#pearl twins
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A WIP of my New Years piece!
It’s supposed to be fully colored and shaded and shit lmao. Oh well, full piece coming later!
Enjoy some Stanley Universe wips in the meantime!
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engravedlives · 6 months
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misc band/music blinkies
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 5 months
guys, I had a weird idea.
So, Danny and Damian are twins au, right? They used to be identical as children. I say used to, because when Talia smuggled her son out of the League (Ra's was planning a fight to the death, the douche), she got him excessive cosmetic surgery, changing his entire face and lightening his skin closer. (The League has sci-fi technology, just role with it).
Danny ends up living with one of Talia's off-the-books scientists, so she can keep an eye on him, growing up to look different than Damian. Danny finds himself wishing that he still looked like his brother, but there's nothing he can do to change it. Which is all well and good until the portal accident and Danny discovers that his wish to look like his brother again worked, and now Danny and Phantom are physically different, with Phantom looking like Damian with flowy white hair.
A few years pass with no one knowing Danny=Phantom until Dani crashlands, melting and needing help. Danny saves her and she's de-aged to a toddler age, but the Fentons 100% saw him help Dani and maybe see her transform, so they want to experiment on her. Danny bolts with Dani and heads to Gotham, which has enough ambient ecto to keep Dani stable.
(Meanwhile, Talia figures out what really happened to make Danny run and absolutely nukes the Fentons and maybe the GiW. That's her son and granddaughter, you fools.)
Despite Danny trying to go under the radar, but at some point the bats discover Phantom and Dani, maybe Dani escaped in ghost form? she is a toddler after all. Damian immediately recognizes Phantom as his brother, they get confirmation that the two are ghosts. Dani calls Danny daddy and everyone is sad.
And while the bats are trying to figure out a way to approach Phantom, they stumble across Danny and Dani, the later alive and calling this completely different man daddy. The bats put alive Dani and dead Dani together and get human/ghost hybrid, but Danny looks different enough from Phantom that they conclude the two aren't the same.
Which leads to Damian thinking that Danny is some random man who had a child with his dead ghost brother.
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beatrixblog · 5 months
I did the annoying pigeon meme..but with cookies….aaaaa
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nell0-0 · 1 year
Seen plenty of fics and art of Irida winding up in the modern day (even pokemon masters did that), but what about you're own view of how that'd go? Or barring that, a version of her winding up there and things not exactly going well at first? Like not /violently/ horrible or anything like that, but just not well.
Well, I already have a version of it with the Subway Boss Irida AU. But if you want a version of Irida in the future where things end up, uh, not well, I do have an AU I have only talked about on Discord.
It's an Irida in modern day + twin dragons au:
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More about the AU below the cut
The premise of this AU starts with the fact that all the Zekroms out there used by trainers (few as they are) are just fragments of the original, Ingo/Zekrom, who always stays in Gear Station. Until the eeby deeby, that is.
So, when Ingo is yeeted, all the fragments of Zekrom vanish, no matter if they're in pokeballs, PCs or roaming around. This happens because the link with the original and main one is severed.
Years later, there are rumors about a trainer with a Zekrom, so it catches the attention of a lot of people, especially those from Unova and particularly Emmet. And Team Plasma. Yikes.
Irida originally lands in Johto, where she crafts a custom pokeball for Ingo/Zekrom since it just isn't doable to walk around everywhere when Ingo's dragon form is so big. She doesn't understand what happened, nor where or when she is, but she's very cagey about Ingo's situation with others. People don't realize it's Zekrom at first because they weren't expecting the legendary there of all places after vanishing for years, which helps.
Ingo is very protective of Irida as well, especially since she's stranded in the future and he's stuck in his pokemon form (for now). Poor guy doesn't remember how to detransform. Not that he knew he could turn into a giant dragon either. He forgor.
But eventually they end up in Team Plasma's radar, hoping to use Zekrom for their new plan to take over Unova. They're being hunted down. Oop.
