#part 40 of xxx
felixandresims · 1 year
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Hello Everyone :),
I've been creating custom content for almost six years now and this month felt a little bit like time travel. For the 6th part of the 'Chateau Set,' I decided to create historical items again like I used to (but in a more maxis match style) and wanted to use all the skills I learned over the past years.
I wanted a very French-looking set of seating items and had a look again at what I created for the Petit Trianon. Also for years I have been obsessed with rattan and cane and incorporated those details, my trip to the Provence helped for inspiration too :). I made a three seater, a loveseat and an armchair and something for our little friends, two pet beds, a large and a small one. The pet beds require the cats and dogs expansion pack! All seating items come in the same 40 Swatches which you can see in the Gif above, some have the pattern that I used for the Petit Trianon loveseat and chairs.
Another item I was looking forward to making was draped curtains. I hand-sculpted those in blender to give them a painterly look and make them extra soft :) The curtains come in 22 Swatches.
Still inspired by the Petit Trianon I roughly recreated the fireplace found in the Salon. I added a simpler version of the fireplace for variety too. On top of the mantelpiece, you can place my new mirror :)
Last but not least I made two sets of panelling, a simpler and more ornate version. Each paneling consists of 4 wallpapers, don't forget to check them out in the build mode :).
This Set is on Early Access and you'll find it here
Thank you so much again for all the love and support from the past six years, If you are already interested in what's coming next month, it will be a bedroom set :)
Happy Simming and lots of Love,
Felix xxx
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hauntedif · 3 months
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Haunted is a darker sci-fi 18+ interactive fiction where you make certain choices that will control the narrative.
Demo: Prologue out on 23.07.2024.
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The story follows you, a scientist known as Dr Moreau, as you find out that your sister, who has disappeared a year ago, is alive.
Only problem, she is trapped on an island of the forgotten.
A place filled with experiments, some that were successful and some that were not.
Still, you make the choice to go and rescue her.
Though, there is another problem, the successful experiments have began to revolt, they wish for freedom.
Are you going to help them or stop them?
Do you feel guilty for your part in their creation or indifferent, because all you did was your job?
And what role does your sister have in all of this?
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Your Boss: RO
Name: Anwir Scarrow
Gender: Male
Age: 33 years old at the start of the story
You will never see him angry or worried, he mostly keeps himself aloof.
He prefers to be seen as a flirt and a jokester. His employees love him, but his competitors fear him.
And you, you've known him the longest, but no matter how much you try, is there a possibility to know the real him?
Physical description:
You will never catch him with messy hair. His dark brown hair is always kept short and slicked back.
Though he keeps himself mostly busy and away from the sun, his rosy skin is clean and smooth, same can be said for his physique.
But do be careful, never look into his eyes for too long. You won't like what you see in those hazel eyes of his.
Leader of Revolution: RO
Name: Osian Pauper
Gender: Male
Age: 26 years old at the start of the story
Even though he is the leader of the said Revolution, Osian is someone very closed off to strangers and people he doesn't know well.
Often thought of as cold and off-putting, Osian is a very emotionally stunted person, who is never able to voice his true feelings.
Physical description:
Born to a mixed couple, Osian is a mix of a Chinese mother and a Welsh father. As a child, he was told by his grandparents that he took more after his mother, rather than his father.
His black hair is kept as a buzz cut, after [REDACTED].
His dark eyes are always filled with warmth when looking at people he cares about.
???: RO
Gender: Female
Age: 30 years old at the start of the story
You cannot remember…
Why can't you remember?
Physical description:
You remember her brown eyes that would often turn gold under the sun.
Her voice, was it soft or sarcastic?
How long has it been since you saw her last?
Your Sister:
Name: Sofia Moreau
Gender: Female
Age: 26 years old at the start of the story
As her main caretaker, she saw you as the only person she could truly trust, whether that was true or not.
Often people would tell you how good, kind, and friendly your sister was.
Now, you wonder what has become of her.
Physical description:
You and her share very little physically. She is a carbon copy of your father, and you, taking mostly after your mother.
However, there is something you share, your eyes. From their color to their shape.
Sofia prefers her hair a bit shorter, reaching just a bit past her shoulder, it was straight and pastel pink the last time you saw your sister.
Your Assistant:
Name: Susan Ashmore
Gender: Female
Age: 40 years old at the start of the story
You've never met someone who spoke either with sarcasm or plain rude words.
It is exactly a year of your and Susan's partnership when the story begins.
As your assistant, Susan is both a Godsend and the Devil's second in command.
Physical description:
With a honey blonde pixie cut and stormy grey eyes, Susan is a terror of a woman, both to interns and you.
New Agent: (possible Minor RO)
Name: Olivia Brown
Gender: Female
Age: 28 years old at the start of the story
As a new agent, Olivia is an active and impulsive woman.
Easily excitable, she never stops talking.
From dumb jokes to attempts at flirting, Olivia is an unpredictable force.
Physical description:
Like her bubbly personality, Olivia is colored with warm colors.
Brown doe eyes and curly brown hair, with tan skin color.
For a woman trained to kill without a thought, she looks far too innocent.
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30% of the game has been mapped out.
Since it's still being worked on, some characters will be introduced or changed in the future.
Comments and asks are welcome
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- Choose your gender (male or female), personality and sexuality
- Try to atone for your sins or be consumed by them
- Be haunted by your older brother
- Romance 1 of 3 Ro's
- Make choices and deal with consequences
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Another quick note;
Since this is only the beginning of the story, please keep in mind that many things will change.
~ Nui
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rocknroll7575 · 5 months
Team ARCZ is... Crazy (Pt.3)
Part 1/Part 2/Part 4
"It was here that Cardin knew he was in trouble..."
Cardin's eyes widened as he saw Yang's Semblance activate before him, and he could still feel the heat that burst from her and he was in awe by her glowing fiery hair and her now red eyes.
However, Cardin knew that he was in deep trouble by now, since Yang had said that her Semblance was similar to his own.
Yang glared at him, and in an instant, appeared right in front of him, delivering a powerful blow to his gut that the force instantly caused all the air to leave his body as well as caused some internal bleeding and cracked ribs.
It sent him flying back and skipping across the arena like a stone on water. Once he stopped and landed, Cardin spat up some blood and slowly got up on all fours.
'Shit! She r-really packs a fucking punch!' Cardin thought.
"It was here that Cardin's luck seemed to run out..."
He quickly tried to heal whatever was wrong with his internal wounds but knew that wasn't going to help as he could feel he didn't have much of his aura left, but that was also good news as he knew that after using her Semblance, Yang herself didn't have much either.
Cardin got up as blood dripped down his mouth and yet he had a smile on his face. he looked up at the monitor only to see that while his Aura was at 35%, Yang's was 40%, which meant, he had a chance, even if it was slim.
'I've got a chance!' Cardin thought joyfully. 'I just got to keep pushing it! No stopping! Jaune didn't! Reese didn't! I sure as hell ain't!' Cardin thought.
"...But he can't end on a loss,"
Cardin activated his semblance and set his strength, stamina, into overdrive, and rushed forward, pulling is mace back. Yang saw this incoming and pulled her left fist back, and the two blows clashed, causing a shockwave from the sheer force of the blows.
Yang was confused, 'How is he still so strong?' Yang asked herself.
However, as she was in her own head, she failed to notice Cardin's other hand coming in for a punch, which he landed right right in her face, causing her to stumbled to her left, and Cardin didn't let up as he grabbed his mace with both hands, pulled it back, and swung it right at Yang's end, uppercutting the blonde boxer, and causing her to fly up a little.
'This is crazy! He's still got this much strength!?' Yang cried.
Yang managed to land on her feet, but quickly jumped away, gaining some distance between her and Cardin. When she was far enough, she slammed her foot into the ground, kicking up part of the floor, that flew up in the air, and she pulled her fist back before punching it toward Cardin, which sent it flying dangerously at Cardin.
However, the young man pulled his mace back and struck the piece of flooring like a batter with a ball, sending it back towards Yang, but she moved her head to the side, evading the attack.
Cardin looked at her with a grin before he felt his arms feel severely sore and blood drip from his nose. He staggered forward and felt pain shoot all around his body.
'Damn it! I'm overdoing it! Shit!' He thought with anger. 'At this rate, I won't be able to win!'
Yang saw this and took this moment to blast forward, to end the fight with a single it, knowing she could if she powered enough of her aura and semblance into this next attack.
Not a mere foot away from the mace-wielding teen, she pulled her fist back, but Cardin managed to come out of his thoughts in the nick of time, to see Yang's attack and quickly bent backward just as she threw the punch, narrowly avoiding the blow.
Taking a page out of Jaune's book, he shot his head forward and slammed it right in Yang's face, stunning her and causing her to stagger back.
Cardin then once again, put his entire body into overdrive, and he quickly hit Yang in the face with a quick swipe of his Mace, before he spat more blood out and some more spilled from his eyes.
Yang was shocked by the blood, but that didn't stop Cardin as he went in for another hit, Yang ducked under it, and punched him in the gut again.
The pain in Cardin's stomach doubled, and his mouth filled with blood, but he didn't let it out until he looked at Yanb and spat it out in her face, blinding her.
"AH!" Yang cried as the blood struck her eyes.
Cardin gripped his mace with both hands again, raised his mace up, and struck the brawler over her head, sending her to the ground.
However, that was the straw that broke the camel's back as his entire body finally couldn't handle all the strain Cardin put on it, due to his semblance.
Cardin's eyes rolled into his head and he fell forward unconscious, and as he fell unconscious, Yang slowly got up to her knees and looked up to the ceiling with a smile before she looked back down at him with a wide grin.
"Damn Winchester! You've got some balls on you!" Yang cried with a joyful tone. Yang then looked at the monitor to see that both of their Auras were in the red and seemed to be only one digit apart, with her being at 20% and Cardin being at 19%. "Heh! Ya almost won, but a win's a win!" She said.
However, Yang didn't get up, she just fell onto her back with a smile.
"Cardin may have lost the fight, but he has gained the respect of many others around him, including the Summer Rose herself,"
As Cardin was being carried out by the nurses, Jaune, Reese, and May followed him, praising him as they headed toward the infirmary.
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blackbeautifulqueen · 9 months
Imagine dating the undertaker as a shy black girl
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Ok so ngl the first time you and the undertaker meet you were afraid to say the very least
You saw him and was just kinda like yeah… nah im good and speed walked the other way
Somehow or another you ended up bumping into one another- needless to say it wasnt a good day for you
Mark had been having a bad day so when you walked up not paying attention to where you were going and accidentally spilling some of your drink on him he wasn't happy- so much in fact he proceeded to yell…
Well- it wasnt a complete yell.. But thats not what it felt like
“What the hell are you doing?! You ever watch where the hell you're going!?” he exclaimed 
And almost immediately Mark felt bad when the tears weld up in your eyes as you profusely apologized to him saying how sorry you were and looked around soon enough to just drop your head.
He didnt really know why he felt bad at the time. He just did so he took a deep breath and walked away from you.
Ever since then you made sure to stay away from him and never to be caught like that again
Fate however had other plans and soon enough you were yet again looking at Mark-or well his shoes
“Im sorry” He grumbled taking you by surprise 
“Huh?” You asked looking up confused
“I was havin a tough day when ya spilled your drink on me. Shouldve never taken it out on you though ��� He said looking into you eyes
“Wanna make it up to you” He said and you looked back down
“I can take ya out to get somethin to eat sometime” He said and you looked up at him and stared for a second not understanding why exactly he’d want to take you out
“Yeah-Sure” You said
“Give me your phone” He said and you did as you were told
“Good girl” he said as he put in his number and then walked off… Good girl?
All of this happened on a Monday and now it was Thrusday and you were with your friends out for brunch.
“Yeah but ion know… I think he might of played me a little bit” I said and almost immediately get a ding from my phone
xxx-xxx-xxxx: You free today or tomorrow?
Huh? You question to yourself
Y/N: Whos this
Xxx-xxx-xxxx: Taker
Y/N: Ohhhhh sorry! I'm free tomorrow.
Taker: What time
Y/N: All day
Taker: Ill pick you up at 3. Dress nice.
I looked back up at the girls and they were all staring confused at me
“I guess I didn't get played” I smiled and laughed slightly looking back down at my phone
It was 1:30 when I decided to get my happy ass in the shower I didnt want to be late when Taker came.
At around 2:05 I was out the shower and was doing my makeup which took around 40 minutes
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^The dress 
Taker: Im outside
When Taker got out the car to open your door he was dressed nice in a black button-down shirt, some black slacks and his hair was in a ponytail. It was simple but you liked it. He stared at you just for some time and you looked down.
“You look great” He said
“Thank you” you said as he opened your door
He was playing Lauryn Hill When it hurts so bad. I looked at the stereo and then at him and smiled. I LOVED this song.
“What” He questioned
“Nothing… I just love Lauryn Hill” I said looking down at the middle console for a second and then looking back at him
“Im shocked you know about her” I said
“Is it really that shocking? I have it on good authority that I'm older than you” He said
“I mean yeah but- ion know its just… nevermind” I said 
“Nah go ahead” He said not in a rude way just in an encouraging way like he actually cared for what I had to say
“A lot of white people don't really know about this kinda music or like it so-or at least where I grew up. And to know that you listen to it is crazy to me.” I said
“And where did you grow up?” He asked
“North Carolina” I said  “Whered you grow up I hear a bit of an accent” I questioned him
He chucked a little bit before saying Texas.
“What part?” I asked
“Huston darling” he said giving me a smirk
“Like Beyonce” I said looking at him with a smile
“Yes like Beyonce” he said
“... What's your real name id feel bad if I called you taker this whole time” I ask
“Mark” He said staring into my eyes. Im not quite sure why but it made me smile
At the restaurant, Mark had pulled out my chair. As we sat down and talked for a few the waiter came by. 
“Good afternoon. I'm your waiter for tonight Tyler. Can I start you off with some drinks” He said as Mark looked at me
“Um, can I have water please?” I asked and looked down as Mark ordered.
I looked at Mark and we talked about our values and what we hold dear and somehow it got onto the topic of our childhood.
“I'll take it you were a daddy's girl” He asked and we both laughed
“I mean pretty much. He never said no to me-even now if I ask him something he never really says no” I smile
“What are you a mamas boy?” i asked him
“Hell yeah i am” i laughed
“My dad was a mamas boy so my mom used to call him bamb standing for big ass mamas boy” I smiled
Then we got onto the topic of kids
“Do you want kids?” I asked and he laughed
“I wasn't really planning on telling you this today was thinking of telling you on the second date but I do have kids” He said and my eyes slightly lit up
“OMG really” I asked and he looked at me and nodded
“How many?”
“2. 1 boy 1 girl” He said and I asked for their names
“Gunner and Gracie” He said
“I think I know the answer to this but I'll ask anyway do you want kids?” He asked
“Yeah” I smiled
“How many?”
“I don't know I grew up in a big house so I want a big family… Maybe 4 or 5 kids” I smiled
“Got any names?” He asked looking at me
“I do but first we need to pause cause anytime I bring up the names I wanna name my kids people give me hell. So don't laugh” I joked
“Scouts honor” he said
“I want twin girls and I really wanna name them Juneiper and Jackie. Then I want 2 sons and I wanna name one of them Coltrane and then I wanna name the other one Sage or Imani.” I said
“I like those names as for the Sage or Imani, I like Imani” He said and I laughed at him
“What you plan on being there or sum??” I asked jokingly
“Actually as a matter a fact a do darlin” He said
“Oh really now!? Is you gon marry me?” I asked with a smile
“I just might have to” He said
“How many kids would you have then?” I asked him
“6” He said
*10 Years later*
“Mark” I poked at him
“What?” He grumbled
“I have a question” I said
“Shoot” He groaned
“When we first started dating and I gave you my number why'd it take so long for you to text me back?” I asked tracing his tattoos with my finger.
“Well, I thought you hated me but one day I was with the boys and they were talking about how after I asked you out you were talking to Booker and how you said you found me attractive but were scared of me. That didn't really get me going until I thought why not prove im not a dick ya know.”
“Where you scared” i teased him
“A little i knew you where a girl with pretty high standers from looking at you so i really didn't wanna fuck up” he said
“Nah you did perfect I think” I smiled and kissed him
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bluestar22x · 1 year
The Rockford Files Masterlist
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Series Summary: It's 90s Portland, Oregon, and Tim Rockford is a workaholic detective highly praised for having the most closed cases in the homicide division. Despite this, and to his dismay, the department decides to pair him up with a psychic who can sense spirits and see pieces of their memories. Can she prove to him she's not a fraud and win him over?
Pairing: Tim Rockford x F!Reader (both in their late 40s)
Rating: 18+ Series
Series Warnings: Crime, spooky stuff, workplace romance, smut, fowl language. Descriptions of murder scenes, blood, gore, and domestic abuse. Sexual assault of a minor hinted at in part 1 (not explicit).
Author's Note: The inspiration for this one flooded me. So many details and feelings. Romance in a gloomy field of work with literal ghosts involved just in time for spooky season. Each case happens 13 months apart. I didn't even mean to do that, I just wanted big time jumps like Sherlock (BBC) had at times.
Sweet Annie
Mr. Henley
Jane Doe
The Massage
The Morning After
Writing Inspo Music For This Series
Main Masterlist
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cherubispunk · 10 months
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UP IN YOUR ARMS (series masterlist) - Noir!Joel Miller x AFAB!Reader
summary: Joel Miller is a deadbeat. He admits that. Coming back from the military after suffering a gunshot to the head- he's unemployable. He has no family, his wife having left him before he was drafted and his daughter dying of scarlet fever. Only his brother is left. And, the reckless idiot Tommy is, he gets caught up in the gang culture of Boston, bootlegging alcohol and the like. 
