#overprotective dog with anger issues. nice
antielevator · 5 months
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Black Rook
You are the Black Rook. As a piece that can move inwards and outwards, you're a master of self-reflection. Being the black piece, you hide an inner beast within you. Perhaps you're one to rush headfirst into trouble, was it for a friend's sake? Or your own? Are you the overprotective type? Did you know your grip was that tight around someone's neck? For all your protectiveness and deliberate planning, you can't wash the blood off your hands that easily.
tagged: @sharpsuite, thank you!!
tagging: @obscurart @moldcursed @punishdsin @alexeatis @mindreid + anyone else who wants to yoink this! @ me so i can see your results
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vettany2 · 2 years
A few of my thoughts on Helluva Boss I need to get off my chest. Contains hella lots of spoilers (ofc).
As I finished the current season one and two eps from season two twice, I can see some things I didn't get earlier.
1. Millie and Moxxie
These two are really nicely presented as an ideal couple (ngl I'm jealous). Moxxie kinda gets his own arc more or less solved. I'd be interested on seeing more of Millie tho. She kinda only seconds Moxxie and has no other prominent role, which is a shame cuz that gurl deserves it. So far their relationship was harmonic and with the sneam peek on a possible Moxxie's ex boyfriend, I'd be interested in a marriage crisis arc of these two imps.
2. Loona and Octavia
In the last episode, it seemed like these two girls bonded over their fathers' fuckups and I'd like to see them helping each other in the tough situations they both are. Loona needs to learn how to rely on people and how to open to Blitzø more as he genuinely likes her (though more on that later). Octavia has to face her family being torn apart mainly cuz of her abusive mother tormenting her husband. Thankfully Stolas tries to assure her he's gonna be always there for her, which seems to work better on her depression. But having a friend in the same situation could help emotionally both girls.
3. Stella
She's a bitch. That's a fact. But sadly there's nothing, that would tell us why she is the way she is. Is it just the way she was brought up? Did she grow up in a toxic environment, that forced her to try and prove others that she's the one who has a high status? Or her personality is simply that bad on its own? I have a lot of questions regarding Stella and eventhough she's not very lovable character, I believe she is not that evil just because. I think there is some kind of reason, being it her upbringing or a toxic parent or anger issues. Which kinda makes me want some kind of character expansion of her.
4. Stolas
The last few episodes kinda took Stolas from the Supporting character realm and put him to the front, among the main characters. He loevs Blitzø but since Blitzø is more or less showing him he's not emotionally involved into their relationship, Stolas gets the idea that his love is not reciprocated. When the season one ends on a cliffhanger, leaving Stolas heartbroken and rejected, it appears as if Stolas decided to let Blitzø go for good. And I honestly don't know what to think about it. On one hand I get that Stolas is trying to release himself from all those years of various toxic relationships and I support that very much. He deserves to be happy and finally have a normal, loving and intimate relationship. On the other hand, he doesn't show Blitzø his own feelings, probably because he's scared he could lose the dysfunctional connection they share. He's just a very emotionally scarred and touch/emotion/connection starved insecure individual.
5. And finally... Blitzø
The main character turned out to be the most complicated one. At first he appeares to be a sarcastic, egoistical and killing-loving asshole. But he's so much more than that. His relationships are all a mess, mainly cuz of his internal issues. He is overprotective of Loona, partly because he loves her as a daughter, partly because he unconsciously uses her as a means to get some kind of emotional connection to feel loved even a bit. That's also obvious when he's forced to play in a tv show in the s2e2 and is supposed to give the dog to the hands of a girl but he suddenly gets overly attached to the dog and is scared to let him go as other people could hurt him like other people hurt Blitzø. That scene clearly shows Blitzø is not okay. He spies on MxM because he's fascinated/jealous of their idyllic relationship and craves that kind of intimacy. This also shows he's scared to get close to other people because all of his relationships ended up being either toxic or a failure. His ex Verosica or former friend Fizzarolli are a nice example of currently known failed relationships. Lots of reasons as to why he ended up this way is not even known because we got to know only his father, who practically abused him and used him to steal from stolas (and maybe more). We don't know what relationship he has with his sister and we know nothing about his mother. Also then there's the debate on his white spots. I believe because of those shapes and quantity, that they're scars and that he got then in some kind of na accident. In the Acid dream, it is shown that his mind is a chaotic messed up shit, that need some serious improvement and in the first episode he declares he regularly visits a therapist. Which makes me wonder how messed up he was before current events.
6. Blitzø and Stolas
Blitzø's relationship (if we can call it like that) with Stolas is just a giant clusterfuck of a mess (apparently like everything in Blitzø's life). They both declare they basically just use each other for personal gain, while both crave intimacy. Stolas is crushing over Blitzø and after watching everythimg for the second time, it's apparent he bends into everything he thinks Blitzø likes (i.e. dirty talk, kinks, etc.). When Blitzø asks him out on a date (sort of), he's genuinely happy and hopes for them to move into a serious relationship direction, which is why he's so devastated when he sees the lack of Blitzø's interest and realizes he used him yet again. And that makes him to seemingly decide to leave him for good. And Blitzø is once again just ruining everything because of his problem with letting people get close to him. He's scared of letting Stolas close to him. He's scared of what others will think of him for having sex with a prince (and Stolas not defending them doesn't help at all). And so he doesn't show Stolas that he cares for him. He doesn't show Stolas that he's interested in him. Seriously, these two are a prime example of #mutual pining and #idiots in love tags. They need some kind of a crisis to pull them out of their overprotective shells, man up and spill their confessions. To which Stolas leaving Blitzø could be a possible opportunity, though I'm scared that they both could just assume things didn't work out between then and move on, which we don't want to. They need to heal separately and together first to have the type of ideal and loving intimate relationship they both so desire. But first, Blitzø needs to be honest and Stolas more confident.
That's the end of my rant. I'm curious as to what the show has to offer because it's hella good and we like that. Comment ur Helluva Boss theories and ideas down below, I'd like to know other people's opinions on the characters and their dynamics as well.
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
fierce deity is the only one I know so 💢💤🕷
YEAAHHHHHH YEAHHHHH FIERCE DEITY MY BELOVED!! (ignore how this took me a whole day to respond cause I got into playing minecraft oops)
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
okay I'm just gonna say it, fierce deity gives me the vibes of being SO bad at both divine and mortal social cues, my man's has just stared at all the Link's while they're sleeping. He's done that several times, he won't stop and he doesn't blink at all so I hope you're okay with a literal god staring down at you unblinkingly in your sleep!
Another thing is that... he's kinda overprotective, but isn't extremely obvious about it, if anything he's so quiet about it that it takes awhile for anyone to notice. One of the worst things when anyone does realize? He doesn't uhhhhhhh stop, he can lessen the overprotective tendencies or be sneakier about it, sure, but he just will not stop. The issue is that he's so freakishly strong that most other people just come off as being painfully delicate! He can shrug off fights with literal gods and people just? Fall over after one little stab? What the hell?
Another thing is that the fierce deity doesn't know customs, or social norms, and doesn't really care about sounding nice if someone is annoying him or just made him mad. He doesn't have time for this shit, leave him alone or you're being tossed off a cliff.
Also I gotta emphasize the overprotective part again! ^-^ man's will straight up be the equivalent of the most intimidating guard dog alive but won't say a word, he'll just fucking stare at you. Unless you do something against someone he cares about, then your entire hand is suddenly gone !
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
So here's the thing, as in the name- the fierce deity is a god and doesn't really... sleep, the next best thing he can do instead of sleep is meditate or sorta be in a relaxed doze. But the fierce deity doesn't resent this, not at all, if anything he's very happy that he has no need for sleep. This is because sleeping is actually the closest thing he could ever relate to when it came to being sealed in the mask. Hundreds of years passing by with every blink, reality seeming closer to the murky memories of Demise and Hylia that haunt him for centuries and the anger towards the golden goddesses.
When he was in the mask it was near impossible to understand a thing, his consciousness was closer to sand falling inbetween his fingers despite how desperately he wanted to perceive the world around him. Sleeping inside the mask meant dissociation, endless nightmares, and the complete inability to have any sort of free will. For this reason the fierce deity is secretly relieved that he doesn't have to sleep, it brings back for to many bad memories whenever he tries.
Instead of sleeping he typically just watches over the group and let's them all sleep instead, it brings him far more peace to see them all together, alive and safe.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Ooohhhhhh he has a couple big fears, but here's a few: loss of free will, inability to protect, failure, and a loss of control. Most of these stem back to the golden goddesses and Hylia, both of which he has extremely complicated relationships towards and has no wish to forgive them for any of it. Another fear of his is allowing for his incarnations (the link's basically) to fall under the goddesses/Demise's control again as he blames himself for all the shit they've gone through up to that point.
Basically he fears failing the ones he cares about most and them being hurt from his own weak-will/inability to protect and being trapped in the mask again <3 the mask is one of his BIGGEST fears and he will outright fight the goddesses in hand to hand combat to not go back in it <- there's a good chance he would win ANYWAY
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xo-cuteplosion-xo · 3 years
I don't know if this counts as a comfort request, can you do a Chuuya and Dazai comfort request of them comforting/saving the reader from a abusive parent?
Yes, this is, of course, a comfort request, if it helps you feel better, than it counts. I’m sorry if this doesn't live up to expectations though, abuse is one of the few things I struggle with writing for personal reasons (don’t worry, it’s nothing physical, just a lot of mental strain loves), so it won’t be detailed or thoroughly explained, more hinted/briefly mentioned. Since the request was vague, I was unsure what kind you needed, so I went with what I’m more comfortable writing. With that out of the way, here are 2 small drabbles.
Saved from an abusive household (comfort fic) |Dazai, Chuuya x Reader|
Warning: Emotional and (maybe some hints to physical) abuse
Words- 1141 (combining both characters totals).
590 words
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To say he was angry was an understatement. He never understood why his emotions were so, so uncontrolled when it came to you. He was hardly in terms that he may actually love you. With the wind blowing over your face, whipping through your hair, he couldn’t help it. Noticing every mark, the tears, everything. He noticed it despite how you acted like everything was fine. The hoarseness of your tone was too great a signal that, well, you had been crying longer than he had been standing here. Dazai wanted to know, no, he needed to know who had made you so upset. He felt, odd as it may sound, protective. He would never strike out against you or raise his voice. He’d never hurt you, not in any way. So the flinch you made when all he wanted was to cup your face, to whisper that he loved you, it hurt. He couldn’t keep his face from showing the shock. His eyes darting around for any other signs. Clearly, he’d noticed before, but you always rode it off.
Standing within the brutal rain, you watched Dazai with a clouded mind. There are… many ways that often go unnoticed to the public. While cuts are difficult to hide, the scars on the mind… are impossible to see. What is not shown on the surface is never seen. Anxiety, depression, social awkwardness, the flinch brought on by a loud noise or voice, the shaky trembles of hands when being scolded. Signs that go unnoticed, so as Dazai looked at you with eyes full of anger and pain, he waited until you flew to his chest and broke down. His hands never once left your back. His voice a mere whisper as he ran fingers and told you the best news of your life. “You can live with me. It isn’t much, but its, it’s better than going back there.” His voice held so much anger, disgust, and pain you thought he may drop you in bed, then run to kill the two who told you over and over how much they loved you, only to contradict themselves. 
He did something along the lines of that. When you were asleep in an oversized shirt and a pair of sweatpants far too long for your legs, he sipped from the agency-provided room, and well, he went straight to the place he knew you lived. It happened to be on your file in the agency. He didn’t bother knocking, but instead picked the front door lock with skilled ease, and underneath the clap of thunder and flash of white light, he slid inside. Dragging water into the room where two older adults lay. As if they didn't notice their child's absence. So pulling out his gun, he shot at a perfect angle. A direct middle between heads. He watched them scramble awake, only to see he was already gone within shadows. He played the part of a demon for you tonight. Raising their paranoia as far as he could, before appearing with a dramatic flash of lighting having calculated the right timing. He warns them if they ever tried to make themselves the victims, or if they set a pinky on your skin, he’d make their lives a living hell. After all, he was once Dazai Osamu, the demon prodigy, the youngest mafia executive. It wasn't a title he liked anymore, but he would admit returning to such a mentality for a bit would be alright, if it meant protecting you from pain.
