#ouat x oc
redpool · 25 days
I'm looking for a OUAT Wattpad book that I cannot find anywhere, it was a OC insert with Crystal Reed as the face claim, and she was love interested to Peter. And I know that there were bloopers in the end of the book and a question and answer.
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Starts with S, nine letters.
Title: Starts with S, nine letters
Pairing: Killian Jones x OC
Word count: 900
Warnings: none
Tags: Fluff, a loooot of flirting, mild smut but mainly kissing
Synopsis: This story is about Seraphina Vale, my OC, who meets Captain Hook when she's in a bar. Things get flirty real quick...
A/N: Hello!!! So happy you're taking the time to read this. This is my first fic ever!!! For this story I decided to create an OC, but you can just replace the name with Y/N if you'd like. Just for the sake of this story I decided to give her a name, since Killian has to guess her name at some point. Hope u like the story. Don't be afraid to follow me here :)
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She had no clue what was about to come upon her. Who she was about to meet. It was late in the evening. Seraphina was sitting in a bar, alone.
'Hello darling.'
Sera looks up. There's a man standing next to her table. Without asking, he sits down at the head of the table.
'And you are?' Sera asks.
He raises an eyebrow and is amused by your inquiry, a warm smile growing on his handsome face.
'Why, I'm Captain Killian Jones darling, also known as Hook.'
'And you are?' he leans in and looks into your eyes.
'Hook. Interesting name. My name... Is not important. For now.'
'Hmm…' he raises an eyebrow once more, taking note of this strange woman who has chosen not to introduce herself.
'Not important… ' he says in a contemplative tone, 'I have stumbled upon a mystery. I'm quite good at solving mysteries, you know.' he says with a smirk.
'I'd like to see you try' Seraphina says. Hell, why not, she thought to herself. She felt like having some fun.
He smirks and leans on the bar, his tone flirtatious as it always is.
'Oh, is that a challenge I hear darling?'
He tilts his head and looks at her with a sly grin.
'Hmm…' he muses, 'a woman who wants to test me… ' he purrs and his eyes look like they are assessing her up and down.
'What are the stakes?'
'You name them.' She says, in a teasing tone, daring him to bite.
His eyebrows raise a little higher this time, his smile growing bigger and even more smug.
'Hmm… how about a kiss?'
'You know what? I'm bored. Yes. You'll get a kiss as soon as you guess my name' She says.
He nods his head, his smile growing wide as he leans in and looks deep into her eyes.
'It's a deal, darlin'. You have yourself a challenge.'
It's clear he's confident in his ability to complete this task, although he's also intrigued by the mysterious woman in front of him.
'Let the games begin…'
He grins from ear to ear as his eyes sparkle with confidence and his eyebrows raise.
'And may the best pirate… win.' he says with a self-assured smirk that shows he's more than ready to play the game.
Killian takes a sip of his drink and starts to observe her closely, carefully considering all of her features and mannerisms as he begins to think of who this mysterious woman could be.
He leans forward slowly with a smirk on his face, his eyes fixed on hers as he looks into her eyes, looking like he's carefully considering what name might suit her. He's clearly starting to get into the game now, and his eyes have the playful, teasing look about them that's so characteristic of him.
'How about…' he says playfully, 'Annabel?'
He pulls back a little, running a hand through his hair as he thinks for another few moments. After a little time, he leans forward slowly once more, and looks into her eyes with a coy smile once more.
'Well then how about… Charlotte?' he asks teasingly with a wink as he once again tries to narrow down her name, his eyes gazing into hers as if he's trying to uncover her secret to get to it.
'Such basic names..' She teases, 'wrong again.'
Killian raises an eyebrow, his playful face turning slightly more serious as he considers the matter at hand.
'Basic names?' he asks in a joking tone while he moves his face a little closer to hers as he raises the other eyebrow.
'Give me something less basic.' She says with a teasing tone while his eyes look her up and down with a playful but calculating gaze.
'Something… that'll suit you. ' he purrs as he leans even closer, clearly enjoying the game and wanting to continue teasing her.
'I'll give you a hint. the name starts with S, and has 9 letters'
Killian leans back in his seat in mock frustration, but a warm smile also crosses his face.
'Nine letters… S…' he hums to himself, clearly running through the names and combinations of words in his head while he looks at her thoughtfully and a playful, yet calculating look crosses his face.
'How about… Seraphina?' he says with a smile as he watches her, waiting to see if he got the name right this time. The way he says her name gives her goosebumps.
'Well played. You got it.' Seraphina says, impressed with how quickly he got her name.
'Well, my dear Seraphina, consider the game won.' he says with a flirtatious grin and wiggles his elbows.
'Now… about that kiss…' he says with a teasing wink, moving forward and gently placing a hand on her cheek.
'Call me Sera, and yes. You've earned it.' She says, seductively.
'Sera it is darling…' he says with a playful smile as he leans closer, placing the other hand behind her neck while he tilts his head a little to the left as he once again moves closer for what promises to be an intense kiss. His breath hits her lips as they get closer and the passion in his eyes is easy to see.
'Sera…' he whispers as the two of them share a slow and sweet, yet passionate kiss that takes their breath away.
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hearts-in-hand · 2 years
Back on my Tael/Peter bullshit so here are some boyfriends in picrew.
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Had some fun with this one on designs I’ve hc’d but never officially picked up (ie, elf ears for Pan as well as a liking for scarves/bandanas to cover their faces).
Had the idea of the boys in Storybrooke after The Big Bad Plan doesn’t work (in my own version where Peter is like. Actually 16-19 and not secretly an old man... still salty the writers did that but whatever). They still create PLENTY of mischief but they can’t do too much without getting in trouble. Sighs in “you’re not my dad”
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palilious · 11 months
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smooshing them together like two barbie dolls
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jahayla-parker · 3 months
Practice Run: Freddy Carter x Reader
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Part of Love of a Lifetime Mini-Series
Warnings: this part has some suggestive scenes/behaviors.
For full warnings and description, see mini-series masterlist
3.2k wc
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Freddy ran his hand down the back of y/n’s neck and to her middle back as he moved to sit beside her. “‘ere, let me help”. When she smiled over at him, he grinned back and took a small stack of fabric. “The way we studied on Pinterest, right?” Freddy confirmed, eyeing the folded napkins y/n had completed.
Y/n hummed and nodded. “You were right, it did get easier after the first few,” she commented lovingly. “So I redid the first few,” she added with a laugh.
Freddy chuckled and shook his head. He placed a tender kiss to y/n’s temple before turning his attention back to his current task. He’d helped get his groomsmen going on properly setting up the seating for the ceremony tomorrow moments ago. So now he was able to return to his fiancée’s side and help her with the task she’d chosen to start with.
Y/n giggled as she watched Freddy’s nose scrunch up in slight frustration. She leaned over and placed her hands on top of his that were holding the cloth and pressed them down to the table gently. With a smile, she then moved her hands to Freddy’s shoulders and turned him to face her. She giggled more as he gave her a sheepish smile. Y/n leaned forward and kissed his pouting lips. “They look fine, honey,” she encouraged sweetly.
Freddy smiled from the kiss. But his expression changed into a dramatically skeptical one as y/n tried to reassure him his napkin folding wasn’t as tragic as he knew it was. He couldn’t help but smile as her laughter rang out in the air again upon seeing his nonverbal disagreement.
“Here,” y/n spoke gently as she took hold of Freddy’s hands. “It’s easier if you do it like this,” she advised. She guided her fiancé’s hands as she instructed him on how to best handle the task. They’d both searched Pinterest weeks ago to decide which style of cloth napkins they liked best and had studied how to complete the style they’d chosen. However, y/n had quickly found a simple trick that made it much easier.
Freddy smiled and nodded as y/n’s hands left his; one napkin from his stack complete. “Thank you, darling,” he said, quickly pulling another piece of cloth to him.
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“What’s next?” Y/n questioned aloud as she spun around frantically.
Freddy watched y/n with an amused smile. “Right now?” He clarified, moving closer to her. He set his hands on her shoulders to keep her from twirling around again as she tried to think.
“Mhm,” y/n answered, her eyes scanning the dining hall to see what they still had to do.
“Right now,” Freddy hummed, lowering his hands to his side now that y/n wasn’t pacing in circles. “I think you should kiss me,” he smirked.
Y/n promptly turned around to face Freddy. She gave him a smug smile before she pulled him in for a kiss. She giggled against his lips as he pulled her closer while kissing her back.
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Y/n shifted the charger plate slightly as she worked on the current table. She was making final adjustments to the table settings their bridal party had set up. She was just about to move to the next table when she received a hurried kiss to her temple. She beamed as she straightened her back to stand up straight. Y/n’s eyes admiringly watched Freddy’s fleeting frame as he continued to rushed to whatever task he was currently working on.
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Freddy watched from afar as y/n stood at the end of the dining hall, clearly looking over the scene. He quietly strode over to her, analyzing her facial expressions as she studied the room. He smiled as he made his way to her, a satisfied smile on her face. He pressed a light kiss to her left shoulder before wrapping his right arm around her waist to guide her to his side. “Pleased?” He questioned in a whisper.
“Beyond,” y/n murmured warmly as she snuggled into Freddy’s side. She smiled and rested her head on the side of his upper chest. Everything looked perfect. And she was so excited for tomorrow.
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Y/n smirked to herself as she watched Freddy set up the welcome sign. His tongue was preciously sticking out slightly as he concentrated intently on making sure it was centered. As he stepped back to analyze his work, y/n shook her head lovingly. “Get over here, cutie,” she warmly commanded, staring over at her fiancé.
Freddy grinned proudly as he lifted his gaze to meet y/n’s. He blushed faintly upon noticing that others around them had heard her comment. But he didn’t truly care, he was more than okay with it. After all, he had the world’s most beautiful woman calling him cute. What was there to be shy about?
Y/n noticed the way Freddy’s cheeks briefly flushed in reaction to her compliment. “I’m not scared to admit my fiancé is so insanely adorable,” she defended, wrapping her send around his back to pull him to her. Upon seeing his blush deepen, she tsked playfully. “Don’t act like you don’t know how pretty you are, Freddy.” Y/n beamed at the prideful smile her fiancé now donned and pulled him in for a kiss.
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“Be careful,” Freddy gushed as his hands quickly found their way to y/n’s back. She was in the middle of hanging up some final touches, but in doing so, she was standing on a ladder. He knew she was likely going to be fine, but he couldn’t help but be slightly concerned that no one was around to make sure of it. After noticing her bridesmaids were busy working on the decorations in another area and not just ignoring her needs, he relaxed some. But it wasn’t until she stepped off the ladder and into his arms that Freddy’s protective worry fully subsided.
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“Freddy!” Y/n scolded despite her giggling. She had been absentmindedly standing in the center of the ballroom’s dance floor, mentally checking off the remaining preparations for tomorrow, when the flash from her fiancé’s camera caught her attention.
Freddy blushed and bit his lip upon having been caught. But, as he made his way over to y/n he shrugged and smiled innocently. “You are so stunning, I couldn’t help myself,” he defended, pressing his lips to her cheek.
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Y/n’s giggles echoed around the room while she squirmed in Freddy’s arms as he relentlessly tickled her. “Fr-Freddy,” she whispered through her gasps and giggles, “we’re not done yet”. She looked to the right as she watched her maid of honor smile in her direction before she stepped back into the main hall to continue setting up. Y/n heard Freddy playfully state that he didn’t care as he continued to tickle her sides; all while being sure to keep her from falling over.
When he noticed y/n was getting slightly out of breath, Freddy slowed his tickling until it came to a stop. He wrapped his arms securely around her waist and placed his chin in the crook of her neck. “Will you marry me?”
Y/n laughed loudly as she turned around in Freddy’s arms so she could face him. “Mmm, I’ll think about it,” she answered coyly.
Freddy’s shock was clear on his face as he began laughing. “You’ll ‘think about it’, hmm?” He teased. When she simply laughed more and nodded in response, he grinned and shook his head. “I guess I’ll just have to convince you then, hmm?”
Y/n bit her lip and innocently blinked at Freddy. “You can try,” she joked.
Freddy gasped, his eyes wide and mouth parted in disbelief. He chuckled and smirked as an idea formed. It took less than a few seconds for him to pick her up and set her on the bar counter.
It was now y/n’s turn to gasp. She giggled and clutched onto the material of his dress shirt as she steadied her hand on his shoulder. “Freddy!”
Freddy smirked, a visible shine to his eyes as he moved closer. He slotted himself between y/n’s legs, his right palm resting on the bar counter while his left hand caressed her cheek. He closed his eyes and hummed as he began to press sweet but lustful open-mouthed kisses across her forehead. He craned his neck to each side as he tenderly kissed her temples. Freddy then tilted her head up before moving his kisses down to her eyelids. He selfishly took his sweet time kissing all along her skin.
Next was her cheeks.
Then her earlobes.
Then her nose.
Her jawline.
Her neck.
Her collarbone.
As Freddy’s slightly hungry lips met her clavicle, y/n gave into the urge for her lips to meet his. She gently tilted his head up until his loving gaze lifted to her eyes. She silently but assertively pulled his mouth to hers, her hands instantaneously moving to his hair.
Y/n moaned lightly against Freddy’s lips, making him grin smugly. He moved his hands to her lower back and tugged her closer. Her butt was now resting on the edge of the bar’s counter, but his waist was pinned against it, keeping her from falling off. Y/n locked her legs behind Freddy’s hips and used them to force him closer. He echoed y/n’s earlier moan as his chest slid into hers and his hips grazed against her inner thighs. It was now y/n’s turn to smugly grin into the kiss .
“Woah,” Tom, Freddy’s older brother gushed as he sauntered back into the room. “Alright you two, save it for the honeymoon,” he joked with a wink. He shook his head playfully as he turned to grab the checklist y/n’s maid of honor was looking for.
Y/n and Freddy froze and bashfully detangled themselves from one another. He helped y/n down from the counter and straightened her clothes and hair for her. He smiled lovingly as he gazed down at her. “Would it be incorrect to assume you’re convinced?” He teased, seeing the dazed look in his fiancée’s eyes.
Y/n laughed and smoothened Freddy’s hair back out. She rose to her tippy toes and kissed his nose. “I never needed any convincing.” She lowered herself back to the soles of her feet and took his hand in hers. “I’ve been waiting for you all my life,” she said as she went to leave to help their loved ones finish.
