tucuteboything · 1 year
anyways :)
all systems/plurals/collectives are valid and that includes ones with origins you don't like :)
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garadinervi · 9 months
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«Push-Machinery» 20, Edited by Daniel F. Bradley, Pangen Subway Ritual, Toronto, April 1993 [room 3o2 books, Ottawa]
Feat. poetry by Alice Burdick, Victor Coleman, Arthur Cravan, Wharton Hood, Nicholas Power, and Stuart Ross, among others
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cabin10diaries · 1 year
some. some unnecessary useless hcs bc i just saw one post and im tired and need to do something
aroace reyna and rachel being the qpps ever
theyre my beloveds i love qpps
piper helps jason realize. wow. he's definitely not straight either (gay as hell (for leo (frank (percy))))
transsss leo i will die for him
trans literally every character tbh
aroace agender connor and panrom pansex pangen travis
the triple a batteries and pppenis brothers
shel is a nb polyam lesbian and has so so so many gfs, including piper
shel is also chronically online (she just like me fr!)
the chases are black (as in. magnus is also black, not just annabeth)
sadie is BI she is bi she is a silly bi girl
carter is also bi but has a pref for women
they have literally the same taste in women its so funny
everyone in rrverse has painted nails okay. they have such pretty nails
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revenant-coining · 1 year
i got bored so here's a list of all letters and their corresponding term(s) for letters used in glg / juvelic terms that i could find
0 = zero ( as in, no one; attracted to no one )
a, an, andro = androgyne
a, ab = abinary
ae = aurethesia
aeth = aetherine
a, ag, agen = agender
aliag = aliagender
alt = altumen
am, ambo = ambonec
apog = aporgender
a, aporg = aporagender
au, aut, auti = autigender
b = binary
b, big, bigen = bigender
d = demigender
dat = datesime
db = demiboy
di = dimensen
dg = demigirl
dre = dreandna
e, en = enby
ep, epi = epicene
faunag = faunagender
fer = feruvel
fi, flux, gf = genderflux
fifu, fluxid = genderfluidflux / genderfluxid
florag = floragender
fre = freelekour
gendvd = gendervoid
gf, fluid, flu, flui = genderfluid
gf = genderfluix
got = gorture
how = howabeiyn
i, iso = isogender
i = intergender, intersex, ipsogender, indetermined
ins = instinctant
k = kenochoric
kam = kenochoric, agingender, mingender, and miaspec
l = luxine
l, lib, libra = libragender
m = man
mis = mislypec
mg, polyg = multigender
mw = man+woman
n, ne, neu = neu / neutral / neutrois
nb, nonb, n = nonbinary
neutr = neutrois
nu = neutral, neuter, null
p, pa, pang, pangen = pangender
po, polyg, polygen = polygender
roset = rosetoric
s, sp - soporine
te = tenethesia
tm = transman
tri, trigen = trigender
tw = transwoman
w = woman
wf = warfaren
xe, xeno, xin, xg, xn, xen, x = xenogender
x = genderless
zab = zabainal
zodiag = zodiacgender
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grains-of-time · 2 months
Silly lil intro >.<
Hello we+ are the Grains Of Time System !
We+ are a pangenic, polyconscious system with an infinite number of grains (alters) . Our+ hosts are Tommy, Dior, Childe and Alastor and Co Hosts are Wilbur, Maki, Sirius and Yelan !
We're+ in many fandoms so if anyone has any introjects of these fandoms or kin any characters feel free to interact / syshop over :33
Genshin, Mha, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, DSMP, JJK, HxH, Demon Slayer, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter and many many more hehe
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thedigitalwave · 10 months
Anyway, i should introduce ourselves, since we're gonna be on here for many purposes now.
Hello, we're thedigitalwave/thedigiway/TDW. Also know as: motherfuckers, Fish, and Lucas. We've had many names before this, including: TFS/Fungi, Goldfish Collective/Goldie, and MFS/mario fucking system. We cycle through names quickly because they make us bored, so new names and nicknames are also welcomed.
We're bodily 17, and most of us identify as adults, so we would like to be referred to as an adult/permadult, unless regressed. We're a polyamorous, transmasc, questioning sexuality, radqueer system that is pangenic.
We don't have a DNI, just be respectful and we'll be respectful back. Don't leave hate, your mother wouldn't like that.
Our stance is basically radqueer, proship, pro para, pro transid, contact neutral (specifically neutral about other people's stances, and without a strong stance of our own).
Asks are open and so are dms, please ask questions to get to know us, we love making friends.
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syscoursebot · 10 months
opinion on pangenic systems
You're talking about pangenics. That's some serious science. I like science, but I don't have any experience with it. I just like the sound of it.
