#pam and Jim forever
luvmoonie · 2 months
whhhyyyuy are yall not writing about jim halpert
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“When you're a kid, you assume your parents are soulmates. My kids are going to be right about that.”
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chaoticbiguysblog · 1 month
Do you guys know my absolutely favourite thing about Buddie in S5? In this scene....
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Eddie tells Buck that he can't be there for Maddie in the way she needs right now, and what she needs is a partner to take care of her, and Buck isn't that person for her.
Later in the season....
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Eddie goes through a mental health crisis of his own and Buck steps up as a partner to take care of HIM. He wasn't meant to take care of Maddie, he couldn't be the partner she needed but he was the partner that Eddie needed. Buck took care of his son, he took care of the house and he helped Eddie see that Eddie's life as a firefighter has had a huge impact on people's life, that it means something. This was all happening simultaneously as Chim and Maddie's reunion storyline. Just like Maddie, Eddie was also getting some professional help to get better but this assurance from their partners was so crucial for their recovery.
I mean this show......one moment I'm like this is some incredible storytelling and if it was written as a romance from S2, it would've given the Bridgerton couples, Jim-Pam, Jake-Amy, Meredith-Derek etc. a run for their money. But then, the next moment I remember that they couldn't show it as an explicit romantic parallel bc Fox wasn't comfortable with it. So many missed opportunities, BUT regardless they'll forever be soulmates, just like Madney are, and no one can take that away from us.♥️
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alleycryptid · 2 years
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charliehoennam · 4 months
forever home
a/n: i rewatched the office and it was that episode where jim buys pam a house 🥰
pairing: william miller x f!reader
warnings: none (i think. i suck with tags, sorry), just fluff, not proofread so sorry for any typos
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It's almost 11 p.m.
You're sat on the couch, trying to keep your tired eyes open as you watch a rerun of Hell's Kitchen.
With Gordon Ramsey's yelling and cursing in the background, you lift your phone once more to check for any new messages but there aren't any. You open up the chat with Will on the messaging app and reread his last text.
"Having one for the road. Be home in 20. Love you 💚"
You don't want to be one of those nagging fianceés, but the urge to text or call him is just bubbling inside. That was almost an hour ago and you're starting to get worried.
What if something happened to him on the drive home? What if he got into a fight at the bar?
It would be a surprise, but it wouldn't be the first time. Despite the progress he's had through therapy, you know how he can be impatient at times and a little hot-headed too. And maybe a little cocky too, although he would only let that side shine through at Benny's matches.
The trust you have in each other is the one of the main foundations that you've built your relationship on. Opportunities like these are essential to remind, not only you, but also himself of how far he's come.
You remind yourself of that when you hear a car pulling into the condo's parking lot downstairs. It takes all of your willpower to refrain from racing to the window to make sure it's really him. Truthfully, you just want to know if he's alright.
Will's tired legs slowly his heavy body up the single flight of stairs that led up to your small and shared condo apartment. His arms are so sore that he can barely hold the keys in his hand as he unlocks the door. He's never felt so tired, even on his deployments.
For the past 3 months, Will and his team have been working on a new house. He'd gotten into the business of buying and flipping houses which has been working out really well for him.
He loved being able to work with his hands and there is something just so gratifying to him about seeing something come together so beautifully after lots of sweat, work and a little bit of blood whenever he's accidently hurt himself. Will was usually very cautious, but accidents can happen to anyone.
You always supported him and his career since he'd expressed his desire to get into the business. You're thankful he did. Will's really good at what he does and he genuinely loves being so handy.
One of the other perks is getting to watch him in action. There's something so attractive about watching your fiancé slam a sledgehammer to a wall. Will knows you like watching him too, so he'll flaunt his muscles off whenever you come around to bring him some materials or sweet treats for the team.
However, this specific project has really been taking up most of his time and you just cannot wait until it's done and sold.
As usual, Will and the guys get together every Friday night to catch up, watch a game and shoot the shit. It's their own way of making sure everyone - particularly Tom ever since the divorce - are still hanging in there.
Opening the front door to the apartment, he steps inside and locks the door with a tired sigh before near the open plan kitchen to set his wallet and keys on the breakfast counter.
"Hey, baby. Sorry I'm late. Tom got a little carried away with the beers and I had to give him a ride."
"It's alright, honey," you yawn. "Did the guys get home alright?"
You look over the back of the couch and watch him kick off his dusty work boots at the door. His work jeans are tattered, splattered with dried old paint and wood varnish. The faded tan jacket is peeled off his body and hung up on a hook.
A mental note is made in your mind to convince him to buy new clothes when you go out the next time, although you know that'd be a bit of hassle since he's too stubborn to waste money on himself. It's nothing a batting of eyelashes can't handle.
"Yeah, sweetheart. The other guys just had a couple beers, but you know Tom," he struts over as he shares with you, bending down to kiss you hello and plops himself on the couch beside you, manspreading his legs as a arm drapes of your lap, hand stroking your thigh. "He's really going through it."
"I can imagine. You been talking to him?"
"I have, yeah. Invited him to the support group, but you know how he can be."
You nod adjusting to lean closer and thread your fingers through his hair. His blonde eyelashes flutter as he closes his eyes, instantly melting under your touch.
"Yeah, I know, baby. But don't give up. You never know. He might just show up one day."
"I know, sweetheart," he smiles before opening his eyes as his head turns to face you with a gentle squeeze to your thigh. "How was your day, beautiful?"
"Just the same ol'. Made your favorite for dinner though" you smile watching the exhaustion in his eyes slowly fade.
"Pesto chicken alfredo pasta?"
His blue gleam with hope. His pretty pink lips stretch into a wide smile behind the golden whiskers of his beard. You chuckle at how happy he gets when it comes to food.
You know it stems from the lack of indulgence during his deployments. Will's no fussy eater, but when he's home, he indulges when he can to make up for the barely edible chow he and the guys had to eat. Although tasteless and sometimes expired, Will never had any problems with it because he knew the purpose wasn't to be good, but to keep him alive.
That's why he quickly back up on his feet and striding towards the kitchen to heat a plate up for himself, leaving you to snicker at his excitement. If there's one thing that the Miller brothers share, it's their appetite for food.
