#paul hannon jr.
stoat-party · 5 months
Tunnel Snakes
We’re the
Tunnel Snakes
That’s US!
And we
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ghost-qwq · 5 months
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No matter the time period, Benny must wear the most obnoxious suit in the world <3
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deadwifemanpain · 1 year
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”You do know we’re gonna get in trouble for this right.”
”Paul please that’s a problem for tomorrow us.”
Oh em gee it’s Nosebleed and forehead again with the babygirl who can do no wrong <3 (paul obviously)
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softlyapocalytpic · 1 year
11 Years Ago, Spring of 2266
Amy had known for years this place was a hard town. You didn’t grow up in Vault 101 without getting rough around the edges, but you got through it by keeping your friends close. There was few in the vault she could call that, but Amata had always been a real dame and Freddie was… useful. They were all that stood between crime and true justice in the vault, but not everyone saw it that way. 
Adults never truly understood how tough it got in the classroom and how hard it was to-
“Pssst, Amy! Hey Amy! Can I copy your homework? I forgot to do it last nigh
Summary: Little Amelia stumbles upon several mysteries in the vault, but tonight is the season finale of the Silver Shroud! Will Paulie's dad let him come over? Will Butch ruin it? Detective Amy is on the case! Find out on today's episode of Steelheart!
I'm really excited for this chapter! It's our first proper flashback! If your new I would say that if you wanna read this as a standalone you probably could since it's a flashback into the vault! This coming up a couple days after Death Shroud feels appropriate somehow.
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atomicbird101 · 12 days
Alright fuckers, nobody asked for this but I'm gonna get this brainrot out of my head and into yours.
So my personal headcanon is that there are only three Tunnel Snakes jackets in existence, and we know that those jackets are the entire personality of the gang, so I think their scarcity as well as their symbolism makes them much more significant than “just some fucking jackets”. (And let's be fucking real, Butch calls his jacket his snakeskin. ANYWAY)
The original owners of the jackets are as follows:
Butch DeLoria
Wally Mack
Paul Hannon Jr.
The only canon times we see those jackets (in the flesh, not hallucinations in a creepy ass dungeon crawl) are Future Imperfect, Escape, and Trouble on the Homefront. During Escape, Butch is the only Tunnel Snake we encounter, and when we return to the Vault, there are only two Tunnel Snakes: Butch, and Freddie Gomez. Paul died of Radroach bites shortly after you left, and Wally says that he was out of the gang “before they got involved in all this,” which is pretty open-ended.
Now, if we rescue Butch's mom during Escape, he gives us his jacket — however, when we return for Trouble on the Homefront, he's wearing another Tunnel Snakes jacket. We have his jacket (or sold it, if you're a heartless prick 😭😭😭), so whose jacket is he wearing, and where did Freddie get his?
My personal headcanon is that Wally tried to take over the gang and got kicked out and now Freddie wears his jacket (see: Wally suggesting gang names centering his own name, throwing a bitch fit when you remind him that he's just Butch's follower, and moving to the Commonwealth to form his own version of the Tunnel Snakes), and Butch is wearing Paul's jacket in memory of a dear friend that he should have treated better.
I imagine if you try to give Butch his original jacket back, he'll be flattered that you kept it, but he'll insist that it's yours now and hang onto Paul's for reasons he'll never admit out loud and/or sober. (It's a little tight on him — not so tight that it would hinder his mobility, but tight enough to make him feel more muscular and simulate all the hugs he'll never get from his best friend.)
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azures-grace · 7 days
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hi I gave Butch and Felicity another baby. His name is Paul, and he's named after Paul Hannon Jr.
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m-u-n-c-h-y · 2 years
Since I’m back on my Butch DeLoria bullshit again, here’s some headcanons I came up with, and have continued to live rent free in my brain.
Despite it being so contrasting to the rowdy greaser image he projects,  Butch is surprisingly a neat and tidy person. It comes from years of cleaning up after his mom, who was generally a messy person. As well as his experience being a barber, and having it drilled into him that he needed to keep his space and tools clean to prevent any sanitary issues.
Speaking of his experience as a barber, out in the wasteland he could be considered a chemist. Knowing all the chemicals for dying and treating hair is just part of his job, but if he applied it outside of hairstyling, he’d actually be pretty good at it.
Butch has A LOT of issues with abandonment; he just hates the idea of being alone. A lot of this stems from his childhood, having to deal with Ellen’s parenting, and what ended up going down in the vault after the LW left.
Butch is, usually, really good with kids. He just has a way with speaking to them that they like and will listen to him. He says it’s because he talks to them, not at them, it ain’t that hard to understand.
