#parent cancer
my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
never forget
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tricoufamily · 3 months
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kit and willoughby book side characaters kit and willoguhby book side charactesr
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causalityparadoxes · 6 months
people acting like its some terrible shame that anyone was speculating about Kate Middleton's whereabouts now we know its cancer. Oh shame for ever making fun of shitty photoshop jobs, don't you know she has cancer??
Nah mate. She married into a rich and powerful family thats been leeching of the British public and wider world for decades, centuries even. She is going to be given top treatment, probably at the expense of others. Hell despite the cock up they kept her out of the public eye for months so that's not a big stress either.
I'm sure it sucks for her and her rich spawn. I might even say I feel bad for the younger kids. I dont wish cancer on anyone but Charles etc, etc.
But lets not act like she's some poor single mother waiting on the NHS. Struggling on benefits or struggling to work while on chemo. Trying to feed her kids during cost of living crisis. Trying to just find time to be with them.
Kate has all the money in the world, her kids are in top schools with lots of rich relatives. They could easily be taken out of school and taught by top tutors to be more flexible with her health. She will likely be fine. And even if she isn't? She'll have had the best chance out of anyone. She would have the most comfort possible and people around her until the end.
So no. I literally do not care. I have no guilt or grief over memeing the every loving fuck out of a PR cockup by a bunch of royal leeches. To act like I should is absolute bollocks.
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Non-ADHD and non-autistic disabled people whose only idea of ADHD and autistic people is shaped by media depictions of a nerdy white boy or a quirky goth girl with low support needs: "Yeah ADHD and autism are destigmatized and we should ignore people with ADHD and autism in favor of real disabilities. I am very smart and progressive."
Lateral prejudice towards other disabled people will get us nowhere.
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froody · 4 months
Ms. Rachel posting a funding campaign for kids in Gaza and then a video wishing everyone a happy Pride. Back to back. World’s bravest soldier. I salute her.
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just-call-me-moran · 4 months
I am so normal about these two men. Like completely normal.
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my mom's friend just had to get skin cancer on her nose removed. they had to take a huge amount of tissue to get it all- so now she's going to have even more pain and expense and stress and trauma with reconstructive surgery
this woman is incredibly sweet. the last time I saw her in person was at my high school graduation party, when she and her husband gave me big hugs and an antique locket. she's also a full-time caregiver for her disabled daughter. I can't imagine what she's going through right now
this is why you should use sun protection. not any anti-aging BS, although if that lights a fire under you, great. you don't have to be scared or obsessive. just take common sense precautions like covering up and/or (preferably And) wearing sunscreen, sitting in the shade if you're outdoors for long periods of time, etc. yes, even if you have dark skin. arguably ESPECIALLY if you have dark skin, because skin cancer tends to go undetected longer on dark complexions and therefore have worse outcomes
nobody deserves to go through this. and she's one of the lucky ones- she's still alive
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lunaapudleonem · 4 months
Placements in the natal chart that indicate having a good/close relationship with your parents 🌸
Jupiter in the 4th house
Ceres in the 4th house
Sun sextile/trine Moon
Moon sextile/trine/conjunct Ceres
Sun sextile/trine/conjunct Ceres
Rules of the 4th house positively aspected
4th house in Taurus, Cancer or Libra
Moon sextile/trine Venus
Sun sextile/trine Venus
Stellium in the 4th house (but without malicious planets like Uranus, Mars, Pluto, Neptune or Saturn)
Vesta in the 4th house
Saturn positively aspected
Vesta trine/sextile/conjunct Moon
Vesta trine/sextile/conjunct Sun
Moon in Cancer or Taurus
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Dm me for a natal chart reading !! 💕
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afewproblems · 1 year
'Harring' flashes on the caller ID again, illuminated in bright green on the handheld phone in their kitchen.
It's the third time they've called today and Steve is anxious.
He hasn't heard from his parents in the last six years since he cut off all contact with them, so to see their name come up so many times all in the span of an afternoon is...well it's worrisome to say the least.
"Are you going to pick up," Eddie says as he comes up behind Steve, he drapes himself over his lovers back and nuzzles into his ear.
Steve smiles tightly and breathes out, "I don't know".
He turns in Eddie's arms to face him and brings his own arms around Eddie's lower back, holding him loosely.
"It's weird, right?" Steve says softly, "what do they want?" He slides his nose up and down Eddie's own before tipping his face up to his the tip of it.
Eddie hums, "well you won't know unless you answer love," he answers Steve's kiss with one of his own, soft against his lips, "if they call again, maybe pick up?"
Steve nods and flinches as the ringer starts up again behind them.
