#part of my 100 day challenge last year
ochablooms · 4 months
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nightcord girls
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limarieb · 7 months
i come around (when you least expect me)
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Pairing(s): emo!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: After a one-night stand during a party, you find yourself in an odd gray area with your best friend's sister. It just so happens that your best friend's sister is also the person that has been making your life a living hell for the last few years... all without your best friend knowing.
Warnings: enemies to lovers, cursing, mentions of drinking/parties, high school au, Wanda lowkey kinda mean but i SWEAR its lowkey, non-graphic scenes of kissing/making out (no smut... yet...?)
Word Count: 3.5k
Author's Note: sorry for my lack of posting, but i promised it would come soon(ish)! here's that 100 follower special i promised — oh, and thank youuuu all for the follows and support... i love you all <3 (title from 'heartbeat' by childish gambino) ... also, requests/asks are still open!
Main Masterlist | ao3 | Wattpad
Pain. Throbbing, aching pain. The discomfort from your current hangover surrounded every inch of your mind, physically and metaphorically. Well, almost every inch... because memories from last night were finally reaching the surface now that you have awoken, conscious and, unfortunately, sober.
The sweet lips on yours.
The feeling of skin, hot and sweaty, against your own.
The perfect dichotomy of soft hands on your body as they gripped at your skin roughly, almost primal in nature.
And they all belonged to your best friend's twin sister.
You started to get ready for the day — whoever talked you into attending a party the day before the school year began should be arrested and fined for such a disservice.
Thankfully, you planned enough ahead to bring clothes to the twins' house for today. The outfit you had chosen was relatively casual: the worn-down, navy blue sweater that had been your father's during his college years and the comfiest pair of jeans you could find.
Venturing downstairs to the kitchen, you finally felt the extent of how poorly your stomach felt due to the heavy drinking from the previous night. You opted for something easy, pulling the first box of cereal that your fingertips touched out of the cabinet. You never liked cereal too much, but anything went during difficult times like these.
As you poured yourself a bowl of the bland cereal, footsteps sounded throughout the house. They were coming closer and closer to your location. You assumed it had been Pietro.
You were... close — it was her.
When you looked up from the bowl to see who the person was, you were displeased to find the girl standing there, simply observing you with a smirk on her face. It reminded you of the villainous expressions from the television: conniving and mischievous.
"Stop staring at me like that," you sneered, trying to keep your volume low enough that Pietro would not hear you but loud enough that she would sense the harsh seriousness of your tone.
Wanda maintained her gaze, simply tilting her head as if to challenge you, "Like what?"
"Like you know what I taste like."
The faux innocence in her expression slightly faltered. Her eyebrows rose, the shock from your words evident on her face. As Wanda opened her mouth to form another witty remark, the sound of a door opening made the two of you go effectively silent. Wanda looked toward the direction of the sound, awaiting his entrance in a way that demonstrated her indifference toward last night's events. You, on the other hand, completely averted your gaze from both of the twins due to the shame that coursed through your veins.
The rational part of your brain begged for you to tell Pietro about what happened last night; it would resolve the guilt that clawed at you with each passing minute, lifting the weight off of your shoulders entirely. Yet, each time that you began to plan the exact words of your apology, any ideas you had conjured seemed to fall short. It was not as if you could search the internet for a script concerning "how to tell your best friend that you mistakenly (but not so mistakenly that you stopped it) hooked up with his emo, bitchy twin sister at a party."
Your eyes swiftly returned to Wanda, watching her inch closer to where you stood by the counter. She reached her arm behind you, leaning in close enough that your breath mingled with hers. If asked, you would completely and utterly deny that part of your mind was anticipating the vibrant feeling of her lips on yours again; however, the fleeting glance at her lips revealed otherwise.
Wanda noticed. Of course, you would fall into her trap, and she noticed. She smirked in response to your reaction before leaning away and taking a few steps back. A banana was in the hand that had been behind you. Scoffing at yourself, you cannot believe that you let her tease you again.
"See you at school, Y/N," she declared with narrowed eyes, looking you up and down once more before waltzing out of the front door.
You took a deep breath, attempting to recuperate your mind for the day ahead of you. As soon as Wanda had left, Pietro walked into the kitchen, ignorant of what had just occurred.
Standing still as if in a daze, you could only sense Pietro race around the kitchen, grabbing various items he needed for the day ahead. After a few minutes, he slowed to a stop after closing the door to the fridge. He must have sensed your unusual stillness, then he asked, “You okay? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”
You shakily nodded. “All good,” you forced yourself to stutter out. Not even you believed your words, but it seems as if Pietro was too busy in his own world to truly notice the lack of honesty in your reply. “I’m all good. Now come on, we’re gonna be late.”
The two of you scurried out the door in the hopes that you had not missed the bus. It was a bad habit that you both had been trying to break for years now but remained relatively unsuccessful.
As the two of you approached the classic, yellow school bus that sat on the corner of the street, Pietro raced ahead in order to save you the extra minute of running. He gracefully entered the bus, climbing its stairs with ease; meanwhile, you were audibly out of breath and tried to ignore the glances the bus driver gave to the two of you.
Pietro, like most mornings, found himself sitting with some of his friends from the cross country team, leaving you to fend for yourself. You quickly scanned the bus for an empty row so you could sit by yourself, but you quickly realized that was a luxury you could not afford after such a late arrival. While you could not find an empty row, you were about to find a single empty seat towards the back of the bus.
You shuffled your feet to the empty seat but stopped as soon as you noticed its other inhabitant: Wanda.
Bile suddenly formed in your throat at the thought of having to spend more time with her — more specifically, without her brother, your friend, and coincidentally the only person to keep her dangerous, spontaneous nature in check, present. You approached her, simply attempting to take the bus ride silently and one minute at a time. You swore to yourself internally that you would not respond to her, irrespective of whatever she may say or do.
The bus slowly pulled away from the stop and started its route toward the high school. For the first few minutes, everything seemed to be going unusually fine. Wanda sat silently beside you, wired earphones trailing from her phone to her ears. As her gaze remained fixed toward the window, you wonder if she had even noticed that a person had now occupied the seat next to her, let alone that person being you.
You naively took her initial lack of response as a victory. With a sigh of relief, you allowed your body to relax in the seat and closed your eyes for the remainder of the ride.
Then, you felt something.
The brush of something on your thigh.
You opened your eyes to scope the scene, making sure you had not imagined the sensation; however, it seemed to be just that: nothing. The only thing positioned in your lap was your backpack filled with your books for the upcoming year. You closed your eyes and began to drift away once again. Maybe you were going crazy, you pondered. (Maybe you could blame your irrational behavior last night on such insanity. Would the insanity defense work for things like that, too?)
Then, you felt it again.
Without much hesitation, your eyes shot open once more. Only this time, you were met with the sight of a hand, decorated with several rings and chipped, black nail polish, situated comfortably, almost possessively, on your upper thigh. You peered toward Wanda's face, which was still facing the opposite direction, attempting to gauge her reaction. Yet, you saw nothing; her expression was rather unchanged, leaving you more confused than anything.
Before you could think about what to do about the situation, the bus drove over a mountainous bump on the road. You internally cursed the local government officials for the obstacle, for whether it occur by accident or intention, Wanda's hand flew directly into the apex between your thighs. Eyes widened in shock, your lips drift open as you gasp from the sensation.
It finally gave you the courage, however, to shove her hand away, but not without seeing the signature smirk she acquired in the process. Anger began to boil inside you. You repeated to yourself that it was because the brunette's touches were unexpected — not that she had been victorious. In the end, you just silently thanked yourself that you had chosen jeans, or else that could have ended much differently knowing the Sokovian.
Days turned into weeks, each bringing the routine of snide comments and less-than-playful banter between you and Wanda. You still had not found a way to enlighten Pietro about your issues with his sister (both the endless torment and... that night), given that (1) she was his twin sister and (2) she always seemed to be around. The cynical part of your brain believed that her unusual proximity was purposeful — she probably just wanted to see the fallout.
While the two of you had not gone further than your typical banter again over the past few weeks, though, you still felt incredibly agitated. (You chalked it up to anger because it definitely could not be the possibility of pent-up sexual frustration between the two of you.)
However, one day differed from the rest.
You noticed early in the day that Wanda was being extraordinarily quiet. Part of you was thankful, praying that her silence would continue until the end of the school day.
It was a Thursday in late October. Like most days, you followed Pietro to his home after school, venting to him about how you were excited it was Friday tomorrow because you were simply over all of the midterms being assigned and just wanted time to relax.
(You continued to ignore the underlying guilt that sat in the pit of your stomach from remaining silent about everything that happened with his sister weeks before; you attempted to ignore it even more by rationalizing your silence, stating it was "only one time" and a "mistake that would never even happen again.")
As you entered the house, Pietro immediately drops his bag on the floor and runs up to his room. You rolled your eyes at this typical, teenage-boy messiness, and opted to place your bag on the hooks that Agatha designated for such items.
Feet padding across the wooden floors, you wandered into your happy place of the home: the kitchen. You opened the fridge, looking for a small snack that could satiate your hunger until dinner. Finding nothing of interest, you closed the door. Your body jumps, though, at the figure that had been hiding behind it: Wanda.
The patience you once had had officially worn invisibly thin.
“What the fuck, Wanda? What do you want from me?” you asked exasperatedly, the energy you once had for such shenanigans having become completely depleted after a difficult week of school. "Listen, I don't know what I ever did to you for you to treat me like this, but I'm over it."
“Are you…” She started but quickly cut herself off. Her head tilted, trying to figure out if you really did not know the answer. You noticed the way her mouth opened and shut out of pure bewilderment; while you normally would make a comment about it in an attempt to tease her in return, you figured now was not the time. When Wanda found no evidence of lies in your expression, she continued to speak, “You really don’t remember, do you?”
You threw your head back, a chuckle escaping from the back of your throat, primarily due to the exhaustion caused by this long-awaited conversation. “No, Wanda, I don’t remember! If I had, don’t you think I would have apologized by now! Don’t you think that maybe, just maybe, I would have given you an “I’m sorry” so we could have avoided all of this? So that I would not have to deal with your bullshit for the past decade? So tell me, Wanda, what did I do to deserve this?”
“First day of school. Second grade. Recess," she spat out. Her words were so quiet but uttered with such venom.
