#padmé x anakin
torturedpoetskywalker · 5 months
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SW FAVES: anakin skywalker & padmé amidala (ships)
"love won't save you, padmé."
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parasiticstars · 2 months
I think the most unrealistic part of ROTS is how collected Padmé was on Mustafar. Yes, I know she was crying at the end, but c'mon. Woman is in her third trimester of a stressful pregnancy that she's been hiding the whole time and likely not properly caring for herself in with twins she didn't know about with no support and on a HOT ass planet with her husband and only vague source of emotional support acting a fool. She should've rightfully thrown a damn fit stomping her swollen ankles and all and Anakin would've backed down immediately and let her drag his sorry ass back to her ship to get his ass (metaphorically[?]) beat. George Lucas hire me when-
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phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
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Imagine Obi-Wan meets Leia and Luke in a world where Padmé lives and Anakin hasn’t gone to the dark side.
Warnings: none; fluffy light reading. Short story.
Warnings 2: not my art. The link to it is here:
Sun rises in paradise. Here, in Coruscant, where the Force flows it's natural course, no Siths cause troubles. The skies begin to brighten under a mix of orange and purple, the people start their day, not living a perfect life but under the certainty there is no war to fight, no violence to fear.
Peace has won. Balance has been achieved. And in such a scenario, the Jedis prevailed after learning difficult lessons.
One of these is the Chosen One himself. Anakin Skywalker was tempted by the Chancellor, but he resisted. Obi-Wan Kenobi helped him throughout the process. There were no judgements, nor pride. So was the emperor defeated.
"There is still justice in this world", Padmé remarked, relieved for the closing of the clone wars. "Yet our job is not done yet."
"Definitely not", so said Anakin. "Specially concerning our children. I still think it's going to be a girl."
Padmé chuckled then, caressing her growing belly delightely so.
"On the contrary, it's going to be a boy. I know because my mother told me that smaller bellies are usually more rounded because of the unborn boys. They are more practical, hence why they need little space."
Both laughed. It was a very good day that day, where Anakin had proven all why was he the chosen one. With Padmé in his arms, he rocked her gently, resting his hands over her belly.
"If your mother says so, I won't be the one to say otherwise."
"How prudent of you, Ani. One of the very rare times where you actually are reasonable", she teased him.
They laughed again in syncrony. Padmé turned at him, that very day dressed in purple silk gown with her curls loose on her back. She placed her hands over his shoulders. Anakin was so tall, strong and handome. Ah, had she not been in such a heavy state...
"You know I can hear your thoughts”, he remarked in between chuckles.
Padmé looked away, a weak blush painting her cheeks. Even after all this time, he never ceased to surprise her, to make her go red. And yet, it was such a feeling that brought her into the purest delight she was fortunate to experiment.
“Well… Once I am allowed…”
Anakin pulled her into a delicate embrace, still chuckling, and peppered her skin with kisses.
“…we will definitely have time for bringing more children to our blessed family.”
And time would prove him to be right, despite Padmé’s protestations that he was deluded.
They were baffled when not only one but two children were born. Twins. A boy and a girl.
“By the Maker, we were not so wrong after all”, said Padmé, astonished as she held baby Luke in her arms and Anakin rocked Leia in his. “Twins, Anakin.”
“Twins”, he repeated, in complete awe. “We are a family, Padmé.”
She knew the reason why he was emotional: having been deprived from his, he always sought to build his, one more functional. And here he was having his opportunity.
Padmé flashed him a big grin.
“We are. We have always been one. You are my family, Anakin.”
He took a seat by her side and pressed a kiss over her forehead.
“As you are mine, Padmé.”
As he contemplated their children, a tear rolled down his cheek.
“When will we tell Obi-Wan?”, Padmé inquired him after a while.
“He is at Mandalore doing you know what”, Anakin smirked.
Padmé sighed dramatically.
“Maker knows how Obi-Wan Kenobi is the slowest man in the galaxy. How did Satine cooperate with him? I’d have no patience with such a man.”
