#phase one and two loki
coruscannot · 5 months
he’s the love of my life (he’s literally just a man)
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themvncher · 2 years
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musclesandhammering · 6 months
The mcu fandom’s fav pastime now is arguing about whether Wanda or Loki would win in a 1v1 fight, but we’re not ready to admit that they essentially have the exact same powers.
Mind control, reality manipulation, telekinesis. They’re even both ‘destined’ to sit on a multiversal throne, I mean come on guys.
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brothersonahotelbed · 2 years
i wish marvel was only known for eddie brock and venom. not thor or captain shitpants or whateve.r. venom 1 and 2 were so fucking delicious
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corinthianism · 7 months
corinthianism's fic recs
here are my personal favorite fanfics! idk how often i'll update this, but i hope you like them as much as i do :) *indicates smut
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last updated: march 26, 2024
loki laufeyson - from the void, with love — by whirlybirbs (my fav fanfic of all time!!! i think about this fic several times in a day bro) - riptide — by starks-hero - the tailor* (series) — by birdofhermes (ao3) - time after time (series) — by goldencherriess (ao3) - a friend from work — by cozy_the_overlord (ao3)
thor odinson - god of fertility* (request) — by charnelhouse - highway don't care (but i do, i do)* (part one, part two, part three) — by spacelabrathor
peter parker (andrew garfield) - agree to disagree — by delicate-dorothea - nerdy peter (request) — by webslingingslasher - good boy x bad girl trope (request) — by webslingingslasher - hold you here, my loveliest friend* — by p3mybeloved - your friendly neighborhood sensitive spider* — by jin0 - glad you're home — by withahappyrefrain - the mechanics of a soul — by irndad - 3 is the magic number* — by withahappyrefrain - crush — by ptersparkers - as it goes — by forever-rogue - here comes the sun (part one, part two, part three) — by withahappyrefrain - stability, reciprocity, and a romance for the ages (series) — by privateanxieties (ao3 - need an account to read)
steven grant (moon knight) - hold me close — by stormkobra-5 - gift of min* — by astroboots - puzzles* — by stormkobra-5 - first time* — by luvpedropascal - domestic adonis* — by peterman-spideyparker - where it starts — by silversweetpea - fallen from heaven, grown on earth* (series) — by davosmymaster (ao3) - call me poe* — by kittyfandom (ao3) - elemental — by batsingotham (ao3) - the boy with the thorn in his side — by eating_flowers (ao3)
marc spector (moon knight) - not him — by loud-mouth-loser - it's worth it, it's divine* — by the-archxr - i'm getting to know someone — by davosmymaster (ao3)
wade wilson (deadpool) - tea and sympathy (series) — by bucketsoffrogs (ao3)
sherlock holmes - your hidden strength — by okay-j-hannah - sublime dexterity* (part one, part two) — by daydreamtofiction - literally everything by starks-hero
sam winchester - playing house (part one, part two) — by uncouth-the-fifth - baby i'll stay (heaven can wait) — by uncouth-the-fifth - move over.* — by ggwritesstuff - where's your head at?* — by beau55515 - birthdays: sam winchester style* — by karleekarma (ao3) - the comforts of home — by zepskies - under the hood* — by shawslut
dean winchester - whether you like it or not — by kbeautimous (ao3) - reading you wrong — by zepskies - cherished — by thatonewriter15 (ao3) - soft touch — by wearywinchester - i love her, that's why* — by kaleldobrev - drivin' me crazy* — by lis-likes-fics
castiel - salt n' lick* — by aperfectgrace (ao3) - a bite of apple pie (series) — by ac_deanc (ao3)
the corinthian - bring me a dream* (series, ongoing) — by placeinthemiddleofnowhere - nihil — by lis-likes-fics
dream/morpheus - sweet dreams (are made of this) — by stranger-nightmare
aaron hotchner - from eden — by heliotropehotch - gold star — by honeypiehotchner - love, an abstract concept — by luveline - honeymoon phase* (series) — by hotchsbitch (ao3)
soldier boy (he's absolutely horrible but so. so. hot.) - break me down* (series) — by zepskies (go read their other stuff too!) - talk to me — by zepskies
homelander (also absolutely horrible. would sleep with him.) - if i can't have you — by watchstarscollide - milky white* — by after-witch
jaime lannister - i'm not made by design — by ichorai (this legitimately changed my brain chemistry)
obi-wan kenobi - like turning on the light* — by full-time-make-believer (deactivated acc) (this also changed the trajectory of my life) - where it wasn't* — by 221bshrlocked - your thoughts are loud — by spidersbane - empty me out* — by 221bshrlocked - house of memories* (series) — by meshlasolus - bad idea, right?* (series) — by mischiefling (ao3) - you make me feel like dancing — by saradika (ao3) - it's a wonderful lie — by firstofficerwiggles (ao3) - temptation's kiss — by karasong (ao3) - you make my dreams* — by wickedscribbles (ao3) - like a living mirage — by karasong (ao3) - broken drought* — by rosalindbeatrice (ao3) - never grow up — by doihavetoloseyoutoo (ao3) - never ending story — by kybercrystal (ao3) - volveré* — by kxnobi (ao3)
din djarin (the mandalorian) - the savior* (part one, part two, part three) — by dindjiarin - significant — by softlyspector - touching din — by archieimagines - uncharted territory* — by pedrito-friskito - creed* — by wheresarizona - home is wherever i'm with you* (part one, part two, part three) — by saradika
count dracula - the székely* (series) — by theplumsoldier
thranduil oropherion - a boon* (series) — by inksplots (ao3) - beauty and the beast (series) — by tamurilofrivendell (ao3)
dan torrance - of monsters and men* — by helaintoloki & obitwo - domestic life (headcanons) — by thornsinmycrown - smut alphabet* — by daincrediblegg
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ashdreams2023 · 3 months
Hiiii, could you maybe do some headcanons about the team's reaction when they first found out about Loki and the reader having a relationship? I looked for something like this on your masterlist but I didn't find it, i'm a little inattentive (dumb) sometimes so sorry if you've already done it,
love reading your stuff, thank you so much (:
FYI I don’t tag everything I write into my master list 😅 I’ve genuinely lost count since I frequently write for the mcu
The avengers finding out about you and Loki’s relationship
You two kept it on the low for a bit, Loki kept shifting into different people just so he can go out with you without getting you both harassed
It took around three months of everyone thinking you’re seeing different people all at the same time
Then when you two thought it would be the best time to come clean you picked to just act like it’s always been like this
You would be surprised how many of them had bets on who you’re actually dating
"You bet money on my love life?!"
Natasha won of course because she just has a hunch for this stuff
Tony tries to pretend he saw it coming but later takes you to the side and has a talk about if you’re 100% sure and that no one is judging you but he’s making sure you’re ok
Bruce was a tad awkward but actually super supportive, he just wishes you the best and jokes a bit about how if Loki broke your heart halk would smash him again
Wanda asked a lot and I mean a lot of questions before you could even sit down
Thor took Loki to the side to have in what you can make to be a serious talk
"Aww he cares" "stop it! It’s embarrassing!"
But there is an awkward phase where you two would cuddle or just do something couple like and everyone would sorta stare
It wasn’t a judgment stare but more a curios one
Clint is the one that stares shamelessly though, he also annoys you two by walking in a room and playing the big brother role
"Don’t do something I wouldn’t do and be safe-"
"Clint shut up!" "I’m just trying to help!"
Peter surprisingly knew before anyone else
"Well mr loki always wears {name} shirt and he smells like them so it made sense"
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oswildin · 3 months
Something New (Loki x GN!Reader)
Summary: You have known each other since you were children on Asgard, you’ve been there through everything… And now you’re stranded on a junk planet with the man you believed to be dead for four years… It was time for a honest chat.
A/N: Set during ‘Thor Ragnarok’, no descriptors or use of ‘Y/N’.
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“Silent treatment, is it? How juvenile. And a little boring.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, irritation flashing through your features at Loki’s - deliberately - vexing comment. Shaking your head, you stayed looking out the large window of the quarters you and Loki had been forced to share, especially after he had told the Grandmaster you two were married.
“Ah, I see, you’re in the honeymoon phase. Well, we are very progressive here on Sakaar.” The Grandmaster had mused. “We have husbands, wives, consorts, throuples and in-betweens. I can give you a leaflet if you like-“ To which quickly you had held up a hand, shaking your head, overwhelmed by the junk planet you’d ended up on, let alone the intricacies of their… escapades. No, you were much more focused on finding a way off of the planet and to Asgard to stop Hela, and then back to Midgard to live your life in peace.
It had been a few days since Loki and Thor had appeared on Midgard before your eyes, the shock and disbelief you felt still fresh in your mind at the sight of Loki - alive. And finding out he had faked his death for Asgard’s throne… Well, that was just the cherry on top. You forgave him for trying to destroy Jotunheim, you tried to forgive him for attacking New York… Fighting side by side against the Dark Elves had felt right… And then, he was gone. Dead, you thought.
“You seriously think you can go god-knows how long without speaking to me?” Loki inquired, raising a curious brow. “Whether you like it or not, we are in this together.” He nodded to himself. “And I, for one, am not about to let the opportunity to gain the Grandmasters favour, get close and perhaps take his place, slip me by.”
“Oh my god-“ You whirl around, finally facing him as your brows crease. “Are you serious?” You snap, a beat of silence filling the air between you. When you see him furrow his brows in a look that said ‘well, yes’, you couldn’t help but let a tired laugh escape your lips, head falling back slightly as your gaze flickered to the ceiling.
“I fail to see how that is funny-“ Loki huffed, tilting his head faintly.
“No, you’re right-“ You sigh, shaking your head, gaze fixed upon him once more. “It isn’t funny. No, in fact-“ You take a step closer. “It’s hilarious.” Loki blinked, irritation creeping up on him now at your mocking words. “Because, of course, Asgard was simply just… not enough?” You raise a brow. “Having Odin sent to Midgard, his death leading to the unleashing of the Goddess of Death who is now set on ruling Asgard and possibly destroying anyone or anything in her way… Was… not enough.”
Loki averted his eyes, looking down as his jaw twitched, your words hitting him with the harsh reality that his actions had consequences.
“And instead of doing the right thing and wanting to try and leave this hel, you wish to… stay? Ignore that our home is in danger?” Silence fell between you both, giving you the answer you needed as you let out an exasperated breath. “Right, well then.” You muttered, straightening yourself. “You’ve made yourself clear.” You went to move, going to find your own way off of Sakaar, with or without Loki’s help.
“Wait-“ Loki sighed, reaching out to grasp your wrist, stopping your leave. “Just… wait.” He added, tone slightly softer. You looked up to meet his stare, seeing the uncertainty on his features. “I…” He sighed once again. “I’m sorry.” He finally muttered, eyes quickly flickering to the wall before landing back on you. “Alright?” He slowly let go of your wrist. “I didn’t think.”
“No, you’re right, you didn’t.” You grumbled, folding your arms over your chest, your own eyes moving to stare firmly at the wall behind Loki. Loki could see the tension in your frame, the hurt he had caused by faking his death still clinging to you like an old wound. He clasped his hands into fists at his sides briefly, before letting them fall naturally, letting out a slow breath whilst doing so.
“You can’t be too surprised by that.” Loki tried, tone wry. “Whilst my intelligence may be high, it seems my… ability for considering others emotions is somewhat lacking.” You scoffed at that. “‘Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself’.” Loki mumbled to himself, making you glance at him. He let out a breathy, quick laugh as he shook his head lightly, lips pursing. “Yet it seems my perception can be… also lacking when it comes to those closest.” He added quietly.
You stayed silent, unsure on what to say - on what he wanted you to say. Instead, you sighed, unfolding your arms, moving towards a nearby seat as you felt Loki’s eyes watching your every move. “I’m tired, Loki.” You finally spoke, sitting down, elbows on your knees, hands clasped together. “You’re supposed to be my dearest friend, and yet… it feels as though you are intent on creating distance between us.”
Loki raised his chin faintly, before taking close calculated steps towards you, a slightly awkward aura surrounding him. He wasn’t one to be open with such matters as friendship and emotions. But perhaps… it was time he tried. Tentatively, he took a seat beside you, leaving a respectable distance, knowing he had to earn the right to be close to you again.
The truth was, whilst you may have been dear friends once, over the years it had… changed. Ever since Loki discovered the truth about his heritage, maybe even before that. When he chose to lie to you about the Frost Giants entry into Asgard, he had made his choice. He had chosen self-preservation. Something that in his time ruling Asgard, he realised was… hollow. And you never truly were just a dear friend to him. Nor him to you, even if it was unspoken.
“It was truly never my intention to cause you pain.” Loki spoke lowly, side-glancing at you, trying to gauge your every reaction to his words. “Thor… on the other hand.” He added wryly, raising a brow. “I suppose apart of me… wanted him to feel it. So he understood.” It was spoken as if he was processing it in real time. Your gaze drifted to Loki, eyeing his profile as he spoke. “And when you came to Odin… to me…” He corrected before pausing. “And asked to return to Midgard, to live your life among the mortals I once sought to rule…” He let out a quiet breath. “I could do nothing but allow it. Knowing the hurt I had caused, the rift I had created…”
Loki’s words hung in the air, a subtle tension hanging with them as you bit your lower lip lightly, unclasping your hands to sit up straight, keeping them resting on your knees. “Midgard…” You began softly. “The time I spent there after New York, aiding them rebuild their city… It gave me purpose.” You turned your head to look at him properly. “Odin had forbidden me from seeing you in your cell, Thor was with Jane and I…” You sighed. “I just wanted to do something… good.”
Loki listened intently, his expression neutral, if not slightly more tender than his usual look of indifference. He waited for you to continue, not wanting to interrupt. “And then after… thinking you were dead on Svartalfheim…” You shook your head. “I just… couldn’t bear being home.”
Loki felt a pang in his usually guarded heart at those words, his head dipping as he moved a hand to the bridge of his nose. Odin’s words when he sent him away still clung to the corners of his mind.
“You will not see them again, you have done enough damage there.”
In his own way, he thought he was protecting you. Stopping you from being hurt anymore by making you believe he was dead.
“I thought-“ He cleared his throat, lifting his head. “After everything I had done…” He trailed off, not daring to look at you.
“That what?” You blinked, furrowing your brows. “I just… wouldn’t care?” You breathed out, disbelief in your voice. Loki finally then took the risk of glancing at you, seeing the bewildered look on your features. “You think… that after everything, the good and the bad, that I wouldn’t care if you were gone?” Loki stayed quiet, but the look on his face told you all you needed to know. “You’re an idiot.” You huffed, shaking your head, pushing yourself to your feet as Loki blinked at your reaction. “You are… an A-Grade idiot.”