551 words
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Beneath the rays of moonlight showering through a ginger held you tightly in his arms. Tonight he played the part of the big spoon, cuddling you close to keep you safe. It was always like this in storms. His arms wrapped around you, running down your arms. His lips on top of your in passionate breaks here and there. The two shared wine and laughed away the storm. Every time you jumped, he dropped to kiss your shoulders and between your neck. He kept trying to comfort you with all he could. He never felt it was enough. Especially after the ones that were within seconds of another. The louder the tremble, the more you shook, so when four or five repeated in a row he worried. Sure, it was normal to be scared of storms, but you were scared of the noise in general. It was an issue he had hated because, well, we all know Chuuya likes to yell a lot. He never realized till he was actually angry with a coworker, the flinch you make is an expectation, like your bracing for something. That’s how he found out. The next morning, how you claimed to be too sick to go home. The way you wanted to stay with him on your week off. How you'd rather just keep working.
“I’ll kill them.” It wasn’t anger directed at you, and he kept his tone soft, despite how difficult it was. Behind his clenched teeth, dagger-like glare, and the snarl, he was positive he’d frightened you accidentally. “Let me kill ‘em.” He grumbled, shoving his gloves into pockets as he tried to reel in his temper. He doesn't give two shits if they are your parents. So telling him no is frustrating. Clearly, if they did this, if they could be cruel enough to make their child afraid, then they didn’t deserve somebody so forgiving and kind like you.
He let you stay the day with him. There was no way he’d make you go home. Not when he’d seen how terrified you were when he tried pushing you out the door. He’d cuddled and spoiled you rotten with gifts all day. And when you finally crashed, his lips tapped your forehead, and he was gone. Searching through records till he found the address. He was straight to the point, breaking a window with a nice kick. His feet heavy with gravity as he grabbed the collars of those two blind bastards. Yes, he knew he could make it worse. However, that would only happen if they were not afraid of him. An overprotective guard dog. Trust me, this is one loyal bastard you never want to cross. He couldn’t kill them, but he could hurt them. He could yell at the top of his lungs and shout in their ears. Send them in walls, maybe break a finger, or two. On his way out, when the couple stood shaking with fear, his head tilted back just enough to see the scene he’d made. “Hurt them again, and I won’t listen. You’re really lucky, my baby has a golden heart that forgives so easily." He half-expected them to call the cops, but he guessed that meant angering the mafia more. What could he say, he was a pretty well-known man.
Tags (if you wish to be added send an ask) : @jadegreenimmortality
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grokebaby · 3 years
Combfa and Grandefel? And Lamera, but if I remember correctly, was there mention of them already being a guardian angel at one point? I’m curious of how he’d be like tho. You don’t have to answer for all three if you don’t want to ^^
Yes! you're right Lamera is a guardian angel already! Although it's been a while since he's seen any of his wards (Google told me that's a word to use for the person being guarded). And a while for an angel is.. Long. For a mortal.
Combfa - Sweet and nurturing, will always be making sure you've eaten/hydrated frequently. Xes very suited for a job like this considering Xes heaven's unofficial nurse. Xe won't be able to give you much advice due to being mute (xe can only make little feline noises like grunts, purring or growls) but will encourage and guide you nonverbally. Kinda like a service dog. Very physical and affectionate, even smothering at times. Very playful and goofy. Has a tendency to get overprotective and even aggressive if xe feels you're in danger. Will get pushy if you neglect your health. Will be mad at you if you don't help or take care of others around you who might need it (e.g. Animals or children). Spooked by cars and sharp objects and will be a nuisance if you need to interact with those alot (xe won't let you)
Grandefel - Vocal and headstrong, will encourage you very strongly and comment about the things you do or people around you. Will push you to achieve and accomplish the best you can and to work hard. Although on the flipside, if your accomplishments aren't enough to impress other people she'll share your insecurity rather than be dissapointed in you. Won't let you be lazy unless it's well earned. She's the angel you'd bicker or butt heads with, or have long semi-arguments, for example about why you've been staring at that electrical box for three hours now (phone/TV). Would prefer you follow rules and regulations, but will toss them aside if she disagrees with them. Fiercely protective of you. Wouldn't admit she condones revenge or promotes violence but when that asshole hurts you or someone you love, it's on sight. She will hate everyone you hate. If you're close she'll make you out to be a special individual, afterall, why else would she be your guardian angel? If you don't get along, she's a huge nag. Will only do favors for you if she feels you've earned it. Dogs fear her, and she radiates heat. If either of these are a problem to you, there might be issues..
Lamera - Extremely caring and emotional. He'll always be doting over you, and has a hard time saying no to anything except if it's very explicitly a bad thing. You'll get favors from him really easily, especially if you look sad enough when he declines. Will always want to comfort you and fix your problems. Active listener. Extremely affectionate. Will not let you get hurt, ever. He will prefer to get injured if it means keeping you safe. Will cry over everything. Will strongly encourage you to be kind to, and help other people, but if you won't do it he will. Fussy about rules and regulations. Will tell you to be careful about everything, and tell you to watch out as if you don't notice anything. Not suitable for you if you like being independent. Hard to anger, but if it happens he'll apologise after. Will let you take your anger out on him, even to the extent of violence sometimes, although you might not see him for a while after if that happens. Gets along well with animals except cats. Cats hate him and will be aggressive to him. Has a calming aura that makes people want to approach you. He will always be nice to kids so they tend to approach him alot (not suitable for you if you don't like kids or company). Bad at stuff that requires hands, so try not to give him any delicate objects to hold. Especially not ice cream, his beard is fire afterall..
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real name: Arthur Kingsmen
single or taken:  Taken, in an open relationship but open to aus as well
abilities or powers: Sensitive to supernatural creatures (mainly spirits) and their energies (he’s an untrained medium). Empath tendencies (related to medium usually but very observant of body language changes), He has the power of stubbornness and friendship on his side.
eye color: Green and Gold 
hair color: Yellow, orange and brown
family members: His uncle. Everyone else is dead or estranged. Unofficially adopted by the Peppers
pets: His pet hamster, Galahad
something they don’t like: Himself
hobbies/activities: Playing Keytar or Synth or piano, working on projects, inventing things to help others, parkour, mechanical work, repairing things, smithing, metalwork (sculptures and decoration designs) archery, horseback riding, swimming, learning supernatural stuff to help his friends, sword-fighting (beginner)
animal that represents them: Cat or Dog/Wolf probably. Maybe opossum lol
worst habits:  Self-loathing, overprotectiveness, self-abusive tendencies, tendency to self-sacrifice, insecurity, self-isolation, hiding problems, deflecting, running away, anger issues (at self mainly, and can be wrathful towards others who hurt people he cares about)
role models: Anyone who does right by their friends and family, even if it was a rocky start. Vivi, Lewis, spectrum, Mystery, Splatter, and the Peppers, Yukinos and His uncle are all major influences on him.
sexual orientation:  *internet dial up modem noise* 
thoughts on marriage/kids: He’s afraid. He doesn’t think he even makes a good partner, let alone spouse or a dad.  
style preferences: Jeans and a shirt (sometimes graphic tee) with wristbands and converse. usually with his vest but goes without too. that’s basically it. If he wears something else it’s for somebody else. He prefers to dress comfortably, but he’s not allergic to dressing up.
approach to friendships: He tends to be very nice and chill, but emotionally closed off to a deree, often sadly even with those he’s close to out of fear of bothering them. He makes himself vulnerable to a degree and often gets hurt for it, but he never puts all of himself out there, because what’s under all the layers is a ugly, rotten thing (to him).
thoughts on pie: It can be good. he likes pecan, pumpkin, and apple pie the most
favorite drink: Energy Drink 
favorite place to spend time at: anywhere he’s with someone he cares about, or at home at his desk for a project.
swim in the lake or in the ocean: He’s nearly drowned at least twice in a lake and was imprisoned underwater in one once. He has a tendency to prefer the ocean.
their type: strong willed, kind, smart, treats his friends and family well
camping or indoors: Can enjoy both but prefers indoors
Tagged by: @splatterlewis (Thank you!)
Tagging: @tomextomb @deepbluevi @solitaria-fantasma @ghxstgal @keitheskeleghost and anyone else who’d like to do this <3
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.41
“Did you have to do that?”
Watching Lance forced to hide away for the second time that day pissed Keith right off. Glaring at his brother, he wasn’t impressed with Shiro’s attitude at all. Why did Matt and Rieva get a free pass, when Lance got... well... this?
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you were rude. He’s a nice guy and you went at him like he’d killed your pet dog or something”
Shiro sighed
“Keith, I only want what’s best for you. Lance isn’t comfortable with so many people in his house, and it’s not safe for either us being under the same roof as two werewolves and vampire”
“Yet you had no problem with Matt and Rieva before. You didn’t have a problem with Lance before. He’s probably got whiplash for how cold you’re acting towards him”
Shiro groaned at him, leaning heavily against the kitchen table as he did, Keith had no idea what was on Shiro’s mind
“I really don’t mean to... When I look of him I think of Adam in the end. That’s not something I want you to go through”
“Lance isn’t Adam”
Lance was Lance. Adam was Adam. That was all there was to it... Spending time with Lance had helped. It’d reassured him, it’d shown him that being a vampire wasn’t easy. Even if Adam hadn’t been killed, the psychological effects on him would meant years of pain and therapy. Even if there’d been times Adam had deserved to be pushed into traffic, he didn’t deserve going through what Lance did. It would have broken him to see the effects on Shiro
“No. He’s everything Adam could have been if things had been different... And now you say you have a crush on a vampire, after how messed up losing Adam left you. I’ve barely been back a few hours and you’ve made all this decisions without me. I don’t want you having your heart broken because they turn around and decide Lance needs to be put down”
“Lance isn’t like that...”
Lance wasn’t an animal. He was nice and he was funny. Younger Keith had been so embarrassing...
Shiro rubbed at his eyes, sounding tired as he continued to irritate Keith
“Keith, you’ve known him all of a month. You’ve been living on top of each other, feelings are bound to happen. I’m not saying you can’t be friends with him, but maybe you take things slowly? Spend some time apart and think about how you actually feel. There’s a lot to think about...”
If only his brother knew how much damn thinking he’d had to do, and how much extra thinking Lance had done for the pair of them
“You think we’re moving too fast?”
“Aren’t you? You’ve never dated. You’ve neglected you health, and... accidents happen. You went to help him when he was bleeding, despite the fact his blood could have gotten into your system. What if you were making out and he cut his lip? What if you’re too caught up in having sex and you suck too hard on his neck, and got his blood in your mouth? I don’t want to lose you. And I don’t want you going through what Lance and Adam have been through”
“Then talk to him like a normal person. You don’t think we’ve talked about this? Lance is the most paranoid person I’ve ever met when it comes to his teeth and his blood”
“A relationship works both ways. What if you’re both hurt and he can’t help you because you’re bleeding? You’re acting reckless and it scares me that I’m going to come back and find you turned”
“And you’re acting he hasn’t done us all a huge favour by letting us stay in the first place. He doesn’t want to lie to Pidge, nor does he want to lie to Hunk. They’re best friends, they talk pretty much everyday and you decided to bring Matt and Rieva here without having a proper conversation with him over it. You decided to move us here without having a proper conversation either. Lance has been helping me deal with my issues over losing Adam. He made me see that maybe I did need a break to deal with what I’m feeling. I like him, and he likes me. We’re not rushing into anything”
“Do you know for a fact he feels the same way?”
“I do. He’s agonised over this and we’ve talked. We both want to see what this thing between us before anything gets serious”
Shiro let out long breath, his eyes silently pleading with Keith to listen as he cast his gaze to Keith
“Can you understand I’m scared for you? I don’t want you being hurt. Your my brother...”
“I know. We’re taking the time to get to know each other properly. We’ve both got issues and we both know that we don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m asking you to respect our choice, and to stop being to negative towards him because he’s trying his best for all of us”
“Are you dating?”
Keith didn’t want to lie. He wanted to be able to reach out and touch Lance when either of them needed that comfort they’d found in each other
“Kind of. We’re taking it slow”
“I’m being overprotective, aren’t I?”
“Yeah. And a dick too. I’ve never felt anything like I do when I’m with him”
“I can’t say I support it. But... I respect that you’re an adult and can make your own decisions. I did push all of this on him. Maybe I should talk to him?”
“Wait until after dinner. He’s stressed out about everything needing to be perfect because he’s upset about his vampire ego. I’ll check on him for now”
Shiro’s eyes widened fractionally
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been like this... Falling for a vampire wasn’t in my life plan. Lance hasn’t seen what we have. He doesn’t judge me for what skills I have and don’t have. I’m not Krolia’s son here, or your little brother. I feel more like me than I have in a while now”
They both knew it wasn’t easy for him at the Blade headquarters. No matter where he went, he was always in the shadow of his brother and his mother
“If he hurts you, I won’t hesitate to make the call”
“I know”
Lance was sitting at his desk, tears rolling down his cheeks as Keith let himself into his office. He’d barely slipped through the door before Lance was throwing his arms around him
“You idiot”
Keith felt himself smiling, despite how heavy the conversation with Shiro felt
“You heard?”
