#penny's parents (inspector gadget)
Did we ever find out Penny's parents'names? I honestly don't remember. Please assist?
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stardewremixed · 3 months
So... I was scrolling through fanart which turned into impromptu stream-of-consciousness writing prompts. I hope you like how it turned out.
WARNING: (Mild) smut, references to alcohol, drugs, and smoking. (Does not assume Farmer's gender).
Abigail - Organizes the town charity softball games, breaks a few windows (and a few hearts). Tough girl to hide her insecurities - you know the ones - her parents don't get her or support her and she's lonely as an only child (still living at home with her parents). She has this smug side smile when she's got you right where she wants you and will argue with you over trivial matters because she has to be right. She pitches in when there's a town disaster, the first to roll up her sleeves, not afraid to get dirty and work hard. Would absolutely be the tank in your DnD party. She dominates no matter what sphere she's in, including the bedroom. And Abigail is as wild and adventurous in bed as she is out of it. Oh and you always do it at the farmhouse because she's loud (and her parents are light sleepers).
Penny - shy and sweet as usual, intimidated by the ladies of the town, especially Abigail and Haley. Always carrying books, keeps her head down, and her heart is plagued by being the daughter of an alcoholic and a sailor who abandoned her mom. Dreams of a Beast to rescue her Beauty, would kill (metaphorically) for that library and yellow ball gown, but doesn't actually believe she's that pretty, even though she's stunning and educated and articulate, when she's not stumbling over her words in painful shyness. Reads everything she can get her hands on. Would write a children's novel if she could ever work up the courage to ask Elliott to be her editor. She is the blushy kind of lover and reads up on tips and tries to apply what she's learned. You think it's freaking adorable when she asks for 'sex lessons.'
Haley is not a natural blond (*gasp*) - we know! We were shocked too. She's notoriously vain but it's to make up for the fact that her mother was a supermodel and never had time to be a real mom, so she desperately wants attention and to be noticed as beautiful and worthy. Critiques her nose, the shape of her breasts, her thighs, her brows, her hair style, and hopes to someday love herself as much as her mirror does. Got the Dino tattoo on her lower back as a drunken dare from Emily and now she kinda likes it because it makes her not so perfect for once and that's a relief. She wears the best lingerie - pretty, feminine, lacy. And her fantasy she shares with you after a few too many Cosmopolitans? To do it in front of a full length mirror.
Emily - yes the girl absolutely presses paste jewels on her face because why not? She's the cool big sis (stepsister of Haley). The free spirit. Blue hair. Who cares? Other people's opinions don't really define her. Always wearing multiple necklaces and bracelets and rings. This girl has rings. Believes in crystal healing. Lets her sleeve slip off her shoulder after one too many drinks at half-price karaoke nights. She gives you that side-eye, daring you to take her home. And this girl has got some freaky passion (in a good way of course) and yes, she's flexible. It's not that she is really into one night stands, but she doesn't get hung up on the morality of sex. She just goes where the wind blows and enjoys every moment. No expectations. No labels. Just serious fun.
Maru - is a powerhouse genius with a sort of perma-frown on her face when she's concentrating that's somehow annoyingly cute. It's never quite good enough - whatever she happens to be working on. She has those glorious thick curls always bouncing around as she moves from project to project with eager determination. Summer humidity might create the great frizz storm, but she's too focused to bother taming it. Her rims keep it out of her eyes. Always a gadget or two in this girl's hands and she doesn't mind the Inspector jokes. She is far too serious about science and technology to worry about (or even notice) the random taunts of a more average intelligence population. But just because she's super smart doesn't mean she isn't kind. It just might take her longer to notice you, but that hyperfixation, those beautiful eyes, when they are on you, it's really special.
Leah- when doesn't she have paint on her nose? Dried clay on her clothes? Ink beneath her fingernails? Art is her life and the forest outside her door is a veritable landscape of dreams, the mountain tat on her sleeve a mere imitation. Her thick and wild red braid flows free and swishes back and forth as she moves and every once in a while she gets self-conscious. She knows she is pretty but she would rather have someone notice and appreciate her art. But there's something super sexy about the half-buttoned shirt, suspenders, and the nervous tuck of hair over her ear. People fall in love with her everyday but not everyone stays, as she's learned. Still she perseveres and pursues her love of art, capturing raw, pure moments away from her former bustling city life. When you offered to pose for her and be a subject for her art, it wasn't initially meant to be sexual. But she couldn't hide the flicker of interest in her eyes. And then a few weeks later when you finally kissed good night in her doorway, it was like a fire had been released. You tore each other's clothes off and did it right there standing up, then again halfway to the bed and finally made it to the bed for the third round.
Sebastian - the wild, just-rolled-outta-bed hair that's too long and his mother is always saying he should cut it, but he doesn't listen, just like the warnings she gives about the cigs perched between his lips ("those things will kill ya"). Multiple piercings, skulls on shirts, arm bands, the ripped hoodies - all symbols of his rebellious youth carried on because he can't shake the ghosts of his past. Secretly afraid that he is just a teenage boy trapped in an adult body. Hiding behind clouds of smoke and blue glowing screens make it easier to deal with the fact that he didn't follow his dreams. Freelance programmer. Dungeon master. Designing s video game. Lives in his mom's unfinished basement because it's quiet and Maru used to be scared of the dark. So when he does surface and you remember he's alive, it's actually a big deal. He made an effort and when you thank him, he just shrugs in that sexy casual way and says he wanted to see you today. It's simple but so meaningful. He's quiet but he loves you in simple ways - stealing glances from his computer, using coupons to buy your favorite foods at Pierre's, and delivering a piece of furniture you bought at his mom's shop (and conveniently 'forgot' so he would have to bring it to you, and he knows this and did it anyway). Oh and there was the time your computer crashed in the middle of the night (yes, really) and you were in the middle of applying for a farm grant and thought you lost everything you'd been working on for weeks, and you cried and called him, and he came over to fix it and recovered the data. And you may have made out and landed in bed together after (it was a dark and stormy night and the rain is like an aphrodisiac for you). You apologized a dozen times and said this isn't what you called him for and it wasn't supposed to be a midnight booty call. He laughs and kisses you gently and says he wouldn't have minded it if it was because he's wanted you badly for so long. And you went for round 2.