Freddy shook his head and pulled on y/n’s hand, spinning her back to him. He bent his head slightly until his lips were at her level. He smiled and kissed her yet again, this time purely filled with love. While they knew they still had some more work to do, when they parted they simply gazed into each other’s eyes, smiling lightly.
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“Do you mind if we stay like this a little longer?” Y/n asked as she stood in the entryway, wrapped up in Freddy’s arms. She smiled happily when her fiancé shook his head and held her tighter.
“Alright mates, what’s next?” Thomas, one of Freddy’s groomsmen asked, walking up to the couple.
Freddy wrapped his arms tighter around y/n before answering. “Nothing, you’re all dismissed,” he stated. “In fact, can you tell the rest? We’re going to take a moment to ourselves”. He kissed y/n’s cheek as Thomas nodded and smiled widely at the pair before exiting.
“We have to get ready for the rehearsal dinner,” y/n spoke up begrudgingly as she rested her head in the crook of Freddy’s neck.
“Hmm, they can wait a bit,” Freddy argued simply. “We still have some time, they’ve all got to change still,” he reminded y/n. He held her closer to him smiling as she hummed in agreement and snuggled closer to him.
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“Can you zip me?” Y/n asked as she turned to face her fiancé. She had changed out of her white button up blouse and into an elegant black dress.
Freddy wore a smile as he dutifully spun towards y/n. “‘Course, love,” he cooed, stepping closer to help. He gently turned her around so her bank was to him. His fingers gripped the zipper and slowly pulled it up until he could secure the hidden clasp at the top of the seam. Once finished, his eyes lifted until he was able to proudly admire y/n through the mirror.
Y/n smiled back at Freddy through the mirror. She let out a soft sigh and leaned back against him. Her hands were placed over his as he held her waist. “I can’t wait to marry you,” she whispered after a brief silence.
Freddy’s smile grew. “Thank you for saying yes,” he commented happily.
“Thank you for asking,” y/n retorted softly. She closed her eyes as she let her body melt backwards into Freddy’s embrace.
Freddy beamed as he gazed down at y/n. He was truly the luckiest man. He pressed a delicate kiss to the side of her head.
Y/n opened her eyes at the contact. Instead of looking at Freddy through the mirror, she tilted her head back into his chest to peer up at him.
Meanwhile, Freddy was still watching y/n and himself through the mirror. He blushed as he noticed the loving look in her eyes as she peered up at him. “Ready my darling?” He asked quietly.
“Ready,” y/n hummed.
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“That went well,” y/n sighed with relief. She was thoroughly pleased with the walkthrough rehearsal of the procession and everything they’d just completed with their bridal party.
Freddy simply nodded as he tried to refocus.
Y/n noticed Freddy’s uncharacteristic silence and turned to see him better. She frowned on seeing his eyes were watering a bit. She quickly became worried and decided to lead him away from their guests who were mingling and dishing up. “Freddy, honey,” she cooed, squeezing his hand as she pulled him to a more private part of the room.
Freddy’s best men, his brothers, both smiled as they watched the scene unfold. It was sweet that y/n was so protective and worried about their brother Freddy. But, the brothers also knew why Freddy was tearing and they knew it wasn’t a bad thing. They were both happy for the couple and shared a pleased expression before they went to help their parents get some dinner.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Y/n asked, voice full of concern. “Was it the order of the groups? I thought you wanted Mikey and Will next to each other, but we can change-“ she began, hoping to find a solution to her fiancé’s sadness.
Freddy cut y/n’s worries off with a kiss. When he pulled back, he felt that the tears in his eyes had been to escape and quietly roll down his cheeks.
“Freddy,” y/n cooed again, quickly drying Freddy’s tears. “Talk to me, please,” she requested. “What’s wrong?”.
Freddy shook his head. “Nothing,” he said with a breathy chuckle, still in disbelief at how luck he was.
Y/n squinted as she analyzed Freddy’s facial expressions. “Handsome, I don’t-,” she mumbled in worried confusion.
“I’m just really happy,” Freddy answered in a whisper.
Y/n blinked slowly as she began to relax. “Really? That’s why you’re tearing up?” She asked with a wide smile.
Freddy nodded in confirmation and snaked his arms around y/n’s waist, setting his interlocked hands just above her tailbone. “Seeing you walk down that aisle,” he reminisced as he shook his head, starting to tear up again.
“Awe, Freddy,” y/n hummed. She pulled him in for a tight hug. “I love you so much, sunshine,” she whispered, holding him snugly.
Freddy returned y/n’s secure grip. “I love you too, my darling”.
When y/n pulled back, she met Freddy’s eyes. She hummed quietly as she dried the last of his happy tears.
Freddy grinned warmly at the action.
“Much better,” y/n commented lovingly. The heels she’d put on for tonight allowed her to not have to stretch upwards so much as she went to kiss his forehead.
“Let’s get you some food,” Freddy suggested, reconnected to the present moment. He shifted their stance so his hand was resting on the small of y/n’s back as he guided them to the dining tables. “Cannot have my darling bride be hungry,” he commented with a smile.
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“He was, and still is, so smitten,” Freddy’s mate Mikey laughed as he concluded his story. “Obviously, he’d do anything for her, no matter how embarrassing it might look in the process,” he teased, grinning as Freddy’s cheeks flushed again. “In all seriousness though, I am very happy for you mate, I know you two cherish each other more than one could ever imagine, cheers!”
“You’re supposed to save those toasts and embarrassing stories for after the ceremony,” Freddy scolded playfully. “Then she can’t back out,” he commented knowing full-well his cheeks were crimson thanks to Mikey’s cheeky story.
Y/n laughed and shook her head. She snuggled into Freddy, holding onto his bicep. “I’m not going anywhere,” she promised, peaking up at him.
“Good,” Mikey smirked. “‘Cause, don’t worry mate,” he said, grinning wickedly at Freddy. “I’ve got plenty more stories and toasts to give after the ceremony tomorrow”.
Y/n’s friend, y/f/n abruptly stood as Mikey returned to his seat. “If he’s going to say something now, I will too,” she grinned, winking over at the couple.
“Oh God,” y/n mumbled, closing her eyes.
Freddy laughed softly. He looked over at her lovingly and kissed her head as her friend began to tell everyone how y/n was after he’d taken her on their first date years ago.
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After dessert and everyone wishing the couple endless congratulations and best wishes, the evening came to an end. Meaning the couple was now standing a few meters from the main doorway, wrapped in each other’s arms.
“Do we really have to sleep apart tonight?” Y/n asked rhetorically as she frowned up at Freddy while he held her.
“No, not if you don’t want to, darling,” Freddy reassured.
Y/n sighed softly as she felt the eyes of her friend and Freddy’s brothers on them. She knew they were waiting for them to part for the night so everyone could go home to rest before the big day tomorrow. “I think it’s out of our hands,” she laughed lightly.
Freddy hummed as he peered over at the group who were trying to pretend they were not watching the couple as they waited. “It’s not up to them, my dear,” he argued. “It’s up to us”.
Y/n lazily shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I can handle one night alone,” she sighed dramatically, “for the sake of tradition”.
Freddy chuckled and kissed y/n’s forehead. “I don’t know if I agree,” he replied playfully. “But, anything for you, darling,” he said with a dramatic bow. He grinned as she began to laugh. Once he stood back up, he tenderly pulled her closer. “But tomorrow night, it’s me and you.” “And no one is going to convince me to part from you,” he whispered in her ear.
Y/n bashfully bit her lip and unnecessarily hid in Freddy’s coat collar. The action made him hum with a chuckle before he kissed the back of her head. She leaned back and cupped his face. “I love you, Freddy,” she smiled, “goodnight handsome”.
Freddy grinned widely. “I love you too, gorgeous, get some rest honey, I’ll see you tomorrow”. He gently kissed her one last time before letting her go, looking at the group as they headed over to separate the couple for the remainder of the night before their wedding.
Y/n peaked back over her shoulder at Freddy as she departed. Catching sight of her gaze, he winked. She gleefully giggled to herself as she turned her head back around and followed y/f/n out of the door.
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Taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @alex-kazbrekkersimp @opheliaofficial07 @historynerd77 @el-de-phi
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jackiequick · 1 month
Blah Blah Blah [ Once Upon A Time Fanfic] ❄️
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Pairing: Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard x Prince Charming/David Nolan
Set during Season 4, Episode 11 - "Shattered Sight"
Characters: Cadence, Anna, Kristoff, Regina, and Baby Neal.
Summary: With the spell cast, tension runs high as Snow, David, and Cadence are trapped in the Storybrooke police station, bickering and revealing hidden grudges.
Note: I just wanted to have some fun, I didn't think much of it, it's some of my favorite scenes from season 4. Also I just wanted to make Cadie the annoying little bitchy sister in this fic haha
Click here to get to know Cadence Nolan
The spell was cast. People were pissed off. Outside in the town of Storybrooke, everyone was partially trying to kill each other. Inside the station that had just a few seconds ago been filled with smiles and laughs, now held eye rolls, yelling, and full-blown surges of anger.
Snow and David were seated, separated in cell blocks next to one another. Cadence was handcuffed to a front table, near Kristoff who sat on the other end of the table as she was trying to smack the crap out of him. Meanwhile, Anna, who wasn’t affected by the curse, paced back and forth, keeping watch, sort of stressed out.
The only one calm was baby Neal, who was peacefully napping, without a single care in the world.
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“Finally, I’m seeing you clearly,” Snow stated with a scoff.
“What do you see?” David replied with a half-smirk.
“A fraud. A shepherd who has no business being royalty.”
“Well, I see a spoiled little princess who ran away from her troubles. WHO ALWAYS RUNS AWAY.”
“I can’t believe I had a child with you.”
“Who knows? Maybe you didn’t? Could be Whales!”
“Oh, shut up! You’re one to talk, David. You ran away from the farm and the castle more than anyone,” Cadence yelled, standing up but being pulled back to the table.
“Whose side are you on?” David yelled.
“Neither! You fell for THAT little brat? Katherine was much better.”
“KATHERINE?! You never liked me,” Snow shouted, “You were jealous because I stole your brother from you and that your EX-boyfriend’s mother hated you.”
“Oh, please." She remarked, "You fell for the wrong TWIN BROTHER! You thought it was JAMES NOT DAVID for months, he lied. You lied back.”
“At least I didn’t shoot my man!”
David glanced at her, “Your man? Oh look, she cares!”
“Shut up, I wasn’t talking to you!” Snow yelled, turning back to his sister-in-law, “So?”
“You shot him with a bow and arrow. You’re an annoyed little princess who thinks she’s always right. NEWS FLASH NOW, you ain’t. If you were right, you wouldn’t have married him or met me,” Cadence yelled.
“YOU LITTLE—you never let anyone help you.”
“I should’ve left you to drown years ago in that lake.”
“I should’ve let you get caught by those wolves.”
Both girls kept arguing with David jumping in shouting at both his sister and wife.
Kristoff rolled his eyes, “If this is what marriage is like, I’m glad you keep postponing ours.”
“You were gonna marry him, Anna?” Cadence asked with a laugh.
“Oh, don’t you start.”
“He sucks.”
“He farts so bad, never shuts up about his reindeer and oh—“
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Anna sighed, “You know what? I’m gonna go find my sister. And you two stay here, where you can’t annoy anyone. Expect me with your words.”
“You ran away from me! Anna, he’s a cheater, you wanna marry that?” Cadie said, spilling the beans.
Anna gasped, “You cheated on a princess, Kristoff?”
“He moved to Arendelle the next day.”
“I’m so sorry. Kristoff never ran away from me…I think?”
“That’s because he always had a thing for redheads, sweetheart.”
Kristoff shouted, “HEY! That’s it! You are a spoiled little rat-”
“You’re the one who couldn’t settle on a career!” Cadence yelled back
“You were a child farmer.”
"And you chose to be around ice and snow. You know who can do your job better? January!"
“Ice work seemed better at the time! So I studied it!”
“The whole town is FROZEN! Why are you selling ice for?”
“Stable boy.”
David and Snow kept fighting, while Kristoff and Cadence kept bickering. Anna tried to handle The Charming couple, but Snow kept making remarks, saying she was a murderer, causing Cadence to snicker with David barking over her.
Anna said sheepishly, “But you’re in love right? That has to count for something.”
“Love?! Ha! The moment I met her, she hit me with a rock!” David shouted.
Snow sighed, rolling her eyes, “Someone slip me a poison apple and put me out of my misery.”
Kristoff yelled, begging, “Me! Pick me.”
“Oh, shut it, Iceman!” David barked.
Kristoff bit back, “Oh ‘Iceman’? Who are you calling ‘Iceman’, ‘Stableboy’?”
“You! AGAIN the whole place is frozen! What are you selling ice for?!”
“You left us like it was nothing!”
It went on for a while. Until a certain figure showed up. Running into the station dressed in a black gown, was Regina with a fierce growl and a smirk. Cadence scoffed, Snow and David looked annoyed, Kristoff was searching for something to knock himself out with, and Anna was plain out confused.
Cadence muttered, “This is gonna be interesting.”
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my lucky day. I originally came here to kill Emma, but now I get to kill the two idiots who started it all! And their personal sidekick!” Regina yelled.
“You know who you are!”
“I served your ass for years.”
“But you went running back to them.”
David scoffed, “Well, in our defense, we didn’t tell Cora about your secret boyfriend.”
“Yeah, it was her!” Cadence agreed, pointing to her sister-in-law.
Snow furrowed her brows and remarked, “ARE YOU SELLING ME OUT?!”
“SHUDDAP! You all deserve to die, not just for what you did, but for your whining!” Regina shouted over them, pointing around to the trio, “But your punishment should fit your crime. You took my first true love from me, and now I’m gonna return the favor. By taking your baby.”
The trio yelled and shouted over one another for Regina to stop, as she poofed Kristoff and Anna away, throwing Snow’s door open and tossing Cadence into the same cell as her brother.
Snow and Regina squared off, with swords. The fighting soon commenced, dueling out in front of the shared cells. Soon enough, Regina towered over Snow nearby the desk. Across the desk stood the stroller.
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“CAREFUL! The stroller's not under warranty anymore.” David called.
Snow strained, “You said you bought it new!”
“It was slightly used!”
Cadence recounted, “It was gently used!”
Snow grunted, kicking Regina off her, swaying the sword towards her midriff as she pushed back.
Regina glared, “Tell me when you’re tired of missing, Mary Margaret.”
Snow half-smirked, “I only have to hit you once.”
She swung and missed, Regina pushed her away, and both slipped on the flooring of the station. They used everything around them to fight: stacked papers, clothes, and small figurines. One of them was a tiny dog and a deep blue sweater.