“I told you I didn’t want you two to fight”
“We’ll be fine”
“Still... I could hear how upset you were...”
“Because he wouldn’t listen. And I was worried about you”
“I’m sorry...”
“Don’t apologise for needing a break. Shiro will tell you in a professional at shutting myself in my room”
“I can see that. But are you really okay?”
“I will be”
The answer didn’t satisfy Lance. Tugging him backward with him, Keith found himself ending up in Lance’s lap as he sat in the armchair in the corner of the room. Resting his chin on Keith’s shoulder, Lance held both his hands. This was new... but not necessarily... maybe a little embarrassing seeing he was built larger than his boyfriend, and he was all manly and that
“Talk to me?”
“I thought we were?”
He didn’t need to see Lance’s face to know he was rolling his eyes at him
“I heard what Shiro was saying. Leaving Rome was the same as leaving Adam all over again for him, for him, wasn’t it? I think that’s bled into Matt. Did you two stay in the same place after Adam died? You don’t have to answer, but you’re thinking about him. Maybe talking will help? Or am I over thinking this again? I’m talking too fast, aren’t I?”
Lance was doing both. Over thinking and talking too fast. Keith squeezed his hands, still really not sure about the position they were sitting in
“You’re trying. You get points for trying. We moved for our own safety, but Adam owned the place so Shiro took over the deed. I... I think it’s was one of the first places I felt at home again. Him and Shiro wasn’t much of a family, but they wanted me there. Sometimes I felt like the third wheel, and got the feeling Adam would have happier if I wasn’t living with them... Shiro says it’s in my head from being in the system so long. I’m not good at moving...”
“You feel like you lost your home again”
“Yeah. Basically. I suppose... and I’ve always kind of gone where the job sent me. I’m not used to wanting to stay...”
“If you’re worrying about being so far away, Platt is just down the road. We can call and text. Pidge still wants you in our group chat. And I’ll help you. I mean, I’m not a hunter and I don’t have much patience for my kind, but I can help you the best I can”
“You already have. I don’t know why they don’t teach us about using blood when we make our bullets...”
Lance let out a nervous laugh. Lance had probably never held an actual weapon before with the intent of killing
“I don’t know if I should be happy about you talking about getting excited over weaponry, or just accept it?”
“Seeing I’m not going to kill you, I don’t know either?”
His boyfriend kissed his neck. Lance seemed bolder now, maybe because they were alone and didn’t have to have to hide. Keith sighed, earning him a poke in the stomach
“At least living with Shiro you’ll have your own stuff again?”
That was definitely a plus. He missed his bike... and he missed his cameras... and his swords. He was a simple man. But living with Shiro in a new city meant starting all over again without knowing how long they’d be there for.
“How badly are you going to worry about me on my bike?”
“I only have to worry if something happens. You’ve made it this far. I think you just be okay”
He had made it through some pretty shitty situations. He’d made a lot of mistakes on his way, fuelled by anger and the need to be seen as himself
“Because I felt like I really didn’t have that much to lose outside of Shiro”
“Well, now you’ve got friends. Totally awesome friends. And you’ve got Coran and Allura. Trust me, if anything goes wrong they’re the people you want closest to you. They might be weird, but they’re dependable”
“I’m not sure how that’ll work when Coran will technically be my boss”
“He’ll back you up. He’s been like a rock since I turned. He never once turned me away, even when I probably deserved it”
“But he’s your friend...”
Wouldn’t it be the same though? Keith in Lance’s shadow this time. He knew Coran because of Lance. Coran had seemed certain they’d get together and the man had been right... meaning he’d be seen as Lance’s boyfriend and not himself
“So? The work you do for him will determine what he thinks of you. Not because you’re my friend, or Shiro’s little brother, or because your mother’s a hunter. He’s not one to be hung up on that kind of thing. Work is work and personal is personal. He’s going to worry about you on a hunt because he cares, but he’s not going to give you easier assignments because of me”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. So don’t go using the wrong syringe and you’ll be fine”
He was never ever going to live that down...
“You won’t save me again?”
“I’d prefer I didn’t have to... but what’s the worst that’s going happen? Ooooh... maybe I’ll grow two heads?”
Lance poked him in the stomach again. He was annoyingly good at knowing what to say... and what to do. Maybe sitting in Lance’s lap wasn’t so bad? Not when he was trying to be there for him. Keith knew he shouldn’t be shocked, but having Lance cry over him seemed like overkill. Like he didn’t deserve Lance’s worry... but at the same time, it was actually really nice... and made his heart go weird
“And be twice as annoying?”
“I think you mean i’ll be twice as handsome. I’ve already lost my position as the hottest supernatural thing in town. I have to have something going for me”
Keith was genuinely confused. Curtis was... Curtis. Matt was... Matt. Rieva was pretty enough... but Lance like a nice little dork package. There was something in his “not plain plainness” that was nice...
“You think Matt’s hot?”
Lance laughed, Keith’s cheeks heating up. He was missing something here
“Oh my god. Nooooo. That’s Pidge’s brother!”
“Stop laughing at me! It’s not like I know! I like you well enough”
“Oh, god... oh, Keith. I think that’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said. No. I mean Rieva. She’s definitely out of Matt’s league... Oh my god... I’m going to have mental scars forever”
Keith’s heart sunk, his stomach felt like he’d missed that bottom step and everything had lurched
“You like Rieva?”
“I don’t know Rieva. I meant she’s pretty...”
“Do you like girls better?”
Lance immediately caught his upset. This time he used both thumbs to poke Keith’s stomach
“What? No. I’m saying aesthetically she’s the best looking out of the four of us. You’re a close second in the house, only because I’m a proud fur father and Blue would never forgive me”
“But you think she’s pretty”
“And I think you’re prettierererer... prettiest. See, I can’t even English to tell you”
“I think you’re nice...”
Keith was failing hard on this. He couldn’t tell Lance all the little things were what he liked, because he felt kind of lame about saying it like that
“I know, you said. If it counts I thought Shiro was handsome. I thought you were a total douche and look at us now”
That’s because Shiro was handsome. He was just plain with weird purple eyes
“You’re like cute and stuff when you’re a bat”
“Don’t be coy, I saw you staring at my junk”
“It’s nice junk...”
Fuck, he was getting flustered. Why did he let Lance get to him like this?
“I’m pretty attached to it. Seriously though, I like you. We’re both pretty hard on ourselves, but you’re a good man under that emo anger loaf. I want you to know you can talk to me about this. About work or anything out. I get you probably have some of secrecy thing going, but sometimes it’s nice to be able to talk to someone who sort of gets it”
“Yeah... Shiro likes that I’m making friends”
“Friends are good. You’re good. You deserve to let yourself be happy”
“Because you’ll worry about all the other stuff?”
Lance snorted
“You know me so well. We should get back to the kitchen. I... was having fun. Having you in there with me. I know I was super awkward... but I don’t mind spending my space with you”
Shit. With just a few words Lance had feeling like a million bucks. That flustered feeling only growing like the warmth in his chest. He really liked Lance and hoped things would work out...
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inawickedlittletown · 4 years
317/318 - Some Thoughts
Gonna put it under a cut for both spoilers and length. This is 4,700 words so you know, at it again with the rambling. 
I’ll start off by saying that I really enjoyed this episode. This and last episode are called a two part finale and I definitely buy that as 3x17 sets up 3x18. In particular it sets up the return of Abby, something that everyone has known was coming and concerned about. And I think when it came down to it, it went down like I expected it to. 
The episode opens on Abby and we get to have a glimpse of her fiance and the other people on the train and we learn that Abby lives in Phoenix. She also seems happy. And as someone that liked Abby, it was nice to see her again but even then it had me dreading seeing what it would do to Buck. 
We move on to the station where Hen is doing a practice exam. Eddie is showing Buck a brochure for Summer Camp because Christopher wants to go. Immediately, Buck goes into protective dad mode because Christopher at a sleep away camp for two weeks? What if something happens? What if he gets homesick? Buck is definitely not on board with that and Eddie admits that he isn’t too thrilled either and that he was hoping for assurance from the team. Bobby is the one to offer it. Even Chim seems skeptical about Christopher (a city kid) going to summer camp and points out that Eddie’s plan to get reassurance clearly wasn’t well thought out. 
This scene was adorable from how much Eddie just isn’t sure at all about his kid going to summer camp to Buck’s overprotective reaction and just the fact that Eddie was showing the brochure to Buck in hopes that Buck would make him feel better about the whole thing and give him a different perspective. Perhaps Eddie expected Buck to be more open to the idea of Christopher taking chances and becoming even more independent (as much as a kid can) and expected Buck to push for the fun rather than have Buck be more cautious and concerned. And while the rest of the 118 do get involved in the conversation, it is clear that Eddie was looking for Buck’s opinion. It is in the end Bobby who supports the camp idea because of course Bobby did Summer Camp as a kid in between the figure skating, hockey, and probably being a boy scout. And while I love knowing so much about Bobby as a kid, when do we get to find out more about Buck’s childhood? Hen speaks up then and she mentions how Denny would not be into the whole camping thing which makes Eddie bring up how excited Christopher is and how the camp will have the kids garden their own vegetables and cook and Buck immediately calls it “child labor” which I just love because he’s so clearly against the camp idea. 
We then find out what’s happened with Athena’s fireplace — you know the one that Bobby and Michael decided would be a great idea to destroy simply because Athena was in the hospital and they were both having feelings. Of course, Athena is out of the hospital now and she is not happy about it. May’s graduation party is in two weeks and Athena couldn’t possibly hold a party with that mess in the middle of her living room. It’s a light moment that I love because we get to see fierce Athena and also May. We also find out that Michael will be getting his test results back finally (and it’s good results...but even better, Michael sees the doctor again in an elevator and by the end of the episode they’re on a date) and it’s the start of seeing that Athena is not doing well after what she went through in the last episode. 
Athena is such a strong character. She’s not meek, she’s not someone that comes off as a victim or that appears vulnerable often and we’re seeing someone that hasn’t lost their fire but that is clearly shaken by what she’s gone through and I love that it’s not something shoved off to the side and that instead we get to see the repercussions of what she went through. And what I love the most about this is that Athena has such support from her family and from her friends and that they’re all there for whatever Athena needs to do even if that means stepping back from being a police officer. And it opens us up for an interesting storyline for her in S4. 
We get a glimpse at Josh and Maddie at the call center next and Josh is preparing for his testimony for court and I really appreciate that Josh is getting that closure he needs by doing this and that we actually do get a glimpse of him later saying his piece. I think he absolutely deserves that and that hopefully next season he does get to find his footing and find a boyfriend because he deserves it so much. He’s suffered more than enough already. 
And then we finally get to the main emergency of the episode. The train derailment and crash. This is one of those calls that is clearly huge and time consuming and that the show could have easily dragged out for two episodes. Indeed, it takes up a huge chunk of the episode’s screen time and while I think it was a great choice of an emergency I do wish that some of this had happened in the previous episode where all of the emergencies seemed routine and could have been taken out to really give the train a bigger spotlight. 
The 118 arrive on the scene and Buck and Eddie are sent to check out the train car that’s practically on a 90 degree angle. Abby is out there trying to get back on the train to look for her fiance and Eddie goes to tell her no and Abby suddenly realizes he’s from the 118 which immediately means that she realizes Buck has to be around there somewhere. 
I appreciated so much the way that Abby is desperate to go in and help because that’s just who she is. It’s the reason that in S1 she made sense with Buck — their need to help people brought them together and this is important because of the parallel that can be seen later when Abby explains why she never returned.
Buck in the meanwhile hangs back and he very clearly has one of those “just saw a ghost” moments when he first sees her and then he approaches and Abby says his name and there is a split second where the camera is on Eddie and Eddie’s expression just says “you’re Abby” because this is someone he’s heard about...this is someone that hurt Buck and in this scene Buck does not make it any easier for Eddie to not dislike Abby because there is just so much pain and confusion and worry mixed in Buck’s face as he gets near them because Buck is of course worried that Abby isn’t okay at first and then he has to come to terms with Abby freaking out because she’s worried about her fiance. Abby’s moved on. She never came back and she moved on. 
The situation isn’t ideal, and Abby has to tell him about her fiance in a place and time where such information can only hurt Buck and looking at his face after she yells that she’s looking for her fiance, it’s clearly a blow. 
In 3x16 we see Buck exploring the idea of what his life might end up being in the future because the job is the only thing he has going for him. And so for Abby to return with a whole other life and having moved on is a blow to Buck who probably didn’t expect to see Abby again and I think it brings back those feelings especially since we know from 3x16 that Buck has abandonment issues that Abby is very much a part of. However, I don’t think that Buck actually believes that he’ll end up like Red anymore. 
