#patty o furniture
newwavesylviaplath · 1 month
evan peters could've been such a sexy drag queen why did they make patty o furniture look absolutely busted. like i know the whole point was for him to be shitty at drag but COME ONNNNN
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queenofcringe · 1 year
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Hello LGBTQ community
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she-whodreams · 2 years
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The grip this has on me 😩
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silverzoomies · 7 months
Uuuh, let's try the ship thing!
We often talk but I'll give you something more juicy(?), hehe - I hope to give you useful info.
You know my physical appearance: hash blonde short hair, hazel eyes, pale, kinda skinny. Invisible breasts (lol), more "hips person" (?)!
I'm a stubborn actress/voice actress and, yeah, let's say I'm a writer too. I just love to make someone laugh and I can be veeery silly (master of dad jokes) but I start to suffer from depression and anxiety many years ago. Nostalgic, melancholic, dreamer, lil weirdo. I'd love to live in other past eras. I just adore cats, people say to me I am a part of the feline crew. I'm a creature of habit, lazy and selective but not "choosy". Even if people hurt me bad, I hope in the ones I love. If I love you, I'll be there for you. Sincerely.
Taurus. Chocolate Addict. Hypochondriac. Probably pansexual... okay.
Is It all? Nope.
Should I stop? Definitely.
Thank you in advance, my sweet friend. I'm so curious! 🩶✨
P. S. : Sorry for the errors, oopsie!
please don't apologize for any errors !! it's no biggie !!
❤️ ✧❁❁✧✿✿✧❁❁✧❤️🧛‍♂️❤️✧❁❁✧✿✿✧❁❁✧ ❤️
Oh, my dear friend. My sweet, gorgeous pal. My good buddy. I love you so much. Listen. Are you listening? Okay. Let’s headcanon for a moment Austin (aka Patty O’ Furniture) is bi/pansexual, yeah? That’s your man right there. Be real with me, he totally is. Think about it.
Austin, with his eccentric theatrics and charismatic stage presence (kudos to vampire drug). He’s so flamboyant, so sassy, always talking in that sing-song voice. And you? You're just as silly and entertaining. With a bit of stubborness? Ooooh~! He’d just adore you. Y’know that, right? He'd eat you up !! metaphorically, of course (he might think about doing it literally).
Since you share his interest in the arts, who’s to say he wouldn’t bond with you over them? You have these dreams of becoming an actress, with all this experience playing characters, writing, etc etc. There’s only one problem…Austin would definitely try and get you on that muse drug too. Hell, if you tried it, he’d probably lure you into his vampire escapades. Like his cute sidekick.
But, oh, you’d become such a genius of your craft, thanks to that drug. He’d admire every minute of it! Austin would love sharing ideas with you. He’s a playwright, so he might have you read and act out some lines from his work.
He seems like such a cat guy to me too. I can totally see him with a cat in his lap, stroking its soft fur. Reading over lines with you and sharing gossip from his experiences in show business. Sucks that you’re stuck forever as a vampire now. But you both make pretty gorgeous vampires. It’s so worth it, if it means spending forever in each other’s company; indulging in as much creative inspiration as possible. ❤️🧛‍♂️❤️
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channeling patty o. furniture!
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Family Cuddle Pile
a/n: I actually wrote this a while ago but it was perfect for the request. Theirs like, no content for this ship an I love it so much! Thank you for reading :) @arodynamic-enby
Pairings: romantic Anxceitmus and kid!Patton also super background Logince
Warnings: tattoos, less than ideal parent mentions, food mention, and light cursing
Word count: 1,844 
Remus flopped out of bed, throwing his body carelessly across the room. He hastily threw on his clothes. Short shorts, ripped fishnets, a vest that was more patches than original material, really big clunky shoes, and a ripped up band-t. He also hooked his favorite bone earrings in his tattered earlobes. 
He stomped into his apartment’s kitchen. He grabbed a stale piece of bread he soaked it in coffee. Yawned and grabbed his bag, racing out the door. 
His brother was waiting for him at the tattoo shop, sketching a new idea. Unlike him, Roman only had a few tattoos, including not one, not two, not three… but three Disney quotes, a frog on a mushroom, a rose on his arm, and a constellation. Most of his tattoos were covered by tasteful burgundy overalls and a white button-down shirt.
Remus’ tattoos were also mostly covered by his clothes. But he had a tattoo sleeve depicting the garden of Eden, a matching frog on a mushroom, a quote from one of Roman’s books, medically accurate bone structures on his hand, a realistic spider on his neck, and a snake wrapping around his non-sleeved arm. And those were just the visible ones. 
Suffice to say, the twins were very different. 
Remus threw his bag onto the floor in the backroom, “Ro, when’s the first appointment!!” he yelled. “Your’s? At 11. FYI, Jan n’ Pat are coming over at 12, for motivation” Remus smiled, fuckin’ superb. 
He busied himself in collecting the ink and preparing the tattoo gun. The client wanted a fucking orange on their wrist, it should only take an hour or two but Remus was not excited to do a frickin’ orange circle. 
The prissy orange bitch came in and Remus got to work. They didn’t move much and only cried a little bit when the needle started jabbing at their skin. Remus liked this part of the process, stabbing people consensually was his favorite thing ever… also the art part but stabbing people!
Almost exactly an hour later the door jingled open. “Dada!!” a tiny voice called back into the store. “I’ll be there in a minute patty-cake” Remus called from his spot hunched over the client's arm.
He added the final touches to the fruit and helped the orange bitch off the chair. Roman swept the client away, Remus practically ran to greet his partner and son.
Janus wore a leather corset over a black collared shirt and baggy pants, their long platinum hair framed their face under their signature hat. They were holding hands with a toddler wearing mostly pink and blue, his blond hair (that matched Janus’) was a mop of curls barely held together by a few butterfly clips. 
“Dada, Dada!!! I got you a flower” the little boy cried, letting go of Janus’ hand and stumbling towards the tall man who scooped him up. Patton giggled and held out a sweaty flower clenched in his chubby fist. 
Remus accepted the flower with a gasp, ”this is really for me?” he said joyfully. Adjusting the small boy in his arms Remus turned towards Janus who was looking at the pair with a disgustingly sappy expression. 
“What are you lookin’ at hot stuff?” Remus teased. “Shut it you,” Janus said, pressing a kiss to Remus’ check. Patton made a noise, “icky” he said pushing Janus away. They laughed, “yes darling, we’re very icky”. 
“When’s verge-“
“he’ll be home at 4” 
“Stop by the Sleepy Café before you bring Pat to the apartment?”
“Can do scootal-lo!” 
Remus turned back to the little boy in his arms, “looks like you're stuck with me squirt”. Patton beamed and snuggled into Remus’ chest. Janus smiled again, “I’ll see you, boys, at dinner,” they said, ruffling Pat's hair and peaking Remus on the lips quickly so as to not upset the toddler. “Bye-bye Janny!!” Patton called after Janus as they left for work. 
“Righty-o,” Remus said, carrying Patton into the back room. “I know Ro’s got a couple coloring books, wanna do those for a bit?” Patton nodded and reached towards the ground to be put down. Remus plopped Patton on the couch and pulled out the book and pens as well as a sketchbook off his own. They sat together coloring and drawing until Roman came back to hug Patton. 
“Ah, my favorite nephew!” Roman said, scooping up the little boy. Patton laughed and pulled Roman’s hair. “Roro, can I color your arm pictures??” he asked, pointing to Roman’s rose tattoo. Roman plopped the toddler back down on the couch and handed him a pen. 
Patton went to work on the rose, scribbling reds and pinks and greens across his arm. Roman gave him complements each time Patton paused, and each time Patton shushed him and went back to work. Remus finished up his sketch, adding it to the pile of tattoo ideas they were eventually going to put up-front, and sat next to the toddler. 
“That’s really good pat-” 
Remus nodded and mimed zipping his lips. He liked spending time with the kid. They weren’t biologically related but who gives a fuck about blood, unless it’s outside of your body, then it’s fun. 
“I don’ wanna” Patton wined his dad sighed “I know bubbles but we gotta go home to Papa and Janny, isn’t that fun” Patton considered this, “but Roro’s pretty arm picture” he argued. Remus scratched the back of his neck, “Pffffff- Ummm, how about this, we go home now and I’ll take you back to the shop tomorrow after pre-school” 
Patton brightened considerably, “ok” he chirped. “up please” the toddler’s chubby hands reached towards Remus who obediently scooped him up with a coo. After all who was he to say no to uppy hands. 
“See ya tomorrow, have fun on your date with the nerd” Remus sang as he snatched his bag juggling the still fussy Patton in his other arm. “Fu- Frick off Re. Say hi to your partners for me,” Romans said affectionately and waved as his twin left the building. 
Remus happily trotted out into the road. The tattoo shop was located on a quaint little street in the more commercial segment of their town only a short walk from Janus’ job. 
A light drizzle floated around them and the air was warm and comforting. Patton squealed as a large drop of water hit him in the head, prompting a laugh from Remus.
A jingle sounded through the peaceful cafe, the brown room was illuminated by those cool old fashion lights and a lovely array of pastries made the air smell of chocolate and blueberry scones. But the scones, as delicious as they were, weren’t the snack Remus was here for
“Hey babe- Remus why are you soaking wet”
“Puddle” Patton screeched. 
“Kid’s right, Puddle.”
Janus pinched their eyebrows, “ya know what, I’m not even surprised anymore. Just make sure Patton doesn’t catch a cold” they scolded. 
Remus nodded and saluted in mock seriousness, “yes captain” he said and pressed a kiss to Janus’ face over the cash register, “I’ll see ya in a bit” Remus grinned and led Patton back out of the cafe. 
Janus sighed lovingly as they watched their boyfriend and son turn to cross the street, Patton’s hand clasped around Remus’ happily. “Stop looking so happy, you're scaring the customers” Remy teased from across the counter. “Ha, Ha,” Janus glared and went back to work” 
Janus’ apartment was a cute two-bedroom space on the fourth floor of the building. The furniture was an interesting combo of vintage and things from the side of the road. The vintage parts came from their parent’s house, their father had died two years after Janus’ had run away and hadn’t thought to write them out of the will. 
The three of them had made a date out of customizing the few pieces that Janus wanted to keep. The customization mainly included darkening everything and adding more gothic touches. Virgil had done the fabrics, Remus the painting, and Janus moral support/ director. 
The three partners had also painted the kitchen/dining room/living room black with one yellow wall. Janus and Virgil’s room was dark purple instead of black with highlights in the same yellow. Patton’s room was the only one that didn’t  look marginally like a cave. 