“I see Midgard has also taught you some rather interesting language-“ He quipped wryly, brows furrowing as he stayed seated, a hand moving to a small shrug. You turned round to look at him, hands on your hips.
“Midgard taught me a lot, thank you.” You snapped slightly, letting out a breath as you looked out the window across the room once again. “I could’ve left you to your own designs in New York, let the others handle it, but when Thor told me you were alive, what you were planning, I demanded to go with him.” You looked down at him again, searching his upturned gaze. “When Odin forbid me from seeing you in your cell, sending me to Midgard to clear up your mess, all I could think about was what you were thinking, how you were feeling.” You saw Loki’s brows begin to unknit, a flash of emotion going through his ice blue eyes. “And then when we fought side by side on Svartalfheim, I thought it was a fresh start. Us, fighting side by side…” Your voice wavered faintly, but Loki noticed as he gracefully got to his feet. “To watch you die.” You whispered.
Loki swallowed the lump in his throat, taking a tentative step closer, one hand slightly outstretched, as if he was approaching a startled animal. “To find out, you were alive for four years. Four years, Loki.” Your voice raised slightly, anger surfacing. “And even now, you are plotting and scheming. It never ends, does it?”
Loki’s eyelids fluttered briefly, face lowering to look down at his leather boots as he tried to think of what to say - what you would want him to say. “What can I say? I’m an opportunist.” He finally spoke, words quiet. Usually, those words would’ve been laced with wry humour, but instead they were almost honest sounding. He lifted his face, eyes flickering to your hands on your hips as he took a leap of chance, reaching for one of your hands. He was surprised when you didn’t snatch your hand away, but didn’t let it show.
“You…” He breathed out. “Are… a defender. Just like you always wanted to be.” He spoke softly. “I am… proud…” The words felt slightly foreign on his tongue, such open sentiment. “-of how far you have come.” His words were almost a whisper, as your own gaze threaten to soften. “And I… am still searching.” He gave a brief, solemn smile. “Searching for what I want to be.” He paused. “I do what I do because… it’s what I know how… to do.” His eyes searched yours, as if you had the answer, but knowing that ultimately, it was he who needed to work it out. “I don’t enjoy hurting people. I do it… because I have to, because I’ve had to.”
Your gaze finally softened, shoulders relaxing slightly as you took in his admission. You always knew that the Loki he portrayed to most was a mask, a defence mechanism… Yes, he was mischievous and cunning, but he was also multifaceted. You had seen it yourself. He was capable of so much more than the hollow quest he strived for.
“I know.” You whispered, squeezing his hand lightly. “But going round in circles, it’s never going to give you what you’re searching for. You can’t… discover if you don’t do something new.” You continued lowly, raising a brow. “Maybe, whatever you’re truly searching for isn’t a throne, or to rule or whatever else that falls under that umbrella, but maybe what you’re really looking for is-“
But before you could finish your thought, Loki’s lips had pressed to yours. You froze for a moment, taken back, before feeling yourself relax, his hand gently squeezing yours as his free one came to gently cup your cheek. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to melt into the kiss - a kiss you had been waiting centuries for. His kiss was as tender as it was passionate, reverent even. It was a kiss that took your breath away - at the risk of sounding cliche.
After a moment, you broke apart, Loki pulling back to observe your face, eyes flickering over your features in a questioning way, wondering if he had overstepped, if he had done the right thing by… being vulnerable. When your eyes finally reopened, finding his, the look on his face was a mix of nerves and contentment, a strange contradiction… Very Loki.
“What… what was that for?” You breathed out, still slightly in awe at the way your heart was beating in your chest. Loki blinked, raising his brows.
“Well, you… did say that I couldn’t discover if I didn’t try something new…” He said lowly, tone holding a hint of his usual cheekiness that made your lip twitch, threatening to smile.
“And?” You asked quietly, his hand still in yours, his other still cupping your cheek gently.
“And I…” He cleared his throat. “I- uh- think I rather like this… ‘something new’.” His lips quirked up into a faint smirk, eyes glimmering with hope and care, possibly even excitement. “If you like it as well, of course-“ He added, slightly rushed, a little awkward.
“No, yeah- I mean-“ You nodded, clearing your own throat. “Yeah. I like it.”
“Yeah?” Loki raised a brow, voice breathy.
“Yeah.” You smiled softly, once more squeezing his hand in assurance as Loki let his own lips be tugged into a small, almost bashful smile.
“To something new.”
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chxxrybxxmb · 8 months
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: ̗̀➛ Met the professionals
Synopsis: after winning the U-20 match, Ego starts planning the third phase of the project and you were requested to come back a few days earlier than the players for a quick briefing and to introduce you the new people that you would be working with.
Reader is 18.
Warnings: fem!reader, English and Japanese honorifics, swearing, reader has a little brother, suggestive comment, reader wears a dress and has makeup on, flirting, hottest dilfs alive and Micheal Kaiser.
Ego in his sugar daddy era???
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“How’re you, Ego-San? I hope that you’ve been eating well for the past two weeks since I wasn’t here to cook for you.” You grinned kindly at your boss, entering the high tech office. Placing your handbag on the table, Ego doesn’t look at you and continues to immerse himself in important data.
“What’re you my mother? I don’t need you to look after me.”
“If I don’t look after you, who’ll make Japan win the World Cup?” You sassed. Approaching the table the looked at the holographic data floating mid air. You still wonder to yourself how much money went into this and how high tech this all was.
“Anri-San told me over the phone that I should come back a few days earlier than the players, when I tell you that those boys-”
“Ah, ah.” He raises his hand over to your mouth, stopping you from saying anything and you huffed, sitting on the tables edge. “Alright, tell me-” A holographic screen slides to your direction, revealing the information before you.
“The third phase of this match is called the Neo Egoist League. Where players pick a team that matches their skills. This phase will introduce a variety of investments, including high salaries, various offers from different teams all over Europe to play in their leagues, and so many more,” you click on the icon, Germany and saw the familiar face of the one who beat Messi in a match from three years ago.
“Noel Noa…?”
“Oh, yeah. The teams the players will choose are England, Germany, Italy, France, and Spain. Each European team is an S-class team led by the most exceptional strikers…I think you already know them.” Cue for the familiar faces of famous football players to come into the screen. Chris Prince, Lavinho, Noel Noa, Marc Snuffy, and the familiar face of Julian Loki.
“After the players pick their respective teams, they will be separated into different stratums or buildings. Anri-Chan will be sending you the rest of the details. Don’t embarrass yourself when you’re up close with them.” He says, giving you a side eye as you stare at a picture of Snuffy. You immediately snapped back to your senses and swiped away the image of the Italian footballer.
“I-I won’t! What makes you say that?!” He huffs and pushes you off the table.
“Unpack your things and help the other staff with room preparations. You will be preparing for five teams with twenty plus players. Go away.” You huffed at him and fixed your clothes. “Can’t you be more gentle?! Geez!”
“What’s this?” You looked at the white box, wrapped with a black bow that Anri handed to you, she looks very excited you took notice. She beams at you as you placed it on the dining table.
“Open it! Ego-San got it for us.”
“That Vector look-a-like got us something? Are you sure he’s alright? Should I call a doctor?” You worried turned to the older woman. Cue for Ego to smack you on the back of you of your head with a file.
“Be grateful, you waste of talent. I’m pretty sure you don’t have anything decent to wear.” He hissed, pointing at your working clothes and you gasped dramatically.
“These are my working clothes, asshat! I can’t run around working in a mini skirt.”
“Oh, come on, Ego-San. (Name)-Chan just got back and you’re already picking a fight with her!” Anri scolds the two of you, pulling both her boss and colleague apart before they tear each other apart. “Just open the gift and tell me if it fits. Don’t approach me if it isn’t your style.” Ego spoke, going into the kitchen to prepare himself yet another instant ramen packet.
“If it fits?” You thought a bit confused. Did he buy you clothes? Or maybe it’s a new staff uniform, either way, you pulled on the strands of the ribbon, making it come undone. You then lifted the cover and saw some white paper covering, Anri was squealing excited next to you. Moving away some of the wrapping, you soon realized that Ego had bought you a designer dress.
You took out the dress from the box and looked at it with eyes peeled open. Ego, your harsh boss, had bought you a dress that was totally your style and in your favorite color? Is the world ending?
“Omg, Ego-San, it looks beautiful on her, definitely (name)’s style!” Anri gushed at the man who didn’t respond. As you continued to admire the dress and its intricate appearance, Ego cleared his throat.
“Do the two of you have any jewelry?”
“I only brought a few earrings with me, nothing special.”
“The ones that I’m wearing, I don’t change into anything different unless it’s a special occasion.” You and Anri answered. You wondered why Ego bought you an expensive dress and asking you about jewelry, all he ever talked about was football not fashion.
“Ego-San, what’s with the dress? I don’t think I can wear this to anywhere and this must’ve been expensive!”
“Is that really what you have to say…?” You shut up and looked at Ego and his unusual behavior. He sounded a bit disappointed as he slurped on his noodles. You grinned at the realization and brought the dress to your chest.
“Thank you, Ego-San, truly.” You could’ve sworn you saw a smile on his face. “Are you smiling, Ego-San-?”
“Being delusional has its fucking limits, kid.”
“I may be delulu but my eyes aren’t lying, c’mon admit it, boss!” You continue to tease as he continues to deny your claims. Anri smiles at this interaction. For once you weren’t spouting insults at each other or trying to kill each other.
“Shut the fuck up and take this.” Ego had enough and tossed you and Anri small bags of yet again designer, products. You then looked at Ego and then at Anri. “In all seriousness, why’re you gifting us these and where did you get the money of all of this? Last I remembered, we ran out of funds cause of the second selection.”
“After winning the match, sponsors came flooding in to support the project. Hence the brands and how we’re able to afford those teams to collaborate with us.” Anri explains. Looking at the Selim Mouzannar box in her hands with bulging eyes. You had a similar reaction as her as you look at the Azlee brand necklace on your hands.
“You didn’t really have to buy us so much…”
“I wonder how much of this costs…”
“I only bought you both heels. The dresses, jewelry and makeup were gifts from the coaches.”
“…are they looking for a sugar baby?” Anri and Ego smacked you on the back of the head.
“You look so beautiful, (name)-Chan!!”
“Have you seen yourself, Anri-San? You look like you’re going to the met gala!” The red-haired woman blushes as your compliment. She wore a red satin floor length dress with off shoulders. You looked at yourself in the mirror and saw a different person. You looked even more beautiful with the makeup on with lips were colored in lipstick. Your dress hugged every curve of your body and the jewelry made you look mature and expensive.
All in all, you look like you were going to a ball. Like a Princess.
“You look like you’re going to throw up.”
“I… I’m scared I’m gonna ruin this dress, like, what if I accidentally spill food or drinks on me?!” You continued on with your nervous rant about possibly ruining the dress, she sighs and grabs you the shoulders, pushing her face closer to yours. “(Name)-Chan, nothing is going to happen to you or the dress! They gave you this dress and it’s your choice what to do with it.”
She reasons and you nodded tentatively. She smiles and picked up her handbag, so did you.
“I’m amazed Ego-San wanted to host a welcome party of the teams.”
“I was actually the JFU who arranged this occasion.” You looked at Anri as if she grew a second head and laughed uncertainly. “Ahaha… really?”
“Like… really, really?” She nods and you scoffed. “Now that he lost our little bet, he’s sucking up to us? Serves him right for doubting us.”
“Oh, you should’ve seen how Ego-San reacted when the president told him about hosting a welcome party!” Hand in arm, the two women were immersed in their conversation as they walked down the dystopian-core hallways of blue lock and exited the premises where a wagoneer jeep waited in the entrance.
“I think Ego-San is indulging himself a little bit too much.”
“That car was sent by the JFU, dumbass.” Ego sighs as he walked out from the glass doors, clad in a navy blue suit with a bolo football tie. He didn’t look all that much to different from his usual getup. The suit was reminiscent of the one he wore in the U-20 match.
You immediately noticed at the bolo tie was a little loose and went in front of him, taking a hold of the tie. Ego seemed surprised at the sudden closeness and pulled away.
“What the hell?”
“Stand still, your tie looks sloppy…” You murmured, tightening it. Ego sighs and lifts his head a little to give you space, Anri smiles in amusement at this rare moment between the two of you. Like a daughter fixing her fathers tie before he goes off to work. It was adorable in her opinion.
You pulled away and looked pleased with Ego’s appearance with a smile. “Let’s go?”
You looked at awe at the building where the welcome party was taking place. You initially thought it was going to be at blue lock but apparently JFU didn’t deem your building fancy enough and held the welcome party at a five star hotel. As you wrapped your arm around Anri’s forearm, you peered through the city of Tokyo from the glass window of the elevator. It looked like a sparkling jewelry box from up there. The doors open and Anri pulls you along with her.
Anxiety emptied your stomach as your hands grew sweaty around Anri’s plushy arm. The older woman looks at you with a gentle smile that made your worries go away. You then looked Ego who had his hands on the large doors in front of you three, he looks at the two of you and you nodded confidently.
Ego pushes the doors open and you were welcomed by a flood of overlapping chatter, elegant women dressed in designer clothing and men stood tall and erect in their identical-looking suits. The hall looked massive with a balcony on the right side of the room.
Everyone stopped with what they were doing and bore their eyes into the three of you. Now you felt like you were going to throw up if they continue to stare at you any longer.
“If it isn’t the mastermind behind this amazing project!” You heard a boisterous voice boom your ears. You looked up and saw the fat rodent that is the president of the JFU waddling his way towards your direction. The feeling of nausea was replaced with disgruntled feeling as you held on Anri’s arm a little tighter.
“Chairmen, thank you for arranging this welcome party for the teams.” Ego thanked the bloated tanuki. He was uncharacteristically polite. Your brows furrowed deeper and the corners of your mouth tilts down as he glanced at you and Anri, he gulps and looks back the bull-cut-haired man.
“I-it’s the least we can do. Because with blue lock, I know we can win the World Cup with your guidance!” He spoke and the others in the room erupted in praises and applause.
“We’ll be doing our best to do so. Thank you for financially supporting our project.” Anri replied with a light bow and so did you, “I’ll be supporting the players as best as I can since I’m the manager and all of that.”
The chairmen then usher the three of you to the rest of the JFU members for some reason. You didn’t talk all that much and looked around the banquet hall, “tell me, (name)-Chan. How the players generally act?”
“Generally act?”
“What’s their behavior towards the other players? I’m quite curious.” One of the members asked. You tried to think of an answer without revealing the fact that everyone is at each other's throats, “well, they remain respectful to each other, off and on the field,” that was a bit of a lie considering Isagi calling Baro a donkey mid-game.