Eddie is a bit of a bystander during all of this but when Buck can’t form words, he jumps in to ask Abby to describe the fiance. But after Eddie runs off, Buck turns to walk away but he then turns back to ask for the fiance’s name and this scene is done so so well in that Buck hesitates to say anything else to Abby but he forces himself to and there’s clearly some regret on Abby’s part. Buck is holding himself together and being professional and you can see that it takes absolutely everything in Buck to stop himself from letting his feelings of hurt and anger take over because the situation requires that Buck be a firefighter and be a hero and he can’t stop just because Abby showed up again and with a fiance that Buck has now promised to save. Oliver Stark’s acting in this scene — absolute perfection. 
Just go back and rewatch that scene. The way that he delivers this line: “No. No. Don’t worry about it” with such restraint like he’s holding back words and like Abby speaking to him is physically hurting him — boy did that hurt to watch. 
Buck and Eddie make their way up the train car and Buck gets to Sam first. Eddie is right there with him and it’s very interesting to me that Eddie and Buck just don’t talk about it at all. Yes, at this point when they’ve made it all the way up to where Sam is they can’t because Sam is the fiance and would overhear and professionalism but before that Eddie elects to let Buck take a moment. And Eddie despite knowing the conflict of interest involved here, doesn’t tell Bobby what happened, instead of that he trusts Buck to do the job and maybe he keeps a close eye on him. 
Bobby sends Hen and Chim to help out on the ground with the rescue dogs and he goes up to help Buck and Eddie with Sam who is trapped by a beam. Things get complicated when they realize someone else is trapped by the beam and not just that but moving the beam off one means that other will likely die. There is no easy choice there and Eddie tells them both victims have an equal chance which does not make any of it easier. 
Buck tells Sam that they don’t choose who lives and who dies and he’s talking to him and finds out that the wedding is in June and that furthermore he is a father. Abby has gone and found herself a whole family and he is just so hurt by it all...but that also means that Buck is even more determined to save him. When he returns to Bobby and Eddie though, they tell him that the other victim (let’s call her Rummer because I don’t think the character was given a name?) has better vitals and protocol says they save the person that is more likely to live. 
This brings us to another perfect moment in this episode. One thing that makes Buck such an effective firefighter is how quickly he can think on his feet and figure out ways to rescue someone. We’ve seen this come up time and time again so it isn’t surprising that Buck has an alternative idea that will save both Sam and Rummer but of course it’s super risky. I think we needed this scene. Not only because it shows Buck once again being so willing to do whatever it takes but because of Buck’s state of mind and how there’s this pressure he’s putting on himself to bring Abby her fiance back because Buck sees Sam’s life as valuable. He says as much to Bobby — Sam is a father, he has a fiance. Buck on the other hand...his ex-girlfriend couldn’t even properly break up with him. 
But this is also about Bobby and Buck. And this is the scene in conjunction with a scene we see later towards the end of the episode, that makes a point of finally bringing back up the way that Bobby worries about Buck and cares about Buck and how much Buck doesn’t see that. How much Buck doesn’t realize that he’s been lucky so far to get out nearly uscathed from everything that’s happened to him. There is risk involved in the job but as Bobby says, “you can’t just rush into any situation and assume it’s going to be okay” because he’s right. And this is especially hard to take right after Buck mentions so casually that the train car falling on him would be so much worse and heavier than the firetruck that crushed him a year prior. 
During all of this, Bobby also finds out about Abby and there’s something about the frustrated way that Eddie growls out her name, his scowl and how he physically has to get away from Buck and we see that Eddie knows what Abby returning has meant for Buck and how hurt Buck is from seeing her and Eddie is the one person that knows what it’s like to see the past return so he knows how Buck must be feeling and he is 100% against Buck risking his life because of her. I also want to point out that Eddie gives Buck the time to tell Bobby that the fiance in question is Abby and that he only tells Bobby after Buck doesn’t say it and because he knows that it’s important information. But before that, Eddie was willing to keep that information to himself because he felt that Buck needed him to. So their friendship is yet again one of the best parts of this show. 
It is Eddie that stops Buck and Bobby from continuing to argue the matter when they don’t have time so we don’t get to see how Buck convinces them to let him go out there and cut into the train car, but that’s what we see him do. And luckily, Buck manages to do it and rescue both Rummer and Sam. We watch both Abby and Bobby watch this all happen. And this would have been an excellent moment to also have an Abby and Bobby scene to add some depth into her return and maybe have her have another perspective on what she did to Buck. So this is where we suffer from having so much shoved into one episode. 
Sam calls out to Buck to thank him as he’s being loaded up into the ambulance and Abby thanks him as well and when Sam hears his name, Sam is shocked to find out that this is Buck. And to me this is interesting because apparently Abby could talk about Buck with the new man in her life, but she couldn’t be bothered to call Buck up to apologize for the way she left him and never returned. 
After Abby and Sam leave in the ambulance, we are left with Buck standing there and Eddie comes over to join him and it’s so clear that he’s worried. He asks Buck if he’s okay, but Buck doesn’t answer. Instead he asks what’s next which is Buck deciding to focus on the work instead of Abby and what just happened. He doesn’t want to deal with it yet, not when he still has work to do. Poor Buck. So he runs back to find something to do and Eddie follows. And one thing I wish we’d gotten is a moment for Eddie to talk to Buck about this and if not Eddie then Bobby. Maddie. Anyone. 
In the meanwhile, Hen and Chim have their own rescue to conduct and we see Hen save a boy’s life and Chimney is reminded how amazing Hen is and I think all of this helps to start to let go of Hen and want her to succeed in her plans of going to med school. Since 3x17, he’s been struggling with it and we even see it earlier on when he doesn’t know how to encourage her. But by the end of the episode he’s helping her study. I do want to say that it is valid to want to keep growing and that I give props to Hen for wanting to be a doctor and that it can be an exciting direction for her character to take. I don’t think it will take her away from the show at all, or even from being a paramedic for a while. After all, can’t she do that and med school all at once? If anyone can, it’s Hen. I just hope it gives us interesting storylines. 
When we next see Buck, he’s sitting on a bench overlooking LA and waiting for Abby and this scene is so heartbreaking. Abby approaches and it’s easy to tell that this isn’t easy for her. It’s even harder for Buck, though. This is closure that I think was absolutely needed, but I don’t know if it did enough for me. This is another place where I wished that we’d had a slightly longer scene to really show the closure effectively. Or that we had gotten to see Buck talk about it with someone else afterwards. 
Abby watches Buck for a moment before he realizes she’s there and then she joins him and Buck asks about Sam because he’s Buck and of course he cares. Abby thanks him, but Buck says he was doing his job. Abby apologizes for how Buck found out about everything and the thing I loved about this moment was seeing Buck immediately turn to look at her taken aback that she’s apologizing and trying to explain herself for that instead of the thing that actually hurt Buck — how she left him. So it’s clear that Abby is well past that, that she might have even expected Buck to not be hung up on that anymore. She’s read his reaction to seeing her again completely wrong and I am glad that Buck says, “that’s what you’re apologizing for” and doesn’t just let her bypass the past like that. 
The body language in this entire scene is just perfect. There’s awkwardness and a stiffness in Buck that we don’t usually see. He doesn’t quite look at Abby and instead he keeps looking away from her and looking down. This is Buck with less confidence than we ever really see him and it’s painful to watch. I’m also fascinated by the way it’s shot because it’s from behind them so that we are seeing their backs more often than not and profile views of their faces but not their front. Even when the scene first begins Buck is completely turned away from us. 
Buck nervously asks when she knew that she was leaving him and the courage that it took Buck to ask that and not just bury that question — I am here for it. The fact that he even goes as far as to describe what the last time they saw each other was like and he’s pushing for an answer is exactly what I wanted for him. And Abby answers him and I like her answer a lot because it gives us a view into the complicated state of mind that she was in when she left. 
I still hate how Abby picked up and left and then gave Buck no explanation and just stopped responding — there are no excuses for her not breaking up with him.  
Abby explains that her identity was lost to her because she identified herself by everyone she was helping — her mother and the 9-1-1 calls and that she needed to leave to find herself again. I think all of this is valid and even Buck seems to understand this. I think it hits close to home for him not just because of his connection to Abby, but because Buck’s identity is his job. It’s something that Buck has said a lot this season and something that he came to realize even before Abby returned. And I think this is why it was important for Buck to already realize that with Red and to have had that convo with Maddie and know he isn’t alone. 
Buck still presses on about how Abby didn’t come home after finding herself. Abby explains her fear of becoming that person again if she returned and that is a valid answer too. It still doesn’t make it okay that she didn’t try to reach out to Buck to break up properly. She says she missed him and wanted to see him but that doesn’t make her behavior towards Buck back then any better. She didn’t need to see him to write him a letter or to reach out in any way to end what they had. And it also annoyed me that somehow in her mind leaving Buck like she did wasn’t something she didn’t need to apologize upon seeing Buck again because hurting Buck didn’t affect her as long as she was able to move forward with her life which clearly she did. 
Buck says, “I’m glad to see you happy. You deserve it” and because it’s Buck and he’s the biggest puppy in the world he means it. Of course he does, but I don’t think that Buck is any less hurt. I do think that knowing the reason she never came back helps and that it gives him answers to things he never got answers to, but Abby doesn’t know about Buck’s abandonment issues and she doesn’t know the damage she did on him and she doesn’t know that Buck can relate to how Abby felt back then. And I don’t think that any of this was about making Buck feel better about what happened with Abby. I think it was about him no longer having that question of “why” in his mind anymore. 
I think they should have talked more and we should have gotten more from this scene but I also appreciate that it ends with them not quite friends again and that there is some closure there for Buck so that he can put Abby behind him officially and know that she’s somewhere happy. 
The last few five minutes of the episode is May’s graduation party and everybody is there. We have a montage of the party with some photo booth moments. Lots of Buck and Eddie goofing around with and without Christopher and everyone else taking their turns too. It’s clear the cast had a blast filming those bits. One particularly good moment is Buck trusting his chest forward and hitting Eddie with one of the twenty or so bead necklaces he has around his neck. I wonder how intentional that was on the part of Oli. 
We see Buck helping Christopher write a message for May and those two together will never not be cute. May asks Maddie if they can talk once Maddie asks about school which makes me curious about what May might be planning on studying (maybe nursing?). We also get a scene with Karen, Hen, and Michael discussing the firepit that the fireplace has now become and the shade that Karen throws at it with her quiet “No” when Hen asks if she sees the greatness...not that Hen isn’t judging either. Athena and Bobby get a moment and he comments on how she’ll be glad to be back at work in 30 days clearly not knowing that Athena doesn’t think she’ll be ready to go back at all so that opens up potential for interesting conflict regarding that even though I think that Bobby will stand by any of Athena’s decisions. 
During the party montage we also see other things to give us some ideas about what else is going on with everyone’s lives. First is Chimney showing up to help Hen study at the firehouse which I loved because I think Hen needed him to give her his support. Later we see Hen doing another practice test at home with Karen and Denny grading her and she gets the scores that she’s been aiming for. Doctor Hen, here she comes. 
We also see Michael sitting outside a restaurant waiting for his date and I am so happy for him. I want Michael dating again and that doctor seemed perfect for him. Marry the doctor, Michael. I also really appreciate how this parallels to the way S1 ended with Bobby and Athena meeting up for a date.  
We see Christopher leaving for Summer camp and Eddie is watching him go (so I guess Christopher won out on going on that trip) and then we see Eddie look at a card that Christopher made him that reads: “You are going to have a great time, Love, Christopher”. This is an interesting scene to me because the note is cute and it’s obviously Christopher wanting to make his dad feel better about him going away for two weeks, but the camera work and the way that Eddie looks away from the bus as it leaves implies that Eddie was supposed to be looking at something at the end of the scene or someone...whatever way he was going to spend the two weeks without Christopher perhaps? (insert eyebrow wiggle). Instead he’s looking at nothing. Now we can’t be sure, but I can’t help but wonder if this was edited to not include someone that was supposed to be Eddie’s love interest. Ana. Otherwise, why shoot it that way? (And why introduce her to then not do anything with her in this season?) I guess Eddie could be looking at the bus driving away, but it’s just a little bit odd because while watching the episode the first time I expected her to be standing there and we probably will never know. 