Your brows furrowed in confusion at the seemingly random series of words, "What?"
She rolled her eyes, clearly frustrated with your lack of memories. While you could not remember what made her act this way, it had evidently stuck with her for years.
"It was my first day at this school," she began, her expression turning from red, hot anger into a stoic and collected nature. "Pietro and I had just moved to the States after losing our parents a few months before. Agatha was the only family member, albeit a distant family member, who was alive and willing to take us. So, we left everything behind and moved here."
You already knew the majority of this information, mostly after hearing it in brevity from Pietro. He had never truly talked about his time in Sokovia in depth, finding it distressing and uncomfortable to recall. You only discovered this one day when you both were 9, and you had followed him to his house after school for a play date. In a state of innocent curiosity, you asked him why he called (what you had assumed to be his mom) by her first name upon entering the house. He explained the basics, and that was the end of that. You understood and respected his quietness on the subject since then.
"Pietro has always been the better twin — better at school, better at sports, better at making friends. And, I'm just... me. So, he has always been better at the whole 'socializing' thing, even as an immigrant child with little knowledge of the States. Everybody seemed to like him, I guess. I, on the other hand, refused to talk... well, for the most part, at least. Anyway, on the first day of the second grade, my first day of school here, I was sitting on the edge of the concrete, picking at the grass."
She paused her speech, shifting her gaze to meet yours. "Then, this girl approached me. I thought, 'Wow, maybe I will have friends, maybe I will have friends and will finally be like Pietro.'” Wanda shook her head, shutting her eyes as if to remember each minute, each second, of that fateful day. Her accent was unconsciously growing thicker by the minute. “So, I greeted them, introduced myself like our mama had taught, and asked if they would like to play with me. You want to know what she did, Y/N?"
She opened her eyes, locking them with yours in a harsh stare. "'You talk funny,'" she hissed. "That's what the girl had said before running back to her group of friends. Truthfully, it's not even that deep of an insult, but it somehow spread like wildfire how the 'new girl' was abnormal, how she couldn’t even talk normally, how she was dirty with her dirty shoes and probably had fleas from her even dirtier home country, how no one could touch her or else they would be 'infected' by her."
“Why are you telling me this?” you stuttered out. “What does this have to do with you being a complete and utter bitch to me for the past ten years?”
Wanda huffed, “That girl was you, Y/N.”
Every breath you had suddenly left your chest. Your eyes widened, unsure of how to respond, “What?”
“You say I made your life a living hell? Bullshit. You ruined mine. You have everything I have ever wanted: friends, good grades… parents,” she said, her tone becoming soft with insecurity toward the end. “You even got my brother, my fucking twin brother! For fuck's sake! And yet, you still had to ruin my life."
"Wanda, I'm..." you began, but all of the words you have acquired in your seventeen years of life were failing you. "I'm sorry. I- I don't..."
This time, Wanda laughed, but it was not the depressed, low chuckle like before. No, this was something else entirely, a burst of maniacal laughter that indicated an unfound level of absurdity. Your eyebrows furrowed.
"'You don't' what, Y/N?" the brunette taunted.
You decided to be honest with her, "I don't know what to say."
"Of course not. 'Little Miss Perfect' never knows what to say when she finds out she's not so perfect after all."
Your sympathy gradually faded to the original anger you had been feeling. Your eyebrow involuntarily quirked, "Hold on, now... I never claimed to be 'perfect.'"
“Oh, please,” she replied, belittling your attempts to argue her predetermined notion of you. She began to mock you, “My name’s Y/N. I have the best grades in the entire school, all my friends love me, and, at night, my parents tuck me into bed and call me their little princess…”
Slowly but surely, your vision turned red. You stepped closer to Wanda, hoping the proximity would deter her from making additional snide comments about you.
“We all have our shit, Wanda,” you sneered. “You better quit now before I give you a reason to.”
She scoffed, “Oh, really? What are you gonna do? Tell mommy and daddy I…”
Her words were cut short by the placement of your lips on hers.
Truthfully, you were unsure of why you decided that this was the best course of action; perhaps your brain was simply shut off by the rage coursing through your body. Yet, that confusion did not stop you from continuing. In fact, it did not hinder either of you from continuing.
The kiss was forceful, containing all of the emotions you both have felt since that fateful night. Her mouth pushed and pulled roughly against yours; you returned the energy just as much. There were no thoughts, no rationality, behind both of your actions — only pure lust and passion.
Your hands started at her jaw but slowly drifted upwards toward the roots of her brown, messy hair, gripping and tugging at the strands. Parting from your lips for the first time in what must have been minutes, she released a moan from the sensation and continued to drift southwards toward your neck. As her teeth scraped at your pulse point, you were finally brought back to the reality of the situation.
You used the hands that were still threaded within her hair to pull her away from your neck; although, neither of you immediately stepped away from the other. You took the opportunity of your closeness to note how swollen her lips had become, how hot she looked under the dimness of the kitchen lighting.
"What are we doing?" you mumbled into the open air, not exactly expecting a response from the Sokovian in front of you.
She remained quiet, eyes flickering between your eyes and your lips. Her tongue darted out briefly, licking over her own lips in (what you assume to be, at least) preparation for more.
So, you seized the opportunity of her quietness to continue, "I'm not... I'm not perfect, okay? My parents... it's complicated. Sure, they're alive and whatnot, but... they don't care. Honestly, half of the shit I do — the grades, even — I do it so that they might finally pay attention. So, like I said, we all have our own shit to deal with."
Her lips parted, eyes stilled and staring into yours.
"And, l am sorry that that comment fucked you up as a kid. If I had known, even as a kid, I would've not said anything like that. I know I can't reverse time but..."
This time, her lips effectively ended your speech; however, the kiss was much softer than earlier, showcasing a newfound appreciation and, perhaps, feelings.
"I know," she acknowledged in a whisper after pulling away. "I'm... I'm sorry, too, by the way. I shouldn't have acted like that — it was cruel. We can talk more about it, about our... issues, later, but um- I just want to start over. Just us."
You nodded in affirmation, a blush flooding your cheeks.
"Just us."
The two of you sealed the agreement with a soft peck.
The sound of a glass shattering on the floor captured the attention of both of you, ending the kiss with the redirection of your heads in order to discover the culprit.
In the doorway of the kitchen, Pietro stood surrounded by broken glass splattered across on the wooden floor.
With widened eyes, you said the first and only thing that came to mind: "Oh, shi—"
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zombvic · 4 months
TINDER IRL PART one (harry lewis x reader)
summary : in which y/n gets invited to the sidemen tinder irl (usa edition) and meets a certain brit and their instant friendship slowly progresses into something bigger
face claim : no one right now (kendall jenner later)
notes : reader is like a 2019 ICON like disstracks against the paul brothers, ricegum etc.. now STILL doing youtube but on a much more lowkey basis. also im sorry but i had to add that the reader is an f1 fan IM SORRY (im locked in as an f1 girlie) 😵 yall im not american or even close to a native english speaker (#slavicstruggles) but i tried making the readeramerican cause i tried to do the american la gf x british bloke bf xx god bless 'merica RAAAAAH. also i used lines from like all the videos and made my own cause the lines from this video were insane.. last also, don't be a ghost reader 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️
pairings : harry lewis x reader , sidemen x platonic!reader , all the other youtuber in the videos x platonic!reader
warnings : drugs (ketamine joke)
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You got invited to the SIDEMEN Tinder In Real Life youtube video. You are acutely aware to what the Sidemen are and you've seen their videos before. Now to be fair, the genres between your channel and their channels were pretty different. The Sidemen were known for football challenges, those 100$ vs 100,000$ challenges and other things with a similar vibe. You on the other hand, you did vlogs, lifestyle hack and tips, in your time you've achieved some disstracks and occasionally broke down some formula 1 grand prix weekend.
The moment you saw the instagram dm from the Sidemen official account you weren't sure how to react. Should you be excited? scared? worried? yeah.. all. It was the Sidemen, Logan Paul, Mike and George (idk who Mike and George but who cares).
Eventually you accepted the offer and waited till the day you had to be "picked up" by kinda random men for 5 minutes straight. The day came, you got dressed for the video shoot, they made you wait with the other girls until they called your name and then you walked in.
"Hi, I'm (your name). I'm 24 and i'm from Newark, New Jersey" (go devs go) You've practiced that line like 50 times before you left, not because you wanted to come out of this video with a new man but because you didn't want to embarrass yourself lmao.
"Hi, I'm Vikk. I'm 26 and are you from Tennessee, because you're the only ten i see"
"Would've been funny if i hadn't just said im from New Jersey dude, no sorry"
"Hello, I'm Logan-"
"No. Complicated history" you said as you swiped left.
"One chance please"
"Alright, BUT u gotta watch it tho"
"Okay. SO. If i were a pizza delivery guy, i'd be giving YOU the tip"
"Ew no sorry lmfao.. that was weak as fuck"
"Alright wow, Hello, I'm Tobi. I'm 31 and they say that kissing is a language of love, so would you mind starting a conversation with me?"
"Sure go on.. yes. I love that"
Hello, My name is Ethan and let only latex stand between our love.
"Yeah thats funny.. alright, go on"
"Yo, I'm KSI. I'm 30 and you know how they say skin is the largest organ on the human body? Well.. Not in my case."
"Lmao, yes go on"
“Hello, I'm Mike. I'm 37 and girl, you don't need no vibrator when you got this Pickled Dick.”
"Jesus Christ. No, get out"
"Hi, My name is Simon and.. Simon says you want to swipe right"
"Lmao. I love that, Yes"
"Sup, I'm George and I’m peanut butter. You’re jelly. Let’s have sex"
"Jeeesus, that’s crazy bro... no"
"Hello, My name is Josh and I find your lack of nudity disturbing"
"No, I'm so sorry" (guys i love freya sm i couldnt do this)
"Uhm, Hello. I'm Harry. I'm 26 years old and what do ketamine and your underpants have in common?"
"I don't know" you said looking at the blonde-ish man confused.
"I'd like to sniff them both."