"How's the house coming along?"
"We finally fucking finished, babe," he grins plating the cold food. "It looks so good though. I cannot wait for you to see it. You are going to love it." Of course. He built it with you and your tastes in mind. "Tomorrow, I'm taking you to see it."
"Really?" you grin.
Your opinion is very important to Will and he always comes to you when he's got doubts and is in need of a feminine point of view, so it's not exactly uncommon for him to bring you to his projects for a look-around.
The next morning, you find yourself in his car listening to No Excuses by Alice In Chains.
With nothing else to do, you sing along to the song as Will drives steadily
“Can I please take this thing off?” you ask adjusting the blindfold he’s got on you. “I don’t want cops pulling us over thinking you’re kidnapping me.”
“Baby, no one’s gonna pull us over” he chuckles at the thought. “We’re almost there.”
You try to focus on the sounds beyond the car in an attempt to locate where you are, but the catchy tune playing from the stereo makes it impossible. The only thing you know for certain is that you’re not in the city. The familiar salty scent strikes you as clear as day.
“Are we at the beach?” your voice fills with excitement.
“You’ll see soon enough. We’re here. I’m gonna help you out of the car, hold on.”
You can hear the smile he’s got plastered on his face. Will finds it cleverly adorable how you figured part of his surprise out already. it's not enough to ruin it though.
Just as promised, he opens the car door and takes your hand to carefully help you out of the car with kind instructions. You hold onto his hand as you settle on the stony driveway. Although from a distance, you can still hear the ocean waves quietly splashing on the shore.
"Take a look," he grins anxiously untying your blindfold.
Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright light of the blue sky but, once it does, you freeze in awe of the house before you.
The mediterranean-style house is simple but large and elegant. Red Italian tiles and cream-colored paint exude a rustic and mysteriously familiar feeling that makes you feel at home.
Colorful flowers strategically planted grow in the grassy front lawn. Behind it, potted flowers sit on the low wall that encloses the small garden along the gated pathway to the door.
You and Will had talked about buying a house for a long time. Little did you know, Will had made a list in his precise mind of every little detail that you desired in your forever home.
"Will, this house is beautiful. You might have finally outdone yourself!"
He chuckles filled with relief and joy as he listens to you swoon over every small and carefully thought out detail of the exterior.
"C'mon, let's take a look."
He takes your hand and leads you up the pathwalk to unlock the door. You step inside the empty home and marvel at the space.
"Wow... It looks small from outside, but it's pretty big huh?"
"I thought so too. I kinda liked that about it."
"I love it! It's like a little illusion and then, you come in and it's just so much space," you grin roaming around each room slowly to take everything in.
"Do you like the windows?"
"Yeah, they're lovely. They really add to the mediterranean/contemporary vibe you got going on here. Can we see the kitchen? You know how much I love kitchens," you giggle excitedly.
"Of course. It's right over here."
"The floorplan is really nice and open too, huh? Oh, the sink! You installed the farmhouse sink! Undermount, too! The owners will love that."
Will smiles as he gazes at you, watching your reaction lovingly as you wander around the house and notice every tiny detail that Will spent countless hours pondering over to ensure you would have the house of your dreams.
The project cost him a pretty penny, but every single cent and drop of sweat he had spent investing into this home was certainly worth to see your eyes light up with every nook and cranny.
He led you to the backyard compete with a pool and beautiful stones and bright green plants that made it feel like your own little personal lagoon, with a wooden pathway that leads to a private gateway to the beach behind the house.
In truth, you feel like you're in paradise. You could spend every day in this house without the urge to leave it.
"So? What do you think?" he smiles holding your hips.
"I think this is your masterpiece, babe" you grin holding his strong biceps. "Do you have any buyers yet? I bet this will be the most expensive house you've sold yet."
"Actually, someone's already bought the place... This is ours."
You stare up at him in shock.
"A-Are you serious? You bought this place for us?"
"Mhm," he nods with a shit-eating grin. "The farmhouse sink, the red italian rooftop tiles, the little garden... It's everything that was on your list."
As tears fill your eyes, you hug him tightly and sniffle as your arms tighten around him. You want to thank him, but you're too speechless to say anything although your reaction says everything he needs to know.
You think back to all the long pillow talks you've had, where he'd casually asked you about little bits and pieces he should add to the project. You would have never guessed the project he'd been working on was your new home together.
The mere fact that Will had gone through so much trouble to make this house perfect to every desire makes your swell. Being designed by the love of your life is the finaal cherry on top.
"Thank you, Will," you mumble still stunned as you stare at your new backyard.
"Welcome home, babe."
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Uptight – Jim Halpert
This is just a little cutesy one-shot with our favorite golden retriever: Jim Halpert. I think he needs more writings done with readers or even Pam. Honestly, it would just be fun to read about him more. I kinda wanna do a part 2 on this... idk... I hope you like it!!
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Everyone knew Jim Halpert. Jim Halpert knew everyone well enough. He talked to people, smiled and laughed with them, and pranked stuck up asses.
Well… except you…
You were uptight, in a work way. You never slacked off, only took off when you were sick. Which was never.
You sat with Jim and Dwight, usually typing and helping clients set up their paper orders.
Jim thought you were beautiful. So average, so basic, so perfect. Sometimes, he would wonder to himself, as he glanced at you, how different would you act outside of work?
His small friendly crush was a secret to everyone, especially you. Jim knew I’d you found out, his life, with you, would be over. Forever.
Today was a normal day in the office— you working your ass off while Jim annoyed Dwight a little by talking louder than usual.
It annoyed you as well, but you didn’t say anything.
“Anyways” Jim said to nobody on the phone, “I cannot believe that that happened!” He half yelled, making you sigh.
Jim glanced at you, his face falling. You were annoyed. He could tell by the cute frown on your face and the face you were chewing your gum a bit harsher then normal.
“I have to get back to you,” he said quietly, glancing away, “bye,”
Although it was a fake call, he set the phone down.
Glancing over at you, seeing that you were already staring back at him, made his heart flutter softly.