“Hey!” Cadence called out.
Snow looked over her shoulder, “Is that my sweater?!”
“You never used it.”
“I was saving it for an occasion.”
“Like when?!”
Regina looked around to see if Cadence stole anything from her as well. However, as she was distracted, Snow took the upper hand, wrapping her arms around the woman and slamming them both against the cell block.
David and Cadence tried to take the upper hand, helping Snow as Regina pushed herself away from the trio.
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The fight kept going back and forth, with David and Cadence watching like two school kids. They tried breaking out of the cell, but it was no use.
They screamed and shouted the whole time, even making remarks to Snow and Regina.
“Uppercut! Lock her onto the table,” Cadence yelled toward Snow. “Seriously?!” David looked at his sister.
“I’m helping!”
“At least tell her to swing the sword upwards to cut her cheek or something!”
“Oh, good idea! Snow, do that!”
Suddenly, a burst of magic flew across Storybrooke, hitting the Police Station, causing everyone to feel like they were slapped across the face and pushed forward like they were asleep. Breaking the short spell.
They all looked around, oddly confused, seeing swords in hands, papers on the floor, small figurines, and the front desk being pushed backwards.
Regina looked down at herself, seeing herself in her Evil Queen dress with her hair all messed up and dropped her sword. Cadence saw herself snickering as it turned into a set of giggles and laughter.
Regina looked ridiculous, honestly.
“What am I wearing?” Regina asked.
Snow looked at her, breaking into a small fit of chuckles that turned into laughter, followed by Regina laughing alongside her.
David was leaning against the bars of the cell, snorting and laughing so hard, he rolled onto the floor.
That's all folks! Let me know what you guys think Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff Paul @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @djs8891 @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @sofia-falcone @rooster-84 and etc
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drjohndisco · 3 months
Evermore (Chapter 04)
( Masterlist || Ao3 Link )
Content Warnings: discussions of of grief/death, mentions of puppets, mentions of (assumed) dead parents, mentions of pregnancy.
Author's Note: These bitches gay! Good for them!
Beetle was curled up on top of the attic bed when Ruby found them. 
After the funeral they’d gotten Emma to give them a lift back to her  parent's place (it’s where they’d chosen to hold the wake), and hadn’t moved since going upstairs and lying down.
(Everything had gone to custard. The thing with Ruby, and now their dad was dead? Life truly didn’t have it in them to give her a break, it seemed.)
Then, there was a quiet knock on the door.
‘Hey.’ Ruby said, quietly. ‘May I come in?’
‘Sure.’ Beetle mumbled, not rolling over. 
Ruby wandered over and sat herself down in the space next to Beetle.
‘Don’t worry, I’m not here to say anything to you. I don’t think words are the right thing, and I’m sure you’ve heard everything everyone could possibly tell you a bajillion times over.’ Ruby said.
‘Yeah. You got that right,’ Beetle replied. ‘But, I don’t think bajillion is a real number, Red.’
‘Well, maybe it should be!’ Ruby laughed. 
Beetle sat up then, now properly looking at her.
(She was so cute when she smiled.)
‘Ruby, what are you really here for?’ Beetle asked, after a beat. ‘What have you got to tell me?’
‘I--’ Ruby mumbled. ‘I think if you'd been there. I would have kissed you instead.’ 
‘Oh? That's all you have to say? Just, oh?’ 
‘Well, it's a lot…’ Beetle sighed. ‘I mean, don't get me wrong, it's really good to know that you do - in fact - like me back---’
‘Wait….back? What do you mean, back?’ Ruby said, interrupting Beetle.
‘Rain said that the kiss brought my feelings to the forefront. Perhaps, they'd always been there? Belle, isn't going to be a problem…my feelings for you were what was confusing me.' Beetle explained.
‘Okay, well, then we can take it slow?’ Ruby asked, after a beat.
‘Yes. I’d like that.’ Beetle confirmed, taking her hands.
(Gold's Antiques Shop)
Rain was leaning against the shop walls when Belle and Rumple got there. 
(Sure, they could have picked the lock like August had taught them to, but they really couldn’t be bothered.)
‘What are you…?’ Belle asked, when she noticed them. ‘Why are you outside the shop?’
‘I’m here to arrange for Geppetto’s parents to be picked up by August. They’ve been gathering dust for a while, it’s the least I could do.’ Rain replied. ‘Would you please, let me in?’
The door to the shop then clicked open, and Belle and Rain followed behind Rumple. Abruptly they stopped, shocked, staring at the interior of the building. 
It had been completely totalled.
‘What happened here?’ Belle questioned.
‘Hook. This is why he attacked you.’ Rumple stated, stepping through the debris to make his way towards the counter. Behind him Rain walked to the stand that had the dolls on it, and picked them both up.
‘Creepy little things, aren’t you?’ Rain muttered, then paused. ‘Uh, I’m sorry, if you can hear me -- as you’re sort of my in-laws….I suppose? But, we don’t want to get into that now.’
Rain then shoved them both quickly into their bag, and turned back to look at Belle and Rumple; only to see that they were now by the opened safe and smashed counter.
Suddenly, Rumple brought his cane down on the counter - throwing away a small model ship. The glass shattered, and fell to the floor with a loud crash. Besides Rumple, Belle flinched.
‘Rain,’ Belle asked, moving closer towards them. ‘Could you please walk me back to Emma’s?’
‘Of course I can.’ Rain replied.
‘Wait, Belle!’ Rumple called out, reaching down and pulling out a gun (of all things) from the drawer under the cabinet. ‘Before you go, could you please take this?’
Seeing this, Rain grabbed the gun from him before Belle could touch it, and checked to see if the safety was off.
‘Really?’ Rain said, handing Belle the bag with the dolls in it, so they could clip the gun onto their belt. ‘She doesn’t even know what a gun is!’
‘But-’ Rumple protested. 
‘No!’ Rain stated fiercely. ‘I’m taking Belle and leaving before I cave and decide that I should shoot you with this.’
So, they took Belle’s hand and led her away from him. As the door closed behind them Rumple placed his head in his hands.
‘Bloody fairies.’ He groaned.
(Emma's House - Again)
Confident that Belle would be okay on her own upstairs, Rain plonked the dolls down on Emma’s counter (next to the salad and Archie’s memorial photo).
Emma’s house guests had gone now (after leaving various condolence cards for August and Beetle), so now it was just August, Beetle, Belle, Ruby, and Rain left. 
‘What the hell are those things?’ Emma asked.
‘Archie’s parents.’ Rain replied, deadpan. ‘I was going to give them to August, but then I thought that might be one thing too many to pile on him today.’
‘Understandable.’ Emma laughed, awkwardly. ‘He’s over there, against the couch if you want to see him.’
‘Thank you, Emma.’ Rain said, with a soft smile.
(Storybrooke Docks)
‘Oh, I am so sorry.’ Rain sighed, when they realised where exactly they’d stopped. ‘I did not think this through at all, I just wanted to get us someplace quiet.’
‘No, I think it’s quite funny really.’ August laughed. ‘It almost seems appropriate. You, bringing me to the sea, where I died, on a day like today. Like fate can’t let us go.’
‘Fuck fate!’ Rain moaned.
‘I very much agree.’ August commiserated. ‘Now, what did you want to talk to me about?’
(For a moment, Rain considered mentioning their recent positive pregnancy test, but thought better of it.)
‘Putting it simply,’ Rain replied, swinging their arms up and down. ‘I thought you needed a break.’ 
‘I certainly did, today has been a lot. Most of them being on the not-particularly-good side of things.’ August said, taking Rain’s hand in his. ‘I’m glad you’re here.’
‘Yeah, I’m just sorry it took so long.’
Elsewhere Belle was reflecting on her (rather odd) day, as she walked along the docks searching for Hook's ship. 
(So far she wasn’t having any luck.)
Behind her, in bug form, Beetle was following; ready to act as back up if Belle needed.
‘Where is it?’ She asked. 
Then her attention was caught by the sound of creaking rope. Pausing in her tracks she looked around once more, and saw some seagulls fly into view and land on something invisible.
Belle then stepped backwards and opened the sandbox to her left, taking a handful and throwing it in front of her. This action revealed a set of stairs, presumably leading onto the ship.
‘Found you.’ Belle gasped, tentatively stepping up and onto the boat. 
Reaching the end of the stairs Belle found herself in front of a wooden door, which she pushed open cautiously.
‘Hello?’ A muffled voice cried out.
‘Uh, hello?’ Belle asked. 
Beetle took this moment to circle around the room, antennae twitching. Then, they transformed back with a flash of red light and pointed to the middle of the deck.
‘How do you know?’ Belle questioned.
‘Like August said to me the other day, I can feel the vibrations.’ Beetle replied. ‘I think whomever is in here is under the floorboards.’
‘Down here!’ The voice called out again.
‘Dad?’ Beetle muttered, reaching down and opening the covering. 
Inside the space, tied up but very much alive, was Archie.
‘Oh, thank god!’ Archie celebrated.
‘Dad!’ Beetle gasped, suddenly overcome by a wave of relief. ‘You’re okay?’
‘Yes, I am.’ Archie said. ‘It’s good to see you both. Now, can you, uh,’
So, Belle took a nearby sword and cut his ropes with it. He then stood up and got out of the confined space, moving immediately towards Beetle and embracing them in a hug.
‘I’ve missed you so much.’ Archie gasped.
‘Go, find Rain.’ Belle ordered. ‘Tell them I’m here on the ship.’
‘What? You’re not going to come with me?’
Footsteps then sounded overhead, causing them to jump.
‘Go, go, go, there’s no time to argue.’
‘Dad, come on!’ Beetle said, taking hold of Archie’s arm. ‘I saw them sitting at the docks, they’re not far.’
By the time Beetle had made their way back to Hook’s ship with Rain (Archie had opted to stay behind with August for a proper reunion), Rumple had gotten there before them. 
He was looking down at the prone body of a beaten and bloody Hook, while holding a small beige rag. Belle was standing over to his left; having not moved out of fear and the shock of seeing Rumple’s sudden violence.
‘Oh, and Beetle’s here too with their friend, how fun. Come to watch me suffer, have you?’ Hook cried out weakly, shifting his gaze to them. ‘You know, I saw your mother the other day.. I wonder what she’d think about all of this?’
At this remark Beetle reached into their pants pocket and pulled out a handgun, firing two shots into the mast above Hook’s head.
‘Don’t ever mention her to me again!’ Beetle yelled. 
‘Was that really necessary?’ Rumple asked, voice steely as he turned to look at Beetle.
‘Yup.’ Beetle replied, grinning. ‘Now step away from this crime scene, or I’ll shoot you too.’
‘On what grounds?’
‘Well, there’s harassment and assault to start with..’ Rain stated, counting with their fingers before looking over to Belle. ‘Belle, do you have anything to add?’
Cautiously, Belle shook her head.
‘But what about him?’ Rumple questioned angrily. ‘Doesn’t he have to pay?’
‘Yeah, but we have to get him to a hospital first.’ Beetle replied. ‘Then we’ll think about it.’
Emma had chosen to take Rumple to the holding cells after talking to the others about what had occurred. But, since there was no way in hell Emma would have also taken Hook in her car with Rumple, that task was left up to Rain. Which, unfortunately, led to several long hours of waiting and piles of hospital paperwork. 
Now, however, they were seated in Granny’s diner alongside Archie, August and Ruby.
‘I am going to need so much therapy after this.’ Belle sighed, resting her head against Ruby’s shoulder.
‘Well, then it’s good my dad isn’t dead then, isn’t it?’ Beetle joked.
‘BEETLE!’ Rain groaned at the same time as Archie muttered ‘Really?’
‘Yeah.’ Beetle laughed. ‘You heard me, I went there.’
Rain just shook their head.
‘Good to see everyone happy again, isn’t it?’ August asked them quietly.
‘Yeah,’ Rain replied. ‘It is.’
(So why couldn't they shake the feeling that something was about to go wrong again?)
(The Outskirts Of Town)
‘Hey!’ A mechanic called out. ‘How can I help you?’
‘Just a cheap car check-up is fine.’ The man replied. ‘Now, tell me, where can I find Regina Mills?’
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ask-missparker · 5 months
These hands to let it go free and this love came back to me / OUAT FanFic AU ⚔️
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Pairing: Charming!Nikolai & Snow!Amelia
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Summary: What happens when your brother crashes your wedding with an unexpected gift that made you question your love and worth? A curse.
Characters mentioned : Ben Barnes as The Dark Prince, Liane, Cole, Ethan, Cassandra, Jeremy, Cherik and etc
Note: There was a time when the couple was on the run hiding from the royal forces, going as Nicholas & Amara
The wedding bells were ringing in the heavenly lit castle with guests from all over cheering as the couple dressed in whites and browns smiled being newly announced as husband and wife.
Snow in her pure feather dress with red edges to give it an accent as Charming was dressed in browns and blacks, his captain hat styled with a deep green feather attached to the inside.
Just then, the doors banged open and in swung the dark prince of crime, a king of shadows you can say holding up a playful fireball as he giggled. The crowd gasped, some yelled and others knights raced in protection as the prince with a flick of his wrist threw the guards back then glared at the couple.
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“How cute. Didn’t think of inviting your brother to the wedding?” Yelled the dark prince of crime.
Charming held his wife closed and pointed his sword as he spat, “Get out!”
“Relax, brother. I’m here to offer you a gift for your precious little wedding and you’ll like it.”
“I don’t want it! Get out, Alexander. Your not king anyone, only a mere prince.”
“Oh hush, you never let me finish. Here’s my gift, this whole day will be a peaceful one, I’ll even give you the week. But starting Sunday at the tip of midnight, I will destroy your happiness, if it’s the last thing I do.”
Charming ordered the guards to get up and lock the castle, as he threw shadow sword straight at his brother, in a cloud of smoke older man disappeared. But he left with a cut on his right arm as the shallow sword dropped.
Weeks—months past as Charming and Snow, also known as Nicholas and Amara when on the run, have gotten that news with their friends and found family. As they tried to all search for the prince, regroup and find a way to stop whatever cursed plan that is coming their way.
Nikolai was searching one night, stressing about it in the king’s office of their castle as he spoke with Marlene and Melissa about it. Princess Liane, sat down trying to figure out how it can play out.
His wife stole him for a moment, telling everyone else to rest as she stood in the castle’s kitchen making him a sandwich as he sat down listening to her words. He adored that she was always supportive and there to ease his emotions with a couple of smoothing words, even when he felt he had the entire weight of world on his shoulder.
