#partner of general hux
thedarkcoven · 11 months
Bio of Darth Rayvin Ren
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-Some of this info is/may be NONCANON so please do not come at me. This is for my OC and my story of my OC and Kylo Ren. This is for fun and to not be taken seriously. The edit is made by me and I ONLY take credit for the banner not the pics used-
Divider by: @saradika​
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Birth Name:
Anne V’Torr
Sith Name:
Darth Rayvin (Rayvin Ren - after marriage to Kylo Ren)
Birth place:
Current Home:
Star Destroyer/First Order Ship
27 (two-four years younger than Ben Solo/Kylo Ren)
5′0″ (152.40 cm)
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mother ( Unknown-deceased)
father (unknown-deceased)
Poe Dameron - Ex boyfriend
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren- Master. Husband. Father of her children
Armitage Hux - Friend/Significant (intimate) partner Lea Briesje - Friend/Sister
Luna Ren/Solo (Daughter)
Huxley Ren/Solo (Son)
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Resistance (Former)
First Order (Current)
Sith (Current)
Anne V’Torr grew up along side the young Jedi Knight Ben Solo. At a young age she would often do tasks for her mother. In a hurry she ran into the young Prince, knocking the times from her small arms onto the floor. Ben Solo chuckled and told her everything is okay and helped her with gathering her things and helping her back to her home. 
Ben would often spend time with young Anne, finding excuses to use her Force to do little tricks to make her smile. Years passed and Ben comforted her in the loss of her parents when they were out working as Resistance Fighters. She would spend most of her remaining days quiet and with Ben. It wasn’t until the day he left for Jedi training that she felt like she lost everything.
It wasn’t until years later when she joined The Resistance to get revenge for her parents. There she met a young pilot by the name of Poe Dameron who encountered a similar fate of losing his parents. They bonded together as pilots and the burning fire that raged within them to get the revenge they craved so badly. Every night a man in dark robes plagued her dreams. Something was familiar about him. After a few years of being with Poe they decided to stay friends, allies in the Resistance. Work became their main priority after all. 
Years after joinign the Resistance a bit after her 23rd birthday she encountered the very man who plagued her thoughts and dreams at night. Before she could call for backup the man placed his hand up and forced her into slumber, carryign her limp body onto his ship.
When she woke she struggled against her restraints, panic taking over as she noticed her surrounds were of not Resistance but First Order. The sound of the door wooshing open made her freeze in place as the masked man stepped foot into the dark room. 
“I finally found you.” He spoke sending chills up her spine. 
“Who are you and what do you want from me?” She snipped. 
“A friend.” He answered softly, stepping closer to Anne. 
“I am no friend of The First Order. You’re a monster!” 
“That may be true but there is no denying that you easily let me into that head of yours, Anne” 
The man before her moved his hands up to his helmet, a wooshing sound as the front plate moved upward before he removed it, revealing who he was to her. 
“Ben?” Tears filled her eyes at the man she thought she would never see again. 
“Not anymore. Ben Solo is dead. I am Kylo Ren and I am going to show you how to embrace your powers so you dont have to hide them anymore. Let me show you that path.” A smirk appeared on the dark haired prince’s face as she nodded. “Good... From this day forward you shall be known as Rayvin. My apprentice.” 
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darthnostra · 7 months
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The girls that get it, etc etc
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lightsaberupmybutt · 19 days
General Armitage Hux has never felt love behind someone’s touch, the concept would be so foreign to him.
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His dad was his only present parent and brought him nothing but pain and angst, poor boy never had a chance. He needs a hug.
I feel like any kind of a relationship with hux would take generous amounts of time and effort - this combination is the only thing that will force him to open up.
He doesn’t want too of course, he’s been let down so many times that any form of prospective partner is going to have a tough time getting though those walls.
It’s not that he doesn’t believe in love but more likely doesn’t see it as a viable option for himself - he genuinely can’t understand why anyone would love him.
Sure, he’s good at his job, he has power and he knows how to fight to keep it. But he is emotionally inept and he’s painfully aware of the fact.
He can’t cry without getting intensely angry at himself - his dads words replay on a loop any time he feels his eyes prick or god forbid tastes his own salty tears as they run down his cheeks.
He’s not enough
He’s not GOOD enough
He’s not worthy.
So imagine how pleasantly surprised he is when he meets someone who doesn’t just give up at the first hurdle.
He’s not outright rude to you, he doesn’t so much push you away, more lightly warn you he’s not good.
He likes you, so he’s not going to dismiss you completely, after all deep down he knows he will never forgive himself for being the own destroyer of his chance at happiness.
But then he’s always battling with the fact that you deserve better - something he can’t provide for you.
That feeling never goes away for hux - it’s particularly bitter sweet in moments of true happiness;
waking up to you in his bed, hair sprawled on the pillow next to him, your hand on his chest. He can only get a few moments of utter serenity before the voice in the back of his mind (which sounds exactly like his dad) tells him you will leave when you wake up and see him for what he actually is - and he turns over, your hand slipping
You coming up behind him in the kitchen, wrapping your arms around his waist and laying kisses on his back. The butterfly’s he feels from the warmth of your soft lips are soon replaced with viscious bats - circling round his stomach telling him once he turns around and you get a good look at him, you’ll laugh in his face in embarrassment.
Your first night together, the first time you have sex, your face full of pleasure and enjoyment. But everytime your eyes close he’s wondering if it’s because you’re turns besides yourself in ecstasy or if you’re picturing someone, anyone but him.
Its hard on you too, you don’t catch it often because he’s so so good at covering up his outbursts; but sometimes you see just a little reality before Huxs picture perfect facade kicks in.
The odd time you reach out to touch him and he flinches or looks visibly alarmed, or the times you wake up to him turning away from you in bed, returning to his side as if you’re two kids on a sleepover.
Of course he doesn’t tell you, and as you assume it’s an issue with you and your capability, you don’t ask.
He’s the general for gods sake! What are you ?!
But it clicks when one day he gets a little too drunk and tells you about his dad; you’d assumed their relationship wasn’t grand due to his visible absence from Huxs life but you’d never be prepared for the depth of the cuts he had emotionally (and sometimes physically) suffered at such a young age.
Because as he looks at you, with a cold laugh, a smile that doesn’t touch his eyes, and tells you how his father had always told him he would never be enough, you feel sick.
You tell him that night just how worthy he is, you even show him.
And then you repeat this the night after, and the night after that, and the night after that and so on…
And one day, when you have kids of your own, and you get to see Hux be a fantastic dad - you’ll argue back and forth.
Hux says it’s your impression on him, that he’s only capable of loving his sons so well because you taught him how to love.
And you’ll protest that he always had it in him, and that he was never like his own father.
And he will hold you as you sleep and thank every star in that sky above him that you somehow ended up with him; because although he is sure he will never be worthy of your love he is willing to try every single day
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girl-next-door-writes · 2 months
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A rather sweet Anon hit me up for this, so I hope you like it.
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F:Fiance, J: Jealousy and Y: Yuck
F:Fiance; How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
Armitage approaches marriage with a sense of caution and pragmatism. He recognises that this is a seriously weighty responsibility and he needs to assess his priorities.
He does not have the best role models when it comes to marriage, and as much as he would love to have a stable and secure relationship, he is terrified that his vulnerability could lead to betrayal and a loss of control. Despite these concerns, the idea of a formal acknowledgement of the commitment between him and his significant other appeals to him.
The speed at which he would get married depends entirely on the circumstances of the relationship. Generally he would be cautious and take his time to consider all the implications, however, if he sees an immediate benefit to his career, that man won't think twice about proposing.
J: Jealousy; How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?
Hux's jealousy definitely stem from a similar place of protectiveness and possessiveness, rather than from insecurity or personal rivalry. It manifests as a simmering intensity beneath his composed exterior, driven by a desire to protect what he perceives as his.
When Hux feels jealous, he becomes cold and detached, watching the interaction with his jaw tensed and teeth gritted. If he perceives a threat to his relationship, he would react with a calculated and strategic approach. Armitage would subtly assert his presence, ensuring that his significant other knows he is there to support and protect them while also ensuring whoever has been stupid enough to get too close to his other half is fully aware that you are his. His actions might convey a sense of possessiveness, such as placing a hand on your back and standing close to you.
His jealousy is tempered by his rationality and pragmatism, causing him to analyse the situation objectively, considering the potential consequences of his actions before making his move, but in private, he would need reassurance that whatever he had done had your approval.
Y: Yuck; What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?
Armitage's preferences and dislikes are heavily influenced by his background, and his desire for control, order, and success. As such, he hates incompetence in any form. He can cope with a partner who may not be ambitious but not one who is incompetent or disrespectful.
Loyalty is also a big deal for him so if he feels betrayed than that person is pretty much dead to him.
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sheawritesstuff · 3 months
Too Much
[Huxley x Unnamed Partner]
[Angst - Hurt / No Comfort - 1143 words]
[Contains descriptions of a generally not-great relationship and feelings of inadequacy caused by said relationship - There's a little bit of a sweet twist ending, but only kinda so don't get your hopes up too high]
“I have never thought you were too much. Why would you think that, Hux?” The question was simple, but the answer was anything but. Huxley took a deep breath and prepared to explain the backstory of his deepest-rooted insecurity. 
“Why are you giving me this?” They turned the small gift in their hands, looking it over with a harsh stare. Huxley shifted uncomfortably as he searched for the words to explain that he just wanted to. 
“I dunno… I saw it and thought you’d like it, so I got it for you.” He smiled nervously, tugging at the hem of his shirt. They looked back and forth from the trinket to his awkward stance. 
“Well, I don’t. This,” they held it up to his face. “This is trash, Huxley. I don’t like trash.” They threw the frog on the ground, shattering it into tiny green shards. Huxley stared down at the debris, his jaw dropping open slightly. He looked back up to see his partner glaring at him. “Now clean up your mess,” they hissed. 
He almost cried right then and there, but he held it in. He didn’t need to add more fuel to the fire that was their temper. So he swept up the broken glass and threw it away without another word. They sat on his couch and watched him through the entire process, never once offering to help. Oh, and they made him apologize for wasting their time and his money.
He tried making up for it, tried telling them he loved them. The only response he earned was a mumbled, “Mhmm, you too.” But that was close enough, right?
And there was the time he took them to see his favorite movie. They were on their phone almost the whole time, but he tried his hardest not to notice. They watched maybe fifteen total minutes of the whole film. But as they were leaving, he casually asked what they thought of it. 