Butch definitely had a crush on Paul Hannon Jr, he just never realized it until after Paulie died. It has severely fucked him up :)
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fuzzydreamin · 11 months
for the oc details ask: 💯🖊️🤍 💚 💔🤔, for Al, Nora, & anyone else you want to answer these for?
Three lists in one ask? You're killing me.
Snipped for longer post.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Nora answered here.
✝ Alberta:
Had a boyfriend before they left the vault - Paul Hannon Jr. Didn't know he died after 'Escape!' until she returned later.
Their first companion was Jericho...
Al didn't get normal periods. She could go months without them but when she did have one it was bad. They've stopped completely in recent years thanks to Al's poor health. A blessing from a curse.
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
✪ Nora gets a small heart shaped tattoo around the bullet scar on her collar bone, which was already sort of heart-shaped and why she wanted to define it that way. Nothing else. She's not personally into tattoos on herself, and just does it as a way to own her scar -something she also has some trouble accepting at first.
✝ Alberta has a sentinel rank tattoo on their left upper arm. Maybe more I haven't figured it all out yet.
🎖 I don't think Nate had any, but he wouldn't have been opposed to the idea. It would've been something small that he could hide though.
☣ Calamity probably did but I dunno what, and they'd be hard to see on his ghoulish skin anymore. He probably had friends who did their own work on him -nothing all that much, just a few small tattoos here and there of varying quality.
🏕 Jack does not have any. He might get something for Beckett in the future though, since he'll likely outlive him thanks to mutations. Maybe something for his family, and maybe Sofia too, though they're just friends. Basically, he's the type where if he got one he'd get more, but they would still have to mean something to him. They'd probably represent the people symbolically in some way, so it's not blatantly obvious that they're tributes.
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
✪ Nora:
Doesn't like others questioning her leadership, decisions, or abilities (a genuine "you sure you can do that?" is fine, but not a "there's no way you can do that").
Isn't above sometimes being a little cruel and scaring the pants off people if it gets her point across, especially if they've pissed her off. (She usually does this to 'bad guys' but I'm counting it here anyway.)
Touched on in my previous post but Nora has some issues with control. She was always ambitious but after the bombs and what happened in the vault she gets panicked if she feels like she doesn't have power in a situation.
✝ Alberta:
Will overlook the bad actions of those they care about.
Will do bad actions if it gains the approval of said people - to a point, there are some lines Al won't cross. But they also don't always think before they act, so... Basically they're easily manipulated.
I... dunno. Al's full of bad things but they're all sorta tangled up together so it's hard to just pull them out seperately.
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
✪ Nora:
Does not like bugs or 'pest' animals. Like, not a hatred for them, but she thinks they're gross and gets the willies if they're scurrying about.
Has a habit of flirting with people for fun. Often she'll do it just to test a persons reaction, because it can tell her other things about their character.
Can be concerned with her image - like, if she is clean and put together, and presents as capable.
✝ Alberta:
Doesn't trust others easily. Al will tentatively go along with others, but they're always on the watch for being double crossed or the like. She'll still go along though...
Similar line as above, but they don't believe there are that many truly good people out in the world. Regular 'good' people sure, but they all have or will hurt others at some point, and put their own desires above others. It's just nature. Contradictory this also makes her more willing to forgive some slights - because she simply expects them to some degree.
Doesn't give a fuck about their image generally. You want something done or not? No? Fuck off.
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
✝ Alberta: Either? Mostly just whichever will give the most space away from others usually. So probably outside more, travelling from one place to another, but a dark corner where they can fiddle with their tech is also good.
✪ Nora: Inside. Where things are neat and orderly and she can (hopefully) relax and get some work done.
🎖 Nate: Outside. Preferably doing some sports activity or just enjoying the sun and people watching.
☣ Calamity: Inside. Where the people are, causing a ruckus and being the centre of attention. Or just chilling out in a dark corner.
🏕 Jack: Outside. He loves nature.
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Nora answered here.
✝ Alberta plays with their pipboy, or whatever other tech/project they might have on hand. 100% the type to bounce their leg or tap fingers on something if their hands aren't occupied. Generally cannot sit still, unless exhausted.
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hitomistierlitz · 3 years
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Paul Hannon Jr.
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bish-0-p · 3 years
🖊 Wanda 👁👄👁🔎
- In her youth, Wanda read pretty much every book they had in the Vault. She loved reading. When she eventually ran out of things to read, she started writing her own things. She never really got far, but it was something to occupy her.