She placed the sandwich on the table telling him to eat as she listened to his worries and rubbed his shoulders, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“My heart, you’re in need to sleep and regroup later. You’ve been practicing your sword fighting all week and if not, you’re scouting with Marlene..” She said with a sigh, “He’s just trying to get into your head.”
“He’s not. He once held me captive in his chambers underneath the castle because he thought I was a better sword man than him. Poison me with a stupid apple and gave you a sleeping a curse..” He replied taking a bite out of the sandwich humming.
“If he hasn’t inactive since the wedding, he won’t be now. He’s petty and narrating a path that will lead him to more hate towards you. He wants to get in your head and not feel worthy of your title.”
“Am i worthy of this?”
“You married a farm girl, who was thrust into a world of royalty. You showed me and others kindness despite all you faced, so yes. Your worthy. And our child will see that to be true.”
He pressed a hand to her belly and rubbed small circles at catch their little prince or princess attention. He whispered a few sweet nothings to her belly and smiled getting a small kick in return.
Then he thought of something and smirked, “Your child. I want to ensure their safety if it’s the last thing I do..and will have to ask Cassandra to do so.”
She gave him a confused look with slight fear, “I-is that asking of too much? What if she says something that isn’t true?”
“It will be. We can resting knowing they will be alright, protecting them from my brother and his dark plans will be worth it. She can see the future!”
“If she says I’m twins I’m gonna be freak out.”
With that he laughed and pressed a kiss to her cheek. He always planned on day having at least 3 children with her, especially knowing that she will be an amazing mother.
Within 48, Cassandra they arrived at the castle after guarding her flowers and spells to tell them all the truth behind the plans. Her eyes turned white and held up a finger with a odd look on her face.
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She sat at the round table and spoke softly, “..The dark prince is casting a curse to spend us all to a land without magic, helpful dreams will never arrive. It will take over as much land as possible. He is teaming up with..the prince of mischief and Shaw to help with his spell.”
Those words caught Erik and Charles attention, as they sat the round table with their children Cole, Meira and Ethan. Erik grunted and looked at his husband who sighed already thinking of what can be done to protect their young.
Liane sighed looking at Ethan and then Nikolai, as she heard Cassandra speak softly what she can see. 3 villains all in one go, but the main one was Alexander who caused the grand curse as to destroy everyone at play. She wanted to protect her soon niece or nephew from all of this just as much as the parents did, hell she wanted to protect her found family along with herself. Alongside her crush, that was Ethan.
Cassandra opened her eyes as if her flashes were over as she said, “I didn’t see much but we all don’t survive this smoking dark curse. But we can save ourselves once it’s hit.”
Nikolai groaned pinching the bridge of his nose as he shared a look with Cole, and asked, “How? My child is a stake here, Cass! My brother will be..”
“Relax! We can send a few into the curse with knowledge of it all.”
“I’m not risking that. Erik come on, our friends likes are at stake and we only half will know.”
Erik sighed and grunted, “You think I like this? I don’t. But if we can go with Cassandra’s plan find a safe spot and do a few thing, it will work.”
Cole scoffed, “Yeah, sure dad, with what?”
“The Enchanted Forest is filled with trees of all kind, if we crave one with elements of magical escape, we can send all of that.”
Liane asked, “You can’t be serious. What? Are we gonna make a wardrobe out of a tree?”
“She’s onto something. Yes that can work! Melissa can help carve it.” Ethan added as Meira nodding knowing where to find such tree.
Cole and her disappeared in a cloud of smoke with Erik to go search for it with a second to spear. Amelia was quiet the entire meeting, rubbing her husband arm as she leaned into her chair. Liane noticed wondering what exactly she is thinking as she noticing her friend look at her husband with worry. Melissa share a look with the other girls.
“Mia relax. It’s gonna be fine..” Liane spoke, fixing her tiara with a smile, “I heard stress is bad for the baby.”
She sighed, “I have not given up hope..but who will go through the wardrobe is my worry..”
“Depends on the magic it can hold. My heard my father say it sometimes take up to 3 people or more..”
Nikolai looked down at his wife and kissed her cheek, “I got everything under control. And if we can’t find one, we will still find each other.”
“And your brother? Honey, you got bags under your eyes..we all do.” She asked with so much concern for him and their friends.
“If he shows up, I’ll let him know that he will have to wish he never enacted the curse in the first place.”
“Cole will try to kill him along with you…”
3 trees were found, as Melissa and Cole’s husband Jeremy carved it in the at the man’s workshop. Jeremy was a pirate first, builder second as he grinned.
The idea that wardrobe might protect memories and because children are most likely to believe in fairytales, they will remember once the reach the land. The adults might not remember every single thing, or so they think.
Rick, Roch and Luna planned on bringing their kids into one.
Bruce and Natasha suggest it would be for the best. Everyone single of them had their own plans and businesses to take care of that they kept a secret from each other.
Cole being the wiser one of the crew, knew if he didn’t make it into any wardrobe he would remember and know everything, by hearing the sound of any one of the kids names he will snap out of the trance and enact his murder to Alexander. He may not like Nikolai too much but Amelia was like a sister to him.
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Beside that, Cole and Alexander had their own problems together in the past before he even knew that he was Nikolai’s older brother.
Suddenly the curse hit as cloud of smoke started to wash over the land as the crew started to fight for their lives, bringing any children to safety to the crafted wardrobes. At one of the castles, knights were coming as Erik was fighting them off with Ethan as he out of his own reasons, pushed his son into one of wardrobes closing it knocking him out cold.
Let’s just say Ethan arrived to the real world due to being knocked out cold without as many memories of his past near the woods of a city. It was rather fuzzy for him but he was fine, going on his merry way. Creating a bit of trouble that will come to bit in him the ass later on, in the future being a daughter named Belladonna.
The kids however arrived at the real world as well but somewhere else as the curse it them, waking up in their beds within a town. Where their parents there with them of course, but given cursed memories of not being fairytale characters.
Meanwhile in the Enchanted Forest, as the curse was slowly washing over the woods into the rest of the land, Amelia was panicking a bit more than she thought she would. Not as much as Nikolai, who was preparing himself for a possible war with Cole, if any arm came to anyone in the castle.
Amelia placed a hand over the belly, looking at the small bassinet nearby that was meant to their son. She looked over at her husband, not feeling like a princess but a little farm girl in worry as she said, “I’m ready to leave you..”
Nikolai placed his sword on the table and cupped her face, “You won’t be alone, my brother will pay for this.”
She sighed, “I know he will. But Cass and Cole predicted we will see everyone again on his 18 birthday..the closest thing is 16th. He will need his father.”
“And he will, tell him tales about me. How I slayed a dragon on my first try or how I became my time sailing a ship with Captain Hook.”
“You are so confident in this whole thing aren’t you?”
“I have courage and compassion, I learned that from you. Mainly, i have my wit, my charm and my powers..”
He about to say something else when he sensed a pressure in the air, then sudden his wife gripped his hand tightly muttering that they had bigger things to deal with it.
They were about to have a small surprise.
A few short moments later, Amelia was on the bed screaming in pain and cursing out how she can’t have the baby now. Nikolai held her hand trying to hush his wife’s worries, yelling for the doctor to do something.
The whole castle was abuzz with chaos. Liane fighting against the evil guards outside, Marlene flying about trying to give her wife time with any additional stuff to the wardrobe. Cole was on the rooftop of the castle with a murderous glare as Alexander and his curse reached closer than ever, trying any protective shield.
That was when Jeremy raced into the bedroom, with sword in hand telling Nikolai that the final wardrobe was ready, about to help get his friends to the nursery. Nikolai about to carry his wife and move her out to the wardrobe when the doctor told him to not take any chances, as their son was about to be born now.
Alexander reached to castle with his guards surrounding the place on the rooftop fighting Cole as Nikolai’s chuckled softly at his son being born and placed into his wife’s arms.
The curse is here, they basically failed. He was leaning towards the two pressing a gentle hand on his head hushing his cries as Amelia smiled with tears in her eyes humming a tone.
He was so small yet so beautiful, wiggling and whispering a little as his cries calmed down.
“Hey Joshua..our little love..” Amelia whispered smiling.
Nikolai used the back of his finger rubbing his child’s cheek and smiled, “..welcome to world, you couldn’t wait a few more hours could you sweetheart?”
“We failed..that’s okay..”
“But at least we’re together.”
Amelia paused for a moment and sighed wishing her husband’s strong wit and clever beliefs didn’t rub off on her but it did. She looked at him and said, “Go fight your brother..”
“What?” Nikolai said, holding his son in arms now fixing his baby blanket to keep him warm.
“..take him to the wardrobe with Jeremy and go help Cole..”
“No. Darling, no I can’t leave you like this right now. And not our son!“
“You said it yourself! We need to have courage and believe we will be okay, he will come back to us. It’s a risk, I know…”
“But we have to take it. We have to give him his best chance no matter what it takes. I hate it when I’m right.”
She pressed a kiss to her son’s forehead, telling Joshua to be a trooper for his daddy as Nikolai smiled softly hearing her, kissed his wife quickly grabbing his sword and rushed out. He joined Jeremy in the hallway who was fighting his brother’s knights and raced down the hall, defeating them to fight more keeping Joshua relaxed in his arms.
Jeremy lead the way to the nursery, as he rushed off to kill some guards that were coming to Amelia’s room to find Melissa trying to wake their friend up but she was knocked out cold.
Nikolai raced into the nursery, stabbing a knight and dropped his sword to create a shadow to knock a few other guardsmen out cold, hell he made sure they were dead.
With a flick of his wrist, he flung open the wardrobe’s doors and placed his son inside safety pressing a kiss to his forehead telling him to have courage and find them soon as he closed the doors.
Just as he did, in a cloud of green and black smoke appeared Alexander and Cole neck and neck trying to kill one another. Nikolai stood up with a shadowy smile and glared blasting his brother to a wall, as Cole pinned the man to the wall shouting at him.
Two verse one, as the 3 of them fought and as the smoking clouds from the curse becoming a storm, that rip off the top of the ceiling as Nikolai gasped pinning his brother to the ground holding up a shadow in his a hand.
Cole was behind him, trying to block the storm and yelled, “Where are we going?”
“Somewhere horrible.” Alexander said smiling with a glare.
“No shit dipshit.”
“In a few moments you won’t remember you were fighting me.”
“Very specific.”
Nikolai with a last minute stitch to leave a mark, pulling his sword in front of him and cut his brother in the same place he did months ago during his wedding day. A way for his brother to remember, that matter what happens he will never fully destroy his spirt. Alexander shouted in pain and pushed his brother away, causing him to storm back then attack Cole with a blast.
That was when cloudy spoke louder, engulfed the whole castle sending everyone to a town called Fighter-town, Maine.
Thanks for reading! What did you think of it? Yes I was watching season 1 OUAT pilot shhh 🤫
Fun fact! 🖋 Josh Dallas who plays Prince Charming in Once Upon A Time, played Fandral in Thor (2011)
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @mallowbee4 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife and etc
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bbunmin · 11 months
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f, 19 roleplayer looking for roleplay partners. i’ve been roleplaying for around 8 yrs now.^^
currently, i’m looking for anyone who’s down to do a double roleplay (i play a canon character/person for your oc, and vice versa).
or if anyone’s down to just do a fandomless roleplay, that’s fine too. we can do fxf, mxm, fxf, and nb rps !
my responses are pretty straightforward—not too short nor too descriptive, i only roleplay in third person.
if interested, please send a message saying what type of roleplay you’re interested in doing, if you gave this post a like i will most likely not get back to you.
specify if you want it to be nsfw, js make it legal plz:’)
[a few fandoms i could do are tagged under this post ! otomes, shows, anime, kpop, et cetera !]
i didn’t list a whole lot so just message me whatever fandom you want and i’ll see if im familiar with it,,,
i have discord if you prefer to roleplay there.
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askstevella · 1 month
Hercules AU - The Super Spouses
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Steven Grant Rogers as Hercules (Herc)
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Estella Romano-Strange as Megara (Meg)
Summary: Steve Rogers had been an outcast his whole life, he was always alone aside from a couple of friends here and there, until one day he's given the chance to show the world what he's got. But the question is, he is a zero or a hero in the eyes of a certain fair lady? 
Once Upon A Time/Fantasy AU
In the lower ends of the forests and the mountains stood the forsaken sandy beaches that led to a town filled with men and women of all different ages and sizes. 
In the town held way too many, players and rookies trying to seek like everyone else. Be heroes, lovers, challengers and the list goes on. Some of them just acted to the play the role of bullies.
Where stood Steven Grant Rogers on the other end of it all—no seriously! He was on the other hand of some dude’s fist for the 3rd week in a row for trying to help the baker but instead, he ended up making a mess due to not pulling his weight as he told some jerk to knock it off. Last week, he was trying to fight some larger guy for almost harming some women but his efforts ended with him having to nurse a sore arm that day.
Today, yet again he had his ass handed to him as he tried to fight back holding a makeshift shield. Which was actually a lid from some can, taking a few good licks towards the guy who was picking the fight. 
The guy backed off once his friends yelled for him, rubbing his face and glared at Rogers. 
Steve leaned against a wall, coughing and huffing wiping his nose checking for any blood stains on his face or clothes. He might in relief at being clean, deciding to head home soon.
Steve didn’t like bullies, he rather get beaten up trying to do something such a helping out than watching a person struggle in result of being helpless during a time of need. Only problem was that he was seen a outcast, some scrawny kid, but that doesn’t stop him from doing what he thinks is right.
It also helps that he would find himself looking at status of literal heroes at the fairs and museums wishing he could be seen as more than just what people saw physique.
When he was younger his mother was would get her own little troubles and end up feeling hurt in the end. 
He would ask, “Why don’t you just stand down, ma?”
Her response, “…you always stand up.”
His mother always knew he had a good heart and he would keep fighting until his last breath, as long as he always stands. 
That’s how he found himself at Phil’s stations. Plenty of men were ringing up to become knights and such for the wars, to fight monsters and possibly be heroes. Phil and his bosses was skeptical, especially when Steve showed up for the try outs, to train and become a hero.
His bosses didn’t believe this short skinny kid had something to prove. Hell, Phil stopped having tryouts once he saw how poor of a turnout there was. But was surprise Phil the most weeks later was the same short skinny kid showed up at his doorstep with such determination, heart and willingness to give it his all. 
He even brought a friend, James Barnes, with him as his support and fellow fighter. 