The walls were a cream-yellow that lit up in the morning sunlight. After Janus announced that they were going to have a baby Remus had spent three hours painting the grey ceiling with white fluffy clouds. It was one of his favorite projects. 
Patton of course had no regard for the work put into the entirety of his home and was the usual menace of a toddler. And today a toddler with cheerios, truly a sight even god would tremble before. 
Remus plopped down next to Patton who was pushing cheerios around his highchair tray with an intense focus. He smiled at the little boy and flicked on the tv, “got any requests pip-squeak?” Remus asked. Patton looked thoughtful, “dead lady!!” he cried excitedly hitting the tray with his fists, cheerios flew everywhere. Remus nodded, understanding, “Corpse bride coming up!” he picked a few cheerios from the couch “you really are Verge’s kid” 
When Janus got home Patton was curled up on Remus’s chest. Both slept soundly despite the dead folk on the screen in front of them singing about the wedding. 
Janus smiled, their family was fucking adorable. They slipped off their shoes and snuggled up into Remus who hummed happily and pulled Janus into the hug still asleep. 
Three hours later Virgil trudged up the four flights of stairs huffing indignantly with each step. Of course, he could take the elevator… but it might break down and he would be stuck for hours. Or someone could get into the elevator with him and he would have to interact with a stranger. So stairs it was. 
He rummaged around his baggy hoodie, running his fingers through his dark purple hair in annoyance when he couldn’t find the key. Once he found it Virgil carefully (as he did everything) opened the apartment door. His combat books clunked satisfyingly against the hardwood floors as he entered his house. Virgil felt the tension leave his muscles, he was home. He glanced across the room, looking for his family. 
Virgil’s face lit up like a god damned Christmas tree. 
Across the room, both his partners and his son were curled up sleeping happily. Drool covered Remus’ face and Janus was snoring, they were the most precious thing Virgil had seen all freakin day. 
The three of them woke as Virgil wrapped his arms around them, Patton squealed in excitement. “Hello, darling” Janus mumbled sleepily into Virgil’s arm. Remus just groaned and nestled into the hug. The toddler wriggled between his dads squealing profusely. “Shhh, s’ sleepy time” Remus mumbled, rolling deeper into the cuddle pile and shutting Patton up. 
Virgil smiled and pressed a kiss to his partner’s cheek. “Mmm, love you” they purred. “Love you too Jan,” Virgil said, nestling his face in their neck. Virgil knew he would have to start dinner soon but that could wait, for now, cuddles.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
aw, sweet loceit in the evening sun. logan is actually super good at explaining healthy relationships and boundaries and stuff actually, i betcha he could recognize abuse no problem
…aye remy! REMY!! HAve you thought about going to that gay bar more often? who knows, maybe you'll encounter someone nice, make friends with like-minded people, hear some disco, the full nine yards. janus might be there, remus might be there. (just look around for the guy with the blue tie, he's a great guy, if he's not wearing it he'll look like he has that blue tie kinda energy! you could totally just get drunk and unload your grievances on him and i bet he won't even mind!)
(Mentions of U!Virgil but I say beforehand when that happens so those who don’t like U!Virgil can enjoy the rest of the fic up until then)
(Words: 4100)
Remy wiped away a tear while looking at your message. The cold light from their phone was the only thing brightening up the room. Virgil was sleeping beside them, his arm was laid around their waist.
"You just like tots gave me the greatest idea! I'm gonna invite Rem out to the bar! It's gonna the funnest thing like ever! Thanks girl!!"
2 days later Remus was dangerously close to eating the moss straight from the gay bar's wall. He had been left without supervision for over 15 minutes while he sat outside waiting for his friend to show up, what else was he supposed to do?!
Remy came towards him as fast as they could. They had on a short leather skirt, a neon mesh crop top and a leather jacket over it.
They did a little turn "I just like felt a bit glamorous today!" 
Remus choked on his own spit "The world must be a dark place when you aren't feeling glamorous"
"Awwww babbbe"
He sent them a big grin. He'd just put on his usual oversized dysphoria hoodie and matching oversized (:O) sweatpants.
Remus' smile disappeared in an instant as he noticed dark bruises all around Remy's neck. Shades of purple and green collided against each other.
"Ehm did a vampire come and attack you last night? Seriously are you alri-"
"JUst a reminder that it will be loud in there" Remy interrupted.
"Oh. Right!"
He fumbled around in his bag after his headphones. After putting it and a chew necklace on he did a thumbs up. Remy took off their sunglasses and leaned down so they were face to face.
Their face was so close he could feel their breathe against his lips. They put the sunglasses onto him and sent him a soft smile.
“There’s like lots of bright lights too” They explained.
Remus’ heart fluttered. He didn’t understand why “T-thanks”
They moved their arm around his shoulders as they went into the bar. It was past 12 am so some of the daytime furniture had been moved to make place for a dancefloor. There was indeed lots of neon lights flickering all around the bar and fast pop music was blasting through the speakers.
It was hard to see any details of anyone around him so Remus quickly forgot about the bruise. In this lighting it just looked like a weird choker anyway.
A guy with a see through shirt bumped into Remus. He had top surgery scars. For a moment they looked at each other in the most knowing way. The stranger looked away and continued talking with whoever he was with.
Remus whole body seemed to vibrate. There were so many butterflies in his stomach it felt like he was going to puke, in a good way.
Remy sat him down on one of the tall barstools and slumped down right next to him “So whatcha gonna drink?”
“The squashed down organs of my enemies!!!” He shrugged “Soda?”
They burst out into laughter “What? You catholic or something? Not allowed to drink alcohol?”
He slumped in on himself and started fiddling with his necklace “I-I dunno-”
“No. No babe I was just like joking. Like a stupid bitch. It’s okay” They waved at the waiter “Your most alcoholic fruit mix and your finest coca cola please!”
Remus leaned in to whisper “With salt”
“With salt? Please!”
He kept vibrating like an overexcited weasel. After getting their drinks he kept tapping the glass to stim some of the happiness out.
“Honestly I’ve never been to a gay bar before. I’m digging it. Just like how I’m digging graves”
They playfully hit his shoulder “Then I’m tots gonna try my best to make this the  ultimate first gay bar experience! I can’t think of any other lil fucked up gremlin buddy I would wanna have by my side!”
"Muhahah!! I am officially assigned ultimate gremlin buddy-”
“Greetings” A voice suddenly came from behind them.
Both of them flinched away. Remy let out a short yell and Remus was close to throwing his drink in the person’s face when he saw it was just Logan.
He had on jeans and a black button up with the top button unbottoned. He had with him iced coffee from starbucks because he had to drive home later.
“LOGIE!!!” Remy threw their arms around his neck to pull him closer “Babe this is the Log-legend. Once he was like sooo drunk so when he like tried to kiss me puked on my shoes instead!”
Logan grimaced “I am still very sorry about that”
“Oh I already know him through Janus” Remus replied. 
“Oh my gawd babe” Remy looked between them all “So like we all know Janny?! Wig! Sad he isn’t here then”
Remus held up his cola “Cheers to J-anus!” The other two held up their glasses in agreement.
“He is very pretty and charming and cute” Logan dreamily sighed. He stopped himself from continuing to say compliments.
“Yeah” The other two sighed back in unison.
Logan sat down on a chair next to them. Remy looked around the bar before squinting at him “No Patty?”
He instantly started looking like a Very sad seal “Sadly my wife is away on a convention with her magical girl anime fanclub this whole week. I estimated that going to the bar would make me feel less lonely”
“You have a WIFe??? Like a real one???” Remus exclaimed, his eyeballs were close to popping out from surprise.
“Yes. This may be a controversial opinion but when I marry someone I prefer them to be physically real” He replied druly.
He got a smug grin on his lips “Does she peg you?”
“She does far more than just peg me”
“Nice!” His eyes went even wider “IS That a stim toy??!”
He pointed at the tangle Logan kept between his fingers “Correct. If I do not have something to relieve my focus onto I can easily go into senso- OH a chewie?”
Remus nodded while showing of his chew necklace. The two of them started rambling about their favorite stim toy. Until they went off into special interests (star trek/astronomy and art/animal biology respectively).
Soon enough Remus was showing pictures of the animal bones he’d found. Logan ooeh and ahhed at all of them before asking the most nerdy of questions (where he’d found them, their bone density, if any damage had been done to them) which only made Rem infodump which made Lo infodump which made them both happy stim.
Meanwhile Remy sat beside them completely zoned out. They got time to drink 2 more of those fruit mixes and a few shots. The room was starting to spin.
The loud music wasn’t keeping out the yelling. They dunked their forehead against the bar table and covered their ears to try and get it out. The music was supposed to keep it out! Why was nothing working! The bruise ached. Their throat closed in on itself until they couldn’t breathe. 
“Remus” They gasped out. They looked over to their friend with a desperate look in their eyes. They just needed a distraction.
“So my theory for why you keep finding bones in specifically that part of the woods is because of the kind of dirt making it take longer for them to deco-” Logan was explaining while Remus nodded along.
“Rem! L-let’s like go up and dance or something. Please” 
This time it caught Remus’ attention. He looked over to them “Sure- are you feeling alright? Did you drink too much? You’re looking like a mummy”
“Yes. No. I just like- Like- They’re playing Charli xcx of course we gotta like dance!!”
“I will protect your belongings then” Logan added.
Remy stumbled up on shaky legs. Remus sent them a warm smile that made them want to cry before taking their hand. He let them lead him out to the dancefloor. Honestly he was pretty nervous about it, but being with them always made some of the anxiety melt away.
They stumbled on their own feet and fell forward. Their friend took ahold of their wrists and pulled them close to his chest. Their faces were so close to each other. So so close.
He didn’t let go. They couldn't remember him ever letting them hold him this close. Their chests pressed against each other. Their arms around his shoulders. His hands on their back. 
"You’re right. It is a good song. Good to crash a car too" Remus said absentmindedly.
Remy let up into shaky giggles from how sudden he’d said it “Yeah. Yeah I guess” 
They kept giggling. He chuckled back. He started spinning around on the dancefloor. They moved with him. His arms wrapped closer around their waist. Their cheek leaned against the slope of his neck (even though they had to lean down to get on his height level).
Remy quietly sang along to the music which made Remus start yelling along to it. The enby threw their head back from laughter. They took his hand and intertwined their fingers.
