#pearl necklace with gold clasp
cameoblaze · 1 year
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undiscovered-horizon · 7 months
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[Mihawk prefers to keep work and his private life separate. On one rare occasion when these two have to comingle, Mihawk is rather upset at the attention you attract.]
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When Mihawk said "It will be just a moment, my dear", you didn't think the issue would take more than half an hour. Yet here you are, two hours after he had left you in a fussy lounge in the back of Midnight Grove...
...and not a Dracule Mihawk in sight.
You let out an exasperated sigh and take another sip of your mai tai. The band is playing yet another song that sounds vaguely identical to the previous one. Similarly, the mob of other patrons seems to be merging into one, murky background of blurry figures in your eyes. Being used to the peaceful yet refined companionship of Mihawk, the aura of Midnight Grove is beyond unbearable.
Mindlessly playing with a coaster featuring a howling wolf, you don't notice a Marine cadet approaching you.
"I'm afraid I have to arrest you, my lady."
The unexpected and, frankly, unwelcome comment makes you look up from the devilishly fascinating coaster. Your eyes fall on a well-built man with long hair and a smug expression. The glint in his brown eyes makes you tense up in discomfort.
"Excuse me?" you ask him, not understanding the meaning behind his words.
The cadet gives you a bad parody of a flirtatious smile. "You look too beautiful," he purrs out.
You can't help but laugh. Somehow, you're undecided whether his pick-up disgusts or amuses you or maybe both. Perhaps his audacity forced a laugh out of you - the ring on your fourth finger is neither modest nor simple. Considering how the large gem in the golden band shone in the low light of the Midnight Grove, even a blind man could tell from a mile away that you are anything but single.
"Anyone waiting for you at home?" he continues his rather poor attempt at flirting.
With a casual flick of your wrist, you toss the coaster on the table. Feeling both curious and entertained, you decide to play along - for now, at least. "Why are you asking, sailor boy?" you question before taking another sip of your drink. The ice has melted and the diluted drink now tastes mostly of old freezer.
"He must be mighty jealous about you. And considering the gold you're wearing," he makes a point of staring at your cleavage, "a millionaire, too."
"Oh, this?" You look down at the necklace of jewels and pearls. A memory flashes before your eyes, suddenly remembering Mihawk's face, barely visible in candlelight as he clasps the jewellery around your neck, telling you sweet things only men in romance novels tend to say. "Yes, it's a gift from someone. I'm sure you know him," you tell the Marine cadet in a casual tone, already imagining how hilarious his face of terror will be when he realizes whose spouse he's been trying to woo. "Tall, yellow eyes, a rather large sword and...
"Awfully annoyed at your impertinence, boy."
The low, guttural voice laced with withheld anger makes both of you look away. There, standing right behind the cadet, is Mihawk himself. Part of his large physique blocks the scarce lighting, making him look significantly more insidious. In the twilight of the Midnight Grove, with fury burning in his eyes, Mihawk appears closer to a demon than a man.
Although the room is dark, you can clearly see the way the cadet's blood draws from his face and the way his eyes are suddenly bigger than an owl's. He scrambles to his feet, almost falling off his chair. Then, muttering apologies and promises of better behaviour, the young Marine runs off only to disappear in the crowd of Midnight Grove's patrons.
Mihawk's eyes follow the youngling for a moment.
"I should have him strung up and killed," he says more to himself than you.
"Or," you speak up, a playful smile curling your lips, "you could sit down, have a drink with your beautiful wife and gloat about the fact that you're the only man to undress her."
You might just be a witch because the change in his demeanour is instant. There is still something wild in his bright, yellow eyes but it's not bloodthirst or anger anymore. You notice how he glances at the ring and the necklace, admiring his own signs of "ownership". One would think they're big enough to send the message. Alas, some people just refuse to receive it.
"You have me convinced," Mihawk says as he sits down next to you.
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axelsagewrites · 4 months
Felix Catton*Best Gift Ever
Pairing: felix x working class!reader
Word count: 1241
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Warnings: money struggles, insecurity, rich people
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You and Felix had been going out for around few months now and it had been amazing. You could tell his friends were defiantly shocked. You were from a different background to put it politely.  Aka he was absolutely filthy rich, and you were your average broke uni student.
This was your first Valentine’s day together and Felix had been going on for the past week about how much you were going to love what he had planned. All you knew was that it involved dinner and likely some kind of gift that was way nicer than anything else you owned.
Being surrounded by so many rich people though had a tendency to make you doubt yourself especially since one of Felix’s ex flings told you that she had bought him a gold necklace for valentines last year. Felix had assured you he’d gotten rid of it ages ago and thought it looked tacky as hell, but you couldn’t help the pit in your stomach.
You were essentially just waiting for your student loan to come in to get him something but by the time it came in and you paid for all your essentials, you were left with 100 quid for the month. Which considering Felix and his friends liked to go eat and drink out all the time and he always wanted you to come meant it wouldn’t last very long. it didn’t help that whenever Felix would buy you a drink you’d inevitably get comments from one of the jealous rich girls in the group about it.
After writing down your months budget you felt like you were going to cry. You only had a spare tenner to get him something. How the hell does money go away so fast? You tried looking around the local shops for something but there was another issue about going to oxford; everything nearby was designer or name brand.
Your options were essentially a sample size of cologne or one tenth of a bracelet. Eventually you decided to suck it up and just try make something.
There you were on valentines waiting for Felix to arrive at your dorm while you finished wrapping up his present. You had bought a blank CD and spend hours curating the perfect playlist and illegally burning it onto the disc. You’d also diy’d a bunch of kiss notes by writing a small note, kissing the back of it, cutting it out and sealing the whole note in sticky tape so it didn’t smudge.
It had actually turned out pretty cute however when you opened the door and saw Felix holding a huge bouquet of flowers and 2 wrapped presents you felt your heart sink but you tried not to show it, “Roses for my flower,” he grinned, leaning down to give you a quick kiss before pressing the bouquet into your hand, “Happy valentines baby,”
“Happy valentines,” you said, opening the door so he could come in without a care in the world while you internally freaked out.
Felix instantly went to sit on the bed, sitting one of the gifts down and holding the other one out to you, “Cmon open it. I cannot wait to see your reaction,” he said, bouncing up and down like a kid on Christmas.
“Okay okay,” you laughed, taking the gift and starting to carefully unwrap it. Felix reached a hand out, pulling you by your hip to sit on his leg while you opened it. “Wow Felix I can’t accept this,” you gasped as you opened the jewellery box revealing a gorgeous pink pearl necklace.
“Don’t be silly of course you can,” he said, taking the box from your hand, “You deserve it. can you?” he said, nodding at your hair. You moved it out the way while he clasped the necklace around your neck, “and done. Almost as beautiful as you,”
You found yourself melting into his smile. Before you could say anything else however his eyes landed on the gifts you’d just finished wrapping. “Oh, are these for me?” he asked, grinning even wider as you nodded and he reached for the gifts.
You bit your lip as he tore into the first present. The CD. Suddenly it looked so cheap, and you felt your heart break as he flipped it over. you closed your eyes, expecting him to get annoyed but instead you felt him wrap his arm around you as he read the back, “This is so wicked thanks babe,” he said as he laughed at some of the songs you had listed on the back, “We should listen to it tonight. I’ve never had someone make me a CD,”
“Theres the envelope too,” you mumbled, and he lit up all over again as he gently sit the CD down and picked up the envelope.