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After a long hard stare, Phil deeply sighed and decided to give it a shot, but warned Steve that if he messed up or made a fool out him, there would be problems. He already had plenty of men do the same to him before, where they’re egos and pride got the best of them.
Weeks of training, grit and determination, along with hope of the gods themselves. It was as if he was given a transformation that seemed otherworldly on how he started out.
Steven Grant Rogers was taller, stronger, could run faster than he could before, quicker on his feet and had muscles to back him up. His friend wasn’t looking too bad either.
It was a grand improvement, and his skills showed it better than Phil expected. His pal, Howard came to help out every now, grinning at the show in front of his eyes. 
One afternoon, it was just Phil and Steve training in the forest, until the tall blonde got it right. Despite Phil’s best efforts, there was his spark of impact in the young man’s eyes wanting to help people and put his skills to the test.
See what else can he do. He was training, fighting beast within waters and trying to outsmart them. However he had his misfortune moments there too, where he would fall and misstep somewhere.
There were moments where Phil was too hard on him too.
Phil said, “With time, you will do so. Have patience, rookie.”
Steve just nodded. 
Until he heard it, the sounds of grunting and yelling. A few trees away at the same forest, stood a women trying to run away from some monster, a centaur named Nessus. 
“I swear, put me down! If my brothers hear about this—” Yelled the women, trying to be released from his grip.
“You’ll what? Call them to use their magic on me? I ain’t scared, call them, sweetheart.” Repiled Nessus with a smirk.
“Ugh! You’re breath stinks.”
“Heh I like ‘em fiery too, baby.”
“Ew! Let go of me, dimwit!”
Steve stood behind a few pills of tall grass and bushes, watching this all go down as his facial expressions were ones of disgust and distant for the blue centaur holding the women in his grasp. He didn’t like it one bit, hell he didn’t even hear Phil or Bucky’s soft shouts to talk him through on how to fight the dude, he just went for it.
He flipped his sword and grunted, stomping along the water grabbing the centaur’s attention, “Halt!
“Step aside, two legs.” The centaur snarled, still holding the women.”
“Pardon me my good…sir. I’ll have to ask you to release that young maiden at once.”
That was when the women finally face him. She whipped her head around, taking a deep breath pushing her long bangs, pushing herself from the centaur’s grip.
“Keep moving’, jolly steam.” She remarked, grunting.
He raised an eyebrow, “Aren’t you a damsel in distress?”
“I’m a damsel, I’m in distress…I can handle this. Bye!”
“Ma’am, I think you may be too close to the situation.” 
The two started to bicker, but soon enough the big blue eye backed Steve onto the water. Phil rolled his eyes and Bucky whined wanting to help, Phil shook his head. Steve got up and snarled, overhearing Phil and Bucky’s shouts of encouragement that sounded like tough love to his ears. 
Steve thought for a moment flipping his sword and thought to use his head, as he swung and kicked the big blue guy  so hard he was went flying backwards. Hell, the women was left from his grasp and falling into the water, coughing and crawling to sit on a rock. 
Steve helped her off and onto the rock but before he can get more than two sentences out Nessus went up for round 2, as the blonde excuse himself to fight him.
The women ring her wet curls out and let out a light chuckle, “Is wonder boy for real?” “Yeah he’s real..a real punk.” Bucky muttered with a scoff then shouted, “Get his legs dummy!” 
“Friend of yours?”
Eventually Steve got the upper hand, as Nessus went flying and Bucky took a final swing at the blue jerk. Both friends nodded and grinned.
“How was that Phil?” Steve asked, fully soaked.
“Not how I hoped it was good. You made mistakes, but people will catch onto it in the big leagues.” Phil repiled. 
“I beat him, didn’t I?” Steve said, 
Bucky remarked, “I helped!”
Phil groaned and yelled, “Next time, don’t let your guard down cause a of pair of big goo-goo eyes! Both of ya!” 
“Hey, he’s the one who didn’t listen! And I don’t crack under the pressure..” Bucky defended himself poorly.
“I know but you guys gotta stay focus! Especially Rogers.”
“I’ll talk to him, I promise—wait where did he go?”
Steve has walked off to check on the women he tried to save earlier, he wanted to make sure she was alright after all of that. This time he got a better look at her, as he found her to be rather pretty. She was standing up, wearing a long blush red dress, ringing out her curls into the stream of water beside them. She looked over to face him, catching a look at the wonder-boy’s soft blue eyes and brown clothes. 
He was handsome.
He half chuckled with a slight awkwardness and he carefully asked, “Are you alright, miss…?”
“Um, Estella..but mainly people call me Stella. I didn’t need you to save me back there, you know?” She asked in a hush yet sassy tone.
“I know, but you looked like you needed the help. You were stuck in his giant hand.”
“And I couldn’t live with myself knowing I could’ve at least done something to get him away from you.”
“Heh, ‘wow’ what?”
“You sounded very genuine with that line. Also you let me fall to the ground.”
“Again, I was trying to help. And I apologize  for the incident, it wasn’t my intention for that part to happen.”
Estella watched him for a moment, seeing how he was actually being genuine and doing his best here. It was pretty clear he was new to this, all of this for that matter.
The least she can do is cut him some slack.
“Alright. They give you a name with that whole look?” She asked, looking over her shoulder smiling.
He hummed returning the smile, “Heh, I uh—I’m um, uh..”
“Are you always this articulate?”
“Uh, no. And to answer your previous question, my name is Steve Rogers.”
“Steve Rogers? Hmm. It’s cute. But I think I prefer wonder-boy.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at her comment about to make a remark at her words but decided against it. Instead he asked, “So, if you mind me asking, how did you get mixed up with the big blue guy?”
“Pinhead with hooves?” She responded, “Things happened, I fell into the wrong crowd.”
“Well yeah, you know how some men are. They think no means yes and get lost means take me I’m yours.”
Bucky could be heard snorting in the background, trying to cover up his laughter. Phil scoffed not knowing to like this women or not at the moment. Steve half smiled as he watched Estella thank him for his efforts, walking away saving she had to head home.
Rogers spend the time couple of days training and trying to protect his craft, perfect his skills with Phil and Bucky. They traveled to different places within the cities and town looking for anyone who might need help.
They fought an ogres, a beast or two and taken out some jerk who infested a town by being greedy to the folks. It was nice, they were small fest of fights to keep of his strength and protect others from harm.
It’s what he wanted to always do. And he was more than glad to do so. 
And so did the women—Estella, who watched from afar nodding and smiling at his accomplishments along the way. She had to hand it to him, fighting off those beast and making sure some town folk were given the some peace. A piece of her melted seeing his smile and kindness towards the people, even if many didn’t really have an appetite or cared to give him the time of day. He kept doing what he could with his friends. 
She knew from stories, people needed to see the big moments to consider someone a hero, not a zero. At the moment, he was seen as zero to Estella despite all the things he’s done. She didn’t know his true motivations yet and wondered if he did for the power, the fame and glory. 
The girl was at odds.
Yeah sure he was strong, tall, blonde and nice, but most men can be like that one the surface.
She needed to see the real fight here. See if he was would run away and show his true self or stay to fight.
Not the small ones that prove nothing, but someone who was trying to hard.
It also didn’t help that her big boss was thinking of sending a challenger his way…
A couple of weeks later, that answer comes as clear as day. 
In a quiet city within a kingdom, Steve was resting after a simple day of swimming and enjoying his afternoon at the market place. Him and Bucky had spent the day trying to familiar themselves with that side of the city, get to the people if possible, as the idea was suggested they moved there.
It was pretty much close to home and still far to travel around too.
Currently, Steve was taking in the light clouds that blew past the sunlight as it shinned upon his body. His week was rather odd to say the least, the basic training, traveling, talks with friends, and trying his best to make sure people were doing alright. 
But a small of him yearned for a fight. A true battle, like the one he can prove who he was and take a stand for others. He wasn’t asking for a war, just to look out for the little guy and show others that they can be helpers to anyone who need it.
He sighed wondering if maybe he was trying to hard, if he should just pack it up and go home for a while. It’s not like was looking for trouble to appear on his doorstep and neither did he want to see anything destroyed or hurt. 
Maybe he could see that fair lady again and—
He was suddenly taken out of his thoughts at the sound of screams and shouts, as he rushed onto his feet looking around for who that was. He followed the noise rushing to see was happened. Then he saw it, two kids stuck under wood and dry stonewall, hearing women crying and men shouting. 
He raced in to do his part, appearing underneath the collapsed temple yelling for the kids to hear their voice and make sure they were still alive. He heard some coughing and wheezing coming from their voices, as he rushed to lift up the wood and stone that collapsed over them. He held his breath lifting the items, urging both kids to try and move as he throw the stone to side, helping them out of there. 
Before the temple can take full force and collapsed any further, he got everyone out holding both children, who seemed to be around 7 years old, in his arms making sure they were okay. The kids nodded and thanked him, as they rushed off to their parents. 
Steve finding let out his breath at the sigh of both children safe and sound, that he didn’t even realized people were watching. He was more concerned with their health, looking over his shoulder to see the temple in pieces as dust and rumble surrounded behind him. He half smiled and waved at ‘your welcome’ to the parents who thanked him in grateful for their held, watching the kids who kept their gaze on him before looking back at their mothers.
Then he heard it, some clapping and shouting in the air for his act of bravery as he nodded and gave the few who noticed him a smile. Bucky rushed in just in time to see the motion and scoffed at his friend getting some recognition for his work, after all the weeks.
But it wasn’t over yet.
“Steve, look out!” Shouted Bucky who pointed at the what crawled out a crave near the temple.
A beast appeared more like a dragon with a long neck, sharp teeth and killer eyes snarling at Steve. The blonde’s eyes widen gulping as he realized he left his sword behind but thankfully Bucky found it and tossed it over to him.
The warring fight had began, as the dragon snarled and wicked his head around as Steve circled him with his sword throwing everything at the beast. This wasn’t something he ever fought before. Steve, along with Bucky’s help, trying to distract the dragon and knock it off balance to not eat them. 
At one point, the dragon wrapped his tongue around Steve’s ankle and threw him midway into the air, opening his mouth and swallowed him whole. Bucky looked away and groaned, battling the dragon in revenge for his friends but was knock into a wall. 
People watched, gasping and screaming at the sight. Estella was standing afar gasping, thinking Rogers was a goner. 
But to the dragon’s surpassing surprise and everyone else include, their breaths were held back. As inside the dragon’s throat was a rumbling noise and crawling tickle that confused the beast, as a sudden slice cut off his airway and his head went flying off. On the other side appeared Steve Rogers, holding his sword and grunting ever so loudly as his body slammed onto the ground alongside the dragon’s head.
People clapped and smiled, some sighed in relief. Bucky helped his friend up as Estella whined at the gross smell surrounded them. Steve got up on his feet, looking around and ordering Bucky to get other’s to safely as he figures out what to do with the dragon’s head.
Speaking of heads…one cut off, 3 other grew just like it. Once he turned around his eyes widen once again, grabbing his sword and giving Bucky a signal to join him.
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were fighting The Hydra. 
It was brutal sight to see, as The Hydra snarled, growled and screamed in their direction as both men fought him. The crowd was running and yelling as rain showed over the land at the same time. Bucky fell to the ground, as Stella rolled her eyes dragging him up the bench before he could get killed muttering something under her breath, meanwhile it was left to Steve to finish him off.
The rain was pouring, the screams were engulfing everyone around, people gasped and ran for the heavens. But Steve Rogers maintain his breath, sword were on the other end of the ground as the HYDRA picked him up and threaten death in his eyes. In a last effort to think quick on his feet, Steve balled his fists and steady his shield slammed the wall of thick rock until it came crashing down.
The Hydra came crashing down and he went down with it.
Silence fell on the ground above, you could hear a pin drop as everyone fell their breaths. Stella gasped and looked over her shoulder watching her boss, Hades, sitting in the dark corners watching with a grin. 
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Hades’s grin was clear as day watching Steve collapse with his challenger, betting all his coins he has fallen, snickering at Stella’s face toward horror and bitterness. A part of Estella reminded him of his only daughter, Luna, who started out kind and all so sweet then somehow she escape The Underworld, then he never saw her again. 
But with Stella, it was different, she was a slave to his deeds after some stupid deal to have her big brothers live while she went to find Hades whatever he needed in return that day, but she never reading the fine print. That she would stay under his thumb for as long as he liked…
However his grin slowly fell, as he leaned forward in his chair and saw movement from below, furrowing his eyebrows and grunted, “..no. He should be crippled or dead..”
Underneath the dust and stone, grunts and growls were heard, suddenly a large piece of stone was thrown to the side as below stood the blonde man, Steve Rogers, with a couple of cuts and bruises yet he was standing tall holding his shield taking a breath.
Hades screamed in his corner surprised, on how only a mere mortal could have so much strength and courage to stand after that battle, he should have fallen. 
He wasn’t even a god yet he had the looks, kindness and determination of one.
The people scream and shouted, clapping at the Rogers huge save and fight among the folks there. They loudly cheered and went to tell anyone who was standing next to them the news.
An old lady, named Frigga, who was watching the huge fight and seeing how Rogers came out on top despite the tough challenge, nicknamed him Hercules. 
Stella was leaning against the wall, in pure shock and scoffed as a soft grin took over her face and nodded at the sight.
Maybe there was still hope for Steve Rogers yet? Especially after a couple of voices called him a hero. 
She smirked looking over her shoulder watching Hades’s annoyed and practically about to blow a fuse with such a short temper. 
She was more than impressed by all of this.
That's all folks! Might do 'I Won't Say I'm In Love', ‘Zero to Hero’ or something next, who knows? Let me know what y'all think!
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel l @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @parisparker269 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh
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countrymusiclover · 12 days
Hey my readers, I am informing y'all that I will be taking down some stories since I have unfortunately not had inspiration for them in a while.
1 - Detective Stabler's Daughter - Spencer Reid ( I know that many of you enjoy this story but I might be taking it down as well. I'm sorry to say 😔 )
2 - The Last Velaryon - Robb Stark
3 - His Venus Muse - Benedict Bridgerton
4 - Princess Red Thief - Rumplestilskin ( only on Wattpad )
Tag list - @hiireadstuff @person-005 @kmc1989
Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons @kmc1989
Tag list - @abq654 @your-musicguru @imgondeletedis @eruannaaa-blog @cherrylovers-world @benedictbridgertonss @callmedarlingsstuff @carrotcaratsworld @sillynilly27 @emmampl-blog2 @bright-molina @erynel1zasworld @ynbutbetter @stranger-chan @blckbarbiedoll @sanaar3006 @urmoom12345 @ritz-hell-hotel @ritz-hell-hotel
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ha1taniwh0re · 1 year
The 8th Princess of Sea
Chapter 3
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I hid behind a rock so I can see what will happen. I couldn't hear good but as i heard a girl wants to have a better life and he wants something in return. Good mind. When they finished there deal with just a blink they disappeared. I started looking for them but couldn't find them.