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texaschainsawmascara · 4 months
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Women in psychological horror
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jenniferchecksbitch · 28 days
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therubberducklad · 1 year
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They are siblings, your honor
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circusdraw · 3 months
happy (late) father's day
here's caviar with his daughters because we all know he'll be the best dad
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Lars & The Off Colors🤔
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doctorsiren · 1 year
Do you have any ideas on what kind of creatures the Feys are? I’m curious!
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Easiest ones 😌
I still need to make designs for their wings
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theres-a-body-here · 1 year
Killers with Pearl!Reader
You cried, begged, and pleaded for anyone who take a chance on you. You dreamed of becoming a star. The Entity gladly reached out her claw, promising you the role of all eternity. You gratefully accepted. You thanked your "supporters" and blew kisses into the air as you walked into the cold, empty fog.
The stage was finally yours
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The Ghostface
Danny wasn't amused
He was put on babysitting duty by the Entity; show you the ropes, make sure the others don't bully you, etc.
He had his work cut out for him
You were quite the mess
Neurotic, bratty, and downright vicious when things didn't go your way
This translated into your trials going pretty bad
Gen rushing and whole team escapes
Danny could work with this
He would turn you into the best killer around
(second to him, of course)
Even if it took forever
And in the Entity's realm, there was no rush
You found yourself in the realm alongside Ghostface, within the eerie recreation of your family's farm, sculpted by the Entity. As you practiced your axe swings, he leaned against a decaying fence, arms folded. He let out an exasperated sigh and halted your motions, his voice cutting through the tense air.
"Hey, hold up," he remarked, his masked face giving away little emotion. "You're not getting that technique right. You're swinging way too wildly. You gotta be precise or the survivors are gonna have an easy time spinning you."
Your brows furrowed, a mixture of annoyance and defiance brewing within you. "Oh, really? And who made you the expert on my style?"
He shrugged casually. "Just trying to help. No need to get all bristly."
A surge of frustration rose within you. You clutched your axe handle tighter, your knuckles whitening. "I don't need your help. I'm destined for greatness. I'm meant to be a star."
Danny's expression remained inscrutable behind his mask, but his tone turned more serious. "Being a star means learning and improving. Even stars have to take criticism."
Your grip on the axe tightened even more, your fingers trembling slightly. The words hit a nerve, a raw vulnerability you rarely let show. "I can handle the criticism just fine. But not from you, and not when I'm on the cusp of something big."
Danny lets out another sigh, which carried annoyance. "Fine, have it your way. Just remember, the Entity doesn't care about your style points. It wants results."
You stared at him, a battle of wills and egos in the air. The urge to swing your axe in frustration warred with the nagging truth in his words.
"You just can't stand the idea of someone else shining brighter, can you?" you retorted, your words dripping with bitterness. "But guess what? I'm going to be a star, and then I'll be her favorite, not you."
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The Twins
Charlotte warmed up to you pretty quick, even if she didn't know what the hell an actor was
Victor was happy his sister was happy, so he liked you too
You both hung out at your farm
The twins felt a little bit in their element
Nice open space with animals. Nature surrounding them
Victor liked the chickens
Charlotte liked the lightbulbs
You liked having an audience
You gladly put on plays and theatric reenactments of poetry for them
Mostly performed at the killer camp
You're absolutely terrible
Having been hiding for most of their lives, The Deshayes siblings had no frame of reference
You were amazing in their eyes
You spun and kicked your feet as you sang for the twins. Your dancing was stiff and your singing was worse. Out of breath and voice cracks littered throughout the number. The twins were in awe. Victor swayed and gargled out some semblance of the melody he was hearing as Charlotte was clapping to the beat.
The Nightmare chuckled at your awkward attempt at show tunes. He had always enjoyed mocking others. And as he saw your "dancing", he couldn't resist mocking the new fish.
"Looks like we've got a new clown in town," he snickered, gesturing towards you as he glanced at Kenneth, who in turn gave Freddy a nasty glare.
But his laughter quickly came to a halt when he caught sight of Charlotte giving him the death stare, her hands tightly gripping her sickle. Victor didn't seem to notice as he was still glued to your performance.