“Thanks,” was all you said to him, the first thing you said to him since yesterday, and soon, the receiver was up to your ear from an incoming call.
Jim felt his heart warm at your cold statement. You were like a cat, he was like a dog. How funny.
The rest of the day went by smoothly, in your opinion. The room had finally been put at a comfortable temperature, since some people liked it colder than others.
You looked at the clock and hummed. Exactly five, so you got up and grabbed your old red leather purse and the cardigan you brought.
Without saying goodbye, you pushed in your chair and left the office, hearing scrapes from other people’s desk chairs as they left.
Leaving the reception, when you stepped out the rain that was forecasted earlier had come ten times harder than told in the weather news this morning.
Your umbrella was in your car, which was across the street.
“Oh my gosh…” you whispered angrily to yourself, watching the cloud.
Jim walked out a few seconds behind you, seeing that you were trying to drape your favorite cardigan over your head, now looking rather annoyed.
He could help but smile, seeing he could be the knight in shining armor.
“You want me to walk you?” Jim said to your right. You looked up slightly to see the sweet smile of Jim Halpert, holding a black umbrella in between the two of you.
You hummed, looking down to hide a smile. “Yes, please,” you whispered shamefully, “I didn’t know it was going to rain this hard…”
Jim laughed. “Nor did I. This is Michael’s umbrella,”
You gasped, your eyebrows furrowing. “Jim!” You said, about to tell him off.
With the happiest laugh you heard, Jim started chuckling, showing off his cute lopsided smile.
A warmth bubbled in your stomach, your heart beating ever so much faster.
“I’m just joking,” he said cheekily, “let’s go,”
The two walked in silence, you blushing like mad, Jim smiling like a goon. It was cute for the cameras to record.
Michael watched through the blinds with the cameras, sighing.
“Office romance: the sweetest kind of romance, in my opinion."
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buggybambi · 7 months
Ooo hiii! Can I please request a Carmy x fem!reader where he proposes to her on Valentine’s Day? Ooo and maybe this is the au where she’s his assistant, and has been for years, and the staff is heavily involved in the proposal hehe
Also Richie making some joke about how this is some promotion she’s getting lmao
hope this is okay my love! i honestly had no idea i had an au where she's an assistant lmao! i also changed it a little bit, hope that's okay ♡ - wc: 1.02k | nav post - request guidelines | cw: fem!reader, mention of reader wearing a dress
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"You're not seriously proposing, are you?" Richie asks Carmen as the two prepare the Beef for it's opening. Carmen lets out a sigh as he ties his apron behind his back. "And who the hell told you?" Carmen questions in return.
"Sugar did. You proposin' or what?" Richie repeats, as Carmen rolls his eyes. "Cousin, you are not to say a word about this to anyone, okay?" He lets out a long exhale. "I am. Tonight." Carmen confirms as Richie stares at him. "Oh my gosh, you're gonna marry your assistant. If only we had an HR that could have a field day with you."
"I'm basically HR, cousin." Carmy reminds as he walks over to Marcus. "Chef, how's it going?" He asks as he rubs his hands together. "I have got our Valentine's day treats prepped, and I even have a cake prepared for when you propose to your girl." Marcus grins as Carmen rolls his eyes. "Maybe Sugar is the one I should tell to shut up." He mumbles before he walks over to his station.
"So, any big plans for tonight?" He overhears Syd ask you as you and her handle cleaning one of the other stations. "None at all. Why is everyone asking me that today?" You laugh, a sound that he can't help but smile at, as you walk over to Marcus with the clipboard he assigned to you three years ago when you began working as his assistant.
It was Sugar really who gave him the idea of getting an assistant. She told him, "you're busy. You can't handle your own schedule or meetings, so hire someone to do it for you." She was the one to pick you out from a list of candidates, and from the moment he met you, he was in love with you.
But, in usual Carmen fashion, he took forever to get with you. Convincing himself you wouldn't feel the same way, that you wouldn't even want to be with him. Until you told him first that you loved him and had been in love with him. From there you two were kind of like the Jim and Pam of the Beef, at least that's what Sydney referred to you too as.
"Hi Marcus. Oh, cute treats." You greet with a smile as you lean against the wall by his station, clipboard resting face-up against your front. "What's with that cake?" You ask, looking at the clipboard for any orders that may have been placed.
"Uh, I asked him to make it. Pete and I's anniversary is coming up and we didn't save any of our wedding cake so I asked Marcus to recreate it." Nat swoops in, smiling at you. You nod slowly. "Right.. well, congrats on your anniversary, Sug." You say before you turn and walk over to Carmen.
"Hey you. Clear your calendar because I am setting up a date night for us." Carmen says as he leans on the counter, standing in front of you. "Mm. Can I ask what we're doing on this date night or is it a total surprise?" You ask.
"Total surprise. I'll pick you up at your place." He kisses you on the cheek before walking off. You laugh before going back to your clipboard filled with Carmen's list of activites and meetings for the day. ────
You sat on your sofa, the dress you first met Carmen in on you. You figured with it being Valentine's Day, the nostalgia of the first time you met him would be nice for the date night Carmy had planned.
A small knock from the front door, and you stood from your spot and walked over to answer it. Fixing your hair as you stood in front of the door for a second, you opened it, expecting to meet Carmen's eyes. Instead, you found him on one knee in front of you, one hand behind his back.
"I was going to do this at a restaraunt. Or on the sidewalk, or literally any-fucking-where else." He admits with a breathy laugh following. "But, I couldn't wait. I couldn't imagine myself doing this anywhere else and of course it's like me to do this at your front door on your welcome mat."
"I love you. I've loved you since I met you, and each day that passes I find myself falling more and more in love with you. You're my everything, you're my moon and stars- no, you're my fucking universe." He shakes his head, tears in his eyes. "And I can't imagine a world or my life without you there. I want you and I to build a life together. To have a family with you if that's what we find ourselves wanting." He smiles. "Will you make me the happiest man, even though you already have, make me an even happier man and marry me?"
As soon as he pulls the ring out you're already saying yes, practically dragging him up off the ground so you can kiss him. He slides the ring onto your finger before kissing you again. You pull away, laughing as you place a hand on his cheek. "Carm, I love you so much- was everyone else in on this!?" You ask through a laugh.