"Hi there" a high voice said.
I looked up and saw Rumpelstiltskin standing on rock and looking at me. I blushed a little and got away from rock and looked at him with shy eyes.
"Not very talkative as I can see"  he said.
"What are you doing in water on night??" He asked.
I showed him my tail and he just smirked.
"Oh a mermaid I see".
He looked at me carefully, like he was studying me. His eyes met my necklace, it had pink shell and pink pearl inside.
"Pink pearl? Colour pearls only have royal mermaids. Who are you???"
"Mmy ...naame ..iis.. Koko" I said.
"Are you scared of me??" He asked
I nodded as no. He got a little bit confused.
"I like you... Your story is interesting" I said and he looked at me shocked.
"How do you know my story, princess??"
I dressed myself and left my room immediately. I rushed over to a Mr. Gold's shop because Im still confused how he left my room this morning. I got inside and saw him standing on the other side of counter.
"To be honest I love more a view of your boobs when you don't have anything covering them, my dear" he said not looking up.
"How tf did you leave my room this morning?! You couldn't jump out of the window because you walk with fucking cane" I asked still shocked.
He looked at me now and started walking towards me. When he got a few centimeters away from me  he pulled me by waist to get closer to him. Our lips almost met again.
"It's a secret dear, but you don't have to worry the only thing that is good is that your manager didn't see us" he said and smirked.
Oh God I love when he smirks. I looked at him with my blushed face and shy eyes.
"Oh God how I love when you look like this" he said and kissed me.
We were kissing for two minutes and than a bunch of people came into his shop.
"Rumpelstiltskin!!!" A blonde girl said.
I jumped a little and looked at them.
"Miss Yamanaka?? Is that you?" A mayor said.
Oh my God no... I gave them a little smile still embarrassed.
Mr. Gold pulled me closer by waist again into a hug so I don't have to face them. I hugged him and closed my eyes, all of the sudden I felt sleepy and Mr Gold took me in his hands.
Rumpelstiltskin pov
I had a great moment with Koko when miss Swann and the others came into my shop. I remembered from Enchanted Forest that Koko would calm down with hug so I pulled her into a hug and put her to sleep because she still doesn't remember anything about her real life. I took her into my hands and walked to back room to put her to sleep. When I got back the group was still waiting for me.
"How can I help you people?" I asked surly angry.
"What are you doing with that poor girl Rumpelstiltskin?" Emma asked.
"That's Koko, the youngest daughter of King Triton"  I said.
"that's nonsense King Triton's youngest daughter is Ariel" Snow White said.
"No it's not. He has 8 daughters but his youngest ran away, nobody knew why" Regina said.
Everyone were looking at her now.
"It's true. Do you people know a story about The Devil's Triangle??" I asked.
Henry stepped closer to me.
"That's story about Koko. She didn't like how her father has never gave her attention so she ran away to be with her aunt Ursula, but than she got mad at her aunt for not giving her legs and she ran away somewhere in the ocean, but than sailors started to die on specific spot in the ocean where people started to think that mermaid had to do something with it. It was Koko???" Henry asked.
"You are smart about fairytales" I smiled at him
"Yes it's true everything that Henry said but he doesn't know some details"
"Koko loves storys, but because her aunt didn't know much storys about Aurora, Cinderella or you Snow White, she would tell her storys about Regina, Jafar, mee. As she told me she loved my story, it was her favourite. One night when I was making a deal with poor girl, I spotted something in the water. That night I met Koko"
"My aunt Ursula knows you. She told me about you, your story is very sad. You didn't have a choice. You are not a coward". She said and came closer to rock again.
I looked at her shocked. Why is she like this? She should be scared? She looked at me with her innocent blue eyes. At that moment I felt her hand on my leg.
"You should be scared of me... Im The Dark One...."
"But I know your story, you are not that scary at all"
I looked at her and saw that her pearl started to glow. She looked at it and became sad.
"I have to go, my aunt is calling me. Will I meet you again??" She asked with tears in her eyes.
"Don't cry dear. Let's meet here tomorrow at midnight, what do you say?" I asked and smiled.
She just nodded. She jumped from sea and kissed my cheek and ran deep down in the ocean. I was standing there for a few minutes and came back to my castle, thinking about her.
They all looked at me different. Snow White, Prince Charming, Emma and Henry looked at me with melting eyes but Regina looked angry.
"Have she ever sang to you?" Regina asked.
"She did once, why?"
"She is a mermaid Rumpelstiltskin, she made you fell in love with her just so she can kill you"
"Lisa... It's alright darling" Snow White said.
I looked back and saw her standing there, terrifying. I made a few steps to her but she got few steps away.
"Who are you people??" She asked with tears inher eyes.
Reblogs, likes, comments are appreciated
Tags: @bellarkeselection, @sunflowerleii, @micheleamidalajedi <3
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purpleprincessonfyre · 4 months
For Part 1 click here
For Part 2 click here
OUAT AU Finale - We're Gonna Be Timeless
Characters: Liane St James, Mia Spencer, Ethan Long, Belladonna St James, Cassandra Sean
Other characters: Bruce Banner, Melissa Wallace
IB: Once Upon A Time and Timeless (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault)
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A small crowd had gathered around the hospital bed of Liane St James. If you didn't look at the tubes, the gown or the general environment you would assume she was simply asleep. Bella had gone very quiet, Mia was trying to keep her eyes on her clipboard, Cassie had her head in her hands sat to the side and Ethan was at the foot of the bed, a strange aching in his chest.
He liked Liane. He hadn't known her for very long, it had only been a few weeks since his daughter had dragged him to this town, introduced him to her adoptive mother, gotten himself arrested and now he was staring at the unconscious form of someone he had grown to care for. It didn't make a lot of sense but love never did, in his experience.
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"This is all my fault, I should have..." Cassie was rambling in the corner, tears slipping down her cheeks. Bella was still deathly silent with her eyes fixed on Liane. Ethan tried to put an arm around Bella for comfort and expected her to recoil at her touch but instead she sidled up into his embrace, wrapping an arm around his waist and burying her head in his flannel shirt.
"We're doing our best to keep her stable but right now, we still can't determine what's actually happened to her. I don't usually say this but Liane's gonna need a miracle if she's going to survive this." Mia said softly, her eyes sad. The room was eerily quiet aside from the beeping of the monitor and muffled sounds from outside the door in the corridor.
Just as Mia was about to leave, Melissa and Bruce came bursting into the ICU, a half eaten pie in their hands. Mia frowned before she recognised the pie from earlier. She managed to stop them from rushing over to Liane's bed, asking them what was going on. Melissa let Bruce catch his breath and started to explain.
"This pie...she ate this before she collapsed. Its not one of Bruce's pies, it wasn't baked in our ovens."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean we baked a pie for Liane but this is not the one we baked. This one is different. Whatever is in this caused her to collapse."
"We checked her blood, she wasn't poisoned or anything, no allergic reaction. It was an apple pie right?"
Melissa nodded. Cass lifted her head hearing that and so did Bella, wiping tears from her face.
"Alexander. He did this. He wanted to hurt my mom."
"That can't be true, I ate that pie."
"How much did you eat?" Cassie questioned, coming back to her senses. Mia sighed, looking at the half eaten pie in confusion.
"I didn't eat much, a couple bites then I got the call to come back to the hospital when they brought the Joshua kid in. But Liane said she was gonna eat that whole thing."
"And you've been fine?"
"Well I had a couple of dizzy spells and I felt slightly fatigued but I'm fine now. Just kind of a headache."
"And Liane ate-"
"She ate the rest."
Bella lifted her head from Ethan's shirt her eyes widened as she reached into her bag and pulled out her storybook.
"The curse, she ate cursed apples and now she can only be awoken by true Love's kiss!" Bella exclaimed showing a page where a woman with dark hair was awoken by a kiss by a man dressed like a Prince. She turned to Ethan, eyes determined.
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"You have to break the curse, it's the only way."
"'Bella I-"
"You love my mom, right?"
"You love her. I know you kept your distance because she's my carer and she kept hers for the same reason but I can tell. She loves you."
"I can't kiss an unconscious woman!"
"Why not? It works in the stories!"
"Because this is real life, Belladonna! There aren't cursed fruits, there aren't Big Bad Wolves, there aren't glass slippers, there isn't magic and there isn't True Love's Kiss! And...I can't keep pretending anymore." Ethan trailed off as Bella's eyes narrowed, her chin quivering but all she did was shove the book into his arms.
"Read it. And maybe you'll see the truth. I'm going for some air." She stormed out of the ICU, tears in her eyes as she ran for the doors. Mia sighed and looked at Cassie who seemed to look guilty? Mia looked over Liane's body one last time before heading to check on other patients, patting Liane's hand kindly as she left. Cassie took a seat, looking at Ethan.
"She's right, you know."
"Right about what?"
"All of it. But we've all been too blind to see. I tried telling people when I figured it out but people call you crazy when you question their reality..." Cassie muttered, watching the clock on the wall. She turned to Ethan as she grabbed her bag.
"Just read the book. Listen to your daughter for once. And maybe trust her too. She's smarter than she looks."
As Cassie left, Ethan sat by Liane's bed, the silence almost deafening as he watched the machines help her breathe. He picked up the book and started to read. He recognised the tales from his childhood, stories of princesses in castles and knights on white horses and evil queens in towers.
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Then he came across the tale of Sleeping Beauty and saw a face he recognised. A man dressed in armour, his green eyes almost shining off the page, his hair lit by the sunlight and a young woman with long blonde hair down her back, long black curved horns on her head, dressed in purples and blacks, both sat on a horse together, her purple eyes glimmering as they went to kiss.
That was his face! And those eyes despite being purple immediately made him think of Liane. How could he be in this book? This battered book with tales of magic and mystery? Why was he depicted as this Ace of Hearts? Why was Liane The Dark Fairy? And why did he feel like he knew this story more than just reading it off the page?
As he continued to read he started to recognise more and more faces from the town, Mia eating an apple as Snow White, Cole as a mystical magic man called Rumplestiltskin, Alexander as this King of Shadows, the waitress from the diner as Belle, Cassandra as Rapunzel in a high tower, he was starting to see everything more clearly. He looked at Liane and stroked her hair, finally saying what was on his mind.
"I never wanted to be a Dad. When I was a kid I made a choice to never be the reason a kid hates their life, hates their world. I didn't think anyone would ever want to have a kid with me. Then of course, life happened, a life that I really didn't want to bring a kid into but...I was naive. Not naive, dumb, really.. really dumb.
"I did love her, or I thought I did. Bella's mom. But she betrayed me. Ratted me out. I got the clink, she disappeared, and Belladonna was given to a Foster home. I never tried to make contact because I thought she'd hate me. That she'd resent me for not being there, not being her Dad when I absolutely should have been.
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"It was cowardly, I know, to run away from my problems like that but I just really didn't think this kid would want anything to do with me. And then she showed up at my door. Like an omen. No not like that but it did certainly scare me. Especially cause she had found me like that. I knew vaguely that she had a home but I never tried to reach out. And then I met you."
Ethan smiled and took Liane's hand, just admiring her face as she lay there.
"You with your firey temper, the way you almost slapped me on your lawn after I arrived that first day, how your stare looked like it would make me burst into flames if I looked directly at it. And it all made sense. Why this girl, my little girl had come all that way to find me. She wanted me to meet you. To...connect with you. Because she loves you so much that she knew even if she could do it alone, she shouldn't.
"You spent years rearing this kid like your own, teaching her self-respect, giving her unerring confidence, letting her speak her mind, allowing her the freedom to express herself however she wants and now she's the best thing ever. I used to think parenthood was like jail.
"Bad comparison I know but I knew what that was. Servitude, solitude, nothing but pushback and obstacles as you try to get your freedom. Living off rations just to keep your kid afloat. Drowning in debt and knowing that you'll be so broken when it's over but accepting it as part of life. But it's not.
"You made me see parenthood is...like a garden. It won't grow if you don't feed and nurture it, it can be hard to tame but it's all the more beautiful when you let it run wild, if you prune too often it becomes too linear, too perfect. But as long as you feed and water it, give it sunshine, attention, love and care it will be so beautiful and become so beneficial to the insects and wildlife.
"Belladonna is not a perfect kid but she's brilliant. She's book smart and street smart which she did not get from me, she's intelligent and thoughtful, she's got the best emotional regulation I have ever seen and she's so glad you are her mom. And I would be honoured to raise her by your side. I've never believed in magic and miracles but if Bella believes it will save your life, then maybe I'll give it a try."
Ethan leaned in towards Liane's face and very carefully kissed her on the cheek, her skin feeling like a soft pillow and the warmth from her face hitting his. Almost instantly a huge spark of power began radiating from where Ethan stood, spreading through the town as Ethan took and step back, his mind suddenly flooding back to him.
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Ethan Lensherr, The Ace of Hearts. Champion for Wonderland. His sister, The Mad Hatter. His brother, Rumplestiltskin. His father Erik, The Knave of Hearts. And his beautiful Liane, The love of his life, The Dark Fairy. Had awoken from her slumber.
Liane opened her eyes and looked up to see her beloved Ethan standing by her bed smiling. She pulled off her breathing mask and flung her arms around him in tears, holding him close as she kissed him passionately. She had found him, and he had found her. The doors swung open as Mia, or rather Snow White, came rushing inside with Cassandra at her side and Belladonna.
"Mal!" The two embraced after Ethan let his wife go, remembering all these people. Cassie also came in for a hug as Belladonna watched, pleased.
"Since when did you get a haircut, Goldie?"
"It wasn't my choice, trust me." Cassie insisted, smiling and laughing. They all stepped back to let Bella through who ran into her mother's arms tearfully, grabbing her tight as they embraced.
"I told you so.. " she whispered in the hug as Liane just laughed and sat up. Then she felt that pain again. The pain where her wings were supposed to be. Snow handed her a staff to help her stand.
"Rumple left it here if you can believe that. Found it in the supply closet of all places."
"Is it still magic? Am I still magic?"