“They work hard and dedicate themselves, body and soul to the sport. They accept defeats to grow better not only as a player but as a person.” You replied truthfully this time, fiddling with the fabric of the dress. They took your word for it and seemed intrigued by your answers with nods and hums.
“And how do they act towards you? Since you’re one of the many female managers after all.” They smirked with suggestion. You sucked in the corner of your bottom lip to avoid snapping at him. What was even going through their sick heads? Do they want this project to end with just one sexual speculation?
“Respect… we maintain a distance that is manager and player. We don’t have a rather close and intimate relationship with each other.” That was a bit of a lie. The players acted relatively close to you but still maintained a respectable presence with you.
Aryu runs his hands in your hair while complimenting your makeup and outfit. Chigiri would ask you to play with his hair. You were terrible at it, but he didn’t mind. Otoya would constantly flirt and ask for your number. Karasu and Yukimiya would save you from him. Baro, Kunigami, and all the other boys would try to pitch in to help you. Bachira would always hug you whenever you entered the room. Nagi trails behind you like a lost puppy, along with Reo, who would talk your ear off about the stock market and ask you to go out on a date with him once he’s out of blue lock.
And so many more, the boys acted like you were friends at school which made you feel comfortable with your stay and you really appreciated the boys and their behavior towards you.
“Is that so? Nothing-?”
“Hey, shithead. Do you think it’s a good idea to ask a girl who's 18 if she’s having intimate relations with a bunch of guys who are 18 and below? That’s fucking disgusting.” Ego spat in a whisper to the man as he pulled you by the wrist and hid you behind him. Your eyes widen as well as the JFU member, and he stammers out an apology that Ego didn’t take so kindly.
You looked up at Ego as he glared in disgust at the man. With your heart beating against your chest as if it wanted to break free, sweat pooling into the palm of your heads, you pulled on Ego’s cuffs, and he turned his attention towards you.
“Ego-San, let’s not cause a scene…” you whispered lowly, gesturing to your side. Spectators were turning their heads at the three of you, who were drawn to what you were discussing. Ego looks at you, then back at the man. There was an unreadable expression on his face before he clicked his tongue and gestured for you to follow him.
“Don’t show your putrid face to me or my staff.” He hissed before walking away from the man with eyes following your every move like owls, but one look from Ego, and they returned to their conversations.
“Ego-San… thank you for doing that. I greatly appreciate it.” You spoke, pulling on the mans wrist. He stops and looks at you before flicking your forehead. “The hell?!”
“Be more careful next time when you encounter nosey pigs like him-”
“So you do have a heart in there, Jinpachi Ego.” You heard a voice state amused from behind. You couldn’t understand what he was saying. It sounded like German. You whirled around and saw the mystery man.
It was Noel Noa. Clad in a suit and bow tie. He had a stoic and serious expression with an ever-present frown on his lips, gold eyes dull into Ego’s obsidian pair of eyes before he shifted his focus to you and then back to him. When both your eyes met, you felt your heart rate go faster than ever before.
It was the Noel Noa. In the flesh! The greatest striker in the world, standing in front of you!!
You have seen this man in your television or phone but seeing him in the flesh was whole new experience.
‘Omg, omg, omg, omg, omg, omg-’
“What’s that supposed to mean, you stoic robot?” Ego hissed in German. You looked back and forth between the two. They seemed to know each other, you observed as they casually conversed with each other. “Seeing how you stood up for your female employee is out of character. I thought you weren’t Ego when I saw you.”
“Do you know each other, Ego-San?”
“In a way. Wear these. You’ll need it when communicating with the other coaches.” Ego fished out a small black box that had Blue Lock’s symbol on it. You took it from his grasp and opened the box. There were black wireless earbuds.
“Reo Mikage’s family had decided to sponsor Blue Lock and give us one of their products. That being translator earbuds, it’s light and won’t come off no matter how much you move around, and it’s hardly noticeable.” You wore it, and it almost felt unnoticeable. You then turned to the striker and slight bow.
“What is Ego Jinpachi like at work, Ms.Manager?” You were a little shocked, hearing him speak so clearly in Japanese with a believable accent. These earbuds are something else.
“O-oh, well. He can very harsh and would constantly criticize you for the littlest thing.”
“That’s accurate enough.”
“You damn brat.”
“I’m (name) (last name), Mr.Noa. It’s an honor to meet you.”
“I’ve heard many things about you from Ego.”
“Good or bad?”
“A bit of both.” You sighed hearing his quick response.
“Although, he often notes how you go above and beyond with your work despite being so young,” Noa mentioned—taking a sip of his champagne. You worked up hearing his statement and looked at Ego, who didn’t meet your eyes.
“Ego-San sometimes shares with me his instant noodles and such.” On occasion, when you would be busy with your work, Ego would always make you some instant noodles for a snack to go with your work. It touched your heart as he did care for you after all. (Before he berates you for doing absolutely nothing)
“How… amusing.” Noel glances at his friend, whose eyes softened by a fraction. The striker was quick to take a champagne glass from a waiter's tray and hand it to you.
“Ms. (Last name), you wouldn’t mind if you left your boss and me alone for a while? So we can talk a little about this passion project of his.”
“Of course, have fun.” You whispered before walking away from the two men, placing a hand above your beating heart, and your lips formed a shaky smile—excitement and adrenaline running through your veins. You did your darn best to keep your smile under wraps in favor of showing a calm and professional side of you to the man himself.
“I need to tell Anri-San about this—!” You spun your head from left to right to find the red-haired woman, but you saw her surrounded by sponsors, with Anri conversing seriously with them.
You decided to calm your excitement down and walked around the ballroom. You had to admit, this was something you would see in a movie. The piano was playing in the middle room; you were drawn to its alluring melody, and before you knew it, you were in front of the grand piano while admiring pianist playing.
“Are you into classical music, Miss?” A man purrs into your ear from behind. You recoiled away upon feeling a person's hot breath against your ear. “Haha! Didn’t mean to scare you there, lovely.”
The man had short, curly blond hair, sapphire blue eyes and a mole in the corner of his right lip. He had a well-built body, the suit fitting snuggly in his body. He was taller than you, your head level with his chest.
“I don’t think it’s good manners to suddenly whisper into someone’s without even introducing yourself.” You retorted lightly at the man, and he raised his hands in a playful gesture. “Sorry, miss. I thought I saw a diamond in the corner of my eyes.”
He confessed with a lazy grin. You sighed softly at his attempt at flirting, and you looked back at him. He seemed familiar like you’d seen him before.
“Maybe it’s because of my necklace.”
“I wouldn’t think that if I were you, lovely.” He winks at you, you left a bit uncomfortable with him. “Umm, I just turned 18, I’m not that to comfortable with someone older by a few years older than me…”
“Ahahaha!! Just wait until the fans see this, Chrissy!” A boisterous voice boomed from across the room. A man with tanned skin and wild blond hair, swung his arm over to Chrissy. He wore a black suit with a gold blouse, some of the buttons undid to reveal his chest tattoos.
“You were the one who told me to do it! Miss, I am truly sorry.”
“No, he’s not. He was, like ‘dude, check out that girl with in that dress, she super fine, ‘m gonna go talk to her and hold my drink.’ Basically.” The man matter of factly. Chrissy’s jaw dropped and looked at you who was trying to process this information.
“Lavinho, you’re this worst!”
Wait, Lavinho? As in that famous Brazilian dribbler? Whose representing the Spanish team Barcha?
“You’re… Lavinho?” You spoke and the man turns to you before grinning ear-to-ear. He took your hand and bowed.
“In the flesh, pretty lady! Man, am I lucky to have gorgeous woman like you to know my name. It’s an honor.” He boasts to himself before he grabbed his friend by the arm.
“By the way, this is Chris Prince! But call him Chrissy, though, it’s cute right? Chrissy, Chrissy~”
“Oh my gosh, can you stop? You’re embarrassing me in front of her!” Chris Prince, commonly known as worlds no.2, whispered harshly into Lavinho’s ear, who blew raspberries into his face.
“Oh my gosh, are you immature!” You couldn’t help but laugh at their shenanigans. You never expected them to be this carefree in person. It was fun!
“Let’s calm down now.” You cooed at them, trying to stop Chris from pulling on Lavinho’s collar. “What the lady said, Chrissy. Calm down.”
“I am calm!”
“Says who?”
As Chris was about to strangle Lavinho, you hurriedly took him by the arm and tried to anchor him down with your body weight.
“Let’s calm down! We wouldn’t want to attract too much attention now, do we?” You stammered nervously as the crowd’s eyes were on the three of you. How many times has it already been since the attention was suddenly focused on you.
“You heard the lady, Princey-”
“That includes you, Mr.Lavinho.” He looks at you with shock and Chris glanced at Lavinho with a victorious smirk.
“He’s such a wild person, isn’t he, lovely?”
“A little bit.”
“But not in a bad way.”
“I knew I could trust in you, pretty lady!” Lavinho laughed as he slamming his palms on your shoulders making you wince.
“I hope you can forgive me for that initial greeting, miss?”
“Oh, right. I never introduced myself! My name is (name) (last name) and I’m the manager of Blue lock. It’s a pleasure meeting you both, Mr.Lavinho and Mr.Prince. And it’s alright, Mr.Prince. You didn’t do anything if offense anyway. You briefly introduced yourself with a bow and a smile.
“Oh~! So you’re the woman glasses mentioned we would be working with! Nice to meet you too. Hope we can work together soon!” Lavinho grinned as did Chris.
“Are you a model by any chance? I mean, you have the potential one.” Chris asked curiously. Your posture and beauty were very much similar to models. He would know as he posed with some female models in the past.
“I actually did some modeling jobs when I was 16. Although I’m currently on a break.”
“Ha! I knew it! A beautiful girl like you would be scouted sooner or later. Hey, how about we do a shoot-?”
“She told you she was taking a break from the cameras, Chris.” Another man reminded to the English man with a sigh as he came from behind you and smiled at you apologetically. He had short blond hair and large emerald green eyes with a very well defined nose.
“I’m so sorry about him, Ms.(name). Please don’t let him bother you.”
“It’s alright. I don’t mind doing a shoot with him.”
“See?! It’s almost impossible to say no to this handsome face.” Chris laughs. Pulling out a hand mirror and admires himself, smiling at the mirror and winking at himself.
“Is he… usually like that?”
“You seem to know me.”
“I happen to overhear you introducing yourself, my name is Marc Snuffy. Call me Snuffy. It’s a pleasure meeting one of Blue Lock’s beautiful managers.” Snuffy grinned kindly at you making your heart skip a beat.
“Beautiful? Now, I think that’s a stretch!”
“Not what the posts say about you.” He laughs lightly, pulling out a phone to reveal screenshots of a Tiktok comment section filled with compliments and love towards you.
“I must say, the media quite likes you after those little videos with you and Pablo Cavasoz dancing.” You glowered in embarrassment as you remembered the famous baby-face Argentina player, who was mysteriously drawn to you and dragged you to Harajuku with you to film Tiktok dance video’s in the middle of the street or inside the stores and to go shopping.
Never again were you going to be bribed with food and a promise of manicures.
“I-I’m honestly flattered that you think that way, Mr.Snuffy. Thank you. You’re Uber’s coach, right?”
"Correct and I hope my team wouldn't be too much of a trouble to deal with." He jokes lightly making you laugh.
"Have you seen my players? They would be at each other's throats if I look away for a couple of seconds! Like my Rin and Isagi for example."
"Considering the fact that your no.10 dodged a hug from 11... I'd say that their relationship is..."
"Rough? Absolutely."
"We all have those friends." You and continues to conversed at one another about your teams along with his. Snuffy is quite the gentleman you noted. Very polite and respectful.
"Yo, Snuffy. When're we gonna go back to the dorms, 'm tired." You heard someone complain. A man with messy black hair with purple tips and dark purple eyes, laid his head on the Uber's captain's shoulder with a sigh. You rubbed your eyes to wear off any drowsiness as you thought the man had gold teeth for a second.
"It's only 10 pm, Lorenzo and button up your shirt." Snuffy scolded Lorenzo who groaned but stopped midway as he saw you. "Who's this pretty lady, Snufs?"
"Her name is (name) and she's Blue Lock's manager. Be kind."
"Isn't she on the news one time? Like people thought she was Pablo's girlfriend or stuff." You sunk on the floor in embarrassment, remembering the countless news articles that you were his girlfriend. You even got a call from your father who was pissed at you for keeping your not-boyfriend a secret.
"Erm, I'm actually not his girlfriend... hehe, it was an misunderstanding."
"Huh, really?"
"Yup, the media assumed that we were dating just from a few videos of us dancing and doing some sightseeings around Harajuku."
"I see. So yer gonna be our new manager?"
"As far as I know, yea."
"Let's be friends then! Snuf, 'mma borrow her real quick." Lorenzo immediately went towards you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and waved goodbye at Snuffy who told the two of you to have fun.
"Names Don Lorenzo but just call me whatever you want since we're gonna be friends and all."
"Alright, Mr-"
"And no Mister and all that title shit, just call me Lorenzo or whatever- oh! Snuffy does call me Donny at times."
"So is Lorenzo alright with you?"
"Totes." Lorenzo was quite the character. He's friendly and a laidback type of guy, you felt at ease just by being with him as you started to slip from your professional mode. You were enjoying yourself with Lorenzo as the two of you conversed with other topics other than football.
"By the way, are this gold grills on your teeth?" You asked curiously. The two of you were seated a couch with a plate of crackers, cheese and caramel popcorn. He stops eating the popcorn and pulled on the corner of his mouth to give you a full view of his gold teeth.
"These babies? Nah, before all of this, i was some homeless kid on the streets of Italy, begging and robbin' people of their money until Snuffy came into my life askin' me if I wanna play football with him,"
"I was like, 'what's up with this dude? He crazy as fuck,' so then I was like 'replace my rotten teeth with golden ones' and do you know what he did afterwards?"
"He immediately dragged you to the nearest dentist and had it replaced with gold teeth?"
"Exactly! You're so smart." Lorenzo praises, throwing popcorn in the air and caught some with his mouth while also missing some, which you then picked up from the couch and ate it so it won't go to waste.
"Who knew that Mr.Snuffy is such a kind man."
"Kindest in the world. He's the type of person to not give up on others just cause." The player says fondly. You grabbed your champagne glass and felt it was unusually light, you then saw that it was empty. "I'm out of champagne. I'll go grab some more."
"Nah, I'll do it. You sit your pretty self here."
"Thanks but I can handle it, Lorenzo." You pat his shoulder before taking off with your empty glass and towards the bar for a quick refill.
You arrived at the bar and leaned against the counter. "Excuse me but can I get a refill in champagne? Non-alcoholic if there is."
"In a second."
