#owen wilson smut
layla4567 · 11 months
Awful things to you...
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Pairing: TVA!Loki x Variant!fem!reader
Summary: You are a variant and the TVA pursues you tirelessly until they find you. Loki will be in charge of interrogating you and you are not sure if that is a reward or a punishment.
Warnings: Based on episode 2 of the second season, smut, slightly dom loki, good cop and bad cop dynamic (loki is bad cop obviously), reader being a lil brat, slightly choking(?, hair pulling, fingering with clothes, sex with clothes/hook up idk.
WC: 3.4k
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You were sitting in the middle of the room in an uncomfortable, small seat that didn't even have a backrest. You looked at the ceiling bored while the warm, yellowish lights hit you squarely in the face. It seemed like you were in some kind of madhouse with a completely empty, windowless orange room with a solid oval iron door in front of you. Your clothing wasn't comfortable either, the baggy jumpsuit of a horrible beige color made you look like a prisoner (although technically you were) and that uncomfortable and annoying necklace they had put on you was starting to make you itch. You placed a finger between the skin of your neck and the material of the collar, trying in vain to push it away a little but it kept squeezing. You were just grumbling when two people entered the room. One was a man with gray hair and a mustache with an affable and good-natured appearance, his partner who was taller, had somewhat longer and black hair combed back. They both wore brown uniforms with matching ties.
"Well, well, well. Finally someone comes to visit me, I was getting bored"-you said cheekily
The gray-haired man came a little closer with an easy and graceful step towards you without stopping smiling.
"Well, sorry, we were a little busy."-He answered, laughing at his own joke.
You simply stared at him and grunted something, narrowing your eyes and nodding indifferently, the other tall man came closer to be next to his friends. An awkward silence settled between the three of you so the first man decided to break that silence.
"Oh but where are my manners? We haven't even introduced ourselves, I'm Agent Mobius and he's my partner Loki."-He said pointing to himself and then to his friend.
"And I suppose you already know my name"- you said with irritating irony.
"Yes, and that's why we're here."-said the one called Loki
"Oh so you know how to talk after all"-you pretended to be surprised
Loki sighed and was tempted to roll his eyes but he simply restrained himself, as Mobius knew that his companion was someone somewhat irascible, he continued speaking for him.
"Well there's no reason to be so rude, look we brought you here because you committed something on your sacred line that created a ramification"
You interrupted him, closing your eyes and waving a hand in front of him, fed up with his rant.
"I'm sorry but I'm not understanding you shit"
"In short, you did something you shouldn't have and we brought you here to keep you from causing more problems."
You turned laughing sarcastically to see Loki as you frowned.
"So now I'm locked up and watched by two kinds of babysitters?"
"I wouldn't say it like that-"
"This is stupid"- you exalted -"I want to leave, let me get out of here"-you demanded
You stood determined to push them out of your way and get out the door when Loki, who was considerably taller than you, stood in front of you, blocking the door and placing his hands on your shoulders, stopping you.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
You sighed in annoyance, you weren't afraid of him or Mobius but you weren't stupid, they were two against one and you weren't sure if you would be able to take down Loki.
"Ugh fine, what do you want from me then?"
"We want to know what you did or rather why you did it"-Mobius said placing his hands behind his back.
"I thought you knew that, since you know me so well."-You rolled your eyes, putting your hands on your hips.
"We'd rather it come out of your mouth, ok?"
Loki narrowed his eyes and you looked at him out of the corner of your eye and up and down, contemplating whether to say what you know or not. After a few seconds of silence you clicked your tongue.
"Alright, how about I tell you a story, shall I? Once upon a time there was a pretty, intelligent girl who got tired of living in misery and, let's say, one day she innocently stole a diamond ring so she could sell it. Until two couple of weirdos came and captured her. The end"
"Did you like the story?"-You smiled sarcastically as you blinked your eyelashes innocently, making a kind of pout.
"I think you're a great storyteller."
Mobius always tried to make a joke with that smile on the verge of being a laugh, but you looked at him with the seriousness of a wax statue, somewhat uncomfortable, he stopped smiling and fell silent.
Loki took the lead
"The point is that now we need to know what you did with that ring, obviously you hid it because you didn't have it with you"
"Good deduction Sherlock, you surprise me."
Your poisonous sarcasm never left your throat and was beginning to make Loki impatient, who closed his eyes and took a deep breath. You were just having fun watching him lose his temper. Mobius, as a good-hearted man, tried to see things from all possible perspectives.
"Look y/n, I understand, okay? You must be feeling frustrated and confused, two agents take you from where you were and take you to a strange place and you don't understand what's happening! I really understand, but right now we have more urgent matters and we really need you to tell us where you hid it"
You looked at him, narrowing your eyes, trying to suppress a smile. Unfortunately, appealing to empathy is not going to make you give in. Your lips will be sealed
"I'm sorry…I think I forgot. Also, if you have more urgent matters then I would recommend that you take care of them first."
You smiled mischievously as Mobius lowered his head and sighed in defeat, Loki looked at him.
"Ok I give up, Loki it's your turn I'll go eat a pie"
Loki nodded and smiled. Now that he had his partner's approval, Loki felt freer to question you. Before Mobius left through the door, he approached Loki and whispered.
"Be gently"
After patting him on the back, he trotted off and walked out the door, looking happier. Now Loki was staring at you with hypnotizing green eyes, he had raised his chin a little and looked menacing.
"Good, how about we start on the right foot? I'm just warning you that I won't be as patient as my partner."
His guttural voice echoed in the room and its bounce off the walls reached your ears from different places, it seemed as if there was more than one Loki speaking to you, you shivered a little, hoping he wouldn't notice.
"I already told you that I don't remember where I left the ring."
"Oh that's a pity"
To your surprise, Loki was smiling and looking down at you with his hands clasped in front of him. There was something elegant yet intimidating about him. The way he moved or the way he spoke, he did it with Shakespearean grace. Slowly he began to approach you
"You know? Maybe you don't know who I am but I am known for being the god of mischief and for having done terrible, horrible things to many people."
With each thing he said, he took a step and got closer, until he was so close to you that you had to lean back slightly until you almost fell out of your chair and looked at him completely from below with your neck tense, his haughty and threatening presence looming upon you like the shadow of the grim reaper. His head covered the light coming from the ceiling spotlight, making an interesting contrast. Now seeing him against the light, the shadows sharpened Loki's face, framing his perfect nose and jaw, the light seemed to want to stay away from him as if he were someone who belonged to the darkness. You swallowed, intimidated.
"And believe me, I will have no mercy or fear in doing all those terrible and awful things…to you"
His voice was almost a whisper, so low and sounding grave and hoarse, it made you feel things, things that were better not to say. You didn't know why, but those threats didn't provoke fear in you, but rather the opposite. It was hot. Trying to sound casual you said
"Uhh scary man.."
Your voice was almost inaudible almost like a whisper but you managed to try to smile cheekily as some kind of flirt. Loki didn't seem fazed, instead he laughed airily, widening his Cheshire cat smile. And he began to walk around you like a vulture, making his shadow grow that enveloped you like a heavenly or demonic mantle.
"You have guts, I like that. You would have been a great ally in my troops"
Now Loki's voice was close to your ear in the back, whispering to you as he didn't stop spinning.
"But be careful what you say, a slip of the tongue and it could cost you dearly"
With everything he said, added to the fact that his breath tickled your ear from behind, he made you clench your legs and make your body rigid while you held your hands to the seat.
"What's wrong? Don't tell me the cat got your tongue."
Now his laugh was tickling the right side of your cheek as you could feel his green eyes nearby penetrating your face looking into your eyes and mouth.
"Come on, let me hear your sweet voice one more time, I want to know what you have to say."-Loki said, narrowing his eyes for a second and smiling mockingly, but his words sounded like a demand.
"I…I uhm.."
"Oh so the cat did get your tongue anyway"
You cursed inside, biting your lips and frowning, you were behaving stupidly, you couldn't even say a word. Suddenly Loki grabbed your hair, intertwining his fingers and pulling it back slightly, surprised you let out a moan as you placed a hand on his trying to remove it from your hair.
"We can do this all day darling, but at some point you're going to have to start talking, don't you think?"
Loki was still behind you to have easier access to your hair, and he never let go of it. His face was close to your right side and his lips brushed the skin of your ear as he spoke. Without warning his lips collided with the top of your jaw. He wasn't leaving kisses or anything like that but the simple touch of his soft lips running over and caressing your face made you melt.
"You're not going to say anything yet, huh? Bad for you."-He said with his open mouth resting on your cheek.
Loki pulled your hair a little more and placed wet kisses on your jaw, tracing the curve of it. Loki sighed and grunted, panting lightly as if this turned him on too. You bit your lips hard, suppressing your moans.
"You have beautiful, silky skin, but this ugly necklace bothers me greatly."
Loki took something out of his pocket and pressed a button that deactivated the collar and it fell to the ground with a thud. Satisfied now Loki began to kiss and suck on your neck moving your head to the side to have more access. Loki seemed like a thirsty vampire and you his poor victim. You began to thrash as you spread your legs, placing one hand between them to grab the edge of the small seat and unconsciously grinding your hips.
"L-loki..stop..please"-moaning brokenly
"Oh now do you want me to stop? And what is that movement in your hips?"-he mocked shamelessly
You closed your eyes in shame, feeling your cheeks heat up as you tried to stop your hips and dug your nails into the seat.
"That's simple, if you want me to stop then tell me what you know"
Loki growled in your ear as his tongue probed the skin of your neck near your jaw, licking you like ice cream. At this point you could no longer control your moans and you writhed, eager to touch him, to place your hands on his hair as he did with yours.
"Are you sure you want me to stop?"
You whimpered as a plea, opening your mouth. Loki assumed you would say that so he let your hair go and stood in front of you. He easily lifted you from the seat, when you stood up your thighs were trembling and you were panting. Loki sat on the small round seat and spread his legs, patting his lap inviting you to sit on it. You blushed and couldn't move a muscle so he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you to wrap your legs around his waist, sitting facing you with your eyes fixed on his. Loki placed his large hand on your cheeks, squeezing them a little until he made you pout.