"They were. Sugar kept telling everyone, I'm shocked no one spilled." He laughs as well, wrapping his arms around you to hug you, burying his face in your neck. "Okay, seriously no Valentine's day will ever top this." You say.
It doesn't shock anyone when you show up to work the next day with the ring on your finger, and the story of him proposing on your doorstep doesn't shock anyone either. "Is this her getting a promotion?" Richie asks with a grin as you roll your eyes. "If we had an HR department I swear I'd file a report against you."
"You're technically marrying the HR department." Carmen says softly as you grin. "Hell yes I am." You place a kiss on his cheek. "Hey, now as your assistant I get to schedule your wedding." You note as he smiles, pressing his forehead against yours.
"Can't wait for it."
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˙ ✩°˖🌸 ⋆。˚꩜
thank you for reading! please feel free to engage with this post by reblogging, commenting or sliding into my inbox to leave feedback! i appreciate all of you! check out my nav post here for more fanfics!
- mae:)
mae’s loves:
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Jenna I love my reaction to the present. I love it when I'm like, oh, you kept it. Thanks. 
Angela  Well, it's funny that you mention that because there was a note in the shooting draft about your reaction. 
Jenna What did it say? 
Angela The whole scene was actually longer and some of it's in deleted scenes. This is another another thing I'm glad they cut out. Do you want to hear it? 
Jenna Yes. 
Angela Okay. Pam has just gotten the gift. The shooting draft says Pam opens it. It's one of her drawings framed. It doesn't mean what it once would have, but she's still appreciative. 
Jenna That was my note. That was my acting note. 
Angela  Pam says, I didn't know you kept this. Thank you. Jim says, No problem. Pam looks at Jim. He avoids her gaze. Then it cuts to a Pam talking head. Pam says, My husband Jim is very special. And he's stubborn. And he's making me insane. And he's impossible. And I will not let him give up on me. 
Jenna Oh. 
Angela And then it cuts back to the scene where she says, I think you should stay and fight. What- Pam won't let him give up on her?! Excuse me?! What the hell!?
Jenna You know, a lot of people wrote in to comment on this drawing, by the way. I'm going to read this one from Sara S in Montgomery, Alabama. Some people were confused about what is this drawing? Well, Sara said, I've been waiting forever for this. The gift that Jim gives Pam is a sketch from her sketchbook from when she returned from art school. And Jim had looked through the sketch book and loved it. But it is a deleted scene. So Sara says this is the proof that deleted scenes are canon, that they do live in the show. 
Angela  Sara. Wow, that kind of blows my mind. 
Jenna ....Well, listen, Pam is going to fight for her marriage here. She's going to say, I don't think you should go to Philly tonight. I think you should stay. And I think we should fight. And he agrees. 
Angela It just melts Jim's heart. 
Jenna It does. 
Angela He smiles and says, all right, Beasley, put your dukes up. 
Jenna A lot of fans noted that Jim calls Pam Beasley at the end of this episode. 
Angela  And she loves it when he calls her Beasley. 
Jenna That's right. And this is, I think, how we know this is going to be okay. 
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i know i just said this in tags on another post, but, like, here is my forever ennui--
so, in season one of ted lasso, i thought ted and rebecca were just going to be sort of a jim and pam “spend a lot of time together, friends to lovers”-type situation. where there’s ample interaction and they have fun together and grow closer and you get to watch them fall in love. even if the ship wasn’t going to happen romantically, i expected to watch them grow closer and have fulfilling material together and become good friends onscreen and never be hurting for shared screentime.
then as they started being separated for so long and yet having all this soulmate coding in the subsequent seasons, i was like, “okay. they keep missing each other, but this just means that eventually, they’re not going to miss each other. and it will be so, so emotionally fulfilling when it finally happens!” sort of like that serendipity movie that i only watched once a million years ago! that promise that eventually, after many misses and much angst, they’re going to find each other.
but then they wound up being a pair of soulmates whose destiny is to miss each other only and never truly connect?????????
and i struggle with that. oh, i struggle! why would you do that?!?!?!
on the plus (?) side, i guess it is definitely some serious romcom subversion. maybe that’s why they did that. but i don’t have to like it!
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tainoidiot · 2 years
Rogues x Rogue!Reader headcanons
Maybe the reader was friends with them ( and also had a crush of course) when they were sane, and stuff happened and now they're a new rogue and met each other again at Arkham asylum!
I love how this took me forever to fucking post. (Also look I learned how to add color ooOoooOo)
Rogues x Rogue!reader finding eachother in Arkham.
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Jervis Tetch
You used to work alongside him before he went.. mad.
You both were pretty close, friends even. Took lunches together, laughed at inside jokes, Hell it was a real Jim and Pam relationship!
Of course, you hadn't told your friend everything about your life. By day you were a secretly pining coworker of his, but as soon as you clocked out..? You turned to a life of crime.
It was thrilling! It was a revolt from society! (Because we do live in one) It was you having the time of your life. Still, you wished you could've told your friend.
When the news broke out about his crimes, you were only half shocked. The city does fucked shit to its citizens.
Time passed, you never really saw him. Besides a warning on the tv, that's about as close as you guys got... till the GCPD fucked your shit up.
Because of your latest stint, GCPD thought it'd be best to get you some help. Hoping to change your ways.. jk they sent your ass to the Arkham Asylum.
After finally getting settled in, you made your way to the common area. You were bored out of your mind, unsure how to deal with being here. Should you read? Color? Craft? Sit there and look pretty?
Last one sounds good. You took a seat, the lunch table seating wasn't too uncomfortable. It's not like you'd be here for a while anyway. Remembering this, you decided to take in the various characters of the Asylum. Killer Croc playing chess with the Riddler, Harley Quinn learning how to embroider her clothes, The Mad Hatter reading a-
Holy shit, it's him. Jervis!