Sam has so much energy, too much, and he usually channels it into making mix tapes, half-finishing songs, pranking Morris and Shane at JojaMart, and skating half-pipe. But if you thought he was an empty airhead, think again. Behind the beanies, cut off sleeves, and ripped jeans, the crazy hair, and goofy smiles, there's a heart of gold. He will kneel down and tie Vincent's shoes for the five hundredth time, even though his kid bro should know by now how to do it. He'll carry those groceries all the way back to Evelyn's house for her, chattering about animal shapes in the cloud and a wicked sweet song he heard on the radio. Maybe someday he will write a jingle for the airwaves too. He will work a double shift so Shane can take Jas to swim lessons or the dentist or because Marnie was irresponsible again and left his god niece alone again late at night. And he will always buy his friends a round at the Saloon. Even if he's broke and spent all his coin on some vintage rock vinyls and the sugary cereal obsession of the week. He's a kid at heart, but he rocks hard and loves hard. That youthful exuberance is just what you need - bubble baths with rubber ducks, half-burnt pizza, dollar stor rose petals, and (root) beers in bed, making you giggle when he gives you foot massages, and tickling you with his tongue (oh yes, he knows all your sweet spots)!
Harvey may be older and mild-mannered, but he remembers little details about all his patients, whom he has come to know as friends and surrogate family. He never met his dad, his mom passed when he was a kid, and he was raised by his grandpa on canned pork and beans, microwave dinners, and model planes. His grandpa was a man of a few words, but they would paint models every evening. Sometimes they'd go out to the airstrip and watch planes take off and Grandpa would reminisce about the "good Ole days" when he still flew in the Air Force. And he always wore ties so the doc has kept up the tradition, and he still wears the coats with the elbow patches that smell of pipe tobacco and peppermint. And even though grandpa has been gone for a dozen or so years, Harvey still paints models most evenings. And every once in a while, he drives out to that airstrip with you to watch the planes while eating tunafish and pickle sandwiches and sipping wine in paper cups. And when he holds your hand, when he puts his arm around you, when he makes love to you, it's like he fits in your life and your body perfectly. Oh yes! The doctor is in!
Elliott - for all his flowery prose, his day to day speech is actually pretty down to earth once you get to know him. Maybe he comes across as a bit of a snob with his extensive vocabulary, but he really just wants to impress you, not turn you off. He (literally) likes long walks on the beach, dreamy piano sonatas, and long soulful ballads. On Chat nights you can find him loosening his ties, letting his hair down, and kicking back a pint with his BFF at the bar. He is never awake before 9:30 or 10 because his writer brain comes alive late at night. He has a flawless complexion (and he's proud of his skin care and hair routine). Inspiration might strike anywhere so he always carries a pen and notepad in his pocket and says things like "can I quote you on that?" for the Pelican Town Times, a newspaper he's trying to revive and has a circulation of maybe 3 people. He's always publishing poems under a pseudonym but his unpublished novel is his pride and joy and he doesn't let anybody read it so when he finally shares an excerpt with you one day it's a really important moment. And of course, when he does finally publish, the dedication is to you, which will make you cry, and he also dedicate it to the particularly bothersome seagull, which makes you laugh, the one that always squawks at the most inopportune times like when you two are trying to "have a romantic moment." His bed might be a little creaky and his cabin a bit drafty, but he treats you and your body like royalty (and to regular nightly full body massages).
Alex - yeah, he's not a complicated guy. He likes sports, surf, and sun. Granny has been his favorite, the first woman in his heart, and he's kinda spoiled by all her love and attention (yes she still cuts the crusts off his sandwiches and does his laundry), but he isn't a brat. He can fix a leaky roof, a leaky sink, a leaky sprinkler system. He mows the entire practice field at the high school in the spring, rakes leaves in the fall and shovels snow in the winter for his neighbors. He still sells ice cream from time to time in the summer, but usually works as a seasonal lifeguard on Ginger Island. Sure, he might be a bit disconnected and doesn't always know what his partners want, but when he's wrong and you tell him, he admits it. And while he can lift you up on his shoulders so you can pick fruit in the orchard and he has the stamina of a Greek god in bed, he doesn't brag about it (at least not very often). He really just wants to make you happy above all else. Oh and he wants to be a dad someday.
Shane was like a drug, in the beginning - you're addicted to this man, dad bod, scruffy face, and all. You love him in spite of his mean and grumpy exterior. Somehow insults turn into foreplay. Maybe it's toxic but you don't care. This man sets records in bed, and he's not a one-hit wonder. As you start showing him affection and stick around despite his numerous attempts to scare him off, he realizes you're here to stay and maybe he can have something of a life again. So he cleans himself up, goes to therapy, quits drinking, and detoxes. Boy! It's not pretty. But it's worth it to him if it means he can have you. And that makes you love him all the more. Sure he's still addicted to Joja colas, but that's really not so bad. Nothing fazes him. Chasing down cows in a thunderstorm, setting Jas' broken arm, putting out a barn fire, rescuing you from a capsized fishing boat, carrying you out from the mines for the umpteenth time, even a chicken landing on his head while you're discussing favorite sex positions in the garden. Come on. That should have elicted a laugh. He's come a long way from that scowling drunk in the corner at the Saloon who just wanted angry hookup sex. He has become your rock just like you were for him all those years ago.
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pennysperfectpolls · 16 days
so what are the submitted Penny stats like so far? If you want to share anything before the polls, of course.
I’d be happy to share!
We have 55 submissions and 26 unique Pennies.
Only three submissions I had to invalidate, two for being real people including myself, one for being the victor of the first tournament.
The character with the highest number of submissions is Penny Lamb/Jane doe from Ride the cyclone and legoland with 10 submissions. I’m not surprised since she had the 2nd highest submissions the first time around and was the only one submitted to the adoption poll.
She’s followed closely by Penny Nichols from Ace Attorney with 8. This one is a surprise since she only got 2 the first time and didn’t make it as far in the tournament.
Penny from Pokemon has 6 submissions but only one short sentence of propaganda.
Strangest submissions: someone sent in their club penguin character which i aloud in as an oc bc funny. Persephone was submitted along with an explanation of Pennyness and it was weird enough that i allowed it. (I submitted Leonie Pinelli last year so I can’t judge, I will happen again)
There are 35 Pennies submitted to last poll that have not been resubmitted and 10 brand new Pennies so far.
Number of submissions will be used to determine tournament seeding so feel free to submit repeat characters.
Full list of submissions under the cut
Number on the left is the order of submission. NP stands for no propaganda. S[#] is the number of submissions.