"You are being very unfair to me"
Loki's hand went down to your throat and he brought his mouth close to your ear.
"Will you still not tell me where you hid it?"
Loki looked at you and tightened his fingers a little around the grip on your neck, you shook your head.
"Good"-he smiled
Loki's hand left your neck and moved down your torso slowly and painfully, he seemed to take his time on purpose. With his delicate fingers he traced waves and spirals near your chest, from time to time his palm traveled to the side of your torso near the ribs and cupping your breasts, he even allowed himself to feel your erect nipples with his thumb and squeeze them mischievously as if they were buttons
"Loki!"-you gasped shakily.
"Do you like that, pet?"
You nodded without remorse, your eyes dilating in desire as a shiver ran down your spine. Loki continued to touch you elegantly, his two hands traveled to your waist and didn't stop there. They continued down to your lower belly and your mons, that's when you let out an involuntary moan as you retracted your hips.
Loki, delighting in the noises you made, narrowed his eyes, smiling sideways and tilting his head.
"What do you think now? Will you tell me where it is?"
You shook your head again, biting your lower lip trying to suppress your smile, you felt like a naughty girl about to be punished, it amused you. And Loki seemed to be amused too.
"Ok, don't say I didn't warn you."
Loki placed one hand on your lower back, slightly pulling you towards his body while his other hand was placed on your vagina, that touch made you gasp but more so when his middle and index fingers were placed at your entrance trying to push the fabric of your beige uniform. You couldn't help but squeal like a mouse.
"Oh.. delicious"
Loki rubbed your entrance with his fingers trying to uselessly put them somewhere, even so, his fingers felt your flesh and that gesture began to make you wet. Luckily the fabric of the clothing was light and did not loosen in that area so his fingers could touch your hungry and throbbing pussy without problems.
Again you pathetically began to move your hips hoping to feel more friction while your face buried in the crook of his neck drowning out your babbling and moaning. Loki's calmness was overwhelmingly annoying. You were desperate that he had control, rubbing your back with a strange tenderness contrasted with what his other hand was doing to your core, while he repeated to you to take a deep breath as if you were about to be vaccinated. How could he be so sweet and delicate and a horny pervert at the same time?
"You're doing well, but I'd like to know where the ring is, please."-he said mocking your desperate desires
You still had your face buried in the crook of his neck, muttering and gasping incomprehensible words.
"I'm sorry darling, I didn't hear you correctly, what did you say?"-Loki said as you pressed harder and deeper into your entrance.
"I don't know!"
You moaned sharply, quickly removing your face from his shoulder while you breathed with your mouth open, trying not to succumb to your carnal impulses but you couldn't grip his shoulders tightly as if your hands were pliers.
"What a naughty girl you are. Do you really like being punished? You'll be glad to know I'm not done yet."
Loki grabbed and dug his fingers into your mules, pulling you even closer to him and forcing you to bring your pelvis together and crash against his. You were wondering what he was going to do when suddenly he raised his hips and his bulge collided with your entrance. This drew another louder moan from you. Loki stood there watching your reaction in amusement.
"What a delight to hear you like that, pet"
Another bounce of his hip and you had to close your eyes and bite your lip to keep from letting out the growl that remained locked in your throat. You were practically sitting on his cock and you felt your core throbbing harder and harder until it started to hurt acutely, this was torture, but a pleasurable one. Loki moved his pelvis upward again, holding your hips and threw your head back, releasing a pitiful moan.
"I'll ask you one more time, don't exhaust my patience. WHERE.IS.IT?"
To emphasize his words, he collided his pelvis with yours again, this time more abruptly as he wrinkled his face. You dug your nails into his back and gritted your teeth, you could feel the tears gathering in your eyes.
Loki, on the other hand, seemed happy with that answer.
"Whatever you want"
Now without mercy, Loki ground his hips up and down, colliding with your entrance while your hands clung to the back of his neck and you pressed your chest against his. Your face was on his shoulder looking towards the door fearing that someone would come and find you in this embarrassing situation, you had no idea how much time had passed. Loki found his own rhythm going fast and without tiring, you accompanied him bouncing up and down accompanying his hips when he went up, they seemed like a harmonious wave. But they were far from harmony, you two were panting and you were a mess since he started touching you with his manly hands. your palms were sweating and your uniform was starting to stick to your body. When you thought that nothing could be worse, Loki began to kiss your neck again, this time leaving small bites, you closed your eyes tightly and gritted your teeth, feeling like you were losing your mind. Your hand finally gripped his hair tightly and you took revenge, being able to pull him back to which he grunted. This little Eden that had settled between the two of you and the room didn't seem like enough to you. It was just a false sense of pleasure, you really needed him inside you no matter how hard his cock was or how deep you sat on it, you couldn't take this anymore unless he really fucked you properly.
"Loki… I-I give up, I'll tell you... where it is…"-you said between moans and gasps.
"But we were having fun"
He laughed shamelessly as he stopped and let you get off his lap, when you did you could barely stand. You were breathing hard and your knees were bending about to hit the floor and you were all sweaty. Loki seemed a little better than you but you still noticed that the hair on his forehead was damp. Between broken words you kept your promise and gave him the information he wanted.
"See? It was not that difficult"-He said smiling as if nothing had happened while he caressed your cheek with a finger.
At that moment Mobius entered, smiling as always and with a can in one hand. Seeing them in such a pitiful state, his corners loosened a little and confusion appeared on his face.
"What did I miss?"
"Oh nothing, the interrogation was just fruitful"-Loki said while winking at you knowingly.
Mobius and Loki said goodbye to you while you continued standing trying to catch your breath and process what had happened. When the two of them closed the door behind you you could hear Mobius' somewhat muffled voice asking Loki: "Hey, why are you so sweaty? It looks like you ran a marathon."
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marvelmaniac2000 · 9 months
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Summary:  Loki finally catches you time slipping after you guys break up. Little does he know the different lives you guys could have shared.
Characters: Loki x (Reader (Y/N) Mobius, Sylvie
Subject: Fingering, foreplay, french kissing, angst reader, dominant Loki, makeup sex,  Loki season 2 (non spoiler smut) , 18+ ONLY,
Intercourse, doggy style, slow burn emotional sex, 
 (I wish I could watch Loki again for the first time. I love the aesthetic. It’s probably the only MCU show I’m able to keep up with at the moment. Everything else is not on my agenda lately to be written about.) Wrote this late at night tired af 🤡
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   You TemPad back into the TVA with burning red eyes trying to hold back the tears. There was nothing in your mind that mattered but some sheer solitude away from loki. He completely messed up your life. He was just a regular variant that needed to be controlled. What made him seem like he was any different from the rest? Maybe you were the weaker link in the TVA that he was able to manipulate the most. 
   You stood in the middle of the TVA main monitor before striding down the hall toward a vacant interrogation room. You slumped down in the chair and exhaled. Loki was under Mobius' responsibility and couldn’t run off without knowing his where abouts at all times. This was your chance to disconnect from whatever was happening. Mobius warned you many times before to stay away from him but you couldn’t help wondering what made this man think he was different from the rest of the variants at the TVA. Every flirtatious moment, slight touch and seductive gazed sent major shivers down your spine when he was even near you. Loki was helping you guys track down the unknown variant but little did you know that the same viarant apparently named “Sylvie” was something of his own new desire. 
    You heard a slight presence from somewhere in the dark room. “I told you, didn't I? Mobius lingered from behind. “Please leave me alone in my own thoughts for a second before you rub it in my face” “Nahhh I think this is all too good of a moment to pass up” Mobius slid his hands in his pockets. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much, just think about it for a sec…the guy fell for a female version of himself.. That isn’t someone worth gloating about... trust me” Mobius stood across from the table. “Well you know you can't help who you fall in love with” you whispered. “That doesn’t exist here. You had a job to do, and you preferred to be selfish and cause more timelines to branch out. I hope you’re happy” 
  “You and I both know that wasn’t the plan” you retorted. 
 “None of this was (Y/N)!.. “ He scoffed. Now you are a part of a case that I do not want my own friend involved in. It just became personal and more difficult, so I hope I won’t have to prune you.” 
   “Don’t worry. you won’t” you flipped your TemPad open and vanished.  
  “I care about you Sylvie and quite honestly I did at one point wanted to be with you but I don’t really like you in that way .” Loki reached out for Sylvie sitting down. “Look it doesn’t not matter what I think, the TVA is in complete shambles and that’s really the only thing that makes me happy at the moment.” 
  Loki looked up at Sylvie’s face and noticed a glimpse of hurt. “I think you’re a pain in the ass,” he chuckled. “Why? You got what you wanted but do you realize it won’t include you if there isn't a timeline to begin with?”
 Sylvie slid down off of the truck. “ I meant every last word. Now excuse me, I’ll like to enjoy my peace.” With a brush against Loki’s shoulder, Sylvie walked back into the restaurant. 
   Loki pinched his nose. His patience was running thin with everyone. For the love of god, he loved both you and Sylvie but only he couldn’t go back to the godly way of juggling several women at once. All he could think about was you right now and being wrapped up in your sheer company. Maybe he should just let Sylvie be alone for a while, he was sure she would be okay for the “time” being. First, he needed to find you and make sure you were not going to disappear from the end of time. 
    The gentle breeze swept your face as you inhaled the beautiful air from outside. You watched from across the street an amazing white picket fence house with a red truck parked right outside the garage. You moved your hands in your pocket and watched your variant self with a yoga mat and gigantic hand bag in the other. Also resting between your ear and shoulder was your phone talking extremely loud to whatever person there was. Just look at you, you did a sly smile to yourself and felt the sheer joy of seeing not only a different version of yourself but the most regular you but with Loki in it too. There he went trying to walk to the mailbox looking at maybe letters? Bills? Who knows. But it made you happy. Your variant self drove off in a hurry and waved Loki bye in the process. You wondered what it would be like to meet this version of him. Would he still look at you the same? Touch you? Or would he come off as a weird delusional variant? It wouldn’t hurt to try to see. Before you could take another step closer a strong arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you into another dimension. 
