#peep the Distractible ep also
lighteraryloredump · 1 year
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I am once again WIP posting teehee ft. markiplier
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kairunatic · 23 days
Ep 15
>>Link to the previous Episode
Ded week for Housamo I go to AE
At least this one has Bonvoy in it so I kinda like it lol
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So we start with the Dragon Trio checking out the other places in the event. And they went to the Obstacle Course Gym. They saw Forte happily swinging and having the time of his life(a little to much to say)since this is exactly the place he dreamed of when He collaborated on this idea with Azmond
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The Azureterra peeps also tried out the Course And Thorkell being uncoordinated fell into the water several times. So Harimau have to rescue him
Pino(for some reason is hanging out with the Azureterra peeps) thought the course was easy and tried it out. But he was being too cocky and Got distracted and fell into the water(Infested with actual crocodile) so Dakkar save him since him and Harimau are like the course life guard
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hushedpresence · 11 months
hello, i'm here to bring you more terrible ideas
You know how nearly every anime has one of those filler beach eps?
Well, picture this —It's LoP: The Beach Episode.
Everyone is having fun in sun in those old timey striped swimsuits.
P is just standing on the edge of the dock, watching everyone swimming and splashing around, holding an inner tub around him.
Everyone is like, "C'mon! Hop in! The water feels great!"
So he jumps into the water. But because he's a fucking heavy ass robot, he slips through the inner tube immediately and sinks to the bottom of the fucking seafloor. He probably doesn't know how to swim, right? Would it matter anyway since he's metal and weighs a ton?
Everyone's like, "Oh, no! Where did he go?!" and they start searching for him frantically. Venigni is swimming around trying to find Geppetto's puppet under the water with his yellow goggles. Like, I bet he'd make steampunk swimming goggles that looked just like his glasses. Anyway, it was his idea for a beach trip and Geppetto will murder him for losing his son since this trip was all his idea.
Venigni swims towards the dock where P jumped and dives under the surface of the waves one more time to search for him. He feels something grab his ankle and nearly chokes on saltwater from surprise.
But it's just P. He's just standing under the water fully submerged with like three feet of water above him because he's a short king and short peeps know how deep the water can get only a few yards out, amirite?
Since he's a puppet, he doesn't need to breathe, so he's able to just stand there underwater, slowly swaying back and forth with the current of the waves.
He obviously can't hear anyone underwater. They're yelling at him to just walk out to shore, but all he hears is muffled shouting and splashing. He probably doesn't mind sitting there on the seafloor, watching fish swim by or picking up seashells and whatnot, getting distracted by an entirely new environment. Like, "Oooh, what's that thing?" and it's a dead jellyfish with its tentacles rotted off floating by. "How strange and beautiful," because he doesn't know what the fuck it is.
I like to imagine that he gets so distracted, they have to eventually lift him out of the water with heavy duty hooks and chains like he's a ship anchor . He's got seaweed dangling off him, just like an anchor.
P spends the rest of his time on the shore making sand castles with Eugenie, who I like to imagine is sitting under an umbrella, sunhat on and mostly covered because she's Korean and if she's a Korean like me, hates being exposed directly to the sun lmao.
Also, I bet P would make some stupidly good sand castles too. He builds a perfect replica of Hotel Krat out of sand from photographic memory.
None of this makes any canonical sense, but I don't give a fuck.
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Saturday afternoon review. Another glorious episode. The intro of their fur child. Kojo-Chen-Bradford baha A pup we all know and love. Also that we hope to get to see in S6. This is a very solid Tim backstory ep I’m excited. I’ll delve little more into the actual ep than normal. Just because it’s so tied into everything in this ep. Especially Tim’s past. I always love delving into his past. As I always tell my friend D, When I get into Tim's past I go off a lot haha I can't help it I relate so much to him. So bear with me while I rant off about him in this one. He is a subject I am very passionate about. But let’s get this ep started.
2x14 Casualties
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We start our episode with our fav canine. Destroyer of chew toys Mr. Kojo. He really is a beautiful dog. The dog lover in me adores him so much. Jackson is awoken by this sweet boy and honestly handles it better than expected haha Lucy clearly has gotten him for post DOD reasons. Smart on her end. I know my dog has helped me a ton emotionally. I totally understand why she did this.
I think Jackson is very aware of reasoning and doesn’t push it. Look how cute this dog is I can not. Also how happy Lucy is to have him. She’s literally beaming and so adorable with him. Another reason I don’t think Jackson says anything to Lucy. He isn’t happy about it but won’t fight her on it either. Such a good friend putting her ahead of his discomfort about this. He knows how much she has been through so he's not going to tell her no...Oh the power Lucy Chen holds over the men her life ha
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Lucy tells Tim about Kojo and he instantly thinks it’s a mistake. Discouraging her owning him. (Of course he does). Lucy is her sassy self and tells him she didn’t remember asking him. LOL Tim tells her tough. He’s there to teach her how to succeed. That adding a dog into the mix is only going to distract her. Lucy shows him a picture of Kojo. Says what if he is cute and snuggly?
You can see Tim also thinks he’s cute and snuggly when she shows him the pic haha but says that’s not the point he’s trying to make. Can tell he loves Kojo but isn’t going to give her that satisfaction right now. Lucy is too damn happy about her new pup to let Tim ruin it. He continues his interrogation and asks who’s watching him while she’s at work? Lucy replies she paid a neighbor let him out. Then asks if Jackson is ok with it? Lucy being clueless (which is a rarity for her as we all know) replies 'Why wouldn’t he be?'
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First off I always love when we get tall and smol shots. They make my soul so very happy. Their height difference always gets me in the feels in a way I can not describe. This whole scene cracks me up though. Both trying so hard to top the other with who's right. It’s what they do and they do it so damn well.
It’s so cute how Tim defends himself about dogs when Lucy says he doesn't like them. ‘Wrong. I love dogs.’ LOL He is definitely not wrong about the responsibility part. They are a lot especially for a rookie trying to survive her training. Lucy mocks him and says he’s about to go off on a ‘But you were when you were my age?’ rant. Tim then does just that haha Our marriage moment of the episode.
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Telling her all he’s done at her age. How he already did 2 tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, Second in charge of his squad of ten soldiers. Lucy is not indulging him this time, scoffs loudly and calls him a show off haha You know he heard her but says ‘What was that?‘ Her face in those two last gifs. Be more married you two please.
They knock on the door of their call. Someone has reported a peeping Tom. They head back with the husband to their pool area. He says his wife likes to tan in the morning. A drone has been watching her the last few mornings. Tim says they can put out an alert but they’re tricky to track down.
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The wife comes in and and is instantly checking Tim out. I can’t say I blame her. The man is sinfully delicious especially in uniform. She shamelessly flirty with him. He could not be cuter being embarrassed about it. That smile of his as his reaction. He’s always so caught off guard when women hit on him. Lucy’s face during the whole thing is hilarious. She’s so awkward and uncomfortable as this goes down. His polite ‘ma’am ‘ and shyness we rarely see in him. *fans self* Can’t blame a girl for trying LMAO
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Lucy gets a call from her apt about Kojo shortly after they return to the station. Tim says they’re not going unless it’s a crime scene. It kinda is...One of her apt. Lucy opens the door and we see the destruction the poor boy has caused. Lucy clearly has no control over this sweet angel. He just jumps up on her when she arrives. Clearly so stressed being alone. He wants her attention. Kojo won’t get down until Tim shouts a firm command at him to sit and he does…Oh my...
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Tim barking out orders like that shouldn’t be so hot and yet here we are. I am a puddle. This man does things to me I can't properly put into words haha Also his sexy and confident ‘Come on.’ afterwards. Lucy girl, it’s a miracle you get any work done around this man LOL Kojo you just met your dad and you have no idea. They go through the destruction that is her apt. Tim basically beaming with an ‘I told you so.’ energy as they explore the wreckage.
He is so pleased with himself. They enter Jackson's room and it is trashed. He is at the height of his smugness at this point. He starts taking pics of her and the damage to Jackson's room. These two and their pics of one another I love it so much. Tim says ‘I don’t have to say anything do I?’ Poor Lucy.. ‘I rather you didn’t…’ Already feeling the massive guilt for Kojo destroying Jackson's room the most.
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After they leave their fur baby, Lucy and Tim join in on a suspect Nolan is chasing. He was sharing a shady SRO with the man who was found killed earlier. He took off and they end up catching him in an ally. It’s here we find out he and Tim have a history. The shock on Tim’s face gets me. There’s so much going on in that look that we don’t understand right now. Eric is conveying so much in just this small window.
We rejoin them at the station booking him. Tim looks like he's in a state of shock. Thought Mitch's life was going well post-service. Definitely wasn't expecting him to be living on the streets. Knowing he's not in a good place is bringing back all his guilt in waves. There is so much Tim is carrying in these interactions with Mitch. He asks what he's even being charged with? Lucy tells him resisting arrest to begin with. The DA will sort out the rest.
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Mitch is all over Tim about what’s going on. He tells him he can’t violate the victims privacy. Mitch then pieces together his friend Joe is dead. Tim refuses to give him anymore info. Says detectives will be by shortly to talk to him. He looks so damn distraught walking away from the holding cell. Lucy points out the obvious tension between them. Tim lets her know exactly what their history is. I’m so proud of him for not brushing her off or being angry with her for asking. He’s just defeated and tells her why.
Like he wants to share this emotional burden with her instead of holding onto it solo. How far we've come. Truly. When just Isabel's name would set him off for most of their shift. Now he just tells her when she asks him. Telling Lucy things is a safe place for him at this point in their relationship. It’s a beautiful thing to watch him not even fight that. To let her know with no pretense. Allowing her to know something from his military past is huge. Something he keeps quite guarded. Watching him feeling comfortable enough to share with her. My heart. I'm not crying. You are.
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Tim watches Armstrong and Nolan interrogate Mitch. The emotions in his eyes as he does is killing me. You can feel his guilt through the screen. There seems to be more than just Mitch's guilt there to me. But we will touch on that later....Nolan lets him know Joe had his neck snapped. It seemed like a professional. Mitch tells them he didn’t kill him. That Joe came to him about finding a lot of money. Pallets of cash in the millions. Found it in a building with a bunch of weaponry. Being guarded by heavy duty guys. Lots of machinery too.
Mitch says he and Joe were tight cause they were both vets. That’s why he shared the cash. But he begged him not to go back there for any more. Mitch says he feel guilty. Wishing he would’ve gone with him, because Joe would’ve gone with him. We go back to Tim and see more guilt flitting across his handsome face. The weight of what he is carrying is so evident. Kills me to watch it him bearing it alone. Harper comes in and tells them all that money is counterfeit. Really good but fake none the less. They figure out the machinery could’ve been printers from Mitch. Armstrong decides to get a search warrant and go to the building Joe found.
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Naturally when they make it to the warehouse it’s empty. They ask Tim if he still believes his army buddies story? He says yes. That they must’ve cleared out of here after they killed Joe. Nolan finds some evidence. It’s linking them back to a security guy who was “fixing” a camera at their crime scene. They were about to run his face off his body cam when Grey calls them back to the station. Says they are to leave that area immediately.
