen, cerulean eyes doing a quick once-over of his new comments.
toji-fushiguro: ill take his gf any day
inumaki: we know gtfo
gojoslittleslut: toji i get gojo and u take his girl. deal?
toji-fushiguro: bet
"alright guys, settle down," satoru huffs, rolling his eyes. "for the record, i still have a girlfriend and i don't plan on changing that anytime soon," he clarifies, addressing the current feud going on in his comments. 
satoru's a good streamer—he does his best to keep things cordial and lighthearted with his audience, but he also knows his limits. one of his limits involves people trying to separate you and him, his one true pairing (of course satoru's otp is his own relationship).
your boyfriend leans closer to the screen and scowls good-naturedly, holding up the hand still wrapped around yours. "this isn't gonna change, so don't even think about it!"
satoru says his goodbyes and then ends the stream, turning to you with a sigh. "how down bad do you have to be to name yourself 'gojo's little slut?'" he grumbles, clicking through his stream analytics and finding the user. he opens gojoslittleslut's profile and studies it for a moment before hovering his mouse over the block button.
he leans back in his chair and tilting his chin up at you. "she just gave me a hundred dollars, so i kinda feel bad about blocking her," satoru muses, tapping his foot on the floor. he looks up at where you still sit on his desk, twirling a strand of hair around your finger. "c'mere," he mumbles, slipping his hands around your waist and hoisting you into his lap with a soft grunt.
satoru rests his chin on your shoulder and nudges his face into your neck, breath tickling your skin. "you know that i'm all yours, right?"
"of course i do," you murmur, settling into his arms. he's warm and comfortable, like always. satoru smiles warmly and kisses the side of your face, letting his lips linger.
"good. 'cause no fan account's ever gonna change that."
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youneedsomeprompts · 6 months
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requested by: @moondrop-gummies request: Can you do grumpy sunshine where she’s the grumpy but doesn’t believe she can be loved and he’s the sunshine who treats her like she’s the best thing in his life and they’re roommates? Thank you in advance! 🎀
Feel free to use and reblog!
grumpy being unable to accept anything kind that sunshine tries to do for them
sunshine just admiring anything grumpy does
sunshine staying at home despite being invited elsewhere just to spend more time with grumpy
sunshine doing the things around the house that grumpy dreads doing
grumpy being snarky about the nice things sunshine does but they both know grumpy is actually enjoying them
sunshine having endless patience with grumpy because they know/hope that they'll come around eventually
sunshine making sure to tell grumpy that they deserve the world
grumpy warming up to sunshine and being in a bright mood in sunshine's company
grumpy being patient with sunshine and listening to their long, colourful stories but that's the least they can do when sunshine does everything for them
grumpy's love language is telling sunshine that they deserve more (than grumpy could ever give them)
sunshine's love language is showering grumpy with affection until grumpy snaps
grumpy trying to push sunshine away to guard themselves from developing serious feelings
grumpy hyping sunshine up when they find out that sunshine has a crush, not knowing that it's them
^ and immediately changing course when they find out (because sunshine shouldn't throw their love away on someone as undeserving as grumpy)
sunshine not paying any mind to grumpy's self-depricating rants and just keeping up their high level of affection and warmth
grumpy being able to let their guard down and accept the love because of sunshine's unconditional and unwavering support
grumpy 'you're an idiot to choose me' & sunshine 'I would be that idiot in any universe and you love it'
grumpy being seriously worried about sunshine having developed feelings for grumpy ("you can't be sane. you should see a doctor.")
grumpy being the biggest sunshine stan but they adore them too much to be willing to expose them to the madness that means grumpy
sunshine doing everything with grumpy that want but nothing more and nothing less because they know how important it is to respect grumpy's boundaries
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armageddidnt · 9 months
Welcome to My Collection of Random Thoughts during my nth* rewatch of Good Omens Season 2
*only amazon prime knows the exact number at this point but I’m fairly certain it’s in the double digits
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Episode 1: Gabriel’s fly lurking in the box when Aziraphale first takes it inside 👀
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Crowley’s promise of “two minutes” basically means that he’s been homeless and living in his car for the past 4 years strictly so that he can be within 2 driving minutes of Aziraphale at all times in case his angel needs him I’m not crying you are
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So here I think the key word is “fragile,” Crowley knows they are ostensibly safe from their respective sides but that could change at any moment so he’s basically spent the last 4 years in anxiety-ridden terror hovering as close to Aziraphale as he can to try and protect him from heaven, hell, and anyone else that would want to bring him harm after all that business they pulled in season 1 with stopping Armageddon
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Episode 2: I just happened to pause the episode while Aziraphale is lying to the angels about his miracle and LOL Michael really outdid himself here (Sheen, not the Archangel)
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Gabriel trying to swat flies and almost smashing the repository of every single one of his memories
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I’m cAckling
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So if Good Omens exists in Good Omens, does that mean Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett exist in Good Omens?? Do you think they based their Aziraphale and Crowley characters on Aziraphale and Crowley??
