#pain specialist
ideaticaphelion · 7 months
ok actually i want to post about this
i recently saw a pain specialist for my debilitating chronic pain and fatigue
and he told me i should try a mediterranean diet and therapy. to like. rewire the way my brain processes pain(???)
it has been two days since that appointment and the strain of going has had me bedridden for about half of my time spent awake since.
what do i do?? does that therapy work?? its been years and i feel like im so close to help but they want me to eat food im already eating and do SPECIAL PAIN THERAPY and i feel insulted
(for the record i am a strong believer in the power of therapy and have been going to traditional therapy for years but this just sounds so....... not work-y?)
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Renowned Dr. Amod Manocha is the Senior specialist in Pain Management Services at International Pain Center Based in Delhi.His approach to treatment is evidence-based, multidisciplinary, and aligned with global standards and also Trust in the importance of long-term patient relationships based on open communication and putting patients’ interests first.
Pain Management Services
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hafwen · 2 years
I have an appointment soon to possibly get my pain specialist changed unless they suck and I really hope they don't because they're half the distance from my current one
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jr2882070 · 1 month
Regain Your Active Lifestyle Through Spine Surgery In Boca Raton FL
Boca Raton Orthopaedic Group provides comprehensive diagnosis & spine treatment options to patients suffering from most spinal conditions that affect their life. They provide the Best Spine Surgery In Boca Raton FL. For more information visit brog.com.
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ipscindiasblog · 2 months
Pain Clicnic in Bangalore
Discover relief and rejuvenation at our Pain Clinic in Bangalore. Our expert team offers comprehensive care and personalized treatment plans for chronic pain conditions. From advanced therapies to compassionate support, we're dedicated to restoring your quality of life. Contact us today for holistic pain management solutions in Bangalore.
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kajmasterclass · 3 months
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westernpainclinic · 7 months
Looking for Trusted Pain Specialists in Australia? Turn to Western Pain
Are you suffering from acute or chronic pain that affects your quality of life? Are you looking for an experienced Pain Specialist in Perth who can help manage your pain and improve your function? If yes, you need to visit Dr Michael Miu at Western Pain.  
Dr Michael Miu is an experienced and highly qualified interventional Pain Specialist in Perth who provides comprehensive and personalized care for patients with various pain conditions.  
Dr Michael Miu will thoroughly assess and diagnose your pain condition, followed by a tailored treatment plan that may include medications, injections, nerve blocks, radiofrequency ablation, other minimally invasive procedures and multidisciplinary management.  
Conditions treated include back pain, neck pain, headaches, arthritis, nerve pain or any other pain condition (i.e. hips, knees, shoulders, feet). At Western Pain, Dr Michael Miu can help you find the best treatment option for your specific needs. You will receive education and support in coping with your pain and enhancing your physical and mental health.  
Contact Western Pain today and start your journey towards a brighter future. 
Are you suffering from acute or chronic pain that affects your quality of life? Are you looking for an experienced Pain Specialist in Perth who can help manage your pain and improve your function? If yes, you need to visit Dr Michael Miu at Western Pain.Dr Michael Miu is an experienced and highly qualified interventional Pain Specialist in Perth who provides comprehensive and personalized care for patients with various pain conditions.
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What Can Happen If You Don’t Manage Your Body Pain Properly?
Looking for manage your body pain properly? When something is wrong, your body will try to alert you by sending pain signals to your brain. Don,t be late and suddenly consult a pain specialist in Canton, or elsewhere, early, it can lead to long-term problems that affect your quality of life and make dealing with day-to-day tasks even more challenging than usual.
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Who treats body pain? | Pain Specialist Bangalore | Axon Speciality hospital 
A phy ||sician who is practicing pain medicine or pain management is usually an anesthesiologist who has been certified or trained on the relief and/or management of pain. A physiatrist may also specialize in pain medicine. If you have chronic pain, meaning pain that has lasted for over three months, your doctor may refer you to a pain clinic. If your pain is significantly affecting your life and daily functioning, you are more likely to be referred. You may be referred with or without a diagnosis for your chronic pain.
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natrahea · 2 years
Unfortunately, there is nothing that works like a magic when it comes to weight loss. There is no special trick or medicine available that helps you to get desired results. Adopting a healthy lifestyle helps to stay fit. One needs to pay attention to one’s habits and should follow healthy practices. One of the best ways that help in weight loss is to chiropractor in Singapore.  A chiropractic practitioner helps you with a healthy diet and steady exercise.