   You lunged toward an unknown bedroom. You turned to meet Loki’s gaze staring right at you. 
“Why?’ That’s all you could spit out. “I’m pretty sure I’m the last person you need to talk to save the universe? Am I not correct?”  
  “Listen, I can explain” Loki gently closed the gap between you too. “I don’t need to hear your lies” you didn’t even want to look at his face.
“(Y/N) please I love you” he took your hands into his and gave you those big pleading eyes.
“What about Sylvie? Isn’t she more important?” You wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. “Just a friend my dearest” he brushed your hot cheek with his thumb. Oh how much you missed his touch. 
 “I’ll prove it to you” he slowly pressed his lips against yours. You moan into his mouth and let him take the lead. “I’ve always loved you and only you” he kissed the crook of your neck and sucked on the area that made you squirm. Your hands roamed between his loose strands of raven black hair. You gasped, making your grip harder around his shoulders. You backed away and slipped off your TVA jacket and pulled your shirt off.
“May I?” Loki gestured toward your pants and gently undid your buttons. He locked his lips onto yours wanting access with his tongue. You hummed letting him dance around your mouth. His hands pulled your pants down leaving you with nothing but bare lace panties. Loki let fingers slip into your bare wetness. You bite your lip watching him dance his fingers around your clit in slow strokes.
“Oh how much I’ve wanted to pleasure you” Loki soft fingers builded up the milky white wetness of your flower while you cry out in moans into his ear.
“Loki” you whispered, grinding your hips to his hand. His pace quickened while he devoured your neck with his wet tongue. Your fingers scratched his jacket wanting more of him inside.
“Please” you breathed. Loki pulled his fingers away and sucked his fingers clean of your juices.
“Lay down” he gently gestured you toward the bed.
“I want you on your hands and knees dear” You do as you were told and kneel with your bare ass in the air.  You hear the sound of a belt buckle before Loki adjusted your hips toward his entrance. You gently hitched your breath feeling him tease his tip inside your wet dripping folds.
“Are you ready my love?” he bent over nibbling at your ear. Moaning while you feel him fill you up.
‘Y-yes” you breathed. Loki smirked, ready to make you his. 
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My Card
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loki-princeofasgard · 10 months
Mission #182: Part 1 Part 2
For all times (Mobius x OFC)
Tony Stark
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airplanes924 · 1 year
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Movies I’ve Watched in 2023
Number 15
Marry Me
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owenwilsondreamz · 2 years
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madwomansapologist · 10 months
A&W | tamerlane usher & william 'bill-t' wilson
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Navigation | More Tamerlane Usher | AO3
synopsis: You were the new girl. A play pretend, for Tamerlane Usher. A way to satisfy his wife, for Bill. They just couldn't predict you would be Tamerlane's clone. Or that you would do them so well. [3,6K]
warnings: smut. prostituition. threesome. voyeurism. masturbation. p in v. cream pie. oral. fingering. tw: use of 'good boy' and 'so fucking pretty'. dom!tamerlane. switch!reader. female!reader. reader is described to look alike tamerlane.
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Tamerlane Usher expected to see a new, different face when she opened her front door. "Sorry for being late," you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. With a delicate smile, you reached out to her. "You may call me Love."
But all Tammy saw was herself.
It was like facing a mirror. You weren't a clone, there were enough different traits and details for her to be sure of it, but you looked like another version of Tamerlane. Like someone's blurred memory of her.
Your hair was a little bit longer, but it was the same color and texture as hers. Your eyelashes were a little bit ticker, but your eyes shone in the same tone as hers. Your smile was beaming and unapolagetic, but your lips were exactly like hers. So different, and yet so similar.
Tamerlane thought about how she so easily can forget someone's face. How sometimes imagination take place over memory. She imagined if anyone ever thought about her, but only pictured you. Would Bill ever do that? After this night, would he think about Tammy and see her copycat instead?
"Love?" Tamerlane licked her lips, a smirk growing slowly on her face. She didn't touch your hand, just gave you space to enter. "We thought you had changed your mind."
After the Goldbug launch, the last girl warned she was moving to another city. Tamerlane couldn't just hire anyone. First: she has standarts. Second: she has a reputation. It took her sometime to find someone, and for those past few weeks she felt starved.
She was so relieved when the last girl told about you. After discussing with you through e-mail, Tammy knew you were open to most of her desires. Then it came the NDAs, blood tests, creation of a new bank account. And Pym's research about you.
When he called her 4am to only say you were clean, Tamerlane almost felt like herself again.
"I would never," you said as your followed Tammy. "The last girl send me the wrong address."
It was difficult to not look at yourself through any of the mirrors there. Althought, maybe you could just look at Tamerlane. She is your distorced mirror.
After she gave you the envelope with the payment, a man came out of the kitchen with a bowl of salad. And his face certainty weren't new for you.
Of course you knew who Tamerlane Usher was. It feels impossible to try to survive without bumping into something owened by a Usher or their partners. You knew her name, her brand, but not her face. As any smart rich person, she went out of her away to not be famous.
Maybe you could pass by Roderick Usher and not realize who he was. Madeline could be right behind you and you would never noticed. But that would never happened with William "Bill" Wilson.
His face is everywhere. Sometimes it feels like it's stalking you. So many products, banners, commercials. It's impossible to use Tik Tok and never had seen at least a second of his classes. Either because of his knowledge about health or how no one can understand how he is able to smile while working out, people know Bill.
Bill is the face of Tamerlane's empire.
And here was him, serving the table.
Everything smelled so good. And also looked so delicious. Even the salad. Distracted by the food, it took you a second to notice the mesmerized look on his face.
"Your hair," Bill murmured. He sounded uncomfortable. Almost ofended. He glared at Tamerlane. "You chose that wig?"
You reached out to him already expecting to be ignored as when you did the same with Tamerlane. "Hello, Bill. I'm Love," it surprised you when he grabbed your hand.
It was a stiff, reservated movement. But you still feel like he saw you as more than the thing that will spicy the night. Like when you act as polite as you can with an worker because you want be sure that they will understand you see them as human beings. The quick gest carried some sort of companionship.
You both are working for Tamerlane tonight.
"That's my hair..." You touched a strand of it, twirling it on your hand. You tried to sound unsure, insecure. "You don't like it?"
Bill hesitated. Normally they ask Tamerlane if she liked what they chose, not him. Those girls could make him bleed and they would still ask Tamerlane if they should keep going. It never is about him, Bill don't want it to be about him, so why bother? But you held your gaze on him, waiting for an opinion, and so he had to came up with one.
"Is just that," it was almost a whisper. Bill put his hands behind his back, and for a second ignored your gaze by looking at Tammy. "You both are identicals."
"I don't think so," you said, touching your lips lightly. By his tone, you couldn't say if it was a good or a bad thing for him. You turned to Tammy, who was pushing a chair for her, and then went back to Bill's eyes. Your smirk surprised him. "My clothes are cheaper."
That made them smile. You unbuttoned your black coat, and Bill took it from your hands. Even from behind, you could feel him staring at you. Staring at your emerald dress.
Tamerlane, already sat on her chair, saw you giving her a little spin. That made her breathe in. She could already feel her womb warming up.
You both were matching.
"I thought we should start with dinner. Let's do a celebration, maybe a birthday. Just eat, drink, enjoy one another. Do you drink wine? Good. We'll talk about the rest later."
Bill pulled your chair. You sat at the beginning of the table, and held his hand before Bill could get away from you. Carressing it, you felt the warmth of his skin. "I'm so, so sorry for being late," you whispered. "I really am."
"That's fine," Bill finally said after a few seconds of silence.
"I can see you worked a lot. Everything looks amazing." You put your head in between your hands, watching Bill sitting beside you. "I love when you cook for me. It makes me feel like I'm part of a team. Our team."
Unsure of how to proceed, Bill looked at Tamerlane. He waited for instructions, maybe just as controled by Tamerlane as you. Her eyes were approving, so he turned back to you with more confidence.
Bill think it's so funny how he was turned into a puppet by her hands. Who would imagine that he would ever bend like that? Love really fucks people up. At least his love for Tamerlane did fucked him up.
He would do anything for her. Anything to keep her. Including this. If she needs that, so be it.
"I feel the same," and Bill really wasn't lying. He just wasn't. "Makes me feel part of something."
Tamerlane slid against her chair, intrigued by how this was going.
You grabbed his hand, and he carressed yours. "We against the world, right?"
Bill smiled. "Always."
You knew he was beautiful, who could ignore that fact, but he was so much prettier from up close. So sweet. For a moment you just watched him, and you also felt like he was watching you.
"I almost forgot," you walked to where he put your coat and searched for something on the pockets. "The real reason why I'm late."
You came back with a white, tiny box in your hands. You settled it in front of Bill, and took a bite from the plate he made for you. "Perfect, as always," you licked your lips and tapped the box twice. "C'mon. I want to see your reaction."
He took it on his hands, feeling how light the box was. When he opened it, he saw a hand watch. "Did you liked it? It's so difficult to gift someone. What can I give to someone that can have anything? There are so many things that can go wrong. If you didn't, I can just..."
"I loved it," Bill stopped you. "But I don't have anything for you."
You took it from his hands, and opened to put it around his fist. "You don't need to." Your hands stayed against his forearm, strucking it lightly. "You're more than enough to make me happy."
Tamerlane was already dripping.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Tamerlane told you both to wait while she made sure everything was ready and set. You finished your glass of wine, the only one you drank that night, and got distracted observing the room for long enough to forget you weren't alone.
What remind you of that was noise coming from the kitchen.
You walked slowly, so carefully that Bill didn't even saw you. But you saw him. He bend over the sink, searching for something that looked like a medicine box, murmuring something to himself. And when he found, you recognized the blue pill on his hand.
"That just broke my heart, big boy." The way Bill got startled made you smirk. "I'm not pretty enough for you?"
Alone, you could see how he was more relaxed. Maybe calmer. Near his wife, Bill needs to lie. Near you, he don't need to. Even thought you know that this dinner wasn't entirely a play pretend, it was still one.