- Wanda is aroace, but she dated Paul Hannon Jr. when she was like 15, because she thought he was nice and everyone else was dating. Ironically, she got the job of marriage counselor on her G.O.A.T. - Her dad and Charon are like 80% of her impulse control, so after her dad died she was a bit unhinged for awhile. She ended up killing Colin Moriarty and giving his bar to Nova and Gob. Charon isn't a fan of murder, but he made an exception for that.
- She helped raise Duncan MacCready! She was very close with the Little Lamplight kids when she still lived in the Capital Wasteland, and she's basically MacCready's older sister. When his wife died, they ended up moving in with Charon and Wanda for a bit. Once Mac and Kieran find the cure, she brings Duncan to the Commonwealth and they all move in together in Sanctuary. (Can you tell I love the Found Family trope?) - She turned into a ghoul after she sacrificed herself at the Purifier. The only reason she didn't die is because she had already slightly mutated because of the work she had done for Moira Brown. - She has a hardcore rivalry with Arthur Maxson. She was kicked out of the Brotherhood after she was ghoulified, but before that she thought he was a pretty cute kid. When he became Elder and killed all the supermutants, he basically told her the only reason he wouldn't shoot her on sight was because the folks of the wasteland looked up to her. She left the capital after that.
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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The Lone Wanderer Cyan Caster from Fallout 3 is an autistic bisexual autigender nonbinary guy with ADHD and anxiety who uses he/him, they/them, sti/stim, and sci/scien pronouns, and his dog Dogmeat is trans and uses he/him pronouns! Cyan is dating Amata Almodovar, an autistic bisexual trans girl who uses they/them and she/her pronouns, and Amata is also in a relationship with Christine Kendall, an autistic lesbian nonbinary girl who uses he/him and she/her pronouns!
Cyan is also dating Butch Deloria, a bisexual man with ADHD who doesn’t have a pronoun preference! Butch is dating Freddie Gomez, a gay trans guy with ADHD who uses he/him pronouns, and Freddie is in a relationship with Paul Hannon Jr., a bisexual guy with ADHD who uses he/him pronouns!
dni transcript under the cut:
dni: racist, sexist, ableist, islamophobe, antisemite, anti-mogai, truscum/transmed, t(w)erf/swerf, aspec exclus, anti-pan/ply/omni, anti-mspec lesbian/gay, against men/nonbs using femme/butch, pronoun policer, map or supporter, pro-ship/anti-anti, gendercrit, nonbinary skeptic, anti-queer, anti-endogenic, anti-self dx, autism speaks supporter, anti-blm/acab, cringe/flop blog, or nsfw blog. thank you!
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ghost-qwq · 6 months
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this has been on my mind since I saw the original image...
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bunkershotgolf · 3 years
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George Hannon Junior Invitational Set for Aug. 9-10
The George Hannon Junior Invitational returns to the University of Texas Golf Club on August 9-10 with Texas Mutual Insurance Company returning as the presenting sponsor. This 36-hole event, which features some of the best Junior boy and girl golfers in Texas ages 12-18, sets up to be a great finish to another stellar LJT summer schedule.
“Having a partnership with Texas Mutual is such a blessing to the Hannon Cup Association,” Hannon Cup Association Managing Director Randi Long said. “When we set out to have a junior tournament, the goal was to host one of the best ones in Texas. Along with Texas Mutual and the Legends Junior Tour, I believe we have accomplished that goal.”
Texas Mutual Insurance Company is one of the state’s leading workers’ compensation providers. Texas Mutual Vice President of Marketing and Customer Engagement Jeremiah Bentley said the company is proud to be associated with this year’s championship.
“We’re happy to have the opportunity again to contribute to the organization’s mission,” Bentley said. “As a leader in the workers’ compensation industry, Texas Mutual is always seeking to partner with other leading organizations. This tournament is a high-quality event that provides value to sponsors and exposure to a first-class audience.”
George Hannon was born in Kemp, Texas, and had a 59-year PGA career, including an 18-year term as the University of Texas Men’s Golf coach. Hannon’s career at UT included NCAA titles in 1971 and 1972, as well as 12 Southwest Conference Championships. Hannon coached legends such as Ben Crenshaw, Tom Kite, Mark Brooks, Phil Blackmar, Brandel Chamblee, Warren Chancellor, Rik Massengale and Paul Thomas. He was inducted into the Texas Golf Hall of Fame in 1991 and was the Golf Coaches Associations’ 2001 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient.
