#our mom was acting oblivious to what word it could possibly be
braxix · 5 months
Caranthir: Did you know that the entomological root of pencil, penecilin, and the word for a male body part is-
Maedhros: Which word?
Celegorm, whispering: pen- *laughing*
Caranthir: Maedhros, please don't.
Maedhros: No, really. I don't know what word you're talking about.
Curufin: Maglor was saying a word for it earlier.
Caranthir: I hate all of you.
Maedhros: Just say the word, it isn't a bad word.
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 10 months
on tonight's episode of 'crushes with beefcake'... - nate mack
dad!nate x f!reader
summary: josh has some questions and nate jumps at the opportunity to tell a little story of his own
warnings: swearing, mentions the death of a grandparent, fluff (psa this is just a little palette cleanser fic thing, i had inspiration and i ran with it)
word count: 5.9k
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It wasn’t very often that your son called a family meeting. In fact, in the entire history of people that had called a family meeting (excluding little Leyla), he’d never called a family meeting. He frowned upon them. Groaned at the words and sulked the entire way through them – as most ten year olds probably did.
Which was why, after putting him to bed and after you and Nate had both wandered back downstairs to watch a film, it was a shock to hear a pair of determined footsteps echo down the stairs with a clear purpose. The only thing more shocking was when he stood in front of you both, brows knitted together and a nervous frown on his face, and the words “I want to declare a family meeting right now” tumbled out of his mouth.
You’d blinked and Nate had sat up, removing his legs from where he’d draped them across yours. And when Josh turned around and strolled into the dining room, dragging a chair back out behind him, you shared a curious look with Nate – who looked as though he couldn’t decide if he should laugh or be worried.
And then you had to swallow a laugh and put on a serious face when Josh placed the chair in the middle of the living room, facing the both of you and lacing his hands together.
“It feels like we’re about to get therapized by our kid.” Nate muttered under his breath, and you swore you could feel your mom-face slip for a moment.
“Or it’s an intervention. Did we do something wrong?” You whispered back.
You felt Nate pause and then tense. 
Josh was oblivious, trying to adjust his seating position on the chair to find a comfier one, and probably also trying to stall because of the suddenly tense atmosphere that had enveloped the room.
Nate shuffled closer to you, his bicep and thigh touching yours, partly to reassure himself and partly to get closer so he could whisper into your ear without the risk of being heard, “What if he heard us?”
You inhaled, your stomach dropping unpleasantly. It had been one of your fears as a parent – the idea of scarring your kid in that way was absolutely mortifying. You had friends that had unfortunately experienced it, and there were a few choice words thrown around, so even the mere thought that Josh could have…it was enough to make you squirm uncomfortably.
“Nate.” You whispered, your tone causing him to whip his head towards you, a crease now prominent on his forehead, “If that ever happens, I give you permission to divorce me for trauma to the kids, okay?”
Upon hearing your words and realising they weren’t as serious as you’d initially made them sound, Nate’s face broke into a soft grin, thumb coming up to lightly brush under your eye, “For future reference, I’d much rather pay for their therapy than ever even think about divorcing you.” And he pressed a cheeky kiss against your lips as a way of sealing the promise.
“Ahem.” Josh coughed pointedly, and both you and Nate spun to look at him, feeling an awful lot like you’d been caught in a forbidden act of affection – which was pretty ridiculous considering the fact that it was at the hands of a gobby ten-year old.
Nate’s hand fell naturally on your leg, draped across your knee and curling around the top of your shin as you both turned your full attention to your son. Josh was pretty tall for his age, every bit of Nate’s build as he possibly could be. It was that, paired with Nate’s eyes and mouth that sometimes had you doing a double-take when you looked at him. It was like looking at a younger version of Nate again, back when you were both in school – not that Nate had stuck around for too long.
And you were reminded of that when Josh took charge of the entire room, and how similar it was to that funny expression Nate used to wear at his age, and even to this day – before games, dad-duties, serious conversations. It was their concentration face.
“He’s kinda scary–”
“Are you two done flirting now?” Josh interrupted, throwing Nate an unimpressed glance as his eyes darted between the two of you with about as much disdain for parental affection as he could possibly muster.
You swallowed, trying not to laugh and partially succeeding, and slowly pushed Nate’s hand off your knee. Josh’s eyes closely followed your movements, looking rather pleased with your reaction, and you could feel Nate’s disappointed glare burn the side of your face. It seemed to diminish in intensity somewhat when he caught the stifled twitch of your mouth as you wrestled with a smile.
“We weren’t flirting–” Nate denied, shaking his head and bumping your knees together – compensation for not being able to actually have a hand on you at this particular moment in time.
“I ordered a family meeting, excluding Leyla.” Josh groaned, hands on his cheeks in a show of hopelessness and frustration, “That means I’m the Head Judge, I get to make the rules, and Rule One is now no flirting–wait, Mom, where’s the Wooden Hammer Thing?”
You pushed yourself off the sofa, wandering into the dining room and picking out the gavel from one of the shelves and walking back into the living room to see Nate scratching his head with red cheeks and Josh sitting scarily chipper on the chair, hand out awaiting his Wooden Hammer Thing.
“It’s a gavel.” Was all you said, a little hesitant to say much else out of fear of…Josh’s unexpected wrath, “What happened?” You pointed the gavel between them both, slightly concerned for Nate when he shook his head, clearly embarrassed at something.
“Dad was watching you walk away and I set a new rule because it was annoying me.” Josh shrugged, taking the gavel from you.
“What rule is that?” You asked, intrigue skyrocketing when Nate pushed himself towards the far end of the sofa, as far away as humanly possible as he could get away from you in such a small space. 
Josh sighed, “I’ll paraphrase because I need to talk about something important. Basically, no horny behav–”
“No what now?”
“Where did you even learn that word?”
You and Nate spoke at the same time, you with confusion, and Nate with a hint of outrage as his eyes remained fixed on Josh, who, for the first time since he’d come back downstairs, was looking sheepish. His cheeks were a little red and he was grinning rather shyly, shoulders curling in on themselves.
“It was on TV the other day, someone said it.” Josh shrugged, before noting the still evident look of mild horror on both you and Nate’s face, “And I Googled it because I didn’t know what it meant.”
“No, don’t Google it!” Your hand covered your mouth, images and words that he could have seen flashing in your mind  – images and words that no ten year old should ever be subjected to, ever.
And to think Nate was worried about being heard? Why did kids have to be so good with technology and Google nowadays? When you were Josh’s age, YouTube was a dating site, so to think.. 
“It’s okay, I didn’t click on pictures.” Josh pulled a face, “The words were enough.”
There was a sputtering sound from the other end of the sofa, and you turned to find Nate also with his hand over his mouth, failing to hide a snort of laughter despite his earlier complaints. It seemed to die out, though, when he saw the identical way you and Josh were looking at him: with a hint of amusement and a tad of impatience.
He coughed, clearing his throat and straightening, “Sorry. Got something stuck in my throat.”
You rolled your eyes fondly, patting him on the leg (because even if he tried to move to the other end of the sofa, with the way he’d spread his legs, you barely even had to lean over to reach him).
“Whatever you say, Beefcake.” Josh muttered under his breath, and your hand stilled on Nate’s thigh, face freezing.
You didn’t have to look at Nathan to feel the piercing way he tilted his head to glare at you out of the corner of your eye, frustration clearly written across the panes of his face, “You created that.” He muttered, breath hot against the shell of your ear as he moved back over to you, his arm resting against the back of the sofa.
You said nothing, just resisted a smile and leaned against Nate’s arm, relishing in the way he draped it against your shoulders, drawing you against his chest. 
There was a brief flicker of hesitation when you leaned fully into him, wondering if this was the so-called ‘horny behaviour’ that Josh had ruled out of the meeting, but when he looked back up from where he’d been picking a strand of hair off his Penguin’s pyjama top, he didn’t say anything. Just sighed a little, and shook his head, like it was pointless trying to get you to adhere to his rules in the first place (which it was – Josh was the one treading in uncharted waters: it was nine pm on a school night – a time strictly reserved for unwinding with Nate on the sofa).
“Okay,” Josh began, back straightening, “I gather you here today–” 
You could feel Nate’s stomach tense and a shaky breath be exhaled in an effort to not break.
“To talk to you about something.” Josh took a deep breath, “It’s something I hold very close to my heart, but it means I have to ask you for help and questions because…” he shrugged, snapping out of the role somewhat, “in all my life, I’ve never not known how to talk to a girl.”
Nate stopped laughing, and you felt your eyes widen in surprise. 
“Mom, Beefcake. I got a crush.” Josh slowly slipped off the chair, landing on his knees and holding his hands up to the sky, a pained expression on his face.
“I don’t know where he gets that from.” Nate muttered, gesturing to the dramatised scene occurring realtime in front of you.
“I think that’s just him.” You nodded along, suppressing a smile.
Josh returned back to his seat, smiling innocently and like he hadn’t just cried to the heavens, and you wanted to take him off the chair and sandwich him between you and Nate. 
Gosh, he’d grown up too fast. You could have sworn only last week you were bringing him home from the hospital, and now he was getting penalties for roughing in his games and asking how to talk to girls.
You scooted over, patting the space between you and Nate, “Come on.”
Josh rolled his eyes and fashioned a groan but followed you anyway, throwing himself down and eliciting a huff of pain from Nate as he half-sat on him.
“Okay,” you started, hands going to stroke through his hair, “tell us about why you need help with this crush.”
Josh practically reddened under your gaze, crossing his arms and swinging his feet – like he instantly regretted even bringing it up – but you applauded his bravery. Your mom had to pester crushes out of you because you were so scared if you told someone that the crush in mention would somehow hear you whisper their name.
“Her name’s Aimee, she sits behind me in class. I’ve tried talking to her, but she’s kinda quiet and I think I intimidate her a bit because…I’m not quiet.” He mumbled, fingers absentmindedly picking at his sleeve, “And I don’t want to scare her off.”
Your heart squeezed a little, and you were at a loss of what to actually say. You’d never been in that position before, usually the roles were reversed: you were the quiet one crushing on the louder person. Naturally, your eyes fell to Nate, who, it seemed, had got something in mind and had already been looking at you.
He was smiling like he knew something you didn’t, and you furrowed your brows, questioning his motives when he looked back down towards Josh.
“I’m gonna tell you something that I think’ll help.” Josh peered up at Nate, something akin to hope and excitement lingering on his face as he watched Nate talk, “When I was your age, maybe a bit younger, I had a massive crush on this girl. She was in a couple of my classes in middle school, and she was quiet. She didn’t put her hand up to answer any questions, even though she should’ve because she knew all the answers anyway – and I thought she was the prettiest girl in school by far–”
“What was her name?” Josh interrupted, frowning slightly.
“That’s not important.” Nate shook his head, “Anyway, in one of my classes in particular, we were assigned seating plans, and she sat on my table, with two other people. And I’d never spoken to this girl in my life, so all I knew was that she was pretty, pretty smart, and pretty shy. And it took me a couple of weeks to even ask her for the time–”
“No way.” Josh muttered sarcastically, and Nate frowned at him, bottom lip sticking out.
“I’m tryna help you.” 
Josh blinked, “Get to that part, then. You’re just spewing words.”
Nate pressed his lips together, meeting your eyes across Josh’s head with a straight-faced look. You didn’t pay it much attention – in all honesty, you were trying to figure out this mystery crush he’d had. Nate had been a pretty known person when you guys were in school, what with his hockey and everything, but even despite that he’d always been pretty tight-lipped about his middle school crush, and it had always felt a little silly to keep pestering him about it, so you just…left it.
“Fine.” Nate continued on, one hand reaching out to grasp yours, even as he turned his attention and focus back on Josh. His grip was tight, cool wedding band a nice contrast to your warm hands, and you tuned back into what he was saying, “And once this girl got used to the people she was sitting with, she started talking, and it turned out she was pretty funny. She used to say these things under her breath that only the table could hear, and we’d either all get a telling off for laughing, or we’d all know the answers to the questions.” Nate sighed, “Then the entire table got split up because we were distracting everyone.”
Something in the back of your mind seemed to click at that moment.
The same moment Josh spoke up, “Then what?”
“Then we left school and moved away.” Nate shrugged.
Josh pushed himself up off the sofa, arms crossed, “How’s that supposed to help me?”
In any other situation, you would’ve turned to Josh, tried to calm him down or say something reassuring, but you couldn’t quite pull yourself away from the crinkles in the corner of Nate’s eyes, or the way that he was still smiling like he knew something no one else did. Your mouth parted unconsciously at his words, and your brain went blank. His hand was still tangled with yours, squeezing every so often.
“Because eventually she opened up, and I didn’t have to change anything about me for that to happen. It just takes time, and she has to learn to trust you and be comfortable around you.” Nate continued, either ignorant or choosing to ignore the way you were intent on just staring rather awe-strickenly at him, “I’d also say it was a minor character misjudgement from me, because it turned out she was just quiet around people she didn’t know very well. She liked to sit and observe before chipping in.”
Josh was quiet for a second, deep in thought, and you took the opportunity to use your free hand to poke Nate in the cheek. Once, twice. He caught your hand, bringing it to his lap, and almost as though he was purposefully trying to drive you crazy, he reached for your leg, hauling you across the space Josh had just left. All without paying you a single scrap of attention.
“So I just have to be patient?” Josh asked, a rather dumbfounded look on his face.
You turned your attention back to your son, curling into Nate’s side again and feeling rather smug.
“Yeah. Maybe dial the noise down, though, let her know you’re paying attention to her instead of shouting to your friends, or interrupting.” Nate pressed a kiss to your head, a hand going to cover your mouth as you opened it to say something.
Josh caught the action, raising a brow in your direction, “Sounds doable. Did you break Mom, or something?”
You nodded, and you could feel Nate shake his head.
Josh looked unconvinced, so you licked Nate’s palm, attempting to pry it away from your mouth so you could defend yourself, but he’d clearly expected that kind of retaliation because he breathed a laugh, momentarily tightening his grip to prove he wasn’t fazed.
Josh took a few steps forward, reaching for Nate’s arm, “Can you unhand Mom, please? She wants to say something.” 
Nate let go, still keeping an arm around you but resting his opposite arm on the side of the sofa, head in his hand and looking at you with a knowing smile.
You inhaled, “He’s not telling you the whole story.” You pointed an accusing finger at Nate, and Josh gasped.
“Beefcake! How dare you deny your son the truth?” 
Nate laughed, but didn’t elaborate.
“Ask him what happened after.” You encouraged Josh, nudging your head back towards Nate.
Josh peered at you, mouth curved downwards in befuddlement, “He said nothing else happened.”
“Ask him again.”
“Dad.” Josh started, eyeing you cautiously out of the corner of his eye, “What happened after?”
Nate glanced at you, eyes darting to the sparkling bands on your left hand, before settling on Josh, who still hadn’t quite moved from where he’d folded his arms.
“I moved to Minnesota for a bit, then back home when I was sixteen. Then Colorado when I was seventeen or eighteen,” he pulled a face, not too bothered on the specifics, “And then about six years later, I came back home one summer and saw her standing in the ready meals aisle of a superstore, looking just as beautiful as the day I left – and still the prettiest person I ever laid eyes on.”
Josh glanced at you out of the corner of his eyes, uncertainty clear – he couldn’t tell whether to run to your defence and interrupt Nate’s spiel, or let him carry on. And you gathered that from your clear lack of upset, that he chose the latter.
“You have to know that it took some guts and I gave myself a bit of a pep talk, but I went up to her, introduced myself and she remembered me–”
“Dad, you were literally an NHL player.” (And Josh returned with the reality check.)
“She remembered me, and I asked if she wanted a drink and she said yes.” Nate finished, leg kicking out to poke his foot against Josh’s leg for interrupting him – but the younger MacKinnon was still looking rather lost on the entire subject.
“What then?” He pressed, yet again throwing you another worried glance, to which you simply grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit on your knee — he didn’t fight it like you expected, just put his arm around your neck, his hand resting comfortably against Nate’s forearm, and placed his head on your shoulder, yawning softly.
“Three years later I asked her to marry me and she said yes. And now,” Nate smirked, “we’ve been happily married for nine years, and have two beautiful children called Josh and Leyla.” 
You felt Josh sigh against your collarbone, “I don’t want to play the long game, Dad. Not like that.” 
You fought a grin at Nate’s drop in expression. You could tell he’d been expecting some blown out reaction of ‘wow’ or ‘wait, that was you and Mom?’, and the lack of thrill from Josh had clearly knocked his confidence a little, because he shifted, pulling a face.
“If I hadn't played the long game, you wouldn’t be here.” He reasoned, eyes flicking to you.
Instead, Josh lifted his head up, looking you dead in the face with your husband’s eyes, “Did you have a crush on Dad in school?”
You hesitated.
Nate mock-gasped, both hands flying over his mouth, even though you knew he already knew that little smidge of information.
“You didn’t?” Josh asked, recoiling slightly, “Then why did you tell me this story? I thought you were supposed to be inspiring me, not tearing me down and stripping me of my confidence?” He questioned, clearly appalled.
You laughed, “Okay, you gotta bear in mind that the first time I met your dad was on that class table. And it was only about four weeks until we were moved around again, and then he left to go to Minnesota, so he didn’t have time on his side at all.” You took a breath, “Or a pair of balls, apparently—”
Josh cackled at Nate’s expense.
“I can’t believe—” Josh giggled, “that you were literally in love with Mom, a-a—” he practically dissolved into a boneless heap in the middle of you and Nate, hand clutching his stomach, “and she didn’t even know you existed.”
“That’s not true.” You objected, “I knew Na—your dad existed, I just…Look.”
Josh dove into another fit of giggles at your struggle.
“If your dad hadn't talked to me in that one class as much as he did, he wouldn’t have left a good enough impression or given either of us a reason to catch up with each other all those years later. And when I saw him again, y’know, we’d both grown up. He was…This is probably gonna gross you out, but your dad was fucking hot when he came home—”
“Mom, language!” Josh scolded, a grin on his face.
“And he was polite, kind, funny, and impossible not to fall in love with. So, no, I didn’t really have a crush on him in school. I liked him, for sure, it had crossed my mind that he was cute, but it just wasn’t our time then.” You cringed internally (who’s time really was it at ten years old?), “But I definitely had a crush on him as a twenty-four year old adult.”
“Did that mean Dad was pretty much just, like, full-on in love with you at that point?” Josh queried, glancing between you both.
You looked at Nate, taking in his excitement at telling the story. You’d talked about it before, in hypotheticals just before you got married, about what your kids would think of the story of how you guys met. It wasn’t particularly exciting, there were no big confessions of love in the rain, or jealous exes, or miscommunications. It was simple, quiet and calm. Like turning on a light in the dark.
And it didn’t take an expert to be able to find the way that happiness seemed to pour out of Nate. He practically glowed with it. His eyes were wide and he hadn’t stopped smiling, and it was clear he’d been planning this conversation for a while: the keeping you in the dark thing was a welcome surprise, entirely shocking on your end, but you could tell he was just being honest.
“I wasn’t full-on in love with Mom at that point,” Nate squeezed your hand, “I was maybe a little bit in love, and part of that was because she was wearing a Halifax Mooseheads t-shirt when I saw her again.”
“What was the other part?” Josh quizzed, eyes a little heavier.
“That after one conversation I liked her even more than I did when we were in school, which I didn’t even think was possible.” 
You rolled your eyes fondly, “Don’t listen to him–”
“What? It’s true.” Nate interjected.
Josh watched the two of you bicker for a few seconds, a slow smile on his face. It wasn’t very often that you and Nate could really show him this was what you were like, between Leyla’s nappies, Josh’s hockey, Nate’s hockey, your job, household chores – the MacKinnon household was busy. The only time all four of you seemed to be in the same room at the same time was the occasional dinner and weekend, and even then it was a rare occasion. 
“You guys are just really big kids with really big crushes on each other.” Josh muttered quietly, shrugging at his realisation.
You stopped, words dying on your tongue as you took in what Josh had said. Then you looked at Nate – who seemed to be nodding without even realising it, “Yeah. Yeah, it kind of is.”
Then Josh shook his head, “So why can’t I believe what Dad says?”
“Because even after all of that, I made the first move. And said ‘I love you’ first–”
Nate guffawed from behind you, flicking your ear, “That's only because you made me nervous and I didn’t want to scare you.”
You tilted your head curiously at him, and judging from the way Nate’s eyes seemed to zip cautiously between you and Josh, you could only assume Josh was shooting him the same glance, “That’s pretty ironic considering I’m supposed to be the ‘quiet’ one.”
“You’re not that quiet, though, are you?” Nate teased affectionately–
“Is that a horny thing?” Josh scrunched up his nose, fidgeting uncomfortably and pulling a face like he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer, and you tried not to smile, shaking your head.
He was getting tired, you could tell. His attention was starting to dwindle, he was blinking sleepily, and you’d caught him trying to swallow a few yawns when Nate had been storytelling.
“No.” Nate frowned, “I just meant your mom isn’t quiet when you get to know her.”
You nodded, pushing yourself up off the sofa just as Leyla’s cries started to filter through the baby monitor next to Nate. Three pairs of eyes snapped to the small screen, and Nate picked the device up, turning to you and Josh with raised brows, “I’ll go check on her.” He ruffled Josh’s hair as he walked past, and you both watched him walk up the stairs.
Then Josh turned to you, eyes clearly struggling to remain awake for much longer.
“You know we’d never do any of that…um.” You hesitated, “Horny behaviour, in front of you.”
He nodded, yawning, “I know. I don’t mind the flirting, though.”
You swallowed, a little shocked by his revelation considering how much he seemed to protest against seeing it, “You don’t?”
“No, it’s nice to know you guys still like each other.” Then he huffed a laugh, “I had no idea you and Dad went to school together.”
You shrugged, placing a hand on the back of his head and nudging him towards the stairs. He went without complaining, turning back to look at you after your silence, “Well, I had no idea your Dad had a crush on me in school, so we both learnt something new tonight.”
“Wait, you didn’t?” Josh smiled, meeting you at the top of the stairs and peeking through Leyla’s door before following you towards his room.
“Nope.” You opened the door to his bedroom, facing an old trio of hockey posters that Nate had taken from his childhood room, “He might have played the long game, but I don’t think either of us would have changed it for the world. I mean, who knows, maybe if we’d have talked more in school, we wouldn’t be here right now.”
Josh seemed to think about it as he climbed under his duvet, you choosing to lay at the foot of his bed as he made himself comfortable. 
“When did you know Dad was the one?” 
Your heart stuttered a little, and your words seemed to get tangled in your throat – momentarily caught off-guard by the question.
Truthfully, you weren’t aware there was a specific moment in time that made you stop and just know that Nate was the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. It had built up slowly as your relationship progressed; talks of the future were brought up pretty early on considering what he did for a living, and eventually it got to the point where you just knew that there wasn’t going to be a breakup or a break. That realisation had just planted itself into your head, that it was gonna end in marriage, and you couldn’t have honestly dreamt of anything or anyone more suited to you.
There was no one, and then there was Nate.
“If I had to choose, though,” you wondered aloud, eyes briefly glancing at the family photo Josh had chosen to have on his bedside table, “I’d probably say that I knew, or at least suspected that your Dad might be it, about four months into us dating. Neither of us had said ‘I love you’ at that point, because actually getting to know each other with your Dad’s schedule was pretty hectic and the timezones made it difficult, but my grandma passed away and I had to fly home from Montreal–”
“Because you were working there, right?”
You nodded, a bittersweet smile on your face, “Yeah. And I remember I left your Dad a message before one of his games, and when I landed back in Nova Scotia, there were missed calls, texts and one voicemail; I waited until I got back home to listen to it, and it said something along the lines of ‘I’m so sorry, I know how much she meant to you, blah, blah, blah, is there anything you need or something I can get your family?’ And I remember thinking, ‘What? Why would he be asking me all of that?’ And then I looked at my texts and there was information for a flight and it turned out he’d booked the earliest one he could after finishing his game.” You took a breath, slowing everything down, “I cried for most of the two days he stayed and looked after us all. By that point, we’d known each other for about a year, but we’d only been dating four months, and it was the first time he met my family and he was an absolute angel.” You swallowed, a lump forming in your throat at the memory of that period in your life.
“Did Grandma and Grandad like him?” Josh snuggled further under his duvet, stifling a yawn with his hand.
You opened your mouth, about to answer, when the bedroom door creaked open and Nate padded in through the door, flicking the overhead light off and turning the bedside lamp on as he took a seat next to you. His hand came to rest on your thigh, a welcome and reassuring squeeze, but his attention was on Josh, “I think that signals bedtime.”
You nodded in agreement, but Josh seemed to blink manically and sat up in bed, his covers falling around his torso, “But I have way more questions—”
“And you can ask them tomorrow.” You promised, running a hand through his soft hair and pressing a kiss to his forehead, “Are you okay with Aimee, though?”
He nodded, cheeks reddening as he seemed to shrink into himself again, and you smiled at his cuteness, “Love you, sleep tight.” You whispered, pulling away and letting Nate have his turn as Josh whispered them back.
You slipped out of the room, heading into Leyla’s room at the other end of the hall, tiptoeing in to peer over her crib bars. Nate had settled her again, and she was laid on her back, blonde hair a wavy mess, fists curled shut near her head. Her eyes were closed and she looked peaceful zipped up in her Bambi onesie. 
It was barely ten seconds later when you heard Nate’s steps creak the floorboards, his arms caging you in against the side of the cot as his front pressed against your back. His head came to rest on your shoulder, nose nudging the side of your cheek when you turned to face him.
“I can’t believe you had a crush on me in school, and you kept it from me for more than a decade.” You smirked, raising a smug brow in his direction as he bit the inside of his cheek.
“You mad?” He checked, no real concern in his tone as he fought to conceal the amusement in his eyes.
“No. Just shocked you managed to keep your mouth shut for so long.” 
He rolled his eyes, “Well, it was worth it.”
“You’re a sap sometimes, y’know.” You nudged him playfully, “But I wouldn’t change it.”
“No?” He hummed, and you shook your head in response.
You knew he heard the entire conversation with Josh – it would have been hard not to, considering Josh couldn’t whisper for shit, and Leyla’s room was directly opposite, but there wasn’t a need to talk about it immediately. It was partly because you’d talked about it before – it was something you’d both discussed in a whisper after he’d proposed – and also partly because you’d gotten to the point in your life where Nate had perfected the ability of reading you at any given point, and vice versa.
And right now, you were both pretty content.
“Leyla’s gonna come home from school one day and start talking about crushes.” You whispered, watching him closely as he scowled, glaring at you out of the corner of his eye.
It made you smile, not wanting to laugh in fear of disrupting her sleep.
“I don’t even want to think about that.” 
“It’s scary, right?”
“Terrifying. She’s my baby girl, I don’t want her to grow up.” He reasoned, pressing a quick kiss on your cheek.
You were both silent for a while, watching her eyelashes flutter mid-dream, and her little fists gently clench and unclench.
“I wonder what she’ll be like.” You whispered.
You felt Nate breathe a laugh against your neck, “Hopefully not like Josh, in the nicest way possible, I don’t think my patience could take it.” He teased, eliciting you a gentle laugh.
“Josh is one of a kind.” You shook your head fondly. He could be cute most of the time, but when he loses his patience or gets too cocky (or just refuses to do the things you ask of him), he can be a little menace — something Nate struggled to get a handle on at first. 
They clashed a bit.
“It’s because he’s got your smarts—”
“But your fucking audacity.” You finished.
Nate gasped, a look of sheer disbelief written on his face, “That’s not true.” He denied, shaking his head.
“Your parents were the ones that said that.” 
He quietened, lips pulling down in a frown as his eyes focused on something you couldn’t see, “Really?”
You nodded, “I mean, I’m paraphrasing, they actually described Josh as a ‘smart boy but with Nate’s bold cheek.” You snickered as he pulled another face, letting go of the railings and stepping backwards for the door, “Need some time to think about it alone?” You teased.
Nate nodded, eyes wide, “I’m just gonna go get changed.” 
“M’kay, love you, Beefcake.”
“That one’s not come from me!” He hissed, smiling all the while, before disappearing from sight.
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doudouneverte · 1 year
a/n: I don't know what to say so just fuck off Rubiales, Vilda and the Spanish Federation
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*not my GIF*
Pairing; Laura Wienroither x Chelsea WFC! Reader; Chelsea WFC x AustriaWNT!Reader (also Zinsby x platonic!reader)
Summary: You love Laura since as long as you can remember but she's oblivious so, this season you decide to get more direct but you can't count on your teammates for help.
Type: Fluff AF
Warning: nothing
word count: 1916
note: in a univer where the two LW never tore their ACL
You've known Laura since you were young. You both played together back in Austria, and you quickly fell in love. Well, the problem was that even if you showed her your affection in every possible way (staying polite and respectful, of course), she never got it.
Coming back to England after the national break, you had one idea in mind: definitely confess your feelings for the last time. But you didn't want to be rude or anything, so you needed a plan.
And what is more helpful than an almost-married couple on your team for love advice? So, for your first day back at training, you were quick to find Magda and Pernille, who were chatting about something.
"Moms, I need your help." You declared getting instantly their attention, as well as other teammates' in the room. "I want to confess my feelings to Laura, and I need advice."
There was silence for only two seconds before all the room burst into clapping and cheers. All your teammates knew that you loved the defender since you joined the club last summer, and it was confirmed when they saw how you act around her every time you played against Arsenal.
"And that's when we make our apparition." Sam said, sliding to your right side, while Guro was sliding to your left side.
"Uh, well, actually, I wanted..."
"Don't worry, Y/n, we're the best wingmen, well, wing women, you could dream of." The Norwegian cut you off, making some of your teammates laugh.
"I really appreciate that, but..."
"Where are we starting?" The Australian said this time, "Oh, I know. We can make a big panel with 'Laura, I love you' written on it."
"Yeah, and you could show up at their next match with it." The winger approved.
"But I think we can do better than that." Sam said, she was really thinking deeply about that.
"Don't you think we should stop them?" Pernille whispered to the Swedish defender.
"Yes, but I want to know how far they'll go," Magda admitted.
And that's how the whole training session went: the two players proposed some extravagant ideas, and you politely refused them.