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Episode 3: So I’m trying to find any hints or foreshadowing of the Gabriel Beelzebub thing bc tbh I did kind of feel like it came out of nowhere which is really the only issue I have with them. I found this one scene where Beelzebub almost ?? seems to be concerned about Gabriel ?? But it’s blink and you miss it and there could be lots of other reasons why Beelzebub doesn’t want to fail in locating Gabriel (pressure from/leverage over heaven, etc) so idk
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More Foreshadowing Fly content 🪰
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Episode 4: So here we’ve seen that Shax can just appear inside the Bentley bc she did it earlier to talk to Crowley. Shax only pretended to be a hitchhiker so she could be invited in because Azirpahale was driving so technically she needed permission to cross the threshold of an angel 👀
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This scene will never not destroy me the 1941 flashback is the absolute sOFTEST thing ever to happen on this show
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We really need more context here I need to see the Crowley-Furfur Monkey Rides
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Episode 5: ahahaha thank you google translate for absolutely destroying my sanity this evening
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POP goes the Ziraphale
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Okay I know you can’t hear it in the gif but just before Nina takes Maggie’s hand, there’s a very quiet miracle noise, like Azirpahale literally MADE Nina dance with Maggie, he said I’m writing a Mina Jane-Austen-Ball-AU and my otp will KISS godDAMMIT
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Azirpahale seems lowkey kind of manic this whole scene tho, he’s controlling literally everyone to force Nina and Maggie together and whenever Crowley says anything that pokes holes in Aziraphale’s Magical Jane Austen Ball Fairytale, Aziraphale just straight up denies it. He wants Nina and Maggie to dance and he wants him and Crowley to dance and he refuses to acknowledge anything beyond that.
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Is this just Shax insulting Crowley for how much of a nuisance he’s been or a reference to his former status as an angel ???
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They’re both completely dismissive of each other when they’re trying to say something important and that’s the main issue they’ve been having this entire season tbh
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Episode 6: I think it’s funny that Crowley describes the angels as bees here because in the book, Neil/Terry describe humans the same way. Guess we have more in common than we thought huh?
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So the metatron was the one who originally decided Gabriel would be memory wiped and not sent to hell, and he was also the one that decided not to sound an alarm about Gabriel for some reason and said ‘just go find him yourself’ instead. The metatron has definitely got his own agenda and you can bet he doesn’t want Aziraphale up there in heaven because he’s a “leader” and he’s “honest” like that’s exactly what Gabriel was and look where it got him 👀
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There’s just something I can’t quite put my finger on about the metatron bringing Aziraphale a coffee from “give me coffee or give me death” and then asking Aziraphale if he’s going to take the coffee he’s giving him…
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I have not seen a single person talk about this since s2 came out but Nina literally calls Maggie “angel” because that’s the term of endearment they hear Crowley using for Aziraphale !!!! I’m still going fERAL over this and I can’t believe no one else is eitHER
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Something about this part of The Final Fifteen compared to this scene from the first episode is so representative of the entire season. Azirpahale keeps saying “my way or get out” and Crowley finally hits a wall and can follow Aziraphale no further. So he does just that. He goes.
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I’m sure a lot of us by now have seen this post that brings up how Aziraphale literally pushes the remains of Crowley into his mouth and swallows and it’s the only thing I see when I watch this now
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We still don’t know for certain if Crowley queued up this song to play on their way to the Ritz or if the Bentley started playing it all on its own and it’s driving me insane
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Basically how I am doing after my Truly-Alarming-Number-th watch of this traumatizing episode/season. WELP hope you enjoyed this garbage dump of my thoughts and feelings time to go cry for a bit again BYE
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totentnz · 6 months
listen not to wank myself off but making v and johnny alike on so many levels was perhaps the best thing i have ever done for her. they mirror each other and understand each other but that mirror? also shows the ugliness!! "i would have done the same but i realise now that's fucked up" to actually see someone behave and think just like you?? but somewhat detached and from another perspective? be able to reflect? im about to combust
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