As he pulled out the kisses his eyebrows knitted in confusion but when he flipped them over, you’d never seen as big a smile on his face, “Did you make these? These are so fucking cute oh my god you’re amazing,” he said, sitting them down so he could wrap his arms so tightly around you, you wondered if you may snap.
“I didn’t expect you to like them so much,” you laughed as Felix finally let you go enough to breathe again, “Sorry it’s not much,” you said, smile dropping slightly when you saw your gifts laid side by side.
“Hey,” Felix said, reaching up a finger to your chin, turning your head to face him, “I love them. Why do you look so sad?” he said, his smile dropping.
“I just don’t want you to think I’m some cheap skate. I wanted to get you something good and- “
Felix practically picked you up and turned you to face him while straddling his lap, “No. don’t feel bad about any of this. I love them. You have no idea how much this means to me. I mean the time and effort you put into this,” he said, looking down at the gifts. “The money doesn’t matter to me. It never has. But you,” he said, moving to hold your hands, “you mean way more than any dumb bit of jewellery,”
“I’m sorry,”
“Don’t you apologise,” he said, wrapping his arms around you for a tight hug which you quickly reciprocated. You stayed like that for a solid minute before Felix pulled away, “Now, you need to get ready or we’re going to be late,” he said with that dopey smile back on his face. He was never one to linger on the sadness after all, “Speaking of open it,” he said pulling the last gift over.
You laughed as you tore into the present, Felix getting a kick out how you didn’t try save the wrapping paper like last time. you gasped, yet again at the sight. “And don’t even think of trying to refuse it. seeing you in that is a gift for me too you know,” he joked making you slap his chest before you went to pull the gorgeous red dress out the box. “Now c’mon,” he said, pushing you out his lap before slapping your ass.
“Cmon get dressed,” he said, leaning back in the bed.
“Aren’t you gonna leave?” you teased, holding the dress up to yourself.
“Nope,” he said, popping the p, “I think I’ll stay right where I am,”
“You’re lucky you’re cute,”
“No. I’m lucky I have you,”
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vilhelios · 4 months
( WHERE I WAS THE SEA, & YOU WERE THE SHORE . ) ; general fluffy romantic headcanons for rafayel / qi yu from love and deepspace <3
CW: not beta read, general rafayel story/lore spoilers, may be slightly ooc, tooth-rotting fluff, very slight angst !!!
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— RAFAYEL is a terribly sweet, loyal, and affectionate lover. sometimes, you think he is something like a lovesick puppy—always ready to greet you at the door with a warm hug when you return from a mission, always eagerly awaiting your phone calls and texts. always at your side. when he calls you darling and holds you close, burrows his head into the crook of your neck, you can't help but feel like your being has been warmed by a pleasant summer sunbeam.
despite this, sometimes he feels like he's drifting somewhere far away from you. a receeding ocean tide, sea foam dissolving from your fingertips as you dip your hands in the waves. he's somewhere you don't understand, when he looks into your eyes and searches for an iteration of you in the reflected image of his own eyes—perhaps he is 800 years away, a lifetime and more. and yet, when you gingerly cup his face in your palms, feel him lean into your touch, you know he returns to you.
— RAFAYEL'S art studio is admittedly, a mess. there are days where you'll enter that room spotless and leave with splatters of some new shade of red and his beloved blues all over your clothes and skin. some days, this happens purely on accident—a trip right into a canvas here, a palm pressed onto wet paint there—and on others, rafayel seems to delight in using you as a canvas.
— when RAFAYEL kisses you (in that gentle fashion, where he cups your cheek like if he doesn't you'll slip like seafoam from his hold), those soft lips of his taste of cherries and grapes and strawberries. and perhaps that best encapsulates what loving rafayel is like, this sweetest red, red, red: the way his cheeks and ears flush when you press a kiss to his cheek; the colour of his eyes when the morning's rose-gold sunlight hits the pink in them just right; the bleeding, beating heart he offers to your awaiting hands. eventually, he pulls away to let the both of you breathe, and when he presses his forehead against yours, glances at you with that charming smile of his, you're enveloped in warm crimson all over again.
"there." rafayel smiles, leans back to admire the flamulla he'd painted on your cheek and the pout that graces your lips. "a cute flamulla for the cutie that keeps distracting me."
"you weren't even painting anything when i came in!" you scoff, dabbing the paintbrush he'd given you into the paint upon the palette. while he painted moon jellies, flamulla, and blowfish on your skin, you'd busied yourself with painting seashells on his. some of the clamshells are too close together, the venus combs look a little too spiky, and some conches don't look quite right. when he looks like he's about to chuckle at the sight of them, you poke him with the other end of your brush; "hmph. you're just a meanie."
"how rude!" he feigns, hand to his heart. "this is how you treat me for making you look like one of my most precious paintings?"
— you notice, eventually, that RAFAYEL always gifts you red jewelry (if not pearls, of course). the little treasures glint in the sunlight; rings with a ruby or red spinel centerpiece, a necklace with a red coral pendant, fire opal earrings... they're beautiful and never gaudy, as to be expected from a man with an eye for aesthetics, but it still perplexes you.
you ask him why, while he helps you put on his most recently gifted necklace as you two get ready to attend his aunt's opera show. your painter answers with a thoughtful hum, deft fingers clasping the necklace for you: "red disappears the fastest in the deep sea, so i never got to see it much." rafayel presses a kiss to your cheek, then, before settling his chin on the crook of your neck. "what better way to appreciate a colour i missed out on for so long than seeing it on you, darling?"
— RAFAYEL'S smug and haughty countenance seems to crumble at the mere press of your lips against his skin, little pecks gracing each beauty mark. the first kiss is placed on his cheek, a little ways away from his eye, his head cradled in your palms; you feel how he heats up beneath your touch, a light blush dusting across his cheeks and a bright vermillion burning at the tips of his ears. the second is placed on his chest, your lips and gentle, roaming hands sparking the rapid thrumming of his heart.
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— RAFAYEL sees you in everything. in the morning sunlight that filters into his kitchen, in the cherry blossoms that land on his hair, in the sea breeze that rushes past him as he walks along the shore. the mundane of daily life has become filled with so many traces of you that he cannot see them as anything other than beautiful. there's a piece of you in every one of his paintings now, a streak of your favourite colour intertwined with his reds and blues. he made the pigment himself, of course, extracted the colours he needed from your favourite things.
THE LOVERS ; Rafayel (20XX) ; Oil on canvas
This painting consists of only two colours, and depicts the view of a simple shoreline, with waves lapping at the shore. Although simple in essence, the two paints were handmade (as is the norm for pieces by Rafayel) with pigments extracted from materials that represented himself and his beloved. Upon closer inspection, one may notice the difference in brushstrokes between colours—where they start to blend, so do the strokes, perhaps one hand guiding the other. As per the words of the painter himself, this artwork is meant to represent a "marriage and a transfiguration; the way two souls are forever intertwined and changed by love."
a/n : pretty privilege is real because rafayel acts a lot like marius but i like him infinitely more than i do lu jinghe 😭👍 my love/obsession for this pretty little fish has made me rise from the grave of uni work and writer's block... please fill his tag i need to satisfy this itch in my brain that he gives me <\3 might write some more for him + him as abysswalker <3 (p.s. that final hc is perhaps the cutest thing i thought to do)
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tamayakii · 11 months
Their Angel. Yan!HOTD x Reader
I've been having so many thoughts about yandere house of the dragon x reader, how the 3 big houses (Targaryen, Velaryon & Hightower) would fight for the darlings' affection. Platonic, Familial or romantic. I feel like they would, of course, all fight over what colours you would wear, what house you represent until a very annoyed and exhausted council member suggested white.