"My my, look what the gcpd dragged in." You laughed, walking toward him. His eyes glance up, not recognizing you. "Please go away, I'm reading right now." He grumbled, turning a page. "Wow, I would've figured you'd be more excited to see your old coworker." You teased. Jervis placed the book down, looking at you fully now. He got up and laughed, holding you tight in his arms. "You're here! Oh my goodness.. wait how are you in here? You must tell me everything!" Jervis dragged you to sit on his lap, telling him about your adventures as gothams newest villain. With every time he looked at you, your heart grew more and more. You never wanted him to look at you any different again. Perhaps he'd like a sidekick?
Johnathan Crane
Your relationship with him was.. complicated.
University work was tough, but so were you. Him not so much. You often found him in his office squeezing the shit out of a stress ball.
Being that John was a nerd man of intelligence, you could only imagine how many migraines he got grading tests and preparing assignments for his students.
You made his life easier though, buying him lunch and talking about the students.
"I'm sorry, he asked what?" You laughed, almost spitting out your food. "He genuinely asked me why he couldn't pick up the specimen tube with TONGS. As in the utensil for grabbing salads!" His laugh was infectious, you had to admit it. You could listen to him for hours, God this crush was unbearable.
One night you were awoken to your phone buzzing, a call from Johnathan? This late? Nothing good happens after 2 am.. maybe you should leave it.
Besides, if it was so important he'd call again.. which he did.
The call consisted of breathy rambles which were kinda hot, to which you asked what was happening. "Listen. You probably won't hear from me again, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I hope we see eachother again." And then he hung up. No answers, and you were left with more questions.
You became a gotham Rogue, looking for your lost friend in any possible scenario. It wasn't till you saw a broadcast on TV about the Batman finally putting the Scarecrow in handcuffs, charting him off to Arkham. Horrible as it was, he was finally in one place. Time to get arrested!
Fairly quick, they scoop you up and shove you into a cell. That was easy, All you had to do was blow up an apartment complex. What? They're rich, they'll be fine! You take a quick look at the people around you in cells. Poison Ivy, some dude, Johnathan Crane WAIT-
Wow.. it's him. After all these years, he looks different. His hair is longer and unruly, and the dark circles under his eyes have gotten bigger. What a cutie. "Professor Crane!" You yell, hoping to get a laugh out of him. His eyes shot up, looked around, then saw you. Johnathans eyes got as wider than saucers, and you swore you saw his lip curl into a smile if only for a second. Did he miss you? Was he happy to see you? God, all you wanted was to run into him and hold him close. You'll have to wait for recreation time.
Edward Nygma
You had met him at a support group for individuals with trauma. No matter what it was, if you had to get it off your chest and couldn't afford a therapist you went there.
Was it the shit coffee? The stale donuts? The odd smell in the air you're pretty sure was from the carpets? You weren't really comfortable here.
It wasn't until you had a group activity had you actually said something to him. He was fiddling around with a pen and paper, nervously bouncing his leg.
You sat next to him, sipping your water as he wrote. Curious, you tapped his shoulder, causing him to jump. "Sorry! Looks like you were deep in that.. whatever it is you're writing." For some reason, Ed didn't snap at you. He didn't tell you to leave, or fuck off. "It's a puzzle I'm designing."
As Ed explained the ins and outs of the puzzle, you couldn't help but notice how cute it was. You had never met a man so focused.
So you kept in touch with him. A text now and then, meeting up for dinner or lunches, a shoulder to cry on. You were there, it didn't bother you.
However, things changed after he had not texted or called after an entire week has passed. You were scared, so you rushed to his place as quickly as possible.
You slammed your fist onto the door, panicking as you could almost feel the echo it gave off. "Ed? It's me.. Please open the door, I'm worried!" No answer.
"Was it something I said..?" Just like that, you noticed a green glow coming from the door. That's odd.. you grabbed the doorknob and turned, surprised at how easily it opened for you.
From the walls to the floor were papers upon papers of different symbols and mechanical equations. "What the fuck?" You whispered, going further and further into the studio. The green glow, as it turns out, was a large neon sign in the shape of a question mark.
What Ed didn't realize was long before he changed career paths, as did you. So this entire change, though surprising, wasn't beyond you.
There's no telling where he was now, so maybe that chapter of your life closed.
Except that wasn't totally true. The cops thought you were a part of this, as your fingerprints had been found in the area. Dammit, into the Asylum you go..
A few days into your stay, you hear some commotion in the common area. Yelling, no, ARGUING. "I am the smartest man in this room! You fucking idiots wouldn't know what I'm trying to get through your thick skulls!" That voice..
Oh my God it's Edward. And he's changed. Once the crowd dies down, you hop over to his side and tap his shoulder. "I'm WORKING." Ed growled, looking at you as he prepares an insult. But he doesn't. His gaze softens "Its.. you?"
"Yeah.. can we talk?"
Harleen Quinzel
You and Harleen were the best of friends.
Inseparable, and that's the way you liked it.
All you wanted to do was spend time with her. Needless to say, you had a massive crush on her.
How could you tell her about your life of crime though? Would she understand? Would she pull away? It scared you, you didn't ever want to lose her.
However, your worst fear would come true in the form of a clown.
It wasn't long till she'd stop answering your texts, which broke your heart even further.
It was late. 2 A.M to be exact. You couldn't sleep due to the sirens, but you swore there were more than usual.
Nothing good happens after 2 AM. You should just go to bed and sleep it off.. okay a peek outside the window wouldn't hurt. As you stared out the window, you realized it was much more than sirens. It was so much worse. The Joker had invaded your neighborhood, and was doing his usual shit. What an amateur, smiley faces everywhere. We get it, you're a clown.. wait a second. Under the sirens and blaring weapons, you swore you heard a familiar voice. But it couldn't be, could it? You get your gear on and decide to investigate, sneaking around behind the shadows.
It's confirmed. Harleen, now going under the name Harley, was partnered up with the Joker.
And by partnered up, He was frenching her right then and there.
You held back hot tears as you tried to run, but alas, you're a known criminal in a crime scene.
Of course you're taken into custody and eventually thrown into the local Asylum.
While everyone is supposed to be asleep, you found a way to escape your cell and roam around. God this place is dilapidated, we really need more funding.