The whole room fell into a laughter, you included. "Yes"
"BUT I GET A NO?" Logan exclaims. "What a scam"
(NO : Logan, Josh, Mike, Vikk and George)
"For Logan i think we left this in 2019 and rightfully so. For Josh i dont really know tbh, i just thought his line couldve been better. Mike, i think you know why i said no. Vikk.. Im gonna be honest i dont even remember what youve said but im sure i had my reasons and George, you couldve been waaaaaay smoother mate.. tough luck"
YALL. this is part one because i cant be arsed and put it all right here right now 😁😁😁
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thank you for everything, mariona. moltes gràcies per tot.
"hello culers. today i am here to share with you all one of the most important decisions of my career. since i arrived at barça you have been by my side. and that's why i think you deserve for me to address you today with my hand on my heart, to tell you that, after ten wonderful years, i've decided it's time to leave and take on new challenges. believe me when i tell you that it has been a very difficult and deliberate decision, but in life you have to be honest and accept that cycles end and that sometimes paths diverge."
"i can assure you that i have grown at barça. i have fulfilled many dreams. Including some i didn't even know i could have and i've been very, very happy. from everything i've experienced, i stay not only with the sporting successes, but with the change and social impact we achieved together. this is a historic team and i know that with time we will value it even more. it has been an incredible journey that i have been able to share with my best colleagues and the staff, and i leave peacefully knowing that i am leaving barça where it deserves to be, being the best team in the world. you all know that thanks to my father i've been a fan since i was little and being able to wear this shirt has only made me love the club more and more."
"winning the first championship, the historic records of attendance, the massive mobilizations in matches away from home, the warmth of johan, every day. they are memories that i will never forget and that will always give me goosebumps. for this, i want to take the opportunity to thank the president, the board of directors, and all those who have made it possible."
"i just hope you remember me as that player who gave everything for this shield, because all the effort, the sacrifice, the difficult moments with injuries or defeats, have been worth it in order to be able to say out loud that i am and always i will be very proud to have been part of this family. there have been more than 300 games defending this shirt. more than 100 goals scored and more than 25 titles celebrated. so i hope i can say goodbye to you all in the last home game against betis. because you are and will be indispensable and because i'm sure we'll see each other again sooner rather than later. thank you very much and long live barça."
source: @fcbfemeni on twitter
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So. I just failed out of my masters program, because Reasons. (Ultimately, it came down to not being about to handle A Lot of Real Life and grad school at the same time). Do you have any words of reassurance when it comes to trying again?
Sure! The thing with situations like this is that you don't ask yourself 'What did I do wrong?' Instead, ask yourself 'What did I learn?' It's much more constructive and much more likely to actually result in useful life developments
In this case... what did you learn? You clearly had a rough time of things, so be specific. What was helpful? What wasn't? What would have been?
I failed my first attempt at a degree, back in the day, thanks to a combination of a bunch of family deaths and also undiagnosed ADHD. When it came to trying again, a few years later, I had to sit down and work out where the barriers were for me, and what I could do to overcome them. In my case, it's absolutely imperative, if I study academically, that I aim for 100%, and that I set my own early deadlines for every assignment. If I let myself aim for 'good enough', I start leaving things until the last minute, phoning things in, missing lectures... and then I fail.
But I also need to study part time. Full time study rushes me too much, and makes me phone it in, which as mentioned, is very bad for me. All of my subsequent study has been part time, and I've done much better with it.
So in your case, what would have helped? It's individual to everyone, but be honest with yourself. Would part time study have helped? Extra time on deadlines? A dedicated workspace? Working with the student support system sooner/more closely? These are things you can plan for when you try again. I never tried accessing student support the first time around, and who knows, maybe they'd have been shit. But I now know as a lecturer that they should have been my first port of call.
But I think the biggest thing I can tell you is that, sometimes, it just wasn't the right time in your life to try it, and that's okay, because it doesn't mean it's not right for you at all. Life is a series of peaks and troughs. Sometimes it turns out you were in a trough. That's going to be a challenging time to attempt post grad study! But a few years later you're out of the trough, and suddenly it's all much easier.
Don't be afraid of trying again. You didn't fail through lack of ability. You just need to work out the conditions that will work for you, that's all. Best of luck with your next turn on the merry-go-round, and please try not to let this hit your self esteem too badly.
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thatacotargirl · 4 months
To the Ends of the Earth (2)
You asked for a part 2 to this, and part 2 you shall get!
Part 1 is here!
As always, inbox is open for requests for any ACOTAR characters.
Tagging @mybestfriendmademe for the kind request, thank you for your continued support angel 💖
Divider from the one and only @tsunami-of-tears! 💜
A Cassian x Reader Imagine
You wake with a groan. Your stomach was more settled and your head more calm, but a day full of agonising pain isn't the most conducive to a restful nights sleep. Rolling over, you are greeted by an empty bed.
It's hard not to feel a smidge of disappointment that Cassian didn't stay the night. You could have sworn that, last night, you'd heard him finally admit his feelings for you - the same feelings you'd harboured for countless years. Maybe your love wasn't as unrequited as you had once thought.
Dragging yourself up and out of bed, grateful to have not soiled your bedding once again, you head into the bathroom to freshen up and ready yourself for the day. The scent of Cassian still lingered on your clothes and it took everything in you to rip the shirt off your body and throw it in with the pile of dirty laundry.
Had Cassian really said that? Or had you dreamt it? Surely if Cassian really felt that way, he would have stayed? Or did he not realise you'd heard him? Did you hear him?!
You looked in the mirror and pouted at yourself. You were spiralling. Over a male, no less. Shaking off the thoughts, you got yourself washed and dressed, and headed to the dining room for breakfast.
Cassian and Azriel were already sat at the table, a bowl of porridge in front of them, chatting away. When you entered, both males fell silent.
"Good morning!" you called cheerily, setting yourself down at the table as the House placed a bowl of porridge in front of you.
"Morning, y/n. How are you feeling?", Azriel asked, shovelling another mouthful of porridge in mid-sentence.
"Better thanks, not 100% but better".
You glanced at Cassian, but he simply nodded into his porridge, avoiding eye contact with you. Huh?
"Thanks for you help, Cass", you offer him a smile - only to find it is met with indifference.
"Welcome", he replied, not even offering a glance up to you. You gaze over to Azriel, who simply shrugged, but you couldn't help noticing the small smirk he had on his face, and the sly nod he made in Cassian's direction. Cassian remained silent, finishing his breakfast faster than he has before, and left the table without Azriel, and without a goodbye.
"What was that about?!"
Azriel's smirk only grows bigger. He knows something, and I'd bet my right hand it has to do with Cassian taking care of me yesterday.
"Perhaps you should find out", Azriel offers, the smirk never leaving his lips.
Is that a challenge? I think it is. And if it's a challenge Cassian wants, it's a challenge he's going to get.
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About an hour later, you find yourself heading up to the training ring atop the House of Wind. You have no intention of training today, still going through the throes of your cycle, but a little light stretching never hurt anyone. And, if you happen to be in the skimpiest pair of shorts you own, and the tightest sports bra barely holding you in, whilst Cassian is stood across the ring, that's just a coincidence - right?
Laying out your mat, you start some yoga poses, careful not to make eye contact with the Illyrian brothers sparring opposite you. Even without making eye contact, you can feel Cassian's gaze burning into your soul. You hear a sudden thump, and raise an eye to see Cassian sprawled on the mat, Azriel victorious on top of him.
"Distracted, brother?", Azriel asks mischievously. You have to hold back a giggle, carrying out another pose that you know makes everything stick out in all the right places. You hear Cassian huff, and watch discreetly as they start their sparring match again.
You stay for an hour, stretching out your muscles and working on some core balance, before rolling up your mat.
"Later boys", you call, throwing a wink in their direction. Azriel laughs, waving you off, but Cassian remains frozen solid - not daring to glance in your direction. It doesn't change the heady scent of arousal that wafts in your direction as you spin on your heels though, which takes on a distinct sandalwood tone, the same that had clung to your shirt last night.
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Feeling pretty confident, based on Azriel's behaviour today and Cassian's response at the training ring, you decide to kick it up a notch.
You run yourself a bubble bath - which is realistically more bubbles than it is water - and settle yourself in. Cleaning off the sweat from your hour long yoga session, you wait patiently, listening for the distinctive heavy footsteps of the Illyrian General.
When you hear them walking down the hallway, you make your move.
"Is someone out there?", you call. You hear Cassian's footsteps stop outside your door.
"Y/n? All ok?", he calls back cautiously.
Carefully situating yourself so you are completely covered by the bubbles from the neck down, you smirk to yourself.
"Not really - I've got myself in a bit of a pickle and I can't reach it!".
You hear Cassian open your bedroom door and stifle your laugh when he pauses, clearly confused as to where you are.
"Can't reach what?"
"The shampoo, Cass. Give a girl a hand?"
You can almost hear his breathing from how deep it is in the adjoining room.
"Why can't you get it?"
"Why, because I'm all wet silly! Rhys won't be happy if I damage his floor by getting it soaked". You knew it was a bold-faced lie, the House would dry the floor instantly for you. He could correct you, he could tell you that the House would dry the floor, or that the House would even get the bottle for you if you asked it to. Or, he could walk in and give it to you. The choice was his.
You waited, almost giving up, before you saw the doorknob to the bathroom turning. Cassian walked into the room, hands over his eyes, as he reached out blindly to your shelves.
"This one?" he asks, holding up a body lotion.
"This one?" he asked, holding up a bottle of perfume.
"Cass, please just pass me my shampoo".
Cassian turns his back to you, making sure he can't see, before locating the shampoo and passing it to you without looking. You can see how hard his body is moving from his deep breathing.
"Thanks Cass".
"Yep, ok, good, welcome, is, um, is that all?"
He's flustered.
"Yes, thank you".
Then he ran, so fast he almost tripped on the carpet, out of the bathroom - your laughter following in his wake.
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As evening approached, you began to get frustrated. You had spent the entire day taunting him, trying to get him to react, and the most you had got out of him was a blush.
You knew you weren't wrong - Cassian had some sort of feelings for you - and you wanted to know what they were. But, if he was going to play this hard to get, it was more than just a challenge you'd taken on - it was a damn suicide mission. You had to hit it in the one place he wouldn't be able to handle. You'd have to fight fire with fire.
As the Inner Circle gathered around the dinner table that night, exchanging stories of their day, your eyes fell to Azriel. He looked at you, confusion marring his face, until he saw your eyes glance over to Cassian, then back to him. His shadows, whirling around his face, filled him in on the rest of your plan; and Azriel smirked, leaning back in his chair.