He breathes in deeply through his nose and out slowly through his mouth, Eddie brings up a hand to cup Steve's jaw and slides his thumb over his cheekbone.
"You got this," Eddie whispers, "if they say something shitty, just hang up, fuck em".
Steve nods and whirls around to snatch the phone off the console, he bites his lip for just a moment before saying a quiet, "Hello?"
"Steven?" A soft voice cracks wetly over the speaker and a sudden chill spreads over Steve's back.
"Steven, honey," Diane Harrington says softly in a tone he's never heard before, "I need you to come home".
Steve turns around, Eddie is leaning against the opposite wall with his arms crossed, Steve feels his face contort with confusion which Eddie answers with a tilt of his head, "what? Mom, no--"
"Steven honey, this is important--"
"No offense," Steve intejects harshly, he's gripping the phone so hard the plastic creaks under his fingers. Eddie's concerned gaze has him releasing the phone from his death grip in a matter of seconds, but it's hard. He's right back there, nineteen years old again, in a screaming match with his dad in the living room, a red handprint blooms over his jaw as he tells Robert Harrington to, 'go fuck himself,' one last time.
"But, you don't get to do this, it's been years mom so forgive me if--"
"Steven, I'm, I'm sick".
Steve stops, his mouth opens and closes as his mother chokes on a broken sob, it comes through tinny and harsh over the speaker.
She tells him of the diagnosis, some form of leukemia, how it's spread much more rapidly than the doctors anticipated, how she refused treatment.
"I'm not going to spend the rest of my time in a hospital with no hair in one of those godawful hospital beds if I can help it Steven".
They talk for awhile, or really Mrs. Harrington talks for another half hour while Steve stands there silently with the phone in his hands. He nods every now and again but the movements are stiff, Eddie paces around the living room, stopping in front of Steve's eyeline every now and again.
"Okay," Steve finally says, his voice cracks just slightly enough to make Eddie cross the living room towards him.
"Mom...I don't know what you expect me to do?"
"Baby?" Eddie whispers, he stands just off to the side trying to catch Steve's eye.
"No, no--no! Mom, I thought I stopped being a Harrington a long time ago, right?" Steve snarls into the receiver, "you had so many opportunities to tell Dad he was wrong but you just sat there, what else am I supposed to think except that you agree with him?"
"Baby, just hang up--"
"Mom, Ma' you have to stop, I'm not coming back, I'm so-".
His mouth snaps shut and a deep flush begins to rise up his neck and over his cheeks, his eyes glassy.
"I'm sorry you're sick, but I'm not coming back, Goodluck".
Steve removes the phone from his ear, little snippets of words and crying trickle through over the speaker as Steve places the handset back on the dock.
"Baby," Eddie tries again, he reaches out tentatively, slowly letting his hands smooth over Steve's arms at the shoulder.
Steve shakes his head, his jaw clenched as his face crumples, he lets Eddie pull him into his chest and tucks his head into the juncture of Eddie's neck and shoulder.
Steve feels Eddie bring them slowly to the floor as he tries to slow down his breathing.
"I'm so sorry baby," Eddie whispers, pillowing his check onto Steve's head, he nuzzles the fluffy hair just once and squeezes Steve tighter.
"I don't, I just, where was this when she was healthy, it's..." Steve takes a deep breath, "why now, and she's not even sorry --neither of them are," he whispers into Eddies collarbone.
Eddie bites the inside of his cheek, he stays quiet, listening to Steve's breathing stop and start.
"I don't want her to be sick, but I just," he sniffles, "it's not fair, I'm so angry with her, with them both --its like they get a pass for being so shitty for so long--"
"No, no they don't, not if you don't want to," Eddie says, the words are soft but the tone firm, "you don't have to give them anything you don't want to".
"Steve," Eddie pulls back just enough for Steve to raise his head, he lifts his hand to cup Steve's cheek, "it doesn't make you a bad person to not want to see her, to see them".
Steve starts to shake his head but Eddie's hand remains steady on his cheek.
"Do you want to see her?" He asks after a beat.
"I, I don't know," Steve pulls his lower lip into his mouth and chews the corner of it until he tastes copper, "I don't..."
Eddie tilts his head and sweeps his thumb across Steve's cheek in encouragement.
"I don't want my mom to die, I want her to want to fucking fight for herself, for me --she's just giving up again, she's just deciding to quit without even trying to be my mom," he chokes out, his voice breaks as tears finally spill down his cheeks.