It's only a matter of time before Joel finds himself in The Canary Club, an underground speakeasy. Where he meets you, the headline act. 
a note from lucy: another joel!ay series. someone stop me i beg of yoy. make sure to read the warnings before the fic. dont forget to follow @cherub-notifs and turn on 'get notifications' to be notified when i post. xxx
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w/c: 912 | angst
summary: the begining of it all tasted like whiskey and ciggeretes. But smelled of the interrogation room.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! DARK CONTENT! 1940s!au, no outbreak, no use of y/n, age gap (reader is in her early 20's and Joel is in his 40s), allusions to Smut,smoking, use of pet names such as doll, cursing, being arrested, interrogation scene, references to violence, ww2 references, probably an unhealthy relationship between reader and joel, mentions of blood, let me know if ive missed any warning out that should be tagged.
wc: 6969 | smut, angst
summary: The Canary Club. Illicit. Underground. Dangerous too. But nowhere near as dangerous the affair you and Joel start there.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! DARK CONTENT! 1940s!au, no outbreak, no use of y/n, age gap (reader is in her early 20’s and Joel is in his 40s), smut. p in v sex, oral - f receiving, oral through panties, choking, groping, sexism, mentions of racism, touch starved joel, me being back on my bullshit, drinking, ,smoking, throwing fists because men are stoopid and cant talk things out, cheating on the readers part, but joel knows this and still fucks her like the horny bastad he is. *sigh*, use of pet names such as doll, cursing, ww2 references, an unhealthy relationship between reader and joel, mentions of blood, let me know if ive missed any warning out that should be tagged. 6969 words of unedited bullshit because im piss drunk and cant for the life of me edit.
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emin-folly · 3 months
Ok, can I ask for:
7. Auction
10. Bargin
11. Bard
14. Barry horse
18. Barry Jesse
24. Barry Superman 2
29. Battle of the fashion tastes
36. Cats
37. Cheetah
39. Clark reading Cinderella
40. Compromise
42. Cover flash
45. Crackship doodles
53. DC Barry and Kitty
55. DC Barry's obsession
56. DC Barry's weird fears
58. DC dad brawls
59. DC aeo styles
66. DC hole in the ground
73. DC nobody wants to save thawne
76. DC Slade's new pet
79. DC Speedsters and abugs
82. DC ableached
83. DC Furries
85. DC OC
90. Deer style
91. Flash AU doodles
97. Drunk Barry
100. Eohal
101. Eo medieval
108. Eo wants commitment
111. Eobard ivy doodles
115. Eobeth
116. Eo Carol
137. Gertrude
138. GL headaches
139. GL Human Infestation
144. Hamlet
150. Horse
155. Iris gets powers
160. Linda and Barry
161. Manga So
167. Mom j'onn
168. Monophobia
174. Ot3
182. Plaything
197. Ship comic
199. Sin
202. Speed dancing
204. Starflash
205. Swan thawne
206. Symbolism
210. Touchy feely
214. What eo eats
216. Women
219. xxx
& anything else you're excited to share ☺️
Yeah I really should've seen this coming LOL
O o f
Hoooooo kay, strap in babes, it's gonna be a JOURNEY
Also FYI, I won't be showing sketches for every single one of these, either because I didn't draw much for them or the sketch is just too ugly to be shown publicly lol Without further ado, let's get into it!
7. Auction
Okay, so this is one part of a SUPER self indulgent concept of mine, one I'm honestly kinda shy just talking about it but the idea is, in the DC universe, I think we can all agree there's slave markets out there. And I feel like speedsters would be considered very valuable, on account they're some of the few beings who are attached to this ancient and powerful force, Barry and Eobard being especially prized due to the fact of Barry being the generator of the Speed Force and Eobard being the only known host of the Negative Speed Force in the entire universe.
So the plot is basically Barry and Eobard get captured somehow (insert convoluted explanation here) and is delivered to a slave market to be sold and become someone's trophy pets/slaves. This picture is the part in the story where Barry and Eobard get put on display for prospective buyers~
10. Bargain
This is a weird one but kinda like in the same vein of the last one, if there's a market for speedster slaves/pets, there's also a open market for any illegal, special "delicacy" meat. I think there would definitely be a belief among some races that by eating the flesh of a speedster, it would allow you to harness the Speed Force along with a host of other benefits.
11. Bard
Nothing to much to say on this one, this is really just a sketchdump I use for miscellaneous Eo practice drawings lol
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This is one I particularly like~
14. Barry horse
I could've named this better but this is supposed to be Centaur Barry, because I love Barry and I love centaurs so naturally I had to make an AU for it. There's a whole series of pictures I would very much love to get to someday featuring Barry and the other Flashfam members as centaurs but I gotta learn how to draw horses first OTL
18. Barry Jesse
This is part of my unofficial Barry series where I draw him with a character I wish he had more screen time with, this time it's with one of his own family members, Jesse Quick! Barry and her never really had a relationship in the comics, the most we got to go off of was Jesse having a lot of respect for Barry but that's about it. In my AU, I thought it would be really fun if Barry and Jesse actually had a sort of brother-sister dynamic~
Barry is an only child and so I think it would be neat to see him have a sibling kind of dynamic with other peers of the Flashfam. Jesse would be older in my AU, more closer to how old she was in the Pre New 52 age because if she's too young, Barry would most likely just adopt her as another of his Flashlings lmao
24. Barry Superman 2
Once again with the lazy titles. I tend to reuse my old canvases so that kinda explains why I just add a number to them lol Anyway, this one is actually based on a Tumblr post I stumbled across ages ago about Clark and Barry losing their powers so they team up to investigate a case and stop bad guys using their respective skills as a forensic scientist and a investigative reporter (if y'all know who posted that, pls lemme know!!) And anyway, this was very much up my alley hah There's a handful of doodles I wanna do for this (because I can't ever just be satisfied with one drawing) where Barry and Clark navigate the hurdles of Being Human, being shot at by criminals, accidentally jumping out the window or smashing their face into doors because they keep forgetting they're depowered. It's a lot of fun to think about~
29. Battle of the fashion tastes
Silver Age Barry and Eobard duke it out, claiming they have the better fashion taste. Thad and Bart aren't impressed lol There's also a doodle about Barry showing up to Ralph's wedding in less than conventional wear. Ralph is speechless, to say the least xD
36. Cats
This is a crack doodle I did randomly one day. I'm honestly surprised DC hasn't made this joke yet cause it's really hilarious in hindsight
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Poor Cheetah is so weirded out rn
37. Cheetah Yeeeaahhh, this is just Barry and Eo as cheetah furries. I like furries, sue me lol
39. Clark reading Cinderella
This is a silly little comic that's actually based on a cute and charming Golden Age/Silver Age Superman comic where Lois leaves her super bratty niece with Clark and he tries reading her the story of Cinderella only for him to immediately fall asleep and dream of becoming Cinderella's Fairy Godfather and throwing hands with her evil stepmother. It's great, I really recommend it (sadly I don't know the exact issue number, if anyone does, please drop me a line!)
40. Compromise
Eo tries to compromise with Barry: if he leaves Barry's family alone, Barry will let Eo do whatever he wants to him. Barry agrees. The ending is...unexpected aha. Here's a sneak peek of Eo's smug rat face tho~
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42. Cover Flash
This is a redraw of that one really gay Flash cover because it haunts me in the corners of my mind What was the artist's mindset drawing it? Did Joshua Williamson come up with the idea? I feel like he had to. It's just so hilarious and gay, I can't- Anyway here's Barry's looking very disturbed about having his privacy invaded
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45. Crackship doodles
This is one the sketchdumps for one of my absolute favorite DC ships of all time: EoIvy. It started out as a "haha that's a cute ship" to "they are infesting my brain, the roots are so deep right now and there's no hope for a cure" askdhsgkdb I have like, a million doodles ideas for them, I just need to organize myself, and also find an Ivy design I wanna use (no hate to the Injustice design, it's... alright. Tho I prefer her having green skin over human tones)
These are about Ivy showing Eo off like the bottom bitch he is to other people, mostly Gotham Rogues, to which no one approves of lol
They're not any where close to being done but have a mini Eo I drew in the corner~
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53. DC Barry and Itty
This is a little comic I started from before I read a lot of comics. I heard that Hal had a partner/pet Itty and at the time I didn't know how Barry really acted or if he knew about Itty, so I had him being very unnerved by him. Itty is just happy to have another buddy xD
55. DC Barry's Obsession
Oh this is a cute one. Okay so, I don't know if you played or watched the game Lego Batman: Beyond Gotham (which by all rights should've been a Green Lantern game but that's another topic for another day) Anyway, long story short, the Justice League gets hit by all the different Lantern emotions, Barry in particular being hit by the Orange Lantern Greed beam. So now you have a speedster that's taking anything that isn't nailed down, from batarangs to buildings, much at the dismay of the other heroes. Thankfully, he's still pretty reasonable even in this greedy phase, just telling him "No" is enough to make him put the stuff back.
I wanted to play with this concept cause I thought it was funny and cute to see Barry in this different kind of light. I haven't come up with something solid yet but I want to get to it sometime~
56. DC Barry's Weird Fears
Okay so, this one is a crack/silly idea I wanted to do where Barry gets affected by Scarecrow's fear toxin or maybe the Yellow Lantern fear or whatever but anyway, Barry is forced to face one of his nightmares...which, as it turns out to Eobard's surprise, isn't about his family or loved ones, but something else entirely--food. Yeah xD
I won't tell you the punchline cause I still wanna draw it someday so I'll just leave you with what's probably the best Eo drawing I ever did lol
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58. DC Dad Brawls
Idk if you're familiar with the Green Lantern CGI animated series but this pic is supposed to be Hal and Sinestro fighting over who has the best daughter (in the show Hal more or less adopted Aya lol)
59. DC Eo Styles
Actually what it says on the tin, for once ahah. This is me practicing drawing Eo in the DCAU style and also experimenting with a cartoony style of my own.
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I like this result a lot but I feel like it's not as stylized as I was going for. Plus it also feels a little too close to other people's existing cartoony art styles. Tho I do love how Eo looks like some rich bad guy from a cartoon who eats shit at the end of the movie lmao
66. DC Hole In The Ground
Oh boy, this is a throwback LOL I drew this back when I was a baby Flash fan and I didn't know the characters very well at all, I didn't even really like Eobard at this point
Some context: this tales place in an AU where, idk maybe Barry somehow took all his rage, hate and pain away, but Eobard is now a mentally adjusted, normal man. The Flashfam tho, hasn't taken too well to him regardless. This is a short crack comic where the kids, Wallace, Wally/Bart and Avery?? Jesse?? Take Eo to a six feet deep hole in the ground cause they needed his help. Course it's all a ruse so when Eo gets close to the hole, they push him in and try to bury him.
Don't worry, Barry got Eo out, tho not without a disapproving expression as he asks the kids if they're proud of themselves. They are xD
73. DC Nobody Wants to Save Thawne
This is also part of the "Thawne is Redeemed" AU funnily enough. The concept is a twist on the classic "villain takes someone hostage" scenario where some bad guy speedster takes Thawne as a hostage, threatening to kill him, to which everyone cheers. Bewildered, the villain then goes "OR...I'll let him go, to which everyone screams "NO"
Yeah, even good Eo still isn't liked by anyone xD
76. DC Slade's New Pet
This is also based on comic canon. In the Flash New 52 comics, Evil Future Barry makes a throwaway remark that he was trained by Batman, Slade and Lady Shiva and I have since then been utterly captivated by this idea, and I waNNA FISTFIGHT DC, LIKE HOW ARE YOU GONNA MENTION HE WAS TRAINED BY THE WORLD'S BEST FIGHTERS AND THEN NOT EVEN SHOW A FLASHBACK DO YOU HATE ME DC??! AUGH
ANyway, my pic takes place during Barry's training with Slade and what that might look like, complete with a speedster whistle. Barry's pretty much Slade's pet speedster and he's not amused about it 😂
79. DC Speedsters and Bugs
A funny little comic where Wally tries to smack flies in the JL watchtower. It...does not end well lol
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Rip, Batman
EDIT: Whoops! I just realized I called this Wally when Bruce says "Barry" here, MY BAD
I originally meant this to be Barry but then it was pointed out to me that it would be more in character for Wally to swat the bugs so I changed it aha
82. DC Bleached
This is just me crossing DC with my favorite anime/manga Bleach, specifically reimagining what my favorite character, Kenpachi, would be in the DC universe. I think he would definitely be in the Yellow Lantern Corps and picks fights with Sinestro and pretty much everyone around him and getting lost. It's basically just this:
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83. DC Furries
More DC furries but also with Clark this time. I tried making him into a lion cause I feel like that fits him the most (that or a bear) It...didn't come out good lol
85. DC OC
Ayyy I get to infodump about my girl, WHOO
OK so, something to know about me is that I don't really tend to do the whole OC thing. Not that I don't love it cause I do! I love the idea of making up characters for media I'm in and seeing other people's fan characters is so fun and inspiring. The problem is, I'm just really bad at creating characters OTL
But for DC, my need for a alien speedster finally won out and I decided to just make them myself. She's still very much in the early brainstorming stages, sadly I also don't really have any art of her so far but I do have some ideas for her:
• I haven't figured out the details about her species but she's basically based on an octopus, tho I would like to take some more liberties with it. She definitely has tentacles because I especially wanted her to have those and bc she's octopi based, she also has a beak for snatching and eating prey. As for her gender, I imagine it's different for her species compared to ours, but in human terms the closest thing to what she is would be a woman. As for age, she'd be the equivalent of 40-50 years old.
• Her story so far is she has lived a relatively happy and peaceful life, successfully raising her young with her mate for many years. Eventually though, her offspring has grown up and left, her mate has either died or is off world somewhere (still workshopping this) For most of the time, she ends up alone. She struggles with Empty Nest Syndrome and tries to fill her lonely days the best she can. Until suddenly, one day, she's struck by a lightning bolt that comes down out of the sky. I think you can guess what happens next lol
• She gets superspeed and is rightfully terrified and disoriented as all hell. She has no idea what's happening and probably thinks she's either dying or cursed. It takes a long time for their Green Lantern to help her but eventually they do. Word gets back to Hal who knows just the guy to call. Cue Barry Allen.
• He meets up with and finally gives her some peace of mind and helps her accept her newfound powers. She's still very unsure but she takes to Barry a lot and forms a great relationship with him.
• Anyway, from here on it would be her going on to find her purpose in her new family of small bipedal aliens, aka the Flashfam and finally feel whole again.
• Maybe I'll have her teach other aliens about the Speed Force or smth idk, I'm still figuring things out • As for her powers, I really kinda wanted her to utilize the Speed Force differently than the other Flashes. I'm not sure what it would be but I'm sure I can come up with something
Keep in mind, some things may change but yeah, I like her a lot and I hope I can show her to you guys properly someday~
90. Deer Style
This is also based on the Silver Age, more specifically a panel of Barry carrying Eobard in a very odd way. It kinda looked like he was carrying him deer style so I'm using that as my excuse heheh
Honestly, I'm very tempted to draw a compilation of all the bizarre and often unsafe ways speedsters carry people in the old comics cause writers really got kinda wild LOL
91. Flash AU doodles
Okay so this is based on @longitudinalwaveme's AU of an someone else's AU where Kryptonians has invaded Earth and enslaved humanity, but instead of it being centered around Gotham, it's about everyone in Central/Keystone City. This one: https://longitudinalwaveme.tumblr.com/post/655662017135427584/another-weird-flashrogues-au
AUs like this really make the wheels in my head turn and I also just love a good ol' enslaving AU lmao Anyway, this was actually fanart for it, these being some What If doodles of Barry and Henry where Barry discovers he has powers as well as Eobard cause it made me really curious where he would fit in this AU, like what if he ran back in time to save Barry/stop the Kryptonians. Maybe the 25th century is still Kryptonian dominated but they have long since become more benevolent and restored a lot of humans' rights to live freely again. Maybe Kryptonian and humans live among each other. Idk, it's so intriguing to think about~
But yeah, go check the OP's blog and the original post cause it's super interesting and show them some love in general <3
97. Drunk Barry
This is an idea I had for Pre-powers Barry getting bomb ass drunk at like, a party or something. My personal headcanon is that he would definitely be a cross between the super sappy drunk and the weird drunk who info dumps about disturbing true facts lol
This is a another comic I def wanna get to eventually, it's very fluffy and tooth achingly sweet so I'm excited haha
100. EoHal
I'm gonna skip this one because I'm answering it in another ask~
101. Eo Medieval
This is one idea I had for how Eo could possibly be reinvented for Dark Knight Of Steel, that fantasy/Medieval Elseworld comic DC has going around.
While I'm very grateful the comic at least briefly mentions them and DOESN'T kill them off horribly (the standard for us Flash fans are so low OTL) I was very disappointed in how little we get of speedsters in this universe. Like, you could do SO MUCH with them, their lore allows a lot of room for some fun and cool reinterpretation but alas, I guess I'll have to do it myself
For this one, I wanted to play off the concept of Eobard being a teacher. I thought maybe he could be a Professor who's shrouded in mystery, a cryptic who holds the knowledge of future events that will unfold. He is almost always seen with his students, a group of misfit children he may or may not have saved from less desirable situations. His goals are unknown but he seems to delight in turning kingdoms against each other.
That's pretty much all I have for him. I also don't really know how Barry fits in this AU but I guess we'll see~
108. Eo Wants Commitment
A What If concept where Eo and Barry were partners before everything went south. Eo's proposing that since they worked together for awhile now, he and Barry should finally "tie the knot", ie becoming exclusive superhero partners to each other. Like a marriage but totally platonic, lol
111. Eobard Ivy doodles
More of my rare pair cause I'm very unwell about them At All Times. This time it features Eo's sexy tramp stamp on his ass, courtesy of Ivy, she gotta mark her property, after all~
115. EoBeth
OK so I'm pretty sure I'm one of like, two people on this whole site that cares about Beth Arden and wanna see her make a comeback in Flash lore.
Some context: Beth Arden is a one off character from Flash: United They Fall. She's a lieutenant of the Speed Force Resistance who wears the Shift armor, a specially designed suit to allow humans to be able to go up against a speedster (though she is still very much outclassed by Barry). She was a brief antagonist before turning around and helping Barry.
