#pager au
deltarune-pagerau · 2 years
What's Addisons' reaction to Jevil? Probably not very good, huh?
Also, where are people. Why are they not sending asks for the adorable Spam?!
Nope! They don’t really like how he bothers their brother, but there’s not much they can do to stop him from literally popping up out of nowhere. They look at him and essentially see this:
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(thank you!!!)
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fauvester · 5 months
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svsss demons hospital au scrub choices. SHL is a figs girlie (girl you cannot wear outside figs to the OR, sorry) LBH is kind of a jaanuu guy but occasionally gets mandelas for the colors. MBJ is an exclusively inpatient proceduralist so he only ever wears the cheap hospital provided scrubs that his tits never fit into properly
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coycorry · 2 months
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It happens every time really 👁️👄👁️
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bonefall · 11 months
How many cats have do you think have invoked a dark forest spirit for their boons?
Channeled-- but probably a lot. More than you'd think, and it's probably the reason that some cats are surprisingly in the Dark Forest themselves.
I plan to explain the difference when I get around to making a Dark Forest 101, but Invoking and Channeling are two very different processes
To Invoke, you contact StarClan first to send you the cat you're seeking. "StarClan send me the strength of Stonefur. StarClan I pray that Thunderstar will serve justice."
This way, your prayer is not private. "StarClan" is aware of what you've requested, and can consider your entire life at your trial. If your request was evil or self-serving, it can be completely denied, if your prayers are benevolent, they can experience the emotion with you and amplify their collective power.
I like to joke with myself that it's usually like, "Operator get me Grandma I forgot what spice she puts in her soup 💀"
Is direct. You're leveraging your connection to the individual spirit. A channel to them, if you will.
You will get the spirit you want, if you did it right and your connection is strong enough. For Spottedleaf and her absurdly high aptitude for spirituality, it was a success rate of nearly 100%. Though... I'm positive there is a way for the Wrong Spirit to pick up, or interrupt the call.
So, items are required for this. For Spottedleaf, tar-spot blight from sycamores worked like a charm. Batear likes bat parts. Hawkfrost goes for sparrowhawk feathers. Through simple logistics, some cats are easier to reach than others.
You can channel a StarClan Angel OR a Dark Forest Demon... but, a StarClan Angel might rat you out, so make sure you trust whoever you're trying to contact. You can't Invoke a demon, though, there is no "operator" to call.
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jelzorz · 1 year
related to but does not follow on from this doodle
Callum has always been wary of the word quiet (and all of its synonyms) while working the night shift, but if there was one word to describe the state of tonight's Emergency Department, it would be (he hesitates and glances at the glass sliding doors just beyond the triage window) quiet as the fucking grave.
There are two of them tonight: him and the other intern, Rayla, who's chugging a coffee on the other side of the nurses' station and avoiding the eye of Viren, the on-call ED consultant, who's grumpy at the best of times and thinks coffee on the floor is trashy and unprofessional. They're on shift together relatively often, which is nice, because Rayla is friendly (and unfairly pretty for someone in wrinkled scrubs with permanent bags under their eyes), and at the very least, she makes these shifts less horrible for everyone involved. She's friends with all the nurses (even if Opeli, the nurse unit manager, finds her humour exhausting); she's on good terms with the Soren the paeds resident (they play soccer together apparently), and so far, she's only had to ask Viren to consult once, which is a feat in and of itself.
Callum likes to think that he and she are pretty good friends, but he would be lying if he said that's all he wanted them to be. She's just...
Soren sidles up to him and sets an elbow on his charts. "Out of your league?"
Callum scowls and shoves Soren off the bench. The fluorescents flicker above them, and Soren snickers and jabs a finger at the roof. "Careful," he teases. "They'll take that out of your pay."
Callum scowls again. "What are you even doing here? Paeds ED is that way."
"Yeah, it's empty, I'm not hanging out there by myself." He clucks his tongue and checks his pager for good measure which, unsurprisingly, has nothing for him. "I don't get you," he adds, twirling a pen between his fingers. "You guys are supposed to be friends. Why don't you just ask her if she wants to go out with you?"
"What are you, twelve? No one does that anymore."
"You can try Netflix and chill isntead—"
"Soren." Callum buries his head in his charts as a couple of nurses walk past in an effort to hide the redness rising in his cheeks. "Stop. You're gonna tell the whole hospital at this rate and, in any case, it's none of your business."
Soren raises an eyebrow. "Are you twelve?"
"No," says Callum shortly. "I'm professional, and it's not a good look to date your coworkers. Besides." He flushes some more. "You said it yourself. She's out of my league."
"You really are twelve, holy shit." Soren barks out a laugh, and Callum sinks further into his desk chair like it might help him disappear into the floor. Rayla, thankfully, hears none of it, because she's got an earphone in and what looks like a podcast playing on her phone. "Listen. I'm gonna give you some advice."
"Good lord," groans Callum. "What advice could you possibly give me that would help?"
"Hey, I'll have you know that I'm good just as good at wooing women as I am with men—"
"Please stop."
"And it's not that unprofessional if you disclose it—"
"To who? Your dad?"
Soren cuffs his shoulder. "Just talk to her," he snaps. "Okay? It's literally not that hard. Just ask if she wants to get a coffee with you in the morning or something. You're killing the whole department with all your pining."
Callum snaps his mouth shut. He—somehow—flushes more. He sputters. "What do you mean the whole department—?"
"Yeah, we've all got eyes, dude, what do you think the nurses gossip about?"
Callum groans and sets his forehead against the desk, the charts cool against his skin. Highschool feels like it was a lifetime ago, and he'd been so grateful to get out but somehow—
Soren's pager beeps. He glances at and grins—which Callum doesn't think is the most appropriate reaction until Soren shows him the message on the screen:
Got u snacks. Waiting out front. --Corvus
Callum gives him a look. "Isn't that a hospital pager?"
"It's the paeds pager, A.K.A, I'm the only one that uses it, A.K.A, my boyfriend can message me on it if he wants." Soren slips it back into his pocket and fixes his hair using the reflection in nurses' station window. "If only you had a girlfriend who could page you," he says wistfully, sarcastically, and Callum has never wanted to throw his own pager at him more. "Talk to her," he says. "I have money on you. Don't let me down." He grins. He winks. He heads out the double doors and into the waiting room, leaving Callum alone at his desk with the pile of charts he still hasn't reviewed.
The fluorescents flicker tiredly. He sighs. Maybe coffee isn't such a bad idea.
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whatwooshkai · 4 months
“We’re going to need a medic,” Thundercracker points out, drawing circles with his digit on the bar. It’s after hours and he and Dead End both are probably a few too many drinks in, but the ideas are coming and they don’t seem to be stopping. “Why?” Dead End asks, but it more sounds like a statement as he flicks Thundercracker’s digit off the bar. Thundercracker flicks him back. “Because what if something bad happens?” “I have basic medical training,” Dead End offers, flicking the seeker again. Thundercracker flicks back without a thought. “Yeah, but what if something really bad happens?” “Womp womp,” Dead End huffs, laser-focused on their impromptu game. Thundercracker fakes a flick, dodges Dead End’s then returns with a successful one of his own. “I’m thinking Hook?” “We are not bringing Hook,” Dead End hisses, pulling off an impressive dodge before striking again. “Okay, fine. Knock Out?” Flick. “He wouldn’t come.” Flick. “Uh… Flatline?” “He disappeared after the ceasefire. You seen him since?” Dead End switches up his tactics and flicks Thundercracker with his pinky digit. “Right,” Thundercracker mutters darkly. “You think one of the Autobot medics might be willing to come? We are supposed to be ‘repairing bridges’ and all that.” “None of ‘em will say yes,” Dead End says. He taps the bar twice, trying to goad Thundercracker into attacking again. “First Aid might. Y’know, the short one I with the visor and mask? I heard he’s agreeable.” “I heard he’s real handy with a gun. That might be useful.” Thundercracker vents heavily, giving Dead End a false opening, just to strike and intercept his digit. “I’ll ask, then. Hand me the directory, will you?” Dead End takes one last shot at Thundercracker before abandoning their game, reaching under the bar to pull out a data pad. Thundercracker taps the medibay’s business line into his comm. .:Is First Aid there?:. The reply is immediate. .:Present and responding. Who is this?:. .:Thundercracker. Dead End and I are going on an adventure and we need a medic. You in?:. Dead End leans on Thundercracker's shoulder, both of them watching the comm. The reply takes a couple minutes. .:You know what? Sure. But I get to bring someone of my choice:. .:Done:.