1: Penny Polendina (RWBY) s5
2: Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds) np
3: Penny Lamb/Jane doe (Ride the cyclone/legoland) s10
4: Penny (Pokémon) s6
5: Penny Carter (Project Blue Earth SOS) np
6: Pen Pen (Neon genesis evangelion)
7: Penny (Dr Horrible's Sing-along Blog) s2
8: Penny Nichols (Ace Attorney) s8
9: Penelope Akk/Bad Penny (Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain) np
10: Penelope Eckhart (Villains are destined to die)
11: Penny Pointer (Tangle Tower)
12: Lieutenant Penumbra (Ducktales) np
13: Penny Pringleton (Hairspray) s2
14: Alfred Pennyworth (Batman) np
15: Penelope (The Odyssey) s2
16: Penny (stardew valley) s2
17: Penny Gadget (Inspector Gadget) s2
18: Penny (The Rescuers) np
19: Penelope "Penny" Bunce (The Simon Snow Series)
20: Penny (SpongeBob SquarePants)
21: Penny Luckstone (Dimension 20)
22: Penny Rescher (Hello From The Hallowoods)
23: Penny Fitzgerald (The Amazing World of Gumball) np
24: Pennyuin1 (Club Penguin OC)
25: Penn Zero (Penn Zero: Part Time Hero) np
26: Persephone (Greek Myth)
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11cleyvaart · 6 months
Maybe more headcanons of Gadget? When he was just Augustin please?😍
These are my headcanons for Pre Gadget. When he was just a regular man. 
His name is Augustin Tamare, as his cyborg version he's 40 years old. His human height is just slightly shorter than his cyborg body but only by an inch. In his age he has a small streak of white that is forming in the front of his hair but he never felt the need to cover it.
He has had a sister, who is Penny's mother. He is now the sole guardian of Penny Ruth since the disappearance of both his sister and her husband. He doesn't mind taking care of Penny, he's been in charge of her for years. The only thing stopping him from calling himself Penny's dad is the hope that her parents will return. 
(SPOILER for my other HC, Penny's parents are actually a part of MAD, with the husband having the alter ego of Dr. Claw making him the head of organizations. So his goal of killing his own daughter doesn't bother him as long as he can get rid of threats to his organization. But Augustin doesn't know that his own family is in charge of the faceless MAD and is out to kill him and all those close to him.)
He never really saw himself as a police officer but the call of investigation turned him into becoming a meter maid then years of night school he was able to apply for a higher level. But it was his drive that proved to Chief Quimby that he was a man who could get a job done. 
Augustin has a crush on his boss Chief Quimby for years since his swearing into his job as an Inspector. He was glad his sister had married and had a daughter, he wasn't sure he was ready to make that commitment and be happy with it.
He'd rather stare at Quimby from afar from his desk that looks to the door of Quimby's office. Where others saw an overweight man, Augustin saw perfection. He wasn't very closeted on his homosexuality, but didn't focus on sex  with anyone as he took care of Penny and felt she needed his attention as a parent figure. But as Penny got older he began to look toward his crush and his dormant sexual appetite came to life when he started his relationship with Quimby. 
He is just as accident prone as his alternative. Usually tripping over carpet edges and stairs but it's only because his mind is elsewhere at times. He's a heavy daydreamer and is often lost in thought. He's somewhat of an airhead. As well struggles with trying to understand what a person means when it comes to double entendres.
He is an amputee. He lost his right forearm from a bomb going off that was meant for the chief. He also suffers ringing in his ears and some loss of vision in his right eye. But he won't admit that, his job means more than anything to him so telling that he's disabled isn't on his mind. Not the cause of him turning into Gadget, he faces much worse to become Gadget.
Television isn't his first choice for entertainment, he'd much rather be reading or gardening. But his main passion is jogging. He loves to go for a run after dropping Penny off at school, or even going for a short evening run. He's lanky but with lean muscle. 
Just because he's healthy with a run doesn't mean he's completely healthy. He does smoke when outside the house, usually he does before and after his runs. He does cigarettes mainly. Augustin discourages Penny from smoking when she catches him but can't fight his own habits. 
He loves bright colours, mainly pastel yellows and pinks, with baby blue. Another reason he loves staring at Quimby's eyes for their soft blue colour. 
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So I’m not the biggest expert on this stuff but, considering the type of job Gadget has, the implication that he’s Penny’s guardian due to her parents being deceased, being a cyborg and all the hijinks that come with that and everything else, I wonder if they’d have a social worker like how Lilo and Nani had Cobra Bubbles checking in on their situation to make sure Nani could properly take care of Lilo after their parents died.
It could explore how keeping Gagdet safe and their overall situation has an affect on Penny. How it affects her at school, her home life, how it affects her relationships with others, how it affects her psychologically, etc.
Not to mention considering how Brain’s been put in danger as he’s usually the one keeping a close eye on Gadget and often mistaken as a threat by him, they might be concerned if he could even take care of Brain, concerned not just for Penny’s welfare but his as well. Especially since Brain’s one of the closest Penny’s to, besides Gadget and the negative affects it could have on her if something bad happened to him too.
I can imagine this would be a HUGE stress for Inspector gadget, fearing the idea of not being enough for them and losing the only family he has left. This could also make him have to acknowledge his own limitations and how what happened to him has affected his life and the ones he’s closest to, in both positive and negative ways. Imagine if it was revealed to the grownups including the worker about how Penny and Brain have been secretly helping Gadget on his missions, their lives being endangered a lot of the time in the process.
Based on Lilo & Stitch dialogue
Gadget-Please don’t take her! Penny needs me!
Social Worker-Is THIS what she NEEDS!? It seems clear to me that you need her a lot more than she needs you!
What do u think? Anything you’d want to see be explored more? I’d love to know💖
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superslothpants · 6 months
You know I always had this AU in mine about Inspector Gadget I call The MAD Fox AU
In this AU Inspector Gadget is actually a Mad Agent in disguise spying on HQ for M.A.D
He is actually very clever and has an IQ of 200 but a psychopath/ sociopath underneath (I don’t know which is more dangerous so you choose)
And when he was young his parents group of scientists took him apart and replaced his body parts with his gadgets yet his parents always treated him like a lab rat. Things got worse when his younger brother was born because he was actually treated like a human being by his parents and one day Gadget almost gourde his baby brother’s eye out with his gadget.
So his parents threw him in a asylum for the insane and completely disowned him
Gadget stayed there for the half of his life everyone in the asylum feared him and whoever was a roommate with him would die in a gruesome way
Until one day a new patient admitted to the hospital and by fate he was roommate with Gadget that roommate was Claw of course at first weeks they were together they didn’t talked to each other Claw out of fear and wanting to live while Gadget simply didn’t want to but after a while Gadget and Claw became closer to each other and became good friends and became even more…
Turns out Claw and Gadget was similar as they thought before,
The reason Claw was here was because he was abused at home and bullied at school and one day he snapped (I don’t know what else I could add to the backstory but something similar to Gadgets) and because of his tragic past he wanted to take over the World!!!