As you walked the cold empty halls, you could hear two things. Guards playing poker and.. was that sniffling? Crying? Hm.. wouldn't hurt to see who it was. Further investigation led you to a bright blonde wailing into a pillow, occasionally snotting up her tissues. Poor thing. "Psst, hey." You whispered, the blonde stopping to wipe her eyes and look around. "Over here." You replied, waving at her.
The blonde gasps, as do you. She's covered in bruises and cuts, most looking man-made. "Oh my god.. You're here." She cried. Wait a second.. "Harley? Holy shit what happened to you?" You asked, attempting to break the lock as quietly as possible to comfort her. Harley just shrugs, not sure how to answer "Oh you know.. Puddin' got a little mad one day." She attempted to get out, but this just made her cry harder.
After successfully breaking in, you rush to her side. Holding her close and wiping tears away. "Hey its okay.. I got you now. You're safe.." you whispered into her ear.
Pamela Isley
Ah, STEM classes. The ones that tests a students will to live, with the right professor of course.
Why anyone takes this major is beyond me, but hey you didn't mind. The exams were awful, but you had a friend at least.
Pamela Isley. Pammy. Always has her nose in a flower and her head in an equation. A brilliant woman. God you adored this woman.
Pam was quiet, sure. But when she was with you she want on and on about everything.
"You know, when I'm with you.. it's like I can tell you anything." Pam told you as you both sat next to eachother in the campus rec room. You blushed, taking her hand as you smiled. "I feel the same way." You both came to an understanding. But you hadn't told her everything, like what you did after 7 pm.
After she had told you she would be meeting with a professor on who knows what, you just brushed it off as help with a certain question or maybe an upcoming assignment. But afterward, she stopped texting. Completely. You were upset, sure. But if something happened to her? You could never forgive yourself.
You were getting ready for your night on the town, when you noticed something odd growing on your windowsill. Is that.. a Lily? You gently take the petals into your hand, it reminded you of your old.. ahem.. friend.
"It's almost as beautiful as you." You heard from behind you, causing you to jump and turn in fear. The voice came from a young woman, smiling at you with admiration and a bit of fear. "Oh, what? Don't you recognize your old friend?" She cooed into your ear.
"Pam?" You whispered, taking her hand. Before she could get a reply in, GCPD bust down your door and arrest you both on the spot. Apparently just before, Pam had murdered a local businessman because of the harm his buildings construction did to the native plant life in the city.
"How long have you been in crime?" She asked you, sitting across from you in the dining hall.
"I could ask the same for you, Ivy." You teased, taking her hand.
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911 Thoughts
Haven't watched the new episode yet, so bare with me. I have some thoughts on the recent Bi-Buck stuff and they are semi conflicting and all over the place so I am putting it all in one post.
Firstly: The show has always been queer, it had gay characters since the start. I agree that it's not just gay now.
Buck being Bi is still amazing and huge. For many reasons: the figuring it out late rep, and the fact that we have seen hints for ages, we have all been here we have all seen it, and it finally happen. 7 Seasons in.
I do think it's good for Buck to explore dating men and figuring stuff out before jumping into buddie (if we are getting buddie)
I like Tommy. I think he and Buck have a nice chemestry.
I understand why people like the Even bit, but personal pet peeve. I hate when characters do that. Like at least give me a scene where Buck gets asked if he wants to be called Evan. I don't know I hate when someone has a prefer way to be called and then another character ingores that. At least give me a scene where he asks. Like ok I can assume Buck is ok with it and maybe he asked off screen, but like let me see it.
That said, it's not nearly as annoying then when Anna full named Eddie. That shit got my nerves. It felt like it was full naming him like you would a child who is in trouble.
Speaking of which: If no buddie, can we all agree that Eddie should be single. I don't know what it is about 911 that lets them write amazing female characters and then renders them unable to write a decent one for Eddie to play off, I don't know why someone that I know can have chemestry with women (Ryan Guzman) suddenly is unable to have any in this role. But it's painful to watch. The man has moved on from his dead wife, he just likes to be single. If the writers can't have a love interest that feels like it's there for more reasons then to remind people Eddie is straight by giving him emotional scenes with women instead of just with Buck then they just fucking need to stop and keep him single.
Like I said I like Tommy, and I do not think that Buck being Bi is useless or lessen if we don't get buddie.
That said if we are not getting buddie I will forever find it a little sus that they give Buck a male love interest that is so similar to Eddie.
I still want buddie. Not just because it's a ship between two main characters, who are equal in the series, and it would be the first gay ship between main characters in the show (SIDE NOTE: I can't help but notice that despite HenRen being amazing, they are the only major romantic relationship of the show that is One Main and One Side character, and it's the gay one. Like yes 911 has always been gay but it has not always been equal) but also beacause it would be first slow burn multi season gay ship in tv history (at least in the west).
Think about it, the hets have many ships like that, multi seasons arcs, slowly showing us them falling for each other. Pam and Jim; Booth and Bones; The main ships from Parks and Recs (I don't remember the names); Amy and Jake from B99. And many many more. But with gay ships if they are both main characters (rare) it always starts in the first season they got introuduced. Or they are already together, or they get a side character. I am not saying those are lesser ships, and sometimes that is the good choice for a show but I want my gay multi season slowburn (and don't say suprenatural I am not counting that)
GIVE ME DEMI EDDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thetorturedmusesdept · 3 months
@vcndetta "You can't ignore me forever!" ( jim and pam )
"La lala la la. I can't heeaaaar yooooou," Pam said with a giggle, pretending to ignore Jim. She looked at him then, scrunching her nose with her smile. "Maybe you should do something more noticeable if you don't want to be ignored," she teased.
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prettyyoungandbored · 11 months
Dork - Danny Cordray
Pairing: Danny Cordray x Fem!OC
Author’s Note: This was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever written. I love this show so much and never did I think would do write an Office fic. So, because this is The Office, yes the OC will have a camera interview. Anything that is bold and italicized is her giving the on-camera interview. I hope you enjoy!
P.S. Any direct quotes from the show belong to the writers.
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Surprisingly, Danny Cordray being handsome was the second thing people were talking about. The first was the fact that he and Pam went on two dates two years ago.