Julie swiftly elbowed Freddy in the gut and snapped at him "Shut the fuck up before you get gutted asshole"
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The Cannibal
Instant connection between the two of you
Both of you being raised at Farms all your lives
The Entity never recreated Bubba's farm
So you let him move into yours
You wanted more fans
Bubba squealed with joy when you told him of your offer
He wasted no time getting his things
He spent so long hugging every animal he could catch
He misses his family
Please comfort him
You also act for him
He claps and squeals happily
He'll join you if you talk him into it
You could hardly contain their excitement as they twirled and pirouetted around Bubba.
"C'mon Bubba, you gotta try it! It's so much fun," You insisted with a wide grin.
Bubba cocked his head to one side, making an animalistic noise that loosely resembled a question.
"Yes, I mean dancing and singing with me," You explained patiently. "I promise we'll have a good time."
Bubba considered the proposition for a moment before nodding his head vigorously - clearly excited at the prospect of sharing something new with his friend.
And so You began to sing – your voice cracking horribly as you struggled to find the right notes. Bubba followed along by making strange grunting noises, attempting to mimic what he heard from your mouth.
As terrible as the duet was, there was something almost freeing about it. For just a few moments, you felt like Anita Stewart.
You both continued flailing around and shouting lyrics until both of you collapsed onto the ground in exhausted laughter - bounding over each other like children who had just finished playing tag.
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The Legion
Being one of the younger killers, it was only a matter of time before The Legion sought you out
Susie really wanted to meet you after being in a Trial in your realm
"They have a farm, Frank! I really wanna pet a cow. Please Please Please"
Frank couldn't say no to her
They arrive to your realm and walk in on you slow dancing with a scarecrow
Talk about awkward
You quickly drop Howard to greet your guests
"Oh Hello! I didn't think anyone would drop by"
You giggle as you sway in your red dress like you weren't caught doing something unhinged
It's clear you don't see the issue with it
Despite the rocky start, the Legion warms up to you
And then Frank discovered Theda
Frank was stunned as he pointed at Theda sunbathing at the lake's bank
Your family farm instantly became the second Legion hideout
You sat among the legion teens near the bank of your realm's farm, throwing bits of food into the lake for Theda. The alligator was a rare source of entertainment and joy in the realm, and they had come to enjoy these peaceful moments by the water.
Frank leaned forward eagerly, watching as Theda slowly approached their makeshift buffet.
"Come on girl, do a death-roll for us!" he shouted excitedly. He turned back to you with an expectant tone. "You think she'll do it?"
"Well, I don't know," replied you nonchalantly. "She doesn't usually go for those kinds of tricks."
But just as you spoke, Theda suddenly lunged out of the water and snatched up a piece of meat in her powerful jaws. With surprising agility for such a massive creature, she spun around in one swift motion - performing a full death-roll that left Frank cheering triumphantly.
"You fucking saw that?! Holy shit, that was awesome!" he exclaimed.
Susie giggled at Frank's excitement while Julie rolled her eyes behind her mask. Joey was simply lying on the grass with his arms behind his head as he watched the clouds.
The group continued to throw bits of snacks into the water amidst laughter and chatter while keeping an eye on Theda's movements.
Masterlist here
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pearlyboi-ofthenight · 5 months
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Jin Jooha, Kang Dooshik,
Source: inkiingogo on X (Pearl Boy creator)
Pearl Boy Maturity Rating: 18+
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ruuggs · 1 month
GRIAN AND PEARL REDSTONE IN THIS HERMITCRAFT SEASON OMG?!??!?? they're twins they're so siblings guys hear me out hear me out
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z0mbiew00d · 9 months
I see people call Jimmy & Grian + Pearl siblings but in my head Grian and Pearl are twins and Jimmy is their childhood friend who they know super well and tease but they’re not actually siblings nor do they consider each other siblings
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desertduality · 2 months
star wars au with Pearl as Luke, Scar as Leia, Gem as Han Solo, Cub(?) as Chewbacca, Mumbo as C-3PO, and Grian as R2-D2.
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