Dinner was swiftly finished and everyone descended to the sofas in the main living room of the House, glasses of wine and whiskey in hand. You waited until Cassian was seated opposite Azriel, settled with his glass, before you made your move.
Sauntering up to Azriel, you gave him a smile, and sat down on his lap before taking a small sip of your wine. His legs moved, accommodating you, so you could lean against his chest. You didn't dare look up at Cassian, but you could feel the stares from the rest of your family, who were absolutely baffled about the scene unfolding in front of them.
"How about a drinking game?", you suggested, your voice cheeky and mischievous.
"Heck yeah!" Mor replied, "how about truth or dare? If you don't answer the truth or do the dare, you drink".
"Sounds great! Mor, you go first".
A few rounds went by and soon you were all in fits of laughter. Cassian had flown around the House of Wind entirely naked, Feyre had taken a shot of whiskey off of Rhysand's body, and Elain had admitted her crush on Lucien - much to everyone's whooping and excitement, and Elain's sheer mortification. Soon, it was Azriel's turn to ask you a question, and you saw the wicked gleam in his eye before he even opened his mouth.
"Y/n. I dare you to kiss me".
You gape at him, still seated in his lap. You can feel Cassian's gaze blaring at the back of your head as you turn to face Azriel. He winks at you knowingly, and you feel your confidence rising.
"Very well, I'm not one to turn down a dare".
You begin to slowly lean in to Azriel, eyes closed, before you are suddenly hoisted into the air. You open sharply, and realise you are staring down over Cassian's shoulder. You look up and see Azriel laughing on the sofa, Feyre in stitches on the floor, and Rhysand with a beaming smile on his face.
You stay silent as you let Cassian carry you up to his bedroom. He places you on the floor, his face red with fury.
"What the fuck was that about? Do you have feelings for Az?"
It was so comical, you couldn't help but laugh. Cassian stared at you absolutely bewildered.
"What's so funny?"
"He was doing it to wind you up, Cass; we were both in on it, I've been doing it all day".
"But why?"
You felt your own face flood red then, eyes on the floor as you fiddled with you hands.
"I heard you. Last night".
Cassian froze.
Several minutes went by in silence.
"Did ... did you mean it?"
Several more minutes went by before you dared to look up, your eyes meeting Cassian's. You saw the guarded look in them, his eyes searching yours. Clearly, they found what they were looking for, because his entire body softened.
"I meant every word of it".
You lunged at him, wrapping your legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he hoisted you up and into his chest. You both stayed like that, holding each other for some time. When you lifted your head from his shoulder, you noticed he was smiling, his eyes swimming with love and adoration. You felt a warmth in your heart that you'd never felt before, and clung to him tighter, resting your head back on his shoulder with a sigh.
"I'd go to the ends of the Earth for you too, Cass".
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pinpilinpaux · 4 months
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Hola culers, I am here to share one of the most important decisions of my career.
You’ve been next to me since I arrived to Barça, that’s why I think you deserve I talk to you today from my heart to tell you that after 10 amazing years, I’ve decided it’s time to find new challenges.
Believe when I say it’s been a very hard and meditated decision, but in life you have to be honest and accept when a cycle ends and that, sometimes, paths separate. I can assure you that at Barça I’ve grown, I’ve made lots of dreams a reality –even some I didn’t know I could have– and I’ve been very very happy.
From all I’ve lived I’ll keep not only the sporting successes, but the changes and the social impact that we’ve had together. This is a historic team and I know with time they’ll be valued more and more.
It’s been an incredible journey that I’ve been able to share with the best teammates and staff and I leave knowing I leave Barça where it deserves: being the best team in the world.
We all know I’m culer since I was little thanks to my dad, and being able to wear this jersey has made me love this team even more. I’ve always felt Barça was my home, and I’ve felt valued and esteemed from day one in Barcelona.
Winning the first Champions, the assistance records, the massive mobilisations in games not at home, the warmth at Johan every day…
They are memories I will never be able to forget and that will always give me goosebumps. That’s why I want to thank the President, the Directives and everyone who made it possible.
I only hope you will remember me as the player who gave it her all for this badge, because all the effort, the sacrifices, the hard moments when injured or the losses were worth it just so that I can say that I am and will always be proud to have been a part of this family.
It's been more than 300 matches defending this jersey, more than 100 goals scored and more than 25 titles celebrated. I hope I can say goodbye to all of you at the last match at home against Betis. Because you are and have always been indispensable and because I am sure we will see each other sooner rather than later.
Thank you very much and visça el Barça.
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yooniesim · 10 months
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amari's love shot; a bachelorette challenge
Are you ready to find love in the beautiful seaside town of Tartosa? Amari Walden, successful model and wedding photographer, is looking for her Mr. Right! Known for her appearance on the hit reality show Becoming Mrs. Blackburn 2, Amari is back a year later to take another shot at love. Will you capture her attention and develop a picture perfect romance?
About The Bachelorette
Amari is a 37 year old biracial black-indian woman with two amazing children, a loving family, a successful business, and a beautiful home in Tartosa. It seems like she has it all, but she longs for just one more thing: a loving partner to share her life with! You can read more details about her likes, dislikes, personality, and backstory here. Since BMB2, she's been focused on her family once again; spending time with them and proudly witnessing her oldest daughter, Prisha, graduate high school and leave for college. Her younger daughter, Maria, has come around on the idea of her mother finally finding love... as long as she also approves of the man in question, of course. And so, Amari has committed to trying the reality show thing just one more time. She's looking for a kind, mature man that respects her and her children, loves to laugh, and has a taste for the finer things in life.
Submission Post Guidelines
Sims must identify as men; anything else re: gender doesn't matter
YA-Adult human sims only (sorry my occult loves)
Maxis match hair only, all other cc can be mm or alpha (my style is maxis mix)
1 everyday outfit, 1 formal, and 1 swimwear at minimum; you can dress for every category if you wish, and you can have as many additional outfits as you want after that if they use vanilla/EA clothing (all packs are fine)
No romantic traits allowed, please include one "negative" trait for fun, cc traits by kuttoe are allowed
Please include likes/dislikes (can be randomized if you like), cc preferences from mods are allowed
Skills are allowed (and encouraged!), if you don't want to give them in game, add them in their description and I'll handle the rest
Please give them a backstory/personality (even if it's a short one!)
Must be okay with me changing some cc if needed to blend them into my game (I won't change their facial features, body shape, etc)
Tag me in your submission posts and use the tag #amaribc so I can find them easier! If a day or so goes by and I don't reblog it, feel free to send me the post through my inbox or DMs.
Submission deadline is December 4th, 2023 (will be extended if needed)
Note: I'll be determining some parts of the challenge through actual gameplay, and some through storytelling/whatever I think will be fun. It won't be 100% random/me solely relying on the game. I learned my lesson with that when the game decided none of the men liked my last bachelor whatsoever... lmfao. Please keep this in mind when submitting!
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monarchisms · 1 year
so this is the unintentional part two of that summary post i made with geoff talking about the end of achievement hunter. for this post, i'm going to try my best to sum up what michael, trevor, and joe (but not alfredo because he was sick at the time 😔) have said about what will happen in the future on the penultimate episode of off topic, #403. there won't be a transcript this time as i am busy with schoolwork and stuff, so i'll try to make this summary as filled with as much accurate information as i can to make up for it :)
so basically,
trevor starts off by saying they'll be doing the last of various series to wrap everything up. he also notes that some of these finales will be "more nostalgic"
one of the series finales that's up right now is vs episode #150: joe vs BK. the game they played is cooking mama!
after the series finale of off topic (#404 lol), the final AH video ever will be a let's play in the remastered version of burnout paradise, and the cast will consist of geoff, jack, trevor, and michael. this is a callback to the first ever AH video they did back in 2008, and it's already been filmed! trevor says it was more emotional then he thought it would be :')
michael explains that the video will essentially be a ~70-minute podcast. in it, they'll talk more about the end of achievement hunter, where the cast members have went/what they've all moved on to, and new projects that they'll working on. he also says that he thinks that people will call this video "cathartic" while comparing the vibe to their old gta v series, sunday driving
not as important, but michael said that he was mindlessly driving and turning in burnout paradise in the same way that he'd run and jump in minecraft because he "fucking hated" playing minecraft lmfao
as said before, they decided to close AH and start something new with dogbark instead of continuing like they used to. michael acknowledges that in the last few years, most of the crew had already left rt in some way or moved on to other stuff within the company, leaving just michael, trevor, alfredo, and joe as the most consistent on-screen talent by the end. *bonus bit that wasn't mentioned until later, but alongside these 4, jarren from the post team will be their channel manager for dogbark :)
as this group makes videos for dogbark, michael says that their stuff will be both "tonally different" and "very fluid" as they're still figuring it out as they go, noting that they were balancing it and AH/let's play content at the same time
michael also talks about how he's been doing what he's wanted to do at AH for a long time, but there were some things he still couldn't do within the constraints the AH crew had put on themselves
while there will be some gameplay stuff on the dogbark channel, as mentioned in this episode and the channel trailer, they will primarily focus on live action content. trevor makes a point by saying that the style/theme in the trailer will "not be pervasive throughout the entire brand", and michael adds on to that by saying the trailer "is at 100, but every video won't be at 100"
michael and trevor make a point by saying that there will be more variety, as in "a dozen little formats", not necessarily like the shows/series they made at AH, with joe saying that they're not trying to "tie themselves down" to strict uploads and such, like they were when they were previously fitting into a mold at AH
trevor says that he has seen achievement hunter, and rooster teeth as a whole, having a unique challenge ahead of them. he refers to making content that appeals to an audience who had been following them since the early days while trying to also find new faces, both out there in the audience and internally at the company, in order for AH to stay around
he also points out how difficult it is to do that with a long-standing brand that has had different eras of content, since there would be an audience with differing expectations for them. with that, it became hard for the AH crew to balance said expectations with the authenticity they tried to show in the content they created. the crew has changed as people alongside their audience, and the stress that came with it was challenging
michael stresses that the group not only chose to make a new channel completely, they also had to fight for it for a while, and wanted to slow down on AH content before properly closing/archiving the channel to create dogbark. beyond the struggles of creating something new from scratch, they now have the challenge of preparing the audience for the jump from AH to dogbark while thinking about all the pros and cons before going forward
this week (the week of september 18th) and next week (the week of september 25th) are the last weeks of new AH content. after that, there will be a 1 or 2-day break before dogbark properly starts making new content on october 2nd. trevor feels like people will get a better idea of what dogbark is after a month or two of them uploading content
finally (subject to change, of course), they want to aim for full uploads every monday and friday, with patreon-like exclusive videos with rt first every wednesday and saturday. one of the confirmed things to expect is a first-exclusive podcast. the first week dogbark officially starts, all that content will be public as a sample of what to expect, and every week after that will follow that schedule
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justjams2003 · 4 months
Desire to be Loved- 4
Summary: Love is Desire's first creation. As Cupid she shoots her arrows of love and rips them from people's hearts too. Occasionally, shooting a soulmate arrow. What does she do when her first Soulmate arrow in 100 years is between Cupid and Dream?