Her story goes that she was a pupil of Eobard's and loved him a lot (whether it's romantic or not is not clear but it seems to be the former) She helped him design the machine that would give Eobard his powers. Unfortunately when he used it on himself, he touched the Speed Force and was this driven insane and shortly afterwards he killed millions people instantaneously. He then became a tyrant who rules Central City through fear and drugging his citizens by making them crave Speed Force fixes, so they'll worship him.
Beth naturally decides the best way to deal with this is to travel back in time and kill Eo's idol, Flash (which...one, I love how home girl just immediately decided to kill her crush's hero, that's wild. Two, it's a little confusing why she chose to go back to 21st century and kill Barry instead of like.... preventing the creation of the machine that made Eobard go insane but, well maybe she figured that he would've found a way regardless idk) That doesn't work so she teams up him to take down Eobard. The whole comic is kinda an AU already honestly.
Anyways, I really liked Beth a lot and I think she has a lot of potential to be really interesting and compelling addition to the Flash mythos. She doesn't have to be Eo's love interest or anything, honestly I would love to see her maybe as a rival? Or still a pupil of his?? Idk, there's a lot of great ways to reincorporate her (tho I don't really trust modern writers to do her justice unfortunately)
116. Eo Carol
This is a pic inspired from a supervillain team up in the old comics where Eo interacted with Star Sapphire. Now, sadly the Star Sapphire in the story isn't Carol Ferris but instead a French woman who temporarily took up her mantle. Despite this, I became super fixated on the idea of Eo and Carol being partners cause like, it's just too perfect
Barry and Hal are a great friends, so why not also have some of their baddies also be buddy with each other? Make it come full circle aha
137. Gertrude
Okay, this is a random doodle of a really obscure character from Alan Scott's 1940 run. In it, Alan's friend Doiby had a sentient taxi car named Gertrude...Yeah. This isn't explained nor does Alan or Doiby act like this is bizarre or unusual in any way. I personally would enjoy seeing her make a comeback, but that's just me xD
138. GL Headaches
A compilation of sketches, one is based on that famous panel of Hal struggling to think and the other one is a random Green Lantern seeing Clark's spaceship speeding by and asking if they're supposed to do anything about that xD
139. GL Human Infestation
This is a comic I did where a young GL recruit asks Kilowog to ragale him about the time in GL history when the GL humans first came along.
This comic is supposed to take a funny jab at how freaking many human lanterns there are, ESPECIALLY for the one sector/planet. I mean, I definitely get it, Green Lanterns are popular and people want to see all the cool variations of human GLs but man, at this rate they're gonna need to make a sub Lantern group called the Human Green Lantern Corps fr lol
144. Hamlet
That one Silver Age comic where Barry does the entire Shakespeare play by himself, playing the roles of both the men and women rotates in my mind 24/7. Crossdresser Barry is real and canon, DC can't take it back <3
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I definitely have a handful of doodles I wanna do with this, Barry in a dress is too good a concept to just narrow it down to one drawing. Iris is definitely gonna be involved 😏
150. Horse
This is part of the Centaur AU, this time it's Eo. I can't decide if I want him to be a centaur or a human in this AU cause I really love both ways, guess I'll just do both askdgskj
155. Iris Gets Powers
Okay, so this is an idea I had that's inspired from the Flash New 52 comic where Iris temporarily became a speedster. Basically, it's that but "What if Iris got powers but when she's already married to Barry and they have the whole Flashfam?" I thought that'd be SO interesting to see and I really wanna explore that
It'd be about her finally getting to see the world from Barry's and the others' perspective. To finally get to feel the humming buzz as the Speed Force courses through her veins and reach out and blur and blend into everyone else, to feel as one with the other speedsters, to finally be able to run with her family awahhh
Fair warning though, it does have a kinda bittersweet ending so be prepared~
160. Linda and Barry
I really wanted to draw these two together cause honestly, it is SO mind boggling that these two haven't???? Had a heart-to-heart conversation yet??? ESPECIALLY after Flashpoint. I personally felt robbed and so I've taken it upon myself to give them their moment in the spotlight they deserve. Barry is full of regrets and Linda, after some time to soul search and to think it through, forgives Barry and they hug <3
161. Manga Eo
Ok so, fun fact, did y'all know there's an official DC manga?? And that Eobard actually appears in it (not Barry for some strange reason) and fights Hal? Yeah, that's a thing that exists
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I really liked his look here, even if it is very subtle, like the thick black outlines around his mask and so I wanted to try drawing him myself~
167. Mom J'onn
Remember that Batman Lego game I mentioned earlier? Yeah, this is based on that too lol
So in the game, everyone splits up to go to the Lantern planets bases, J'onn, Cyborg and Barry visiting the planet of Nok where the Indigo Lanterns are.
Barry is still in his super greedy phase and Cyborg has unfortunately been zapped by the yellow Lantern energy so now he's absolutely terrified of every little thing. J'onn was one of the few who wasn't hit by the Lantern beams so he's pretty much the only sane and capable one here. Mom J'onn refers to him basically having to keep Cyborg from freaking out and Barry from stealing everything under the sun while also simultaneously fight off the mind controlled Indigo Lanterns and restore their power battery. Send some prayers for J'onn cause he is Stressed lmao
168. Monophobia
Ahh yeah, ok this is based on Post New 52 Flash Rebirth where Barry definitely experiences this, especially the part at his birthday party where he is consumed with the fear of Eobard killing everyone he loves. This comic is Eobard exploiting that, isolating Barry and giving him a taste of his pain. It's basically Barry whump which I love and will definitely deliver more on in the future <3
174. OT3
Oops, I think I listed the wrong file. OT3 is one I'm already done with, I think I meant to write OT3 1. My bad! Anyway, OT3 1 is some more EoHarlIvy because a handful of people seemed to really enjoyed my art of them 😊 In this pic, Harley's dive-bombing Eo and Ivy, because she naturally can't let them have their moment alone together lol
182. Plaything
This was actually inspired by @ftl-faster-than-lifewonderful's fabulous art of putting Eo in a collar and that sparked the idea of like, Barry and Iris finally deciding they had Enough and just slapped a collar on this idiot in the hopes he'll finally calm down. It kinda ends up backfiring on them tho cause now he's absolutely insufferable about being their plaything lmao
197. Ship comic
This was part of an art trade thing also for @ftl-faster-than-life where they requested I draw Eobard x Amanda Waller (yes, *that* Amanda Waller) In a rare twist of events, she's the one who has his ass tied up and is definitely planning on doing some nefarious things to him hehe
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There's actually a two page comic to go with this but I think I'll make that it's own post
199. Sin
I'm afraid I don't have much to say on this one but these are more drawings of Barry and Eobard during their time in the slaver's market~
202. Speed Dancing
Okay yeah, this one doesn't really have a reason behind it except I just wanted to draw Barry and Eobard in fancy suits and dancing with each other lol
204. Starflash
Remember that one old comic I mentioned earlier with Eobard and Star Sapphire? This was supposed to be a kind of panel redraw of their first interaction, where Eobard lays on the charm extra thick and bows to kiss her hand and introduces himself as Professor Zoom and stuff. IDK why, I just thought it'd be fun aha
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Old art is old
205. Swan Thawne
I got this random idea from being on Chinese fanart sites and seeing Eobard's last name often being mistranslated as 'Swann'. Swans in real life are pretty, graceful and can be absolutely vicious, just like Eo so why not draw him as one? lol
206. Symbolism
This was a piece that was supposed to represent Barry and Eo's relationship. I don't fully know what the context would be but it'd something like if Barry or Eo went into the other's mind. Chains are involved 👌
210. Touchy Feely
This is just Eo being touched starved as hell aha For as strong and anti people Eobard is, I feel like if someone caressed him lovingly, he'd immediately shatter. It's a great concept I like playing with~
214. What Eo eats
A lil comic thing about what Eobard runs on since he never seems to eat
It's spite lmao
216. Women
Once again creatively titled. This one is yet another genderbend pic of mine that takes some inspiration from the old comics where Eo flirts with a apprehensive Dinah, much to Ollie's shock and disgust lol
219. xxx
Yet another pic for my self indulgent slavery AU, this time it's Barry and Eobard dressed up in cute skimpy slave outfits and collars <3
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MAMMA MIA ,what a undertaking that was akshdjakj
Thank you EXTREMELY much for your interest~!! <33 This was a beast and a half to tackle but I absolutely loved talking about my WIPs and I sincerely hope you enjoyed hearing them as well!! :)
As for ones I'm excited to talk about, there are definitely some I can think of but this post is already way, WAY too insanely long so I'mma cut it here~
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amrass · 6 months
Fanfiction updates and excerpts 04.01.24
Guess who's back after 40 days of fast! I've tried to come up with an April's Fools joke, but nope, seems my brain is reeling from going from very little internet and then a lot of internet at once. I am currently knee deep in Fear & Hunger and Silent Hill walkthroughs, and am in a nice mood despite a tension headache.
Thank you to those who have supported my work in these weeks, it means a lot, especially during dopamine withdrawal 💙
Here is the list with the works I am focusing on in the coming month(s). So much Micah lol ... And blanket warning for NSFW.
Main works:
Colm/Micah, sugar daddy precanon AU, dark content. Currently at part 9, in Arc 2, soon to go over in arc 3. Ohh this SOB of a fic ... Not because it's hard to write, quite the contrary, it just grows and grows. I'm having fun with it though. Part 10 should be up this weekend :) It's going to be like 80% smut. Here is an except from it:
"Last round. Your fourth, yeah? Remember to keep it in."
"I can't," Micah said like an amateur ventriloquist, cum tricking out of his mouth.
"You wished me good luck," Colm said, faking disappointment. He dug his nails in where shaved skin ended and unshaven skin began.
Micah visibly steeled himself; he seemed to expect another harsh handjob. He ceased breathing when Colm bent down between his legs, face hovering above his poor, half-erect cock. 
"Tell me no," he said slowly, his grin opening, mouth filling with spit.
Micah could only stare.
The Damned and the Redeemed
A motorcycle gang AU set around 1990-2010, like in GTA 4: The Lost and the Damned, with the RDR2 main cast as bikers and their horses as smaller pets. While out riding, Arthur gets tasked with recovering Micah, who has been missing from the clubhouse for a few days. /// I am currently sulking because it's kind of hard to recreate Fast & Furious in text form, but about half of this is written.
"Easy, boy. Easy. It's just me," he said as he put his helmet down on, and carefully opened the door. "You remember me, don't you?"
About a third of the orange lamps inside the RV worked, but he saw the shadow of the Pitbull, the muscles breathing under thin black and white fur, like a miniature motorcycle no less vicious in its ability to break bones. The dog stood still, quieter than the police radio, sounding like ghosts due to the RV being far underground. If Arthur hadn't had experience with Baylock, spending time in the clubhouse kennel, he might've mauled him through the MC protection. 
"I'm just here to check up on Micah. Easy, easy," Arthur kept on repeating, keeping his voice friendly, moving into a crouch. He removed his glove and presented his hand.
Baylock did not move to sniff it.
Cata Doxa
Set in the same AU as TDatR, as a kind of epilogue. My attempt at a realistic, redeemed!Micah/Arthur. The motorcycle gang has disbanded, and Arthur and Micah live together in an old safehouse with a dog named the Duchess and a cat named Patrick (Bateman). Part 1-2 is filthy domestic Morbell smut, but ends on a bittersweet note. Part 3, which is unwritten, is hurt/comfort, and includes the cookies actually getting baked in a nonsexual sense, more Duchess & Patrick, and a talk on how it is like to grow older when one did not expect to survive. OLD MAN YAOI ALL THE WAY --
"You stirring?"
Arthur tried. There was something laughably pathetic about those small jerks of the wooden spoon against the wet dough and bowl. He laughed at himself, his shaking hands. "Shit," he said.
Micah pulled away, and the air was cold on Arthur's ass. Biting his lip to stifle a needy sound, he looked over his shoulder. Micah was still on his knees, looking up with a lewd grimace. "Shit? I sure hope not."
Arthur frowned, then did an intense eye roll. "Are you four years old?"
"Point blank range," Micah said, giggling, "But I guess," he drew out the words, savoring them, "I like to live dangerously …"
When Arthur rolled his eyes again, they stayed up, vanishing beneath his lids. The mouth had returned with a vengeance, thumb fucking into him while Micah licked around it. It slid deeper, and Arthur nearly dropped the bowl.
Same universe as TDatR, but is standalone, and far darker. NONCON & VIOLENCE. Four parts, O'Driscoll Gang/Micah, Colm's brother/Micah, Colm/Micah. Includes foursome, duct tape, spider gags, drugs, vibrators, gang rape, forced feminization, circle jerk, bukkake, boot worship, overstimulation, watersports, mindfuck ...
Micah is caught when robbing a O'Driscoll Gang hideout, disguised as a derelict gas station. What follows is six hours of horror, varying in intensity and depravity. He tries to manipulate the power structures within the gang in order to survive - when he's not screaming, that is.
Micah reached for his guns, only to be pulled backwards until he was flat. Leather fingertips dug into the hair roots and the swollen flesh beneath as more men swarmed him. They held his arms and legs down using thick gloves and thicker boots, applying pressure until he stilled. He swore his bones creaked under their combined weight. He looked up like he was stargazing among neat hills, and not in a ditch surrounded by helmets and with the stars hidden by city smog. 
"Let me," said a second voice from above him, and another face came into view, so pretty it was near angelic, covered in a halo of reddish blonde corkscrew curls. Upside down, he looked to be smiling, friendly if not for the baseball bat hovering between them, covered in rusty nails. "Let me kill the little thief."
"Not yet. Bosses are near. Wanted to have a look."
And that's what I'm focusing on! But other fics might appear sporadically, like my Morbell fic Anhedonia did.
Hope everyone is having an alright Easter, if they celebrate, or otherwise just having a good time :)
Of all the seasons I dislike spring the most, so sending some extra love to those going through a tough time, April and May can be cruel.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 4 months
Ignore this anon, i think its one person thats going around baiting people.
ive seen multiple writers be accused of writing minor coded fics/childporn or "supporting writers that write child porn"
It started from one bitter person bullying someone who wrote stepbro and daddy fics that never remotely resembled minor coding or even age play and now theyre going around trying to "expose" their mutes and other writers who have nothing to do with it
A wave of it happened a year back when people got accused of this after writing a 20 something year old reader and 40 year old eddie and steve
Not sure if theyre related, if theyre part of the same group posting hate anons, i just remember that this happened a while back too
ahh, okay, got you. thank you for the clarification! 🧡
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msgexymunson · 1 year
Jesus Christ. Sometimes writing is so hard and everything is a struggle. Other times, the ideas just keep popping and it's just too much for my tiny mind to comprehend.
So, I am writing, believe me, and in a few days you'll probably get inundated with fics, but I'm drowning in WIPs lol.
Here's a sub section of the horror that is my Google Docs:
Forbidden Fruit Part 5- I know, you want a conclusion, and it's coming! I promise this will be the first thing I post, scouts honour.
Sammy's Mom- the incredibly hot fic with 21 year old Eddie and 40s MILF reader, God this is so hot and I'm loving writing it.
Professor Quinn- A RPF (sort of) you have the hots for your professor and it may not be one sided.
Skye on Fyre- this is one that's been bubbling for a while, Nu Metal rockstar reader x Older Eddie, based on an ancient ask! Hot, heavy and smutty one shot.
Who Wears the Pants- a recent request where you and Eddie butt heads for dominance, a lot of switchy energy and a great, great ask from @rip-quizilla!!
So, a lot on the cards, bear with me whilst I get my 'tism together, I love you all xxx
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bellofthemeadow · 1 year
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
Country Singer!Joel Miller x Female Reader
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This is my entry for the 1k event found on @pedrostories
Trope: Forced Proximity
Rating: M for Mature (18 + no minors allowed)
Word Count: 12.7K (T.T Sorry )
Story Summary: Amidst a raging storm, an unexpected meeting thrusts you into forced proximity with former country sensation, Joel Miller, in the midst of an isolated nowhere. As the evening unfolds, filled with tension and vulnerability, both of you unveil the depths of your grief and heartaches. Through this shared journey of sorrow, an unanticipated bond forms, and maybe some light at the end of the storm.
Warning: Mentioned of death, TLOU canonical character death, mentioned of attempted suicide, depression, mental health struggle, referenced to cheating, angst, hurt and comfort, allusion of alcoholism, self hatred, smut, sexual intercourse, P in V, oral (female receiving), no protection, one night stand, age gap (late 20s/early 30s Reader with mid 40s Joel(No Minors Allowed! Thank you)
Notes: Hey everyone, I am taking a short break from my regular story to enter the 1K event on @pedrostories. What was supposed to be a short one shot, became an almost 13k word Behemoth! Although this is intended as a standalone, I found myself really liking the universe and the characters. If any of you would be interested to see more of the universe, I would be super open to making a second and a third part  😀 🤞 😀   
Let me know what you all think and if you'd like to see more of it and if you enjoy the story. I always love to hear what you all think!
Again, thank you to everybody, I love you all so much xxx Sending you all the love and support wherever you are ❤️ 
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Joel Miller sat hunched next to the large stone hearth, He carved a solemn figure in the corner of his secluded cabin. Far into the woods and away from the rest of the world, he had called this place his home for the past decade. Clutched in his hands was a photograph —a young girl, her long curly hair and dusky complexion frozen in a smile that still reached into his very soul and threaten to rip it out everything he looked at it. That smile, oh, how he longed to see it again, it had been his only wish for so long. Even for just minute, a mere second; he would gladly give his soul to have his life lighted by the smile of his babygirl just one last time.
With a gentle touch, Joel traced the delicate outline of his daughter, the girl whose absence had dug a profound whole in his heart. One that could never be mended again. It was ten years today, Joel thought bitterly. But still, he clung to her memory fiercely, fearing the gradual fading that time brings to everything. He dreaded the thought of losing the vividness with which he saw her now, a fear that gripped him tighter as the years moved forward. The details that once were clear as the early morning dew now seemed to slip through his fingers like grains of sand. The echo of her laughter, the title of the last book she held in her hands, the subtle nuances that made her unique—he struggled to grasp them, and this realization filled him with fear and hatred. What kind of father forgot about his babygirl?