"like an angel," Viserys adds, it was said that the gods had sent you down to bless them so dressing you in white seemed the best option... but that didn't stop them from gifting you jewellery that had the colours of their house.
The Hightower jewellery had the most expensive Jade and Emerald on top of gold, these pieces can range from delicate rings to big statement necklaces that encompass your neck. Alicent prefers to give you these gifts in person, alone, perhaps in her or your chambers. Presenting you with the beautifully engraved box as she opens it, showing you a new necklace with a beautiful dark green emerald. Otto's gifts never cease to awe you in how quiet that man is in his actions, a small indiscreet box upon your pillow when you ready for bed. Inside lays a note, upon which Otto describes the moment he found this beautiful ring and knew he must get it for you, the handwriting almost as beautiful as the peridot ring you now proudly wear on your pinkie.
The Targaryen jewellery is almost always extravagant, having connections to get you the best out of everything. Viserys gifts you capes, crowns and veils but unlike the others, he almost always keeps them in white, unless they have jewels. His favourite thing to see you in is crown veils, the jewellery hanging down and framing your face makes you seem like you stepped down from heaven's gate. When Aemma was still around, she gifted you rings and earrings, she wasn't able to give you much before she passed in childbirth. So you hold these gifts quite dearly to your heart, always sporting the dark ruby red ring on your thumb, twisting it when you get nervous. Rhaenrya, oh dear Rhaenrya, she wanted everyone to know that you belong to the Targaryens. To the Blood of The Dragons, her first gift to you was a cloak clasp that show two dragons on each side, her second gift was a crystal bracelet that had a chain connecting to a ring, it was a simple design but by the gods it made you feel exquisite. There was one gift that set the nail in the coffin, it was a gift from Rhaenrya and Aemma, a dragon that wrapped around your neck. Signifying the hold that House Targaryen has on you.
The Velaryon jewellery is often pearls or other sea gemstones as they sit on driftmark and have a hand over the trading routes, Rhaenys upon her second meeting of you, gifting you a pearl ring slipping upon your finger herself. Corlys gifted you a relic that was been with the Veleryons for ages on your first birthday with them, the beautiful necklace made with blue topaz, moonstones and blue chalcedony, wrapped beautifully with Valeryon silver. Vaemond... never was quite as fond as you as his brother and sister-in-law were, you were no Targaryen or Velaryon but for small moments he forgot that and adored your sweet smile.
I would love to draw male and female outfits of what this au's darling would look like, i can also do a part two of the other things the other characters would give you as i excluded a lot as to not make this any longer than it is. Should i make a fic with this idea? pls send me an ask if you're interested in this au
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mchlgayser · 1 year
heeey could u write about mason’s family finding out he has a girlfriend because she shows up at his door (when he answers she kisses him and everyone is shocked) thank u
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OH MY GOD: : mason mount x female!reader
author's note: this is, by far one of my cutest fiction I think?! but lemme know what you think anon!! luv xx
contents warning: none // not proofread
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'You got me a dress? ...In my closet room? ...Mason when did you even get here?!' He chuckles through the phone 'I'll tell you about that later alright? Just get dolled up for me angel!' He hung up the phone and you sigh, exasperatedly.
Mason told you today he wanted to bring you to a dinner date at his house, and you as a person who could't said no, you agreed to. What could possibly go wrong anyway?
You jog upstairs to your room and the linked closet room to see a black box with gold ribbon laid before you on the accessories drawer. You carefully pull open the box to see a long and elegant pink maxi dress neatly tucked
You present the dress in front of you feeling giddy and bubbly to wear it for today's special occasion.
You did your make up not too long after, putting on the dress and get your 'M' initial necklace and a pair of eggshell white pearl dangling earrings. After that you put your hair on a neat low bun and strands of hair at the front curling it a bit.
Satisfied with the look, you grab a purse along with a few of your necessities and then left the house.
Mason on the other hand started to grow more anxious, his polo-collared shirt is beads with sweats, his hands is shaking, too scared for your reaction and his family but he knows none of it won't be too negative but he'll get nagged from both parties.
His family are still preparing the dishes while his father and his brother in law on the hall talking business, him on the other hand has been quite nonstop looking out the window to see if your car had parked outside his residence.
'Guys, dinner's ready!' His sister, Chloe announced 'Mason come on--'
'I invited--'
The front door bell chiming, the whole family turns up to Mason 'Friends coming over?' He gulps, his mom head shake at the weird behavior of his son and gets up 'Let me get the door!'
'I'll do it, mom,' He rush to the door, his whole family is still eyeing him, he could see it from the corner of his views
He opens the door welcoming you, you squealed giving him a long chaste kiss on the lip and his cheeks. A series of 'What?' and a shrieking 'Oh' comes after that, you peep from his shoulder seeing his whole family looking at you both, well partially you...
You gapped in surprise, eyes going back and forth between Mason and his family. The mother came up to you first 'Gosh dear, you must be Mason's girlfriend,' She laugh immediately easing the tension, you gulp eyes burning holes into Mason as she drags you over the table and strike an immediate convos. His father joined in and soon his sister
'So how long you to've known each other?' She questioned you, you awkwardly chuckle 'It was't long, eight months I think? We met during an award show, I was the host and we had short interview together..' You blurted out, Mason beside you smile along and confirming it.
It was like that for the next past hours, his family opening up to you, especially his mom, she's very supportive, very reliable and caring too, easy for a timid person like you to even talk to her.
The day went by fast, and soon they left, you rolled your eyes at Mason and went back inside the house 'Wait babe--'
'What?! You got me meeting your family while I'm like this..' You pouted at him and he laugh, clasping one hand over your waist 'Like what..? You look decent.'
'Am not, I would've put more effort if I know it would be a dinner date with your family... I know I said that I'm ready to meet them whenever but not surprising me like Mase!' You complained, hand crossing over your chest getting sulky
He crooks a small smile and kiss your hand 'Well it went well innit?'
You suck your teeth and dismissed the topic 'Whatever but next time you gotta tell me first so I can prepare gifts or something...' He hums and followed after you inside the house
'You could say that all my family are fond of you, especially mom..' He admitted with a toothy grin, you mirror his expression and nods 'I think so, not too bad am I? Do you think they'll approve me to be part of the Mount family?' You joked sending a giggle his way, he froze for a second before he wraps both arms around you 'Yeah, they won't mind that, I think mom will definitely say this "the sooner the better" don't you think?' You flush down to your neck as Mason laughs at your unexpected reaction 'So cute!' He cooed scooping you up and bringing you to his bedroom
'Stay for the night, yeah love?'
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the-jewel-catalogue · 1 month
OTD: 28th April 2011
OTD 13 years ago, a pre-wedding reception was held for the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. While the bride and groom didn’t attend, the event was attended by members of the British royal family as well as foreign royals.
The royals did bring out a few nice pieces of jewellery so let’s take a look at them.
Starting off with The Queen, she wore a matching gold and diamond earring and necklace set, reportedly given to her by King Hassan II of Morocco in the 1980s.
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Camilla chose some of her favourite pearl pieces for the reception including her four strand pearl choker and a five strand pearl bracelet.