"And if we do something more simple?" You asked, gaining their interest, and you watched around to see something that could help you until you spotted Eve. "We can just write her a poem with flowers." You proposed.
"It sounds boring." Guro said, hurting your feelings.
"Yeah, totally overacted." Sam confirmed.
"Well, at least it's still the most realistic thing to do." Niamh said, coming from nowhere.
"Yes, and it's still pretty romantic if you find the good words." Jessie added.
The two strikers looked at each other for a long moment before agreeing, "Okay, we will try that." The Norwegian said.
You released a breath you didn't know you were keeping and thanked your auto-designated sisters. Now, the second step was to write the best poem, and for that, you had an idea.
Back in the locker room, you were searching for someone when you collided with Magda. "Hey, careful little one. Why are you running?"
"I convinced Sam and Guro not to do one of their plans, and now I need help to write a poem." You replied.
"A poem? It seems pretty romantic." The Danish said.
You didn't stay longer and resumed your way to the locker room, where you found your French teammates. "Eve, I need your help."
"The last time you said you needed somebody's help, which was literally a few hours ago, you finished being chased by Sam and Guro during the entire training session." She gently reminded you, making you laugh.
"View it like this; it's a little funny." You admitted. "But really, I really need your help. I convinced Sam and Guro to give up their crazy for something more... realistic. And now I need someone who knows how to write a poem."
"I don't know why, but it sounds more unrealistic than their crazy ideas." The French player joked. "I'm not really good at writing poems, so let's not talk about writing them in English or German, but I can suggest some famous poets if you want."
"It would be fantastic." You said. After a few names written in your notes and a little drive back home, you were ready. You spent almost all your next free day writing it, and when you were proud enough, you let your teammates give their opinions.
"Honestly, it's pretty cool." Millie said.
"Yeah, we can feel all the love you have for her." Pernille added, making you more proud.
Now only one last step remains in your plan.
A few days later, Laura was ready to train with her teammates when Katie came in the locker room with a letter.
"Girls looked at what I found. They said it was for some of us, but there is not a name, just the initial LW." After hearing this, Manu almost groaned in exasperation.
She was aware of your crush on the defender; she was the one who made you realize it, and she was the one who convinced you to finally confess your feelings. You read her the letter, and her reaction was the same as your teammates'.
Everything was good, but she should be prepared for you messing up at least one thing.
"And there are flowers too." Stina remarked.
Lia Walti and Laura were focused on the flowers, while Leah Williamson was reading the letter loudly. When she finished, everyone in the locker room was shocked by this. It was more than good; for some, it was maybe the best thing they heard, but one question was on everyone's mind.
"Who wrote this?" Katie asked.
Leah looked at the bottom of the paper, and her eyes were wide open. "Y/n Y/l/n." She announced.
"What, Y/n, like Chelsea's player?" Jen asked.
"Apparently yes." The blonde captain replied, a little surprised by that.
"Well, now the important question is, who's LW?" Manu asked, trying discreetly not to put more pressure on you.
"Well, she's not clear about. She talks about a recent injury, but the three of us had a recent injury, so I don't know." Lia replied.
"Well, if I remember correctly, we play them tomorrow, so maybe you could ask her after the game." Frida said.
Meanwhile, Laura was processing everything. It was impossible that it could be her; maybe you just fell in love with one of the older players during your first season here. She didn't know, but somewhere in her mind, she felt like she would be sad if you didn't talk about her.
The next day was match day. You were really worried because Manu told you the next night that you messed up with the most important part of the plan, and now her teammates are trying to figure out for whom you wrote this.
In the locker room, Magda sensed that you were a little stressed by that and tried all she could to relax you. "You can always tell her everything in person if she doesn't understand it." She told you, joking about how many times you tried to be subtile, but the defender never got the hints. "You just need to be you. You're an amazing person, and I'm sure she doesn't need a poem or flowers to see that, but you'll need all your courage today to tell her how you feel after we beat them, okay?"
Like your captain predicted, you won the game, and you even assisted on a goal. But now the real thing could start. On your way to Arsenal's side, you were stopped by some teammates wishing you good luck. You walked to your destination until you were stopped by two figures just before you reached your national teammates.
"I think we need to talk." Leah said with a treating tone. You looked at the two of them, a little confused.
"I think she wants to say that maybe you have something to say to us." Lia corrected when she noticed how you seemed uncomfortable.
"Uh, I don't want to be disrespectful or anything, but what are you talking about?" You asked.
"What do you mean you don't know–" Leah started to say a little irritated by the situation, but she was cut off by her teammate.
"Who is LW?" Lia asked. It took a moment for your brain to understand what was happening. The two players, the irritated tone, LW, and—wait, LW? The letter?
"Oh, my god, are you talking about the letter?"
"Yes, we're talking about the letter. What did you expect?" The blonde captain asked.
"But why did you read the letter?"
"Because you wrote it." The brunette said this time.
"Wait, does one of you have a crush on me?"
"What? Of course not!" They told you at the same time. "But you have a crush on us," the English player added.
"Me? Of course not. Well, don't get me wrong, but my heart already belongs to someone else."
"So why did you write something like this if you already love someone?" The Swiss captain asked.
"Because LW is Laura." You said like it was obvious (technically it was). There was a little silence after your words; the two Arsenal players exchanged an awkward look before they looked behind them to finally notice the Austrian player.
Laura seemed shocked by the news. Fortunately, the two older players left you after they apologized for this misinterpretation.
"Oh." The defender said.
"Yeah. Oh." You repeated.
"But since when?"
"I don't know, maybe since we played together back in Austria."
"Wow, it's been a long time then. But why didn't you tell me anything?"
"Are you kidding me?" You rolled your eyes. "I really spent all my time giving you hints. It was so obvious that Sarah and Laura treated to lock us in a closet until I found the courage to confess. And it was only on our second camp."
"Wow, now I feel stupid." She said, and you laughed a little. "I mean, at the last camp, I heard you talk with Sarah P, and you said that you already had a pretty girl in mind when she asked you about meeting one of her teammates."
"Yes, that's because this pretty girl is you." You said and almost cringed at how it seemed cheesy.
Laura played with the hem of her shirt a moment before she met your eyes. "Can I ask you something?"
"Go on."
"Do you want to go on a date with me?"
You were shaking, unable to control yourself. "Yes, of course yes." You replied, and she smiled.
"Can I ask you another thing?"
"Can I kiss you?" At this moment, it was like your soul was leaving your body; you felt too much happiness for a lifetime. You nodded with a big smile on your face. She approached you, and being smaller than you, she landed one hand on your shoulder while the other cupped your face. She pushed on her toes and gently pressed her lips against yours.
"Finally!" Manu yelled. "It started to be physically painful to see you two in the same room doing nothing but looking at each other like teenage girls."
You pulled away to give her the middle finger until you heard Pernille said "Behave Y/n." You groaned but returned your attention to the girl in front of you, pressing a quick peck on her lips before joining your teammates.
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cooliogirl101 · 2 years
so how is his relationship with his two newly found kids?
Sayuri only needs to take one glance at the captain standing awkwardly in the doorway to guess what he’s here for. 
“You can come in, Kyouraku-taicho,” she says. “The Academy library is open to everyone. Even captains.”
“I’m not here to visit the library,” he replies. 
“No, I suppose you’re not,” she sighs, restacking the last of the books back on the shelves before turning to face him. 
“I’m sure your...mother has already let you know of our recent conversation,” he says, stumbling slightly over the words. Sayuri folds her arms across her chest.
“Yes, she did. Which is how I know she told you that neither Sousuke nor I need, nor want, a father,” she says coolly. “There’s no need to feel any obligation towards us, Kyouraku-taicho. Our mother has provided us with more love and care than anyone could ask for, and she is all the family that my twin and I will ever need. And I’m sure your life is complicated enough without adding two unwanted children to the mix.”
“Not unwanted,” he murmurs. “Unknown, yes, I had no idea you two existed or that you were...mine. That doesn’t mean that I don’t-- that I don’t want you.”
Sayuri studies him for a moment. 
“The sentiment is appreciated,” she says after a moment, voice giving nothing away. Kyouraku nods, his reiatsu dimming slightly in realization. 
“I understand,” he replies quietly, turning to go. 
“Kyouraku-taicho,” she calls out after him, after a moment’s pause. “I don’t need another parent and I don’t need a father. However, if you’d like to come over and chat sometime, so we can get to know each other...I’d be alright with that.” 
“I’d like that,” he says with a slight smile. “Thank you, Sayuri.” He pauses. “Sayuri, your mother--”
“Is very much single,” she replies, barely refraining from rolling her eyes at the not-so-subtle relief in Kyouraku’s eyes at her answer. It was embarrassing, really, how hopelessly, obviously infatuated he was with her. About as embarrassing as the hopelessly obvious crush he had on Akira. 
She thinks it says a lot about her mother that Sayuri isn’t the least bit surprised Shiori’s somehow managed to get the same man to fall for her twice without trying. Three times, if she includes her one night as Sakura. 
Sousuke, of course, finds it hilarious. 
“Does this mean I have your approval?” Kyouraku asks, looking at her closely.
Sayuri thinks about it for a moment. Honestly, it might take a man hopelessly, obviously in love to get through to someone as stubbornly oblivious as her mother could be.
“Her favorite flowers are gardenias,” she says, which is an answer in itself. Judging by the way Kyouraku’s shoulders relax, he hears her unspoken message.
Treat her well.
Sousuke, meanwhile, is mostly excited about the added challenge having a captain of the Gotei 13 around all the time will bring to their ruse (not to mention all the added attention once the truth of their parentage becomes public). He’s really curious to see if his ‘Superhero’s overenthusiastic, awkward biggest fan’ persona will hold up to Kyouraku’s scrutiny and he’s thrilled to put his acting skills to the test (no one has ever questioned his act, because no one’s ever been given a reason to. He wants to see if Kyouraku will be the first). 
He’s willing to grudgingly accept Kyouraku courting his mom because Kyouraku makes her happy (even if she won’t admit it). That doesn’t mean he doesn’t get his revenge by acting like the most embarrassing, useless, weakling son ever, playing up his “I’m a pathetic fanboy” act as much as possible, to Shiori and Sayuri’s exasperation.
Honestly both twins are way less stressed than Shiori is about accidentally being discovered, because their reasoning is if they are discovered, they’ll just leave and be superheros full time, no biggie. 
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rowyn-writes · 3 years
A Mother's Love (Dean x Wife!Reader)
Warnings: Language, fluff, major angst, implications of divorce, arguing, Dean being mean to Jack
Pairings: Dean x Wife!Reader
Characters: Dean, Jack, Sam, Reader, Cas (mentioned only)
Word count: 2.7k
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You threw your bag down as you entered the bunker, exhausted from your last hunt. This was one of the rare cases where you worked alone.
Sometimes you needed the time to yourself, away from all the men. Sometimes you would go hunting with Jody and Claire, but even then, those two argued like cats and dogs.
"Y/N," Jack smiled as you entered the kitchen. "How was the hunt?"
"It was pretty good, actually." You grinned as you sat across from him. "I was chasing down this werewolf in Tennessee, and it was really strange. He'd kill one person, turn the next, and repeat that cycle."
"That's. . . Weird." He furrowed his eyebrows.
"That's what I said. Well," You continued on with the story of your hunt, watching as Jack's eyes widened in amazement and awe.
"Y/N?" Dean called your name, entering the kitchen. "Hey, sweetheart. I didn't know you were home?"
You stood up, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Sorry, babe. I got sidetracked. I was just telling Jack about my trip." You smiled, looking over at the boy. You were concerned, as the smile fell from his face and he looked away from you and Dean. "You okay, kid?"
"Yeah," He nodded, not meeting your eye. "I'll give you two some space." He mumbled as he walked out of the kitchen.
"Does he seem off to you?" You asked Dean.
"Nah, he acts like he usually does. Squirrelly and weird."
"Says the squirrel himself." You rolled your eyes. "Did something happen while I was gone?"
Dean said nothing as he looked down, an obvious indicator that he was guilty of something. "Dean," You growled lowly. "Did you say something to Jack? Something that would upset him somehow?"
When Dean didn't give you an answer, you shook your head as you follow Jack to his room.
"Jack." You called out. He seemed to be lost in thought, as he didn't react to your words. "Jack!" You said louder, causing him to turn around. There was a tiny amount of fear in his eyes. If you didn't know him, it wouldn't have affected you.
"What's wrong?" You asked softly, resting your hand on his shoulder.
"Nothing." He spoke. "Why would anything be wrong?"
"Jack, I saw how you reacted when Dean came in. You looked like a kicked puppy. Don't tell me it's nothing, kiddo."
In the time you had known Jack, you had grown to care for him deeply. You had always wanted kids, but in this life, it wasn't possible. Well, it was, but you knew you didn't want your children to do what you do. So when Jack was born, you felt extremely happy because it felt like you finally had a child. Albeit, he did look twenty.
"Dean doesn't like me very much." He admitted.
"I'm sure that's not true. . ." You argued weakly. In all honesty, you didn't think Dean liked Jack either. It's not like he was abusive, but he did treat him differently than everyone else.
"But it is, Y/N."
"How do you know, Jack? With Dean, it takes him time to warm up to people. It took him months to actually trust me. He's a cautious person."
"Did he threaten you too?" Jack asked, genuinely curious. His head was tilted to the side, his honey blonde hair falling into his eyes. He had gotten that head tilt from Cas.
"Dean. . . Threatened you?" You whispered hoarsely.
"Yes," He nodded. "He told me if I hurt you or Sam, or anyone, that he would be the one to hunt me down and kill me."
Your mouth popped open in horror. You could never imagine your sweet, loveable, goofy Dean threatening Jack. "What else did he say, Jack? Did he say anything prior to this?"
"He said that he doesn't think that I can be saved. He said that even though you and Sam think that I can, that he doesn't."
"Jack, you don't need to be saved. There is no saving to do. You are a good kid. You would never do anything to intentionally hurt anyone. I'm so sorry. I should have been there." You sigh.
"He's not wrong, Y/N. I can't be saved. What if I turn out like my father, my real father."
You frowned as you cupped his face in your hands. "Jack, you are nothing, and I mean nothing, like Lucifer. You are just like your mother. You are sweet, caring, and you are empathetic. Just like Kelly."
"You really believe that?" He whispered, tears forming in his eyes.
"No, I don't believe it, Jack. I know it. You are nothing like Lucifer. If anything, you are much more like Castiel."
"Really?" He smiled.
"Yeah," You nodded. "You see, I don't know if you know this, but Cas does this little thing where he tilts his head to the side if he doesn't understand something or if he's perplexed. And I noticed that you do the same thing." Jack's smile widened as you removed your hands from his face. "And neither of you have any knowledge of pop culture. Even though Cas was here for a lot longer than you, he never understood a single reference any of us made. Even if it was something like Scooby Doo." You giggled, feeling your throat tightening at the thought of your dead friend. "And you two state the obvious a lot. Not in a bad way, more in a comedic way. It lightens the mood nearly every time. Cas would rarely smile. When I asked him why, he would say that the world was going to hell and he didn't have anything to smile about. But when he did smile, it would make everyone else smile with him. The same goes for you. Just seeing that little toothy grin of yours makes me smile. I mean hell, you two even look a lot alike."
"Could you tell me more about him?" Jack asked.
"Of course, but I have something to take care of first. Then you and I will cuddle up and watch a movie and I'll tell you everything you want to know about Cas, okay?"
"Yeah, I'd like that." He spoke. "Before you go, could I ask you something?" You nodded. "If I were to have a mother figure, and I called her mom, do you think my mother would be upset?"
"No, sweetheart, I don't think she would be upset. I think that she would be happy that there's someone down here taking care of you and you feel comfortable enough to call them mom." You said, completely oblivious as to what Jack was suggesting.
"Then. . . Could I call you mom?"
You felt the air leave your lungs as his words hit you like a truck. Jack watched as tears welled up in your eyes. Jack was horrified; he had never meant to make you cry. "Yo-you want to call me m-mom?" You stammer.
"If you're not comfortable with it I understand. I'm sorry, Y/N, I-"
You cut him off with a tight embrace. "Of course you can call me mom." You whisper, squeezing the boy tightly.
"Why are you crying?" He questioned.
"These are happy tears, Jack. I'm not upset. It's just. . . I never thought that I would have children, but then you came along, and you gave me what I wanted. You gave me a chance to be a mother."
"Thank you for being here for me, mom."
You gave Jack a huge smile as you pulled away. "Okay," You said, putting a hand on his arm. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to deal with my ass of a husband."
"Dean Winchester," You boomed, roaming around the bunker in search for your husband.
"Ooooh, you're in trouble." You hear Sam snicker.
"But I didn't do anything. Wait, what day is it?" Dean asked frantically.
"April ninth." Sam quipped.
"Okay, no birthday, no anniversary, so there's that."
You entered The Dean Cave, as Dean called it, seeing red. "What the hell, Winchester." You growled. "Sam, out. Now."
"You don't have to tell me twice." Sam said, grabbing his bowl of popcorn and walking out of the room.
"Yes, darling, sweetheart, love of my life. What can I do for you?" Dean spoke sweetly, giving you those stupid, green doe eyes.
"Jack told me." You said simply. "He told me what you said to him. That if it comes down to killing him, that you would be the one to do it. That there was no saving him."
"Y/N, you have to understand where I'm coming from." He tried to reason with you. "You should have seen him. He was stabbing himself with a knife! And it closed up like it was nothing! It's not  normal. He's not normal."
"And?! None of us are normal, Dean. We've all died and came back to life. Sam didn't have a soul, he was hooked on demon blood, yet you were still there for him. You still believed in him. You died and became a demon, you bore the Mark of Cain and had a thing for God's friggin sister! And I still loved you through it. I have been brainwashed and manipulated into hurting all of you, and you still forgave me! Cas betrayed us, and we were still there for him. None of us are fucking normal! So what the hell, Dean? You're holding a grudge against Jack just because of who his dad is?"
"His father is Lucifer, Y/N!"
"Well that's stating the goddamn obvious!" You yelled.
"He could turn on us at any moment! We don't know this kid. We don't know what he can do."
"So we learn, Dean! We should help him figure out his way. Guide him in the right direction. Show him what a true, loving family looks like!"
"We are not his family, Y/N! And he's not our family. He never will be." Dean argued.
You flinched back, glaring at Dean. "How dare you! You son of a bitch! Whether you believe it or not, Jack is family. To me and to Sam. We care about him and love him!"
"He doesn't even know what love means!"
"Yes, he does! Because he feels things, Dean. He cares. He cares about all of us, including you. You know, he asked me if he could call me mom today. Did you know that? He trusts me and cares for me so much that he sees me as a mother figure."
"He's got you brainwashed, Y/N! Can't you see that?!"
"If he looked like his actual age, would you be acting like this?"
"What kind of question is that." He scoffed.
"If Jack looked four months old instead of twenty, would you still be treating him like this?" You asked steadily. Dean remained silent. "See! He is four months old, no matter how old he looks, he's still a baby."
"So, what, you want me to change his diaper or some shit?"
"No! I want you to treat him like a human being!" You yelled.
"But he's not human!"
You and Dean stood your ground, neither of you letting up. "Fine. I'm leaving then. And I'm taking Jack with me."
"No, you're not."
"Fucking watch me, Dean. I can't even look at you right now. Because you are not the man I married. That man was compassionate and caring. This one isn't. And until he comes back, I'm staying away." You cried.
Before Dean could get another word out, you left the den. You noticed that Sam was standing in the hallway, giving you a saddened look. "You're really leaving?"
"I'm sorry, Sam." You sobbed. "But I can't be around him right now. And I don't think Jack should be either. We're going to my parents house for a while. And until he gets his shit together, I'm not coming back.
"I know. I don't understand why Dean is acting like this." He mumbled.
"I don't either. It's so unlike him." You agreed.
"So what are you going to tell Jack?"
"Just that we're going to take a little road trip and visit my parents. I don't know, Sam, this whole thing is so strange to me. But I know have to go."
Sam frowned as he pulled you into a hug. "I'm really going to miss you. But you do what you need to do. And if you ever need anything, you call me, okay? I don't care what time of day it is, call me."
"I will." You squeeze Sam tightly. "Thank you for being an amazing brother and best friend." You pulled away, teary eyed as you parted from your brother in law. "I hope to be back soon."
You softly knocked on Jack's door before entering. "Hey, Jack." You smiled.
"Mom!" He said excitedly. "Are we going to watch movies now?"
"Actually, there's been a change of plans. Me and you are going on a road trip to visit my parents."
"Really? Are Sam and Dean coming with us?"
You swallowed hard, a lump forming in your throat. "No, actually. This is a trip just for us. Sam and Dean wanted to stay here just in case they find a case or something that can get Mary back from apocalypse world. So I'm going to help you pack and then we can get on the road."
You had sent Jack to your car, having him put everything in the trunk while you finished up things in the bunker. The last thing you grabbed was a machete that belonged to your father before he gave it to you.
"Don't go." A voice whispered. You turned to see Dean, who looked like he had been crying. "Please don't leave."
You swallowed hard, feeling tears rush to your eyes once more. "Will you accept Jack as family?"
"Y/N-" Dean said, exasperated. "He can stayed here but he's not family."
"That's not good enough, Dean. Because I know how you act around people you don't trust."
"You can't force me to trust him." Dean scoffed.
"That's not what I want. I want you to get to know him. I want you to try."
"Y/N. . . I just. . . I can't."
"I think. . . I think we need time apart." You mumbled.
"Y/N, please –"
"Only for a little bit." You assured him. "They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, after all." You gave him a sad smile, trying to control your tears.
You turned to leave before Dean's voice stopped you. "If you leave, then we're over. That's it. Don't bother coming home."
You sighed as you looked back at Dean. You cupped his face in your hands and gave him a slow, sensual kiss. You could feel salty tears on your lips as you memorized how Dean's mouth felt against yours. It was warm and soft. You could taste the remnants whiskey on his breath.
You pulled away slightly, resting your forehead on Dean's. You felt tears streaming down your face as you looked the man you had grown to love over the past ten years. You had been through hell and back, literally. You had lost each other, fell out of love and back in love.
"This isn't goodbye, Dean." You whimpered. "I swear it isn't. I love you with every part of my soul. I'm not choosing Jack over you, okay? I just need time. I need you to wait for me."
"That's all I've ever done, Y/N." Dean shook his head. "I waited on you when you were in relationships, when you were heartbroken, when your sister died, I waited on you to love me back. I'm tired of waiting. I will always love you, and you'll always be with me. You've changed me, and I'm so thankful for it. You've made me a better man. But I can't. . . I can't keep doing this, Y/N." He whispered as he slipped off his wedding band. "This is goodbye." He set the ring in your hand, curling your fingers around it. "Goodbye, sweetheart." He gave you one final kiss. But this one was rough and full of passion. It really was goodbye.
"Dean, please." You cried. He pressed a swift kiss to the crown of your head before leaving you standing alone in the library. Sobs racked through your body as you clutched Dean's ring to your chest. "Please come back." You whispered.
You wiped your face of tears and stuck Dean's ring in your pocket. There would be time for tears later. Right now you just needed to get out of the bunker. As you looked around the library, you realized you had never felt this alone.
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sitp-recs · 3 years
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(Perfect artwork for Modern Love, by @cambiodipolvere)
Today is the day of one of my favorite people! And I totally resent @tackytigerfic and Starry for almost sharing the same birthday, god the STRESS 😂 Tacky is my first and closest fandom friend. We clicked together so fast and easy that sometimes it feels like I’ve known her all my life, like we’re two dog moms living in the same neighborhood who happen to read fic in their free time. Despite our conflicting time zones and crazy schedules we manage to chat every other day, tagging and sending each other all kinds of stuff, coming together to cry scream about a brilliant fic we’ve just read or shaking our heads in embarrassment at every other unnecessary bullshit post. Tacky’s bright and wise energy uplifts my spirit even on my moody days, and makes me grateful for her friendship and for this fandom life. Okay so this got long and I had to put the rest under the cut:
It’s such a lovely and precious thing, to have someone with whom you can share every single thought that crosses your mind, your scariest, most embarrassing, petty or disturbing idea, without fear of being shamed or judged by it. I trust Tacky with all my heart to hear me out, share a joke or a piece of advice, even on the (rare) occasions when we don’t get the same perspective - that doesn’t happen often when it comes to Drarry, as we are taste twins!
Tacky my darling, you’re such a good person, and such an incredible friend. Thank you for introducing me to this lovely community, for being my safe haven and your unique self, with so many qualities I admire and feel inspired by: kind, witty, earnest, wise, and so very human. I love your humour and empathy, and your chill yet no-nonsense personality; I love your talent and how articulated you are; I love your passion for Drarry, and how you let this emotion inform the way you navigate the fandom and create for it. And god, but you’ve been creating some of the most beautiful content I’ve seen in these recent years! I’m permanently in awe of your ability to write Drarry in any shape, format or length, transforming even the most ordinary moment into an extraordinary and meaningful piece of character or relationship development. You know how you mentioned yesterday that some authors change the way you feel about a ship in a deep, definitive way? Well, you are that author for me. Your works made me fall in love with M-rated contemplative romance, and also allowed me to fall in love with Harry in a way I never thought it was possible before.
Some people - myself included - got to know you through the fun and intriguing A Lick and a Promise, others through the atmospheric and sensitive Modern Love, others through your contemplative and heartbreaking short form. Each story has its merits and purpose, and all of them share a Tacky trademark: the heartkick factor! Your talent has no limits and goes across different genres and tropes, that you explore with a bold twist full of personality and heart. And even more impressive is your consistency at always raising the bar - every new fic of yours becomes an instant fave and makes me think “wow I thought Tacky couldn’t get better yet here we are”. Seeing how your writing evolves as you find your narrative voice is a beautiful and humbling experience, I feel so lucky!
I’m really grateful for being active in the fandom at this moment in time, because that allows me to read and engage with your brilliant work, and to have you as a dear friend. I can’t wait to see what comes out of your beautiful brain next. It was an impossible job choosing a single fic to rec today, so I decided to do a belated Tacky reclist! Naturally these are my personal and biased must-reads, and I urge everyone to go check these beauties right now. Feel free to include your own favorites too, and don’t forget to leave them some appreciation.
Happy happy birthday my darling Tacky! This fandom life wouldn’t be the same without you. I hope you have the amazing day you deserve!
Between the Power Lines (2020, M, 3.2k)
The road trip fic you didn’t know you needed. I got utterly immersed in the heartbreaking quietness of this, feeling like a witness to an ordinary yet poignant love story. Such tender intimacy, such character development, such lovely American aesthetics with barely any dialogue. This is, IMO, the fic that reveals Tacky’s triumph in storytelling.
Even the Night (2020, M, 3.4k)
This fic has a surreal atmosphere, those Midsummer vibes unbelievably sexy and intoxicating linked to the sensorial experience of fumbling together in the night. Masterclass in tension building, a silky and languid dream-like affair.
Aim for my Heart (2021, M, 3.4k) - Harry/Draco/Ron
One of the most sensitive and stunning portraits I’ve ever seen of a poly/triad relationship, this fic packs so much character and longing! It’s a privilege to watch Ron and Draco’s tentative dynamics through the smitten eyes of the one person that loves them like no one else: Harry.
The Long Fall (2021, M, 3.6k)
I can’t even write about this tender domesticity without getting a lump in my throat. Best opening scene I’ve read in years, and a refreshing way to approach both mpreg and parenthood, painfully honest and lovely. This became an immediate comfort read for me, and it’s probably one of the fics I revisit the most.
Mortal Frame (2021, M, 6.6k)
This thrilling, fast-paced spy story left me breathless since the first paragraph, gods what an immersive ride! I’m so here for Drarry on the run, sharp and urgent with danger but mellowed by the silent trust and tender intimacy only Tacky can master. Major bonus points for the brilliant take on the Horcrux hunt plot line!
Last Offices (2020, M, 6.7k)
Oh, this fic 💔 I tend to avoid MCD but there’s something so deeply fascinating about body washing rituals that I caught myself mesmerized by this. I just couldn’t put it down, so emotionally compromised I felt. There’s a sort of strange comfort in the heartbreak of doing one last act of service out of devotion to someone. This fic inspired so many difficult but lovely feelings in me, and one of them was hope. Only Tacky could possibly achieve that!
Our Little Life (2020, M, 7.2k)
Inventive and singular, this story hit me straight on the solar plexus and left me speechless as I saw the (clever, magical and bittersweet) plot unravel. Such a fabulous take on alternate universes and all the angst potential behind it. Come and bask in the yearning melancholia of a short yet intricate and perfectly executed plot.
And One to Play (2019, E, 21k)
What a fun and delightful fic, I can’t have enough of pining Harry losing all sense of propriety when faced with a hot, competent and pragmatic Draco. This has fab dynamics, unhinged protectiveness, even more unhinged attraction between two idiots who can’t keep their hands off each other. A must-read for any Auror partners fan!
A Lick and a Promise (2019, E, 55k)
Hot, BAMF Professors carefully balancing a fuck buddies situation while solving a Hogwarts mystery, do we need anything else? I certainly do not. This fic is so fun and intriguing and immersive, with amazing supportive cast and a delicious get together feat secret shagging and oblivious pining. Love it!
Modern Love (2020, E, 61k)
My favorite read of 2020, this fic is a love letter to Drarry and will always hold a piece of my soul. Sensitive, wistful, tenderly aching and so very romantic, this is a Muggle Draco triumph with a superb Harry, exquisite slow burn and a side of suds comfort. I promise it will be impossible to listen to Bowie again without thinking of this love story.
Bonus: five stunning drabbles!
Something in the Way (2021, T, 119 words)
“Up,” he said, and Draco, sick with love, raised his arms above his head and allowed Potter to slide the jumper on him, big hands stroking it flat over Draco’s stomach until they both shivered.
Stir-Up Sunday (2020, M, 300 words)
“I want you always,” he said, tugging again on the fine curling length of it. “Is it okay to say that?”
Whalebone Arch (2021, M, 722 words)
“Are you still not talking to me?” Draco steered Harry towards the crisps. “Do I have to suck you off in the loo to cheer you up?”