"You're not the problem," he murmured.
"Then what is the problem?" You whispered, stepping closer to him. "Don't tell me you gonna fuck a woman for your wife and not even enjoy it?"
"That way is easier for the both of us," Bill whispered, mirroring you. "None of us wants to be here, let's just get it done already."
You held his hand before he could put the pill on his mouth. "You think I don't want to be here?" You got even closer. "That I don't want to be near you?"
Bill didn't knew what to say. He just agreed.
"I can't wait to make you feel good. To make sure you won't have time to think those stupid thoughts. You won't worry about anything else." Carressing his chest, you felt how stiff he really was. How nervous and uncomfortable that whole night has been for him. What a shame. A man as pretty as him don't deserve to ever feel that way. "Because that's what I do. That's what I love to do."
Your hands massaged his shoulders, then his forearms. "So tense," you grabbed Bill's hands and kissed his knuckles. Not even once you looked away from him. "You can pretend I'm her."
Calmly, you slid your fingers against his. Just playing with his skin, letting goosebumps on him. "I won't be ofended. If it's easier for you. It's easier for her, that I know."
Bill whimpered, and you never before wanted so bad to break someone. To take this mask Bill use, his all put together way, and smash it against the ground. To see him wide, unapolagetic.
You bite lightly his middle finger, just to mess with him, before you straighned up your posture. "I promise not to say a damn thing. If it makes it easier. All you need to do is to closer your eyes."
Tamerlane's heels made you look away, but you kept on holding his hand. "Can you do that for me, big boy?" You turned back to him, a ghost of a smile appearing on your face. "Can you fuck me like I'm yours?"
"Everything alright over here?" Tamerlane announced herself.
You blinked at Bill before turning to her. You gave Tammy another beaming smile.
You followed her to the bedroom, the tension rising. You could feel Bill watching you, his gaze burning your back. When Tamerlane locked the door, you took a deep breath.
"Since it's our first time, let's start slowly," Tamerlane walked toward her armchair. "Bill, help her take off her dress. I want you both to kiss, it don't need to be romantic, and then lie on bed with her on top. We'll see how it goes."
You stepped towards Bill. "You like when I wear green?"
"Yes, I do." Bill was more eager to answer this time. Maybe it has something to do with the way you made him unable to look away while you followed Tamerlane.
"I like it better when I'm wearing nothing. And you?"
Tamerlane unbuttoned her pants, unable to look away. This was... different. No one ever bothered to talk. To continue this act no matter what happens. She was salivating.
Bill held your waist, and he did so with force. You felt fingers brush against your ribs, moving up to brush against your breasts, squeezing the flesh of your waist. His gaze alone seemed capable of tearing your dress.
You turned around, and Bill pulled you against him. That felt so right. You took a deep breath, holding his hand against your body. You rubbed against him, feeling him through his pants, and smiled victoriously.
“The zipper,” you whispered.
Bill opened it calmly, noticing every inch of exposed skin, his finger brushing against your back. The dress fell off. You stepped out of it, and kicked it towards Tamerlane.
She smirked.
You were fun.
Which meant she was fun.
Bill grabbed your waist again, but without the dress the touch felt so new. You both just kept like that, as if it was a normal thing for the both of you, until you chose to turned around. You knew you were putting on a little show for the both of them.
“Kiss me,” you commanded. As if it was you the one ordering that. As if it was your idea, not Tammy's. As if you were her. You promised Bill to make him believe you were Tamerlane. You always keep your promises. "Now."
And Bill did as you wanted him to. As you ordered him to.
It was raw. Famine. You felt like Bill was trying to taste your soul. To hold onto it and never let it go. Bill kissed you like he was a starved man, and you accept him like a sheep waiting to be sacrified. And still, you weren't a sheep. You couldn't be one. Not if you want him to see you as Tamerlane.
Tamerlane is a wolf.
You pulled him by the collar of his shirt, not bothering to be gentle. You held him like Bill was yours, which meant that for tonight he would be. You pushed him, causing Bill to stumble back. He gasped, just like Tamerlane.
"Sit down," you demanded.
Bill couldn't think straight, his mind confused from the wine and the desire for more, so you pushed him hard. He fell onto the bed, staring at you from below as if you were a sight he had never seen before. "Is it so difficult to obey me?"
He shook his head. "No," he felt the need to repeat.
If you were Tamerlane, he would never be so needy. You would satisfy him whenever you could. But you can understand her side. There's nothing as beautiful as a giant man smelling like desire.
“Take off your shirt,” you ordered. This time he obeyed. As Bill threw his shirt away, you caressed his chest. So much more delicate than the push, so much more certain than the provocations exchanged in the kitchen. "Good boy."
You sat on his lap, and carefully laid him on the bed. You nibbled his lip, licked his thick neck, scratched his pecs. You slid your hand down his pants, knowing well that Bill was looking at your exposed intimacy, and felt his dick. Getting hard.
Even with tissue separating your skin from his, you knew he was big. That made you drool.
Tamerlane had already thrown her pants away. Her shirt was unbuttoned, her bra lost on the floor. She continued to wear her panties, just because she liked the feeling of them rubbing against her hand.
You grabbed Bill's hand and placed it on your waist. "Squeeze," and he did. His hands roamed your body, and you began to rub yourself against his growing bulge.
You opened his pant, and smirked when you saw his cock. "Say please," you hissed.
Bill swallowed. He squeezed you, his nail digging into your skin, but it was a good pain. "Pretty please," that made you want to get him inside your mouth. Make him melt against your tongue, choke on him until your eye burns, let him occupy your mouth for the rest of the night. But Tamerlane said you were supposed to be on top of him, and you weren't going to disobey her.
You sliding your hand up and down, and saw as Bill closed his eyes. You pushed your thumb against a vein, following it until his most sensitive point. And Bill was indeed sensitive. How long has been since he was last worshiped?
"Tammy," Bill moaned. And when he did it, Tammy let a whimper escape her throat. You stopped breathing, filled with a sense of pride. Bill whispered sweet nothing, chills went down your spine.
When you took him inside you, inch by inch, Bill shuddered. He grabbed your body, scratched your skin, moaned Tamerlane's name. You squeezed your walls, and you saw when Bill lost control. When it was too good to think.
You didn't look at Tamerlane. You could feel her gaze burning you, you knew you only had to look in any of the mirrors to see her, but you didn't dare. You only heard the moans, the wet sounds that her pussy made. That added to Bill inside you almost made you lose control.
Almost, because you wanted them to lose it sooner.
Bouncing on his dick, Bill spread his thick muscular legs. You were surprised when he lifted his torso, pulling your body close, but his mouth against yours silenced any exclamations from you.
Bill held his back, and without any effort he changed the position. Him on top, your legs pinning him against you, his forearms resting on the bed. That kiss was more than anything. He devoured you. And he did it so well you didn't even remember that you were supossed to be on top of him.
Tamerlane also forgot about that.
She just imagined herself in your place. She imagined herself commanding, demanding, mocking him. Tamerlane imagined herself making him feel so good that she would need to remind him to touch her, to look at her, to breathe. And then Tamerlane found herself being overpowered. Being thrown on the bed because Bill felt so much pleasure that he simply needed more, he needed everything she could give him, he needed it even if it meant disobeying her.
And when Bill whimpered Love, when he moaned your name while fucking you so good, she imagine herself between you both. She imagined her fingers deep into you, feeling how warm and wet he made you for her. Tamerlane imagined Bill kissing her the way he did to you, with your hands tucking on her hair.
Bill brushed the hair out of your face. "So fucking pretty," he murmured against her mouth. You opened your eyes, your mouth turning in a soft smile, and you felt tears forming on your eyelid. Bill was even better than you imagined. "You're mine," he growled. "So fucking mine."
His digits found a home in your pussy, spreading your arousal against your clit. Your nails entered his skin, and with a little more force you would be able to make him bleed. And it was at that moment that Bill came apart inside you.
He filled you, made you complete, all while moaning against your face. You trapped him with your legs, leaving him even deeper inside you, and only then did you have the courage to look at her.
Tamerlane couldn't keep her eyes open. Couldn't see it. She felt so good, so soft, so on the edge of an orgasm that she couldn't control her body. Her arm burned, her fingers curled over her clit, but she couldn't stop. She couldn't do anything but continue.
So when she felt a soft tongue against her pussy, the moan sounded too much like a scream. But she opened her eyes, saw you kneeling, looking at her with so much desire, and thought of nothing but to continue. As well as letting you lick up every drop of her. Letting you make her feel as good as you made Bill just a few seconds ago.
Tamerlane imagined his cum dripping down your legs. She looked up, and saw Bill recovering on the bed. She saw his smile, the way he looked deep into her eyes. And she saw that he was happy. Really happy.
Tamerlane squeezed her hair, guiding your tongue tightly against her. She replaced her fingers with yours, and in no time Tamerlane came looking right into Bill's eyes.
He was hard. Again. Sitting on him, your back against Bill's sweaty chest, he fucked you deliciously. Again. Tamerlane licked your breasts, bit your nipples, rubbed her hand against your pussy in such a dirty way. Such a good way.
Embraced by them, you felt so right. Like you were at the exactly place you should be. Like everything in your life led you towards them. Or maybe it was just the second orgams coming.
When Tamerlane woke up later that same morning, the first thing she saw was you between them both. Bill sleeping peacefully, hugging you from behind with his hand resting on Tamerlane's tight.
And she just went back to sleep.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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random-imagines-blog · 2 months
Celebrity Masterlist (L-Z)
In an attempt to organize the blog and keep everything in order, masterlists are being made to join together into a masterlist of masterlists to make it easier for those on mobile. Thanks for being patient!
smut is indicated with a ⭐
Lee Pace
To Die For
Imagine Lee Pace listening along to the bedtime story you’re reading your kids.
Imagine Lee Pace wanting to talk to you but he keeps being called away to set.
Imagine constantly making fun of Lee Pace’s wig on set.
Imagine going to a waterpark with Lee Pace, and his expression when he first sees you in your bathing suit.
Imagine marrying Lee Pace.