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Sophie wore a borrowed earring and necklace set containing white and yellow diamonds from Collins and Sons. The necklace is a stunning necklace that works so well with this outfit.
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Both the Duchess of Gloucester and Princess Alexandra opted for emeralds and pearls for the event. With the Duchess of Gloucester choosing to wear earrings and a necklace from the emerald and pearl set of jewels that belonged to her late mother-in-law, Princess Alice, while Princess Alexandra wore her pearl choker with the emerald and diamond clasp, as well as an emerald ring.
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A final mention goes to Princess Michael of Kent who wore a pair of diamond topaz earrings and a large diamond and topaz brooch with a pearl pendant. The topaz in the brooch is a stunning colour and the brown of the gown under it really lets it stand out.
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tiarascrowns · 6 months
Gold and Garnet Cannetille Parure
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"This ornate, finely detailed high-carat gold and garnet cannetille parure, circa 1840, is fit for royalty. The old-world craftsmanship and goldsmithing is breathtaking, and the condition of the parure, presented in its original fitted box, is highly desirable for any serious antique collector. The set, sold by Keyamour, includes a large hair ornament, a pair of matching bracelets, a pair of earrings, a necklace and a pendant that can be worn as a brooch. The oval and pear-shaped garnets are foil-backed and accented by small seed pearls. The bracelets are made of handmade mesh links that centre around a clasp. The ear pendants are back to front in closure and convertible day to night. Although there are no marks on the suite, the set is likely from Spain."
$ 16,000
The Jewellery Editor
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xarlenewithanx · 8 months
Pearl Necklace
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Summary: His hunger is truly difficult to be satisfied. He just couldn’t keep it in him.
Tags: use of pet names, semi-public(?) sex, fluff,
a/n: pt 2 of “Consummation of the Marriage” wherein it’s day 2 of the honeymoon between you and Gojo ❤. not proofread and unedited.
note to self: i need to practice writing more sex scenes. this is the first time writing where the girl is on top, so please forgive me if i made some mistakes.
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Simply because you already spent a night with your husband does not mean your honeymoon is over, and definitely because you’re still on your honeymoon does not mean your husband could simply abandon his duties. He is still the Head, after all.
After you had spent some time together in the town nearby, feeding each other sweet treats, having your portraits painted, walking with your hands intertwined in the garden, and playing games with each other, a servant already greeted you the moment you entered the door.
     “My lord, my lady,” the servant bowed. She handed you an invitation.
     “This was sent from one of the families.” The servant bowed to you again and left.
Satoru opened the letter to see an invitation, inviting the both of you to a ball hosted by a close family friend. It was mandatory, of course. He looks at you and looks at the invitation again. He sighed in disappointment as he thought he could have you all to himself again.
     “Ugh— do we have to do this?” He asks.
You chuckle in response.
     “Well, it did say it was mandatory does it not?”
He sighed again. He pulled you closer to him.
You place your index finger between his lips.
     “We must prepare, we don’t want to be late,”
     The servants had assisted you as you prepared for the event. Your dress was floor-length, with a square neck design, and matching gloves.
As the servants were helping you with your hair, your husband entered your dressing room with his outfit ready.
The servants took notice and quickly left the room, leaving only both of you alone. He came up behind you and you saw him moving in the mirror’s reflection. His affectionate gaze can be seen through the dark lenses of his glasses.
With him is a necklace that he puts on your neck. It was a pearl necklace, with a “G” pendant in gold, courtesy of his last name’s initial. After clasping the two ends of the necklace, you touched the pendant, him still looking at you through the reflection.
     “You look stunning in gold,” he stated before lowering his head to kiss your clavicle.
     As you walk through the hallway of the venue, all eyes are on you. Despite being slightly late, you still manage to make an impression on the crowd.
The night was magnificent. You had made new acquaintances with the ladies, and you were enjoying the night dancing with Satoru.
As you were drinking at the event, Satoru came up to you, requesting a walk in the garden. You agreed, of course. How could you reject him?
You both talked about how this honeymoon made you closer as a couple. He talked about how you used to always get lost when you first settled in his estate. You talked about how he is always clinging to you when you sleep together.
As you continued your walks, he stopped to look at you.
     “I still remember the time I heard you beg your mother to accept this engagement as our fathers talked about marriage. We were only 16 at the time.”
You froze. How could he remember such a moment?
     “I-I did not!” You lied.
He laughed at your response.
     “Oh yeah? Then why do I remember what you said?” He cleared his throat.
     “Mother! That young man with blue eyes was truly handsome! Please make Father agree to the proposal!” he said, using his best impression.
Your face was red as a tomato. You quickly turned around him and covered your face with your fan, avoiding eye contact with him.
He finds it cute when you blush and try to hide from him. His gaze then went down to your chest. Seeing the pendant bounce on your chest as you breathed triggered something in him.
     “Shall we go somewhere more private?” He requests.
You look up at him, still breathing heavily out of embarrassment.
     “Please do,” You replied.
He held your hand and took you to a place in the garden that you didn’t even realize was there.
He placed you behind a wall, standing up. His warm, heavy breathing was evident.
He removed your gloves and kissed the back of your hand, trailing up to your forearm, before he kissed you on the lips.
His hand was cupping your cheeks as you kissed him, while the other trailed down to find your thigh.
He lifted your thigh and placed it beside his waist as he continued to kiss you passionately.
     “I really want to fuck you right now,” he groaned, knowing he wouldn’t want to risk it.
     “Dear, can’t you wait just a little longer?” You cup his cheeks as you ask.
He gave you a pouting face, hoping you would leave with him immediately.
“You really have no self-control, do you?” You smiled. “Just wait… I promise it’ll be worth it,”
He sighed in disappointment. He let go of your thigh and returned your glove before you headed back to the event.
Before you entered the hall, he whispered in your ear, “I really do hope it’s worth waiting,”
/After the event/
     Your loud moans echoed through the walls of the empty house as he sucked on your nipples while using his free hand to finger your tight cunt.
Your legs were already shaking rapidly out of pleasure, but it seemed he didn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
     “Fuck… Such a sight to behold.” He stated before continuing to suck your nipple.
You were losing your balance, but he wrapped his arm around your waist.
Your words are unrecognizable the longer he gave you immense pleasure.
After thrusting his fingers in and out of you for what felt like hours, he finally removed his fingers, revealing wrinkles.
He removed his mouth from your boobs and he places his fingers into your mouth. You suck on his fingers as he pushed them even deeper.
     “You taste good right?” he teased.
You, unable to say anything, just nodded in response.
He removed his fingers from your mouth and lay on the bed. You undid his belt and pulled down his pants, revealing a large bulge on his underwear. As you quickly pull down the waistband, his large cock sprang up, leaking pre-cum.
You breathed heavily out of anxiousness.
     “You can do it,” he cooed.
You went on top of him, slowly lowering down your body. You feel his tip on your entrance. You let out a moan as you sank deeper below.
     “F-fuck!” Satoru groaned as he held your waist.
You slowly moved on top of him, trying to get used to this. Your boobs begin bouncing as you moved faster, along with that necklace he gave you.
The feeling was so good that you couldn’t stop moaning his name.
     “Sato-ru! Ahh~,”
     “Just like that princess… just like that,” he murmured.
     “God you’re taking me so well,”
He begins moving his hips to match your movements. He looked at you filled with lust and an insatiable hunger.
     “You really do look stunning in gold,” he commented on the bouncing necklace.