Pairing: Dream of the Endless x OFC Love/Cupid/Venus (you know how these beings have millions of names) (Also technically it could be an x reader because love is sort of anthropomorphic but in this story a she)
Warnings: Manipulation, threats, crying, cliffhanger, unedited, kind of like enemies to lovers, soulmate au, cursing, tell me if I miss any
Word count: 1,8k+
Dividers by: @hyelita
Tags: @intothesoul @briskesby coffeebeforewater @i-voluntears @dreamingblueberries @idkamt @deniixlovezelda
(I've moved that next part link to the bottom)
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Once he saw it, it was hard to ignore. The human world looks so dull. So empty and lame. While he’s been in the waking world a century, he hasn’t been around the humans. He hasn’t seen how the humans built new castles and then broke them down. And as he waits outside this church his mind wanders again.  
When speaking to the Fates, they were vague as always. Not to mention, he only had three questions he could ask. He had to weigh what was more important to him. Finding answers or finding his tools. And while her being missing does have an effect on the humans, he has to trust, even a little, that Desire wouldn’t put his shrewd need for power over the well being of the humans.  
While he did say he wouldn’t go in search of the woman, doesn’t mean that he has much control over where his mind wanders to. Why hasn’t he seen her before? Suddenly one day she stumbles into the right basement of the right house at the exact time he’d been caged?  
Is that some strange coincidence or an act of Destiny... Should he go visit Destiny? No, no, that’s not right. He shouldn't bother Destiny about something that doesn’t have anything to do with his realm. About something paranoic jumping up and down the walls of his brain.  
“Constantine!” This woman does have that redish hue coming from her heart. He fights hard to control the twinge of his lip that tries to sneak up on his face. The remanence of love seem to be everywhere. The woman stops in her tracks. “My gran used to tell me stories about you lot.”  
“What do you want with me?” Johanna asks, still keeping her distance from the man clad in black. “Something of mine came into your possession. A leather pouch filled with sand. I need it back.”  
It hurt, seeing Johanna fight and cry over her soulmate. Of course, she doesn’t know that they’re soulmates. She can’t see the red hue grow bigger when they get closer together. Seeing her in this state, before he wouldn’t really care too much. Now...no, no that’s not it. He gave her something just for the last minute of pain.  
Dream didn’t realise love could hurt so much... 
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The crowds of hell are all cheering with excitement at the sound of a challenge. “You know the rules, Dream Lord. If I win, you will return my helmet. And if you lose...” The demon slows down. There is so much and so little that can be taken from the Dream Lord. Lucifer's smiles at this. Her wings stretch out in excitement.  
“Why don’t we keep things interesting...? If Morpheus loses you get to have Dream’s soulmate as a slave to serve you in hell for all eternity.” The Sandman’s head snaps up to Lucifer. “Soulmate...?” He asks, his brows furrowing and his lips pouting like it always does.  
The ruler of hell pretend to act shocked. “Oh? Don’t tell me you didn’t know...?” She smirks, a wicked one. She’s playing Dream, but how would she know? Dream is clearly thinking, his jaw is locked. His soulmate? The red arrow Cupid left him, is it their names carved in?  
Did Desire know about this before? Had he been planning this with Destiny? Does Desire and Destiny make soulmates? The same question is if Desire and Dreams make love. That could be the only way that Desire would’ve known to keep Cupid away from Dream. A soulmate... If soulmates are a thing, can Endless have them too?  
“What will it be, Dream? Your helm or soulmate?” Lucifer asks, circling Dream like you would a shark. “You’re bluffing.” He says, the words jumping from him. He doesn’t usually act impulsively. Usually he thinks things through for at least more than a few seconds.  
“If you believe I’m bluffing it should be an easy choice to make.” The Devil points out, still only just fighting off her smile. Is this why it scared Cupid so much to read the names on the arrow? Did she fear Dream that much? Or rather what Desire would do to her if he found they were soulmates?  
That implies that Desire doesn’t know that they’re soulmates. “I accept the terms.” Now he most certainly can’t lose.  
“You have a soulmate?” Mattew caws when they make their way to the storage unit where his ruby is being kept. “I...did not know I had one. I did not know Endless could have soulmates.” The crow looks up at him. “Doesn’t everyone have one?” Dream just shrugs his shoulders. “Not my department.”  
The crow scoffs. “Who’s is it then?” They enter the storage unit. “I did not know soulmates were a thing until now. It seems that there a huge part of the human’s working that’s been kept hidden from me by my sibling.” He explain, already reaching out for the ruby in the box.  
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The waking world is looking much better now. Again, he can’t not see every few people having a pink aura. The pigeons gather around him, pecking at the bread he’s thrown on the ground. “What are you doin'?” Dream sighs looking up at Death. “I’m feeding the pigeons.”  
“You do that too much, you know what you get?” Death asks, putting her hands on his hips. Dream doesn’t answer, he just watches the pigeons jumps about after the bread. “Fat pigeons.” Again just more silence from the dream lord. “That's from Mary Poppins. Did you ever see it?” His eyes slowly turn up to her. “No.” 
The grass is green around the lake. Children run around, giggling with laughter. Dream’s eyes wander for only just a moment. But in that moment he catches a twinkle of a pink dress right in his peripheral vision. His head snaps in that direction. 
Just quick enough to see Cupid come and go in a flash. He stumbles forward to grab her but he’s just too slow. He gasps, his eyes rapidly jump around trying to find her again. Any glance of a pink tule or golden strand of hair. But, nothing.  
He and his sister continue walking. Over a bridge where... there it is again! He runs to the edge of the bridge, leaning over trying to see it again. He saw her, crouching behind some poor human who likely just had their heart broken. His heart is in his ears again but why?  
His sister stops and furrows her eyebrows. She didn’t say anything but Dream knew. “When I was captured, Cupid visited me three times. She was the one who helped free me.” He explains to her then lets the arrow form on his hand. “She left me this. Lucifer placed my soulmate as a betting card before even I knew I had one.”  
Death takes the arrow from him, she too can’t read it. “Cupid, she’s one of Desire’s creatures. Why haven’t you gone to her? See who’s names are on this?” Morpheus doesn’t say anything. His eyes tell it all, that and his reluctance to speak. She rolls her eyes at him, then continues walking on her mission.  
“I wanted to wait until I had all my tools back and now I’m more powerful than ever and yet...” He trails off, is that why he was feeding the pigeons? Waiting for the right moment to go and see her? What if she’s been harmed by Desire? Clearly not, he just saw her, doing well. 
“You’re not scared of Desire, you went to hell with only your sand. It’s something more...” She trails off inspecting each of his reactions. “You are more scared of her. Or rather that it might be true.” Dream scoffs at this. “Just think of the power a soulmate could have over an Endless. If I accept this, anyone could hold her over me.”  
She sighs and shakes her head. “You have one friend, Dream. Maybe this isn’t as bad as you think it’s going to be?” Again Morpheus refuses to speak. “She’s just too pure. Have you seen her before? She has this glowing semblance surrounding for. It...seemed to stop time. And these eyes that just... holds all the pureness in the world. Could you imagine something so... innocent? No malice, no harm, no intent for revenge.”  
“What? Are you scared you’ll taint her with your broodiness?” She chuckles at him. “I’ve had past lovers and none of them...wanted this life forever. Something always goes wrong and I don’t want for it to be the same this time.” He thinks over each word he speaks. When did his heart become this attached to this girl? 
She glances over her idiotic brother. Brothers never know anything about anyone. “Who says it will? Think about it, your previous lovers didn’t work out because they weren’t meant to. You had a soulmate, this time it will work.” They continue down the path, winding back to the park.  
“I cannot force this to happen. Love me because you’re supposed to. I’d be just as bad as Desire, puppeteering her for my lonely heart just as he had.” They slowly find back down to the park where the pigeons still wait for their bread.  
“It won’t be. If it’s meant to be, it won’t feel forced. I have one last appointment. Just try and see what happens?” Dream’s lips only slightly raise in a smile. “It seems I too have multiple missed appointments.”  
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He watched her, from the corner of his eye he watched her every step of the way. She flew. Used the wings made for her for her and followed him all the way to Hob Gadling’s little Inn. She thought he couldn’t see her. But it’s strange it feels like she’s breathing down his neck either way.  
“There’s something watching you.” Hob says after a while, looking over Dream’s shoulder. Dream shivers, “I know I can feel her watching me.” He says, his back feels burnt with her glare. “Do you mind, Robert, if I cut this short, it seems there are some urgent matters to attend to.” The English teacher just smiles at him. “Go.”  
In one swift move, Dream stands up from his seat and grabs Cupid, right by the wrist. Like his body just knew where she’d be. “Cupid.” But something is wrong. There’s no reaction from her. She doesn’t pull back or gasp or speak. She just sort of stares at him, swaying on her feet. 
She looks right through him. Worst of all, her eyes they look dull. Her usual glittering brown is now more like dry dirt under your nail. There is no warm inviting pink aura coming from her. Looks like her, but nothing feels like her. She looks hollow, like a shell. Love looks entirely loveless. 
This isn’t Cupid.  
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If you want to be added to the taglist, just ask!
Part 3~Part 5 (coming soon)
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slythindor100 · 1 year
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Hello friends! I, along with my co-mod, timothysboxers, are thrilled to announce that 25 Days of Draco and Harry will run again in 2023. We want to thank @navi1088 for creating this art for our banner.