Once they’re back Grey says their search warrant sent an alarm all the way up the food chain. Telling them to stop. That the path they’re on isn’t allowed for their investigation any longer. Tim asks what if it’s the path that leads them to his killer? Grey looks conflicted. Harper asks what they’re really into? He says he doesn’t know and tried to push to find out. All he knows is it’s non-negotiable. They all look very frustrated especially Tim. Grey tells them to take the night to reset. Tim goes off saying this isn't right. Armstrong says no it's not but it's a direct order.
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Harper looks at Tim and he knows what he needs to do. Earlier in the episode we learned about LA Clear. Used to prevent blue on blue situations. It’s the best way for them to find out who is behind all this. What higher up agency is preventing them from investigating further. Only higher up officers can use it. i.e. Tim. They were told at the beginning of the ep the feds were in town for something. Sounds like this could be it. Harper asks what Tim thinks. He says this is clearly a federal operation and they don’t have enough information to proceed.
Tim asks Lucy how they get more clarity on a federal operation? She proudly produces the right answer and says LA Clear. He tries to get them all to step outside while he calls. Lucy being her sassy self says not a chance. Her wifey look is so cute I can not. You know he loves it when she’s fresh with him. Tim having to answer his personal security questions is too damn funny. Lucy is enjoying the hell out of this. His answers are so sporadic and funny. 'Lady Marmalade' and 'Xanadu' LOL He gets off the phone says they’ll get back to them within an hour.
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Tim goes to see Mitch. Tells him he’s free to go. Naturally he wants more info on the case. Tim tells him they haven’t found anything yet. The money is gone. They’re working late on it though. Lets him know he just needs to go home. Then realizes how insensitive that is. Mitch tells him just to find his killer. That he served his country with honor. He deserves as much. You know that's hitting Tim right in the gut.
The ever present guilt on his face with Mitch hurts to watch. There’s an undercurrent of something else going on with this whole thing for Tim. More than just what happened with Mitch coming to the surface. It’s coloring everything he’s doing and saying in this episode since Mitch showed up. He gets the call from LA Clear and tells Mitch to take care of himself.
They find out it’s a defense intelligence agency OP. Harper says that’s national security. Nolan asks if they told him anything else? Tim says just a contact name. Colonel Norman Jangus. Nolan asks what a National security agency is doing printing counterfeit money for? Harper chimes in and says this is bigger than they thought. That they should take the night like Grey said. Tim says an off the books op isn’t great on a good day and today definitely isn't that.
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Nolan gets a visitor. It’s Colonel Jangus. Tells him he is DIA, but his team works in the shadows. Does things people don’t want to admit to. John asks why he came to him? This is a great part and accurate. Says he’s the weak link. Lists why above. He’s not wrong those three are certified bad asses and John is well John LOL sorry dude. I'm so mean to Nolan I know ha I do like him but he is the weak link out of the four of them.
Tells him you always push on the weak link. Wants him to relay something to the other three. That it was a mistake to call LA Clear, to leave it alone. Nolan tells him they just want Joe’s murderer that’s it. He leaves with telling him every war has its casualties. That if they don’t stop he’ll end up being their next one.
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Harper, Tim and Lucy show up lurking in the shadows. They were expecting him to show at Nolan’s. Do love them all in black street clothes. Looking ever bit the bad asses they were just explained as earlier. Tim was able to get a tracker on his car while Jangus rambled on. Tim says now they can follow him wherever he goes. Lucy is ready to go when Tim tries to stop her. (Why he think's he'll win this fight I do not know) No way in hell she was going to let him do this alone. She’s his partner through and through.
Harper telling them they’re more likely to survive the storm if this goes wrong than her and Nolan. She has a golden ticket and Tim has unblemished record. Says they don’t even need a reason to fire them as rookies. Lucy replies like the BAMF she is ‘ I’ve been buried alive by a serial killer. This rabbit hole doesn’t scare me.’ God I love her. Her resolve is rock solid. Nolan’s reply pales in comparison tbh LOL That unshakeable drive is one of the reasons why Tim falls for her. He doesn’t fight her any further. He's just hopes Jangus leads them to the money.
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Now comes one of my favorite parts of the entire episode. Also another iconic OTP line stemming from it. They pull up together in Tim’s truck (LOVE them riding together) Lucy wastes zero time asking about Mitch’s leg. Just like earlier he doesn’t fight her on it. Doesn’t shut her out like he used to. Not even a little. I can not emphasize enough how huge this is for him. The beautiful place he has gotten to with her. This is confession time right now for him. He'd been letting it build up all day. Now he was letting the damn loose with her. Makes me so happy to watch his growth. I never tire of watching her chip at his wall one section at a time. It’s about to have another piece break off and shatter to the ground.
There is so much to love about this scene. I love her challenging him to open about this. It’s been so obviously eating at him all day. I'm just like him where I need my anxiety off loaded by someone I trust or I'll self destruct. It's clear he needs it off his chest. Lucy knows this. Knows him and it's why it's the first thing she asks when they're parked. They have a moment alone. She is going to take advantage of that. Lucy reads Tim like a book and knows he needs to talk about it. I've said this a lot but I am a lot like Tim. The more I analyze him the more that fact becomes true. I get his mentality towards things.
Where you think everything is your responsibility or your fault when things go wrong. Because when you grow up in a volatile household like he did (As did I) it was. A mistake was the worst thing you could do. So it's beaten into you that its your fault and you're given no grace by those around you. It's almost like a reflexive shame you feel when you make a mistake. It's how it is for me. I know it is for him too. So why would you give yourself any grace even when its warranted? When you are like this you need that 'Lucy' to unburden you. To have that safe space to off load that burden. To let you know not everything is your fault.
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Lucy is that person for Tim and has been for quite some time. He confesses his sin to her. Like it’s a dark part of his soul he’s expecting to repel her. News flash it does not. She loves every part of this man especially the damaged parts. What he finds as absolutely shameful Lucy sees as something redeeming and wonderful. You can see above how much he is beating himself up over it. Even as he speaks the words he's chiding himself. The way his eyes dart around and how can't face her. He'a so ashamed of himself for not being by the book. To him he slipped up and it cost Mitch his leg. That's unforgivable in his book. He's so hard on himself. I relate so much it makes me wanna cry for him. Because I know that moral pressure.
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I love her little smile before she tells him 'It's the most Tim Bradford thing she’s ever heard.' Because it really is. She just knows him so well. Lucy wants desperately for him to cut himself a break. To lower his high standards of himself just a bit. He won't but damn if she won't try to to change his POV on this. The reason she says that line is she KNOWS the depth of which he beats himself up for things. This is the type of situation where he is going to fault himself and flog himself mentally over it until someone stops him. i.e. Lucy.
I empathize with this on a deep level. I know that guilt driven anxiety you get when you feel you’ve wronged someone. It consumes you and feels like that feeling is bottomless. Lucy is very aware he will destroy himself over this. The reaction on his face below when she tells him it wasn't his fault. That he showed humility. Gets me right in the gut. Telling him that it’s nothing to feel guilty about is everything to him. Tim can't believe she's absolving him for this. Not only doing that but commending him for what he did. By praising him for that humility he showed Mitch.
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I want to delve into his reaction above a little more for a couple reasons. One. Once again what Tim sees as weakness Lucy views as a strength. Knowing he is wracked with guilt over this. Trying to give him absolution for it. His sunshine human is striving to let him know not EVERYTHING is his fault. As much as he would like to think so. Beautiful thing is Lucy being in his life has lightened that emotional load he carries. Whether he realizes it or not she's shouldering part of it now.
Two. I said earlier there was an undercurrent of something else coloring Tim’s guilt in this episode. Something unspoken in the way he was carrying that guilt. Like it was more than just Mitch's guilt he was lugging around. I know he’s comparing what happened to Mitch to what happened with Lucy. By not being by the book he put Lucy in danger. The guilt about Mitch has also brought up the burden he still inflicts upon himself. Which is what happened to her in 2x11. There is some deep subtext in this scene. The way he looks at her when she says he doesn’t need to feel guilty. It's very telling to me.
In a way she is absolving him of what happened with Caleb. Because the situations are similar, in the fact that Tim wasn't by the book and something bad came of it. Lucy does this without even knowing she is doing so. Because in her mind she never blamed him. Doesn't even know he's added that to his emotional load. For Tim her acceptance of what happened with Mitch is hitting close to home with him. It feels like she is also absolving him of his immense amount of guilt he still feels about Caleb. It’s not something they’ve talked about yet. It’s coming but I felt this scene was a good precursor to that. Lucy reminding him not everything is on him like he thinks it is.
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Even though it seems to him he's been absolved of both things he still defaults to being a stickler. That is his default mode. He just can't help himself. Letting her know ‘Rules matter boot. ‘ You can see the glimmer of tears in his eyes when he says this. Still feeling unworthy of her kindness and understanding of what he thinks he’s done not only to Mitch but to her. Lucy once again having that sassy smile asking him ‘Then what the hell are you doing out here? Sweetly calling him out for being a living and breathing contradiction.
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The way he looks at her and says ‘Some things matter more.’ *heart clutch* Eric and his wonderfully expressive face. We are lucky to have him everyone. He is a blessing to have as our Tim Bradford. By saying this he is saying she matters more. That what they're currently doing matters more. Tim showing Lucy his moral compass for Mitch and Joe means more. I’ve said this before but I feel Lucy is never more attracted to Tim than when his moral compass is on fire.
It’s a raging inferno in this episode to find Joe’s killer. That bending the rules a bit to do the right thing means more. to him. That doing the right thing and the easy thing are rarely the same. Her respect and honestly love for him grows for him in this scene. As his does for hers with the previous moment. It's a slow climb to the top with them but what a view it is when we get there. It's so worth the wait.
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I friggin love this shot of them. Forever adore how in sync they are in the field. All dressed in their black ops gear. Sexy Af watching them be poetry in motion together. The aesthetic is very pleasing to the eye. Watching them doing an off the book ops together. It ticks a box for me I love. They decide they need to make sure those pallets are actually the money first. Once they do that they can get Joe’s killer during the arrest. Harper asks how they’re gonna do this? Tim says no idea. LOL
Tim goes off to check it by himself. He’s so tall and you can see that as he ducks under a semi to check the container. Sexy af how tall he is to me. I would say I’m sorry but let’s not lie shall we? Ha Tim gets caught confirming the pallet has the money and sees the rest have been caught too .You can see the panic on his face when he sees Lucy has been caught. Jangus rants that he warned them and they didn’t listen. Harper then signals Angela with her sniper rifle. Trained right on Norman.
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They’re at a stalemate with this. Tim wants to negotiate a settlement. I love how Tim takes control of this whole situation. Sexy af. Saying all they want is Joe’s Killer. If they give him up they walk away. Norman considers this. Then asks about the money. Tim says 'Not our problem.' Lucy pipes up and Tim looks right at her and repeats himself. Now that she’s in danger he’s not taking any more risks. That game is over. He’s gonna break one more rule tonight to keep her safe. Letting the money go.