"I'm not, I'm not explaining it right," Steve bites out, raising his hands to grind harshly into his eyes, "I don't want to forgive her, but I, I think I would if she would just try, I don't know what to do," he trails off as his voice wobbles and wanes, he breathes out harshly and lowers his face back into Eddies neck.
"Okay," Eddie whispers into Steve's hair as he brings Steve closer, bundling him up in his arms, "you don't have to know what to do or how to feel, especially not right now".
Eddie squeezes Steve once more before shifting to his knees to stand. He hoists Steve to his feet and leads him to the kitchen before depositing him in a kitchen table chair.
Eddie busies himself at the stove, moving the half full kettle from the far burner to the largest left coils, he flicks the element on and lowers the whistle back to alert him when the water boils.
"Did I ever tell you how I handled my mom's funeral?" Eddie asks, banishing the quiet from the room and almost startling Steve.
"I yelled at the casket," Eddie says with an air of non-chalance that does not match the words. He grabs two mugs from the cupboard before grabbing a box of tea from the pantry. He leaves the prepped cups on the counter before turning back around to face Steve.
"It was open, shouldn'ta' been," he continues with a shake of his head, "rural town, mortician wasn't used to working on overdoses so, they couldn't quite cover up the purple".
Steve reaches for Eddie's hands as he comes back to the table, in three slow strides. He smiles but a long sigh escapes Eddie as he sits in the chair next to Steve.
"I was thirteen, and I was so, so mad at her for leaving me," Eddie murmurs, "I couldn't help it, Uncle Wayne had to take me home before it was even over".
Eddie raises his head to meet Steve's eyes, "I felt like shit after though, probably cried all night once we got home".
"Im going to tell you what Wayne told me," Eddie says softly, he scoots to the edge of his seat, until his knees are brushing Steve's own.
"When you lose someone that made your life hard, you grieve more than just that person, you also grieve all that lost potential, everything you didn't have with that person," Eddie squeezes Steves hands once more before gently letting them go. He stands up as the kettle begins to squeal from the stove.
"Everything they never gave you and the possibility that they could change, it's like--like that physics guy," Eddie laughs, waving his hands at Steve's confused expression, "you know the one with the cat?"
Steve shakes his head, a small watery smile begins to bloom over his face as Eddie continues to make their tea and explain.
"You'll never know if they could have been better to you because they died, so they both are and aren't a good parent simultaneously," Eddie says, linking his fingers together, "shit, I bet Dustin could explain this better".
He walks their filled mugs over to the table and takes his seat again
"I dunno about that Eds," Steve mumbles as he wipes his eyes, "when did you get so wise?"
"'All Wayne sweetheart," Eddie hums with a soft grin that pulls at the corners of his eyes, he reaches out to wipe a stray tear from Steve's cheek, "don't tell him though, he doesn't need the ego boost".
Steve barks out a laugh, before Eddie pulls him into another tight hug, "so, you don't have to know how you feel right now, okay?"
Steve isn't sure how long they stay like that, but by the time Eddie let's go, their tea has gone cold.
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eponymous-rose · 4 months
Mother's Day is always rough. (discussion of grief, cancer & parental death under the cut)
I think it's because it was the last holiday we had together - back on Mother's Day 2020, I wrote up a series of powerpoint slides (true to form) with memories from each year we'd shared, along with some candid pictures I'd taken on a trip we'd had together that I'd never shown her. At that point I think we both knew the treatment wasn't working, and I think it was pretty clear that this was going to be the last one. Five months after diagnosis, she was gone.
I always want to be a person who is Considerate, and part of that is desperately not wanting to be affected by things like the nonstop barrage of "gifts for Mom!" stuff in the week leading up to Mother's Day. And usually it genuinely doesn't get me, but I noticed a real nosedive in my mood this week and blamed it on everything but those constant, constant e-mails and banners and sponsored ads. It wasn't until I deleted the six billionth one from my inbox tonight that I thought, "Wow, maybe this is part of why I've been so weepy this week" and promptly burst into tears.
For the first time since she died in 2020, I dug up the letter she left for me on her computer. It's just a page long (she was deep into chemo treatments by then and didn't have much energy), but it says everything that needed to be said, and it's such a calm and silly and wry summation of our closeness and love that it instantly made me feel better than the cathartic crying-through-a-full-box-of-Kleenex did.
Grief hits you at weird times! I'm doing extremely well, for the most part, and even though I, like everyone else, felt like, "I'll be the one person in the universe for whom time will not salve this wound", it really has. I'll take this particular night as a reminder to just always be a little gentler with myself... and as a reminder of how incredibly happy and lucky I am to be surrounded now with so much love.