Remus moved his hand out and spun them around before pulling them close again. Their cheeks were flushed red, his was as well. He playfully dipped them down when the song ended.
It continued on into a song neither of them knew but they kept dancing anyway. They didn’t stay as pressed close to each other but they always had some contact. Holding hands. An arm around a waist. A head leaning against a chest.
When they finally got back to the bar table they were both panting. Remy was completely leaning on Remus since their body had started to hurt, but even through the pain they were both bubbling over with so much happiness they kept breaking out into bouts of giggling.
To their surprise Logan wasn’t sitting alone. A tall person with long dark hair sat on the chair beside him. Xir hand was on his thigh. The nerd had a soft smile on his face as they leant close to talk.
“Uh Lo?” Remus had to wave his arms around to get his attention.
His head shot around to look at them “Hello” He glanced to the person “These are the ones I was protecting belongings for” He stood up and held out his hand “Shall we?” Xir took it. Logan waved at his friends before going off to the dancefloor with the stranger.
“Huh. Good for him” 
“I guess”
Remy ordered another high alcohol fruit mix. Remus happily chewed on his necklace while humming along to the music. Between their chairs their hands hang with their fingers intertwined. Holding their hand had started to make Remus feel all funny in the head for some reason.
The enby watched on as Logan and the stranger danced for a bit before moving to a corner to make out. When the stranger started to lead him towards the bar’s bathrooms Remy turned to their friend.
“Yeah okay he’s not coming back for like a while. Smoke break?”
“Of course!”
They finished their drink before leaving the bar. The pair stopped right outside. Remus sat down on the side of the pavement. Remy tried to sit down but they stumbled over themself and fell flat on the ground.
Remus got up to help “Are you okay? Are you sure you haven’t drank too much?”
“I’m fine. I’m fine” They laughed out.
He sat them down on the pavement while dusting off their clothes. He patted them on the head while pouting “You should get some water”
“Naaaah babe. I’m good”
In the moonlight the bruise was visible again. That horrible dark purple bruise around their neck. It looked like it hurt.
Remus put his hand on their shoulder “Beanie are you alright? I do know it wasn’t some halloween monster that got you that bruise”
For a moment their whole body tensed, they forced a smile “It’s fine. me and my boyf just tried like some new kinky shit in the bedroom y’know. Nothing more” They lied.
They took out a cigarette pack and a lighter from their bag. They traced their thumb over Remus’ lower lip and opened his mouth just slightly. Remy leaned closer while putting a cigerette between his lips. They lit it.
Remus took a deep breathe. It’d been a while since he’d last smoked. He leaned so close the cigarette nearly touched Remy’s skin. They parced their lips as he breathed out the smoke right into their mouth.
A smile spread on their lips. He held the cigarette over to them but they shook their head. They looked around in their bag again and took out a small poppers bottle.
“Should you really take that. Won’t your brain melt out of your ears?” Remus asked “I really don’t wanna have to slorp up your brain juice...yet”
“Relax babe. It’s like not dangerous as long as I don’t like take too much and I only take when partying” It took a moment before they quietly added “And I only party when I need to get out of the apartement”
They forced on a bigger smile “What?”
Remy moved the popper up to their nose and inhaled as much of it as they could. It took a few seconds before they let up into a giggle. It was in a higher tone than their usual bubbly laugh, it almost sounded like cackling. They could see stars.
(U!Virgil mentions from here on out)
“Y’know my boyfriend gave me like a flashback or whatever last night” They giggled while swaying from side to side.
Remus gently grabbed their shoulders and moved them to lean against him so they wouldn’t fall over “Uhu. Did you stab him?”
“No silly. He just. He’d been soooo sweet all weeek and I just I just ruined it ‘cause i like overeacted to some joke he made while like we were washing the dishes” They were barely even aware they were speaking “And like it just kept going until we were like screaming at each other”
Remy was still smiling and giggling between every word but tears started to form in their eyes. Their fingers felt numb. Bile was rising in their throat.
“And he just like threw the plate he was holding down on the ground. And it like didn’t hit me. He wasn’t even aiming at me. He was just throwing it at the ground. But it shattered and it was so stupid and overemotional and stupid and pathetic but I just I just curled up on the floor and like had a panic attack like a stupid baby”
They smeared their hand across their face to try and get the tears away. They felt sick. Remus quickly put out his cigarette, it didn’t feel like the right time to smoke.
“And I just like- Is that normal? Is that fine? Like throwing stutff like that? I-I- he’s never done it before. Or I mean like not plates” They looked up at Remus “Is it fine?”
He gulped while fiddling with his hoodie sleeve “Well uh did he apologize?”
“Mhmm. He like- like for some minutes he like kept yelling ‘cause he thought I was just like faking a panic attack to like I dunno manipulate him but then he like comforted me and like calmed me down and like held me and cuddled all night until I fell asleep and- and he said sorry a bunch of times and like he said it would never happen again. He uh usually doesn’t lie”
“Well ehm then it should be fine right? Right?” They both shrugged at each other “I mean everyone can make mistakes! And it was during an argument! Everyone does drastic things during an arguments! So it’s fine. I think”
A shaking breathe of relief left Remy’s lips. They stretched themself over his lap and he moved his arms around them. “Thanks babe. I was like tots worried for a bit but y’know i was thinking like that too. So it’s fine”
“Yeah” He combed his fingers through their hair “You do know you can vent to me whenever right? I promise I won’t gross you out with details about how to pull out rabbit teeth ever again so if I can hold that back then I can also listen to stuff! I can super listen!!”
They closed their eyes. They felt so tired. So tired and sick and horrible. “Mhm. I know babe. I know”
Remy sent him a soft smile before suddenly puking. Some of it came on his pants but mostly on the ground. Remus stood up and carefully moved them down to a sitting position.
He rubbed up and down their back with one hand and held their hair back with his other. Their shoulders were shaking and they were taking in shallow breathes between every sudden throw up.
“It’s okay beanie-boo. Breathe. Breathe. You got all the time in the world. Until the sun blows up at least”
“I-I took- too much- too much” They slurred out before lurching forward again. It seemed to stop for now.
“I’m aware” He carefully wiped away some of the puke left around their mouth with his hoodie sleeve.
They leaned back against his chest. They closed their eyes and focused on breathing. He held them so so gently. As if they would break like glass otherwise. He pressed a kiss to the top of their head.
“There you are!” Logan said as came through the bar entrance “What a relief. I assumed you had left without me because you thought my actions were unacceptable” He noticed how pale and shaky Remy looked and got a worried look on his face “Is everything alright?”
“They feel like someone has slammed a fish into their stomach. Not good” Remus replied.
“I see. I suppose it woud be best to get them home”
Logan picked Remy up with ease to carry them to his car. He was quite sure he’d carried dogs that weighted more than them. Remus anxiously followed along.
He sat them in the passenger seat. He shook their shoulders until they opened their eyes. They let out a quiet whine.
He held up 4 fingers “Remy how many fingers am I holding up?”
“Fuck yourself”
They moved to the side and seemed to pass out again. Logan closed the door before turning to Remus.
“Did they take anything?” He whispered.
“Only a popper”
“Good. Do you need a ri-”
“Okay” Logan was about to go but stopped midstep and lowered his voice even more “Oh and Rem...Could you please not ask Janus to hang out next weekend? I am planning a surprise...I hope it will make him happy”
“Good luck comrade....Please text me once Remy is home safe. Please?”
“Of course”
He did a little nod before leaving. Logan got into the car. He couldn’t stop looking at the bruise around their neck. Remy continued to sleep for most of the ride until they they were 5 minutes or so away from their apartment. They suddenly flinched awake.
“Stop the car!” They gasped out. 
“Are you still feeling the same?”
“Logan stop the fucking car!” There was fear in their eyes. 
Logan stopped by the side of the road. The road was barren and dark. It had to be past 3 am at least. Remy crawled back into the backseats while their whole body shook.
“Don’t. Look. At. Me”
“Sure” He stared down into the steering wheel to not accidentally see their reflection in the glass.
“I just. I just have to change clothes. I just. I don’t want Virigl to call me a whore again. I mean. He won’t. But what if. What if he gets mad. I just. I just have to change” They slurred out.
They stumbled out of the car after changing into a pair of long pants and closing their leather jacket. A cold chill went up Logan’s spine. He quickly stepped out of the car as well.
“Okay bye bye Logie!!”
They tried to move but Logan grabbed onto their shoulders. He forced back a choking feeling in his throat “What do you mean by your boyfriend getting mad?”
“Pff! It’s nothing! I’m drunk!! Byyyeeeeee”
They started to stumble away but Logan easily followed along “It did not sound like he called you a whor-...you know what...with your consent. I am simply going to remind you that calling a partner things like that is not okay. Not in any circumstance”
Remy’s expression turned cold. They walked faster “I don’t like what you’re implying”
“I’m not implying anything”
“Yes you Fucking are!”
“Exscuse me for being worried about your wellbeing. What you just said sounded like a very bad sign”
“Yeah exactly it only SOUnded bad! My boyfriend isn’t bad!” Remy snarled out.
“I am not saying he is. He doesn’t have to be bad to say awful things, as long as he changes”
They shoved their hands into their pockets. Their hands moved into fists “You don’t know a fucking thing about me. You tried to kiss me once when you were drunk and that’s all. We don’t know each other”
Logan took a deep breathe “I don’t need to know you to see red flags. Remy-” He searched for words “Remy you’re bruised. How- you can’t expect me to not get worried”
Remy suddenly stopped and turned around to meet his eyes. “MY BOYFRIEND ISN’T ABUSIVE! I-”
“I’m not necessarily saying he is. I just wan’t to talk-” His voice started to sound desperate.
They looked like a cornered animal. Tears were brimming at the edges of their eyes “YOU DON’T KNOW A THING!”
He tried to sound soothing “Remy please take a deep breathe-”
They stormed away. For a moment Logan was frozen in place before he forced himself to run after them to try and make sure they would be okay.
“I am not-”
Remy looked at him for one last time. The look in their eyes made him feel cold. It was pure hatred.
“Logan get the fuck away from me! I am drunk and high and alone on a street with no one but you who is sure as hell fucking stronger than me and all you’re doing is spouting bullshit! So please get why I want you to leave. And why I don’t ever want you to talk to me again!”
He stopped dead in his tracks “...Right....Yes....I am so sorry”
Remy didn’t even respond. They simply turned and walked away. Logan stayed and watched to make sure they got home to the apartment safe before going back to his car.
He slumped down in the seat. His heart was racing and his thoughts were for once an illogical flurry. He sat motionless for several minutes before finally getting some semblence of an idea.