I love him so much. If bailing on the money keeps her safe and gets them their killer it’s a win win for him. The way he stares the Colonel down as he decides. *Oh my lord* Causing me repeated ovary explosion in this one. Protective Tim is one of my fav Tim flavors haha He’s got me going more in this episode than normal. I would say I’m sorry but I’m very much not. LOL
It works and they give up one of their men as the killer. The plan worked for the most part...They didn't get everything they wanted but getting Joe's killer was the most important. It gets back to Grey and he does some rule breaking of his own. Just accepting their wild unrealistic story of how they found Joe’s killer just walking the docks. Says the paper work better be spotless on this. Harper smiles and says yes sir. This is an excellent episode all around.
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Next morning Jackson wakes up and notices Kojo is gone. Lucy says she’s really not ready for a dog yet. (Or his new owner heh) That he is gone. Lucy continues on to apologize for getting him without asking his input. That she was going to pay to replace all his things. How sorry she was about all his stuff. Jackson quickly breaks and is sweet and says he did like Kojo but hopes he went to a good home. Lucy smiles and says he did.
I want to talk a little bit about Tim taking Kojo. The amount this man cares about not only Lucy but animals is prominent in this moment. He knew how much this dog meant to Lucy therefore he was important to Tim. Also taking him so she could come visit him and have access whenever she wanted. The depth of caring this man shows for her in his actions are unreal. They legit became co-parents to this dog in this episode and we all loved it. They own a dog together long before they were together. Makes me so happy I can not.
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We then get this GLORIOUS shot of Tim walking Kojo. Tim looking fine as hell walking his new fur baby. Basically a model walking down the street. That sweet smile on his face as he looks down at him. He loves this dog so much already. Tim meets up with Mitch and does something I know Lucy would be beaming over. He put in a good word to get him a live in guard job. Tells him it’s not a handout. That it’s a job and a roof over his head. Mitch thanks him and he hugs Tim. He looks like he’s gonna cry. My boy. Mitch can still see the lingering guilt in his eyes.
Tells Tim ‘It’s not your fault you know?’ That what happened to him is nobodies fault. Tim is grateful for his words. Getting forgiveness for a weight he’s been carrying around for far too long. Such a good way to end the episode. Tim wipes a tear from his eye and looks down at Kojo. Tells him ‘Not a word’ LOL I love this man so much and how much he’s grown. Makes me want to cry. Damn good episode holy moly.
As always thank you to everyone who like/comment/reblog. You all make my whole day with them. I enjoy doing these so much and you make it all worth while :)
No non chenford notes this ep was pretty intertwined. See you all in 2x15 :)
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nozunhinged · 9 months
My dear @sua2015roo I accidentally deleted my answer to your ask BECAUSE IM SO DUMB I'm just glad I remembered your name so I can make a dedicated post for you 😭
You asked about the red paint scene in the trailer and I've spent waaaay to much time scrolling through my TL to find all the posts I remember but if I am dedicated about one thing, then it's talking about THE SIGN!!
I can only rely on the smart contributions by the peeps I follow, but unfortunately I only found two posts and I'm sure there were more, I probably got distracted by all the gorgeous phayatharn GIFs 🫠🫠🫠
Okay back to the paint scene, I'll try to reconstruct what I remember 🤓
I don't know how far you are in the show/novel so I'll make it two parts: the theory I've seen the most and then a deeper insight into the story. I'll tag the spoilers so you can skip that part if you like :)
Let's goooo!
1. The most popular theory: it's probably not Phaya and tharn in that scene
there are several theories who it could be, I saw several ideas in some posts:
- Dr. Chalotorn and Tharn in some kind of weird situation (god please no)
- only Phaya but not tharn in some kind of throwback (because it looks like it could be his room)
But the most probable and also the one theory I agree with the most that it probably has to do with one of their cases.
Spoiler from here :)
2. It's probably related to the second case
When the preview aired for ep 6, there was the theory floating around that the scene is a mislead and that it's actually part of the newest case, because it plays in an art gallery and theres a looot of paint in the scene. What I saw the most is that it's probably the culprit with someone unknown and has to do with which crime will happen.
@mikuni14 saw an interesting detail about that:
The lovely @daenanae who also inspired me to read the novel took it a step further and explained the scene in the context of the novel. If you don't mind spoilers, it's a super great read!
That's all I know about ✨the red paint scene✨ and I can't waaaaaiiiiit to find out how it plays out in the end!!!
I hope you found the answer you've been looking for :)
Love, Noz
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - 2023 Begins!
Jan 20232 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Never Let Me Go (Tues YT) 4 of 12 - I keep saying this, but I can’t get over how delighted I am to have Perth back on my screen, and under the GMMTV umbrella. He is a stellar actor. I like that the first kiss of this show wasn’t btw the leads. Felt more realistic to high school. Big drama next week!
My School President (Fri YT) 5 of 10 - I missed these two so much last week. But also there was A MUSICAL INCIDENT and it caused a bit of a rant from yours truly. 
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 9 of 12 - no ep this week, resumes tomorrow WATCH ALONG HERE.
609 Bedtime Story (Fri WeTV) 7 of 11 - Game remains my spirit animal (pushy fucker), and the plot of the main couple is interesting even if I don’t like the cheating component. 
Cutie Pie 2 You (special) 1 of 4 - Oh it’s a full on special. Very very pretty and, is possible, more sappy and full of manufactured angst. Nuea protecting Hia’s interests was sweet. Lots of making out. So... more of the same, basically. What year are we in now, anyway?
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) 8 of 12 - (note from my Thai language spy rgr ep 5: the writing on the stone tablets was their names + 2 family members) And now we are suddenly firmly in BL territory and baby Dom is just a baby Seme. No bisexual identity crisis needed... just diving into cheese fest. 
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 13 of 14 - I would have kept JaFirst apart for longer, quite frankly. I mean otherwise why bother split them up in the first place? Please just end this show already. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
The New Employee (Korea Weds Viki) 3 of 8 - I love them so much, and they are so cute, and this is not open to discussion. Viva la age gap! 
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner (Korea Weds iQIYI) 7-8 of 10 - There is a lot implied about the leads history together, but it was still nice to get backstory plus GAT KISSES. I love it when they flip the dynamic and give the uke agency. I’m really enjoying this show now, I’m even invested in the love triangle.
HIStory 5: Love in the Future (Taiwan Weds Viki) 2 of 10 - Side couple ascension: Daddy Long Legs trope, it’s been a while since I have seen this in ANY romance drama. I’m not really into the main couple, at least not yet (and I totally missed that they hadn’t met each other in person yet), but I really love the side dishes. It’s like H4 all over again only with less dub con.
Candy Color Paradox AKA Ameiro Paradox (Japan Fri Gaga) 4 of 8 - nothing this week. 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
Love Bill (Vietnam Sat YT) - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising stuff going on with them. I can wait.
The Star Always Follow You (Vietnam YT) - same Team RL peeps we have seen before (Sunshine, Stupid)
Moonlight Chicken GMMTV’s Midnight series (Weds YT) 1 of 8 eventually - first segment has begun bit it’s not the EarthMix messy gays. Sorry all, I’m so not interested in messy hets, so I’m waiting until they grace my screen.
Should I watch The Warp Effect? Tublr seems excited about it and BL bits look good? Will they end happy? Thoughts anyone? 
Till the World Ends (Thai YT) finished at 10 eps, the heat looked good but I don’t know about the ending with that kind of title, so did anyone risk it and want to tell me what they thought? I haven’t seen much chatter on my feed so I am not optimistic. 
In Case You Missed It
2022′s The Usual Night (Twitter account) from Japan is a 10-ep fake documentary series starring the members of Jpop group the Fantastics. It flew under everyone’s radars but apparently has a BL subplot featuring Yagi Yusei (My Beautiful Man) and Seguchi Leiya. This officially means they beat OnlyOneOf to the punch as the first inter-group BL pairing. Keito Kimura (Onoe from Candy Color Paradox) is also a member of Fantastics and in the show. Source reddit. No word on official international release. Japan is like that. 
OnlyOneOf’s Nine dropped the last (?) in their BL Kpop series, 'beyOnd' (be #6) 
I posted all my 2022 wraps, top picks, industry stats, etc.. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Jan 19: Individual Circumstances 8 eps - A reunion romance between a movie director who was once promising and a writer who disappeared due to past wounds. Stars JunQ (main rapper of 2nd gen group MYNAME) and Han Jung Wan (Mr International Korea winner).
2023 forthcoming BL master post is in the works... wait for it... I had to finish all the 2022 wrap ups first. Also waiting for the last of the studio announcements.
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Never Let Me Go
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Ah the love triangle. 
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The Director Who Buys Me Dinner caught himself a live one. 
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(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? You gotta check out VIXX (sub unit) new single. Gonna Be Alright = 2 BL stars in one croon. (Hyuk Color Rush 2 & Leo Happy ending Romance). *props chin on hand and bats eyes winsomely at Ken* So?
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pepita-luna · 10 months
Much has already been said about the Live Action adaptation, but I'm adding in my thoughts because I'm in a meeting that I don't really care at all about, and I'm on a YYH brain rot. 💖
Overall, I like it for what it is: an interesting retelling of Yuyu Hakusho. I didn't find the CGIs too distracting, the color grading feels nostalgic, the fight choreography is very on point, I immediately took to all the actors and felt that they delivered, and I could see the care in the little details like lines and sequences that they picked from the Manga and some few from the anime. The first two episodes is good and hooks you in, but the latter episodes suffered from the pacing. I'd compare it to having a 5-course meal, with the last 3 courses being fed to you in succession. And because the show was busy feeding you plot points it forgets emotional resonance. With better pacing, I think this would have been better. That said, I'd give this a 7/10.
I have other thoughts but if anyone cares, maybe it will be nice to talk about this LA or just YYH in general. 😊
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MORE SPOILER HEAVY THOUGHTS UNDER THE CUT! (will be edited as more thoughts come along) 👉🏼 💥
👉🏼 I recognize that I may be an outlier here, but I feel that by combining the first four arcs, it makes the story more cohesive. It hits on the necessary plot points to get to the climax of YYH - finding out about the corruption of the spirit world. Paced appropriately this probably would have Toguro as the red herring big bad of the show but ultimately have it all lead to Sensui.
👉🏼 And also budget. And more episodes.
👉🏼 While I was sad over not having the Dark Tournament I sat with it for awhile and realized that it's fine. If granted a few more seasons, the 3 Kings Arc can have this handled (then maybe it might not feel so empty, lol)
👉🏼 The pacing really took a lot from the emotional pay-off in the last two episodes. I want more interactions! Esp between the four. Yusuke and Kuwabara really had a good rapport. It's nice to know the actors became close with each other IRL too.
👉🏼 Keiko and Yukina interacting is so endearing to me. ❤️
👉🏼 IDC what anyone says Botan's outfit is fucking beautiful. Those piercings and peep toe boots? Amazing.
👉🏼 Although I have to say that some of the outfits (esp the ones in the Casino at Ep. 1) feel weird and make it hard to place this adaptation.
👉🏼 I love that, even though we don't get a lot of interactions between Yusuke and Keiko, the Live Action highlights gets the core of their relationship. More than just Yusuke's childhood friend and voice of reason, Keiko is his moral compass and sees him for who he is.