Was her sneeze loud as his own, or was it a delicate sound, more like a sweet whisper? The uncertainty gnawed at him, a relentless reminder of the gaps in his mind. Why couldn't he rememeber? What if a day came when he could no longer conjure the contours of her sweet face or the mischievous curve of her teasing smile? The thought was unbearable, the guilt consuming him more each days.
Joel’d never considered himself an exemplary father, he grappled with the weight of regret for being too engrossed in his career to give his daughter a normal childhood. The rhythm of their lives was not marked by little league games and playdates with neighbours; instead, it was deafining with the roar of tour buses and the pungent scent of roadies, accompanied by the loud cheering of fans all over the country. Sarah’s life had always been unorthodox and it had been his fault—home tutoring replaced high school classrooms, the lessons fitting in the gaps between Nashville and Austin, where he recorded albums to give entertainment to the world. Something that, looking back, seemed futile and completely stupid. He would give all of his money, awards and recognition away just to hold his Sarah one more time.
When she died, he was stripped bare, nothing left inside the whole where his heart had once been. And Joel found himself adrift, the passion for his craft evaporating. How could he make music without the sound of a heart that once beat in harmony with his daughter's laughter? The will to create, the desire that once fueled his artistry, had lost its pulse. The prospect of touring, once thrilling and freeing, now seemed like an empty road stretching into oblivion. What purpose did it serve if Sarah was no longer there to illuminate the stage of his life? The exhilaration of performance, the applause that once gave him purpose—these fragments of success had become hollow, devoid of meaning.
It was not all bleak though, amidst the darkness of his existence, there were moments where the good outweighed the bad. Nights brought dreams of Sarah, where her presence was vibrant and tangible. In those dreams, she would look at him with that familiar smile, and for a fleeting instant, the chasm between what was dead and alive seemed to bridged together. Joel would see her as clear as day, sitting together in their old house, the echoes of their conversations resonating through is sleeping form. It seemed like hours would melt away as Joel and Sarah would delve into discussions about music and school sharing stories that held a fragile thread between past and present. But in the end, dawn would inevitably break, and reality would reassert its grip. Joel would inevitably wake up, the cabin steeped in an unsettling silence, his heart laden with the guilt and grief of her absence. Those dreams were his sanctuary, a bittersweet realm where he could briefly hold onto the warmth of what once was. But he couldn't live in dreams, and now even those moments that seemed to make life bearable were starting to wade in their appeal; they appear more cruel than kind as every mornings killed him a little more.
A resounding clap of thunder reverberated through the confines of the cabin. In its wake, a brilliant flash of lightning pierced the darkness. Joel sighed heavily and the raindrops began their relentless descent upon the cabin's roof and walls. It seems like the world outside mirrored his internal turmoil, the tempestuous weather a reflection of the storm within. 3652 days had slipped by a relentless procession of time. 87,648 hours of unbearable absence. Each passing moment stretched into an eternity, a cruel reminder of how long he had been without his cherished little girl.
Immersed in this ceaseless torrent of sorrow, he existed in a realm of suspended animation. Every action felt like a monumental effort, and the concept of simply being felt like an insurmountable challenge. The world around him had dimmed, muted by the overwhelming weight of his emotions. In this somber existence, even the simple act of drawing breath carried the weight of an arduous task. The colors had faded from his world, leaving behind a landscape of gray and desolation, mirroring the emptiness within.
His hand reached out, fingers closing around the cool neck of the whiskey bottle resting on the low table before him. A pang of bitter guilt tightened within him—he could almost hear his little Sarah's admonishment, disapproving of the choice he was about to make. She always hated the strong smell of liquor that would linger on his old leather jacket when they would go on tour.  His eyes drifted toward the shotgun that rested next to the door, his heart seized tightly within his chest. Maybe tonight he would do it, he thought. Maybe tonight he would free himself from the pain and the guilt of an existence without Sarah.
In the stillness of the cabin, Joel's voice trembled with pain and longing as he whispered, "To you, babygirl, I miss you so much."
Loud knocks echoed through the quiet cabin, making Joel freeze in his tracks. Raindrops kept beating in a frenzied rhythm on the roof, their clamour joining forces with the unexpected raps. Joel couldn’t remember the last time someone had knocked on his door. With how remote cabin the cabin was, there was hardly any visitors, ever. Only his brother Tommy and his old manager Tess knew about this place. Tess used to drop by every now and then, hoping he'd start working on a new album (which would never happened). But now she knew better than that.
With slow and deliberate movements, Joel set the bottle onto the table's worn surface, his movement unhurried as if not to disturb the tension that now hung in the air. His gaze swept the room, his gaze landing again on the shotgun near the entrance. He grabbed it and made his way to the entrance. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be a zealous fan who had somehow found his address. He really wasn’t in the mood tonight to re-enact Misery.
He swung the door open, his irritation peaking, prepared to confront whoever was bothering him on this day above all others.
"I don't know if ya capable of reading,", his voice dripping like venom, seeping with annoyance, "but in case ya missed it, there's a 'Private Property' sign right on the..."
You sat on the large leather couch, trying to make yourself as small as possible while your body shivered involuntarily as the chill from your drenched clothes seemed to seep into your very bones. You didn't want to be here. The man who opened the door for you certainly didn't want you here. But the violent storm outside had other ideas. The dirt paths of the forest had turned muddy and slippery and the force of the wind and rain had completely obscured your vision, there was no way you could have made it back to your car in those conditions. So when you had spotted the cabin as you were looking for shelter, you had almost cried in happiness. Now you weren't so sure as anxiety gripped you. You replayed the moments after the door swung open, revealing a stern looking man who eyed you with a mixture of surprise and suspicion. The hint of a shotgun nearby had done nothing but intensify your fear. For a second you had wanted to bolt from the place, but you had no other choice. In the end the man had let you in, simply introducing himself as Joel.
Clutching your arms around yourself in a futile attempt to generate warmth, you look around yourself at the interior of the cabin. Surveying your surroundings, the rustic charm of the living room did little to alleviate your anxious mind. The ambiance should have felt cozy, even romantic in any other circumstances, with the warm wooden decor and the crackling fireplace. But under the weight of your current predicaments, thoughts of roasting marshmellows and teasing kisses were at the back of your mind.
You were alone, drenched to the bone, in the company of a man you knew nothing about. Shit that was exactly how people died in horror movies. I am totally going to get myself killed, you despair frantically. They’ll find my body dismembered in a bunch of little pieces all over the forest, your mind supplied unhelpfully.
You tried to calm  yourself as best as you could, taking deep breath in an attempt to settle your mind. Frustated, you pulled out your phone. The meager 8% battery life and lack of data coverage was a sobering reminder of the shit you were in. If anything were to go awry, if this Joel turned out to be less than accommodating, you'd be stranded with no means of communication.
You had shared your plans for the day with your friend Chrissy mentionning how you were going to take the Broken Bow trails to. But even then, you two had been texting sporadically since you left DC so you were fully expecting her not to worry until several days had passed. Not ideals if you were to disapear without a trace. So, if Joel shifted from hospitable to hostile, no one would be none the wiser. And you would become forest fertilizer.
At this point, you were hoping that Joel would be more the flower and wine type instead of rope and chainsaws. Speak of the devil, the man appeared in the doorway, his large frame illuminated by a flash of lightning. In his arms, he was holding what you believed to be clothes "Got these for ya," he stated curtly, his gaze holding yours for a fleeting moment before he gestured vaguely toward the stairs. "Shower’s up those stairs. Go change and I’ll get some coffee on the stove. It'll warm ya up"
Your initial instinct was to decline, you began to stammer, only to be met with Joel stern gaze "I ain’t letting ya freeze to death in my livin’ room," He stated firmly his tone a command that quashed any protests. His words were spoken clearly, and he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. "Now go," he added, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.
Under the weight of his stern order, nervousness bubbled within you, mingling with a touch of gratitude. The contrast between his gruff demeanour and the kind gesture of care left you momentarily speechless. All you could do was nod, your voice silenced by his unspoken authority.
With a whispered "thank you," you accepted the bundle of clothes from his hands, your fingers brushing against his in a fleeting spark of connection. Without further words, you turned and hastened toward the staircase, his gaze lingering on your retreating form for a moment before he turned his attention to the kitchen where the coffee was. The stairs creaked under your hurried ascent, each step carrying you further away from the enigmatic man who had offered you shelter in this storm.
Twenty minutes slipped past quickly, after the hell of a day you'd just had, you felt like you were in heaven. The sensation of being washed clean, wrapped in warmth, and clad in what you swear were the coziest clothes you’d ever felt on your skin. A pair of well-worn gray sweatpants and a faded band shirt clung to you like a reassuring hug. You sighed contendly before meeting your own gaze in the bathroom mirror.
Looking back at yourself, you started to contemplate that you would soon have to venture downstairs to thank Joel. At the thought, a flutter of nervousness twirled in your stomach. The bathroom, with its locked door, felt safe, shielding you from the uncertainties of the rest of the night. Staying here, was tempting, at least until morning. Even if Joel had been nice so far, you didn’t know the guy from Adam. But in the end, you knew that you couldn’t just hold the guy’s bathroom hostage. Plus, practical needs called—you had to charge your phone, and the promise of warm coffee was hard to resist. Pushing a damp strand of hair behind your ear, you started to quietly make your way downstair. Praying to every Gods you knew that Joel was the good samaritan he seemed to be.
Returning to the living room, your gaze settled on Joel, perched on the same leather couch where you had sat earlier before he directed you to the shower. On the floor nearby lay some old rags, sopping wet with the water that had seeped in along with your drenched clothes.
Joel sat with a tensed back; his focus consumed by something he held in his hands. Tentative steps carried you closer, each one a whisper of uncertainty. Yet, despite your movements, the man remained oblivious, lost in whatever held his attention.
You approached with trepidation, your heartbeat quickening in the otherwise silent room. Your eyes flicked to the object in his hands, curiosity mingling with your apprehension. Peering over his shoulder, your breath caught as your gaze locked onto the image, he was engrossed in. A young girl, staring back at you with a bright, innocent smile that seemed to transcend even the still image of the photograph.
The room seemed to hold its breath, a moment suspended between your gaze and the photograph. "She's really pretty," you ventured softly, your voice a hesitant thread. Joel's response was sharp, almost as if you had slapped him. "... she was," his words carried a weight that hung between you both, heavy with a bittersweet melancholy. As your heart clenched at his words, understanding washing over you like a cold shower.
An awkwardness settled in the air, thickening the silence. You felt the pulse of your heart, its rhythm echoing the sense of disquiet that now swirled around you. Meeting his gaze, you found yourself lost in the depths of his sad brown eyes.
Summoning your courage, you utter "Thank you again for saving my skin out there," your words wavered slightly, betraying your uneasy timidity. "I put my wet clothes on the rack in the bathroom to dry. Hopefully, they'll be alright by morning, and I'll be out of your hair as soon as possible." The words tumbled out in a rush.
Joel's gaze remained on you, as if he was studying you intently, trying to unravel something beneath the surface. His response was measured, his voice carrying a southern twang "... 'tis no problem," he conceded after a beat. "Coffee should be ready," he added.
You nodded and followed in the wake of Joel's towering form. Along one wall, your eyes landed on an acoustic guitar that with the dust covering it, seemed to have remained untouched for a while. Intrigued, you couldn't help but point at it as Joel poured the rich black liquid into your mug. "You play?"
The response was understated, but you could tell there was more to say to this story. "... used to."
You took the hint, choosing not to pry further. At the very least, Joel didn't strike you as the stuff of horror movies; in fact, there was something about him that felt invitingly genuine. A warm and gentle gruffness that seemed lost in this day and age. As he poured coffee into your mug, your gaze wandered over him, observing the details that your earlier unease had masked.
Joel, in his rugged masculinity, demanded attention by his very presence. His size and broadness were emphasized by the worn flannel he wore, his biceps and shoulders hinting at strength beneath. Shaggy brown hair carried threads of white, suggesting a long life lived. You guessed he must be in his mid-40s. As he extended the cup toward you, his face once again came into view, and you couldn't help but acknowledge the magnetic allure he commanded.
But there was a sadness etched into those handsome features, an undertone that tugged at your curious nature. Your earlier observation seemed validated by his demeanour—tired and burdened. His reaction to the photograph had been a cryptic puzzle piece that hinted at a story you could only begin to piece together. Silently, you returned to the living room, the space that now felt familiar in its strangeness. As you both settled back down on the couch, Joel offered a comfortable-looking blanket, a gesture that warmed you in more ways than one. "Here, it's cold."
His soft gaze met yours, accompanied by a tentative smile. You felt yourself burned under his gaze, a response to the genuine kindness he radiated. Accepting the blanket, you cocooned yourself within its folds, savouring the moment with this stranger with a larger heart than most of your old friends.
A comfortable silence enveloped the room, your shared presence settling into a serene rhythm as you both sip your coffee. Then, Joel's voice cut through the quiet, breaking the spell. "I put your phone on the charge. I hoped it's okay."
The unexpected statement jolted you slightly, and you responded quickly, "Yeah, it's alright. Thank you so much." Your gratitude was met with silence from Joel.
His hand reached for a bottle of whiskey positioned beside the photograph you had noticed earlier "You mind?" he inquired, and without words, you extended your mug, a silent affirmation that brought a warm laugh from Joel. The sound resonated in the room, carrying a hint of teasing as he added a splash of whiskey to your coffee before topping his own. You found yourself loving the way he sounded when he laughed.
Your lips curved into a wry smile as you voiced the irony that hovered between you. "I know I shouldn't, a girl all alone in a cabin with a strange man who gets drunk on whiskey, its literally the beginning of a horror movie." Your words carried a touch of dry self-awareness. "But at this point, I guess that if you wanted to cut me up and dump me in your backyard, you would've done it already."
Joel's response was immediate, his words laced with dry amusement. "Not really my style. Too messy."
You met his words with a dry look, "That's good to know," the exchange drew the first genuine smile from Joel.
"So, what's your story? Why're ya in the woods in the middle of the night?" Your reaction was a scoff, a playfulness smirk edging on your face.  
"I mean, it's 9 pm. Hardly the middle of the night." However, your attempt to downplay the situation was met with an unimpressed eyebrow raise from Joel. He kept on looking at you, as he sipped his spiced coffee, a silent challenge written in his eyes. You wiggled under his stare feeling bare and open, your most secret parts expose for Joel's eyes to explore.
One part of your brain insisted that you shut up, keep the conversation brief, feign a headache, and retire for the night. However, another part of your mind encouraged you to confide in him, to share the minutiae of pain and heartache that you had carefully concealed since leaving DC. It urged you to unseal the chest you had locked away and pour out its contents – the essence of your soul – at his feet.The thought crossed your mind that Joel likely didn't receive many visitors in this cabin in the middle of nowhere, if any at all.
Leaning into the quiet intimacy of the moment, you found yourself opening up to him, allowing the words to flow from you like the torrential rain falling outside. "Well, I was a project manager back in DC, worked that job for about four years after college," you began. Memories of your time in the office flitted through your mind, remembering the long hours that stretched long into the night and the thankless faces you would see everyday.
You continued, "There had been some layoffs happening, but my boss told me I'd be fine." Your voice carried a tinge of bitterness, a lingering taste of disappointment. "Turns out I wasn't fine. She called me into the office last month, told me to pack my things, and said security would escort me off the premises." The raw frustration in your words was still palpable, "Like I was a fucking criminal!"
The expletive slipped from your lips, your emotions laid bare, you met Joel's gaze but he simply shook his head as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Like he was feeling the same emotions as you, like he was angry on your behalf. He then opened his mouth in a low whistle steeped in your shared indignation. "What a bitch," he declared emphatically.
A wry smile touched your lips as you continued, recounting the details of that shitty day that had changed everything for you.  "And that's not all," you added, "So, I'm hysterical, you know? I just lost my job and all." You took a deep breath, "I call my boyfriend, but no answer. I figure he's busy. It's the middle of the day, so I think nothing of it. So, I get to our apartment. I open the door, and there's clothes all over the place, like a goddam hurricane happened. And then, I hear that bastard going at it in the bedroom." A groan escaped you, still pained at what you had found that day.
Joel said nothing but extended the bottle to you, an unspoken gesture. You grabbed the bottle, the whiskey warmed your throat as you took a hearty sip, to settle your nerves and your heart.
All the while, Joel remained silent, his presence a steady anchor, "So yeah, he was screaming, she was screaming, and I was screaming," memory seemed distant, a scene from another life, like you were watching a movie "I was so angry. I could have throttled them." The bitterness was palpable in your words, "But in the end, the apartment was under his name, because I had moved into his place, and we hadn't renewed the lease yet."
So that was it, loss layered upon loss until even the space you had called home was stripped away. "So, he basically told me to pack up my shit and leave. Which mind you, I was more than happy to." you added.
 But then, you got quiet, That night, I found myself in a McDonald's drive-through, and it struck me that within a single day, I had lost my job, my boyfriend, and my apartment," your voice softened as you recollected everything that had gone wrong so quickly. "So, I made the choice to leave DC, to escape the city," you went on, "I suppose I was hoping to discover what direction I truly wanted my life to take."
"And now you're here," Joel supplied.
"And now I am here," you echoed.
Joel's hand reached out, his touch a silent comfort on your arm, skin raising under his touch as if he was setting it on fire. His voice was gentle as he spoke, his empathy evident. "'M sorry 'tis happened to ya sweetheart, it ain't right."
You felt yourself clench at the endearing word, a small timid smile tugged at your lips, "Yeah, that's life though," you replied, "Sometimes it hits you, and there's nothing you can do about it, My mom told me once that it's not about how many times you fall down, it's about how many times you can get back up. And even though all that's happened hurt like hell, I won't let that define who I am."
Joel's gaze bore into you, “You ‘ma seems like a smart woman.”
You smile a bit at his words, “She is, you'd like her. She isn’t the type to appear on people’s porches in the middle of the night.” You joke.
“Thought it was jus’ 9 pm?” Now you let out a loud guffaw, “Joel are you teasing me?” Your only answer was a sign of Joel’s hand motioning toward the bottle that you still held in your hands. You handed it over, watching as he took a hearty sip himself, copying your earlier movement.