“It was fine, I guess. Don’t know why you like it so much.” They stared off into space as they talked to him, clearly ignoring his attempts at appeasement. Huxley smiled, stepping closer as they walked out of the theater so they could hear him better. He rambled about what he liked about it, the different plot points he found interesting, the character design, the development, the-
“You talk a lot,” they said, cutting him off. “I think you should work on that.” They turned to look at him for the first time since he’d picked them up that afternoon. He froze, letting them walk ahead of him. He stared for a long moment, feeling a dull ache in his chest as he watched the person who was supposed to love him show him nothing but complete disregard. 
The only time they ever actually seemed interested in him was in the bedroom. Their hands roamed over his skin - grabbing, touching, exploring. 
“God, I love your body,” they’d whisper. “I love how strong you are. The way your muscles flex is so fuckin’ hot.” This was the only time they ever said things like that. They never loved him, or his personality, or his humor. They loved his body. 
It felt good, though. The attention, their body against his, the kisses left along his sensitive skin. So he put up with it, hoping maybe they would change. Maybe they would be nicer if he did what they wanted. Just maybe…
After they were done, Huxley would try to be close to them, cuddle close to their warmth as they came down from the peak of pleasure. They shoved him off, scoffing as they scrambled to gather their discarded clothes. 
“You’re so fuckin’ clingy. I don’t do that shit.” 
He all but begged for just a few minutes of closeness, of actual intimacy. All he got was a hissed “I’ve gotta go” before they were popping their shoes on and practically running out the door. 
So he was left alone in a puddle of his own shame. The ebbing warmth of passion mixed with the heat of embarrassment made him uncomfortably warm in his newfound solitude. So he cleaned himself up in silence, just like every other time. 
A few days after one of these dalliances, they called and demanded to come over, saying they needed to talk about something. He let them in with a smile and was promptly denied a hug.
“I’m breaking up with you, Huxley,” they said coldly. “I’m done with you.” 
He stood there in his doorway, taken aback by the bluntness of it all. Whatever questions he hoped to ask died in his throat. He stared at the floor for a long moment, trying to wrap his brain around all of it. 
“Did…” his voice was quiet, just barely audible. “Did I do something wrong?” They stared at him with an expression somewhere between disbelief and disgust. They clicked their tongue and looked him up and down. 
“Yes, Huxley. You did a lot of things wrong.” Their tone was sharp, barely concealing the anger bubbling beneath the surface. They glared at him, obviously waiting for him to start groveling, begging for forgiveness, something. But he didn’t. 
“Oh, ok. Can you tell me what I did? So I can be better?” The earnest request was enough to set them off. They started pacing in circles, yelling in his general direction but never actually looking at him. 
“God, I can’t do this anymore! You’re just so-” they waved their arms around wildly, searching for the words. “You’re too much, Huxley! You’re just too much for me to deal with, and I can’t do it anymore!” They screamed, still motioning with their hands. They paused a moment when they realized what they said. They took a deep breath and glared at him. “There, I said it. Are you happy now? You’ve got your explanation, so just leave me the fuck alone, alright?” 
They stormed off, slamming his door behind them and leaving him alone for the last time. 
So that was his story. The long-awaited explanation of why his walls were built so high. He stared down at his own hands, too nervous to meet Damien’s eyes. 
“So, uh, yeah. That’s why, I guess,” Huxley mumbled. A gentle hand cupped his cheek, turning his attention back up to his lover’s face. A soft smile that actually reached his eyes was plastered across his face. 
“I have never thought you were too much, Hux,” Damien’s words were quiet and genuine. “But if I ever, and I mean ever, make you feel like that, tell me. Ok?” Huxley nodded, leaning into his touch and letting his eyes drift closed. His boyfriend pressed a kiss to his forehead and pulled him into a hug. This felt good, felt safe.
“I love you, Huxley.” 
“I love you too, Dames.” 
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cosleia · 9 months
Like a Lover
Originally written for a kiss prompt on Twitter. magnetvrs asked for V1 for kylux; V1 was a tender kiss where one partner's hand is gently touching the side of the other's neck.
“Wait,” Hux said.
Kylo stopped two steps from the door. In all the weeks they’d been doing this, Hux had never said anything to him the morning after. He’d get up and go about his morning routine and ignore Kylo until Kylo left.
Kylo had, as of this week, started to leave as soon as he woke up. He was here practically every night, and being ignored wasn’t a particularly pleasant way to start his day.
He had, of course, considered not sleeping over at all. But after, panting and sweaty and spent, it was too easy to curl himself around Hux’s body and go straight to sleep.
Too tempting, too. It had gotten to the point that his own bed seemed cold and unwelcoming.
Kylo didn’t turn around. “What?” he asked.
“Look at me,” Hux said. He sounded irritated, but there was a thread of something else beneath it. Kylo stretched out to his mind with the Force, found a thrumming sort of nervousness there.
Sighing, Kylo turned around.
He’d sensed Hux moving toward him from the bed, but somehow it still surprised him how close he was. They were almost touching. Hux stood there naked, bare feet increasing their slight height difference so that he had to look up at Kylo.
Hux sucked his lower lip between his teeth. Then he reached up with one bare hand, placing it alongside Kylo’s neck so gently Kylo trembled. He gazed at Kylo through golden eyelashes, moving even closer, and Kylo’s heart thudded in his chest.
Kylo had never known the general to be soft. But this was a powerful softness. Kylo could barely move, his thoughts a jumble. Hux was beautiful, naked and unashamed and…and demanding? And then Hux went up on his tiptoes and gave Kylo a kiss unlike any they’d ever shared before.
It was…tender.
Kylo was almost too shocked to reciprocate. When he did, when he brushed his lips over Hux’s in the same soft way, Hux took a deep breath through his nose and closed his eyes. Kylo’s eyes fell shut too. For a time there was nothing in the galaxy but Hux’s mouth.
Hux let out a quiet hum and pulled back. Kylo watched as Hux’s pink tongue peeked out to wet his lips. “I prefer you to stay,” Hux said, with the same boldness he’d had before the Supremacy, before Starkiller.
Kylo looked at him. He was going to acquiesce and he didn’t know how he felt about it. He didn’t know what to say. He moved back to the bed, flopping down across it fully clothed, and laced his fingers behind his head.
“Yes,” Hux said. “Like that.”
And so Kylo lay there watching as Hux prepared for the day. Watching as the sweet pale creature who squirmed and moaned beneath him, who rolled triumphantly atop him, who had just kissed him like a lover, disappeared behind the facade of general.
Only once he was picture-perfect did Hux allow Kylo to leave. “Have a good day, Supreme Leader,” he said crisply. Kylo felt as though he’d been shown a secret, that this morning had just been for him.
That night, he stripped Hux down himself, revealing his lover layer by layer.
Hux was his. And he, he realized, was Hux’s.
~The End~
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casp1an-sea · 3 months
Hi I really like sharks!!!! MY name is Caspian Re (Re pronounced Rey) You can call me either of my first names or alternate! I also go by Cas for short. I also like weird, silly, or comfort character related nicknames and I sometimes go by Armie online
I primarily post about Twisted Wonderland, Star Wars, Marvel, and 2000s kids shows like Octonauts
Age: 18
Birthday: 10/13 
Gender: Trans masculine/Demi Male but I may just shorten it to Trans (pls only masc terms) 
Pronouns: He/Him, Ey/Em/Eir/Eirs/Emself on most days I have no preference but if it’s a day I do I’ll let you know
Sexuality: Bisexual or maybe just straight up Gay (idk I had an existential crisis about men today)
Zodiac: Libra Star, Pieces Moon, Aquarius Rising 
Personality type: ENFJ
If you send me an ask or msg pls feel free to mention your pronouns 
Hotlines to call Incase of emergency
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Master List:
I have a dating sim rp blog that is kinda popular :P
Pls check out my OCs, as well as my AUs, and my fics located in my writing post :)
commissions: Closed
requests: open!
EVENTS: KYLUX WRITING AND ART EVENT (Ongoing), May 4th Event, Upcoming Twst OC Colab Event
(I’ll do short writings, picrews, and possibly art if I’m in the mood. I’ll totally do my doodle style of you or a character.)
Fandoms, Writing, Moots and Tags, OCs, Comfort Characters, Just a list of Monsters I associate with myself, Moot Trail Mix Recipe, ART, Gender Envy >:(
Side blogs: @hux-and-gay (mostly Kylux, 18+), @ramblingsofamadblob (OC and world building posts to complex for my main)
rp accounts: @robinbanks-accidentally (TWST), @spring-chicken (OC), @brooklynscamp (Newsies), @hollowsdill-manor (Vampire/Werewolf dating sim), @angry-space-ginger (Hux), @rouge-space-dad (Han)
@thenewhestia (my mc to rp with @kal0psiapanesthesia)
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Likes: Star Wars, Marvel, Twisted Wonderland, the Life Series SMP, RPs, Random Generators (its an addiction), 2000s Kids shows, Doll customization, folklore, cats, singing, art, musicals, being in musicals, and weird sea creatures especially sharks :)
Dislikes: Sweets, Rey (if you are a Star Wars fan and you like her respectfully pls do not talk to me about her you will get your feeling hurt), Religious Topics (pls do not talk to me about Christianity or Catholicism it makes me uncomfortable), gruesome animal facts they are triggering please keep them to yourself, Mean people that disrespect me or my friends, Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, Ablests, Sexists, etc. 
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Fun Facts: 
I am Left Handed 
I am Hungarian and I love talking about my culture or my grandfather’s story if you want to ask
Romantically I am single but I do have a platonic partner, hi XEN 🫶🫶🫶🫶
I’m a Hufflepuff my Petronas is a field mouse and my wand is Willow wood with a Phoenix core
My favorite color is green 
My favorite food is Pineapple Teriyaki Burgers or Chinese food  
I am going to be a film major in the fall
I have two cats named Lilo and Stitch (both girls), and I also have multiple fish. My snail passed away :(
I was in my schools broadcasting class
I’ve performed in Willy Wonka, Newsies,  Little Mermaid, Bye Bye Birdie, Christmas Carol, and Shrek, and played the roles of James (James and the giant peach cameo), Arista (Ariel’s sister), Young Fiona, and the bird that sings in that one song in Shrek . I’ve also had solos in Try Everything, American Tears, Fields of Gold, an Mo Town Medley 
I Did competitive gymnastics for 13 years starting when I was 3, before I retired I was in XL level gold. 
I played Violin in elementary school and during Covid in freshman year I played chimes cause that was the choir alternative 
I watch lots of weird 1990s to early 2000s sci-fi shows typically from Australia, there’s suprisingly a lot of them 
I play Minecraft but I am bad at it lol
I play DND 
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Where else to find me?