“Hence why you are married to me.”
She laughed quietly.
“Shush or you will wake the babies.”
They exchanged loving glances and proud smiles before sealing the happy moment with a kiss.
But it would take a few years before Obi-Wan Kenobi met his “grandchildren”. For in this time he was not only busy attending Senate demands, but also dealing with matters in Mandalore.
That means to say he finally took Duchess Satine as his lawful wife. No more secrets. No more hiding. No more suffering.
With that he spent considerable time with the woman he loved. Naturally so, considering the years apart. So even though he and Anakin managed to meet, it was only when Luke and Leia were running around and disputing attention with their younger sister named Soka that he and Satine managed to meet.
And when it does…
“This is where the fun begins!”, Anakin tells his children.
“Anakin Skywalker, you are not piloting fast with our babies…”
“Mom! I am not a baby!”, 3 year old Luke protests firmly, getting a smile from his parents. “I am a boy! And I love ships!”
Padmé leant against the door, sighing heavily.
“Even so, young man you may be, but you are still young nevertheless. So your father cannot pilot fast.”
Anakin feigns a face of innocence as he glances at his wife.
“Do you honestly believe I would put our children together?”
It doesn’t help his case that Leia, Luke and even young Soka burst into giggles. Padmé raises an eyebrow at all of them.
“What should I interpret from this sound, Anakin? I may reconsider going to Senate and…”
Anakin leans to peck her lips and smiles at her.
“Trust in me, boo. I will not put any of them in danger. Go to your work. I’ll pick Obi-Wan and be home in a moment.”
Padmé bites her bottom lip.
“Soka is a baby!”
“I can take care of them three.” Anakin sighs dramatically. “Honestly to Maker, Padmé, who do you think I am?”
She laughs heartily, her heart skipping a beat at his protests. As she looks at her husband with the sweetest devotion, Padmé smiles warmly.
“I know I chose well the one to father my children. Pilot safe, Ani. I love you.”
“I love you too.” He kisses her gently before finally closing the window. Turning at the kids, though, Anakin adds: “Say goodbye to your mother, children.”
“Bye mommy!!”, so say Leia, Luke and Soka at the same time.
But Padmé can tell that they are far too entertained with the ship and the stroll they are taking with their father to miss her. And that makes her beam with herself.
“There. Is. No. Fun. In. Piloting. This. Fast. Anakin”, so says Obi-Wan Kenobi when taking a seat by his former pupil’s side at the ship.
It does little to make the situation better that his children, toddlers, are having fun! How could they find this reckless behavior amusing is beyond Obi-Wan’s comprehension.
“Pa Obi is afraid of daddy!” Luke giggles.
“Because daddy has the higher ground”, says Leia.
Obi-Wan turns his face at Anakin, eyebrows furrowed in a frown.
“What does “Pa Obi” mean?”
Anakin is laughing hard by the time he finally makes to his home.
“Luke finds easier to call you Pa instead of Grandfather or Grandpa.”
“What?” Obi-Wan turns at the toddlers. “I am not that old to look like a grandfather, children.”
“Well, but you are not young either”, remarks Luke, making his sisters giggle.
Obi-Wan heavily sighs before casting Anakin a pained look.
“They truly are yours, Anakin. I am not even surprised.”
As they leave the ship, Anakin takes Soka in his arms and watches as the twins run inside.
“Well, what can I say? I am their father.”
Later that day, with Padmé still occupied at work, Obi-Wan watches as Anakin makes sure Soka is sleeping all the whilst he puts the twins to have dinner.
“Padmé is busy today”, Anakin explains when finding an unposed question behind his old Master’s eyes. “You have to eat vegetables, Leia. Don’t make that face.”
And turning again at Obi-Wan, who watches the scene with a small smile on his lips, Anakin offers the other a beer as he opens one for himself.
“Well, you met them. My little creatures”, he chuckles.