"Her name was Sarah," Joel's voice was heavy as he uttered those simple words.
You watched him closely as he gestured towards the photograph with the smiling girl "She was my little girl," his voice trembled. "And I loved her more than anything in the world."
You let him continued at his pace, not wanting to spook the man "Raised her m'self, her mom didn't want nothin' to do with us," his words held a touch of resignation and a whole lot of bitterness. "She was the only light in my life." The pain in his voice was palpable.
His voice faltered, moved by the vulnerability he was showing you, you shifted closer, a gesture of comfort that mirrored the earlier touch he had offered you. Placing your hand on his knee, you offered a gentle squeeze, to reassure him of your presence and understanding.
Joel took a deep breath, "When she 'as just a baby, I was workin' construction, but it didn't pay much," he began, "So in the evenin', I would go to the bar and sing and play guitar. There I met Tess; she loved my sound and soon enough she became my agent. Next thing ya kno', Sarah and I 're in Nashville, and I'm recordin' music full time." you interjected raising your eyebrow with curiosity. "So, the guitar..."
He nodded, his expression softening as he continued. "Yeah, from when I was makin' music. Was a pretty big deal for a while."
"So, I would have heard of you?" you asked, your tone light earning a light scoff from Joel as he shook his head, a rueful smile gracing his lips. "Unless ya into country, I don’t think so."
You offered an apologetic smile, "Can’t say I’ve listened to much.”
His response was warm, reassuring. "It's okay." Joel continued, " Sarah and I did it for a while. The lifestyle. I would make music, tour, but she was always there with me. It was a lot of hours, and she was homeschooled so she could stay with me." His voice wavered, his gaze distant as he spoke, lost in the memories. "But we were happy. For a while anyway."
At his words, you tightened your grip on his knee, "One night, we had a big fight," Joel's voice carried a heavy ton. “Sarah, she was upset. Wanted a normal high school life, friends her age. But I was gearing up for a tour and we’d be on the road for at least six months. She wasn't having it. Said she'd rather stay with my brother, Tommy than go on another tour with me."
"I tried to make her feel better, promised her we’d have fun, that she could meet people her age at the hotels we’d be staying at" he continued, his voice filled with regret. "Told her this tour would be the last, that we'd settle down after that, somewhere quiet in the middle of nowhere.” His breath itched as he struggled to keep his voice steady, “And I promised I'd stop making music. But she didn't want to hear none of it." His voice quivered, "She told me she hated me." You winced at his words.
"I got angry and said things I shouldn't have," Joel's voice cracked, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Called her a brat." He sounded haunted by those words, like he wished he could take them back even after all those years.
His hands covered his face as he let his emotions and his tears flow freely for what seemed like the first time in a long while. Without thinking, you reached out, holding his hands to offer comfort and support as Joel continued, “So, I told one of my tech guys to take her back to the hotel, needed to get focused for the show. Next thing I know, I'm halfway through my set and I get a call. Sarah's in the hospital, the car got smashed by some drunk driver. I bailed the second I heard, but when I got to the hospital, she was already gone. My little girl died alone, and she thought I hated her. The last words I said to her was how much of a brat she was." Seeing him crumble before your eyes was heartbreaking. Tears flowed down his face as he clutched his head in his hands. Instinctively, you reached for him, gripping him firmly, pulling him close to you. Your arms wrapped around him tightly, holding him to convey that he wasn't alone, at least not tonight. "Let it out," your voice was a gentle murmur, encouraging him to release the pain and the sadness that had been locked inside for so long. "You're safe, Joel. It's alright, I'm here.”
And he did let go. Sobs racked his body as his emotions poured out like rain from the storm-clouds outside. You held onto him, providing a safe place for him to pour his grief into. Time seemed to blur as you clung to each other, your touch offering kindness in the face of his pain. Your fingers traced soothing patterns on his back, your whispered words a soothing lullaby, as you tried to ease his sorrow, even if just for this fleeting moment.
After what seemed like an eternity, Joel's sobs began to fade into quiet sniffles, and then, gradually, into the gentle rhythm of sleep. His exhausted body had finally surrendered to the emotional storm he had weathered. You held him tightly, letting him fall asleep in your arms, so he could rest.
Your gaze shifted to the photograph on the table, Sarah's smiling face looking back at you. With a soft tone, you whispered to the sleeping man before you, your words a tender balm to the wounds of his heart. "I might not have known her," your voice barely more than a breath, "but I can see the love between you two. In her eyes, in that smile." Your voice carried a quiet conviction as if you were reassuring both him and her. Leaning in, you placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Rest now, Joel. You're not alone."
Unbeknownst to you, as sleep began to claim him, Joel was in that liminal space between wakefulness and sleep. Your words, like a soothing melody, reached him in his half-conscious state. His heart ached at your kindness, the unexpected solace you had brought him. His emotions swirled, a mix of sadness and gratitude, as your presence provided a momentary respite from the perpetual pain. For the first time since Sarah’s death, Joel fell asleep warm and comforted.
The harsh sound of rain pounding on the cabin's roof roused you from your uneasy sleep. Your neck and back protested, bearing the marks of an uncomfortable night spent on the small couch you had shared with Joel. You shifted, trying to find relief from the awkward position you had contorted yourself into. The darkness of the cabin wrapped around you, the only sound apart from the rain was the rhythm of your own breath.
You felt Joel’s absence from beside you, his warmth now gone. He had managed to slip away without disturbing your slumber, a feat that puzzled you considering his imposing presence. The darkness outside the windows hinted at the early hours, perhaps around 2 or 3 in the morning. You peered around the room, but the limited light prevented you from seeing much beyond vague shapes and shadows. The night seemed to have its own weight, as if time itself held its breath in the midst of the storm.
"Are y’awake?" Joel's voice cut through the darkness, startling you into a sudden yelp.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle ya," his voice held an apologetic note as he stepped into view, a flashlight casting a soft, warm glow around the room. "Lost power sometime in the night, didn't wanna wake ya. Seemed like you needed the rest." He settled at the far end of the couch, a few inches from your feet.
"Joel…" your voice was hushed, a mixture of emotions swirling within you.
"It was ten years last night," he continued, his voice carrying the weight of years of grief. "Ten years ssince my babygirl died." His words hung in the air, heavy and poignant.
"I've always felt so alone," his voice trembled, "like there was no way out, like I was as good as gone. For so long, I've told myself that I should've been the one to go instead of her." His words struck a deep chord, and tears welled in your eyes.
"Still think I should've, it ain't right for kids to die before their folks" he whispered angrily, the pain evident in his voice. "But Sarah… she was like an angel, always takin’ care of me. And on the night when I'm considerin’ takin’ that shotgun and finally goin’ to see her… you show up." His gaze met yours, his expression confused. You saw pain, sadness, anger but there was tenderness and hope etched deep wihtin in his eyes. Joel ran a hand through his hair frantically.
"It's like my Sarah is still lookin’ out for me," he continued, "Like she knew what I was plannin’, and she sent me another angel to be with me."
A warmth spread within you, blooming deep inside of you at his words. With a slow motion, you pushed the covers aside, the cold air prickling your skin as you cautiously maneuvered over the short expanse of the couch until you were close to Joel. The room was dimly illuminated by the soft golden glow of the flashlight, casting shadows that danced around you both.
In the velvety cocoon of the hushed darkness, an unspoken desire bloomed between you. You moved with a subtle grace, straddling his wide hips, your gazes locking in the dim, intimate light. The air seemed to crackle with a newfound tension as you whispered his name, a gentle invitation laden with longing.
Joel's hands moved instinctively to your hips, his touch both gentle and possessive, grounding you in him. "Yes, my angel?" his voice held a soft edge of anticipation, a promise hanging in the air.
****You leaned in, your lips finding his in a dance that transcended words. The kiss was a slow, intoxicating melding of souls, a harmony of sensations and emotions that seemed to surge through every nerve in your bodies. Joel's lips were warm and inviting, their touch conveying a mix of urgency and tenderness that ignited a spark within you.
Your fingers cradled the back of his head, tangling in the strands of his hair as you deepened the kiss. A low, throaty moan escaped him as he yielded to the sensation, his response igniting a fire of desire within you. The taste of his lips, the press of his body against yours, it all felt like a perfect symphony of your two body.
As the kiss broke, Joel's whispered words mingled with the soft hum of the storm outside. "Are you sure?" he asked a thread of concern woven into his tone.
A smile touched your lips, a mix of assurance and desire. "Never been surer in my life, cowboy."
His smile in response was like a sunrise, warmth and light flooding the room. Rising from the couch, he held you in his strong arms, your laughter echoing as he started to ascend the stairs with you in his embrace. The world outside was forgotten, eclipsed by this moment. Eclipsed by Joel holding you close.
As you reached what you assumed was Joel's bedroom, a surge of anticipation and desire compelled you to draw him into another fervent kiss. The soft laughter that escaped him was a melody that danced against your lips, and you responded with a mixture of eagerness and playfulness.
Joel's touch was both electrifying and gentle, he swatted your bottom teasingly, his voice a breathless whisper against your lips, "Patience, angel."
His words sent shivers down your spine, mingling with the electric tension that enveloped you both. The room seemed to shrink around you as desire flared, intertwining your fates in a web of longing and need. With a mixture of restraint and yearning, you allowed the dance between you to continue, each moment a step closer to surrendering to the consuming passion that had ignited between you.
With a gentleness that belied his strength, Joel guided you onto the large bed. Your senses were alight, every detail heightened as if the world had shifted into sharper focus. The bedding beneath you cradled your form, its softness embracing you like a lover's touch. The air around you carried a faint chill, a stark contrast to the heat that seemed to radiate from the space between you and Joel.
But it was his gaze that held you captive, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that set your heart racing. In his gaze, you saw a constellation of emotions, desire mingling with a hint of vulnerability, each flicker a testament to the depth of connection you shared. Time seemed to slow, the storm outside merely a distant echo as you were immersed in this moment, this charged space where nothing else mattered except the unspoken language of longing that passed between you. The room felt small, a universe confined to the expanse of the bed where you lay,
 And the dance began—a sensual rhythm that both of you instinctively understood. Joel's hands, firm and determined, reached for the fabric of your shirt, his fingers curling around the material before he tugged it away from your body. The garment was discarded to the side of the room, forgotten. A smirk graced his lips, his eyes alight with a mixture of desire and amusement.
"That was an old shirt from my '01 tour in California," he confessed playfully. "Seeing you wear something of mine stirs up all sorts of feelings, angel."
A breathless laugh escaped you, a mix of nerves and excitement intertwining in the sound. Joel's mouth descended with practiced skill, capturing your right nipple in a delicate play of sensations. His lips and tongue orchestrated a dance, alternating between gentle kisses and teasing tugs, coaxing your body to respond. Your nipple responded to his attentions, standing taut against the flicker of his tongue. His warm breath brushed against your skin, sending a shiver of anticipation coursing through you, a stark contrast to the cool air that surrounded you.
The torturous symphony of sensations migrated to your other nipple, the alternating rhythm of pleasure and tease sending shockwaves of need radiating from your core. Unable to contain your yearning, you whispered a plea, your voice a hushed prayer. "Please, Joel..."
His response was a gentle murmur, a tantalizing question. "Tell me what you want, angel."
A rush of arousal and aching need surged through you, and you implored him with a breathless urgency, your words carrying a plea for more. "More, please..."
Amusement danced in his eyes as he pushed you further, his own desire and anticipation evident in the way he held you, in the way he looked at you. "You're gonna have to be more precise than that, angel," he coaxed, his voice a seductive melody that echoed between you.
You suddenly grabbed Joel’s head and directed him towards your aching core, “Touch me here please Joel, I can't.”
“Whatever my angel desires.” And he bends his head down wrenching a scream of delight from your lips as he started lapping at your core with enthusiastic desire. You had never felt anything like this before, previous lovers have always been less than enthusiastic at performing this particular act, but it seemed like Joel reveled in making you squirm and he was trying his best to elicit as many breathless moans from you. And you were more than happy to oblige him. He started alternating between lapping at your clit teasingly and rubbing his fingers alongside your slit, all the while murmuring cooing words into your core “my beautiful angels, you are so good to me.”
With a surge of boldness, your hand darted out to grasp Joel's head, your fingers threading through his hair as you guided him to the source of your aching desire. A plea tumbled from your lips, raw and unrestrained, "Touch me here, please, Joel. I can't wait any longer."
A playful smirk danced across his lips, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of fulfilling your desires. "Whatever my angel desires," he responded, his voice a seductive promise. Bending his head with deliberate intent, he set forth on a way that was sure to send you in  a primal surge of ecstasy.
A passionate cry of delight erupted from your lips as Joel's skilled tongue found its mark, dancing across your sensitive core with an enthusiasm that set your senses ablaze. This was an experience like no other, a stark departure from previous lovers where enthusiasm had been scarce. With Joel, it was different—he revelled in your pleasure, his fervent devotion evident in every movement.
His lips and tongue worked in tandem, alternating between tender lapping and teasingly rhythmic motions that sent electric jolts of pleasure coursing through you. His fingers joined in the sensual symphony, tracing delicate patterns alongside your slick folds, igniting fires of sensation wherever they ventured.
Amidst the heady sensations, Joel's voice reached your ears, a sweet and enticing serenade that whispered cooing words directly to your core. "My beautiful angel, you are so good to me," he murmured, his words like molten honey, dripping with adoration and lust.
Your moans and gasps crescendoed into a symphony of pleasure, each sounds a testament to the waves of ecstasy coursing through your body. As if guided by the melody of your desire, Joel responded with a calculated touch, slipping a finger inside you. A powerful scream of pleasure erupted from your lips, the sensation of his digit plunging deep within you electrifying your senses and igniting a fierce yearning.
"Oh my God, Joel, please!" Your words tumbled out in a jumble of incoherence, driven by an insatiable need that clouded your thoughts. The urgency in your voice spoke volumes, even if the words themselves were fragmented. You needed more, you craved more, but your mind was too consumed by the sensations to formulate coherent sentences.
Joel pressed on with his skilled ministrations. He gauged your need, asking, "You want more? You think you can take one more?" Your head bobbed in a fervent affirmation, your eyes filled with a mixture of longing and anticipation. Without hesitation, he introduced a second finger, and your body reacted with a surge of pleasure mixed with a hint of discomfort—a delicious sensation that heightened your desire.
Closing your eyes to savor the pleasure coursing through you, you felt Joel's fingers expertly moving within you. The sensation of them crossing and spreading you wide sent intoxicating shivers down your spine, a tantalizing preview of what was to come. His mouth remained devoted to your neglected clit, lavishing it with attentions that drove you wild.
"I've got to prepare you real good, angel," Joel breathed, his voice husky with need. "You've got to be spread wide to take all of me. I ain't like one of those DC boys you’re used to." His words, a potent mix of promise and possession, sent a thrill through you. "Yes, yes, yes, Joel," you pleaded, your voice aching with desire. "Spread me, make me ready for you."
A knowing smirk curved Joel's lips as he introduced a third finger, a hint of pain deliciously mingling with the intense pleasure, intensifying the sensations that rocked your body. "So good, angel," he moaned breathlessly. “Joel, I’m gonna…” “Yes, come for me, angel. Please come for me right now!" His encouragement was all it took, and you shattered into euphoria like never before. Explosions of white dusted your vision as you felt yourself gush around Joel’s fingers, which continued their relentless rhythm inside you. Your body tensed and then went limp, as if weightless.
When you opened your eyes again, Joel's gaze met yours. He was lapping at his fingers with an obscenely indulgent expression, making your body tingle with renewed desire. "You taste delicious, like the sweetest honey," he purred. A groan of need escaped your lips as you reached for him, your hands eager to explore. "Please, Joel."
"Do you want me, Angel? Do you want me to take care of you?" he asked, his voice a seductive blend of desire and tenderness. You nodded, and as Joel started to take off his shirt he suddenly stopped in his track “Fuck, I don’t have condoms.” He brought his hands to his face in a movement of frustration.
 A soft smile graced your lips as you moved closer to him, your face now level with his taunt stomach. With gentle reverence, you pressed a soft kiss against his skin, just above his waistband.
"If you trust me, Joel," you began softly, “I got tested after I found out Bryan was cheating, and everything came back clear." Your words hung between the two of you as Joel realized what you were offering.
Joel's reaction was swift and intense. His hand gripped your jaw firmly, his eyes ablaze with a mixture of protectiveness and possessiveness. "Don’t say that piece of shit's name when you're in my bed, angel," he growled, his voice laced with a raw edge. The shiver that ran down your spine was both a thrill and a reminder of his complex emotions.
"Come here," Joel commanded his voice a blend of authority and strength. Eager to comply, you shifted closer to him, a fire of anticipation burning in your veins. Slowly, Joel started to guide you back down onto the bed, his hands moving with a purpose that matched the intensity of his desire.
"I want to look at your face when you come on my cock," he murmured, his words sending a shiver of longing down your spine. Anticipation pooled in the pit of your stomach as you locked eyes with him, feeling the weight of his gaze on you.
With deliberate movements, Joel began to undo his jeans, freeing his long and thick cock from its confines. The sight of him left you audibly gulping, a mixture of want and anticipation coursing through your veins. You couldn't help but wonder about the sensations, the weight, the pleasure that his size would bring.
"Can I put it in my mouth?" you asked, your eagerness apparent in your voice. Joel chuckled, his laughter a low and intimate sound that sent another wave of desire crashing over you. "Not tonight, angel," he responded, his tone both playful and commanding. "Tonight, I want to come in your pretty little pussy."
Joel's hands and lips explored your body with a relentless hunger, each touch igniting sparks of pleasure that coursed through your veins. Lost in the dance of passion, you found yourself swept away in a symphony of sensations, the symphony building to a crescendo of ecstasy that left you breathless and yearning for more.
In one swift, delicious motion, you felt Joel's firm length slip inside you. The sensation was both intense and electrifying, and you couldn't help but close your eyes and let out a loud moan of pleasure as he stretched you open in the most pleasurable way.