Gadget supported Claw’s dream but he knew they had to do something to help his lover achieve his dreams so he did the only logical thing left
He sat The Asylum on fire and left everyone inside to burn while escaping with Claw turns out Gadget had a chance to escape but never did because he had nothing to live for until he met Claw
So the two escaped together and started MAD with Claw’s leading skills and Gadgets IQ they made M.A.D the biggest crime organization ever but of course they needed to hide their identity and Agent Names, Claws obviously was Dr Claw while Gadget’s was The Mad Fox (I chose that name because Foxes are very sneaky and clever animals and stuff) and one day Gadget heard the news his brother and wife died when a robber entered their house and the only survivor was their daughter Penny and out of pity Gadget took in Penny and raised her as his own while handling M.A.D in the side
But as M.A.D grew the police took more notice
So they needed a spy on the inside and Mad Fox decided to vaunter as the spy
So Mad Fox joined the force as A Happy Go Lucky man with Gadgets with a niece to raise his plan was entering the police force as a useless officer but a very good at people to get info for M.A.D for a while it worked but as Penny grew not knowing anything about the truth of her and truly believing he is an idiot Penny decided to help his uncle with his cases and unfortunately that made Gadget promoted to Inspector which irritated Gadget so he tried acting like an actual idiot which backfired, tried getting a puppy to his niece to distract her it backfired again but killing her was not an option because of his niece would suddenly get killed it would be suspicious so Gadget took dangerous missions on purpose hoping Penny would die in one of them
While working for M.A.D
Sooo how is the AU?
Honestly I really dig that AU.
I love the idea of Gadget faking being an idiot but working with Dr.Claw too is the icing on the cake.
I also dig the fact that this man really set an entire asylum on fire just to escape that's actually diabolical.
I also love how Penny could possibly be a conflict of interest like I can only imagine how things would turn out if she got older and wiser about these things.
So I guess my only question is basically does Gadget like obviously check in with Claw a lot to tell him what he knows about HQ etc etc.
Because honestly this is a pretty impressive way to not only have an au but also have it in a way that it fits the show's status quo
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Dwayne says “wowzers” in My Way or Zimbabwe, known catchphrase of Inspector Gadget. as we know, Inspector Gadget is the uncle of Penny, and her parents aren’t mentioned at all (in the original idk about the other ones). both Penny and Junior have blond hair and as we know Junior is trans.
“Jayden are you suggesting Dwayne, parent to Dwayne Jr, is Inspector Gadget’s brother?” for the joke, yes. I am.
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bostoniangirl85 · 2 years
Inspector Gadget (1983) ficlet
Hey all! To celebrate the start of summer vacation, and also spread some cheer and warm feels, here’s a little IG ficlet featuring lots of family feels, fluff, and a bit of humor. This was inspired by my own experience with my wisdom teeth coming in as a teen (it wasn’t fun at all). Enjoy!
Penny was miserable. And grouchy. 
Miserable and grouchy were not a good combination for a fifteen year-old, no matter how brilliant said fifteen year-old was.
Brain rarely saw his girl like this but it seemed even Penny wasn’t immune to the pains of growing up. Only this time it was a tender mouth and slight fever from emerging wisdom teeth. Gadget, always concerned with Penny’s health, had whisked her off to the dentist as soon as he noticed Penny wasn’t eating as much as she normally did. The dentist, a calm and kind woman Penny had been seeing for years, had done a set of x-rays which confirmed her suspicions - wisdom teeth.
“It’s just another growing pain,” she had reassured Gadget. “It’s normal for teens to feel some discomfort and slight fever as the teeth erupt, but they seem to be coming in straight. I’ll do another set of x-rays at your next cleaning. I’ll also write you a script for some mild pain relief. Try to eat warm, soft foods until the pain and swelling goes down. Until then we’ll just let nature take its course.”
‘Let nature take its course,’ Penny thought. ‘Right, except I can barely eat because my mouth hurts so bad!’
And now she was stuck on the couch, in too much discomfort to enjoy the warm, sunny weekend. Penny sighed and rolled onto her side, flipping aimlessly through the TV channels. Brain, who had been laying on the floor next to the couch, sat up with an inquisitive whine. Penny smiled at her best friend and set the remote aside to hold out her arms. Brain happily jumped onto the sofa, snuggling against his girl as Penny hugged him.
“Oh Brain, I’m sorry I’ve been so grumpy lately.” She reached out to stroke the dog’s head. “Why don’t you take a break? You don’t have to stay here all day with me.” Brain shook his head and lay down again, giving her a look that clearly said, ‘You should get some sleep - you’d feel better.’
Maybe she should close her eyes, just for a bit...
She must have drifted off because the next thing Penny was aware of was her uncle sitting next to her on the sofa. When did he get back? 
“Hi, Uncle,” Penny mumbled, trying to hide a wince. 
Gadget smiled and reached out to brush Penny’s mussed hair away from her eyes. “Hello,” he said. “How are you feeling?”
Penny shrugged. “Okay,” she mumbled. “Brain’s been looking after me,” she added. Gadget smiled at the dog. “Good boy, Brain,” he said before returning his attention to Penny, who was wincing as she rubbed her jaw.
Gadget frowned and moved his hand to very gently cup her chin, tilting her head up. He carefully stroked her swollen cheek with his thumb, his eyes worried. “Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked gently, still holding her face as carefully as though she were made of spun glass. 
Penny wanted to say that she was fine - she was so used to being strong and brave, to taking care of everyone else - but found she didn’t have the energy. “My mouth hurts,” she admitted quietly. “I think I might need some of that medicine.”
“Oh, Penny.” Gadget learned forward and kissed her brow, lingering for a moment before standing. “You stay right there!” he said, the familiar energy when he was on a mission coming into his voice. “I’ll get your medicine. You need to take it with food - what would you like?” “I’m not really hungry, Uncle.” “Nonsense - you’ve been eating like a bird for the past two days. I’ll warm up some soup; that should make you feel better.” Twenty minutes later he brought Penny a tray that held a warm mug of soup (canned, she noticed with relief, instead of one of her uncle’s experimental recipes), some crackers, steaming tea, and her medicine. 
After she was done eating Gadget cleared the dishes and then sat next to her as he turned on the evening news. Penny sipped her tea and rested her head on Gadget’s shoulder as she watched the TV with increasingly heavy eyes, Brain warm at her other side.
Maybe it was okay to let herself be taken care of for once, she decided with a sleepy smile.
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redrumrose · 6 years
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Hello!!  Sorry this took so long to answer ^^;;;  (I wanted to finish up a few sketches for your ask)  I’m glad you guys like my Inspector Gadget stuff <x3
Oh gosh... Gadget and his sister were really close.  Like the sweetest brother and sister duo ever.  Gadget was the older sibling, so he always protected and looked after his sis when they were growing up.
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They both loved to help people in some way, so when they were older Gadget went into the police force while his sister wanted to become a reporter.  In my head, I kinda saw her as the reason Gadget got such a big name in the first place.  vvv (Gadget talking to Penny about her mom) vvv
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(Also if your from Canada and see something dumb in the headlines I drew, like if it’s a real Canadian media name that’s bad up there, I’m sorry!! ^^;;  Please tell me and I’ll edit it haha xDD)  But that’s kind of how they are with each other, always helping when the other is in need.  They were the only family they had.