“Oh yes. They are very like you. Luke and Soka have your hair, but Padmé’s eyes. Leia, however, looks like her mother, but she has your eyes”, muses Obi-Wan, before adding rather sarcastically. “A bad trait the three seem to share with you is their taste for speed, though. Goodness me, Anakin.”
He laughs hard at his remark. Luke and Leia seem too busy entertained with their tasteless food to pay the older men some attention.
“What can I say? I told you, they are mine. Though Luke is very close to C3-P0 and R2-D2.”
“Oh really?” Obi-Wan raises eyebrows.
“Sometimes they get too close which is fine by me”, teases Anakin.
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes.
“Don’t tell me you are making the poor droids in the nanny position, Anakin.”
“That depends of the circumstances”, responds Anakin suggestively.
“Good grief!”
But even Obi-Wan cannot resist a laughter. Their conversation is then briefly interrupted as Leia wants her father’s attention. Anakin holds her in his arm, telling stories about princesses as well as senators who fought for a better world.
It’s when Luke comes at Obi-Wan.
“Pa Obi, my birthday is coming. Can you get me a saber as a birthday gift?” He makes puppy face.
The older male gets on his knee to match his height and ruffles with his hair. He senses the Force in the boy, as he sensed earlier in both his sisters.
“I am not giving you a lightsaber to you, Luke. You are not even four!”
The merry scenario is interrupted by the arrival of Padmé. Luke instantly runs to her, but Leia is already fast asleep in her father’s arms. Padmé quickly greets Obi-Wan, but she has to make sure the twins are in bed.
“Luke, darling, you had a long day. It’s time to go to bed. Tomorrow you have school. Come on, go on, young man. Say goodnight to grandpa Obi-Wan and to your dad.”
Once Luke says as he is commanded to, Obi-Wan stands by Anakin’s side, watching the young boy going upstairs holding his mother’s hand.
“He has the Force”, he comments almost to himself. “They all do.”
“I know.” Anakin hesitates. “But this is too early to discuss.”
Obi-Wan nods in agreement.
“Indeed it is. There is no need to rush with these matters. Well, it’s late. It was a delight to meet your offspring, Anakin. They do have a lot in common with you.”
Anakin chuckles, pressing a hand in his old friend’s shoulder.
“I, more than anyone, am very thankful for your presence here with us. Please come to visit us tomorrow.”
“I will try. In fact, I have news to share.”
Obi-Wan smiles and Anakin does not need to ask the reason. But it is only when Padmé arrives that they are informed that Satine is carrying their first child.
A great news to close a great day. But later as Anakin and Padmé slip in bed, he turns to his wife and says:
“You know… When Obi-Wan told me Satine is pregnant, a sentiment occurred me.”
Padmé raises an eyebrow, rather intrigued by what she is told. She puts the blankets over them and encourages her husband to tell more about it.
“Well”, he says. “I think a boy is coming. And if he does, he will be only a year younger than our dear Soka.”
Padmé laughs before lacing her arms around his neck.
“Anakin, let’s be reasonable. We don’t know anything about the child yet. Let’s not speculate too much.”
That evening, Anakin Skywalker has no reason to complain. Instead, he gladly complies to his wife by engaging in another marital activity that might as well bring one more Skywalker to the world.
Though sooner rather than later his suspicious are confirmed. Whether it’s a coincidence or not, nine months later a boy is born to Satine and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
And it does seem strange that Korkie Kenobi’s path might cross Soka Skywalker’s in a nearby future… The result of that? No one could tell yet.
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coruscannot · 2 years
do you guys think Padmé Amidala is a crystal girl
asking because every time I see a meme about a girl giving you rose quartz or “the crystals say give me head” the little voice in my head goes “this is so anidala” and if my gut says it once then I simply have to make it my headcannon
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I feel like a lot of people would argue she’s too logical to believe in them but I can see her having them anyway. or maybe in similar energy to @/fialleril’s concept of Naboo culture and flower language.
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queencobrakaii · 2 years
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galactic-rhea · 7 months
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One day i will create some serious art. But that day isn't today.
the individual art under the cut!