👉🏼 MAN MEIKO KAIJI FOR ONE EPISODE CMON. 😭 But that just tells me that this adaptation might have ultimately edited certain parts or re wrote the script to cut the train arc so early because of budgetary constraints. You can't convince me that they had Lady Snowblood only to utilize her for a short time.
👉🏼 Dat Smile Bomb Easter egg really hit me in my kokoro. 💖
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endermahn · 1 year
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (Not made yet)
Plot: Wenclair fic but Wednesday and Enid don’t make up ep 8 and Wednesday goes insane after that scene.
Author note:
There are some quote references (for example “drip [coffee] is for people who hate themselves and have no real purpose or meaning.”) so it’s like a little Easter egg thing I wanted to point out.
it’s emotion is based off of Tyler the Creator’s song “IFHY”. (Also a bit of method writing for the sleep deprived Wednesday parts)
IDEA FROM AN EDIT BY “emmamyerswife1” ON TT
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mention of Blood, Knives, detailed-ish Description of death, Major character death, OOC Wednesday, slightly out of character Enid(??), LOTS OF SWEARING! (Later on) Co-dependancy basically, Wednesday is a psychopath Wednesday with psychopathic tendencies. And descriptions of Gore
(Platonic Ejax, they’re basically “you’d do that for me?” “If you keep the creepy [girls] away” and they’re platonic dating gossip buddies)
DISCLAIMER: I do NOT encourage this behaviour, it’s just a fic, if you do feel like this, I urge you to seek help, it ISNT a healthy coping mechanism and can hurt you and who you feel this way for!
IFHY - Tyler the creator
What I listened to while writing:
(Feelz -LIL PEEP)
3rd person Wednesday POV.
5 days after the fight.
Papers are scattered across Wednesday’s desk, she had long given up trying to sort them into piles. Her “monster attack” pin board had been covered by pictures of Enid, past notes from her in class, anything that she could get her hands on.
Despite Enid’s side of the room being filled with everything Enid, it remained untouched. She never crossed the line between their room unless she were to go to the balcony.
“Thing.” Wednesday’s eye bags have since grown deeper, more carved into her face than before, making her look like hell on drip.
After a couple seconds the Hand comes scurrying across the floor and up her desk.
“Any news?” Her voice sounds groggy and distant.
None the less, thing understood and began to tap wildly. Wednesday immediately shot up, forgetting all the aching in her bones telling her they need rest.
“What? Theres no statistical way that could happen, Ajax doesn’t even like her, she doesn’t even like him..” Her words floor out of her mouth fast, but his taps go faster.
“Slow down, I cant understand you when you tap that fast.” She deflated a little, her eyes getting heavy again. Thing tried to tap slower and take his time, but it’s hard when it’s such big news.
“They’re dating..” Wednesday slumped in her chair. Her hand lets her face rest. she sighs heavily. She rubs the back of her neck and hesitantly gets up. Thing disappears just as fast as he appeared, taking great care not to distract Wednesday’s ticking mind.
She walks over to her Enid board and fishes behind all of the papers and things taped to it, grabbing a picture of the Monster’s victim.
She inspects the specific cuts, the oosing, thick blood. Each and every bruise. She notes down how each happened, how effective each was.
She grabs more.
She inspects more.
She formulates a Plan.
7 days after.
She had collected all of the necessary equipment, taking extra care to get it all from various different places and to have thing collect others since the people occupying Jericho have exactly 0 idea concerning the existence of the Body-less hand’s connections to her.
She packed her bag with everything she needed this year, everything she needed when she planned to run away and stuffed it under a loose floor board, ready to go and available. She tripple checked it was in place and didn’t look off from any specific angle.
Next, she made her way out of the door, scanning one more time to make sure she hadn’t left anything out, anything that could potentially get her caught early in the game.
Lastly she shut the door. Not locked incase Enid came back. in need for something, of course.
Wednesday briskly walked across the school, arriving at Yoko’s door.
The ravenette rapped 4 times on the door then waited less than patiently for it to return the gesture by opening.
She heard shuffling, then a bang which only heightened her concern and impatience, getting slightly aggravated as she silently cursed Yoko out for, who she presumed was Enid, most likely falling.
“Yeah?” Yoko answered, eyes still occupied with whatever was happening behind her. She then turned and her body language changed. She became more closed off and stopped slouching, attempting to tower over, and in result intimidate Wednesday, not that it would ever work.
“Wheres Enid?” The gloomy girl couldn’t hide the desperation in her voice, she was to tired.
“Shes not in, Wednesday.” Yoko emphasised Wednesday’s name, having a grit in it.
“I heard her fall, im not gullible, Yoko.” She shot a glare that could be passed as her usual death inducing glance recently, giving she same amount of venom back.
“Really?” She questioned. “Because you sure as hell believed she would forgive you in a day.”
Ouch. She glared at Yoko, clenching her jaw.
“Yoko, let me in, I need to speak to her.” She looked at Yoko and saw her decision was made. “Please?” This was a pathetic attempt, she thought to herself. How could she ask such a person for assistance when they weren’t letting her near Enid?
“Wednesday..” Yoko rubbed the space between her eyebrows and sighed. Suddenly the air got thicker. Stale. Then the Ravenette’s heart dropped. “She.. doesn’t want to see you.”
“What?” Wednesday asked this with a genuine humour. A smile didn’t grace her face but it was pretty damn close. She had to be joking and it was a funny one, at that.
“Enid doesn’t want to see you for a while..”
“A while? How long?”
“.. I dont know.”
Her voice raised a bit, getting more threatening. “What do you-“ Wednesday took a deep breath, let the shiver travel down her spine and tried again. “What do you mean she doesn’t want see me.”
Yoko blinked a couple times, a little fearful of the seething girl. “She said she doesn’t wanna talk to you, she doesn’t want to see you, Wednesday.. go away..” She hesitated with the last part, it slightly croaking out.
Luckily for Yoko, she couldn’t say anything with Enid most likely listening in if she wanted any chance of talking again, she had to play it smart. Even if that meant swallowing her anger and acting polite. But even that had a bite of venom in it.
“Thank you, for your time. Please notify me if this changes.”
And with that the door closed. No reply back or wave, nothing. Just shut in her face.
8 days after the fight.
Wednesday had decided. It was finally Friday and 8 days was enough. 8 days without sleep was enough. 8 days worrying about the wolf was enough. 8 days without enid, was enough.
She had grabbed the bag from the floor boards in a rush, she had prepared everything. His schedule, his dorm, the routes teachers take for patrol at night. She was ready.
And this time it wasn’t going to be an dirty stain of “attempt” on her record.
They had a bathroom in the dorm due to it being an old principal office, so that was enough for her to get changed in. Luckily it was on her side of the dorm, so she hadn’t any need to go over there and disturb anything, to disturb her touch.
She slipped on the ghostly mask and gown and made sure to cover any possible identification on her so it was full proof. She made sure to put all black on, all black shoes were prepared, all black socks, the whole lot.
The only non black clothing item was the mask, the mask that would haunt whoever came close to Enid, whoever tried to take her away from Wednesday’s safe arms.
After hiding all of this, slipping on comfortable shoes that enhanced her height, and switching on the voice changer, she made her way.
After many winds and turns, many close calls with Weems, and any sleep deprived teacher who had signed up, or been forced to sign up to the night patrol and many students who decided that when Wednesday was crossing past their door was the perfect time to go see their friends, she was there.
Mr Petropolus’ dorm.
Having his schedule on hand, all curtesy of thing following him around the grounds from the day Enid left until just yesterday, she knew right now he was preparing for a date. Specifically a date with Enid.
The shower ran loud, her pressing her ear up to the door was enough to know he was there and he was going to die tonight.
She attempted the door once, supposing he would be dumb enough to leave it open, which surprisingly he wasn’t.
She let out a heavy huff, lifted up her mask enough to be able to see, and got out the lock picking tool, working away for a couple seconds until she heard a safe “Click!”
She slipped on the mask again and made her way into his room.
Her heard burned with rage, anger, jealousy. Enid’s things were scattered around his room, nail polish, magazines, random hideous drawings.
Why were these not in their room? Why weren’t they in their rightful place?
She picked up one of the drawings and folded it neatly, then putting it in her pocket. For planning, of course, she had to pin it on the board, it was the only right thing to do with it.
Then Wednesday’s attention turned to the sound of the shower. Her anger still blazing a path towards him, towards that door.
She took another deep breath, then let her jealousy grip at her heart strings.
“Mr Petropolus will only turn her heart to stone sooner or later” she muttered to herself. “So better to eliminate the chance than have her be as cold as the rock her turns others into.”
And with that she easily unlocked the door. She quickly closed it behind her, locking it again.
And how did Mr Petropolus not hear all of this? He was in his own world, phone blasting music that was loud enough for him to hear but no one outside to complain. When he was like this it was always still. With no roommate it was easy to get lost in your own little world, to get lost in your own head and not notice someone else entering it.
It was perfect. It was as if he has planned it himself. As if he set himself up. As if he wanted this just as much as her.
Wednesday moved slowly to the shower, creeping slowly, ready. She had everything with her, her bag was left lazily in the room, which may be a hinderance if blood were to splatter. It would leave a very specific spot in the wall. A bag shaped space..
But then she moved the towel from the mirror a couple feet away, the blue towel being placed carelessly on the floor.
Under the mask she delighted in how easy it was going to be, but similarly she felt a twinge of disappointment. If it was an easy kill, why kill?
For her.
She wanted to see his face as she punished him for something he didn’t even know he did, took Enid away.
He had to have planted the idea of her being a bad friend in her mind, it had to be him. He was running his mouth about how she was a killer, so why not make the rumours true? Why not kill him and make him right about one thing?
But those thoughts had to be saved for a later time.
Right now, she had to make sure the first place he looked was the mirror.
And so she threw something at the sink and hid behind the shower’s oddly placed wall.
“The fuck?” He stopped the music and stuck his head out of the shower.
Wednesday’s heart rate sped up slightly, the excitement building up as she heard him move around.
Then a shriek solidified her heart’s rate, every feeling making her breathe, her lungs finally feeling full for the first time in 8 whole days.
All she could think is about how Enid would surely come back to her, crying at the loss of her late boyfriend, how she never should have left and how sorry she was.
She revelled in those words. She could almost hear them. Almost.
She peaked from the side of the shower’s wall and saw the boy had made himself into stone, perfect.
The ravenette in the ghost outfit shimmied side ways to pick up the towel and wrapped it around him, not wishing to see any of him if it wasn’t smashed to bits or bleeding out in the woods alone and cold.
She then turned off the shower. attempted to pick him up. No use.
“Fuck” she muttered. “Still causing me problems until death.”
She then went to grab her backpack.
“My pocket mase, prehaps, Petropolus? Maybe a chisel? Maybe my hammer, that hasn’t gotten much use lately..” She smirked at the thought of his eyes growing larger at each of the suggestions on how she was going to kill him.
“Stone is easy to crack, easy to break.” She said, taking a relieved breath.