For those who may not be familiar with this challenge, I have included the rules at the end of this post, and I encourage you to read these.
And for the loyal fans of 25 Days of Harry and Draco: In 2023, we will be doing both Early-bird and Traditional prompts as usual. Again, we're running on LJ, DW and tumblr – the rules will be the same as last year.
Because it seemed to work out quite well last year, the Early-bird Prompts will once again be available in late October, and we will be including the Image Descriptions along with the prompts.
Early bird prompts will be available no later than Sunday, 22 October, allowing creators over 5 weeks and some change to work on their posts.
Also, we will have the Discord server specifically for 25 Days of Draco and Harry participants. Like last year, this will be a place where early bird participants can discuss (in a channel just for them) the prompts and how they might use them. Traditional participants will join the general section of the server in December.
The 2023 rules at a glance, for those familiar with the concept:
25 Days of Draco and Harry 2023 - Traditional
No changes from prior years. A photo prompt is posted starting at midnight EST 1 December, and you create a work based on that prompt and post before the next day's prompt goes up.
Each of your posts can be part of a larger work or they can stand alone.
25 Days of Draco and Harry 2023 - Early Bird
You receive access to all 25 photo prompts no later than midnight (EST) Sunday, 22 October. This is the same time frame as last year. Hopefully this will give you time to prepare and create for 25 Days before the insanity of December starts.
You will post one work per day for each prompt. This can be a stand-alone story or each day can be a part of a bigger story. We may even get a pod-fic this year of a past 25 Days fic and that would be posted a chapter a day. ♥
The advantages are this:
1) you can use the picture prompts in any order you chose
2) you can start creating early and have many of your posts ready to go before December 1st.
3) you get the prompts all at once so you can pre-plan your story or your use of each day's prompt.
The basic rules of 25 Days of Draco and Harry – Traditional Edition:
The challenge is to write a drabble, ficlet, story (whatever) for the pictures posted each day from 1 Dec to 25 Dec. Your fic for each prompt must be a minimum of 100 words – but there is no maximum. They can be twenty-five one-shots or each one can be a part of a bigger story. Pictures will be posted at midnight EST and you have until the next midnight to complete your work.
Yes, you may combine this with other communities or tumblr prompts.
Your fic does not have to be a story of the picture – you can use a part of the picture or whatever that picture says to you. We're pretty flexible around here.
Traditional Prompts must be used in their posted order. If you fall behind, you can post more than once a day to get caught up. You're also welcome to post as life allows, meaning you don't have to worry about being on time. You can also combine a few days or prompts into one fic/ficlet/drabble/etc. But the true challenge is to post every day for 25 days within the 24-hour time frame.
You do not need to sign-up for the Traditional edition, the prompts will be made available beginning 1 December at midnight EST.
While you're not required to, you are encouraged to add your story to the AO3 collection by adding "25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022" to your submissions, under collections, when you post them to your own AO3 account. A link to the collection will be provided in the official rules post after it has been created.
The basic rules of 25 Days of Draco and Harry – Early-bird Edition:
The sign-up period for Early Bird participants will be from 15 October to 20 October 2023 via AirTable.
After signups close you will be given access to the 25 picture prompts no later than Sunday, 23 October. You may use these prompts in any order you choose – but each prompt may only be used once. The challenge remains to post a daily work from 1 Dec to 25 Dec using one of the provided prompts. Each should be posted between 12 midnight (EST) and 11:59 PM (EST) the next night. For written works, the minimum word count is 100.
While you're not required to, you are encouraged to add your story to the AO3 collection by adding "25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022" to your submissions, under collections, when you post them to your own AO3 account. A link to the collection will be provided in the official rules post after it has been created.
The early bird prompts and the traditional prompts do vary. Some may be used on both but mostly they are two distinct sets of prompts.
If you have any questions, please email the 25 days mod account at [email protected] or DM one of the mods if you're on the Drarry Discord server.
@sassy-cissa and @timothysboxers
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marvel-ousmondays · 9 months
Iron Man (2008)
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As mentioned in last post, when I went to Iron Man I literally had no idea that such a superhero existed. (I thought Sherlock Holmes with RDJ came out first but apparently not so I had essentially no knowledge of the actor either.) My friends and I decided to spend the day out at the nearest town big enough to have a book store, craft stores, and a Target, as well as a Drive-In movie theater. I was now a college student and enjoying the freedom of no curfew, rebel that I was. I'm pretty sure the movie prior to Iron Man was the Narnia: Prince Caspian movie. I mention this because I hated that movie. It bastardized the book something awful and after the first movie was so faithful an adaptation, this was incredibly disappointing. However, this meant I was doubly primed to appreciate the awesomeness that Iron Man ended up being. I've watched it a few times since then, but usually as background to something else. I decided for this challenge I did REALLY want to watch the movies/shows. No other distractions- just it. I can take breaks (it took me 3 days to finish Iron Man due to various constraints last week) but when I'm watching, I'm JUST watching.
Here were my takeaways this time
The differences in Terrence Howard's Rhodey and Cheadle's Rhodey are always a bit mind boggling and part of what makes Iron Man feel really different from the later films. We're also just starting MCU so while they aren't LACKING budget, it's not the level it would be later. This doesn't hurt the movie at all for the record, if anything I think it meant the story had to be more well-developed and the actors better.
But this first film has a seriousness and a somberness that most of the other films only flirt with (notable exception being Infinity War of course).
The scene where Tony goes back to help Gulmira, Yinsen's home, and we see the 13 year old boy screaming and crying as his father is pried away from their family, the soldiers clearly planning to execute him and all the other grown men. The young boy tears himself away from his mother to his father, determined to keep him, to save him. His father, begging his son to go, so that he will live even though he knows- he KNOWS he will not. This moment of utter terror made personal just before Tony shows up is incredible and all the more so when put into historical context. The U.S. was still in Afghanistan and Iraq at this time and it was easy for citizens here to paint everyone in those areas with the same brush. But in this moment you CAN'T. You HAVE to see the family ripped apart right alongside the terrorists and be forced to realize that race, ethnicity, language don't make terrible people- actions do.
A common criticism of Marvel movies is they don't let a moment sit- that they always break a serious moment with a joke. But this one doesn't do that. There are multiple heavy moments- after Yinsen's death for one and when Pepper nearly quits (because she can't watch Tony self-sabotage and possibly die) and he tells her:
"I shouldn't be alive... unless it was for a reason. I'm not crazy, Pepper. I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it's right."
This moment sits between them so clearly, so starkly and it is not ended with a joke, but with Pepper grabbing the flashdrive and asking what to do. (Thinking back, I'm wondering how many of those MCU "broken" moments are by Tony. He's the one uncomfortable with emotion. Him breaking those moments with humor is actually 100% in character. Something to pay attention to as I watch.)
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, some of the key themes of this movie just strike to the heart.
Death from a distance is easy to ignore or even be complicit in, but death up close rips us apart. Tony sold weapons that he knew took lives for years but it wasn't until he watched Yinsen die that I think he really understands what that means. Yes, his parents had died before but he wasn't THERE, he didn't SEE it. This death, this is the one that makes him really know what it means.
You don't have to change everything to be a better person. Tony is still self-centered. He still likes attention. He's still arrogant and as we will see next movie, open to playing the field as Pepper and him haven't committed. But not only has he stopped being complicit in the deaths of the innocent, he's taken on the mantle of protecting them.
Lastly, who the good guys are is largely a matter of perspective. This obviously gets hit harder again in Ultron (oh that glorious train wreck- I'm looking forward to writing about you), but it matters here. Tony was fine manufacturing weapons because he assumed he was supporting the "good guys", the 'Muricans. But not only was Obadiah dirty dealing, he is forced to learn the good guys aren't always as discriminatory with their weapon use as they purport to be. That it's easy to start painting with broad brushstrokes in areas where precision is actually called for.
Overall I'm really glad I PAID attention to this one this round. The grittiness and the depth really hit the way they did the first time or even more so. Onward to The Incredible Hulk, even though it's only semi-canon now.
Note for me:
Directed by: Jon Favreau
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conchiferrous · 1 year
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two doodle page commissions from recently
[IMAGE ID, IMAGE 1: Doodle page featuring Rolf and Kevin from Ed, Edd n' Eddy. Drawing 1: Kevin hands Rolf a valentine card, but he's looking away shyly. Kevin says: "I felt bad that I didn't get you anything last year so.. Happy valentine's day... Dude." Rolf looks at the card, dumbfounded with big eyes and question marks over his head. There's an arrow pointing to Rolf's head labelled "meaningless gesture." Drawing 2: Rolf is screaming at Kevin and pointing at him while Kevin looks off into the distance, exasperated. Rolf is yelling: "Rolf has had enough of your tomfoolery! I challenge you to a duel!" The drawing is captioned: "Third time this week". Drawing 3: Rolf is riding on Victor's back and Kevin is riding on Wilfred's back. Both of them are holding a lance and a shield, but Rolf's lance and shield look a little nicer while Kevin's lance has scotch tape showing and his shield looks scuffed. Victor is walking forward and Rolf is looking over at Kevin, eager, mouth open like he's talking to him but no dialogue is written. Kevin looks annoyed, and Wilfred just stands in place, wall eyed. Drawing 4: Small drawing of Rolf and Kevin walking and talking together while Rolf plays with a yo-yo. They're both smiling. Drawing 5: Chest up drawing of Rolf and Kevin looking at something to the left off screen. They both look bewildered.