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(^^Gadget is awkward in live interviews haha but he did it for his sis^^)  Her character is very much like her older brother too, sweet but intense when she needs to be.  She was all about finding the truth and reporting it to the people of Metro City.
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^^She also met her hubby when she joined a news team, he was her camera man!  
But yeah, I hope I explained her okay ^^;;;  I still need a good name for her lol, not just “Gadget’s sister” hehe.
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asettledsky · 2 years
Okay, some backstory musings for Inspector Gadget (1999).
Making this up from whole cloth because I feel like it. Also totally ignoring Matthew Broderick's actual age when he played the role.
John Brown was born and raised in rural Kansas, the younger of two boys. A late in life baby of his parents and like 10 years younger than his older brother (Penny's father).
I'm going to say his parents were old fashioned kind of religious and named their kids Matthew and John.
John absolutely idolized his big brother. Matthew was super smart and when John was 8 he went off to some law school in Ohio and became a public defender by the time he was 22. He married his college sweetheart and they were moved into their first house and had Penny really quickly.
John, just going into highschool, LOVED spending his summers in the comparatively big city with his brother and gladly babysat his niece in return.
Given that the age gap between him and Penny wasn’t much bigger than the one between him and Matthew he considered himself her defacto big brother. They were immediate best friends and Penny threw the biggest fits when John went back home every fall.
John, being not very smart but a hard worker, only got mediocre grades in highschool and had no clue what he wanted to do with his life. So instead of going to college right away he took a gap year (or two) and lived with his brother in Riverton.
He took a few part time jobs to save up money and was a little directionless. Confessed to his brother that he just wanted to help people, like he did. He knew he wasn't smart enough to be a lawyer or anything, but there had to be a lot of ways to help people in need that didn't require a degree right?
John went back to Kansas when he was 20 because his dad, who was in his 60s now, was in pretty poor health and he wanted to be there for his mother.
He enrolled in a local community college, but it didn't really work out well. A year later his father passed away and he dropped out and got a job at the local supermarket because his mother got conned into taking out a mortgage on the house to pay for her husband's medical debt and funeral costs.
His brother did not come back for the funeral. He would have but Penny, age 7, had chicken pox.
Penny comes visit Kansas during the summer during the following years.
Three years go by and John's mother passes in the middle of winter.
After a lot of discussion it's decided between Matthew and his wife that they won't take Penny with them to the funeral. She's only 10 and while she knows what death is they're overprotective.
Penny is upset because her grandmother is dead and they're leaving her alone with a sitter for a week, but they tell her that when they come back they'll have Uncle John with them and he'll be able to stay this time. This cheers her up considerably.
Their plane crashes in an ice storm on the way there.
This leaves everything in disarray. John ends up having to abandon everything in Kansas and let the house foreclose instead of trying to sell it like he planned. He rushes to Riverton instead.
He's Penny's godfather and his brother's next of kin, so at 24 he inherits the house there and Penny's guardianship.
It takes him a bit to get his feet under him. Within a year he lands the job as Security guard at Bradford Industries.
Which brings us to present day. He's been a security guard for about three years, has realized he'd love to be a cop one day but can't afford to go to the police academy because he owns a house he can barely afford on his salary and trying very hard to raise his niece, who is exactly half his age as of 1999. He's also totally smitten with his employer's daughter and has only just gotten to the point where he can kinda sorta talk to her.
And then he gets blown up by Scolex.
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matt-eldritch · 3 years
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Here is my redesign of Inspector Gadget! Since there was never any IG show or movie that has explored the innate drama of a man being turned into a cyborg (minus a few minutes of the first Disney live action adaptation), so I figured that Gadget might just as well be 100% a robot for the show I’ve created in my head. Gadget here would be a crime solving robot (created by Penny’s deceased parents) who desperately wants to be human and sees himself as Penny’s uncle, despite her protests.  He does want to protect and care for her, kind of like Baymax from Big Hero Six. As for this new version of Penny, I wanted to explore what it would be like for someone highly intelligent and competent to have their accomplishments constantly ignored and pushed to the side in favour of someone quite unfit for duty. As a result, she’s become quite jaded and hot headed when dealing with people she expects to take advantage of her. I don’t plan to have Brain with them just yet since the plot would concern Gadget and Penny being on the run from the authorities, framed for a crime they didn’t commit. While trying to uncover the conspiracy, they wander the world righting wrongs while learning how to care for one another.
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owldart · 5 years
Dang it Owl you got me down this road. I was sitting at work trying to get stuff done and my brain went "But why is Penny with her Uncle. What happened to her parents. If her Uncle is dealing with this dangerous stuff shouldn't she be in witness protection?" And the questions go on. Like now I'm figuring out connections and cause and effects. Like why did inspector gadget wanted to be a Detective? And a couple fun ones. I thinking of outlining my thoughts on gadget and penny's back stories.
in cartoons, typically the reason is 'eh, it's a cartoon', but I like thinking of genuine reasons for things, even if the reason is flimsy at best. Welcome... to the backstory zone.
Have fun!! Write! Be free!
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roninkairi · 8 years
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I’m on a Zelda kick now....
Pic from tonight’s stream courtesy of Pranky.
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11cleyvaart · 3 months
Trans Quimby headcanons, 2015 please?😘😘😘😘
To start 2015 Quimby is his own thing, and the show to be goes a different direction from the 83/85/ and Gadgetinis timeline.
So the time frame would differ greatly from the 1980's version making them in their forties now leading them to be born the 1968.
So here are some of my 2015 Quimby Headcanons:
His dead name is Marcy Quimby. He knows he can't erase the years before he became Frank but he simply doesn't want to remember them
He was born into an Irish Catholic home, with some roots deep in there of Polish decent. But he is more Irish than anything.
He went to Sunday schooling and all girls school when he was growing up. But he knew he was different than the others firstly because he was labeled as an 'ugly girl' by his parents. He didn't have his mother's looks.
He has a noticeable underbite due to his jaw being broken as a child from a large fall while playing with the other boys when his mother told him to play with girls. He has no regrets.
His parents wanted him to become a nurse but he had his sights set on becoming a police officer.
His first act of defiance was cutting his long hair off knowing that he was tired of being viewed as someone he wasn't. This promptly caused his parents to kick him out as he told them he felt more comfortable being called Frank. Being of the mid 1980's time he felt more free to be himself.
He still hadn't started any HRT nor could pass as a man, he was only 5'2 with no facial hair. Yet he was adamant to be the man he was.