Every time she thought of killing him, she breathed deeper and felt lighter, knowing this would mean Enid would come back to her.
“Of course i could always take you out to the woods and finish you off, but of course you had to weigh the same as Sisyphus’ boulder. Each time i get closer to her, you have to restart my progress, dont you? Then you miss the date, break her heart-“ She had started to speak faster and spill more information.. but it didn’t matter, did it? “Every one time you hurt her, I think of a thousand ways to kill you. You think im not prepared? You think you’ll survive? You think you’ll get justice? Ill be found? Then you’re just as stupid as you let on, and ill enjoy killing you just that much more.”
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enn0s · 3 months
Hey theree,
a wild one has appeared again D. 🦝__ 💨
Life slows down for no one sadly but sometimes a busy life is a good distraction. Hopefully it’s not bringing you any unnecessary stress. Ahhhh that’s always nice to hear. I actually was going through your art tag a couple weeks back and realized you were one of my favorite artist when I was using the app more. Glad to still know your phalanges and artistic drive is going strong. I draw but I wouldn’t consider myself an “artist” artist. I’ve been having art block on and off for years, but I will admit I have been picking up the pencil and paper here and there, but I’m not satisfied still with how often I do it.
Do you have any goals when it comes to your creative path? Like maybe one day make it a career or is it just a hobby for right now?
Ooooh~ yes, especially! On the No Mercy EP. I have to say all those songs are favorites. But First sensibility, also got a good amount of favorites 1004 definitely, Check On and Shady lady lady lady~. I looove their rnb vibe too and I don’t like a lot of K-pop music with rnb influence. It’s just the ear feel isn’t always the same lol idk maybe it just me.
Omg…speaking of I officially have a group an actually like to the point I’m watching their videos and actually being invested. I haven’t been like this since B.A.P really honestly haaa. I will say I’m felling cringe about it…but I know I shouldn’t :,^]. But euuuu liking someone to this extent? Brother euuuu. But it is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
They’re called EVNNE and I’m going to see them in August. If you’ve heard of them do you have members you like or songs? I wonder if we’d like the same peeps, if one of them starts with a H…we may scrapp 👊💥
Nahh I’m playinng around lol they deserve all the love and just shows you have good taste to me.
Ahhhh that sounds like fun. I enjoyed the BYG concert, but I feel like the fans weren’t that hype for me but still! Great vibes all the way. Well lol I’m going to another one so thank you for wishing it into existence 🙇‍♀️
And don’t worry about pronouns I’m not a stickler about it but quite nice of you to ask. But to the MBLAQ throwbacks. OH YEEEAH OH YEEEAH OH YEEEAH YEAH YEAH! Vibe and continue getting that dopamine.
Until next time… D. RACC OUT! 🚪🦝 _💨💨
I always enjoy these convos as well, especially, it’s kind of not related, when I find people who watch or watched early 2000s - 2010s anime’s. The Nostalgia is always nice. And to share it with someone? Double win.
Reminds me when I wore my Powerline Concert Tee from The Goofy Movie. And the store clerk started singing Eye to Eye. But lol fr this time, I wish you well until the next we speak again.
Oh! And also if you had to choose an animal what would you identify with?
Toodles and 🍜✨~
hello friend i was just thinking about you the other day! hoping you were doing well on your side of the world lol.
thats an incredible compliment for me to hear about my older art, i appreciate you so much 🤧 in my mind, if u try to make art then you're an artist lol im proud of you for picking up the pencil again! its hard to start up again after a long time, your hand doesnt move quite the way it used to and you gotta get used to your speed and your style again like meeting an old friend after a long long time...awkward at first but then you fall right back into it and its different but still good. i definitely had a dip in creative drive for a solid...5 years? idk it comes and goes and i've learned to just let it. no shame in a rest period!
I actually went to school originally to pursue art and design but i discovered very early on that i dont respond well to being told what to create so an art-focused job was just never gonna be something i was going to succeed in without burning out completely.
These days i just have my tiny 10 dollar sketchbook and i've been pulling out the colored pencils and crayons and glue and scrap paper and just. having fun... and it's really kickstarted that urge to create bigger, more polished pieces again. i think my goal is just to keep that love close to me and not lose it again in the hustle and bustle of being alive.
i gave evnne a listen and i like the sound of the ride or die EP! even the b-sides are solid, theyve got great voices, they got a little sauce right out the gate and i see a lot of potential for them! im a long haul kind of person for bands so ill keep checking in on them for sure, they got good things comin for them. They look soooo young to me lmao i just wanna get those kids some sandwiches and a nap 🥲 you can tell theyre working their asses off.
I wonder if you had to make a list, what your top 10 songs (doesnt have to be kpop) would be~ im always looking for new music and i love hearing the songs people love and why they hit the way they do.
Bro powerline tho!!!! what a fucking legend!!! a goofy movie and shrek are unironically masterclasses of cinema to me lol, i had goofy movie on VHS and id play that thing to death, its just so good and eye to eye is a banger. Taste.
Wishing you peaceful nights and delicious foods till the next time we talk friend!
0 notes
tentacle-stylograph · 2 years
Sunday 4 December '22
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what i’m doing: is this what i want to be doing: if no, what would i rather be doing: if struggling to do the above, why, and why do i want to do the above in the first place: what's my next step:
personal project is highest priority 'cause i told some peeps i'd be in a vc today for that. if i can't call my grandparents today, i can do that tomorrow, but i'll probably call them on a break :3
EDIT: NOW AIMING FOR--uh. i was gonna say ten check-ins, but idk how long my project time will go for. i'm at four... and i'll have been working on my project for an hour and a half... i'll want to call my grandparents then work for another hour, but i also need to eat and i'll want to go for a walk. let's calculate this bad boy
4.30 done with project and call grandparents
5.40 Mark back into cage then back to project (be taking break watching Westworld even if call goes shorter than this)
6.50 dinner
7.25 Way of Househusband ep then walk
8.40 - 30 more mins project? then post plan for work times M-W then computer off and ready for bed and read Invisible Man 'til tired
wait i was aiming for ten check-ins is why i calculated all that. uh. so. checkin 5: finishing project then calling grandparents checkins off for call checkin 6: back to project checkin 7: hopefully still on project checkin 8: probably eating...
okay, how's about i aim for 8 checkins today. might do more, 'specially round bedtime 'cause that's when i really need them, but yeah. 8 checkins. already at 4.
-> hm. actually. still going for eight check-ins. but i want to call my grandparents right now (4.12 pm. the sun is still up yay and setting) then maybe go for a walk and work on the project again after a Westworld ep (i'll need to rest my hands after project and then walk). yee
1.54 pm what i’m doing: EATING APPLE PIIIIIIE WITH A LOOOOT OF WHIPPED CREEEEAAAAMM 🥰🥰 is this what i want to be doing: yeeeeeeeeee 🥰🥰🥰🥰 if no, what would i rather be doing: if struggling to do the above, why, and why do i want to do the above in the first place: what's my next step:
2.27 pm what i’m doing: scrolling tumblr is this what i want to be doing: shore! found some AWESOME and HILARIOUS stuff but i'm glad my timer went off 'cause i wouldn't have wanted to do so endlessly. if no, what would i rather be doing: if struggling to do the above, why, and why do i want to do the above in the first place: what's my next step: next step.... pour my protein nshake i made like 20 minutes ago or something lol. then drink some, brush my teeth, use the bathroom, get changed, start on personal project then call grandparents during break. call might go for an hour! or ten minutes or fewer! who knows! not me! let it happen! but yeah i'm stuck on my table's bench now so uh.... oh boy i have a lot of tabs open. um. ...okay, closed those. and now time to, uh, do i want my laptop's shuffled playlist or my phone's shuffled playlist. going with my phone's. -inhale- -exhale-
2.56 pm what i’m doing: brushing my TEEFS is this what i want to be doing: YUH if no, what would i rather be doing: if struggling to do the above, why, and why do i want to do the above in the first place: what's my next step:
3.58 pm what i’m doing: setting up a collection of background ambiance: water + music-less coffee shop chatter + video of fish is this what i want to be doing: YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA 'TIS. i've been working on my three hour project for the day for about forty minutes, with short distractions every once in a while, but for the most part staying really focused. i was feeling myself really fizzling, so i finally put on the ambiance if no, what would i rather be doing: if struggling to do the above, why, and why do i want to do the above in the first place: what's my next step: just feeling happy that i'm focusing on the project and continuing on it 🥰🥰
5.48 pm what i’m doing: LITERALLY in the middle of the action of getting up from the couch after a tiktok binge following the call with my grandparents is this what i want to be doing: CAUGHT ME AT THE RIGHT TIME TO SAY YESS if no, what would i rather be doing: if struggling to do the above, why, and why do i want to do the above in the first place: what's my next step: i put Mark back into his cage and drank some protein shake and now onto my project again
6.08 pm what i’m doing: writing my 5.48 pm checkin before starting on my project is this what i want to be doing: yee. suddenly got tired tho uuuugh. if no, what would i rather be doing: if struggling to do the above, why, and why do i want to do the above in the first place: what's my next step:
8.32 pm what i’m doing: making and editing some YouTube mix playlists to help me get moving is this what i want to be doing: yuh. well, yes and no. i was reminded how bad my mental situation is when my playlist picker spinner kept turning up playlist after playlist that didn't quite work for me anymore or don't currently work 'cause i listened to them too recently or multiple times recently.
i'm scared right now, honestly. Discord, when it could play YouTube playlists, could sometimes show me that i'd go through six to sixteen hours worth of music in a week. that's quite a bit, and i know i haven't been collecting music for quite some time, so i'm running low. i forgot how bad things are and how difficult momentum and moving can be. i wish i didn't have to do this step at all if no, what would i rather be doing: nah nah, i'm doing what i NEED to be doing. ...-inhale- -exhale- wanna have dinner then, uh, ibuprofen 'cause my period is starting then maybe work on project a bit longer then go for a short walk then get ready for bed. if struggling to do the above, why, and why do i want to do the above in the first place: what's my next step:
9.24 pm what i’m doing: just finished pooping lol is this what i want to be doing: yuh if no, what would i rather be doing: if struggling to do the above, why, and why do i want to do the above in the first place: what's my next step:
ah!! i reached eight checkins :'0 <3 time for a short walk now :) don't think i'll have time for more project, but yay--oh. actually period's coming in. i took an ibuprofen but yeah. will work on project instead then
10.19 pm what i’m doing: LITERALLY OPENING THE BOOKMARKS MENU TO BRING UP MY PLAYLIST BECAUSE I'VE BEEN PROCRASTINATING ON TUMBLR AND POKING AT MY PROFILES BECAUSE I'M NERVOU is this what i want to be doing: THE OPENING THE PLAYLIST MENU, YES. THE OTHER THINGS, NO. BUT HEY GETTIN' ON TRACK YAY. WANNA WORK 20 MORE MINS ON MY PROJECT BEFORE GETTING READY FOR BED if no, what would i rather be doing: if struggling to do the above, why, and why do i want to do the above in the first place: what's my next step:
12.00 am what i’m doing: staring again at fanart lol is this what i want to be doing: more or less-ish. more on the "less" side, but i gave myself permission to stare for a bit longer when i saw there was only about a minute and a half left 'til my check-in if no, what would i rather be doing: time to get ready for bed now tho. uh. i feel like there was smth--ah! just wanted to say the last paragraph on this entry :3 if struggling to do the above, why, and why do i want to do the above in the first place: what's my next step:
today was great!!!! i worked on my project, let Mark out, got my guts up to--oh oops i forgot to wipe up the tarp that Mark was on. anyway. got my guts up to call my grandparents (learned my grandpa's growing some celery and learning to make Japanese stir fries 'cause some neighbors sometimes share ingredients with him), and yeah! very happy with how today went ^v^
0 notes
gejnialnie · 6 years
i really want to start listening to critical role but i just cant bring myself to do it! like, okey, i listened to the first 30 minutes and i just cant take it, they are too competent for me, thats not what im used to!