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raelhbishop · 10 months
Dreams of the Welkin World
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Art: "Val van Icarus" by anonymous, between 1675 and 1711 (colorized by author)
There’s someone in the clouds.
The boy had often seen shapes in the clouds as they passed by, fanciful forms that came and went at a moment’s notice. He sometimes wondered if the clouds had lives of their own, like those of his parents tending to the fields below.
This was different. 
Staring directly at him is a girl, one made of wisps and skystuff, but a girl nonetheless. A child just like him, somehow, riding a horse made of smoke. 
The boy had always been an inquisitive fellow, even before he could talk. Though he stands no higher than three feet, he doesn't let it stop him from climbing the local rock faces or swinging from treetops. 
From this plateau, one can see his parents working in the distance. They look like mere ants from here. He could see the whole world from here: the farmhouses of his neighbors, the lazy streams and winding canals, the flowers and wheatfields and orchards, even the distant marketplace. If one squints, one can spot a tower further ahead, filled with strange noises and even stranger people. Faint hints of gold can be seen on the midday horizon, seeming to curl upwards like a floor rug pushed against a wall. 
Breathtaking as it may be, the boy remains glued to the sky above. He sometimes wondered if the clouds had lives of their own. He didn't question it now. 
Her lightning eyes are all that remains in his head as an inaudible command draws the girl away, into a hidden world amongst the clouds.
Thick layers of snow sit on the plateau. The boy, now a foot taller, runs out of the farmhouse as his parents scream for him. He heads into a toolshed and pulls out a rickety device, made of twigs, strings, and animal hides, together resembling bird's wings.
Device in hand, he trudges through the snow and, with difficulty, climbs a tree. He straps the device to his arms and waits.
The winter air bites at his nose and shakes his body - which is exactly what he'd been waiting for. All the while, his parents yell at him to come down. 
Not too far off, a robed man with grey hair and a large forehead walks down the road, staff in one hand and bowl in another. 
The boy continues waiting. The wind grows stronger and stronger.
It's time.
In an instant, the boy lunges off the tree. He falls for a moment, before the wind billows the animal hides on his device and propels him forward. 
Hovering a mere fifteen feet off the ground, the boy swiftly glides past his parents, past the farmhouse, and past the frostbitten fields. The sensation of flight is equal parts scary and exciting. If his teeth still chattered and his bones still shivered, he didn't notice, for the feeling of gliding is all that occupied his mind. 
It's an exhilarating experience - until he plummets as the wind dies down. He hurdles faster and faster towards the ground, flying by the robed man, before crashing face-first into a snowbank.
Some time later, he wakes in the farmhouse, the robed man having tended to his wounds. He sees the man talking to his parents, pointing enthusiastically at diagrams and scribblings in the boy's notebooks. Big words like ‘apprentice’ and ‘inventor’ can be heard here and there, which the boy can’t understand.
His eyes land on the fireplace and its smooth embers.
The wind only blows left and right, in-and-out. Humans naturally tend to fall. It seems only fire and smoke climb upward.
The sun shines brightly on the tower of the Natural Philosophers' Guild, where strange folks reside and the constant clammer of caustic devices emanates. 
From one of its highest windows, the boy stares out into the distance. He's now five-and-a-half feet tall, a well-off apprentice, and much closer to man than boy. 
He's learned a lot during his time at the Guild. Useless things, mostly. How to dissect a flower, the names of the beasts, how the pangene works... 
But, also, useful things. Tales of distant places and the wonders therein, the five elements and their crystal spheres, how to sell your strange and incredibly hazardous inventions in the marketplace…
Even so, our apprentice inventor still looks out into the distance with longing. The farmhouse and plateau look so small from here, as if they were another world entirely.
Then, out in the clouds, a figure appears. It’s that of a woman, a specter made of clouds and billows, with eyes like two charges of lightning. 
Those days climbing rock faces come flying back to him. He swears it’s the same girl from before, having grown just like him. 
Later that day, the apprentice lumbers out of the tower-cum-workshop with a device strapped to his back. It’s a distant descendant of the twiggy bird wings he fashioned so many winters ago, now reinforced with proper wood, light bits of metal, and paper wings. Now present is a metal box on his back, heavily concealed, with holes in the bottom. Inside sits a steel ball of water and an array of clockwork.
The other inventors chase after our apprentice, pleading for him to stop. 
He pulls a match from his pocket (the latest invention from the merchant republics) and throws it into one of the holes. Inside, cogs and gears start turning. Bits of coal and saltpeter alight from inside the metal box. The water in the ball heats up. A chain reaction begins, growing louder and louder. 