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painspecialist · 2 years
Trigeminal Neuralgia – Causes, Symptoms, diagnosed and Treatments
What is Trigeminal Neuralgia?
TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA = Trigeminal nerveis the main nerve of the face + Neuralgia is pain coming from a nerve
As the name signifies, Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a nerve pain condition affecting the main nerve of the face (trigeminal nerve) and causing repeated sudden attacks of severe pain generally on one side of the face.
There is one trigeminal nerve on each side. It carries touch and painsensations from your face and controls the muscles used in chewing.The nerve divides into three main branches
1st branch- V1 (ophthalmic branch)goes to the scalp, forehead and the region around the eye
2nd branch- V2 (maxillary branch) goes to the cheek area
3rd branch- V3 (mandibular branch) goes to the jaw area
TN more commonly affects the 2nd and 3rdbranches causing pain over the jaw and the cheek area. The patient generally experiences a severe, sudden, sharp, stabbing, burning or shock-like sensation lasting for a short duration with frequent episodes throughout the day.
What are the symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia?
TN pain is typically described as
Sudden, sharp, stabbing, piercing, burning or electric shock-like sensation over the face lasting for a short duration (few seconds to minutes)
Frequent episodes of severe pain can occur throughout the day. The episodes usually do not occur when one is asleep
Pain can be triggered by talking, chewing, washing the face, brushing, drinking, shaving, or cold. Trigger areas are sensitive areas which when touches can trigger episodes of pain and are commonly observed around the nose, mouth,chin and cheek close to the midline
Pain may be associated with spasms
After repeated attacks dull ache and tenderness in the affected area can persist
Usually one side of face in affected although rarely both sides (in approx. 3% of TN cases) can be involved
Episodes can last for days, weeks, or months at a time
There may be no symptoms between attacks and the pain can disappear for months or years
The pain can worsen over time with fewer and shorter pain-free periods
Such extreme pain can often trigger secondary problems such as
Low mood or anxiety
Poor oral hygiene
Weight loss
Reduced social withdrawal, impact on job, family life etc.
Why does it happen?
About 10 people in 100,000 develop TN each year. This conditionis more common in women and is generally seen after the age of 50 years. There is some evidence that the disorder can run in families. Although sometimes debilitating, the disorder is not life-threatening.
Causes of TN include
Compression of the nerve by a blood vesselcan lead to damage of the covering of the nerve(demyelination)
TN may be a symptom of another condition like a tumour or multiple sclerosis
In some cases (approximately 10%), the underlying cause remains unknown
How is Trigeminal Neuralgia diagnosed?
The diagnosis is based on the typical symptoms and there is nodiagnostic test for trigeminal neuralgia.Physical examination in classic TN is generally normal and as facial pain can be caused by a large number of conditions, sometimes the diagnosis can be challenging. Branches of nerve can be damaged with facial trauma, dental procedures, or surgery causing similar symptoms.
MRI scan are considered especially when
The symptoms are atypical casting a shadow on diagnosis
If the presentation is in a younger adult
The response to treatment is not as expected
To assess if a blood vessel is pressing on the nerve as prior to surgery
What are the treatment options for Trigeminal Neuralgia?
There are many options available to control the pain in TN including medications, interventional pain procedures and surgery.
Medications. Common pain relief medications or simple painkillers like paracetamol or ibuprofen are not effective in controlling TN pain. Different type pain-relieving mediations which work on nerves by quietening nerve impulses are more effective. These medicines are started on low doses and gradually escalated depending on one’s response and the severity of the problem. Starting at high doses straight way can lead to more side effects and may sometimes be counterproductive. Some of the medicines need monitoring and regular blood tests. One medicine may not work for everyone and different options or combinations may need to be explored to get best pain control.
Interventional pain procedures. If medication fails to relieve pain or are poorly tolerated due to side effects, then interventional pain procedures can be are considered including
Local nerve blocks– this involves blocking the individual nerves or their branches affected and is a safe procedure with minimal risks/ side effects. The effects may sometimes be short lasting but can help to break the pain cycle and sometimes that is all that is required for one to go into remission.