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scalpelandrose · 2 years
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🌹 Rosinante & Vincent in a “Best Dads” Encounter in a modern AU ft. little Law & Michelle trading items they got for the day out. (Read Left to Right)
I’m happy to have this finally finished, bc it was an interaction I had in my drafts, inspired by talking with @jazminetoad about what if they worked in a similar field with Belle-mere in a modern AU and they crossed paths from time to time. Also in this spin-off, Mama Donquixote is alive to spoil babysit Law and Michelle when the dads are on-duty ✨ Law & Michelle would grow to be childhood friends in this AU
Tagging: @friendly-kaiju, @starrybrujita, @the-witch-of-one-piece, @gabrielasalazar18, @undercoverweeeb, @fireflykaizoku, @kerokerogecko
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birdybirdnerd · 1 year
Stanley and Narrator for the starter prompt: “please don’t let me forget your voice.”
ohhhhhohohoho, i needed to chew on this one for awhile to get the right words out but hoo boy. you know how to hit it where it hurts
also i know you were probably aiming for something a lil closer to canon possibly smth to do with the skip button but you handled that p handily BUT im still marinating an Idea... so heres a taste of that
warning: zombies
Stanley looked up through the broken window. Jagged shards of dirty glass rose up from the frame like teeth, scattering the moonlight that filtered through into a muddy kaleidoscope. It would have been pretty, in another time. Another life.
He fingered the scuffed and scratched old pager. Battery was getting low. He'd need to charge it soon, but that required sunlight, and sunlight required him leave this little corner of safety he'd dug out among the rust and rubble.
He could still hear the groans, the slick wet meaty sounds of the dead feeding outside. He hoped it was only some unlucky wildlife caught this time. It probably wasn't.
Shuddering, Stanley curled up tighter. His clothes were crusted with who-knows-what, blood and dirt and the oozing decay that seemed to coat the whole world, but he was used to it, he was used to it all even though thinking about it too long made his skin crawl. He just pushed it to the back of his mind along with everything else he had to to just keep going, along with thoughts of his life from Before and worries about his old acquaintances and fear for the voice, his guide, his friend who he couldn't hear anymore but who promised to not leave him behind like all the others-
Another wrenching meat sound, closer, made Stanley flinch. He stilled so completely one might have mistaken him for one of their victims, breath caught and fear swallowed like a deer in the headlights, a mouse in a trap. He froze as the sickening crunch, crunch sawed in his ears and only breathed again as heavy, dragging footfalls moved away.
The pager in his hand still read no response. The low-battery light blinked red and forlorn at him.
Stanley had never felt so alone.
A world away, in a room full of antennae and computers that blinked and alerted of messages received and awaiting transmission, the lone door, once barred and safe, hung open, ripped off its hinges.
Amidst the faint beeping of unread pages, there was only a slow, steady plip, plip, plip.
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splynter · 2 years
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Just some Messes Featuring:
Messenger (Passagetale Sans)
Pager (Genderswap PT Sans)
Matter (Outer PT Sans)
Silencer (Yandere PT Sans)
Lmao boredom be like-
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softgrungeprophet · 1 year
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(peter's in the mask, i never know how to do those scenes, name-wise)
i can do whatever i want no one can stop me
*edit: this did get changed in the final version but still similar enough... peter leaves the money with him but hobie chooses to return it due to some complex feelings around not wanting to be a criminal, not out of guilt but rather out of uh the fact that he is a young black man (though i didn't state it so blatantly but i think it's not hard to arrive at as a conclusion; his concerns over his future, etc.)
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mizusnose · 6 months
Could you possibly write some headcanons for what you think a relationship with Mizu would be like in Modern!AU? (xreader)
so this is actually gonna be a part of a separate drabble that includes doctor!mizu, but i’ll use that as a template for this headcannon response bc the brainrot is too strong..
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ofc mizu would be the typical nice to you and only you lover. this usually manifests in the way she talks to you, looks at you, and of course touches you.
she’s shy. most people take her glares and silence at face value and can’t understand how your relationship works.
even in med school where you both met, mizu is cutthroat and so smart. she’s intimidating and beautiful, and the first time you talked to her it was in a surgery. Her hands bloody and eyes focused.
she gives you her own pens when you lose your own on morning rounds. lets you wear her shirts and sweaters and sweats after showers and sex.
mizu works out in the mornings you do yoga. you do core workouts together and mizu always gets competitive when planks are involved. “the one who stays up longer has to cook dinner tonight” sort of vibe.
speaking of cooking, mizu cant. for shit. she relies heavily on takeout, or snacks, or protein bars. buys packs and packs of cliff bars and protein shakes and downs those on her short lunch breaks.
makes sure you eat though. sneaks vitamins into your coat pockets, the gummies because she knows you can’t swallow pills.
the relationship is professional in the hospital, but when you’re assigned on the same case, she makes sure to let you explain, talk to the patient, and take charge in the surgery room. mizu takes on charting, prescriptions, the quote unquote boring stuff she’d usually dump on an intern.
you’re both goal-oriented and driven. so whenever a new paper comes out, she sends you the pubmed link instantly and you both discuss it over dinner. mizu explains how she can use the research for her own paper.
on date nights, mizu dresses up and you’re mesmerized yet again by how beautiful she is. her golden chains she usually wears beneath her scrubs glow lightly in the nice sushi place she takes you.
she’s always reaching for you. across the table at dinner, on the couch relaxing, in the streets walking home. her palm is always wide and warm.
mizu is messy. you’ve actually had multiple fights over it. she doesn’t clean her toothpaste from the sink, shoves off her clothes into a pile in their room, leaves her side of the bed undone.
however, she’s extremely OCD at work. her desk, desktop, and calendar are neat and pretty. she teases you and your unorganized google calendar.
likes to show off her strength and wrestles you often. pins you down on the couch and kisses you soft and tender despite her constant weight above you.
loves loves LOVES to cuddle. i’m talking “babe come here i’m cold~~” sorta thing. gets extremely and genuinely upset in the summer times when you push her off you in favor of being cool.
is obsessed with you. has you as her wallpaper, her desktop photo, your name on her cell and pager is gorgeous.
answers your calls with a “hey you” and ends with an “i love you, see you tonight.”
is very skilled with her fingers (wink wink). in surgery, she’s the quickest and gets upset at the interns when they take too long.
kisses your forehead in the mornings. tells you a story at night when you can’t fall asleep. kisses you sweet and soft before you separate in the mornings.
i love doctor!mizu 😔
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deltarune-pagerau · 2 years
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bunny584 · 2 months
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20-something. Pisces. Lover girl. Pager in one hand, scalpel in the other. Silly little stories somewhere in between. JJK-centric but an absolute sucker for a moody brunette (in 2D and 3D). Mostly NSFW / Mature content. 18+.