Luke Evans
Imagine helping Luke Evans pick out his outfit of the day.
Imagine Luke Evans surprising you on Valentines Day with chocolate and candy.
Imagine impulsively inviting Luke Evans to go skinny-dipping with you.
Margot Robbie
Run To You
Mark Ruffalo
Imagine showing Mark Ruffalo your more spontaneous side.
Imagine Mark Ruffalo meeting your parents.
Imagine watching the sunset with Mark Ruffalo.
Michael Fassbender
Imagine watching old movies with Michael Fassbender.
Imagine Michael Fassbender trying to make you blush from across the room.
Calling All Heroes (Avengers Cast)
Animal (Avengers Cast)
Imagine the rest of the Avengers cast finding out you’re a self-harmer.
Imagine your co-workers on the Avengers films confronting you about your eating disorder.
Imagine the Marvel cast finding out you’re suicidal.
Nathan Fillion
Imagine constantly being late to events because Nathan always wants you.
Imagine Nathan Fillion forgetting that it’s your anniversary.
Noel Fielding
Imagine Noel Fielding being captivated at first sight.
Imagine always being able to make Noel Fielding laugh.
Imagine making Noel Fielding’s birthday cake.
Imagine hitting it off with Noel Fielding on The Great British Bake-Off.
Norman Reedus
Imagine Norman Reedus catching sight of you for the first time after the hard break up.
Imagine domestic life with Norman Reedus.
Imagine helping Norman find a good place to hide from Paparazzi.
Imagine Norman Reedus trying to tell you that he loves you but having difficulty.
Orlando Bloom
Imagine Orlando Bloom talking about meeting you on the set of LOTR.
Imagine getting stuck in a tree with Orlando Bloom.
Imagine being at a fair with Orlando Bloom.
Owen Wilson
Flight Connection
Patrick Dempsey
Imagine Patrick Dempsey showing up too early for dinner and seeing you in just a towel.
Robert Downey Jr
Ambulances (Teen!Reader!Mentor)
Ruby Rose
Imagine Ruby Rose catching you crying.
Imagine blurting out to Ruby Rose that you love her.
Imagine living with Ruby Rose and sharing a bathroom.
Rupert Grint
In the Nightside of Eden
Russell Crowe
Imagine a midnight drive with Russell Crowe.
Ryan Reynolds
Imagine the moment Ryan Reynolds realizes he wants to marry you.
Imagine Ryan Reynolds taking you to a fair and taking care of you when you get dizzy.
Imagine Ryan Reynolds running into car trouble while taking you on vacation.
Scarlett Johansson
Imagine Scarlett Johansson becoming a motherly figure to you.
Sebastian Stan
Imagine Sebastian Stan taking sign language classes for you.
Imagine Sebastian Stan trying to entice you into joining his photoshoot.
Imagine Sebastian Stan coming to visit you in your small town.
Imagine Sebastian Stan really enjoying spending time with you.
Imagine being sick, and Sebastian Stan constantly checking on you.
Timothee Chalamet
This is the Place
Tom Cruise
The Fix
If Ever
Certain Needs
Imagine spending Christmas with Tom Cruise.
Imagine Tom Cruise taking care of you when you’re sick.
Imagine your family being formed around Top Gun.
Imagine being comforted by Tom Cruise.
Imagine falling in love with Tom Cruise.
Imagine having a child with Tom Cruise.
Imagine getting pregnant with Tom Cruise’s child.
Imagine Tom Cruise acting as the ‘dancer’ at your Bachelorette Party.
Imagine Tom Cruise taking care of you when you’re scared of getting your heart broken.
Imagine Tom Cruise surprising you with a new bag.
Imagine staying at a winter resort with Tom Cruise.
Imagine spending Valentine’s Day with Tom Cruise.
Imagine being caught with Tom Cruise in public.
Imagine going on a walk with Tom Cruise.
Tom Hiddleston
Imagine an eccentric director putting you and Tom into a house to test chemistry.
Imagine constantly teasing Tom in interviews.
Imagine working with Tom Hiddleston on a horror film.
Imagine Tom Hiddleston approaching you at a bookstore.
Imagine walking in the rain, and Tom Hiddleston spots you and saves you from the cold with his umbrella.
Tom Holland
Imagine being silly at a con with your coworker Tom Holland.
Tom Sturridge
Imagine Tom Sturridge having a crush on you.
Imagine having a late breakfast with Tom Sturridge.
Imagine being Tom Sturridge’s wife and finding out you’re pregnant.
Walton Goggins
Imagine meeting Walton Goggins on set, and falling in love.
Zachary Quinto
Imagine hiring a sky-writer for Zachary Quinto’s birthday.
Imagine making Zachary Quinto laugh during an interview.
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loomiseater · 5 months
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This is where all my fics will be.
The reason why there's only gifs on some of them is because it only allowed me 30 gifs..so yeah😭
Request here
Scream 1-7
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Billy Loomis
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First time
Some fun
Stu Macher
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Mickey Altieri
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Roman Bridger
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Charlie Walker
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Ethan Landry
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Chad Meeks
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Mcu (Marvel)
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Steve Rogers
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Bucky Barnes
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Tony Stark
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Thor Odinson
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Loki Laufeyson
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Peter Parker
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You sure?
Sam Wilson
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Peter Quil
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Stephen Strange
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Clint Barton
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
Bruce Banner
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Nothing yet, come back later :)
OBX (Outer Banks)
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Rafe Cameron
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John B. Routledge
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Pope Heyward
Nothing yet, come back later :)
JJ Maybank
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Ward Cameron (don't judge me🌚)
Nothing yet, come back later :)
The Vampire Diaries (tvdu)
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Damon Salvatore
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Stefan Salvatore
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Klaus Mikaelson
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Elijah Mikaelson
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Kol Mikaelson
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Alaric Saltzman
Nothing yet, come back later :)
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Carl Gallagher
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Lip Gallagher
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Kevin Baller
Nothing yet, come back later :)
FNAF (2023 film)
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Mike Schmidt
Nothing yet, come back later :)
William Afton/Steve Raglan
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Avatar (2009 & 2022)
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Lo'ak Sully
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Jake Sully
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Neteyam Sully
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Nothing yet, come back later :)
The Rookie
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Tim Bradford
John Nolan
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Wesley Evers
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Aaron Thorsen
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Wade Grey
Nothing yet, come back later :)
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Eddie Diaz
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Evan Buckley
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Bobby Nash
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Nothing yet, come back later :)
9-1-1 Lonestar
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Judd Ryder
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Owen Strand
Nothing yet, come back later :)
TK Strand
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Carlos Reyes
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Mateo Chavez
Nothing yet, come back later :)
Tk and Carlos are gay so idk if it would be right for me to make smut with f!reader with them but if you’d like, I’ll write it, I just don’t wanna be disrespectful)
Other characters
Spencer Reid
Family Moments
Aaron Hotchner
Teacher's Pet
I’m a straight female so I don’t know how to right f!reader with other women but I think eventually I’ll learn and add it to my master list💗. 
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emmie-tt · 1 year
Feel free to send requests love!!
Harry potter
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Ronald Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Mattheo Riddle
Theodore Nott
Tom Riddle
Severus Snape (PLATONIC ONLY)
Lucius Malfoy (PLATONIC ONLY)
Narcissa Malfoy (PLATONIC ONLY)
Bellatrix Lestrange (PLATONIC ONLY)
Sirius Black (PLATONIC ONLY)
Regulus Black (PLATONIC ONLY)
Molly Weasley (PLATONIC ONLY)
Arthur Weasley (PLATONIC ONLY)
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Max Mayfeild (PLATONIC ONLY)
Mike Wheeler (PLATONIC ONLY)
Dustin Henderson (PLATONIC ONLY)
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Chrissy Cuningham
Lucas Sinclair (PLATONIC ONLY)
Johnathan Byers
Erica Sinclair (PLATONIC ONLY)
Karen Wheeler (PLATONIC ONLY)
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Alice Cullen
Carlisle Cullen (PLATONIC ONLY)
Bella Swan
Emmet Cullen
Jacob Black
Rosalie Hale
Charlie Swan (PLATONIC ONLY)
Renesmee Cullen (PLATONIC ONLY)
Leah Clearwater
Sam Uley
Seth Clearwater
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Steve Rogers / Captain America 
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow 
Wanda Maximoff 
Clint Barton 
JJ Maybank
John B. Routledge 
Rafe Cameron 
Sarah Cameron 
Kiara Carrera
Ward Cameron
Merideth Grey
Lexi Grey
Derek Shepherd 
Amelia Shepherd 
Mark Sloan
Addison Montgomery 
Callie Torrez
Arizona Robbins 
Alex Karev 
George O'malley
Isabella Stevans 
Jackson Avery
April Kepner
Owen Hunt 
Christina Yang  
Fiona Gallagher
Veronica Fisher
Kevin Ball
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher (PLATONIC ONLY)
Debbie Gallagher
Jimmy Lishman
Mickey Milkovich (PLATONIC ONLY)
Svetlana Yevgenivna
Mandy Milkovich
Karen Jackson
Austin!Elvis Presley (Elvis - the movie) 
Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
Anthony Bridgerton (Bridgerton)
Olivia Pope (Scandal)
Fitzgerald Grant (Scandal) 
Elvis Presley 
Kylie Jenner
Kim Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian
Kendall Jenner
Megan Fox
Chris Evans 
Sebastian Stan 
Sam Worthington 
No Smut, this may change but for the moment/until i get comfortable i'm only writing fluffy, angsty and platonic relationships
I wont write about R@pe, Abu$e or ince$st
All my writing will be fem/GN!reader, I wont go into detail about skin color, body type or really any personal details unless asked to
I want to keep my stories fun so try and keep the requests non boring lol :))
If you have any questions please ask
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viviennes-tears · 11 months
I've found my Sylvie (Tom Hiddleston and Wife X reader one shot)
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion. 
A/N: This one was a lot of fun to write and I got to incorporate some smuttiness I've been dying to add into something. Hopefully it has paid off and thank you Anonymous for sending me the prompt. 