YouTube: @antosaurusrex3752
Star Wars Force Alignment Quiz:
My Change.Org petitions:
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charliedawn · 4 months
Defective Good part 3:
Enjoy. I put my heart in my writings. 😉
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"JR-6025 ! Are you listening to me ?!" TN-3872 snapped JR-6025 out of her momentary daze and she nodded before walking past her.
"What ?" JR-6025 asked—clearly unfocused. The other stormtrooper only sighed, knowing all about her partner’s strange antics by now, before telling her with a slight shake of her head of disapproval.
"JR-6025, we've already talked about this...Stay focused." JR-6025 remained silent. It wasn’t the first time TN-3872 had caught her daydreaming. TN-3872 sighed again before turning around and walking forward, not willing to stop and try to hear something she knew she wouldn't understand—even if she tried.
"Come on. We’re going back to the Finalizer. Captain Phasma won’t be waiting for us…And I wanna get off Jakku once and for all."
JR-6025 nodded before following her towards the ship to get off Jakku. Once they were on board, Captain Phasma sat next to JR-6025 and seemed nervous—which was highly unusual for the captain. JR-6025 was tempted to ask if everything was alright, but decided otherwise.
She looked straight ahead while Captain Phasma was staring at the data pas in her hands. Once arrived, Captain Phasma was about to walk away when an officer approached and asked her to follow him. She tsskd dismissively. She had a report to give to General Hux. But, the officer insisted that it was related to the upcoming assault on Takodana and she had to be there.
Captain Phasma looked around and her eyes settled on JR-6025.
"You. Come here." She commanded and JR-6025 gulped loudly before stepping forward. Once she was close enough, Captain Phasma gave her the data pad.
"You will give this to General Hux. Tell him I couldn’t deliver it myself."
JR-6025 nodded promptly and Captain Phasma didn’t even wait for an answer before following the officer away. JR-6025 was left with the data pad in her hands and no idea how to find General Hux. She looked at TN-3872 who laughed and shook her head.
"Ah ah. Nope. You’re on your own on this one. She said you."
JR-6025 rolled her eyes.
"Come on. Please. At least tell me where his office is ?"
TN-3872 sighed loudly before groaning and grabbing JR-6025 by the arm and dragging her towards General Hux’s office. Once there, JR-6025 turned towards TN-3872 to thank her, but she was already gone…
JR-6025 took a deep breath. Well, looks like she was alone on this one. She summoned all her courage to knock.
General Hux was in his office, looking at the last statistics on the recent assaults on the last free planets…They had just received word that Captain Phasma's sanitation of the outer rim was nearly complete. All that remained was mopping up a few pockets of resistance on Jakku and Takodana. Kylo Ren seemed set on going on Takodona to retrieve some scavenger girl and Armitage felt tempted to send him on his own but he couldn't, even though he knew it would be a waste of time and ressources. As General Hux pondered sending the necessary troops with the reckless man, he heard a knock at the door. He told the person on the other side to come in and the door slid open. He looked up, expecting another status report from one of his officers. Instead, a lone stormtrooper stood at attention.
"At ease, trooper. What is your designation ?" He said, his eyes scanning the soldier up and down curiously.
"JR-6025, sir." She held out a datapad and General Hux frowned a little, as the designation sounded familiar to him. It didn’t take long for him to recognise the stormtrooper he had shared a conversation with a few days earlier.
"Ah. Yes. The sun catcher." He recalled with a light mocking smirk. "And what are you doing here, trooper ?"
JR-6025 was surprised he even remembered their last conversation. It was weeks ago and she had hoped that General Hux would have forgotten all about their meeting.
"I come bearing a message from Captain Phasma, sir." She replied and the general walked towards her and took the data pad to look at it curiously. "The Captain is usually direct with her communications. Why send a messenger ?"
He glanced up at JR-6025 with narrowed eyes, but she didn’t flinch.
"The Captain is busy with the upcoming assault on Takodana. She asked me to give you a personal update on the situation."
Raising an intrigued brow, General Hux scanned the content of the data pad. Phasma's mission was proceeding ahead of schedule. She had just succeeded in taking over Jakku and capture some of the rebels residing there. Impressive, if expected from his top enforcer. But between the lines, an undercurrent emerged that hinted at something more. They hadn’t been able to capture the scavenger girl. General Hux sighed. Ren would be on his back once more, like the pest that he was…
He slowly lowered the datapad. "You were there, on the ground. Anything else to report, JR-6025 ?"
The trooper straightened. "Only that the Captain's methods are...most effective."
Hux smiled thinly. "And your opinion on effectiveness, trooper ?"
For a beat, silence. Then, "It gets the job done."
General Hux stepped closer. "Walk with me, JR-6025. Tell me more of what you witnessed down there."
JR-6025 fell in step beside General Hux as they walked along the dimly lit corridors of the Finalizer. The trooper hesitated for a moment, collecting her thoughts before speaking.
"I witnessed the Captain's determination, sir," JR-6025 began. "She led us with unwavering resolve, instilling fear in the hearts of our enemies. Her presence alone was enough to quell any doubts or hesitations among our ranks."
Hux listened intently, his curiosity piqued. He had always respected Captain Phasma's unwavering loyalty and formidable combat skills, but he hadn't expected such high praise from one of his own troopers.
"And what about the resistance we encountered ?" Hux inquired, his tone tinged with a hint of skepticism.
JR-6025 paused briefly, searching for the right words. "The resistance fought valiantly, sir, but they were no match for Captain Phasma's strategic brilliance. She anticipated their every move, exploiting their weaknesses and turning the tide of battle in our favor. Her tactics were ruthless, efficient, and effective. And we will soon be able to reach Takodana, as planned."
Hux's lips curled into a subtle smile. He was beginning to see the value in JR-6025's firsthand account. While he had always valued results above all else, he had rarely considered the perspective of those on the ground.
"Tell me, trooper," Hux pressed, his voice softer now. "Did you witness any…collateral damage ? Any unnecessary losses ?"
JR-6025 hesitated, their expression momentarily clouded with a mixture of emotions. "There were casualties, sir," they admitted solemnly. "But Captain Phasma's priority was always the mission. She made difficult choices, sacrifices, to ensure our victory. Lives were lost, but the objective was achieved."
The general absorbed JR-6025's words, contemplating the sacrifices made in the pursuit of their goals. He had always been a pragmatist, willing to do whatever it took to secure the First Order's dominance. But hearing it from the perspective of a trooper who had witnessed it firsthand made the reality of war more tangible.
"Thank you, trooper," Hux said, his voice laced with a newfound appreciation. "Your insights have been invaluable. You may return to your post."
JR-6025 nodded, grateful for the general's acknowledgement. General Hux entered his office and sat down at his desk.
"Dismissed." He said absentmindedly—expecting the stormtrooper to leave.
But, JR-6025 stayed put and tilted her head as she stared at General Hux for a few seconds. Such a man held so much power. He had annihilated Hosnian Prime and even though JR-6025 couldn't get the moment out of her mind, he seemed to have moved on. Even when there had been rebels on Jakku, the level of brutality and death was not as cold and merciless as the complete annihilation of millions of billions of life, including civilians. She knew she was probably going to regret it later, but she had to ask.
"How does it feel ?"
General Hux looked up at JR-6025 with a slight frown of confusion.
"How does what feel, stormtrooper ?"
There was a little pause before JR-6025 clarified.
"…How does it feel to have ended 155 billion lives, sir ?"
General Hux’s eyes slightly widened at the question—He clearly wasn’t expecting it—before he looked up at the stormtrooper. He remained quiet for a few moments before looking back down at his data pad and shrugging—unbothered. Truth was ? He hadn’t really thought about it since then.
"It was a necessary sacrifice. We destroyed a few planets to bring back order to the Galaxy. They needed a demonstration of the First Order’s power. I didn’t take pleasure from it but it had to be done."
JR-6025 tilted her head.
"I saw you at the execution. You seemed proud."
General Hux glanced up at her and his brows furrowed a little. He seemed suspicious of those comments and sighed. He then took a deep breath before leaning back into his chair, his focus now being entirely on the stormtrooper.
"You see too much." He answered shortly and his eyes narrowed a little before he tapped the table with his fingertip rhythmically. JR-6025 noticed and realized it must have sounded like an accusation of some kind. She quickly retorted.
"I see what everyone else can see, sir."
General Hux clenched his jaw as he added.
"Do you doubt my loyalty to the First Order, stormtrooper JR-6025 ?"
JR-6025 shook her head negatively. If there was something to trust, it was that General Hux was very loyal towards the First Order.
"No, sir." She quickly said and General Hux narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her.
"And I am effective, correct ?" He asked and JR-6025 nodded.
"Without a doubt, sir. The most pro-efficient soldier the First Order has ever seen." She agreed.
"Then why do you question me ?" He asked coldly, his fingers crossed and his eyes covered a certain hostility, a silent warning…
"I would never question you, sir." JR-6025 quickly responded and added. "I simply observe and cannot help but be fascinated by you."
He raised a quizzical eyebrow at her. As Hux tapped his fingers in thought, JR-6025 spoke again. "I meant no disrespect, General. Merely an observation from an outsider's view."
Hux regarded her coolly. "Outsiders see only what they wish. Or what their programming dictates." Yet beneath the skepticism, curiosity remained. This trooper saw deeper than most, and he found himself wanting to understand why.
"Your fascination intrigues me as well, JR-6025. Few have ever admitted to admire me," he said dryly. "What is it you find so compelling about my leadership ?"
JR-6025 met his gaze calmly. "You pursue the Order's goals without hesitation or doubt. Your single-minded focus is...admirable, General."
Hux considered her answer. There was truth beneath the flattery, as with all of JR-6025's words. He leant back, studying the stormtrooper thoughtfully. "And what of my methods ? Do they disturb that objective view of yours ?"
A pause, as JR-6025 chose her response with care. "All means serve the ends, as you see it. I merely seek to understand."
Hux smiled thinly. "I see."
"You are…the perfect First Order conception." She added and General Hux seemed almost amused by her answer. He leant forward and tilted his head to peer at her.
"You’ve piqued my interest. Tell me more."
She understood that General Hux was amused by her comments and that she had to keep flattering him in order not to make him suspicious of her.