Cute lil messages encouraged, Asks/DMs always open 🤍
anon icon list: 🪢🫧🦊 🧸🐯 🎀 | anon pet names: angel, sugar , Trans Guy Anon, Babbling Anon
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OBSESSED: The world’s hottest 2D cast is smitten with you & this is how they behave (spoiler: it’s unhinged) Pick your poison:
Nanami: Part I, Part II ୨୧ Geto: Part I, Part II ୨୧ Gojo
Shoko & The Boys: Part I, Part II, Finale ୨୧ Choso
Yuta: Part I, Part II ୨୧ Itadori ୨୧ Fushiguro
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Heaven & Hell (AO3): Think murder boyfriends, sweet girlfriend. Poly SatoSugu x Reader. Ongoing
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A Girl With No Name: Think manic pixie dream, Frat/Euphoria AU. Poly SatoSugu x Reader. Complete
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Turning Tables: Think how the boys act when you give them a gift. Complete.
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For I Have Sinned: Think Priest Geto needing deliverance from temptation..or does he? Ongoing.
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Jujutsu Kaisen’s Anatomy: Think what if the world’s hottest 2D cast…were surgeons? Ongoing.
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mrghostrat · 3 months
ceo / assistant au is set in the 90s btw
i gave crowley a blackberry before googling that the first one came out in 2002 😔 BUT. pager crowley. palm pilot crowley. deciphering and organising aziraphale’s slew of handwritten daily planners. high waisted as fuck jeans that make azirpahale’s brain screech like a dial up modem the first time he sees crowley in casualwear. aziraphale’s white 1995 bentley that crowley chauffeurs him around in 👏 do you see my vision
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sapphire-writes · 8 months
Running On Sunshine (hospital AU)
Do No Harm part 3 || masterlist || previous part || next part
pairing: doctor!Aemond Targaryen x doctor!Reader
summary: You haven't spoken to Aemond. Tensions rise between the two of you and come to a head at the arrival of a disruptive patient.
word count: 6.1k
warnings: NSFW mdni medical terminology, use of needles, discussion around addiction (specifically alcohol, rehab, recovery), fighting, blood, punching, explicit sex (p in v) fingering, oral (fem receiving), creampie, praise, dirty talk, spanking, language
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dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
note: here it is! long-awaited, thank you for being so patient as my brain jumps around 😂 hope you enjoy it!!
disclaimer: yall, I am not a doctor, I am simply a Grey's Anatomy stan. If something is off or incorrect please just suspend your disbelief! I am trying my best to make it as accurate as possible but its just for fun!!
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It’s been a few days since your ultimatum with Aemond. 
No texts. 
No calls. 
You pass each other in the halls and avoid eye contact, brushing past him close enough that if you extended your little finger you’d be sure to brush against the back of his hand.
You weren’t going to chase him. 
You’d told him what you wanted. Told him you’d wanted him. And he had stayed silent. If that was the end of you and him, so be it.
But that didn’t mean it wasn’t killing you inside. Watching him day in and day out walking through the halls of Citadel General in those stupid blue scrubs that he somehow wore like he was strutting down a runway not the hallway of a hospital. 
It didn’t help that observations often included surgeries he was a part of. Aemond was a model resident, often asked to assist the attendants. And he was hard to miss, always wearing his signature scrub cap with little dragons peppered all over it, mid-flight. You’d catch him glancing up at the viewing gallery, peering up over his mask every now and then. You never caught his eye, he was much too quick for that. 
“Switch with me,” you’d begged that afternoon after Baratheon had informed you of the plan to observe Dr. Cole’s surgery. There was no way Aemond wouldn't be there, Dr. Cole had chosen him as an obvious favorite. 
You’d been catching up on notes with Cory for the past ten minutes, the pair of you both trying to shove food in your mouths before your pagers inevitably went off. 
Labs. Observation. Notes. Scut work.
The never-ending revolving schedule of your internship. 
Cory reaches into her bag of salt and vinegar chips, clicking her mouse furiously, her brows pinched together in concentration. 
“I can’t,” she says through a mouthful, “Besides, you’ve already done this lab. If I don’t get these hours by the end of the week I’m about to take Jace’s place as Baratheon’s least favorite.”
You groan in frustration, letting your head rest against the keyboard of your computer. Nettles pops her head into the room, frowning at you both, “What’s wrong with her?”
Cory shrugs and you turn your head to face Nettles. 
Beep beep!
Cory groans, checking her pager, “Shit, I gotta go,” she says, crushing her chip bag and logging out of the computer before heading out of the room, “Sorry again, Y/N!”
You mumble something along the lines of don’t worry about it just as she disappears from sight. Nettles raises her eyebrows.
“McDreamy?” she asks, and you continue to pout, “Damn. Dick is so good we should change his name to McDick.”
“You suck,” you tell her, but you can’t stop your smile, “Definitely not your best work.”
“McOrgasm? I’m still thinking of one that truly encompasses the distress he’s causing you. Dr. Cum?” she makes a face, “Okay ew. Definitely not Dr. Cum.”
You groan, putting your face in your hands, “What am I going to do?”
Nettles walks towards you, slapping the back of your head. You lift your head, mouth open in shock, palming the place she slapped.
“Hey! I was recently concussed!”
“And apparently it scrambled your brains more than we thought!” she snaps, “See what you’re not going to do is spend your days moping over Dr. Sexy. I don’t care how good his dick was. You are a doctor. You are an insanely smart woman and you are in your internship.”
Nettles lowers herself to your height, taking your hands in hers. 
“He is very dreamy,” she says, her brown eyes empathetic, “But this is your time to shine. Not his. He’s not this important.”
It hurts---gods does it hurt---but she’s right. And you know it. You’ve been through situations like this before. You’ve gotten through things like this, and worse. Smiling at Nettles you squeeze her hands.
“Thank you.”
“Mhmm,” she says, smiling, “Always here for a reality check. You’re the sun, babe.”
You smile back at her, “I’m the sun.”
“Damn right,” she says, chuckling, “How’s Cece doing?”
“She was discharged this morning,” you tell her, beaming with pride, “Just finished her last round of antibiotics and her labs are clear. I’m working on her note now.”
Nettles plops down in Cory’s seat, reaching into the chip bag she left behind. Her hand comes out empty and she frowns. 
Jace opens the door, looking rather sweaty and discombobulated. He’s been running around the most, trying to get on Barartheon’s good side. 
“Hey,” he says, out of breath, “Can you guys help me in the pit?”
“No can do,” Nettles says, “We’ve got observation soon.”
You nod agreeing, but become curious noticing Jace’s panicked expression.
“Why what’s wrong?” you ask.
“Just…five minutes,” Jace says, “Please, I need someone. And I can’t find Sara and Cory--I just need someone, please.”
You turn to Nettles.
“The pit?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at you, “Really?”
“Tell Baratheon I’ll be there as soon as I can,” you tell her, “Besides, maybe it’s a good case.”
“Girl,” Nettles says, sighing and shaking her head.
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“I just really need your help,” Jace says, leading you through the emergency room, weaving between nurses and patients, “It’s just that…I mean I didn’t know the other day but now…”
“Didn’t know what?” you ask as he stops outside a curtain.
“-- he’s back again and family members--,” Jace says, brown eyes wide, “We’re not supposed to work on family members.”