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mercysong-tardis · 2 months
Obi-Wan and Satine were made to dance to Hozier
Approximately 300 frames, many many tears, and 60 hours of my life later; I finally have the finished product. This Obitine animatic has been a dream project of mine and I’m so glad it’s finally done and I can share it with you all.
Of course Ahsoka has the receipts for the council
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cawsceries · 6 months
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sun / moon
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bimbo-baggins17 · 7 months
His Girls: Anakin Skywalker
CW: MDNI!! Smut smut smut!! Porn with no plot. Threesome (MFF), unprotected sex, p in v, creampies, afab anatomy, use of female pronouns, petnames, fingering, light ass fingering and eating, oral (m & f receiving), slight cum eating..I apologize for this..truly
A/N: Did anyone ask for this? Nope. Do I care? Also nope. Just wanted to write this cause I’m greedy and horny. Also..Padmé doesn’t get enough love in the Anakin fandom. Natalie Portman if you’re reading this, *with rizz* lemme take you out and go down on you. Just once. Please.
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“Kriff, that’s hot.” Anakin huffs out, his brows knitted together tightly as he watches his two girls on their knees in front of him. Your’s and Padmé’s tongues move along his shaft simultaneously on either side, eyes focused on his face. The sight alone makes his head spin. He hadn’t thought you or Padmé would have been so willing to do this but Maker is he forever thankful.
He feels his cock throbbing as both your tongues meet at his drooling tip and abandon it to capture the other’s lips in a wet, sloppy kiss. He’d protest at the lack of stimulation if the view wasn’t so erotic.
His head tips back, a throaty moan ripped from him as you envelop him into your mouth sucking eagerly as Padmé sucks his heavy sack. This had to be a dream right? His eyes screw shut to focus because he knows he won’t be able to last long especially if he keeps watching. Padmé and you swap, allowing you to lick up the underside of his sack with your tongue.
Anakin can feel himself about to cum and as much as he wants to see both of your beautiful faces coated in his seed, he’d much rather have this last a little longer. So he steps back.
“Both of you on the bed, all fours.” He rasps.
You and Padmé both happily oblige, making your way to the bed and getting on all fours on the edge, both of you presenting yourself eagerly to him to use as he pleases.
He lets out a low groan as he watches you both start to wiggle your asses in the air for him running his hands down the arches of both of your spines as he stares hungrily. “So beautiful..both of you..’nd all for me..” His hands trail lower, the tips of his fingers grazing over both of your’s and her’s puckered holes and down to your soaked entrances.
He takes turns first stopping at you to spread your cheeks apart, staring unashamedly at your pussy. He lowers his face down and spits into your hole, licking slowly up the slit all the way to your asshole. He moans at the taste earning a whimper from you. With a satisfied swat to your ass cheek he moves to Padmé and repeats the same action. She turns her head to you, finding your lips with her’s again.
“Good girls.”
He fists his cock and teases over Padmé’s entrance first with his tip and then over to your’s making you shiver. “Who wants me first, hm?”
“Let her have you first, Ani..” Padmé answers, “we can’t leave our guest out.”
He grins and nods his head once, stepping behind you. “You ready sweet girl?” He asks.
You nod your head eagerly, wiggling your ass again for him. “Mhm..’m ready Ani.”
He doesn’t respond, instead he pushes his throbbing cock into your velvety walls that accept him oh so eagerly, squeezing intoxicatingly around him. Once he’s fully sheathed he pulls almost all the way back out before ramming himself deep into you causing you to yelp. He starts to snap his hips into you, setting an unrelenting pace. He smirks as he notices your little toes curling and you claw at the sheets, moaning for him.
When he’s found his pace he pops his middle finger of his flesh hand into his mouth wetting it before reaching over to his wife and sliding it into her pussy. She moans happily bouncing back to meet his thick digit’s thrusts. His metal hand keeps a tight grip on your hip, keeping you locked in place as he abuses your soaked hole.