And man, did the office run wild with that. Even if somehow Michael Scott strangely didn’t.
For Tessa Connelly, she felt bad that it was all people were talking about. She was friends with Pam and Pam was happily married with a kid. She moved on. Why couldn’t everybody else?
“I wanna say they’ll get over it, but you and I both know that will take forever,” Tessa chuckled, as the two women stood in the kitchen. “How were the dates though?”
“I had fun,” Pam replied. “But he didn’t call me after the second one so, I don’t know. Guess he wasn’t having as much fun.” She paused. “Not that it matters.”
“No, but I would question it too,” Tessa assured. “I’ve been in that position before and it’s the worst. How’s Jim handling it?”
“He’s frazzled but won’t admit it.”
The brunette chuckled. “Color me shocked. He’ll get over it. At least he will before everyone else does.”
Just as Pam was leaving the break room, Danny entered and his eyes met Tessa’s. She gave him a small smile.
“Hi, I don’t think we’ve met yet,” he said, holding out his hand. He flashed a million dollar smile that elicited butterflies in her stomach. “I’m Danny. I just joined the sales team.”
“Tessa,” she said, shaking his hand.
“And what do you do here?”
“I’m a customer service rep.”
He hummed, leaning on the counter. “Well, I can promise you you’ll only get glowing reviews about me.”
Her lips pursed as she nodded.
She pointed at him. “Lemme guess, salesman.”
“Traveling salesman,” he corrected politely.
She hummed. “Not much of a desk guy, huh?”
He shook his head. “I don’t like being tied down a whole lot.”
Ok, NOW I get why he only went on two dates with Pam. It all makes sense now.
She raised her mug. “Well, Danny, it was nice to meet you.”
“It was really nice to meet you as well,” he replied.
She just nodded and continued walking.
The next day was the Halloween party. Tessa decided to keep it simple with a basic cat costume. She had the ears and drew the nose and whiskers, donning a black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a black pencil skirt.
She walked into the break room to get coffee at the same time Danny was.
“Nice costume,” he remarked. “I, uh, didn’t realize people took Halloween here seriously.”
“There’s a costume contest today,” she said, pouring coffee into her mug.
“I assume you’re entering?”
She shook her head. “I don’t care to.”
“But you’re dressed up.”
“Thats the fun of Halloween,” she said. “You dress up to be whoever or whatever you want.”
He nodded. “I didn’t think about that. Then again, I’ve never been a costume guy.”
“You’re missing out.”
“Well, for what it’s worth I’d vote for you in the costume contest.”
She couldn’t help but notice Danny Cordray’s smile and how it complimented his overall charming demeanor. She wondered if his looks was what made him a good salesman. He could sell meat to vegetarian with one single look.
Then she remembered his words. “I don’t like being tied down a whole lot.” He was obviously flirting with her just to get her in bed and then continue on to the next woman.
The worst part is how much she liked it.
“MeOW! Look at you dressed as my favorite thing in the world!”
She groaned, knowing damn well who that voice belonged too.
“Packer, I will stab you with my pencil,” she retorted.
Todd Packer, dressed as a pregnant nun, meddled in between her and Danny.
“Fiesty and violent, just how I like ‘em,” he smirked.
Before she could say something, Danny stepped in between.
“So, I need help finding the conference room for the meeting,” he said, looking at Tessa. “Can you show me where it is?”
She smiled at him gratefully. “Sure. Follow me.”
She walked out into the office with Danny right beside her. Once they were out of Packer’s sight, she turned and said, “Thanks for that. He’s a traveling salesman who truly has no business being in this office. Or even just existing.”
“No problem,” Danny chuckled. “I can promise you, not traveling salesmen are like that.”
She smiled. “I sure hope not.”
“So, um, I already told everyone else but my buddies and I are having a Halloween thing at our bar,” he said. “You should come.”
“You co-own a bar?” she asked. “Why am I not surprised?”
He made a face. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing at all. You just have a bar owner vibe about you.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“Yes, it is,” she laughed. “Don’t overthink it. What’s the name of the bar?”
“Public School.”
She cocked her head back. “That’s quite a name. I’ll definitely-.”
She turned to see the office staring at her, including Pam who was the only one smiling.
She looked over back at Danny. “I’ll think about it.”
Just because I’m being nice doesn’t mean I’m flirting with him. You can talk to an attractive man without flirting with him.
Don’t get me wrong, he’s cute. But I just…I mean…guys like him, you know. He’s a bachelor. He prefers the bachelor lifestyle. And it seems to suit him. Like he seems nice and he smells really nice and has a great smile-.
Oh [BEEP] off!
“You going to Danny’s bar tonight?”
She glanced up from her computer to see Andy and Kevin standing there.
“I don’t know yet,” she shrugged.
“Is it because he went out with Pam two years ago?” Kevin asked.
She sighed. “Ok, you guys have got to cut it out with that.”
Andy laughed. “Sounds like someone’s a little bit jealous.”
“How am I-you know what?”
She got up from her desk and walked into the break room where Danny was talking with Jim and Pam.
“Do you honestly wanna know why I didn't call her back on a date over four years ago?” Danny asked.
“Hey, she had a nice time,” Jim said defensively.
“I did,” Pam chimes in. “Yeah, and it's one of those things that's just gonna keep gnawing at me. Like, gnaw, gnaw...’Why? Why didn't he? I have no idea why.’”
“Okay, honestly,” Danny sighed. I didn't call you back because I just thought you seemed a little dorky.”
Silence fell. Tessa’s heart sank to her stomach as she watched Pam’s demeanor soften into embarrassment.
“Hey, man,” Jim stepped in.
“Thank you!” Pam cut him off, over enthusiastically. “Thank you. I got it. Now I know. You thought I was a little dorky.”
Tessa couldn’t just stand there and do nothing.
“You know what, I don’t think I should come tonight,” she spoke up.
Danny, Jim, and Pam looked over at her.
“I don’t want to be around people who don’t appreciate how awesome us dorks are,” she snapped.
Danny opened his mouth to say something when Tessa turned around, heading back to her office.
I said what I said. Look, yes, he’s gorgeous but…it’s not worth entertaining. Not with someone like him.