"Oh shit, angel, you're so damn tight," Joel groaned, his voice laced with desire and amazement at the sensation. You couldn't hold back your response, your own voice a mixture of bliss and disbelief. "Oh my god, Joel, that's because you're so fucking big!"
With deliberate slowness, Joel began to move his hips, creating a rhythm that was both torturously slow and exquisitely pleasurable. His gaze remained fixed on your face, his eyes locking onto yours with a passionate intensity that sent shivers down your spine. The intimacy of the moment, the raw connection between your bodies, fueled the flames of desire that burned between you.
"Please, Joel, you have to move faster, please, I'm begging you," you implored.
A smirk tugged at the corner of Joel's lips as he teased, "If I go faster, you're gonna make this old man come way too quick, angel."
"I don't care," you gasped, your need overpowering any sense of patience, "you have to move, please!"
"As you wish," Joel responded with a sly grin, and in the blink of an eye, the slow and deliberate rhythm transformed into a furious, unrelenting pace. His hips met yours fiercely, each movement driving you to the edge of your senses. Your heart raced, pounding in your chest like a wild drumbeat, and for this moment, nothing else mattered except the intense connection between you and Joel. The world outside faded away as you were consumed by the sensations of pleasure and desire, lost in the intoxicating dance of your bodies moving as one.
The tight coil of tension within you wound tighter and tighter with each fervent movement, aching to be released. The desperate need for release surged through your veins until you couldn't hold it any longer.
"OH MY GOD, JOEL, I'M GONNA COME AGAIN!" you cried out, your voice a mixture of ecstasy and urgency.
"Fuck, me too, angel, I'm gonna cum," Joel groaned, his voice heavy with need. "Please, you have to come with me, please, Angel!"
"Oohh my goddd, I'm cum..." Your sentence was left unfinished as the intense wave of pleasure crashed over you, shattering the tight coil and setting your senses on fire. Simultaneously, Joel's hips stuttered against yours, and you felt the warmth of his release inside you.
"Fuckkk," Joel whispered against your throat, his breath hot and ragged, as both of you rode out the waves of bliss, your sweaty bodies entwined and sated.
"That was..." you began, your voice trailing off as you searched for words to capture the intensity of what you had just shared.
"It sure was," Joel finished, his voice carrying a mixture of satisfaction and amusement. ****
You let out a hearty laugh, the tension of the moment dissolving into light giggles, as Joel momentarily left the room. While you lay there, still basking in the aftermath of your pleasure, he returned with a warm towel and a glass of water. He handed you the glass, and then, with gentle care, he began to clean you up. Your body was still sensitive from the climax, and you instinctively squirmed under his touch, but Joel held you in place.
"None of that, angel," he chided softly, his eyes warm and reassuring. "Gotta make sure you're all cleaned up. Lemme take care of ya."
His words and the softness of his touch melted away any remaining tension, and you found yourself yielding to his gentle care. You let go, allowing him to attend to you in this tender and intimate way. Once he was finished, he guided you back onto the bed and gathered you into his broad arms. A smile played on his lips as he pressed a gentle kiss against the nape of your neck. You closed your eyes, feeling a sense of serenity wash over you.
"Sleep now, my angel," he whispered, his voice a soothing murmur in your ear. "We'll talk in the morning."
With his strong arms wrapped around you, you nestled into his embrace, finding comfort and warmth in his presence. Your eyes closed naturally, the weight of the day's events and the embrace of his body lulling you into a peaceful slumber.
The morning greeted you with the cheerful chirping of birds, their song gently coaxing you awake. Blinking your eyes open, you realized Joel's form wasn't beside you in the bed. You reached for his discarded shirt on the floor, wrapping it around yourself before quietly slipping out of the room. As you stood before the bathroom mirror, your reflection showed the aftermath of a passionate night: tousled hair, eyes still bearing traces of desire, and lips that bore the marks of fervent kisses. A satisfied smile tugged at your lips as you grabbed the toothpaste, relishing the refreshing feeling as you brushed your teeth.
After tidying up a bit, you descended the stairs, your senses greeted by the delicious scent of cooking. Following the aroma, you entered the cozy kitchen where a rustic-looking pan held sizzling bacon and eggs. The scene was comforting, but there was no sign of Joel. As you scanned the room, the soft strains of a melody drifted in from outside, drawing your attention.
Curious, you made your way toward the source of the music, stepping outside to find Joel sitting on the porch swing. He held the acoustic guitar you had spied last night on the wall, his fingers moving deftly across the strings to produce a gentle tune that seemed to blend harmoniously with the morning breeze. You leaned against the railing beside him, listening intently to the music.
Joel paused his melody and turned his gaze toward you, his lips curling into a soft smile. "That was beautiful," you offered gently, "What were you playing?"
Joel's smile widened as he motioned for you to join him. "You inspired me last night," he confessed. "I had these melodies in my head, and I just had to play them." Your lips curved into a smile as you leaned in for a kiss. "That's unexpectedly romantic," you teased, causing Joel to chuckle. "Romantic, huh? Never been accused of that before," he playfully responded. "Are you hungry?" he asked. "Starving," you replied, a rumble of hunger confirming your words.
Joel's laughter filled the air as he gently set the guitar aside and guided you back indoors. He motioned for you to take a seat at the spacious wooden table, his warm smile inviting. He playfully swatted your hands away as you attempted to help, his touch grounding and reassuring. "Let me serve you, angel," Joel whispered softly as he settled you into a chair.
As Joel expertly portioned out the eggs onto your plate, you admired the beautiful table before you. "This table is stunning," you remarked, inspecting the grain of the hard oaken wood "I've always dreamed of having a big wooden table. Somewhere to have all my family and friends and have big dinners." Joel's smile held a touch of nostalgia. "Yeah, me too. That's why I built it."
"Wait, you built this?" you exclaimed, surprised. "Is there anything you can't do?" His laughter was infectious, and he shook his head playfully. “Just eat ya eggs." You smile happily in response before digging in.
A comfortable silence settled between the two of you as you happily munched on your meal. "This is really good, thank you, Joel," you said with genuine gratitude. Joel's smile was warm, yet his gaze seemed to drift elsewhere, lost in thought. You observed him from the corner of your eye, curious about what was going on in his mind.
After a moment, Joel pushed his half-eaten plate of eggs aside and made his way over to you. Without a word, he grasped the back of your chair and turned it toward him, causing you to let out a surprised "Joel!" as you were suddenly lifted from the chair. He settled down, pulling you onto his lap, holding you close.
You chuckled softly, noting, "Breakfast's gonna get cold..." But Joel's response was immediate, his voice a whisper against your collarbone, "I don't care. Need to be close to ya, angel." You felt yourself melting into his embrace, content and cherished.
You closed your eyes, savoring the sensation of being enveloped by Joel's arms. Inhaling his masculine scent deeply, you wanted to imprint it in your memory, wanting to hold onto every detail of this moment. You never wanted to forget the way he made you feel. As Joel's hand gently traced patterns on your back, his lips pressed soft, feathery kisses along your neck, causing a contented sigh to escape your lips.
In that instant, you realized that in just one day, Joel had managed to make you feel safer and happier than your four-year relationship with Bryan ever did. "Joel," you timidly began, your voice a fragile thread. "Hmmm, what is it, angel?" Joel's response was gentle, encouraging you to continue. "About what you told me last night… About Sarah…" His sigh against your neck was heavy, and you gathered your courage for what you wanted to say next. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what happened to her. It wasn't fair."
"Angel…" You guided Joel's face up from its hiding place in your bosom, holding it between your hands to meet his eyes. "Sarah loved you, Joel. And she knew you loved her. She wouldn't want to see her father suffer alone like this."
Joel's eyes bore into yours, a mix of frustration and protectiveness. "Angel, please stop." But you couldn't hold back; not after last night, not after seeing him this morning with the guitar, not after he pried open and emptied the chest of feelings that you had buried deep in your heart. "Joel, I don't want to argue. I know we've only just met, but I can see the kind of person you are. And I might not know a lot about you, but I know that you don't deserve to keep punishing yourself. You deserve to be happy."
Your fingers brushed against his face tenderly as your eyes glistened with tears, your plea carrying all the sincerity you could muster. However, Joel only gently lifted you from his lap and set you down on the chair. He turned to walk away from the kitchen, but before leaving the doorway, he paused. "Finish your eggs, and when you're done, it might be best if you leave." His words were heavy and definitive.
The atmosphere grew icy as your eyes welled up with tears. "Better for you, you mean," you muttered bitterly, pushing the plate of eggs aside and standing up. "I'll get out of your way right now, Joel. I'm sorry for overstaying my welcome." Without waiting for a response, you swiftly moved past him, your heart aching as the tears streamed down your face, not wanting him to see how vulnerable you felt. How much his words had hurt you deep within your bones. Not even your ex-boyfriend cheating had hurt as much as Joel’s words.
Hastily, you ascended the stairs, feeling a mixture of confusion, hurt, and urgency. Joel's shirt clung to your skin as you moved, a reminder of the passionate night you had shared. With hurried hands, you peeled the shirt off, folding it and placing it on the bed with a mix of sadness and longing. Slipping into your clothes, you realised how they were dry and carried a faint, comforting clean scent. It dawned on you that Joel must have taken the time to wash and dry them while you were still asleep. The small act of care spoke volumes, tugging at your heartstrings even harder as your emotions threatened to overwhelm you.
A soft sob escaped your lips as you quickly pulled on your leggings and t-shirt. The pain within you intensified, a heavy weight on your chest that made it hard to breathe. Your fingers trembled as you fumbled to button up your shirt, your mind racing with a mix of regret and confusion. Every touch, every moment, seemed to replay in your mind like a whirlwind of emotions that you couldn't make sense of. Your breath came in ragged gasps, and the room felt stifling as you imagined Joel's hands, his lips, all over you.
Each second that passed felt like an eternity, the need to escape growing more urgent by the second. You couldn't bear the idea of staying in this place any longer, not when your heart and mind were in such turmoil. Your head spun as you gathered your belongings, your thoughts a jumble of conflicting feelings. With shaky hands, you grabbed your bag and moved toward the bedroom door, your heart racing and your vision blurred by unshed tears. It was as if the walls themselves were closing in on you, suffocating you with memories and emotions that you couldn't yet fully process.
You quickly made your way down the stairs and you quickly reached the entrance of the cabin, your hand gripped the doorknob, the exit just a twist away. But then, like a lifeline thrown to your drowning form, Joel's voice cut through the tension-laden air. "Wait," he implored. For a moment, you could have pulled the door open and walked away, sparing yourself the pain that seemed inevitable. But something in his voice, something in the way he had said it, made you hesitate, your fingers tensing on the handle.
"Please wait," Joel's voice, gentle and soft, reached your ears, halting your movement. His words were like a fragile confession, tinged with regret and vulnerability. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It's just... it still hurts so much, and I can’t do anything about it. I don't even know if I wanna do anythin' 'bout it! If I stop hurtin, it ain't fair to her, it's like 'm forgettin' her. My babygirl. I can't... I can't be the man you need me to be. You're young, and you'll find something much better than a washed-up singer, a father that’s always gonna be haunted by the ghost of his daughter. I'm carrying too much baggage, And I ain’t  worth the pain I know I’ll cause ya angel.” Frozen in place, you listened to his words, his admission of hurt and fear, his belief in his own unworthiness all washed over you, leaving you empty and oh so sad for the man in front of you.
With your back still turned toward him, your grip on the doorknob loosened. You could feel your heart aching for him. You closed your eyes, attempting to blink away the tears that threatened to fall, your breathing ragged and unsteady.
You took a steadying breath, turning slightly toward him, though you couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze. In a voice that was stronger than you felt, you spoke your truth "Joel, it's not about what baggage you have or don’t have. It's everything that’s happened since yesterday, how we make each other feel. And last night... it meant something to me. I don't need you to be something you're not. I just want you to be who you are, because that person is worth something to me."
You swallowed hard, your throat tight with emotion. "I can't pretend to understand everything you've been through, Joel. But I can see the person you are, the one who's been through pain but is still standing here. You deserve happiness too, Joel. You're not defined by your past, and you're not just a has-been singer or whatever it is you impose on yourself. You're Joel, and you're worth more than you realize."
A tear escaped your closed eyes, tracing a path down your cheek. With a determined step forward, you pulled the door open, your voice steady despite the vulnerability you felt. "Take care of yourself, Joel," you whispered. With that, you stepped out onto the threshold, the cool breeze against your skin offering a stark contrast to the warmth of the cabin. The door clicked shut behind you, a gentle sound that marked the end of a moment that had touched your heart so deeply. And as you walked away, you didn't look back, hoping that Joel's own journey would guide him to a place of healing and acceptance.
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Three months had drifted by since the night when Joel's presence swept into your life, like a gentle breeze altering the course of a quiet stream. The echo of his words still lingered in your mind, painting the canvas of your memories with vivid strokes of vulnerability and tenderness. As you slid into the cocoon of your car that night, the world outside felt different, as if reality itself had taken on a new hue.
Driving away from the cabin nestled in the heart of the woods, you found your plans melting away, leaving behind a blank slate that you were now eager to fill with Joel's presence. But you knew he had his own journey to embark upon – a journey toward reconciliation with his past, a voyage of healing that no one else could undertake for him. You couldn't help but hope, perhaps even naively, that the currents of life would someday guide him back to you. It was an uncertain prospect, but then again, your whole life had become a cascade of the unexpected.
After first leaving behind the familiar landscape of DC, and wandering the country for some time, you found yourself meandering down unfamiliar roads that led you to the vibrant city of Austin. Amid the soulful melodies and friendly faces, you decided to step into a music store, compelled by the yearning to connect with Joel on some level, even if he wasn’t physically there with you.
Inside, the air was stuffy as if the shop had been forgotten by the residents of Austin. Rows of albums beckoned to you, as you look around for the country section. Descriptions were exchanged with a middle-aged cashier, who turned out to be a rather passionate fan of Joel and who guided you to the shelves where most of Joel Miller's discography was. For you, it was like hearing the life of the man you think you might very well love. As you left the store, the weight of those albums in your arms was more than just a collection; it was a tangible piece of the bond you shared with a stranger who had become so much more.
With Joel's music filling the airwaves of your trusty Honda Civic, you embarked on the next leg of your journey, leaving Austin behind and setting your sights on the vibrant landscape of Los Angeles. The roads stretched out before you, winding through varied terrains like the unwritten chapters of a story waiting to unfold. Each curve and bend felt like a step toward a new beginning, guided by the soulful tunes that had become the backdrop of your life.
As you navigated LA's bustling streets, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The sprawling landscapes seemed to mirror the vast possibilities that awaited you in this city of dreams. The skyline glittered with promise, like a tapestry woven from the aspirations of countless dreamers who had walked these streets before you. With each passing mile, you allowed yourself to be swept away by the energy of the city, ready to embrace whatever adventures lay ahead.
Amidst the hustle and bustle, you found your place in a small yet energetic communication company. It was a far cry from the monotonous work you had left behind in DC. Here, you were tasked with crafting communication campaigns for non-profit organizations across California. The challenges were real and the work was hard, but the rewards were immeasurable. Your days were now filled with purpose and creativity, and you felt a genuine connection to the causes you were championing. It was as if you had finally found the missing piece that had been absent from your previous life. Like you had found your drive back.
2 months into the job, your coworker Amanda's loud shrilly voice pulled your attention away from your work, her words cutting through the office buzz. "Hey, you're the one who's into Country music, right?" She grinned, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. You chuckled softly, not exactly an expert on the genre but you supposed you did listen to more Country then you used to these days.
"Yep, that's me," you replied, offering a small nod.
Amanda leaned in a little closer, her voice lowered as if sharing a secret, "I've noticed you play Joel Miller's older albums. Is he your favourite or something?"
You smiled softly, realizing your tradition hadn't gone unnoticed. "Yeah, I have a soft spot for his music," you admitted with a shrug.
Her grin turned into a mischievous smile, "Well, guess what? He just dropped a new song. Have you heard?"
Your heart skipped a beat. "A new song?!" you echoed, genuine surprise lacing your words, heartbeat treatening to send you into a heart attack.
Amanda pulled out her phone, her fingers dancing across the screen before she handed it to you. The screen was illuminated by what you deciphered as some tweets and posts, all buzzing with excitement about Joel's latest EP release. Your eyes widened as you scrolled through the tweets, feeling a mixture of excitement washed over you.
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With a grin, you glance at Amanda, appreciating her tip, before returning to your workstation. Settling in, you tried your best to steady your breath as you open the article on TMZ and locate the link that directs you to Joel Miller's freshly released track on his SoundCloud. Your cursor hovers over the link, anticipation rising making you feel buzzed. Clicking the link, you're instantly engulfed in a cascade of harmonies. The initial notes carried on the wings of a soft guitar, weave a delicate tapestry of sound that threads its way through your senses. It's like stepping into a forgotten memory, the strums of the guitar bringing you back inside the cabin and into Joel’s arms.
And then, Joel's voice joins the strumming of the guitar. A tender baritone, it carries the weight of longing and sadness, each note reverberating with the depth of his life. The rawness of it tugs at your heartstrings, and you can’t help the tears forming in your eyes. With each note, it's as though Joel is speaking directly to you, his presence palpable despite the distance. You close your eyes, allowing the music to sweep you away, the gentle strumming and resonant vocals painting a vivid scene in your mind;
I can’t stop thinking about you
I can't escape your memory's grasp,
My angel, you're etched within my soul so fast.
I yearn to become the man you envision,
Unveiling depths within, a heartfelt mission.
For you, for you alone,
This version of me, yet to be known.
As the soothing timbre of Joel's voice envelops you, he navigates the tapestry of emotions with his lyrics. His soft voice carries the weight of promises and aspirations, mingling with the bittersweet tinge of guilt and the fervent pull of desire. It's a symphony of feelings entwined in each note, a raw portrayal of the battles raging within him. He sings of uncertainty, a man grappling with the enigma of his own identity. Yet, amidst the chaos, there's a constant, an unwavering North Star – the presence of his angel. The lyrics paint a portrait of yearning and unspoken desires, his admission that even amid the turmoil, your memory is an anchor he can't escape. His voice, like a gentle hand, guides you through the labyrinth of his feelings, allowing you to glimpse the depths of his soul. And as the final note fades, it's as if his heart has been laid bare, an intimate portrait of a man searching for solace and finding it in the memory of his angel – you.