Your eyebrows concave together in confusion when suddenly the curtain pulls back. A man is lying in the hospital bed, a halo of platinum hair cascading onto the pillow he lays on. His eyes are red-rimmed and bloodshot, a lazy grin appearing on his face as he gives you a once-over.
“Nephew,” he sing-songs, giggling, “You brought me a present!”
Jace sighs, pulling the curtain from his grasp. Wait a minute. Nephew? Your eyes scan the giggling man as Jace snaps something at him. The silvery hair, the violet eyes. Seven hells.
How many Targaryens are there?
“Excuse me?”
“He’s kidding,” Jace says, forcing a smile and turning to his uncle, “You’re kidding.”
His uncle shakes his head, lower lip jutting out in a pout, “I’ve never told a joke in my life. She’s pretty Jacey, well done.”
Your cheeks burn at the compliment, at the way his eyes cascade down your body. You’ve never felt more exposed in simple scrubs. 
“Stop calling me that,” Jace snaps, cheeks reddening.
“I didn’t know you had it in you, Jacey boy,” he croons, “Thought Baela had taken your balls when she dumped your ass--”
“Funnier every time I see you, Aegon,” Jace interrupts, closing the curtain once more. 
Aegon’s mouth drops open in surprise before he’s hidden from sight. You raise an eyebrow at Jace, folding your arms across your chest. 
“He’s harmless,” Jace assures you, “Please, please just help get him out of here as soon as possible.”
“Well, that’s sort of difficult when we don’t know what’s wrong--”
“I know what’s wrong.”
You frown, raising an eyebrow at him, “You know?”
“Yeah, he’s fucking drunk. He’s always drunk. Just give him a banana bag, let him sober up, and get him out of here,” Jace instructs.
“How do you know he’s drunk?”
“Considering the fact he hasn’t been sober since I was eight years old, it’s not hard to guess,” Jace tells you, “He’s been to more rehab programs than I can count. Trust me on this.”
“I’m still going to have to do some labs,” you tell him, not willing to go against protocol.
“That’s fine, do what you have to do just…keep him out of the way,” Jace pleads, eyes widening as though he’d just remembered something very important, “And don’t let Aemond know he’s here.”
Your gut tightens at the mention of Aemond.
“Why not?”
“Just don’t. It’s better for everyone if no one knows Aegon is here,” Jace finishes, “Thank you, I owe you big time.”
“Yeah you do,” you confirm, and then Jace hurries out of sight, eager to escape the pit.
The curtain opens once more and you turn, meeting the curious gaze of Aegon Targaryen. You try to stop the scowl that threatens to overtake your face as he grins widely, a mischievous look in his eyes. 
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“Will you hold still!”
“You’re killing me!”
“Stop being so dramatic!”
“It hurts!”
“It won’t hurt if you stay still, Aegon!”
Aegon throws his opposite arm over his eyes as you attempt to find a vein for the third time. He’s too squirmy, too anxious that as soon as the needle pierces his ivory skin he’s flinching away and howling. 
“I’ve seen children do better than you,” you grumble, and he gasps in feigned shock.
“They let you torture children?”
“Hush!” you insist, and to your relief, he’s able to stay still as you start the IV, “There you go. See? That wasn’t so hard.”
Aegon peaks over his arm, glancing down at the tubes as you assemble them properly, making sure the drip is even. He frowns as you release the tourniquet. 
“I bruise like a peach,” he mumbles.
“Sounds like you need more iron in your diet,” you tell him, walking to the other side of his bed. You need to take his blood pressure and begin wrapping the band around his arm. 
“Can I have something for the pain?” he asks.
“No, you may not.”
“Not even Tylenol?”
“Hells,” he mumbles, “You should know, I enjoy it when women are mean to me, it turns it on.”
“Of course it does.”
“Mhmm. I eat that shit up.”
You’ve been trying not to look at his face for too long. If you look at Aegon, you’ll start thinking about Aemond. 
You’ve been trying very hard not to think about Aemond.
They don’t really look alike, despite the matching hair and eye color. Though he’s sitting down you can tell Aegon has none of Aemond’s height. He’s soft whereas Aemond is sharp. Their mouths may be the most similar thing about them, both awarded beautifully pouty lips made to be kissed. 
“What’s on your mind, doc?” Aegon says, eyes narrowing.
“You’re lying, I’m very perceptive,” Aegon insists, “Come on tell me. What is it? Doctor drama? Boyfriend drama?” Your face must give something away when he asks, because his eyes light up, “Boyfriend drama.”
It’s no use, you can feel your face heating up, “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Fuck off.”
Your head snaps up at him, and you remove the blood pressure sleeve. Discarding it in favor of your stethoscope you place the end against his chest.
“Breathe in.”
“D’you have a girlfriend then?” he relentlessly continues.
“A fuck buddy?”
“Hells,” you mumble in frustration, trying to listen to his heartbeat. 
“Please tell me it isn’t my nephew,” Aegon says, making a face.
“What?” you answer, far too quickly, “No! Seven hells, Jace and I are friends! And I do not sleep with colleagues.”
“Everyone sleeps with colleagues,” Aegon argues, “How else do you meet people?”
“That working well for you?”
“Oh I don’t work,” he answers, “That’s boring.”
You choke back a laugh. The man truly is ridiculous.
“Alright then. Well, you’re all set once you’re done with your fluids we’ll check your vitals again and send you on your way,” you tell him, making a note in his chart, “I can have the nurses reach out to some detox programs if you’re interested.”
“I’m not.”
“Look, I understand a bit of your history from what Jace shared. But you should know, recovery isn’t linear, and relapse is completely normal-”
“I haven’t relapsed.”
You blink. 
“Your BAC was 1.06,” you inform him, “That’s more than a little buzzed.”
“I haven’t had a drink since Nyra birthed her last gremlin,” he insists, not elaborating on who Nyra was, “I’m just like this.”
Your eyebrows knit together. He could be lying, you know that. Addiction is one hell of a disease. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” he groans.
“Like what?”
“Like you don’t believe me.”
You’re silent for a moment, just staring into his violet eyes. 
“Your blood--”
“Fuck the labs,” he groans, “They always come back like that. I haven’t taken anything. I haven’t drank anything. Believe me, I’d be much more obvious.”
“How so?”
“Well for starters, a pretty little thing like you wouldn’t be so far away,” he comments, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin, “I don’t know why this happens. I think my body got so used to being fucked up, it just does it on its own now.”
“You’re being serious,” you comment, and he nods.
It goes against everything you’ve learned in med school, and in residency thus far. Your pager beeps and you glance at it. It’s Nettles. You’re supposed to be joining her soon. 
When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras. 
You chew your bottom lip. Aegon raises a brow, already looking better with the intake of fluids. 
Fuck it. 
You quickly page Nettles, and let her know you’re needed longer in the pit. Hopefully, Baratheon doesn’t kill you for this. 
We’re going with the zebras. 
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“Okay so I’m going to send the sample to the lab and see what comes back,” you inform Aegon, “And if you’re being honest with me, we should have some answers for you.”
Aegon swings his legs over the side of the bed. 
“Why would I lie?”
You want to roll your eyes, but you’re sure if you do in his presence once more they’ll fall out of your skull. He gives you a cheeky grin as he notices your exasperation. 
“People lie all the time,” you tell him.
“To you?” Aegon asks, snatching your hand is his, “Never, princess.”
You hear Nettles suddenly, her voice flowing through the ER and your stomach turns. Surely, it's Dr. Baratheon coming to reprimand you for missing observation to spend time in the pit ‘trolling for surgeries.’ The curtain opens then, and to your horror, it’s Aemond who has discovered you rather than Dr. Baratheon. 