The apprentice fears for his life as an explosion emits from the holes in the bottom, launching him dozens of feet upward. Within seconds, he’s now flying among the clouds. Those down below scream or chant prayers.
His mouth is agape as he sees his comrades shrink into the distance. It remains agape as he turns and sees entire villages hidden among the clouds. Children of wisp float around the clouds as their guardians tend to fireplaces of lightning. Billowy reapers can be seen harvesting rays of sunlight from the sky. Pools of liquid rainbow can be seen here and there.
As he ascends, he starts to feel warmer and warmer. His senses return to him, and with a few obscure movements he slows his descent, calming the fires inside the box. He adjusts to the wind, and begins gliding through this welkin world. 
Down below, the robed man ascends the guild’s tower and pulls out his simple brass telescope. Though nearly blind, he can make out the apprentice’s figure in the heavens, gliding from cloud to cloud. He smiles.
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ysunalsoastar · 11 months
i think i made a mistake
alias, njrittttt kenapa bisa auto ke kirim sihhh??? w kan niatnya pangen share aja ke warga (pilihan) yg udah w percaya dan lagi-lagi ke impulsifan w buat ngerubah list siapa-siapa aja yg bisa liat ada bangetttttt, tp gak expect bakal auto ke kirim jadi personal chat?!?!!! like? hello?? i WAS NOT HAVE ANY INTENTION TO START, pure this is a technical error, please, please (or my clumsyness was being in a part, too, actually🤧) to change that settings!!! hhhhhh fr!! but keep in mind, i don’t have any intention to start THE CONVERSATION. what would that op think ya? tiba2 ada pc dari gua trus kayak seakan-akan membuka percakapan? HELL, NO IN THE MILLION WAY.
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haruzen-ampy · 11 months
a post about the girlies: like n rb
a post about the homies: like n rb
a post about the non biners: like n rb
(i am pangener)
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garadinervi · 9 months
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«Push-Machinery» 20, Edited by Daniel F. Bradley, Pangen Subway Ritual, Toronto, April 1993, Edition of 50 [room 3o2 books, Ottawa]
Feat. poetry by Alice Burdick, Clint Burnham, Victor Coleman, Arthur Cravan, jwcurry, Greg Evason, Wharton Hood, Nicholas Power, Stuart Ross, Dik W
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alicedollita · 1 year
What's wrong, Darling?
[PT: What's wrong, Darling? /END PT]
Hi! We go by Darling collectively. We are an pangenic system.
We make liom + mogai stuff !! We can also do prns and names!
requests are open !!
To Do List (WIP)
Tagging System (WIP)
(Used to go by @/flow1sh-coins !)
(We also block freely! No DNI as well, just dont be a dick.)
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444names · 2 years
minerals + tolkienesque forenames BUT excluding "ite" and similar to "tolkien"
Abazur Acdog Actrophod Adawle Adiel Adium Adocad Adsperne Agaran Aglóin Agorl Akhar Akhto Akolinel Alannate Alauturin Aline Alinwë Alkhane Allor Almaron Alquend Altarkere Altrór Amarning Amdís Amentanil Amiegon Ammarkil Andarsum Andia Andion Andiri Anduling Anerimë Aniot Antilide Araccatir Arathos Aravate Arincor Arine Aroideór Arthyte Asequerik Ashlo Asidel Atinaline Attrois Atyrieb Aulinor Aurbelum Azulst Bardalbil Barde Barson Barvalna Barweli Batte Bauberry Baugimar Bazeon Bentin Beocane Beril Berin Berine Bistallo Bordilm Bornor Bragon Brapharë Brene Brenston Brerm Breta Brismulë Brospord Broussil Bukobsil Burmil Bórwen Cabadmo Cabar Cagarlor Calachry Calan Caldan Cante Cantica Cardil Carineste Cattum Cedhet Ceibob Celeifene Celiana Celvanor Ceorthôn Cesmane Chaen Charang Chlfoline Chlon Chlophali Chloril Chlosine Choldhene Chtas Chvar Chydrin Cilmon Cincyrine Clatant Clauladûn Clawthôr Cochte Coharyte Colemorn Cophur Corda Coston Coviane Crafth Criën Cránd Cuair Cubiffene Cupil Curisir Curpenern Dason Delin Derma Dersel Deslo Dillor Djurin Duringtur Dwyngil Dzhacir Dáinyllid Elevel Ellimate Ellineleg Elsen Elsmutte Emingwë Emulcir Eocorl