"Can I get a martini?" Someone ask beside you. You glanced at them saw the familiar fluffy hair of brown to purple beside you.
"Are you... Alexis Ness from Bastard Munchen, by any chance?" The man beside you perks up upon hearing his name and turned to you with a nod and a kind grin.
"Yes and you're?"
"(Name) (last name). One of Blue lock's managers. It's nice to see you this evening, Mr.Ness."
"Please no need to call me Mister, just call me Ness and the pleasure is all mine.”
“Ness it is then. About that match with (club name), you did a good job out there.” You praise the player. You watched his match with (club name) a few weeks ago and was amazed at Ness’s clean assist and passes to a star player in his team.
“Really? I didn’t do all that much, it was all-”
“Why would you say that? Your assists were clean and quick. Not even the other players knew you would do it.” You interrupted Ness, and you meant every word you said. He looks at you in shock before red soon blossoms on his cheeks.
“You really think so?”
“Yea, although… I do have a tiny teeny problem…” Ness frowns upon hearing your last words. He had hoped he would gain a fan after all his hard work, but it seemed his efforts-
“That you didn’t score any goals!” Now that left him confused.
“E-excuse me?”
“You’re obviously a great player with amazing dribbling and passing skills, so why don’t you use it score your own goals? I mean, seriously, I hoped you would score that last goal before you passed to number 10.” You went on a little rant, and Ness stood there in awe with your words.
You weren’t focused with Kaiser but instead your attention was on Ness and even wanted him to score goals!
His heart started to beat even faster when you were praising his work and sets of skills. Ness looked up and got a good look at you, he had to admit, you were very beautiful in that dress.
“Kaiser is Bastard Munchen’s Ace so we dedicate all of the goals towards him.”
“But isn’t that letting your own skills go to waste? You’re hindering yourself just so that your number 10 can win. How about this?” You grabbed Ness by the arm and sat him on the stools, and you sat across him. Leaning towards his shoulder, you narrowed the distance of your lips to his ears. Ness’s heartbeat grew increasingly erratic as you drew closer. He felt your hot breath against the shell of his ear and smelled the perfume in your skin, blending with the champagne you were drinking.
“Your ace knows that you would be passing to him for every game, no?”
“And I’m also sure that the rest of your team along with Mr.Noa would be aware of this fact. What I’m trying to say is that,”
“When trying to pass to your beloved Ace, change course and score the goal for yourself. I’m sure the opposing team would also know about your play style. Therefore, they would surround your ace to prevent a successful pass from approaching him.” You explained with a mischievous smile after seeing Ness’s shocked expression. Gone was his ear-to-ear grin as it was replaced with an open mouth.
“B-but Kaiser-”
“So what about him? He can score his own goals if he’s your so-called ace. Ness, you’re an amazing player, but you lack the independence of one or, rather… the ego of one. Omg… I’m starting to sound like Ego-San.” You pulled away from Ness and seriously contemplated your words. Ness, however, was silent as he let your words sink deep into his consciousness. You looked at Ness’s blank face, and yours swelled in embarrassment.
He probably didn’t understand your rambling. Even when you thought you sounded cool saying it!! You stood hastily after the bartender finally refilled your drink and cleared your throat.
“I probably wasn’t making any sense. This is more on Ego-San’s department. Forget I said anything, Ness-”
“No… I was hoping you could explain more about this ego. Please… I want to learn more about it, Ms.(name).” Ness took hold of your wrist and slightly tightened his grip on you. His tone… it sounded like he was begging you.
You stared at the B.M player with a conflicting mindset as you looked between your drink and Ness.
“So this is why my drink has been taking a long time. I didn’t know you were busy flirting with a girl, Ness.” A man purrs condescendingly as he struts towards you both. Ness reluctantly lets go of your wrist and looks shamefully to the side. “So-”
“And who is this lovely lady keeping you company, hm?” The man in front of you grinned at Ness. He had blond hair styled into a long mullet with blue fades. He wore a dark blue suit and matched it with a tie. Something was peeking from his collar, but you couldn’t determine what it was, probably a tattoo or something.
“(Name) (last name), one of the managers of Blue Lock, and I take it that you’re Kaiser?” His smile grows as his name rolls out from your tongue, and he takes your hand, fluttering his lips over your knuckles before he firmly presses his lips on your knuckles.
“Micheal Kaiser, das Fräulein. Star player of Bastard Munchen.” The Ace says matter-of-factly with a grin, and you smile at him uncomfortably, looking at the area where he kissed.
“Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew.” You repeated in your head as you tried to pull back your hand, but Kaiser gripped you as he incoherently conversed with Ness.
“I take it that you know Blue Lock’s Ace: Isagi Yoich? That plain looking guy.” Your lips turned into frowns hearing him describe your friend.
“Yes. Is there something you wanted to ask him?”
“Oh no, I was just making sure that you were his specific manager. After all, I would want him to look at your face once I humiliate him.”
“Excuse me?” You honestly expected Kaiser to be a prideful person. That was for sure. But for him to straight up admit his intentions in front of you? Now, that was a bold him.
“I think you heard me, (name). I plan to make Isagi Yoichi, the hero of Blue Lock, an obstacle for me to overcome. Make sure he’s worthy of that title.” Kaiser requested you like it was a normal thing to ask. As your glare towards him hardened, Kaiser couldn't care less. You slowly exhaled, placed your glass gently, and pushed yourself towards him.
“As you wish, I’ll make sure Isagi Yoichi will be an impossible obstacle for you to overcome.” Now it was his turn to be annoyed as he took his vacant hand and roughly grabbed your upper arm to pull you closer. His face was nearing yours with a cocky snarl.
“Is that a threat?”
“A promise, rather.”
“To think that Blue Lock would have such a feisty manager, I wonder how Jinpachi Ego leashed you.”
“Leashed me? Do you think I’m some kind of dog?!”
“Oh, I know! You’re the character who blindly placed her fate into the clown who thought of himself as the main character, but that’s going to change once I step into the field,” he removes his grip from your upper arm and clasps his hand around your jaw to pull your face even closer to his. You instinctively tried to tear away, but his strength proved greater than yours.
“I could just imagine what dear Isagi’s face will look like once I humiliate him in front of his pretty manager.”
“As if that would happen.” You rasped, trying to pry his hand away from your face. As Ness was about to intervene finally, Lorenzo came into sight, taking hold of Kaiser’s wrist with a deadly grip, his gold teeth shining against the light, and the Italian let out a whistle in amusement.
“Damn, Kaiser… never you would act like a dick if a girl don’t wanna be with ya.”
“Where did you come from, you damn zombie?”
“Wonderin’ where (name) was at, said she was goin’ to refill her drink. Didn’t know you were holding her hostage.” The two-star players glared at each other in disdain. Kaiser started to feel the blood being cut off from his hand and he rips away his grip from your face. You stepped back and massaged your jaw.
“Are you alright, (name)? I’m sorry I couldn’t-”
“It’s alright. I expected he act like this. Fucking prick.” You huffed, drinking your champagne as Ness looks ashamed.
“Honestly… I should’ve intervened when he grabbed you by the arm. I’m so sorry-”
“Ness, Ness, baby, love.” You sweet-talked and grabbed his jaw gently. (Unlike someone) “It’s alright, I get it. We all freeze sometimes, even I do. So you don’t gotta worry about it, okay?” You smiled. Expecting him to agree with you and let all of this be over with. He tentatively nodded, and you let go of his jaw before turning to the bartender. “Actually, can I get the bottle?”
Before the bartender could hand you the bottle, Lorenzo snatched it from him, took you the waist and led you away from the bar, making a mocking face at Kaiser.
“See ya in the field, naked emperor!” The Italian player laughs as he waves and pours you a drink. You turned to Ness and gave him a smile and wave, which he returned. You met Kaiser’s glare and returned it with a glare and a middle finger.
“Is he always so arrogant?”
“24/7, babe. 24/7.” Lorenzo sighs, patting your shoulder. “Hey, your lipstick… Kaiser must’ve smudged it.” He stares at the colored streak nearing your jaw. You placed your finger on it and saw the colored stain on your finger. You hissed at the sight and covered the lower half of your face.
“Damn that rat. Lorenzo, I’ll be back. Need to fix myself.”
“Sure, I’ll be on the couch!” He removed his arm, and you speed-walked through the crowd towards the hallway where the servers were going in and out. You swiftly dodged the waiters that’s were carrying snacks and drinks, you saw a waiter who seemed to be on break, seeing that she was on her phone.
“Excuse me, miss. Where’s the bathroom?” She looks up from her phone and points at the direction where to go.
“Second to the last door on the left.”
“Thanks.” And with that you immediately took off.
During the trip toward the bathroom, you recalled your rather eventful evening. A JFU member asking disgusting questions, Ego saving you, meeting Noel Noa, Chris Prince flirting with you, Lavinho laughing at Chris, Marc Snuffy appearing, Don Lorenzo whisking you away from the night, meeting Ness and getting harassed(?) by Micheal Kaiser.
And here you thought you would be the loner who escaped from the party to the safe haven that was the balcony. So much for that, at least. As you wiped the stain away, you were quick to reapply a new batch on your skin but before you exited the bathroom, you took a few photos of yourself for good measure and sent a few to your brother to let him decide which ones should you post as you were indecisive.
[You sent 15 photos]
You: which one of these do I look the prettiest?
Little demon: none
You: what if I tell Ma and pa?
Little demon: Your alrd pretty tho but for me 1 4 9 and 13 are the best ones
You: I know I’m pretty. I’ll be positing these soon after party
Little demon: don’t post. Dress is revealing. I can see your BOOBS
You: only a little :(
Little demon: what if I tell Ma and pa?
You: I hate you
Little demon reacted: 👍
You huffed seeing your younger brothers weak response and before you could text something back, you bumped into someone’s side.
“Sorry- (name)?” The man spoke, and you looked up to find the black French player in front of you wearing a suit paired with a bow tie. You lit up seeing the player and tucked away your phone to give him a big hug.
“Loki!! Oh my gosh, how’re you?”
“I’m fine. It’s good to see you again after a couple of weeks. Mr.Pablo has been bombarding me with texts asking for your socials. That man won’t give up.” He sighs as he pulls away from you, and you laugh.
“You might have you endure that for a little while longer, Loki dear.” He sighs again and you took him by the arm and dragged him down the hall.
“I heard we’ll be working together again. Good luck to us then.” Loki says, patting your hand before giving you a kind smile, which you return. The two of you reentered the ballroom and went your separate ways. Loki said he couldn’t leave his team alone as they would likely cause a scene without him there.
“I’ll see you at work, peace maker.”
“Have a fun evening, (name).” Then you went back to where Lorenzo was sitting, spending the rest of the evening with the Italian, joking, judging other people, talking about your respective counties and your experience with football.
This only took me 3 weeks to finish what a record 🙏
I hope you guys enjoyed this long ass fanfic, this was originally gonna be like 2 parts but then I decided to publish this a whole rather than separate parts.
Reblogs are much appreciated!! I love you all I hope you guys have a great day!
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youlackconviction · 7 months
I am still kind of confused about what the "canon" is regarding Loki in Avengers: To me, the movie depicts a Loki who has been tortured and is not himself. But has the MCU officically changed its decision on this? Is it "canon" that Loki became "evil"? Are there any public statements regarding this? It's been 84 years and this is still messy to me
i mean good question. nice titanic reference.
but honestly? i don't give a fuckingmonkeybollock what marvel says these days. avengers LOKI canon was established by the creators and the film itself at the time of the film's production and screening, and nothing anyone says about it now can retcon that... that's just not how time works.
and certainly not some colossal stack of steaming rat turds like the disney plus series.
marvel can pry the original intended phase one and two mcu canon from my bleached white finger bones.
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chapter five: fucking situations, circumstances, miscommunications
pairing: Bucky barnes x plus-sized!reader
summary: Six months ago, you were appointed to be Head Nurse to the Avengers by Tony Stark. Every day, you count your lucky stars, knowing the horrible past you quickly ditched back in England. It holds you back, restrains you, from getting close to anyone when on your new job.
That's until you met and fell in love with Bucky Barnes. The supposed assassin with a heart of gold, who seems to be eager to get to know you. To peel back your layers piece by piece, but could you trust him once you're laid before him raw and vulnerable?
warnings: language, mentions of sex (no smut), self deprecation, angst (!)
word count: 3.9k
Taglist: @scott-loki-barnes @cjand10 @blackwidownat2814 @blackbirdwitch22 @laughterafter  @blackhawkfanatic @mcira @bxckybxrnes24 @rachellovesloki @toffeacademia @bean-bean2000 @lana525 @selella
A/N: im so sorry okay? but I promise, the fruits of patience are always sweet (is that right)! hope u enjoy, and don't worry only five more chapters until I stop torturing the pair to pine longingly... also phase one is complete, so I'll be taking a two week break before starting phase two: the falling rollout! stay tuned :)
It turns out you were wrong. You had been speaking to Nat — Wanda was off somewhere with Vision — and you talked her out of the notion that you were falling in love with Bucky. Because of course you aren’t…you can’t afford to. Falling in love made a mess of you, there’s no way it’s going to happen so soon.
When you first set foot in New York, it felt like a fresh start. Sure, you’d imagine if all went well, then a few years down the line you’d find yourself opening up again. Not doing it so soon, and certainly hadn’t imagined in your wildest dreams that it would be reciprocated.
You convince yourself you’ve imagined it. And of course, you did. Because in the night, Bucky had left you and your scheduled movie night last minute, to go out on the town with Steve. He had invited you, but you’d declined. Maybe you’ve weirded him out with admitting you’re more attracted to brunettes — maybe he’s figured it all out and is now trying to avoid you, to let you down gently. 
And when you’re just about to fall asleep after tormenting yourself with all the awkward ways he’s trying to avoid you, because he’s too nice to tell you — that’s when you hear it. Moaning and groaning of a man and woman through the wall, the hard and rough pounding of what can only be a bed frame against a surface, and the man is undoubtedly Bucky. You'd recognise his voice anywhere. Your heart sinks as you immediately walk out of your room, where you can hear everything, heading to the kitchen, unable to handle it. It feels like your insides will be spilled all over your front and the floor. Trying to get the images out of your mind of Bucky and another woman entangled…like that. Clutching at your chest, because your heart just burns and your eyes are full of water and everything’s blurry, shaky hands reaching for a glass of cold water to dissolve the lump in your throat.
Why are you upset? Bucky is a grown man, fully capable of making his own decisions and choosing the women he wants to sleep with. It’s not his fault he doesn’t choose you. So why does it make you so upset, that you’re quietly stifling your sobs in an empty, cold kitchen?