Tessa spent the rest of Halloween in the annex working. She figured with the costume contest and whatever conflict Michael and Darryl were dealing with, she could get her work done and slip out of here without dealing with Danny ever again.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
She looked over to see Pam standing by Tessa’s desk.
“It wasn’t right,” Tessa shrugged. “Besides, if you’re a dork then I’m a loser.”
Pam chuckled. “He actually apologized to me and Jim. It was actually really sincere.”
“That’s nice.”
“Tess, cmon. You should give him a chance, you know. He means well, and he clearly likes you. And I know you like him too.”
She sighed as she set her pencil down. “It’s not worth it and quite frankly, I don’t see it ending well.”
Pam pulled out a folded scrap of paper. Tessa unfolded it, revealing name written on it.
“I didn’t even-.”
“He wrote it,” Pam said. “It was the only handwriting I couldn’t recognize.”
Tessa sighed, the knot in her stomach tightened.
“Don’t not do it because of me,” Pam said. “Just…you know, think about it.”
Tessa nodded as Pam grabbed her arm. “C’mon. Jim brought Cece and she’s all dressed up.”
When Tessa walked out to the office, the first thing she noticed was Jim, dressed as Popeye, holding baby Cece.
“Oh my god, she’s Sweet Pea!” Tessa beamed.
She made her way over, holding out her arms. Jim handed her the baby as she continued to coo at Cece.
“What a cutie you are in your costume!” she said. “Best one I’ve seen today!”
“I actually like the Popeye cartoons.”
She looked over to see Danny standing there. He continued. “I always liked cartoons. Still kind of do. The old school Looney Tunes make me laugh.”
Tessa pulled back her lips. “What if I were to tell you that sometimes I still watch those cartoons? Is that too dorky for you?”
He smiled. “I would say that sometimes Public School has the old school Looney Tunes playing on one of TVs and if you don’t believe me, you should come check it out for yourself.”
Tessa looked at Cece.
“You know, Cece,” she began, “Danny here really wants me to go to his bar. Give me a smile if you think I should go.”
Cece smiled and began babbling. Tessa looked over at Danny.
“What time should I be there?” she asked.
I guess I figured I’d been too judgemental. Besides, Pam gave me her blessing. I’m just going to go for a couple drinks. See what happens.
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augdawg888 · 5 months
jim halpert headcanons
i love him and there's not enough about him sooo
has adhd, without a doubt
collection of different video games
horrible morning person. literally will not get out of bed
smokes weed, idc what anyone says
he doesn't like rap or hip-hop
bites his nails a lot
he doesn't like being cold
favorite season is summer fs, he just loves being outside and in the sun
wears cheap cologne
bro does not know how to cook. he will forever eat take-out and microwave meals
prefers beef ramen over chicken
refuses to admit he's messy
he's just 'organized in his own way'
loves doing laundry though, but doing the dishes is a whole other thing
has specific ringtones for everyone
pam's is the chris brown song from their wedding
coffee > tea
he doesn't realize that he's naturally flirty, he thinks he's too awkward
he is awkward too, but that's part of the rizz ig
every time he kisses someone it is the most passionate kiss ever. he has a lot of feelings
he has access to creeds 'blog'
in the 'last dundies' episode, michael jokes about jim listening to vinyls, but he's actually a huge cd guy. yeah, he has an mp3, but cd's have a special place in his heart
unironically listens to weezer
he kept in touch with michael after he left
puts pam's art on the fridge next to his kid's. she hates it (secretly loves it)
he watched the full documentary multiple times, he was hyperfixated on his own life
speaks multiple languages !! he speaks french and spanish in the show, but i love to think he knows more than that
he knows asl, and he even learned german to mess with dwight
he also knows pig latin and swears it was the biggest waste of time
anyways, thank you :)
i just love him.
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steveharrington · 6 months
i mean, jim was also sad for pam bc marrying roy would've been a huge mistake. he wasn't perfect but have you never longed for something so much it made you sick? love makes people crazy. i think the best thing to do in those situations is to remove yourself from the situation if the other person doesn't want the same thing you do. as long as he felt that strongly for her, they would never be able to be just friends.
i have never longed for anyone lol so maybe i’m not the person to make this bold statement on characters from The Office US HOWEVER, i truly believe if you love someone and you cherish their personality and qualities and the joy they bring into your life, you would want to at the very least be friends with them even if they don’t want you romantically. like i don’t understand how people can say “i can’t just be friends with them” like …. so it’s easier to just never talk to them?? just lose everything about them that MADE you love them in the first place? could not be me but maybe it is just a personal thing. however i will also say this isn’t just on the occasion of pam’s wedding. jim also doesn’t go to her art show, he expresses his distaste for her relationship with roy by saying “you want to be a receptionist forever??”, and he basically stops being friends with her altogether once he’s with karen. like idk that’s crazyyyy to me i thought you valued her as a person jim halpert? that + being an evil coworker + telling karen he’s committed to her MOVING to scranton when he literally was still in love with someone else make me hate him personally i think he deserves the hate that ross geller rightfully gets
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painterlad71 · 8 months
The office is so deep to me. Some random people end up at the same work and they all think, oh, this is not really what im doing, theres something better out there for me. And the years pass and these are their lives now. They got trapped in the corporate machine, but they still find a way to find their humanity in it, even if its in the little annoying things they do. They're each blind to their own faults but can see, from their perspective so clearly what they want and how it could be achieved if someone else were to simply give in. They get comfortable in that, knowing theres a simple solution, even if itll be forever be beyond their reach. Somehow its more comforting to think of a problem as outside of youre control, rather than something you choose, to do to yourself.
The other thing i like about the office is perspective. All the couples think theyre the best, think they are the couple. So, the way I see it, do we root for jim and pam becayse they are objectively better than say ryan and kelly? Or is it that we are looking from their perspectives primarily.
Everyone's wrapped up in their own dream worlds, and, because we get to see everyone's perspective, no one is purely good or bad theyre all just people. And living in a dream world is understandable when reality is so damn grating.
PS: i js finished this and realised that i forgot about michael, im not including him in anything i said, that man is on another horrible level
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