We get to see other moments of the party. Buck and Bobby get a small scene where Bobby asks how Buck is doing and Buck says he thinks he’s good and I think he means it and believes it. I don’t think that seeing Abby damaged anything for Buck, but I do think that it left him in a place to move on from the memory of her without any more questions. Buck is in a good place in a lot of ways by the end and we can only look forward to whatever may come next for him and I think he’s ready to that to be anything. This scene is also a call back to the last time we saw Buck and Bobby at Athena’s house when Buck wasn’t okay and instead collapsed due to the blood clots. But now Buck is actually okay. 
This is all of course being shown while we get a voice over from Maddie. We’ve had a few signs up until now with the feeling tired earlier in the episode and then Chim asks her if she’s seen a doctor yet since she hasn’t been feeling well and Maddie immediately knows what’s up and rushes them out of Athena and Bobby’s house. Because she’s pregnant. And the scene when she comes out of the bathroom with one and then a second stick. I loved that moment so much because they have come to freaking far and that is where the episode ends. 
I really appreciate shows that end their seasons on good notes and that leave a season in an uplifting way especially this one because of how long the hiatus looks to be due to real world problems. We also have a lot to look forward to of course. Athena’s storyline is bound to be complex and interesting, Hen and med school, something is up with May, we don’t know where Buck’s headspace when it comes to dating and such will be after that closure with Abby, Michael still doesn’t have a full clean bill of health but things are looking up for him, Maddie and Chim being pregnant, we don’t know what’s next for Christopher and Eddie, and we are of course still just looking a crumbs of Buddie and nothing concrete to go on but also nothing hugely negative to hold against the possibility of it happening so who knows. Overall, just a good and enjoyable season finale. 
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reddishpanda · 4 years
Reddish Panda 101
Dear Virtual Friends,
OK. Sorry for the extremely serious entrance. I just want to introduce myself like who the fuck I am and why the fuck I am here. For this reason, I want to share this post. Firstly, I'm gonna answer who I am? Then, I will share my purpose that I am here. So lets start!
Hi again, I am Reddish Panda. A new graduate person with anger issues, a cat mom, a dog mom, a gossip lady, a half stupid half genious normal person, etc. Okay, now I feel like Khaleesi with too much title. In short, I’m just a bored person who just entered social media. When I look at my interests I can count them as reading, writing, watching and painting. If it is cliche enough, you can suggest new hobbies. Ah, I was about to forget to mention that I also love camping. It is my escape method with a sophisticated mentioning. Mmm what else… Ah yes, private life. I have a good family with an overprotective brother (indeed extreme protection but still my hero). I have cute and stupid friends who generally bring happiness. So, yes… The answer of “who the fuck I am?” is here.
Lets focus on our second question “why the fuck I am here?”. Since I already mentioned that I'm so into reading, writing, watching and painting; I am gonna make my art blog. I will share my trials, my paintings, my interpretations on books, and my feelings about the movies. I know, you can find a lot of similar pages or you may never find my page at all. However, at the end, I would be happy to write what I want to write. Additionally, if you would find my page, maybe you can enjoy my style of writing. Ahh, by the way, I promise that I am not going to bother you with long long loooong writings. So, yes. I'm here for these reasons.
If someone would read this post, I want to say that it's nice to meet you. Welcome to my virtual art forest… I hope you will enjoy reading Reddish Panda because I will enjoy it when I'm writing. I wanna end this long introduction with a photo which can introduce me without reading. Bye...
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talonsandleaves · 5 years
3. Grown ups: good parenting?
My family has an abundance of adults and oh boy! To describe them all will take a long text. But here we go!I am still shocked I found time to write this during the weekend (and finish it at the laboratory today). I have been working a lot on my final project, I started tutoring teenagers, my dog is keeping me very busy, a friend of mine went to a wedding and was upset enough to talk to me the entire last 3 days, another friend got into a fight with a colleague and was very sad... Just a mess but let us begin!  I am Nora and these are the grown-ups in my life! 
My mom is one of those women who should be in a commercial for cookies. Seriously! She is very sweet but life tends not to be very good to her. Don’t get me wrong. She has a nice job in a school for kids with special needs and is in a very high position in there but I know very well that she is a little bitter about not going to college but she built a very good life even though she started to work at 18 years old.
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She is a very good mother and best friend to me but sometimes I kind of resent her. She can be overprotective of Lucas and attack me if necessary, hurting me more than she understands. And of course, there is the search for some boy that I like... but that is just annoying even though I know all she wants is to see me happy.
Then we have my father. He is not the greatest parent on the planet. I am being as honest as I can. He has a very good job that my grandpa got him when he was younger and he is actually very well paid there but thinks it’s beneath him. He shows a lot of... anger I might say towards me. I never understood it. But every time I am proud of something, he tries to kill that little spark of light and hope in me. Sometimes he is still successful.
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Although this happens pretty much on a daily basis, I am still very fond of his approval. Almost like I am expecting him to love me more one day and be proud you know?  I am still thinking about how my mom ended up falling for him. Somehow their marriage resists all of his issues with everyone...
About my grandparents from my mother’s side (I am not close to the others)... My grandpa passed away 2 years ago and he was the dad I needed as a child and wanted later in my life. He raised me when I was little and took me to college on my first day! I love that man with everything I have! He was a special person and dedicated his life to the family. I still miss him a lot but I know that somehow he is very proud of me. But sweet baby niffler, what would he say about this online diary? It’s kind of funny to think actually!
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My grandma is my godmother too. She is a very brave woman! Raised her siblings when she was just a kid herself and I try to spend as much time with her as I can. She is not the sweetest person in the world but deep down she means well and loves Lucas and me very much. I love getting out of college sometimes and meet her for lunch and she is always happy to have me around. And as you might know from my previous entries, Nora is not my real name. It’s just a name I chose to write this diary. In reality, my grandma and I share the same name and I am very proud of that! I am just sad I didn’t inherit her green eyes. That would have been awesome!
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Then I have my uncle. He is my mother’s older brother and an engineer just like me but he is a mechanical engineer. He is a pretty cool person and funny as hell! Not kidding! Whenever he shows up in the house, it’s almost like a diabolic child has infiltrated into our lives. He plays pranks on us and keeps saying the silliest things. You can’t even imagine!
He is also very protective of us and is always willing to stand against my father whenever is needed. Last month he became even more close to us because as I told you before, Lucas got into a college that is very far from home and we have to pay for an apartment there as well. Even though we didn’t ask or needed, my uncle made it very clear he was going to support part of the costs for my brother and that he was very sorry if he didn’t support me more when I got into college. To be fair, there was no need because I got into one of the best universities and it’s just an hour away from home so I am not in a difficult situation.
My uncle’s girlfriend is a very nice woman! She is very simple and makes everyone feel so welcomed that is hard not to adore her. She has#a a son from her previous marriage but she is very sweet to me and tries to get me to talk to her a lot (not difficult to achieve) and acts like I am sort of her kid too. When I started having problems with Vicky, she was really supporting because she knew my mom was paying a bit more attention to my brother.
And here they are! The main adults in my life. Each one played a role parenting me a bit, to be honest, and there is no way I would turn out like this if it wasn’t for their struggles. Let’s see what the next entry will bring us. See you later!
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lovelyirony · 6 years
Tony Carbonell was good at what he did. He knew it, no one else did. Why? Because again. He was good at what he did. Tony stole stuff. Not snacks from the convenience store, not jewelry from an old lady’s home. 
Documents that incriminated some syndicate. Paintings that no one in public had seen them. (Van Gogh had a crazy other side to his paintings, it was wicked.) And mostly, scammed enough people into forgetting his face. He was John Howard, Arno Stark, whoever he needed to be. He was not Tony Carbonell. He was just another face in the crowd. That’s how it was meant to be. 
There’s a new cop in town. “Corrupt,” or so they say. Not corrupt, just a little bit more willing to get criminals in jail than most. They call him Captain. He’s also known as Steven Grant Rogers, served in the army for three years, honorably discharged. Awards and honors out the ass, a degree in art history, and a talent for making posters for local events on the side. 
Captain is smart. He knows exactly where Tony’s kind hangs out, where they get information, and just what they call Tony. 
They call Tony “Iron Man.” It’s a stupid nickname, earned a few years earlier when Tony did a job involving a safe. No one knew how he did it. How the safe was opened, because no one had accessed it in months. And then, of course, they don’t look at who accessed it all those months before. Who pays attention the morning cleaners? 
Tony got in, he got out. No combination, just DNA processing. They don’t know how he did it, because a.) the man was dead, and it requires a recognizable strand of DNA to be done. b.) there were no relatives that thieves knew of. 
Keyword: knew. 
Tony robbed his own father, which really most people would have a problem. But as it turns out, Howard Stark was a piece of shit, and Tony really thought that the ruby cuff links and stacks of cash deserved to see the light of day and not rot in an iron safe in some “secure” bank. 
But that’s not the point, is it? The point is that Tony has to deal with Black Widow texting him “lol ur in deep shit” with a screenshot of Steve Rogers texting someone that he would get Iron Man. 
Which, you know, is great. Wonderful. Tony loves that he’s being pursued by a man with more resources than he needs to catch Tony. He loves knowing this all before he gets his coffee, the one that’s flavored Amaretto, and just sitting in his kitchen saying “shit.” He loves life. Wow. Tony wishes he could live forever, this is amazing news! Great, Tony might die! 
Fact: criminals who are convinced that they will never get caught are the worst. Tony has met many criminals who boast and say they will never get caught. He smiles, says “okay”, and watches from the back of the courtroom as they get sentenced to forty years in prison, rotting. Tony knows that eventually, he may get caught. But he’ll get to that when he gets to it. 
Tony calls Pepper first. She is his lawyer that he loves more than life itself, even though she has called him “an inconvenient goblin” and “really, Tony? This again?” She loves him, though. He knows that she does. So when he calls her and says 
“Hey Pepper, I’m in deep shit! Fun!” She knows Exactly what’s going to go down. Someone is onto Iron Man. Which means that she is on standby just in case things go haywire. 
“You might want to call Jim,” Pepper says. “You know how he gets when people threaten you.” 
“Careful,” Pepper suggests. “He’s not overprotective, you’re just reckless and paranoid.” 
“Those who aren’t paranoid die, Pep. Consider me an expert on that.” Once upon a time, Tony had not been paranoid. 
Then there was a car crash. An uncle who smiled and said it was so unfortunate, would Tony like to go on a trip to forget about it? Dubai, maybe? And then Tony ended up in Afghanistan where he was supposed to die. 
But that’s the thing, sometimes, about Paranoia: it gets you out of some weird situations. Tony was supposed to die. But he’s just paranoid enough of dying that it didn’t happen. 
Tony calls Rhodey up anyway. “Hello Rhodey! How are you today? I am doing Fantastically Wonderful, It’s So Nice Outside, What? No, I’m Not Bullshitting You--” 
“Yeah, you are. What’d you do?” 
“It’s more of what I’m about to do.” 
“If you’re finally buying that Danny Devito cardboard cutout, I’m legitimately cutting you out of my will.” 
“You can die?” 
“This life around? Yes. What’s your point?” 
“The Captain is coming after my ass.” 
“Like...in a sexy way?” Tony splutters. 
“You are Unbelieve, no, not that way. I cannot believe you thought that within, like, two months of knowing about the Captain, that he would even look my way.” 
“So he’s looking your way,” Rhodey says. “But in a ‘I might be murdered’ type of way?” 
“Exactly,” Tony responds. “So I may die in a couple of months to a year.” 
Rhodey laughs. “You’re so stupid, no you’re not. You ate an egg roll from a gas station in the middle of nowhere and you survived. It’s fine.” 
“I really feel like you’re not getting the severity of the situation,” Tony says. “The Captain is trying to catch me. And he knows more than enough about the criminal world to actually get the job done. He knows people.” 
“Like who?” Rhodey says. “The guy’s in the police force. He just got awarded for rescuing a cat, I hardly doubt that the people he knows can actually pull this off.” He’s kind of laughing. “I got your back.” 
“Against the Winter Soldier?” 
“Oh fuck. You’re screwed. You’re so screwed. Do you know how screwed you are?” 
“Screwed as a nail,” Tony mutters. “So I’m going off the grid. I’ll catch you in a year or something. I don’t know. Off-the-grid schedules are tricky.” 
“Don’t do anything weird, okay? Don’t, like, blow up the White House or something to escape.” 
“I don’t have access to that much C-4,” Tony quips. “Bye, honey bear.” 
Line goes dead. Phone gets smashed. Easy peasy, lemon whatever. 
Tony has fine taste. He’s not gonna deny that much. He has Italian leather shoes, pants specifically tailored for his legs and ass, and a passion for the finer side of thread-counts and furniture. All acquired through a man who goes by Bruce and Bruce only. He used to be a radiation scientist, Tony actually knows about him. But then something went haywire, he has anger issues, and refuses to talk about deep-seated issues. Can you believe? 