"You only see the goal of the First Order. All other things or people do not exist to you. You only live for the First Order. And that…that is truly fascinating to me." The stormtrooper confessed and General Hux seemed genuinely surprised by her words. He tilted his head to look at her and laid the side of his head against his fist as he looked the stormtrooper up and down. It was the first time a stormtrooper had ever stated any admiration towards him in his presence. It almost felt like a compliment. She was talking almost as if she wasn’t willing to surrender everything for the First Order. General Hux knew firsthand about the dangers of dissent thoughts and of feelings. It made him question her loyalty after she had questioned his…
"Tell me, trooper. What would you sacrifice to serve the First Order ?" He asked, wondering what JR-6025 might think. It was…odd. General Hux knew he ought to stop this conversation with the stormtrooper. But, he couldn’t help but feel intrigued. She had a flawless record and her loyalty towards the First Order was unquestionable. She had fought and killed for the First Order. But even so, her thoughts were different from the others. It almost seemed as if she truly fought with her heart rather than by command. Even the way she had described Captain Phasma’s leadership was unusual…
JR-6025 thought about it for a second before replying honestly.
"I have nothing left to sacrifice but my life. And even that has been deemed as something to never even question in my programming."
He smiled. At least she was aware of her own insignificance.
"And yet that is precisely what makes you perfect. You’ll follow any order, no matter how cruel."
She shivered at the thought. Perfect. No one had ever called her perfect before…
"I’d follow what the First Order dictates." She agreed and tilted her head to the right as she stared at the general. "Even if it meant killing anyone deemed a threat."
General Hux seemed satisfied with the answer as he gave them a side smile. "Even Kylo Ren ?"
He thought she would at least hesitate, but was surprised when the trooper replied confidently. "Even you."
He hummed pensively before looking up at her visor—trying to find her eyes in the soulless dark plastic protecting her true thoughts from him.
"…You would execute me if you were given the order ?" He repeated—stunned by her words. To say it to a general’s face was either proof of great bravery or stupidity. He didn’t know where to stand considering the trooper.
"As you would execute me if you were given the order." She replied without hesitation and General Hux thought about it before nodding.
"That is true. And without pause, without question." He confirmed.
"Without pause, without question." She repeated in agreement and nodded back. Her heart clenched a little though. She had known General Hux ever since the beginning of her career as a stormtrooper. It had never really seemed to her an option for General Hux to become a traitor. He was strong and had fought hard to be where he was…
He seemed to read her mind.
"Even knowing how much I have done for the First Order. You would still do it ?" He asked curiously and JR-6025 hesitated for a second before nodding again.
"…Without hesitation. Why would I hesitate ? Isn’t it…what would be best for the First Order ?" She replied and was genuinely surprised when General Hux nodded in agreement.
"It would be. And you would not have any regrets, would you ?" He asked with a small smile and JR-6025 answered—mechanically.
"Why would I have any ?"
There was a moment of silence until General Hux hummed and tilted his head to look at her body language. She was stiff and General Hux could feel the tension and uncertainty in her whole being. She was a very bad liar…
He decided to insist.
"Even knowing that you would be killing one of the genuine officers who serve the First Order with absolute loyalty and not a trace of self-interest ?" General Hux seemed genuinely interested in JR-6025’s answer. She seemed to ponder on it for a second before she replied.
"If I was ordered to kill you, then that would make you an enemy of the First Order. Hence, I would have to kill you."
"What if I asked you not to ?"
"What of it ?" She asked and seemed puzzled.
"And if I pleaded ?" He continued.
"Millions have pleaded before you." She retorted.
"They’re not me." He advanced and seemed to be amused by her relentlessness.
"All enemies of the First Order are to be considered as one and the same." She recited the code of the stormtrooper like a mantra and General Hux almost huffed a laugh.
"I see. Even if I begged on my knees and told you that the First Order would suffer without me ?" He was curious as to how she would answer. Her honesty was quite amusing and refreshing. She knew that many would have already faltered and tried to please him with their words, but she didn’t seem to care.
"The First Order would survive. No one is irreplaceable."
His eyes widened a little in surprise.
"Not even me ?"
"Not even you." JR-6025 confirmed before adding in a whisper. "And most certainly not me."
"…You would not falter at all ?" There was a certain skeptic tone to his question and JR-6025 tilted her head to look curiously at General Hux.
"Would you want me to, sir ?"
He was speechless for a few seconds before finally speaking, his tone almost playful.
"And if I begged like a spineless fool, begging for his life, if I whooped and screamed and cried like a child. If I begged on my knees. Would you still do it ?"
JR-6025 stayed silent for a while before they shook their head negatively.
"I do not think you would, sir."
"But if I did ?" He insisted.
She shrugged.
"It wouldn’t change anything, sir."
"…How so ?" A small smile played on his lips. "Wouldn’t that humanize me in your eyes ?"
"It would." She agreed. "But, it wouldn’t change your fate.”
"But I would be humanized. No longer seen as this unfeeling, cold monster. An actual living, breathing individual. A person in your eyes." He was trying to make her admit to her own flaws and treacherous thoughts, but it seemed the stormtrooper was smarter than she seemed.
"A person ? Sir. We annihilated 155 billion people not two days ago. A person is nothing to the First Order." She said and he smiled—almost amused by her answers. Last time they had talked, they were talking about the stars. Now, JR-6025 was acting as the perfect stormtrooper. Maybe had she learned something after all ?
"Yet I am a person, am I not ? I have thoughts and feelings. I feel emotion. And if I can be seen as a person to someone, doesn’t it mean something ?" Another tactic to bring out JR-6025’s treacherous behaviour, but the stormtrooper didn’t seem to react as expected as she tilted their head and replied with a question of her own.
"Do you see me as a person ?"
That gave him pause. He thought for a moment before finally replying in a much quieter voice.
"No." He confessed and his eyes lowered back on his data pad. He had to admit having never as much as tried to see the stormtroopers as anything else than valuable assets.
"Right. Because stormtroopers are not people in the eyes of the First Order. And your eyes—sir—are a reflection of what the First Order sees." JR-6025 said before continuing. "This is the reason I admire you. Do you want to know what I saw when you were doing your great speech before you gave the order to use the Starkiller Base ? I didn’t see General Hux. I didn’t see a man. I saw…the First Order. Standing proud in front of its own destruction.”
He smiled.
"Was it glorious ?"
"It really was." She nodded, even though JR-6025 felt a pit in her stomach at the thought. She just wanted the war to be over. She didn’t care who won, as long as the war ended. She was…tired of fighting.
"And that’s all I am to you. A symbol of the First Order. Not a person." He tried to clarify and JR-6025 nodded in confirmation.
"…Does it upset you ?" She asked and General Hux had an unexpected reaction. He laughed and shook his head.
"I am the general of the entire army of the First Order. The leader of thousands upon thousands of soldiers and ships. I wouldn’t take offence to the words of a mere stormtrooper. And yet, you have provided with some valuable insight. You do not even look at me as a person. Not even beneath the surface. Not even deep down." He smiled, even though his fingers clenched. There was something about the trooper’s words that made him feel proud, but also a little disappointed.
"You never did. Why would I ? We are the First Order. Isn’t that what we are ? We live to serve the First Order." JR-6025 replied nonchalantly and she did her best not to shiver as the general was staring straight at her—observing her.
It was no revelation for him, but he still had a little doubt of the stormtrooper’s intentions. But for now, JR-6025 didn’t show any sign of weakness or anything that would signify a disloyalty towards the First Order.
"I see. I suppose that is understandable." He hummed and looked away. She was a little perplexed by his reaction and clasped her hands behind her back.
"…Sir ?"
He turned back his eyes towards her.
"…Yes ?"
"With all due respect, I am nothing but a stormtrooper. I am as disposable as you, or even more. My death won’t be remembered by anyone. If I were to die tomorrow, I would only be another lost name tag in the First Order." He frowned a little at her words before JR-6025 finally came to a conclusion. "I wouldn’t be remembered, but you would. You have a name. A face. You have already accomplished a lot. And I believe that the First Order will remember you for it."
There was a moment of silence. General Hux was stunned by the unexpected praise and seemed to think about it. In a way, she was right. He had already reached higher than most believed he would ever reach.
He had become a general.
He had become important.
He had…raised himself above the rest.
He smiled.
He couldn’t believe a stormtrooper had had to remind him of that…
"You’re wrong." He said confidently and JR-6025 seemed surprised by his sudden change in demeanour. She had never seen the general smile like that before…"If you died tomorrow, I would remember you."
She remained silent before she replied.
"Would you ?"
He nodded.
"Without a doubt."
She frowned a little in confusion.
"Why ?"
"You’ve piqued my interest." He shrugged.
"How so ?" She was genuinely curious. She didn’t want to stand out. She had done her best not to say anything that would be considered outside of the ordinary. So why ?
"You’ve spoken to me. You see the First Order differently from the other soldiers. You seem…more intelligent. More ambitious. More…" He stopped as he was about to say humane and sighed. "You are not the kind of troublemaker who would undermine me or question my orders. You are the kind of troublemaker who would do her work exceedingly well to impress me. And you do your work extremely well. I would say the only flaw of yours is that you care too much. It makes you too human. It makes you…vulnerable."
He sat there, contemplating his own words for a few moments before finally speaking. "You know…if you were anyone else, I would have you executed for your weakness."
She shivered at the word ‘executed’.
"I never sought anything else than to serve the First Order." She answered and tried to hold back her tears. She wouldn’t beg for him to let her live, but she still wanted to see another day.
His voice dropped to a quieter tone.
"I believe you. But I must confess that I find it troubling. Your compassion. Your sensitivity to loss. You seem to care about those 155 billion people we destroyed the other day. You have empathy." He said that last word with such a strong distaste that his features seemed to tighten and his mouth turned sour.
"Empathy ? What does it mean ?" She asked—curious.
"It means that you feel for people. It means that those 155 billion lives matter to you. It means that you have not been programmed in the correct way." General Hux narrowed his eyes at her before standing up. JR-6025 involuntarily flinched as he approached and turned around her like a shark turning around its prey—waiting for the right moment to attack.
"…Does it mean you are going to send me to reprogramming ?" She seemed terrified at the thought. Stormtroopers usually never came back from reprogramming all the same. A dark look crossed his face, but he quickly hid it.
"If it were any other stormtrooper, I would. But for you…I think I have a different solution for your issue."
JR-6025 grabbed her wrist behind her back and tried to remain calm as her worries grew.
"Which is ?" She was afraid of the answer and General Hux suddenly stopped right in front of her.
"I will send you to the front lines in Takodana. You will fight alongside Captain Phasma that you seem to revere so much. It will harden you to the world. It will remove your emotions, your fear, your…weakness. You’ll be a much more efficient soldier than you already are."
She dug her fingertips in her wrist.
"…I do not understand. I am but a standard stormtrooper. I have not been trained to be a combat trooper specifically. I would…"
I would die.