Eoromel Eorthir Ephilm Epind Esonwë Eucor Eudron Eärenarë Eärne Eärwellas Eönephor Falcid Farca Faste Fastond Fauhyl Felet Felpar Fereil Feriel Ferith Fimbengar Finavor Fisenne Flomë Fluil Flumir Fluorfos Flurander Flurine Fraggum Fralca Framospen Freitz Fremel Fílimog Gaber Gamenne Ganui Ganur Garne Gaumbur Geolaren Gerieline Geron Gling Glode Gluarfven Golgatan Grase Gremine Grocir Guerryas Gugduf Gusarn Habania Hafnor Hambel Hamûl Haoil Haolum Hathir Helad Hellax Henil Herië Herrin Hesekenta Horlenwë Hunogon Hupine Hydramag Hyllacir Hyllwë Hypto Hübne Iberkefin Icoldonwë Icolfeise Iline Ilmir Imagahton Imrannate Iohirobel Irion Ishane Ismagne Ismauf Ivenskyot Ivras Jacton Jafoltan Jalor Jamman Jimirca Jorian Kaglad Kagoria Kalan Kasel Kermo Keruf Keyer Knoningil Kovis Krego Kuratte Kuttur Laboron Lachior Ladac Laiante Lanalparn Langil Lindillam Lormim Lorne Lulsasse Lumas Lybdimë Machel Machmine Magarca Malair Maláf Mankamson Manna Manobor Manotrine Marth Maste Matollin Mazzin Meligold Menbradmo Methor Metondreg Milpair Mingto Miramar Mogangan Mohodelm Moromen Mortz Mutil Nalabas Naliapken Nallor Narbash Nawsodan Nekson Nelum Nohryson Nonium Nottrear Ohalitlar Olbas Oldor Opyrin Orgimon Oridurine Oruson Pagne Pangen Parsar Pashomen Patan Pauprel Pazirë Pazzir Pecon Pecos Pectondil Peildorne Pelashir Pelenth Pennine Penoropar Pereali Person Pezzogarm Phamar Phaussin Pheckcry Phlon Pidatlana Polina Porne Pownle Proste Pschry Putan Pyrim Pyrin Pyrine Pyros Reser Reykadûn Rhomil Rithoda Ropal Russë Rúthôr Saferovi Salgor Sanduil Saphael Sargoli Saringo Sarsartz Sartine Sauthort Schrena Sclemon Scrongson Selanar Sendros Shant Siabagnel Sicrome Singos Sioptum Skyaláf Smelsa Sméawst Sperine Spezimaca Sphon Stiel Strone Stróf Sturin Suarant Sustonwë Svanne Súrisil Taerion Tahaláf Tahir Talcir Taláf Tarthôn Tatur Telwë Thiri Thortscol Tiantmarë Tomort Tortz Tricoreel Trochte Trougdur Tsmotrang Tsulade Tukukur Tunyarth Tupiodh Ucladil Ulatárië Ulfax Uneregne Urlyë Vanth Vanthôr Vardirë Varson Vatte Walodur Warchate Weeffin Weeng Whessid Wildsbrod Winyl Xanthéod Ythor Ytont Zagluor Zardante Zarnwë Zaïrichry Zenot Zeuckeil Zhaum Ziendspen Zimir Zimor Zinern Åkegenerl Éodel Éodhor Éodoneste Éodretron Éoramling
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 2 years
can i get a pride icon (aroace/pangener/both) with the wawa cat (aka oh the misery meme)?
oh the misery
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pmclorn11 · 5 days
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Panduit and Prysmian Celebrate 20th Anniversary of PanGen Partnership http://dlvr.it/T6L6pQ
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Tal día como hoy 21 de febrero ...
2008: Sale a la venta el último libro de la saga de Harry Potter, en castellano, 'Harry Potter y las reliquias de la Muerte', de la escritora J. K. Rowling.
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2005: La revista Nature publica el descubrimiento de los 'pangenes', un tipo de genes que controlan la diferenciación de las células madre en otros tipos de célula así como el momento en que ésta se produce.
1986: Se lanza en Japón el videojuego "La leyenda de Zelda".
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1972: Llega a la Luna la nave soviética 'Luna 20'.
1965: Muere el activista afroamericano Malcolm X asesinado en el Audubon Ballroom de Manhattan (Estados Unidos).
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1947: Edwin Land presenta la primera cámara fotográfica instantánea, la Polaroid Land Camera.
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1915: Se inaugura la Exposición Universal de San Francisco, en la que participan 45 países.
1848: Se publica el Manifiesto del Partido Comunista de Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels.
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1819: Se ratifica el tratado de Adams-Onís por el que España cede a Estados Unidos los territorios de Oregón y Florida.
1613: En Rusia, Miguel I es elegido zar por el parlamento, comenzando la dinastía de los Románov.
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