"No one knows yet. But everyone's waking up. Wait- Nikolai!" Snow tugged off her white coat and ran out of the hospital to go and find Charming as the others laughed.
But Liane stayed stoic, remembering at least who caused them all to be stuck here.
"Babe don't worry we'll get your wings back."
"Not just my wings. I want him DEAD!" Her eyes flashed bright purple, that fire back in her eyes as she stood up. He was going to pay for his actions. A flame of lavender fire formed in her palm as Ethan caught her arm.
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"Where are you going?"
"To kill the Mayor."
Thats a wrap for now folks! It's been fun and it's gotten me to rewatch OUAT so I guess that's a good thing? Thanks to @jackiequick for reigniting my love of fantasy fanfic writing, thank you @gcthvile for always giving my OCs someone to love, and love to my moots @blueboirick @cherrysft @rooster-84 for the support.
Next fanfic series might be a bit more upbeat, a little cheesy and slightly more musical? It will be hinted at in the next post that appears on this page. Hope you've enjoyed!
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misshiraethsworld · 11 months
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DOOR IN THE HEDGE ━ once upon a time ✧
Princess Edeline of Gardenia was used to chaos. She thrived off the unknown and found solace in its fractured embrace. Since she was a young girl, darkness was all she knew, dancing night after night among strangers. She and her twelve sisters owed a debt to a being more powerful than they could have ever imagined. Every night they tried to escape, and every night they failed. They were trapped in an endless loop, searching for a way out and finding none until the portal hopper arrived. Jefferson Hatter of the Enchanted Forest was no stranger to mischief. The mischief led him to his first love and eventually to the birth of his daughter. However, he felt a void where his heart used to be. Every beat felt like a needle being pressed into a sore wound that would never heal. He wanted to provide for his only child and found that opportunity in another realm where slippers were always worn down. Jefferson and Edeline were each other's salvation and each other's doom. The Evil Queen's curse only tore into a story that was just beginning to blossom, leaving many people trapped in a land where happy endings seemed impossible. Edeline, now Davina, was unaware of her fate to dance once more as she practiced her steps daily in her dance studio. Jefferson could only look on desperation, knowing too much and yet not knowing enough to find a way to break the curse. Fairytales never end with 'Happily Ever After' ...
tag family: @arrthurpendragon, @eddysocs, @darth-caillic, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @kmc1989, @ocappreciation, @ocs-supporting-ocs if you want to be added to my family, all you have to do is ask!
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kumcore · 2 months
hellooo :^)
i'm kumcore, also known as kim. i am a f 18 roleplayer, i have been roleplaying for ... quite a few years now, so i would like to think of myself as an experienced roleplayer !!
i'm currently looking for partners who would be down to do a double up roleplay (i play a canon for you, and you play a canon for me!)
→ regarding the above text, i'm also okay with oc x oc roleplays. canon x canon is a different story; i don't really see the fun in doing them, but regardless, i'm open to doing so!
my pairings are fxm, mxm, or fxf ; i'm also down to down nb roleplays, as i have no problems with either !!
as for genres, i am open to doing romance with tropes that i am familiar with (and open to trying), however, i am aiming for a darker themed roleplay, preferably with mature themes as well (with research on how to respectfully execute them).
anywhoo, moving on!
i'm pretty active throughout the day, i am a college student — so, my responses may vary as the days go on. i will let you lnow beforehand if i am busy, or am going to be on hiatus for a few days, so don't worry !!
i expect ooc communication from my parents and (including) myself, i may be pretty shy at the start, but once we start to move things on with the roleplay ;; i can get pretty talkative and very comfortable!
for my responses, i do write in third person. i won't do first person, or any of the sorts, i just prefer third person. i also don't expect you to mirror my length, i do tend to go on a tangent while i write (mostly because i love small details) and thus resulting in longer responses — however, i can always match your responses !
if you're interested, don't be afraid to shoot me a message with the type of roleplay you'd like to do, and i'll get back to you !! i will list a few fandoms that i'm open to doing roleplays in, but i will say that my creepypasta phase is coming in (once again).. which means i'll be looking out for those the most.
— the hunger games
— harry potter (books/movies/games)
— creepypasta + any arg (literally begging rn)
— supernatural
— the maze runner (books/movies)
— forgot a few, but ask me if i know the fandom and i'll lyk !
discord is preferred, i won't roleplay on any other platforms. i'll exchange my discord once we've spoken about the roleplay.
also, nsfw is fine, just please be over eighteen. i won't do nsfw roleplays with anyone below, but i can most certainly do sfw roleplays with you. i will say that i do not want the roleplay to circulate around nsfw themes, mostly because i am interested in the story, not the whole schmitz of nsfw.
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jackiequick · 2 months
Joshua Nolan - As sweet as honey but forgetful as a wish 🍯
= Note: He is also considered an Disney/OUAT OC
-> Christoper Robin — Joshua C. Nolan
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-> How lucky I am to have something, that makes saying goodbye so hard
Full name: Joshua Christopher Nolan-Morozov
Character titles: Christopher Robin, Daring Charming, The Knight, Lost Boy
Nicknames: Josh, Col, Colten, Robin, Charming Jr, Monkey, Silly Ol’ Bear, Sweet Boy
Age: 16-22
Height: 5’9
Birthplace: The Enchanted Forest
Job: Peacekeeper, Knight, Prince
Parents: Snow White & Prince Charming — Amelia Parker & Nikolai Morozov
Uncles: Alexander Morozov (The Dark Prince), Cole Lensherr (Rumple), Captain Hook (Jeremy)
Aunts: Cinderella (Rochelle Romanoff) , Michelle Danvers (Charming) , Mal (Liane Felton)
Best Friends: Belladonna St. James — Golden Believer, Author, Black Swan
Sexuality: Into guy, girl or both?
Face claims: Jacob Tremblay (young), Alexander Calvert (older)
— Personality 🧩
He teenager with a heart of gold, yet his journey through life has been marked by shadows of loneliness and uncertainty. Despite his innate kindness and compassion, Joshua often finds himself navigating the world with a sense of hesitancy and clumsiness.
He tends to be shy in unfamiliar situations, his steps cautious and his words often tinged with a hint of passive-aggressiveness as a shield against his own insecurities. Joshua's tendency to act before he thinks often leads to moments of forgetfulness and clumsiness, with questions arising either too late or too early in conversations.
Despite these challenges, Joshua possesses an unwavering determination to put his best foot forward, even if it means following someone else's lead. However, this inclination to defer to others sometimes lands him in trouble, as he struggles to assert himself in moments of uncertainty. Nevertheless, Joshua perseveres, his resolve unshaken as he strives to overcome obstacles and find his place in a world that often feels overwhelming and unfamiliar.
In addition, he is an invitation of light with a mere sense of darkness within due to be alone for so long and fear of being shut down for being an orphan. But he has an ability you can say, he can see people’s heart sometime’s before their action.
Marksmanship (with guns)
Archery (Bow & Arrow)
Quick Thinking
Light Magic?
Favorite Things:
Reading & Writing (he has a knack for taking down notes and references to his latest research)
Movies (comedic and acclaimed action movies)
His silly old bear
His blanket with a monkey imprint
Blueberry pie
Honey with a dash of salt (or any other favorite snacks)
—Playlist 🎶
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—Yellow - Coldplay, ‘For you, I’d bleed myself dry’
—Somewhere Only We Know - Keane, ‘And if you have a minute, why don’t we go talk about it somewhere only we know’
—Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA, ‘What happened to the wonderful adventures, the places I had planned for us to go?’
—It’s Time - Imagine Dragons, ‘Now, don’t you understand that I’m never changing who I am?’
—You Are My Sunshine - Johnny Cash, ‘You'll never know, dear. How much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.’
—Dear Theodosia - HAMILTON, ‘Pride is not the word I'm looking for. There is so much more inside me now.’
—Lost Boy - Ruth B, ‘There was a time when I was alone. Nowhere to go and no place to call home’
—Fight Song - Rachel Platten, ‘Take back my life song. Prove I'm alright song.’
—Stand By You - Rachel Platten, 'Cause I'm gonna stand by you. Even if we're breaking down. We can find a way to break through’
—Background 🎞️
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Growing up in the real world, he just a newborn when he came. The only thing he has of his bio parents are a blanket with his name 'Joshua C.' that had a tiny little monkey imprinted next to his name. He kept it over the years and never let it go hoping to find his parents one day and understand what happened. Growing up, he was put in the system being raised by families here and there, he found people who cared for him and others who didn't.
He was close to be adopted once by it didn't go how he might've wanted due to a few legal mix-ups that happened. He was fine with it. He stayed with a couple of good friends who's parents were more than happy to have him live with them.
There he would read comic books like marvel & dc, watch a a lot of movies like Peter Pan, Tangled, Real Steel, The Dark Knight, Avengers, Star Wars. He would grow up mixing himself with ways to escape reality by watching shows, hanging out with friends and always trying to be a good person by the end of the day. Despite it being hard, he sometimes stole from stores to survive which caused him to be treated badly for his crimes.
He wasn't the best at Math or Science to a certain extent, but he was rather good with English and History for some reason. He did trouble reading for a while, a teacher told him it’s problem with ADHD that he would have to work on later in life.
He liked art too, always doodling in his notebook. Over the years he did trying searching for his parents and wondered about his name but never got a clear answer. His last name was given by the first ever family that took him called 'Nolan' and it kinda stick with him. He liked it but he always went with the flow of it all, feeling a little numb by the world around him watching everyone pass by as he stayed in the same spot wondering what’s wrong with him.
Did he screw up somehow?
—Despite the goodness he has gotten, being lucky with things. He did have his harsh moments like shaped him into keeping a guard up every once in a while. Poor kid has had his ass handed to him more than once.
Some families that took him one just wanted the money, he tend to get bullied at school for not knowing he was, he was shy so he didn't always stick up for himself so he ended up a little bruised growing up, but he had a mouth on him for sure. He was a kid, so he may act like a baby when he's hurt or something.
Joshua may be shy, kind, a little bitter like a lemon and like to maintain a positive outlook on life but he is strong willing, doesn't like to listen at times and destroy orders if allowed to survive, he will talk back in his own way and have his mind tinkering with other ideas. He has a small drive within him to go with the flow but keep his head up and make sure to things turn out alright.
He was a trooper!
—Little flashbacks 🌌
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In the enchanted forest, when the land found out about Amelia’s pregnancy, people were overjoyed and curious. Gifts were brought by friends, polls were made on names, some of their friends went overboard with designs on the nursery and so much more.
The parents were most excited of all. With the plenty of things that happened in their world, they thought children were out of the question but fate stepped in to say otherwise. Plenty of names were made in the polls, adding middle names for good measure.
When it came to gifts, a certain women in purple couldn’t help the urge but to go shopping in the very markets for stuffed animals and clothes of all kind.
Prince Nikolai Charming walks into the nursery one afternoon as his jaw dropped finding stuffed animals of different kinds all wrapped with a bow. A bear, a tiger, a small pig, a rabbit, and plenty of others. For a moment he thought his wife went overboard when a sweet cloud of purple smoke came popping in beside him as the women inside it grinned.
“You love it?” She said picking up one of the stuffed creatures playing with it’s jaw and said, “This one is Eeyore! Isn’t he cute?”
“You spoiling my child, they haven’t even arrived yet.” He replied with a chuckle reaching for a silly ol’ yellow bear, “Aww.”
“But aren’t they darling?”
“They are. Very are more than welcome to stay in this castle.”
“Wonderful! I also have a stuffed owl being brought up soon.”
The lady of the home walked in to see her husband and friend playing with the toys as if they are were children. She smiled asking, “Did you buy the whole market?”
“Hey! When you marry a prince, you understand the life of shopping for glory items.” Said Mal with a grin, “You love it?”
“I do. Cole will have a say about this, thinking you’re doing this to have your name on the poll.”
“Oh please, we would never..I like Liana as a name.”
“I knew it.” Responded her husband with a cheeky grin, looking over at the blanket laying over the crib the the stuffed bear in hand having an idea for later. He smirked to himself.
Charming moved behind his wife, using the paws of the bear to play the drums softly of her belly hoping it would get a kick out of their son or daughter. And to their surprise, a small kick came in return that startled his wife but got a laugh out of him. Liane laughed too.
Charming laughed, “Our kid seems to like the bear. Hmm, how about Winnie..?”
“..Pooh bear..” She added running her fingers across the stuff toy.
That same night as the two parents were crawling into bed, Charming hasn’t let go of that bear since, using it to tap over his wife’s belly as she laughed telling him to stop.
But he didn’t listen as he said, “Shh we are having father and baby playtime.”
“You’re a menace to society.” She repiled in between giggles.
“I know. I was thinking, for names..Joshua?”
“Joshua? I like it—no, I love it. Our little Josh and for a girl..Nadia?”
“Oooh Nadia..how about Robin? Nadia Robin”
“Pretty works for both!”
The two of them thought name list for a moment as their child kicked their mother again. Charming laugh finding it silly how his baby thinks it funny to frighten their mother as she glared at him not finding it so funny.
She spoke up this time holding up the list as she said, “Joshua..Christopher or Colton, as a middle name?”
He thought about it and snort pretending for a moment a scenario, “Joshua Christopher go to your room, young man..yeah I like it.”
“And Colton?”
“Hmm..Colton Robin, come downstairs for dinner we’re serving chicken!”
“Oooh Robin this time?”
As the parents talked issuing out names and combinations, their son or daughter kicked every once in a while. He was like their little monkey inside their mother’s belly.
It was a late night, Amara Snow sat in the rocking chair of the nursery sewing together fabric to craft the blanket for their newly announced son.
She hummed a little tune instead of sleeping being careful with the needle saying, “You are gonna love it out here, bubba. You can jump around, learn how to read and write, have picnics outside theses walls, go to balls where you can dance past your bedtime..oh and you can hear your father sing.”
As if on cue, the man of the house walked in carrying designs he had for the blanket hearing the last part of her words.
He joked, “I don’t sing, my son.”
“Yes you do.” She replied noticing the papers in his hand, “What’s that?”
“Drawings I made for the blanket to put right next to his name.”
“Oh let me see.”
He reaches down to sit beside her, holding out the drawings to be made into patches for the blanket. One of a monkey, the other of a bear, a bird, a leaf, a crescent moon and a lovely sun.
The two of them choose the monkey to fit their little man best, deciding to place the right next to Joshua’s name in a sweet stylish handwriting. Cole wanted a settle for a stylish font for the name which was a darling choice.