The thought alone made her shiver. She didn’t want to die.
"That will not be your role anymore. I will ask Captain Phasma to personally supervise you on the battlefield." General Hux returned to his desk and sat down. He was calm and seemed to not realise the situation she had put JR-6025 in. He seemed to sign forms and in a matter of seconds, JR-6025 was transferred to combat training. She was crushed.
"You cannot refuse." He finally said and leant back in his chair. He was enjoying this. He was enjoying using these cruel, manipulative methods with an underling whom he had no respect for. He smirked. "You’ll do it because you have to. You are a stormtrooper and you will be my stormtrooper from now on. And you will complete any order I give. You will report to me and take orders only from me. You will not interact with anyone else. Not the other commanders, not other stormtroopers. The only other people you will interact with would be the people I instruct you to speak with."
She shivered. So much for fitting in…General Hux had crushed her dreams to bits.
"Yes, sir." She had no choice but to comply.
"Excellent. Your new orders will be given shortly. In the meantime, return to your station. You are dismissed."
There was no discussion to be had and JR-6025 walked out of the room with a heavy heart. She knew she had to obey and turned around to leave.
She should have kept her mouth shut.
Two days later:
General Hux sent her a message on her data pad and she sighed.
You will be participating in a raid on the planet Takodana in two days. No prisoners. I want results that demonstrate no trace of mercy or doubt. Captain Phasma will be directly reporting to me. Do not fail.
JR-6025 understood his orders but inwardly hesitated. She didn’t want to be on the front lines. Chances of survival were slim and she knew that most stormtroopers sent first were the ones the First Order wanted them to prove themselves…Disobeying was not an option.
JR-6025 left with a sinking feeling, dreading the darkness down this path. Her humanity would need to die, if she was to survive.
On Takodana :
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"Be careful ! Those damn rebels are everywhere !", a static voice shouted in JR-6025's ear piece and she winced.
"Where are the others ?! Are we the only ones left ?!", another buzz shouted in her ear before a loud boom sounded not far from their location.
"Where is Master Kylo Ren ?! We need him..AAAAHHH !" Her helmet was full of sounds of blasters, yells and echoes of the dying screams of her comrades and JR-6025's eyes were nearly blinded by dust and dry blood. This was a disaster. They obviously weren’t prepared to face such a resistance. They had only been told that it would be a hard job, not a suicidal one ! Captain Phasma was fighting beside JR-6025 and another stormtrooper, she was yelling orders at some nearby stormtroopers to retreat and seemed as exhausted as they all were. She was head of JR-6025 division and she could see that Captain Phasma was trying her hardest to remain calm, even though the enemy was everywhere. She stood tall within the chaos and kept fighting and shooting while the buildings crumbled and dust and smoke billowed up in the dark sky.
"This is a nightmare. Even when I shoot one, they come back up ! Are they even human ?!"
TN-3872 screamed above the sound of blasters and fire. JR-6025 was almost completely out of ammo and the number of rebels only seemed to be growing by the minute. They could almost feel them close on them—trapping them and the rest of the division which were being taken down one by one—until it was only JR-6025, TN-3872 and Captain Phasma left.
However, a familiar voice suddenly raised up amongst the chaos, a voice that made the blood in JR-6025's veins run cold.
"Stop shooting !" She heard the familiar voice say from behind them and both Captain Phasma and JR-6025 recognized the voice instantly. 
"FN-2187." JR-6025 whispered and she could feel the anger radiating from Captain Phasma beside them. Phasma stood up and raised her gun towards him, rage overcoming all other emotion or survival instinct. 
"Traitor !" She yelled angrily and didn’t even hesitate before shooting, but JR-6025 couldn’t seem to find the strength to do the same, even after his betrayal. FN-2187 jumped out of Captain Phasma's range of fire, but she continued to fire nonetheless, consumed by rage because of his betrayal. Both JR-6025 and TN-3872 knew he had deserted, but they didn’t know he had actually joined the enemy’s ranks ! When Captain Phasma was definitely out of ammo, FN-2187 stood back up and raised his hands in the air. 
"Please ! Listen to me ! You don’t have to do this !", he implored them and JR-6025's hand was shaking, as she hesitated to actually shoot him. He used to be their teammate afterall...JR-6025 could feel Captain Phasma unbridled rage beside them as she panted loudly and tightened her knuckles into fists and JR-6025's hold on the gun steadied.
'If I do not shoot, Captain Phasma will become suspicious and report me to General Hux…', She thought. As JR-6025 was about to open fire, he screamed.
"JR-6025 ! TN-3872 ! We are friends ! You know that the First Order is not our home ! Please ! Come with me !" Captain Phasma was about to shout to shoot him dead when she was suddenly hit and fell backwards, injured. JR-6025 seemed to freeze in fear as both them and TN-3872 saw Captain Phasma on the ground. This was truly a disaster...FN-2187 extended his hand forward and JR-6025 hesitated. But, TN-3872 yelled.
"Were ! Before you decided to leave the First Order behind ! You really thought the division didn't feel sad, or even angry when RY-5042 died ?! You think we didn't ?! We were as attached to him as you were, but we didn't betray the First Order ! We stayed while you ran—like a coward !" 
He looked at TN-3872 with tears in his eyes and was about to answer her, but couldn’t find the words. He wanted to say he was sorry, that he didn’t even know if his plan would actually work ? That he would have taken them with him if given the choice…Suddenly, one of the rebels pushed him out of the way to shoot at JR-6025, but they dodged successfully by ducking out of the way just in time. JR-6025 glared at FN-1287 before both them and TN-3872 started dragging Captain Phasma further inside the forest to hide and wait for backup. FN-2187 looked apologetically at his old comrade as they ran away and the rest of the rebels chased after JR-6025 and Captain Phasma. JR-6025 stopped behind a dead tree to catch their breath and report their status to headquarters.
However, a message coming from the mothership interrupted the call.
"Soldiers ! Is there anyone who can hear me ?! Retreat ! I repeat ! Retreat !"
JR-6025 heard the familiar voice of General Hux echo in her helmet and decided to respond, as there weren’t a lot of their division left—if any...
"General Hux. This is JR-6025 speaking. I am with TN-3872 and Captain Phasma who is injured at the head and unresponsive. We are the last survivors of the 608th division. We cannot come back. I repeat, we cannot come back. The rebels have surrounded us and we are running low on ammunition. There is no escape possible and I…" JR-6025 raised her face towards TN-3872 who seemed to understand what their next request would be. They were being surrounded. No possible exit. And Captain Phasma couldn't be captured. There was only one ending possible now and TN-3872 seemed to understand as she nodded in confirmation. There was no way they would get out of here and they wouldn’t let the rebels take them alive. JR-6025 took a deep breath before finally uttering their request in a weak voice, as if the request in itself was shameful.
"…We demand the authorisation to use protocol 45-2, sir."
A heavy silence followed on the other end of the line, one even the sound of blasters couldn't seem to break. Protocol 45-2 consisted in the release of toxic gaz situated in a secret compartment in a soldier's helmet which would only be opened with the authorisation of a superior, or a high command officer. The toxin in itself could easily kill every living being in a six-mile radius in mere seconds. It was the only reason it was rarely used, but the only thing within a six-mile radius right now was the Rebellion and themselves.
JR-6025 felt tears in her eyes as she realised that general Hux could condemn the three of them right here and right now. She didn't want to die. She wanted to see the sun, the sun of a new day.
"I am sorry, General. We failed. This is my last transmission so..." JR-6025 closed her eyes and sighed. She held back tears as she added. "Long live the First Order..."
JR-6025 took a shaky breath and waited for the authorisation or the toxin to fill the air and suffocate the three of them. TN-3872 was silent by her side. They had no more ammo, the enemy was everywhere and Captain Phasma couldn't fight any longer, not with her injuries. Both stormtroopers looked at each other. JR-6025 extended her hand towards TN-3872.
"It was an honour."
TN-3872 shook her hand.
They both nodded at each other in acknowledgement and waited for the order. But, the order never came.
"JR-6025. Tell me your coordinates." JR-6025 opened her eyes wide in surprise when she heard General Hux's voice and quickly looked at their coordinates.
"40*E 10*N 70*W 38*S" She responded and then heard General Hux scream something at his subordinates on the ship. She was about to ask if by some miraculous reason they would be rescued, when the communication was interrupted by voices who seemed to dangerously be approaching their location. Both JR-6025 and TN-3872 looked at each other, understanding there was still a chance they would both get out of this alive, they hid. JR-6025 was shaking and put a finger at the level of her mouth to tell TN-3872 to remain silent. She nodded understandingly while their ears perceived faint footsteps. 
​​​​​​"Are they all dead ?" Someone asked.
"I don't know ! Those damn stormtroopers are persistent..." Another voice responded.
Both stormtroopers closed their eyes tightly, trying not to make a sound. The stormtroopers who were retreating, or who had tried to flee had been killed mercilessly by the rebels and they both didn't want to end up with the same fate. They held onto each other and hoped they would walk past them, but luck seemed to have run out as one of the rebels found them.
"Looks like it's my lucky day, two heads for the price of one." He aimed his gun at both stormtroopers and they closed their eyes, holding onto each other tighter than ever. But then, the rebel was sent flying through the air against a big rock—his skull instantly crushed with a sickening squelching sound by an invisible force. Both stormtroopers then heard loud screams, deafening blasts and gurgling sounds of people being strangled to death. A moment of silence went by before they heard a pair of footsteps coming towards them.
Was it safe for them to show themselves now ? They shakily stood up, only to see Supreme Lord Kylo Ren who was holding a girl in his arms. JR-6025 had never been so happy to see him than at this exact moment.
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(JR-6025 and TN-3872 standing in the background 😂)
However, his eyes seemed to bore into JR-6025's as she stood out and she couldn’t help but shiver in fear. Did he recognize her ?
"You..." He was about to say something when some of the other rebels arrived and started shooting at them. Kylo Ren groaned loudly in annoyance before using his powers once more. A spaceship then landed just a few feet away and both JR-6025 and TN-3872 almost cried out in relief at the sight. However, their brief moment of joy was interrupted by the dark and authorative voice of Kylo Ren.
"You two. Get Captain Phasma out of here. Now !" He ordered while deflecting the enemy’s firing and they both nodded in agreement before carrying Captain Phasma inside rapidly. JR-6025 didn’t even dare thank him for saving their lives on the way back. As soon as they were back, Captain Phasma was taken by a medical team and general Hux greeted both stormtroopers with a highly displeased expression. They both stood up straight, afraid that even slouching a little in front of the general would worsen the punishment they knew was coming.