Prompt request by Anonymous: Hi can u pls write a fic where tom hiddleston costars with his wife in the loki series both the seasons and while coming off stage after answering questions about the show he cant resist how beautiful she looks and when the rest of the cast is not looking he suddenly pulls her in a secluded area and has his way with her
Hav a lovely day ahead
Summary: Yourself, Tom, Owen Wilson and the rest of the Loki cast have to be on stage for a Q&A to promote the second season. However you have disappeared some time before needing to be on stage and you made Tom worry about you in the process. Of course you showed up eventually and had to make an entrance with an outfit change. Although after a successful Q&A, along with Tom announcing you're a couple, he grabs your hand and guides you to an empty room so he can have his way with you after all that teasing with your low cut dress.
Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, p in v, vaginal fingering, teasing and fuck used once?
Tom sighed heavily. There was just ten minutes to go before you, Tom and the rest of the main Loki cast needed to be on stage for the season 2 Q&A, but you were nowhere in sight. All Tom could do was wait in the green room for you with the others. He knows you're in the building because you came in together, you said you would be a couple of minutes, yet it was much longer than two minutes already. He was constantly checking his watch for the time and checking his phone in case you had replied to his text. 
"Nothing." Tom muttered to himself whilst checking his phone for the thousandth time. You'd gone completely silent on him.
"She'll be here, don't worry." Owen said, having caught Tom talking to himself as they sat next to each other.
"Yeah, you're right." Tom agreed, pocketing his phone and putting on a small smile.
However it wasn't long before Tom, Owen and the others were then being shown to the left stage wing where they had to wait for the cue to go on stage. Along the way Tom hoped you would be there waiting by the time he reached the wing himself. However when they arrived at the left stage wing you weren't there as he had hoped, so he asked for someone to go look for you. 
"Where are you, darling? I'm worried." Tom quickly sent you the text, seeing as you never replied to his last one, then he was last to be handed a mic before going on stage. 
Unfortunately it became too late. The crowds were clapping and cheering as soon as Tom heard the introductions start. He glanced towards the corridor they just came down, yet you still weren't coming, so he decided he just had to go on head with the others without you. He took a deep breath before he took the walk out onto the stage with the mic in hand. The crowds roared with excitement as soon as they saw his face. He politely waved and smiled at them on his way towards centre stage. Before Tom sat down on the couch he greeted the lady who was hosting with a friendly 'hello', then gave her a kiss to each of her cheeks, lastly he unbuttoned his suit jacket. 
"It's good to have you all here, but where is Y/N?" The host asked into her mic, once they got comfortable on the couch and the crowds had settled down.
"I have no idea. She was here...." Tom began to say into his own mic before the crowds went crazy again as you strutted out on stage with a mic too, waving and smiling at the crowds just as he had done. Your entrance caused them all to twist sideways to see you, yet Tom's jaw slackened quite loosely, lucky he caught himself before he let it drop completely. 
Clearly since arriving at the venue and you disappearing you had changed your outfit. Instead of the comfy casual jumper and jeans you had on to start with, now you walked out in a flora floaty floor length dress, but you kept your makeup and hair the same. Also the dress was a little bit low cut, not overly, but enough to catch Tom's eye as you walked out. As soon as you were centre stage you greeted the host with a 'hi' and a hug, then you turned to the others one at a time to greet them. Tom was last as he stood up abandoning the mic on the couch, then you gave him a hug before both of you sat down close together with mics in hand.
The host went on to talk to everyone about Loki both season 1 and 2, or at the very least you said what you were allowed to without spoiling the new season. Everything seemed to be going well as each of you talked about how you enjoyed working on the show, with each other and the crew. Of course Tom classically used tennis analogies, throwing in Shakespeare references, he even brought back his analogy about Loki being like both the light and dark keys on the piano. You loved that one more than the tennis ones. However throughout all of this Tom would not always very subtly look down at your breasts. Not that you minded as that was the idea, but occasionally Tom would have to snap his gaze away, especially if he was looking and a question was directed at him. Although the odd time you caught him looking you gave him a knowing subtle side glance whilst trying to keep your composure. 
Afterwards everything was directed to the audience and those who were confident enough to step up to the two side microphones to ask you, Tom or any of the others a question. There actually ended up being two very long lines of people who had gotten up to ask a question, some were rather easy, whereas others were more complex and gave you all a lot to think about in such a short time. Although Tom is practically an expert at these types of questions after years of practice, he'd often deny it, but you'd graciously prove to him otherwise. Not that you'd say the other's weren't either, just you dumbed that title to Tom seeing as he's been a part of the MCU a lot longer than the rest of you. Well actually you hadn't done a lot of acting work prior to landing the role of Sylvie, so you felt as though you were a lot more inexperienced than your fellow co-stars.
A few questions in from the audience a little girl stepped up to the microphone and after waiting patiently for the mic to be readjusted then she shyly said, "Hi everyone."
"Hi," Yourself, Tom and the others say simultaneously.  
"What's your name and how old are you?" Owen adds, as he gave the young girl a smile.
"S-sophie...I'm six." She replied, as she nervously balled up the end of one of her long sleeves on her top and held onto it. Everyone awhed at her young age and they could tell she was so nervous yet brave to stand up in such a crowded room.
"What's your question sweetie?" You asked softly, as you shuffled to the end of the couch and rested your elbows on your thighs.
"Do...do you...erm...will Loki and Sylvie ever...will they ever become boyfriend and girlfriend?" Sophie asked quietly and kept a tight on her top.
"Great question..." You began to say, as the others agreed with you. "I think a lot of people would love to see them become boyfriend and girlfriend at some point. Although I think Sylvie personally has to find herself...to find her glorious purpose first." You added confidently. 
"Yeah, I agree. Sylvie is in a very different place to Loki personally, but clearly there's a connection between them which we've already seen in season 1. Like we got to see on Lamentis 1 and then again when Loki shares his blanket with Sylvie...erm...they do have a lot to work out between each other too, especially after the end of season 1 when she pushed him through a Time Door. So you'll have to wait and see where they go from there really in this new season." Tom elaborates before Sophie thanks you both for answering her question and then she steps away from the mic.
"Going off of Sophie's question and talking about working together earlier...have you found a deeper connection between the characters since last we saw them on screen....and how has it affected your off screen relationship?" The host jumps back in.
"Definitely, yeah. I mean Sylvie, she's a variant of Loki therefore Tom and I spent a lot of time together talking about his experience since being apart of the MCU...and we all remember the Loki lectures..." You began to say and laughter filled the room when you mentioned about the Loki lectures Tom gave. 
"Ah, yes the Loki lectures and Tom turning up at my door during the middle of the night, it was like Jeff Spicoli and Mr hand." Owen cut in, igniting more laughter from those who understood the reference.
"Yes we all enjoyed the Loki lectures from professor Hiddleston over here..." You teased, lightly nudging Tom when you called him professor Hiddleston, which caused him to blush slightly. "So...erm...there was a lot of time spent breaking down the characteristics of Loki and I even asked to read some old scripts Tom had as well as everything else...like comics mostly focusing on the Lady Loki variant and general research of the mythology. I had seen everything Marvel prior to getting the role of Sylvie as well, I've been a fan since forever...I had read some comics prior to getting the role too, but not as much as after I did. Of course...spending that much time with anyone you're going to know a lot about them..." You were really getting to your answer and you were doing very well to keep to what the audience already knows. Keep it all spoiler free. Tom sat there listening to you intently, even wetting his lips, which ended up distracting your train of thought.
"Hum...well Loki he's had this opportunity to find a connection not only with Mobius on a friendship level...something he's never really had and so to see him and Sylvie together is amazing...astonishing even for his character development, but also by going through all that he's hoping to amend what he's done in the past. Which in turn I think he really wants for Sylvie too, like he says at the end of season 1, he just wants her to be okay...hoping like Sophie and everyone else we will get to see more of that going forwards. Also as we mentioned earlier we've enjoyed working together and spent a lot of time together..." Tom luckily stepped in when you lost your train of thought, however as soon as Tom mentioned he spent a lot of time with you in particular that's when he reached his hand over to yours. He didn't hesitate to lace his fingers with yours and hold your hand firmly in his, looking at you lovingly with those baby blues, both of you smiling at each other. "I've found my Sylvie." 
That was it. That was how Tom decided to announce the two of you are together. There of course had been rumours going around about you dating, despite the rumours though you'd been lucky enough to keep the relationship quite private, with only the cast knowing at first followed by friends and family to know about the full extent of your relationship. Albeit you were taken aback slightly by Tom's timing to make the announcement, yet you weren't completely clueless about it either, you'd at least spoken about announcing your relationship publicly. Just the finer details of when and how was never finalised, not until now.
After you recovered Tom lent over to you and gave you a peek on the lips, causing you to blush, the audience went crazily energetic at the announcement. Then Tom turned your ring around so everyone could see it, because prior to that moment you'd kept the diamond turned inwards whenever out in public, but now having it showing felt amazing. No longer having to hide your relationship was a huge deal, especially as you recently got married in a private ceremony with just family and a small group of close friends. Despite your relation now being public knowledge you'd still keep a lot of it private, it just made it easier that way, because more importantly after Tom had bad experience in the past from being too open it was best not to overly share.
Once finally off stage you thought you could finally relax, Tom on the other hand had other ideas. He held your hand as he guided you backstage, Tom seemed to be in a rush, sneaking you off with him when no one was looking. It dawned on you what you were going to do when Tom found an empty room backstage. He pounced on you right after the door was closed and locked behind you. His hands were greedily all over your body and his lips impatiently kissed you. It didn't take you long to melt into him as he pushed you against the wall beside the door.
"Why did you have to get changed into that dress?" Tom asked, as he buried his nose into your hair.
"Just because." You replied cheekily.
"You're such a tease." He chuckled into your ear before he kissed down your neck.
Your arms tightened around him and a soft moan escaped your lips as he kissed down your neck, not that it lasted for very long, as Tom cringed and made weird noises because he'd tasted your perfume. You chuckled as he licked the back of his hand to try and be rid of the taste off his tongue. That's when he turned to you with a mock scowl on his face and then placed a kiss on each of your wrists. You always did love it when he gave you that look, or whenever he put on his menacing Loki face, it turned you on fiercely. 