As you squirm, he slips his finger out of Padmé so he can grip your hips with both hands. She takes the opportunity to crawl to the space in front of you, laying on her back, legs spread.
“Eat my wife’s pussy, baby. Wanna see it.” Anakin’s hips slow but just a little bit so you can focus a little bit.
“Please..” She whimpers, raising her hips up a little closer to your mouth. She brushes your hair out of your face gathering it all to the side in one hand.
You don’t have to be asked twice, opting to bury your face in her pussy lapping up her juices. You can’t tell who moans louder, her or Anakin. As his hips continue their assault, it makes you moan around her clit as you suckle on it. Reaching a hand up, you roll one of her pert nipples between your thumb and pointer finger causing her hips to buck up into you more.
Your mouth abandons her clit to flex your tongue, thrusting the muscle into her pussy to match the pace her husband has set behind you. Anakin spreads your cheeks again spitting a glob of spit onto your wrinkled hole before easing the tip of his thumb into it. A loud moan is ripped from you.
“Yeah? You like that?” You can hear the grin in his voice, “such a dirty little girl.”
Padmé’s grip in your hair tightens as you lick up and down her sopping slit, humming in pleasure at her taste with a newfound vigor. “Taste so sweet..” You murmur. Experimentally, you let your tongue trail lower, circling her tight rim. She gasps out a moan, her eyelids fluttering. Your thumb finds her clit, expertly rubbing the bundle of nerves.
“Shit..’m gonna cum..” Anakin warns as he speeds up, his balls slapping against your clit as he chases his orgasm. You rock back against him as best as you can while still splitting his wife open with your tongue.
Slipping your middle and ring finger into her tight pussy, you prod at the spongey spot, latching your lips around her clit and sucking on it. She writhes underneath you, both of her hands coming to the back of your head to shove your face in deeper as she rolls her hips.
“Oh fuck,” Anakin groans before he’s pushing himself as far as he can in you, cumming deep inside. You feel him twitching as his dick continues to spurt hot cum, drawing you to your own orgasm.
Padmé keeps grinding against your face seeking her own release before she’s gushing all over your fingers. Greedily you lap it all up, not wanting any to go to waste.
“That’s my girls,” He praises through heavy breaths. He slips out of you, dick still hard and coated in both your’s and his arousal. You take a moment to admire his wife’s pussy, pressing a sweet kiss to it.
Anakin makes his way onto the bed, laying in the center of it. He was going to make the absolute most of this moment. He points to Padmé, “Want you to ride my dick,” He turns and points to you, “and you on my face.”
Sucking your fingers clean, you make your way over towards the head of the bed on your knees. You swing a leg over his head, hovering over him as you and Padmé face one another. Your eyes trail down watching as she sinks down onto his cock, biting your lip. You feel his breath against your still sensitive pussy, making you shiver and start to pull away.
His hands reach up and pull you down, his nose grazing your clit. “Sit.” He growls.
You oblige lowering yourself down the rest of the way. You jolt as his tongue makes contact with your sensitive core. He grunts into your folds as Padmé starts to grind on his dick. You lean forward, cupping a hand behind her head and pulling her into another sloppy kiss, your tongues exploring the others’ mouth. Her hands trail to the soft flesh of your breasts, kneading them with her dainty hands.
Anakin dips his tongue into your drenched hole, slurping at your fresh arousal mixed with his and your’s cum. Each roll of his wife’s hips makes him moan into you, adding to the pleasure. Your hips start to grind of their own accord, riding his face. He flattens his tongue allowing you to take what you need.
The Maker has blessed Anakin, at least that’s what he’s thinking listening to both you and his wife moaning, your plush thighs squeezing around his head and her cunt’s walls clenching around his shaft. The sounds filling the room are pornographic and he’s thankful he’s not in the temple.