He took out his phone and dialed one of his usual numbers. It took several signals before Emile Picani picked up.
“Mhm? Logie bear? I can’t today I have clients in the morning” He yawned out.
“This is about one of your patients. I am fearing that they are in danger”
In an instant all of the sleepyness in Emile’s voice disappeared “In danger? Physical? Is it urgent? Do I need to call someone? Which patient are you even referring to?”
Logan hesitated. If Remy had reacted that strongly to him just attempting to ask about his boyfriend it was very likely that they would stop going to therapy if Emile brought it up. His throat tightened, he didn’t want to put them in any more danger.
“I....Nevermind Emile....This was just a far too gone joke...Someone dared me to call you. I am sorry. Have a good night”
He ended the call. He leaned his forehead against the steering wheel and let out a long sigh. His hands held onto the wheel so hard his knuckles whitened.
Logan had no idea what to do. No idea at all. All he knew was fear. Fear for Remy’s safety. Fear for their well being. Fear that anything he did would only make their situation worse.
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ask-austin-sommers · 3 years
be patty o furniture for halloween teehee
I have been eyeing my drag stuff for a while, mabye I can do multiple outfits for Halloween.
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swordlesbean · 4 years
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this means war | 80s catradora mega mixtape [listen]
track listing and lyric selections under the cut
tape 1: raised on you
| 01 shadows of the night pat benatar |
we're running with the shadows of the night / so baby, take my hand, it'll be all right / surrender all your dreams to me tonight / they'll come true in the end
| 02 the best tina turner |
give me a life time of promises and a world of dreams / speak the language of love like you know what it means / it can't be wrong / take my heart and make it strong, baby / you're simply the best, better than all the rest
| 03 right by your side eurythmics |
give me two strong arms to protect myself / give me so much love that i forget myself / i need to be right by your side
| 04 wish upon me suzi quatro |
wish upon me / count on me to infinity / my love will be here / when the stars burn out / so reach out and touch me
| 05 raised on you heart |
let's go tell the world / to quit turning cold / just let me be raised on you / don't have to change just now / we can laugh about the load
| 06 everywhere fleetwood mac |
i'll speak a little louder / i'll even shout / you know that i'm proud and i can't get the words out / oh, i wanna be with you everywhere
| 07 only you yazoo |
all i needed was the love you gave / all i needed for another day / and all i ever knew / only you
tape 2: falling out
| 01 the last beat of my heart siouxsie & the banshees |
reach out your hands / don't turn your back / don't walk away / how in the world can i wish for this never to be torn apart? / close to you till the last beat of my heart
| 02 don’t turn around bonnie tyler |
i'm gonna be strong / i'm gonna do fine / don't worry about this heart of mine / just walk out that door / yeah, see if I care / go on and go now but don't turn around / cause you're gonna see my heart breaking
| 03 falling out kim wilde |
what can i say now after all is said and done / you cut me up in pieces when the shooting first begun / what did i do to you to make you turn away? / cause now there's nothing left for me / there's nothing i can say
| 04 borderline madonna |
you let me down, when i look around / baby, you just can't be found / stop driving me away, i just want to stay / i've given all i can / cause you got the best of me / borderline / feels like i'm going to lose my mind
| 05 love is a battlefield pat benatar |
you're begging me to go / then making me stay / why do you hurt me so bad? / it would help me to know / do i stand in your way? / or am i the best thing you've had?
| 06 i call your name roxette |
i close the door behind me, and i turn the lights all down / there's no one there beside me, i call your name
| 07 who will you run to heart |
you're sure the life you're living with me / can't go on one single minute / and there's a new one waiting outside this door / and now's the time to begin it / you found a new world / and you want to taste it / but that world can turn cold / and you better face it / who will you run to when it all falls down?
| 08 get up and go the go-go’s |
i was on the inside / looking out for you / but you're the one to make the change / there's nothing i can do / now's the time for you to move / actions shout out loud
| 09 stop draggin’ my heart around stevie nicks ft. tom petty & the heartbreakers |
i know you really want to tell me goodbye / i know you really want to be your own girl / baby, you could never look me in the eye / yeah, you buckle with the weight of the world / stop draggin’ my heart around
| 10 breakdown grace jones |
it's okay if you must go / i'll understand if you don't / you say goodbye right now / i'll still survive somehow / why should we let this drag on?
| 11 edge of a broken heart vixen |
it won't be easy, but i've got to be strong / and if i wanna cry i don't need your shoulder / i been living on the edge of a broken heart / don't you wonder why i gotta say goodbye
tape 3: moth to a flame
| 01 i love playing with fire joan jett & the blackhearts |
i love playing with fire / i don't wanna get burned / i love playing with fire / don't think i'll ever learn
| 02 action reaction missing persons |
action reaction, the girl knows just what to do / action reaction, she gets some reaction from you / she's gonna take you by surprise / she's gonna hit you right between the eyes
| 03 bring your love down (didn’t i) yazoo |
if you think you need a change / well, i'm sure we can arrange for you to get on your own for a while / but i don't need to worry, cause you'll get back in a hurry / i know that you like my style / you play your games but the fact remains / i'm the only one that can hold your reins
| 04 moth to a flame olivia newton-john |
here again drawn like a moth to a flame / an invisible force pulling me close to you / i can't break free / there's some kind of hold over me / like a magnet, you attract me like steel
| 05 who’s that girl madonna |
she's trouble, in a word get closer to the fire / run faster, her laughter burns you up inside / you're spinning round and round / you can't get up, you try but you can't
| 06 regrets eurythmics |
i've got a delicate mind / i've got a dangerous nature / and my fist collides with your furniture / i'm an electric wire / and i'm stuck inside your head
| 07 who’s problem? the motels |
so, whose problem am i / whose problem am i / whose problem am i / if i'm not yours?
| 08 state of mind suzi quatro |
fire burning in my heart / tearing me apart / you're the fire / you knocked my defenses down / bare as the day i was born / you're the one
| 09 breakdown girlschool |
i'm gonna make you understand / that i've seen it all before / i twist your mind and break your heart / and you still come back for more
| 10 long time joan jett & the blackhearts |
you can always wake the beast in me / that's the thing that never lets me be / it's gonna take a long time / to get you off of my mind
| 11 winter kills yazoo |
pain / in your eyes / makes me cruel / makes me spiteful / tears are delightful / welcome your nightfall / how winter kills / i tear at you, searching for / weaker seams
tape 4: goodbye to you
| 01 cat-o’-nine-tails L7 |
you're scratching me, baby / right down to my heart / claw the couch now that we're apart / think i'm allergic
| 02 had enough joan jett & the blackhearts |
you rain storm cloud / you ain't no friend / don't wanna see your face again / had enough of you / you ain't for me
| 03 winning the war ‘til tuesday |
you fight just for the sake of it / you know what hurts the most / you might have once been faking it / but now it cuts too close / winning the war and losing every battle / you close the door on happy ever after
| 04 cry wolf stevie nicks |
you can try, but you can't get me into the fire / cause i'm all out of sympathy / and, baby, i can't walk this wire / find yourself somebody new / to catch you when you fall
| 05 thorn in my side eurythmics |
to run away from you / was all that i could do / thorn in my side / you know that's all you'll ever be / so don't think you know better / cause that's what you mean to me
| 06 state i’m in bananarama |
can we carry on / or must we still pretend / that we're really friends / those feelings have gone / but we're not the same / and we're both to blame / there's nothing left to tell you / nothing left to give you
| 07 goodbye to you scandal feat. patty smyth |
baby, it's over now / no need to talk about it / it's not the same / my love for you's just not the same / and my heart can't stand the strain / goodbye to you
| 08 this means war joan jett & the blackhearts |
it hurts me so to fight with you / but since you closed the door / this means war, and you will see it's senseless / this means war, and soon you'll be defenseless / cause you can't win this war
| 09 harden my heart quarterflash |
darling, in my wildest dreams, i never thought i'd go / but it's time to let you know / i'm gonna harden my heart / i'm gonna swallow my tears / i'm gonna turn and leave you here
| 10 don’t watch me bleed ‘til tuesday |
i guess you gave as good as you got / i guess this love is dead at last / but i paid such a lot / don't just kiss me goodbye / don't watch me bleed
tape 5: change of heart
| 01 change of heart cyndi lauper |
here i am just like i said i would be / i'm your friend just like you think it should be / did you think i would stand here and lie / while our moment was passing us by / oh, i am here waiting for your change of heart / it just takes a beat to turn it around
| 02 sorry me, sorry you jefferson starship |
out on the edge / such a dangerous place to be / when darkness falls / and you got no way to see / don't turn away from me / you say you're sorry / i'm sorry too
| 03 we can change belinda carlisle |
i swear we don't have to hurt anymore / throw the old ways out and close the door / nothing remains the same / we can't hold on, but baby we can change
| 04 fighting divinyls |
gotta stick to the fight when you're hardest hit / is when things hurt the most that you must not quit / i'm losing my resistance and i'm coming after you / this time i gotta cause worth fighting for
| 05 before this night is through bonnie tyler |
come inside, close the door, come to me now / we'll find our way, we know how / let the past be the past, let it all fall away
| 06 something to believe in the bangles |
i lost direction in the darkness / couldn't stop myself from running / i could feel the sun on my back / but i was afraid to let the light in / now i can't run anymore / now i see this gift you bring me
| 07 surrender gloria estefan |
you've got the key / so open up your heart and be my destiny / come back, baby, come back / surrender to me
| 08 (we want) the same thing belinda carlisle |
no matter what we say / no matter what we do / beyond the battle lines, baby, we know what's true / we dream the same thing / we want the same thing / and all that we need is to see it together
| 09 never heart |
we can't go on, just running away / if we wait any longer, we will surely never get away / anything you want, we can make it happen / stand up and turn around, never let them shoot us down
| 10 nothing’s gonna stop us now jefferson starship |
let em say we're crazy, i don't care about that / put your hand in my hand, baby, don't ever look back / let the world around us just fall apart / baby, we can make it if we're heart to heart / we can build this thing together / standing strong forever / nothing's gonna stop us now 
| 11 we belong pat benatar |
we belong to the light, we belong to the thunder / we belong to the sound of the words we've both fallen under / whatever we deny or embrace for worse or for better / we belong together
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speakviolence · 3 years
Patty O Furniture is classic, timeless, the moment
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
November 4, 1949
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“Mother-In-Law” (aka “George’s Mother Visits”) is episode #60 of the radio series MY FAVORITE HUSBAND broadcast on November 4, 1949. 