Radiofrequency treatment– A number of treatment options involve damaging the trigeminal nerve cells to interrupt the transmission of pain signals to brain, thereby producing pain relief. These include – radiofrequency treatment (using controlled heat), glycerol injection (using chemicals), balloon compression (using mechanical pressure) and stereotactic radiosurgery (or Gamma Knife, which involves using a form of radiation therapy).
The radiofrequency treatment does not involve any cuts or incisions and is minimally invasive. In this treatment a needle to apply heat directly to the nerve cells.The resulting relief is of quick onset and can last for long duration.
Other options include-
intravenous drug infusions
Botox injections (for trigger points)
Surgery. If an MRI scan shows that there is a blood vessel pressing on the nerve, microvascular decompression or move the blood vessel away from the nerve to relieve the pressure off the nerve may be an option. This can offer long-term relief but is however a major undertaking as it involves brain surgery to reach the problem site. There are pros and cons of each treatment and the best option is decided in consultation with the concerned individual.
What can I do?
Maintain good oral hygiene. If brushing is not possible then alternative options such as antibacterial mouthwash can be considered
Avoid triggering factors such as
Hot, cold or spicy foods
Avoid touching the triggering areas
Other triggering factors such as cold weather
Take regular medications as suggested by your doctor
How long does it last and what can I expect from the future?
Trigeminal neuralgia is not life threatening although can adversely impact on the quality of life and the fear of impending attacks can have a debilitating impact on all aspect of one’s life. The course of TN is variable with frequent recurrences and remission(symptom free intervals) lasting for months and years. With our current knowledge and research evidence it is not possible predict the timing or the frequency of attacks or the future course of the condition, but correct diagnosis and proper management can be beneficial to the patients, leads to a good prognosis. In many cases it has been observed that the bouts of pain tend to become more frequent as one ages. Controlling the pain symptoms is possible in most patients with appropriate specialist guidance.
TAG : Body pain treatment in Delhi , Best Back Pain Doctor in Delhi , Pain Specialist in Delhi, Best pain specialist in Delhi, Back pain treatment in Delhi
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ipscindia · 2 years
What is the most common cause of facial pain?
Some of the common causes of facial pain are:
Trigeminal Neuralgia
temporomandibular-disorders (TMJ) that cause pain and movement problems in jaw joints and muscles
Dental problems or dental abscess.
Herpes shingles on face
What are the common symptoms of #facialpain?
While experiencing any form of facial pain, there can be different sensations on face depending on what is causing it. More often than not, it may be due to nerve damage, muscle weakness, or headaches. Symptoms one may experience are:
Short periods of stabbing, shooting and tingling pain.
Pain during activities like brushing your teeth, washing your face, shaving, or putting on makeup. 
Pain that can last a few seconds up to several minutes.
Recurrent attacks, followed by periods of lull.
Pain generally on one side of your face.
Frequent, worsened attacks over time.
Pain mostly in your cheek, jaw, teeth, gums, and lips.
What causes one-sided facial pain?
Most common causes of one-sided facial pain are Trigeminal neuralgia, Dental issues, Temporomandibular (TMJ) dysfunction.
What is atypical facial pain?
For decades, atypical facial pain (AFP) represented a group of disorders that included most of the facial pain disorders that did not fit into the category of classic trigeminal neuralgia. As understanding of the pathophysiology of the many facial pain disorders increased, a new classification for facial pain was developed that reflected this new knowledge. Thus, terms that were unnecessarily general were abandoned in favor of terminology that was more specific. Currently, AFP is reserved for facial pain of psychogenic origin.
Does facial nerve pain go away?
Yes, most of the facial pain can be treated and pain can be controlled. It’s important to diagnose the condition by a Pain specialist and treat it accordingly.
What is trigeminal neuralgia?
The trigeminal nerve is one of 12 pairs of nerves attached to the brain. It has three branches that communicate sensations from the top, middle, and lower areas of the face, as well as the oral cavity, to the brain. 
Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve, also known as the fifth cranial nerve. It is a type of neuropathic pain, which is a pain associated with nerve lesions or injuries.
Most typical form of trigeminal neuralgia is type 1, or TN1, which causes attacks of sudden and severe facial pain. The pain can last between seconds and minutes. Attacks can occur one after another in cycles lasting as long as 2 hours.