Semiplume (2021, T, 923 words)
“Did you know,” Harry murmured, and he put his arms around Draco, fearless. “I’d be your mate. If you needed a mate, I mean.”
Relic Radiation (2021, M, 927 words)
“You’ll kill me,” Harry said, and Draco turned his face towards the darkened sky, lunar pale, his profile some stupid unearthly thing—a flaring blazar, a supernova—in the light from the kitchen window.
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drymbp · 3 years
white knight | lisa
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A/N : Hello everyone! I'm finally posting my first ever imagine out here in Tumblr! I'm still new to writing and I hope to get better at it soon.
This idea was inspired by a dream, and I couldn't stop myself from turning it into a Lisa fic, because it just felt right.
Happy reading :)
Lisa should have returned with her band mates after rehearsals. But instead she chose to stay back and practice more until she was out of breath and one thing led to another, and she landed herself on the ground with a twisted ankle. Luckily you were on your break returning from a café, and you just happened to pass by the Blackpink practice room when you heard a scream. You rushed into the room and saw Lisa from BLACKPINK howling in pain.
"Are you alright miss?" She looked at you and gave you a weak smile. You cursed yourself for your lack of sense, and got down on you knees inspecting her ankle. "I'm sorry for that earlier, but I believe we need to get you to the doctor as soon as possible." She nodded, trying to get up but wasn't able to put pressure on her leg and struggled to stand without being in pain. You felt really bad for the idol, so you did what you thought was right.
You crouched down before her, and asked her to hop on, she seemed hesitant at first, but the way you looked at her made her want to obey you somehow. So without further ado, you walked out of the room carrying Lisa. Thankfully you met her manager, who you knew as a senior because you were an intern, and explained the situation. Immediately y'all made your way to the back of the building after making sure everyone's face was well hidden. She had worn the hood over her cap, to make sure nobody recognizes her.
Once you were out, you lowly whispered. "Please hide your face, we don't want people to know it's you and have them follow us." She nodded and hid her face by your neck, you could feel her breath hit you neck, making goosebumps arise all over your body. She held on to you tightly as you made your way towards the company van. The manager opened the van door, and you carefully put Lisa down, making sure she was comfortable in the seat. By the time you were preparing to leave, Lisa tugged at your sleeves, making you look at her curiously and then the manager.
"Get in Miss L/N, might as well help us a little more. You got inside with Lisa, while the manager sat at the front instructing the driver to get to the hospital soon. The ride was silent, unless the manager asked you questions about how it was working in the company, to which you replied professionally. Lisa had been looking at you the whole time, and you could feel her stare, so you turned to the right to check and caught her staring. She quickly averted her gaze, trying to act cool as if she wasn't caught red-handed. You chuckled, causing her to smile.
You had somehow made it to the hospital without people knowing and you were relieved. The doctors quickly came to aid, arranging a private room for Lisa. You were standing with the manager, while he was talking to the doctor. Thankfully, it wasn't serious and it would get better if she takes rest and puts ice on them within 2-3hr intervals. The both of you made your way to Lisa's room, the manager informing her that she was free from activities for a while. He left shortly afterwards making a call and with that you were left with Lisa.
She motioned for you to come near and to take a seat, so you did. "How are you feeling?" You asked looking at her wrapped up ankle and then at her. "The pain's alright for now though it hurts if I move it, aside from that it's all good, thank you for carrying me and stuff--" She trails off, looking at you expectantly. You furrow your eyebrows thinking what she meant, then you realize she's asking for you name so you shyly flash her a smile which Lisa finds cute and coos. "Y/N L/N." She nods, saying your name a few times to check how it sounds on her lips, once she's satisfied, she holds out her hand for you. As you return the gesture her smile gets brighter. And you can't help but think how pretty she looks when she smiles, her doe brown eyes stand out making her look like a doll. If you were to be asked to describe Lisa, you would be at a loss of words. Words cannot do justice to her beauty. The more you stare at her the more heat rushes to your cheeks, you internally slap yourself for having these thoughts though you heart doesn't listen.
"Thank you for the help Miss L/N. I would be happy enough to have you in our team. You're really helpful. I must say I was impressed." The manager pats you in your back and you smile thanking him for the kind words, and do a mini dance when he's not looking but Lisa has been watching the whole interaction and chuckles making you hide your face and look everywhere but her and that makes her laugh again.
What a way to woo your crush.
You're again seated with Lisa at the back as you guys head to drop Lisa at the dorm. This time, Lisa makes small talks with you about her 5 cats. Leo, Luca, Louis, Lily and Lego and you can't stop smiling as she talks about her cats with so much love and adoration. "What about you Y/N, do you have pets?" You nod filling her in about your P/N and how he/she likes doing their favorite pass time. (P/N - PET NAME)
By the time you've finished telling her this one story, you've arrived at the dorm. You feel sad because you were genuinely having fun, though you don't let it show. You get out, waiting to take Lisa by the hand but she just pouts. "Carry me Y/N, my ankle hurts with all the walking I did from the hospital." The manager looks at you with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry to have you do this, but please help us Miss L/N." You see Lisa from the corner of your eye winking at you, and you swear you would have exposed her but then you don't want to be rude infront of your superior so you crouch down, while Lisa hops onto you with a smile. The manager opens the door for you, and waits outside. You walk in with Lisa in your back while she mumbles a genuine thank you and so you hum letting her know it's alright and you're not mad. As you enter the dorm, you spot the other members by the living room, sitting on the couch munching on food. Jennie is the first to spot you and Lisa, and she gets up walking to you, gathering the attention of the other two idols.
"Lisa! What happened? How can you be so careless?" Jennie turns into full mom mode when she notices Lisa's wrapped up ankle. And you try to suppress your laughter finding it cute. Lisa however notices you trying to laugh so she pinches your cheeks, making you whine. Jisoo swats away Lisa's hands from your cheeks, and offers you a smile while you mouth her a thanks. Rosé arranges the cushions for Lisa as you lie her down on the couch.
The girls thank you on behalf of Lisa while you bow and say it's alright. You get ready to leave, but Lisa calls you. "Y/N aren't you forgetting something?" You look back at her and snap your fingers realizing you should tell her the remedy. "Ah yeah, you have to put ice on your ankle within 2-3hr intervals so as to ensure that the swelling doesn't increase." Lisa shakes her head at your obliviousness and takes out her phone, flexing it in front of your face. "You forgot to give me your number. You promised to show me pictures of your P/N." You look at her incredulously while the other members just laugh and make their way to the kitchen to give you both some privacy. You contemplate whether it's professional of you to hand her your number, no it isn't. But the puppy eyes she shoots you makes it harder for you to decline and you hesitantly hand her your phone. She punches her number in, saving it with various emojis.
You laugh at her choice. She sends a quick text from your phone to herself and saves your number with God knows how many emojis.
Finally, you get up to leave before she pulls you by your hand and kisses your cheeks leaving you flustered. "Uhm I-- You- I- must leave. M-My superior's wait-waiting bye!" You run off, almost stumbling into a wall.
You're falling for her and there's no denying.
The next day, dispatch and various news channels reveal photos of you carrying Lisa from the building to the van. Some fans share their worries about their favorite idol while some joke about the picture being from a movie scene. Both Knetizens and Fans are curious about the mysterious person, setting the news to trending. You go through a few other articles, until one of them catches your eyes.
By the time you've finished reading, you get a message from Lisa.
Thank you my white knight, hope to have your exclusive services limited only for myself. Meet me soon <3 Would love to know more about you 🙈
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bbywonu · 4 years
secret santa. jaehyun.
a/n: just a little fluff for christmas <3 hope everyone has a safe and awesome holiday break ! 
requested: no <3
summary: jaehyun and y/n have a little crush on one another, but both are too oblivious to notice it, that is until he becomes her secret santa.
word count: 1.4k
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“He’s going to hate it. I love it!” Hye-Jin said from beside me as she held up a “World’s Best Dad” mug. Two weeks ago we were told to pick names out of a cup to play Secret Santa. Fortunately, I got an easy pick, seeing as I already knew what the person wanted. Unfortunately for Hye-Jin, she got her ex-boyfriend Suk, who had just previously broken up with her the day before. 
“Hye-Jin! You can’t give him that! He’s going to know it’s you! Plus, he’s going to actually think he’s a dad.” I shook my head as I chuckled in disbelief. Sometimes she really made me question her, but there is nothing that I would change about her.
“Oh, come on! It will be hilarious. Besides, he was the one who had the audacity to break up with me, as if he was the one who had just gotten cheated on!” She scoffed as she stuffed her Secret Santa gift back in the bag. 
I just laughed as I cocked my head to the side. On one side, he would probably be sweating pins and needles if he even for a quick second thought that he could possibly be a dad. As for the other side, I kind of liked the cruel gift that Hye-Jin had bought, as he was an awful person and an even worse boyfriend.
“Hello? Earth to Y/n. Are you in there? I bet you were thinking about Jaehyun again.” She gave me a smirk as she winked at me. She knew that I had had a small little school girl crush on Jaehyun, and that she always bugged me to do something about it. To be fair, I just didn’t think that it was worth it to confess my feelings to him. We had talked more than a few times, maybe even earning the title of friends, but I always felt that if I confessed to him then I would get rejected, so I refrained from doing so.
“No, Hye-Jin. You, more than anybody, should know that that ship has sailed.” I looked up at her only to be met with her rolling her eyes at my statement. 
“Oh, come on Y/n, I bet both of you are going to kiss on New Years, just wait!” She shot me a mischievous grin. I rolled my eyes back at her in response as she stuck out her tongue. 
 “Anyways, I’ve got to get home. My mom is coming over for dinner tonight.” She said as she began to pack up her work space. 
We said our goodbyes as I decided it was probably time for me to head out as well. Once I had packed up all of my belongings, I began walking down the cold corridor, making sure not to bump into anyone on the way out. My plan turning sour when a body suddenly collided into my right side, knocking me back a few steps.
“Sorry! I’m so sorry Y/n. I just didn’t realize how fast I was going.” A breathless Jaehyun stood in front of me, with his arms intertwining mine, in an effort to help me from falling. We stayed like this for a few moments more before I realized that there were people staring at us. 
“Uhm.” I said as I looked around and then to the ground, trying to find anywhere but him to look, as I was feeling quite awkward. There had always been awkward moments when we would talk but they usually wouldn’t last very long, thankfully none as bad as this. 
“Oh, right. I just saw you leaving and I remembered that I had to give you your Secret Santa gift.” He said as he rubbed the back of his neck looking at me.
I gave him a lopsided smile as I looked at him curiously. In this moment, he looked like an adorable little puppy. I found myself giving him a small smile before realizing what he had said.
“Wait, what?” I said as I let out a laugh. “Do you know how Secret Santa works?” 
“Well, n-no. Not-not really.” He blushed as he gave me a small smile. I let out a laugh seeing as he had just ruined the surprise factor of the game, which I didn’t mind. I was glad that he was my Secret Santa, but I was more curious to see what he had gotten me.
“You’re not supposed to tell me silly.” I grinned at him as I ruffled his hair for added effect, making him let out a low chuckle as he mumbled an apology. I looked down at the wrapped gift that was in my hands. I began to tear at the gift wrap before being stopped by him.
“Wait! Don’t open it here!” He said as he held both of his hands out signaling for me to stop. He looked slightly in a panic as his face turned a shade darker. “Just trust me, I think that it will be more meaningful if you open it at home.” He shifted on his feet as he started acting more nervous.
I gave him a sideways glance at his sudden odd behavior, but agreed to only open it when I arrived at my apartment. Though, I have to say that this was the first time I had ever seen him this way before. It was kind of strange to see him in this kind of light, though he still looked as handsome as ever.
When I got home, I immediately went to my bedroom as I put the box anxiously down in front of me. The whole way home I was pondering ideas of what had made Jaehyun so nervous to give me the gift he had so desperately wanted to give me. Maybe he didn’t think that I would like his gift? I crossed that off of my list, since he should know me pretty well by now.
I began to tear the paper without a second thought, excited at the thought of Jaehyun’s gift to me. As I ripped off the paper, a small card fell out as it revealed a slender black box behind it. I picked up the card as I opened the box. I gasped as it revealed an elegant silver heart-shaped locket inside. I glanced over the locket once more as I quickly opened the card.
I remember the first time you started working here. You had this special glow about you, one that I couldn’t really put my finger on. I knew that I had to get to know you as soon as the staff introduced you. It took me two months to even get the courage to talk to you. As soon as I started talking to you, I regretted that I hadn’t talked to you sooner. 
I remember the first time we talked. I know I didn’t show it, but I was nervous to talk to you. You were and still are the prettiest person I have ever seen. I knew I fell for you when your eyes shined when you smiled. I knew I fell for you by how kind you are to everyone around you. I knew I fell for you when you made me stumble on my words even after we had already met. I won’t admit it, but I probably fell for you the first time I ever laid my eyes upon you.
I remember the first time I ever saw you upset. You had just had a bad day at work and to make it worse, you had spilled coffee on yourself. It hurt me inside knowing that you weren’t having the day that you deserved. I had given you my sweatshirt to help cover it up, and even when you were pouting you were still such an angel. 
I remember when you told me how much you loved your family. You told me that your grandma had given you a locket before she had passed, and how you were devastated that you had misplaced it. I could see the sadness in your eyes and I felt that little ping in my chest again. I had always planned on buying you this locket, but the Secret Santa was just an added bonus.
Y/n, I know this is forward, but would you like to get hot chocolate sometime?
- Jaehyun
I looked up as a tear sat in the corner of my eye. No one had ever written me anything as meaningful as this. I was in shock as I held the locket in my hands, scanning over the letter again. All this time I had thought that my feelings for him were one-sided. I knew what I had to do as I picked up my phone and sent a text to Jaehyun.
“I could really use a hot chocolate right about now :)”
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sweetestlamb · 3 years
No Tears Left To Cry
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Summary: The hormones rage on as our favorite angsty couple tries to navigate this new layer of their relationship. 
Author's note: It’s been a while but there hasn’t been a day I haven’t thought of these twos and their mishaps. Summer break is getting closer for me and I truly want to continue this story for as long as possible, into their college years and adulthood and maybe even babies and all that jazz. Anyway thank you soooo much for my fighters in that sacred chat who give me nothing but positive energy and support, but special thanks to @serxeins​ who is always the first to comment and shower me with support. It means a lot, I can’t believe people are still reading this honestly, it feels like True Beauty ended forever ago but y’all are still here rocking with me. Now, without further ado I give you Junjin in lust and pain. 
"You're in a good mood today." He tries very hard to stop the spread of the smile on his face from growing wider but it's futile completely useless, as soon as that pretty smile and those hypnotic eyes flash in his mind he's a goner. Love drunk on the mere memory of Sujin. Her lips on his own still swimming in his thoughts and shoving all other inklings to the side, there is nothing but her and her body pressed tightly against his as they devour each other. It was messy and uncoordinated but it was without a doubt the best kiss he had ever received.
He was probably her first and he can’t stop the pride that surges at that thought. 
I’ll be the first and the last. 
"I had a good day." He answers the new worker simply sharing none of the thoughts flooding his head, the owner of the café had finally given in and hired someone to replace Jukyeong after she had quit to pursue makeup full time. It was weird to have someone new there, but at the same time he was extremely proud of her for going after what she wanted. It was about time, he was tired of catching her watching videos on YouTube in the break room and even more tired of her trying to practice the perfect cat eye winged liner on him. Her cries of his eyes being the perfect shape falling on deaf ears. There was no way he was allowing that, he still had a reputation to uphold. 
"Girlfriend?" He glances over at the younger boy, they had spoken cordially here and there since he started working here but this was deeper than they had ever gone and he wasn't sure if he was ready to share that much with someone he barely knew. Knew firsthand how damaging gossip could be. 
This is between him and Sujin and nobody else.
And this thought makes him start to think critically about their relationship- how complicated and confusing it is and then he realizes with terrifying clarity that he's never officially asked her out. He's hers and he desperately wants her to be his, but beyond the kiss there has been nothing concrete, no words to turn this dream into a reality.
Will you go out with me?
Do people still ask that question or is that considered old fashioned? Does their kiss mean that they're together now? He has no idea how to bring this topic up without painfully embarrassing himself in front of Sujin and it takes a long minute for him to shake from his reprieve and notice that Dosan is still waiting for his reply.
"There's someone special." He leaves it at that and gratefully the other boy doesn't pry, humming as if he understands and cheerfully greeting a customer leaving him to zone out before he hears a familiar voice, a sneer turns the corner of his lip down completely eradicating the smile that was once there.
"I don't need coffee. I'm here to talk to him."
Without pause he tugs the apron over his head, shaking his hair back into place before folding the thick cotton and shoving it in a cubby.
He nods to Dosan briskly, "I'm taking lunch I'll be back in 20," the other boy watches him with wide curious eyes but nods in reply and he walks out of the café certain that he's being followed. He walks further turning a corner until the café is no longer in sight, then he spins around and his teeth clench from the greasy smirk he sees on that scumbag's face.
He shoves his fists in his pocket to prevent himself from driving them into that smeary face.
"You don't look happy to see me. That hurts." Baekyung tuts mockingly, his smile growing wider until he’s looking almost overjoyed and he has to hold on the thin reigns of his control.
"Why are you here?" He has an idea but he wants to confirm his suspicions, Sujin's rejection and another failed attempt to push him away fresh in his mind. The sting still bruising his heart.
"To see this. Your face after losing the thing you want most. It was only a matter of time, she's min-"
He feels when it snaps and he's brutally shoving the other boy into a wall in the alley, his arm tight across the other boys chest. 
That was what he used to refer to Sujin, as she was just a toy for them to fight over and it makes him reel with pure unaltered hatred for the boy in front of him. 
After recovering from having the wind knocked out of him, Baekyung is all smiles again. He desperately wants to knock it off his face. 
"Are you going to hit me?" There it is. The tone of the other boy's voice sends a chill down his back. It's enough to force him to let go, retreating far from the other boy. Baekyung sounds elated at the prospect, even rising his chin in a move that's too eager and accepting. He stares at the other boy in unbridled shock finally understanding what's going on.
He had suspected all along, that there was more to the other boy’s story. 
His unexplained anger, his entitlement and almost obsessively claim on Sujin. All the times he claimed that Seojun would never understand them, the puzzle unblurs and he knows what he’s looking at now. It looked like a monster, acted like one and hurt others like one, but he can finally see clearly now. The other boy was just another victim, who had decided to hurt others instead of hurt himself. It makes the anger inside him simmer away into a vapid nothingness. 
"You want me to hit you. That's why you're here." The smile finally slides off Baekyung's face, but he doesn't stop there raising his voice, "You feel bad don't you? Sujin's she's different from you and you hated that. She's ready to fight and it makes you sick because you're not that strong. You wanted her to stay complacent because it would make you feel better. She told me everything. Your words did nothing but bring us closer, she trusts me and knows she's not alone. Ever. I'm not going to hit you. This is what you deserve, I won't give you an easy way out."
The taller boy flinches at his carefully chosen words, and he nods in confirmation knowing everything he said was true.
He starts to walk away. This isn't worth his time, he already knows where Sujin wants to be and has seen that she's willing to fight for what she wants. This is beneath their bond, what they have is stronger than all obstacles they might encounter.
He's unprepared for the loud cracking cry behind him, it momentarily stops him in his tracks.
"You'll never understand! You're not like us at all you have everything, your life is perfect! You'll never understand Sujin like I do! You have a mom that loves you. What do we have?"
He can't help the rush of sympathy that swells up at the other boy's inadvertent confession. Sujin hadn't told him that, not so plainly but he had figured it out on his own. Noting all the different things the other teen had cried that he would never understand Sujin.
It's another reason why he was unable to strike the other boy. He couldn't bring himself to be anything like those cowards who bullied and tormented others.
He turns back with a sigh, "I know I'll never understand Sujin completely, I don't need that she is her own person. But have you ever asked yourself why you're trying so hard to keep her caged when you know exactly what she's going through? Why does her wanting more make you so angry? Do you even care about her happiness or do you just want someone to suffer with?"
Cold droplets drop on his forehead and by the time he's peering up a heavy sheet of rain is pouring down on them without any warning.
When he looks back Baekyung's face is wet. He chooses to believe it's from the rain but the agony on his face makes it hard to pretend. It feels wrong to be witnessing this, so without another word he turns around, walking away for good.
The café is empty when he gets back but he's not surprised, they only get a few regulars on a good day and rain is known to keep people inside.
Dosan doesn't ask any prying questions but he does shoot him a inquisitive look, he pretends not to see him once again not in the mood to bare his inner thoughts to a stranger.
Instead it drives him to do something stupid.
He sends it before he can second guess himself and then hides his phone from himself and gets back to work, wiping down takes no one will use and wondering what Sujin of doing right now and if she'll smile that cute shy smile when she gets his message.
I miss you babe.
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"Mom! I'm home!" Gowoon yells out tugging her wet boots off and tumbling into her house, the smell of bean paste stew wafting through the air and making her stomach grumble in anticipation.
She makes a beeline for the kitchen, looking left and right before sneakily getting a spoon and quietly opening the steaming pot. But just as she's about to bring the spoon to her eagerly waiting lips she hears a voice, "No wonder your mom told me to watch the soup."
She almost jumps before turning around to see who is behind her.
"Unnie!" She cries flying across the kitchen to hug the other girl, smiling when her embrace is readily accepted. She only remembers after that she's wet afterwards and pulls away with apologies on her tongue, but Sujin waves them off smiling gently at her.
Sujin-unnie is so pretty, breathtakingly so. There are countless boys who like her but she never sees the girl around any of her admirers, seemingly oblivious to all the attention she's garnering. She would be jealous of the other girl's effortless beauty if she wasn't beautiful inside too. Always willing to stand up for someone and fearlessly charging into danger to protect those she seemed worthy. For some reason she was lucky enough to be on that list of people although she was a nobody. It still feels surreal that she's allowed to call the other girl by such a familiar name.
"Gowoon ah? You look a million miles away, what are you thinking about?"
Without hesitation she responds honestly, "How beautiful you are."
It's the first time she's ever seen Sujin blush and it's so cute she can't contain her squeal, smiling brightly at the older girl.
"Unnie, what are you doing here though?"
Sujin looks like a deer caught in the headlights at her innocuous question and immediately she regrets it but it's her mother's voice that answers her question in the end.
"I dragged her here after finding her in the rain. Bean paste stew tastes better when you eat it with a lot of people. Enough questions now, go wash up so we can all eat when your brother gets home." It's only then that she realizes that Sujin is wearing one her brother's old sweaters, one from the donation box that they hadn't yet got around to delivering to the local shelter. The huge sweater is paired with her skirt from school, forming an outfit that only Kang Sujin could make fashionable. 
Her unnie really is the coolest. 
She nods at her mom's order, bouncing off to her bedroom to change into comfortable clothes. Minutes later when she hears the front door open, she knows that it has to be Seojun, so she races out to greet him first.
"Oppa! You're finally home!" He looks taken back by her greeting, lifting an eyebrow at her in question.
"Why are you being so nice? What do you want?"
She cries in fake offense, pouting and hitting him in the chest.
He recoils in pain screaming in a most unmanly fashion, "Hey! Watch the goods, this is what keeps the girls coming back you know."
She grimaces in disgust, sticking out her tongue ready to make a rebuttal but Seojun is no longer looking at her, eyes locked over her shoulder and his face contorting through a slideshow of emotions from shock to regret all in a blink of an eye. She looks over her shoulder in confusion, catching Sujin's eyes narrowed in an unreadable emotion before it washes away.
"Your mom said to tell you both to come eat."
She expects her brother to react similarly to her, and ask the other girl what she's doing here. That question never comes  thought instead he throws up his arms and starts stuttering out, "I-I was just joking! There are no girls, there are definitely no girls!"
"What?" She replies having no idea what's wrong with him but he's paying no attention to her now, trailing after Sujin who's walking back to the kitchen looking like she belongs here, with them.
Watching their retreating back she wonders if she's missing something.
Something huge.
With a nonchalant shrug she follows them into the kitchen, too hungry to play detective.
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She blacked out.
That's the only way she can describe it, after running out of Suho's place her mind went blank and when she resurfaced she was outside of his apartment. With no memory of going there, her body operating on autopilot.
She hadn't even realized it was raining until suddenly the drops weren't hitting her anymore.
"You're getting wet. Come inside dear."
It was Seojun's mom. 
Instantly her body was warmed at the voice and once again her body was moving without her permission, up the elevator, through the door, into a change of clothes and now sitting at the table and eating dinner with them. 
She's too numb to feel the full brunt of her embarrassment.
So she slurps at the delicious soup instead, not ready to face the swirling whirlpool of her emotions at least not yet. 
His eyes are heavy on her skin, had been since he followed her into the room. Her annoyance at his earlier statement had already faded away, it was hard to be jealous of some imaginary girls when she was the one here in his sweater eating with his family, with his eyes burning through her skin.
With the memory of his text message making her insides squirm. 
Another nickname and she had none for him, was too awkward to get the affectionate names to even wrap around her tongue. What would she even sound like calling him baby or honey? She was too embarrassed to find out so she hadn’t replied, just took the butterflies that fluttered in her belly at his brazen message. 
Then more memories assault her. 
It was only hours ago that they were outside tangled and panting against the wall, his hands hot on her waist and her neck, his tongue hot in her mouth. 
Stop it.
She screams at herself, scared of her own thoughts. The shock and anger of seeing her mother hasn't worn off, not the slightest. But seeing him lights a different flame and she has no clue how to deal with the warring emotions in her body.
So she drinks more soup.
Absently listening to their conversation, it's sweet and domestic and makes her ache like there's a gaping hole in her chest.
"Do you like the soup?"
She waits for someone to answer, but it's silent and only then does she lift her head and realize that the inquiry was directed at her.
She always forgot that she was allowed to be a part of this. She wasn't just an outsider looking in.
"It's delicious." She answers, voice small. 
The older woman smiles appreciatively at her before turning to her daughter and she's off the hook, or so she thinks but then she feels a hand on her naked leg and it's only years of repressing herself that stop her from jumping out of her chair.
"What are you doing?" She hisses at him, too quiet to be overhead and continuing to eat to dissuade further suspicion.
"You were trembling. I wanted to warm you up." He whispers back just as discreetly and her whole body heats up at his words, wordless at his bold declaration.
She has no reply. Nothing besides beating fire with fire.
Finding courage she wasn't aware she had, she places her own hand on his thigh higher than he dared to explore. Preening when he actually does jump and pushes away from the table, admitting defeat earlier than she had expected.
She had barely even touched him, why was he so jumpy? 
Both his mother and sister look at him with large eyes and she has to stifle a giggle when he lies about forgetting to do his homework and disappears into his room.
She sips innocently at her soup. Enjoying the warmth and the savory broth.
Before she knows it, the meal is done and Gowoon is traipsing to the living room most likely to watch whatever drama has captured her attention this time.
"It's time for The Noona Next Door Who Buys Me Grilled Steak!” The girl answers her accidentally happily skipping off. 
She doesn't follow the other girl, shaking her head at yet another ridiculously specific title that tells her everything she needs to know about the show.
Wordlessly she starts to clean up the table, but almost instantly a small hand halts her action.
"Don't worry about that dear, you're the guest. Junnie will take care of that when he's done ‘doing his homework.’ " She says the last part with air quotes and she tries her hardest not to react, but a bubble of laughter escapes.
The older woman smiles easily back, suddenly looking tired and reminding her that the woman was just in a hospital bed only weeks ago. Feeling selfish she implores, "Are you feeling better now?"
"I'm doing great. Thank you for asking, you don't need to worry about me."
It's already too late, she can't turn off the worrying she has for this entire family.
"I'm happy you're okay." She stills at the warm hand on her cold fingers and suddenly the day comes crushing back.
She feels exhausted.
And she has nowhere to go.
"Of course you'll stay here. It's a storm outside. You'll stay in Seojun's room."
She freezes at the offer, had she said those words out loud? She hadn't meant to.
Then she crystallizes further at the scandalous offer, heat rising under her collar until she's certain that her face is as red as a tomato.
Stay in Seojun's room.
The war rages on and suddenly images of them on his bed fill her head and she can feel his pillow beneath her head as he peers down at her, bracketing her in and slowly leaning down to kiss her, pushing his tongue into her--
"And he will sleep here on the couch."
She feels as if she's going to burst from the torrential emotional hurricane ravaging her body and instead of declining she feels her head nodding in agreement.
I'm such an idiot.
The apartment is eerily quiet, Gowoon had hugged her good night easily accepting that she was sleeping over, and then her mother had patted her on the back making her eyes water when she pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. She'd barely heard the goodnight that followed.
She doesn't know what to do now. Seojun never came back after their moment at the table, she has no clue what that means and if she should be worried. Had she done something wrong? 
Leaning down onto to couch she rolls herself into a ball, tugging off the throw that hung over the back of the couch and using it to cover her, thankful that it’s big enough to sufficiently cover her body.
Fatigue finds her as soon as her head hits the cushion and this is the reason that she misses the creaking of a door opening and soft footsteps crossing the room. She almost jumps out of her skin when she feels a sudden weight on the couch right beside her feet.
"Are you staying over?" Her skin pebbles at the deep timber of his voice, the lowing sound cutting through the splatter of rain landing on the window outside.
"I can't go back to Suho's." Her mother's pathetic face stains her eyelids and force her to open her eyes. She isn't expecting him to be so close, sitting on the floor with his face right beside her own.
She wants to kiss him.
The idea is so immediate that she doesn't even know how to deal with it.
So she just decides to accept it. She needs a distraction, an escape from her reality. 
She starts to lean forward, eyes locked on his lips inching closer and closer and when they're only centimeters apart she closes her eyes again.
Expecting to feel electricity shooting up and down her body. To feel the current when his lips touch hers and everything in the universe finally makes sense. 
But she feels nothing. Just air. Peeling her eyes open, this time she's eye level with his knee and before she can ask him what he's doing, beg him to kiss her until her mind shuts off he's bending over, slipping his hands under her body and lifting. She's too stunned to do anything but let herself be lifted and then carried, her arms instinctively curling around his neck.
His beautiful tempting neck that's dangerously close.
She presses one hot kiss against it, inhaling deeply when he groans at the peck.