Synopsis ~ George gets a letter from his mother that she’s moving to Sheridan Falls. Liz has no doubt that means staying with them!  But when will she ever leave?
This was the tenth episode of the second season of MY FAVORITE HUSBAND. There were 43 new episodes, with the season ending on June 25, 1950.
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Although similarly titled, this radio episode is not the basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “Lucy’s Mother-in-Law” (ILL S4;E8) in 1954. 
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“My Favorite Husband” was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942). “My Favorite Husband” was first broadcast as a one-time special on July 5, 1948. Lucille Ball and Lee Bowman played the characters of Liz and George Cugat, and a positive response to this broadcast convinced CBS to launch “My Favorite Husband” as a series. Bowman was not available Richard Denning was cast as George. On January 7, 1949, confusion with bandleader Xavier Cugat prompted a name change to Cooper. On this same episode Jell-O became its sponsor. A total of 124 episodes of the program aired from July 23, 1948 through March 31, 1951. After about ten episodes had been written, writers Fox and Davenport departed and three new writers took over – Bob Carroll, Jr., Madelyn Pugh, and head writer/producer Jess Oppenheimer. In March 1949 Gale Gordon took over the existing role of George’s boss, Rudolph Atterbury, and Bea Benaderet was added as his wife, Iris. CBS brought “My Favorite Husband” to television in 1953, starring Joan Caulfield and Barry Nelson as Liz and George Cooper. The television version ran two-and-a-half seasons, from September 1953 through December 1955, running concurrently with “I Love Lucy.” It was produced live at CBS Television City for most of its run, until switching to film for a truncated third season filmed (ironically) at Desilu and recasting Liz Cooper with Vanessa Brown.
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Lucille Ball (Liz Cooper) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon.
Richard Denning (George Cooper) was born Louis Albert Heindrich Denninger Jr., in Poughkeepsie, New York. When he was 18 months old, his family moved to Los Angeles. Plans called for him to take over his father’s garment manufacturing business, but he developed an interest in acting. Denning enlisted in the US Navy during World War II. He is best known for his  roles in various science fiction and horror films of the 1950s. Although he teamed with Lucille Ball on radio in “My Favorite Husband,” the two never acted together on screen. While “I Love Lucy” was on the air, he was seen on another CBS TV series, “Mr. & Mrs. North.” From 1968 to 1980 he played the Governor on “Hawaii 5-0″, his final role. He died in 1998 at age 84.
Ruth Perrott (Katie, the Maid) was also later seen on “I Love Lucy.” She first played Mrs. Pomerantz, a member of the surprise investigating committee for the Society Matrons League in “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25), as one of the member of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3), and also played a nurse when “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16). She died in 1996 at the age of 96.
Bob LeMond (Announcer) also served as the announcer for the pilot episode of “I Love Lucy”. When the long-lost pilot was finally discovered in 1990, a few moments of the opening narration were damaged and lost, so LeMond – fifty years later – recreated the narration for the CBS special and subsequent DVD release.
Bea Benadaret (Iris) and Gale Gordon (Rudolph) do not appear in this episode. 
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Hans Conried (Mr. Benjamin Wood) first co-starred with Lucille Ball in The Big Street (1942). He then appeared on “I Love Lucy” as used furniture man Dan Jenkins in “Redecorating” (ILL S2;E8) and later that same season as Percy Livermore in “Lucy Hires an English Tutor” (ILL S2;E13) – both in 1952. The following year he began an association with Disney by voicing Captain Hook in Peter Pan. On “The Lucy Show” he played Professor Gitterman in “Lucy’s Barbershop Quartet” (TLS S1;E19) and in “Lucy Plays Cleopatra” (TLS S2;E1). He was probably best known as Uncle Tonoose on “Make Room for Daddy” starring Danny Thomas, which was filmed on the Desilu lot. He joined Thomas on a season 6 episode of “Here’s Lucy” in 1973. He died in 1982 at age 64. 
Mr. Wood is the Cooper’s next door neighbor. He has eleven children. 
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Eleanor Audley (Leaticia Cooper, George’s Mother) previously played this character in “George is Messy” on June 14, 1950. She would later play Eleanor Spalding, owner of the Westport home the Ricardos buy in “Lucy Wants To Move to the Country” (ILL S6;E15) in 1957, as well as one of the Garden Club judges in “Lucy Raises Tulips” (ILL S6;E26).
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Peter Leeds (Deliveryman) was born in Bayonne, NJ, was also heard on “My Favorite Husband in “Too Many Television Sets” in October 1949 and “Dance Lessons” in June 1950. He will be seen as the Reporter questioning the Maharincess of Franistan in “The Publicity Agent” (ILL S1;E31). He starred with Lucy in the films The Long, Long Trailer (1953) and The Facts of Life (1960) with Bob Hope. Coincidentally, he also appeared in “Lucy and Bob Hope” (ILL S6;E1) as well as an episode of “Here’s Lucy” in 1971.
ANNOUNCER: “As we look in on Sheridan Falls and the Coopers,  Liz is in the living room reading a magazine as Katie the maid dusts around the room.”
Liz asks about the mail, but Katie is light-heartedly singing “April Showers.” 
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"April Showers" is a popular song written by Louis Silvers and B. G. De Sylva in 1921. It it is one of many popular songs whose lyrics use a "Bluebird of happiness" as a symbol of cheer. The song was introduced in the 1921 Broadway musical Bombo, where it was performed by Al Jolson. That same musical introduced the song “California, Here I Come!” which was famously sung by the cast of “I Love Lucy” in January 1955.
Liz correctly assumes that Katie is so happy because Mr. Negley, the mailman, has flirted with her. Katie says they were “playing post office.”
KATIE: “He’s so creative. He said my mouth was like a postage stamp. Then he canceled me!” 
Katie hands her the mail and Liz finds a letter from her mother-in-law.
LIZ: “No one else addresses a letter ‘To George Cooper Only’ marked personal all over and then seals it with Scotch tape!” 
Liz says that George’s mother does not acknowledge their marriage, let alone address her as Mrs. George Cooper.  Liz decides to sneak a peak at what’s inside the envelope.
LIZ: “I can just see some of the writing. It says ‘Keep Out Nosy’!”
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Lucy Ricardo was adept at secretly opening and reading sealed envelopes. In 1951′s “Drafted” (ILL S1;11) she uses the old fashioned steam method, but by 1960′s “Lucy and the Mustache” (LDCH S3;E3) she’s using knitting needles and holding the envelope up to a lamp. 
When George comes home from work, Liz doesn’t even bother with a kiss before giving George the mail. George opens the letter from his mother, which reads “say hello to what’s-her-name.” George’s mother is moving to Sheridan Falls and Liz wants to put her up at the Sheridan Arms (far away) but George proposes the Garden Court (two blocks away). 
That night, Liz wants to smooch in case they have to ‘ration their passion’. Liz is sure Mother will want to move in with them. Mother (Eleanor Audley) enters mid-smooch. Despite the clinch, Mother pretends she doesn’t recognize Liz as Mrs. Cooper! 
Mother ‘mother smothers’ George, much to Liz’s chagrin. George admits that they haven’t found her an apartment yet. Mother quickly agrees to stay with them - only for a few days.
LIZ: “It sounds longer when she says it.”
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A Deliveryman (Peter Leeds) rings the bell to announce that they’ve finished unloading Mother’s things: 
LIZ: “Six suitcases, a trunk, an easy chair, a potted plant, a barrel of dishes, two crates of books - just enough for a few days. She’s landed! She’s moved her supplies up and she’s dug in for the winter. You can throw away your calendar, George. From now on, every day is mother’s day with us!”
Two weeks later, Mother is still there and Katie is ready to quit. George’s mother has changed everything in the kitchen around. Liz confides that she’s had no privacy with George. 
LIZ: “The three of us have been inseparable ever since she’s been here. I’m beginning to feel like one of the Andrews Sisters. I’d better go in and see how Patty and LaVerne are getting along.”
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The Andrews Sisters were a very successful trio of singing sisters during World War II with 19 gold records and sales of nearly 100 million copies. In 1937, the sisters scored their first big hit with “Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen.” In addition to “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,” their best-known songs included “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree” and “Rum and Coca Cola.” The trio officially broke up after the death of LaVerne in 1967, when a suitable replacement could not be found. Patty Andrews guest starred on “Here’s Lucy” as herself in 1969. The plot had Lucy Carter and her daughter Kim (Lucie Arnaz) stepping in for the other two singers for a charity show. During a poker game in “Be a Pal” (ILL S1;E2), Lucy calls her two queens ‘sisters.’ When Fred looks at his newly-dealt hand he quips “You can tell your two Andrews Sisters not to wait up for LaVerne.”
In the living room, Liz finds Mother and George laughing about old times back home. Mother mentions Betty Johanson, a girl George ‘knew slightly’ a dozen years ago. Mother adds that she ‘hasn’t changed a bit.’
Later, Liz tells George that Katie has quit due to his mother’s meddling. George thinks Liz is out looking for an apartment, when Liz saw going to the movies at the Strand Theatre. At first Mother denies going to a movie, but Liz tricks her.
LIZ: “Well, if you were tired, you should have gone to a show. There’s a good one at the Strand: ‘Tokyo Joe’ with Clark Gable.” MOTHER: “Gable? No, it was Humphrey Bogart, I....”  
Mother has been caught in her lie, so she fakes illness and goes to her room. 
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Tokyo Joe is a crime film directed by Stuart Heisler and starring Humphrey Bogart. It premiered October 26, 1949, a week before this broadcast. At the time, Clark Gable’s film Any Number Can Play was still in theatres. 
Liz dissolves into tears at the prospect of her mother-in-law staying forever and runs next door to talk to Mr. Woods (Hans Conried) about it over a cup of tea. Mr. Woods says the same thing happened to him with his mother-in-law. 
MR. WOODS: “She moved out after the birth of our eleventh child!” LIZ: “Is that the only cure?”
George comes over to find his wife and Mr. Wood acts as intermediary, shouting at George through the window. They are successful at patching things up. George has told his mother to leave and (unbelievably) she’s graciously agreed to go. Just as she’s about to leave, she gets a spell and faints.
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LIZ: “George! Look out!  A mouse!  Running across the floor right near your mother’s hand!” 
Mother jumps up and runs away from the invisible rodent. Liz tricks has tricked her again!  But when Mother sprints across the room, she trips and sprains her ankle!  Six weeks of recuperation ahead!  