You feel like your heart has been ripped out — once again doomed to be romantically interested in the one who would rather choose an inanimate rock over you. Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but still. You don’t know how long you stand there, the only light a warm orange spilling over the black kitchen island, and think every single spark of hope in you away. The look of desire on his face…maybe it was platonic affection. You mistook it for something more, because you’ve never seen that look haunt anyone's features before. Maybe he looks like that at everyone.
And then you hear hurried footsteps, and the unmistakeable, juggernaut-like clack of women’s heels. You straighten, and she appears. Wrapped in a red dress, Bucky’s favourite shade, that accentuates every part of her so flawlessly, and her lipstick hasn’t even budged, despite the mess of her hair and other parts of her makeup. She offers you a soft smile as she passes, but you can’t help yourself. How has her lipstick not even smudged a little?
“Wow, you’re so pretty, oh my God. What lipstick do you use, and how the hell has it still not budged? Girl, I need the brand and name, like, right now.” You usher her over, to inspect her perfect lips more closely. Even the warm light makes her seem a million times more attractive, and you can’t help yourself.
You hold her face in your hands while she rattles off some obscure brand you’ve never heard of, making a mental note to search it up later. “It looks amazing,” you say, meeting her eyes, which are the most warm shade of brown. 
You know you can never hold a candle to the beauty of this woman, even at your very best, but you’d be damned if you didn’t tell her of her radiance.
“Thank you,” she blushes and straightens, pulling away from your hold. Her outfit is so amazing, you can’t even blame Bucky for being so taken with her. You’re right there with him.
“Flirting with my date, are you?” Comes Bucky’s voice from the doorway, and you both turn to look at him. Then you remember yourself, and your situation. She’s just had sex with Bucky, and here you are, complimenting her lipstick.
And in this moment, you dig to your lowest familiar, and compare yourself to her. It’s not a competition, you know better than to fight over a man, but even if there were…you would lose by a landslide. Objectively.
Absentmindedly, you touch your hair while glancing at hers, dark, perfectly curled locks swishing about her shoulders and touching her elbows, even at its messiest. You don’t know if you want to look like her, or to be with her, in this moment.
“No, no. I was just asking her about her lipstick, that’s all.” She hands you her phone, ignoring Bucky, and asks you to enter your number with a wink. You happily comply, and almost miss the way her face falls when she reads over your name, and glances over her shoulder at Bucky. 
Clearly, you’ve missed something. You don’t want to ask. “I’ll call you,” she gestures to you, leaving you with a kiss on the cheek. You blink several times, trying to process the events of the past hour or so.
You’ve never been more confused. How did you end up with Bucky’s date’s number? “You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you doll?” He’s got that signature smirk on his face, but you look away. Something about his messy hair and flushed cheeks seems a sight that isn’t reserved for you, but the lover who just left the compound.
“No, I— I was just complimenting her, I swear. She seems nice, though. Are you gonna see her again?” He joins you at the table, and up close you can see the slight sheen of sweat on his brow, and you hate the way the sight of it stirs something in your lower belly. You want him, so bad. You want to be the reason he emerges from his room flushed and you leave with messy hair like you just rolled out of bed. Alas, it isn’t in the cards for you. Fortune and romance have never been entangled lovers in the story of your life, and you shouldn’t expect anything different in this chapter of it. You take another cold sip, hoping to swallow the bitter realisations you've stumbled across tonight.
“Well, considering I don’t even know her name, and you got her number, I doubt it.” He laughs, hoping you’ll chuckle alongside him. You’re not in the mood to talk about his sex life, and you feel like you’re about to throw up because of it, yet again. Now knowing his type is a dark, sexy feminine energy, you can’t bear it anymore. You are the very antithesis of it all — light, and soft. Maybe he even finds you sweet. But you’re not the one, not the one he wants.
You may be the one he spills his secrets to, but you know you’ll never be the red-dress femme fatale he takes to bed, or into his heart.
“Are we still on for tomorrow?” You ask, sparing him a quick glance then returning to look at your hands that just look too wrong. Palms too wide, fingers too stubby. She had hands like a fucking nail polish model. Everything about you feels wrong and misshapen in this moment. Bucky’s wondering what he did to upset you. He’d overheard you talking to Natasha, explaining clear as day that you’re not attracted to him. He’s simply taken it as his sign to move on, to try and bury his heart that he’s laid in your chest, instead of letting it consume him. That's why he said yes to Steve, why he left you to go out. He didn't want either of you to stew in uncomfortable silence because he doesn't want to admit what he heard and how badly it hurt him. To confess would be to lose you, and so he buries it all deep down. Just like everything else.
But it’s a lot harder than expected, especially when he brings a girl home, for the first time in decades, but all he can think of is you. He’s manoeuvring her hips and imagining them to be yours, kissing her lips and pretending you’re the one gasping against his mouth. He ended up so wrapped in the fantasy, your name had slipped past his lips as he came, even though he tried to hide it in a murmur against her shoulder. But, of course she heard. She’d lectured him for a couple of minutes while throwing her clothes back on, about how he shouldn’t be fucking around if his heart is so set on one woman, that he says her name when lost in the throes of passion with another. Then, she’d spun on her heel and left, and he’d departed to find you. 
To tell you, he can’t do it anymore. Despite your feelings of romantic apathy when it comes to him, he can’t say the same. He is enamoured, infatuated, obsessed with you, and he can’t let you go. He can't bury his feelings when they just keep building up like waves and crashing over the grave of his heart -- he can't keep it to himself. Even if your words seal the vault closed forevermore, he needs to hear them. He was so ready to beg for one date. One chance, one kiss, one taste. Maybe not in the moment, seeing as you wouldn’t appreciate the taste of another woman’s wine on his lips. He wouldn’t either, if that night you’d gone on the date with Steve, he'd let his impulsive thoughts win just moments after you kissed another's mouth. He wonders how you kiss as he touches his own lips in thought -- would you let the other take charge and cover him in sweet pecks, or do you prefer to taste like passion and sin? These were the only thoughts circling his smitten mind as he searched for you longingly. 
And then he found you, illuminated so beautifully in the light of the kitchen island, and it occurs to him, just how there is no competition between you and other women. They could never hold a candle to you, to the radiant sun of your essence and your beauty.
The woman seems surprisingly smitten by you, with your eyes on her lips, and her giving you her number. He doesn't blame her for feeling that electric pull to you. He's right there with her.
He also didn’t miss the look she gave him over her shoulder, after reading your name. She knows, that it’s you. She won’t come back, she knows better than that. But he can’t tell you that that’s the reason he won’t be seeing her again, and you won’t even look at him. 
“Yeah, doll. Of course. I’m not bailing on you again.” He smiles, gently touching your cheek, and you pull away before his skin makes contact.
“Alright, I’ll see you then.” You turn around and walk out, the tears in your eyes dripping down your face and leaving a salty trail all the way to your door.
In the night, you’d done a lot of thinking. And you’ve decided to let him go, to let him do what he wants. He’s not evil, he’s certainly not wicked. He just doesn’t want you. That’s not something to hold against him, how could it be? He doesn’t owe you romance just because you want it with him. You’ll cherish his friendship, his strictly platonic affection, but you’ll let any thought of a relationship with him go. 
You’ll be all the better for it. 
And so you stand in the communal living room, rechecking your Taylor Swift themed tote bag that you’ve kept everything you need. You had taught Bucky how to bake his favourite brownies the other day, so you packed a few of those in case he gets hungry. Your favourite crisps, drinks for the both of you. Headphones, a charger for your phone, a claw clip to tie up your hair if it gets too hot, car keys, wallet…
It’s sunny outside, so you’ve opted for a long, maxi summer dress in a dark dusty rose colour and covered in gorgeous flowers, golden hoops and necklace like always, and your hair falls over your back loose and natural with a small accent braid weaving through the strands. You’ve also kept the makeup light — blush, kohl and mascara, and a tinted lip balm. You feel oddly good about your appearance, when you’re not in front of anyone else. When there’s nobody else to compare yourself to, you allow yourself to feel pretty. You throw on a thin white cardigan, grab your tote bag and head over to Bucky’s room to collect him.
You two are going out today. And you plan on buying him a surplus of items, all because of the massively fat pay check you get given courtesy of Tony. You’ll also be taking the subway, something Bucky’s a bit afraid of, but—
You almost crash into Steve when you turn the corner, in your mind being preoccupied with making an itinerary of where you’re going. He catches you, grabbing you around the arms. The both of you are a little on edge, given the failed outing of a few nights ago, but you had let him down gently. You did tell him you want to stay friends, even as he looked embarrassed and laughed about it. You didn’t tell him about your crush on Bucky, having decided to keep it under strict lock and key after being consumed by the feeling of wanting to kiss Bucky instead. You knew, in that moment, that nothing would've made him feel worse. You meet Steve’s pale blue eyes, offering him an apologetic smile.
“Oh my God, Steve. I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there. Did I hurt you?” He shakes his head, chuckling at your panic.
“No, no. I’m completely fine. Don’t worry, dear. You look good.” He compliments you fondly, eyeing you up and down once. You smile, forgetting the initial panic that surged through your system.
You take the compliment at face value. “Thank you, Steve. That’s really nice of you.”
“Where are you going today?” He asks in polite conversation. You’ve already talked about this, about where you’re off to. Maybe he forgot.
“Oh, Bucky and I are going downtown today! I was planning on getting him some new clothes, you know, his current closet seems a little out of date. We’ll probably be back by 7 at the latest, but it depends on how picky he is, you know him. Oh, and before I forget, Denise is in charge while I’m away. Mr Fury and Mr Stark haven’t told us that there’s any major missions today, so it’s mainly the barebones team, so if anything happens today, you report to her. I’d much prefer to enjoy my first day out in months, but in case of absolute emergencies, of course you can contact me, alright? You’re the most responsible one of the bunch, so I’m trusting you to spread the message for me.” You gently squeeze his arm in reassurance. 
“Yeah, will do. You have fun today, okay? I’ll try my best to make sure nobody gets in a housefire or something. You’re one of the hardest working people I know, dear. You deserve this. And trust me, if you’re the one picking out the outfits, you could put him in a hot pink suit bejewelled to high heaven and he’d wear it happily.” 
You mouth drops. “You know what, that’s an amazing idea, thank you.” He laughs at that, and you smile. You’ve always been treated by past-partners like you’re the most unfunny person on the planet, like your jokes are tolerated and not laughed at. So it always surprises you when people find you funny. You welcome it, but it feels strange nonetheless.
And then Bucky appears, slinging an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him. “Ah, the prodigal super soldier emerges,” you say, hand wrapping around his back almost stiffly as you try to calm your aching heart at the sight.
You know this will haunt you, when you’re feeling down on yourself. You’ll clutch at your chest once again, feeling stupid at the fact you ever thought this Adonis of a man would ever look at you twice. Why would he?
But for now, his friendship is enough. It has to be.
“Uh huh. Should we go, doll?” He tilts his head extremely close to yours, and it takes every conscious muscle in your body to stop yourself from closing your eyes. No need to embarrass yourself.
“Yeah. Let’s go.” You turn to the other supersoldier in the room, currently being the one left out. “Bye Steve. Please tell everyone what I told you.” He nods.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” You smile and let Bucky lead you away, waving a quick goodbye over your shoulder.
“I wanted to ask, was last night awkward?” You try to ignore the comment as you both walk down the street, heading to his favourite bistro for breakfast. The sun is shining, the streets smell like something that isn’t piss, and you’re spending the day with your favourite person.
“Hm, no not really.” He stops the both of you at a busy intersection, pulling you into an alley, and pushing you against the wall. His arm is still secure around your waist so your back doesn’t crash too hard against the eroding brick and mortar, but unfortunately that means your hands end up on his…firm chest, and your thumbs can’t help but soothingly stroke from side to side. You can’t meet his eyes.
“Then why are you avoiding eye contact? Is there something I did wrong? Are you upset with me? Look at me, doll. Please.” His tone is pleading, borderline pathetic, but neither of you care. Your eyes meet his, and you try your best to not get lost in his eyes like sinking ships, so inviting that it takes everything in you to not jump.
To not kiss him. You crave to know what his lips taste like, but you shouldn’t. You keep trying to bury these intense feelings, and yet they keep building up like waves and crash over your grave, resurrecting you. And it feels amazing to be alive.
“I’m just…awkward about these kinda things.”
“What kind of things?”
“Sex. I mean, I heard you through the wall with Camille. And then, ten minutes later you were speaking to me like you weren’t just doing…all of that. It’s strange. I—“
“Do you think it’s bad? That I’m having sex?”
“I…what? No. No, no, Bucky, I’m not shaming you for having sex, God knows I should be the last one judging you for that…it’s just…I’m not used to that. People I’m close to... we all talk about it a while after...you know. I’m just not used to hearing you have sex and then seeing your face, like, ten minutes after. That’s all.” You smile then, touching his cheek as a way to assure him you’re telling the truth. Half of it, at least.
He leans into it so sweetly. “Okay. If that’s all, then… We should get going.” You nod, despite every bone in your body protesting moving away from this intimate moment. He feels the same, because every fear he’s ever had disappears at the warmth of your hand on his face. His eyes travel to your lips and you fix yourself, smoothing down your dress.
“You look absolutely beautiful in your outfit, by the way.” He silently adores you as you double check nothing’s been stolen from your bag, although you doubt someone is going to sneak between you two what with your hyper vigilance and Bucky’s enhanced senses.
You laugh. “You always think I look beautiful no matter what I wear. Even if I wore your sweatpants, you’d still say the same.” Smoke covers the both of you in a misty haze, but he swears he’s never seen you any clearer.
“Because you still look beautiful to me. You always do. Just accept the compliment, will you? You know you don’t have to work hard to deserve compliments, don’t you? They should be freely given.” He strokes your hair, admiring the tiny braid in between his fingers.
“I’m learning to.” You both smile at each other, and you let yourself feel the sweet swell of your heart, for once. Maybe that’s what will work. You just need to feel it all, and get it all out of your system. That’s how you end your crush on Bucky — feel until your reservoirs are empty, until you look over him one day and see nothing more than a good friend, a best friend even. It might takes years, it might even be next week. But this is your plan. 
“Now, should we go?” You extend your hand in a silent offering, to reconnect the bridge that you had temporarily abandoned in your moonlit insanity. He takes it, placing his metal hand firmly in your grasp and interlocking fingers. You notice how he’s wearing long sleeves and gloves, even in this peculiar hot day in November.  He must be boiling in that leather jacket.