His hands fall to Padme’s hips, digging his fingers into her smooth skin. She leans forward, her hands resting on his chest as she finds one of your nipples with her mouth, sucking. Moans fall freely past your lips, rolling your hips on his face. Anakin’s hips buck up into her tight hole. She releases your nipple with a satisfying ‘pop’ and takes the other one into her mouth. Your legs begin to shake as you’re close to cumming again and he can tell. His tongue delves into your cunt, feeling the walls fluttering around the muscle.
Padmé pulls back from your chest, “ ‘m gonna cum, Ani.” You force your eyes open to watch as she unravels on his cock, her head thrown back and face contorted in pure ecstasy. She looks and sounds like an angel.
A cacophony of moans and other lewd sounds fill the Coruscant apartment as all three of you ride out the waves of pleasure.
The three of you lay there breathless and bodies shaking. Anakin presses a soft kiss to Padmé’s forehead and then your’s. He’s the first to break the silence, his voice a giveaway to the total bliss he’s feeling. “We all need to do this again..”
A/N: again…I’m so sorry for this..
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fishalthor · 1 year
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cassie48 · 7 months
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𝖣𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗁 𝗏𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 anakin 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
You were his prised possession. The very reason he lived. When he first met you on Tatooine as a boy he decided then and there, thatyou’d be his.
When he went back years later to seek out his mother, he met you again. 𝗜𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗵, he had decided. So he took you with him, despite what others thought.
Keeping you and him a secret was by far the hardest thing he had ever done. He was a very possessive man, and when anyone 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗱 flirt with you, it would take everything in him not to kill them then and there.
Obi-wan was aware of your relationship with Anakin and knew it wasn’t just some childhood nostalgic friendship. He knew, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴. So when he went to Mustafar to stop him, he brought you.
You, scared and confused out of your mind, stayed on the ship until he and Obi-wan had finished fighting. When your heard the silence you ran out spotting him.
“Ani?” You wept tears falling down your tanned cheeks.
“Sweetheart what are you doing here?” He asked pulling your smaller body into his and wrapping his big arms around your little waist.
“Obi-wan brought me. W-Where is he” She cried clinging onto him.
“He had betrayed us. He’s to weak to understand my power. I have defeated the emperor, I know how the power to rule” he smiled menacingly placing your little head in his hands.
“Y-You’re gonna rule the galaxy?” You asked shocked.
“Me and you, side by side. I can finally treat you like the queen you are. I would never let anything or anyone hurt you. Do you understand sweetheart?” He said pulling you closer to him, if it were at all possible.
You nodded slowly taking in the information. “Y-You’d never hurt anyone, right Ani?” You asked innocently, leaning your head on his chest, the days events slightly tiring you out as your eyes grew heavy.
“Princess, the only time I’d ever hurt anyone is if they were hurting you. You understand that’s why’d I’d do it right?” He lied, knowing you’d believe him. He had to, you belonged next to him.
“I understand ani” you barely whispered, as you leant your body weight against him, feeling sleep wash over you.
“You must be so tired sweetheart, let’s go back to the ship, you need rest” he lovingly told you, but you were barely conscious at this stage. He picked you up  bridal style and you leant your head on his shoulder drifting off.
Here you were, one month later since that night. Anakin was right, he took care of you, treated you like a princess. You and hun ruled the galaxy, the emperor and his empress.
You were sat in his lap, your little head leaning against his chest as he explained his orders to his men in front of him.
It wasn’t unusual for you to be sitting on his lap while he worked, he told you it calmed him down.
As you leant your head on his big chest, you tried your best not to let your eyes close, feeling tiredness come over you.
You let your eyes wander around the room, trying to keep them open. You looked to the right, your body freezing when you saw a man, one of Anakins me staring at you, with a disgusting smirk on his face.
You didn’t know what to do, your body didn’t move an inch. Anakin frowned feeling the nerves radiating off of you.
He leant down and placed his hand over your face, before asking “what’s wrong baby?” With a deeply concerned expression.
“He’s staring at me ani…I don’t like it!” You whispered burying your small face in his chest to escape the man’s stare. Tears slowly fell down your cheeks.