His eyes fall to your face first before he turns to Aegon. His gaze drops to your interlocked hands. Something washes over him, his expression cold and calculating. 
“Out,” he says, voice quiet as death. 
Aegon chuckles, but you can hear the nervousness he’s trying to hide. You can see it in the way he wets his lips, the way he pulls his hand from yours.
“Out, now,” Aemond repeats, “Don’t make me drag you out in front of all these people.”
“Careful now,” Aegon says, standing, “you know how mummy feels about you getting your hands dirty--”
Aemond steps forward, hands fisting Aegon’s shirt and dragging him forward. Your eyes widen in shock and Nettles yelps as Aemond pushes past her, dragging Aegon with him. 
The display has gathered the attention of several nurses and patients as Aemond continues to drag him through the ambulance entrance and out the automatic doors. You and Nettles remain closely on their heels as they exit the hospital.
Aemond releases his hold, sending Aegon stumbling into the road. 
“Seven hells!” Nettles says, a shocked expression on her face. 
Aegon laughs maniacally, bending over with his hands on his knees. He shakes his head several times, like a dog before looking up.
“Go home,” Aemond says, flexing his hand.
“Where’s that?”
“Wherever you’ve been staying I suppose,” Aemond quips.
Aegon is panting, staring at his brother.
“I’d like to see Helaena.”
“That’s not happening.”
“Helaena!” he yells at the sky, “She’s my sister, I know she wants to see me.”
“You’re not shaking her down for any more fucking money,” Aemond says, his voice louder this time, making you flinch, “Go home, Aegon.”
Aegon wets his lips, running a hand through his hair. His eyes meet yours. 
“You’ll call me? With the results?” he asks, and Aemond snorts.
“Another STI screening?” Aemond snarks. 
Aegon’s tongue pokes his cheek, an angry smile on his face. 
“Gotta make sure I’m all clear before saddling up with a fit bird,” he taunts, eyes falling on you as he says it, grabbing his crotch for emphasis. 
Aemond lurches forward his hand connecting with Aegon’s cheek. Nettles and you both scream as Aemond jumps back, Aegon spitting a mix of blood and saliva on the ground. He laughs again, smiling with bloody teeth. 
“Get him cleaned up and get him out of here,” Aemond instructs Nettles, before heading back inside and leaving the three of you standing there.
Aegon’s lip is split, along with a cut on his cheekbone. He spits again, wiping his face and nodding at you.
“No boyfriend eh?” he says, grinning. Your face flushes. 
“I wasn’t lying.”
His grin widens.
“One of us is,” he says, referencing your earlier conversation, “Guess we’ll find out who.”
Nettles approaches him, and he winces. She turns to you.
“You should go see if he’s okay,” she says, nodding to the doors. 
You run back inside leaving Nettles and Aegon, your eyes searching for Aemond. Hurrying to the nurses' station, they inform you which direction he took off in. A nervous sweat breaks out on the back of your neck as you hurry down the hallway. You spot him then, taller than everyone else, watching as he ducks into an on-call room. 
Quickening your pace you follow him inside. It’s quiet as you close the door, besides the sound of a noise machine echoing white noise in the dimly lit space. There are two beds in this room; truly the on-call rooms are in such sorry states. Small twin mattresses with paper-thin sheets and pillows that may as well be pieces of foam. 
Aemond sits on the bed to the left, his head resting in his hands. You close the blinds on the door, flipping the sign that says “Both Beds Occupied” along with flicking the lock. You don’t think he’ll want to be disturbed.
“Aemond,” you say softly. He doesn’t move. The knuckles of his right hand are bloody. 
Taking a step closer, you watch his shoulders rise and fall with the deep breaths he’s taking. Anxiety churns in your stomach, and you take a step back, placing your hand on the handle of the door.
“I’ll just leave you--”
“Don’t,” Aemond speaks quietly for the first time, raising his head. His gaze softens, his eyes somewhat glassy. “Please don’t go.”
Your heart starts to race, but you nod, stepping back toward him. Sitting beside him the bed creaks; you cross your ankles and place your hands on the edge of the bed. Aemond rests his chin on his hands, arms propped on his knees. The pair of you sit in silence for several moments. It begins to rain outside, fat droplets of water beating against the window. 
“You should get that looked at,” you finally say, nodding at his hand. 
Aemond merely hums in response, flexing his fingers. 
“Seriously, you’re a surgeon,” you continue, “What are you thinking, throwing punches like that?”
Aemond glances at his hand, curling and uncurling his fingers, “He brings out the worst in me.”
“Your brother.”
“Mhmm,” he answers, shaking his hand. It’s not as bad as it looks, thankfully. He could have done some serious damage.
“I’m sorry. Jace told me…well I’m just sorry.”
“It’s alright. Someone has to treat him. I’m sorry if he was inappropriate to you.”
“It’s alright,” you assure him, “We don’t get to choose how patients behave.”
“Aegon can be a lot. Take it from someone who knows him rather well.”
You sit in silence some more. The sky outside has begun to turn dark as clouds roll in, the sound of thunder audible in the distance. A storm is looming.
“I’ve missed you,” he says so softly you almost don’t catch it.
Your hands dig into the side of the bed, your heart pounding against your ribs making your chest feel painfully tight.
“Please Aemond,” you cut him off, eyes watery, “Please. Don’t say that if you don’t mean it.”
“I do mean it,” he insists, turning his head toward you, “It’s just…Y/N that day I didn’t give you an answer. And you deserve one. I like you. I like you so much. You’re an incredibly intelligent person, funny, adorable, and…” he trails off, shaking his head slightly as he chuckles to himself. 
“And what?”
“And that scares the shit out of me. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. I wasn’t expecting you. When I moved here I just planned on keeping my head down and then….then there was you,” he looked away, his eyes lit up in wonder, “I saw you in that bar, and it was like the sun came out.” 
Your lips part, your stomach flutters pleasantly at his words, and goosebumps erupt on your skin. He glances at you shyly, the tips of his ears tinged pink.
“And then I saw you here and you’re an intern, at the beginning of your residency I just….I mess things up. I don’t want to mess things up for you. Or with you.”
You reach for his hand, lacing your fingers through his, “Okay.”
“But…I miss you. I miss talking to you, kissing you,” Aemond continues, the top of his cheeks turning pink, matching his ears, “You asked me if I’m in or out. I didn’t answer, and I should have. I’m all in.”
“If you’ll have me,” he adds, “If you…if you want to give this a try.”
You smile at him softly.
“It’s all I wanted from the start.”
Aemond smiles, leaning toward you and connecting his lips to yours. You sigh against his mouth, as his hand snakes around the back of your neck, keeping you from going anywhere. His tongue runs along the seam of your lips, and you part them eagerly accepting the warm muscle into your mouth. 
Your hands bury themselves in his scrubs as he turns his head, deepening the kiss. His opposite hand reaches for your waist, sliding down to rest on the meat of your thigh. He rubs soothing circles there for a moment, before gripping you hard and pulling you on top of him. 
You straddle his waist as he scoots backward, pressing his back flat against the wall. He breaks the kiss for only a moment, tugging your blue scrub top over your head, before desperately chasing your lips once more. Shivering in the cool air, your nipples harden in your bra. You almost wish you’d worn something a little sexier, the plain black bra making you feel underdressed. 
Aemond eyes your tits like a madman as his skilled hands eagerly unclasp your bra, pulling it from your torso. 