"Stop." He sounds breathless and she's tempted to do it again but she reigns herself in, feeling weightless in his strong arms as he carries her to his room, the door clicking resolutely behind them.
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He hadn't meant to stay in his room for that long. Her touching him back took him to their kiss in the hallway and if he stayed any longer everybody would know that he was having impure thoughts, thus he had run like a dog with it’s tail between its legs. Once alone he'd taken a cold shower but it did nothing to stop his thoughts, images of her in his sweater and her hand on his thigh gripping him as he stood naked under the onslaught on the water pouring from the shower head.
The urge coiling in his blood. An urge he had been finding it harder and harder to resist lately. 
He wanted to. So damn badly it made his head spin but he couldn't, not with her right outside.
There was no way he would be able to look her in the eyes after doing that so close to her, so he forced himself to only shower ignoring his bodily desires..
But after the shower he'd been too scared to go back out. He didn't have control of himself yet, it was too soon. Everything she did egged him on and fueled his fantasies so he decided to stay hidden, she would be gone soon enough. She had never slept over before.
Then Suho's messages shocked him into action.
Is Sujin with you?
Is she okay?
Tell her I'm sorry. I didn't think she would react that way. It's my fault. I wasn't thinking.
He didn't bother to text back instead calling the other boy to hear exactly what he'd done and what he was sorry for.
Suho was as frantic as he'd ever heard him but eventually he got the truth out of him and suddenly he felt like the biggest piece of shit on the planet. While he'd been perving on her and hiding away like a coward she'd been suffering all night and he had no idea.
He didn't even deserve to be her boyfriend.
So he goes to her and he knows what she's trying to do when she tries to kiss him and he's so tempted to just let her, maybe they both need this...
But in the end he stands up, he can't let his hormones take control. This isn't what she needs, and he refuses to be a distraction, not now when he knows he wants to be her everything.
Carrying her to his bedroom is a spur of the moment decision and he expects more of a fight, it's Sujin after all. But he's shocked when she folds into him like she's starved for his touch and is further flabbergasted when she presses a mind numbing kiss to his throat.
It takes Herculean strength to tell her to stop when his body especially one particular organ is screaming, go go go.
He eases her down onto his bed and groans because he knows he'll never get that torturous image of of his mind. Her hair spills across his pillow and he wants desperately to bury his face in it and breathe her in,  he draws away before he succumbs and does just that.
"Kiss me."
She looks like sin, squirming on his sheets in his sweater her bare legs peeking out from the short skirt and he retreats quickly, but not fast enough because she's latching onto his shoulders and dragging him back to her. He tries to fight it but she's so strong and he can feel his own strength melting under her seductive stare. She tugs him down powerfully and he feels his arms collapsing but at the last moment he juts his head to the side, her lips landing on his cheeks instead.
She lets out a long suffering and impatient sigh before hissing out, "Why won't you kiss me? Why are you fighting this?"
He can detect the frustration in her voice but deeper down he can hear her fear too, the fear that he doesn't want her. Irrational and stupid. He twists out of her hold, laying beside her eyes pinned to the side of her face.
"Because I know this isn't about me. Or us. I want you. So badly. All the time."
She blushes prettily. He wants to taste it. 
"Then why are you--"
"But not like this. Not when you're hurting and you just want a distraction. You know how I feel about you. Don't use that as a weapon against me okay?"
With a gasp she's turning to face him, he hides nothing and he watches as the frustration that was once there fades away and only hurt is left in its abandon.
When she opens her mouth and he can see the apologies in her eyes, he places a single digit against her lips.
"Don't say sorry. If you want to apologize let me hold you." 
She stares at him like she's never seen him before, eyes wide and moist and for the first time he doesn't wait for her consent. He can't stand that lonely devastated look on her face, not when she's not alone because he will always be here beside her if she needs him. 
Gentle as the wind, he wraps his arms around her pushing himself into her in lieu of dragging her to him.
I'm yours.
The move says and he hopes she can hear it too.
He starts to pat her back and lightly stroke her head, pressing his neck into her face and wrapping an arm around her waist and that's all it takes for her to start shaking in his arms. There are no tears but he can feel her sorrow in every harrowing inhale and exhale, in her fingers tightly gripping his night shirt. He rocks them back and forth, wishing he could drain all the pain from her body and absorb it into his own.
"Why can't she just disappear? Why appear in front of me when I've accepted that I don't have a mother. I have no one, I'm an orphan." Her voice is crushed ice and he wants to kiss her all over and tell her that she has him, will always have him and he loves her, loves her much that it frightens him because he's never loved anyone this much except his mother and sister but he doesn't say any of this. He can't.
This isn't about him. Or them.
This is about a girl who needs a mother and doesn't know if she'll ever have one.
He can't fix this and he won't try.
He simply holds her tight and lets her grieve.
Holding her until she falls asleep in his arms, her head on his chest. So close to that heart that already belongs to her. That is beating for her. 
That is broken for her. 
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oopsiedoopsie23 · 4 years
Not another rich girl | Ander Muñoz x reader
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A/N: I’m actually motivated to write 2 imagines back to back? Who the fuck am I? Anyways, I know that this request included smut but I tried and it was just super cringe to me so I had to scratch that, but I hope that this imagine is still good! Oh and this is a long one bitches, so happy reading!
Request: hi! i love your writing! could u possibly write something smut with ander (being straight) ? like he goes out one night just to find a girl to have sex with, and the meets the reader and have sex with her and on the next day he finds out she’s the new girl frim his school. and the like fall in love and something like that
Warnings: mentions of sex, alcohol, swearing
Clutching both you and your friend’s drinks in both hands while also trying to keep your favourite clutch from falling onto the floor was not as easy as you thought it would be, not to mention with the crowds of people around you dancing and sucking each other’s faces off.
You gasp when someone bumps into you causing you to stumble, but before you could face plant in the middle of the dance floor, you feel a pair of hands catch you.
“Holy fuck!”
You hear a low voice chuckle, “I just saved your life.”
“Yeah thanks, I think my friend would have killed me if I showed up without their drink.”
You hear him chuckle once again and it literally sounds like music to your ears.
The two of you stand there for a moment in the middle of the dance floor, looking at one another before he awkwardly sticks his hand out for you to shake, 
you smile, before awkwardly motioning to the drinks still in your hands, “I would shake your hand but mine seem to be a bit full.”
You giggle as his cheeks redden at the realization.
“Here,” you take one of the drinks in your hands and place it in his outstretched one, “now, I can shake your hand.”
He smirks and shakes his head, almost in disbelief, but still shakes your hand,
“Beautiful and smart, I like that.”
“Hot and cocky, not sure if I like that.” you smirk, 
“Would it change if I help you carry these drinks so your friend won’t kill you?”
You pretend to seriously think about the option even though you both knew that there was no way you would turn down his offer, “I’d reconsider it.”
Ander sarcastically rolls his eyes and lets you lead him through the crowded dance floor to a small table in the corner of the room where another girl impatiently sits, with her phone in her hands.
“Y/N c’mon that took you li-” You roll your eyes knowing what’s about to happen, 
“Oh sorry, I didn’t realize that Y/N would bring something else back besides our drinks.”
You scoff and give Ander an apologetic look, “Y/F/N, chillax, he saved me from falling on my ass and helped me bring the drinks back.”
You practically forced the drink into their hands to stop them from saying anything else before turning to Ander once again, “Sorry, they’re a little drunk.”
He gives a sheepish smile, “Nah, don’t worry about it, I’m sure my friends wouldn’t have been much better if I showed up with you carrying our drinks to our table, too.”
Your eyes widened at the revelation, “Holy shit you’re here with people? Sorry, they must be worried about where you are!”
Ander gives another chuckle that makes your heart flutter, “Nah don’t worry about it, we come here often enough for me to know that they’re probably sucking each other’s faces off by now.”
Your face scrunches up into a face of pure disgust making Ander chuckle once again, “Only single one in the group?”
“Is that your way of asking me if I’m single?”
“Don’t flatter yourself pretty boy.”
“So you think I’m pretty?”
“I think you’re a boy.”
“Can you two find a bathroom to hook up in, already? The sexual tension between you two is killing me.”
The two of you turn to look at your friend, now with an empty glass in their hand, cheeks tinted red, drunkenly laughing at your facial expressions,
You’re about to give them another rhetorical response when they abruptly stand and walk past you, muttering about getting another drink. 
“A bitch when drunk? Yes, yes they are.”
The two of you sit down at the now empty table, and the both of you fall into a comfortable silence as you look around the club, watching various drunk teens stumble around.
You’re entertained watching a group of teens around your age on the balcony, drunkenly laughing and grinding on one another when Ander drags you out of your thoughts, 
“And that, is why I’m here with you.”
“Those drunken bastards back there,” Ander points back to the group of friends that you were watching, “Are my friends.”
You burst out laughing much to Ander’s amusement,
“Sorry, it’s just that...they seem to be on a whole other level of drunk compared to everyone else in here.” You lift your arm, motioning to the others in the club to prove your point, 
“No, I get it, like, don’t get me wrong, I’m down for getting drunk, but...”
“You don’t want to be grinding and making out with all of them.”
“That, and I’m the only single one in the group.”
“Ha! I knew it!”
“Yeah, yeah, doesn’t really help that they’re all dating each other too.”
Your faces scrunches up again, making Ander burst out laughing, 
“C’mon then pretty boy, let’s go take shots to take your mind off of your horny friends.” You stand up and take his hand, dragging him out of his seat, 
“You must really like my looks, don’t you?”
“Because of that, you’re paying.”
After an hour of shots and bottles of champagne (you didn’t bother questioning Ander’s strange mix of alcohol), you and Ander were left laughing and stumbling through the streets after sending your friend home in a taxi. 
Ander led you through streets and alleyways until the two of you were standing at a lookout point, at the edge of town,
The two of you stand there for a moment in silence, hand in hand, looking at the view, until you break the silence, 
“If we spent this whole night flirting just for you to kill me, I’ll be super pissed.”
Ander chuckles for what feels like the hundredth time that night, making the butterflies in your stomach flutter, 
“How would you even be pissed at me if you’re dead?”
“I have my ways.”
Another comfortable silence engulfed the two of you before you broke it once again, 
“I wish this moment lasted forever.”
“Well it would if you could keep quiet for more than 30 seconds.”
You pout causing a wide smile to spread on Ander’s face while he pinches your cheeks. 
“Anyways, tell me why you want this moment to last forever.”
You sigh, turning away from the boy to face the beautiful view, 
“My dad just got a huge promotion and apparently I’m not good enough for a regular public school now, so he’s sending me to some fancy, rich kid school.”
Ander smiled, wrapping his arm around you, 
“C’mon it probably won’t be that bad.”
“There’ll probably be a lot of people acting like your friends, there.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“You tell me.”
Maybe it’s the alcohol still coursing throughout both of your veins, or the butterflies still fluttering in your stomach but the next thing you know, Ander’s lips are on yours, your hands are on his face, tracing his jawline and his hands are drawing circles on your hips. 
The two of you move in sync, hands travelling down the others’ body, trying to get as much as you could of the other before either of you could change your minds. 
Ander slowly pulls back, letting you both catch your breath before silently leading you down a set of stairs to an abandoned couch.
“This totally isn’t sketchy at all.”
Ander turns to you, eyes sparkling, “Do you trust me?”
You smile and close the gap between the two of you once again, letting your lips connect, “Of course I do.”
You wake up to the sound of birds chirping and a bright light shining on your face, at first you just groaned and rolled over but when you bumped into a hard chest, your eyes widened in realization and you had to cover your mouth quickly to stop yourself from screaming. 
You sit up and quickly scramble for your phone, sighing in relief when you find it on the ground with your abandoned clutch and heels. Turning it on, you gasp when you see the time, 5:00 am. 
You had exactly 3 hours to find a cab, explain to your parents why you were still in your dress from the night before, sit through their boring lecture about being responsible, change into your new uniform, and run out the door. 
You sigh and pick up your shoes, making sure you had all of your things before a new realization dawned on you...Ander.
Sweet, charming, Ander, who was still sleeping peacefully on the couch, oblivious to your leaving. 
You walk over to him, running a hand through your hair before giving him a gentle kiss on his forehead. 
May we meet again, sweet Ander.
Giving the sleeping boy one last look, you turn around, and walk away. 
Ander grumbled as he walked into the full classroom. 
“Did someone not get enough sleep last night?” 
Ander shot a smiling Guzmán a glare before sitting down at his usual table.
“I saw you with that hot girl last night.” Guzmán sang once again, wiggling his eyebrows.
Ander let out a groan, trying to ignore Guzmán’s childish gaze.
“I mean, where did you even go? Your mom called and I had to tell her that you were sleeping at my house.”
“Drop it Guzmán.” 
Guzmán‘s smile dropped as he scooted closer towards his best friend, a concerned look adorning his face upon noticing the anger and sadness laced in Ander’s voice,
“Ander, I know you’re not okay, what the fuck happened?” 
“She fucking left me, okay? She left this morning without a word.”
“I’m fine Guzmán, seriously it happens, I just- I thought that she was different.”
Before the boy could respond, the two hear the voice of Ander’s mom interrupt their conversation,
“Attention all of you, we have a new student today and I hope that you all give her a warm welcome.”
Ander groans, “Jesus Christ, not another rich girl.”
But his heart stops when a familiar pair of eyes are looking back at him, from the front of the room. 
“Now everyone, this is Y/N L/N, would you please have a seat next to Ander, over there?”
He watches in shock as you give a slight nod and smile to his mother and slowly make your way towards him.
“Hi...” you awkwardly mutter as you sit down in the empty chair beside him.
His jaw clenches but he doesn’t say a word, instead trying to ignore your pleading look and Guzmán’s confused one. 
But after about 15 minutes of silence, he couldn’t take it anymore, 
“Why did you leave without saying goodbye?” he whispers, so only you could hear,
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees you gulp and hesitantly turn towards him, 
“I didn’t know what to say...hey I got to go home and get ready for my first day at the best school in the fucking country that apparently you go to, too?”
Ander couldn’t hold back the chuckle that escaped him and gently nudged your shoulder with his, 
“Hey, now you can go to the club with the horny bastards and I.”
He laughed as you made the scrunched up face of disgust that made his heart beat ten times faster.
“Jesus Christ, do I have to?”
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
A Dash of Cream and Sugar
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Emi Fukukado, Shota Aizawa
Emi hunched over the counter, fist digging into her cheek with her lips pursed as she sourly fixated on the corner of the coffeeshop. Bent over a laptop, fingers smoothly gliding over the keyboard, the handsomest man she’d ever clapped eyes on diligently attended to his work. Onyx-black eyes lidded as they fixed on the computer screen, wavy brown-black hair tied in a loose bun behind his head, and a white dress shirt clinging to his lean but muscular frame, local prosecutor Shota Aizawa sure was a mouthwatering sight— and a frequent one. The man practically lived on coffee, and thus was a regular figure in the mom-and-pop coffee shop where Emi worked as a barista. 
He’s so attractive that it’s a crime, she moped, slumping further into the counter as her longing mounted. She released a dreamy sigh, hearts practically beating in her eyes while she watched him take a languid sip of his black coffee. How can he walk around looking that fine when he’s a prosecutor? Talk about hypocritical! She giggled at her own joke, drawing the attention of her coworker Yu. 
“Ahhh, daydreaming about life with our local sleep-deprived filthy rich prosecutor, are we, Emi?” the blonde woman crooned as she bopped Emi atop the head with an empty coffee cup. The other woman frowned and rubbed the top of her hair, turning to look at her friend with pursed lips. 
“Not so loud!” 
“Relax. The only one who’s unaware of your affections is the object of your affections,” Yu teased. Emi puffed out her cheeks angrily, but said nothing, because she was right. Despite Emi’s most valiant attempts at flirting— batting her eyelashes, fleeting touches, and even bending over the counter to give a great shot of her endowments— had failed miserably. The man was just oblivious. Stone-faced, he’d just take his coffee with a simple “thank you” and shamble off to his corner to attend to his paperwork. 
Emi was at the end of her rope. She wasn’t getting any younger, and dammit, she wanted this man. 
“What do I do, Yu?” she warbled miserably while turning to plank against Yu’s chest. The woman cooed and patted Emi’s back encouragingly, prompting the green-hand woman to seek further solace in her bosom. Buried in her pillowy chest, Emi’s words were muffled as she groaned, “I just want him to notice me…” 
“Alas, my dear Emi, men are dense sometimes,” Yu tutted and patted Emi atop her head. “However, we women must persevere to win the hearts of men, however blockheaded they may be! It’s clear we have to take drastic measures.” 
“Drastic measures?” Emi echoed, turning up her chin to peer at Yu with pursed lips and a few of her sea-green hair sticking up from her friend’s comforting caresses. 
“That’s right!” Yu asserted and clapped her hands down on Emi’s shoulders, making her jump a little. “You have to lay it on so thick that he can’t possibly think you’re doing anything but flirting. Listen carefully, dear Emi, and we’ll net your man for sure!” Emi straightened up and Yu leaned in close to whisper fervently in her ear, both their gazes flickering to the unsuspecting man sitting quietly in his corner and type-type-typing away… 
That’s how Emi found herself sauntering up to the small round table with a fresh coffee in hand, an exaggerated sashay in her hips and a pleasant smile on her freshly-glossed lips (courtesy of her savior Yu). She called cheerily to Shota, adding a delighted wave to play up the cute and endearing act, and her heart skipped a beat when his lidded black eyes slid in her direction. His eyebrows quirked up his forehead when he noticed the steaming cup of coffee in her hand, her seafoam green acrylic nails a stark contrast to the white paper cup. 
“What do we have here?” he smirked, straightening in his chair. Emi’s knees nearly turned to jelly when he stretched his arms above his head, part of his dress shirt coming untucked from the waistband of his slate gray slacks and revealing a bit of his chiseled abdominals. She wobbled in her heels, legs stumbling in front of each other, but thankfully he had his eyes closed as he popped his aching vertebrae. It gave her just enough time to stagger up to the table and catch herself with the edge— and greet him with a million-dollar smile when he cracked his eyes open. 
“You’ve been here for a while, hard at work,” she explained, setting the fresh coffee down. “I thought it was high time for a fresh cup.” 
“Much appreciated, Emi.” Her nerves sang as he used her name, just like every time; with how often he was here, he was on a first-name basis with all the baristas, especially Emi since she worked full-time to supplement her income as a part-time standup comedian. He took the cup and brought it to his lips, sampling it with a teasingly raised eyebrow. He then smiled at her, and she wanted to do a happy somersault when she saw the pleased twinkle in his onyx eyes. “Perfect. I would be disappointed if you didn’t have my order memorized.” 
“The strongest brew of the day with a dash of cream and sugar and an extra two shots of espresso, or as I like to call it, Liquid Death,” Emi joked with a waggle of her finger. “Of course I know it, since I make it almost every day.” Her heart thrummed when his smirk twitched into an amused smile. 
“And yet, it’s not on the menu.”
“The management believes that it may unnerve our normal customers,” Emi purred with a playful wink. A chuckle rumbled in his chest, throaty in deep, and she melted against the table as her knees once again melted at the devilish attractiveness of this man. I’ll die before I even get to ask him out! She thought, resisting the urge to fan her slowly-flushing face. 
“What a shame,” he tutted and took another sip. Emi watched him with an intense stare— more specifically, the writing in permanent marker on the cup he’d yet to notice, as it was currently hidden underneath his thumb. Would her and Yu’s carefully-constructed plan fall to pieces all due to unfortunate physics? Her heart pounded against his ribcage as she just watched him sip at the coffee, her brows furrowing more and more with each passing second. 
Please notice me… I’m right here! she pleaded silently, nearly reduced to tears with frustration. Her heartbeat rose in pitch with each thump, until it thundered in her ears at near-deafening intensity. 
“Emi? Emi. Emi.” 
“O-oh!” she stammered when Shota’s voice finally reached her. She jerked violently and fluttered her eyelashes as she came back to reality; it took her a few moments to register that he was holding out some bills to her and looking at her in concern. 
“You all right?” 
“H-huh! Oh, yes. I just got lost in thought!” she evaded with a light-hearted laugh. She looked down at the offered bills, then waved a hand dismissively with a smile. “Oh, don’t worry about the coffee! I used my daily free drink.” 
Shota raised an eyebrow questioningly, his hand falling a little. 
“Well, that leaves you without a drink, now doesn’t it?” 
“Bahhh, don’t sweat it!” she insisted with another fluttery wave, using her other hand to rub the back of her neck. “I don’t feel like drinking coffee today.” Shota looked unconvinced, but obediently tucked the bills back into his wallet. He picked up the coffee and sipped at it thoughtfully, once again failing to see the writing scrawled on the white surface. Emi wanted to fall over and throw a tantrum, it was so infuriating how the world hated her so!
“Still, I feel like I should repay you some way…” 
“Really, it’s not ne—” 
“If not monetary reimbursement, then perhaps a date?” 
Emi almost spit all over him with the completely flabbergasted sound that came out of her mouth. Shota actually chuckled a little at the way her mouth fell open and she just stared unresponsively, dumbstruck. 
“While you were staring off into space, I read your little love note,” he revealed, turning the coffee cup around and giving it a shake. Emi had written the poem “Roses are red, violets are blue, if it’s not too much trouble, can I go out with you? <3” in black permanent marker in the white space of the cup. “Quite original, I must say. Much more enjoyable than your phone number, though I suppose I’ll need it,” he said with a wolfish grin and a saucy wink that had Emi almost faint. 
“O-okay,” she said breathily, submitting to the urge to fan her face as a blush blazed across her face. She retrieved her trusty permanent marker and the empty coffee cup, lifting it up with trembling hands to write down her number. Her quivering hands made the numbers jerky and twitchy, but thankfully still legible. When she handed it back to Shota, he appraised it with a hum, and then set it down. 
“Thank you. What time do you get off tonight?” 
“T-tonight?” she wheezed. Though this was everything she’d ever wanted, suddenly it felt like it was all happening too fast. Somehow, she remained steadfast and squeaked out, “Ei-eight…” 
“All right then, Emi,” Shota smiled and leaned back in his chair. “I’ll see you for dinner, then. Now, you and I both should probably get back to work,” he said, motioning to the coffee bar with his chin. She looked back to see Yu struggling to man the front herself and casting desperate glances at Emi. 
“O-okay!” she said breezily, wobbling as the situation finally began to dawn on her. Still, her friend needed her, so she staggered back to her workspace to replace Yu at the register and fumble through the orders with a hazy mind. She kept thinking how much Shota’s coffee order fit him— though he seemed dark and brooding, just like pure espresso, but there was a hint of sweetness, a dash of cream and sugar, swirling within. She couldn’t wait until their date, when she could really get a taste of her new favorite brew…
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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et-lesailes · 5 years
always hungry
pairing: dad!johnny storm x reader
word count: 2399
summary: despite having a baby boy together, you and johnny don’t have the most conventional relationship.
themes: family life, fluff, romance, smut, lactation kink
taglist: @evanstush, @tanyam93, @bval-1, @wonderwinchester, @patzammit, @rohaintahquil, @deidrashouseofpain, @sammyslonglostshoe, @jadedhillon, @bohemian-barbie, @whysparker, @sebastian-i-stan, @sebabestianstan101, @lille-kattunge, @teller258316, @peach-acid, @allsortsofinterests, @xoxabs88xox, @heyiamthatbitch, @cptn-sgrogers, @heyyouwiththeassbutt, @bangtan-serendipity, @troublermalik, @beardburnsupersoldiers, @hannie-stark, @bookish-shristi, @kind-sober-fullydressed, @whores4thor, @gingerninjaprincess16, @straightforwardly,  @denisemarieangelina,  @frencchfries, @xlanawriter, @littlemoistcarrot, @pottxrwolff, @arianatheangelworld, @ifuseekamyevans, @southerngracela​, @nsfwsebbie​, @rororo06​, @savemesteeb, @raveviolet, @inactivewhore
notes: sorry for the delay guys! hope you all enjoy :) graphic creds go to @thewritingdoll​ !
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“So you guys are still… just friends.” Your best friend Madison looks at you with an arched brow, and you laugh as you take a sip of your drink. “Yup.” You affirm, and you see her exchange glances with your other friend, Leah. “Just friends… who have a baby together.” Madison states, the corner of her lips barely tugging upwards with amusement. You laugh again, making a face. “Can you stop? It just… it works for us, okay? Isn’t this better than him having left altogether and making me be a single mom? Besides, it’s more of an… open relationship kind of deal. I mean, he’s pretty sweet and lovey-dovey with me, you know? And we still sleep together. With protection.” You quickly add seeing the looks on your friends’ faces, though you can understand why they’re so skeptical and wary.
You and Johnny have never had a conventional relationship. You went from best friends to friends with benefits to admitting you had feelings for each other but also acknowledging neither of you were ready for a committed relationship. You had always been a bit too independent for your own good, and Johnny, well… he was Johnny. He was girl crazy, and he was too scared to be exclusive with only one- and you were absolutely fine with that.
And then he accidentally knocked you up. Finding out you were pregnant changed your entire life overnight. You had always wanted to be a mom, but you had never imagined it would happen like this. There was a lot of anxiety, tears, and heart-to-hearts with your best friends before you finally brought yourself to tell Johnny what had happened. At first, he was simply shocked. He told you he needed time to process, and you didn’t hear from him for about two weeks. It had been an awful time considering you were still stressing out about what to do with the pregnancy- when you assumed Johnny would simply never talk to you again, he suddenly came to your front door, telling you he was ready. He valued your friendship above anything else, and he was willing to take a part in the baby’s life if you were.
Now here you are, over a year later, proud mom to your baby boy Blaise Franklin Storm. Going through the pregnancy with Johnny by your side had its ups and downs, but it was actually quite shocking how supportive he was considering what an arrogant and sometimes juvenile playboy he could be. Now, the two of you practically act like a couple as it is, but it’s still not exclusive. Johnny’s free to do what he wants and you are as well, as long as both of you keep Blaise as priority- which isn’t difficult, considering the two of you are practically in love with him.
“An open relationship? Has he even slept with anyone recently?” Leah questions in amusement, crossing her arms. “Everytime you Snapchat or call us, Johnny’s there in the background. He’s practically attached to your hip, I’m surprised he’s not here right now.” You laugh softly, raising a brow. “Because he’s at home taking care of our son. You know, just a slightly important responsibility.” Madison scoffs, shaking her head to herself. “Are you really this blind, Y/N? This is Johnny we’re talking about. He wouldn’t have even known how to take care of a pet rock before Blaise came along, nor would he have even wanted to have one with a girl. Now he’s like, Dad of the Year. He obviously has feelings for you.” Leah immediately nods in agreement. “There’s no way he’d do something like this for just any friend of his. I see the way he looks at Blaise, and you, for that matter. He’s just lying to himself about his feelings.”
You want to brush off their ridiculous theories, but now that you think of it, he really hasn’t slept with another girl recently. Sure, he goes out partying and clubbing every now and then, but for the most part, he always comes back home to you after. Still, you shake your head as you finish your drink. “It’s fine, guys, really. I like the way our relationship is now. There’s no pressure, we’re good to each other, and we have the cutest baby in the world. Besides, both of us do better with the whole “no-strings-attached” thing, you know?” you said with a shrug, “So I want to keep it that way.”
“Um, I’m pretty sure your son is a pretty damn big string,” Madison replies, and you laugh, nudging her elbow. “You know what I meant! I mean the non-exclusive thing. Look, having a boyfriend isn’t my priority right now, and having a girlfriend isn’t his. We’re just… living. Raising a baby, having sex, you know… just… friend things.” You keep your face as straight as possible while your friends give you a look, before the three of you start cracking up. “Okay, okay, I know it’s weird.” You admit, “But I swear, it works. Just let it happen, alright?”
“Whatever you say, Y/N. As long as we get to be bridesmaids at the wedding,” Leah says with a playful smirk, and you roll your eyes. “Yeah, yeah.” You glance at the time on your phone, clucking your tongue. “Anyways, I should probably get going. Last time I came back home from dinner and drinks with you guys, I walked in on Johnny playing peekaboo with Blaise using my underwear.” Your friends laugh as you stand up and gather your things. “Bring Blaise out next time! I want to squish his chubby little cheeks!” Leah calls as you leave, and you giggle as you nod, calling back, “Will do! See ya later!”
You come home to find your toddler adorned in a complete outfit of bubble wrap and a slightly oversized helmet, sitting in the yard giggling obliviously as Johnny is constructing an entire obstacle course consisting of cardboard boxes, toddler slides, and pipes. “Johnny!” you immediately exclaim, rushing over and scooping up Blaise. “What the hell are you doing?!” Johnny blinks and frowns, standing up and coming over. “Aw c’mon babe, me and B-Man are just having a little fun. He’s gonna love it, and look, I even put him in a protective outfit and everything. He’s fiiiine!” 
Blaise looks up at you with a giggle as if in agreement and you sigh, though you can’t help but smile- he just looks so damn adorable with the helmet almost covering his eyes, his ridiculous bubble wrap outfit taking up an unnecessarily large space in your arms. “Johnny. He’s six months old. Can you please stick to normal games like peekaboo or something?” Despite your scolding words and look of exasperation, there’s still a fondness in your eyes as you glance at your partner. You know he’d never actually let Blaise come in harm’s way; you trust him entirely. Johnny grins as he wraps his arms around you from behind, kissing at your cheek all over. “Our kiddo deserves to have way more fun than that. He’s a daredevil just like his handsome daddy, I already know it.” He playfully thumps Blaise’s helmet lightly. “Isn’t that right my little mini-me?” You watch as Blaise squeals in hysterical laughter, flouncing around in your arms. You already know Johnny’s right- Blaise is proving to be a carbon cop of him more and more each day, and you’re only slightly terrified of that. 
“Okay. Anyways, I’m going to take my son inside and change him into normal clothes.” You reply, and Johnny scoffs playfully as he swats your ass on your way in. “Have it your way. You’re only going to make him grow up into a scaredy-cat.” You laugh in amusement as he follows you inside, arching an eyebrow. “I’m not sure if the two correlate, but okay.” 