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creepyscritches · 11 days
No one says this enough, but the best way of becoming an expert on something is to get kinda competent and offer to help people with it.
After a few years of seeing the most complex cancers we have, it's wild to realize I can give confident answers to people asking me how to read AML vs CML vs blast crisis records 😳
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paverics · 1 month
a gay guy approached my mum on a night out last night and said he “knows” that she is transsexual because he’s a gay man and he “can tell”
but here’s the thing — my mum had cancer. twice. she lost all of her hair. it’s never grown back. she wears a wig. it’s something she’s incredibly self conscious about. and it made her cry
my mum had 2 surgeries to remove all of her female reproductive organs, and she still suffers from the aftermath of those surgeries. i spent 2 years thinking she was going to die. i saw her in hospital for weeks, unable to walk and barely eating. i see her now struggling with the consequences of those surgeries. her lack of hair is the least important or interesting thing about her. i’m just so thankful she’s still here, regardless of how she looks (which is still beautiful btw, and i wish she saw it)
so i just want to encourage people to keep thoughts to themselves because i cannot stress enough how wildly inappropriate it is to approach a cancer survivor and question their womanhood when that womanhood almost killed them. mind your business
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suniverseastro · 2 years
Locations that indicate problems with parents:
+ Sun 8th: their father can be aggressive, rude, repressive, controlling, dominating, putting anger on them
(Similar to Moon 8th)
+ Sun, Moon hash aspect with Chiron, Pluto
+ Sun square/opposite Moon
+ Moon in Capricorn
+ Sun 4th, etc (still updating more information)
Jupier promiant makes the person have talent and do well in teaching
3rd Jupiter loves to read, they learn a lot from hand-made works. They can compose stories, write articles, newspapers, participate in propaganda and communication activities
Mercury 5th: can imitate the voice, act out the types of characters that they find interesting and impressive. Have a good relationship with children. They like to have fun learning, be creative, innovate, have many different interests so they may feel they don't have much time to develop which is the best, they can get confused with this , is also picky in choosing hobbies and forms of entertainment. They are good at talking and expressing their feelings. Warm words. But when they feel things are inauthentic, distrustful, boring, they have a very different face: stubborn, irritable, disengaged or very dramatic.
Mars position in Virgo, Capricorn is very efficient people, they are patient, hard working and detailed, very organized, well run.
Mars in Libra, Cancer: haha, they often have few enemies because of their unwillingness to conflict and fight. One does not like conflict, the other needs to ensure safety. That doesn't mean they don't have the ability to fight, just that they look less aggressive
Mercury in Scorpio: likes mysteries, horror, detective stories. They are the ones who can put the other person's ideas into words, if they feel they have something difficult to say, have trouble saying it, they will be great psychologists, or reluctant. Their jokes are often dark and deep and if you are relaxed they are really fun and relaxing
Venus Capricorn trine Saturn: extremely serious in love, they can write a long list, a series of bullet points about the norms, ethics, and responsibilities of each person in the relationship. They want to be in a relationship where the partner will build a good financial foundation, commit, develop, and plan together after they have children.
Gemini/3rd may like to learn but they may not like school
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unpersoniverse · 3 months
I'm having the nicest of times and all out the blue I remember Ratonhnhaké:tonn/Connor literally named his daughter "rainbow" and I'm turned into a sobbing mess...
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greenerteacups · 6 months
Are there any other wizarding families that are underexplored in canon and pique your interest in a similar way to the Blacks?
This is a unique function of what food my brain worms like to eat, but no one's doing it like the Blacks. The drama? The intrigue? The Gothic horror? The prodigal sons and lost daughters and killers and sinners and martyrs and saints? The wizard Catholicism of it all? The story of the House of Black is the best book never written.
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roseapothecary · 1 year
hey, fam. as some of you know, my father unexpectedly passed away at the beginning of june. he'd been diagnosed with liver cancer in february, and he experienced sudden cardiac arrest at home — we think it was a complication of his liver failure, but we're honestly not 100% sure. i'm not gonna lie, either... it was literally the worst night of my life. it's been a really, really tough month, ya'll. so, if you've been wondering where the fuck i've been and why this blog has been running on a queue... now you know.
i'm just tossing it out there that i now have a ko-fi. i'm taking on a lot of financial responsibilities i wasn't expecting, literally overnight. my mom's social security isn't nearly enough to cover her bills, so i'll be supporting her going forward. that wouldn't be half as hard if it weren't for my giant pile of student debt and outrageous monthly payment, but... y'know. america. anyway, there is obviously no obligation to support me. however, if you have a couple bucks to spare and want to help my mom and i out sometime, it would be appreciated.
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