GEORGE: “How did this happen?” MOTHER: “I tripped and fell over my suitcase!  Someone put it by the front door!” LIZ: “Oh, no!”
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his ending is identical to the play and film The Man Who Came To Dinner by Kaufman and Hart. In it, Sheridan Whiteside is a bombastic houseguest is finally convinced to leave when he slips on the ice and must stay on to recuperate, much to the frustration of his hosts. The 1939 stage play and 1942 film featured Lucille Ball’s friend Mary Wickes as Whiteside’s nurse.  
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In the bedtime tag, Liz and George are asleep in bed. Liz wakes George to wonder why he’s smiling. He’s dreaming about the most beautiful creature in the world: a rainbow trout! 
LIZ: “If I ever find one scale on your lapel I’ll swim upstream to mother. Goodnight, George!” 
End of Episode
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raysofcrosby · 5 years
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𝘨𝘪𝘧 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵 (𝘹)
𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥: yes | no
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨(𝘴): nothin really, just mentions of partying + drinking.
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 5,411
𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦: if you haven’t read part one, read it now! so this is actually the fastest i’ve gotten something outlined and typed?? i’m highkey hella proud of myself. anyway, enjoy part 2 :) 
Surviving the workday the next morning was near unbearable for you. No amount of iced coffee or free donuts in the break room could help the amount of anxiety and betrayal weighing down on your shoulders. That, coupled up with the fact that you felt guilty for Nolan sleeping on the couch in his own apartment, could have been your own personal undoing. When he took you back to his apartment after the scene with Preston, he placed your bags in his room and told you that it was yours. You insisted that you could sleep on the couch, you’d done it before in the earlier days of being Travis and Nolan’s third roommate. But Nolan was stubborn and instead of giving in to your puppy dog eyes and slight threats of never going to his games again– he shoved you further into his room and shut the door.
You couldn’t believe that he’d actually done that as if he could lock you in from the outside. So you stormed after him into their living room to see that he and Travis were already making his bed on the couch. You went as far as literally protesting his decision by sitting on the middle of his makeshift bed, refusing to move. Yet, Nolan and his trusty teammate just picked you up and placed you off towards the smaller lounge. You were a little bit surprised that Travis hadn’t said anything about you crashing their bachelor pad…again, though you wouldn’t think he’d be all that disappointed. To him, you were one of the guys. You could keep up with your liquor, you didn’t get easily offended by their chirping, and the most important part, you helped him get laid. Nolan was your best friend, but Travis was a close second…when he wasn’t acting like a snapping, angry Chihuahua.
When you used your sick hours to leave work around noon, you didn’t have to put on an act for your boss. The stress and fear of meeting up with Nolan to go pick up your stuff from Preston’s apartment, along with waiting for the phone call with your results, had made you look a thousand times sicker than what you really were. So with kind words and well wishes, your boss told you to go ahead and go home. You weren’t quite sure what you expected to see when you walked into your new home, but three tall and intimidating looking hockey players wasn’t it. Nolan had managed to recruit Claude, Gudas, and Voracek to come help collect your things. Leave it to him to grab two bearded and vastly feared men, along with the team captain, to aid you, himself and Travis. While you wanted to believe it was because you had some small items of furniture to take, you knew it was based on the fact that he wanted to intimidate the hell out of Preston from ever trying to contact you again.
Preston took Nolan’s warning serious, too. When your group arrived at the apartment, it was empty. He even went as far as packing up some of your stuff in boxes for you, probably to make sure that you guys got out of there quickly. And you did, in fact. Nolan made you sit down on the couch as the group of men carried your things from the apartment and to the car, one of them with you at all times. You were pissed, the fact that Nolan was treating you like some 6-year-old who couldn’t lift a simple moving box filled with clothes. But you didn’t want to push the matter, because he was already doing so much for you.
That was hours ago though and now you, Travis and Nolan were lounging around the apartment, trying to figure out what to do with your night. Well, at least you were. The boys earlier were discussing what bars downtown they were going to hit up and you have even scored yourself an invitation via Claude, but you had your phone call you couldn’t risk missing, so you turned it down. It was nearing 8 pm and you were lounging on Nolan’s bed, staring at the ceiling as your phone rested on your chest. The anxiety of them not calling today was at an all-time high and you couldn’t help but wonder if this was a bad sign.
Maybe your tests came back positive and they were trying to figure out and sort the medication for you to take.
No, that’s stupid. What’s that saying?
No news is good news, right? So maybe them not calling is good news. But still, …they said they’d call.
You groaned and sat up, your phone falling off into your lap. Picking it up, you placed it on the bedside table and walked towards the door to go see what Travis and Nolan were doing. Maybe those two stooges could take your mind off of this waiting game. As you walked down the hall, you could hear Travis humming along to some new country song as the front door shut. “Whoa dude, got something to tell me?”
“Hm?” Nolan mumbled in reply.
You crept towards the end of the hallway, peaking around the corner to see the two of them sitting in the living room, their backs to you. “The pamphlets?” Travis bent down and held up a stack of pamphlets– the pamphlets Nolan had taken from the clinic. “HIV? Hepatitis B? Chlamydia? Pregnancy? Should I be worried?”
Nolan snatched the pamphlets out of his hand and shook his head. “They’re not for me.”
“Then why are you reading them, exactly? It’s not like you’ve hooked up with anyone lately.”
“They’re for Y/N,” Nolan replied, holding up the Chlamydia pamphlet.
“Hold the fuck up. What did you just say? Does she have–“
“Jesus Christ Travis, shut up.”
A moment of silence fell between the two as Travis took in Nolan’s tense features. He picked up another pamphlet, looking at it. “Is this why we moved her out of douchebag’s apartment?”
You saw Nolan nod his head as he brought the Chlamydia pamphlet back in front of him. “She came over here yesterday freaking out because she found positive test results in his name from last week. So I took her to the clinic and the Doc made her take all of these tests and I just….”
“You grabbed the pamphlets for….education?”
“In case her results come back positive, yeah.” You could hear Nolan sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair. “She was about to give herself a panic attack yesterday T and reading up on all of this, I just want to be prepared to help her in any way that I can.”
“Has she gotten her results back yet?”
Nolan shook his head and slumped down into the couch. “I can see how freaked she is and it’s freaking me out. She’s my best friend and I can’t stand the fact that douchebag did this to her. If those test results come back positive, I’m going back to that apartment and kicking his ass.”
Travis laughed and hit Nolan upside the head with the pamphlet. “I think it’s time you start realizing your own feelings there, Patty.”
You perked up a bit, leaning your head further into view of the living room. What did Travis mean? What feelings? Why wasn’t Nolan arguing back with him and telling him that the two of you were just friends? Nolan couldn’t feel that way about you…right?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, okay keep lying to yourself ‘cause that’s really healthy. You know G asked me about the two of you, whether or not you guys were a thing yet.” Travis stared at Nolan, who just crossed his arms and didn’t look at him. “Maybe this whole thing with the boyfriend being a doucheface is fate? Now you two can finally fuck it out and–“
The shrill sound of your ringtone coming from the bedroom cut Travis off. You hid back behind the hall and ran as quietly as you could to hide your snooping. When you looked down at your phone, you saw a Philly number that you didn’t recognize and your heart began to pound.
It had to be the clinic.
You picked it up and answered the call, bringing the phone to your ear. “Hello?”
“May I speak to Y/N L/N?” That voice, it was the Doctor from yesterday.
“This is she, may I ask who’s calling?”
“Hi Y/N, this is Doctor Pippen from Hampton Wellness Center. You came in last night and did some testing.”
“Y-Yes, I remember you. How are you, Doctor Pippen?”
“I’m doing fine, Miss L/N as I hope are you.” He cleared his throat and your mind went into overdrive trying to figure out if it was a good sign or a bad sign. “I have your test results from the Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Pregnancy tests we ran for you yesterday.”
You were too focused on your breathing to give him an immediate reply. Trying to keep it from getting too shallow and from breathing too heavy. This was it, the moment where your life could change. “O-Okay, hit me Doc.”
Wrong time for a joke, Y/N. You thought as his silence from the other line sent chills down your spine. “Well Miss Y/N, your results came back negative for those three tests.”
“Oh my God.”
“Now, we’re still waiting on your results for the HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B testing, but we’ll be sure to call you back tomorrow with those, okay?”
“O-Okay, thank you, Doctor.”
“You’re welcome Miss L/N. Have a nice night.”
You couldn’t manage a good night as he hung up on the other line. You kept the phone to your ear as tears built in your eyes. Negative. Your results were Negative. You pulled the phone away from your ear and sniffled as a small smile spread across your face. You had to tell Nolan, he was as anxious for this phone call as you were. Turning around, you were going to practically run out into the living room, but that wasn’t necessary, because Nolan was standing right there in the doorway. His eyes were wide and his face flushed as he stared at you, trying to take in whether the fact that your tears were that of happiness or sadness.
“They’re negative Nol. The results are–“
You couldn’t finish your sentence before Nolan practically wrapped you in his arms, lifting you off of the ground and spinning you around. You held on for dear life, laughing as tears fell down your face before Nolan put you back onto the ground. “This is great,” he huffed, out of breath as his smile overtook his face.
“I’ve still got the other three tests to worry about but–“
He covered your mouth again, looking down at you as his eyes grew all serious. “Y/N, what did I tell you about worrying? Your first three came back negative, that’s all you need to think about right now, okay?” You nodded your head as he removed his mouth, cradling one side of your face as he wiped the tears off of your cheeks with his thumbs. “So no more crying.”
“No more crying.” You repeated, staring directly at him. You noticed his eyes linger a little longer on your blushed cheeks and for a second, you thought you caught him staring at your lips before they returned back to you, gleaming. “Nolan I–“
“Ooh la la, don’t mind me, guys,” Travis said, leaning in the doorway of the bedroom. Nolan took a step back away from you, keeping his arms at his sides. “The guys narrowed the bar list down to five, any opinions?”
Nolan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and you looked between the two of them. With the stress of waiting for the phone call no longer resting on your shoulders, you felt like you needed a good night with some big distractions. And what better way than to hang out with Nolan and his friends? “Let’s have a party here…”
Nolan looked at you with wide eyes. “What?”
“Fuck yeah, let’s do it. I’ll send the mass text,” Travis smiled, not even second-guessing your suggestion as she turned down the hallway. He popped back in a few seconds later, looking at you. “Want to come to the store with me? I think we’ll need a few more snacks and a lot of booze.”