After changing Blaise into a comfy sleep onesie, it’s feeding time before he most likely drifts off to sleep. Johnny stands at the doorway, watching you as you settle yourself in the rocking chair of the nursery, cradling Blaise and pulling down your shirt and bra allowing your little baby to latch onto your nipple and start feeding. His father can’t help but come closer, gazing down at his little boy with fond eyes as he reaches down to stroke his wisps of light brown hair. “Look at that babe. Gonna be as handsome as his damn father, that’s for sure.” He marvels, and you chuckle softly, your eyes filled with love as you stare at his chubby face. “Hopefully he doesn’t break as many hearts as his father does,” you murmur, and Johnny smirks as he leans down and kisses your cheek. “Never gonna break yours though, sweetheart, and that’s all that matters right?”
 It isn’t long before little Blaise is fast asleep, milk dribbling down his chin. You chuckle as you wipe it off carefully with a burp cloth, about to stand up, but Johnny extends his arms. “Let me, babe.” He gently takes the sleeping child from you and goes over to the crib, setting him down lightly. You smile to yourself remembering how long it had taken for him to get the hang of that-- Johnny Storm was generally anything but gentle. “Thanks,” you whisper as you get up and adjust your shirt, sighing softly in content as you peer over the crib. “Goodnight, sweet boy. Mommy loves you so much.”
“Daddy loves you even more. That’s why he’s going to make you the coolest baby on the block.” Johnny whispers right after, and you giggle softly as you smack his arm. “Okay, okay, c’mon. Let’s go to bed, I’m exhausted.” He scoffs as he walks alongside you, shaking his head. “Oh, no. You can’t be exhausted, because you’re forgetting something.” You blink, stepping into the bedroom and glancing up at him. “What? Did I leave something out in the kitchen?” You’re about to leave to go check but he rolls his eyes and grabs your arm. “No, no-- get back in here, woman.” He pulls you to him only to scoop you up, walking over to the bed and playfully throwing you onto it. “You forgot to feed your other man.”  His smirk is wide as he looks down at you, crawling over you as he nibbles on his lip. “And he’s really hungry right now, baby girl…”
You scoff in amusement though can’t deny you’re already feeling turned on, reaching up to run your fingers through his buzzed hair. “He’s always hungry.” You mutter in response, yet allow him to push your top and bra up. “The little guy better have saved some for me.” You exhale shakily as he leans in, tongue running over your already leaking nipple. His lips slowly wrap around it, sucking with a devilish gaze in his eyes as he peers up at you. “Mm… you are… so tasty baby girl,” he mumbles, greedy tongue swirling around your sensitive bud as he keeps lapping up your milk. You can’t help but moan, tilting your head back and letting out a sigh of content. When your breasts are practically full and sore, Johnny always helps you feel better and lighter- even if he has a tendency to get rough at times. 
Still, he helps you feel more confident about yourself- in the beginning, you had always been a little embarrassed about leaking and slightly shy of breastfeeding. The first time he had suggested tasting your milk, you thought the idea ridiculous and humiliating, but when you felt so heavy you could barely move one night, he convinced you. Ever since then, you couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling. You swear Johnny has a way of making anything feel good.
His large hand moves up, forefinger and thumb lightly pinching your other nipple and moving his mouth to catch the milk that sprays forth. “Mm… mmm…” he’s practically groaning to himself as he continues drinking, his other hand moving to rub your waist sensually enjoying the sounds of your whines and moans. “Johnny… o-oh…” 
When he’s finally had his fill, he pulls back and runs his tongue over his lips, giving you a mischievous grin as he smacks them loudly. “Have I mentioned that you’re the sexiest baby mama in the entire damn universe?” he murmurs, kissing and pecking at your breasts lovingly before fixing your bra and top again. You look down at him with a breathless smile, moving to playfully pull him down to lie beside you and cuddling close. “Can I talk to you about something?” you suddenly ask softly, remembering your conversation with Madison and Leah earlier in the evening. He looks down at you curiously, nodding as he gently plays with your hair. “Yeah, of course babe. What’s up?”
“Have you, uh, been seeing other girls lately?” you ask curiously, absentmindedly running your fingers over his chest. “It’s fine if you are, of course, I was just wondering…” He scoffs, relaxing one arm behind his head and using the other to hold you close. “Uh, yeah, obviously. Don’t you know who I am? Of course I’m seeing other girls, they’re all over me. Duh.” He scoffs a little too loudly and you blink before looking up at him with a lifted brow. He looks back down at you before finally clearing his throat sheepishly. “Okay, ah… maybe not so much these days. I mean, I dance with ‘em at clubs and stuff, you know, but…” he pauses and shrugs, eyes locking onto yours. “Guess I don’t really need to see girls anymore.” 
“Isn’t that… what you wanted?” you ask slightly confused, and he sighs as he pulls you into a hug, resting his head on top of yours. “That’s what I thought. And ya know, I still really do like going out and partying and doing my own thing- but I don’t want to be going off with some girl for the rest of the night, or having to keep in contact with her everyday. I just want to go home to you, and our son. That’s what I want at the end of the night more than anything else.”
You slowly smile, feeling almost euphoric. You tilt your head up and gently hold his face, kissing him softly. “Well that’s what you can have, babe. We’re all yours.”
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
New Parents
Fandom: Twilight Pairing: Rosalie Hale & Son!Reader & Emmett Cullen Summary: You like your life, it was safe and loving with your new parents. Word Count: 1,185 Request: hey i have a request/idea for twilight! we know that Rosalie and Emmett wanted to be parents and were very protective of Renesmee. A fic where reader is Emmett and Rosalie's son and he's either a newborn hybrid baby vamp or they save him from a vamp? just some hurt and comfort or pure fluff!
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Emmett and Rose had found you, cold and alone, terrified out of your mind. A small child by the side of the road. They remember vividly upon your meeting, they had approached you as you snapped your head at their direction they saw your (e/c) flash red for a second. Approaching you slowly, they asked if you were a vampire, a young seven year old looking child.
You gulped and nodded, telling you that the Volturi was after you because they think you were a child that was turned into a vampire. However, you had lost your mother in childbirth and your father tried to raise you before getting killed. The last thing you had been told was to run and never look back, you told them that you were only five.
So, despite hesitation on your part, you went along with Emmett and Rose. It took the coven weeks to understand how you were to come about, watching your rapid growth. By, your seventh actual birthday, you were standing as a ten year old. Rose and Emmett took you under their wing, whilst you saw how they saw Carlisle and Esme as parents, you did not.
It was a secret that the Cullens would die with, Emmett and Rose promise to protect you - their child. Their son who looks to them for protection, whenever you were scared. Always hiding you away from the Volturi, because you know, your parents knew, if they had found out the runaway child vampire was residing with the second biggest coven, there will be hell. And, everyone knows that Emmett and Rose will shift hell for you. 
They taught you the basic of being a human, catching you up for education and knowledge, most often not whenever they had to go away for school for their act around town, Esme was filling in. You were quick to take in knowledge, it wasn’t like you had any choice to do so. Your appearance stopped at the age of fifteen, when you had caught up with most things, you were allowed to venture out more.
Enter Bella.
When one problem had faded away, another enters. The coven had agreed that you were just human in the face of Bella. To Bella, you were fifteen years old, not a hybrid that was actually seventeen years old. Most things were going well, Bella was too oblivious to hear you call Rose Mom or Emmett Dad. She misses how you call the others Uncles and Aunt. 
Rose and Emmett had protected you when there was a newborn army, wanting Bella’s head or Edward. You stayed away from the fray, keeping with Emily who distracted the fact there was a possibility that your parents may not come back alive. You wanted to fight, you could and you were strong but your mother was very insistent, wanting to keep you sheltered. 
You had spent twelve years with the Cullens, hiding away. It was going well, Bella and Edward got married, she was soon to be a vampire after the honeymoon. You should have seen it coming, you stood idle whilst she went through her pregnancy. Pitying that she may die in childbirth, Edward took one look at you and did everything to save his wife. 
Bella awoke as a new vampire, turning to the family in confusion as she watched her daughter rapidly grow. 
“What is she?” She asked, looking at the family in confusion.
She looks over to you, standing between Rose and Emmett, Rose having her hand placed on your shoulder as you blankly stare at her. A part of you envious that she had survived and your biological mother did not, your father too selfish to save her. But, a part of you was very grateful you had found parents who would nurture you and loves you unconditionally.
“She’s a hybrid,” Carlisle explained.
“How are you all calm?” She asked as the family looked at you.
Emmett placed a hand on top of Rose’s, which rested on your shoulder and pulled you slightly back. As if to tell the family to back off.
“(Y/n) is a hybrid just like her,” Carlisle explained as Bella’s eyes travelled to you as she looked at Carlisle, “We need to shield her until we find it is safe.”
Safe, it was rarely safe with your coven. Days had passed and there were unfamiliar vampires entering your home, the place you felt safe, to protect Nessie and now essentially you. Vampires had questioned why you were part of the coven until Carlisle had collectively explained about your existence. 
The others would not question it as Emmett always stood close by, with a threatening aura around him. It was unspoken, but they could sense parental protectiveness from Emmett and Rose whenever you were nearby. 
One night, you looked down to the visiting vampires from the railings from upstairs, on the landing.
“They’re all for Nessie,” You softly say as you feel your parents’ presence next to you.
“They’re here for you too,” Emmett reassures you.
You sighed and leaned on the railing, “But, more so for Ness,” you hummed, “I saw how you interacted with her when she was a baby.”
“Are you jealous?” Your mom teased, but you scoffed, making her frown.
“Perhaps,” You shrugged your shoulders, “She got to spend all her life with her parents, people who care for her. I didn’t, I never got to spend my younger years with you.”
“Sweetheart,” Rose coos, stroking your hair, kissing your temple, “As much as I wanted to see you as a baby, I will never trade my child for anyone else. You are my son, and you have a special spot in our heart.”
“Yeah...” You trailed off, it was going to be hard to convince you, but your parents were willing to validate you.
After all, they can’t have any children, so to be blessed by you was the best thing that could ever happen to them. Suddenly, you had shocked them, as you rapidly dug into your inside pocket before fishing out a photograph, giving it to your mom.
“I found it in my bag when you had first found me.”
Rose and Emmett examine the picture, it was you when you were a baby. Smiling at the camera, both their unworking, dead hearts had melted at the sight of you. You chuckled nervously, shoving your hands in your pockets.
“You know, maybe, after this whole thing? Can we make a trip to my old family home, I want to know if there is anything of my past I can salvage.”
Emmett and Rose looked at you, you give them a half smile, nervously looking away. In came a hug from your mom and your dad laughing as his ruffles your hair.
“Of course, son!” Emmett exclaimed, “I want to find all your baby clothes and pictures.”
“We can see if you had a baby album with all your information that I can keep!” Rose excitedly spoke.
You smiled to yourself, it seems like your parents were more excited than you were.
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vrednic · 4 years
Teen Wolf x Vampire Diaries AU
Prompt: Teen Wolf, but with a twist. Scott McCall has a twin sister… and she falls in love with Derek Hale.
Summary: After Scott refuses to join his pack, Peter Hale turns Serena McCall into a werewolf. Will her transformation be for better… or for worse?
Word Count: 3,285
Author’s Note: This series will skim the events of seasons 1-3. I have a lot of content planned, so there will be some skipping around at certain points, but it will all work in unison, I promise! I hope you all enjoy part 2! Please let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading :)
The topic of lycanthropy was one I hadn’t visited since freshman year english. I thought back to the unit of Greek mythology, and how we had been assigned research projects on famous Greek myths. My english teacher gave us the liberty to choose our own myths, and I had naively chosen Lycaon of Arcadia. Lycaon, the king of Arcadia, attempted to trick Zeus into eating human flesh, testing to see if he was truly all-knowing. Angered by Lycaon’s blasphemous actions, Zeus punished Lycaon by turning him into a wolf.
Oh, the irony of it all.
For the past three weeks, I have been given gradual insight into the world of the supernatural. The full moon was fast-approaching, and I needed to learn everything I could as quickly as possible. I wasn’t yet sure how I felt about my transformation. I was amazed at how quickly I began noticing changes. Overnight, it seemed, my senses had been dialed up to a thousand. I was stronger, faster, and more confident. I could smell, hear, and sense things other people couldn’t. One of the most fascinating things about my newfound abilities was that my body’s healing process was nearly instantaneous. The only downside of it was that I had yet to experience the brutality of the full moon. I was afraid that I would see things differently after, that I’d realize that I’d never be able to control it. Would my supernatural powers really be worth being enslaved to an insatiable bloodlust every month? Would it be worth putting my friends and loved ones at risk, especially when one slip-up could mean death for any and all of them?
I had been training tirelessly with Scott every day since I was bitten. Before school, after school, and during free periods. He had effectively taught me how to make my claws appear and disappear at will, how to partially shift into my werewolf form, how to follow scents, how to decipher chemo-signals, and how to trigger the healing process of an injury using pain. I was impressed with my progress, but I knew that I had only been exposed to bits and pieces of the extensive supernatural spectrum that I was now a part of. I had always been good at the technical side of things, so I knew that learning the basics of lycanthropy wasn’t going to be an issue. I considered myself to be on the smart side-- I had no problem displaying resourcefulness or creativity or administering critical thinking in complex situations. One thing I wasn’t very good at, however, was regulating my emotions.
When our parents got divorced, Scott and I handled things very differently. He was always a mama’s boy, and I was a daddy’s girl. Our father was an alcoholic and a cheater; something I knew all too well, but was also something I wanted to remain oblivious to. I’m assuming this realization is what made it easier for Scott to hate him, to be okay with moving on without him. It was harder for me to cope with his absence because our dad had always been my rock -- my hero --  and I couldn’t picture him ever hurting anyone. Especially me.
The night my mom kicked my dad out of the house for good, he had come home drunk. He instigated an argument with her over something, as usual. But with them it was never just an argument; it always ended up with them screaming at each other. Scott and I shared a room back then, and it was located right by the staircase, which was where they happened to be arguing that night. Not surprisingly, their heated voices turned into shouts, and we were both awoken. We peered through a crack in the door as our parents fought. My dad could barely keep his balance; his cheeks were flushed, his eyes crazy, violent words spewing from his mouth fueled by intoxication. I remembered vividly how he had lost his composure and grabbed my mother by the neck, slamming her against the wall. I let out an audible gasp and stood frozen in horror. Scott flung the door open and rushed into the hall, immediately wedging himself between our mother and father. My dad grabbed Scott’s arm, attempting to pull him out of the way, but yanked my brother with too much force. He was flung against the railing of the staircase, and he tumbled down the stairs. He was unconscious at the bottom of the stairs for maybe 30 seconds, and when he came to, he didn’t remember a thing. My mother ushered us back into our room and put us into bed. I fell asleep crying that night, but I didn’t know exactly for whom I was crying. Had it been for my brother? Had it been for my mother? For the loss of my dad? Or was it for me?
I hadn’t had the chance to say goodbye to him. I woke up the following morning, expecting him to be there, bags in tow, waiting to talk to us one last time. But he was already gone. I knew he didn’t deserve it, but I couldn’t help but miss him. When the plea for divorce was initiated, there was never a discussion about shared custody or visitations. Once the divorce was finalized, I knew that he was never coming back. It was because of his betrayal and abandonment that I grew up with issues when it came to trusting people. I was filled with this deep, aching feeling of isolation, and it made me angry. Very. As I grew older, I got better at suppressing it, but I knew that somewhere deep down, it was still there. With the full moon prodding and poking at my resolve and self control, I knew it was only a matter of time before those feelings resurfaced.
The day of my first full moon, I felt the effects as soon as I got out of bed in the morning. I felt my heartbeat rising with every breath that I took. When I got to school, my senses immediately began to feel overstimulated. Everything was brighter, louder, and more jarring. The sound of the bell ringing made me feel like someone was hammering nails into my skull. The people I passed in the hallway blurred together, all of their emotions and scents hitting me like a door to  the face. At lunch, the sound of people’s voices and laughter made me want to tear their heads off. I looked around the cafeteria, feeling myself grow angrier and angrier, for seemingly no reason at all. Rationally, I knew that these people had done nothing wrong. Emotionally, they were the piece of gum stuck under my shoe. My gaze locked on Jackson Whittemore, and I fantasized about how good it would feel to tear his tongue right out of his head. He had always been an asshole to my brother, so why shouldn’t I kill him? It would be extremely satisfying to watch the smug look on his face disappear as I stood over him, my hands drenched in his blood, as I began to tear him limb from limb…
“Uh, Serena? Are you okay?”
Scott’s voice brought me back to reality. I was suddenly overcome with anxiety as I realized the vile intrusive thoughts that I was just experiencing. What was the matter with me? This wasn’t me. I wasn’t a killer. Only, maybe that wasn’t exactly true anymore.
I nodded, fabricating a smile. “Yeah, no, everything’s great. I was just thinking about my research paper for… biology. It’s due tomorrow and I have no clue where to start.”
“That’s fair,” he said. “But remember that it’s perfectly okay for you to be feeling on edge today. It’s your first full moon and I promise nobody will blame you for not feeling or acting like yourself.”
I felt the tension in my shoulders ease ever-so-slightly. I nodded once more, reassuring him that I was in fact okay. I felt better knowing that out of all of the things that had changed, our sibling bond hadn’t. He’d be there with me to make me feel safe and to teach me control. Before long, I would be able to be just like him. I trusted him, and I knew he had faith in me. That meant only one thing: I had to have faith in me too.
Later in the evening, as the sun was setting, I began feeling the effects of the full moon amplifying. My heartbeat was nearly erratic and Scott was nowhere to be found. I was in the bathroom, standing over the sink and looking at myself in the mirror. There was a flicker of golden yellow in my eyes, and I nearly sobbed out of pure anxiety alone. I balled my hands into fists, trying to focus on anything other than the impending sense of dread that I was experiencing. I felt a warm, slippery substance course down my wrist. Blood.
I opened my fist up, revealing four deep punctures on both of my palms, where my claws had dug into. The temporary flicker of pain was small, but enough to bring me out of the frenzy. I took this opportunity to set out to find Scott.
I didn’t remember the way to the Hale house all too well, but what I did remember was its scent. The smell of charred wood and smoke would be very hard to miss. I maneuvered my way through the darkness, making sure every step I took was careful and calculated. Scott had mentioned that Beacon Hills Preserve was littered with traps set by hunters. It was also a full moon, so I knew there would not be any shortage of hunters roaming around town tonight, hoping to catch and kill their next supernatural victim.
As if on cue, I heard voices from a distance. By the sound of it, there were maybe four or five of them, all men. I swallowed, trying to think of an escape plan. I couldn’t run. It was fall, and the weight of my body against the leaves on the ground would give my location away immediately. I could have hidden, but I knew that they probably had some sort of a thermographic camera. If they happened to get me in one of the shots, I would have considered myself dead.
I tried to weigh any and all other options, but I had none. The best chance at escape that I had right now was simply to run. They sounded far away enough so that even if they did hear me, my superhuman speed would give me an advantage. I decided that now was as good a time as any, and began moving. I tried to keep to the shadows, not daring to make any unnecessary sounds. I noticed too late that I had no idea where I was going. I looked around me, but I couldn’t pinpoint any familiar landmarks. I could have sworn that I was heading back in the direction I came, but judging by my surroundings, that wasn’t the case. I stopped for a moment, attempting to gather my thoughts.
“Come on, Serena,” I whispered to myself. “Think.”  
I was jolted away from my thoughts when I saw a red light from my peripheral vision. I was frozen, completely unsure what to do. More red lights emerged from the darkness, pointing straight at me. Lasers. It was then that instinct spoke to me, telling me to run. And that’s exactly what I did.
I turned on my heel and bolted away from where the hunters had been. I didn’t take the time to care about the tracks or the noise I left in my wake. I had the advantage of speed, but they had the advantage of knowledge and experience. These were professional killers. I wouldn’t be surprised if they knew what move I’d make next even before I did. Through the commotion, I almost forgot why I had been in the woods in the first place. The fury of the full moon hit me, unforgiving. It was as if she allowed me only a few moments of peace before the storm. I looked up at the sky and the moon glimmered at its peak. Almost instantaneously I was overcome with an animalistic urge to go back and rip the head off of every single hunter that was on my trail.
My claws and fangs appeared as if by magic, and my eyes were aglow. I felt angry-- so angry. But it was that anger that gave me power. I felt strong… unstoppable. Against all rational thought, I turned back around, using my infrared eyes to see through the darkness. A few rows of trees ahead was where I spotted them. Two of them were kneeled down, examining the tracks that I had left behind, judging the direction I must have taken. The other three were behind them, standing guard. They looked around, weapons drawn, ready to fire at any given moment.
I growled. It was a sound that conveyed equal parts rage and purpose. I was hiding behind a tree, looking for the perfect moment to attack. Just as I was about to launch myself in their direction, a pair of hands snagged me from behind with tremendous force. Before I could growl or scream, the person used one hand to cover my mouth and tucked me against his chest, making sure our bodies were still shielded by the tree. I tipped my head back to see who it was, and was met with the fiery gaze of Derek Hale.
He broke eye contact first and peered over my head, trying to come up with an escape tactic. His stone cold composure made it clear that it wasn’t his first time evading death by the hands of werewolf hunters. I, on the other hand, was terrified. I felt an equal amount of shame and embarrassment once I realized how foolish I had been. It was a night of the full moon and I wasn’t in control, for one. I also felt extremely stupid for walking into woods that were infested with hunters; ones that wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet between my eyes. Another shame-inducing component was the fact that Derek just had to be the one to find me. I had gotten a brief description of him from Scott, so I knew that he was hardcore. He also hated liabilities, and at the moment, that’s exactly what I was.
“Now’s not the time to wallow in shame,” he whispered to me, his voice gruff. “If you hadn’t noticed, they’ve got us completely surrounded. It’s a miracle they haven’t seen us yet.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off. “Don’t bother denying it. The smell of embarrassment is rolling off of you like a stench.”
Your commentary isn’t exactly helping, I wanted to say to him. But I knew better than to push his buttons, especially when we were on the brink of being discovered. I kept my back against the tree, waiting for further instructions. After a few minutes, Derek finally spoke again.
He lowered his mouth next to my ear, his warm breath sending a tingling sensation onto my neck and down my back. “On my signal, you run. I’ll stay behind and cause a distraction so you can get away.” He pointed behind him to another row of trees. “Run that way. Get out of the woods as fast as you can.”
Before I could get a word out, he was gone. He roared loudly, capturing the attention of the hunters that resided a few yards away. As they ran to him, he turned back to look at me, flashing his icy blue eyes. That was my cue. I took off running in the direction he had said. I heard the commotion of the fight almost the entire way. Growls and roars from Derek’s end were met with the sound of guns firing. I found myself secretly hoping that he would be okay, although in the back of my mind I knew he would be. He was Derek Hale, after all.
I made it out of the preserve after only a handful of minutes of running. At the end of the treeline, right where the road started, a vehicle’s headlights cut through the darkness. The closer I got, the more details I could make out. It was a blue 1980 Jeep CJ5. Standing beside it were two silhouettes, both male. I let out a sigh of relief.
I jogged the rest of the way and launched myself into Scott’s arms. He squeezed me tightly and ushered me into the Jeep. Stiles drove onto the road, taking the route that led back to my house. Scott turned to look at me from the passenger’s seat.
“Why the hell were you in the woods?” He asked. His tone was firm but still held a touch of delicacy. We both knew it was more for my sake than his. “Didn’t I tell you about the hunters? The preserve is not a safe place for a werewolf on a night of a full moon. Argent and his hunters have memorized every square inch of those woods. You’re lucky Derek found you when he did. If he hadn’t, I’m sure Gerard would’ve turned you into a human kebab by now.”
I felt my throat tighten in frustration. “The imagery really isn’t necessary. I know what I did was stupid, and I’m sorry, but I didn’t know what else to do. I felt like I was losing control and you weren’t there, Scott!” My voice caught on his name, and I had to take a few moments to collect myself. “You weren’t there and, quite frankly, I have no one else to turn to on this. I don’t have a best friend like yours. I don’t have one that’ll pick up my call in the middle of the night and be willing to be a part of the world of the supernatural. I don’t have a best friend who’ll chain me up on a full moon and help me find restraint. I was all alone in my home, which I could have easily torn apart if I had lost control of myself tonight. I was counting on you to help me, and you weren’t there.”
The air was thick with tension. I could sense the sadness emanating from both Scott and Stiles. I felt guilty for taking all of my frustration out on my brother, but everything I said was true, and I wasn’t going to apologize for how I felt. Scott was a natural leader, and I admired that about him. Being a leader meant taking on responsibilities, and I understood that he wouldn’t be around all the time. Over the weeks following my transformation, I got a chance to see just how much people needed him.  Peter wanted him in his pack. Derek wanted him as an ally. Stiles wanted him as a best friend. Hell, even the lacrosse team needed him as team captain. But tonight was the one night that I needed him. I needed my brother, and he wasn’t there.
“I’m so sorry, Serena. I can do better, I promise. If you’ll just let me--” he began.  
“No,” I said, cutting him off. “I don’t want to talk. Just take me home.”
With that, I turned to face the window, looking at the blur of lights, cars, houses, and dark, desolate streets passing me by. Scott sighed, but he didn’t protest.
We rode in silence the entire way back.
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jobrookekarev · 3 years
I Remember it All Too Well Chapter 6
Chapter Six of Six: You'd Come Back to Me
Words: 19,500
Chapter Summary: After hooking up at the wedding, Jo realizes she's pregnant. Jo decides to take a leap of faith and the two of them agree to meet each other's kids, now Jo and Alex with their three, soon to be four kids, try and make it work as a family.
Story Summary: Alex knew from the moment he signed the divorce papers that leaving Jo and Seattle was the worst mistake of his life. As Alex works his way back to Seattle, he sees Jo again four times before she allows him back into her life. Or the four times Alex saw Jo after their divorce, and the one time they finally got back together with her, plus a soft epilogue.
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson.
Characters: Jo Wilson, Alex Karev, Eli Stevens, Alexis Stevens, Meredith Grey and Atticus Lincoln.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: Regret, Longing, Pining, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pregnancy, Birth, and a Baby.
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AN: Okay so this is probably a lot longer than it should have been and includes a lot of scenes that aren't really necessary, but I'm going to keep them in there because they're light-hearted and fun and I enjoyed writing them so I hope you enjoy reading them!
Jo hoisted Asher higher on her hip as she and Meredith walked into the hospital. She wanted to enjoy holding him for as long as possible as she would soon have to balance two babies. She was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that she would have two kids. Things seemed to be going so fast, despite how she had nine months before the new baby would be in her arms. 
When she became a foster mom, it took months of planning, home studies, and training, but the day she said yes to Asher she had him in her arms by the end of the day. She went from zero to one kid in a day and she hoped that the nine months would give her more time to get used to going from one to two kids, that wasn't the only thing she was worried about.
“So,” Meredith said, trailing off as she tested the waters and looked over at her.
Jo let out a sigh and just looked straight ahead. She knew she couldn't avoid Meredith forever, but she would for now. As they walked over to the daycare, the only one who seemed oblivious to the tension between them was Asher. He happily babbled as he chewed on the ear of the Mariners moose that Link had given him. 
“Look I know that it’s none of my business,” Meredith said with a shrug.
“You're right. It’s none of your business,” Jo said cutting her off.
“But you told me for a reason.”
“Yeah, because I'm still kind of freaking out about it,” Jo said as she paused in the middle of the empty hallway and turned to look over at Meredith. “It’s going to wrack everything. We didn't plan this. It's not like we got back together and decided to have another kid. It just happened and now all our plans to take it slow have gone out the window.”
“I know that this is a shock to you and that you're still trying to process it and I want to help you, but I won’t know how unless you talk to me,” Meredith said reaching out and putting her hands on Jo’s shoulders. “Do I need to do something like yell at Alex for knocking you up or just be there for you at your exam with Carina? I can do either of those or both, I just need you to tell me what to do.”
“I know it takes two, but honestly I think I might yell at Alex myself,” Jo said with a slight smile as she shook her head and moved her hand to Asher's back as he tried to wiggle out of her arms. 
“Well, for starters are you keeping it?”
“Yes,” Jo said without hesitating. 
It was the one thing she was sure of. She was ready for a second kid even if it was unexpected. She always thought she’d adopt or start fostering again as Asher got older so he could have some siblings. She was ready for a second kid even if this wasn't how she saw it coming into being. 
“Okay,” Meredith said, but Jo cut her off.
“It's just that things between Alex and I are good right now and adding another kid to the mix is going to push us to move in together and meet each other's kids, and I don't know if I'm ready for that. I don't know if Alex is ready for that. I love him and I want to be with him, but he hasn't even met Asher yet, and what if Asher hates him, what if the twins hate me,” Jo said as she nearly cried and bit her lip to hold back the tears as she looked away. 
“Jo, I know that you're scared, but if you give it a chance, I'm sure that Asher is going to love Alex. There's not a kid in the world that has met Alex Karev and doesn't like him at least a little bit. And the twins are so sweet and they're so much like Alex. You've already got one Karev head over heels in love with you, I'm sure the twins will love you too. I know you'll put in the effort to get to know them and spend time with them and they’ll appreciate that.”
“But you don't know that Meredith,” Jo said with a sigh.
“And you won't know that either until you meet them.” Meredith stressed, rubbing her hand up and down Jo’s arm. “If I've learned anything in the past year it's that Alex Karev truly loves you, and he is going to love Asher too.”
“It's not just that, I mean it is but,” Jo sighed as she shook her head. She pulled Asher closer as she closed her eyes and rested her forehead against his, it helped calm her before she spoke again. “I know that as soon as Alex finds out about the baby, he’s going to jump all in. I know he’s going to be there for us, but I don’t want him to do it just because of the baby. I want him to stay with me because he loves me and he wants to commit himself to me, not just because we have a child. I don't want to string him along like Izzie did or to make him feel like he has to stay with me out of obligation.”
“You, Jo Wilson, are not Izzie Stevens that's for sure,” Meredith giggled and put a hand over her mouth
“I sure hope not,” Jo rolled her eyes as she moved to walk away again before Meredith grabbed her arm. 