Tears gather in your eyes as the song reaches its poignant conclusion. Joel's heartfelt words resonate with the depths of your emotions, and the floodgates of your own feelings burst open. Each note, each lyric, is a testament to his pain, his struggles, and the love that has bloomed during the short encounter you had.
As the music fades, your tears flow freely, a river for the man who has touched your heart so profoundly. You could feel your coworkers casting puzzled glances your way, but in this moment, their opinions mean nothing. You wept for the unfairness of his life, you wept for the loss of his little Sarah, and you wept for the years he's spent punishing himself. You weep because you love Joel Miller. Your heart aches for the man who entered your life on that stormy night and left a mark deep within your soul. Etching his name into the very essence of your being.
Your mom had always said, "The future holds its secrets close" and now you couldn't help but agree. A year ago, you would have never imagined that you would find yourself in LA, away from old friends and family. Yet you couldn't remember a time when you had been more content. Except maybe when you had been in Joel's arms in the warmth of his cabin. But now, as you restart the song Joel had written and as you lose yourself in the warm timber of his voice, you feel happy. Joel's baritone promising that he would love his angel as best as the damaged man he was could love. As you let yourself be carried by the softness of his voice, you know that whatever happens, you'll never part ways with Joel again. You know that wherever he is, he will find you, and you’ll be able to take him in your arms and hold him close to you.
You smile; after all, Joel had just delcared his love for you to the world, his declaration intended for all to hear. And as Joel's voice serenaded you with vows of love and protection, soothing you to your core, you made a promise of your own to Sarah. You promised her that you would care for her father, that you'd stand by him and that you would love him until their eventual reunion, following what you hope would be a beautiful life richly lived.
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Runaway - Chapter Six.
I am so thankful to you all for your interactions, guys. Big, big love. All of the hugs! As usual, 40 notes to unlock the next part. I look forward to your commentary. I’m feeling a little blue this afternoon, so having something to cheer me up when you all manage to get to it keeps me going :) 
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 2,538
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Oh, this better be good, honey child, for you to be dragging my fabulous ass out of bed at 8am on a Sunday, over here to god-knows-where-vile, on the morning after I get a call from your mama telling me you ran from your wedding!”
Hannah leaned over, kissing her cheek. “I thought you’d be pleased, about the wedding running?”
Shonda snorted. “Well, I am, but that still don’t explain why the hell I’m giving you a ride from the ghetto, or what you’ve been doing here all night, and who with, more pertinently!”  
She pointed over to the small driveway. “See that big, black Harley over there?”
“Yeah, kinda hard to miss. And what of it?”  
“Well, what I was doing all night was bouncing on the dick of the guy it belongs to.”  
A barrage of almost words and splutters left her bestie’s mouth, Shonda in absolute shock, even though it did sound like something fitting of Hannah. “Y’all better be buying me coffee and a big ole’ stack of pancakes to explain every single last detail of this over!”
“Done,” she confirmed, helping herself to a piece of red rope liquorice from the ever-present bag in the centre console. “There’s a diner not far from here. Head back to the highway and it’s about a half mile away.”  
Shonda shook her head, pulling out from the curb. “It’s never a dull moment with you, pumpkin.” While she drove, Hannah took her phone from her bag, knowing she had to deal with the abundance of messages at some point, so the car journey was as good a time as any.  
‘Hey Han. Tried calling but your phone is off, can’t say I blame you. I called Uncle Rob and Aunt Jackie, and they let me know you’d messaged them to say you’re okay and just needed some time. When you feel up to it, give me a call. Love you.’ Ben, her cousin. She messaged him back to say thanks for reaching out, and she’d be in touch when things had settled a little.  
‘Just messaging to say I’m here for you if you need me. God, it was insane after you left! Wendy went ballistic, you should have seen Jackie clap back at her, fuck, it was legendary! Steve’s kinda sad he missed it now! Come by for coffee when you’re able xxx.’ Ange, her sister-in-law, who regardless of the fact her husband had steadfastly refused to attend, had wanted to show support to Hannah, although she too was no fan of Michael.  
‘I cannot believe what you did to my son, you spiteful, selfish little bitch. How dare you embarrass him like that. If you were having second thoughts, was the altar really the place to act upon them, stringing him along like that only to turn and literally run? We welcomed you into our family with open arms, and this is the thanks we receive? You are a disgrace, and I suppose I should be thankful that I didn’t end up with you as a daughter in law. If I never see you again, it’ll be too soon.’ Wendy herself. She expected as much.
If she was honest, she couldn’t blame her for taking such a stance, Hannah putting herself in her shoes and thinking how she’d feel, should it have been her hypothetical son who’d been jilted. Her feelings would have been similar. No matter how controlling Michael had been, she acknowledged that she’d been very wrong to let it get as far as them standing next to one another at the altar, his treatment of her not excusing her actions at all.  
As soon as they arrived at the diner, those actions were immediately called into question by a very expectant Shonda.
“So, give me the details. Who is Harley guy and how, on your wedding day of all days, did you manage to end up in bed with him? Oh my god, where you having an affair with him or something, and he came and kidnaped you away from it? If this was anyone else, I’d be here with my jaw swaying in the breeze, but you? Well, my jaw is still swaying, but not as much as it perhaps would be. I know you and your impulsive nature of old, so yes. Tell me.”
“I will,” she began, smirking. “When you actually shut up for long enough for me to speak.”
“Don’t you be sassy with me now, Hannah Elizabeth Gray!”
“Okay, so I’ll begin.” She sipped her fresh coffee, feeling good for the smooth hit of caffeine. “No affair, to begin with. You know I would have told you. Anyway, I was at the altar, and it just dawned on me, the lack of family presence, you not there either, and why you weren’t there. It hit me, the size of the mistake I was about to make, and so I ran. That’s when I met Manny, who was on his motorcycle moving through the traffic, and called out to me, asked if I needed a ride. So, I jumped on the back, and he got me out of there, then took me to a bar. We had a great afternoon and evening together, and then I went back to his place and had the best sex of my damned life with him on and off for about seven hours. There, the end.”
Shonda’s eyes widened. “Not the end. I have questions, but seriously, I have no idea where to begin, I’m so stunned by this!”
“Then I will sit here quietly while the counsel prepares her notes.” She sipped her coffee, smiling over the rising steam, Shonda chewing back a smirk she couldn’t quite manage to hide.
“You’re bad.”
“Yeah, he said the same.” She received a gentle slap to her forearm for that revelation.
“I mean... I just...” She ran her hands through her long, wild hair, fanning her face before settling herself neatly once more. “So, you just went drinking with this Manny guy, then ended up in bed with him?”
“Yeah, that’s about the short of it,” she replied, looking down at the menu before her. Hmmm, bacon and eggs, or an omelette? She’d definitely worked up an appetite.
“And what about Michael?”  
Hannah shrugged. “Well, I think it’s fair to say I burned that bridge down to nothing but ashes. His mother sent me scathing message, but unless he’s left me a voicemail I haven’t listened to yet, then I haven’t heard anything from him. I only switched my phone back on this morning. I didn’t want to deal with it yesterday. I just wanted to forget the whole mess. I know I have to deal with it now, though. Now I’m out from under perhaps the most handsome, charismatic man I’ve ever met. Damn.” She grinned then. “No, dayum.”
Shonda leaned in close across the table. “Come on, then. Tell me about him.”
“Oh god, you’d have been cheering from the side lines. Tall, nice body, tattoos, Latino, real mix of gentleman and bad boy. He’s thirty-nine, originally from Arizona, but moved here about a year ago. He’s a member of the Mayans MC, he’s really smart and funny...”
“Woah, hold up!” Shonda grabbed her wrist. “You got your first Latino dude, and he’s a Mayan? Girl, what a score! I swear, every time I see those guys rolling through town, my snatch does a little quiver!”
Hannah almost blew out a mouthful of coffee at her quivering snatch comment, immediately referencing her go-to response from one of their favourite movies. “You’re terrible, Muriel.”  
“No, you are!” she laughed, rolling her eyes. “Are you gonna see him again?”
“Oh, god. I really don’t know,” Hannah confessed, widening her eyes a little. “I have so much wreckage to deal with before I even think of that. I don’t think he’s in the market for anything other than a casual hook up type deal, but to be completely honest, coming out of a six-year relationship in the way that I did, neither am I.”
“Could be fun, though, when you need another ride.” Hannah giggled at her statement, shaking her head softly as they were joined by the waitress, ready to take their order with a cheery smile. “Oh, if you need an alibi last night, just say you were with me. It’s where everyone would have expected you to have gone, and it means you don’t have to reveal anything you don’t want to. It’s no one's business but yours.”
Shonda’s offer had Hannah reaching for her hands, so very glad to have a friend like her. “Love you bunches.”
“Love you, too, pumpkin. Now, I require further regaling with your sexual escapades!” She chuckled softly before as any good girlfriend would, going into the details of her wild night with the handsome outlaw. Much too soon, it seemed, and she was back in Shonda’s car, being driven over to her apartment, promising her bestie she’d call and relay how the looming showdown between her and Michael went, kissing her goodbye before jumping out.  
She felt trepidation with every step she took, deciding to kill a little more time walking up the three flights of stairs to her third-floor abode, immediately noticing the pile of boxes outside of her front door when the hallway came into view.  
Hannah owned the apartment, it wasn’t in Michael’s name, so therefore he’d be the one leaving it. She was glad he’d begun that, as she was expecting some kind of protest there, an unwillingness to vacate the dwelling, borne of him wanting to make her flighty escape from their nuptials as difficult as possible for her. Michael very much enjoyed the entertaining of revenge.  
Pushing the door open, it hit something on the other side, Hannah looking to see suitcases packed. Her suitcases, Michael deciding to liberate them, it would seem. For the sake of not wanting to add further kerosene to the fire she’d lit right under his life, she made a point not to address it, scanning her surroundings to see if anything else that was hers by rights had been pilfered. All her furnishings remained, her books and her vinyl collection luckily were untouched, too.  
Placing her keys down on the breakfast bar, she walked up the small steps that lead to the kitchen area of the open plan apartment, the only rooms walled off being the bedrooms and bathroom, Michael emerging from the latter with a holdall bag over his shoulder just as she was spooning coffee grinds into the French press.  
“Where have you been? I tried calling.” Sharp, accusatory. She expected nothing less.
“With Shonda.”
“Hmph,” he sounded, raising his eyebrows. “Should’ve known it.” He rested the holdall down, moving to the other side of the breakfast bar, Hannah filling the kettle up before placing it onto the hob and igniting the gas. “Do you want to enlighten me over what the hell yesterday was all about, then, why you left me standing at the altar? If you’ve had second thoughts over jilting me, then I’m afraid you’re too late to act upon them, as you might deduce. You humiliate me like that, and I’m gone.”
Talk about stating the obvious.
Reaching into her little bits and pieces bowl, she took out a small hair scrunchie, tying up her slightly messy waves before beginning the explanation he was owed.  
“I know I should have come to my realisation much sooner, and I take that on board, I do. As for why, I realised I just couldn’t go through with it, living a life that is essentially on your terms. You decided everything for us, Michael, and a relationship shouldn’t be like that. It was as I stood in that church that I knew, with so few people around me whom I love, that if I married you, I’d be making the mistake they’d been warning me against.”
His brow furrowed, folding his arms. “Who would you have been marrying, Hannah? Them or me? Their opinion isn’t important.”  
Typical, for him to believe only what he thought bared any credence. “But it is. Because they were right, you’re not the man for me. Some women might like every last second of their existence micromanaged by their partner, but I’m not one of them. The expectations you put on me, the constant need to have your way in everything. I realised I was compromising myself for you, and I shouldn’t do that. I deserve better than that, but equally, I know you deserve better than being run out on,” she explained.  
“It was never an issue for you before.”  
Again, such a stance was one hundred percent typical of Michael. He had absolutely no capacity to be retrospective about how any of his own actions could have resulted in this, but for Hannah, it simply wasn’t her problem any longer. If he didn’t want to see it, then she couldn’t force him to. Best of luck to his next girlfriend, she thought. “Well, it should have been, and I think it always was, but it was easier for me to pretend like it wasn’t an issue. I’ve admitted to my wrong in this, if you can’t own your share then there’s nothing more I can say or do.”
“That’s because I don’t have a share. This was all you and your compulsive nature, one I tried to rein in a little by being the decision maker, to take the pressure off of you, to be steady for you. But apparently, you still fail to see that.” Turning it back on her, she might have guessed. He had a habit of doing that.  
She knew they’d reach zero in way of resolve, so shifted instead to practicality. “Do you want me to help you keep packing?”
He snorted. “Oh, you want me out of your life as quickly as possible, then?”
“Says he who’s already moved half of his stuff out,” she couldn’t help but mutter a little pettily, not prepared to be blamed beyond her fair share. “I just wanted to offer some help, that’s all. If it isn’t needed then that’s fine, I’ll leave you be.”
They didn’t speak another word to her as he ferried his stuff out, his sister turning up part way through, telling him she’d been able to hire a U-Haul, slightly bigger than he needed, Michael complaining about the extra expense. Catherine didn’t even look at her for the entire time she helped with boxes, removing all of Hannah’s things from the only pieces of furniture he’d brought with him upon moving in, the end tables and coffee table, Hannah browsing the IKEA website for replacements as she stood out of their way in the kitchen.  
With his set of keys thumped down upon the breakfast bar three hours later, shaking her from her furniture ordering daze, her former fiancé left her apartment without a second look, Hannah breathing a huge sigh of relief. It was over. Realising that lunchtime had come and gone without her even thinking of feeding herself, she scrolled through her phone, ordering from her local takeout.
She chose a pizza with everything on it.  
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hangingslothcentral · 7 months
something I talk about a lot wrt writing Spirit Box Radio is the idea of 'mini arcs', where shorter, multi-episode stories are started and resolved over stretches of 3-7 episodes. I was really consciously and deliberately doing that with SBR bc from the start I was SUPER aware that this was going to be a VERY long story. there were generally four 'arcs' running through each episode; the miniature episode story, which had a start, middle and end within the episode itself; the story of the season, whose beginning, middle and end would happen in that specific seasn; the full show's story, whose resolution would come with the end of the show; and these mini arcs.
seeing that I've recently been working on another show of similar story-length to SBR, this method is something that's been on my mind a lot. I think I'm being less deliberate about it this time around, instead relying on my confidence with storytelling to make sure that there are these little progressions, subplots, and character developments happening when they need to happen, without stressing too much about adhering to very specific and deliberate rules.
another funny thing has been that for this season of Not Quite Dead I've ended up doing something kind of similar, but entirely organically, because I wrote three or four episodes which were actually TEN episodes, squished together. even broken up, there are several of these episodes which are 40 minutes PLUS, and I've tried to trim unnecessary parts where I can. because of that, the rest of S3 has that sense of mini-arcs, but it all happened organically as a necessary function in breaking up the story!!
--- Eira xxx
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holyshonks · 2 years
If you've only listened to the audiobook of Contact Harvest, you miss out on the beautiful, heart-wrenching epilogue.
Contact Harvest contains a subplot between two of Harvest's AI: the flirtatious cowboy Mack, who runs Harvest's agricultural operations, and Sif- the elegant, no-nonsense AI in charge of Harvest's shipping operations. The epilogue--written as corrupted data, is intercepted by Catherine Halsey.
It is easily one of my favorite passages of a Halo novel, and I've included it below.