Next thing you knew was you being hoisted up off the floor, your legs wrapped around his waist as his hands slid up your thighs underneath your dress, then your knickers were torn off you. He kept a tight hold of you with one hand on your bum, as he then stuffed the torn material into his trouser pocket, swiftly followed by his slender fingers rubbing against your lower lips. Another soft moan escaped your lips as you felt his fingers bringing forth your arousal and spreading it around, then he pushed them deep inside you. He rhythmically played you like a well played instrument with his fingers. When he deemed you ready he reached down to undo his belt and trousers, pushing his trousers and boxers down just low enough for his erect cock to spring out. You bit your lower lip with anticipation as he gathered more of your arousal with his fingers, watching him smear it between his dry fingers, then spreading your arousal along the length of his cock. A groan couldn't be concealed, as his cock jerked as he stroked himself firmly, while coating himself from head to base with his pre cum and your own arousal.
Tom did manage to tear his hand away from himself in plenty of time before he lined himself up with your cunt. At first he teased you by brushing the tip against your wet pussy lips, making a gasp to lodge in your throat, and unconsciously you squeezed the back of his neck slightly.
"Tom, please." You said with a pouty lip after he'd teased you for a little while.
"Hmph...alright love, I'll stop teasing." Tom says huskily with laughter in his voice.
Tom purposely took his time to sheath you onto him, soft moans came out of you both in unison once you felt him in all the way, but he just as agonisingly slow pulled out again to just the tip. "Tooooommmm."  You complained in a whiny voice.
Suddenly Tom began pounding in and out of you mercilessly and his hands were as tight as a vice on your hips and bum. "Is this what you wanted, huh, is it?" He spoke with a low deep seductive timbre, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
"Ye-yes...god, yes!" You said just as your breath and heart rate quickened simultaneously. 
"So beautiful." He exclaimed, his own breath quickening as he sped up even further, making sure he gives you a thorough fucking now you'd asked for it.
"Ohhh...ah-yes! Don't stop!" You moaned, as your thighs squeezed around his hips and your fingers combed through his hair.
"Oh, Y/N...Y/N, Y/N." Tom's voice came out breathier and rougher than it had previously. Hearing your name like that though couldn't stop you from deeply kissing him again.
He soon rested his forehead against yours, in fact all of his face was in yours, his nose pressed into your cheek and his lips slightly parted against your own parted lips. His hot breath passing into your mouth like second hand smoke, your ears pricked up at the sounds of his heavy pants, and his eyes closed as he took you deeply and savagely until you both lost complete control. Your climax gushing out of you like a tidal wave crashing onto the sea shore, whilst his own came out shortly thereafter in thick hot ropes, coating your walls with his love nectar. 
Even after both of you had cum he made sure to keep hold of you, allowing you both to take a moment to breathe, whilst his cock fully emptied out into you and softened. Afterwards Tom kissed you softly and pulled out. Cum instantly rushed down your legs as soon as he set you down on your wobbly legs. 
"I guess they all know we're together now." Tom says, his voice still hoarse and breathy with hints of laughter too, but he looked very happy. Not just because you had sex, but also because he was happy everyone knew you were his.
Tags list:
@muwuzic @jennyggggrrr
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Tom Hiddleston Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
miscellaneous masterlist
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return to the main masterlist
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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fluff - 🌊
smut -  🍑
angst -  🧊
dark - ⛺
au -  🍶
blurb (under 500 words) - 🍊
series/collection - 🍨
lea’s favs - 🥧
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evergreen university (various c evans characters) 🍶🍨🥧
a little fashion show (stiles stilinski) 🍑🍊
keep that pretty mouth shut (tommy shelby) 🍑🍊
ring ring (dean winchester, sam winchester) 🍑
say yes (bruce wayne) 🍑🍊
teamwork (steve rogers, bucky barnes, pietro maximoff, clint barton, sam wilson, tony stark, thor odinson) 🍑🍶🥧
sugar & spice au (various c evans & seb stan characters, as well as other marvel characters) 🍶🍨🥧
hayloft (tyler owens) 🍑🍶
some things are worth it (tyler owens) 🍑🍶
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble
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marvelmaniac2000 · 1 year
Non spoiler: Ok soooo... I went in watching Loki S2 Ep.1 without noticing the queer baiting everyone is talking about or whatever pandering????
Like honestly I'm so fixated on the storyline and the cool multiverse thing that makes you wanna rewatch it twice. Marvel really has been sucking lately and Loki is literally the only show that is damn near keeping the humanity of it all 😂💀 So far I'm enjoying it for what it is. Some people really just need to relax in my opinion.
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maddie-may13 · 5 months
Some info ~
I’m in a lot of fandoms and tend to to start fanfics and not finish them so I thought this would be a good idea lmao
If you want any of my full fanfics my wattpad is mads_may1014
I don’t write smut rn bc I’m just not comfortable with it
I don’t write ships only xreaders
I'm going to add more fandoms later on but i'm just fixated on these rn
At the moment I only write for a Female!Reader Or Gn!Reader just bc thats's what i'm most comfortable with
I take requests
X reader (platonic)
Grey’s Anatomy ~
Mark Sloan - Nothing Yet
Derek Shepherd - Nothing Yet
Alex Karev - Nothing Yet
Amelia Shepherd - Nothing Yet
Callie Torres - Nothing Yet
Jackson Avery - Nothing Yet
Meredith Grey - Nothing Yet
Lexie Grey - Nothing Yet
Izzy Stevens - Nothing Yet
Christina Yang - Nothing Yet
Arizona Robbins - Nothing Yet
George O’Malley - Nothing Yet
April Kenner - Nothing Yet
9-1-1 ~
Evan Buckley - Nothing Yet
Eddie Diaz - Nothing Yet
Chimney - Nothing Yet
Athena Grant - Nothing Yet
Bobby Nash - Nothing Yet
Hen Wilson - Nothing Yet
9-1-1 Lonestar ~
TK Strand - Nothing Yet Owen Strand - Nothing yet Carlos Reyes - Nothing Yet Judd Ryder - Nothing Yet Grace Ryder - Nothing Yet Paul Strickland - Nothing Yet Marjan Marwani - Nothing Yet
Marauders ~
James Potter - Nothing Yet Sirius Black - Nothing Yet Remus Lupin - Nothing Yet Regulus Black - Nothing Yet Lily Evans - Nothing yet Pandora (Last Name) - Nothing Yet Marlene McKinnon - Nothing Yet
Stranger Things ~
Steve Harrington - Nothing Yet Eddie Munson - Nothing Yet Eleven Hopper - Nothing Yet Max Mayfield - Nothing Yet Dustin Henderson - Nothing Yet Will Byers - Nothing Yet Mike Wheeler - Nothing Yet Nancy Wheeler - Nothing Yet Robin Buckley - Nothing Yet Jonathan Byers - Nothing Yet Lucas Sinclair - Nothing Yet
X Reader (Romantic)
Grey's Anatomy ~
Mark Sloan - Nothing Yet
Derek Shepherd - Nothing Yet
Alex Karev - Nothing Yet
Amelia Shepherd - Nothing Yet
Callie Torres - Nothing Yet
Jackson Avery - Nothing Yet
Meredith Grey - Nothing Yet
Lexie Grey - Nothing Yet
Izzy Stevens - Nothing Yet
Christina Yang - Nothing Yet
Arizona Robbins - Nothing Yet
George O’Malley - Nothing Yet
April Kenner - Nothing Yet
911 ~
Evan Buckley - Nothing Yet
Eddie Diaz - Nothing Yet
Chimney - Nothing Yet
Athena Grant - Nothing Yet
Bobby Nash - Nothing Yet
Hen Wilson - Nothing Yet
911 Lonestar ~
Owen Strand - Nothing yet Judd Ryder - Nothing Yet Grace Ryder - Nothing Yet Paul Strickland - Nothing Yet Marjan Marwani - Nothing Yet
Marauders ~
James Potter - Nothing Yet Sirius Black - Nothing Yet Remus Lupin - Nothing Yet Regulus Black - Nothing Yet Lily Evans - Nothing yet Pandora (Last Name) - Nothing Yet Marlene McKinnon - Nothing Yet
Stranger Things ~
Steve Harrington - Nothing Yet Eddie Munson - Nothing Yet Eleven Hopper - Nothing Yet Max Mayfield - Nothing Yet Dustin Henderson - Nothing Yet Will Byers - Nothing Yet Mike Wheeler - Nothing Yet Nancy Wheeler - Nothing Yet Robin Buckley - Nothing Yet Jonathan Byers - Nothing Yet Lucas Sinclair - Nothing Yet
X Daughter!Reader
Grey’s Anatomy ~
Mark Sloan - Nothing Yet
Derek Shepherd - Nothing Yet
Alex Karev - Nothing Yet
Amelia Shepherd - Nothing Yet
Callie Torres - Nothing Yet
Jackson Avery - Nothing Yet
Meredith Grey - Nothing Yet
Lexie Grey - Nothing Yet
Izzy Stevens - Nothing Yet
Christina Yang - Nothing Yet
Arizona Robbins - Nothing Yet
George O’Malley - Nothing Yet
April Kenner - Nothing Yet
9-1-1 ~
Evan Buckley - Nothing Yet
Eddie Diaz - Nothing Yet
Chimney - Nothing Yet
Athena Grant - Nothing Yet
Bobby Nash - Nothing Yet
Hen Wilson - Nothing Yet
9-1-1 Lonestar ~
TK Strand - Nothing Yet Owen Strand - Nothing yet Carlos Reyes - Nothing Yet Judd Ryder - Nothing Yet Grace Ryder - Nothing Yet Paul Strickland - Nothing Yet Marjan Marwani - Nothing Yet
10 notes · View notes
A short recap of my fanfic’s fixations:
2020: as I haven’t been up to day with TWD, 2020 seemed pretty good to do so and then obsess with Rick and Negan. I must have read a shit ton back then. I fully went down the rabbit hole. I mean it, I went from enemies to lovers, to coffee shops AU, soulmates, time travel alter universe and soul swapping, and delicious smut with them as enemies in Alexandria and AUs where they were the most loving couple ever raising Carl and Judith together🥹