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sneakyblinders · 1 year
All His
A/N: another installment of the tommy x bee series aka Tommy and his darling wife!au <3 inspired by a lovely anon and @skydisneylover's asks for something with jealous tommy & how they said i love you <3 warnings: sexual themes, 18+ only, minors DNI. Alluding to smut, but no smut. Tommy being jealous/possessive, language. I take no credit for the gif! 1.5k words.
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Tommy and Bee had been courting for two months. He felt like he was floating. In a dream. Having an out of body experience. This cannot be my life, he constantly thought to himself about this woman, this angel who graced his life with her time and attention. 
He began to bring her down to Birmingham on the weekends, sending a car for her up to London and having her brought to the Midland. He wanted her all to himself. Wanted to pleasure her, hold her, let her make all the noise she could manage without fear of his family overhearing and giving them both grief for it over breakfast. Wanted no one but himself to hear her mewls, her groans, whines, moans. The way she fucking moans makes him fall apart in her hands. 
She was everything he was not. Kind, charming, elegant, classy. She matched him in intelligence and wit. He had not seen her get angry with anyone besides him but once–she was calm–always soothing. 
In the back of his mind he knew she was too good for him. Out of his league. He knew she would one day discover his darkness, the depths of hell he had been through, and would deem him unredeemable. He was preparing for the day when his heart would be shattered, and his world would go from vibrant color back to shades of gray. 
But he loved her. He knew he loved her from the first few times they had really spent time together. Knew he loved her definitely from the first time they’d made love. How nervous she was to tell him she’d never done anything like this with a man before. His heart ached to tell her that he loved her. That he desperately loved her–that she was all he thought of day and night. He couldn’t bear to be apart from her any longer. Needed her, wanted her in Birmingham, sharing his bed, his home, his life. But he was terrified of her rejection, or worse, of her acceptance, and later, her rejection and abandonment.
So in the meantime, he showered her with gifts. Perfumes, dresses, lingerie, flowers. He bought her a mother of pearl watch with a gold band after they had been courting for a month. The next week he made love to her for the first time and bought her a delicate diamond anklet, clasping it on, her legs still thrown over his shoulders, still shaking from the pleasure he had brought her to seconds before. He’d recently discovered an emerald baguette necklace and instantly thought it needed to adorn her neck. 
He was walking faster than normal through Birmingham to get to the Midland, anxious to see her. Feel her. Touch her. Hear her voice. He walked through the doors and heard her giggle. Brow furrowed, he walked into the lounge, where she sat across from a young man who was flirting, telling her some ridiculous story. 
“Oh, there he is,” she said, looking at Tommy, breathless from laughing. Jealousy pooled in Tommy’s gut, knowing the day of her finding a better man was approaching soon. “It was lovely to talk to you, Sam,” she said, standing up to walk towards Tommy. “Hello, handsome,” she said, reaching up to kiss him on the lips. 
Far too distracted in his thoughts, he didn’t lean into her like he normally did, causing her to pull away far earlier than she would like. “Hello, darling,” he rasped, a hand on the small of her back. “Go on up to the room, I’m going to get some whiskey and I’ll be up, hm?” he said. She nodded before disappearing up the stairs to their room. 
He thoughtlessly retrieved a bottle of Irish whiskey from the bar before slowly walking up to the room. He groaned when he pushed the door open and saw her lying in the middle of the giant bed in nothing but a baby pink silk babydoll slip he’d bought for her. 
“Are you alright?” she asked as he kicked the door closed behind him and turned the lock. 
“Just tired, Darling. S’all,” he mumbled, walking to the window and closing the curtains. 
He set the bottle of whiskey down on the nightstand closest to the door–the side of the bed he always deemed as his. “Are you certain?” she asked as he loosened his tie and removed his jacket from his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor in a heap. 
He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Been a long week and I’ve been looking forward to this since we left last time,” he said, unclasping his cufflinks as she rubbed her thighs together, dying from the anticipation, growing needy at this show of undressing he was making. 
“But,” she began as he removed his sleeve garters and braces from his shoulders. “You didn’t kiss me like you normally do,” she said, widening her eyes and batting her eyelashes at him as he unbuttoned his shirt. 
“Mm,” he threw his shirt and undershirt in the pile of discarded clothes on the floor. “And how do I normally kiss you, hm?” he asked, crawling on top of her on the bed. 
“Like a starved man,” she said, legs wrapping around his waist. 
“Mm, I see,” he kissed her neck. “If I am a starved man, then you are the meal I’ve waited my whole life for, eh?” he pressed his hips into hers, causing a whimper to leave her lips. Her hands moved down to unfasten his trousers and push them down his legs, along with his undershorts, leaving him bare atop her. His hand moved up to grip her jaw, causing her to gasp, eyes flying open. “Who was that man?” he asked, jaw clenched. 
“What man?” she asked, eyes wide in fear. 
“The man in the lounge,” he said, anger pouring from his words. 
“I don’t know, some man who wanted to ask if I knew of any good pubs,” she swallowed. “I told him the Garrison,” she said, flinching at his grip. “Thomas, please, you’re hurting me,” she whimpered. 
He loosened his grip immediately, breathing heavily. “If you want to run off with another man, just say it, Bee,” he said, sitting up and reaching for his bottle of whiskey, taking a long swig straight from the bottle. 
She sat up, hurt and confusion running through her mind. “Thomas, I’m not going anywhere,” she said, fighting back tears. 
He took another long pull on the bottle before setting it down with a thud and crawling back on top of her, laying her flat on her back. “Say it again,” he demanded, clasping her jaw in his hand again. 
“What?” she asked. 
“Say it again,” he demanded, pressing his hips into hers. 
“I’m not going anywhere, Thomas,” she repeated. 
“Tell me you’re mine,” he told her, dipping down to nip at a particularly sensitive spot on her neck that drove her wild.
“I’m all yours, Thomas,” she told him breathlessly, legs wrapping around his hips again. 
“Again,” he breathed, slinking down her body. 
“All yours!” she cried breathlessly. 
By midnight he was drunk. He didn’t make a habit of being drunk, and he actually couldn’t remember the last time he was properly drunk. But between the pleasure high he was riding and being thoroughly intoxicated with this woman, he had lost track of how much he had drunk until the bottle was nearly half empty. 
“Got something for ‘ya,” he said, walking over to his discarded jacket and fishing out the necklace he had bought her. 
“Thomas,” she scolded as he held it out, clasping it for her around her neck. “It’s beautiful, thank you,” she told him, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
They fell back onto the bed together, legs intertwined, her fingers drawing shapes on his chest while he lit a cigarette. “I don’t think I could deny you anything y’know?” he said. 
“Why’s that?” she giggled. 
“Those eyes,” he said, shaking his head. “Those fucking eyes could get me to do anything, I swear,” he said and she continued to giggle. 
“Yeah,” he said. “I have something else to tell ‘ya, but I know you don’t feel the same fuckin’ way so don’t laugh at me, eh?” he said. 
“Oh, Thomas, please,” she said, rolling her eyes. “What is it?” she asked, a hand over his heart. 
“I love you, Bee,” he said gently, all the tenderness in his mind, heart, body poured into those words. “I have from the moment I saw ya, I think,” he said, swallowing the lump in his throat. “There ya have it. Tommy Shelby–in love.” 
She looked at him with an awestruck expression, all words escaping her. “Thomas,” she breathed. 
“Ya don’t have to say it back, I know someone like you could never love someone like me,” he said, sitting up and reaching for his whiskey again. 