Type 2, or TN2, is the atypical form of the disorder and is characterized by a constant pain that people have described as aching, stabbing, and burning at a lower intensity than TN1. A person may experience both types of pain, sometimes at the same time, which can be incapacitating.
Living with trigeminal neuralgia can be very difficult. It can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life, resulting in problems such as weight loss, isolation and depression.
What causes neuralgia to flare up?
Pain attacks in trigeminal neuralgia can be triggered by:
brushing teeth
wind blowing across the face
touching the face, such as when shaving
What can be mistaken for trigeminal neuralgia?
Trigeminal neuralgia can be mistaken for Dental issues, patients usually get dental treatments with no relief. It can also be mistaken for TMJ disorder.
Can Multiple sclerosis (MS) cause facial pain?
Yes, MS causes damage to myelin, the protective coating around nerve cells. Trigeminal neuralgia may be caused by myelin deterioration or the formation of lesions around the trigeminal nerve and cause facial neuropathic pain.
What is the treatment of Trigeminal neuralgia?
Treatment depends on the cause of Trigeminal neuralgia, age of the patient and associated co-morbidities.
Early and mild cases of Trigeminal neuralgia can be treated with Medications and are infact the first line of treatment.
Overtime, pain becomes resistant to medications or dosage increase, may cause medication related side-effects. The patient may need Intervention in that situation. This non-surgical intervention is called as Radiofrequency ablation or Radiofrequency neuromodulation of Trigeminal nerve.
Even minimally invasive surgery carries risks and should be considered a last resort. Here surgical decompression is done to relieve pressure off the Trigeminal nerve.
For how long should I wait for medicines to act for trigeminal neuralgia?
Time needed for medication to act depends upon the chronicity and severity of the Trigeminal neuralgia. The duration can range from 1 to 4 weeks.
What are the side effects of Medication?
Commonly experienced side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, forgetfulness, unsteadiness, and nausea. In addition, carbamazepine and other drugs prescribed for TN do not always remain effective over time, requiring higher and higher doses or a greater number of medications taken concurrently, and some patients experience side effects serious enough to warrant discontinuation.
What is the safer technique for trigeminal neuralgia?
A safe non-surgical treatment option for Trigeminal neuralgia is Radiofrequency ablation or Radiofrequency neuromodulation of Trigeminal nerve.
This involves a pain specialist using heat to destroy part of the nerve that causes pain. With the help of X-ray, a small hollow needle is passed through the cheek into the nerve and uses a heating current passed through electrodes to destroy nerve fibers. This procedure may not require complete anaesthesia and can be done as a day care procedure.
What are the potential complications of Radiofrequency ablation or Radiofrequency neuromodulation of Trigeminal nerve?
While radiofrequency ablation is less invasive, less risky, and requires less time in the hospital than surgery. It carries a risk of minor to severe post-surgical numbness, which can be temporary. If proper care is not taken during preparation of procedure it carries the rare general surgical risks of infection and excessive bleeding, as well as excessive nerve injury, corneal numbness, anesthesia dolorosa, and intracranial hemorrhage.
After how many days I will see the benefit of Radiofrequency ablation or Radiofrequency neuromodulation of Trigeminal nerve?
Immediately after the procedure, pain may increase for one to two days. You pain specialist will prescribe some medications to control this pain. The effect of Radiofrequency usually starts after 2 weeks and it may take 4-6 weeks for its complete effect.
Once the pain starts reducing, your pain specialist will start reducing your medications.
Dr (Maj) Pankaj N Surange MD, FIPP, FIAPM
Director, IPSC India                             Hon Secretary, Indian Society for the study of Pain, National
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jr2882070 · 1 year
At Boca Raton Orthopaedic Group, their expert pain management care is compassionate focusing not only on the symptoms, but on the patient as also as a whole considering his/her goals. They are the Best Pain Specialist In Boca Raton FL. For more information visit brog.com.
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sillysecretwriting · 3 months
I love when you reach the point in a conversation with a new specialist where they ask "so other than x reason you are coming to me, you're healthy?" I always want to burst out laughing because if I had a penny for everytime a doctor asked me that, I would have a whole dollar. But, instead, I start listing my various chronic illnesses and watch their expression get increasingly disappointed. It's so funny.
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