The Legends Junior Tour has conducted the George Hannon Junior Invitational since the Hannon Cup Association created the event in 2009. It brings together the top 96 boys and girls in and around the state with players competing in a Boys 15-18, Girls 12-18 and Boys 14 & Under Division.
The field will take on UT Golf Club’s par-71 layout. Since it opened for play in 2003, the demanding Bechtol Russel design has always had a championship pedigree. The Austin-based club is the home of the University of Texas Men’s and Women’s golf teams, including the 2012 NCAA Men’s Golf National Champions. It’s played host to NCAA Regional Championships, the Betsy Rawls Invitational as well as TGA Major Championships, including the 99th Women’s Texas Amateur last year.
Over the years, the club has welcomed some of the highest profile players in the game of golf. These include three-time major champion Jordan Spieth, PGA Tour winners Dylan Frittelli, Cody Gribble and Jhonattan Vegas, reigning PGA Tour Rookie of the Year Scottie Scheffler and 2017 U.S. Women’s Amateur Champion Sophia Schubert.
This is the sixth time in the tournament’s 13-year history for UT Golf Club to host the George Hannon Junior Invitational. It’s a challenging test of golf complemented by scenic Texas Hill Country views and always delivers a great championship. Other host clubs of this event include Austin Country Club, Spanish Oaks Golf Club and The Hills Country Club.
“It’s always exciting to cap off a great summer with a trip to Austin for the George Hannon Junior Invitational,” LJT Tournament Coordinator Adam Schulte said. “It’s a great event year after year and we can’t thank the Hannon Cup Association, Texas Mutual Insurance and UT Golf Club enough for making it all possible.”
At the 2020 George Hannon Junior Invitational, Austin’s own and University of Texas commit Keaton Vo captured the Boys 15-18 Division. Vo shot a bogey free 6-under-par 65 in the final round to go on and win by six strokes. In the Girls 12-18 Division, Nicole Vivier also of Austin fired a final round 2-under to win the division by two strokes. Henry Guan of Irving secured victory in the Boys 14 & Under Division after carding rounds of 73-68.  Guan entered the final round trailing by one stroke, his final round 3-under-par 68 was enough to win the division and earn his first victory with the Legends Junior Tour.
The George Hannon Junior Invitational is held in the Austin area annually and features one of the top-ranked fields on the LJT Schedule. Past champions of this event include Max Miller, Joe and Julia Beck, Scottie and Callie Scheffler, Brendan Redfern, Cole Hammer, Thomas Critch, Levi Valadez, Alexandra Rossi, Chandler Phillips, Hailee Cooper and Stephen Campbell Jr.
The George Hannon Junior Invitational is ranked by Golfweek and Junior Golf Scoreboard with the top half of each division earning points towards the LJT Player of the Year Standings. The top finishers of the Boys 15-18 and Girls 12-18 Divisions will also earn AJGA Performance Stars.
Players in the George Hannon Junior Invitational are members of the Texas Junior Golf Alliance which is a joint venture between the Texas Golf Association, the Southern and Northern Texas PGA Sections and the Houston Golf Association. The alliance provides junior golfers with top tier competition across the state and a path to gain experience and grow throughout their junior golfing careers.
For more information about the George Hannon Junior Invitational, click here. To learn more about the Hannon Cup Association, click here.
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chaosintheavenue · 4 years
Fallout OC Survey Canon Relationship Results
The most common responses to the two questions focusing on relationships with canon characters were family members that the game forces onto the player (James and Catherine for Lone Wanderers, Shaun and Nate or Nora for Sole Survivors, the Vault Dweller for Chosen Ones, the Chosen One for Vault Dwellers, Pat and the Arroyo Elder for both of those...), but I'm going to exclude them for now to see which other characters people have chosen to associate their OCs with (I did, however, include instances where it was specified that a Sole Survivor had adopted synth Shaun). I also left out implied relations (e.g. someone related to the Chosen One is also implied to be related to the Arroyo Elder and the Vault Dweller), sticking just to the answers that were directly given.
A few people did accidentally enter responses for the wrong questions, which I only became aware of through specification in the answers or the respondent getting in touch with me, so bear in mind there's a chance some more are the wrong way round!