“Should we be doing this--” you gasp, grinding against the hardness between his thighs. 
“Yes, yes we should,” he says, kissing you once more before pausing, his eyebrows knitting together, “Unless you don’t want..”
“No! I mean--fuck, yes, yes we should and I want to,” you whimper as his teeth graze against your neck, “But I mean, here…” Aemond continues his attention to your neck, his perfect mouth nipping and sucking the sensitive skin.
“No one’s coming,” he murmurs, “You locked the door, yes?”
You nod, fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck.
“That’s a good girl,” he murmurs, groaning as you clench your fists, tugging at his hair.
He catches your lips once more and you arch your back, pressing yourself against him trying to get as close as humanly possible. Moaning against his mouth he chuckles softly, the sound reverberating against you. 
“Shh,” he croons, brushing some hair from your face, “You have to be quiet.” He nips your lower lip as he says it, smoothing his tongue along where he bit, “Something you have trouble with, I recall.”
Your cheeks warm at the memory of your first night together, the puddle he’d turned you into with such little effort. Lashes fluttering, you look up at him as he admires you.
“You’ll have to remind me,” you tease, earning a growl from him as he flips you onto your back beginning to pull your scrub pants from your body.
Eager to assist, you kick wildly trying to get the soft material off. Aemond catches your right calf in his large hand, trying to avoid being kicked.
“Careful,” he chuckles, pressing a hot kiss to your calf, helping you out of your scrubs, shoes, and underwear. 
“Sorry,” you manage to say through your giggles as he tosses the ball of clothes toward the opposite bed, “We’re a bit uneven now, wouldn’t you agree?”
Grinning, Aemond pulls his scrub top from his body as thunder crashes outside. The sky has darkened considerably and lightning flashes, illuminating the room. Aemond’s hands travel up your calves, hooking against your knees as he cocks an eyebrow at you. 
Your eyes trace down his exposed front following the planes of his chest, the chiseled outline of his abdominal muscles. You swallow, feeling yourself clench as your gaze rests on the outline of his hard bulge.
Nodding, you take your lower lip between your teeth, dragging your gaze back to his face. Aemond’s breathing is heavy as he sits on his haunches, eyes raking down your naked body.
“Fuck you’re beautiful,” he breathes appreciatively, “Gods…” He lets one hand move up your body, fingers dancing against the skin of your waist, up the side of your ribs to your breast. He explores higher and higher until with a desperate whine you reach up pulling him toward you.
You could kiss him forever.
You want to kiss him forever. 
The hand that rests on your leg curls inward, stroking the soft flesh of your inner thigh before inching higher. Your breathing has started to turn to pants as Aemond lets one of his long fingers part through your silky folds, spreading your arousal. 
“Seven hells,” he groans, swirling his finger against your clit, “All this for me?”
“Mhmm,” you tell him, biting your lip and trembling against him already.
Aemond only smirks, that familiar look of confidence in his eye, “Use your words, baby.”
“Yes,” you tell him, as the tip of his finger sinks inside of you, “Fuck-- just for you.”
“That’s my good girl,” he praises, pushing further inside of you, stretching you out on his forefinger. A second finger soon joins and he scissors the digits against your fluttering walls.
You’re trying to be quiet---really you are trying--- but it feels too good. He’s too precise with his movements, too insistent on bullying that sensitive rough patch that causes your eyes to roll back in your head. “Aemond…I can’t--”
“Shhh baby, I know, it feels too good to be quiet, huh?” he says, voice full of mock sympathy, “Don’t worry, I’ll make you cum really quick, let me take care of you, yeah?”
You nod furiously, a choked moan escaping you as Aemond presses a tender kiss to your forehead. Moving away from you, he keeps up his relentless pace with his fingers as he slides onto his stomach on the bed. Your eyes widen as Aemond glances up at you from between your legs, a cheeky smile on his handsome face. 
“Aem----oh fuck!” your concern is short-lived as Aemond presses his mouth against you.
His tongue traces lazy circles over your clit, groaning, “Hells, I missed this sweet little pussy,” he mumbles, taking the sensitive button between his lips and suctioning around it. 
Throwing your head back against the pillows, your back arches, and your mouth opens in a silent scream. The rain continues to pour outside, the drumming against the window matching that of your racing heart. 
“Oh yeah, I know that’s so good, huh?” Aemond mumbles between licks of your clit, his free hand snaking upwards to grope at your breasts, “Fuck you look so pretty…all whiny and desperate.”
He curls his fingers as he says it, massaging the tender spot inside of you causing your pussy to spasm against his fingers. His tongue traces nonsensical patterns around your clit, his lips sucking and releasing causing lewd wet noises to echo through the room.
“Next time,” he murmurs a quiet promise, “Next time, when I’ve got lots of time…we’ll see how long I can keep you like this.” His fingers pinch your right nipple, tweaking it harshly.
Your belly tenses, muscles constricting against his fingers as he returns his sweet torture on your clit, and you finish with a muffled sob as you turn your head, pressing your mouth against your shoulder. Aemond murmurs soft praises, talking you through your orgasm as your legs shake around him. 
“Fuck, fuckfuckfuck,” you hiss through your teeth as he slowly pulls his fingers from your fluttering pussy, bringing them to his mouth. 
You watch, wide-eyed as he sucks the lengthy digits, moaning at the taste of you.
“Turn around baby,” he says, sitting up, “Put your face in the pillow.”
Shakily, you turn on your hands and knees, before letting yourself fall to your forearms. Aemond slides his hand down your back, admiring the curve of your spine, spreading your cheeks wide. 
“Goddamn,” he murmurs, slapping your cheeks, causing you to yelp, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.”
“You’re an ass man?” you tease, looking back over your shoulder.
“I’m a ‘you’ man,” he argues, grabbing his length and sliding it against your folds, “Now be a good girl, and let me take care of you.” The fat head of his cock pokes at your entrance.
“Please,” you breathe as he starts to slide in. Aemond pauses, groaning slightly.
“Fuck baby, you can’t say that all sweet right now,” he growls, “We don’t have time.”
“Please, put it in,” you whimper, cheek pressed against the pillow, drool forming a wet patch under your cheek.
Aemond’s hand cracks down on your ass once more, “Be a good girl you little brat.”
You whimper, your begging ceasing as he slides fully inside your tight, wet heat. The stretch of his fingers was nothing compared to his thick cock. Your walls tense around him, pulsating around his thick length as he bottoms out. Rocking backward, he slides nearly all the way out before thrusting back in. 
Electricity bursts through your veins, pleasure crackling through your limbs like the lightning outside of the window. The force of his thrusts sends your face deep into the pillow, muffling the sharp cries of pleasure you emit. You couldn’t stop if you wanted to, it feels too fucking good, the head of his cock rubbing ceaselessly against your g-spot as he ruts against you; he’s grunting softly, muttering praises all the while, his fingers digging into your hips. 
“Fuck,” he gasps as your knees slide down, legs shaking so bad you’re unable to keep them upright, “It’s okay baby, just relax I got you.”
Your legs bend against the mattress, thighs splayed, hip flexors burning with the deep stretch it awards you. Aemond never relents, just continues to slap his hips against the softness of your ass, his cock sliding effortlessly in and out, in and out.
“Aemond,” you moan, “Fuck it feels--”
“Yeah?” he groans, “How’s it feel baby?”
“S-s’good, Aem, fuck, it’s so good,” you whimper, hands fisting the sheets, the bed shaking with every harsh thrust. 
The bed grinds against your sensitive nipples and clit sending sparks of pleasure burning through you.