He didn’t waste any time before voicing his disappointment out loud.
"You both embarrassed me greatly by letting that traitor FN-2187 escape and making Lord Kylo Ren come to your rescue. You were both lucky enough that your coordinates matched with Captain Phasma and Lord Ren or you would have both been as good as gone. You’ll both be in intensive training with Captain Phasma the moment she is deemed able of returning to work. Dismissed."
They both lowered their head in submission and stood back to leave in a hurry. They weren’t going to even let out a peep of protest—but JR-6025 then heard General Hux add.
"JR-6025. Wait for me outside."
JR-6025 sighed and looked at TN-3872 who marched on without her. It seemed that was the end of their brief personal connection…However, JR-6025 had to admit that she was quite curious herself as to know why lord Ren had brought back the scavenger girl with him ? She looked at the girl still in Kylo Ren's arms..She wasn’t wearing any expensive clothes, or jewellery ? So, no kidnapped princess or valuable hostage. According to her rather small stature and thin waist, she hadn’t grown up in a wealthy family either. She was pretty enough but, JR-6025 doubted lord Ren had kidnapped the girl just for her good looks.
JR-6025 then remembered that lord Ren had retrieved something from her..a long cylindrical object which seemed so familiar to her. When had JR-6025 last seen a lightsaber ? Probably before even being recruited by the First Order. They were scarce these days and if the girl had one ? It surely meant that she was a...
Suddenly, general Hux’s voice interrupted her train of thought.
"Lord Kylo Ren ! Why did you ask for our troops to land and fight on this insignificant planet ?! Furthermore, for no result ! Supreme Leader Snoke will not be happy about this and..!"
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He sounded mad, and who could blame him ? He had probably lost a lot of soldiers today. But, lord Ren didn't answer, he didn't even wait for general Hux to finish. The door suddenly opened wide and JR-6025 straightened up, afraid of what either of them would do if they caught her eavesdropping. Thankfully, both of them walked past her and didn’t seem to mind her. They were as composed as ever and nobody would have even thought they were arguing just a few seconds ago, if they hadn’t been listening to whatever they were saying. But she had, and could still feel the tension in the air as Kylo answered him coldly.
"General Hux, when I will need your opinion ? I will be sure to ask for it. Your troops are here to obey me and they will fight when I give them the order to fight, understood ?"
General Hux glared silently at Kylo Ren and JR-6025 could see his jaw visibly twitch in disagreement, but he was still forced to agree. 
​​​​​​"Yes, Lord Ren. But, you must understand that I lost many of my men because of that precious side mission of yours and that we need as many soldiers as we can have to win this war."
Lord Kylo Ren seemed to calm down as he understood to a certain extent the ginger’s worries, and he then explained.
​​​​​​"We have everything we need with the scavenger girl, she has seen what we were searching for and will soon reveal the map leading to Luke Skywalker..."
JR-6025's breath stopped at the mention of the name and—most of all—at the minimum concern in general Hux's voice concerning the troops. She knew he probably meant that it was a waste of ressources, but it still felt nice to think that they were not totally worth nothing in his eyes. Hux really served as a good leader for stormtroopers, even if intransigeant, he was fair. She had to give him that. He had his moments and a complete faith in the First Order that one could only admire.
However, she quickly got back to what Kylo Ren said that had caught her attention. The girl had a map leading to Luke Skywalker ? Interesting...She was so deep in thought, she failed to hear General Hux calling for her as he started walking away. JR-6025 didn’t notice that lord Ren was staring rather intensely at her. A map to Skywalker—could it be true? They'd been searching for the legendary Jedi for so long. JR-6025 finally marched briskly to catch up with General Hux. Her mind raced with questions, but she knew better than to pry.
"Sir, I heard mention of the scavenger girl possessing a map. Word is Luke Skywalker vanished years ago. If she knows his location..."
Hux shot her a sidelong glance. "Precisely. Lord Ren believes with...persuasion, she can be made to divulge its secrets. If Skywalker lives, he remains a threat to the Order."
JR-6025 nodded slowly. Finding the last Jedi could change everything. But she sensed hidden depths to Ren's interest that went beyond mere strategy. Her musing was cut short by Lord Ren who suddenly grabbed her arm. JR-6025 was caught off guard as she suddenly found herself in front of the dark sith.
"You. You are coming with me."
JR-6025’s eyes widened in shock as she proceeded to be dragged away.
"Lord Ren !" General Hux called after him, but Kylo didn’t listen to him and once they were both in the interrogation room, Kylo Ren proceeded to lock him out.
JR-6025 was scared.
Kylo Ren slowly turned back towards her.
"You are the stormtrooper who has been advising General Hux all this time. The stormtrooper who dared point a weapon at me and complain about my lack of self-control."
JR-6025 gulped. Was he going to kill her ? Should she lie ? Should she draw out her gun ? Should she…?
"Your perceptions are...valuable." He finally concluded and stood before her with his hands behind his back—staring directly at her. He was tall and JR-6025 had to crane up her head to look at him as he then ordered. "Observe closely, and tell me everything you see."
JR-6025 studied the sleeping girl intently. She finally understood what he wanted. He wanted her to watch, and learn, and steer him if possible to swifter answers. She sighed and nodded. JR-6025 knew defiance was futile before this enigmatic dark force user. She steadied her nerves and focused her analytical mind, as had served her well in serving the General.
"She's endured much, this scavenger," JR-6025 observed.
Kylo Ren said nothing, eyes flashing beneath his mask as he absorbed her words. She took a breath and continued. "Fear will not break her, nor simple pain. To find the answers swiftly, a defter approach may be needed."
His mask tilted slightly. "Oh ? And what approach might that be, trooper ?"
JR hesitated. Manipulation went against her instincts. But lives were at stake, and time was short. "Compassion has its uses, where force fails. A kindness shown, when least expected, can stir confidences where threats breed only resistance."
Kylo Ren was silent long moments. At last, "You speak wisdom, for a soldier. We shall see if your wisdom bears fruit." He turned back towards the girl, who was still asleep and JR-6025 could only hope her insight helped guide him to the answers they needed.
Lord Ren's attention lingered thoughtfully on the sleeping scavenger. At last he turned to JR-6025. "You offer an alternative approach, yet compassion comes neither easily nor by command. Why suggest it, if force is your nature and duty ?"
JR-6025 met his masked gaze evenly. "Force alone will not serve your goal, Master Ren. As a soldier, my role is ensuring the mission succeeds by whatever means prove most effective. This one's spirit seems a resource worth preserving, if the map can be gained without breaking it."
Ren studied her a moment more. "You speak with care and wisdom beyond your station, stormtrooper. Your mind would serve me well. Remain here and observe—I will try this approach, and we shall see what secrets may emerge."
He waved a gloved hand over the girl's brow. Slowly her eyes fluttered open, awareness returning. Ren spoke softly. "You've endured much, scavenger. But the night is long, and I am in no haste."
Suspicion lingered in her gaze, but confusion too—for this was not the treatment she expected. Answers were close, she felt—if trust could blossom, where fear had taken root before. JR-6025 knew that the answers the scavenger girl would provide would determine the fate of all the people in the room, and JR-6025 could only hope that it would work…
Only time would tell. That, and whatever the scavenger girl would be willing to share.
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rebuke-me · 14 days
twirling hair hi besties its deere hc time to clear my page and cleanse my soul
jeremy fell first, jake fell harder. ive said this hc before but i think jake was jeremys first real life crush on a guy because they shared sophomore year gym class. jake had no clue he liked guys because he was under the impression that everyone wanted to kiss dudes sometimes and no one talked about it for some reason.
jeremy knows like... barely anything about sports. he knows general terms, he knows the differences between goals and touchdowns, but he doesn't know ANYTHING about actual rules. he still sits in the same room while jake watches sports, usually with his headphones on, or playing something on his switch to be present but not pay attention.
jake is claustrophobic. jeremy doesn't like loud noises. the few times they go to parties they usually end up sitting outside on the porches or at bonfires, if they have them, rather than being inside.
both jeremy and jake fidget, just in different ways. they both have issues sitting still, jeremys usually tapping his foot or biting his lips or picking at his nails. jakes the type of guy to tie his hoodie strings into knots and tap his fingers incessantly. when they get together, jake usually ends up holding jeremy's hand and tapping on it instead.
they bicker about decor all the time. not over color or anything but jake has like... the most bare bones room of all time. he has trophies but theyre usually shoved into a closet somewhere. jeremy keeps trying to have him put SOMETHING on his walls. (he goes into jakes room once and realizes theres something on the wall now, and its a picture of the two of them together. he definitely doesnt cry.)
jake really, really wants to do couple costumes, but they can almost never agree on them. jake once suggested they go as kylo ren and general hux. jeremy considered breaking up with him then and there. (/j)
neither of them can draw for SHIT. jeremy never passed the teen boy anime anatomy phase and jake never tried. they do that "paint your partner" date night thing and both end up cackling over how terrible they are. (and maybe jeremys drawing of jake goes on his wall, next to the photograph of them, and jeremy complains about how its bad. jake teases him that he wanted things on his wall.)
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gayspacecowboys · 24 days
Kylo has only ever had really rough, quick sexual encounters in the past and has come to think of sex as a frantic, kind of painful ordeal. In fact, he's relieved to put physical relationships on the back burner for a bit while he trains under Snoke.
Then he meets General Hux, and his feelings stir, and it turns out Hux reciprocates those feelings - or is, at the very least, mildly interested in him physically. He braces himself for their first encounter, expecting Hux to be like his previous partners. He might even be worse, given his ice-cold demeanor the way he runs the ship.
But it turns out Hux is a very sensual person who loves to draw sex out and make his partners come as many times as possible before he even thinks about penetration. Kylo finds his attentions - kissing and touching and rubbing - overwhelming at first.
"Um, H-Hux? You don't have to - ah! - do all of t-that, y-you could just, um - I mean, I'm-I'm ready."
Hux pauses, barely one knuckle deep inside Kylo.
"Nonsense, Kylo; you're nowhere near ready for my cock. Now, why don't you just sit there and look pretty while I make you feel good, hm? Can you do that for me?"
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sunnflow3rshowers · 8 months
Rp Search
In this year of Our Lord 2023, Omegle has fallen. (RIP) So here I am, laying all of this out, desperate to find more rp partners. I am 27, so I am only really interested in rping with people that are 21+. I am interested in both fandom and OC rps, depending on the mood and all of that. I will list the fandoms I'm looking for, as well as who I play, and general themes. I am a third person, literate roleplay, I stick to 1-2 paragraphs, but the length can always fluctuate depending on the roleplay and my roleplay partners. When it comes to RPs, I like them light and soft. I also like them dark and heavy, with lots of Whump, Angst, and Hurt/Comfort, as well as some darker themes that would require trigger warnings, all of which will be discussed privately, of course.