But Tony walks to the store, unassuming and beige with everything else. Ugh. Tony hates beige. 
“Bruce! I have a favor to ask!” 
“Yeah, what is it?” Bruce says. “If it’s murder, I charge money for my no-doubt-eventual-counselling sessions.” 
“Nonsense,” Tony says. “I’m not doing murder, and the only thing I need for you to do is deny that I’ve ever shopped here.” 
“Bruce, only scientists ask questions like ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’, and the damning ‘why’. You don’t need to know.” 
“You forgot the ‘how’, Tony.” 
“Damn your perception,” Tony says, light and cheery. He’s actually teetering between the line of “Is this Okay or is it Anxiety Time,” which is better than a lot of other lines he’s teetered on. (One was literal, too, which is not good for your state of health if you’re not trained to go on tightropes, by the way.) “Anyway, promise not to tell anyone that you sell me good cotton sheets?” 
“Sure,” Bruce says. “But you also can’t tell anyone where you got the sheets.” 
“Never have, probably never will,” Tony says cheerily. “Talk to you maybe later!” 
And then comes a text. I’ve been assigned to come after you. Headstart of one hour. 
Well, fuck. Just because you’re friends with Black Widow doesn’t actually mean that she refuses to take jobs referring to Iron Man. She hasn’t refused any, but she also hasn’t been given any. 
I’ll double the sum they’re paying. 
They have blackmail on me, you can’t double that. They know more about me than you. 
Even that you like cherry-nut ice cream? 
Less than one hour, Iron Man. 
So then, Tony has to do something drastic. He may have told his driver/friend/low-key criminal hitman Happy to pose as him, buy a ticket to France, and actually get on the plane. Natasha doesn’t kill those she isn’t assigned to. And she’s real good with faces, so she’ll know when he turns that it isn’t Tony. 
Tony actually gets to an apartment in Brooklyn. It’s his back-up apartment, technically owned by his mother. His mother hates Brooklyn, refuses to go anywhere near the area, and doesn’t technically know that she owns an apartment in Brooklyn. Tony finds it funny. 
He’s wearing a t-shirt that he likes, jeans that he hates, and lugging some boxes in. Maintain the cover. 
“Hey,” comes a voice behind him. “Looks like we’re neighbors. I’m Steve.” 
It takes everything in Tony’s willpower to not just whip the knife out of his pocket, but you can’t do that to neighbors you just met. Even if they signed a contract with Black Widow to get you and maybe-kill you. 
“I’m Tony,” Tony says, because he is an Idiot Under Stress. “Nice to meet you, Steve.” 
They talk. For an hour. Steve is surprisingly funny for a guy who wants to kill him. Steve likes appetizers at restaurants, does art as a hobby, and wants to own a dog. He also used to be allergic to peanut butter but isn’t anymore, and isn’t that the Funniest thing? Tony half-laughs and says “yeah, it is,” and then Steve says it. 
“So, what do you do for a living?” 
Tony does a lot of things. He stole a Renoir. He also has sixty thousand dollars in an off-shore bank account. Which actually isn’t a bank account because Tony doesn’t like banks, but more of a dresser in a house in Manhattan Island. 
“I’m, um, tech support,” Tony says. 
“Really? I’m sure that’s interesting,” Steve says. “A lot of asking people to reboot their computers, huh?” 
“You have no idea,” Tony mutters. “Well, as lovely as it has been getting to know you, I need to get everything set up. See you around?” 
Tony shuts the door, sits on the couch, and looks out the window. 
He can do this. It’s like a game of chess: you just need strategy. Tony used to play all the old guys in Central Park in chess, you could probably call him an expert at this point. Maybe. He’s not exactly sure of all the rules, some old guys made up their own. But still. He could do this. 
(Rhodey would be laughing at him right about now if he could see this predicament.) 
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ellanainthetardis · 6 years
HI There :D, i have a prompt: Katniss is wearing something really sexy and and haymitch goes all dad on like "your not going out like that" something like that
Here you go [x]
The Little Black Dress
“You look lovely, Katniss.”Effie assured for the third time, watching the girl restlessly move from onecorner of hers and Haymitch’s kitchen to the next. The mug of tea Effie hadpoured her had been forgotten on the counter in all the pacing the young womanwas doing – either trying to get used to the heels she had on or out of genuinenerves – but Effie was cradling hers between her hands, not bothering to hideher amusement. “He will love it.”
Katniss finally stopped digginga hole in her kitchen to lean her back against the counter, sulking. “It’sreally not me.”
That, Effie couldn’treally dispute. The black dress Katniss had borrowed from her was short andshowed some cleavage. Effie had braided her beautiful hair in a fancy hairdoand she had also done her make-up – not enough to send the girl screaming, shehad been very careful to keep the whole thing discreet. In her opinion, hervictor looked perfect. She wasn’tentirely sure about the black heels with the golden buckle but Katniss had seenthem and had wanted them and it was such a rare thing for the girl to beenthusiastic about shoes – and forgood reasons given that she only wore boots – that Effie had entrusted them toher without a second thought.
“It is a date, is it not?” shehummed, distractedly flicking the page of her magazine and bringing the mug oftea to her lips. “You are supposed todress up. It is part of the fun.”
“We’ve never been on a date.”Katniss sighed, playing with the golden bangles around her wrist – that toocame from Effie’s wardrobe. “It’s stupid. We’ve been living together for sixmonths. We don’t need…”
“Darling.” she interruptedfirmly. “If I may give you a piece of advice… Keeping the romance alive is never a bad thing. Peeta will come pickyou up…” Hopefully before the girldrove her crazy with her restlessness… “He will be wearing a nice suit and hewill probably have something sweet like flowers… He will take you out to Sae’snew restaurant and it will be a fun night. Romantic. Nothing to be nervous about.”
“I’m bad at romance.” Katnissconfessed with a defeated wince.
“Oh, trust me, once he sees youin that dress, you will not have to do much else.” she grinned.
The girl timidly answered hersmile, smoothing the silky fabric of the dress. Effie wished she would stopdoing that because her clammy hands would leave stains but she held her tongue.Katniss was out of her comfort zone. She had accepted the date idea to pleasePeeta and had immediately come running to her in a complete panic over what towear, what she was supposed to do and how best not to ruin a night the boy had clearly put some thoughts into. Itwasn’t often Katniss came to her foradvice so Effie had done her best.
“Even with the scars, right?”Katniss asked suddenly. “I mean… He doesn’t mind the scars. But they show a lotwith this dress…”
The burned patches of skin were noticeable but Effie was so used tothem, and to Katniss not giving them any thought, that she barely paid them anyattention.  
“You look lovely.” she repeated firmly. “In fact, you should keep the dressafterwards.”
“Oh, no.” Katniss frowned. “It’syours and I probably won’t wear it again in a long time so…”
“Keep the dress, dear.” sheinterrupted cheerfully. “It suits you more than it does me.”
And the back was too low anyway.Her own scars would show and she wasn’t as comfortable with them as Katniss waswith hers.
“Okay.” the girl shrugged, alittle puzzled but dismissing it as one of her Capitol quirks, no doubt.“Thanks.”
“You are very welcome.” Effiepromised, bringing her mug to her mouth. The tea was tepid now but she finishedit all the same, unwilling to get a lecture from Haymitch about wastingresources. She skimmed through an article about the new fashionable fabric inher magazine, trying not to mind that the girl was still fidgeting.
“Effie?” Her victor cleared herthroat with obvious embarrassment so she looked up at her, eyebrows lifted in asilent question that she hoped didn’t carry her slight irritation at beingconstantly interrupted. Katniss wasn’t looking at her, she was still fidgetingnervously, a little red in the face, twisting her bangles this way and that… “Iwasn’t snooping but earlier when we were looking for stuff in your room…”
The girl stopped at that andEffie pursed her lips a little. It wasn’t a great start to a conversation… I wasn’t snooping. But she had told her to look around her wardrobeand pick out whatever struck her fancy so… What could have Katniss foundanyway? She hadn’t been looking through her nightstand drawer, that much shewas certain of, and that was where she kept the things she really didn’t want anyoneto find. Well, she supposed Haymitch knew the sex toys were there but he hadnever really addressed the subject, the same she tactfully pretended not toknow about the magazines hidden at the bottom of his wardrobe.
Katniss shifted her weight fromone foot to the next. “The drawer full of weird underwear…”
“Oh, my lingerie drawer!” sheexclaimed, almost with relief. Lingerie, she was happy to discuss. “Did youwant to borrow some as well?” She wrinkled her nose. “I won’t lie I do not likelending lingerie, it is a bit… intimate. But I would be happy to help you ordersome, if you wish.”
There were no lingerie shop inTwelve yet and it was a crime in her opinion.
“I don’t know.” Katnisshesitated. “It looked weird.”
She lifted an offended eyebrow.“Weird?”
“Not comfortable.” the girlexplicated.
“Well… Some pieces are notreally. That is not exactly the point.” she admitted. “But some are actuallyreally comfortable.”
She loved wearing prettylingerie. She didn’t know how the girl could be content with the plain cottonpanties and bras you found in Twelve. Effie loved her colorful lacy underwear,it made her feel sexy even when nobody was supposed to see it. It made her feelpowerful.
“And a lot of it issee-through.” Katniss insisted, relaxing a little, probably because Effie wasso at ease with talking about that sort of things. She didn’t understand thestupid taboo some District people seemed to have about sex and all things related.
“A personal preference.” shedismissed. “You can find adorablepieces that are not if you are more comfortable this way. I have the latestissue of Capitol Lingerie somewhere…”
Although she might have to ask Haymitch where he hadput it – and not just because of the half-naked women in it, she was sure therewould be some dog-eared pages hinting at what kind of stuff he would like tosee on her.
“Boys like that?” the girlasked, turning red again. “See-through stuff?”
Effie didn’t even blink. “Oh, yes.”
Katniss bit down on her bottomlip, clearly hesitant but also a bit interested. “Maybe I will take a look.”
“I will find that magazine foryou.” she promised.
The front door slammed shut andEffie rolled her eyes at Haymitch’s inability to close a door properly.
“Are you done playing dress-up?”he grumbled as he came into the kitchen only to do a double take when he sawKatniss. He grew red in the face – even redder than Katniss had gone whiletalking about lingerie. “Hell, no. What the fuck? You ain’t going out wearing this… this…”
“Dress?” Effie suggested when itwas clear he would do nothing but sputter.
Katniss’ face had close withunderstandable anger. “Effie says Ilook pretty.”
“You don’t look pretty.” Haymitch snapped. “You look… You look…”
“Attractive.” Effie finishedtactfully again and was treated to a glare. “She is a woman now, Haymitch. It should not come as such a surprise to you.”
“That’s any reason to dress herup like you?” he growled. “The fuckwere you thinking? She’s not…”
She glared at him, slowlystanding up to plant her hands on her hips. “What does that mean dress her up like me? And I suggest youthink long and hard before youanswer…”
“You know.” he accused.
“I most definitely do not.” she hissed.
He opened and closed his mouth afew times, anger and frustration battling in his eyes. A little over a yearago, he wouldn’t have hesitated twice before tossing words at her head butthings were different now and there was a line in the sand he knew better thanto cross if he didn’t want to end up spending the night alone.
“She’s a baby!” he exploded eventually. “You can’t dress her up like that!” He turned to Katniss. “You ain’t going out like that. Hear me,girl?”
“I will wear whatever the hell I want to wear!” Katnissretorted, clearly furious. “Even see-through lingerie!”
Effie’s anger turned to worrywhen Haymitch started coughing hard, all whizzing breath and teary eyes. Shewinced. “That might have been information better left between you and me.”
“This is your fault.” Haymitch hissed, glaring at Effie.
“My apologies but I do believeit is your own fault for thinking of her as a baby.” she scoffed. “She is eighteen…”
“Barely.” he spat.
“And she is already living with a boy with whom she is in a steadyrelationship with.” Effie continued as if she hadn’t been interrupted. “Do Ineed to tell you what I was up to ateighteen?”
“That was you.” he growled.
“Very well.” she huffed. “Whatwere you up to?”
One-night-stand afterone-night-stand, that was what he had been up to and she knew that perfectlywell.
“That was me.” he scowled. “Seriously, Effie, look at her. She looks likeshe’s ready to…”
She planted a hand over hismouth before he could say words he would definitelyregret. He glared at her but was wise enough not to try and finish thatsentence.
“She looks like a lovely young woman going out on a datewith her boyfriend.” she declared firmly. “She looks perfectly decent and thatoverprotective fatherly act you are pulling is much less cute than you think it is, so you are going to apologize to her and tell her she looks beautiful.”