“Thomas,” she said again as he tipped his head back, taking a long drink.
She took his bottle and put it on her nightstand, before taking his head in her hands. “I love you too, Thomas,” a smile appeared on his face. “I didn’t think you were the kind of man to say I love you, that’s why I didn’t say it sooner,” she confessed. 
“I’m not the kind of man to say it,” he admitted. “But if you want to hear it, I’ll say it every day for the rest of my life,” he told her, happiness overwhelming him. 
“Are you happy, Thomas?” she asked.
“So fucking happy, Darling.” he breathed, kissing her. “All mine?” he asked, pulling away from her to look at her fully.
“All yours,” she said, smiling as he kissed her again. 
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jade-parcels · 2 years
You’re all mine . . .
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No.9 Pantalone x fem!reader (a typical day with this stunning, gorgeous man)
Mentions of bruising, sheltering, dumbing down, possession
He’d happily pick out clothes for you, your whole closet has been meticulously hand picked (and hurriedly bought, his personal shoppers are so stressed) by him. Pantalone deeply enjoys dressing you each morning and undressing you at night. In the mornings, he rolls your stockings up your legs, ringed fingers rubbing up your thighs, he buttons your blouse, slides your skirt up your body, a smirk ghosting his face as the material hugs your hips. The finishing touch is always jewelry. He slides rings onto your fingers, kissing each one as he works, and has you lean forward so he can fasten a necklace clasp around your bruised neck. He’ll adorn your wrists with jingling bangles and hair with sparkling pins. Last but not least, he’ll gently slip your heels on for you, the ones too tall for you to walk in properly but that’s alright, you can hold his arm as you walk to keep yourself upright and naturally, he doesn’t want you walking away from him anyways! So sit pretty by his side, keep those expensive shoes shiny. You look so pretty for him <3 if he was even slightly adept at makeup, he would do that for you too so instead, he has you sit in his lap while you paint your eyelids with neutral colors and color your lips with stunning crimson.
All day you’re cooped up in his office with him. You get to do as you please really, he has staff there who are simply ordered to do whatever you ask. You can ask for expensive food or alcohol (oh how he loves when you get tipsy and dance around his office like a silly little fool), you can point out designer bags or clothes in a catalog and watch them scramble to retrieve those items, you can ask that they recount the latest celebrity news or demand that they play chess with you (Pantalone will glare at those servants if they come too close to winning, he wants to see your smile when you win and get his post-win kiss that you always give him). He spoils you rotten and loves every minute of it because he knows you’ll never leave. Even if you wanted to, you can’t… though he knows the thought has never crossed your mind. Every day you’re dumbed down little by little, every need fulfilled for you so you don’t have to lift a finger. No more cooking or cleaning, no more thinking about that next paycheck. Don’t worry darling, he’ll take care of it. Now lay back and clear your mind, let him keep you close, sheltered, comfortable <3 no need to worry your pretty little head about the tension in Snezhnaya when you can cuddle up against your husbands firm chest, warm and protected, blissfully ignorant
After an expensive dinner, topped off with dessert (which Pantalone insisted on feeding you himself), you’re led back to your shared room. You’re excited to kick off your uncomfy shoes and peel your husbands layered clothes off. The cape, the coat, the vest, shirt, undershirt, each article is tossed to the floor and you feel saliva pool in your mouth as you unravel your treat <3 He smiles his signature, soft smile, allowing you to undress him from the waist up and before you can rip your own clothes off, he takes your wrists, clicking his tongue. Now now… you know better, sweetheart. Only he’s allowed to remove your clothes. When you’re horny like this you’re prone to ripping seams or losing jewelry in the sheets.
Pantalone pushes you back against the fluffy blankets, his silky hair tickling your cheek as he hovers over you. He tells you how stunning you are, how good you are for him, he’s a master at sweet talk. He removes your blouse, kissing down your chest and stomach as he un-does the buttons. Those pretty, slender hands work off your skirt next, groping at your bruised ass and marked up thighs- the stockings stay, those he doesn’t mind ripping off later but now they’ll stay. Your jewelry stays too, pearls sit on your collar bones, gold on your wrists and stones on each finger. Oh archons above, he can barely contain himself- his pants are painfully tight but this is all a ritual he strictly follows. Your bra comes off next, then your soaked, tiny panties. He draws in a breath as he takes in your naked form, mind racing to cook up ideas on where to mark you next oh yes he can hardly wait
He removes the rest of his clothes, allowing his throbbing cock to spring free from the tight slacks he suffered in all day. His pretty gold piercings glint teasingly in the dim lighting, drawing your half-lidded eyes there. You tell him how you can’t wait to feel those shiny studs inside you, obscenities start flowing freely from your mouth- he shoves two ringed fingers to the back of your throat to shut you up… he doesn’t want to hear that right now, you’re riling him up too easily he won’t last long like this- not at all! He uses his free hand to play with your folds, roughly rubbing over your clit. He relishes in the way your body jolts, how you cry for him to give you more, how more slick gushes out of you, your body is just begging for him… He can never say no to you
With little warning other than the way his grip on your waist tightens, he sinks into your welcoming hole, almost sighing in relief as you envelope his aching cock in your sweet warmth. Meanwhile, your cries of ‘too big it hurts!’ fall on deaf ears. Your husband is simply lost in the way you clench in time with his thrusts- see? You didn’t need preparation you’re taking him just fine. And you look absolutely sinful.
He tells you over and over, as he does daily, that you’re his. You’ve been his for so long now, nothing but his his his. His wife, his trophy, his doll, his sweetheart. All his to mark up as he pleases, all his to show off to everyone else, all his to possess, protect, keep away from danger or competition. ‘Cry out for me,’ he demands ‘Tell me how badly you need me.’ So you do. You’re lost in your pleasure, the feeling of his cock and piercings dragging over your sweet spot over and over- the feeling of his teeth sinking into your neck- you dig your nails into his back, arching up into him as you tell him over and over ‘yes- I’m all yours! All for you!’ Fuuuuck you have no idea what you do to him. He’s getting close, he know you are too he can read you like an open book, so he demands that you come with him and of course you do as your husband says.
You’re shaking when he’s done with you. He wasn’t satisfied with one orgasm, he never is, he dragged another three from you and two from himself before he was finally tired out. He shifted you both beneath the covers, pulling them up to your shoulders to protect you from the cold. His hands wandered mindlessly, it wasn’t sexual now just comforting to run his hands along your familiar curves. You listen to his heartbeat as he quietly tells you about tomorrow’s plans. A formal breakfast, a few hours at the office, a game of croquet with a fellow businessman and his wife, a dinner at a theatre show to finish off the night.
Pantalone kisses your forehead as you drift off to sleep, his hold on you is firm and warm, your senses clouded by drowsiness and your husbands cologne. Ah how lucky he is to have you…. He thanks the archons every night that he has you. He’ll never be able to back to a life without you again. So every day will be full of activities together, full of love, full of lust, full of greed.
He’ll keep you by his side forever <3 it’s no trouble at all, really. Now smile, pretty girl, tell him just how much you love him <3 tick tock…He doesn’t like to be kept waiting
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plutobutartsy · 11 months
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i was struggleing with this design but i finished it finally!! :3
fun fact: turquoise, yellow and pink are all colours that represent friendship <3
bonus: freelancer (exam season)
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tag list and ID under the cut
Image 1: A stylized drawing of Freelancer. She is depicted as a a thin woman of average height. Her skin is a light brown shade with warm undertone and light freckles covering its face, neck, shoulder and chest. It has dark pink, shoulder length hair that it wears in a side part and with the ends curled up away from its face. She has big hooded eyes that are downturned at the outer corners, with dark circles underneath them and brown eye shadow on the eyelids. Her lips curl up at the outer corners and are painted with a dark brown lipstick. It is wearing a content expression.