For now, you lean into him, into his warmth even though you can feel yourself start to sweat, and you both walk hand in hand. To any outsider looking in, you two paint the picture of the perfect couple. You admire the red and orange leaves against a sky the colour of the eyes that are trained on you — memorising the curve of your nose and the pillow of your lips. In the bistro, you two sit comfortably close together, laughing silently over everything and nothing — like you’ve been dating for years.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly, the both of you laughing like everything’s funny. Like teenagers on the first date — giddy and carefree. Your phone doesn’t buzz once, and you love the feeling of Bucky’s hands on you. He always loves to touch you, whether it’s tracing your palms or leaning his chin on your shoulder in the subway because you’re on his lap in the only spare seat available. You love it too, never knowing someone would be so eager, so desperate to touch you and feel you so innocently.
You’ve always felt shunned — like you’re only worth touching for a partner’s sexual satisfaction, and other times you were made to be ignored and tolerated. But if even a friend can cherish you in this special, sacred way, you can’t help but imagine what a true, enamoured lover would do.
Both of you want it, can feel that your feelings could be something worth a forever and a half — but of course, misunderstandings have to get in the way.
They always do.
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platinumrosetail · 3 months
Hii I was wondering if I could get a part 2 of my last request(The male Cheshire cat reader one), basically the same thing as my last request but with Poseidon, Buddha, Jack and Hermes instead?☺️
Sure! I’ll try my best with it!! Also they accidentally put Poseidon but they meant Thor as I already did Poseidon in the first part.
Warning: noob author, male reader, and others.
Characters: Thor, Buddha, jack, hermes.
You two met through his cousin; Loki, who thought it would be fun to introduce his friend to his cousin to see how he would react as Loki wanted a reaction out of Thor as he’s always so stoic and quiet.
You try to play pranks on Thor like Loki suggested but Thor usually ignores you or pick you up like a cat and put you someplace else and walk away.
It makes Loki pout as Thor usually threatens him or bonk him on the head with his fist so seeing Thor not do something similar to that with you made him pout childishly though this also confirms that Thor does have a reaction to you like he’d hoped for so that’s more than enough as it would give him ammo to tease Thor more, which made you laugh at his thinking process.
You continue to hang around Thor more this time without Loki wanting a reaction as you yourself start to wonder what expression Thor could make and what gets him to make them.
So as the saying goes; curiosity kills the cat, and of course satisfaction brought it back as your results came out to a 100 percent success as you seem to have gotten him to react to some of the things you did and said.
One of the things you did and said was how you would end up having to go to another person to prank and bother as you’ve grown ‘bored ‘ of his no reaction, that got a reaction out of him, a jealous one, it was hard to tell but you were able to detect that it was indeed jealousy that he was displaying which meant your plan worked on getting his reaction.
You teased him once he quickly realized that you were only joking and was lying to him, he thought it would be best to shut you up before Loki heard and started teasing him as well by kissing you which indeed; thankfully to him, as it left you shocked that he did such a thing considering his personality resulted in him teasing you back on why you went quiet, you pouted at him for that before a grin popped back on your face with a chuckle.
You two met through Loki though he didn’t actually introduce you two to each other more like you found Buddha and introduced yourself to him.
Reason why is because you’ve heard so many rants from Loki about how he doesn’t like Buddha and you wanted to find out if it’s just Loki that doesn’t like him or if buddha is a jerk.
You come to find out that Buddha wasn’t a jerk but someone who is like an adolescent but still an adult or in this case a god.
You enjoyed his thoughts and presences, confirming with yourself that it was just Loki being Loki and such.
You two played pranks on each other and others and eat snacks together and did all kind of things.
You kept this a secret from Loki as you knew he would go on about how you were ‘cheating’ on him with Buddha and you didn’t want to deal with that right now which got a laugh out of Buddha when you told him about it.
You two flirt with each other to see who can get the other flustered and in a stuttering mess, Buddha wins almost all the time there was a few times you won but not as much as Buddha.
You met jack by accident, you were just teleporting from to places randomly without any place in mind so you ended up in his room.
Jack was obviously surprised to see someone randomly appearing in his room you not so much by how you’ve done this while teleporting bored so it didn’t really phased you.
You decide to take a break from it and leave the normal way but jack stopped you to offer you some tea, you didn’t decline as this might bring you some entertainment and plus you were getting thirsty even if you’re a god and they don’t need human needs you still like to dabble in them.
You and jack talked about lots of things, like how you were friends with Loki and what that brings to the table and about gossip that you heard while being invisible and teleporting to and from places which got a laugh about what you heard from Jack and the prank’s you’ve done and have planned.
You told him about the book that was inspired by your pantheon called Alice in wonderland and even gave him a copy that you had gotten from the human world as it was a good and interesting read.
You two decided to stay in contact and have more of these maybe even invite a few guest to join the tea party once in a while though it’s usually just the two of you most of the time but you wouldn’t have it any other way as it’s fun talking with jack.
Jack also enjoys it as well as he can see the colors you’re making is genuine of how you’re feeling when you two talk and have tea parties.
You and Hermes get along as you both gossip about the latest rumor or what you’ve both heard from yourselves.
You two have tea parties with just yourselves as it’s most likely that whoever you invite is the very person you two were going to gossip about so you both didn’t bother.
You pop in on Hermes many times when he does his job as the messenger of the gods (correct me if I’m wrong on that 😅) and chat as he does so though you don’t talk when you both finally arrived to his destination to whoever he needed to give or receive a message to.
Hermes is always very intriguing about your powers and want to know all about them and what they can do.
You two flirt together with each other nonchalantly until either one of you is flustered but Hermes is always so smooth at it that it always leave you flustered.
You two also talk about the gossip in the human world when you go to visit the human world for fun, you of course convinced him a few times to come with you and hear all the gossips from random humans lives.
You also told him about how you have a book written in inspiration of your pantheon and gave him a copy to read for fun, that’s another thing you two do, you either get books from the human world or god world and have a book session making fun of some of the characters and just talking about it.
(A/n: hope y’all like it!! I’m kinda getting burned out for record of ragnarok and it doesn’t help that I’m having a hyper fixation on other fandoms at the moment so please request for another fandom if possible at the moment everyone 😅 please and thank you! Anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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pascalsummers · 8 months
Marvel men with a bf who has a pet bat :0 (this has been in my mind all day.)
A/N: I thought this idea was really interesting! Just to spice it up also made it so that the bat and the reader have a sort of psychic bond.
You Have a Pet Bat (Avengers x Male Reader)
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He was a little surprised when you first introduced the bat to him since he didn't expect bats to be a pet that people would have. It didn't take Bucky long to notice the bond between the two of you being a lot more than a regular pet and owner relationship. When he discovered your psychic connection to the bat he was intrigued by it but accepted it pretty quickly. It is not uncommon to find the bat hanging around Bucky while he does his nightly walks around the city.
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Steve had seen a lot of weird stuff since he came out of the ice and the bat only adds to the pile. He was a little confused at first but quickly came around to it. Steve noticed how in sync you and the bat were and started to get an inkling of something more going on. When you tell Steve about your psychic connection to the bat he will have some questions but will ask them at a later date. While Steve likes that your bat has taken a liking to him he will try to make sure it isn't around when he is training so it won't get hurt.
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Thor found your bat very interesting and was impressed that you have one as a pet. Thor liked to ask you many harmless questions about your bat so eventually the topic of your bond came up. When you explained to him the connection you have with the bat Thor was surprised that humans can do something like that since he only heard about something similar happening on other planets. Thor likes to hang out with your bat and will usually feed it any food he thinks the bat would like.
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He heard about people having exotic pets but it's the first time he heard of someone having a pet bat. Tony is a very curious man and had not only noticed the peculiar connection but had come up with a variety of reasons as to why it is. He wasn't surprised when one of his theories turned out to be right but he does get curious about how it exactly works. Tony forbade the bat from the lab after it flew around the lab with one of his tools for a little while. Despite its tendency to annoy Tony, he will still buy some things for the creature.
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Loki wasn't that phased by it since he didn't think of having a pet bat being that different from others with pet snakes. Loki would wait a bit before saying anything about it since he prefers to observe and get as much information as he can. When you tell him about the psychic connection between the two of you he isn't phased by it because he had heard of similar things happening on other planets. Loki usually likes to read with the bat nearby and sometimes he will turn into a bat himself and prank some of the Avengers with your bat.
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He was a little concerned at first since bats usually didn't make good pets but he was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Bruce would try to help you take care of it and would ask you questions about how you care for the creature. He would be amazed at the psychic connection and would have many questions about it but would do his best to not overwhelm you with them. The bat likes to sit on Bruce's shoulder when it's tired which is something that Bruce likes but also makes doing work difficult sometimes.
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imtryingbuck · 7 months
Fly Birdie fly
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: The team lose their friend (I’m bad at summaries sorry)
Word count: 2,628
Warnings: angst. brief mention of a pregnant woman dying, fluff, swearing
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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“I know, I know. Now if everyone calmly collects themselves and follow me I have a plan.”
“Okay Ross let’s hear your plan” Tony says as Ross leads them all into a different room.
“Hold on, okay here’s what we’ll do. We’ll break her out!”
“…Really? You made us move all the way into the basement just to say that? And by the way we have already thought about it but Y/n’s being kept on the second to last level so breaking her out won’t be easy” Tony rolls his eyes at the man.
“Yep” Tony says popping the P.
The room goes quiet, all of them trying to find a way to get Y/n out of the Raft when Thor spoke up.
“We use Loki, he’s quite fond of Lady Y/n so we get him to shape shift as a guard, he gets Y/n, turn her invisible and she’s out!”
“Thor, you’re a genius my friend!” Tony says kissing the man on the cheeks.
“Don’t ever do that again.” Making everyone laugh at Thor’s reaction.
“Only problem is where is your brother?” Fury asks.
“Don’t worry I’ll get him here, as soon as he knows she’s alive he’ll come”
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At first Loki tried being a pain in everyone’s backside and like Thor suspected as soon as he heard that Y/n was alive he came straight away.
“And you’re only just telling me this now brother?”
“We had more important things to worry about Loki”
“She was my friend, you should have told me” It’s true, they were friends. She didn’t like what he did when they first met but overtime he proved to be just like her, a puppet in someone else’s game. They bonded when he was locked up, she always went to visit him. Steve and Fury lost count of how many times they told her to stay away. When he found out she died he didn’t speak to anyone for months, he would create these illusions of the pair talking away until their hearts were content then when he snapped out of it, he would cry till he passed out. Waking up he’ll do it all over again.
“I know, I’m sorry I should of told you”
“All is forgiven dear brother, now what’s the plan to get my sweet pumpkin out of hell?”
Going over the plan, Loki being completely on board with it, they left the tower.
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“Phase one is completed” Loki spoke through the comms.
“Phase two is completed” He spoke again.
“Phase three is compl-“
“You don’t have to say that every phase is completed, just let us know when you’ve got Y/n and when you’re on your way out”. Steve cut him off.
“Someone’s moody” A slight pause “Phase four is completed” Loki rushed out laughing.
Despite their initial annoyance to him being…well Loki, they started to worry when they couldn’t hear anything after a while.
“Loki? Everything going okay?” Thor asked.
“Bloody hell don’t do that again! I nearly fell down the stairs!” They all couldn’t help but laugh at the image of him falling.
“Sorry, just wanted to check in”
“I’m nearly there, oh and by the way phase 47 is completed”
“Phase 47?”
“Yes, there’s a lot of doors and people for me to get through”
“Try and hurry up”
“Don’t rush me Winter”
“Don’t cal-“ Bucky tries to speak but ended up being cut off by Steve.
“Don’t argue, but Loki hurry up”
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Y/n had only been back in her cell for less than an hour before the locks clicked, “No more” she whispered into the darkness.
“Oh Lord. Sweet girl what have they done to you?” With a blurry vision all she could see the outline of a guard slowly approaching towards her, she tried so desperately to scoot backwards away from him but not quite quick enough due to her being so tired and the pain she was experiencing.
“No more” She whispered again.
“No,no,no sweet pumpkin it’s me look” Shifting back into himself “It’s me, your friend Loki”
“Yes it’s me, don’t worry everything will be okay I promise”
“Ho-how are you here?” His heart smashed in his chest at how broken she sounded, in the years he was truly blessed to have known her she always sounded strong, confident - even in his illusions she was never…broken.
“I’m here to get you out my sweet pumpkin, okay? Me and you are going to run off into the sunset and eat as many donuts as we can just like we planned, let’s get you home”
“C-collar nee-needs to come off”
Getting the metal contraption off was easy for him, “Brother… we will need to get her medical attention”
“How bad is it?”
“I-I wouldn’t of recognised her if it wasn’t for her bird tattoo”
Loki hears the team mutter incoherently in the background but he continues “I’m bringing her out now, be with you shortly”
Lifting her up slowly so he doesn’t catch any of the open wounds littering her small frame, he tries to take a step back with his hands in hers, she stumbles. “I’ll need to pick you up sweet pumpkin, oh and turn you invisible - you’re okay with that? Of course you are” he rambled nervously.
He must of looked like a looney as he walks through the corridors of the ultra-maximum security prison with his arms out in front of him and ever so often he would look down and smile softly to what people could see was nothing.
“Almost there sweet pumpkin” He whispered, smiling at her as she responded with a weak nod.
How he managed to pull it off without being detected was lost on the team, but seeing him walk out of the prison then shifting back to himself and making Y/n visible again, they couldn’t stop smiling, that was until the pair got close enough for them to see the damages done to their friend.
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*2 weeks later*
The swelling to Y/n’s face had gone down, her wounds were healing nicely, thanks to the serum and Helen - who burst into tears at seeing her alive, Y/n always made sure that Helen always had a fresh cup of coffee at the beginning off her shift and always brought her, her favourite muffin, she would always come in to the medical bay just to sit and talk or just watch as Helen worked. They had a great friendship, and when Y/n ‘died’ Helen saw her ghost everywhere.
And Bucky, well he point blanked refused to leave her side.
They agreed to let Fury question her, Tony wanted to but he couldn’t stop crying every time he laid his eyes on her.
“Birdie, can you tell me who did this to you?”
“Members of SHIELD, random people”
They collectively gasped at her words. “What, what do you mean?”
“The warden was charging people to have their way with me”
“Birdie, did anyone r-ra-“ Fury hated having to try and ask her that, he couldn’t even get the word out.
“No. They just beat me”
“You said agents of SHIELD took part?”
“Members. Agents and bosses they paid 300 bucks to get their revenge for what I did”
They couldn’t believe what they were hearing, they believed every word coming out of her mouth - whenever she lied her nose twitched and the longer she had to lie for she would end up in a sneezing fit. A reason why she was never told about any birthday party surprises.
“There’s something else, the reason I’m being branded as a traitor is because… the President is a high level member of Hydra”
“Y/n that’s some serious accusation…”
“It’s the truth Fury, he came to the base I was kept and had a member of his staff be injected with my blood, he died. And then he came to see me in the Raft, I’m telling the truth”
“Jesus Christ, what are we going to do?” Bruce muttered from the back of the room, too scared to get close enough to his friend.
