#pathetic man posting
coruscannot · 5 months
he’s the love of my life (he’s literally just a man)
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valentjin · 7 months
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put the devil in his place
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ryllen · 4 months
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" so don't yell at me if i suck " x
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klkirbles · 9 months
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ambafaerie · 2 years
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POV: You just entered a poll contest but your opponent is going to be the legendary psychic of the 21st century Reigen Arataka.
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inklore · 20 days
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has anyone ever seen a more pathetic man than colin staring at penelope's mouth? trick question, you haven't!!!
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evilkaeya · 11 months
Okay so we all have this idea that abilities are born from trauma or desire, right? They're incredibly powerful emotions and manifestation in the form of a skill, a weapon. In dead apple it's also briefly mentioned that the dragon is born from the abilities. In other words, that destructive mindless dragon was born from those emotions.
This leads me to think that these abilities must have some sort of physical and mental effect on the skill users. The mental effect is evident throughout the story, especially from Atsushi's pov but physical effect too. A lingering tiredness, like invisible weights on your shoulders.
So what must Dazai's touch feel like to these people? No Longer Human doesn't only nullifies the ability, it temporarily takes it away from the user, along with the exhaustion.
It must feel amazing, alleviating to come in contact with it for skill users.
Now imagine hugging Dazai. Imagine ADA having a hug Dazai day.
Hugging Dazai feels like every ounce of tension leaving your bones. It's nice, it's stress relieving. It's so soothing you could fall asleep in his arms (Kenji does every time and Atsushi starts dozing off in ten seconds). Even Ranpo loves hug Dazai day. Kunikida always lingers on for an extra minute when he gets to hug Dazai. Yosano thinks they should have hug Dazai day every day.
Imagine being Chuuya who gets to hug Dazai to sleep every night. He'll never admit it but he LOVES being the little spoon. Falling asleep in Dazai's arms feels therapeutic. He always wakes up the next morning feeling like he could conquer the world.
I've also read somewhere on twitter that asgr came up with nlh as an ability that ruins everything for Dazai and I just want to think that sometimes when he accidentally nullifies someone's ability and tries to apologize for it, the person immediately goes no that was wonderful tf do it again.
So yeah basically everyone loves Dazai and his ability.
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crehador · 5 months
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rocks up to the gang fight on a child's camel ride like i'm gonna frow up
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beatcroc · 1 year
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pest control.
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*UPDATE: i made a sequel
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I like when post-game AUs with Bro Strider make him the most miserable pathetic shit you'll ever meet. No one likes him. He barely goes outside. He eats ramen for every meal. H hasn't touched grass in weeks. Hasn't showered in months. People come to visit him out of pure pity but when they actually get to interacting with him he's such a dick they forget why they tried in the first place. Like yeah, he has absolutely no direction, no evil possessed puppet anymore. He's just a dumb fuckin' asshole now lmao
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l3irdl3rain · 1 month
staying up late. eating that late night soup
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rabarbarzcukrem · 5 months
Ok so it's like.
The motorcycle scene: Touga is obviously imitating Akio and failing miserably. Represents an attempt at achieving maturity and adulthood through adopting empty symbols of power. Gives the impression of movement and progress, but in reality is going in circles. It gets faster and faster, there's a sense of danger and agitation. Touga is driving and Saionji sits in the sidecar, they're not on the same level and Saionji disapproves. Seems like they're heading towards some destination, but they're going nowhere.
The bike scene: A reference to their shared memories. Represents clinging to the past and trying to return to the time of childhood. The wheels may be turning, but the bike stands in place. It get slower and slower as Touga gets more tired until he finally stops completely. There's a sense of nostalgia and emotional fatigue. Touga is the only one pedaling, but Saionji doesn't comment on it (meaning that perhaps Touga being in control wasn't the problem in the first place. Maybe it was always about wanting to restore their lost connection and equal footing). They're facing opposite directions, but at the same time leaning on each other.
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houseofborgia · 5 months
cesare borgia you have to stop. your leather too tight. your curls too divine, your gothic swag too different. they will kill you.
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oneluckydragon · 10 months
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We'd both been so excited for it-- to change, to grow stronger, to pass another life-changing milestone on our adventure together. But after I evolved, it took weeks before Sora could even bring herself to look me in the eyes. It went unsaid between us, poisoning our hearts like a cold, bitter curse and haunting every intake of breath. Although, the worst of it all... was that even without words, we both knew why it hurt so much.
Like some sick joke, I had become the spitting image of him.
Ya'll know that feeling when you [Hero] try to evolve into a Leafeon to be closer in spirit to the best friend you lost [Grovyle] because you miss him so much it physically aches, but instead you end up looking like the guy you trusted/adored that betrayed/tried to kill you and your girlfriend? Cause damn it hurts.
Anyways ever since I replayed EOS and evolved at Luminous Spring I've had thoughts about what Sora's reaction would be to Echo's evolution into Umbreon. And lemme tell you that it's an emotional roller coaster. To say that Sora has complicated feelings about Dusknoir is an understatement, and Echo isn't so happy about it either since she had put her faith in him. They've got a lot of trauma to heal.
But to add to that, I like to write about my girls in my spare time when I'm not drawing cause it's fun, so maybe I'll post some little blurbs sometime if anyone is interested?? Hm. Yeah might do that eventually, we'll have to see.
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chetney-pockopea · 1 year
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Everyone go watch Netflix's Lockwood and co adaptation it's a masterpiece.
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