“She doesn’t look beautiful.” hegrumbled against her hand. “You know how she looks.”
Effie rolled her eyes anddropped her arm, turning to Katniss. “If you needed any proof Peeta is going tolove your outfit, this is it. Congratulations, you are so stunning Haymitch isuncomfortable.”
“Haymitch’s an ass.” Katnissmuttered, arms crossed in front of her chest.
“Language.” She clucked her tongue. “He has just realized you are agrown-up attractive woman now. It will pass, I assure you.”
The expression on Haymitch’sface was stuck between a sulk and a scowl. He dropped on the chair Effie hadvacated and refused to look at either of them.
It was probably lucky that thebackdoor opened at that moment and Peeta walked in, carrying a bunch of dandelions– which wasn’t the most romantic flowers in Effie’s book but it must have beena private thing between the children because Katniss beamed as if he hadoffered her an armful of roses. The look on the boy’s face when he saw thegirl… It was priceless…
Effie quietly walked behindHaymitch’s chair and loosely wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He wasglaring at the table and stubbornly refusing to look up at what was going on.
“You look… Wow…” Peetastammered. “You’re… Wow…”
“See?” Effie whispered in Haymitch’sear. “This is how it is done.”
Katniss chuckled, a pleased pinkglow on her cheeks, and soon the two of them were off into the night, leavingher to deal with a very grumpyHaymitch.
“You didn’t have to dress her uplike that.” he insisted.
“You never had any objection tome wearing that dress.” she pointed out.
“It’s you.” he shrugged.
“Meaning?” she huffed.
“Meaning you’re sexy. That’s whoyou are. That’s fine with me.” he muttered. “Katniss…”
“Katniss is not a baby anymore, darling.” she sighed, briefly tightening herembrace to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Let it go.”
“It’s all your fault.” hepersisted.
She rolled her eyes andstraightened up, gathering her mostly empty mug and Katniss’ untouched one toplace them in the sink.
“So.” she said firmly, desperateto change the topic. “What shall we do with ournight?”
“If it were you and me we’dnever have made it to the restaurant.” he spat. “I’d have had you against thewall of the house.”
He actually blanched at that andglanced at the window over the sink. Effie quickly drew the curtains close.Just in case.
“Yes, but, unlike you, Peeta isa gentleman.” she retorted. “Now…” He was looking a bit green and she rolledher eyes. “Stop thinking about it!”
He rubbed his face and then glaredat her. “Why that dress, Effie?”
“Because she liked it and Icannot even remember the last time I wore it.” she dismissed. She didn’t wear alot of black and that one she was pretty sure she had bought for awear-black-only party.
“Yeah?” he scoffed. “I do. The study at that asshole’smansion? The desk? Rings any bell?”
And now that he was saying it…
“Oh.” she said. “Oh. Well. I can hardly be blamed forforgetting all the times we had fun at parties over the years, Haymitch.”
“Didn’t think that dress hadsurvived the night.” he mumbled. “And now she’s on my girl’s back. I’ve done things to you in that dress, Effie. Unspeakable things.”
“They were not that unspeakable.” she mocked.
“That’s ‘cause you don’tremember them clearly.” he snorted.
“There is a desk in the study…”she hummed. “You could potentiallyrefresh my memories…”
Thatwoulddistract him, she thought.
And it did.    
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ellestra · 6 years
Old enemies
Hale got to be in Air Force and wanted to be astronaut. I wonder if this could be part of Captain Marvel reference. If she wasn’t force to give it up to have Ruby maybe she would’ve been in Carol’s place?
I was so happy to see Talbot wasn’t in the coma but his brain damage has left him with impulse and anger control issues. He still wouldn’t work with Hydra no matter what. And he knew it wasn’t Daisy and believed SHIELD would save him. But they were in future for six months and by the time they come back and could save him he broke. It’s bad but the beard is an improvement. I hope he lives. I hope Creel realises he is being held by Hale and comes to save his old boss.
All the cephalopod invectives were wonderful but “ You filthy calamari Mata Hari” was the best of them. Ruby factual corrections about octopodes were great too.
This season is really all the old hits. Sure, Hydra thing is a little tired but having Sitwell, Wolfgang von Strucker and most of all Whitehall back was really nice. This was nice use of what we already know to connect us with the new story. As well as using other MCU stuff - from Tesseract to mention of Malick.
And of course Hydra makes all the students kill their dogs. It wasn’t just Garrett’s way of training Ward. They are just big on traditions like this. I like that Ruby refused to kill hers though. I wonder what happened to it.
We see Hale making her own rituals. Just like Alex, Talbot and Coulson get breakfast with Ruby. Alex was allowed to feel in charge. Talbot gets his ass kicked. Coulson refuses to play.
Project Ruby was abandoned after Whitehall died. New leadership was not impressed by her impulsiveness.Even her mother agrees Daisy will be better Destroyer of Worlds. Ruby doesn’t seem keen on letting go of her destiny. Coulson proposes medication.
That Kree Hale talks with is called Qovas (is that Kasius father?).  And the confederacy is made of many different species not just Kree.
“Hale Hydra” was great as well as “How are we still fighting Nazis?”but I loved Coulson quip about killing Whitehall most of all. He just agreed to team up with Hale and then he admits killing the man and says “go team”.
Also Phil Coulson - one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
Those who were fully immersed in Framework are more ready to forgive Fitz. May was Hydra too. She gets how that second life never goes away. Mack understands it too. Jemma remembered who she was the whole time Others had a whole new self implanted in their heads. Jemma chose to forgive but she is in love. Daisy is too hurt to listen and she was tortured by the Doctor before.
Fitz first reaction to Deke being their grandson was great but even funnier was him going into an overprotective dad mode. He already hates the guy his daughter will marry decades in the future.
Those arms Elena got look nothing like the ones in prom picture so I suspect there will be some upgrades soon.
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oc-review-shop · 6 years
OC Review: Keith Gatti
Review by: Mod Charle
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(continuing with the dating sim idea, although lookin it closely it fits better for a reverse harem… here’s the first dateable guy) human name: Keith Gatti
It does seem more like a reverse harem series than a dating sim. However, it is possible to make this into a dating sim by changing the backstories of each alien to have them appear around the same time.
real name: unknown,due to his language being incompatible with human languages
I do wonder, if this is the case, when in human form, is Keith able to communicate with Ida and others?
biological age: around 26-27 years old Height:  1.65 meters- somewhat taller (has two personas, but essentiallty they are the same)
If they are the same persona, I don’t feel the need to keep “two personas” in his bio. If they are the same, it is one persona.
Weight: HEAVY Body build: skinny/muscular
If he is very heavy, I would assume he is more big and muscular rather than skinny, like bodybuilders. Skinny doesn’t seem like it fits.
Voice: high pitched, soft, cute / rough, deep (closer to his true alien voice) dere type: Yandere. it will be explained why.
Yandere.... hmm.....
gifts from him: flowers, rollerskates… Approach level: VERY EASY
He kinda seems like a loving puppy lololol
chronological age: 5470 years old, but he spent time on earth (and the space (research) station ) only 40 years (dude, he travelled to earth, and didnt have faster than light time travel)
I am very confused on his age. His biological age is 26-27 years but there are 40 years, and 5470 years sprawled in this little section. How old is he? In alien years? In human years?
Species description: Keith’s species are some sort of gigantic amphibians, living in equally big aquatic enviroments, their skin is coloured accordingly to the “sand” and vegetation of the environment, having a stocky build to resist the changing pressure in land and underwater, and fins, to build resistance.
The species are also predators, but rather than chasing down the prey, they  just lure them using changing patterns on the skin and their visible veins to create a mesmerizing visage, and when the prey approaches, they hold it with their legs and commence eating them, first sucking their juices dry and then munching their dry bodies like a snack. besides obvious predator abilities, they can read feelings, and the reasons for those feelings, they just hold their claws onto the location of the heart of whoever they are reading and using their eyes to make them focus on the reader, its really simple, y'know-
I really like the species description and how each “amphibian-like” creature appears, but I am a little put off on how they lure their prey in. Generally, prey would only go near something if it looks like something familiar or safe. Therefore, I would have to recommend their skin and veins create different colors that resemble coral and such, although I do really like the idea! Also, you may need to go more in depth about how these creatures read feelings. Human emotions and alien emotions, I would imagine, are drastically different given they’re from different worlds. I suggest elaborating a little more on how they vary and how they are similar.
about keith: Keith is one excitable, cheerful boy, who’s really amazed by everything and might as well be a dog, loving to cuddle and nuzzle, however he has a cruel, jealous side, that he shows whenever someone outside the social circle he is in steps in and takes an interest to Ida,and uses their fear to his advantage, or manipulates them to do his biding.or else he would eat them, although he does it more on an impulsive whim,  Ida has no idea of this , thinking he is an uwu soft dumb marshmallow , and neither does Mabel, who would tell Ida inmediately, Caleb knows but shrugs it off, Drake is really angry at this because it might blow up their cover, and Xander just scolds him because eating people isnt nice, and because Ida might find out. yeah… (I know this only covered a few personality traits…sorry)
I think this is a good personality trait for Keith. He seems lovable but is easily jealous and vicious. This dating sim or harem would actually work out very well because Keith is a character that could easily get into the way of another character’s move on Ida.
while not much of his past is known other than him being the first of his batch to hatch, it is theorized that his jealous, manipulative, vengeful cruel persona is the real one , due to other members of his species cowering in fear in his presence, however, he IS genuinely cheerful around Ida and truly supports her and her dreams.he is also very optimistic in that he is going to be her one true love, despite all his jealousness
Keith has some major issues lmao
He still remembers the first time he met Ida, he was going to go crazy after years of isolation, the only contact he has had was with  scientists who just checked him up and left, but then came Ida, she was just cleaning up stuff, looking him and rambling about some things about travels and tourism, venting about her frustrations, he felt the urge of cheer her up, playing like a cat, humans like cats, however, maybe due to his size, she was more scared and angry , thus she searched for the nearest object which happened to be a metal bar that was used in case the door needed to be extra locked, and she knocked out two of his teeth with it.
Man, if I was looking for a man to be my significant other, I would search for one that would knock two of my teeth out with a metal bar on sight. But this is very reasonable. While it is cliche, if you were all alone and someone came to give you company, I bet something would start to blossom.
Keith understood perfectly she was ready to kill him in self defense if necessary, and she was about to start a ruckus (she does have anger issues, and her training was strictly cleaning related) , and she was going to get kicked out, thus, he was not going to see her again, he just calmly laid a claw on her, and looked her directly in the eyes, and found her frustrations and issues.
I think another reason why Keith might have the jealousness is because he was the first to meet Ida. You could maybe add in that these creatures have an “imprinting” thing going on that allows one to claim someone else as their significant other. This could work, but then again, all the other aliens are also going after Ida. Idk it’s just a thought.
Though he needed to talk to her and meet her outside of the job, the morphing device that was on a laboratory was perfect for creating his new persona, his human self, but he needed dna, which… wasnt hard to obtain, Ida’s suit was probably full of hairs, and whatnot, so he did what he had to do, take her suit and go away, it was a hard and painful process until he took a completely human form.
Dang that must hurt. However, I feel like using Ida’s DNA would make him look more like a girl. I would change this to Keith finding a way to obtain a male’s hair and then complete the transformation.
I think I explained in Ida’s profile what happened the next day…
Yes, yes you did.
with Ida:  he is completely infatuated with her, idolizing her, and admiring her, although this is not good, but once he starts respecting her as a human being and acknowledging her faults the ship can sail, if not, there’s suffering for both of them, he is taking steps, for example, he respects her space.
Overprotective but not pushy. Honestly Keith isn’t that bad of a dude.
With Mabel: Mabel is helping him woo Ida, although she isnt aware of his Yandere tendencies.
What a girl Mabel, yes. But I still think Ida and Mabel could be a route in this sim.
With Drake: they dont get along very well, because despite Drake being violent and bloodthirsty he doesnt sugarcoat it , they like to play toghether though…
If “play” means “trying to rip each others’ throats out”, yeah, I guess they love to play.
With Caleb : Caleb and Keith get along very well with each other, is not hard since both of them are very approachable.
Good boys.
With Xander: both are very jealous of Ida, although Xander fears keith, and keith fears xander as well, no reason
I feel like there should be a reason they fear each other. We generally know why Keith is feared, but Xander should have an underlying trait or secret that makes him extremely dangerous. Its always the sweet/quiet ones.
Trivia: *He adopted the manic pixie dream guy persona to cheer Ida up, he loves seeing her smile *According to Ida he weights like a horse, it might be hyperbole though. *His human form presents no glamour failure at first, but if very stressed he shows parts of his true form. *And mantaining his cute voice is difficult for him too *he is an amphibian and thus needs to be hydrated constantly, he carries a purse full of bottled water.