“No Jo wait, it's not that. It's just that, Alex loves you. Before you two started dating again he came to me in a panic, because he didn't want to screw things up with you again. He wants to be there for you and he's taking things slow because he wants to make sure that you're comfortable. He’s going to be there for you because he loves you. Alex isn’t going to go anywhere, he’s all in, Jo. With you and this baby, and Asher too, just give him the chance.”
“I know. Over the past month I’ve realized that Alex is in this for the long haul, but I knew that Alex would never make the choice to willingly walk away from me again, regardless of this baby, but I still need to know that things will work with Alex and Asher and the twins two,” Jo said, with a nod as she reached out and squeezed Meredith’s hand. 
“Okay so meet them,” Meredith said as if it was that easy.
“Fine,” Jo relented as she rolled her eyes, but knew that Meredith was pushing her in the right direction.
Meredith’s only response was a nod and a small smile as they continued their walk to the daycare. Jo was grateful to have Meredith’s support in this. The two of them had become so close since Alex left. She knew that regardless of whether she had Alex, she and her children would be okay because they had Meredith. Meredith had helped her so much when she adopted Asher and throughout the process of her divorce with Alex. She had always been there for Jo with whatever she needed and she knew that wouldn’t stop now. 
Jo had always wondered what it would have been like to have a big sister and now that she had Meredith she didn't have to wonder. It was one of the reasons why she told Meredith she was pregnant and not anyone else. Link would just be overprotective and would definitely go after Alex. Whereas Levi would have no idea what to do or say and both boys would hover over her. However, Meredith had ushered her in the right direction and would be there for her regardless and that was what Jo needed right now. 
“But you are going to tell Alex about the baby?” Meredith asked looking over at Jo apprehensively.
“Of course I'm going to tell Alex, I'm not going to keep him from his child. I just need a few more days to process everything,” Jo said, she knew she could never keep her baby from Alex. He was such a good dad and he was everything she wanted for her child.
“I just had to ask,” Meredith said, putting up her hands before she looked over at Jo with a slight smile. “Also partly because I was wondering if I could be in on the surprise, There's a lot of cute ways to do it too.”
“I know, I know, you're so overwhelmed and you need to process the fact that you're pregnant before you can even think of telling Alex. I'm just saying there are some really cute ideas out there. I gave Derek a t-shirt that said world's best big sister. I mean I stole the idea from April, but it was pretty cute.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Jo shook her head as she walked towards the daycare. She quickly got Asher checked in and said her usual goodbye to him before she and Meredith went up to the lounge and got changed into their scrubs.
“Hey Jo,” Meredith said, grabbing Jo’s arm before she left. “Whatever you need, let me know and I’ll help you.”
“Thank you Mere,” Jo said, giving her a smile. “My appointment to confirm the pregnancy with Carina is at 10 a.m. and I’d really appreciate it if you could be there.”
“10 a.m. I'll be there,” Meredith said, giving her a smile before she left. 
Alex felt like he was home. Ever since he returned to Seattle a few months ago he felt like he was still on the outside. Everyone at the hospital seemed to take their cue from Jo on how to act around him, but now that they were together again everyone seemed to warm back up to him. He was finally settling back in and was getting to know the new residents and other staff while working with Hayes. These days Alex felt like he and his kids were part of the family again. 
Things with him and Jo were good too. They were dating and seeing each other regularly, although they hadn't introduced their kids yet. Things between them felt like they did before their divorce. Alex would catch Jo smiling at him across the hallways of the hospital. He would wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her as if he'd never left her side. Things were good, regardless, they were still taking things slow. Alex knew that Jo was still hesitant, but they were good and he was happy.
“You complete and utter asshole, Alex Karev,” Meredith said appearing out of nowhere and slapping his arm as she glared at him. 
“What'd I do?” Alex asked quickly, running through a mental list of things he had done in the past few hours since they talked last night.
“I thought you and Jo were taking it slow,” Meredith asked, raising her eyebrow at him.
“We are.”
“But you're sleeping together?” 
“We've only done it a couple of times and it's none of your business,” Alex insisted, despite how Meredith scoffed and shook her head.
Her mouth scrunched up like she wanted to continue to yell at him, but she paused as a few of the nurses passed by them in the halls. Alex crossed his arms as he took in Meredith's expression. She knew they were dating and he didn't understand why the fact that they were sleeping together caused so much trouble. 
“It's my business if you end up hurting her again Alex,” Meredith lowered her voice to a whisper, despite her anger.
“I'm not going to hurt her again,” Alex insisted as he looked at Meredith. “I swear to God Mere, I'm never going to do anything to intentionally hurt Jo again. I screwed up with her once and I'm never gonna do it again.”
“I know,” Meredith sighed, as her eyes softened and her anger faded away. “It's just, things happen and you don't expect them. I just….”
Alex watched Meredith avoid his gaze after she tailed off. “Just what?” 
“Just, just go check on Jo, she’s got the flu or something. I was just with her and Carina and she was continually throwing up, but she refuses to go home. Can you get her to at least take a nap in an on-call room or something,” Meredith said before she quickly walked away.
Alex scrunched up his eyebrows and his lips turned down as he watched her go. He couldn’t figure out why Meredith was being so weird today. Given the conversation they just had he decided to do as he was told and go see Jo. Alex quickly finished up with his patients, before he walked down the hall to the maternity ward. 
The sight that greeted him was all too familiar as Jo and Carina talked at the nurse’s station. Carina stood above her with her arms crossed as she looked down at Jo who was sitting in a chair with her head resting on her arm.
“Hey,” Alex said, stopping at the counter as Jo greeted him with a sleepy smile that quickly disappeared as she rubbed her head. 
“Buongiorno Dr. Karev,” Carina said, before she continued in Italian, gesturing to him and carrying on as if he understood a word she said. Alex looked between Carina and Jo for a second before Jo caught on and smiled. 
“I think we forgot to switch back to English,” Jo said as she reached out to him. 
“Yeah, and since when do you speak Italian?” Alex asked as he sat down in the chair next to her before putting an arm around her shoulders. He didn’t think twice about leaning over to kiss her forehead, as whatever she was sick with he probably already had. 
“Carina would just say stuff to me in Italian when I was first working with her and so I started looking it up. Eventually I just actively tried to learn the language and so now I speak Italian.”
“It was very impressive how quickly she picked it up,” Carina said with a nod and a little smile that told of how proud she was of Jo. “Everything I throw at her she just seems to suck up like SpongeBob.”
“Like a sponge, SpongeBob is a kid’s cartoon character.”
“Ah yes, and Josephine is helping me with the English slang.” 
“Dr. Wilson, your patient is here in exam room two,” one of the nurses said as they handed Jo the chart. 
Jo let out a sigh as her smile faded. She looked over the charts and Alex could tell how tired she was. He looked up at Carina and could tell she was thinking the same thing. 
“Are you doing okay?” Alex asked, rubbing her shoulders and pulling her closer.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Jo said, despite how she leaned against him and closed her eyes.
“She has been lethargic and nauseous all morning, perhaps you can convince her to let me send her home. I can take care of your appointments today and I will call you in if any of your patients go into labor,” Carina said as she tilted her head with a look of concern.
“I told you I'm fine and I need to learn how to work through this anyway,” Jo insisted glaring at both of them despite how Alex had only asked.
Alex watched Jo for a moment. She had one hand on her forehead and the other on her abdomen as she rubbed her belly like she always did when she felt nauseous. She looked tired and weary and Alex could see why everyone was so concerned. 
Suddenly she got that look on her face. It was the one she always got when she was about to vomit. Alex had long since memorized that face and developed the instinct to grab the nearest bowl. He looked around frantically before he spotted a bin on one of the nurse’s carts and ran over to grab it before he shoved it under Jo’s chin just as she leaned forward and threw up. 
“Okay, that's it. I am sending you home,” Carina said, gesturing to the sight of Jo before her.
“Carina's right, Jo. You're clearly not feeling good, you should go home,” Alex said as he put the bowl down and rubbed Jo’s back.
“No, I'm not going home just because I puked, it's just something I ate,” Jo said as she continued to protest, although Alex didn't know why she was putting up such a fight this time around. 
Usually, whenever she got sick in the past, she would always come over to him and wrap her arms around his waist and tuck her head under his chin. Even if it was just her nervous stomach, they would at least go to an on-call room and rest for a few minutes together. Jo knew her body and usually, she didn't push herself so hard. 
“I am not sending you home just because of your morning… your vomit,” Carina said she struggled to use the correct terminology. “I am sending you home because you've been like this all morning. You have barely been able to take care of yourself let alone your patients.”
“But I have a C-section scheduled for this afternoon. My patient has already checked in, you know how nervous she is and for the past eight months I’ve worked to gain her trust. she doesn’t trust any other doctor, you know this,” Jo said despite how she sighed with a look of defeat as she leaned against Alex. 
“Why don't you and I go find an on-call room and you can take a nap,” Alex suggested as he continued to rub his hand up and down her back. “If you're not feeling better after that then, I'll take you home.”
“I hate this, I hate feeling like I can't do anything,” Jo said as she put a hand over her face and tears collected in her eyes. 
“I know my bambino,” Carina said kneeling down and putting her hand on Jo’s knee. Alex remembered how Jo had told him about the affectionate nickname Carina had started using for her when she took Jo under her wing for her OB/GYN training. “Your sickness is at its peak around this time, but it will get better soon.”
Jo nodded and turned her head to sob into his shoulder as he held her. Alex wasn't sure if it was the English barrier or what but something in the way Carina had said it, Alex got the feeling that there was something else going on. Although Jo was clearly not in any state to tell him what was going on.
“Come on,” Alex said, as he helped Jo get up from her seat and slowly walked over to the on-call room. 
Jo’s sobs fizzled out as she let herself be led away and Alex wrapped his arms around her waist as they walked down the hall. He found the nearest on-call room and opened the door to see that it was empty. Alex led Jo over to one of the beds and pulled back the blankets before she sat down. He kneeled down to take off her shoes and pulled the blankets back over her when she laid down. 
“Will you stay for a little while?” Jo asked her hand lingering on his scrub top as her fingers dug into the fabric.
“Of course,” Alex said, getting in next to her and wrapping one arm around her shoulders as she laid her head on his chest. 
Jo quickly fell asleep and Alex continued to trace his fingers up and down her back. He tried to think about what was going on with her, but his mind drew a blank as his only conclusion was the flu. He would have stayed with her until she woke up, but he got paged and had to go. Before he left, Alex wrote a quick note saying he'd meet her for lunch. 
As he leaned down to kiss her forehead, he brushed away the little hairs that stuck to her skin and noticed how sticky with sweat her skin was. She wasn’t running a fever, but she was warm, so he thought it was just because she was sick. Alex brushed the hairs away before he kissed her forehead and readjusted the blankets around her.
After he answered his page he went and found Meredith finishing up with a patient in a trauma room. “Hey is something going on with Jo, I know she’s not feeling well but this seems different?”
Meredith had her back turned to him and she paused for a moment before she shrugged and stripped off her gloves. “I don't know, you’d have to ask her?”
Alex put his hands on his hips and just glared at her. Everybody was being so weird about what was going on with Jo and he couldn't figure out why. He knew she was sick, but... 
Then it struck him. The vomiting, the fatigue, the sweaty skin, and the crying. The way Meredith yelled at him in the hallway and the way Carina gently talked to Jo. 
“Oh my God,” Alex said as he put a hand over his mouth. “Is Jo pregnant?” 
Meredith gave him a slight smile that told him that it was true. Alex reached back to the empty stool and sat down as he processed the information. A million things were running through his head, excitement, joy, fear, terror. It was all happening so quickly and they were trying to take things slow. They haven’t even met each other’s kids yet and now they were throwing a whole new baby into the mix. Sure they had nine months to get ready, but nine months wasn’t very long in the grand scheme of things. 
Alex didn’t even know how Jo felt about it. Things were going back to the way they used to be before their divorce, but he knew how Jo was still hesitant to trust him again. He had no idea how to even broach the subject with her and no idea what he would say. Alex wanted to let her know that he was all in and that he would do whatever she needed him to. He wanted her to know that she and their baby would have him for the rest of his life, but he didn't know how to put it into actions that would prove to her that he was there to stay. 
“What do I do Mere, what do I do,” Alex asked if he shook his head and looked over at her.
Meredith gave him a sympathetic smile as she came over and put her hands on his shoulders, giving them a slight squeeze. “Right now, I'd say that you just be there for her. Continue to take things slow like you already are, but other than that, I really don't know. What I do know is that Jo is ready to trust you again, but she’s still trying to process the fact that she’s pregnant, just like you are. Just give her a little time and I know that this is all going to work out.”
“Thank you,” Alex said, as he let out a deep breath. He knew Meredith was right and he'd make sure that he was there for Jo with whatever she needed.
A few days later, Jo stared at the packed lunch she had made as she sat in the lounge with Meredith, Link, Amelia, and Maggie. She had packed leftover chicken and rice from the night before, along with some broccoli and carrots, but staring at it now it looked entirely unappetizing. Jo considered venturing down to the cafeteria, but she didn't want to do that either as it was filled with too many smells that turned her stomach. So while everyone talked and ate their lunch, Jo just stared at her container of rice and chicken. Until someone placed a bowl of instant mac and cheese in front of her. 
“Here,” Alex said, pushing it towards her. “I know you’re still sick, so I figured that was the only thing you would want to eat.”
Jo could feel the tears well up in her eyes as she looked down at the mac and cheese. He was right, it was the only thing that she wanted to eat. Whenever she got sick the only thing she wanted to eat was mac and cheese and Alex would go out of his way to make it for her. It was the little things like this that made her forget that they had ever been apart. They were still so in-sync and the thoughtfulness of the gesture brought tears to her eyes, which she blamed on her hormones.
“You okay,” Alex asked, his eyes full of concern as Jo looked up as he sat next to her.
“I love that you made me mac and cheese,” Jo said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder.
“I know,” Alex said, he whispered in her ear as he scooted closer and put his arm around her.
Jo pulled back after a moment but continued to lean against him. Alex had his own tray of food from the cafeteria and kept his arm around her waist as they ate. Link got up from his place next to Amelia and moved over to sit next to them, glaring at Alex before Jo kicked him under the table. Jo loved that Link looked out for her, but she had forgiven Alex. Although she knew that Link was still worried, it was getting to be a little much.
“Jo are you sure you're doing okay? I heard you threw up again this morning. You’re not still sick are you?” Link asked as he raised an eyebrow at her.
“Yeah, I'm fine,” Jo said, taking a deep breath as she continued to eat her mac and cheese. 
She wasn't surprised that she had become part of the hospital gossip, no one did anything in this hospital without the nurses knowing about it and they usually spread it around like wildfire.
“Are you sure?” Link asked, looking over at her again and raising an eyebrow.
“If she says she's fine, then she's fine, leave her be,” Meredith insisted, giving Link a look.
“Okay, fine,” Link said, putting his hands up and backing off, but stayed seated next to her.
Jo smiled as she looked over at Alex. He returned her smile with one of his own and moved his hand to rub up and down her back. His eyes crinkled as he smiled and she could pick out the gray hairs in his stubble. She had always liked him with a little bit of facial hair, just enough to tickle her cheeks when he kissed her. 
Jo subconsciously put her hand on her stomach where their baby was growing inside her. 
“You're in love with him again aren't you,” Link said he leaned over to whisper to her. 
Jo turned her head to look at Link again before looking back at Alex. She didn't need to tell him her answer, he already knew it was true. Jo was in love with Alex Karev.
Lunch ended and Alex walked her back to work like he used to do when they were married and he had taken up the habit again now that they were back together. Jo twisted her fingers and looked down at her empty hands. She used to twist her wedding band around and she missed the feeling of the rings on her fingers. They stopped just outside the doors to the L&D floor and Alex was about to go in, but Jo reached out and grabbed his hand. 
Jo turned to look at him and her lips were parted as the question was on the tip of her tongue. She had wanted to come right out and say it, but the words died on her tongue, the second she thought them. Jo wanted them all to be a family, so he decided that was what he would offer.
“I want you to meet Asher,” Jo said, suddenly blurting it out. Jo looked over at him with her lips slightly parted as she just stared at him before she continued. “I'm ready for you to meet him. It's not just us anymore, we have kids and if we're not in it together with our kids then you and I can never work and I want us to work Alex. I love you so much and I want you to be a part of my son's life. And I'm not asking you to be Asher's father, I just want you to be a part of both of our lives, mine and my son’s. I understand if you're not ready for me to meet the twins, but I want you to meet my son.”
“Of course I want to meet Asher,” Alex said as a smile spread across his face and she could see the excitement light up in his eyes. “Truth be told I've been thinking about introducing you to Eli and Alexis as well. A few nights ago Alexis was telling me about how her teacher is getting married and she wanted to know why I wasn't married. The conversation turned to why I didn't have a girlfriend and I didn't want to lie to them, so I told them about you. I kind of turned our story into a fairy tale about how we met and fell in love and how we found our way back to each other. I know they would love to meet the princess of my stories.”
Jo couldn't help but smile and blush at the thought of being the princess in Alex's fairy tale stories, especially as he used the nickname he had for her. 
“Maybe, we can have a playdate or something and let them meet each other too. I want them to get to know each other. I mean, I'm not sure how two seven-year-olds and a fourteen-month-old are going to get along, but we can try,” Jo said, as she shared Alex’s smile and excitement. 
“Why don't you and Asher come over to my place. I have the twins with me this weekend, so maybe Saturday around noon,” Alex said, with a shrug, trying to seem nonchalant, despite his wide smile.
He seemed so delighted at the thought of meeting Asher and Jo was happy to meet the twins as well. She dared to dream that they could all be a family and she loved the idea of Asher having siblings apart from the new baby.
“That sounds great, but how well is your place baby proofed?” Jo asked as she bit her lip. 
Alex rattled the baby gate only for it to shift out of place again as he let out a sigh. When he got the baby gate out of the box he didn't think it could be this complicated. In all his time working with kids he had never set up a baby gate. Things were mostly baby proved around the hospital and he never needed to baby proof things with the twins. He missed the baby stage with them. Now he was getting a chance to be a part of his kid's life from the very beginning and he was determined to do it right. He hoped that by showing Jo that he was all in with her and with her son that she would be willing to open up and tell him that she was pregnant. 
Alex finally got the baby gate in place and looked around the downstairs of his house. He had put baby proof knob covers on all of the doors and locks on all the kitchen cabinets, as well as outlet covers, and corner covers on the sharp furniture. He had also put away anything that he thought Asher could potentially get into trouble with. According to Jo, Asher had recently started running instead of walking and was getting into anything and everything his little feet could carry him to. Alex couldn't help but smile at the thought of Jo chasing after the little boy. 
When he moved back to Seattle he had searched for the perfect home and eventually settled on a house in Queen Anne. It was only a few blocks away from Meredith’s place. It had four bedrooms, with a study downstairs that he figured he could turn into a bedroom for one of the twins when they were older. Alex wasn't sure why he bought such a big house when he first saw it. He couldn’t explain it, but something told him that he would need the extra space. Now he knew that the extra bedroom would be for Asher and the baby's nursery. That is if Jo wanted to move in with him. Alex wanted to ask Jo to move in with him as soon as possible, but he didn't want to push her or the kids to be together before they were ready. 
Alex looked up at the clock, it was almost noon and Jo would be here soon. Unfortunately, Izzie was running late and hadn't dropped off the kids yet. Alex wasn't ready for Jo and Izzie to meet and he had no idea what he would do if they showed up at the same time. There was a knock on the door and Alex looked up. Alex was worried about whether it would be Jo or Izzie or both as he went over to open the door.
“Hey,” Alex said when he swung open the door to see that it was just Izzie and the twins and he crouched down to open his arms to Alexis and Eli as they ran to him. “I missed you too.”
“We missed you too Daddy,” Alexis said as Alex leaned down to kiss her forehead before kissing Eli’s forehead as well.
Even though it was just a week-long separation and they had been doing it for a while, Alex would never get used to the feeling of being away from his kids. He missed them so much when they were gone. Alex hated that he was only a part of their life half the time, but his decision to separate from Izzie was for the best. 
“Alright, you two go put your stuff away and get cleaned up,” Alex said, standing up again. “We have that play date remember and they're going to be here really soon.”
“Okay,” Alexis said, as both of them ran off and Alex waited until they were out of earshot to address Izzie.
“You're late,” Alex said as he glared at her.
“I know, I'm sorry, it's just traffic on the way back up was crazy and you know how it is,” Izzie said as she tried to brush him off. 
“I told you how important this was Izzie and I told you not to be late,” Alex said as he tried to keep from yelling. He didn't want to fight with her in front of the kids. 
“I'm sorry Alex,” Izzie said, getting defensive and crossing her arms. “But traffic really was crazy and we tried to leave on time, but you know how it is trying to get them out the door.”
“Whatever, just say goodbye to the kids and then leave,” Alex said as he glanced back to the empty living room and heard the kids rummaging around upstairs. 
“Why? I think I have every right to meet the person who's going to be around my kids half the time,” Izzie insisted as she glared back at him.
“We've been over this,” Alex said, trying not to let his anger get the best of them as he suddenly realized why Izzie was late. “I told you about Jo as a courtesy, but you don't get to dictate what I do and who the kids meet when they're on my time. Jo is a part of my life and I want her to get to know the twins before she meets you. If you want to meet Jo, I'll give her your number and you two can work it out, just not today.”
“I want to meet her today, Alex,” Izzie said, cutting him off.
“That's not going to happen, Izzie,” Alex said, raising his voice.
“Daddy, Alexis won't let me have the blue cup,” Eli said, running over to them and tugging on Alex's shirt to get his attention. 
Alex froze and he could see Izzie’s eyes go wide as they realized Eli had probably heard the whole thing. The last thing either of them wanted was for the twins to hear them fighting. They had both grown up around that and it was the last thing they wanted for their kids.
Alex put on a smile and tried to let his anger go before he turned around to talk to his son. “Do you know what Bud? I was at the store yesterday and I picked up an extra blue cup and it should be in the dishwasher. We can go get it after you say goodbye to your Mom, okay. Alexis come say goodbye to your Mom.” 
“Okay, bye Mommy I'll miss you,” Eli said running forward and wrapping his arms around Izzie's waist as he hugged her. 
“I’ll miss you too buddy,” Izzie said, leading down to hug Eli and planting a kiss on his head. 
Alexis came running and almost bowled into Izzie as she wrapped her arms around her waist as well. “Can't you stay longer, Mommy? You said you would?”
“Yeah, I thought you said you were staying for lunch?” Eli piped up as well.
“I said that I might stay for lunch if your Daddy said it was okay, but I don't think it is,” Izzie said, as she looked at Alex as he rubbed his forehead. 
“Daddy, can't Mommy stay?” Alexis asked as both of them turned to look at him with identical puppy-dog eyes. 
Alex sighed again as he crouched down to talk to them. He hated that Izzie made him the bad guy in these situations. She would make promises to them for things she couldn't keep and then make him be the one to say no. 
“I would love for Mommy to stay for lunch,” Alex said as he took one of each of the twin’s hands. “But you guys know that we have the playdate and it's very important to Daddy that you guys meet Jo and Asher because guess what?”
“What?” They both asked as their puppy-dog eyes turned into intrigued looks. 
“Do you remember the stories I told you about my princess who lived in her chariot and grew up to help the queen of general surgery with her mini-liver mice?” Alex said as he smiled and he could see them start to get excited.
“Uh-huh,” Alexis nodded eagerly, she was the number one fan of his princess bedtime stories.
“Well, you know that some of these stories are based on real life and I told you about my girlfriend Jo, and her son Asher, the princess, and the little prince. They're coming to play with you today, I told Jo all about you two and she’s so excited to meet you both!” Alex said, with a smile as he shared their look of excitement.
Ever since he moved to Kansas he had told them bedtime stories. There were about some of his and Jo's adventures at the hospital spun into fairy tales of princesses and knights.
“Jo’s real!” Alexis said, her eyes growing wide. “I thought you made her up so you wouldn't be sad when we were at Mommy’s house.”
“Of course Jo is real. I do hang out with other people when you're not here Alexis,” Alex said, deeply offended that his kids would think so little of him, but Alexis only shrugged. 
“But she’s coming to meet us. She wants to play with us?” Eli asked still doubting his father's words.
“Yes she's very real and she’s coming to meet you two, so I need you guys to get ready for the playdate and unfortunately that means Mommy can't stay today. I promise we will have her over for lunch another time though, yeah.” 
“Okay,” Alexis still smiling at the thought of meeting Jo.
“Is that okay with you buddy,” Alex said as he looking at his son who was still hesitant.
“Yeah, okay but I’ll miss Mommy,” Eli said, his smile falling a little, between the two of them, Eli was the one with the most separation anxiety.
Alex looked back up at Izzie who didn't seem happy, but had plastered on a smile when both of the twins turned around to hug her goodbye.
“I'm going to miss you guys so much,” Izzie said hugging both of them and kissing their heads again. 
“We’ll miss you too mommy,” Alexis said, as they snuggled into her arms. 
The twins were getting a little more used to the transition between the two households. Especially since Izzie had decided to move back to Seattle meaning there wasn't a plane ride between them, but it didn't help when Izzie dragged out the goodbyes and acted like it was the worst thing in the world. 
Eventually, Izzie stood up and let go of the twins. “Well, I guess I'll go then.”
“Have a good drive back,” Alex said with a forced smile as he waved to her. 
Izzie smiled although her eyes glared at him before she turned around. Yet both of them froze as they saw Jo standing in the walkway with Asher on her hip. Alex hadn't even heard her car pull up and Jo just stood there staring at them like a deer in the headlights. Jo looked between Alex and Izzie and the twins before she looked back at Asher as he wiggled in her arms. She adjusted her grip on him before she plastered on a smile and walked up to them. Izzie turned and smirked at Alex before he glared at her. 
“Be nice,” Alex whispered to her, hoping that she would at least be polite for the sake of the kids.
“Hey, Alex.” Jo seemed relaxed as she walked up the steps onto the porch. “And you must be Izzie, it's so nice to finally meet you.”
It was a lie and he knew it as Jo had said before that she wasn't wild about the prospect of meeting Izzie. Jo had always been a good liar, he remembered how she lied about her twenty seven fireplaces back when she was an intern. He had fallen for the lie back then, but after years together Alex could tell when Jo was lying. He could tell when her smile faltered for a second and how her eyes didn't share her happiness.
“And you must be Jo. It's nice to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you from Alex,” Izzie said as she held out her hand to Jo who gave her a friendly shake. 
“And who is this handsome little fellow,” Izzie asked, smiling at Asher as he hid his head in Jo's shoulder. 
“This is my son Asher,” Jo said, putting a protective hand over his back. “And this must be Alexis and Eli.”
Alex looks down at Alexis and Eli as they watch Jo and Asher. Eli smiled and gave a shy wave as Alexis tugged on Alex’s hand before she looked up at him with big eyes.
“Daddy she is real and she looks like a princess,” Alexis whispered up to him, although it was loud enough for all of them to hear.
“Yeah that's why her nickname used to be princess, but she never really liked it when I called her that,” Alex said as he looked up to see a real smile on Jo’s cheeks as a blush appeared alongside it. 
“I don't suppose you told them your nickname, evil spawn, or do I need to call Cristina and have her tell them that story,” Jo teased and suddenly it was as if Izzie wasn't there as Alex smiled at her. 
He was so happy that she was there and he couldn't help but stare. His eyes lingered over her before he looked down at her stomach. Her grey shirt and jacket were draped loosely over her middle so he could see anything. Alex had tried to estimate the date of when it could have happened and how far along she was. By his estimates, she was between six or eight weeks and wouldn't be showing, but he couldn’t wait for physical proof of her pregnancy. 
“You know Cristina?” Izzie asked, looking between Jo and Alex with one raised eyebrow as her smile fell.
“Yes, we all worked together at the hospital,” Jo said, turning to talk to Izzie. “We kind of keep in touch, but mostly through Meredith as she and Cristina are constantly texting and calling each other.” 
“Did you used to work with my Mommy and Daddy at the hospital,” Eli said standing up on his toes as he looked up at Jo. 
“I never worked with your Mommy, but I did work with your Daddy a lot, and your guys’ Auntie Mere,” Jo said as she smiled over at Eli before she looked up at Alex. “And as I'm sure you know, your Daddy is an amazing doctor.”
“You know Meredith too, wow I guess you must know everybody,” Izzie sneered with a tight lipped smile.
“Pretty much, but Meredith in particular. She was my teacher when I was a resident,” Jo said, standing taller and even Asher peeked out from her shoulder. “We worked together on the mini livers and on the abdominal wall transplant that won her the Catherine Fox award.”
“Oh that's funny I read the paper Meredith published for the JSA, but I didn't see your name on it,” Izzie said, narrowing her eyes at Jo.
“There were some extenuating circumstances,” Alex said, stepping towards Jo as if his physical presence could protect her from Izzie digging up Jo’s past and the pain Paul had caused. “Meredith could only have her name on the paper and Jo politely stepped aside, but she and Meredith have been working on that project together since the beginning.”
Jo smiled and took a deep breath as she reached out to put a hand on his arm. “Why don't we all go inside.” 
“That sounds great,” Alex said, putting his hand on Jo's back as she relaxed into his touch. “Kids say goodbye to Mommy.”
“Bye-bye,” Asher said, waving his hand at Izzie.
The twins said goodbye and Izzie grumbled but bit her tongue and by some miracle left without further issue. Now here he was, with Jo and Asher, in his house with his kids, as they all met each other.
“Alexis, Eli, this is Jo and her little boy, Asher.”
“Hello,” Eli said with a wave.
“Hi,” Alexis said as she continued to stare at Jo in awe.
“Hello,” Jo said with a bright smile as she set Asher on the floor and crouched down to hold on to him as he stood up. “We're very excited to play with you today. Asher, can you say hi?”
“Hi,” Asher said in the cutest voice as he gave a brief wave before he turned around and wrapped his arms around Jo’s neck. 
“I think he's still a little tired. He just got up from his nap,” Jo explained as she picked him up again and he buried his head in her shoulder.
“That's okay, Daddy told us all about babies and he said they need a lot of sleep. He also told us about you too, and that he loves you. Do you love our Daddy?” Alexis said with a very serious face as if it was the most important question in the world.
Jo let out a little laugh and looked away as her cheeks turned pink again before she smiled and looked back at Alexis.