He did become a police officer and rose in the ranks to sergeant. This is when he met Augustin. (Which also is when the viewed perspective on Quimby changed when Augustin became Gadget. Seeing Quimby as a buff man when he's short and doesn't fit the memories of Gadget ⬇️)
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He and Augustin began a relationship while Quimby was just Transgender. Augustin didn't mind as much, he just was in love with the person. (2015 Augustin differs from 1980's as well)
With Quimby having higher ranking than Augustin, he became the Chief inspector as Augustin became apart of the detective sector with Quimby as his boss.
It when here by the 1999 did Augustin marry Frank, yet they had to use Marcy for it at this time, but they got married regardless. It was Augustine's way of showing that he wasn't leaving Frank for anything. Allowing for Frank to become Penny's uncle as well.
Frank began his HRT and gained the facial hair he always wanted, focusing mainly on growing a mustache also thanks to his genes giving him more of a boost to grow a full mustache.
Frank was able to get his chest redone with the inverted T incision, he had a larger chest. He didn't get any lower work done as he felt more comfortable having his chest redone and that mustache he's always wanted.
Yet he was still able to sadly get pregnant, which he and Augustin had an accidental dealing with Quimby getting positive results. Fear of being seen by his husband as something he wasn't caused him to begin to try to hide it until he broke down. They accepted the inevitable. But it never came to be as Quimby suffered from a difficult miscarriage.
This caused severe mental anguish for Frank, both in getting pregnant and now losing it. This pushed him to begin binge eating to cope.
He was soon diagnosed with bipolar 2 after experiencing a major change in his emotions of gripping depression. His choices became skewed blinding him of what mattered. It put a strain on Augustin, but he still loved his Frank no matter.
Frank was put on medication and was able to gain his life again being himself once again.
Not soon after, roughly three years, did Augustin suffer from a traumatic accident himself that Frank started to become unwell mentally and physically once again. He would tend his husband until he passed away, seeing the man he loved and married, die and be reborn as Gadget before him changed him.
His husband was technically deceased yet he still had Gadget now, who seemed to remember him as his lover. But the relationship was strained at times as Gadget had neurological damage causing the caring nature to be lost at times. But Frank still loves and tries his best to be there.
He lives in a home away from Gadget but is still able to come over, he often has to remind Gadget of their relationship together as Gadget has amnesia at times.
With Penny, Quimby has some disdain for her once she became a teenager. He has deep rooted negative feelings towards girls and women after his years of ridicule. He tries his best to be there for Penny but he at times doesn't like it. He also has fear for Kayla, that she reminds him of those who mocked him.
On his free time, Frank likes to eat mainly but also take naps. He finds comfort in sharing a bed with Gadget in many ways. He finds that feeling the man he once knew next to him again takes his sadness away.
More than likely I missed some (and misspelt) but that's what I can think of at the moment. He's had a rough time but he's a happy little critter when he can be.
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steviemae · 6 years
babysitter // sp - pt.11
babysitter masterlist.
author’s note: just wanted to say first, that i gave y/n’s father a last name instead of putting y/l/n. to clarify, Tessa and y/n’s father are half siblings so to make things easier, Tessa will have y/l/n and Taylor is the last name of the readers father. in the wattpad story, i gave the character a name instead of using a reader insert but kept it a reader insert for tumblr bc that’s what a lot  of you wanted. so to make things less confusing, i wanted to let you know before you started reading! enjoy (:
During lunch you were able to sneak away from Sweet Pea and meet Betty in the Blue and Gold. She was already there when you walked in, nose stuck in her laptop as she scrolled through whatever she had looked up.
“Oh good, you’re here. Okay, so i started with your mom. I found absolutely nothing on her. No obituary, no public records from being arrested. It’s like she never existed.” she said. You looked over her shoulder as she scrolled.
“What about my dad?” You asked bringing a chair over to sit next to her.
“He was a Serpent, that’s for sure. He also has a pretty hefty track record. No drugs or theft though. All fights he’s been in and gotten arrested for; the usual Serpent track record. This is interesting though, the death date on his obituary isn’t the date you told me.” She pointed at the date on the paper. A completely different date than what you have set in your brain as the anniversary of your parent’s death. You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion.
“I can’t find anything that states how either of them died. But i think i might know who we can ask. Meet me at the Register after your detention is over.” You gave her a nod and gathered everything up when you heard the bell signal that lunch was over. Shoving the files into your bag as you walked into the hallway you bumped into someone. You looked up to apologize, “Oh sorry, Principal Weatherbee.”
“Ms. y/l/n. You skipped detention yesterday. Might i ask why?” He gave you a stern look.
“I - um - my aunt called me. Someone destroyed my car.” You technically weren’t lying. Someone did in fact destroy your car. You pulled out your phone to show him pictures, “i’ll stay late tomorrow to make up for it. I just needed to go get my car taken care of.” You explained.
“If you show up for detention today, i’ll let it slide. I know things have been difficult for you lately and i hope it has nothing to do with those thugs you’ve been running around with. I don’t mind cutting you some slack seeing as you’ve never been in my office for anything worth reprimanding. Don’t make the same mistake twice, Ms. y/l/n.” and with that he walked away.
In detention you pulled out your laptop to finish your digging that you and Betty started at lunch. You deciding to look up Johnathan and see what dirt you could find. Scrolling through the endless reports of violence from the many fights he’s been arrested for, you decided that you probably weren’t going to find much. You looked up your mother again in hopes of finding something, but came up short. Betty was right, it’s like she wasn’t even real.
“Ms. y/l/n? What are you doing in detention?” you looked up and saw Mr. Anderson. He was an older gentleman and taught English here. Turns out he’s also the one who monitors detention.
“I punched Reggie Mantle in the mouth.” You said nonchalantly.
“I’m sure he deserved it. Get out of here. I’ll tell Principal Weatherbee you finished out your time in detention. Just don’t let me catch you in here again, young lady.” He said. Wow, being an honor roll student who never gets in trouble is really paying off.
Sweet Pea had text you earlier telling you to call him when your detention was over and he’d come get you. You told him not to worry about it, that Betty and her mom asked you to help with the Register so they were picking you up. He was annoyed but said he’d be at the Wyrm. You opened the door to the Register and the bell dinged making Betty look up from whatever she was looking at on the desk.
“You’re here earlier than expected.”
“Thank god for Mr. Anderson.” you said jokingly making prayer hands and raising them to the sky while laughing.
“Alright, we have to make a pit stop at the bank before we go to the morgue.”
“The morgue? Betty why are we going where they keep dead people?”
“Because where there are dead people, there are autopsy reports. And finding your dad’s autopsy report will tell us where and how he died. Same for your mom.” She said like it was obvious. You let out a long drawn out oh finally catching onto what she was saying, “But why do we need to stop at the bank?” You asked confused.
“If we want him to give us information we need money. It’ll keep him quiet.” She explained.
“Lead the way, Penny Brown.” You said making Betty look at you with a confused looked.