She is wearing a dark purple halter top that exposes her belly button as well as dark green cargo pants that sit low on her hips and are slightly rolled up at the bottom. Its black thong straps are also visible. Its shoes are simple white and orange sneakers with purple laces. She is also wearing a dark brown messenger bag that has some pins, a beaded turquoise, yellow and pink charm, and a safety pin attached to it. Additionally she is wearing a lot of gold jewellery: two thin arm bands around her left wrist, an arm cuff that wraps around her left upper arm twice, a septum piercing, an ear cuff on its left ear and a simple flat earring on its right ear, multiple golden hair pins holding back its fringe and a golden pearl necklace. It is also wearing dangly earrings with a turquoise stone that match her second necklace, as well as a yellow, pink and turquoise friendship bracelet with a zigzag pattern around its right wrist.
She is standing with both hands holding onto the strap of her bag and most of her weight shifted on her right leg.
Around the drawing, there is text pointing out smaller details and personal headcanons: "sleeps with rollers in its hair!", "friendship bracelet + bag charm made by Caelum" (over an enlarged drawing of said bracelet and bag charm), "pins are merch from local artists/bands", "safety pin used to close bag since clasp broke", "big tired eyes; partly from sleep deprivation but mostly just look like that naturally", "Bag Content: wallet, 7-eleven receipt, flashcards, notebook x2, note from Gavin, energy drink x3", exclusively wears loose fitting bottoms; most clothes are thrifted", "extensive jewellery collection purchased from flea markets & small businesses".
Image 2: A very simplified doodle of Freelancer wearing a hoodie with the hood covering most of her hair, holding a can in her hand and looking at the viewer with a very disgruntled look and very prominent bags under its eyes. Next to the doodle it says, "energy drink #7 of the day".
End ID]
tag list: @oceanicwhitetipshark @febreze-bottle-without-febreze @teaseat @swanconcerto @beemybella @soup-scope (lemme know if you wanna be added or removed <3)
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written-in-flowers · 1 year
Only Mine (Otto x fem!reader)
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Pairing: Otto x Targ!fem!reader
Genre: fluff (?) 
Tags: yandere vibes from Otto, older/younger relationship, marriage proposals, mentions of death. 
Summary: A rival finally out of the way, Otto’s plan to marry his enemy’s daughter is all but fulfilled. Finding you in the royal sept one morning, Otto finally asks you an important question. 
A/N: this is sort of a sequel to this fic right here, “Keeping Your Innocence”
You knelt quietly in front of the statue of The Mother in the royal sept. The female goddess’s arms out stretched, it felt as it she were offering a mother’s warm embrace. Otto stood on the other side of the sept, hiding in the shadows as he watched you. You’d worn the pale pink gown today. It’d been one he had made for you on your nameday, with borders of golden thread weaving around sparkling beaded doves and flowers and a matching pearl and gold necklace. He couldn’t stop himself from admiring you in it from behind. The golden lights of the candles left at her statue shined against your silhouette. He’d hoped to find you in your chambers, where he may offer himself to you comfortably, but the sept is just as good. In the sight of The Seven, he can confess his feelings and propose a marriage to you. Alicent already a married woman, he found himself alone more often these days. The only person who brought him comfort was you, the daughter of that rogue Prince Daemon, casted aside by her father and her family in The Vale. It made sense for him to marry you, keep you as his own, and take you as his bride.
Lord Larys just gave his report this morning. Lord Casswell, a man after your hand, disappeared a few nights ago in the city, and has not been seen since. He told Otto his man dealt with the old lord, and paved the way for him to his beloved. Otto knew he must act now if he wished to secure you. He’d only just heard that Prince Daemon sent you a raven. Lord Larys got hold of it, and showed it to him. Prince Daemon planned to marry you to some vulgar Pentoshi prince to secure an alliance with them. What reason they’d need for an alliance was unknown to him, but it nearly foiled his plans. You were to go to him as soon as possible to be wed in haste. Otto needed to act. When he saw you lit a small white candle and place it on the statue, he stepped out into the light.
“Oh, Lord Hightower,” you gasped when you turned to see him, “You startled me.”
“Forgive me, Princess,” oh how he wished to call you ‘wife’ instead, “I assure you that was not my intention. I have been searching the castle for you, and your handmaiden said I may find you here.”
“Is there something I may help you with, my lord?” you asked.
“Merely to be in your company,” he admitted, coming closer to you. He became more anxious as he approached you. You looked so lovely in this light, your pretty eyes shining and blinking at him. “Alicent informed me about your father’s most recent letter.”
“Had she?” He noticed the slight hope in your voice. You tensed and clasped your hands together, not meeting his eyes, “My father has commanded me to take a ship to Pentos and meet this man he’s chosen for me. Forgive me, my lord, but I’d hoped you might assist me in choosing a proper ship. I am not very knowledgable in sea travel, and I am afraid to ask anyone else.”
“You mean to leave, then?”
“I do not wish it, my lord,” she said, “But as his daughter, I must obey my father’s commands. He may be absent from my life and prefer to not handle me at all, but he is my father.”
“A terrible one,” he noted. He closed the distance between you, and lifted your chin to meet his eyes. Sweet innocence and fear mingled in those eyes, and he deeply wished to cherish it. “Is this why you’ve lit a candle for The Mother today?”
“I pray to her when I wish to speak with my own mother,” you admitted, looking away from him. “I wish I were as strong and courageous as she’d been. I prayed that The Mother may give me her strength to meet this marriage with fearlessness.”
“I knew your mother, sweetling,” he said, “And she was not one to bow to one’s commands very easily. She married as was her duty to her house, but she was very much her own person. Your mother sought her own happiness in ways she could as a woman, and you are free to do the same.”
“My lord?”
“Your father currently sits across The Narrow Sea with his new pregnant wife,” he explained. “What could he possibly do were you to never arrive? Scold you through a raven? I’ve always been under the impression that your father has no true interest in the future of his daughter.”
“He may come here, my lord, and demand I go with him. I would have no choice but to-”
“-You would have a choice,” he interrupted, pushing a lock of hair from your shoulder simply to brush your body. “Were you married when he arrived, there’d be nothing he could do to stop you.”
You searched his face for the answer, and your eyes widened when you realized what he meant. You’ve never been a daft or slow-witted girl. “My lord, are you suggesting what I think you are?”
He held both your hands in his, your soft fingers warm and comfortable in her gentle grip. “Marry me, Y/N,” he said, keeping the desperation out of his voice, “Marry me and I will give you a life of unconditional love and happiness. I will shield you from those who wish to exploit and harm you; I will provide and care for you as I have done since you stepped foot into my life. As my wife, you’d continue living here in the Red Keep and want for nothing.” He put a loving caress behind every word, so you may see his genuine affections for you went beyond a father-daughter pretense. “I have loved you, Y/N. I have watched you blossom from a young girl into a young woman, and I wish to continue doing that as your lord husband.”