All the men stopped talking and looked towards the two of you. They were waiting for the emperor to kill or torture someone. They had been warned their first day
Anakin looked up, glaring at the man with a look that cannot be explained. He picked you up, placing your head away from the men.
“If any of you leave this room before I get back I will kill you all” he said simply before turning and walking back to your shared headquarters.
Once arriving he placed you down into your big bed, leaning down and giving you a sweet kiss.
You willed your tears and looked up at him. “I’m sorry Ani I don’t know why I’m so emotional lately” you whispered staring at his hand you were holding.
“I think I know sweetheart but we’ll discuss it in the morning. Try to sleep and I’ll be back in a little while” he told you as he went to leave.
You gripped his hand that you had been holding, your big doe eyes looking up to his own dark ones
“Y-Your not gonna do something bad are you ani?” You whispered with a slight pout on your lips.
Anakij smirked at you innocent look. “I’m only gonna have a stern word with the men baby” he told you, tucking you into bed and kissing your forehead tenderly.
You nodded before sleep came over you, and you closed your eyes.
Anakin smiled contently before leaving the room, his smile turning to a glare as he made his way back to the meeting room.
When arriving he saw all his men standing with an extremely nervous look on their faces, two men holding the man who was looking at you earlier.
Anakin walked directly over to the men with a knife in his hand, plunging it into his chest.
“What did u tell you about looking at my wife. She’s mine!” He yelled out, his face scrunched up in anger.
Eventuallu he pulled out the knife from the man’s now lifeless body, letting it drop to the floor.
Anakin looked at the two guards near him.
“Clean up this mess. Let all of you see this as a warning, of what will happen to you if you so much as look at your empress” he spat, with pure rage in his tone.
He made his way back to your headquarters, changing into clothes without blood. He then climbed into bed with you.
“Ani? Is that you?” Your soft angelic voice said, as you turned over rubbing your eyes.
“Yeah it’s me baby, go back to sleep you tired yourself out today” Anakin said his hands going about both sides of your waist before pulling you up a little into his embrace.
You hummed burying your face into his neck
“Did you have a talk with the mean man” You asked, your voice laced with a little fear.
Anakin noticed this and frowned.
“Baby, you know I would have never let him hurt you. He’s dealt with, this won’t happen again” he softly told you, pulling you in closer trying to ease your worries.
“Ok ani” you said before you drifted back off to sleep, your mind now at ease.
𝗶 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗶𝗺 𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗱𝗼 𝗮 𝗽𝘁 𝟮 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀!!
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adrianvokov · 1 year
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headers star wars like
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writerbuddha · 2 years
Even though as George Lucas said, Jedi Knights are not "celibate", I believe this quote from the great Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk and teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh could be useful when it comes to the Jedi practice of avoiding marriages, and can shed a new light to the overall story of Obi-Wan & Satine and Anakin & Padmé.
"As a monastic you lead a life of monastic celibacy and community, and if the one you love realizes that, she will not suffer and you will not suffer, because love is much more than having a sexual relationship. Because of great love you can sacrifice that aspect of love, and your love becomes much greater. That nourishes you, that nourishes the other person, and finally your love will have no limit. That is the Buddha’s love." - Thich Nhat Hanh
It might worth to examine those love stories from this perspective, considering that Obi-Wan said to Anakin in Clone Wars: "It's not that we are not allowed to have these feelings. It's natural." even though he said, the relationship between Anakin and Padmé must not go beyond friendship, and what Lucas had to say on this: "Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments - and possessive relationships." and "So you have to learn to give up everything. And ultimately for a Jedi Knight, it’s very easy to give up. One of the things they give up is marriage. They can still love people. But they can’t possess them." and "A Jedi is never lonely. They live on compassion. They live on helping people, and people love them. They can love people back."
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jakegyllenbaalz · 2 months
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natalie portman as padmé amidala
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coruscannot · 2 years
(mild novel spoilers?)
(although I’m hardly to chapter 16 myself)
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so anyway I finally started reading Brotherhood
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aurora-starwars · 2 years
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