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wings-of-a-storm · 3 years
Alrighty lovely peeps, here is the final part of my thoughts on Victor’s infamous ‘love-triangle’ journey in episodes 9-10 (and why the undercurrent is full of Benji).
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Our first understanding of how Victor is holding up in episode ten is through the visual of the wedding invitation he is holding. It’s a very strong visual with so many connotations -- weddings are romantic, full of love and celebration, and most importantly a lifelong commitment to a loved one. That is Victor’s dream too and one he was working hard on (not necessarily a marriage but certainly a life-long commitment). But the person he wants to work on that commitment with isn’t talking to him and quite likely easing them into a separation.
What is even more of a mockery is the envelope -- Victor and Benji’s names are printed together in gorgeous cursive, like they are a team, a unit, a done deal. It’s almost like how their own wedding invitation might look, if they ever wanted to have one. But it is a dream that only exists on a piece of paper right now.
It is clear in this scene that Victor is feeling a mix of three things: sad, hurt, and anger. The anger is quite clear when he puts the invitation aside with the shake of his head. He’s angry that Benji ditched the wedding commitment last minute, yes, but no doubt a lot of that anger is born from how hurt he is that Benji is seemingly giving up on them. A glance at his unanswered message to Simon where he says something similar confirms it.
This anger is channeled into a practical matter -- the etiquette faux pas of being a last-minute wedding guest now messing up catering. Victor needs to find a substitute plus one (which to be honest feels like a plot device but shh). Enter Rahim, sans Pilal. Once again, Rahim is a welcome friend that Victor knows he will have fun with, be comfortable around, and more importantly experience a nice distraction with again.
Fast-forward to the next key scene, for me: Victor’s fascinating response to hearing Harold’s and Veronica’s wedding vows. Which brings me to:
Guess what themes happen to be in the wedding vows Victor hears? A) Fighting for a relationship you love. B) Not giving up on someone in the tough moments.
“I know there will be tough days but it's on those days that I vow to love you the hardest” / “I vow to always remember that we are worth fighting for. Forever. No matter what.”
Gee, what an extraordinary coincidence!
And what does Victor do in response to hearing a loving couple voice his own feelings and goals? He looks at Rahim. Or rather, to Rahim. He knows Rahim is a romantic (like himself and Benji are), so he knows Rahim would share those goals too. And Rahim certainly is transfixed by the vows, very much feeling their sentiments too.
Rahim just ticked a box Victor is currently desperate for: someone who looks like they value fighting to beat the odds for the person they love, unlike what Benji is seemingly doing. Victor can project that onto Rahim. In reality, there is no way of knowing what Rahim would actually do in a relationship, but he feels safe right now.
It rather feels like VIctor was trying to distance himself from Benji in that moment and find a sanctuary with someone else who would give him the love and commitment he really needs right now. Like a protective, defense mechanism. He is so terrified that Benji has reached his limit of fight; that this time their argument and Victor’s breach of trust pushed Benji too far and Victor will end up severed from him and alone. With each hour Victor is closer to processing the end of that relationship and is now trying to put up a shield to block the impending tsunami of pain that he really doesn’t want to be hit by.
Victor doesn’t know it yet but we, the audience, get a hint of good news: the romantic vow exchange cuts to Benji staring at a picture of Victor on instagram, clearly missing him. From that piece of storytelling timing, we know what that probably means… (Flashback please to Benji’s declaration of “I don’t think I could give up on you. Even if I wanted to.”)
Benji is fighting. Or trying to.
What seals the deal is the beautiful conversation Isabel has with him -- her promise that Victor adores him and that Victor did actually stand up for Benji to the point of impressing her with his moxy. For a lot of the season, that is so much of what Benji needed -- to know he was worth standing up for, fighting for. Gee, what a familiar theme…
The next time we see Benji, he has come to the wedding reception, after his shift, as Victor’s belated plus one. His appearance symbolizes a promise, a vow of his own that is yet to be said out loud: that he is committed to fighting for their relationship to work.
I found that a really nice piece of storytelling -- that Benji is linked to the wedding vows at Brasstown and then fulfils them (or at least will try to make the sentiment a reality as best he can).
Unfortunately for Benji, Victor does feel a connection with Rahim. New friendship is exciting and thrilling on its own let alone having the opportunity to suddenly slow dance with that person. Lines can get blurred. Plus the atmosphere is completely romantic and Victor has never had the opportunity to experience this particular romantic act before.
Victor and Rahim spend quite some time staring deep into each other’s eyes without even saying a word to interrupt the Moment. Because it is a legitimate moment of intimacy between the two. Which is exactly why Victor doesn’t stop immediately and run straight to Benji as soon as he notices Benji has come to see him. His head is still half in the Moment and it is tricky to extricate himself from Rahim.
That Moment is also why Victor doesn’t keep chasing Benji through the yard after Benji sasses him with his ‘Sure, Jan’ energy after Victor insists Rahim is just a friend.
Consciously Victor thinks he is telling the truth, but his “That was crazy, I’m not allowed to have a friend?” defense had the same energy as S1 Benji’s “I know I didn’t do anything wrong when you kissed me!” before scuttling his ass out of Brasstown with all of his belongings. Hello guilt.
The question is how much is Rahim a friend-cum-something-more. Which is the crossroad Victor finds himself at when Rahim confesses his feelings and kisses him.
We have Rahim who confessed so sweetly and endearingly, who at this moment is comfort and warmth and safety because Rahim isn't going to break up with Victor any time soon. And whom Victor does feel a connection with.
And we have Victor’s relationship with Benji which feels like a dying ember, especially now that Benji is even more furious at Victor and it will be a very hard battle to win him back around again. It won't be a romantic running into each other's arms moment if they were to reunite…
So Victor has a dilemma to figure out now in Mia’s room: does he fight a very hard uphill battle with Benji to win him over (a fight filled with inevitable painful emotions being unleashed), or does he just let it go since that appears to be the trajectory for them... Or does he try exploring things with Rahim where there is a 100% success rate guaranteed in the short-term if he accepts Rahim’s declaration…
If the big theme of this episode is vowing to love someone on their tough days and committing yourself to a relationship worth fighting for (something Victor had been obsessing over even before he heard the wedding vows), it would feel like a strange conclusion for Victor to choose Rahim over the partner who proved he was mutually willing to fight for their relationship against the odds, especially when they have already been tested through tough times and found their way through. (And of course Felix’s visualisation exercise would have reminded Victor of all the qualities he loves about Benji...)
And finally we have the culmination of an underlying parallel: Victor's parents’ relationship, which also slips into the theme of those wedding vows.
Isabel and Armando, the high school sweethearts who were stuck in a cycle of fighting, fore-sake choosing a new partner with less baggage and instead make the choice to get back together. This doesn’t influence Victor’s decision because he doesn't know about his parents’ progress yet but we, the audience, do know. We can see the underlying parallel there. They are making it work, so so too can Victor and Benji if they keep putting the work in to understand each other better and learn how to communicate.
But that’s just my take on ep 10.
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zumpietoo · 3 years
Sorry, Mah Dudes....Almost Forgot...
THIS moron:
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umm....right off the bat, no.
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It's been a four, close to five month hiatus, you moron.....learn to fucking count. And no, they tease that the promo department is trying to distract from the rest of the spiraling hot mess in the goofiest way possible/think it makes a nice visual.....like season 2, when everybody was in a cracked window.
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The Gargoyle King's been fully debunked, the mothmen are this season's "old man Mcguckett". Why are you so fucking dumb?
And yes, it's them. God, you really are the dumbest fucker on the planet.
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It's called "artsy" promo (and they've always done this for their promo shots) and the flying saucers, again, promo having a bit of funnn....
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I'll admit I had to dig waaayyyy into my asshole for this one, but I'm dumb and gotta grasp whatever is the stupidest possible conclusion....also, dude, you live in Brooklyn, you should know "hipsters" wear a shit ton of vintage, including turtlenecks, which also vibe with Jug's English teacher image, etc...and one need only visit Land's End's webpage to know no shortage of peeps still wear turtlenecks to this very day....
Also, "we haven't seen Jughead wearing a turtleneck", you say?
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Uhh....fail, dumbass. In fact, Tabi, Fangs and GG are all dressed in the same outfits, too!!! It's as if these were what the stylist had them wear for promo shots, huh???? Almost a year ago....
And, yes, Cole's wearing the same ensemble for the promo video(s).
And yes, I tweeted this to this moron. She ignored it.
Isn't she paid to do a modicum of research?
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Errmm.....noooo.....and we already know the FB ep is 80's and will explain why Hymen's evvollll, something we've already been told. Maybeee there will be a FB scene of how the Blossoms invented the Mothmen to hide whatever illegal shit they were doing, but that'll be the size of it.
And you're, again, a dumbass. Cause this is entirely about WHY the obvious smokescreen was invented....
Also, less "bonkers" than half the shit they run with. And they generally don't "make them work", that's what Old Man McGuckett/smokescreens are for!
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OMG!!! It's for a goofy visual! Like I keep saying. And it's already been established. My god you are the dumbest fucker ever. And it's beyond infuriating.
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forgotten-envies · 3 years
Word of Honor Ep.1
I lament my poor internet connection. This fight would be much better if the person on the roof...looked like a person and not a large symbiote.
Ooh! Zhou Zishu! I know that name. Dude’s got MOVES. Was that sword flick necessary? Gotta give him points for clean kills tho.
Oh no, she’s not gonna make it. Pretty hanfu tho.
You can’t! Just make someone commit suicide! (Though kudos to her for such a composure.)
Oh so NOW you’re regretting it??? Huh??? Shoulda thought about that before you poisoned her!!! (I’m so sad. We’re not even ten minutes in.) (Also I thought his husband was the murderer?? Oh oh! Is this why he retires??)
Nooo... and she’s dead.
The absolute stillness of the Window of Heaven. Murder boi is preeettty in the moonlight. But he is still not forgiven!
“Four Seasons Manor only has you and me left.” Then who are the chaps by the door??? Don’t tell me you didn’t notice em. They bellowed as you walked in.
Oooh those guys are Window of Heaven peeps?
I like this Uncle.
Zzs, doesn’t this seem a bit cruel to you? You’re obviously an unhappy man. Oh that’s gross. Thank you for explaining the Nails of Seven Torments to me, goons by the door, I was very lost.