“Penny Brown? The blonde with pigtails from the Inspector Gadget show? I was going to say Nancy Drew, but that’s who Veronica jokes you are all the time and i wanted to be different.” You said sheepishly.
“Out the door,” she said shooing you but letting out a slight laugh at your stupid analogy.
“Small bills, right?” Betty asked handing over the envelope. He took the envelope checking that it was all there and nodding.
“What can i help you girls with?” he asked.
“We need to look in your records for anything in the year 2006.” Betty answered. The old man motioned for you to follow him and walked you into a storage room with filing cabinets lining the walls and a small desk sitting in the middle. Anything from 2000-now is in this cabinet. Happy snooping.” He said walking out of the room leaving you two to look through everything.
“Well that was easy.” you mumbled. Yout walked over to the file cabinet he said was the one you would need, “Of course the old man wouldn’t have anything organized.” you said rolling your eyes. You flicked through the top drawer while Betty sat on the floor and flicked through the bottom.
“This might take a while.” Betty said closing the drawer she went through.
“Do think the date on the obituary is wrong?” Betty asked.
“I’m not sure. Neither one of them were buried, Tess told me they wanted to be cremated. Johnny said the gang got together and had some kind of ash spreading memorial for the both of them. I only have what Johnny and Tess told me to go by.”
“We could always search the cemetery. Maybe they were buried. They’ve lied to you this long about how and when they died, who’s to say they didn’t lie about burying them too.” Better stated. You pondered for a second realizing that she was right.
“Wait, what’s your dad’s full name again?” She asked.
“Johnathan Daniel Taylor.”
“Never trust a man with three first names.” She said pulling out a file.
“Johnny’s named after him and with all these lies, that statement couldn't be any more true. Did you find it?” She gave you a nod walking over to the desk.
“He was beaten and stabbed pretty badly. He bled out before the ambulance got there. It says that his Serpent tattoo was sliced off.” She paused and looked at you.
“What?” You asked moving closer to look at the file. Betty flipped through the photos and you stopped her, something catching your eye.
“I don’t know. A ‘Q’ maybe.” She said staring at the letter carved into your father’s arm.
“Take pictures of all of this so we can print it out at my house. I’m going to look for my moms again. It has to be in here somewhere.”
“Did she even take your dad’s last name when they got married?”
“I just assumed she did. To be honest, i never saw any wedding pictures.”
“Do you have any idea what her maiden name might’ve been?” Betty asked. You shook your head no, closing the drawer with a loud slam.
“Why can’t we find anything on her for fucks sake.”
“I don’t know, y/n. i wish i could find something to ease your stress.” She walked over to you and hugged you as your angry tears started to fall.
“Maybe i can use all of what we found on my dad as leverage to get information about my mom. I can’t just go in and ask someone at the Wyrm what her last name was. They’d tell Johnny.” you pulled away from Betty and wiped your face, “let’s to go.” You thanked the old man as you walked out to Betty’s car.
“There’s no way you have connections at the Sheriff’s station do you?” You asked Betty hopefully.
“None. We could ask Keller if he has any info but that would risk Kev finding out. We could go talk to Veronica. Her dad is friends with Sheriff Minetta.” She said.
“I’m not sure i want to get mixed up with the Lodge’s. I love Ronnie, but asking her dad to do this will result in me owing him a favor and i don’t want to owe that man anything.” You said. Betty nodded understandingly.
“Can you take me to the Wyrm? My car is still in the shop and i told Sweet Pea i’d be there when i finished helping you and your mom.”
Honestly without a friend like Betty, you probably wouldn’t have found out half as much as you did today. She was god’s gift to solving mysteries. When the two of you walked into the Wyrm, the gang was in the middle of a meeting. Jughead and Sweet Pea’s eyes met yours and they rushed over to you.
“Both of you need to get home now.” Jughead said.
“What? Why? What’s going on?” Betty asked concerned.
“Fangs is getting out and they’re rioting. I can’t let anything happen to you but i need to make sure Fangs doesn’t get ripped to pieces. For the love of god, princess, go home and stay there.” Pea pleaded. You cupped his cheek to calm his nerves. He was terrified that something was going to happen to his best friend and with you running around town, he didn’t want to worry about something happening to you,“Yeah, okay.”
“I’ll stay at y/n’s until everything clears up.” Betty told Jug, looking at you to see if that was okay.
“I can meet you at y/n’s house.” Jughead asked, “Keep each other safe.” You and Betty nodded and hugged your significant other’s. Pea gave you a loving kiss on your lips before kissing your forehead and telling you to be safe.
Betty drove through southside and everything seemed fine. Normal. But the second you guys crossed over to the northside, it was pure chaos. Trash cans on fire. People running amuck, angrily waving picket signs around.
“Oh my god.” You whispered looking over at Betty who shared the same shocked and slightly scared expression. Betty cautiously drove through the crowds of people trying to safely get the two of you to your house. When she pulled into your driveway the both of you booked it to your front door.
“Baby? Is that you?” Tessa yelled through the house sounding a little scared herself.
“Yeah, it’s me and Betty!” you called back walking into the living room to find her watching the news to keep updated on everything that’s happening. She rushed to you and hugged you tightly, “Thank god. I was hoping you weren’t going to the station to get Fangs. I know he’s your friend but your safety means more to me.” She said.
“I’m fine. I’m not leaving the rest of the night. Jughead’s coming to pick up Betty later and Sweets will be here soon too.” You told her. You lead Betty upstairs to your room and pulled out everything you had from today. You handed Betty your laptop so she could pull up all the photos she took on her phone using icloud and print them out.
“How are we going to get into the police station to find the reports for that night?” She asked and you sat on your bed looking through everything.
“I don’t know. I’d say with how distracted the police are, right now would be a good time but that would risk us getting caught by Juggie and Sweet Pea. If either of them found out, they’d tell Johnny and this whole thing would be over. Do you think we could get hospital records too? Surely there has to be some report from the ambulance. Maybe someone at the hospital can give me information on my mom since we can’t find anything.”
“We can always go there tomorrow. I doubt with everything going on there going to have school.” You’re phone started ringing catching both yours and Betty’s attention. Reaching for your bag, you grabbed your phone out, “It’s Archie.” Sliding your thumb across the screen to answer the phone, “Hello?”
“y/n. You have to get to the school now. Sweet Pea is on a rampage. He’s trashing the whole place.” His voice was rushed and urgent.
“What happened, Archie?”
“Fangs was shot. Sweet Pea and the other Serpents think it was Reggie, but i promise it wasn’t. Mrs. Klump shot him and she’s at the station now. Just get here and calm him down before he does something even more stupid.” He hung up.
“Pea is trashing the school. Fangs got shot. It was Mrs. Klump but the Serpents think it was Reggie. We have to go.” You guys rushed to put everything away and hide it in your closet so your aunt wouldn’t find it before running down the stairs. You ran past your aunt ignoring her calls for you not to leave, that it was too dangerous.