IMAGE 2: Doodle page featuring Kevin and Ed from Ed, Edd n' Eddy. Drawing 1: Ed stands behind Kevin while Kevin stands in front of his bike protectively. The front tire on his bike is deflated and Ed tells him: "I saw on TV how to fix a bike once." Kevin, panicked, responds: "NO, THAT'S OKAY!" Drawing 2: Ed and Kevin look at something curiously off screen. They're drawn from the side and Kevin has to peek out from behind Ed. Drawing 3: Kevin stands inside his house and is holding a VHS box for a movie. He looks annoyed, his free hand on his hip, and says : "Aw man! I rented Attack of 100 Giant Squids & Nazz didn't want to watch it with me." In the window behind him, Ed is sprinting towards him. Drawing 4: Ed holds up a comic book called "Killer Pig" smiling, and says: "Wanna read the new comic I got?" Kevin responds: "Are there girls in it?" Drawing 5: Ed sits on his armchair, and points to something to the left off screen while kicking his legs. He says: "This is when the needle man shows up!" Kevin is hiding behind the chair, panicked, and peeking out from behind it. His back is pressed up against the chair. He responds: "Wow, that's great..." Drawing 6: Ed and Kevin are sitting on the floor, and Ed is holding a large bowl in his lap. Ed says: "I make my own popcorn sauce!" and text behind him reads (it's gravy). The gravy is covering the popcorn entirely, and Kevin looks over at it, disgusted. Drawing 7: Kevin and Ed are sitting on the floor watching TV. Only the top of the TV can be seen. Ed points at the screen and says: "This is the funniest part!". Text above it reads (most gore ever in a movie). Kevin looks disturbed. Drawing 8: Kevin and Ed are sitting on the floor, with their backs pressed up against each others'. They're both reading comics. Kevin's is called "mutant lymph node" and Ed's shows an advertisement for a yo-yo in the back. Kevin looks at Ed, looking aloof, and says: Pretty cool, I guess..." Ed looks back at Kevin, positively giddy. END ID]
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afyrian · 2 months
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no. 9 - may the best cabin win masterlist
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    the wind slows in the area, the trees blocking the majority of it. as they sway through the sky, you can spot the archery course up ahead. it's bigger than when you went there as a teenager. a few bullseyes in a row with some old bows that weren't meant for shooting anymore. even the arrows' feathers were slowly loosing its barbs.
  now, though, it's a beautiful sight. a few bullseyes hidden within the trees and varying in distance. the bows are crafted in such a way that they may never fray, the arrows all protected in a few sleeves. you take in a deep breath of fresh air and turn around to your group, "so the boys should be joining us again soon.. but maybe we could give it one go before they come."
  you give them a playful wink, ready to help any of them out with starting. a few already knew from their previous years at camp, some from personal experiences. however, it gave you a chance to help some of them gain some love for the sport. moving their elbows some, pointing the bow in the right direction. truthfully you feel like you've found your calling.
  and you're not the only one who can see it. atsumu and his cabin stands off in the woods, about to join you and your group. he watches from afar, for only a moment. the sun shines through the trees and fall on you, framing you like some sort of angel in front of him. atsumu smiles to himself before walking down towards the archery range, hands resting in his pockets.
  "the best cabin is here! ready to defeat you cabin firekey! which by the way, the name sucks," atsumu stands with his posse of children behind him, saying the last sentence a little quieter. 
  "once again, didn't choose it! and no, my cabin is phenomenal at archery. in fact, i am 100% confident in the abilities of my girls," you rest your hands on your hips, standing up so you can be near his level. 
  he narrows his eyes, standing close to you, perhaps too close to you. he mirrors you, hands on his hips as well. your eyebrows furrow negatively, ready for the challenge that has presented itself in front of both of you, “alright, outer ring is five points, next is ten, and bullseye is fifteen. if you think you have what it takes.”
  “oh i’m positive, may the best cabin win,” you hold out your hand, grasping his in a firm shake. 
  it doesn’t take long for the cabins to get into it, quickly scoring a wide arrange of scores. some of the less experienced campers miss the targets, still earning hopeful cheers from you. promising them all a treat no matter the outcome. you take glances at atsumu as you watch him counting up his cabin’s scores.
  he stands confidently, back straight, hat on his head flicked slightly upwards. you swallow whatever nervousness you had and return to your girls, cheering them on with all the strength you had from the long day. it doesn’t take long for you to get through each camper, all of them getting three tries, their best score counting. 
  you turn to look at him, holding your small notepad up, ready to read him the defining score, “we had 110 points.”
  “we had 110 points…” atsumu narrows his eyes at you, turning back to his team, wondering what you do in a scenario like this, “well that puts us in a predicament.”
  “why don’t you two give it a go?” one of his campers suggests, leaning around atsumu so the two of you can see him. 
  you look back at atsumu, narrowing your eyes. of course part of you wants to try it, to get back at him some, even if it’s all a mystery to him. “sure, when we went camping here, i was fantastic at archery, so let’s give it a go,” you turn towards the bow and arrows, ready to triumph once more.
  atsumu nods, agreeing despite remembering you beating him every time. for years he had tried to practice and hopefully surpass your score. and for years, he had fallen short of your standards. especially because every year, he had to look right at you when he shot the arrows. his body facing yours, he can’t help but look over at you occasionally, noting your actions and movements. 
  he purses his lips, watching your elbow raise and fingers grasp at the string. the way you move is elegant, swift, and smooth, moving like you’re one with the wind. releasing it, atsumu watches as the arrow hits the middle of the bullseye. he lets out a sigh, knowing you’re just as good as you ever were.
  atsumu takes in a deep breath and draws back his bow, staring down the arrow and looking straight at the bullseye. he lets out the breath, heart rate rising as his fingers release, watching as the arrow barrels down the line. it hits towards the outside of the bullseye, matching your own score. 
  he turns around to look at you, finding himself pleased with his score. however, instead of indulging his excitement, he sees you high-fiving your campers, congratulating them on the tie. atsumu didn’t know what to expect, especially if you didn’t remember who he was, how poor he initially was. 
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a/n: hopefully this is okay!! i felt a little uneasy about it taglist (open): @lemurzsquad, @froyaoya, @localgaytrainwreck, @guitarstringed-scars, @girlkissersco
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stargazerbibi · 7 months
hello there!! fancy seeing you here again hahaha,,
if you know me, you probably guessed it, the new semester is starting soon and so far this thing has worked 2/2 times so.. i'm not about to jinx it by not doing the challenge. whatever works, works, yk?
this time around, i'm only taking 4 classes :( it makes me feel so lazy and wasteful, but i'll need to stay another full year anyways so it's not like it affects anything really (and i'll have way more time to study a subject i, for once, kinda enjoy). either way, i'm sure the classes are going to be absolutely brutal and i won't even notice after the 1st week haha
the term is going to have a maximum of 143 days (ending on the 5th of july), including both exam seasons (which, hopefully, i won't need!!!!), but i think i'm going to start 2 days earlier. yes.. because 145 is a round number.. but also cause i have to clean up my room and prepare everything :P
🌬️💿🪐 GOALS 🪐💿🌬️
-> pass all my classes: 4/4 ☑️
-> keep my duolingo streak alive ☑️
-> read 12 books: 7/12 (last read: The Enigma of Room 622, by Joël Dicker)
-> move furniture + organize shelves ☑️
-> organize email ✖️
-> transfer photos to computer ☑️
-> visit dad ☑️☑️☑️
-> get my driver's license ☑️
🗞️🌕🗡️ FUN PLANS 🗡️🌕🗞️
-> re-read jjk: 5/20
-> watch 10 movies: 11/10 (last watched: Dune: Part Two) ☑️
-> watch 10 series: 6/10 (last watched: Kaiju No.8)
-> build legos: 5/5 ☑️😭
-> buy cute mugs to put my pens in ☑️
-> finish 1 game ☑️ (100% Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion)
-> complete my acnh island ✖️
🌆🔮👒 COUNTERS 👒🔮🌆
-> late nights: 10 too many to count (goal: 0) ✖️
-> hangout with friends: 10 (goal: 10) ☑️
-> things i created: 10 (goal: 10) ☑️
-> primogems: 6,372/28,000 ✖️
i'll add more things as they come up, but for now this is the plan ;)
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callsigndragon · 2 years
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Seeing Red | Ch. 5: Used to it ✍️
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x ex-wife!Reader (Call sign: Red Queen)
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: sassy red, jake being an ass, more mav and jake being father and son, mentions of dead, some ex-wife/ex-husband unresolved tension, and... Liam's reveal.
A/N: I literally wrote this in 4 hours i was REAALLY obsessed with this idea and here it is. Comments are welcomed and THERE'S AN AUTHOR NOTE AT THE END THAT EXPLAINS A BIT SOME PARTS OF THIS BUT IT'S IN THE END TO AVOID SPOILERS.
(Whoever wants to be tagged, comment down below!)
Masterlist on pinned
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When you walk out of the base towards the tarmac, you see Jake talking with someone. He seems older. Both of them turn toward you, Jake attempting to flee as soon as he recognizes your presence, but the other one stops him, both of them approaching you. Once they’re close, you remember who the other man is.
"Captain Mitchell?" you ponder, covering your eyes with your hand because the sun is shining brighter than usual. 
“Red Queen! It’s been a while. Last time we worked together, you weren’t even married.” He says, Jake groaning beside him. 
“If you told me that I would get married and divorced in the span of three years, I would have said that was bullshit.” 
“How many times are you gonna mention it?” Jake protests, taking off his glasses. 
“The same amount of times I tried to call you and text you after you left the fucking divorce papers on the kitchen counter.” You challenge him, waiting for his reaction. 
“I guess they were a lot.” Maverick adds, making Jake cover his face in disbelief. “Anyway, Cyclone told me that you were doing a dogfighting exercise, so I thought I could join." 
“Mav, did he give you the green light, or are you trying to make me break some rules on my first day?” 
“Well, maybe he didn’t agree 100%. But I want to help you!” 
You’re about to protest when you feel your phone ring in your pocket. “I’m gonna take this call and go ask Cyclone. Wait for me to come back, and I’ll let you know if you can fly or not, Mav.” 
You turn around and get inside the building, answering the call. You don’t even need to check the screen to know who it is. 
“Hey pretty boy.” 
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“So… you fucked up real good, buddy.” 
“Oh yeah? I didn’t notice.” He is tempted to walk away, but then he hears Red talking. 
"Hey pretty boy" 
"Pretty boy?" Jake mumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. 
"Looks like she has moved on." Mav whispers, patting Jake's back. 
"No, Liam, we can't have a cat. We have a dog, and that's a lot of work already." 
Red enters the building, and Jake stays there, completely astonished. "Who the fuck is Liam?" 
"Your replacement?" He shrugs. 
"Fuck off, Mav"
And just like he did hours ago, Mav smacks Jake's head again. "I'm not the bad guy here, son. And I don't know if you're allowed to be mad. You asked for a divorce." 
"You know why I did it." 