Oh look! Is that MORE regret??? I’m glaring.
Oooh backstory AND song?? Yesss.
“And if there’s a reason I’m still alive, when everyone who loves me has died...” “I’m alive, but I paid for it.” Wow. Really your song, huh?
Ooh pretty golden dragon!
I am predisposed to dislike the Jins. I can’t help it. (Though I have a suspicion I’m right about this.) ARE YOU GOING TO MURDER HIM??
Oh is that painting representing those who died?? That’s so sad...
Thank you for the explanation, once again. Also that’s METAL. (Heh.)
He’s very handsome and I am a simple woman.
Okay I feel bad for him. Even if he royally screwed up. Also Please Put On Your Shirt. It’s rather distracting.
Did he just take the nails out? Or just torture himself?
I’m glad I was right about this Jin guy, at least. He’s having a temper tantrum. Oooh the chosen one are you?
I’ve never seen a better makeover scene.
Who are these guys, goblins? Also what is WITH that hat? Oooh is this who I think it is??? My man Wen?
Oh very intimidating.
All these ghost designs are so cool!
Why does zzs remind me of Aragorn?? Is it the fake scruff?
Oh no the fan.
Gu Xiang you little trickster I love you already. Also sensing big Dad Energy from wkx.
Oh young love.
And love at first sight!
The girls are fiiighting. She sure doesn’t care about collateral damage does she?
Aannnd we’re done! That was fun! I’m super intrigued and also waaay too lazy to do this live-blogging thing again.
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jq37 · 4 years
The Royal Report– A Crown of Candy Ep 4  The Grand Tournament
An Extremely Normal Tourney
It’s time for the royal tourney! A tourney that Brennan, who would never lie to us, has assured us will be all fun and games and only simulated danger! What could possibly go wrong?
For an exhaustive answer to what should be a rhetorical question, let’s join our PCs on the tourney grounds where they’re getting ready for their respective events. 
Just to give you guys a quick rundown of who’s doing what:
Theobald is in the Joust, facing off against Lady Plumbeline.  
Liam, Ruby, Lord Citron of Fructerra (Banana man), and Lady Freccia of Cerecia (Spaghetti Illithid woman) are in the archery competition. 
There are two melee bouts going on: 
One is a Vegetanian knight (Bonathan--french fries dude), Anabelle, Grissini, and Jet 
The other is Keradin (Bulbian paladin from last ep), a Ceresian Gladiator, Scravoya (wife of the meat dude Amethar called out last episode), and Amethar.  
The only person sitting out the festivities is old-man Lapin who is chilling in the high rollers box with the Pontifex, Alfredi, and some of the other important peeps we met last episode.  
Lord and Lady Cruller are watching Jet’s fight and also have taken Primsy under their wing to keep her away from Stilton who Theobald has warned everyone about.
While Brennan rolls initiative for a million NPCs, the PCs mess around with the Message cantrip and Jet worries that something bad might happen to her dad during the tournament. Ruby says that, if anyone tries anything, they’ll stop it.
On to the matches!
In the first round of the archery competition, Liam does well with a 23 (he’s only beaten by Citron who gets a 25) and Ruby (who’s not really equipped for bow shooting at this distance and can’t get a magic boost without putting herself in major danger) lags behind with a 10.
In the main melee battle, Scravoya (who is fully just a t-bone steak with eyes) outright threatens Amethar and he leans into it, saying they should take out their competition so they can 1v1 each other. A very good idea but with only an 8 Persuasion roll to back it up, it doesn’t work. Amethar tries to make the same deal with Keradin but, when he’s rebuffed, goes into a rage and goes for Scravoya, hitting her for 19 points of damage. On her turn, she returns the favor for 16 points.  
Jet decides to take a page from her dad’s book and tries to ally with Annabelle...by bringing up her ejection from the line of succession, her refusal to wed, and also declaring that she also won’t wed--each of those statements probably being enough to cause a scandal on its own. But even with disadvantage on Persuasion, Jet gets a 20 which means that while the crowd is scandalized, Annabelle is touched by the show of solidarity and salutes with her sabre. Then Jet hits Grissini for 21 points of damage, giving us insight into what his type is because his response is to instantly go full heart eyes for her. Doesn’t stop him from dealing a bunch of damage to Jet on his turn though.  
Meanwhile, Lapin--saying it’s a request from the king--has Lord and Lady Swirly (who are in the box with him) hold comically full glasses of wine for when Amethar’s match is done, something they don’t question at all. He foregoes a “real turn” so he can act when something actually happens.
In the joust, Theobald and Lady Plumbeline run at each other and Theo super hits with a 24. The joust is supposed to be three rounds long but on a 15 Athletics to her nat 1, Theo absolutely sends her flying off her meep and ends it--and the chance at getting to name herself as a candidate for the Emperor’s successor--right then and there. He hops down off his meep to help her up but she slaps his hand away, picks herself up, fully crying, and runs off the field.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Back in the main melee, Brennan asks for 3 Con saving throws from Amethar, activating both mine and Lou’s Fight or Flight. Brennan says that Amethar takes 8 piercing damage and then 22 points of damage that are not halved (even though he’s raging) which brings him down to 6 HP. And, on top of that, he’s suddenly having trouble breathing.
Zac decides that this is a good time for Lapin to take his turn but, on an 8, doesn’t notice anything is wrong. Like yeah, Amethar’s hurt but it would be weird if it wasn’t. It’s a melee. Amether also rolls Perception and, with an 8, though he knows that something sharp cut into his side when he bumped into Keradin and the gladiator (which is weird because they’re all fighting with blunted weapons) he thinks he could have just gotten scratched by their armor or something. 
Liam and Jet both fail their Perception checks on their turns to notice Amethar is in dire straits. 
Oh Amethar’s turn, having realized that something Weird and Bad is happening, he fully nopes out of there and Disengages so he can hop the fence to the pen where Jet’s fight is happening (the one Cruller is watching) and lie down to signal to everyone that he’s not fighting anymore and needs help.
Unfortunately for him, Scravoya fails her Wisdom save and jumps the fence to continue wailing on Amethar, knocking him unconscious.     
Lapin, paying off the Looney Tunes gag that he set up on his first turn, hip checks Lord and Lady Swirlie to make them throw the wine in Alfredi’s face. While she’s distracted, he does some sneaky healing on Amethar (13 pts) which no one clocks though Brennan doesn’t tell *them* that.  
Amethar, while unconscious, sees his sister Rococco in a field of wheat in the spot where she died, who tells him to get up. In the real world, he does. 
On Jet’s turn, she prepares to exit the fight to help her dad. Grissini notices that she’s distressed and asks if something’s wrong. When she says that someone is trying to kill her dad, he stops fighting, throws down his weapon, and tries to get the Pontifex’s attention. 
As soon as it’s his turn, Theo accesses the Speed Force, runs all the way to Amethar, and disarms Scravoya. Jet is suddenly more interested in learning a disarming blow.
Ruby runs over to Jet to help out if she needs to (and, mechanically, so their lockets are in play) and also sends Yak up to keep an eye on things.  
Cruller jumps down to help stop the fighting and check on Amethar, finding that Amethar can’t speak. He calls for a healer and Keradin comes over. Ruby makes him drop his mace as he passes her but he gets there and kneels next to him.
Liam casts Detect Poison and Disease since Amethar looks pretty sick (his deception roll to hide it is only a 10, yikes) and Brennan says there’s definitely poison happening. But oh no Brennan. You’re not getting away with just that. The language of that spell says you ID the type and location of poison in range. 
Brennan reads the card to confirm that his shit is thoroughly fucked and then narrates that Liam detects a poison cocktail in Amethar which delivered 22 points of poison damage (he saved so 22 was half), gives the Poisoned condition (which he also saved from), and also silences the person for an hour (which is why he can’t talk). And location? Liam smells the same poison that’s in Amethar’s body on two daggers on Keradin’s belt. Liam calls him out (without explaining what’s going on very well--luckily Theo starts yelling poison to make things more clear for the audience) and casts Hunter's Mark very openly without really disguising it.
Father in danger, Jet tries to attack Keradin but misses twice. Amethar, on his turn, gets up, goes into a rage, and hits Keradin (whose eyes go blank and soft) and then backs up from him.
Scravoya keeps fighting because she’s a woman in a rage and on a mission (rather than anything especially sinister, a previous check showed that she thinks Amethar is cheating or wussing out which is why she’s kept fighting).
Back in the box, Alfredi is still chewing out the Swirlies and not really paying attention to the other insanity going on. The Pontifex meanwhile is watching intensely and is so shocked she can’t really move or speak. Lapin yells for them to call off the fight (21 Persuasion) and, even though he probably shouldn’t be giving orders while sitting next to someone who outranks him so completely, the Pontifex ignores that and yells at Keradin to kneel and he does so immediately.   
The horns blow, the fight stops--even Scravoya stops. But we’re still in initiative. Anabelle jumps over and knocks Keradin further down. Grissini starts mobilizing guards to stop anyone running away. Theo tries to get the daggers from him and fails. Luckily Ruby is next and she casts Hex (giving Keradin disadvantage to Dex) and just barely grabs the poison daggers from Keradin’s belt with help from Yak, holding them up and loudly declaring their existence to the crowd like the performer she wants to be. The daggers are made of pure water which is super deadly to sugar people. And luckily, on a nat 1, no one notices her spell. Cruller goes after the fleeing Ceresian gladiator and we exit combat.
Keradin is grabbed by guards and is double arrested by the Pontifex and Grissini in a church/state tag team. Alfredi glances at Lapin and then comes down and heals the Poison condition from Amethar.
Liam tries to do a better job at disguising his magic as just non-magical ranger knowledge but doesn’t do a great job, even with help from Ruby.
Jet tries to see if Anabelle is on the level and her read on her is shaky because it’s been a crazy like minute and a half for her. She then apologizes for inadvertently embarrassing her. Anabelle says she needs to learn to be less quick to run off at the mouth outside of Candia but she doesn’t seem to have any hard feelings (especially since her scandal is like only the 9th craziest thing that’s happened at this point). 
Lapin’s Big Day
The security minded people start to arrange escorts and guards and all the stuff you do when an assassination attempt happens. Theo wants to be part of the investigation. Lapin sees Alfredi talking to the Pontifex and pointing to Liam. The Pontifex then comes over to Grissini and says that the church would see Keradin hanged for his actions. Grisinni tells her that the Candians want to talk to him first and she’s fine with that. She leaves, followed by the meat people. Before he leaves, Senator Ciabatta checks in with Amethar and, without explanation, says that he doesn’t believe Keradin acted alone. 
Liam is ready to just peace out into the woods before he’s tried as a witch but Theo tells him to stay. Cruller comes back and says that they arrested the dude he had been chasing down. They decide to split up with the kids and Tartgaurd going with Amethar to lay low--and to protect Liam--while the old dude squad--Theo, Lapin, and Cruller--go to supervise whatever’s going on with Keradin so he doesn’t just get disappeared before they can talk to him. Theo gives Jet Sprinkle (whose eyes he can see through) and they split up.   