I honestly really like Keith a lot more now. He originally seemed too generic and likable, but he has flaws and I do want to learn more about the fear everyone seems to show around him. Don’t be afraid to send in your other characters, i would be happy to review them!
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Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps! (◕ ω ◕✿)
*All OC credit goes to daniluni
~Mod Charle
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lunarlooroo · 7 years
Hello Lunarlooroo! I'm so glad you're accepting prompts! I have loved your work for so long and I think it's amazing you're accepting prompts from fans- means a lot to us
Heather perked up when she felt the wards ping. She felt eyes on her and she knew Severus had noticed her reaction. Standing to go get the door, she shot him a warning look to make sure he behaved. The man grimaced, but went back to setting up the table.
She sighed, but figured that was the best she could hope for. When she reached the door, she pulled it open without waiting for a knock. On the other side stood Sirius, with his hand raised in a fist, and Remus slightly behind him.
“Heather!” Her godfather used his outstretched hand to pull her into a hug. “How’s my favourite goddaughter doing?”
She rolled her eyes, but smiled warmly. “Great, you’re just in time. Lunch is ready.” She freed herself from Sirius’ bear hug and then pulled Remus into one of his own.
“Hello, Heather. Thanks for the invitation,” Remus said.
“No problem, come on in before the food gets cold,” she teased. Nevermind that the warming charms on the plates would never let that happen.
As they walked through the house to get to the kitchen-cum-dining room, Sirius and Remus talked about their latest trip, which was to Peru this time. It was Sirius’ way of enjoying the family money. Meanwhile, Remus used them as research for writing his defence manuals.
Just as they arrived, Severus finished serving up the food.
Immediately, the mood plummeted and Heather felt Sirius tensing up beside her.
“What is Snape doing here?” the dog animagus hissed angrily.
Thank Circe he hadn’t said Snivellus, or Heather would have had to hex him. It had taken her an unbelievable amount of time to condition him out of using that word.
Severus simply raised a brow at the words. Good. It seemed her warning was being heeded.
“Sirius, I’m going to ignore that and then we’ll all have lunch like civilised folk.” She narrowed her eyes at the man, daring him to say anything else against Severus.
This was the first time ever that she had gotten Severus and Sirius to sit for a meal together, and she wasn’t going to let their childhood rivalry ruin it! Usually, she wouldn’t force the issue; Salazar knew she wouldn’t tolerate having Dudley’s company forced on her. But, there was a reason she was doing this now and she would damn well see it through!
Sirius groaned, but thankfully said nothing else as they all sat, which she considered a victory.
“This smells wonderful. You’ve outdone yourself, Heather,” Remus offered.
“Actually,” she looked to Severus and grinned, “Severus cooked everything today, except for the dessert.”
Sirius opened his mouth, obviously to say something uncomplimentary, before wincing sharply as a loud thud came from underneath the table. Beside him, Remus smiled placidly.
“Well, I can’t wait to dig in. Thank you, Severus,” Remus said sincerely.
It was with palpable relief that they all began to eat. At least with food in their mouths, they had an excuse not to talk.
And any potential taunts on Sirius’ part were quelled by a vicious stab at a piece of roast followed by a pointed look.
The silence – broken only by the scraping of silverware on plates – continued until dessert was finished.
“Well,” Remus began, “that was delightful. I especially liked the gravy. Was that rosemary I tasted?”
Heather cut in before Severus could deliver a cutting remark on the difference between rosemary and oregano.
“I’m sure Severus would be happy to share his recipe with you later.”
To his credit, Remus batted not an eye at the choice of word she used.
“We actually had a reason for inviting the two of you here today,” Heather continued tentatively.
At this, Sirius couldn’t contain himself any further. “What did he do?!” He shot to his feet, leaning forwards as if to wring Severus’ neck from across the table.
Severus sneered, just as Remus growled under his breath and, none-too-gently, yanked his impulsive friend back into his seat.
Heather put on an utterly unimpressed expression. “Are you done?” After getting a petulant nod, she continued, “Good. As I was saying, we have news to share.”
She took a fortifying breath. Hopefully no blood would be spilt today. Sharing a glance with Severus, she clasped a hand in his. Sirius was already glaring at their joint hands, and she hadn’t even said anything yet.
“We’re…” She straightened her shoulders and looked at her godfathers both head on.
“We’re expecting.”
A stunned silence filled the room.
She counted to ten. Then to twenty. And backward again to zero.
“…What?” Sirius asked weakly.
That seemed to break whatever petrifying spell there was on the two Gryffindors. Remus broke out into a bright smile and congratulated them. He immediately came around the table to engulf her in an enthusiastic hug. He even dared a solid clap on Severus’ shoulder, who deigned to nod almost-amiably in response.
A loud thud shocked her out of the sort-of-heartwarming scene. Sirius had leapt to his feet again and slammed his fists on the table.
“Snivellus! How dare you lay your filthy paws on my goddaughter!”
Heather glared incredulously at the man. “Sirius,” she said slowly, like she was speaking to an imbecile, “I’ve been married to Severus for two years.”
“Oh come on, Heather! You can’t be serious about this. This is Snape we’re talking about. When are you going to ditch him and find someone more suitable?”
Merlin-be-damned! Did Sirius seriously still have doubts about their relationship? It had been more amusing than anything seeing him scream his denial right up till and at their wedding ceremony. Now it was just frustrating.
“You cannot possibly be this delusional, Black,” Severus drawled. “Are you going to deny something even when it is right in front of you?”
Great, now Severus was retaliating.
The floodgates opened. Severus and Sirius began one of their infamous rows, with Sirius screaming bloody murder and Severus replying with acerbic quips.
She looked helplessly at Remus, who seemed just as fed up as she was.
Eventually, Sirius whipped his wand out, shoving it in Severus’ face. Severus was quick to point his own at Sirius’ vulnerable groin.
She snapped.
“That. Is. ENOUGH!”
Thick pressure flooded the room in seconds. The two men were propelled to opposite walls and held there.
When she made to stand, her eyes rolled up into their sockets and she staggered. She would have collided with the floor if Remus hadn’t reacted quickly and supported her.
“Heather!” two voices shouted.
Then Severus was right there, checking her over and fussing. “Poppy said no heavy magic use. You need to rest! Please, sit down.”
She pushed him away. “And whose fault do you think that is?” She glowered, feeling tears spring into her eyes.
Both men looked horribly guilty when they saw.
“Severus, I told you before all this. If you don’t have anything nice to say, at least just keep quiet. I wanted this dinner to go without any fighting. This is supposed to be happy news we’re sharing!”
Then she turned her attention to a smirking Sirius. “And you!” That wiped the smirk away quickly. “At least Severus tried to keep this civil. But you just had to keep pushing. It’ll never be enough for you, will it? You never approved of my relationship with Severus. And you know what? I don’t care. I don’t need your approval. But I can’t believe that the first thing you did when you heard I was pregnant was attack my husband! I’m having a baby. A whole tiny person in me! That’s exciting, but it’s also scary! I needed your support and encouragement. Not your petty grudges and contempt.”
She didn’t bother wiping away the tears that streamed down her cheeks now. She turned away from the both of them, hiding her face in Remus’ chest.
The next words she spoke were slightly muffled, but they were heard loud and clear by all present anyway. “You know, Hadrian and I grew up in an environment of anger and violence. I sure as Circe won’t be letting my child do the same.” She clenched her fists in Remus’ shirt. “Even if I have to resort to drastic measures.”
Closing her eyes, she said, “Leave. Both of you. I can’t stand to even look at you right now.”
Remus growled, as if to underscore her words. If she looked up, she knew that his eyes would be flashing amber in threat. “And don’t even bother coming back until you can act like the grown men you are, not children having tantrums,” he said.
It was only when they both left the kitchen and went out of earshot that Remus said, “You can look up now, they’re gone.”
She chuckled, pushing out of Remus’s arms. As she cleaned her face of tears, she said, “Should’ve realised you’d catch on. You always were the smart one of the both of you.”
Remus quirked a brow. “I think the swooning was a teensy bit overdone, wasn’t it? We both know you have larger magic stores than that, pregnant or no.”
“Well, whatever works. You wouldn’t believe how overprotective Severus has become since finding out.”
Nodding sagely, Remus said, “James was the same way. Lily couldn’t lift a newspaper without him offering to do it and then reading aloud for her.”
Heather snorted a laugh. Yeah, she kind of remembered a bit of Mama’s pregnancy with Hadrian. She’d thought it was a game, to see who could remove things from Mama’s hold quicker.
“So, how far along are you? Do you know what you’re having yet?”
And so they continued to talk about her pregnancy and funny stories about James and Severus’ reactions while waiting for the other two men to hash out their issues.
A few hours later, Severus and Sirius would return bearing comically large and false grins – smirk, in Severus’ case – shoulder to shoulder. Heather wouldn’t comment on their singed robes and twitching eyes. Instead, she would sneak a picture before sitting them all around the table again. Then she would break out the scans of the baby and watch Sirius and Remus coo over them.
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blankybloo · 5 years
Spoopy Children Backgrounds
Real name is Fae
The oldest of the three
10 years old
She was actually born with no eyes, but one thing led to another and
She’s got eyes
Two pairs of eyes
And uh... those eyes belong to her friends, Mi and Re who had their eyes taken soooooo
Fa is definitely the leader of the group.
Uses tail as a weapon
Like a whip
Charges like a bull
I mean cmon have you seen those horns?
And she has the best eye sight in the group (duh she’s the only one with eyes-)
Only family members that are close to her are her aunt and dad. But since she kinda disappeared they uh •3• they’re gone
Re is like the brother she’s never had. Along with Mi. She loves them and will protect them no matter what. Well, she tries to but then ends up the one being protected.
Honestly, she’s kind of a bitch. A small, tiny demon bitch. But a bitch all the same.
She can be nice when she wants. Depends on who you are as a person
Talk about anger issues
You know how people say short people are angry because they’re closer to hell? Welp Fa is living proof whEeZe-
Real name is Raymond
The middle child of the three
8 and a half years old
Ya know those pink and orange eyes? Yeah, those are his and he’d like them any time now
Re is the fighter of the group. Like a guard dog. Heh, I’ll get into that in a second
He can transform into this demon like dog thing? I will draw it later
He’s basically a ghost so he can float and go through things
But he can’t really fly that high
The best he can do it the top of a two story house
Transparent-like particals just... float off his body
He sees everything in black and white
“Everything looks like a poopy old movie.”
He’s blue da ba dee da ba da
His family was a very loving bunch. Too back he got kidnapped and got put into some fucked up testing *le shrug*
Is like an overprotective brother over Mi, and holds some romantic feelings for Fa. The boy’s trying. And failing.
He’s pretty laid back. He’s the go with the flow kind of guy. Hey you’re bleeding? Well everyone bleeds. Re can get hella stern out of no where too. You want to take a walk? Well tOO FUCKING BAD BECAUSE IT’S DARK OUT
Real name is Mina
The youngest of the trio
7 years old
Unlike Re who had his eyes brutally scratched out, her’s were carefully removed. Not like it didn’t hurt in the end tho
Her eyes are the green ones Fa has
Oh, she’s a fairy by the way. Like, a broken fairy
She’s blind as fuck. It’s just... nothing. No lights, no shadows.
She depends on her other senses to guide her
But she’s young so she often bumps and slams into things
You thought those wings were useful?
Meh, the highest she can go to is a 3 story house, but that’s when she tries
She is okay with hovering and flying near the ground
Just don’t wear her out or else her wings will hurt hella badly
She’s got a little crown awe
She’s always crying
Even when she’s not sad she’s trying
Someone give this poor child a handkerchief
Has only lived with her cousin. And they were quite distant. So Mi is very clingy to the people she “befriends”
She kidnaps people and just... talks their ear off before finding them “boring” when they run out of stories and just... leaves them to rot
Definitely the darkest one out of the trio
But Re and Fa don’t need to know :)
She cares for Re and Fa a lot, but wouldn’t go as far as to sacrifice herself for them
Call it whatever you want, but Mi is trying to survive. When you’re cute, ya gotta protect yourself
She’s surprisingly shy
Like holy shit
“Um... hi there mister spider.”
She wont put her foot down even when she knows she’s in the right.
She doesn’t like being yelled at so she just stands there and takes the verbal hit to her ego
Maybe that’s why she’s always crying?
Shes kinda like the witch in left 4 dead
Mi will probably have a innocent like facade on until you get her pissed or sad
Mi is manipulative too. She’s just... kinda evil
But she’s a good kid. She just needs a little guidance
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