Mav sighs, taking off his glasses. "Yeah, I know. And I told you there may have been other ways to solve the problem." 
"I couldn't find any other one. Look, I can tolerate being around her at work. But she's gonna be friends with all the team because that's how she is, just the purest human being to ever walk on earth. I'm telling you now, if I have to see her walk in the Hard Deck hand in hand with an asshole that doesn’t deserve her, I'm asking for a relocation."
"And you think you deserve her? Jake, I know better than anyone how you feel. I let Penny slip away from me many times, and I came back many more. I just—" he looks around, as if trying to find the right words. "I just want you to remember that you vowed to be together for better and for worse. And when the worst came, you didn't tell her and made a decision by yourself." 
"You think I don't know that?" He takes out his phone, showing the lock screen to Mav. "I never changed it. I couldn’t. It's a reminder of what I had and what I lost. A fleeting glimpse of the only happiness I've ever known, and an endless torment of what I lost." 
Mav scoffs. "You sound like that guy from Pride and Privilege." 
"...you mean Pride and Prejudice?" 
"Really, Mav? One of the greatest books to ever be written, and you don't even know the title?" 
"Have you even read it?" The older man mocks. 
"Yes, I did." 
"It's true, I bought it for him," Red says, walking past them. "Get in your plane, pops. We're going for a ride." 
Jake watches Red jogging towards her plane, new letters added to the side, her name and call sign. And his last name. Seresin, in big black letters. 
“Why did she keep my name?” Jake ponders.
“Look." He points at Red's aircraft. "Seresin. Why is she using it?” 
“I don’t think I have a good answer for that, son. Come on, I have to fly.”
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It's all good until Jake's turn comes. All of them are amazing pilots, of course, they're the best of the best. You didn't expect anything different. Rooster is the fastest to take you out. Mav explains to you how, until a few years ago, he was afraid of his own potential. You can hear how proud Mav is now, as if Rooster were his own son. In a way, you know he is. 
"Hey, Red. Can I ask you a question?" Bob mutters through the comms. 
"You just did, Bob." You laugh. "Of course you can." 
"Why Red Queen as a call sign? You don't seem like the kind of girl that chops off heads."
You laugh again, turning to be closer to Phoenix's plane. You wave at Bob and he waves back with a chuckle. "It has some resemblance to the Red Queen, but not entirely. Have you heard of the Red Queen hypothesis?"
"Not really."
"According to the Red Queen hypothesis, a species needs to evolve and adapt in order to survive because its competitors are doing the same."
"Did you evolve and adapt?"
"Yep. Being an aviator wasn't in my plans." You confess, remembering the old times. 
"And what were your plans?"
"She wanted to be a lawyer." 
"I don't think they were asking you, Seresin." You retort, moving your plane to an inverted position, and flying above Jake's plane. "If I want you to talk, I'll let you know." 
"I think you're abusing your power, Commander," he mutters, looking straight into your eyes. 
"I'm just giving you as many chances to talk as you gave me, Lieutenant."
You move your plane away, the radio has become silent. "But yeah, I wanted to be a lawyer."
"What changed?" 
"My dad died in Iraq when I was a teenager. His plane crashed. He wanted to defend his country so much that he died doing it. And I took his place."
"Adapt in order to survive." Bob mutters. 
"That's it." 
“It says a lot about you, Red. Your father will be proud.” Mav comments, moving to your right. “Anyway, are we gonna play or what?” 
“Yeah, we’re in the right place already. Okay, Phoenix, Jake, you have thirty seconds to fly away from us. After that, fight’s on.” 
“Aye aye, Red”
“Yes, Commander.” 
A tiny part of you almost feels bad that Jake has to address you by rank. 
You wait thirty seconds. Mav immediately goes after Phoenix, and you know he’s giving you the chance to see how Jake reacts. Instead of going after Mav to ‘free’ Phoenix, he leaves his wingman alone. What the fuck does he think he’s doing? 
“Phoenix, Mav, stop right now.” 
You see both aircrafts slowing down. “Did something happen, Red?” Phoenix asks, flying back to you. 
“Lieutenant Seresin, I want you to fly back to the base right this instant and wait on the tarmac until I finish all the exercises of the day.” 
“Can I ask why, Commander?” 
“You’re not leaving your wingman alone, not under my command. If I have to be paired with you on a mission because Cyclone ordered me to carry your ass everywhere I go, you’re not gonna fucking leave me alone so you can make some maneuvers and take the glory.” 
“Red, I work better like that.” 
“First of all, it’s Commander for you. Second, you’re gonna work as I say, cause I’m in charge here, not you. Not anymore. Is that clear?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
You whisper. “I should be used to it by now.” 
“Used to what?” he asks. 
“To you, leaving people behind. Everyone back to the base. We’re done for the day.” 
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It takes all your power not to cry. The idea of being on a mission and having Jake leave you behind, just because he has the biggest ego ever known in human history, makes you shiver. Being abandoned is a feeling you don’t want to experience again. 
You spend the rest of the day in your office, working on the report Cyclone asked you to write. You don’t want to be that type of ex, but you have to write a bad review of Jake’s work. He only needed ten seconds to abandon his wingman. How has he been working here for so long? It’s a complete mystery to you. 
You’re printing it up when you hear a soft knock on your door. “Come in.” 
You should look up from your work the next time someone knocks on the door. “Do you need something, Seresin?” 
“Actually, yes. I have questions.” He says, while closing the door. He takes a seat in one of the chairs in front of your desk. 
“And what makes you think you have the right to ask anything?” You question, collecting all the sheets of paper from the printer. 
“Why are you still using my name?” 
“It became mine too when you married me. Just never thought about changing it.” 
“That’s not it, Red. We both know it” 
“Whatever my reasons are, I don’t have to explain them to you.” You argue, getting up from your chair and collecting your things before exiting the office. Jake follows you, seems like he doesn’t want to end the conversation there. 
“I think I deserve an explanation. It’s my name, after all.” 
You stop in your tracks, turning around so fast that your body collides against Jake’s. You look up, all the hurt, pain, and fury accumulated over the last three years lighting a fire in your soul that must be visible to him, because he moves a step back. “Jake, it’s just a name; don’t be such a dick about it. It’s not because I still love you or whatever stupid idea you have running around in your head. It was a lot of paperwork that I didn't want to deal with. Happy? Now wait here, or do you want to enter Cyclone’s office? I heard it’s like your second home” 
You enter Cyclone's office. He told you before that he had to leave to attend to some important matters, but you could leave the report on his desk without problem. You take a moment to breathe deeply, your hands shaking with the many unsaid words that you have kept in your chest for far too long. But you know you can’t tell him what you want to. Not now. 
When you walk out of the room, he’s still there. “You’re really annoying, you know?” 
“I want my answer.” He insists. 
“Why do you care so much, Jake? You left me, you literally abandoned me and never looked back, and now you are demanding that I answer your questions? Fuck off.” 
You hurry out of the building, looking for your car keys in your bag, when you see a familiar blue car parked in front of you, a woman in her sixties helping a small kid get out of the backseat. 
No. No. No. 
“What are they doing here?” you whisper under your breath. 
“Red, wai- Charlotte?” Jake recognizes your mom in an instant. The woman in question turns around and waves at Jake with a gleeful smile. 
This has to be a fucking nightmare. You stay there, completely frozen, knowing that there’s no way in hell you’re getting out of this. You see your kid walking towards you, making grabby hands and giggling. You haven't seen him in two days, having to leave him with your mother to prepare everything in this new base, this new home... You couldn’t bring him yet. 
“Liam wait!” Your mom yells, but he doesn’t stop. He has seen someone he knows very well, but has never met in real life. Someone he has seen a lot of photos of. The man that appears in the photo frame placed on his bedside table. It’s a photo of your wedding. 
“What did he say?” Jake whispers, standing at your side as frozen as you are. 
“He called you dada.” You declare, already giving in. If this is happening, you're gonna do it right.
Liam stands in front of him, tears in his eyes, as he watches Jake. “Dada is you?” 
“I—I don’t know.” He turns at you, fear in his eyes. Oh Lord, what have you done? “Am I his dada?” 
You kneel down, taking Jake’s hand and dragging him down with you, both now at the same height as the little kid, who looks at you with a confused expression and wet cheeks. “You want to know why I never got rid of your last name? Well, Jake. Let me introduce you to Liam Alexander Seresin.” 
“Oh my god, y-you were pregnant; that’s why you-” He starts to hyperventilate. “Y-you signed the papers to protect him?”
You can’t believe this is happening. This isn’t how you planned to tell him. “Jake, calm down. I didn’t know I was pregnant, I swear, but I need you to calm down.” You don’t want him to have one of his panic attacks in front of Liam, it would scare him.
"Dada, don’t cry.” Liam pouts, his chubby hands rising to touch his father’s cheeks. 
“C-can I hug you, buddy?” 
Liam throws himself in Jake’s body, the pilot starts crying when he realizes what he had done. He didn’t just leave his wife. 
He left his wife and his unborn child. She had to raise him all alone. 
“I’m sorry,” he repeats over and over again, his head buried in his son’s hair. Liam smells like her; he’s a miniature version of her with his eyes and nose. It’s everything he once hoped to have. 
And he had missed his first steps, his first words, and his first laugh. 
Just because he thought that by divorcing her, he could save her. 
How wrong he was.
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A/N: THERE HE ISSSSSSS. Yes you guessed it, Liam is Jake and Red's son. And here is the explanation you need.
Jake asked for a divorce three years ago. Like actually, is going to be almost three years in a few days (fic time). Liam is a Valentine baby. Jake asked for a divorce on May, Red didn't know she was pregnant until a few days later, when she started to feel sick. She signed the paper's almost immediately after Jake left them in their house, and gave them to her lawyer. They never saw each other again. The reasons why Red didn't tell Jake about the baby, are part of the fic so, I won't tell.
But as it has been hinted, Liam knows who his father is, Red has a picture of him placed in Liam's room, and she tells him about him whenever he wants to know about his dad. Red having Jake as her lockscreen pic? So Liam could see a pic of him every time he wanted.
Liam is now two years and a half. He has Jake's eyes and nose, but is as sassy as his mom.
More details about him will be revealed in next chapters. This is only the beginning of the journey the seresin family will be going through.
And that's all. Have a good night/day!
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