Anabelle comes over and introduces herself to Amethar, calling it a great honor as her dad was good friends with him. Jet makes a comment about her thighs being weapons because she hasn’t learned anything from her talk with Anabelle (who, for the record, doesn’t disagree with the content of the statement, just the appropriateness).
Prince Cabbage also passes by and they get the sense that he was not paying attention to anything that was going on and just had it explained to him after the fact (which, dude, how do you sleep through that???? Unless he didn’t and he wasn’t paying attention for some wild, Pepe Silvia reason, but too much craziness is going on this ep for me to start Wild Mass Guessing for no reason). 
Lapin lets the others know that the cat might be out of the bag re: Liam’s magic and Cruller points out that it’s way easier for the church to off him than Ruby so he’s potentially in a LOT of danger. Even the king might be powerless to stop any retribution. Theo suggests that maybe if Liam was made a knight, that would give him some protection. Lapin thinks he might be able to talk to the Pontifex about it. And if neither of those work, Cruller can try and spirit him away back to Candia.    
Plans set, they go find Keradin who is chained in a dungeon guarded by Grissini and his men. Lapin does an Insight check with advantage (helped by Theo) and our boy gets a nat 20! On that nat 20, he knows that Keradin is of such unshakable faith that he is immune to being mind controlled. He’s just an extremely loyal follower of the church who’s never had an independent thought in his life.
 Lapin asks for the room to be cleared so he can have a conversation with Keradin and Grissini says he’s under orders from the Pontifex to not let Keradin get-got before the church has the chance to do it. “Oh,” says Lapin. “So you’re calling me, a man of that that same church, a liar and also a murderer? Interesting.” Grissini is so cowed that even without Lapin rolling Intimidation or Persuasion, Grissini deeply apologizes and clears the room.
Lapin makes like he’s going to break him out of his chains and asks Keradin where he’s supposed to meet with his co-conspirators. On a 25 Deception (!) v. Keradin’s 3 Insight, Keradin says that there was no plan and he was supposed to just let Amethar die on the field and walk away. Lapin asks where he can get another dagger so he can complete the attack and Keradin says he got his three from Alfredi!
Information gleaned, Lapin slaps Keradin across the face and calls back in the guard, telling them to arrest Alfredi. On a 22 Persuasion, Lapin is able to get Grissini to agree to this bold order and they head out. 
Keradin loses his shit and starts pulling at his chains, yelling, “Apostate!” at Lapin who leans in and drops the rawest line anyone could have at that moment.
“Where is your Bulb now?”   
Medal of Honor
When Lapin DID THAT my first thought was, “Man, I wish I still had Honor Roll on my recaps so I could give it to him.” Then I remembered I make the rules here and I can do whatever the hell I want. 
What an absolutely BEASTLY set of moves from Lapin. I’ve always said, Zac is quietly super smart but always hampered in-game by the himbos he chooses to play but man did he make up for every insane, “Are you my Dad?” from S1 with his CRAZY flex this episode.
One of the best things you can do as a player is do something so logical and natural and fitting that the DM can’t help but give it to you, roll be damned and he got that from Brennan this episode.
Not to mention setting up his distraction a round in advance, coming up with a *great* way to get info from Keradin (in the moment I had no idea how he was gonna play that), taking Alfredi off the board so early into the game, and that sick, sick, mic drop of a line that forced Brennan to end the episode.
He went from sitting out the entire tournament to undisputed MVP of the episode. What a champ.
*Also, would be remiss if I didn’t mention that his gag of just creepily appearing on the king’s shoulder is my fave of the season so far.   
Things I’m Concerned About
Well the number one thing I’m concerned about is a thing I didn’t even notice until I rewatched for this recap. Ruby grabs two water daggers off of Keradin but then Keradin tells Lapin that Alfredi gave him three water daggers. Which means that either water daggers are one use (3 - the one he used on Amethar = 2) OR, both more likely (assuming max drama at least) and troubling, there’s a third dagger floating around out there. And that’s such an easy thing to miss in the heat of the moment when you’re playing. So the question is, who has that third dagger? It would be weird if Alfredi had it--why give it right back to the person who gave it to you? If this is a Bubian conspiracy, maybe one of the other officials like Onionpatch--he would be an unexpected candidate. Either way, I hope someone clocked that bit of info or will soon because that’s a dangerous thing to just be lurking.
I’m concerned about how far down this rabbit hole goes (pun unintended but consciously retained). When Brennan said Keradin’s eyes went blank and soft during the struggle, I was thinking maybe mind control but he’s apparently immune to mind control (which I think means he’s at least a level 8 Paladin since that’s when they gain immunity to charm spells and abilities--so I guess he was just surprised at the turn of events in that moment and that’s what that was?). So how corrupt is this church? Does it go all the way to the Pontifex? Do they want a specific person on the throne or do they just not want a Candian on the throne since they’re well known for being lax with enforcing the magic restrictions, something the church would surely hate.
I’m concerned Theo might have inadvertently made an enemy of Plumbeline. Or, like, driven her to do something rash. Like, we know he was just being a good guy but she was obv not in a good headspace in that moment. It wasn’t a bad move from him--if she’d reacted well it would have been a good relationship to have, but the dice just weren’t on his side.  
I’m concerned about what it will take before the children start thinking about the ~implications~ of their actions. Like, Jet airing royal laundry and declaring to not marry  in front of everybody and Liam not even trying to hide his Hunter’s Mark at Keradin? This is the Actions Have Consequences season! I keep saying that and I’m sure it’s gonna continue until someone dies! And speaking of.. 
Like...come on. It’s gotta happen, right? And the longer they murder-block Brennan, the worse it’s gonna be when it happens! And like...I realllllly wouldn’t want to be Liam right now. It occurs to me that this would be a good opportunity to throw Liam under the bus for Ruby’s sake. Not saying they SHOULD do it obviously or that they would--in fact they started doing the opposite immediately. But if my main thought was protecting Ruby, I would accuse Liam--son of the traitor who openly did magic at the royal tournament--of having done the magic on the road, and that clears Ruby and he’s a much easier scapegoat. 
Five Six More Things
Very funny that Ally basically only refers to Anabelle as, “the hot one”. Like that’s the only thing about her that stuck. 
Let’s say Plumbeline had won and put her name up for consideration. Do you think her dad would have named her over Amethar? Like, I’m sure Amethar would be fine with it seeing as he doesn’t really want the job but I dunno.
What would win? An intricately plotted assassination attempt or a level 1 spell and a disengage action? LOL, RIP Brennan. Truly, Brennan was thwarted at every turn this episode. Amethar running away alleviated the need for everyone to make some near impossible Perception checks. Theo Usain Bolting over and disarming Scravoya. Liam clocking the poison stopped Keradin from doing any funny business and narrowed their suspects to one instead of literally everyone on the field. Ruby grabbing the daggers made it clear what was going on and showed that they were the victims of an attack not whatever all that nonsense looked like out of context. If they had played this any differently, Amethar would probably be dead. And, at no point watching that do you get the sense that this was a planned story event they were meant to get through shaken but unscathed. Brennan was gunning for him (“Stop trying to kill my dad!/Stop having you dad be the king!/Fuck you!/Fuck you!”).
I think it is very endearing that Grissini, upon hearing that Jet needed help, immediately started to wildly flag down the Pontifex but, upon actually talking to the Pontifex later, was very formal and hesitant, showing that he really just dropped all his inhibitions and social graces to help Jet in that moment.  
What an INSANE thing to witness as an attendee of this tournament. Like, truly a year’s worth of drama within about 2 minutes. WILD. 
Emily and Siobhan have a quick conversation about whether Alfredi is working with the cheese bandits where Emily cites, “Pasta with cream sauce” as evidence and if this season’s plot twists occur in such a way that they can be retroactively tracked by something like “foods that go together,” I am going to scream. I am also fully prepared for this to be the case.
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poorreputation · 5 years
SPN 15X12: Galaxy Brain- Notes
Written By: Meredith Glynn, Robert Berens
Directed By: Richard Speight Jr.
Summary (via IMDB): Sam and Dean respond to a frantic call and assist in an extraordinary and heartbreaking rescue; Billie surprises everyone with a visit to the bunker.
Tagging: @thegalwhorants @emblue-sparks @metafest @verobatto-angelxhunter @evvvissticante @sudo-apt-get-destiel @wildligia @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @stopmakingfaces @legendary-destiel @studio-hatter @rosegirl1994 (peeps put in bold are those tumblr won’t let me tag. It’s tumblr, what else is new?)
Spoilers under the cut: 
-Kaia and Claire mentions, why do you hurt me like this?? WHY?!
-Few Weeks Ago: Earth 2- We cut to a 'Radio Shed'. Only people of a certain age will get the reference.
-'It's monologue time' fuck, spare me.
-When you have an existential crisis over writing AU fanfic.
-Note how Chuck constantly ignores Cas, even when he's front and center.
-Sioux Falls. Our World. Now- Jodie! Alex! Patience! Be still my heart!
-Bet you it's Evil!Kaia. Don't touch Jody, or I swear-
-TFW talk angst. Jack feels bad when looking over Mary's initials on the table.
-Dean kinda trusts Death, Cas trusts Jack, but Sam remains skeptical.
-Dean and Cas sit and have an angsty drink. Quality and romantic bonding over planning to kill God, business as usual.
-Jody calls because shit's hit the fan.
-Sam and Dean head out to save Jody. Evil!Kaia kicks their asses, demands the Spear back. Dean breaks it to her that it's destroyed. Distracted, Jody gets the drop on her.
-Kaia's been stuck in the Bad Place this whole time. Now, this would be a surprise if this show's PR team didn't have such a raging spoiler boner.
-Jack's under strict orders not to use his powers, so Evil!Kaia can't get her way: to save her world (but mostly Kaia)
-Jack and Evil!Kaia bond as fellow angsty outsiders. He's determined to save Kaia.
-The Reaper sent to keep an eye on Jack threatens to tell Billie. Jack tells her good luck with that after-the-fact, and the Reaper's talked into helping.
-The warding Amara initially blasted away in the Bunker is temporarily restored. Jack can use his powers without Chuck knowing.
-Cas, baby, you did patch things up with Claire, why do you hate yourself like this?!
-Sam, Dean and Evil!Kaia head to the Bad Place. And immediately run into trouble. As you do.
-The trio finds Kaia, and for a split second, I'm convinced she's gonna use that knife on Dean. They focused so much on the Dean-holding-her-at-gunpoint part, that I wouldn't have blamed her.
-Evil-now-Redeemed!Kaia stays in the Bad Place, even as it collapses around her.
-Kaia asking if Claire will be in Sioux Falls was so gay, I'm surprised my screen didn't turn green, again.
-Billie's back, she's all-knowing, and TFW 2.0 is fucked.
-Billie tells them how all the worlds Chuck created are dying. She also reveals that everyone has a death book, including God, who's greatest weakness is writing himself into the plot.
Those are my thoughts for last nights episode! I may write up a meta later, we’ll see, but this was such a good ep, with plenty of material to sift through.
I hope you guys take care. It’s scary times, but we’ll get through it.
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