I prefer MxM for fandom rps, although there are some small exceptions for specific ships. I"m more open to MxF and FxF, and other pairings with more OC rps. With most Fandom Rps, I am looking for Shipping Rps, aka a Merthur rp, Kylux Rp, etc
Fandom: Who I play
Teen wolf: Stiles Stilinski The Old Guard: Nicky Star Wars: Luke Skywalker, Armitage Hux Umbrella Academy: Klaus Stranger Things: Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins The Witcher: Jaskier Kingsman: Eggsy Unwin ATLA: Sokka Our Flag Means Death: Lucius Spriggs Gotham: Oswald Cobblepot Merlin: Merlin Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid Hannibal: Will Graham Arcane: Viktor Spider-Man: Peter Parker (NOT MCU) GOT: Sansa (only paired with Sandor Clegane) The Eternals: Makkari (only paired with Druig) Detroit Become Human: Connor Good Omens: Aziraphale Agents of Shield: Fitz (as gay and not paired with Simmons) FAHC: Jack (fem) Yugioh: Joey Wheeler Person of Interest: Harold Finch Haikyuu: Suga, kenma X-men: Charles Xavier The Boys: Hughie White Collar: Neal The Goldfinch: Theo Hunter X Hunter: Kurapika, Shalnark Barry: No-ho Hank IT: Eddie Hawaii 5-0: Danny Daredevil (netflix): Foggy, James Wesley Fantastic Beasts: Credence Vikings: Athelstan OC Fandoms! Hit me up if you want to talk about rps in any of these. In these sorts of rps I am 110% down to double up if you play canon against my oc, all of which can be talked and discussed privately! Marvel Xmen GOT Star Wars Barry General Rps! I am a huge fan of brainstorming rps with general themes! Fantasy Horror Drama Sci-fi Cyberpunk Etc! Please please just reach out and I'm always going to be happy to brainstorm! If you made it this far, thank you so much! If you are interested, like this, leave a comment, send me a dm, or add me on discord @ sunnflow3rshowers !
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starsunited · 1 month
Looking For Roleplay Partners (Star Wars Edition)
Hello All!
I am currently looking for some Roleplay Partners!
If I already have an RP with you or have a message chain with you, please ping me and let me know! If its better, ask for my Discord, or I will ask for yours
Additional side note, I will probably ask that the RP go to Discord unless asked otherwise or wanting to keep the RP here on Tumblr. Discord will actually send me notification and is easier to manage (personally). So don't fret if I ask! Just let me know if it's fine or not and we can go from there! 🙂
NOW! A few ground rules below:
Must be Semi-lit or above (I am anywhere between semi-let to novella depending on my partner)
No use of the following: *, >, -, ext. This is very illiterate for me and takes me out of the RP if these are used for describing actions
Must be able to consistently give at LEAST a paragraphs worth of writing (5+ lines. Full sentences.)
Must be fine with BxB, GxG, NBxNB and any other pairings that are not just BxG (especially if romance is involved)
The above will not apply if doing a DOUBLE UP. I am fine with BxG so long as a double up RP is the kind of RP we are going to be doing
If you have triggers, topics to avoid, or so on let me know so they can be addressed ASAP and we can both know what to avoid. (I myself don't have any but I want to be courteous to my partners/friends and others!)
The Request:
I am looking for someone who is up for a Double Up! Ideally I would like to play as my OC(s) if possible with an OCxCC type of roleplay (and I would pay the CC for your OC as well of course, or for your side we can do a CCxCC pairing as well! I just want to make things even). I am also open to the rare but welcome OCxOC, just note I am a bit picky when it comes to OC’s being paired together, as I would want it to fit and work out.
Also, another note, if anything is to be mature please be 18+ before even mentioning it to me or asking about it. While I am fine with it, I just want to be sure we are all on the same page on the matter and know what our limits are as well as triggers when it comes to the topic.
Here are the CC Characters I am looking for:
Kylo Ren
Armitage Hux
Din Djarin
The Bad Batch ( Any / All)
Clones in general (Rex, Cody, Mayday and others! Just ask!)
Starkiller (Force Unleashed)
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Quinlan Voss
And open to many more! (OC's are also welcomed!)
Characters I play as:
Almost everyone. You name them and I have probably played them in some capacity or another. Just let me know who you are wanting and I will let you know if I can play them or not (I am pretty confident in myself in doing so but you may throw me a curve ball!).
I hope this has interested some of you! If so, reach out to me through a DM or in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as possible! As I do work a full time job and also have to care for myself, so please keep that in mind! 
And if you are ever unhappy with the RP or want a change or switch or anything, just let me know! I'm SUPER flexible when it comes to changing things up, so just let me know (when out of character/OOC just used ((, or // to show that!)
If you have read everything (which thank you) just send me the phrase ‘Batch 99!’ That way I know and we can get a conversation flowing! Bring ideas to the table and what you're looking for and I will do the same!
Thanks so much and I look forward to speaking with you all!
May the force be with you!
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enkisstories · 29 days
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After the ceremony, everyone went back inside for the dance.
Hux: "Wait, space-rat, you can dance?"
Poe: "Right back at you, Hugs!"
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Hux normally wasn't skilled in applying his theoretical knowledge in practice, but when it came to dancing, his grasp of mathematics translated perfectly into steps and figures. Meanwhile Poe possessed natural agility and reflexes as well as a keen ear for music.
Shipwrecked and separated from the conflict that still went on between their factions, the two Generals complemented each other like two parts of a whole. The attraction resulting from that situation was undenieable, even though they'd never fall in love.
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Kylo: "And now for the best part! Look closely!
For a move like that, both partners have to trust each other. Your ace pilot and my strategist have torn down walls between each other. That makes them vulnurable to outside influence, like, say, from blackmailing. Or a Force user."
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Rose: "Say what?!"
Kylo: "I own them both now, whether they like it or not. And them NOT liking it, makes this even better."
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linisiane · 1 year
What Kim Kitsuragi Tells Us About Fandom Ghost
I don't know if this has been said before, but I feel like another reason why Kim Kitsuragi is so wildly popular and beloved is how seamlessly he maps onto the trope of the Fanon Ghost.
Fanon Ghost is a concept that originated on Tumblr, by user wildehack, to describe the phenomenon of fandom elevating certain white male side characters from canon into main characters in fic, using a very specific set of characterization.
(Examples: wildehack focused on Star Wars' Hux's popularity in fic in comparison to characters like Finn/Poe, but others include Q from Craig!Bond verse, Arthur from Inception, Draco Malfoy, etc.)
From wildehack's defining essay:
"... prudish til you get him in bed, whereupon he is The Most Kinky, the charmingly repressed rage, the Love of Research and Order, the way lust/interest/affection is coded into irritation at The Neat and Tidy World being All Roughed Up by the hot mess of the other half of the ship?" "This crowdsourced tight-lipped furious perfectionist with his neat clothes and his scowling defensiveness and his biting sarcasm and his embarrassed desire to have a dude who is both sweaty and emotional take him apart."
Sound familiar?
Well, the terms may be a little different.
Where wildehack uses 'prudish,' 'biting sarcasm,' etc. to describe their fandom's fanon ghost, Disco fans might use 'professional,' 'dry wit,' etc. to describe Kim Kitsuragi.
But, the idea is the same, down to his embarrassing / sweaty / emotional partner. Kim Kitsuragi is Fanon Ghost if fanon ghost weren't a white male side character.
quick detour that'll become relevant later: i feel SO smug about the fact that Kim's characterization is canon to Disco Elysium. You had to make up your own perfect blorbo, but ours came like that! And he's not a white character being used to ignore POC main characters!
wildehack's essay started a conversation on why fandoms gravitate towards "This One Crowdsourced Dude," even when he doesn't exist in canon. And when there are other, often more established, minority main characters to work with.
There are a bunch of responses to this question—the FandomLore article I'm referencing this discussion from has a bunch of the full metas—ranging from exploring why he's often white and what exactly about him appeals to fandom. I think Kim's popularity can be really helpful in sorting my thoughts to these responses.
For instance, there are two general responses as to why the Fandom Ghost is usually a white side character:
Whiteness is considered a a blank slate default, making it easier to write about without fear of misrepresentation/mischaracterization
White men are considered more desirable/more relatable by fandom.
It's probably a mix of the two, but I think a fascinating THIRD take is that these white side characters in canon aren't just blank slates, but also share minor traits that all point to One Trope that causes people to obsess.
certifiedspacetrash postulated that the fandom ghost is actually a reskinning of a much older beloved archetype—the byronic hero: a character notable for being hard to like and hard to know, but usually possessing a rich inner life and a softer side accessible only to a special few. (Sound familiar?)
He theorized that part of the reason we don't see many POC Fandom Ghosts is because mainstream medias don't cast byronic traits onto POC characters.
"I think if Hollywood cast more young, striking actors who happen to be PoC, women etc as villains / byronic heores we would see lots of fanfic of them. But Hollywood is still in some weirdass reaction to being accused of racial stereotyping (which they 100% still do), and almost refuse to cast poc or women as bad guys. If they are, they’re either cast very old; or they’re the mary sue badguys - 100% beautiful, geniuses, incredibly powerful, no flaws whatsoever - and that tends not to inspire a lot of writers."
I find this take fascinating with Disco Elysium in mind because of the way Kim Kitsuragi is the exception that proves the rule.
Kim Kitsuragi is a rare, well-written mixed Asian character with byronic traits. And would you look at that?—Kim Kitsuragi has captured the hearts and minds of basically every Disco Elysium enjoyer ever.
Kim Kitsuragi is notably NOT overshadowed by Jean Vicquemare, who is a white side character with byronic traits that, in an alternate universe, could've been possessed by the Fandom Ghost to overshadow Kim. Jean, in our universe, already has a pretty big fandom in proportion to his screentime.
But, by the grace of moments where Harry can get Kim to "give a smile only you can see," Kim Kitsuragi is the breakout star of Disco Elysium. I find that hopeful, in a time where Asian male characters (outside of Asia, ofc) are often overlooked or boxed in or emasculated.
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I Miss Your Stupid Face
Characters: Armitage Hux x reader
Summary: He messed up. He knows that he has really messed everything up, but can he catch you to make a very rare apology before you head off on your latest mission, or will he be too late?