“I do love your Daddy very much,” Jo said as she looked up at Alex before glancing back at Alexis. 
“Good,” Alexis said with a nod as Alex let out a breath of relief. 
“Why don't you guys get out the new train set and show Asher?”
“Yeah,” Alexis said, reaching out to take Jo's hand as she pulled her over to the rug in the living room where Alex had left out the bin of wooden trains. “We've got a whole zoo train set and there’s even one with water in it that's got an octopus.”
Jo briefly smiled at Alex before she let Alexis pull her over to the rug and sat down with Asher in her lap.
“What do you think, Eli?” Alex asked, looking down at Eli who watched Jo and Alexis get out the trains.
“She’s nice and Asher’s cute even if he is a baby,” Eli said as he watched them. Alex had no idea where the observant side of his son came from. Both he and Izzie were rather bold, but Eli was always quietly watching everyone and taking things in.
“Should we go play with them?” Alex prompted as he put a hand on Eli's back. 
“Yeah,” Eli said, taking a step forward and going to sit next to Alexis on the rug as she handed him some track pieces.
Before he knew it, the five of them were playing together and they had a web of train tracks that spanned the length of the living room. All three kids quickly warmed up to each other and Alex was relieved at how Alexis and Eli didn't seem bothered by Asher as he would grab things out of place and put them in his mouth. Jo quickly traded them out for a pacifier which kept him from putting stuff in his mouth again, but he still grabbed things like any baby would. The twins quickly learned that they could hand him something else to get back what they wanted. They all built the tracks around where he sat on the rug and made a game of delivering things to him on the trains. 
The twins quickly warmed up to Jo as well. Alexis came to sit next to her and Eli followed his sister’s lead as the three of them built a train station out of Lincoln Logs. It warmed Alex’s heart to see Jo and the twins interact. It was everything he ever dreamed of after he first met his kids and there was a part of him that grieved that he could have made this a reality sooner. Yet, he was happy that he was doing this now.
With Jo’s attention on Alexis, Asher took the opportunity to slip away and Alex quickly got up and followed him. Alex watched the baby tottle over to the baby gate he had just set up. It was a good thing that he tested the baby gate earlier as Asher quickly grabbed onto it and gave it a shake. 
“Hey buddy,” Alex said, crouching down in front of Asher. “Let's go back to the trains yeah?”
Alex held out his hands to Asher who looked at him for a second, deciding whether he should let Alex pick him up. He held his breath for a moment before Asher turned, letting go of the gate, and reached out his hands to Alex who quickly scooped him up. 
Alex tickled Asher as he laughed and he moved to hold Asher out in front of him. He pretended to fly them around the room as the boy shrieked and laughed. It was such a wonderful sound and it reminded him so much of Jo’s laughter. Alex could feel himself falling in love with the baby boy as they took an extra circle around the room. Alex finally plopped down on the carpet with Asher who seemed content to sit with him as he picked up a train. 
Alex looked up and caught Jo staring, her smile was so big and happy as she watched them. She scooted to sit next to him and Alex put his arm around her waist as he leaned over and kissed her forehead. He wasn't sure how much PDA he wanted to show in front of the kids, but none of them seemed to care as they kept on playing. Alex looked into Jo's eyes again as she tilted her head to look at him. He stared into her eyes and got lost in her golden gaze. This was everything he could have ever dreamed of, his kids and Asher playing in the living room with the woman he loved, Jo, in his arms.
“Daddy, can we have something to eat?” Alexis said, interrupting them.
“Yeah sure,” Alex said as he tore his eyes away from Jo to glance at Alexis. “What do you want?”
“Do you have goldfish?” Eli asked knowing that Alex did have goldfish.
“Fishy fishy,” Asher said as well as all three kids looked up at him with hungry eyes. 
“Alright, I guess it’s goldfish for lunch, but I'm going to make some apple slices and peanut butter sandwiches with it,” Alex said as he got up and put Asher next to Eli.
“Why don't I help you and we can talk,” Jo said, getting up as well and Alex looked back as she followed him into the kitchen.
Alex could feel his heart beating in his chest and he wondered if this was the moment Jo would choose to tell him. 
“I got a high chair for Asher,” Alex said, pulling it out at the corner and up to the table.
“You didn't have to go out of your way to buy one, I've got the travel chair in my car,” Jo said, gesturing in the direction of her car parked outside.
“I wanted to. I want to be all the way in with you and Asher, and that means having everything that you need for him when you guys come over. I got diapers and wipes stocked up, and I set up a little changing station and a pack and play set upstairs in the spare bedroom. Although I wasn't sure of his size so I just guessed that it was size three.”
Alex stood behind the high chair and with both of his hands still on it. He knew that it wasn't just for Asher, but that they could use everything for the new baby as well. However, he kept himself from saying that part. He just wanted to show Jo that he was all in and that his house could be their house.
“Yeah, size three, thank you, I really appreciate that,” Jo said looking at him with a soft smile, they stared at each other again for a moment before Jo went over to Asher's diaper bag by the door and came back with a teal silicone plate. “I was sort of thinking the same thing. Since I'm still living with Meredith and you know how crazy her place can be sometimes, so would it be okay if we just hang out here when we get together. I brought a few extra things and I thought maybe I could keep them here?”
“Yeah, that’d be great, I’d love to have you guys here as much as you want and you can bring over whatever you need. You could move in if you wanted to?” Alex said but immediately regretted it as he watched Jo’s eyes grow wide. “You don't have to or anything and I know that with the kids, we should let them get to know each other before we try and combine our families, just never mind, forget I asked.”
“Alex it's okay, really. I thought about it too,” Jo said before she looked down at the plate in her hands. “But you're right we should take things slow with the kids and let them get used to each other first, but then maybe we could give it a try.”
“I'd like that, there are two extra rooms upstairs so maybe in the next couple of months if things go well you could move in with me?” Alex offered with a shrug as Jo smiled.
“Yeah, that sounds good, maybe in less than a couple of months though,” Jo said, as she looked over at him with a kind of longing that he knew all too well. “I miss sleeping next to you.”
“Me too,” Alex said as he stared at Jo, her skin glowed from the pregnancy and suddenly he imagined what it would look like when she was further along with her round belly or even when she had their baby in her arms. 
He could imagine what it would be like in a few months when they lived together, Jo would hold their baby and sit at the table as they ate together, with their three kids around them. He would sit next to her and have his arm around her shoulders as he talked with Eli, Alexis, and Asher about what they wanted to do that afternoon. He wanted them to all be a happy family together. He wanted it all right now and he hated that he had to wait for it to happen. However, Jo was right they needed to take things slow for the kid’s sake and he knew the wait would be worth it. She smirked as she caught him staring and came over to pull him out of his daydream with a quick peck to his lips.
“I also got something for the twins, to help with the adjustment,” Jo said as she went back to the diaper bag and grabbed out a book before handing it to Alex. 
It was a children's book titled ‘You're Getting a Baby Brother!’ Alex smiled as he flipped through the pages. The story detailed what it was like to live with a baby brother and Alex thought it was fitting, especially considering that if they were going to be a family it would include Asher as well as the baby Jo was pregnant with.
“This is great. I'm sure the kids will love it and it'll help them get used to Asher, although he's not a baby anymore,” Alex smirked as he smiled over at Jo and he couldn't help the way his eyes trailed down as he stared at her stomach.
Jo caught his eyes and sighed as she shook her head with a smile. “You know, don't you?” 
“Know what?” Alex said, looking back up at her as he played along, waiting for her to say it.
“You know that I'm pregnant,” Jo said, raising an eyebrow and waiting for him to deny it and knowing that he wouldn't.
“It wasn't really that hard to figure out,” Alex said with a wide smile, he was absolutely giddy at the thought of having a new baby with Jo. 
Alex put the book on the counter and reached out to her. Jo allowed him to place one hand on her stomach as they both stared down at her belly. He knew that she still wouldn't be showing for a while, yet he was still disappointed when her stomach felt the same as it always did. 
“I’m only eight weeks, so I’m not showing yet,” Jo said as if she was reading his mind as she placed her hand over his and they both looked down at her belly. “I've had Carina check me just to be sure. She did a full exam and work up and everything’s fine, but I haven’t scheduled the ultrasound. I wanted to wait until after I told you so you could come too.”
“You want me there for the ultrasound?” Alex asked, looking up at her again.
“Of course I do. I want you there for all of it Alex. I want you to be a father to our baby,” Jo said as she squeezed his hand. 
Alex was so relieved that even after everything he put her through, Jo was willing to allow him to be in their child's life. He thought that she would still be hesitant because he had left once before and he didn’t think that she wouldn't trust him again so easily. After breaking her heart he knew it wouldn't be so easy for her to trust him again, but he was so thankful that she was giving him his chance.
“I promise you Jo, I'm not going anywhere and I know that I said that to you before and that I broke that promise as well, but I made that mistake once and I'm not going to do it again,” Alex said as he looked down at their hands still on top of each other on her belly and he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his forehead against hers. “And I'm going to stay with you because I am so absolutely in love with you Jo. I went crazy without you and I'd be crazy to leave you again. I want this life, this love, this family with you. It was always supposed to be with you Jo, and I'm not going to walk away from that now.”
“I know,” Jo said with a nod. “Since you came back you've proven to me, not just with your words but with your actions. This afternoon alone, with everything that you've gotten for me, for my child, and for our new baby. You bought a high chair,” Jo said, pulling back a little bit to gesture to the high chair next to them. “And you chose me over Izzie. You stepped in when she asked why I wasn't in the magazine article. You protected me rather than explaining to her why I withdrew my name. You chose me and my family. You’ve shown me that you're not going anywhere, but they're still a part of me that says you could still up and walk away from me again because of how easily you did it the first time.” 
Alex looked down at her belly again. He knew in his heart that he would never walk away from her again and not just because of their child, but Alex knew that there wasn’t anything he could do to make Jo trust him. She had to trust him on her own and he knew how hard that would be for her.
“But I'm willing to trust you and be all in with you,” Jo said as he looked up in shock and stared at her. “I can't let my fears hold me back from loving you and having a family with you. I can trust you again. I can trust you not to leave me again, and not just because I know you would never abandon your child and since I'm carrying one of them for the next eight months or so, I know you’re not going anywhere and I trust you not to leave again. You're here right now and I’m willing to be all in with you because I want to be happy with you, and right now you make me so happy, with everything you do for me.” 
Alex let out a sigh of relief. The one thing he had been working for since he got back was to regain her trust. He was so excited and happy and wonderfully in love with her. “I love you so much Jo and I want to have a permanent family with you too. I want you to be a part of the twin’s lives as they grow up and I want you to be a part of my life again. I want to be a part of Asher's life too, we're going to be a family, all five of us well, soon to be six.”
“I want us all to be a family too,” Jo whispered, as he closed his eyes for a second and Jo relaxed into his touch. “I want you to be a permanent part of both of my children’s lives and I want to be a part of your kid’s lives in whatever role they’ll have for me. I want my children to know their siblings.”
Jo paused to look over and watched all of the kids play as Alex followed her gaze. He smiled as he watched Eli hand Asher the train that he was holding. Asher of course immediately put it into his mouth and Eli just laughed. Alexis reached over and spoke to Asher so kindly as she handed him, his pacifier instead. All three of the kids just clicked together as if it was meant to be.
“This afternoon when I watched you fly Asher around the room and I knew that you are all in with both of my kids,” Jo said as they looked back at each other and he stared into her eyes. “It makes me fall in love with you even more and I do love you, Alex.” 
Alex pulled back to look at her. She looked back at him with her lips parted as their words hung between them. He knew that it wasn’t easy for her to say even the first time around. They had been together for two years before she had truly said it. He never needed to hear it, but he knew that by her saying she loved him now, that it was her signal to him that she was all in. 
“I love you too,” Alex said, pulling back before he quickly leaned in and kissed her again.
Jo giggled against his lips before she pulled back. “Wait so, how long have you known I was pregnant?” 
“I've known since, well since the day you threw up at the nurse’s station and then I put you down for a nap in the on-call room,” Alex said with a knowing smile, teasing her just a little bit.
“You put me down for a nap? Is that what happened?”Jo asked with a little laugh as she put a hand on his chest.
“Well you did kind of need one and you were protesting like a little kid.”
Jo let out a laugh and smiled as she shook her head. She looked back at the kids and Alex held her as they watched them play in the living room. They all seemed to be enjoying each other's company and completely oblivious to their parents. Eli and Alexis showed Asher how to put the train on the tracks and press the button so it would go around on its own. It warmed his heart to see the three of them getting along.
“We're having a baby,” Alex whispered in her ear.
“We are,” Jo said with a wide and happy smile, and Alex leaned in and kissed her again because if he didn't, he felt like he’d burst with joy.
They couldn't seem to contain their excitement as they laughed and smiled and kissed. Alex pulled her in and Jo moaned against his lips. Alex felt like he was floating on air. This was everything they wanted and more. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in. He kissed her with every ounce of love he had poured into his lips as he held her close. Jo moaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Their kiss was tender and sweet and he could feel Jo melt against him. 
“Eww Daddy, what are you doing?” Eli asked as they parted to see all the kids staring at them. Eli had a grossed out look on his face, but Alexis smiled, while Asher just looked up at them.
“I'm kissing Jo is that okay?” Alex asked them as Jo moved back so she wasn’t pressed up against him, but still let him hold her waist.
“Un-huh,” Alexis immediately nodded excitedly. “Jo is your princess and you kiss princesses.”
“No,” Eli replied, shaking his head. “Kissing is gross.”
“Mama,” Asher babbled, as he got up and walked over to them, pulling on Jo’s pant leg and demanding to be held.
Jo smiled as she reached down to pick him up. As soon as she did, Asher laid a kiss on her lips before looking at Alex and giving him the stink eye. He clearly wasn’t happy that he was no longer the only man in Jo’s life.
Jo scoffed at Asher's look and Alex raised his eyebrow at him before leaning in and tickling Asher’s sides and his frown disappeared as he shrieked and laughed. 
“All right well we'll try to keep the kissing to a minimum of grossness, but would you guys be okay with Jo and Asher being over a lot more going forward?” Alex asked as he looked over at the twins. 
“Yeah, I like Asher and Jo’s nice too,” Alexis said with a nod that Eli quickly shared.
“Sounds good to me,” Jo said, looking over at him and smiling at Alex before Asher tried to wiggle out of her arms and Jo put him down so he could go back to his play. 
“We're going to be a family,” Jo said as she put one hand on her belly, reality seemingly sinking in.
“I think we already are,” Alex said with a nod before he leaned in and kissed her cheek. She smiled and leaned against him as they watched their children play before Eli and Alexis complained about the lack of goldfish. They quickly finished lunch before calling the kids over. They all sat around the kitchen island talking and eating as Alex looked up and caught Jo’s eyes. She smiled at him as he reached out to put a hand over her belly. They were a family and it was everything he had ever dreamed.
The last few months of Jo's pregnancy seemed to fly by and all three kids were slowly getting used to the prospect of the new baby. Eli, Alexis, and Asher all seem to adapt rather quickly to the new family situation and Jo and Asher moved into Alex’s house when Jo was five months along. Asher had come to love Alexis and Eli and looked up to his big siblings. Asher also loved Alex as well and the day that Asher looked up at him and called him Dada, Jo and Alex's hearts melted. The five soon-to-be six of them were a family and Jo thanked whoever was in charge of the universe for this wonderful family she had been given.
Before they knew it, It was the first BBQ of the season and two days past Jo’s due date. Jo lounged on a deck chair with Alexis laying beside her. Alexis pressed her ear against Jo’s round belly listening to the baby move and kick inside of her. She was whispering secret things to the baby that even Jo didn't catch as she ran her fingers through Alexis’ long blonde hair. 
Meredith was hosting a Backyard BBQ with most of their friends in attendance. Eli, Asher, Alex, and Link were playing soccer in the yard with Scout, and a few of the other kids. Meredith was talking with Amelia and Maggie, as Heyes and Richard barbecued the stakes and other food. Bailey and Ben were talking with Jackson and April while a few of the others lingered around the yard and watched the kids play. 
“Thanks,” Jo said, as Meredith came over and handed her a drink, a lemonade. The most exciting thing Jo was allowed to have.
“Has she moved at all?” Meredith asked, looking down at Alexis as she sat next to them.
“Nope,” Jo said, with a smile as she brushed Alexis’ hair away from where it had fallen in her face. 
Alexis was so excited for the new baby and couldn’t wait to meet them. Eli still wasn't quite as sure about it but said he wanted to see the baby after they were born. Whereas Asher was just mad that Jo's big belly was preventing him from sitting on her lap.
In the past seven months, Jo had gotten to know Eli and Alexis and had grown to love them as if they were her own. They were both so much like Alex, stubborn and caring, but they were also sweet and kind. One of the things that made her fall in love with them was the way Eli and Alexis loved Asher. They were the best big siblings to him that she could ever ask for. They were patient with the toddler and always took the time to make room for him in their play.
Eli would try to teach Asher everything he was learning while he did his homework and Asher was constantly learning new phrases from his big brother. Alexis would play dress-up with Asher and all three of the kids had the cutest little theater performances. Asher was always happy to let his big sister dress him up and they rocked the princess dresses together. Asher was the first person they hugged when she and Alex picked them up from Izzie’s and always talked about how they loved to have a little brother. 
“Are you asking if they’re ready to come out and play with you already?” Meredith asked Alexis.
“No,” Alexis said, not taking her head off of Jo’s belly. “Mommy Jo said they’ll come when they’re ready.”
The twins had recently started calling her Mommy Jo. Although Izzie hadn't been happy about it, Jo was over the moon. She loved Alexis and Eli as if they were her own and she felt honored that they saw her as one of their moms. 
“We’ll have to wait and see,” Jo said, rubbing her side as she had another Braxton Hicks contraction. 
They had started coming frequently in the last few months, and she had a few the last couple of hours, but nothing consistent or particularly painful. Meredith eyed her as Jo breathed out, but didn't say anything. She just grabbed Jo's hand and let her squeeze her hand until it passed.
“Oh, then what were you telling them?” Meredith asked, after Jo let go of her hand and she leaned over to try and engage Alexis in conversation.
“It's a secret!” Alexis insisted picking up her head and putting her finger to her lips and shushing them, before returning to her spot on Jo's belly and continuing to whisper to the baby.
Jo and Meredith exchanged a look before they both laughed. They talked for a little while and Jo leaned back to enjoy the first sun of the spring, but that didn't last long as she had to pee. Jo always had to pee. 
“Sorry Alexis, I gotta get up,” Jo said as Alexis picked up her head and Jo shifted to sit up and turn to put her feet on the deck.
Meredith came around to help her up as Jo couldn’t get up without help these days. That was definitely something she was looking forward to doing again after she gave birth. As soon as she stood up she had another Braxton Hicks and put one hand on her belly as she gripped Meredith’s arm. 
“Another Braxton Hicks?” Alexis asked as she picked up Jo’s phone and reset the timer they had.
“Yeah...” Jo stopped to groan as it was a particularly strong one. Meredith moved to hold her up, her hand going to rub Jo’s back. 
She breathed through the pain and it soon passed. Jo stood up straighter and let go of Meredith to put her hands on her back. She looked over at Alex who was still playing soccer and was relieved that he hadn’t seen her doubled over in pain.
“I’m fine. It’s just another Braxton Hick,” Jo said, ignoring Meredith’s look of concern. 
“It looked like a contraction to me,” Meredith said with a smirk. 
“It’s just another Braxton Hick,” Jo insisted, rubbing her belly.
“Oh really, Alexis?” Meredith asked, turning to look at her. “How far apart are your Mommy Jo’s Braxton Hicks contraction?”
“Umm, about ten minutes or so?” Alexis said, holding up the phone timer that they had set as she scrunched up her eyebrows up in such a way that was so cute that it was hard for Jo to be mad at her for snitching.
By the time Jo had become pregnant, she had been an OB/GYN for almost a year and by now she had delivered over two hundred babies. She knew what labor looked like and she noticed when the contractions started getting stronger earlier that afternoon. Jo had been tracking her Braxton Hick contraction for a few hours, but she still wasn't in active labor and was comfortable relaxing on the deck chair as she labored.
“Okay, so I'm in labor,” Jo whispered to Meredith as she rubbed her back. “And before you ask, yes they last for a minute, but they're still ten minutes apart which means we can't even think about going to the hospital yet, and I just wanted to labor in peace without you or Alex hovering.”
“Jo, you should at least let me or Alex check your cervix, especially if your contractions are this close!” Meredith insisted as Jo rolled her eyes.
“I’m a board-certified OB/GYN, I’m perfectly capable of checking my own cervix. Which I will, but right now I have to pee,” Jo whisper yelled before she waddled off to the bathroom.
She stayed in the bathroom a little longer than necessary, she knew the second she returned to the backyard Meredith and Alex would hover over her. Meredith was right, she was several centimeters dilated which meant they should probably head to the hospital, but Jo wanted a moment to collect herself before everyone around her started panicking. Jo was no stranger to painful experiences and she preferred to handle them on her own.
“Hey Jo, you alright?” Link called out to her as he knocked on the door. 
Jo groaned and swung open the door intent on telling him to leave her alone, but suddenly gasped as she felt a gush of liquid trickle down her legs. Jo was embarrassed to admit that she had peed her pants once or twice, but she knew the moment it happened that this wasn’t her bladder. As Jo looked up at Link, her expression must have conveyed her situation. 
“Your water broke. You’re in labor.” Link said eyes wide as he froze.
Jo nodded as she felt another contraction start. Suddenly it was all so very real and she was in a lot of pain as she gripped the door frame. She needed Alex. However, she couldn't speak as the contraction continued. Thankfully, Link was there for her and put his hands on her lower back offering counter-pressure. Jo sighed in relief as soon as her contraction passed and Link put his arm around her. 
“No, get Alex,” Jo insisted as Link nodded, but helped her walk over to the living room so she could sit down before he left. 
As Link left, Jo finally had the peace and quiet she wanted earlier, but all she could think about was how much she needed Alex. She put her hand on her belly, She hadn't felt the baby move in a while, and she missed the feeling of her baby kicking her, but she knew she would soon hold them in her arms. 
“Ready to meet us, honey?” Jo asked and the baby responded with one strong kick giving Jo her answer. “Yeah, us too.”
“Jo?” Alex called out as he ran over to her, trying to hide the panic in his voice. 
“Hey, I hope you're ready to meet them because they’re coming,” Jo said, smiling up at Alex as he came to kneel in front of her.
Alex laughed, but Jo knew it just meant that he was nervous. “Yes I know, Meredith and Link are getting the kids sorted, and then we’re going to head to the hospital as soon as Mere gets the car for us.”
“Oh god,” Jo moaned as another contracting hit. They were closer together and stronger now that her water had broken.
Alex had a look of pure panic as she grabbed his hand. Seeing him panic made Jo frustrated. She was in so much pain and she needed Alex to comfort her. It took him a moment, but Alex wrapped his arms around her waist as Jo leaned in and buried her head in his shoulder. He took both of Jo's hands and leaned in close as he instructed Jo on how to breathe.
“You can do this, Jo,” Alex said with a nod as he looked into her eyes and that was exactly what Jo needed to hear.
“Okay, Link and Amelia are going to watch the kids like you planned, we’ve got the car seats moved out of your car, and we’re ready to go,” Meredith said walking into the room. “Were you able to check how much you were dilated before your water broke?”
“I’m only 4cm, which means it could be hours!” Jo whined as she leaned back against Alex. 
“I know, that’s why we’re going to the hospital so you can get settled and you rest for a few more hours before you have to push,” Meredith said, reaching down to help her up. “Come on, let's get in the car before you have another contraction.” 
It took several hours for Jo's labor to progress and after a few hours, she asked for an epidural. Jo had gone back and forth initially about whether she wanted one, but was happy she got it, as it allowed her some to rest and even sleep before she had to push. Alex had been at her side the entire time, he had one arm wrapped around her shoulders and held her hand, while Meredith was on the other side holding her other hand. Link would have been there as well, but Jo loved him like a brother in that she didn't want her brother to see her naked and pushing out a baby. Besides Link was one of the only people Jo truly trusted with Asher overnight.
After twenty minutes of pushing their baby girl came into the world with a set of lungs that alerted the whole OB floor to her arrival. The second Carina put their daughter on her chest Jo just stared down at her in amazement. She was so perfect. She had round cheeks and thick tufts of dark hair. Jo cooed and gently brushed the tuffs of thick brown hair, she had so much hair. The baby stretched out her legs on Jo’s chest kicking her from the outside now before she curled back up into a tiny little ball. She continued to scream as Alex cut the cord, but calmed down as Jo rubbed her hand up and down her daughter's back before Meredith put a blanket over both of them.
Jo glanced back at Alex as he choked out a cry and he reached out to hold one of their daughter’s hands, letting the newborn’s hand wrap around his big finger. Jo held her closer as the baby looked up at them with big eyes that seemed to look straight into their souls. 
“Hello,” Jo whispered to her. “I’m your Mommy and this is your Daddy and your Auntie Mere and we're so happy to meet you.” 
The baby seemed content as Jo spoke to her and Jo closed her eyes as silent happy tears fell down her cheeks. Alex took a moment to comfort her, leaning over to kiss her forehead and squeeze her shoulders.
“You're so amazing, I know it was hard, but you did so good Jo,” Alex whispered in her ear before he kissed her cheek. 
Carina let them settle, taking quick measurements and checking the baby over while she was on Jo’s chest. When she was done Jo looked up at Alex.
“You ready to hold her?” Jo asked before she transferred their daughter into his arms. 
Alex held his daughter for the first time and seemed completely in love with her as he just stared down at her. He had never gotten the opportunity to be with the twins as newborns and Jo knew how much that meant to him. Jo turned her head and looked at Meredith. 
“Well done Jo, and congratulations on your baby girl,” Meredith said as she smiled at Jo and squeezed her hand. 
Jo relaxed back in bed as Carina finished cleaning her up. Alex finally looked over at Jo as she gave him a tired smile catching his eyes. 
“Thank you,” Alex said looking down at her as he moved to sit on the bed as Meredith let go of her hand for the first time and let them have a moment alone.
“For giving birth, you better be thankful,” Jo said as she teased him with a light smile and reached out to adjust the blanket around their daughter. 
“For telling me that you were pregnant, for letting me be a part of our daughter's life from the very beginning, for trusting me, for letting me be a part of your life and Asher’s life,” Alex said if he looked between his daughter and the woman he loved. “I didn't have that with Eli and Alexis but you let me have that with her and I will forever be grateful Jo.” 
“I never would have kept her from you Alex,” Jo said as she reached out and Alex took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “But you're still welcome.”
They exchanged a smile before they looked down at their daughter again. Jo reached out and ran her finger over their baby’s cheek as she turned her head towards Jo. They were both completely in love with their new daughter as they got to know her.
Alex gave her back to Jo after a few minutes and Jo held her daughter for as long as possible, but she quickly grew tired from her long labor. Jo barely even protested when Alex lifted the baby off of her chest and pulled the blanket up to tuck her in. 
“Don't name her until after I wake up,” Jo mumbled half asleep already.
“I promise I won't name her until after you wake up,” Alex said leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Despite how cool of a middle name princess would be.”
“Our daughter's middle name is not gonna be princess,” Jo insisted, not bothering to open her eyes to argue with him.
“But it would be so cool and no one would even notice,” Alex insisted, his voice full of excitement.
Jo groaned as she opened her eyes and looked over at Meredith. “Please don’t let him name our daughter princess.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll hold the birth certificate hostage until you wake up,” Meredith said with a smirk.
“Thank you, Meredith,” Jo said, closing her eyes again and melting into the bed. “You’re a good friend.”
“I thought you were supposed to be on my side, you’re my person,” Alex argued, although he had the decency to whisper.
“I am your person and as your person, I can't let you name your daughter princess,” Meredith insisted, whispering a little lower Alex but still audible for Jo to hear.
“Shut up or get out,” Jo said, throwing her hand out and hitting Alex’s arm.
“Ow, sorry, shutting up,” Alex said as Meredith giggled, but they remained quiet as promised and Jo drifted off to sleep. 
She slept for a few hours before the baby woke her up to feed. Jo had opted to try and breastfeed, and Carina came back in to help her and the baby get a good latch and soon her daughter was happily suckling at her breast. Several of the nurses and other staff, including Bailey, also stopped by and cooed over the baby. When She left, Bailey remarked that she couldn't wait to see the baby again and it warmed Jo's heart to know that her daughter would grow up surrounded by a whole hospital that loved her.
“Okay, here's the birth certificate paperwork,” Carina said, as she left everything on the table next to Jo’s bed. 
“And the other paperwork when you're ready,” Meredith said, giving her a wink.
“Why don't you get started on that,” Jo said, staring down at the little girl that was adorably milk drunk in her arms. She was so in love with her baby and she could barely take her eyes off of her, plus she had one last surprise for Alex and she didn't want her smile giving it away. 
“Yeah okay,” Alex said, although he didn't take his eyes off of the baby and continued to rub his finger over her little hand where it was still wrapped around his finger. 
Alex finally tore his eyes away from their baby to glance over the papers in front of him, before he began to fill it all out. Carina had already put down the time and their baby girl's weight and height so Alex filled out the parental information, leaving the name for last. 
“So are we settled on the name Princess Edith Josephine?” Alex asked looking over at her. 
“Just Edith Josephine, yes, I think we are,” Jo said as she reached out to capture Edith’s now free hand.
“Edith,” Meredith said with a smile as she reached out to capture the baby’s hand. “Derek had two babies named after him, but both of them go by other names. I have a baby named after me that will go by my name.”
“Derek's not here Mere, you can stop competing with him,” Alex said, not even bothering to look up.
“Just because he's dead doesn't mean I can't compete with him a little bit,” Meredith insisted with a smile as she rubbed her thumb on the back of Edith's hand.
“In that case, we’ll change her name to our second choice of Cristina Stephanie,” Alex said looking up from the paperwork to glare at Meredith.
“Alright, I'm shutting up, only because Christina Stephanie is too much of a mouthful,” Meredith said, rolling her eyes. 
“Thank you,” Alex said sarcastically.