“Gonna make this pussy feel so good,” he says, leaning some of his weight on top of you, his face next to yours, “Gonna take you home after our shifts, you’d like that, yeah?” His arms hold him up, propped on either side of your head. 
“Yes, fuck please,” you agree, turning your face, and feeling him press a kiss to your shoulder blade.
“Gonna have you ride my face,” he promises, dragging his nose between your shoulder blades, “Wanna make that pussy feel so good, till you can’t fucking take it anymore.”
“Fuck Aemond,” you shiver with delight at his filthy words, at the promise of a repeat of the first night you’d been together. A promise of more. 
“Missed you too much,” he murmurs against your shoulder, sending warmth pooling in your belly, “Need you close to me.”
“I missed you,” you whimper, “Fuck, need you so bad.”
“I’m all yours,” he says, nearly whimpering himself, “Fuck baby, you’re so tight, feel so good clenching around my cock.”
“Yeah?” you ask, lifting your head slightly, and glancing back through hooded eyes.
Aemond maneuvers himself, leaning to capture your lips in a sloppy, heated kiss as he continues to pound into you. 
“Fuck….c’mon baby, one more time,” Aemond encourages as heat winds a tight coil of pleasure in your belly, “Can’t have my baby only cumming once, now can I? Come on, that’s a good girl.”
The pitch of your cries increases and you slam your face against the pillow to muffle your strangled cry as your whole body tense, pussy constricting like a vice around his cock as you come. It’s intense, it burns with a brutal passion that paints stars behind your eyelids. 
Aemond’s thrusts become sloppier and with a few more slaps of his hips, you feel his cock pulsate inside of you and the warmth release of his cum filling you up. You turn your cheek from the pillow, your body tingling with the remnants of your orgasm as you suck in a breath. Gently, Aemond pulls out of you, peppering kisses down the length of your spine as he does so. 
You hum happily as he slides out, placing his hands under your thighs and maneuvering you out of the frog-like position you were previously in. Your hip flexors ache, but it’s a good pain--well worth being fucked into the mattress. Aemond turns you on your back, brushing some hair from your sweaty forehead. 
“Hey there,” he says softly. The room is quiet, the rain has stopped. “Are you alright?”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever walk right again,” you tell him with a content sigh, “but that aside, I’d say I’m more than alright.”
Aemond chuckles, thumb smoothing your cheekbone, making you lean into his gentle touch. 
“Hold on,” he murmurs, standing up, walking to the adjacent bathroom, and flicking on the light. 
You watch him walk away, admiring his ass. He’s got a rather nice one. You hear him turn the water on and a moment later he returns with a washcloth. Not trusting yourself to stand, you simply spread your legs and let him clean up the remains of your combined releases. Your hips jerk as he carefully brushes against your swollen clit causing him to release a breathy laugh.
Beep beep!
The noise snaps you both out of your post-coital bliss bubble and you hurry to find your clothes. Aemond reaches for his pager, desperate to get his scrubs on. 
Beep beep!
It’s your pager this time. Shit, Baratheon must be pissed. 
Both of you scramble, switching scrub tops as Aemond accidentally tries to put on yours, causing you to erupt into a fit of laughter that is only stopped when he grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a heated kiss. 
“Stop, stop,” you beg, pushing against his hard chest, “Shit we have to go.”
“One more--”
“You’re insatiable--”
“Oh I’ll show you insatiable,” he says, lips tugging upwards in a smirk, “You just wait until tonight.”
Your cheeks burn as you yank on your bottoms, fixing your hair. Sex hair is not an option, not when Baratheon will be up in arms about your disappearance. Glancing at your pager, you read what it says before clipping it to your waist. 
“Okay, I gotta go,” you tell him, shoving your feet into your sneakers.
“Meet me in the lobby? When you’re done?” he asks, unable to hide his smile as you walk to the door on trembling legs.
“Okay,” you tell him, leaning forward, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, “And we could get dinner?” 
“Anything you want,” he says, cupping your cheeks and kissing you again, “Anything” another kiss, “At” and another one, “all.”
You hum happily, placing your hand over his, your entire body warming with his affection.
“I’ll see you then,” you tell him, unwillingly pulling away and unlocking the door.
You leave first, Aemond leaving a few moments later. Watching as he fixes the collar of his scrubs, you find yourself beaming. Aemond turns, catching your eye before turning down the hall, a small smile playing on his lips.
Gods, this is going to be a long shift.
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note: hope you liked it!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
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pt2change · 10 months
lovesick emergency — jeon jungkook
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pairing: surgeon!jungkook x surgeon! y/n
genre: medical au, jk is head over heels for y/n, he’s also kinda bad at communication, insecure and jealous jk hehehe, fluff, y/n is oblivious, few mentions of sex
word count: 2,376
a/n: my first jk drabble 😣😣 any feedback is appreciated thank u for reading!!!!
↣ bts masterlist
of course, when you work at an extremely busy level 1 trauma center hospital, it is very. difficult to get time to yourself
but you and jungkook have 15 minutes to yourself
what other way to spend those 15 minutes than in an empty on-call room?
okay so… the two of you have been fooling around for months
it’s not always that too
sometimes you go over to each other’s apartments and hang out
or you have dinner together after a long day at work
there’s been plenty of times where the two of you are just enjoying each other’s company without hooking up
but the both of you are not…. officially dating
and the only reason is because the two of you have accepted that you have feelings for the other
but both you and jungkook won’t confess to each other.
so you stick to touching each other and kissing and having sex whenever you both want
but neither of you do that with someone else
so you’re both in the small bed that sits in the on-call room
he’s hovering over your body, kissing you
both of your lab coats are on the edge of bed frame, while the dark blue scrubs have been tossed somewhere in the walkway between the door and the bed
jungkook intertwines his hands with yours, laying it just above your head
and the two of you spend the little break you have quietly moaning each other’s name
and in between it all, someone tries to open the door
probably a nurse, or a doctor, or either one of your interns
but neither of you noticed as you’re lost in each other
after finishing, jungkook lays next to you on the bed, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek
“how does sex get better with you everytime we do it?”
you laugh, playfully hitting him
one of the pagers goes off suddenly, and he reaches over to the bedside table they were on
“it’s yours.” he says handing it to you,
you groan softly, “that’s perfect” you say sarcastically
getting up, you begin to pick the scrubs from the floor, placing jungkook’s on the edge of the bed
and he watches as you slip your clothes back on
he sits up quickly and reaches to hand you your coat
“gotta go, i’ll see you later?” you turn to face him before leaving
“yeah” jungkook nods with a small smile
“okay” you nod and head towards the door
but you quickly turn around and walk back over to the bed
bending down slightly, you kiss jungkook one last time, “see you later”
you smile and walk back over to the door, unlocking it, and walking out
jungkook sighs happily and closes his eyes hoping to get some sleep
he doesn’t…
his pager went off approximately 36 seconds after you left
“oh thank god i found you, dr. y/n!-“ an out of breath intern, your out of breath intern-
who btw you’re not sure which one of them it is because you don’t bother to know their names unless they give you a (good) reason to
- stops you as soon as you walk out of the on-call room
“you’re needed in operating room three” she finishes, trying to catch her breath
“i was just paged, i’m on my way there now!” you say, walking right past her.