You nodded as he disappeared the second time, turning back towards the bedside table to grab your purse. “Is this a good idea? I mean, you’ve been really stressed from all of this. Maybe you should just, rest?”
“It’s cute when you worry about me Nolan, but this is exactly what I need.” You smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder before standing up on your tippy toes and pressing a kiss to his cheek. As you stepped back, you saw him trying his damnedest to fight back a blush. “Besides, a little party never hurt anybody. It’ll be fun, I promise.”
You’re. So. Drunk.
That’s all your conscience can even think about as you mingled amongst the Flyers team and their respective partners and… ‘friends’ for the night. You normally weren’t one who went balls to the wall when it came to partying. Sure, you indulged in a mixed drink here, a shot there– but never to the point to where you’d surpassed Travis in marker drawn tally marks on your forearm. You couldn’t help it though, you were celebrating the fact that you were free from your cheating, scumbag ex AND finding out half of your test results were negative.
At least that’s what you told yourself when you let Carter drag you into a game of beer pong. He was a cutie, so it was hard to turn him down when he asked you to be his partner in a game against Travis and Nolan, two of the best beer pong players on the team. You tried everything in the book when it came to distracting the two opponents: dancing, doing stupid things, even going as far as appealing to their male hormones and unbuttoning a button or two on your body suit. It could have been the alcohol talking, but when you did that, you swore you could’ve seen Nolan’s eyes darken a little, though the assertive action didn’t best well with his ever-present red cheeks.
The pong game against your two roommates is what did you dirty. No matter how well you though your skills were, Carter’s…unfortunately not as advanced skills are what ultimately sunk you. Now, lounging on a windowsill in the background of the living room, you begrudgingly took small sips of the bottled of water that Ryanne had insisted you take. And if there was one thing you were sure of, it was to never argue with a pregnant woman. At least you weren’t alone as you watched the mingling in front of you. Nope, Ryanne stayed by your side as Claude went off to play beer pong with the boys. She said it was because she didn’t feel the need to watch them, but you knew she wanted to make sure you were actually drinking your water. Not that it would have been hard to find you if she hadn’t managed to stick by your side. The party had died down immensely with only 10 people left in attendance.
“So what’s with you and Nolan?”
“What?” You asked, zoning back in and taking a sip of your water. “What do you mean?”
She arched her back, stretching it as she nodded her head over in the direction of the beer pong table. “You haven’t stopped looking at him since the moment you claimed this as your spot.”
Was she right? Had you been staring at Nolan the entire time? Surely you’d been able to put your focus on someone else. Not that you were entirely sure since it was pretty hard to stay in a focused and alert state of mind. You opened your mouth to say something, but couldn’t find the words.
“You’re not the only one though, you know.” You felt your heart sink at the thought that maybe one of these random hookups had their eyes set on Nolan too. She knowingly smiled and nudged into you. “Get out of your head, I meant that he hasn’t been able to stop checking on you either.”
You looked at her as you took your sip of water, only for your eyes to look over in Nolan’s direction again. You’d never really noticed the way hit shirts seemed to fit him just perfectly. Showing off the muscle he’d gained since playing in the NHL. He was fit all right. As your eyes took him in and made their way up to his face, Nolan was already looking at you, only to look away the moment you made eye contact. “We’re best friends.”
“Oh puh-lease don’t try and pull that excuse on me,” she scoffed and tilted the water bottle back up to your lips. “Everyone in this room can see that you two are desperately in love with each other. You two seem to be the only ones completely inept in noticing. Well…maybe just you.”
You were shocked as you swallowed your sip of water, suddenly feeling more thirsty. Nolan couldn’t like you like that, no way. I mean, you’d know, right? He’s been your best friend practically your entire life. You knew how to read him, the kinds of girls he liked, his tendencies, his mannerisms. So how is it, that you had missed something this big? “Travis did say something to him…earlier about feelings.”
Ryanne groaned and shook her head. “If there’s anyone in this world Nolan should be taking romantic advice from, it’s definitely not Travis. What’d he say? Tell him he should hook up with another girl to figure out if they’re real or something?”
“No,” you picked at the label on your water bottle, looking down at it. “He told him that it’s time he starts realizing his feelings.” You sighed and rolled your eyes. “Then in true Travis fashion, he said that my break up with Preston is fate and Nolan and I can finally fuck it out.”
Her eyes searched the room for Travis and if looks could kill, Travis would be six feet under right now. She looked back at you and turned her body in your direction, gaining your full attention. “There’s a reason why Travis is hopelessly single, and if hearing what he said to Nolan isn’t evidence enough, then I don’t know what else would be.”
“I just,” you laughed, continuing to pick at the wrapper. “Nolan denied…having feelings. Said that he didn’t know what Travis was talking about.”
“Can I ask you something?” You nodded and she stretched her back again. “Let’s say you have this really, really good friend. I’m talking about, practically best friends from the womb, kind of friend.”
“And let’s say that at some point in time, you realized that hey, you might have genuine, true feelings for said really good friend. But said friend has never really shown any kind of interest outside of friendly gestures. Would you announce your feelings to them if you knew that there was a solid chance that they’d turn you down and ultimately break your heart?”
“Break his heart?!” You squealed, holding your water bottle in a death grip.
“Hypothetical broken heart, Y/N.” She said, but her eyes told you that her scenario was all too real, not that you needed someone to tell you that for you to know. “Would you?”
You picked at the wrapper more aggressively as you tried your best to pick out any instances of Nolan acting differently towards you since you moved to Philly. There were a few times, sure, when maybe the way he looked at you or how he would make your hugs last a little longer than normal– but why hadn’t you ever thought about it before.
“Preston…” You whispered, looking at Ryanne. “I’d been so blinded by Preston, I never noticed, Ryanne.”
She nodded and gave you a long hug. “Maybe it’s too soon Y/N, but it’s never too late.”
With that, she pulled away and gave you a small wave before walking over to Claude who was helping pick up the beer pong game. You sat there, staring at your water bottle, so deep in your thoughts that you hadn’t even noticed Nolan walk up to you. “Hey, you okay?”
Shocked, you jumped a little bit only to relax once more. “Oh um, no I’m kind of tired I guess.”
“Same,” he sighed, running his fingers through his hair and laughed. “It’s kind of hard though when my bed currently has chip crumbs along with TK and Hartsy’s asses all over it.”
You tried your best not to notice the way his biceps strained when he lifted up his arm, but it was hard. “Why don’t you just kick everyone out and go to bed, then?”
“And ruin frat boy’s fun over there?” He laughed, nodding his head over to Travis. “I’d never hear the end of it if he didn’t get laid tonight.”
“You can sleep with me.” You had blurted out the suggestion before even thinking about it. And the moment the sentence left your lips, you regretted it. Not in the sense of sharing a bed with him, but in a way that you didn’t want him to reject you.
“Oh um…”
“I mean, you don’t have to i-if you don’t want–“
“No, no that’s not it. I just,” he took a deep breath and sighed, looking at the couch before looking back at you. “You won’t feel uncomfortable? I know how you like to go full on spread eagle.”
You tossed your water bottle into his chest, trying to distract from your blush as he caught it. “I stopped doing that when I was 12, thank you very much. So no, I won’t feel uncomfortable…will you?”
He held onto your water bottle, looking down at it before finally looking at you and shaking his head. “No.”
Unsure of what to say, you just nodded your head and walked past him and through the living room back towards his bedroom. He followed behind, probably keeping a safe distance between the two of you so Travis wouldn’t drunkenly yell out something stupid. And he had succeeded because when you reached his bed and turned around, he was standing in the room with you and the door closed. Along with the silence, an awkward tension filled the room.
“I’ll uh, change in the bathroom,” Nolan said, walking over to some drawers and pulling out what looked to be a pair of sweatpants. “I’ll be back.”
You just nodded watching as he closed the door behind him before letting out the biggest breath you didn’t know you’d been holding. Part of you wanted to text Ryanne, send her a big SOS and ask her what to do. Another part of you was cursing you for making things awkward with Nolan. He was your best friend, if things were to be awkward like this forever, then you wouldn’t really have anyone else. And finally, the last part of you…wanted to know if just what Travis and Ryanne were talking about…was true. You sighed and grabbed your pajamas from the opposite corner of the bed, slipping out of your bodysuit and jeans and into the comfy pair of shorts and a Flyers t-shirt.
You couldn’t stop thinking about how Nolan stood there the moment it was just the two of you in the room. How he was chewing on the inside of his cheek and looking just about anywhere but at you. And how you were left there, alone in his room. You could turn on the tv to avoid the ever-growing silence, but when you looked around for the remote…it was nowhere to be seen. You sighed and stood up, walking towards the wall and turning off the switch before walking back towards his bed. You crawled onto it and grabbed his blankets, lying down and pulling them all the way up to your chin as you rolled onto your side, your back facing the door. As the silence grew louder, you tried your best to ignore the constant sound of the wheels in your brain turning and your heart beating against your chest.
Every time you closed your eyes, you were back in Preston’s apartment and back into the moment, you had confronted him about his test and ultimately, his confession of infidelity. Your mind was spinning in circles, trying to figure out how it ended up here– him cheating on you, breaking up with him and now you being Travis and Nolan’s third roommate. You, his girlfriend…the girl he said he loved more than anything. And yet, you couldn’t help but wonder if there were any other signs you missed, besides the late nights and sketchy behavior that could have led to you avoiding this altogether. Had he been distant? Yeah. A little more active on his phone? Sure, but he was a business guy…that was almost guaranteed he’d bring his work home with him.
How had you seen all the signs in front of you and still not connected it to the fact that maybe, just maybe, he had been cheating on you? Denial at its best, you guess.
You felt a tear slid down your cheek, you had been so zoned out that you didn’t even know you had started crying.
Nolan’s bedroom door opened, the light from the hallway illuminating the wall you were facing as voices grew louder. “Alright Patty, I’ll see you tomorrow.” That was Ghosty, he must be leaving the party now.
“Night, man,” Nolan replied before shutting the door and letting the darkness consume the room all over again.
You laid completely still as you heard him blindly shuffling around his room. You wanted to tell him that he could turn on the light, but you were afraid that if you opened your mouth, a sob would escape and he’d know that you were crying. The bed dipped on the spot next to you and some more movement against the sheets before the blanket lifted up and he slid beneath them, letting out a sigh.
“Hey, are you awake?” He whispered, the movement of his head against his pillow breaking the silence.