Jo smiled as she looked down at Edith again, who let out a yawn that was so adorable and Jo sighed and melted at how darling she was. They had considered naming her after a number of their friends, but they had settled on Meredith because if it wasn't for her their baby girl wouldn't exist. 
After Alex left, Jo probably would have moved away, but Meredith had been there for her and encouraged her to stay. When Alex came back, she was the first person to encourage each of them to talk to each other. Looking back now they both realized how Meredith had orchestrated their meet up at the wedding. She had conveniently left her purse downstairs while working with Link and made sure that their kids were taken care of so they could have the alone time that led to the creation of their baby girl. She was the reason that their little girl existed and had two parents who were together, and it felt only right that Edith shared Meredith's name. 
“I guess I can settle on Edith Josephine Wilson, Edith after Meredith, Josephine after you, because it's only fair since Alexis is named after me, and then your last name because we're not married,” Alex said as he picked up the pen.
“No, Edith Josephine Karev,” Jo said as she smiled down at Edith.
“Karev?” Alex asked, a little hesitant as Jo finally looked up at him.
“Yeah,” Jo said, the last name was the one thing they hadn’t discussed, but Jo had always known that her baby would be a Karev. “She's a Karev and I want to be a Karev again too, I want to marry you again and I love you. I miss having the last name of someone I love and I want my kids to have your last name too.”
Alex smiled so big and wide as he just stared at her so in love. “Of course I'll marry you again. I'll marry you right now if you want me to. Jo you've made me the happiest man in the world.”
“Well Alexis has already said that she'll kill us if she's not the flower girl at our wedding so maybe we should hold off,” Jo said with a smile, she was eager to be married again as well.
“Why don't I go get them now? It's not too late, and I'm sure they'll be waiting up in anticipation anyway,” Meredith said as she got up to leave, but not before she held Edith and cooed at her namesake, before handing her back to Jo.
Jo loved having Meredith around but she was also happy to have this moment alone just the two, well three of them. Especially with what she had planned for Alex to see.
“There's one other person I want to have your last name as well. Look under the birth certificate paperwork,” Jo said as she blushed and looked down at Edith again, biting her lip as she tried to wait for the big reveal she had planned.
She looked up again as she heard the shuffle of the papers to see Alex pulling out the adoption papers for Asher. His jaw dropped as he read over the papers, looking up at her before looking back down to read them again. 
“Is this real? You want this? You want me to be Asher’s Dad?” Alex asked in disbelief as he stared at her.
“He calls you Daddy, and it’s not just because he hears it from Alexis and Eli, every time he says it, he means it. He loves you so much Alex, you're a father to him and I love that you love him too. He's yours in every way, but name and so I want you to adopt our son. I want him to be both of ours.” 
Jo could feel the tears start to collect in her eyes as she spoke and she could see Alex getting teary eyed as well. He slowly made his way over to her, sinking into the chair next to her. Alex reached out and took her free hand giving it a squeeze before he leaned in to kiss her, giving her his answer in his lips. When he pulled back he kissed her forehead before he sat back down in the chair.
“I would be honored to adopt Asher and to be his father,” Alex said, getting choked up as he leaned in to kiss her again. Then he smiled and reached over to grab something from her hospital bag. It was a stack of documents all too similar to the one she had handed to him. “And I want you to be a legal guardian to Alexis and Eli. They call mom, you’re a parent to them and they look up to you. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you love them as much as I do. I talked it over with Izzie and we agreed that if anything happens, you need to be able to take care of them and have legal custody too.”
“Okay.” It was the only thing she could say as she nodded and the tears finally fell from her eyes. Alex reached out to grab her a tissue and Jo just smiled because she was so happy. In that moment her family was complete. 
Jo let out a breath as she looked over at the door before she looked back at Edith as she slept peacefully in Jo’s arms. Meredith had texted and said that she was on her way up with the kids and Jo and Alex were quietly waiting for them. 
“Relax Jo, take a deep breath,” Alex said, reaching out and putting a hand on her leg as he rubbed her knee. “They're gonna love her.”
“Alexis for sure, you saw how she clung to my belly, she’s never gonna want to be apart from her, but Eli and Asher. I don’t know. Eli still isn’t used to sharing things with Asher and Asher is so clingy. He's going to hate that I can't hold him 24/7 anymore,” Jo said as she stared down and Edith who was completely oblivious to the chaos her siblings were about to rain down on her.
“Okay, Yes Alexis is going to love her and probably steal her away from us half the time. But Eli is slowly getting used to having a younger brother and having Asher follow him around and it's not like Edith is going to be taking anything from him anytime soon. And Asher is so busy chasing the twins around half the time and I’ll take Edith so you guys can still have your nightly cuddles before he goes to bed. We've spent the past nine months getting ready for this, we can do it Jo.” 
“Okay, you're way too calm for this where's my grumpy Alex,” Jo demanded looking over at Alex as he laughed and she smiled before letting out a breath. 
There was a knock at the door and Jo looked to where she knew Meredith was waiting for them. She took a deep breath into her nose and out through her mouth cradling Edith just a little closer to her. Jo adjusted the hat on her head, it was just small enough for the regular baby hats and a little bit of her brown hair she had peeked out.
“Ready?” Alex asked, squeezing her knee.
“Yes,” Jo said, looking down at Edith before she reached out and grabbed Alex's hand.
“Okay come in,” Alex said as the door opened to reveal Meredith holding Asher with Alexis and Eli walking in front of her.
“Hi guys.” Alex smiled as the kids came over, a little hesitant, and Alex beckoned them to come closer. 
Alex wrapped his arms around Alexis and Eli as Meredith stood next to them. All three of the kids seemed hesitant to come closer and Jo tilted her arms so they could see the baby. 
“You guys have a sister,” Alex whispered, giving the twins a little squeeze. “Her name is Edith.”
“She's all wrinkly,” Eli said, scrunching up his eyebrows while Alexis just looked at her in awe.
“Mama, I miss you,” Asher said, not caring about the baby at all and reaching out to her although Meredith kept her grip on him. 
“I miss you too, but I had your sister, see,” Jo said with a smile, as she pulled the blanket back so he could see Edith. Asher tilted his head and stared at her, but looked back up at Jo after a moment.
“I have a sister,” Alexis said looking up at them wide-eyed before she promptly dissolved into tears. 
“Oh sweetie,” Jo said, reaching out to her as Alex tried to comfort her, but Alexis crawled up onto Jo's bed.
Jo was surprised that Alexis chose to curl up in her arms rather than seeking comfort from Alex, but just held her as Alexis tucked herself against her side. Jo kissed her head and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as Alexis continued to cry. She seemed completely overwhelmed and Jo just rubbed her hand up and down her arm.
“Do you want to hold her?” Jo said as she leaned into Alexis and whispered to her.
Alexis just nodded as she continued to cry as Jo shifted Edith into her lap. Jo wrapped her arms around Alexis and Edith as Alexis held her sister. As she looked down at Edith who was still sleeping, Alexis’ cries slowed to a stop. 
“She's so tiny,” Alexis whispered as Edith moved in her sleep and one of her arms slipped out from the loose swaddle and Alexis reached out to hold her hand. “But your belly was so big.”
Jo glared at Alex and Meredith as they both laughed. “Well my belly held a lot more than just the baby, remember there was water in there too that kept her cushioned and the placenta that fed her.”
Alexis just shrugged as she rubbed her thumb over Edith's hand and became completely engrossed in her little sister. “Hi Edith, I'm your big sister, I love you.”
Jo couldn't stop the tears that collected in her eyes and she took a moment to glance over at Alex who just smiled at Alexis and Edith. Jo had never had a big family even with Asher, it was just the two of them, but now she had this huge family with Alexis and Eli. Her kids had two siblings who loved them so much and would look out for them as they grew up.
“Can I hold her?” Eli asked in his small little voice that Jo barely caught. 
“Yeah Bud, let's sit back and you can hold her,” Alex said as he traded places with Eli so he could sit in the chair. 
Alexis gave Edith a little hug goodbye before Alex lifted her off of Alexis’ lap and set her into Eli's arms. Eli was a little awkward at first and seemed to freeze as she was placed in his arms, but Alex showed him how to hold her and Eli just stared down at Edith.
“Hi,” Eli said to her a little unsure as Edith opened her eyes and stared up at him. The brother and sister seem to stare at each other and eventually, Eli smiled. 
“Can I have her back?” Alexis asked, watching Edith and Eli intently as everyone just laughed.
“You can have her back in a minute, you've got to share her remember,” Jo said, hugging Alexis close before looking up at Meredith and motioning for her to give her Asher. Jo held her first baby as he snuggled closer to her and Jo sat him on her left side before she wrapped her arms around both of her kids, Asher and Alexis. “What do you think of the baby Asher?”
Asher stared intently over at Eli and Edith and looked back at Jo before looking back at Edith and Eli and pointing. “Baby sissy.” 
“Yeah that's right, that is your baby sister,” Jo said as Asher looked back at Eli and Edith staring intently at them. “Eli are you done? Can Daddy bring her over so Asher can see her?”
“I want to hold her longer,” Eli said, looking up at Jo for the first time since Alex placed Edith in his arms.
“I promise, you can hold her later,” Alex said as he lifted Edith from Eli's arms. “You've got your whole life to hold her, let's let her and Asher meet.”
Alex paused when he looked at Jo as she had one arm around Alexis and the other around Asher, so he sat down on the bed and moved the blanket so Asher could see. Jo watched her son take in the new baby. One of her fears throughout this pregnancy was that Asher wouldn't adjust well to being a big brother. He took to being a little sibling with the twins so well, but when they weren't there he got one hundred percent of Jo and Alex’s attention. He loved being the center of their attention and Jo wasn't sure how he was going to act with Edith around. 
Asher stared at Edith as Alexis crawled over to Alex. With Alexis freeing up her other arm Alex moved Edith into Jo’s free arm. She had a moment of panic as she held both of her babies. It felt so overwhelming to have both of them at the same time, but she quickly got used to it. Edith stared up at her for a moment before closing her eyes again and Asher leaned forward to look at the baby as Jo held them. 
“What do you think, Mommy?” Alex asked, looking at Jo with a smile. He had one arm around Alexis with him on the bed and the other around Eli as he leaned against him. “We've got two little ones now and two big ones?”
“I think it’s perfect,” Eli said as he leaned into Alex's side. “We've got two girls and two boys and two A names and two E names.”
“Yeah, I think it's pretty perfect two,” Jo agreed with Eli looking up as she caught the way Alex's eyes sparkled. He smiled as he leaned forward to kiss her lips and Jo smiled against his kiss. 
If Jo thought going from one kid to three was hard, going from three to four was absolute chaos, but some days were calmer than others and lazy Sunday mornings were the best. Edith was now two months old and it was waffle Sunday at the Karev house. The first Waffle Sunday since Jo and Asher were officially made Karevs at a joint adoption and Wedding ceremony. The only person who was not in their pajamas was Edith because she had spit up on them, but the rest of them lounged around the living room with cartoons playing in the background.
Jo leaned against the couch with Edith as she set the baby on the rug and grabbed the pair of jingly keys and held them in front of her. Asher took the opportunity of her free arms to crawl into them and Jo hugged her boy and planted a kiss on his cheek. Alexis came to sit next to Edith and immediately picked her up.
“Alexis, she’s doing tummy time, you can hold her in a second,” Jo said lightheartedly although she made no move to take Edith from Alexis. 
“But Mommy Jo she wants to play with me,” Alexis said, giving her a smile she knew Jo wouldn't refuse before she looked down at Edith and cooed at her.
Asher reached out from his place on Jo's lap to hold Edith’s hand. Of all the kids, she was worried most about how Asher would adjust to Edith, but he loved his little sister and always wanted to just be near her. Edith held onto her brother's fingers and stared up at him until Alexis caught her attention with the toy keys again. 
“I hold her hand,” Asher said looking up at Jo.
“I see you are holding her hand,” Jo said with a smile. 
Eli crawled over and laid down on the couch as he grabbed one of the many toys laying around and held it above Edith. Asher grabbed for the toy and Eli laughed as he let him have it and Asher got off of her lap and crawled up next to Eli. Jo looked over at Alex who was busy in the kitchen making the waffles. With the kids occupied, Jo went over to the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around Alex’s waist and laid her head on his shoulder enjoying the feeling of him in her arms.
“Are you getting hungry Mrs. Karev,” Alex asked as he got the last waffle out of the waffle iron and put it on a plate.
“That's Dr. Karev to you,” Jo said, swatting his ass before he tilted his head to quickly kiss her. 
“Hey, you think we could sneak away for a little alone time?” Alex asked, he turned around and grabbed her hips pulling them against him as he leaned in to kiss her.
Jo looked back at all the kids as they were occupied in the living room. Alexis had put Edith back on the floor and was holding the keys above her head as she reached for them, while Asher and Eli were completely engrossed in the TV show and had scooted close to cuddle together. 
“I'd say we got about five minutes until someone gets hungry, but I think we should make it work,” Jo said as she wrapped her arms around Alex's neck and tilted her head to kiss him.
Both of them quickly snuck off down the hall getting just as far as the door to the study. Alex kissed his way down her neck and Jo tried not to moan. She fumbled for the doorknob and just as she was about to open it and push Alex inside Eli called out to them.
“Daddy, Mommy Jo, I'm hungry, are the waffles ready?” 
Of course, this set off a cry of replies from Asher and Alexis also demanding waffles, and on top of that Edith started crying as well. Jo knew she would be hungry as she hadn't eaten since 5 am that morning when Alex got up with her. 
“Okay guys, go wash your hands and sit at the table and we’ll be there in just a second,” Alex said with a sigh as he leaned his forehead against Jo’s.
“We were so close,” Jo said with a sigh as she shook her head. 
“Do you want to serve the waffles or calm the baby?” Alex asked, wrapping his arm around her waist as they both walked down the hall into the living room. 
“I'll take Edith, she's probably hungry,” Jo said, walking over to where she and Alexis were still lying on the rug.
“She's also stinky,” Alexis said, while turning her head away and wrinkling her nose.
“On second thought you can take her,” Jo said, picking Edith up and handing her off to Alex before quickly walking away. 
“Why do I always get stuck with diaper duty?” Alex asked as he moved to cradle Edith and gently swayed as she fussed.
“Because I was pregnant with her for nine long months during which I took care of her 24/7. Then I was in labor with her for over nine hours and I pushed her very big head out of my vagina, so I’d say you owed me a lifetime of diaper changes,” Jo said, setting him with a look. 
“Mommy's always going to hold that one over me isn't she?” Alex asked Edith as he grabbed the diapers and wipes from the basket they had in the living room. The changing station had long since moved to the side of the couch easily in reach.
“Daddy you should be grateful. Mommy Jo sacrificed a lot to have Edith,” Eli piped up as he ran up to the counter to help Jo with the waffles. 
“Thank you Eli,” Jo said as she put her arm around his shoulders and gave him a quick hug before popping a Waffle on a plate and handing it to him. 
“Mommy Jo when are you and Daddy going to have another baby?” Alexis asked as Jo gave her a plate.
“We're done having babies Alexis, I think our family is perfect just the way it is,” Jo said leaning down and swiping Alexis’ nose as she giggled.
“Yeah, but I want another one,” Alexis insisted as she sat down next to Eli.
“No babies,” Asher said as he came over and Jo lifted him up onto her hip before she grabbed the stack of waffles and walked over to the table. 
“How about we get you a doll Alexis?” Jo asked as she sat down and put Asher in the highchair. 
“Can it be one of those ones that looks really real and cries and eats and stuff,” Alexis asked with excitement. “Ellis and I found one online and it looks so real.”
“If Alexis gets a real baby doll can I get a real oven,” Eli said from where he was shoving his waffle into his mouth.
“We have an oven, buddy,” Alex said, coming back in with Edith and sitting there next to Jo, before handing her the baby. “I think she’s hungry, she keeps trying to eat my shirt.”
Jo laughed as she saw the drool stain on Alex's shirt. She got Edith settled before she lifted up her shirt and pulled out her breast before quickly getting Edith latch on.
“Daddy we've lived here for almost a year and you and Mommy Jo have never once used that oven. I don't think it's even real,” Eli insisted gesturing to the oven and Jo couldn't help but laugh. 
“Okay, listen the oven does work and I'll prove it to you. This afternoon you and I are going to use the oven, what do you want to make?” Alex said, pointing his fork at Eli before he grabbed a piece of waffle and held it out for Jo to eat since she had her hands full. 
Eli took a moment to think and he got this adorable little serious face as the breakfast table quieted down as they all waited for his response. 
“I want to make a cake,” Eli decided with a nod.
“I want cake,” Asher said, his eyes lighting up as he smiled.
“Alright, cake it is,” Alex said with a smile. “We can go to the store and get the ingredients after breakfast.”
“Alex, are you really going to cook a cake from scratch?” Jo asked as Alex fed her another piece of waffle. “Do we even have cake pans?”
“No we’re going to go to the store and get a boxed cake mix which can't be that hard to make,” Alex said before taking a bite of his own waffle. 
“Chocolate cake?” Asher asked, getting excited as he bounced in his seat.
“Oh, can we get sprinkles?” Alexis asked, talking with her mouthful.
“Chocolate does sound really good,” Jo added, before looking down and Edith. “You want cake too, don't you baby. Yes, yummy cake milk from Mommy.” 
“Alright, we’ll go and get chocolate cake with sprinkles that everybody can enjoy,” Alex said, as he leaned over to smile down at Edith from where she still nursed at Jo's breast and reached out to grab her fingers as she waved her arm up at him.
Jo looked down at Edith and watched her baby happily eat for a few minutes before she looked up and watched the rest of her family. Eli went on about how he would decorate the cake while Asher got more excited and actively bounced in his high chair. Alexis asked if they could add some flowers and Alex of course happily gave in to all of it. 
It wasn't anything special, just a normal Friday at the house with all of the kids, but Jo was so happy. Jo had once imagined what it would have been like if she and Alex had never divorced and had made things work with the twins together. If they had they might not have had Edith and they certainly wouldn't have had Asher. Despite all of the pain, she and Alex had somehow found their way back to each other and created this wonderful family together. 
She looked over at Alex and reached her hand out to him, he captured her outstretched hand and gave it a squeeze. Jo tugged on his hand as a silent signal to him and Alex smiled as he leaned forward and kissed her lips. Jo smiled against him as his beard tickled her cheeks. 
“Was that for anything in particular,” Alex opened his eyes and pulled back just a little bit so he could look at her with a soft smile.
“It was just because I can and because I love you,” Jo said, stealing another kiss before she pulled back.
“I love you too,” Alex said, as he put his arm around her shoulders and scooted closer to her.
This family, this life she had with Alex, didn't start out perfectly, but somehow they worked it out and now they had this beautiful family together.
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Physical Fatality Part 6- Ultimatum
18+ Hawks x fem, pro hero!reader
Summary: You’re a rising star in All Might’s agency. Hawks is the darling of Endeavor’s. By virtue of your job descriptions, the two of you are supposed to hate each other, or at the very least be cautiously neutral. For a long time that’s exactly what the two of you did. You stayed out of each other’s way and formed little opinion of the other. One fateful night at an HPSC gala changes all that. Based on the album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom by Halsey.
If you don’t want to see Physical Fatality content blacklist #hopelesspf
This story will have multiple NSFW parts so it is 18+ ONLY minors dni
Warnings for descriptions of unprotected vaginal, minor wing kink
Hawks knows what he’s been doing the past several weeks isn’t fair to you. In his defense, he was attempting to reconcile two different facts in his head. Fact 1: He is completely in love with you. Fact 2: He is completely loyal to Endeavor. Some days fact 1 wins out and he acts the perfect almost boyfriend. He helped you move into your apartment with Mina, he’d leave little gifts on your desk if he found something that made him think of you, and he kept things quiet so the reporters and your coworkers wouldn’t sniff out potential scandal. But some days fact 2 wins and he hesitates and grows distant. It’s not so much that he sees it as betraying Endeavor. He always has and always will think the Endeavor-All Might feud is dumb. But he knows that Endeavor will see it as a betrayal and like it or not Hawks owes a lot to Endeavor.
He sees the way you constantly try to anticipate how the press will interpret your every little move. Frankly, it looks like it makes an already exhausting job even more so. All you want to do is save people and instead you spend a nontrivial part of your day hyper analyzing your every move to anticipate the next day’s headlines. The other day you’d confessed to him that another bad headline could literally mean the end of your time at All Might’s agency and Hawks can’t even imagine that level of stress. And therein lies the problem. The only reason Hawks can’t imagine it is because the HPSC wiped all record of his name and Endeavor agreed to hire him once he completed training. So it’s not so much that being with you feels like a betrayal as it is that at some point he’ll have to tell Endeavor and when he does there will be hell to pay.
You know what Hawks has been doing the past several weeks isn’t fair to you. The hot and cold, on and off again is starting to give you whiplash. At first it was ignorable, after all you were busy settling into your new place so you spent quite a bit of your limited free time getting to know the woman you’d be living with from now on. Mina is a goddamn firecracker and you love her for it. Sure you’d seen some of her antics on Instagram before but you assumed it was all for the camera. Now as her roommate you’re realizing that’s just how Mina is. So for the first week Mina kept you busy even when Hawks would be in one of his weird distant moods. Then more time passed and it started to irk you. Was it or was it not his idea for this to not be a one time thing? So why was he being so distant suddenly.
Then the first fight happened. It was one of those days Hawks had been oddly distant. The task force had managed to narrow the possible groups responsible for the terrorist attack down to five and Hawks insisted each of you should take one to run surveillance on and the sixth person could coordinate. You thought it was a better use of resources to assign some of the lower ranked heroes to the surveillance and have the task force just coordinate and analyze what came through. “Don’t you think it’ll be a little suspicious if we suddenly aren’t doing our usual rounds because we're performing surveillance? Plus a lower ranked hero won't draw as much attention!" you argued. "This case is way too sensitive for us to be working off second hand information!" Hawks fired back. “I don’t know how you all do things over at Endeavor’s agency but our lower ranked heroes are competent enough to handle some simple surveillance,” you pointed out with a of roll your eyes. “What? Like Monoma?” Hawks shot back. “Maybe we should reel it in guys,” Midoriya tried to intervene but it was too late. “Yea like Monoma. What about it?” you replied, anger starting to build. “Just seems like a conflict of interest to me,” he shrugged. “A conflict of interest?” “That’s what I said isn’t it?” “Oh fuck off.” “So you’re not denying it.” “I am literally the first person to shit on Monoma in almost any situation but he’s a good hero.” “Interesting.” “Are you trying to die bird brain?” “OK! That’s enough!” Midoriya finally interrupted. “We’ll present both plans to Endeavor and All Might, let them decide,” Shoto had said simply. In the end they decided on Hawks’ plan.
The two of you probably should’ve talked out your almost relationship then. It was obvious to everyone else in the room that the argument was, fundamentally, not about task delegation, but you and Hawks were in denial and the angry sex afterwards made it easier to kiss, makeup, and just pretend it never happened. Except it did happen. And it happened again and again. On the good days you two are amazing, all sweet words and loving looks. On the bad days you’re a ticking time bomb. Every time you try to address it Hawks gives you absolutely nothing back. It’s driving you nuts. A fact you frequently make apparent to Bakugo and Midoriya. “Oh my god enough already,” Bakugo groans, interrupting your ongoing rant about the difficulties of being almost with Hawks. “Oh I’m sorry are my problems bothering you?” you ask sarcastically. “Look, we get it. He started this shit and now he won’t finish it. But if he won’t then why don’t you fucking finish it yourself,” Bakugo points out. “Kacchan has a point,” Midoriya adds in. “Not you too Izu,” you pout. “Don’t give me that look, I’m just saying maybe it is time to put your foot down,” he elaborates. “I’ve tried talking to him and he never tells me what’s going on with him,” you sigh. “Then stop talking and just hit him with an ultimatum,” Bakugo scoffs. “Yea! Tell him he has to make a decision now or you’re done,” Midoriya agrees. “What if he decides he doesn’t want this?” you ask. “Then it’s his loss,” Midoriya says. “Yea and we’ll kick his ass for it,” Bakugo adds. You really do have the best friends.
Hawks doesn’t know what to expect when you ask him to stick around after the task force meeting, but the thumbs up Midoriya gives you and the warning look Bakugo gives him don’t exactly bode well. Shoto exchanges a look with Hawks to confirm he’ll be fine and, when Hawks nods, Shoto and Tokoyami take their leave behind their former classmates. “So what’s up?” Hawks asks once the two of you are finally alone. “We need to talk about us,” you tell him and you can already feel him preparing to argue you down from having this conversation. “(Y/n)-“ he starts, but you’re not having it, not this time, so you cut him off. “I don’t want to fight right now. I know you’re always right. But even though you’ve been through the ups and downs with me, and even though I care a lot about you, you don’t seem to feel the same.” “That’s not true,” he refutes but even he knows his actions lately haven’t exactly conveyed how much he feels for you. “Really? Because we’ve been through it all, met each other’s moms, shared each other’s tragic backstories but lately, when it comes to talking about us, you can never spit it out for me. It’s like I’m trying to talk to a wall but you can never tear it down for me,” you insist. “That’s what happens when you ask personal questions while we’re still at work.” “What other choice do I have? You never pick up or call me.” “Maybe I just need more time.” “We’re running out of time.” “We don’t have to be! Let’s just talk this through later.” “No, we’ve done enough talking. It’s gotta be right now. I want you to hold me down forever, I do, but it’s your choice. Will you love me now or never?”
Hawks stares at you trying to process what you’ve said. He isn’t oblivious. He knows you’ve been getting frustrated with him being hot and cold. He knows the two of you getting involved was his idea in the first place. He knows he hasn’t been open with you about why he’s suddenly so hesitant. But he still hasn’t decided how to reconcile his love for you with his loyalty to Endeavor, so he still hesitates. “Can we please just figure this out later,” he pleads instead of answering as he reaches for you but you step back and out of his reach. “No. I’m drawing the line. I wasted two years of my life chasing something that wasn’t real with Monoma. I refuse to do it again. Especially when being with you literally puts my career at risk. So you don’t get to take any more time up. I need you to make your mind up. You’ve gotta decide Keigo. Now or never,” you insist.
It hits him then just how serious you are. There’s no talking his way out of this one. It really is now or never and something about the choice feels fateful. As if how he responds to you right now will determine his destiny. Almost his whole life he’s been looking for the kind of earth shattering, all consuming love you see in movies and tv shows. Something to fill the void his parents and the HPSC hollowed into him as a child. The stakes are so much higher with you than with the previous women he’s dated and he’s always been such a lousy gambler. Are you really the best bet? His mind is spinning with the daunting choice in front of him but then you sigh full of resignation and heartache and start to leave. It’s like someone mainlined ice water directly into his veins because suddenly the never is real. It’s real and terrifying and it’s about to be solidified by you walking out that door and he can’t. He absolutely can’t imagine his life without you in it right now so he lunges forward and grabs hold of your wrist. “Now! Fuck baby, I choose now,” he insists so desperately and when you turn to face him you both look absolutely cracked open.
The two of you collide together, mouths finding each other immediately. There is so much need and want and relief in that one kiss because for a horrifying moment both of you felt what it would be like to never have each other again. To never again feel that unique magnetism that constantly pulls you both together. Or worse, to feel it and yet be forever condemned to ignoring it. Keigo pulls you against him by your hips and his grip is hard enough you wonder if you’ll bruise. You make quick work of each other’s shirts and pants, desperate to be closer to each other. One of his hands reaches down to rub you through your panties and you’re already so wet for him. The little gasp you give at his feather light touches is absolutely intoxicating and he can’t believe that he almost lost this. Lost you. “I’m so sorry Love. So sorry I made you wait,” he whispers against your lips as he slips his fingers past the damp material of your underwear to stroke along your sex. “I need you Kei,” you whimper. “You have me.” “All of you. I need all of you.”
You don’t have to tell him twice.
The floor of the conference room perhaps isn’t the most ideal place to finally consummate your love but neither of you has the strength or desire to complain or postpone this moment. Scratchy carpet or the finest silk sheets, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that the two of you are together and finally, finally you can call him yours and he can call you his. So when he’s on top of you, underwear cast aside and nothing left to separate the two of you, you can’t even feel what’s beneath you. All you feel is his erection pressing at your entrance, his chest pressed to yours, and both of your hearts hammering in your chests as if anxious to beat against each other. You feel him in each and every one of your senses. As he presses into you, you both gasp at the sensation and just like that first time it’s so, so overwhelming. You clutch desperately at him to bring him impossibly closer and by the time he bottoms out inside you, you’re both on the verge of tears. “I love you,” he confesses and he thinks it may be the first time he’s ever meant it so utterly and completely. “I love you too,” you reply and for the first time in a long time the words don’t feel like ash on your tongue.
He starts moving his hips and it’s heaven. Each thrust into you feels like a solidification of the bond the two of you have formed over the past couple months since meeting. For the first time since Keigo had started getting distant it feels uncomplicated and you’re reminded again of why you’d thrown out all your rules for this man. This wild, beautiful man you could now call yours. You slide one hand along his back until you get to the base of one of his wings. You run your fingers through the soft plumage and delight in the shiver it draws out of him. One of his hands goes between the two of you to stimulate your sensitive clit and with each thrust you’re both seeing stars. His free hand finds yours to entangle your fingers together and he suspects that the tingling he feels throughout his whole body has less to do with the sex itself and more to do with you and the wondrous revelation that you want all of him, even the broken bits, just as much as he wants all of you. He ups the amount of pressure he’s applying to your clit and you tighten your grip on his feathers to match and soon you’re both hurtling over the edge into climax. You moan each other’s names into the limited space between you but there are multitudes contained therein.
You moan each other’s names but it sounds like I love you.
You moan each other’s names but it sounds like wedding bells and a family.
You moan each other’s names but it sounds like forever.
Author’s Note: This chapter feels short and I can’t tell if it’s because it’s actually short or I’m just paranoid about it being short because I made y’all wait a little bit for it. I’m happy with it or at least happy enough to post it but it’s not my favorite part that I’ve written for this series so far. I’ll try to make sure the next part is longer again to compensate for this one ❤️
Taglist [open]: @akkaso @cathy8taffy @eeppff @iikillerkitteh @pixelwisp
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