“Expose him and Birdie I believe you, I do but first we need more information about anything you can remember”
“I never killed anyone else other than the agents, even though they brainwashed and ordered me to do it I never did! I was able to get away with it until I was ordered to kill the Presidents mistress, I couldn’t do it Fury she was pregnant. I faked her death like all the others, I got her away and went back but-but a few days later I was being dragged into the play room and I was tortured, they showed me photos of her, they had killed her. Th-the baby didn’t even stand a chance.” 
Before Fury could say anything Bucky spoke up “That’s enough for today”
Fury agrees, each member including Loki leaves her and Bucky, kissing her head as they leave.
“I-I’m sorry Bucky”
“What for doll?”
“For not being able to carr-“
“Hey stop that okay! And you shouldn’t ever apologise, not with me anyway” He places a lingers kiss to her temple “How about you get some more rest? King T’Challa will be here soon my love”
Exiting her room, leaving the light dimmed Bucky made his way to the living room where everyone was waiting.
“This is bad. So fucking bad! We can’t just walk up to the President and ask him if he’s a member of Hydra.” Bruce says as he pulls on his hair.
“She’s not lying though”
“I know James bu-“
“Bruce does have a point…” Nat agrees.
“We’ll think of something, we always do. When did T’Challa say he’ll be here?” Tony asks Bucky.
“Soon, he’s bringing Nakia and Shuri” Bucky sits down next to Wanda “I’ve also never heard a royal swear before so that’s new”
“He swore?”
“Oh yeah. When I told him Y/n was alive and gave him the run down of things and well let’s just put it this way, he’d give Y/n a run for her money” In what feels like forever they all laugh.
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The next morning Y/n wakes up with her hand tightly grasped in Bucky’s, his head resting on her thigh, the sun peaking through the curtain casting a orangey hue that danced along his hair, for the first time in over six years she smiles. Smiles at how peaceful he looks as he’s far away in dreamland, it always amazed her how so much younger he looks when he’s asleep. The memories of either one of them creeping into the others bed after a bad dream, or falling asleep on the couch together after another movie marathon, come back full force.
“Are you watching me sleep?” His eyes were still shut, and his voice laced with sleep.
“Pervert” He chuckles.
“Morning sleepy dino nugget” She says as she runs her fingers softly through his hair, lightly laughing at him when he practically purrs when she scratches his head.
“I’ve missed this, missed you” Bright piercing blue eyes flutter open, already gazing at her.
“Me too” Y/n confesses “I meant what I said that day, you know when I tried to kill you, you’re the one that makes me stronger Buck”
“Doll you didn’t try and kill me, not to sound corny but I died the same day you did. I lost you and by losing you, I lost myself.”
“I didn’t want that to happen Buckaroo, you should of continued to live a full, happy life”
“How could I Y/n/n you was gone, dead from either the bullet or the rubble…”
“Cmon now Buck you know the way I want to die”
“Eating way too many donuts that my heart packs in, and if that’s not how I die - I don’t want it” They speak in unison, both smile at each other before bursting out laughing.
“You’ve finally come back to me” Bucky breaths softly as his heart thumps loudly in his chest.
“I’ll always come back to you Buck, always”
He knows he shouldn’t, not yet, not like this but he can’t help himself. He leans in, his eyes darting from hers and down to her lips, he notices her doing the same…
Just as their lips are about to touch, Shuri bursts through the door.
“Y/n… it’s really you! T’Challa it’s really her!” The young princess screams in pure joy.
“I have told you before, don’t call me that. You are my friend. Oh it’s so great to see you again” Shuri rambles as she climbs into the bed next to Y/n. “Look I still have my necklace that you made me, I have never once took it off, always next to my heart” Pulling out the purple, blue and yellow lace that showed many different coloured beads coming in all shapes and sizes. 
Y/n remembered that day she made it for the Princess, Shuri had just completed what was deemed the undoable task of removing Bucky’s programming and since she didn’t want anything in return Y/n went to one of the market stalls and brought beads and a charm. One of the children there had showed her how to braid the three different coloured laces together. The charm was a circle and had a word perfectly designed in the middle of it. When she asked the woman who ran the stall what the word was, she new she had to get it. Friend.
When Y/n gave Shuri the box she was a nervous wreck, it’s not everyday she was able to give a princess a handmade gift, and it wasn’t everyday she was able to make a princess cry.
Shuri opened the box and burst out crying.
Their friendship blossomed even more from that day onwards.
“R-really?” She asked.
“Of course! You are my friend, my first ever friend that didn’t use me for their own gain so of course I still wear it!”
“I still beat you sister” A voice that brought a smile to Y/n lips.
“You’re never going to let me live that down are you?”
“No, no I won’t. It is so good to see you, my dear friend”
“I’ve missed you, King T’Challa”
“No need for formalities Y/n.” Rolling his eyes at her.
“Wait why does he beat Shuri?” Bucky had to ask as he was so confused.
“Did she not tell you?” When T’Challa receives a head shake he laughs “You see, Y/n and I were training together and because I was winning she turned to cheating. She bit me, look I still have a scar nine years on” Showing Bucky the scar of teeth marks on his arm.
“In my defence that could of been anyone’s doing and he just blamed me because he was the one that was cheating, he pointed off to the side and said ‘donuts’ so I looked and next thing I know is I’m on the ground…” The whole house filled with laughter, the team laughing at her antics and the knowledge that she bit a King and live to tell the tale was quite amusing to them.
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After many more hours of taking a trip down memory lane it was time for Y/n to leave.
T’Challa had told Bucky that she always had a home in Wakanda and they all agreed it was the best place for her, for the time being.
With heavy hearts and tears in their eyes they all hugged her, holding tighter than ever before they said their goodbyes.
“Don’t bother saying bye to me doll, I’m coming with you”
“What? Really? Buck are you sure?”
“I have never been more sure in my life, let’s go home sweetheart”
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @learisa @bethexo07 @doublebassallie @cyberficlya @vicmc624 @elijahssuit @unaxv @wasffginc @ladyvenera @casa-boiardi @cjand10 @iloveceandsswithallmyheart @violetwinterwidow01
~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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telvess · 6 months
This is just a suggestion but can I please ask for a Poseidon Hades and Thor with a moray eel darling
But how would they react to meeting her children
Just a suggestion this is what she looks like;
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I didn't know how to write it at first and I'm still not sure if these kinds of headcanons are what you were looking for.
Their reaction to your moray eel children (Poseidon, Hades, Thor)
Your children are troublemakers. Especially your daughter. Her one year younger brother holds the remnants of respect for your commands, but with each day passing you could tell that he is becoming more and more similar to his sister.
Having difficult children has brought you many embarrassing situations. Many gods stopped acknowledging you because of them. You couldn’t blame them. You couldn’t blame your children either, since it was their nature, after all.
He is the Tyrant of the Seas, ruler of the realm you live in, which makes him your king. You knew each other through Proteus, his servant. Poseidon knew you had children.
His first meeting with them was unexpected, because your children decided to visit him on their own behind your back. Once they showed up at his palace, they sneaked under Proteus’ nose and found Poseidon in his chambers.
All three of them weren’t too happy about it. Poseidon immediately recognized the distinctive color of their skin and their resemblance to you. If he was surprised, his face didn’t show it. Your children, on the other hand looked at him with a bit of suspicion, as if they were checking him out.
„You keep stealing our mom!” said your son to which your daughter nodded. Poseidon’s eyes widen for a split second at the accusation. At first he thought you brought your children with you, but now he realized they had came on their own.
He had to admit - they were something else. They had that self-confidence typical of children, bordering on stupidity, but he expected nothing less from their kind. After all, they were from your blood. As the King of the Seas, Poseidon knew better than anyone how dangerous and aggressive you could be in defense of something.
„Your mother chooses to spend her time with me” was his dry reply. Your son looked at his sister, not knowing how to answer. He felt a little doubtful. She looked at Poseidon with confidence that the Most Fearsome God shared, and said haughtily: „I’ll only allow this because you’re my king!”
„How grateful I am” whispered Poseidon starring at your two children.
Even if Hades is the brother of their king, your children will not spare him. You knew this and warned Hades in advance (you also apologised, just in case…).
Fortunately for you, your children were caught in the middle of preparing the prank. You shouted at them, but stopped when Hades - to your surprise - approached your daughter and knelt down next to her, so they were at the same level.
„Young lady, as the elder sibling myself, I must instruct you to not set a bad example to your younger brother,” he said in a calm but firm tone. Your daughter looked at him in silence for a few seconds before she announced indignantly: „Why not? I need someone to stand guard!” You saw Hades trying to keep nonchalant expression, but the corners of his lips twitched slightly.
Hades was a little surprise when he first saw your children. Compared to you, they had much more animal features and were definitely, well… uncouth.
Little troublemakers… watching them brings back memories of his brothers. He lets them to be themself, but is too clever to fall for any of their pranks. If they get out of control, Hades shares with them the story of Typhos, imprisoned in Tartarus, near Hades’ palace. This earns him some respect since he was the one who defeated the monstrous snake giant.
Thor heard a lot about your children before he met them, partly from you, partly from gossips. He was quite aware of what to expect. He wasn’t worried, innocent pranks and jokes didn’t phase him, Loki performed almost every kind of prank on him.
You didn't have to organize the first meeting. Your daughter decided it would so funny to put slime on Mjölnir’s handle, and then hid nearby to see the results of their silly prank. Thor had to admit it was clever idea; after all, it worked. As he tried to lift the hammer, Mjölnir slipped from his hand over the star railing and fell with a loud bang into the grove below. Some of the elves screamed terrified and ran away, but what intrigued him the most were giggles and laughs coming from around a corner.
„You shouldn’t prank someone who can catch you,” he told them once he found them. The children giggled, carefree and not innocent. They were very proud of themselves.
Thor took them to you and in silent listened how you reprimanded them. It was obvious that their apology wasn't sincere, but Thor accepted it without a second thought.
To Thor, your children resembled you a lot. He wasn’t very familiar with ocean creatures; to him, the webbed ears and fins on hands of yours and your children looked identically. But you looked much more human in your elegant movements than your children. They were so clumsy on the land that Thor was surprised that they were so willing to leave the ocean and follow you to his palace.
He gained their curiosity by telling the story of how he defeated Jörmungandr - the World Serpent who dwelled in the world sea. It was a legendary creature that spread terror across the oceans, so of course someone who killed that beast was worthy of their mommy.
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Baby Fever - Part Two
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: Five months had passed since Loki shared that 'Magic Moment' with his niece, Eisa. He really meant what he said... Loki wanted to have a small bundle of joy himself. A positive pregnancy test later, your mission is to tell Loki in the cutest, most perfect way possible...
Warnings: Fluff, fluff, fluff! Pregnancy and a bit of suggestive smut and thirst, if you squint.
Word Count: almost 3,8k
a/n: A lot of you wanted a second part - and here I am to deliver! :) I hope you guys are loving this as much as I do. <3 Thank y'all again for 200 followers! <3
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @lokislittleprincess and everyone, who asked for a part two: @lokisninerealms @homesickasgardian @lucylaufeyson3 :D
If you haven't read the first part yet, you can find it here. Part Three is here! :)
Find my Masterlist here! :)
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Five months had passed since the day Loki had the infamous 'Magic-Moment' with his niece, causing him to catch the biggest baby fever possible. Admittedly, I needed a good three days to actually get over this... It was almost too good to be true, so I wanted to make sure that he really meant it. If the fever would last and was not just a whim of nature. Turned out, it wasn't. Loki told me that almost every day, that he could really imagine to have a family with me and that he wanted a baby to 100 per cent. He told me so often, that I lost count. That one precious moment really seemed to have changed him - in the best way possible. I loved that new side of him - and so, after a serious conversation we had a week later, the decision was final... We were going to try for a baby. My husband had showed me more than once, that he was being serious about this, so who was I to deny him his wish? We were talking about Loki after all...
"So... That's a 'yes', darling? Is it? A true, honest, certain 'yes'?" He held gently both my cheeks in his hands, blue eyes filled with love, adoration and hope staring into mine. I nodded, smiling. "Yes, babe. That's a true, honest, certain 'yes'." I quoted him, placing my hands on his. "I want to have a baby with you, Lokes." His eyes lit up, one of the biggest smiles I had ever seen stretched across his face. "Really?" My husband asked, voice full of giddiness and happiness. "Really." He leaned down to kiss me joyfully. "Let's have a baby then." I nodded once again. "Let's have a baby." He placed another soft kiss on my lips, before his smile shifted, turned into a wolfish grin; something mischievous sparkling in his eyes. "Well then... We should start trying right away, darling." Before I even had the chance to answer him, I felt his hands leaving my cheeks and wandering quickly to my bottom, lifting me up, so that I had no other choice than to wrap my legs around his waist. "Lokiii!" I squeaked up in surprise, but giggled uncontrollably, as he carried me straight to the bedroom.
Quite a bit time had passed since then, and after seemingly endless weeks and weeks of trying, I was now finally looking down at a positive pregnancy test. We had a lot of false alarms before, but not anymore. Not this one. My hands started to shake as a squeal left my lips. Pregnant. We had finally made it! A little Trickster was on the way! I squealed once again and literally jumped through the bathroom out of joy. This was going to be amazing! I quickly hid the positive test, somewhere Loki wouldn't find it. Now I only needed to think of a cute way to tell him... It wasn't easy to find a way, though. I wanted it to be perfect - and that was a high task to manage. And not just that... I was also so excited about this all, that I needed to internally fight myself every day to not just scream it right into his devastatingly handsome face. It literally took me everything I got.
After two days of thinking and scrolling secretly like some kind of detective through the internet, I had found the perfect way to tell him. My plan consisted of three phases. Phase One was quick and easy to prepare. A customized onesie. It was green - of course, with the golden lettering 'Little Trickster' in the centre. I also bought a pair of tiny black leather boots, which looked a lot like Loki's. After that was done, I made sure to leave no hints on our laptop and changed over to Phase Two. In Phase Two, I crafted Loki a little card, on which I wrote 'Hi daddy! I can't wait to meet you!', alongside a small version of Loki's horned helmet. That had been a difficult part. I lost a lot of nerves and spent almost three hours on it, but in the end, it was definitely worth it. The helmet looked amazing and utterly cute. Time for Phase Three, but Phase Three was to 100 per cent the most difficult part...