“Unfortunately,” you replied, rolling onto your back and staring at the ceiling. “My mind won’t stop thinking…”
It was silent for a few more moments as you felt Nolan’s faze on you. “Y/N…do you want to talk about it?”
You took a deep breath and shuddered out a sigh. “I just feel…so stupid, you know? How could I not see that he was cheating on me, multiple times when I’d seen the signs all along? He used to never work late, let alone late at night. He would rarely pick up his phone during dinner and yet he was always on it from the moment he got home. Talk about rose-colored glasses,” you expected Nolan to laugh at the slight joke or to at least have a small chuckle, but he was stone-faced and silent, taking in your story.
You shook your head as you thought back on the look in his eyes the moment you confronted him about the test. “And the way he tried to say that I was the one who gave him…” Your eyes shifted over to Nolan. “I felt like a fucking idiot…I still do. How could I not see this, Nol?”
Nolan let out a harsh sigh as his body shifted a little closer to you. “Y/N…he’s a fucking dick for even suggesting that you gave him Chlamydia. That alone should show you how big of a piece of trash he is,” he sighed, his body relaxing into the mattress. “And you’re not an idiot for not realizing that he was cheating on you. He was good at hiding it and you’re…you’ve got a big heart. You’re the kind of person who sees the good in everybody, so it’s not your fault that you thought that he wouldn’t cheat on you.”
A sob escaped from the back of your throat as the tears fell more now. Nolan wasted no time reaching out for you and bringing you into his bare chest. You turned your head into his chest, ignoring your racing heart as you just cried. He placed a hand behind your head and wrapped his other arm around your waist. He let out a few calming ‘Ssh’ now and then as he rubbed the back of your head and let you full on ugly cry.
“I know you know how I feel about him…hell, how all of the guys feel about him,” he whispered, running his fingers through your hair. “But I swear to God and on everything else Y/N, he never deserved you. He never deserved to even be a blip on your radar; you’re too good for him. Always were.”
You sniffled and kept your head on his chest. “Are you just saying that because you’re my best friend or do you really mean it?”
He stopped running his fingers through your hair and brought his hand to your face, lifting your head off of his chest and making you look at him. “I really mean it. Y/N, you deserve to be treasured and treated like the damn Princess you are. You deserve someone who supports and pushes you to achieve your dreams instead of ridiculing them. Someone who doesn’t make you second-guess his love for you. Someone who listens to what you say, even when you’re doing that little mumbling you do when you’re concentrated.”
His thumb started to wipe away the tears from your cheeks as he sighed. “You are one hell of a woman and as your best friend,” he paused a little as if the words were hard to speak. And I knew they were, especially after what Ryanne and Travis had suggested earlier. “As your best friend, I want you to find someone who treats you like that.”
“Like you?” You whispered, the room around you starting to feel with a kind of tension that you’d never noticed before.
His eyes focused on yours and nothing else, as the tension seemed to suck all of the air out of the room. “I think…I think you know how I feel.”
His hand was still cradling the right side of your face, softly but firm. You reached up and grazed his face with your fingers, feeling the small hint of stubble scratch your skin as you moved your hand further up his face, cupping his cheek. He leaned into your touch for a moment, closing his eyes as if he wanted to hide what he was feeling.
You leaned up and pressed your lips to his, a breath leaving you as you pulled away and kept your nose touching his. Your thumb brushed against his cheek as he kept his eyes closed. You leaned in again and this time he kissed you back. His lips a little chapped, but tasted of the watermelon flavored chapstick he was always putting on, along with the lingering taste of raspberry flavored vodka he’d been drinking earlier tonight. You parted your lips and traced his bottom lip with your tongue, inviting him to take the kiss further and letting the intoxicating feeling of his lips on yours, swallow you whole.
Instead, he pulled away and sighed. “No, not like this.”
It was as if you’d just been sucker punched in the guy. Were Travis and Ryanne wrong? What if they had misread Nolan’s feelings for you this entire time and he only sees you as a friend? If he had feelings for you, why did he just reject you? “I-I thought–“
He brushed your hair behind your ear. “I do, so…so bad, you have no idea. But not right now. Not when you’re like this.” His words put you at ease as he pulled you further into him and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “It was a hell of a kiss though, now get some sleep. We’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”
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missguomeiyun · 5 years
dinner @ Nongbu
Good afternoon, all~
This past weekend, I went to Nongbu for my own birthday dinner with the BFFs crew. For those who have been following my blog for a while, esp when I know you in real life, “Nongbu” is a frequent term in my vocabulary as I often refer to it as my 3rd home lol it’s kinda funny bcos I’m either here by myself or with Tina. Half of the party on Saturday have not been here before so in a minor way, I was slightly nervous- “what if they don’t like the food/experience?” Anyway, Nongbu does NOT disappoint, I tell you! Everyone enjoyed their food & the service, & we all had a great time!
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Despite beig here often, I’ve never been upstairs. It has been on my “wish list” for a while but it’s bcos the upstairs space is generally for group reservations/parties, therefore, I have never had that circumstance come up before. But here’s the wall of family photos. The chef/owner, John, looks exactly the same as his childhood! I thought this was a very cute addition to the décor. 
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Here’s the rest of the upstairs, really. It’s a small space. There are 3 square tables (same ones as main floor), & comfortably seats 10-12. We fortunately had the whole upstairs to ourselves so for the 7 of us, it was roomy. 
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The overall “feel” of upstairs is very home-y! Furniture like these are highly popular & traditional in Korean homes, & thus, the etire space felt very welcoming &  yeah.. . feels like I’m dining in someone’s dining room. Behind the wall is a staircase that leads down to the kitchen directly. On the opposite side, which I don’t have a good photo for, is the “customer stairs”. 
Alright, lets move on to the foods!
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Sidedishes with seafood pancake (comes with soy sauce) & the honey butter ddeokbokki (aka rice cakes). 
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Butter bulgogi deopbap. I ordered this a loooooog time ago & remember it being served in a stone bowl but now it’s in a regular bowl. 
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Mmmm japchae.
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Soy garlic wings.
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The ddeokgalbi, which is a patty made of marinated beef & small rice cake pieces (amazing texture!). Additional cost if you want a bowl of rice with it.
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Another ‘lettuce wrap’, aka “ssam”. This one is the kimchi pork belly.
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Ok now here’s my starter item: bulgogi skewers. Tried these last yr at their street food event & was marinated so niely! Super juicy & flavourful, & the texture f the beef was very soft & almost “melts” in your mouth. A highly recommended thing by moi!
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My entrée: the O-sam noodles. Had this last time with Tina back in Feb. & I loved it to pieces! The combo of pork belly & squid works so well. & noodles, instant ramyeon noodles! You can’t go wrong with that :P 
I also ordered a yogurt soju which I don’t have a photo for, but I really like that drink. If you’re looking for a light alcoholic beverage here, I would recommend that one ^^
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Here’s the round of soju shots (thank you, Nongbu, for this service!). This was a apple + Korean pear soju, & the fruity components were infused in-house. 
We had such a fun time! Atmosphere, food, .. .everything!
* * * * * * BONUS * * * * * *
I said before that I wanna start adding some *extra* stuff at the bottom of the food post so here’s another example of the execution of the goal haha
Before dinner, we went to the Rec Room at West Edmonton Mall. I’ve never been to one before & I figured it would be a fun experience! I had imagined a larger space; the mall entrance could easily have been missed if it weren’t for large signs & “directions”. Long story short, you purchase a (free) players card, & it’s a reloadable system, where you pay to load credits. Majority of the games are 5-7 credits for 1 play. If you do well, you get “tickets”, but these are also just a number tracking system that’s associated with your card (you don’t actually get physical tickets from the machines). Then you can go redeem stuff with your tickets. We played some games together & yeah, it was super fun! So fun to the point that while I was playing the PacMan air hockey type of game, I flung my newly purchased players card into my own slot & caused an error in the machine. .. *covers face*I don’t even know how I managed to do that. I was too into it, obviously lol I have this inner competitiveness when I wanna win in something HAHA 
But yeah. .. the below game called “Speed of Light” is totally my game! It hurts my palms so much but it is so fun & addicting!
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cesium-sheep · 4 years
dad called like he said he would, he seemed worried about us staying safe and all that and wanted to make sure I wasn’t going out much. we talked about the protests (apparently some proud boys were being Particularly Awful even for them) and the strikes, and how work is going  (fine, some clown told him off for wearing a mask, as he was going into a nursing home to provide care for one of his patients :| (this was when personal use masks were still being discouraged and he feels vindicated lol)). he and patty went to the coast but the city closed the hotels the next day so they went back home, since he already had the vacation time set out he finally started building the workshop in the back yard he’s been talking about since they bought the house. he needs to get sprinkler parts so I asked him to get me a thumb screw for my wheelchair while he’s at the store since it’s impossible to order a single screw and he’s already gonna be there anyway. he says grandma is fine but really needs to be more active, just sits and watches tv all day. the renter at the house in ohio hasn’t paid rent all year but they obviously can’t kick him out right now even though the virus isn’t the reason he hasn’t paid. he’s not sure they can find a new renter for the house, but when he started talking about selling the house and said he grew up in it but he’s not sentimental about it I mentioned I was but I don’t really have the power to care for it myself anytime soon. he mentioned he and sherry had kicked around the idea of starting a foundation and turning the property into like, a camp/housing for disabled veterans and such, which I had literally the exact same idea about so I’m not sure if we each arrived at it independently or I mentioned it once and he forgot lol. he also confirmed that gpa built 2/3rds of that house with his own hands. so hopefully it will get to stay in the family, even though arin doesn’t want to live in ohio so we’ll never actually like, use it as our home.
he also asked if I was doing the 8 o clock howl, which is funny to me. of course that’s his kind of thing. XD apparently they found the sweaters because they were cleaning out the wardrobe to give to a friend who refinishes furniture to sell. also he told me gpa was real stubborn about cleaning out the filters for the ponds every day, trying to clever up an alternate solution instead of just. doing it.
I think that’s everything? the person he thought should get the management job (not him) did. they’ve rearranged things at work so patients in the same nursing home are all seen by the same nurse. also he liked working at richland rehab because he liked having the same patients. and he’s been playing phone tag with sean but still hasn’t gotten to talk to him. 3 of his friends (young nurses) are seriously ill. ellie is deaf and the black cat is skin and bones.
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aundreahamblen · 5 years
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Detention/June – Silhouettes Wall by patty-o-furniture https://ift.tt/2JM4Rm2
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What's Irish and sitting in your lawn?
Patty O Furniture
Get away for me Kate
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