“I-I-I….My lord…This proposal is…”
“Sudden, yes I know,” he finished for you. “I must admit I am  glad we are here, because it is only by the strength of The Seven that I confess my feelings. I am not a soft or sensitive man-”
“-Yes, you are,” you told him. “You have a kind heart, Lord Hightower, even if you do not extend or reveal it often. You could’ve completely ignored me upon my arrival here. I am, after all, the daughter of the man you hate the most. But, you did not do that. You brought me into your household, raised me alongside your daughter, and never excluded or neglected me.” Your shy smile made his chest swell, “I will admit I am surprised by your confession and proposal, my lord. I thought a man your age would want nothing with me, especially since your lady wife’s passing.”
“How could I not? When you’ve weakened me with your purity and sweetness?” His thumbs gently rubbed your knuckles, and he dared to kiss them softly. When you did not pull away, he felt relief. “Y/N, will you marry me then? If not, I shall never mention it again, but I must know.”
He saw you considering it. “If you need time to think it over,” he said next, “I will patiently wait, but I fear your father might not exercise the same patience.”
He knew Daemon will eventually return to court, and he’ll demand to see you out of courtesy. After the Battle of the Stepstones, your father came home a war hero. During that whole time, he only paid you mind once. He did not even invite you to his wedding to Lady Laena. Lady Laena tried extending some consideration to you as her new stepmother, which you replied with grace and politeness. But, the same could not be said for your father. Being exiled by Viserys a second time, he fled Westeros completely with his pregnant wife, and there he has stayed.
“Do you promise to protect me, my lord?” you said. “My father will not take kindly to my disobedience, and…and I fear he may hurt me as he did my mother.”
“I do not believe my uncle’s report of my mother’s death being an accident. My mother was an expert horserider and archer. She wouldn’t easily be thrown from her horse,” you admitted in a whisper. “I think my father might have had a hand in her death. I sometimes,” you gulped, tears filling your eyes, “I sometimes fear he may do away with me as well if I upset him. I dream of it, my lord, and that is why I pray to The Mother every morning. I pray she protects me with her warm embrace and does not let any harm come to me.”
“My precious,” he comforted you, pulling you into his arms for a hug, hearing you sob into his shirt. “The Seven will not be the only ones protecting you from now on. You have nothing to fear, my love.” He looked down at you, using a thumb to wipe tears from your cheek, “You will stay here. You will not take ship and you will not go to Pentos. Fear nothing, sweetling. I will take care of you.”
You nuzzled your face into his chest, and he kissed the top of your head. Not only did he win the hand of his enemy’s daughter; he won the hand of the woman he’d desired for so long. He made you look at him again, your tears finally subsiding, and he thought of kissing you. But, this was not the time nor the place. Visions of finally kissing you were usually full of joy, not tears. Otto held you close, taking in the scent and touch of you before finally letting you go.
“Let us keep this a secret for now,” he said, “I would like to speak with my daughter first. I would not wish to blindside her with the news.”
“I understand, my lord.”
“Please, dearest, call me ‘Otto’.”
“As you wish, Otto.”
His name sounded sweeter from your lips. There are several plans that needed to be put into order, if he married you, and he did truly wish to speak with Alicent. She is his daughter, after all, and your childhood companion. Both of you are close in age, and it might unsettle her to have such a young stepmother. He led you out of the sept, and the pair of you walked through the keep together. Other lords and men in the halls noticed you on his arm, and Otto let them glare and whisper. You’ll be his, and they cannot touch you.
Only he’d put his hands on you from now on.
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femmefaetali · 12 days
A metamour just gave Us a bag of "pearls". Most of which are just beads, BUT there is one VERY NICE white pearl necklace with a 14kt gold clasp :3 yipeee
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Spoiled (Neji x Reader)
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Word Count: 0.7k
Tags/Warnings: @brokennerdalert Neji is RICH, Slice of Life, Fluff, No Pronouns for Reader
Notes: Short and sweet, based on the time I spent 2 months in Florence
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It shone though during little moments like this.
Your hand settled in the crux of his elbow as you made your way down the stone streets. Tall, pastel buildings sat crammed together to provide shade for the bustling market on the cobblestone. A bakery displayed baskets of bread in front of the open-doored shop. Across the way sat an ice cream store with elaborately decorated display cones hanging in the window.
Neji said little as you navigated through the busy road. You remarked about the little things on display, not even having to look where you were going as Neji led you along by the sleeve of your robes. Neji filled your closet with light, flowy robes suited for hot, dry days like this. He had a good sense. The weather was perfect with your summer clothing and the breeze from the river.
You let go of Neji’s arm, rushing up the bridge’s stone steps. The bridge consisted of stairs and platforms where jewelers set up little shops to sell silver and gold. Neji trailed behind, watching with a hint of stoic sentiment as you excitedly admired the ornate necklaces in the shop windows. A single chain with a sapphire stone caught your eye.
The attendants were all too happy to usher you inside, falling over you as they showed you gemstone after gemstone. Neji stood patiently inside the door of the quaint jewelry boutique with arms crossed as you shopped. You turned to him with a pair of silver and pearl earrings held up to your ear. The light struck you in such a way, filtering through the elegant draping of your hair.
“These?” you asked, the shiny pearls glinting as they dangled from thick, glossy paper. “Or these?” The intricately crafted metal hung down from chain links to create a wave-like shape down to the base of your neck. Neji couldn’t say he saw a difference. 
“Get them both,” he said with a slight nod. He made brief eye contact with one of the attendants, who swiftly approached the register. You didn’t notice, opting to roll your eyes with a pouty drawl of his name.
“Neji…” You frowned but didn’t stay disappointed long as you busied yourself comparing expensive metals and precious gemstones. You didn’t bother to look at the price or notice Neji handing over a large wad of cash to the attendant at the register. 
He came over to stand next to you as you continued to look at the products under the glass cases, wrapping an arm around your waist as you pointed out the bracelets and necklaces that interested you. After much— one-sided— deliberation, you settled on two pieces, clinging onto Neji’s arm excitedly as your jewelry was plucked from the case and packaged neatly in white tissue paper. They were handed directly to you. 
You hardly noticed an attendant handing Neji his own bag, filled with every other piece of jewelry you had expressed remote interest in. You held your smaller one up at him with a grin and kissed him on the cheek in thanks. With another polite goodbye to the shop attendants, you ushered Neji outside. 
You stood together on the bridge, looking over the water and babbling about shopping. The water below rushed underneath, reflecting the sunlight to sparkle over the surface. Neji studied you as you spoke, taking in the shape of your nose and the curve of your lip. 
He reached into his little bag— the one you never noticed until now— and plucked out a tiny tissue paper package. You fell quiet as Neji neatly unwrapped the paper to reveal the necklace you had captivated within the window. He undid the clasp, cocking his head slightly to the right as he draped the sapphire ornament around your neck.
Neji kept you completely and utterly spoiled.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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tiarascrowns · 6 months
A 19th Century Pearl Parure
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A 19th century parure comprising a tiara, a necklace, a brooch and a pair of earrings in a fitted case
gold and silver set with pearls and rose-cut diamonds, height tiara ca 25 - 35 mm, total weight 56 g (the comb is missing), width necklace ca 5 - 13 mm, length with clasp ca 44.5 cm, dimensions brooch 25 X 60 mm, total weight 22 g, dimensions earrings 12 X 35 mm, total weight 7 g. The tiara and brooch with French hallmark Paris 1809 or later, the earring hook with a French hallmark in use between 1819 - 1838.
Johanna Kempe (1818-1909) who got it from her mother Friederika Wallis. Thence by descent in the family.
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