Betty drove to the school as fast as she could trying not to hit all of the angry idiots running through the streets. When she pulled up the front of the school you hopped out, “Go home. I’ll be with Sweet Pea so i’ll be fine. Text me when you get home.”
“Same to you.” with that she drove off. You turned and ran into the school. It wasn’t hard to find Sweet Pea. Him and other Serpents were in the main hallway trashing everything.
“Sweet Pea!” You yelled seeing him walk down the steps slashing the canvas painting of the school that hung on the wall.
“Get the hell out of here, y/n.” he growled.
“I’m not going anywhere until you calm down and come with me.” You demanded.
“Serpents! Stop!” you heard Archie yell.
“Great” you mumbled to yourself knowing this was only going to fire Sweet Pea up even more.
“Well, fellas, looks like we found some bulldog’s to put down.” he pushed past you and walked to the middle of the hallway meeting Archie, Moose and Kevin halfway. Sweet Pea’s voice didn’t sound like him. It was like a whole other person took over and it scared you a little.
“Sweet Pea, i swear, Reggie didn’t shoot Fangs.” Archie reasoned.
“Bull. i saw Mantle with a gun!” Sweet Pea spat.
“Then you also saw me tackle him before he got a shot off! It was Midge’s mom! She’s down at the station.” Archie tried so hard to reason with Sweet Pea. To get not only him, but you out of the school and home.
“Yeah and Fangs is still clinging to life!” Sweet Pea yelled making you jump slightly, “And whether it was Reggie or Mrs. Klump who pulled the trigger, a Northsider put him there.” He walked over to a trash can and grabbed it, “You took our friend, our land. You’ll take everything if we give you the chance. So now you get to watch as we burn your school to the ground.” He dumped the trash onto the floor and chucked the trash can into the trophy case, right where you were standing, making the glass shatter all over the place. You jumped out of the way letting out a scream. Sweet Pea looked at you, his face softening realizing he almost hit you, “y/n, i’m so sorry, i-” he was cut off by Principal Weatherbee slamming the doors opened, “What the hell do you boys think you’re doing to my school.” before anyone could say anything you ran out of the school, ignoring Sweet Pea who was running after you.
“y/n, stop. Please.” he begged. No matter how angry he was at the world right now, he pushed it aside knowing that he fucked up and let it get too far. He almost hurt you and fixing that was more important.
“y/n, god dammit. Stop running.” he finally caught up to you and grabbed your arm tightly but not so tight that he hurt you. He spun you around to face him.
“Look at me, please.” his voice was full of regret and hurt and his eyes filled with sorrow. You shook your head. You wanted to be angry at him and if you looked into his deep amber eyes, you weren’t going to be able to stay mad at him.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were standing there. I wouldn’t have done that had i known you moved from the stairs.”
“You were too pissed to pay any attention.” You snapped at him. The conversation was cut short when Jughead showed up, wrangling all of the young Serpents to the Wyrm.
“I can’t just sit here!” Sweet Pea yelled.
“You don’t have a choice, Sweet Pea, you’re staying put.” Jughead said slamming him into the wall behind him. You sat at the bar, far away from the angry Serpents that surrounded one of the pool tables.
“You said it yourself, the Ghoulies are back! We have to deal with them.” He spat.
“As soon as my dad gets back-”
“Oh, so you’re not our leader all of a sudden. Oh no, that’s right, you’re just the guy who got Fangs shot!”
“Watch it.” Jughead spat at your boyfriend.
“And now Fangs might die! And the Ghoulies are out for our blood because of a drag race you started.” Sweet Pea continued shoving Jughead’s chest.
“An hour. That’s all i’m asking for Sweet Pea.” Jughead negotiated, “In the meantime, why don’t you go make sure your girl is okay. The Ghoulies and the black hood are after her too y’know.” Sweet Pea ignored Jughead as he turned and punched the wall he was shoved up against just moments ago and walked to the back of the bar. Far from where you sat with Toni.
“Hey, you okay?” She asked placing her hand on the hand that was sat in your lap. Your other playing with your straw. You nodded your head, “Yeah, just shook up, i guess.” you told her, shrugging your shoulders.
“What happened?”
“Sweets threw a trash can at my head without realizing i was standing there. And with all this stuff going on right now, i just don’t know what to do.” She nodded giving your hand a squeeze.
“Can you take me home? I’d ask Pea but he’s thinking with his anger right now and i don’t want to deal with all that.” Toni told you to wait at your seat while she went to get her jacket and keys from behind the bar. When she came back the two of you left, going unnoticed.
tag list: @dontaskshhhhh​ @riverdale-enthusiastt-backup​ @reggiefogarty​ @constantly-sleepy​ @wolfpackcreative​ @britty443​ @live-love-bailar​ @princessleah129​ @southsidehufflepuff​ @cuddlememerrick​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @hoeforshows​ @dolansbeanies​ @tinybeta​ @orangepegacorn-blog​ @misskarynie​ @leeleegrace​ @irishfangirlxo​ @vececev​ @aframeofbones​ @truepyromaniac​ @alysweets​ @kassidykline13​ @demigodofthesun​ @emobabygirlsworld​ @everheart12​ @the-greatt-perhaps​ @prettymuchboodup @fandomtrash713 @chaarrlieeeeee @alexparrsih @rissamonique97 @asstrobby @poolpartyingwithjaws @irreplaceable-spacexual @nepriaa @steph-fowlie @southsidejournal @eminem-owns-my-asshole @hesitvte @xdsockmonkey @warsintothestars @likelystupid @kay-jordan @hereforthismoment @obsessivebisexuallover @hereforthismoment @destialpal @forever-the-broken @blueeyedbesson @euphoricmads @parker-co16 @i-lost-my-shoe555 @domovelasco @genius2050
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superslothpants · 6 months
Your Inspector Gadget:
Mad Fox Gadget:
-Says the one who actually puts her in danger at least I know I put her in danger while you don’t even realize she is in danger isn’t that the reason You’re Penny cut ties? Oh and let’s not forget how much of a great father you are Your oldest kidnapped and possibly dead, your middle child who has a middle child syndrome because your so busy with work and lastly your youngest ooof just by the looks of it he is a troubled kid as for I actually take care of Talon who is my nephew thanks to Claw and treat him like a better person than his own uncle ever would be! And Penny is lucky to alive because I didn’t love her she would’ve been dead already lastly I at least had the guts to actually try to stand up to myself against my evil parents while you couldn’t even yell at your stupid brother you’re pathet—
Yeah your Gadget isn't a good dude but MAN he cooked Gadget with that 😭
Gadget would not be able to day anything cause he knows he's lowkey right lol
Like imagine screwing up being a parent five freaking times lol
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