2021: the only thing I can recall is that I fell in love with Owen Wilson with a moustache. This became my obsession for MONTHS. Like I couldn’t believe I was having (and ongoing) this massive crush on Lightning McQueen 🥲 I didn’t even like the guy before but Mobius fit him like a glove and well… Lokius striked me hard. I didn’t find good fics though… (makes sense that now in 2023 with season 2 airing I just wrote my Lokius smut? Heheehhe)
2022: i weirdly claim this year as my Star Wars era; I got hyper fixated with the Kenobi series hence I read mostly about Obikin and even some Quiobi 🩷 this fandom is so steamy 🥹🥹✨✨✨
2023: back in January during summer I watched Succession S1-S3 and is been rotting my brain since then. As any other regular girl, I got fixated with Kendall for months but once I realised what a babygirl Roman was everything changed. Also the whole Mencken thing added the best ingredient for the slimy puppy to be my favorite 2023 blorbo. He’s the one who actually pulled me back into writing fanfiction 🥹
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bruhlsbees · 2 years
a new and improved masterlist for all of my daniel bruhl, owen wilson, luke wilson, and murray bauman work. lately i've been on the cusp of getting back into a writing kick and a lot of my motivation for some of these pieces have gone right out the window (sorry to all my early followers). as much as i'd like to just delete these fics and move on i know some people do enjoy them so you'll find a lot of my early work either in the 'retired' section or in the 'early works' section. some retired pieces may be worked on in the future, but for now they'll remain in the void. thanks for understanding and hopefully i'll get more stuff out soon! :')
garden of eden (alex kerner x reader) - click here
sweet disposition (alex kerner x reader) - click here
paradox burning (ernst schmidt x reader) - click here
to the end (niki lauda x reader) - click here
second chance (writer!daniel x reader) - click here
bubbles (helmut zemo x reader) - part one & two (s)
five more minutes (helmut zemo x reader) - click here
it was real enough (helmut zemo x heike zemo) - click here
the haunting of heike zemo (helmut zemo x heike zemo) - click here
behind the mask (helmut zemo x reader) - click here (s)
i'm going in tonight (alex kerner x reader) - click here (s)
opposites attract (alex kerner x reader) - click here
baby paula (alex kerner x reader) - click here
at the cabin (alex kerner x reader - click here
dancing in the rain (alex kerner x reader) - click here
sapphire strings (andrea marowski x reader) - click here
modern!flatmate! andrea x reader headcannons - nsfw version & sfw version
broken wing (dr. laszlo kreizler x reader) - click here
bloodlust (vampire! laszlo kreizler x reader) - click here
kachow (niki lauda x reader) - click here (s)
good luck charm (niki lauda x reader) - click here (s)
jackpot (dark!daniel x reader) - click here (s)
tom foolery (clowniel x reader) - part one & two (s)
the first time (ernst schmidt x reader) - click here (s)
welcome home (chris burnett x reader) - click here
better man (ken hutchinson x reader) - click here (s)
the last night (anthony adams x reader) - click here
knock three times (murray bauman x reader) - click here (s)
murray bauman nsfw alphabet - part one & two (s)
57 notes · View notes
storm-breaker7 · 2 years
🌟 The Guide 🌟
If you do want to request then your in the right place. This is just some yeahs and nahs about what I'm willing to write.
Also, All my works can be found here (finished and in-progress work). Or you can use a tag I made to find them (#Storm7breaker posts OR #FishyMasterlists)!
* = I will only write this if someone requests it
Characters (I can/will write)
🌌Star Wars🌌
-Qui-Gon Jinn
-Obi-wan Kenobi
-Anakin Skywalker *
-Kanan Jarrus
-Luke Skywalker
-Darth Maul
-Cody, Fox, Wolffe, Howzer, Colt, Mayday
-Rex, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, Kix, Tup
-Echo (Pre and post citadel)
-Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, Omega
(Not smut, spice or anything remotely close for omega.)
-Han Solo
-Din Djarin
-Alexsandr Kallus
-Thrawn *
G1 ⛰️
-Optimus, Ironhide, Ratchet, Jazz, Wheeljack, Hound, Bumblebee, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Bluestreak, Mirage, Prowl, Grimlock, Skyfire
-Optimus Prime (& Orion Pax), Ratchet, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Arcee, Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack
-Soundwave, Knockout, Breakdown, Dreadwing, Predaking
Bayverse🌎 *
-Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ratchet, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Sideswipe
-Bumblebee, Hot rod, Cheetor, Grimlock, Wheeljack, Perceptor, Chromia, Arcee, Kup
-Soundwave, Shockwave, Dead end
-Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, Megatron, Ratchet, First Aid, Swerve, Skids, Tailgate, Chromedome, Rewind, Brainstorm, Perceptor, Fortress Maximus
-Soundwave, Cyclonus, Crankcase, Krok, Misfire, Spinister
Beast Wars 🏞️
-Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Cheetor, Dinobot, Rattrap, Tigatron, Airazor
(No smut for Rhinox or Rattrap)
Rise of the Beasts 🏕️
-Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bumblebee, Mirage
-Optimus Primal, Airazor, Cheetor, Rhinox
War for Cybertron 🌀
-Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Prowl, Mirage, Sideswipe, Red Alert, Wheeljack, Jetfire
-Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Cheetor, Dinobot, Rattrap, Tigatron, Airazor
(Again no smut for Rhinox or Rattrap)
(I put them all in list format of; Autobot / Maximal, Factionless then Decepticon / Predicons) Btw if any soundwave is mentioned, his minibots count aswell 🧍
👔Criminal Minds👔
-Aaron Hotchner
-Derek Morgan
-Spencer Reid
🌋Pacific Rim🌋
-Chuck Hansen
-Raleigh Beckett
🌄Red Dead Redemption 2 🌄
-Arthur Morgan
-John Marston
-Charles Smith
-Javier Escuella
-Sean Mcguire
-Kieran Duffy
-Hosea Matthews
-Josiah Trelawny
(Strictly no smut for Kieran or Hosea.)
Rise 2018-2022
-Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Mikealangelo
-April O'Neil, Casey Jones
Rise 2012-2017
-Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Mikealangelo
📜🔦 Supernatural 🔦📜
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Castial (what's his last name...)
🥪🕊️ Team Fortress 2 🕊️🥪
(No smut or spice for pyro)
🗡️ Kingsman 🗡️
-Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin
-Harry Hart
(Strictly no smut for Merlin or Harry. Yea Sorry not sorry)
🪶 Assassin's Creed 🪶
-Ezio Auditore da Firenze
-Haytham Kenway
-Edward James Kenway
-Shay Patrick Cormac
-Arno Victor Dorian
-Jacob Frye
-Evie Frye
(No smut for Evie)
😵‍💫 Marvel 😵‍💫
Spider people 🕸️
-Miles Morales (1610 & 42)
-Hobie Brown
-Spiderman Noir
-Miguel O'Hara *
(I'll only write smut for e42 & e1610 miles if they are aged up (And Hobie if we assume he's 19. Google his age))
The Avengers 🦾 *
-Steve Rogers/Captain America
-Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier
-Tony Stark/Iron man
-Clint Barton/Hawkeye
-Sam Wilson/The Falcon
Others 🌃 *
-Matt Murdock/The Daredevil
💙 Detroit: Become Human 💙
-Hank Anderson
-Connor (RK800)
-Markus (RK200)
-Luther (TR400)
🍷 Stardew Valley 🍷
-Magnus (The Wizard)
(I can do anyone else in vanilla sdv but no smut for them)
📦🧩 Miscellaneous 👾📦
-Owen Grandy (From Juarrsic Park)
-John wick (From John Wick)
-Neo/Thomas Anderson (From The Matrix)
-Marty Mcfly (From Back to the Future)
-Ratchet (From Ratchet & Clank)
-Crash (From Crash Bandicoot)
-Graham Calloway/Gray aka Crackle (From Carmen Sandiego)
-Maximus Decimus Meridius (From Gladiator)
-Joel Miller (From The Last Of Us)
-Martin Riggs (From Lethal Weapon)
-Deacon st John (From Days Gone)
Do's & Don'ts
✅Do's ✅
-Sfw & Nsfw 💅
-Head canons, oneshots & twoshots I can do. I can do a series but I'd need time for that.
-Can do OCs (but I need a good description or I might have to make some shit up. OR if your really good to me, you'll link your OC if you've made a post ab them)
-I can do Gn, Male (tho I haven't done one yet), and Female Reader inserts
-Any Character from the universes above I can do plantonic fics if I know them
-I can do relativity Gorey stuff as long as it's for character development (Realistic situations (for said universe))... Nothing too graphic tho 🫣🥲
-I can do poly relationships it don't phase me.
-There is no way in hell I'm doing yandere. Nuh uh.
-Im not comfy with rape but I can mention it. Maybe touch on it but no scene. Hell nah.
-Im not doing pregnancy or pregnant inserts or OCs so say goodbye to that.
-No pale OCs or inserts. Ok no. I'll do any coloured insert but no inserts that are pale as a ghost. (Go touch some grass. This isn't twilight)
-Im sorry but no marriages or married insert X Character. Just no. (the exception being sdv)
-Im not doing Canon X Canon. I'm just not your guy for those requests
-I suck at writing gay smut soooo.... (My bad, I just don't want to horrify people with; my writing + gay smut)
⚠️Please follow these small tips, It will make my life easier⚠️
When requesting;
-I would like if you please be specific. I don't care if you write a whole paragraph, If I dunno what your going on about then I will probably decide what to do myself.
-If your not requesting and your just asking something, please mention that.
-Please be clear with what your asking. I'm not being mean just please make sure I can read it so I get your request right.
-You can keep your request open ended so I have most the reign, I don't mind as long as your good with what comes from it :)
I may add stuff later on if I come across something. Ty my lil goofy silly baba grills 🫶😘🧍💅
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