“oh! nurse min is looking for doctor jeon, is he in there?”
that makes you stop dead in your tracks
“and why would he be in there?” you look at the intern, raising your eyebrow at her
“oh… no reason, i-it was just a random question” she says quickly, clearing her throat
you glare at her one more time before walking over to the elevator to head to the surgery floor
while you wait for the elevator, you look back for your intern and see she’s knocking on the same door of the on-call room where jungkook is
you could’ve sworn you and jungkook were more discreet than that
when jungkook’s done with his surgery, he begins to think about you
wondering where you are, he goes and looks for you
even though the two of you were together a few hours ago
he just can’t help but miss you
after asking nurse min, he tells jungkook you’re on the 7th floor, checking on your patients
jungkook makes his way to the elevator and heads to the 7th floor
after walking down the hallway, he sees you in a room with your heart transplant patient that you talked to him about a few days prior
then jungkook started thinking…
maybe he should just get back to work?
he knows he’ll hear from you at some point later in the day or evening
and you’ll probably have your next meal together
or with other staff members
like nurse min :) who you and jungkook get along with very well even though he intimated you both when he started to work at the hospital
he makes up his mind but then he hears something that makes him linger around the door
he’s hidden just enough to wear you or the patient can’t see him but he can most definitely hear the conversation
“tell me dr. y/l/n, as someone as gorgeous as you, you must get hit on all the time.”
and it sends shivers down jungkook’s spine when he hears your patient tell you
and jungkook scoffs quietly
you’re a hard ass cardiac surgeon who is feared by all the interns and intimidated by some of the other fellow surgeons
and no one had the guts to hit on you for those reasons
except jungkook.
and he’s happy that he did.
because even though he’s unsure as to where your relationship with each other stands, it’s one of the most beautiful things that has happened to him.
and he just hasn’t felt this way about anyone in a long time
his thoughts are interrupted by your laugh
“what’s your pain on a scale from 1-10?”
“maybe like a 2, don’t try to change the subject now, doctor!”
jungkook sees you nod your head and chuckle at the patient
“i’ll look at your stitches, and if everything looks fine, you’ll be discharged either this evening or tomorrow early morning”
even though your back is facing him, jungkook can definitely envision your contagious smile
his own smile quickly fades as he hears your patient starts talking again
“then i’ll be back to take you to a nice romantic candle lit dinner?”
you chuckle once again, “i don’t go out with my patients”
“and i can’t be the only exception?-”
and jungkook frowns slightly when he hears that
“-you’ve taken really good care of me since i got here, i think it would only be fair if someone did the same for you”
he frowns again
jungkook has seen this patient many times because he’s been at the hospital for quite awhile
and well jungkook thinks your patient is definitely attractive enough to where he feels almost….
but jungkook doesn’t wait to hear what you say to your patient
instead he walks away
and he’s upset and just kinda filled with jealousy
at the same time, he feels like he can’t get upset
because even if you did turn down the patient, somewhere along the line, someone else would hit on you and ask you out to another romantic candle lit dinner
and the worst part is you could say yes
i mean technically you are single
and jungkook hasn’t had the time or courage to officially ask what was going on between the two of you
and so he rushes into the stairwell where he can calm down before his insecure thoughts become overwhelming
“no!” you say quietly to your patient, laughing
you grab your set of gloves and begin putting them on, “i need to look at your stitches”
and your patient looks at you, “just tell me, are you seeing someone?” he raises his eyebrows
you open your patients gown and begin examining the stitches that were on his chest
“i’m not really supposed to talk about my personal life, you know?”
you look back up at your patient
“but i am, and he’s really really wonderful… and he takes care of me.”
you pause, and your mind just begins to envision jungkook
you could go on and on about him
instead you smile to yourself, “he’s my best friend”
your patient nods his head, understanding what you're saying
“but you know… there is a really gorgeous woman just down the hall, maybe she wouldn't mind some company” you raise your eyebrows at your patient and close his gown
“hmmm….. what’s she like?”
you nod your head and take your gloves off
then you sit in the small chair next to the bed and begin telling him about the beautiful blonde woman that’s recovering just down the hallway
you told the woman about your patient as well when you checked on her
and well..
turns out they were perfect for each other.
so you haven’t seen jungkook in almost 5 days
you were surprisingly off these last 2 days without getting paged for an emergency surgery
but jungkook never called or texted you
which was really weird because even on his busiest days, he still send you at least a few messages before you tell him to get back to work
and the other 3 days you worked, your paths just never crossed
it was really weird…
you also walked through his department but never saw him
and when you texted him asking where he was but there was no response
AND you even told him to meet up in an on-call room and nothing!!!
and jungkook was never one to turn that down
this was the longest you had gone without seeing him and it was really starting to irritate you
you even began to think that maybe you had done something wrong without knowing it
and that also bothers you because the last thing you want to do is make him upset :(
you just like him so so much and don't want to ruin your relationship with him
now you haven’t eaten in the hospital cafeteria since your last intern year
but today you decide to take a look in there
you were probably in the cafeteria for 10 seconds before making direct eye contact with jungkook
but you’re taken back when he just stands up and leaves through the back doors as soon as your eyes meet
you put your hands in the pocket of your lab coat and walk out as well
but you make your way to the nurse’s station
jungkook runs to room 618 after getting paged a 9-1-1 when the elevator door opens
he scurries inside to the middle of the room
only to find nurse min standing there and no patient
“what’s going on? where’s the patient?” he exclaims, trying to catch his breath
nurse min steps aside, when the restroom door opens and you walk out
“shit…” you hear jungkook mutter
“what… that’s all you have to say?” you walk in front of him crossing your arms
meanwhile nurse min walks out the room and slowly closes the door
and when he steps out he sees a few other staff members watching you and jungkook through the blinds
“y/n, you know you can't page me if it’s not actually an emergency”
you scoff, “jungkook, don’t give me that-”
when it looks like he wants to walk towards the door
you beat him to it and stand in front of it
“why have you been ignoring me? did i do something?”
you look up at jungkook
but he avoids looking into your eyes
“i just.. i’ve been really busy”
“don’t lie to me either.” you tell him softly
jungkook sighs and rubs his hand across his mouth
“what are we, y/n?”
this catches you off guard
it certainly wasn't what you thought this conversation was going to be about
jungkook shrugs
“i don't know-” he pauses
now he’s looking at you
“i’m just wondering if we’re a couple or not.”
and he cuts you off
“i know we hang out alot and we have sex, but i like you so much. and i’ve felt more with you than anyone else. i want more with you, y/n.”
he sighs, “i don't want us to be nothing.”
and he looks at you, waiting for you to respond
“we’re not nothing, jungkook” you shake your head
“then what? because i want you to be mine-”
jungkook doesn’t get to finish rambling on with his sentence
you bring him in for a kiss, wrapping your arms around his shoulder
jungkook holds onto your waist
and you feel yourself backing into the door and he deepens the kiss
when he pulls away first, he opens his mouth to talk more but you stop him
“of course we’re a couple jungkook”
and he lets out a sigh of relief
“we are?”
and you nod your head
jungkook bends down to give you another kiss
and from the other side of the door you hear:
“finally, it was about time”
you pull away from jungkook and open the door
on the other side of the door, you see other nurses and surgeons listening and watching the interaction between you and jungkook
“don’t just stand here! you all have patients to see!” you yell
anddd there’s the surgeon everyone is afraid of
suddenly everyone moves to different rooms or they head towards the elevator
jungkook laughs behind you
he pulls you back in and shuts the door
and he closes the blinds completely
“can you believe that?”
when you turn back to see jungkook, he’s in the middle of taking his coat off
“this isn’t the on-call room, jungkook.”
you cross your arms as he sets it down on the bed
you watch as he pulls the curtain around the hospital bed
when he’s done, he walks back over to you
“i don’t care” he says grabbing your arms and guiding you towards the bed
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