“Our little monkey.” Nikolai joked resting a hand on her belly as a little punch was given in return causing him to gasp, “I thought you were asleep. Go to sleep!”
It was as if their son refuse to listen and kicked his father’s hand again. It was Snow’s turn to laugh at his reaction hearing that their son would be ground til he’s 2, if he doesn’t go to sleep. Her husband sent her a playful glare asking if she found it funny as she nodded.
“Then again, we aren’t much sleepers either hon.” Amelia added mid laugh.
“Not helping.” He respond trying to hide his smirk but failed.
They had their good times and they’re bad with little Joshua despite not being born yet. Times Amelia would feel tired, other moments across during her pregnancy having gotten into some delicate cravings and or not fitting into her old dresses.
It kinda actually kinda cute sometimes, with their friends laughing. Cole would walk into her craving salted caramel cookies in the kitchen stealing one out of her hand taking a large bite as she pouts and glares at him. Charming would admit his one of his favorite moments were the fact that she had theses cravings, which meant he can buy as many treats as he liked. She would sometimes find his stuffing his face with leftovers in the middle of the night instead of resting and he would just give her a witty comeback in return.
Rochelle sometimes find her trying to sew a dress that would actually fit as she giggled wondering, if she’s alright and needed any help as the brunette would only nod.
“Your son is killing me.”
“Don’t talk about my child that way.”
“Joshua is trying to use my body as a punching bag resulting in my sore back and the other times, I’m carving something like pie or pasta.”
“Atta’ boy, he’s going to grow up and have an amazing taste in food like his father.”
Nik would hold back a laugh at his wife’s glare knowing she means well, just tired. Other days she was rather relaxed and chilling like nothing happened, enjoying her time. Other time he would get a glare from her that was rather hilarious to him.
“Are you serious?” She added with a half smile.
He cup her face and smile, “I’m kidding, love. I know you tired but think of this as his way of entertaining you while I’m gone.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry..I’m being a whiny wife to you.”
“It’s not your fault, love. You have every right to be this way.”
“But, I sound like a little bitch..I love our son, I’m just tired..”
“It’s okay. You need to rest.”
“So do you! You have been riding your horse, watching over our friends and practicing you’re fighting with Marlene for weeks now.”
“I’m fine.”
“Nicholas. You need to sleep, I’m worried about you.”
He smiled at how his wife was able to create life and worry about him all the same time despite her tiredness amazed him sometimes. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and then one to her belly promising to draw himself a bath then get some rest later that night after dinner.
The day Joshua was born was an unexpected one. Within their friend group—found family—nothing is ever normal. Despite the circumstances of his birth and having only a few mere moments with him, a promise stayed true. Their son is a trooper no matter what and even if he felt alone in life, he never was due to his parents being there in spirt even if he didn’t know it.
Heck his dad was fighting knights with him in the hallways, holding a sword in one hand and his son perfectly safe in the other. He wiggled a bit didn’t cry, only whimpered softly at the sudden movements. Nik grinned to himself as his gaze fell to his boy.
It also helped that before closing the door to protect their son from danger, Nik reaches for his stuffed bear gently placing it right next to him, as he kissed his forehead. He smiled softly at his son sweet little face, remembering the framed photos of himself as a child at his old home when he just born.
His beautiful boy.
— Christopher Robin Era 🧸
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The years when Joshua grew into his teenage-hood, he became more angsty and spiteful than ever before. Yes he was kind, humble enough and honest to everyone he spoke to. But he never felt truly valued or part of his pack. Despite being told time and time again by his father and mother, he was loved. He couldn’t fully comprehend the fact that he was meant to be home, safe and secure with them.
Especially with having an uncle so villainous as Alexander, and his adventures to different parts of the universe.
He decided to have faith in the possibility that he would get there someday and become worthy of the title, a part of the family. Because behind the awkward charm, clumsy tendencies, witty humor and gentle sarcasm held a lost boy from Neverland who was searching for comfort. And he found that comfort in old stuffed bear, Winnie The Pooh, who was there with him since day one of coming into this world as he never let go of him. He will forever be grateful for his father, Nikolai, for placing Pooh in the wardrobe that day, as that bear stayed with since birth.
-> He named Pooh bear, Winnie The Pooh, after the first kind person who treated him fair when he was only five. His kindergarten teacher Winnifred Robinson, as she was known to be a sweetheart towards him and his small set of classmates.
She could see a lot in someone by just the slightest hint of affection in her eyes. It instantly made Joshua smile and want to see the world instead of staying silent, allowing himself to explore creative ideas such as drawing and writing.
Due to spending so much time in her classroom, he would ask him about her thoughts on life and she would respond by saying whatever was on her mind in the most profound positive voice. Her voice was like honey.
Pooh brought support, reassurance and encouragement for him. Sometimes he would cuddle up with Pooh, looking up at the ceiling and just staring down at his chocolate brown buttons as the bear listened to him. It was like Pooh understood him in more ways than one.
Growing up, Pooh became his friend, as the two were going everywhere together. Hell, Joshua would eat his honey salted caramel cookies and play pretend that Pooh’s favorite treat was honey. When he was younger, he lost his silly old bear a couple of time in foster homes, as kids would throw the bear around and try to keep him away in the backyard to be dug up later. Which resulted in him having to wash the stuffed bear later on carefully and then put him on his bed for safety reasons.
-> When he was 14, Pooh ended up with a small cut on his chest and despite all of Joshua’s efforts, his sewing skills weren’t the best. He knew Pooh deserved a chance to look good and dapper in the eyes of his peers. So he found some cherry red fabric from the store across the street and kindly asked a friend, his caregiver at the time, to help him sew a shirt for the stuffed animals.
A few days later, Pooh was given a gift for his efforts, being a little cherry red shirt that covered his chest but left his belly open in the cutest way possible.
Joshua would muttered with a smile, “..silly old bear.”
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As Joshua grew older, he became a bit colder than he expected to be but underneath that toughness, he was just as kind and loving as he used to be.
It just takes time for someone to see it, to listen and appreciate him for who he is. However to make sure he didn’t have his feelings hurt, he kept his guard up and watch his surroundings as much as possible. Which resulted in creating personas and short term alias with people he came across.
Some of alias came and went, but others stayed.
It’s how he met his first crush, Ginny Sullivan and her friends. Joshua was unsure of the girl and her two friends, so he decided to make himself an uneasy target and lie about himself.
He remembered he was rushing out of a store after stealing a small toy train, when he bumped into Ginny as she asked, “Woah, watch where you’re going, dummy.”
“So-sorry.” He said picking up his phone that fell on the ground.
“It’s cool. You’re in a rush?”
“More or less..”
“Where you headed?”
He left her on the streets alone until she crossed paths with the blonde girl again at the same spot. The second time, she stopped him, wanting to invite him out for a quick slice of pizza. He was 14 years old, he has nowhere else to be, no harm done right?
After that afternoon with Ginny, he grew to have a small crush on her. He never admitted it because he wasn’t interested in any relationship or anything, but he did regardless. She realized mid conversation she never asked him about his name, as Joshua blinked and said his name was Tim Robins.
And she surprisingly brought it.
Little did he know, Ginny was just using him to get something from the store across the street from the pizzeria. She wanted a pretty little bracelet from the back of the store. Because two weeks later of seeing each other, after a small date at McDonald’s, Ginny wanted to go to the store to buy some extra lipstick and Joshua shrugged deciding it would be a quick trip. He knew he wanted to sneak into that park on the other side of town later on, and she agreed to his request. Ginny grabbed her lipstick, an extra pair of sunglasses, a keychain and that cute little bracelet.
They were out of the store within a few minutes flat, sometime later the two of them were sitting lazily on the swings at the park, chatting and laughing. The two shared a small connection, with his parents always being busy and not having time for them (again, another lie on Joshua’s part), how they wished they could stop time and get a moment to breathe. Ginny smiled holding up the bracelet with a small chain of a flower on it, talking about how everyone is a flower and they just needed time to bloom.
Joshua felt that piece to his core and leaned in to kiss her cheek, taking Ginny by surprise as she pressed a small kiss to his cheek back.
However the moment was cut short, as two police officers found them, taking both teens to jail to be held overnight. Ginny lied saying it wasn’t her fault, that her “boyfriend wanted to treat her nice” as Joshua scoffed telling the officer the truth about what happened. That he had no idea that she stole the bracelet…
Let’s just say the next morning, Ginny didn’t talk to Joshua again and left the guy alone to take the blame. Once he got back to his foster parents, Joshua got a stern talking to and slapped for his actions, grounding him for a long period of time. Thankfully they didn’t press charges on the boy per say.
He climbed into his bed that day, laying down holding up Pooh and said, “Winnie, never fall for some dumb girl..she will just play you.”
He sighed to himself muttered, “..what am I doing? I barely go to school, don’t even bother to have friends..hell, I talk to my old stuff bear, no offense intended Pooh, I’m pathetic..”
“What does pathetic mean?” Said a tiny voice, who open the door to his bedroom with mousy brown hair, green eyes and wearing a blue dress.
His foster sister Darby, only 7 years old, who entered the room, allowing herself to sit on the bed without his permission to do so. Joshua just sighed and rolled his eyes at her explaining what the word meant as she nodded. She asked if he was in trouble and he just nodded.
“How long?” She asked pushing her bangs out of her face.
“No idea..” He answered with a sigh.
“..wh-so what are you gonna do now?”
“I don’t know. I’m screwed here..and I lied a lot about who I am..”
“Maybe you can find someone to tell you who you are?”
He scoffed, “Yeah right. The papers aren’t easy to find, Darb, I tried.”
“Well um…how about you make up a story?” She asked again digging her fingers into Pooh’s belly, “..like the drawings..”
“Like my drawings? Darb, I can’t just do that.”
“Yes you can! Like when you created those characters in your story like..um..Piglet, Tigger..and-and..”
“And Roo? The ones with Pooh I tell you about?”
She beamed and nodded, “Yes! Yes! Like the one where Pooh has a tea party with his friends and you invite me!”
He chuckled at that remebering that story, “I remember that. Pooh got his head stuck in a hole and his friends had to pull him out afterwards.”
“Yeah! You can do that!”
“..okay. Okay, I’ll bite, what would my name be?”
“I don’t know..”
Eventually he did figure it out. It took him a while, especially after his time with Darby’s parents were up, but he did. Joshua would spend time with his friends and the foster care workers, crafting little details of stories to tell one day in his book. He would sent the little drawings to the girl as she would write back in letter in appreciation for his stories.
He even wrote himself into the story as Carter Robins.
Of course, over the years after turning 15 and meeting his family, being his parents, aunts and uncles. Essentially spending some time Belladonna, finding his faith in people and understanding the truth to his history, he grew into changing the name.
He learned small details about his past experiences and hidden memories he had no idea about. Such as his full name, his skill set, his role in the world as peacekeeper among his friends and challenging his own thoughts on who he was meant to be.
It was nice yet difficult as his thoughts, opinions and feelings ate him away in confusion. He was always comparing himself to everyone else and wondered if he did belong there.
And he did. Because like anytime in Joshua’s life, it took time and patience to get to that point of acceptance in order to appreciate that account in his existence. As during an accidental encounter with Belladonna’s discoveries, two of them were sent back in time to the Enchanted Forest, before they were ever even considered ideas in their parent’s minds.
In order to get back and restore the small damage they done, the pair of friends had to go undercover as royals themselves. Thanks to Cole! Bella was not up for the challenge of disguising herself in some snarky little outfit in the beginning but as time passed she began to accept the plan.
Joshua took the lead during beginning of their trip, entering a Royal Ball (Princess Michelle’s party to where she would meet Rochelle for the first time) with Belladonna using fake names.
He announced them as Princess Leia Swan and used his middle name to refer to himself as Prince Christoper Robin.
— The Eye Are Windows To The Soul 💫
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Joshua's ability to perceive discern the intentions of others through his eyes is indeed a remarkable skill, one that sets him apart and adds depth to his character. His eyes serve as a mirror to the souls of those around him, reflecting their true nature and motivations with uncanny accuracy. Despite this extraordinary ability, Joshua remains humble and compassionate, using his gift for the greater good rather than personal gain.
His keen insight into human nature allows him to navigate complex social dynamics with ease, as he can see beyond surface appearances to uncover the underlying truths. Whether it's detecting deception or sensing genuine sincerity, Joshua's eyes serve as a guide in his interactions with others, offering him a unique perspective on the world.
One look into his eyes and you might as well served yourself a chance at being his friend or foe. It’s a pool of curiosity his eyes carry, that might even make the other wish they looked the opposite direction.
This skill not only enhances Joshua's ability to connect with people on a deeper level but also underscores his innate sense of empathy and understanding. By recognizing the complexities of human behavior, he is able to offer genuine compassion and support to those in need, making him a trusted confidant and ally to many.
In a world where words can often be misleading, Joshua's eyes stand as a beacon of honesty and authenticity, shining light on the darkness and illuminating the path towards truth and understanding.
— Overall Tale 📖
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Joshua never thought himself as wanted, valued or respected enough to be cared for. As his journey from childhood to adolescence is marked by a profound sense of longing and displacement, coupled with moments of resilience and self-discovery.
Despite growing up in various foster homes and experiencing the transient nature of relationships, he finds solace in the companionship of his cherished stuffed bear, Winnie the Pooh. Pooh becomes more than just a toy; he is a constant source of comfort and a silent confidant in Joshua's tumultuous world.
Throughout his teenage years, Joshua grapples with a sense of identity and belonging, often feeling like an outsider looking in. He struggles to reconcile his desire for connection with his fear of rejection, leading him to adopt personas and aliases as a form of self-preservation. Despite his attempts to shield himself from hurt, he remains inherently kind-hearted and compassionate, traits that define his character amidst the chaos of adolescence.
Joshua's journey is also marked by pivotal encounters and moments of self-reflection. His brief but meaningful connection with Ginny Sullivan offers a glimpse of vulnerability and yearning beneath his guarded exterior. However, it also serves as a reminder of the complexities of human relationships and the importance of trust and authenticity.
As he navigates the challenges of adolescence, Joshua discovers the power of storytelling and creativity as a means of self-expression and healing. His alter ego, Christopher Robin, becomes a conduit for his imagination and a way to explore his own identity in a safe and nurturing environment.
Yes it will take time, however he is willing to take a step forward and make himself known to the people around him that he’s here to stay.
Ahh wow that was a lot! Sorry if it was long (i might add more stuff later you knows?)
Anyways please let me know what you think in the comments bellow, let’s chat!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @haleripley @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs and etc
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