Word Count: 1515 words
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As he stared out into the darkness of space, his face was void of all emotion. Anyone observing might have mistaken him for a droid, there was no indication or any hint of humanity in the figure staring at the spot which your fleet had disappeared into hyperdrive from. The last place he had been able to see you. Well, not exactly see you, because you were in the ship and he was here but… that was the spot you had existed in before leaving him forever.
It had been such a short amount of time since your departure, but Armitage missed you. He guessed he should get used to that though, since you were disgusted with him. How could you not be? He was disgusted with himself. He had been so stubborn and stupid. It had been foolish to open himself up, to trust you. Foolish to believe he was worthy of love, after all, his own father couldn’t love him, so how could someone as wonderful as you?
It had been easy to fool himself, easy to hope that it was true because you had made it easy. After his accidental confession, he had found himself at the door to your quarters at some unsociable hour, somehow plucking up the courage to let you know that the ‘she’ in question was, in fact, ‘you’. This had led to shared meals, both in the canteen where you sat opposite each other and kept a professional distance, and in his quarters where food was often forgotten, and stolen kisses turned into passionate embraces on his sofa.
Armitage had insisted that this budding relationship needed to be kept hidden, fearing that Ren would use you against him in any way he could. So, most of your interactions were firmly behind closed doors and he had almost perfected his passive expression whenever your paths crossed while working. Almost. And that is where the problems originated.
Ren had been watching the situation with a blend of curiosity and amusement. The idea that Hux believed he could hide those little thoughts of you that drifted to the forefront of his mind was laughable. The General practically radiated his feelings for you, and Ren decided to use this information to his own advantage. After all, torturing Hux was so much fun.
“I think we need to address fraternization on base once more.” Ren said as he stopped behind Hux on the bridge. “It is causing… distractions.”
“Distractions? I believe productivity and focus has never been so high. I have not seen any indication that there are ‘distractions’.” Hux clenched his jaw, fighting back any thoughts of you in his mind.
“That is because you are distracted, General. I understand that a physical release is required, some way to vent frustrations, but once emotions are involved, that is when it becomes dangerous. Whatever arrangement the two of you have, you and your Captain, you are the one who has caught feelings. Feelings lead to distraction.” Ren warned, smirking beneath his helmet as he spotted you approaching from behind Hux.
“She is not a ‘distraction’. I have no ‘feelings’ for the girl, it is a mutually beneficial physical arrangement, nothing more. She is good at her job and an adequate partner in the bedroom. You have your paramours, allow me mine. My focus is as sharp as ever. Do you really think someone like her could turn my head? Could steal my attention from The Order?”
“So, she simply warms your bed?” Ren asked, raising his eyebrow he watched your expression as you paused, awaiting his answer rather than interrupting the conversation.
“Nothing more.” Hux confirmed with a smug smile, feeling he had fooled Ren into believing him.
You blinked a few times before nodding to yourself and turning to leave. Ren was sending you with a small fleet to deal with a incursion on the outer rim and it had been your intention to say farewell to Armitage, believing that your relationship was more than just a physical release. Now him wanting to keep things secret made so much more sense, and you felt like you had just been punched in the stomach.
Ren waited until he was certain you had gone before shrugging. “Was she aware of that? She seemed rather upset when she heard you define your arrangement in such terms.”
“What?” Hux’s face drained of all colour as he looked around for you.
“I assume the Captain was coming to inform you that she is leaving on her mission. She caught the tail end of our conversation and chose to exit rather than interrupt.”
“Excuse me.” Hux strode from the bridge, he had to get to the docking bay, needed to explain.
His heart pounded as he broke into a run, not caring how desperate it made him look. He needed to get to you, needed to explain that he hadn’t meant any of it, that he was trying to protect you. His boots screeched as he skidded around a corner, a group of Storm Troopers pressing themselves against the wall to allow him to pass. Armitage didn’t even break his stride, not caring what they thought of him, the only person who mattered to him was about to leave and he had to stop that from happening. You couldn’t go while thinking he didn’t care for you, that this had all been an act.
Careening into the docking bay, he screamed out to stop the ship. People jumped at his order, scrambling to try and prevent the launch, but it was too late. Armitage had to stand there and watch your ship speed away. Frantically, he looked around, trying to find a way to get to you. He grabbed a transmitter, rushing over to get a better view, to make sure you were still in sight.
“Captain. Captain! This is your General. Captain, answer your comms.” He barked, his frustration boiling over, his fear coming out as anger. As the silence lengthened, his shoulders slumped and he whispered, “please.”
“General.” Your voice was tight and he knew you were incredibly hurt, but he couldn’t help smiling at the sound of your voice.
“Turn the ship around. I need you to return to base.”
“Is that an order, General, or a request?” There was something in the way you had spat his title that had his brow furrowing. If he told you, it was an order then that would be abusing his position, but that might be the only way to get you in front of him. He was about to tell you that it was indeed an order, but then he realised that would just reinforce what you already thought of him.
“It was a request, darling. Please. I am not asking this as your General, I’m asking this as your… as a man who is incredibly bad at relationships. A man who is navigating unfamiliar territory with all these feelings and I have made a mistake, I do make mistakes, and I probably will continue to make new and different mistakes in the future. I know that I hurt you, that was never my intention. I would rather have my face ripped off by a Wookie than cause you a single moment of pain. Please, don’t leave me.” He stared at the ship which was still moving away from him. The vulnerability in his voice had everyone around him frozen, watching with bated breath because there was a chance that anyone standing near Hux was about to have the weight of his heartbreak focused on them, and nobody wanted to be that guy.
“General, I-“ The communication was broken off as your ship slipped into hyperdrive, taking you out of the range of his comm unit.
A hollow feeling spread through him, heat rising in his cheeks, the familiar pain of humiliation washing over him. How could he have been so naïve to tell you so openly how he felt? Not only that, but so publicly! Everyone had heard his declaration, and your response, or lack of. He knew that confession would leave him defenseless, but part of him had believed you would be there to catch him, now he had nothing but the cruel sting of rejection to contend with.
And so, he stood there, staring at the spot in the darkness that had stolen his chance at happiness from him. If the universe were perfect then you would be here in his embrace, listening to his apologies and reassuring him with your sweet kisses. Armitage realised that he would never get to kiss you again, that he had been robbed of a final parting kiss, that the last time his lips had found yours had been far too brief. If he had known that would be the last time he could kiss you then he would have ensured it lasted an eternity, that he had poured every emotion he felt for you into it, but that was not to be. Instead, he would spend the rest of his life just missing your stupid face.
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nonsensicalsoliloquy · 3 months
Ooh, please tell me more about Alien Kylo and Broodmare Hux!
(from WIP FOLDER game)
Hello, my dear, thanks for the ask!! I’m both appreciative and not surprised by your interest in my ‘Kylux AU—Alien Kylo and Broodmare Hux’ XD
This WIP is actually where my response to this last sentence tag game came from!
First off, and most importantly, this is a filthy, ridiculous, purely self-indulgent PWP idea, and being both me and the fact I’ve let it sit in my head for well over a year, AND like 95% of that is STILL IN MY HEAD, it took on some attempts at sense and a touch of ‘plot’. Which is why ‘bullshitting alien medical science’ became much more of a thing than just because ‘this is reeeaaalllyy straining realistic credulity’ smut.
To be, uh, short:
General Hux and a group of his men were ‘captured’ after leaving a small, secluded FO base when they accidentally entered a corner of restricted space and, for the infraction, are to become a new batch of soon to be breeding hosts for a powerful and intelligent species who need compatible beings to both bear their young, as well as assist in heat cycles where the eggs they lay are not to be fertilized but need a partner to lay them in. (Alien) Kylo is (and comes from a family line) high up in the wealthy and influential ranks, so he’s one often offered first pick of partners when new batches (in his city) are ready. He doesn’t always take them up on it, but this time he does, as he’d had his eyes on Hux since they arrived.
Thus Hux’s new life takes on a second layer. Not just an alien species’ broodmare, but that of a seemingly high-ranking member of their elite.
Aaaaand…yeah. That was pretty much the initial PWP oneshot idea. The plot growth part developed more of Kylo’s background (just a tad) as well as his interest in Hux; some of the observations, experiences, and a bit of past for Hux; the ‘medical bullshit’ background for the hows and whys this is/can happen; as well as a future beyond that evident smut-a-palooza.
To be.. a little longer:
So, Alien Kylo here is not related at all to his canonverse background. There is still the Force, though it’s not touched on much, and his family line, etc. does still exist in a sense, but if you had to apply it in some form of vague parallel with ‘canon’, it’s a little more along the lines of Naboo/Kylo Amidala au stuff.
I haven’t figured out a name for his species nor their planet yet, but they’re an old, huge, well-developed, and wealthy planet with big influence in both above and below board trades. i.e. they work with respectable people in the Core and people like the First Order. One of several reasons for this is because they’re a prominent source of and power in medical research and development fields – not only for themselves, but numerous other species. This being because, a millennia(?) or so ago, their race was facing growing infertility issues, ones that could threaten to drive them to extinction.
In Kylo’s species, both males and females are capable of impregnating and being impregnated. They also are a species that lay eggs in their partner’s’ wombs (during heat periods with no intention to fertilize, as well as when wanting to do so). While working toward figuring out the reasons for the fertility decline, plus obviously helping their own, they simultaneously searched to find compatible species to serve as surrogate wombs.
One of the few compatible species are human males.
As for the appearance of Kylo’s species, they’re Dragon-like, though still not fully ‘developed’ yet in my head. Larger than your average human for sure, but typically not so much so that it’s outlandish. Kylo, of course, is larger than his usual, in both height and breadth. Their species is humanoid in form and relatively so in features; with things like a set of horns, longer tongues and sharper teeth, retractable claws and areas with scales and a change in skin color/tone/toughness, and sometimes eyes with black sclera. Also, of course, their (male) dicks are usually on the huge side and ridged (in all the 'right' ways XD) and they don’t really have testicles so much as a smaller sac/pouch in that general area that expands somewhat with eggs when in heat and preparing to lay them in a partner.
OH, on a filthy side note to the filthy filth: all ‘breeding partners’ are arranged in rooms where the walls are lined by, essentially, fancy glory holes. For all the crew to stick their asses out of for these alien VIPs (at first) to make use of. Yuuup… There will be SOME TAGS on this thing when it’s done.
Soooo… yeah. That was a lot of ‘teaser’ for what’s supposed to be a ridiculously self-indulgent, stupidly filthy PWP. Honestly, I got way too into those hows and whys with regard to the alien biology nonsense. Probably a bunch of stuff that won’t even end up in the fic whenever I get around to actually finishing it (or just writing more than a few freaking paragraphs :'C ).
Thank you again! :D
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