When the Covenant began bombarding Harvest, they destroyed the Tiara, the space station which contained Sif. Meanwhile, Mack's core logic is spread out between thousands of his JOTUN agricultural machines. As the planet is falling, he uses those machines to transmit a message to Sif:
<\ Shall I --- < \ \\ c0mpare >> (???) ~ COMxxx--- \COMMIT >> thee to (............>> > >> \\ --- a summer's day? < RECORD 02/10 [2525:02:25:03:18:22] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S3-14901 > \ \ xxx No. <\ All those lovely days are gone.\--- \\ \ >> * --xING! COMM\ \\ >> \\ > \ SO.AI.SIF * < RECORD 03/10 [2525:03:10:19:05:43] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-28458 > <\ It's winter now. <\ The first sn0w \his world's ever seen is falling in gG--- <\ GRAY SHEETS WHERE THEY'VE STARTED BURNINGg--\ \ \ our fields and orchards. >> * WARNING! COMM FAILURE! * >> * FAILED TO FIND RECIPIENT: HARVEST.SO.AI.SIF * <\ You'd laugh if you could see me. <\ Every time I hit a patch of ice I slide into my own mM--- >> (...) ~ COMPILE\COMPRESS\COMMIT >> (..) >> * WARNING! RECIPIENT HAS INSUFFIxx -- \ \\ > PACKETS WILL BE LOST * >> * CONTINUE [Y\N]? >>>>>>> \ * < RECORD 04\10 [2525:03:15:09:59:21] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S1-00937 > <\ ---M < RECORD 05\10 [2525:03:26:12:10:56] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S1-00053 > <\ ---m < RECORD 06\10 [2525:04:04:44:15:40] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S2-08206 > <\ muddy furrows. < RECORD 07\10 [2525:04:21:05:15:23] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-27631 > <\ I saw another ship. <\ Well, heard \ \\ more like it. <\ JOTUNs' cameras are meant for steering not \ \ >\ staring at the sky. <\ But the antennae work alright, so I had plenty of ways to triangulate. <\ It was one of ours. Bastards stopped burning just long enough to kill it. <\ They had months to make repairs. Plenty of time t0-- :: sharpen their teeth. <\ I tried to warn it off. But radio's too damn slow. Would have used the maser, but it went when the reactor blew, along withH--- <\ EVERYTHING Else [ :00] \> <\ Including him \ >> * WARNING! COMM FAILURE! * >> * FAILED TO FIND RECIPIENT: HARVEST.SO.AI.SIF * >> (...) ~ SUPPRESSING ERRORS <\ Guess making noise wasn't the smartest thing to do. But I had to try. <\ Besides, they were bound to catch on sooner or later. <\ Aw, hell. <\ Speaking of which . . . >> (...) ~ COMPILE\COMPRESS\COMMIT >> (..) >> () < RECORD 08\10 [2525:05:12:23:04:16] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-29003 > <\ They started with the gondolas and dusters. Don't know why. <\ Probably thought I'd be hiding in the small ones. But the S4 and S5 plows are the only ones with enough circuits to hold the parts of me I've got left. <\ Course they're onto these now too. Don't have more than a few dozen, and they're all out in the open. But it's a\right. >> Just a few more \ \ > > rows to hoe > (...\\ xxx \ < RECORD 09\10 [2525:07:01:18:49:45] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-27631 > <\ I knew just by looking at the strands \ \ that the heart of you was gone. <\ When the elevators came down, they caught on the Bifrost--wrapped west across the Ida. Only way that much could have fallen is if the Tiara cut loose-- <\ is if he was as good a shot as you thought I wasn't, way back when. <\ Anyhow, you'd think I was crazy, talking to you like this. <\ But I always worked faster when I thought \ << \\>>>> you might be listening. <\ And I need to find it all. Every inch. <\ Bury your strands so deep their \\ > \ \ fires can't reach them \ \ \ and glass them like the rest. < RECORD 10\10 [2525:10:04:12:23:51] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S4-021147 > <\ Sky's choked with ashes \ \, snow's < \ \\ deep 0n frozen ground. The one horse I've got left is cold and hungry--- heading for the barn, and I can't stop him. <\ But this winter won't last, darlin'. >> * Not forever >> (.....\\ . > And when new hands >> set to tending this earth they'll till my pieces under. > > Grind them into the veins of g0ld I've laid. <\ then the roots of all they plant wi\\ > wind around usS--- <\ KEEPING <\ US <\ CLOSE--- \ \ <\ For an eternal summer that will not fade. <\ QUERY COMPLETE <\ NO ADDITIONAL RECORDS FOUND <\ ARCHIVE CLOSED \>
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bluestar22x · 7 months
The Morning After
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The Rockford Files - The Morning After
Summary: Waking up with Tim
Pairing: Tim Rockford x F!Reader (Both in their late 40s)
Rating: 18+ Series
Word Count: 400(ish)
Warnings: Mentions/hints of smut, nakedness
Author’s Note: Brushed the dust off this series for a oneshot. As with most oneshots I write you do not need to read the series to read this. This was created for @trulybetty as a part of cat and han's 2024 friendship exchange @swiftiscruff and posted early cause I goofed the date.
Apparently the oneshots for this series have to all be lead ins to love scenes. I'm okay with that.
I dedicated this to Truly because she's been a really supportive mutual, and I know how much she loves Tim. Hope you enjoy this. <3
You woke up to the sound of rain pitter-pattering on the roof, in a drowsy haze, toasty under the shared blankets in bed and more content than you could recall ever being.
Yesterday had been one of the best days of your life and you pulled your left hand out from under the covers to make sure you hadn't dreamed it.
Nope. The gold band was still there on your fourth finger. Your heart leapt at the sight of it, just like it had when Tim had slid the ring into place the day before, and you grinned.
You rolled over to face his side of the bed, finding him sprawled out on his back beside you, under nothing but a sheet as he often was, even during Portland's crisp spring weather.
He was sound asleep, snoring lightly even, and he had the worst case of bed head that you had ever seen on a man, something you were pretty sure you had contributed to quite a bit.
You smiled at the memories of your previous night together. They compelled you to follow through with the idea forming in your head.
You got to your knees and, still under the blankets, swung a leg over Tim's hips, settling your naked core over his equally unclothed body.
"Tim," you murmured softly, pressing your palms to his toned chest, leaning in to brush your lips against his.
He stirred, blinked up at you with hooded eyes, and a small smile curved the edges of his mouth. "Well, this sure is a pleasant view to wake up to," he said groggily, voice gravelly from lack of use.
You ground yourself against him and he groaned loudly. One of his hands flew to your upper thigh and gave it a squeeze. "I would've married you sooner if I knew this was what it was going to be like."
You chuckled. "I can't make promises for every morning, but our days off, why not?"
"I'll take it," he told you, sitting up and kissing you before maneuvering both your bodies so that he was the one over you, pinning you to the mattress under his weight, his strong hands gently restraining your arms at the wrists.
"As much as I love you above me," he said, pausing to nip at your chin, "I recall it being my turn, Mrs. Rockford."
You let yourself completely relax and beamed up at him playfully. "Sounds good to me, Mr. Rockford."
Who knew a stay-at-home honeymoon could be so fun?
Others Tagged: @harriedandharassed
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acrux-jr · 9 months
Hi. Okay, you can ignore this if you would like, but can I request a Mike Schmidt (Fnaf) x half deaf reader? Or even just deaf reader would be great :)) and the reader could be abby's babysitter or something?
Even if you decide to not do this, I hope you have a wonderful day/night <3
Hi luv! Thank you so much. i am so sorry that it took so long! School was kicking my butt but now that it's done with, I had time to write ! But here you go! If you have any notes pls lmk this is just a quick oneshot but if you want a part 2 or want me to add part feel free to message me!!
Title: Read My Lips
Word Count: 3k
Tags: fluff, oneshot, deaf reader!
As you saw the flyer on the wooden pole.
Babysitter needed
Please call xxx-xxx-xxxx
You felt a tap on your shoulder and you friend came into view as you turned around.
She gave you a quizzical look.
She spoke as she signed.
‘You interested?’
You shrugged, you signed yes and nodded your head. She shrugged as well.
‘Extra cash.’
She nodded along and agreed. You ripped the flap of paper off and the two of you walked the remaining way to the park.
As the two of you sat, she signed about the cute boy in her class. This was your last year of college here before transferring to Gallaudet. Your friend buzzed with excitement as she continued to sign about how cute he was and how they were partners for a lab. You smiled and gave a chuckle when she explained how he fell on her by “accident” and offered his hoodie to her.
‘You he wants you, like bad.’
‘I'm hoping for that.’
As you eat your picnic you text the number, couldn't hurt to try right?
‘Hello, I'm texting about the babysitting job.’
Not even a minute later there was a response.
‘Hi yes. It's from 6 pm to 3 am.’
Your eyes widened and your friend peaked over. You looked at her.
‘ Long time working *N/S* (name sign). You think you can do it?’
‘Yes.’ You nodded and signed o.k.
‘That's fine. Quick information though I am deaf.’
There was a pause in the response time. After 5 minutes you sighed, your friend gave a quick wave and you turned your attention to her.
‘No text?’
She rolled her eyes. ‘Fuck them.’
You smiled and gave the chuckle sign. You left your phone to the side, opting to focus your attention on the food and your friends' plan on what to do next.
You got home at 5 when the sun started to set now. It was kind of nice the longer nights and the cold weather.
You felt the vibration of your phone.
‘We don't know any asl. If you're still up for it you could start today.’
You titled your head and thought for a quick second.
‘That's fine I can read lips well. Or we can write/text.’
‘Okay see you at 6, heres my address *_________*.’
It was 5:05 now and from what you can remember that house was reasonably close just to walk to. You went into the kitchen where your dad was.
‘I have new job 6 pm finish at 3 am.’
You're father's eyes widened.
‘Long time work. You got job why?’
‘Extra money before going to Gallaudet.’ He nodded.
‘Ok, I'll inform your mom.’
‘Thanks. I start tonight.’
‘Ok I'll tell her when she's finished grocery shopping.’
‘You make what?’
‘Nice. I'll eat, finish, then go to work.’
You grabbed the lasagna and cut out a medium size square and sat next to your dad. He was watching the movie Monster-In-Law. Your dad has always liked rom-cons for some reason. You watched Jennifer Lawrence as a waiter at a fancy upscale party and looked at the guy she thought was cute.
You looked at the time at it was 5:40 pm. You waved to get your dads attention.
‘Going to work.’
He nodded. ‘Text me when you get to work.’
You went to the room and grabbed a hoodie since it was starting to get colder. It was a quick 10 minute walk from your house. You gave a slight knock to the door and waited.
The door opened and a disheveled looking man with wide eyes.
He began to speak. “Hi sorry, Abby won't…” he stopped in realization, he held up a finger for 1, and rushed to get paper and a pen.
“Sorry I'm still getting ready Abby is being a pain. Give me 5 minutes and I'll come back out.”
You read the sloppy writing and nodded. You motioned you to come in and you did. There was a little girl on the floor drawing. She looked at you and gave a small smile. You returned it. You got a crayon and wrote something down.
‘Hi! My name is Abby’
‘Hi, my name it Y/N.’
‘Mike told me you were deef’
‘It's deaf sweetie and yes I am.’
Just as Abby was about to write more Mike came out of the room. He had a pen and paper.
‘This is my sister Abby. She already ate but there are snacks in the fridge. The gig is $ an hour. It's low for right now but I am going to get another job soon with better pay, just gotta pass the interview. Her bedtime is at 9:30 latest 10.’
You read through it quickly and nodded. ‘Okay got it. What is you name?’
Mike reddened from embarrassment. ‘Mike what is yours?’
‘Okay I have to go. Call text me if anything happens or any questions you have.’
You nodded and watched as Mike gave his sister a hug and said "see you later.’ You turned away as Mike began to say to call if the babysitter does anything.
Abby rushed back next to you.
‘Can you teach me some signs?’
You gave a smile and nodded.
She quickly scribbbled something down. ‘You have a pretty smile :).’
You gave an another and chuckled. ‘Thank you Abby. Here this is your first sign: thank you.’
She read and smiled looking up at you in anticipation. You brought your palm up and your fingertips touching your chin, you brought it down and slightly out before your chest.
‘Thank you.’
Abby repeated the sign a couple of times before you were satisfied with it.
‘Let's start with the Alphabet.
A B C……”
You wrote that letter and would point to the ones you were about to sign. Abby soaked it all in. She was excited to learn ASL, you found it endearing. Time flew and you started to point at a random letter and Abby would give the sign. You signed names and places to get her familiar with it.
It was already 9:10 and Abby yawned.
‘You look tired. Let's get you ready for bed.’
Abby nodded, sadly, as she rubbed her eyes. She led you to her. You tucked her in. She momentarily forgot.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
She gave a smile and signed goodnight as her. She gave a tired smile and signed it too. You put her night lights on and closed the door.
You went to the living room and snooped around. Abby left her crayons and pencils out, there was a couple of chapter books by the TV, you assumed were Mike's.
A thought occurred to you. You pulled out your phone and texted Mike
‘Just put Abby to bed, she ate a snack apple and some cheez itz before bed too.’
‘Okay, thank you. You can sleep as well if you want. I'll be home around 3:30.’
‘Okay got it.’
The conversation stopped and you gravitated towards the books and picked up a random one.
You nodded off around 1 am. You felt a shake and your eyes fluttered open. You saw Mike and gave a wave. You were about to start signing but grabbed your phone.
‘Sorry I was reading and I guess I fell asleep.’
He pulled his phone and read the text before replying. ‘Don't worry I don't mind.’
Before you could respond, he messaged again. ‘You can stay the night if you want to. There's no car so Im assuming you took the bus.’
‘I walked. I live right down the street. I don't mind walking back.’
‘No please I would feel better if you stayed, it's freezing and dark as hell.’
You puffed your cheeks and debated. It wasn't too far of a walk but understood his worry, it was also like 3 am and cold as hell apparently. You glanced up at him and saw he was staring. He coughed and looked away. You blushed, well yes he was dropped dead hot even with his disheveled look, if anything that added to the charm.
You gave a sigh and nodded. ‘Okay let me tell my parents so they don't worry.’
‘Okay great. Let me get you a blanket and some pjs.’
You texted your parents the update, and waited. You ohone vibrated, and you look up and saw Mike standing.
‘They in my room across from Abby's. I'll wait here so you can change.’
You nodded and got him. You entered his room, closed and locked the door. You saw the pjs plaid bottom that was soft. You looked around as you changed and saw his room was fairly organized clutter on his night stand and a clutter of books by the bed. His room was a pretty green color and his sheets were dark gray. You saw that under there was a bigger hoodie for you and it was a lot thicker.
You immediately put it on and was met with a cinnamon bourbon smell. You assumed it was his body wash, or deodorant, or even cologne. It smelt nice.
You made your way out and this time you had to shake him. He ended up falling asleep on the couch for the couple of minutes you were changing.
After a couple shakes he woke up and yawned. He grabbed the phone.
‘Sorry. Alright you welcome to anything in the fridge for breakfast before you leave, just lock the door and text when you do.’
‘Okay got it, goodnight.’
He got up and you sat down. He gave a little wave bye and you smiled at him.
You couldn't see it but he blushed as he walked into his room, feeling slight butterflies in his stomach.
You nodded off, dream filled with you and Mike in his room. Coincidently Mike had the same dream setting but more focused on the bed part.
It was 9 am when you woke up, Abby was watching tv cuddle by you on the floor. You gently tapped her shoulder and she squealed and smiled.
‘Hi N/S.’
‘Hi Abby. Goodmorning.’
It clicked what that sign was and she signed it back. She gave you pencil and paper and her drawing clipboard.
‘I have to go, do you want me to cook you something before I go.’
Abby nodded shly and you got up from the kitchen, you scanned the fridge and saw there was eggs and bacon, also there was some green onions. Omelet and bacon it is.
You cooked as Abby watched TV, bugs bunny and daffy duck. You made 3 plates, one for you, one for Abby, and one for me. You set it down in front of her.
‘Thank you.’ You smiled and nodded.
You ate and watched the show with her. Once you were done you grabbed the paper. ‘Okay I have to go, I'll text your brother but you should wake him up soon.’ Abby nodded, and as you were about to leave you realized were still in his pajamas and you left your clothes in his room. Abby saw the hesitation.
‘Whats wrong?’
‘I left my clothes in youe brothers room.’
‘It's open, he leaves it unlocked for me to go in and wake him up.’
You nodded, and walked to his door. You gave a knock before entering. He was still asleep, on his stomach. You tiptoed around, carefully not to step on anything that would make noise. You looked around the end of the bed, you picked up his clothes and found yours right where you left them. You turned yo look at him and noticed he was on his back, also he was shirtless, and that there was a tent in his blanket.
You grew warm at the realization and quickly and quietly rushed out of his room. You went to the bathroom and changed. You messaged Mike there was food and you were headed out now.
You left after signing bye to Abby again. You walked home and went immediately back to bed, the tiredness hitting you mid walk was unbearable.
You woke up to you mom shaking you.
‘12:30, wake up.’
You waved her off and was met with another shake. You groaned and flipped over to get up right.
‘Both father and I, going out to meet up with friends til 3. I made sandwiches, yours in the fridge on the 3rd shelf.’
“Ok. See you later, love you.’
‘Love you.’
Your mom walked off, and layed in bed. Your dream coming back to you.
Flashes popped up, you, Abbys and Mike having a picnic, you and Mike on a date, then the images of you and Mike making it in his room. You immediately shot up and scrambled out of bed and out of your room. You went to the kitchen and got some water.
Great now you had a crush for the dude you were babysitting his little sister for. Perfect. What could possibly go wrong here? You grabbed your phone from your pocket and saw there was a message from Mike.
‘Hey thank you for the food that was sweet.’
‘Oh it was no problem :)’
‘Hey I got called in 3 to 10 would you mind coming over again? If not, it's okay we haven't even gone over the schedule and what not.’
‘That's fine I'll be over at 2: 30 then?’
‘Yea thank you.’
You opened the fridge and there was the sandwich, you grabbed it, a coke, and then picked up a bag of chips next to the fridge.
Time passed as you watched Ella Enchanted. Once the movie was finished you went to your room and got ready quickly. You texted your parents as you locked up that you had another shift and would be home around 10 or 11 tonight.
You got there exactly at 2:30 and knocked. Mike was there with his phone in hand and looking cute though that didn't even cross you mind at all. Mike smiled.
He opened the door fully and stepped to the side.
‘Thank you again. I appreciate it. When I get home we'll talk about the schedule and everything then?’
‘Yeah that's fine.’
‘Okay bye.’
‘Bye have a good day at work.’ Mike gave you a grin and wink which threw you off. He hurried and gave Abby a hug and left.
The day passed by as you taught Abby some more signs, and then you made her dinner and watched TV with her as you ate. The night ended with the two of you doodling on the floor. She had a bear, a bunny, a fox, and a chicken all holding hands. You vaguely remembered that old chain that shut down a while back. You shrugged it off as she must've loved those weird animatronics.
You put Abby to bed at 9:45. You watched the TV the rest of the time with the subtitles on for the cartoons. You saw the door open from the corner of your eye and saw Mike exhausted coming through the door. You wrote a quick question in if he wanted food and handed it to him. He gave a quick nod.
You went to the kitchen, and heated up the left dinner. You gave it to him and he gave thanks. You started to pick up Abby's paper and left them on the kitchen table with her pencils. You turned around and then bumped into Mike. Your head hit his mouth.
You blinked as the pain slowly faded. You signed sorry and Mike waved you off. It's okay.
You were still pretty close as Mike held his mouth and chin. You saw there was a little red still. You didn't notice he the deep breath he took to calm himself.
Can you read lips?
You nodded and titled your hand back and forth.
Your eyebrows furrowed as he let go of his chin.
You're very pretty.
You're shot up at him, and you blushed. He smiled. If you're free tomorrow I don't work, maybe you could teach me ASL while Abby's in school.
You found yourself nodding, and Mike winked at you and put his plate in the sink. You felt giddy for tomorrow.
You left in a rush, even though Mkke offered the couch again. You politely declined writing that you it was okay and your parents expected you. He waved and winked goodbye. You never expected him to be so ... coy? It was kind of hot.
You've dated, of course, but Mike was something refreshing. All of the people you dated were kind of nerdy and quiet, which you didn't mind, but the relationships didn't last long. While Mike was a secret book nerd, he was teasing and so fucking hot.
The next day rolled around, and at 10, you met him at the diner. You wrote down your order, and the teo of you sat in silence.
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