First off, I made sure that Loki wasn't at home - what he luckily wasn't. Tony had ordered him to a mission, which would last at least the whole day, giving me enough time to implement Phase Three. That was at least what he told me and I hoped he was right… Now I stood in the middle of our kitchen, vomit bag in hands and had absolutely no clue, if my plan was going to work out. I took a deep breath and looked to the ceiling. "Heimdall?" I asked cautiously. "I-I know that you can see me, but... I don't know if you can hear me?" I waited for some kind of a response and fiddled with the bag in my hands, was quite a bit nervous. I had never done this alone before... Travelling to Asgard with the Bifrost without Loki. He did all the work. I just listened, stood beside him and held onto my husband for dear life. Nothing. I didn't know what to do if this wasn't working. I certainly couldn't ask Loki and I also didn't want to ask Thor, because I wanted to tell Loki first - well... second. "But... if you can hear me," I just decided to continue to talk, maybe it worked. "I'd like to, uh, ask for an audience with the Queen of Asg-" I didn't come any further, was interrupted by the rainbow light, swallowing me whole and transporting me straight to Asgard. "Aaaaaa!" I landed luckily safely and not on my butt like the last time we were visiting his home (Loki had laughed his ass off, before helping me stand.). I only struggled a bit to stand secure, but mere seconds after my feet had touched the ground, I felt how nausea overcame me. I knew this was going to happen. It always did. So, before I could even say a single word to Heimdall, I firstly threw up in the bag I still held in my hands. Good thing I thought of bringing it with me... Unfortunately, I had the feeling that it was a lot worse than the times before. Maybe it was because I was pregnant? I didn't know. Anyways, was Heimdall immediately at my side, steadying me. "Are you alright, Lady Y/N?" I nodded, taking a deep breath. "Y-Yes, thank you." I straightened myself again, looked thankfully at the Æsir. "I guess I haven't gotten used to the Bifrost yet. Not even after travelling through it for the nth time." Heimdall just gave me a kind smile, before he let go of me again - but not without making sure that I was able to stand alone. "Thank you, Heimdall." "Of course, Lady Y/N." He stepped back on his podium, giving me a nod. "See you later." "The queen awaits you in the royal gardens." "S-She already awaits me?" Heimdall nodded, smiling at me. "Oh... Alright. Thanks." I smiled back at him and started to make my way towards the palace, but the Gatekeeper's words made me stop in my movements again. "And Lady Y/N?" I turned to face him. "Yes?" He smiled once again. "Congratulations." I frowned. Congratu- Oh... Heimdall knew? I was utterly confused, but a second later, I facepalmed myself internally. Of course he knew! He was the Gatekeeper and saw everything and everyone... I blushed a bit, "Thank you." and bowed my head. "I am truly happy for you and the Prince. Please convey my congratulations to him as well." "For sure, I'll tell him." Another smile played on my lips, before I bid my goodbye for real this time and left; quickly disposing the vomit bag.
Once I reached the palace, the guards let me inside, of course, with a friendly nod. "Alone on a visit today, Lady Y/N?" One of them asked, while opening the big golden doors. I nodded. "Today, yes. I have an important matter to tell the queen." "Please forgive me my bluntness, but I hope it's not a bad matter." I shook my head, smiling. "The best matter possible." Without saying anything further, I walked past them and made my way straight towards the royal gardens; greeting a lot of familiar faces on the way.
When I stepped through the blooming gardens, my eyes landed immediately on the queen. She was standing beside a rose bush, carefully trying to pick a rose. I couldn't help but smile, when I saw her standing there. It had been quite a while since I had lastly seen her.                                                                                    I just wanted to speak up and say hello, when her gaze landed on me, a smile spreading across her face as well. "Y/N, my dear!" She let go of the rose and made quick steps over to me, taking me in her arms immediately. "Your majesty." I bowed my head slightly after hugging her. She was still royalty, after all. "Please... Call me Frigga. How many times have I told you, dear? You belong to the family!" Yes... Frigga was, without a doubt one of the most wonderful people I knew. That woman owned a heart of gold. "Frigga." I corrected myself, still holding on to her forearms. "Let us walk a bit. Heimdall told me, you wanted to talk with me?" I nodded, walked beside her. "Yes, I do. There's something important I want to tell you." I wasn't nervous at all to tell Frigga. Quite the opposite... I was very excited. I knew that she always wished for her sons to have a great life, filled with love, the right women at their sides - and grandchildren. Thor gave her this gift already and now it was time for Loki and me to do the same. "Go ahead, my dear. You know that I always have a sympathetic ear for my daughters-in-law." "Thank you, Frigga. I really appreciate that." I paused for a moment, before I continued; wasn't able to hide the smile on my face. "It makes me very happy to tell you, that you are going to have another grandchild in about eight months." A rather loud gasp left Frigga's mouth and she stopped immediately in her movements. I stopped as well and turned to look at her, biting my lip, trying to hide my smile. She was visibly quite shocked and surprised, didn't expect that at all. But mere seconds later, a big smile began to form on her face. "Oh, my dear..." Frigga pulled me instantly in a tight hug. "You have no idea how happy you just made me." I giggled softly and hugged her of course tightly as well. When she backed up from the embrace, I saw a few tears shimmering in her blue eyes. "My littlest boy is going to be a father..." Frigga said, shaking her head in disbelief. I nodded quickly. "He is, yes." When she looked at me again, I saw a happy tear escaping the corner of her eye. Her hand flew up to cup my cheek gently. "Congratulations. From the bottom of my heart. I am truly, honestly so happy for you and Loki. The love you two are sharing is so very special and strong. And now you are topping this wonderful love with a child. Is there something more beautiful?" Her words almost made me cry as well... "Thank you so much." I wasn't able to form any more words, because I was too caught up in suppressing my own tears. She hugged me once again - what was exactly what I needed in that moment, before letting go of me again. "Does my son already know?" We leisurely continued our stroll through the gardens, smiling at each other. I shook my head. "No, not yet… But that's actually the reason why I'm here. I have a plan on how to tell Loki, but for that plan to work out, I need your help." Frigga smiled at me. "Whatever you wish for."
Three days later, I had everything what I needed... The onesie, the boots, the card, the helmet and the special object Frigga gave me. And as if on cue, Loki had been called for another mission this day, what meant that I could set up everything calmly and take my time to make it perfect. It took me quite a while, but it was worth it. Satisfied, I looked at my good work. Yes... This was perfect. I was the rest of the day literally on edge. Loki could walk every second through the door. I was also a bit nervous, but mostly excited. Of course, I tried to distract myself with doing unnecessary things like sorting my clothes. It was a little bit stupid, but helpful. I was just about to start another silly task, when I heard a key turning in the lock of the main door. My heart skipped a beat and picked up its speed on instant. It was thudding against my ribcage, adrenaline and excitement flooding my veins. "Darling?" Loki's voice called out. I took a deep breath and rushed down the hallway to greet him. "Hi, baby!" My arms found their way immediately around my husband's neck, just like his arms sneaked around my waist, pulling me closer. He was donning his full Asgardian armour - except the helmet; the leather cool against my skin. The smell of sweat and leather hit my airways, with a small trace of Loki's cologne. "Hello." "Successful mission?" He sighed. "Yes, but it was quite tiring and long." I pressed my lips against his for a loving kiss. "I'm sorry to hear that, Lokes." But I have a wonderful surprise for you, I thought. But instead, I said: "Go have a shower and after that, we are going to order pizza and flop on the sofa, watching Netflix or so." Loki began to smirk, a boyish glint in his eyes, as he squeezed my hips. "Netflix and Chill?" He asked, winking. I just rolled my eyes, but smiled. "You are insatiable, do you know that?" "Yes, I am more than aware of that. I could never have enough of you, my queen. My glorious purpose is to make love to you and worship you until the end of time." His words sped up my already fastly beating heart even more; butterflies running wild inside my stomach. The love I felt for this man was infinite. "Gods, I love you, Lokes. So much." Loki certainly didn't expect this reaction from me (Thanks to my hormones.), but he reciprocated the kiss I pulled him into nevertheless immediately. "I love you, too, my love." I could see the love flickering in his blue orbs. Our lips met again, before Loki gave me another mischievous grin. "And besides... We are on a mission, remember, darling?" I knew of course what he meant. "A mission that isn't successfully completed yet." If only you knew, I thought and bit my lip, playing along. "Well, that is quite right... Go shower nowand relax firstly a bit, babe. Then we can think about the 'Chill' part." Loki leaned down to capture my lips once again with his, "Whatever my queen desires." before he let go of me and passed me by, making his way to the bathroom. As soon as the door clicked shut behind him, a deep breath left my lips. The countdown was set... It was so thrilling to know, that Loki was going to find without a doubt the biggest surprise in his life in a few minutes. I passed the time by nervously pacing back and forth. I literally couldn't wait for the moment to come.
About fifteen minutes later, I heard how Loki turned off the shower; the water stopping to run. There it was… The moment. I quickly tiptoed to the bathroom and waited in front of the door, till he exited the now steamy room; preventing him from going to the bedroom. Loki's still wet raven hair was being held together by a manbun; the black t-shirt he wore clinging tightly to his still slightly damp skin. The grey sweatpants he wore were hanging low on his hips, revealing a glimpse of his perfect v-line. His eyes landed immediately on me, brows furrowing slightly in confusion, but I had been slightly too distracted to notice. "Darling, what...?" My husband's words brought me back to reality, pulling me away from my thirsting thoughts and reminding me, that there was a surprise waiting for him. I looked up into his eyes, biting my lip to hide the smile. "Sorry, Lokes, but... I want to show you something, okay?" He nodded, still a bit confused. "Of course. What is it, Y/N?" I gently took his hand in mine, dragged him slowly after me. "You'll see, my love." I smiled at my husband and led him towards the bedroom. The door was closed - on purpose, of course. I let go of his hand again and nodded towards the door. "Open the door." He frowned, had visibly no idea what I was insisting, but placed his hand on the handle. "Okay." He slowly, almost cautiously opened the door and peeked inside. Loki looked back at me; even more confusion written all over his gorgeous face. "Why is there a huge gift standing in our bedroom, darling? It's not my birthday today, as far as I can recall." He was, of course, referring to the big box, standing inside our living room. The package looked like a gift, had a bow on top and a few golden and green balloons were bound to it, hovering in the air. I shrugged my shoulders, played the innocent. "I don't know. I guess you'll have to find out."
He went inside the bedroom, approaching the gift carefully, but curiously. I followed him, stood by the side and watched. Loki stepped closer, inspected the box. I was excited how long it was going to take him to find the first hint. Turned out, it didn't take him that long... I had placed the small version of Loki's horned helmet on top of the box. "Why is there a miniature horned helmet?" He took it in his hands, taking a look, before he faced me again. "Maybe it's a hint for you to open the box..." Another frown contorted his face. Loki put the helmet aside, placed it on the bed. "You are being very mysterious at the moment, darling. What is going on in that beautiful head of yours? What have you planned?" Once again, I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a soft smile. "Fine..." He untied the balloons, then carefully the bow and lifted the lid, causing the four sides of the quadratic box to fall open, revealing a smaller box. I had placed the reason why I had been to Asgard on that said box. Loki squatted down, took the object in his hands, then getting up again. He turned towards me. "Love what... Where did you get that from? Why is this here?" Loki turned the wooden toy in his hands. It was a black painted wolf - his favourite toy when he had been a child, like Frigga told me. I smiled at him. "What do you think?" He shook his head. "I don't know what I should think right now. I am highly confused." "Then I guess you need to have a look inside the final box." Without saying another word, he knelt down, placed the wolf carefully beside himself and literally ripped open the box; too impatient now. I was biting my lip again, when I witnessed his eyes widen at what he saw. I had put the green onesie inside, alongside the tiny boots and the card. "What-" Loki's hand reached for the things, his eyes reading the words, written on the card. 'Hi daddy! I can't wait to meet you!' And then, it clicked. I could tell by his expression. "I thought we should have a little piece of your history for your child to grow up with..." His head snapped into my direction, hands trembling slightly, as he held the onesie in a death grip. "M-My child?" His voice was quivering; his eyes getting more and more glassy with every passing second. "Y-You are...?" He snivelled, gaze lowering to rest on my stomach. I nodded, felt how my own tears started to fall as well. "Yes, babe. I'm pregnant." A heart-wrenching sob left his lips, as the realisation sank fully in with my spoken words. Loki scooted over to me as quickly as somehow possible, arms wrapping around my middle, his face buried in the t-shirt I wore. My hands found his hair, running my fingers through his locks as the happy tears he shed wetted the white fabric. I had never seen my husband like that. So emotional, so deeply touched. It made my heart slosh over with love for this man.
It took Loki quite a few moments to calm a bit down again. The tears had stopped falling from his now puffy, reddened eyes, but he was still on his knees in front of me; my hands still in his hair. Without saying a word, he brought up his shaky hands and lifted gently, carefully my t-shirt, revealing the bare skin of my stomach. Loki pressed a soft, lingering kiss there, before his oceanic eyes met mine again. "I'm going to be a daddy..." He stated, shaking his head slightly in disbelief. "I can't believe this... What a wonderful surprise, darling." I smiled down at him, tracing his sharp cheekbones. "You're not just going to be a daddy, Lokes... You're going to be the best daddy. Hence, you're an awesome uncle already! And I am very happy and relieved that you loved my surprise." He breathed out a laugh. "How could I not be happy about this surprise? I am the happiest man alive, my love." Loki lowered my t-shirt again and stood up. "Thank you so much for gifting me with becoming a father." He smiled brightly; his hands returning to my still flat belly, before he captured my lips in a breath-taking kiss. "I love you, my darling. My queen, my goddess. And I already love our baby so much." I smiled. "We love you, too, babe."
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We have the perfect example of this with the Ant-Man movies.
The first two were wonderful and most of their success came from the ensemble cast and the personal relationships the characters had with one another. But then with Quantumania, they got rid of half the cast, it was a CGI fest, the story had absolutely nothing to do with Scott and it served more as an introduction of the main bad guy than an Ant-Man movie. And so of course, it flopped.
Daredevil never needed a universe-ending level story for it to be good. It was personal between Matt and Fisk, and Matt had fully-fledged supporting characters. TWS never needed an end-of-the-world level story, Hydra's threat was scary enough and it was personal between Steve and Bucky. The main strength of the GoTG trilogy is that all movies are personal for the characters and again, the relationships the characters have with one another are the main focus of the stories.
But now it's rarely personal anymore. The Loki series refuses to address Loki's story, MoM had nothing to do with Stephen and it pitted two characters against each other who had never interacted before, L&T was a huge waste of time and still to this day I have no idea what the point of that movie was supposed to be...
There are some exceptions post-Phase 3, but this personal angle is what I miss the most these days. Having the stakes always be the end of the universe is taking a lot from those stories and it is a huge shame. Sometimes it doesn't hurt the narrative, like in NWH, but the Eternals was ridiculous. I liked that movie but that huge af Celestial was truly necessary? Especially when it's never going to be addressed again? 🤦‍♀️
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