Family members (including adoption and in-laws)
Chosen One: 6 Synth Shaun: 5 Vault Dweller: 5 Courier Six: 5 Arcade Gannon: 5 Boone: 4 Raul: 4 Lone Wanderer: 4 Sole Survivor: 3 Caesar: 3 Joshua Graham: 2 Synth Nick Valentine: 2 Regis: 2 Butch: 2 Mr House: 2 And the list of solo responses: Doc Mitchell, Nat, Oscar Velasco, Jessup, McMurphy, Papa Khan, Charon, Veronica, human Nick Valentine, Mama Murphy, Colonel Hsu, Obadiah Blackhall, Nate (with 'Nora' as the Sole Survivor), Madison Li, Colonel Autumn, the Arroyo Elder, Herman Gomez, Pepper Gomez, DiMA, Faraday, Danse, Hancock, Dead Sea, Preston Garvey, MacCready, an unspecified Kings member, the Great Khans in general, and the Cabot family
(by the way, the high instances of player characters in this list was influenced by one person who has all of their player characters related to each other, which I thought was a really cool concept!)
Hancock: 21 MacCready: 18 Arcade Gannon: 16 Nick Valentine: 14 Butch: 14 Deacon: 13 Charon: 11 Boone: 11 Danse: 10 Piper: 8 Cait: 7 Porter Gage: 7 Benny Gecko: 6 Cass: 6 Vulpes Inculta: 5 Amata: 5 Preston Garvey: 4 Ulysses: 4 Joshua Graham: 4 Curie: 4 Sarah Lyons: 4 Raul: 2 Sturges: 2 Legate Lanius: 2 Arthur Maxson: 2 Magnolia: 2 Freddie Gomez: 2 Harkness: 2 Aaand the 'one list': Sydney, Star Paladin Cross, Scribe Neriah, Ringo, Gob, Mr House, Red Lucy, Miria, Sarah Weintraub, Gloria Van Graff, Maria Chavez, John Cassidy, Clover, Captain Curtis, Ranger Ghost, Kent Connolly, Sunny Smiles, Sonya, Timebomb, Christine Royce, Marjorie, the Lone Wanderer, Caesar, Manny Vargas, X6-88, Veronica, Glory, and Paul Hannon Jr
A few characters appeared in the results that I'm almost certain were OCs (as Google searches yielded nothing relevant) or mistakes (e.g. one response listed Roger Maxson as a partner alongside Fallout 4 characters- including Arthur Maxson- and I wasn't sure who they actually meant), so I left them out. But if you put down a character who isn't shown here and they are in fact a canon NPC, please let me know!
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a-fallout-bi · 4 years
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Finally got around to finishing my lone wanderer
Name: Adelaide "Scraps" clements
Age: 21
Gender: agender
Sexuality: bisexual
Vault tec job: trash burner
Main weapon: hunting rifle
Personality: dishonest, persistent, passionate, tolerant, resourceful, fearless, vengeful, nonconforming, clever, loyal
Likes: centaurs, ghouls(feral or not), subways, wasteland food, eccentric people, uniqueness, nuka cola quantum, useless prewar stuff, long guns
Dislikes: authority, vault tec, blunt weapons(especially security batons), religion, freeze dried food, open spaces, radscorpions, fire, strong smells(good or not), prudes, showing her teeth
Friends: Three dog, Butch DeLoria, amata, Dave, mister Crowley, Winthrop, patchwork, fawkes, the mechanist, jericho(one sided), Moira, Harold, James hargrave, Desmond lockhart
Enemies: everybody at tenpenny towers, all slavers, Tammy hargrave, all vault 101 officers, the overseer, the brotherhood of steel, Lucy west, ahzrukhal
Crushes: billy creel, red, bittercup, Paul Hannon jr, gob, mysterious stranger
Fun fact: got her eye scar and missing teeth from a encounter with a vault tec officer
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sallowhillshq · 4 years
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           𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐇𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬. 𝐰𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲
i see we have a new member to our town.  welcome, welcome BUTCH DELORIA.  we truly hope you enjoy your stay.  please feel free to head over to bevin & cecil’s until your settled, and don’t forget to stop by shady glen housing for your welcome package.  i know it might be difficult right now and you might be missing your home.  we hope that Wally Mack or Paul Hannon Jr might show up soon, so you won’t have to be alone.
ari  welcome to sallow hills hq! check the source for the welcome package & make sure to send us your account within 12 hours
i think i just saw BUTCH DELORIA (he/him, cis male)! don’t you know them? they’re a canon character from fallout. have you heard that they remember some things from their previous life? apparently they appeared here in March 2019 just after getting caught in an explosion protecting the Lone Wanderer. crazy, isn’t it? now they’re 20 years old and working as a HAIR STYLIST. still, they do have well-worn leather jacket, hiding vodka in a water bottle, breaking curfew, writing obscene messages in the bathroom stalls & jerk with a heart of gold vibe about them. [ matt dillon (circa 1980s). ari, she/they, 24, eastern ]
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